#its basically pokemon but more gruesome
markrosewater · 2 years
I would really like to hear you explain the reason for the 13+ recommendation for Magic and talk about teaching Magic to those under 13. Is the age recommendation due to the game's complexity, themes/art, or both? I am sure you or your coworkers must have had experiences teaching Magic to their kids as they grew up. One of the things I love about Magic is that, at its core, it is actually a pretty simple game that can be scaled up to something beyond complex. Has there ever been any talk about marketing a product to younger kids? There does not seem to be that much about teaching Magic to younger kids on the internet. I think it would be beneficial for a lot of people if you could share your advice or any stories you might have about teaching younger kids magic. If you have already covered this already, please let me know the episode.
(Some background if you have time to read it) I taught my five-year-old son the basics of the game with 40 card mono color decks with old-school vanilla creatures and basic instant and sorceries. The decks played more than four copies of some cards, so it was easier for him to memorize stuff he could not yet read, and I made the decks to showcase each color's mechanics.  The only real issue was finding age-appropriate art, but I was able to dig through all my older cards for weaker-powered things that were not too gruesome, and Lorwyn / Morningtide has a lot more kid-friendly stuff. He was really into it for a bit but transitioned to playing pokemon, although his interest has now renewed at age 7, and now my 4-year-old son really wants to play too.  I have put together a giant box of kid-friendly cards, and now they can explore what things they would like to use to build their own decks.
(Also, sorry if this message comes up a few times for you. I know you get a million messages every day, and I feel like this is not the most horrible thing to send a few times a week to make sure you get to see it)
I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for the game and everything you continue to do. It is truly amazing to me how you interact so much with the magic community and how transparent you are about so many things. We are incredibly lucky to have someone with the ability to brush off the infinite negative comments and continue to listen and share so much with the player base.  
Thank you
The 13+ designation is all about rules that have to do with packaging laws. It's not some sign that we believe kids under 13 can't learn and enjoy Magic. When I met Dana Fischer, for example, she was 6 years old and playing in Grand Prix events.
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cozylittledream · 2 years
12/15/22 ((TW for gore mention and bird death :[))
only 10 days till christmas !! or in my case ... 9 .. we celebrate on the 24th ... BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT DREAM TIME
as the title shows .. be careful there a gore and bird death mention and is it a bit graphic ..
okok NOW TO THE DREAM its sponsored by Killshare
ok so today i dreamed like .. first i was in school again annd tbh nothing 2 interesting .. some kid used a weird ai tts radio and charged it in class bc apparently the chargers were stupidly strong there .. but they made it say cuss words so they got punished .. weird . infact that whole school was gonna get like a Big tech rehaul showed like a cool tablet and stuff but i forgot what it did . and then it kinda cut to some other kid cause idk some school tech thing cussed at Him and his mom and the school were rly worried but they both thought it was him or something and also i was watching and commentating 4 some reason .. OK so then it cuts to me in this .. weird little store i dont remember what kind of store or wat i rly saw all i remember is a clown was probably there and Pointy Funko Pop . yeah . i remember how it felt in mai hands ..
BUT WAIT THERES MORE ok so like i go home and Oops ... dead pigeons EVERYWHERE turns out some people were just fuckin Shooting them 2 death ??? i think it became legal or something cause it was just gruesome made me sad in the dream .. apparently they got their heads heart lungs .. basically they just got everything but as the reporter put it "their chicken" idk i think they meant just their bodies but preeety sure no one was gonna eat em . OK SO REGARDLESS i walk to the train station home its COVERED in like pigeon blood and guts and maggots and i get it on my hands bc there THAT MUCH THERE ... i reach the train and i just kinda check my wallet for .. my metro cards for some reason ? i think i had to redeem them at the train instead which was weird .. but the train and cards were themed after cappy from mario .. ! ok so i get on .. ooh its the newer model train than usual .. maybe this is the Wrong train .. but i ask a girl next to me if this was going in the right station and she said YEAS .. well SHES A LIAR we get off and oough ... oops im in japan and there's like .. a weird region exclusive version of a pokemon starter here ?? but basically i start panicking cus my phones at 2 percent and i need to call Someone .. but b4 that i notice that i was able to redeem a thing on my phone that told me i would b able to skip 8 days of school with it .. ! seemed Weird but i took it and idk what happened much after that
oh yeah saw a kids shirt too of orenetchi growing a New planet cause he got sick of ai stuff too .. lol
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talesofsonicasura · 5 years
Erase The Future
One of the things I work hard to improve is writing characters established from many different series or genre. Mainly, I focus on characters who are quite difficult to write for new writers due to lack of information about them or the type of personality they have.
This little fic of mine involves one such character, Urizen from Devil May Cry. Warning: Contains minor spoilers!
Summary: Demon King Urizen has crushed every challenger to his hellish throne with pure unmatched power. To him, nothing could stop him from claiming his power and title as the Ruler of All Hell. Until a rift of time and space drops him a little gift... And turns world into a crash course dummy.
Two brothers with hair of snow and eyes of ice. Both separated by tragedy and doomed to face it once more. Cursed to spill their own blood continuous to the floor. When the tree of blood grows is when it begins. The tree's downfall is where their lives would end. Their fate can be challenged to change if intervened. An outside source to show both what they were too blind to see.
This single savior was born of misfortune and death at their first breath. Abandoned for being born inable to see and cast out in the worst of nature's disasters...A dangerous blizzard in the coldest tundra. Through kindness of another let the soul grow strong. A titan of champions is what they become. Though failure to this task was prominent promising a fate far worse than death.
Yet… To the heir of a frozen kingdom, Dyna Crown Fleur, the results were worth a cursed fate. For kindness and mercy, was long overdue for both tragic souls.
Qlipthoth, a demon tree that grows in the Underworld. It feeds on the blood of human life to blossom a single fruit that when eaten, crowns a demon the Ruler of Hell with boundless power. This tree currently rose at the center of Red Grave City and grown vastly from the millions of lives it slaughtered. Deep within the tree and sat on a makeshift throne, was a colossal devil covered in brambles and thorns named Urizen.
Power, absolute power is what this very behemoth sought. Yet, he was about to learn power came in many forms and so did Karma. The vast grove and network of blood filled vines began to shake within the Qlipthoth's center. Amongst the blood pool, the devil covered in deathly gray plant life light flashed immensely confused amongst the multiple hollows on his body. "What is this? This...power I am sensing." A gravelly voice from the devil as he lifted his hand up.
To him, this strange energy was...pure. Unlike the taint familiar with demonic power of all kinds, what he was sensing felt...calming. Not that of angels but of harmony, silence and peace. It was enticing to his senses that the devil couldn't help the urge to tear off the thorns covering his true form just to feel on his own hide. He needed to see what it was.
With a wave of his hand, the pool of blood at his feet began to change forming a mirror reflection of a different part of the Qlipthoth. Bright blue shined when a single line appeared above one of the roots before forming a large emerald tear. A rift in time and space was what the massive devil realized. Yet, what stepped out of it before it closed had him bewildered. It was a human woman.
She stood around 6'2 with forest green hair, skin a soft light peach and eyes a pure clear and crystal aquamarine. The woman wore a thick dark velvet winter dress decorated with elegant gold vine like embroidery and the emblem of a crown wearing animal, a golden wreath around her neck with a small rainbow jewel held at the center and the biggest oddity was the lack of footwear.
