#its both an oc and a sona and im in the process of deciding on if i want to fully make it a sona or if i wanna fully make it an oc
boxloonaer · 2 years
its almost halloween and i had an artstyle crisis and now i have another artstyle yeehaw
im on a journey of having the worst artstyle crisis possible to the point where i gain every artstyle in the process
at this point though its just me not being consistent i guess
anyways, happy almost halloween yeehaw
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tumblunni · 6 years
Probably the only main reason i havent made another one since i was a kid is cos i never really wanted to be a keyblade master. Even as a kid i always hated "they are just all magically born evil because darkness energy" as a trope. Whenever an evil guy had minions who were all "mindless and evill" and you were supposed to mow them down in droves because of it, i always felt like they seemed LESS evil, yknow? Like youre canonically stating that theyre NOT evil! Theyre dangerous, yeah, but you just said that they dont have complex cognitive thought or ability to choose their own actions. Theyrr just being USED for evil, by the guy whos the real evil! Theyre like guard dogs who were abused into dangerness and if they cant be rehibilitated then its sad, yknow? Poor heartless!! And seriously how can they make them have such cute designs and not expect us to see them that way!!
So yeah i hate that canonically the heartless are all evil and canonically everyone good has to destroy the heartless, like its the entire damn point of a keyblade so i couldnt even touch one without being forced to slay the cutebabs! And KHDDD was great with the long awaited addition of CUTE BABS GOOD GUY MONSTERS YOU CAN HUG, although they were a whole new species of monster and its still canon that heartless are all evil and the equally as annoying canon that all good/remotely sentient Nobodies look like regular humans instead of the cute patoots they once was. THE CUTE PATOOT THAT NEVER WAS!!!! Srsly the low level Dusk is my fave design in the whole series its such a good squiggle boye
If i was gonna make a normal khsona itd have to be either specifically a Dream Eater trainer keyblade weilder whose entire story is about pet raising and none of the fightng evil, or an Organization member because theyre the only sympathetic monsters even if they dont look monstery anymore. Even though obviously rationally my self insert in anything would always be a good guy cos i am a very soft boyo who is too much of a wimp to do the slightest evil. But alas all the best characters are evil and the monsters look so cute aaaa!!
SO OKAY my ULTIMATE self indulgent khsona would be ME AM ANSEM NOW
Me as a heartless researcher who hugs all the heartless and becomes a heartless and then we heartlessly heartfully hug! Cos seriously it is a true fact that i would be a good guy but also if someone came up to me and was like "hey its totally possible to BECOME one of the cute monsters" id be like "oh noooo dammit i guess im evil now" *shrugs in heartless* But i wouldnt really do anything evil i'd just run like.. Old friends senior heartless sanctuary. Just make a big nice house for all my monsters and bake them cakes everyday. I WOULD LEARN TO COOK FOR THEM!!!! So if that makes me evil then i guess i am evil, dammit!! "Oh nooo we dont wanna get our souls stolen and turn into really fabulous cute designs with amazing supernatural powers" well you are WRONG okay. Just my most self indulgent everything idea is just *points at the evilest beastie* im gonna lovv and cherish that! *takes a running leap into a ballpit of Darkballs* SERIOUSLY DARKBALLS ARE SOME OF THE CUTEST AND ALL THEIR ANIMATIONS ARE SO CUTE WHY IS EVERY HEARTLESS SO CUTE AND SO ANIMATED WHY ARE THEY THE MOST DIDNEY THING IN DIDNEY WHY DID THE NEW GAME ADD A HEARTLESS WHOSE JUST A BIG PUDDING WITH A FACE HOW AM I MEANT TO NOT LOVE THAT hhhh
So yeah khsona bunni is some librarian mothafucker who does Deep Darkness Research but is also the nice goofy good guy sort of mad scientist, like the nutty professor or something. I'd probably be the comic relief on some team of actual villains, thats the only way id really be any threat to anyone. But i'd also totally be The Mom Friend and itd be like u guys are having some serious battle and then i call up Mr Big Villain mid battle like HEY YO COME JOIN KARAOKE WITH ME AND THE HEARTLESS and then hes like "damn man can we have a rain check on the whole end of the world thing?"
