#its also the blatant lack of understanding and engagement with the code that pisses me off beyond belief
podkopayayva · 4 months
am i dumb or is it literally appalling that not a single senior has attempted to separate themselves from the absolutely massive pool of middling US all arounders by heavily specializing in an event? a single knockout bars/beam specialist - hell, even a bars OR beam specialist - could lock their spot on the team just by virtue of being the only non-simone athlete that could seriously contend for an event gold medal. it's almost like nobody is thinking about any sort of strategy? there's not an ounce of higher level thinking going into anybody's gymnastics? it just feels like a "score as many points as possible by producing generic, solid routines on every single event that fail to make a case for how you differ from any other single gymnast doing the exact same thing" fest. like what the hell is up with that? i've never been so bored in my life by this year's crop of gymnasts and it pisses me off that they dedicate their entire lives to this sport and don't even attempt to view it from any sort of strategic level
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