#its been a while since ive written anything arcana related so have this lol
arcan-ic · 5 years
Julian Devorak X Fem! Reader
"Julian, where are we going?!" (Y/n) laughed as she was led down the hallway with a blindfold over her eyes.
"Be patient, my love, I promise we're almost there!"
"What are you hiding from me?"
"Nothing, (Y/n), you just have to follow your favourite doctor to our destination." Julian smirked to himself as he led the magician through the many corridors of Nadia's palace.
"I don't know if I trust you with leading me places when you got lost in the market place last week, darling."
"Ha ha, very funny! It was one time and you know it, now stop trying to distract me! I'm a man on a mission to bring my beloved girlfriend to a secret location!"
"It wouldn't have to be a secret if you just told me where we're going! You know i don't like to be kept waiting in suspense!"
"I know, (Y/n), but you don't have to wait much longer. We only have to turn through a few more hallways and we'll be there."
"I hope so because my feet are getting tired from walking through the entire palace."
"Oh, well I can fix that, madame!" Announced the Auburn haired man before he slowed down and picked (Y/n) up off the glossy marble floor.
"Ahh! Julian, what are you doing?!" (Y/n) shrieked as she flailed her legs around in an attempt to get out of his grasp.
"Speeding up the process a little! Hold on tight!" He stated as he began to sprint down the hallway. (Y/n) giggled a little bit before inevitably looping her arms around Julian as wind whipped around the pair of them. He held her tight as he skidded around corners, the only noise being their echoing laughter as they passed the palace staff and the sound of Julian's footsteps hitting the ground.
Eventually, Julian's speeding came to a halt as he reached a gem-gilded door with a rose gold arch overhead. He set (Y/n) back on the ground before he gently took one of her hands in his.
"We're here, love. You can take the blindfold off now, if you want to!" Julian informed (Y/n) as she sighed in relief.
"It's about time! I for sure thought I was going blind there for a minute. I'm pretty sure you took me back through the entire palace with how lol you were carrying me for." (Y/n) teased as she tugged the fabric off of her eyes. Julian chuckled at the magician and grabbed the shiny doorknob as she grinned back at him.
"Maybe so, but we can discuss that another time. Are you ready for your surprise?"
"As I'll ever be, I suppose."
"Then (Y/n), I welcome you to your new favorite place in the entire world."
The doctor turned the handle and pushes the door open to reveal a new space to (Y/n). Once her eyes adjusted to the light, her jaw dropped in awe as she saw that the door was an entryway into a gigantic green house, full of all sorts of flowers that had just recently bloomed.
"Darling, this is gorgeous! How did you know that this all was here?"
"I may have asked Asra and Portia to help me plant and grow them all. This used to be a special room for the Masquerades, but Nadia said it would be better suited as a gift for you and I agreed."
"Dr. Ilya Devorak, you are the most amazing man I have ever met!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she pulled him into a tight hug.
"Thank you, (N/n), but this isn't even the best part of it. Follow me." Julian accepted before he started to lead her over to a frosted glass door.
"I wanted to get you something that you could plant in here too, so I got you this."
Julian said before he pushed the door open to show a faintly glowing orchid.
"It's beautiful... Where did you find this?"
"Muriel helped me get it from the forest. Do you like it?"
"Julian, I love it. Thank you so much for everything today."
"You're very welcome, (Y/n).
"There's just one thing that's bothering me, though. You said that the greenhouse would be my new favorite place but I don't think that's true."
"Oh, really? Where is it then?" Julian questioned before (Y/n) brought him into another hug.
"Right here in your arms!" She purred as she rested her head against Julian's chest. He laughed softly before wrapping his arms around her and kissing her forehead.
"I love you, (Y/n)."
"I love you too, Ilya."
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