While Urizen didn't care for those lower than him, he could see the vast beauty of the human female. What really grew his interest was her walking. With every graceful step she took, plant life from grass to even flowers grew on the Qlipthoth floor. He could feel the blood from those sections fading as if the plants were absorbing and purifying it. They were becoming normal human plant life by the pure energy that was coming from her.
"Very interesting. What are you to purify even the Qlipthoth with mere touch and bewildered me so? Bring her to me." Urizen spoke as vast insect like chittering echoed through the blood tree. The woman only known to herself in this world as Dyna traversed the vast expanse of the blood channeling growths around her. Despite the gruesome and hellish landscape around, she was not afraid.
"A tree...no a grove that feeds on the life essence of others. I can feel the very souls trapped in these brambles cry out in pain. Wallow in sorrow no more with every step I take. Let your souls finally slumber as new life blossoms forth." Her voice soft and sweet like pure honey as more of her vibrant plant life covered the Qlipthoth floor with each step she took.
Her blue eyes caught the vast amount of moving gray around her. Inhuman beasts that held the form of an ant crossed with both spider and human easily in her sight no matter how fast they scurrying or well they hide. Beady red eyes, thorax covered in blood red jewels, jagged pincer like maws and thin scythe like claws. "I know you are there. My eyes are much sharper than others. It'll be better if you show yourself." Dyna spoke stopping as the large insect creature landed in front of from above.
It was a bit larger than her in height and grotesque but she still remain unbothered by her unnatural guest. "You are a worker just like a colony of Combee. Your species must provide substance to this tree. Honestly, it's a poor job considering the many remnants of the souls trapped in your home's woodwork and state of your hierarchy. Judging from you not attacking me, you're here to lead me to whoever rules over this current colony." Dyna questioned as the insect nodded its head.
"Lead the way then please." She said as the creature or Red Empusa guided her to Urizen's throne. The very devil himself was watching her as the insect demon lead her through the tree. He was impressed by what he had seen so far. She easily deduced the Empusa's nature and reason, the Qlipthoth's basic way of growth and remained undeterred by the hell around her. He cleared the image as Dyna walked into the room.
The Empusa immediately scurried off afterwards not wanting to stay anywhere near the tree demon's range. The woman looked up at him as Urizen could see her form far better than from his blood mirror. Those eyes of hers were beautiful up close. Pure uncut aquamarine that even diamonds couldn't hold a candle to the clear hue. Faint accents of gold by the corner of her eyes merely enhanced the elegance. He'll get a better look after seizing her for himself.
"You must be the one who planted the seed for this massive vampiric tree. Quite cheeky to have it bloom in the middle of a human settlement. Urizen, or should I say the Devil of Vergil Sparda?" Dyna questioned as those words had Urizen get onto his feet. The tendrils of his body snapping a bit from the Qlipthoth as blood spilled to the floor while the devil stood at his full height glaring down at her.
"I never gave you my name or my origin. Who are you human?" Urizen hissed in annoyance as if the name burned. Ignoring his hissing, Dyna took out a strange ball from her dress sleeve. It was half red and half white with a button outlined by black stripe. She tossed the sphere in her hand repeatedly as if she was juggling it. She didn't even look away from him still performing the act. "My name is Dyna Crown Fleur. For why I am here… I here to stop this devastating tree from growing any further. Tragedy must come to an end and if it means defeating you…"
Dyna grabbed the sphere out of the air before facing it as Urizen with a glare on her face. "Then I won't hold back." She declared voice firm and strong. The devil chuckled before sitting on his throne easily amused. He produced a blood red crystal in hand before reconnecting his tendrils to the devilish tree. "Very amusing. Dyna Crown Fleur, show me just how you will defeat me." Urizen mocked. The little sphere in her hand was a mere toy to him.
"Your aura is nothing but a phantom cloaked by putrid life of the thorns protecting your body. That blood red crystal merely an extension of dauntless darkness. To throw life and mind at you now will get me nowhere so instead. I'll have my confidant shatter your barrier first!" Her cryptic words had him baffled but...he realized that little ball was NOT a mere plaything.
"Pyros, prepare for battle!" She tossed the ball into the air as a flash of light shot forth. From the light materialized a creature Urizen never seen before. This creature was a bipedal white tiger covered in crimson striped fur, its chest was gray with a white cross like pattern, large tufts of crimson fur around the muzzle, shoulders, legs, a tail with a ring of spikes around it, yellow and verdant green eyes, large fangs and claws and a belt of pure flames around their waist.
"Incineroar!!!!" The beast howled unleashing a pure shockwave of power from its pure battlecry alone. To Dyna, this creature was her Incineroar Pyros, a Pokemon she grew up with from her homeland to survive. "What kind of creature is this you summoned to dare challenge me!?" Urizen growled clearly thrown off by Pyros' special ability: Intimidate. Intimidate weakened the attack power of every opponent Pyros faced so the fact Urizen felt threatened had proven the ability had work.
"Incineroar, the Heel Pokemon. His species will refuse the orders of those they don't trust with pure nonchalance. However once presented a decent challenge, they are relentless. Pyros, give him a mere taste of your nature with Fire Blast."Dyna ordered. The Heel Pokemon opened his mouth full of flames before hurling a massive star like cross of it at the demon king. A blood red barrier immediately materialized around Urizen but even the demon had to shield himself from the intense flames as it crashed into the shield.
Blueish green lights brighten greatly noticing the large spider web cracking across the surface of the stone and his barrier. "Darkest Lariat." Pyros burst from the flames like a spinning bullet to Urizen's view and hit the barrier with a powerful lariat. The barrier immediately shattered from the brute force of Pyros' attack. Even the crystal supplying the barrier exploded from the immense power the Incineroar unleashed!
'What kind of power is this?!' The devil couldn't help but think. This Incineroar, manifested enough power to overload his barrier but another strike to destroy his magic crystal at the same time. His half breed brother couldn't even crack it unlike this burning beast! Then came insult to injury.
"Fury Swipes." Pyros' claws glowed white as the talons grew into long blades. The Incineroar didn't hesitate to repeatedly tear his claws through Urizen's armored hide and scratching up the devil's exposed mouth like an angry cat. The tree demon roared in pain swatting at Pyros but the Fire/Dark type easily dodged returning back into battle position in front of Dyna with a wild grin on his face. The demon king immediately sat up not caring about snapping off his thorn like tentacles from the tree itself again.
The cat scratches over his face and tears through his hide revealing multiple glaring orange eyes upon her form. He was absolutely furious. This human woman was mocking him in his own throne room. His fury ignited upon the mischievous grin that grew on Dyna's face. It exploded when the woman had the audacity to SING an insult to him.
"I am the tallest of mountains. I am the roughest of waves. I'm the toughest of terrors. I am the darkest of days. I'm the last one that's standing. Don't try to stand in my way. Cause I've been up against better. Just take a look at my face. Causing if you're messing with me, I am a dangerous weapon. I am the sharpest of blades. I'll cut down in a second." Her sweet voice destroying his precious silence with pure sass.
"I see the part that you tried to hide. That you are merely a scared babe behind a monster of a lie. The fact that you aren't as strong as you think on the inside. To remove half of yourself was your folly. Absolute power you say? No, that's the humiliation that made me merry and jolly!" Dyna taunted as Urizen howled in absolute rage.
