#its been a while since i watched some of the 70s dracula movies so i dont want to comment in case i misremember but
wearesorcerer · 2 months
At first, I saw this and thought "YAY!" because there were some really good and relevant movies that came out that year. Upon closer inspection, though, those were highest grossing films, many of which weren't released in '79. I went digging through the lists of movies released in '79 (in all languages I could find) and picked through those I recognized. Here are the bits.
In space, no one can hear you scream.
[It's been long enough since I've seen the films that I can't filter full-grown xenomorph gifs as belonging to the first film vs. others and decided against gore, melted androids, and faces full of alien wing-wong, so no image for you.]
It's got everything: the woman is right, the plot gets kicked off because people don't listen to standard safety procedures, a fake-out about who the survivor would be (at the time; that's well spoiled now), the cat survives, H.R. Geiger aesthetics, corporate malfeasance, and betrayal, all in the course of reconstructing the haunted house horror movie style. I'm kinda glad that they got rid of the bit where the xenomorph cocoons and melts prey into its eggs to make a complete cycle (even if that makes less sense), since it's a little too gross.
I will say that I can't adequately compare it to the other major '79 horror films (The Amityville Horror and Dracula), as I haven't seen them. And don't care to.
Relevant to Your Blog: Castle of Cagliostro, Don Giovanni, Galaxy Express 999, Moonraker.
I have never read or watched anything involving Arsene Lupin -- and, until this year, thought the character was from some old anime/manga series I hadn't seen or read, given Miyazaki's involvement in this film (which I think is the film for a TV series). It's the one Ghibli-ish film I haven't bothered to try to watch. (I haven't made it through My Neighbors the Yamadas or Pom Poko, but I've otherwise watched them all.)
I only recently found out about this version of Don Giovanni, so it's on my list. I figure it's relevant to your blog because he's a rascal-type rogue, even if he's not a rogue by class.
Galaxy Express 999 has been on my watch list since Daft Punk released Interstella 5555, more or less: I recognized the classic anime character designs (and vaguely '70s get-ups), tracked down the animator, and found this title. The film's plot, surprisingly, deals with street urchins, theft, adventures, class, and paywalled immortality, so seems right up your alley.
...and I'm not big on 007, either. It's not that I don't like spies/rogues, it's that it's too much of a male power fantasy.
You can get back to me on those, I skuppose. ;)
Others: Apocalypse Now!, The Black Stallion, Monty Python's The Life of Brian, The Muppet Movie
I feel like because I never read Heart of Darkness (it was an optional text on some reading list in high school) and am kinda shaky in my knowledge of 'Nam (I have some background on Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam's struggles against its French colonial rulers and their subsequently-involved US allies, but not enough), so while I know this film has garnered lots of praise and was enjoyable, I don't feel comfortable recommending it without more context for analysis.
I have always confused The Black Stallion with Black Beauty, even though the former has always seemed (to me) to have a greater mystique to it. That's it; that's the only reason I note it.
If you haven't seen Life of Brian, do yourself a favor and watch it. If you have, do yourself a favor and watch it. Latin jokes, Christianity/cult/rebellion jokes, and penis jokes abound -- including full frontal nudity with (I'm assuming) a gag dick.
It's Tumblr; I can't not recommend Muppets. I'd be hanged.
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hi, curious eastern european here. i tried watching Dracula 1992 but i got stuck being bugged by smth that is quite common in all Dracula adaptations from westerners i've encountered - the religious aesthetic which they always get wrong. there's a big difference between the orthodox & catholic churces visuals wise. it strikes me as a pretty important thing to get wrong but maybe that is just my reading of vampires as tied heavily to religion? how are they seen in the west? as political satire?
i’ve been reading our vampires ourselves by nina auerbach lately and her argument is that in the 20th century, vampires ceased simply being “monsters” and became symbols of “erotic friendship in england, social rebellion in america”, and that portrayals and understandings of vampires shifted according to american politics. so i guess the short answer is yes, vampires in the west are tied more heavily to politics than religion (and certainly politics has superseded religion as the primary social focus in the west), especially in the second half of the 20th century. you could make an argument in the style as auerbach that the 1992 adaptation is rife with implication of the 1992 american election: perhaps the highly stylized romantic dracula replacing the traditional bloodsucker is a nod to the liberal clinton vs traditional bush presidential race. 
i assume that the religious aesthetics in are supposed to hearken back to vlad țepeș’ byzantine origins but i totally agree with you that its a huge discrepancy to overlook in all the adaptations. specifically looking at the 1992 version, my family is also eastern european (specifically hungarian catholics from budapest) so i was caught off guard by mina and jonathan being married by an orthodox priest when in the book they’re married in budapest, but i’m assuming its because in the film they move the site of their marriage to romania, where iirc the orthodox church is more prevalent (if this is wrong im very sorry). 
the other, and simpler, thing is that honestly? i don’t think a lot of westerners care to distinguish the subtleties and nuances of eastern europe’s diverse cultures and practices because they’re racist lmfao
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rigelmejo · 3 years
Audio Immersion Loop
I’ve read this suggestion by Nukemarine before, and I think its quite a good idea - especially for improving listening skills and reinforcing what you know into a more immediate-understanding. https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/886lfg/does_your_japanese_listening_ability_lag_behind/
The core idea is: a mix of ‘audio seeds’ (audio you’ve studied before and therefore understood before) and ‘other’ audio (ideally things you’ve watch/heard with english subs or directly in your target language before - so your mind ‘likes’ the material). He suggests 30% audio seeds and 70% other, though any combo may be useful and he’s not sure if another % split would be more effective.
The idea is your mind understood the ‘audio seeds’ before in study, so as you listen to it regularly without pause your mind practices understanding it quicker and without concentrating as much, then over time you hear words/phrases/sentences similar in the ‘other’ audio material and your brain latches on and starts trying to comprehend them too and practices. 
I’ve very roughly followed this article’s advice before, and it started helping. So I’d like to make a proper list of what I could use for a full on Audio Immersion Loop that meets all these needs:
Audio Seeds: - Core 2k Pimsleur (audio directly from Nukemarine’s LLJ decks and because of that it should be mostly things I’ve studied before, or you could study using the Nukemarine LLJ Memrise Courses): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8cWM0WNU3s4eFdSMzk5Vm9HR1E?resourcekey=0-KVCnBQh3SJxhn2oCUC-SiA - JapaneseAudiolessons.com (not ‘pure’ audio seeds idea since this includes english, but would count as comprehensible audio). Link for meL https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qoJ7B002ZEgyDvCnGyFXUS1u8S_qgoG2 , General link for you: https://www.japaneseaudiolessons.com/ - Clozemaster Radio Mode for Japanese - Well suited for this, since you can have it play audio of sentences you already studied!
