#its all just cloutchasing and hoping to get booked and start an influencer life lol
uglypastels ยท 1 year
My friend keeps telling me to watch love island and all those reality shows but my second hand embarrassment and cringe is real ๐Ÿ˜…
Ngl it got a bit better at the end of the first episode (and then the twist made it worse) but their introductions made me want to crawl into a hole. And i mean, that makes sense because they're literally nobodies entering a giant mansion full of cameras and strangers, expect some awkwardness, but just the conversations they get into from the get-go ๐Ÿ’€
My biggest take-away however is that no 20something y/o should be out there already looking for marriage. Especially if you've barely dated before. Like high pressure environments and public voting will not find you a soul mate, mate. Its all so fucking dystopian
My biggest problem/takeaway rho, watching the first episode of the latest series, is that they aren't on an island
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