Multiple tendrils sprout from the Qlipthoth around her slithering like angry snakes around the livid demon. "You've managed to infuriate me more than that damn treacherous spawn I dare call brother. A queen must know to never disrespect their king! I'll tear your summon in half before I claim my first generation with your bloodline, my dear Hell Bride and soon to be Queen of Hell." Urizen declared. He flinched when both trainer and Pokemon merely chuckled.
"Hold back Pyros. I'll take it from here." Dyna spoke as the Incineroar stepped back and she took a step forward with eyes closed. He flinched once more as the woman opened her eyes. "Cause I was born in this pain. It only hurts if you let it." They were a pure glowing cyan as if burning with pure power yet...he thought he saw sadness for a moment.
"So if you think you can take me then you should go and forget it." He lashed out a few of the roots towards her at lightning speed with a snap of his fingers. Cyan light enveloped the attack tendrils before she waved her hand away. Those glowing roots we're slammed into the Qlipthoth wall hard enough for each to snap in half. "After all this time your back for more. I won't stop until THEY know my name. So I'll take what's mine and start this war. I'm coming at you like a tidal wave."
He didn't hesitate sending more roots at her. Yet she continued to cut them down with no effort. She was doing the same thing he did to his half breed brother and every single insect that dared to challenge him. She made him feel helpless.
"When everything you know has come and gone. You are at your lowest and I am rising higher. Only scars remain of who I was. What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire. When there's no one left to carry on. This is a illusion, open up your eyes and… The pain persists I can't resist. But that's what it takes to be infinite."
That same cyan light snaring him and every Qlipthoth root he was controlling at the moment. "Psychic!" They were immediately slammed into the walls of the throne room with enough brutal force that his tendrils exploded into blood upon impact and Urizen shattered his throne underneath his own body.
The Devil picked himself up and glared heavily with glints of fear now exposed. More of his armored hide had shattered now revealing half of his beastish azure face with multiple piercing eyes, monstrous fangs and short crown of jagged horns. Green eyes going from fear to pure surprise at the soft smile she now held. A smile that held no malice.
"Now I can see some of your beautiful face from that ugly mask you wear. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. That beauty for me is the person under the shell of armor they use to hide their own weakness. Their true self in many terms." Dyna spoke softly for it was enough for the Devil to blink.
She had immediately disappeared once he did only to reappear right in his face hovering softly in the air. That same cyan light bathing her body as she floated daintly before him. 'Is she part fae? No...not even faes hold such elegance, grace and so much raw power. No, it must be a goddess that stands before me.' Urizen thought as he unconsciously reach his hand out to her.
"So look around you and tell me what you really SEE. You live a lie and that's the difference between you and me. I have the power. Let me show you what it's it all about. It's only me and you- Who is gonna save you now?"
Dyna laid a hand on his crown of horns and everything around him just...stopped. Then came flashes of memories... and the unknown pain to follow. Her eyes reflected those scenes from the human half, half breed brother, weak women that fueled his weapons and the human whelp whose limb was missing but also those he wasn't familiar with. Then these odd sensations slammed into him from every single one. These odd things hurt him somehow with every death or wound that he caused but none scathe his body.
It stopped when a gentle touch pressed his forehead and eyes widened upon the sight. Dyna Fleur Crown had laid a kiss on him. His mind went blank. This woman made no sense. She threatened him, had her beast shatter his barrier and scar him, she brought him down to his knees, searched his memories and forced new ones with this strange pain for each one. Now, she had the audacity to kiss him.
He blinked in response only to see her on the back of her fiery beast Pyros. A soft smile on her face and the same for the Incineroar. "V, Dante, Nero, Trish and Lady. Your human half and the ones you have harmed the most. Urizen, Devil of Vergil Sparda, I will give you a single warning. If you feast on the fruit of this hellish tree, then it will be me you shall face instead of your brother. And unlike him, it won't be a fight. It will be your true downfall. Reflect on the past once more." Was all she said before Pyros burst out of the throne room.
The Incineroar soaring across the tendrils with fire exploding from every pounce and step. She was gone just like that as Urizen could only stand in silence. The woman didn't make a worthless threat. She held the power to back up her declaration not just her beast alone. "Dyna Crown Fleur... could have ended me with a flick of her wrist. Forced these strange irritating sensations onto me even now… Yet spares my life…" Urizen spoke using his tendrils to repair his broken throne in seconds.
Multiple exposed eyes staring at the scars covering his form's broken armor from his throne's blood pool. "Summoner from another plane… Wielding of a beast of intense flame… Eyes that mirror my past… Power far more pure than an archangel… And beauty matched with cryptic knowledge…" He sat on his repaired throne how in thought. "Who are you… Dyna Crown Fleur?"
And that's it! Yes, I crossed this little story with Pokemon to show just how different Dyna and Urizen are. Urizen who only relies on his own power and himself versus Dyna who not only is powerful on her own but works with her Pokemon to overcome any challenge.
For Urizen, the goal of this fic is for him to realize the same that happened to dear old Sparda. To find his own reason to fight for the sake of others, his own justice.
Dyna's origins is related to a Pokemon that will relate and revolve around the Part 2 DLC for Sword and Shield, Calyrex the Crown Pokemon.
Dyna- A term or prefix often use to mean power. Ex: Dynamo, Dynamic, Dynamite
Fleur which is French for Flower.
Dyna Crown Fleur, the Crowned Flower of Strength.
Song used: Infinite from Sonic Forces
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augusthex · 6 years
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AUGUST FOREST ( CISMALE & HE/HIM )? oh, aren’t they the 22 year old LIGHT WITCH who works as EMBALMER at THE MORTUARY? word on the streets is that they are SMART & INTUITIVE, but they can also be ANXIOUS & NOSY. by the way, they look eerily similar to TOM HOLLAND, don’t they?
August was born in a middle class family that was all pretty and normal… until you caught the family doing rituals under the full moon, summoning dark forces and writing down gruesome spells. If you enter the Forest household, it is more like entering the Addams House revamped.
They used to live in Canada, but when August was around three years old, they moved to Fairview to escape from the big cities and the public eye that was already suspicious about the family; but why?
The Forests come from a lineage of dark witches that have always been proud of their magic abilities and their chaotic nature. It wasn’t weird that they took no time to stir up some stress and rumors after people disappeared near the Forests house. Not willing to deal with the responsibility, they moved to Fairview.
August, opposite to the rest of his family, always showed an innocent and kind nature. He was overly curious about everything and loved spending time outside. Since he was very young, he was taught black magic and its history, but the boy always found it weird, unnecessary and quite dangerous.
The only person who understood August’s point of view, was his great grandmother who encouraged him to pursue white magic if he preferred to do so. Unfortunately, she passed away when he was thirteen, so the rest of his big family went back to push him into the dark arts. His parents and grandparents even prohibited him of practicing white magic within the walls of the house, which only pushed August to spend way less time at home and more time outside to practice.
As soon as he was done in the local college studying history (mostly because there wasn’t much else that caught his attention), August was sent to work at the mortuary not only because the Forests embraced their grim aesthetic, but also because the owners of the Mortuary sometimes allowed them to take a bone or two for their rituals. They also joined Ezra Astor’s coven.