Other Audio: - Lets plays of any game you have familiarity with/like - for me that’d be Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Also any ‘video game movie’ since it goes directly through parts you know. - Condensed audio of FFX (perfectly suited for this): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M5jdUQCM7O12r1X8np5y4ofkzBKMSdJo - Condensed audio of Death Note: https://www.paliss.com/episode/death-note-1615919536511x465432008057248060 - anything from this site if you’ve seen the anime: https://www.paliss.com/ - general condensed audio files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EMBr5yskSiBTZ-LUQtMY-r4AihRIJczJ
What I’d do: listen to Clozemaster Radio Mode Japanese, and FFX condensed audio.
Audio Seeds: - Chinese Spoonfed Audio (not ‘pure’ audio seeds because there’s english, but when I played this in even just the background regularly I saw listening skill improvements): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MCKgOxzW9cd1u9cWjzGwWrpxnL5pDz0w - Clozemaster Radio Mode for Chinese - again, well suited for this, as you have the option to play only sentence audio you have already studied. 
Other Audio: - Guardian audiobook! by Avenuex: https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=791802378&order=2&_hash=programlist&limit=100&offset=0 - Sherlock audiobook: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVyDH2ns1F757P-m8MHckuIFqWapl6y-1 - Guardian audiobook by wheat (I really like their voice): https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=794964371 - Silent Reading audiobook (note this is the same version as ximayala so if you have that then just search ximalaya this version has some sentences/paragraphs skipped): http://www.6ting.cn/books/59641.html - Silent Reading audiobook unabridged (UPDATE I am listening through this one while following the webnovel and YES this version actually matches the text): part 1 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1b5411N7aa?share_source=copy_web part 2 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SX4y1G7z7?share_source=copy_web part 3 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tU4y1p74y part 4 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cy4y1t7cC?share_source=copy_web - Silent reading (on music.123 by 景喵- , I tend to prefer this site because you can still listen to it in a mobile web browser with it minimized)  https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=349361634&order=1&_hash=programlist&limit=100&offset=100  - Silent reading (on music.123 by  栗煜子)  https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=792725710&order=1&_hash=programlist&limit=100&offset=100 - Guardian condensed audio (my link, will not work for others, u can ask for a copy if you’d like I just basically ran the episodes and subs through subsrs, mainly to make condensed audio): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11J2qADG9rHSK_45rKpvVIpzXn8YYWhA_ - Silent Reading audio drama: https://youtu.be/DsdmeQBMD_M - Word of Honor audio drama: https://m.missevan.com/sound/2853120 - LiuLi audiobook: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH_aGSaKXFeHSofRd4LF1Hl8fpCSREVBW - HP audiobooks: https://music.163.com/#/djradio?id=526222636&order=2&_hash=programlist - general condensed audio link for chinese if anyone would like (it has The Untamed): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LtZEKe9ItVg-H5q-G01YITLyfrWpOZR-
What I’d do: listen to Chinese Spoonfed Audio or Clozemaster Radio mode Chinese (whatever I could get myself to), then other percentage split between any audiobooks I’d want to listen to Guardian/Silent Reading/Sherlock.
Audio Seeds: - Francais Par Le Methode Nature (literally made to be comprehensible, even if its brand new then Still just like chinese spoonfed audio files, it should be fine to just play repeatedly until you pick stuff up): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf8XN5kNFkhdIS7NMcdUdxibD1UyzNFTP - Gigafrench audio files (specifically if you have studied the related lessons already): http://gigafrench.com/construction/ - Clozemaster Radio Mode for French (however I’m not a big fan of my phone’s french voice)
Other Audio: - Dracula in french: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0hdBpzGpYY - Frankenstein in french: https://youtu.be/8AP02iALr5A - Carmilla in french: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpOWTYUar6NK8Qn7niKNw7Vp0z5YE5t7Z - Buffy francias: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x42mdjh - Merlin francais: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2crj9t
What I’d do: listen to Francais Par Le Methode Nature on repeat, spend other portion of time going through Dracula audiobook tbh (unless anyone knows an audiobook I’d enjoy more that’s easy to find). 
As for me specifically, realistically what I plan to do for a while:
Listen to Clozemaster radio mode Japanese and Chinese more often in down time (make the most out of the fact I have the radio mode option lol)
Listen to more chinese audiobooks, in the background, any time there’s nothing playing otherwise. (Since I really could LISTEN more often, its super easy to do during work I just don’t do it).
Actual other materials in japanese and french I probably won’t get to for a while. But if and when I do, above is a good plan for ways to include more listening practice.
Overall, my main July (to maybe mid-August) study plan right now:
Listening to chinese audiobooks (so more listening in general)
Listening-Reading Method Guardian or Silent Reading (or honestly anything), just doing it when I feel like it or can. (so more listening and reading in general, along with getting through more of Guardian). This activity eats up the most study time.
Reading more chinese chapters (so more reading in general, I want to up the amount I’ve read)
Trying to use Clozemaster (Listening Mode and/or Radio mode) for Japanese more. (and chinese optionally, if I want) So more basic vocab/grammar for japanese. *italic is lower priority
Lower priority, but I’m also doing these:
Reading through japanese grammar guides (specifically finishing reading Sabuki https://sakubi.neocities.org/, and my Japanese in 30 Hours book). So enough of a grammar base to read more. This should take like 4 hours max to finish if I just sit down and do it. 
Small amounts of japanese immersion (mainly reading) - right now its been playing KH2 in japanese, and reading Guardian’s japanese translation.
Translating Guardian print novel into english (so mainly reading skills, translation practice). This is much slower going than reading, so I probably won’t have much time for this project until I’m finished reading it regularly. 
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goldenavenger02 · 3 years
Susz's Halloween Recommendations Part 1: Movies, specials and TV shows.
Girl Vs. Monster (2012)
Skylar, a teenage girl who discovers on Halloween she's a fifth generation monster hunter. When Skylar accidentally releases some monsters from a containment chamber she must recapture them before they wreak vengeance on her parents.
Notes: I've been watching this since it came out and it's always been a favorite of mine! Has a great message about facing your fears and not letting them control you with the backdrop of monster hunting!
Halloweentown (1998)
When a young girl living with her good-witch grandmother learns she too is a witch, she must help her grandmother save Halloweentown from evil forces.
Notes: I watched this for the first time last year, and I was pleasantly surprised even as an 18 year old!
Hocus Pocus (1993)
A curious youngster moves to Salem, where he struggles to fit in before awakening a trio of diabolical witches that were executed in the 17th century.
Notes: another movie I watched last year, and so surprisingly dark for Disney, especially in the 90s.
