#its crazy how unfounded his whole I Can Win Any Fight attitude is considering he has never won a single fight in his life but here we are
manifcst · 14 days
" we came, we saw them, now let's go before they light the torches. "
from shrek 2 starters
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"WHAT, TURN TAIL'N GET like a yellow-bellied tenderfoot? No can do, wildfire." His tone is grim, head shaking solemnly, even as he eagerly adjusts his gloves and then removes a ( plastic, completely bulletless ) pistol from his belt. Make no mistake: he is itching to cause problems. Escalating situations for no reason rated best pastime fifty years in a row. "I say we go right on over there guns a-blazin' and give'em a real what-for. Where's your guts! C'mon, now!"
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