He was basically a sunshine child, jumping around the garden and befriending animals. He was confident and happy, but as he grew up and after his great grandma died, the stress his family induced in him was so much that he became an anxious boy, always looking behind his back getting sure none of his nosy cousins were spying on him just to tell his parents later. Always preferring white magic, August grew stigmatized since it had never been practiced in his family; they were all proud dark witches (Think a bit of a pureblood family in the Harry Potter world, having a half-blood or a mudblood in their ranks).
He is very curious, to the point of being nosy as well, but never with bad intentions. He is very interested in every little mystery or crime that happens in the small town. Usually bullied, August developed some tolerance for pain and a knack for healing spells, although they backfire every now and then, specially when he lacks confidence. Because of the same reason, he has good stamina, always running away from his bigger cousins, but don’t make him play a sport because he will fail miserably. In general, August is very prone to get in trouble, always being at the wrong place at the wrong time, which definitely doesn’t help to his already nervous behavior. His biggest weakness is the lack of confidence in his magic, specially because deep inside, he knows he should follow his fam’s footsteps; so even though he focuses in white magic, he learned a weak trick or two of black magic just so his family doesn’t complain. Still, he sometimes is tempted by black magic, since some things are waaaay easier with a demon’s power around.
He has notes written on his hands and arms for when he doesn’t have paper and pen close (he forgets to use his phone).
Most likely crying when you are not seeing him.
He bites his nails out of anxiety and sometimes chews the loosen skin from his lower lip.
Crushes easily on pretty girls that are nice to him (or just pretty girls in general).
Wanted to be a superhero when he was little.
Thinks werewolves as cool. He is scared of vampires.
Cat person, but allergic.
Doesn’t like being called Auggie, but everybody does it anyways so he stopped complaining.
He would have liked to study criminology, but since he couldn’t, he tries to read everything related to that.
Still has his first Pokemon sticker album.
Has more sweaters and hoodies than anything else.
The first time he discovered he had magic, he was playing to be Harry Potter and shook a stick and boom! Teddy bear gone. (His great grandma got him another one afterwards and he still has it too).
Best black magic done when really angry or sad.
Best white magic done when really happy AND confident about it.
Virgin obvs. Never have had a girlfriend even.
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dailyenricopucci · 7 years
Gee Pucci, Three 「Stands」?
Everyone knows Pucci has three Stands. It’s practically a meme at this point. But the problem is, with so many Stands, all three of whom throw the ‘one ability per Stand’ rule off a damn cliff, it can be hard to keep track of what they can all do. So I’m here to help with that.
Strap yourselves in, it’s gonna be a long one.
Info under the cut~
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Destructive Power: ? Speed: D Range: ?  Durability: A Precision: ? Development Potential: ?
Whitesnake, Pucci’s original Stand, was used by Pucci to peruse parts of GDSt Jail that he couldn’t access, finding and manipulating Stand users or eliminating ones he has no use for and stealing their Stands away just in case.
Strength: Whitesnake is no slouch when it comes to physical combat. Although his punching speed can’t reach the levels of Star Platinum, Whitesnake can still move much faster than a human, and punch much harder as well. An open-handed strike can easily chop through a human leg, as found out the hard way by Weather Report, and Whitesnake can also spear a human (Annasui) through the chest and still be strong enough to lift them off their feet. During his fight with Foo Fighters, Whitesnake was shown to tear his way through the engine compartment of a truck, presumably through the engine as well, another testament to his physical power.
Range: Pucci states in the Heavy Rainfall Warning arc that Whitesnake’s maximum range is 20 metres or so, and his strength only increases the closer he gets to Pucci.
Independence & Intelligence: One of Whitesnake’s quirks is that he is, in fact, fully sentient and possesses a consciousness completely separate from Pucci’s. He is cold and sinister when calm, but unlike Pucci, is very quick to explosive bursts of anger, particularly when things don’t go his way. His independence means he can do jobs for Pucci on his own volition, without Pucci having to supervise him. However, such independence has its risks, as Whitesnake will sometimes hesitate while thinking over Pucci’s orders (like being ordered to eliminate a certain adorable plankton gal). He also exhibits technical knowledge, such as skilled close combat techniques, critical thinking, and proper use of a handgun.
Discs: Whitesnake’s most notorious ability is his creation of Discs. At first glance they appear the same as a normal CD disc, but closer inspection reveals that they are completely indestructible. Bend ‘em, drop ‘em, shoot ‘em with a gun, the only way to destroy one of Pucci’s discs is to put them into a host and have the host die with the disc inside. What the Discs actually do varies depending on what kind of disc is used. Most often shown is Whitesnake compacting the memories and Stand (the soul) of a person into Discs and stealing them; the Discs can then be inserted into other people, granting them access to the memories or Stand contained by the Disc (although Stands can reject incompatible hosts, like Star Platinum rejecting Jolyne). The now Disc-less person will fall into a comatose state, during which their bodily processes will shut down and their bodies will begin to decay. Restoration of the Discs is the only cure; restoring only the Stand will leave the person alive, but lacking in any memories whatsoever, even basic functions, and restoring only the memories will still leave the individual soulless and dying. Whitesnake has also been shown to be capable of creating discs from his own body with orders imprinted into them; inserting these discs into a host, such as a prison guard or a bird, will force them to carry out those orders no matter what. Pucci has also been shown to remove his eyesight as discs, which leaves the question of whether he can remove more bodily functions, or do it to other people.
Illusion Mist: Whitesnake is capable of generating, through unknown means, a misty gas of some sort. The gas induces stupor and unconsciousness in those it envelops, making them experience vivid dreams to prevent them from realising they’ve even fallen asleep. While the victim dreams, the mist will slowly collect on their bodies and congeal into a white goo with powerful acidic properties, slowly dissolving the victims like stomach acid, just like a snake as it swallows prey. During this time, Whitesnake is free to snatch the victim’s Discs and leave them to die, a gruesome fate that took Emporio Alnino’s mother, as well as others before her. The mist can also be used to create illusions outside of dreams, as seen when FF tricked Whitesnake by making attack his own reflection in the mist, or Whitesnake wrapping the mist around himself and disguising himself as Weather Report.
Mind Control: Only seen once, Whitesnake is capable of ramming his fingers through the skull of a victim (in this case, Annasui) and taking control of their mind. In this state, the victim’s free will is eradicated, forcing them to do whatever Pucci tells them to do so long as Whitesnake’s fingers stay jammed in their brain.
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Destructive Power: Zero Speed: B Range: B Durability: ? Precision: ? Development Potential: ?
C-Moon is the next step in Whitesnake’s Pokemon evolution. Created by Whitesnake fusing the biological matter of the Green Baby and the fragment of Dio’s The World contained within into his body, C-Moon is undoubtedly a very dangerous Stand.