The Haunted Mansion (2003)
A realtor and his wife and children are summoned to a mansion, which they soon discover is haunted, and while they attempt to escape, he learns an important lesson about the family he has neglected.
Notes: Eddie Murphy trying to keep his family safe in this haunted house? It's one of my favorites!
Scooby Doo (2002)
The Mystery Inc. gang have gone their separate ways and have been apart for two years, until they each receive an invitation to Spooky Island. Not knowing that the others have also been invited, they show up and discover an amusement park that affects young visitors in very strange ways. Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby soon realize that they cannot solve this mystery without help from each other.
Notes: this is a childhood movie of mine, and the sequel is so good as well. Definitely a good mix of spooky and fun!
Scooby Doo: The Mystery Begins (2009)
A made for TV movie about the origins of the Mystery Incorporated gang.
Notes: a high school/Disney Channel style movie with horror elements starring Robbie Ammel and Hayley Kiyoko. This one is one I've been watching since it came out and it's one of my favorites.
Coraline (2009)
An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets.
Notes: watched this one last year and I absolutely adore it! It's so terrifying and I highly recommend.
The Boy (2016)
An American nanny is shocked that her new English family's boy is actually a life-sized doll. After she violates a list of strict rules, disturbing events make her believe that the doll is really alive.
Notes: the movie is suspenseful the whole time, and the last 15 minutes are absolutely horrifying.
Flashback (2020)
After a chance encounter with a man forgotten from his youth, Fred literally and metaphorically journeys into his past.
Notes: I watched this psychological thriller a few months ago and it has it's scary elements, but it's really interesting to see the main character descend into madness and obsession due to something in his personal life.
Edge of Winter (2016)
When two brothers are stranded by a brutal winter storm with an unpredictable father they barely know, the boys begin to suspect their supposed protector may be their biggest threat.
Notes: pretty sure this movie was filmed around the same time Captain America: Civil War, so it's very young Tom Holland, but this is a movie he is so good in. Definitely makes you wonder just how far parents are willing to go.
Hubie Halloween (2020)
Despite his devotion to his hometown of Salem (and its Halloween celebration), Hubie Dubois is a figure of mockery for kids and adults alike. But this year, something is going bump in the night, and it's up to Hubie to save Halloween.
Notes: Don't take this one seriously and you're more likely to enjoy it. Definitely more of a comedy than anything scary. Adam Sandler is very polarizing but I enjoyed this.
Hotel Transylvania (2012)
Dracula, who operates a high-end resort away from the human world, goes into overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and falls for the count's teenaged daughter.
Notes: a family Halloween movie that really is just a fun time.
Ninjago: Day of the Departed (2016)
On the Ninjago holiday: Day of the Departed, the ninja remeber those who have departed.
Notes: Takes place in between season 6 and 7 and really explores grief as well as the concept of being forgotten. Obviously you have to watch the seasons before to understand this, but it's really interesting to watch for sure.
My Friend Dahmer (2017)
Jeffrey Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys in the Midwest United States between 1978 and 1991 before being captured and incarcerated. He would become one of America's most infamous serial killers. This is the story before that story.
Notes: a fascinating look into an infamous serial killer, both parts fiction and non fiction and suspenseful the whole time.
TV shows
Teen Wolf (2011-2017)
Scott becomes the eponymous teenage werewolf of the series after he is bitten by an alpha werewolf the night before his second year of high school, drastically changing his once-ordinary life.
Notes: one of my absolute favorite TV shows, and perfect for the Halloween season! Especially since the movie is coming out next year!
Only Murders in the Building (2021-)
Only Murders in the Building follows three strangers, played by Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez, who share an obsession with a true crime podcast. After a murder in their building, the three neighbors decide to start their own show that covers their investigation of the murder.
Notes: Already fantastic and season 1 is still coming out on Hulu! The blend of comedy and horror is always one of my favorites!
Cruel Summer (2021-)
The series follows two teenage girls in the 1990s and the repercussions on everyone's lives after one disappears and the other seemingly takes her place.
Notes: this has huge triggers for domestic violence, grooming and sexual assault. If you're not triggered by that, I HIGHLY recommend this, and I'm so excited for season 2! It also has some great LGBT+ rep!
Nancy Drew (2019-)
Nancy Drew (Kennedy McMann) is a brilliant teenaged detective whose sense of self had come from solving mysteries in her hometown of Horseshoe Bay, Maine – until her mother’s untimely death derails Nancy’s college plans.
Notes: I've been watching this since it came out and season 3 is about to start airing! The first season is so wonderful and full of twists and turns (season 2 isn't as good, but it's the CW) and I highly recommend!
Ninjago Season 5, Possession (2015)
The spirit of the evil Morro is released from the cursed realm and the Ninjas have to unite in the battle against an evil foe.
Notes: one of my favorite seasons of the show, and definitely one of the darkest ones! Deals with grief, depression and high expectations and it's so good!
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated (2010-2013)
Scooby-Doo and the gang attempt to solve creepy mysteries in the town of Crystal Cove, a place with a history of eerie supernatural events.
Notes: this starts off similar to the original Scooby Doo show from the early 70's, but as the overarching plot gets deeper and deeper, you really spend your time just wondering "what the heck is going on".
I'm not going to put specific episodes of TV shows on here, because that'll get daunting, but part 2 is books and fics!
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i-rove-rock-n-roll · 5 years
28 questions tag
Sweet! I’m feeling pretty crappy (thanks to a stupid virus going around) and all I’m getting from my brain is like that really annoying screechy sound when you boot up a dial up computer. Anyway, since I apparently won’t be getting anything done today (writing/drawing/etc) Answering stuff is the way I’m going! 
@thecadmiuminkwell Thanks for the tag! ☮💙
1. How tall are you?
5′2 (I’m shorter than you, caddie. Actually, no caddie sounds dumb @thecadmiuminkwell)
2. What color and style is your hair?
brown and bleh. Like some days it likes to do a soft curl and then other times it likes to play dead. I need to get a trim. 
3. What color are your eyes?
hazel/ green/gray. idk man. I can’t see em. 
4. Do you wear glasses?
yup. and contacts with them cause I make bats look like they got 20/20 vision. 
5. Do you wear braces?
Nope. Did once. It sucked.
6. What is your fashion style?
like the past 4-5 decades threw up. I have clothes from 70′s-today. I am not hip, or fashionable, or up with the times though. 
7. Full name?
Ain’t getting me that easily internet (sorry, curious peeps) but if you want a name, you can call me A. (thinking about that being my pen name initial). 
