#its also v funny that kabuto is like tee hee ill keep the undead with their feelings and like never once has it benefited him
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
Naruto shippuden things that made me lose my mind (ep 261-281):
There's something very funny to me abt everyone being like: the 3rd was a good man! Meanwhile danzo is in the backyard setting up child death matches
Resurected Zabuza: kakashi! I thought I told u to send me to hell!
I'm gonna be mad if I don't get to see gaara beat the piss out of his undead father
Haishi Huuga: I can differentiate the adept soldiers with the byakugan *cut to a normal looking dude in a sea of white monsters*
Kurama was once attacked by twin ninja, swallowed them, and instead of dying they spent 2 weeks eating his internal organs... thereby acquiring his power...?
Hanzo: when I was a boy, the poison sack of a salamander was implanted into my abdomen. So now I gotta wear this gas mask so I dont go around poisoning everyone including myself (fucking what? Hello?)
Asuma: choij isn't a coward. He's kind. And one day that kindness will be a ninja weapon (ok asuma, it was good to see u again, pls die)
Iruka: time to stop lying, naruto's not stupid. Naruto, I think of u as a little brother. Naruto, don't have to bear a world of suffering on your shoulders. Naruto, if ur reading this: come back alive, no matter what (IRUKAAaaaAaaaAa i lov u so much 😭)
Fuck everyone for trying to make iruka naruto's captor. Like logistically I get it but if iruka hadn't left him that note it would have been one more fucking betrayal to add the the fucking pile
Also why did naruto eat Iruka's note? That was weird.
I am not immune to the crazy eye child sasuke scene
Team 8: how did yamato kno hinata's in love with naruto?! (bc he's not a moron? How tf does anyone not kno that?)
Deidara: this immortal body doesn't match my aesthetic
Kurotsuchi pretending to be sasuke: where's naruto? I'm only interested in naruto *runs away* (wow, dead on lmao)
OK so all the shinobi leave for war and a bunch of sumo guys turn up outside konoha and start punching the children. Fucking what?
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