Strength: Don’t let Araki’s stats and Annasui’s comments fool you: C-Moon is immensely strong.With the already formidable strength of Whitesnake supplemented by The World’s power, C-Moon’s power leaves little room for mistakes when fighting him. His strength doesn’t seem to diminish as he moves away from Pucci, as C-Moon, while at least 50 metres away from Pucci, is shown to hit Jolyne and her Stand so hard the impact crumpled the ticket booth wall underneath her. Later, C-Moon punches both of Jolyne’s arms so hard they bend at very, very unhealthy angles, and before that, a classic Muda Muda from C-Moon demolishes a steel support column like tissue paper. Jolyne is pretty lucky she dodged most of C-Moon’s hits during their 1v1, because the fight would’ve been over much quicker if she hadn’t. And just in case you were wondering, C-Moon’s surface inversion takes a few moments to take effect, so all the damage listed here was purely a result of C-Moon’s raw strength. His Destructive Power is listed as ‘Zero’ or ‘None’, but that doesn’t indicate a lack of strength: it could be that C-Moon’s Destructive Power is so high that it lacks an appropriate rating altogether.
Independence: Although he doesn’t express his emotions as much as he used to, C-Moon is still capable of thinking and acting separately from Pucci. During his fight with Jolyne, C-Moon demonstrates critical thinking, using his environment and his powers to his advantage, and displays some pretty sweet MMA fighting skills. He also talks a few times, if only to inform Jolyne he’s going to kill her, and to tell Annasui to fuck off, essentially.
Range: C-Moon seems to have a range greatly exceeding that of his previous form, being at least 50 metres away from Pucci at one stage. His gravity field also extends roughly 3 kilometres.
Physical Body: Easily C-Moon’s most bizarre trait is his seemingly organic form. Jolyne is capable of hitting him by herself, without using her Stand, which shouldn’t be possible; C-Moon is also shown to bleed from injuries sustained, and said injuries don’t pass on to Pucci. Additionally, C-Moon is almost never shown levitating, as most Stands do, and he is never summoned partially; his body is always whole when manifesting, unlike some Stands who can appear as just an arm or the upper body. Given that he evolved when Pucci absorbed the Green Bay, and the fact that all that organic tissue had to go somewhere, it may well be that C-Moon is one of the only Stands with a fully tangible organic body.
Gravity Inversion Field: With Pucci as the centre, C-Moon can invert gravity in all directions away from Pucci, essentially forcing everything to fll away from him. The field has a radius of roughly 3km, extending outwards, so anything that attempting to enter the field will find itself pushing back out until they leave the field.
Gravity Manipulation: C-Moon has also shown the ability to redirect gravity at will, at least within a short distance of himself. The strength and direction of this seems to be under C-Moon’s control, as he used gravity to slam Jolyne’s arm down, crumpling the ticket booth under her (this is after the aforementioned hit, see the Strength section), and when he flung concrete tiles at Annasui at high speed by flinging them via gravity manipulation. The extent of this ability is unknown, but as long as he keeps using it to beat up Annasui, it’s fine by me.
Surface Inversion: C-Moon’s most infamous ability is Surface Inversion. The lightest touch from C-Moon’s hands can cause an object to have its gravitational centre invert itself, causing said object to quickly and violently turn inside out. This usually causes catastrophic structural damage to the object in question, like a ticket booth or Jolyne’s fingers. The effect can be reversed by C-Moon touching it again, but the damage done will remain. The power can be used strategically, as seen with C-Moon using it to change the terrain to destabilise his opponent and put himself in a better position. However, Surface Inversion really shines as an offensive power; the slightest graze from one of C-Moon’s punches turned Jolyne Kujo’s fingers inside out, crippling her hand, and a full force open-handed stab to her chest resulted in her heart turning inside out, reversing her blood flow and cutting off the oxygen to her brain (as if the massive blood loss and shock wasn’t enough). Even if he wasn’t so physically strong, C-Moon is an extremely dangerous Stand to go toe-to-toe with.
Time Acceleration: In the Jailbreak arc, we see Pucci, sick and in pain, as his Stand struggles to cope with the changes it’s undergoing. He states that it is no longer Whitesnake, indicating that this was when the transition to C-Moon was starting, and that it was no longer under his control. During this time, Pucci briefly touches a woman while helping her with her groceries; the thumb of his Stand, with the same blackstripe/GACT markings as C-Moon, appears and activates its power. The woman’s watch starts to spin at blinding speeds, and her fingernails grow dramatically in less than a second; the eggs she was holding all hatch into chicks, and worst of all, the whole left half of her baby son’s body is instantly accelerated into a full-grown adult man. This was just a precursor to Made in Heaven’s power, but since it accelerates objects on contact, and at such a massive rate, this ‘weaker’ version may be even worse... especially since it’s out of Pucci’s control.
Time Stop(?): It’s important to remember that Whitesnake absorbed a fragment of The World’s power when he evolved into C-Moon. This affected more than just his powers and his appearance; after being exposed to Jotaro’s time stop just twice, Pucci was noted to be able to move his eyes and look around in the stopped time, allowing him to make note of and -mostly- avoid the spear Jotaro threw at him. Considering that this development mimics Jotaro’s own development of time stopping during his fight with DIO, there is a very real possibility that C-Moon, given time and enough exposure to the stopped time, could have developed The World’s ability to stop time himself. As if he wasn’t OP enough already, right?
Tumblr media
Destructive Power: B Speed: Infinite Range: C Durability: A Precision: C Development Potential: A
The final stage in Whitesnake’s evolution and the final step in DIO’s master plan, Made in Heaven is, simply put, one of the most powerful Stands in existence.
Strength: Made in Heaven’s strength is still as impressive as his previous two forms, capable of bending back a palm tree with his bare hands (anyone who has tried to bend a palm tree will know this isn’t easy). His speed, combined with his strength, lends his blows a cleanliness not present in his previous forms; where Whitesnake’s strikes would roughly chop off a limb, Made in Heaven can slice through flesh and bone like a scalpel, as seen with Ermes Costello’s arms, or Jotaro Kujo’s entire head. His strength is also enough for him to be able to stab Annasui through the chest... with another Stand’s hand. He also seems to be able to lift Pucci, not unlike The World and Star Platinum did for their users in Cairo, allowing Pucci to move through the air; it’s possible, however, that Made in Heaven just threw him instead.
Range: Made in Heaven’s physical range is severely reduced, never being seen to leave Pucci’s side. However, the range of his time acceleration affects the entire universe, which is pretty impressive.
Independence(?): Made in Heaven never speaks, and is almost never seen without a calm, almost serene expression on his face, so we have little proof of him having the same sentience he had in his previous forms. However, he does exhibit frustration and anger at times, and he busts out a mean slasher smile when murdering Jolyne Kujo, so it’s up for debate really.
Time Acceleration: A vastly more powerful version of the ability possessed by C-Moon, Made in Heaven can manipulate gravity on a universal scale to speed up time exponentially. The rate at which time speeds up increases over time; early on, an hour is observed to pass in roughly two minutes, and by the time the acceleration is nearing its peak, clothes dissolve to tatters in seconds and rocks can be seen eroding in the water. Any living thing possessing a body block is unaffected by the time acceleration; bacteria and microorganisms carry on at lightning speed, but humans and animals will be left behind to behave at normal speeds. The acceleration can even affect Stand abilities, as noted by Jotaro, whose time stop was reduced in length by Pucci’s power. Speaking of Pucci, he is the exception that proves the rule; he himself is affected by the acceleration, zooming around at blinding speed. Although he isn’t technically moving faster (he’s moving at his normal speed, just over a shorter time frame), the fact that everyone else is left behind means that Pucci may as well be moving at super speed, making him almost impossible to fight.