8. When were you born?
Does anyone actually still chart their birth down to the dot? No, but I actually love the weather in the summer, which is when I was born. marginally less cool that I share a birthday with Napoleon Bonaparte, the less cool of two dorky Napoleons (the other one’s last name is Dynamite in case you missed the reference)
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?
Illinois and Illinois. I’ve moved towns a lot, but Never states. 
10. What school do you go to?
Also starts with an A. mascot is a dude dressed as a viking. a bit less cool than it sounds. (I’m a tired third year college student, i can nitpick on little things. Really, how hard is it to dress someone like an actual viking, and not in a stuffy costume that scares no one? Sports should be like the old days, striking fear into people’s hearts when the enter the court...ahem...er..nevermind)
11. What kind of student are you?
Usually start off bright eyed and bushy tailed, then loose any desire to work halfway through the term. I still do the homework, but it’s clear to everyone I’m dead inside. 
12. Do you like school?
Yeah. For the most part. Keeps me busy, and I hate being inactive, brainwise. 
13. What are your favorite school subjects?
Religion and Spanish. Because that’s pretty much all I’ve lived the past idk how any months I can’t think of anything else *sobs*
14. Favorite tv shows?
I don’t watch a load of tv. I have Netflix, and though I don’t even watch that a lot, the last few things I’ve watched and enjoyed was Nailed It, Nailed it Mexico, and the Curious Creations of Christine McConnell. I do have some tv shows on dvd that I like, like Golden Girls ( i grew up on their sass), the Good Guys (goofy cop show with tom hank’s son) and one I bought a while ago but havent sat down to watch (though I saw them all in middle school, waiting for it to come on so I could watch it) was Avatar the Last Airbender (the movie that doesn’t exist broke 12 yr old me’s heart). Though lately I’ve been on a nostalgia kick with Scooby-Doo 
15. Favorite Movies?
UHHHHHHH...... Clue is pretty dang funny (Tim Curry dude), I’m blanking... I saw Bohemian Rhapsody in theaters and my mind was slightly blown. I really like Dracula from 1921? 22? Bela Lugosi at  any rate. Old monster movies just have that aesthetic. 
16. Favorite books?
There’s no click all option, is there? No, but idk. I mean, I have a lot of books I like, but I don’t really know if I have a favorite.
17. Favorite pastime?
Eating. I like cooking and baking, but I tend to get banned from the kitchen because I’m messy (my food isn’t bad, I just get flour and sugar and sauce everywhere)
18. Do you have any regrets?
Currently, not spring cleaning when I should have. Five years ago. I’ve got too much stuff lol. 
19. Dream job?
I answered hermit in my last answer thing. I stand by that. 
20. Would you like to get married someday?
Meh. Like @thecadmiuminkwell said, for cake. Can I just skip to the cake? Actually, I’ll just buy myself a cake. Weddings are too much work.
21. Would you like to have kids someday?
I’m not averse, but I can’t see myself having kids myself, so I’d probably adopt when I’m a lot older than I am now (though I’d probably adopt teens). Some of my friends are already planning on having kids and I’m like, !!! I need to make sure I can survive irl, never mind a kid. 
22. How many?
Not something I can quantify when I don’t plan on doing it within the next ten years.
23. Do you like shopping?
I like to, but every time I do I feel bad for buying stuff I don’t need, even if its stuff I like, cause responsibility be like that. 
24. What countries have you visited?
I’ve only visited the one I’ve lived in. And not much of it.
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
I can’t remember the scariest one I’ve ever had, but I did have one where a Marilyn Monroe look alike shot me as a kid. Wasn’t scary, just stuck with me. 
26. Do you have any enemies?
Probably. Good on them if they put in the effort into actively disliking me (except my 7th grade english teacher. Picking on kids is unwarranted)
27. Do you have an s/o?
28. Do you believe in miracles?
I like the idea, but no. Not to my own knowledge anyway. Maybe my brain’s hiding stuff from me. 
Ok, so hopefully this didn’t get too weird/rambly. I’m all foggy from cold meds
If anyone wants to feel free. If not *shrugs*
@pheita @quoth-the-ravens @alwolfesblog @writingwordsanddrawingpictures @marewriteblr
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Soquoque discovers:
My thoughts while watching twilight breaking dawn part 2, in 100 sentences or less  
2.       Lol Bella is a vampire now, SURPRISE.
4.       Also, a panther? Really Bella? Way to overachieve
5.       Ew ew, CGI baby is CGI and really fucking weird looking
6.       Bella is about to beat Jacobs butt (also why does he take so long to tell her that he imprinted on her infant. Bruh this is not the moment to be vague)
7.       Kristen Stewart angry is only slightly more expressive then everyday Kristen Stewart
8.       Baby had feelings for Jacob in the womb
9.       Ah no Seth… Sam..? the brown werewolf
10.   Shortest fight EVER
11.   Also, anyone notice how he calls her Ness once and then literally never again.
12.   Aaaaah CGI baby is still heavily CGI
13.   I feel like part of Bella’s reason for being in this movie is to just point out all the stuff about vampires we already know since this is the fifth fucking movie. E.g. “vampires don’t sleep”
14.   Tbh this movie has a really good soundtrack, and a lot of sparkle effects  
15.   There she goes again pointing shit out “we don’t get tired” yeah Bella, we fucking know
16.   Directors message to Jacob was “eat this sandwich and stare out of the window longingly” and Taylor Lautner was like “I got this”
17.   Why didn’t Jacob know the entire plan? Like what did they expect him to do. I would totally go and wolf out in front of Bella’s father if I got this totally out of the blue news
18.   I fucking love Charlie man.  And Taylor Lautner’s work out programme.
19.   Was the acting always this bad? Also did Edward always sound like he was from Boston, New York?
20.   Lol these vampires seriously overestimate what we as a human species notice about each other. Move your shoulders so it looks like you’re breathing? You know how often I notice if people are breathing? Never
21.   Carlisle got tan-ish. I like it
22.   Kristen Stewart pretending to be Bella pretending to be a human-being-like Kristen Stewart is a sight and a half
23.   Charlie took all of this crap a lot better than they gave him credit for. Also, was he even in the Part 1? Or is this whole concerned dad act only present when the script calls for it?
24.   Bella makes promises she can’t keep
25.   Bells? Bells? Nope don’t even try to pull that surprise nickname thing Chuck. Also, aaaaah CGI baby is back. Again I ask, why couldn’t they JUST USE A NORMAL HUMAN BABY. YOU MADE A SHIT TON OF MONEY TWILIGHT, BUT YOU COULDN’T SPRING FOR A ACTUAL BABY (ASSUMING THEY ARE ALSO PAIID ACTORS OBVIOUSLY)
26.   The movie has time for a Bella vs Emmet arm wrestling match in case you forgot that new-borns are stronger than their aged vampire counter parts
27.   “That’s right bitches, I sparkle too now” – Bella, circa 2012
28.   “we shake hands now you forgive us for trying to kill the girl you loved and her baby. Yes?” “Yes.”
