#its also Really not great for a lot of critters slime coats for the same reason.
bitchfitch · 2 years
With your water quality issues and also you being an aquarist, have you considered a reverse osmosis unit? We got one for ~150 bucks that lives under the kitchen sink and hooks up to the sink spout. Big initial investment and kind of a hassle to set up each time you use it, but we have clean water for drinking and clean water for our frogs/aquariums. Also paid for itself pretty quickly since we weren’t buying distilled water every week for the critters.
I have, but unfortunately reverse osmosis water isn't great for a Lot of things. The water being completely clear of minerals and other misc dissolved solids makes it hypotonic, meaning that when drunk or used in a lot of tanks, it can draw necessary minerals and compounds out of the body. I already struggle with some hashtag Deficits, so adding RO to that would require extensive chemical and mineral treatments to be added to the water after filtration.
I am going to be installing a proper filtering system in the new place when i finally get around to it, but since I don't do coral tanks, RO would be way overkill and not at all safe for me or my animals.
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