Universal Overwrite: The concept that time has an ‘end point’ is one of the driving concepts behind Made in Heaven. The ‘end point’ in question is the point in time where time ends, loops around and starts all over again, exactly the same as the first. Made in Heaven’s acceleration hastens the cycle and brings about the reset of the universe in a matter of minutes, creating what we can call the ‘Pucciverse’. However, this overwrite functions a little like overwriting a file on a computer; once the loading bar fills up (time reaching the point where Pucci initially began accelerating), the old file is completely overwritten and can’t be retrieved, but if the loading bar is interrupted (Pucci dying before the loop completes), the old file will be restored (the old universe returning). This is the universe we see at the end of Part 6; the original universe is still here, and Parts 1-5 still happened, but something changed so that Part 6 never did, and the main cast lived different lives with different names. Why this happened isn’t clear.
Soul Memorisation: Although living things aren’t affected by the acceleration, their souls are; as time speeds up, their souls will memorise everything that should have happened to them in their lifetime. Then, once the timeline loops around and starts again, all humans will have memorised, in their souls, every single event that can occur in their lifetime. This grants them a weird ‘future sense’ like a really powerful feeling of deja vu. The principle behind this is Pucci’s philosophy of ‘peace of mind’, the idea that if humans always knew what was going to happen to them, good or bad, they would have time to come to terms with it and be at peace. This is Pucci’s idea of Heaven: a world where mankind can know its own fate and be at peace with itself. If one should die during or before the acceleration, that’s fine; their souls will still carry across into the Pucciverse, but they’re now locked into their fate. The only person exempt from this rule is Pucci, who can move and manipulate people’s fates as he pleases. Additionally, if someone is killed directly by Made in Heaven, their soul will be left behind, and their role in the time stream will be filled by a similar, but fundamentally different individual, as seen by the strange Not-Jolyne and Not-Jotaro Emporio found in GDSt. Should Pucci be killed and the Pucciverse collapse, however, those souls will be restored along with the original universe, albeit with different names and lives.
And that’s the end, folks! Hope you enjoyed it, because it took me nearly three hours to get this all typed out! If any of you learned something from this, I can consider my job done. Have a good one!
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rattatatouie · 7 years
Heres a Thread of Anime Recommendations Because Friends Always Ask:
To start with, these are just my opinions and I haven’t watched every anime in the world. So if you have other recommendations, add them!
BEGINNER ANIMES: Most beginner animes I particularly like are pretty long (100-300 episodes) but I have a few that are not. I genuinely don't remember the first anime I watched, but these are my recommendations
Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden: Naruto and Naruto Shippuden pretty much go together for me. Naruto doesn’t start out the best, a lot of the characters turn you off because they are either really whiny or just all broody which isn’t particularly my cup of tea, but by around episode 20 (the start of the Konoha Crush arc) you are HOOKED. Naruto Shippuden, on the other hand, is good from the start and is (in my opinion) why I still love the series as a whole to this day. Naruto was one of my first anime, so I will always have a special place in my heart for it.
Great characters
Excellent character development
Awesome plot 
Lots of action (once you get into it)
Fight/background music is great
Comes in dubbed and subbed 
Not the best theme songs (not a problem for me in particular but I didn���t want to leave that out)
Fight scenes are pretty long 
Long series in general
Tons of filler episodes
Helpful Hint: Look up the filler episodes if you watch this series. It makes the series a lot shorter and saves you from bullshit plots plots that don’t particularly add to the story
Hunter x Hunter (2011): I haven’t finished this series yet and haven’t gotten that far into it, but I really like it so far. The whole plot is interesting and easy to follow and just a wholesome show in general. 
(as I mentioned earlier) Easy to follow
Great characters
Shorter fight scenes 
Interesting plot 
Currently releasing dubbed and the voice actors aren’t Shit are perfect for the characters
Good background music *cues spanish guitar*
Good fight scenes
A Relatively long series (not a bad thing but you just have to invest a lot of time into it)
Hard to get hooked (the first arc is slow) 
Constant hiatus 
Chimera Ant arc dragged on for too long
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is genuinely one of the best animes I ever watched. Everything about this show is great and I cant give it enough love. 
Fights were perfect length
Characters are likeable (even a lot of the villains to be honest)
Good character development
Not an obscene amount of romance (I’m looking at you, Sword Art Online)
Plot is great
Perfect show length
Subbed and dubbed
The First Episode is Slightly Confusing 
Pokemon: I watched this show when I was a kid, either Naruto or this show was probably my first anime but I’m not sure. It’s a pretty good show but isn’t my favorite of all time. I still think it’s a good start into the anime world, though
Genuinely funny characters
The pokemon weren’t “boring”– They had personalities of their own and made the show a lot more entertaining at times
Great movies
Antagonists are charismatic
Dubbed and subbed
Plot is pretty basic
Boring at times 
The newer seasons aren’t that good
Fights aren’t that great
Characters weren’t that complex
Overrun (in my personal opinion) 
Quite long
Attack on Titan: I genuinely liked Attack on Titan for a long time before cancerous fans started polluting my feed. I still watch it (I haven’t watched all of season 2 yet, though, oops) and I do really like the show. I just some of the toxic fans.
Good plot
Fights aren’t drawn out usually
Great plot
Dubbed and subbed
Still coming out 
Amazing art
Good opening
Eren (the main character) comes off as an Asshole is angry 90% of the time (which is understandable, but annoying)
Mikasa (the main characters friend) is very whiny 
A lot of the character’s you see all the time are really underdeveloped  
Many fans are toxic
Takes a long time for new Seasons to come out
HONORABLE MENTIONS IN THIS CATEGORY (aka stuff I haven’t watched/ watched a lot of but everyone “raves” about
Dragon Ball Z
One Punch Man 
Assasination Classroom 
One Piece
Madoka Magica
SCI-FI/PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR: I personally haven’t watched a lot of psychological horror/sci-fi even though I want to. This is probably because my life has been consumed with rewatching animes I have been watching other stuff instead. Anyhow, here are my favorites:
Death Note: I love this anime a lot. The plot, the characters, the everything. I haven’t watched it in a couple of years, but is for sure on my top 10 list even still today.
Great character development
Great plot
Makes the watcher think
Dubbed and subbed
Normal Length (about 40 episodes)
Some of the characters are annoying (by some I mean one in particular)
Complex plot (not a con for me but a lot of people prefer easy-to-follow anime)
Dubbed voice actors don’t really go with the characters (also not a problem for me because I usually prefer subbed over dubbed)
First episode doesn’t “hook” you in 
Parasyte: I haven’t watched a lot of this show so I cant particularly criticize it as much as the others just because I haven’t watched the whole thing. But from what I’ve watched, it seems like a decent show. 
Decent length 
Interesting plot
Pretty easy to follow
Good character development
Subbed and dubbed
“Hooks” you in quite easily
Opening is a bop
I don’t have any huge cons about it so far, all I could really say is that its “gruesome” but then again I haven’t watched a sci-fi/psychological horror one that isn’t like that 
Tokyo Ghoul: Another anime I haven’t finished, but I have read a lot of the manga and do genuinely enjoy the show. It has all of the elements I like in a show and more. I just haven’t watched enough of it because I am already watching 2 anime’s and don’t want to completely flunk out of college.