29.   Also, wtf is Reneesme and why do we only see this really high jumping power once and never again?
30.   Also, also, fuck Irina.
32.   Yay, the Edward piano solo I was waiting for… said literally no one ever
33.   Damn she got to Rome fast.
34.   Also, the Voltari man. If you look up creepy old guys in the dictionary you will see their picture, posing like Charlie’s angels
35.   Can we run through Alice’s plan really quickly? She has this vision that the Voltari are ‘coming for them’ and then she, the fucking future see-er just bounces? Leaving them all to their own devices? Like what a dick move Alice- and yeah yeah I get that she needed to go find that other vampire-human hybrid and shit but a heads up would have been nice
36.   Also, “Vampire sex?” “No, too graphic.” “Throwing babies into fires?” “Yeah, that should be fine.”- the producers, probably
37.   Does Rosalee… Rosaline… Nikki Reed’s character, only have like five lines in this entire movie?
38.   Oh, look it’s those two shock ladies and that one brunette lady.
40.   Wow do all vampires overreact like this
41.   she touches their faces and now everything’s fine (even though they tried to kill her like 2 seconds ago)
42.   Yaaaaay Rami Malek. Look at the nature man go.
43.   Benjamin is the bestest
44.   Random safari ladies are fucking random… but appreciated
45.   Mentions the unpredictability of the nomad Peter… nothing happens ever again
46.   We have eighteen people, yay
47.   You don’t want to fight Allister? Then why are you here dude
48.   Its CGI jungle within a CGI jungle- its CGI-CEPTION
49.   Ooooooh, she’s a shield…. We knew that but okay
50.   The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming
51.   I thought Jacob was supposed to be the smart wolf… why is he hopelessly jumping at trees he can’t climb?
52.   Cedric Diggory: Hufflepuff, piano player, vegetarian, prize speech giver.
53.   Lol Bella stood up like she has a choice in whether to fight or not. Its your child babe, you best fight.
54.   Sudden introduction to Jane’s psycho brother Alec is sudden
55.   You’re telling me the Voltari found this one chump who couldn’t get to Carlisle house in time? That’s convenient
56.   And thus, commences Bella’s training, which lasts like five minutes before she totally has that shit down. And henceforth to the battlefield
57.   Also, Edward and Emmet make this scene… and the entire movie really
58.   Oh right, Reneesme is in this movie… forgot about her. Thanks for the bedtime story reading time thing twilight makers
59.   Bella: new-born, question-asker, part time Sherlock Holmes. Also, Edward GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER MAN. YOUR CHILD’S LIFE IS AT STAKE
60.   Ah Charlie, poor, hopeless, oblivious Charlie.
61.   Bella sits in a restaurant while her child’s life hangs in the balance  
63.   Bella has some seriously crappy handwriting… also goodbye Allister, we all knew you wouldn’t last
64.   Look at that, Charlie has a girlfriend.  And I don’t care
65.   Uhm I got up and left for like 3 minutes and now… campfire? Okay cool.
66.   These stories are really freaking depressing…. anyone know any good Dracula stories?
67.   Father- son bonding moments for the win.
68.   But side note, Edward never thanked Carlisle once for saving his life? Not even once? Dick move Cullen, dick move.
69.   Dum dum duh dum… landscapes, snow, so…many…vampires
70.   I love how they all stand in nice little groups just to really emphasise how pathetic the Cullen Army is compared to the monstrosity that is the Voltari
71.   Remove the hoods of our coats so they know we mean business
72.   Hey Carlisle, if you move closer you won’t have to yell
73.   If there was ever a time to vampire speed run, IT WOULD BE NOW EDWARD
74.   Question: what exactly is Aro’s ability again? He can read a persons past? Their minds? Their hands?
75.   “Emmet, you and Jacob in the back. Edward and I will protect her from the side. Ready? Break” – Bella probably
76.   Dude, I will never get over Aro’s creepy as shit laugh. Like we get it dude, you’re batshit crazy, no need to scare the kids.
77.   These Voltari don’t play around… they brought torches and everything. Also, oh no that lady that betrayed the Cullen’s is dead…but on the plus side Bella is actually being useful for once so yay?
78.   “Suck on my awesome shield making powers bitch”- Bella, probably again
79.   Lol Aro stopped Alec from unleashing his slow ass fog on the Cullen’s like it was going to make a difference?
80.   Such…a long…speech
81.   Alice is back yay… took her sweet ass time getting here though. Also, WHY IS NO ONE VAMPIRE RUNNING?
82.   Okay so a summary of the events taking place right now: everything is going to shit. Carlisle is dead (not gonna lie, the first time I watched this movie I lost my shit when that happened) and basically everyone is killing everyone. But obvs the Cullen’s have to win or else what is the point although all logic would say that they really shouldn’t because they have eighteen fucking vampires and the Voltari have like…a lot more than eighteen but hey, Cullen’s for the win
83.   “Aaaaaaaaand it was all an illusion suckers. Fuck you for thinking we would kill Carlisle, we love that guy” – the maker of twilight, probably.
84.   Hey there’s that Brazilian vampire-human hybrid dude that’s going to save the day. Woohoo
85.   Oh, so NOW they vampire run. Fucking stupid ass Voltari
86.   Lol another father-son bonding moment. Easy there son Jacob, respect your dad
87.   Aww look at the happy family on the CGI beach.
88.   And now folks, a recap of the past four movies… you know, just in case you missed it.
89.   Is it just me or are they just making up Bella’s ‘abilities’ as we go along. What, now she can remove her shield and let Edward read her mind. Fuck off twilight people.