Like lol another self indulgent oc thing would be "power to be friends with all the fave villains and they are my friend and we hug". Like an all star teamup of just specifically all bunni's fave KH and didney villains and then also they never fight anyone and we just enjoy slice of life friendship antics. Like Kuja and Ursula would be so cool!! Cos theyre both similar personality yet Kuja had experience manipulating a more loser-y lady who looked a lot like ursula so i can expect he'd underestimate her and try his queen brahne plan again and maybe get outsmarted? And maybe theyd be locked in an eternal battle of two masterminds trying to manipulate each other and along the way they somehow end up accidentally forming a mentor student or mom and son relationship? Like ursula is the better version of garland and she helps kuja heal from his childhood trauma and also in the process maybe he helps her heal from whatever ambiguous backstory event led to her being ostracized from her royal family and such. THEY WOULDNT BE BAD IF THEY HAD HUGS OK let me believe this!! And also of course theyre both the big gay/trans coded dramatic fashion person from their respective stories, so srsly there could be so much awesomeness from the combination of The Two Most Stylish Of Two Worlds! Also i wonder how Kuja would even work in a khified version? Like maybe terra still exists as a separate world in kh world rules and it has a plan to destroy and take over gaia in the same way as the original ff9. Or maybe take some of kuja's other plot points and go from there? Like with how he disguised himself as a treno noble and how he eas created by garland to be an "angel of death", maybe in this world he's a shapeshifter Nobody assassin who infiltrates different worlds and corrupts important people to help garland destroy them? But since he's a very complex experiment and complex = humanoid in this universe, it could be an excuse for him becoming sentient over time and having a plot similar to repliku wanting to be a real human. And i dunno maybe zidane is his "brother" because he's the heartless made from the same original dead guy, who was discarded as a failed experiment? Like it could be interesting to see both of them as villains on the same side, and actually have a close relationship as loving brothers. And theres even already a monkey type heartless! And i dunno maybe the plot of garland creating the genomes infiltrator heartless and then kuja going on to create black mages still black mages? Like he still makes Vivi cos seriously its SO WEIRD that the heartless are based on black mages and then of all things they decided that Vivi would be the ONLY ff9 character allowed to appear in the whole kh series and itd just be in the role of "normal human kid". But they didnt even change his design!! He still looks like a heartless!! Why does nobody question why fredbob mcnormalson doesnt have a face!! So itd make much more sense if he was still a heartless and he's just a good one who wants to be a real boy BUT COS THE WORLD SAYS ALL HEARTLESS ARE EVIL I CANT HAVE THAT. Theyre all evil and only extra evil people get to be humanoid types! Boooo! So kuja doing Special Experiment Science could explain there being at least one special heartless thats not evil. And i dunno, kuja sends vivi out on his first test mission to infiltrate and destroy twilight town but whoops instead he becomes everyone's favourite baby brother! Like he's about to devour some dude's soul and then seifer and co come in and yell at the victim like DUDE ARE U BULLYING THIS POOR TINY CHILD and they drag off this poor very confused heartless in a hug and now he's Lost Forever I Guess. Kuja: damn he tasted icecream i'll never get him back!
Look ok i really like Villains Who Are Not Bad and i will constantly make Villains Who Are Not Bad and nothing will ever be better than Villains Who Are Not Bad
My khsona is Good Heartless who hugs Good Heartless in a team of Good Heartless and also brings in other cameo characters to become Good Heartless ok yes the end hell yea hugs n such
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midnightmxsings · 6 years
immmmmm actually super happy with how this thing is turning out
im like
collecting a bunch of old monster boy ocs
like ocs that are boys and are monsters of some kind (not like strictly monster monsters, more like mythical creatures)
and they get together
and start a boy band called M!nstr Boys 
i... still haven’t quite decided on like if they’re human or not but
the clear theme is “these boys aint human” and they all have like,, a certain aesthetic that sorta points in the direction of their like “character”?