Great plot 
Characters are interesting
Easy to follow 
Subbed and dubbed 
Decent length
Dubbed isn’t the best
First episode was pretty fast paced
Cowboy Bebop
Code Geass
ROMANCE/SLICE OF LIFE ANIME: I feel like these go hand and hand. A lot of these could go under a “fantasy” tab but I honestly haven’t watched a lot of fantasy that weren’t also “romance” or “sci-fi”. This tab is going to show how hopelessly romantic I am, oh my God.
Also, keep in mind most of these will be relatively short (12-24 episodes) just because 
Nijiiro Days: This genuinely is such a funny and great slice-of-life anime. The friendship and the different personalities of the guys in this show is so great. I watched it earlier this year, and it has become one of my favorite slice-of-lifes of all time.
Decent length 
Characters are interesting 
Easy to follow
Not the typical “romance” anime (theres not a bunch of unnecessary drama, no unreasonable jealousy, etc)
Can feel a bit repetitive at times
There isn’t a lot of “character development”: most of the characters stay the same 
Hanasaku Iroha: I haven’t watched all of this show, but I love it so far. It’s unlike any slice- of life I’ve seen before. Theres not a huge amount of romance in it, it’s mostly about the the relationships the main character develops throughout the show. 
Decent characters
Interesting plot
Not a stereotypical “slice of life anime”
Decent length
Great art 
Subbed only
Isn’t an anime you can binge
Some of the characters are assholes rude to the main character for genuinely no reason other than jealousy
Nana: A great romance anime that leaves you in shambles. It has some great bops in it. It takes everything you thought you knew about romance anime and completely turns it around and makes you wonder “why?”
A lot more realistic than most romance animes
Dubbed and subbed 
Good music
Decent characters and character development
Can feel repetitive at the beginning
First few episodes aren’t that great
Makes Rethink Everything you Once Thought About Love
A lot of jealousy
Durarara!: I watched this anime early last year and really liked it. I have to admit that I didn’t like the second season as much as the first, but it was all really interesting to me. I didn’t know if this was considered sci-fi or romance, but I decided to put it under this category anyways. 
 Hooks you in easily
Characters are interesting 
Has some character development 
Some episodes are quite boring/uneventful
Second season isn’t that great
Ao Haru Ride: Not my favorite anime of all time, but still deserves to be on the list. It’s genuinely the typical School Romance Anime. I bet a lot of people would like this series, I think I didn’t like it because I went through a breakup right before watching this series. 
Characters have decent backstories
Art is pretty
Average length
Characters can be quite annoying and are pretty “typical” people
So much unnecessary jealousy
Feels drawn out 
Kaichou wa Maid Sama: I walked into this anime expecting not to really like it, and was pleasantly surprised.  I honestly thought it was going to be lolita trash but it was so much more. I love the manga and wished that they made the whole manga into an anime, but, alas, you cant always get what you want.
Makes you scream because of how cute it is  
Great plot 
Dubbed and subbed
Not the stereotypical “romantic comedy”
Not the whole series
Dubbed isn’t great
The main Character can come off as annoying 
Yona of the Dawn: I loved Yona of the Dawn, other than the fact Pierrot didn’t do the whole manga. Because of this, I recommend reading the manga after you finish the 24 episode series, because so much more happens.
Decent length
Subbed and dubbed 
Great plot 
So much action
 Action sequences don’t take up an entire episode 
Easy to get hooked on
Adorable as a whole 
Great art
Not all of the dubbed actors fit the characters
Not the whole manga (by “whole” I mean all thats been currently released)
Antagonist has a stupid reason for going after the protagonist (in my opinion)
Ended the series without a great conclusion
Kamisama Kiss: I also wasn’t expecting great things from this, I thought looking at it that it was kind of strange because it’s literally a fox human, but my friend made me watch it, and I was blown away. This series made me cry more times than I care to admit. The whole series as a whole is just magnificent. 
Great plot
Really sweet
Warms your heart
Dubbed and Subbed
Dubbed actors are perfect for the characters
Easy to binge
Although it’s not the whole series, it concludes at a good spot
First episode doesn’t hook you in
Not the whole series
Snow White with the Red Hair: I watched this series earlier this year and really enjoyed it. I only had a few issues with it as a whole, and they are just minor things. If you are interested in fantasy and romance, you should start with this or Kamisama Kiss.
Relatively short
Great characters
Excellent art
Warms your heart 
Easy to binge
Dubbed and subbed 
Dubbed voice actors fit the characters perfectly
Easy to binge
Some of the Episodes aren’t Interesting 
Not the whole series (I recommend reading the manga)
Ends without any real conclusion
Lovely Complex: Lovely Complex has a special place in my heart as the first romantic comedy I watched at age 12. I’ve rewatched it once when I was 14, and let me tell you, if you romantic comedy, this is it. I don’t think I’d like it as much if I rewatched it now, but it still deserves to be on the list because it has a special place in my heart.
Really sweet (when you get farther in to the series)
Easy to binge
Relatively short
Characters can come off as whiny
So much unnecessary drama
Doesn’t “hook” you in per se 
Characters are pretty bland
Toradora!: I wasn’t amazed with Toradora!, I did like it though. Toradora! is just a run-of-the-mill romantic comedy I’d probably watch in middle school. Although it didn’t stand out in my life, I think a lot of people would still like it, and I have to give it credit where credits due.
Short in length
Easy to binge
Dubbed and subbed
Typical romantic comedy story
Characters aren’t that interesting to me
So much unnecessary drama 
Unreasonable Jealousy 
Your Lie in April: Such a great show. Like genuinely I am amazed how unique and bittersweet this whole show was. I watched this last year on a whim and by the ending I was shocked and crying. 
Excellent art
Excellent music
Great plot 
Some interesting characters
Hooks you in
Some characters personalities are kind of bland
Isn’t good to binge (please, trust me, take it slow, or else you’ll contemplate the show for too long)
There are some episodes that are kind of meh if you don’t particularly like music  if you don’t like music, this show is not for you
Kimi ni Todoke: Really a pretty sweet show. I liked that the minor characters and main character a lot more than the main characters love interest. The show, all in all, is pretty good if you’re looking for something basic to watch.
Easy to follow 
Decent length
Decent plot
A few of the characters are bland
Pretty generic
Second season is just a bunch of drama
Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun: I think I watched this pretty soon after Lovely Complex. Decent show, all in all, just a few issues with it. It reminds me a lot of Toradora!. 
Easy to follow
Average length
Some interesting characters
Generic plot 
A lot of unnecessary jealousy 
A lot of drama 
Main character and love interest get annoying at times
Say “I love you”:  This was a decent show. I really liked it when I first watched it, but didn’t really like it the second time. I feel like most romantic animes you can only watch once, then it kind of loses its charm. 
Easy to follow
Gets straight to the point
Warms your heart
Most of the girls in the show are really realistic
Relationship is unrealistic (but we can dream, right?)
Guys in the show are pretty bland
A lot of unnecessary drama
Generic Plot
Silver Spoon: Silver Spoon is a slice-of life anime that I went into with no real expectations. I honestly just chose to watch it because it was the only thing I found interesting on netflix at the time and decided to watch it on a whim. Let me tell you, this is genuinely one of my favorite slice-of-life animes of all time. The characters are great, the plot is great, and I honestly can’t believe it doesn’t get more attention.