90.   Also, AAAAHHHH its younger, creepier Edward
91.   And just like that, the end of an era. So long you sparkly sons of bitches
92.   So…many…end credits. (I do love this song though)
93.   Wait, is Booboo Stewart related to Kristen Stewart? Please hold while I Google this
94.   He’s not.
0 notes
caityamyvr-blog · 7 years
My thoughts while watching Breaking Dawn Part 2: in up to 100 sentences
2.       Lol Bella is a vampire now, SURPRISE.
4.       Also, a panther? Really Bella? Way to overachieve
5.       Ew ew, CGI baby is CGI and really fucking weird looking
6.       Bella is about to beat Jacobs butt (also why does he take so long to tell her that he imprinted on her infant. Bruh this is not the moment to be vague)
7.       Kristen Stewart angry is only slightly more expressive then everyday Kristen Stewart
8.       Baby had feelings for Jacob in the womb
9.       Ah no Seth… Sam..? the brown werewolf
10.   Shortest fight EVER
11.   Also, anyone notice how he calls her Ness once and then literally never again.
12.   Aaaaah CGI baby is still heavily CGI
13.   I feel like part of Bella’s reason for being in this movie is to just point out all the stuff about vampires we already know since this is the fifth fucking movie. E.g. “vampires don’t sleep”
14.   Tbh this movie has a really good soundtrack, and a lot of sparkle effects  
15.   There she goes again pointing shit out “we don’t get tired” yeah Bella, we fucking know
16.   Directors message to Jacob was “eat this sandwich and stare out of the window longingly” and Taylor Lautner was like “I got this”
17.   Why didn’t Jacob know the entire plan? Like what did they expect him to do. I would totally go and wolf out in front of Bella’s father if I got this totally out of the blue news
18.   I fucking love Charlie man.  And Taylor Lautner’s work out programme.
19.   Was the acting always this bad? Also did Edward always sound like he was from Boston, New York?
20.   Lol these vampires seriously overestimate what we as a human species notice about each other. Move your shoulders so it looks like you’re breathing? You know how often I notice if people are breathing? Never
21.   Carlisle got tan-ish. I like it
22.   Kristen Stewart pretending to be Bella pretending to be a human-being-like Kristen Stewart is a sight and a half
23.   Charlie took all of this crap a lot better than they gave him credit for. Also, was he even in the Part 1? Or is this whole concerned dad act only present when the script calls for it?
24.   Bella makes promises she can’t keep
25.   Bells? Bells? Nope don’t even try to pull that surprise nickname thing Chuck. Also, aaaaah CGI baby is back. Again I ask, why couldn’t they JUST USE A NORMAL HUMAN BABY. YOU MADE A SHIT TON OF MONEY TWILIGHT, BUT YOU COULDN’T SPRING FOR A ACTUAL BABY (ASSUMING THEY ARE ALSO PAIID ACTORS OBVIOUSLY)
26.   The movie has time for a Bella vs Emmet arm wrestling match in case you forgot that new-borns are stronger than their aged vampire counter parts
27.   “That’s right bitches, I sparkle too now” – Bella, circa 2012
28.   “we shake hands now you forgive us for trying to kill the girl you loved and her baby. Yes?” “Yes.”
29.   Also, wtf is Reneesme and why do we only see this really high jumping power once and never again?
30.   Also, also, fuck Irina.
32.   Yay, the Edward piano solo I was waiting for… said literally no one ever
33.   Damn she got to Rome fast.
34.   Also, the Voltari man. If you look up creepy old guys in the dictionary you will see their picture, posing like Charlie’s angels
35.   Can we run through Alice’s plan really quickly? She has this vision that the Voltari are ‘coming for them’ and then she, the fucking future see-er just bounces? Leaving them all to their own devices? Like what a dick move Alice- and yeah yeah I get that she needed to go find that other vampire-human hybrid and shit but a heads up would have been nice
36.   Also, “Vampire sex?” “No, too graphic.” “Throwing babies into fires?” “Yeah, that should be fine.”- the producers, probably
37.   Does Rosalee… Rosaline… Nikki Reed’s character, only have like five lines in this entire movie?
38.   Oh, look it’s those two shock ladies and that one brunette lady.
40.   Wow do all vampires overreact like this
41.   she touches their faces and now everything’s fine (even though they tried to kill her like 2 seconds ago)
42.   Yaaaaay Rami Malek. Look at the nature man go.
43.   Benjamin is the bestest
44.   Random safari ladies are fucking random… but appreciated
45.   Mentions the unpredictability of the nomad Peter… nothing happens ever again
46.   We have eighteen people, yay
47.   You don’t want to fight Allister? Then why are you here dude
48.   Its CGI jungle within a CGI jungle- its CGI-CEPTION
49.   Ooooooh, she’s a shield…. We knew that but okay
50.   The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming
51.   I thought Jacob was supposed to be the smart wolf… why is he hopelessly jumping at trees he can’t climb?
52.   Cedric Diggory: Hufflepuff, piano player, vegetarian, prize speech giver.
53.   Lol Bella stood up like she has a choice in whether to fight or not. Its your child babe, you best fight.
54.   Sudden introduction to Jane’s psycho brother Alec is sudden
55.   You’re telling me the Voltari found this one chump who couldn’t get to Carlisle house in time? That’s convenient
56.   And thus, commences Bella’s training, which lasts like five minutes before she totally has that shit down. And henceforth to the battlefield
57.   Also, Edward and Emmet make this scene… and the entire movie really
58.   Oh right, Reneesme is in this movie… forgot about her. Thanks for the bedtime story reading time thing twilight makers
59.   Bella: new-born, question-asker, part time Sherlock Holmes. Also, Edward GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER MAN. YOUR CHILD’S LIFE IS AT STAKE
60.   Ah Charlie, poor, hopeless, oblivious Charlie.
61.   Bella sits in a restaurant while her child’s life hangs in the balance  
63.   Bella has some seriously crappy handwriting… also goodbye Allister, we all knew you wouldn’t last
64.   Look at that, Charlie has a girlfriend.  And I don’t care
65.   Uhm I got up and left for like 3 minutes and now… campfire? Okay cool.
66.   These stories are really freaking depressing…. anyone know any good Dracula stories?
67.   Father- son bonding moments for the win.
68.   But side note, Edward never thanked Carlisle once for saving his life? Not even once? Dick move Cullen, dick move.
69.   Dum dum duh dum… landscapes, snow, so…many…vampires
70.   I love how they all stand in nice little groups just to really emphasise how pathetic the Cullen Army is compared to the monstrosity that is the Voltari
71.   Remove the hoods of our coats so they know we mean business
72.   Hey Carlisle, if you move closer you won’t have to yell
73.   If there was ever a time to vampire speed run, IT WOULD BE NOW EDWARD
74.   Question: what exactly is Aro’s ability again? He can read a persons past? Their minds? Their hands?
75.   “Emmet, you and Jacob in the back. Edward and I will protect her from the side. Ready? Break” – Bella probably
76.   Dude, I will never get over Aro’s creepy as shit laugh. Like we get it dude, you’re batshit crazy, no need to scare the kids.
77.   These Voltari don’t play around… they brought torches and everything. Also, oh no that lady that betrayed the Cullen’s is dead…but on the plus side Bella is actually being useful for once so yay?