most of them have pointy ears but
aragon is a dragon, so he wears like,,, leather and stuff like that (and fishnets apparently)
solomon is a wood elf so he wears primarily linens and like white stuff
Rav is a spirit (i think he used to be a spirit of death or smth idk) but hes goth (obviously) but like high goth??? fancy goth???? whatever
Wei is a koi merman so he’s obviously gonna have skin tight, shiny clothes
and hal is a half siren (like the bird kind) so he’ll have like wing and feather motifs
it’s basically repurposing like 5 totally unrelated OCs into a boy band lmaoooo
i just wanted to do a boy band squad group thing :’)
they’re all pals and good friends and they do their squad thing together 
if i ever make like
a whole comprehensive world for my OCs itll be like
the pixar extended universe theory thing
clearly magic exists
fairies and shit
i have a fairy boy who’s dating a soft girl who can see fairies (it’s like her thing ok like she’s,, she’s underwent a very long journey, she started out as a student then she like,,,just evolved. anyways)
there’s a vampire girl who is like pastel goth
i have like magical girl idol (who can be like part of an all-girl band hmmmmmm i should do that although idk if i have enough female ocs lmAO)
and her brother who is a goth warlock
uhhh there’s like
a demon hunter and a ghost who are brothers????
like the ghost is dead
they were originally gonna be ‘i can see fairies’ girl’s love interests but
she deserves better than those two assholes
so she and fairy boy ended up together
and i also have prince boy who has a roguish alter ego (wow i know real original) but he’s cool and like he has a violin sword and shit like that (i may redesign him at some point too)
there’s like
a whole comprehensive universe of OCs lmao i gotta put them all together at some point tbh
and there are like
countless other ocs too like... i have two cyborg boys 
i think one is a full android(?) i can’t remember(?)
i dont think the club allowed full androids so i think they’re both cyborgs
so yeah cyborgs also exist in that universe
god i have.... so many fucking ocs hjklfjglasjhdfldksj
also im not counting my like wide variety of sonas in this collective verse, nor am i counting my fan characters
like this is
original characters only
and i??? won’t be including the ap concentration ocs either bc they belong somewhere else
i have another merman oc called sol who i will change bc he turned into a shota and iiiii dont like that
and then i have like,, my zodiac ocs that i’m sorta considering turning into like
an elite group comprised of members from every single faction that’s responsible for keeping order
for example gemini is from the siren nation (where hal is from) and takes the form of two kids who can combine to form one larger kid
libra is a witch who comes from the same place as warlock man and singer girl
aquarius is a fairy from the same place as fairy boy (obviously)
and.... capricorn is an elf bc arrows and shit fuck off i dont care
pisces is obviously from the merman nation
to my extended universe lgkljafhlakjfh this is so wild wow haha
more like sleep people
they’re made of gemstones kinda sorta and take on the colors of the gemstones
they’re like if you married hn/k and s/u, so like,,  ihave a whole set of them, they’re like gods basically, and are responsible for the whole realm of sleep. I ALSO HAVE MY VIOLIN WHO IS
i dont
should i kep her in this
i.... i kinda want to? she’d be like
from the same kingdom as the violin prince
oh and i have a candy witch like,,, i think his name was candy floss???? he’d be from the same like
witch kingdom as libra
i should also have like a headfeets kingdom entirely populated by headfeets hgbakjdfldasjhgklsjdhfkj its fuck its horrible but i like the idea?????
yeah theres
so many ocs to go through i give up
but for now this is the universe
so excited
like there are these high tech metropolitan cities like where the cyborgs are from and where the m!nster boys would perform (also like ive basically settled on the fact that they’re monsters now oh well) 
and there’s obviously a place for dragons (who can take on a human form)
and the oceans have like ocean life and shit
there are like land-based mermaids (like in rivers and lakes and shit) like Wei the koi merman, and sea-based mermaids like Sol who is a deep sea merman
and there are woodland based people
and like
okay so the dragons live in the mountains
the sirens live at sea on islands
there’s two main continent areas--one is wooded, the other is highly technologically advanced
there is magic in the world, which is balanaced by the technology also present in the world
magic is what powers the tech
there are four floating islands on which the technologically advanced people live (borrowing from sky pillars dont mind meeee its the club that my two cyborg ocs are from so)
and then there are like
god there are so many places
like wooded places are where the elves live
there are like open plains where like centaurs and shit live
and obviously there are like your average humans who live in villages dotted all around the world
like they control your dreams and shit and are like
made of precious gems
the main guy who i posted awhile ago has like power over the process of falling asleep
i remember there’s like
good dreams and nightmares
probably a storyweaver
lucid dreaming
and like
sleep paralysis (who is a terrifying guy btw) 
it’s so solid and im so happy
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