Not that long
Great plot
Interesting characters
Hard to get in to
Takes a while to get hooked
Ouran Highschool Host Club: I didn’t know if I should put this under the romantic comedy section, but it for sure has comedy. This show sounds extremely weird when you read the summary, I know, but trust me, it’s hilarious. I genuinely love this show and it’s characters with all my heart and wish they made more of it.
Average length
Great characters 
Great plot
Can honestly watch any episode of the series in any order and get the same result (minus the 1st and last 3)
Theme song is a bop
Hooks you in easily
Not the whole series
Can feel a bit repetitive at times
Not the best conclusion
Princess Jellyfish
Spice and Wolf
Fruits Basket
Kokoro Connect
Sorry this is so long! I didn’t realize how many animes I thought were decent. I’ll make a separate thread for movies sometime soon so I dont make this any longer. I hope this helped a lot of you guys out!
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houseofswords · 5 years
Eric Nye
Theme song / Moodboard Divinity: Balaur (knowledge, memory, identity, names, protection, ritual magic)
Full name: Eric David Nye Gender: Male Age: 46 Birthday: 20th November
Myers-Briggs: ENFJ Zodiac: Scorpio Tarot card: The Magician
Nationality: Canadian Birthplace: Vancouver, British Columbia
Sexuality: Bisexual (closeted) Relationship status: Lonely
Occupation: Manager (previously: theatre actor)
Height: 6’2” Weight: 155lbs
Hair: Auburn, straight and wiry. Kept short and parted. Eye colour: Honey brown
Physical characteristics: Tall, lanky, often described as a scarecrow, with awkward limbs and big hands and feet. His face is long and and sports a prominent hooked nose. He is very handsome, though he doesn’t think so himself. Other traits: Some scars on his arms and legs, most notably some gruesome surgical scars on his left leg. Tattoos: None
Clothes: He likes to dress well and wears neat, ironed shirts, black dress pants and shoes and a waistcoat out of the house. When home, he rolls up the sleeves and may wear a sweater vest in the cold.
Personality: Calm and quiet, he’s slow to anger and lets most things roll off him with a shrug. A caring person at heart, if cautious and ‘by the books’, he’ll always leap to take charge and look after others first. He’s sensible and has a good head on his shoulders—sometimes he feels like he’s the only one. Regrets and past mistakes weigh heavily on him and he can become distant and bitter, and, in the end, he’ll always do what has to be done.
Motives: Eric wants to atone for past mistakes but doesn’t even know where to begin. He’s too afraid of what people will think of him to admit the things he’s tone, preventing him from being able to apologise and move on. He does his best to hide the horrors of the theatre and keep people safe, but knows that in doing so he’s just allowing it to become a self-fulfilling cycle and feels trapped as a result.
Values: Eric is a just and righteous man, but makes the mistake of assigning numbers and values to his morals. It’s better for one person to die than five, and better to commit a small evil for a greater good. He believes that curiosity is humanity’s greatest vice and goes to great lengths to discourage it in those around him—those who play with fire will just get burnt.
Fears: Deathly afraid of spiders, no matter how small. He’s terrified of the thought of dying alone, with no one to care about him or even remember his name, and spends more time worrying about what others think of him than his cool exterior would imply.
Weaknesses: If he does lose his cool, Eric grows flustered and often blurts out things he doesn’t mean, coming to add them to his pile of regrets later. He has difficulty admitting when he’s wrong and dislikes it when his authority is challenged.
Quirks: He habitually straightens his clothes or runs a hand through his hair when nervous or agitated—’ruffling his feathers’ as some call it. He smiles with his eyes more than his mouth. At times he can become distant, gazing far away at memories that still weigh heavily on his shoulders. He often feels compelled to write down what he sees on a day to day basis and keeps a diary as a result.
Skills: Trained first aider who remains calm under fire. Excellent management skills, both with time and people. People look up to him as a leader and a role model, even if they don’t particularly like him or his methods. He’s very good at masking his true feelings under a smile. He has a green thumb and is good with words, whether he’s speaking or writing.
Hobbies: Gardening, growing roses, writing, rearranging the decorations in his house, reading, watching period dramas on TV.
Powers: — Eidetic memory, able to recall past events with striking accuracy. He can remember any face he sees and any name he’s told, whether he wants to or not, even recognising people that he met as children many, many years ago. — Power over names and identity, able to strip a person of their name and being and assign a new one. He can erase memories or force someone to relive them. — Limited reality warping. He can place blessings and protective wards by writing down possible harm and burning it, ensuring that it does not come to pass. He can also cancel curses and other harmful magic by simply writing it out of reality. — Though it isn’t his specific domain, he has some power over fire due to its importance in ritual magic. He can strike with a burning touch, light fires with his fingertips and conceal himself with smoke.
Favourite music: Whitesnake, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Elton John. He also enjoys relaxing to soft jazz. Favourite films: Pride and Prejudice, Les Misérables, Titanic, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, Schindler’s List Favourite food: Chocolate, coffee, tea, pistachios, croissants Favourite animal: As much as people tease him for his resemblance to them, he’s very fond of owls. He also likes cats and has a ginger tom called Puck. Favourite colour: Robin’s egg blue. Also likes scarlet and tends to be associated with it more. Likes: Flowers, historical dramas, the smell of old books, the sounds typewriters make, when people actually listen to him and don’t get themselves into trouble Dislikes: Being interrupted or talked over, people who dog-ear the pages of books, tea, pineapples, SPIDERS
Misc. info: Eric did three years in med school, but ended up dropping out to pursue dreams of being an actor instead. His left knee was broken at some point in the past and now he walks with a heavy limp.
Superhuman: Eric is Ghostwriter, one of only a few superhumans gifted with sorcery. An ill-fated clash with the rogue agent Cage leaves him unfit for duty and resigned to pushing pencils for the rest of his career, and he finds himself trying to fill the void in his life by taking the mysterious ‘Angel’ under his wing. Victorian Gothic: Professor Eric Nye is somewhat of a celebrity in the world of academia, famed for his pharmaceuticals and remedies. What his colleagues don’t know is that he leads the double life of an adventurer, disappearing overseas on perilous quests from which he might not return. Dead in the Water: The infamous pirate Eric Nye is afflicted with a terrible curse: he can’t go on land without burning everything he touches. He’s pursued by a bounty hunter who won’t rest until he’s dead. Swords and Sorcery: Eric ran from his duties as a healer in the king’s army to lead a quiet life as an alchemist in a small, remote town. He thought that would be the end of fighting and bloodshed for him, until destiny came knocking. Gotta Catch Em All: Every region has its Pokemon Professor. Professor Nye is busy studying the effects of humans on Pokemon and their habitat when poachers threaten to destroy all of his research, potentially damaging the region’s fragile ecosystem forever. Blood and Wine: People think of street shootouts and gang warfare when talking of the Prohibition, but someone has to be the brains behind the operation. That’s Eric’s job. He handles the numbers, Mike handles the bullets. Behind the Lines: In war, not everyone is a soldier. Eric is a spy planted deep within the German information network. Or, he was. Circumstances necessitated a hasty escape, and he’s forced to join a ragtag group of soldiers making their way to Switzerland for his own protection. Apocalypse Now: A wandering book collector dedicated to preserving the last of the old world’s knowledge, Eric will trade books and other documents for food and medicine.
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