78.   “Suck on my awesome shield making powers bitch”- Bella, probably again
79.   Lol Aro stopped Alec from unleashing his slow ass fog on the Cullen’s like it was going to make a difference?
80.   Such…a long…speech
81.   Alice is back yay… took her sweet ass time getting here though. Also, WHY IS NO ONE VAMPIRE RUNNING?
82.   Okay so a summary of the events taking place right now: everything is going to shit. Carlisle is dead (not gonna lie, the first time I watched this movie I lost my shit when that happened) and basically everyone is killing everyone. But obvs the Cullen’s have to win or else what is the point although all logic would say that they really shouldn’t because they have eighteen fucking vampires and the Voltari have like…a lot more than eighteen but hey, Cullen’s for the win
83.   “Aaaaaaaaand it was all an illusion suckers. Fuck you for thinking we would kill Carlisle, we love that guy” – the maker of twilight, probably.
84.   Hey there’s that Brazilian vampire-human hybrid dude that’s going to save the day. Woohoo
85.   Oh, so NOW they vampire run. Fucking stupid ass Voltari
86.   Lol another father-son bonding moment. Easy there son Jacob, respect your dad
87.   Aww look at the happy family on the CGI beach.
88.   And now folks, a recap of the past four movies… you know, just in case you missed it.
89.   Is it just me or are they just making up Bella’s ‘abilities’ as we go along. What, now she can remove her shield and let Edward read her mind. Fuck off twilight people.
90.   Also, AAAAHHHH its younger, creepier Edward
91.   And just like that, the end of an era. So long you sparkly sons of bitches
92.   So…many…end credits. (I do love this song though)
93.   Wait, is Booboo Stewart related to Kristen Stewart? Please hold while I Google this
94.   He’s not.
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peanutdracolich · 7 years
Peanut Dracolich Watches (Hammer) Horror: Too Many Vampire Films
So this post is coming a bit late (seeing as how I watched these before The Mummy x2), but I had trouble managing to type it up (my computer didn’t want to let me without crashing, having Word close without explanation, and), and I forgot I didn’t post it.
After watching Dracula Has Risen from His Grave, I decided to watch some non-Dracula Hammer Horror Vampire Films. This started with The Vampire Lovers, then Captain Kronos, then a detour in The Oblong Box (I meant to talk about that eventually but might not), then my nephew pulled me away with wanting to watch one with me and after the aforementioned which both had sex scenes I had to pick one I knew was child appropriate so rewatched The Horror of Dracula, and then I was totally burnt out and my concentration shot by The Kiss of the Vampire.
Of these four films…
The Vampire Lovers was overtly erotic. There was no metaphor as there was in Dracula Has Risen, it was pretty directly shown. I am torn on this from a story telling point of view, it actually served a purpose of making Carmilla's desires clear in a way that otherwise might not be. And yet at the same time it felt like it was mostly there for 'look boobs' and… time has changed since the 70s, a few moments of breasts on TV is less impressive when the internet can show me them all day long; if I want overt porn I will get it. I do not know how to judge the more porny elements. I mean it is a vampire movie, there is always an erotic element, and some of the scenes that made use of it were well done, but I felt I was more supposed to be there to stare at two naked women chasing each other around the room than anything about the story.
Still over all The Vampire Lovers was an enjoyable film with an enjoyable story. While some of the changes from Carmilla seemed out of place and likely forced by necessity to get it past the censors (the male love interest), others worked to make the film function as a film by giving a more energetic and active climax (the one in the book has almost no sense of urgency and would have been an unsatisfactory one to a film). Ingrid Pitt did well in the role, although it was a little jarring as she is obviously a good 10 years older than her 20 year old victims and they're all supposed to be about the same age (her 'aunt' who serves as her stand in mother looks and is closer to her age than her victims) I think it was ultimately a good choice as she could bring the proper screen presence, and dignity to the role and Carmilla needs a combination of youthful beauty and that sense that she's older than she looks and it's hard to get that in films (CGI can help now, but this was 1970). I mean before my play by play got deleted I had some littler complaints, but the film ultimately did a good job adapting Carilla to the screen, but is a substantially different story. I would say of the 6 Hammer Horror vampire stories I've watched this month it is… 4th. If I throw in The Mummy it may beat out that film, it is hard to say as they feel like very different stories and it becomes more and more apples to oranges and direct enjoyment comparison is hard over that many days.
 Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter is hard to place for different reasons. While it had a sex scene you don't really see anything and it is less dwelt upon (post sex conversation is more the point there). We do not have a scene of naked girls chasing each other about the room. Instead the issue here is that the film is no more horror than Buffy season 2, or Angel, less horror than Kolchak or many episodes of the X-Files. It is a story of a hero-adventurer, reminiscent of the Barbarian Heroes of the next decade or of a wild west gunslinger, who is here to kick some vampire butt. Now vampires are not easy to kill and the movie makes a single vampire a significant and grave threat even for a skilled vampire hunter. It is all things said an excellent film, but it reminds me more of a Barbarian Hero film than a Horror film, it just is one with horror elements but I am not comfortable sorting it mentally as Horror. It's a fun film, with witty dialogue, and Grost (the hunchback) is just so endearing. While it doesn't have scares, it is a well paced story which ultimately is in many ways like a movie length and high quality episode of some heroic adventure show. I'd put it up with Horror and Has Risen as one of the top 3 hammer vampire films I've watched this season, and impossible to really say which is best due to it being a wholly different genre. Sans the heroine the main cast feel like they'd be in place for a tv series, this is not saying they're bad (I love Shatner, I love Patrick Stewart when he's allowed to act, I love Bruce Campbell), but that they are not Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee level, really I'd say none bring Campbell's, Shatner's, or Nimoy's charisma either. Still the film was enjoyable, and I don't really have anything legit bad to say about it.
The Kiss of the Vampire unfortunately I watched in major burn out. Like some serious 'my brain won't give a proper horror viewing'. The film was overall, 2nd rate, though. While enjoyable, it lacked the grip of the Omen, and ultimately clocks in as the 2nd worst Hammer Vampire Film I watched this month. The story was somewhat less cliché than 'another Dracula retelling', but ultimately the film does not stand out. It is another story about a vampire trying to steal the hero's wife and being stopped. The ending was fun with a touch of ridiculous (Hammer Horror bats always are), and the sheer number of vampires make them stand out as per capita the most inept vampires I have seen. It was not without its nice moments and elements, but I'd ultimately give it a thumbs down. While it's not a horrible movie, it's not really worth it unless you're a fan of Hammer Horror and want another vampire movie from them.
And finally we got Horror of Dracula rewatched. I'm still not sure which I prefer, this or Has Risen from the Grave. I would say Has Risen from the Grave has the stronger heroines, or the more impactful ones. Horror of course has the stronger actor as a hero, but I find I might enjoy Has Risen's still Dracula-esque plot but greater divergence with the fallen priest and atheist hero over Horror. Still both are excellent films, and like all Hammer Horror Vampire films not what you go for 'shock scares'. Dracula has his moments (and my nephew despite protesting vehemently he wasn't scared did practically jump in his chair when the cat moved in the room) but one must be willing to let themselves fully immerse and want to be scared for it to really take effect – I have no issue doing that with horror films or stories, and when I don't do it even modern ones don't last long, but it is more suspense and tension than terror.
All in all I want to watch the second and perhaps third film of the Karnstein Trilogy (started by The Vampire Lovers) and to give another chance to a random Hammer Vampire film, but these things need to wait because I've watched too many in quick succession. Kiss of the Vampire I enjoyed but I think it'd do better as 'background noise' than 'main focus' (this is how I treat most things I watch outside of horror). Captain Kronos I want more of. The Vampire Lovers was promising, but needs something more; or maybe less. Dracula remains Dracula even now.
0 notes
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Holy mother of- alright, I did this to myself. Answers are below the cut!
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More cereal! I’m hella lactose intolerant so I rarely even have milk.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Sometimes, it depends if I was already too cold or not.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Usually I use drawings or a bit of cardboard.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I take my tea with a little honey and my coffee with lots of flavored creamer.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? VERY MUCH YES
6: do you keep plants? Cacti mostly:)
7: do you name your plants? YEP
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Pencil or acrylic, though I’m digging clay now.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? I spend almost every hour of every day singing, it’s one of my absolute favorite things!
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? back or side depending on how my jaw is doing.
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? OH GoD, so many...
12: what's your favorite planet? Mars >3
13: what's something that made you smile today? I got to spend all day with my pupper AND I got called for an interview tomorrow.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Brick walls, lots of floor space for art, ect. a window seat, high ceilings and a cozy atmosphere please and thank you.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! 99% of our solar systems mass is the sun. :3
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? Baked Penne!
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? It’s already blue but I wanna do it red, orange and yellow at some point for a crazy fire look.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. The time I jumped off the lid to my friends hot tub and hit my head, knocking myself unconscious and almost dying.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Kinda, it’s mostly art and random facts??
20: what's your favorite eye color? Blue
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. My art bag that looks like a freaking paint towel at this point.
22: are you a morning person? Ye!
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Write, draw, take a bath and bake.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Yes, my bestfren Chloe -w-
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? An abandoned house down the block while chasing a cat. There was some guy sleeping in there.
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? My red Converse!
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? Wintergreen
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset, for sure.
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? She blushes in her ears and gets really shy around guys.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Umm, yes. When my mom had emergency surgery.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. OKAY, I LIKE SOCKS, I WEAR EM ALL THE TIME AND THEY NEVER MATCH. BOOM.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I went to down my iced tea and found out too late that it was my dads whiskey and I got drunk off my ass.
33: what's your fave pastry? oooh, I love pastries with all my heart, probably lemon bars.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? It’s in my room somewhere, a little weasel puppet named “wonder weasel” and I made him a mask.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yes, I keep at least one on me at all times.
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? Panic!
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I reaaaaally like it clean but it never happens. I’m a pig.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! I hate when people never show up on time, ignore me when I’m talking to check their phones and I hate when people pretend to like me.
39: what color do you wear the most? Black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? It’s a bumble bee necklace my sister got me and I love it.
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? The book thief.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! It’s a local place here and they make really pretty pastries and coffee, it’s very modern inside but it’s cozy and everyone’s super nice. It smells like autumn leaves and spices.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? myself???
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? Last week in a bath tbh
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yes and no? It kinda depends but I usually second guess myself.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. I changed my ipods name to titanic. It’s syncing now. (I hate myself)
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? LETTUCE
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Burning alive, and it kinda is kinda isn’t still.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I like to but I never have money, the last one was a panic! at the disco cd.
50: what's an odd thing you collect? Fish????? I have five tanks in my room ok????
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? Can’t help falling in love with you and phantom of the opera (my gf) IM CHEESEY
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? THEY ALL SUCK
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I’ve seen all but pulp fiction and I adore them all, beetlejuice is one of my favorite movies.
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? Besides myself idk
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? I don’t even know honestly.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Their sense of humor, laugh and comfortableness.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? Doesn’t it always?!
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? My friend hates wine but is totally the wine mom, sooo that makes me the vodka aunt bc I only have one friend.
59: what's your favorite myth? Icarus
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? YES! I love the raven, tyger and the tell tale heart??
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? Socks for received I guess? Probably the dumbest thing I’ve given was a dirty shirt to my friend????
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Almost always, grape or orange usually. 
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I’m really particular about them and I don’t let anyone touch em.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Ink black.
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? My gf..; ;
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Seashells, blue flowers and tiny pink ones, probably a lil glitter.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? They feel relaxing to me.
68: what's winter like where you live? ITS LIKE A NEVER ENDING HELLL
69: what are your favorite board games? Fury of Dracula, d&d, ect.
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Yep! I own one.
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? cranberry??
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? YES. My ADHD is scary bad ok.
73: what are some of your worst habits? Not eating healthily/not drinking enough, secluding myself.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Humorous, kind and caring and wonderful and supporting. The most fantastic person to live.
75: tell us about your pets! OK!!!!!! I have three cats, a tabby (ponyo), a massive grey one(rory) and a smol floofy white and black one(lydia). I have four betta fish, Lafayette, Remus, Pietro, and Marvel. I have 12 guppy/platty and I could list their names but I wontttt, and my sweet pupper girl, Matilda
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Writing requests..............
77: pink or yellow lemonade? Pink.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? HATE
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? My girlfriend sent me chocolates and my fren bought me a bee pillow, they’re pretty great.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Light purple and I didn’t choose them, my mom painted that room before she got sick so I kept it.
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Deep sand washing over dark beaches and charcoal mixed in a vat of dark clay.
82: are/were you good in school? No, not really. I listened tho
83: what's some of your favorite album art? Pretty odd, believers never die, infinity on high
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I have two right now and I have MANY more planned.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? um? Nirvana? Am I doing this right?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Perks of being a wall flower, three idiots.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? All of them??
89: are you close to your parents? I like to think so
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Ohhh um, I dunno, probably Denver?? I’m really isolated.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I’m going to Denver for a concert and a huge road trip to California this summer to see my family.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? It GoN DRoWN SOn
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Down. It’s too short for anything.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My grandpa
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Hanging with my fren and watching shameless.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? Sadly, I put them off until it does it automatically. I regret it every time.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? Advocate, Taurus, hufflepuff! 
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Yesterday and I loved it.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Hamilton tbh, think of me, riptide and I found.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Five years into the past because I’m not fucking ready to grow up.
0 notes