#its a rainy summers day full of HUMIDITY but ALAS!!!!!!
queenofbaws · 3 months
So...how do you feel about revisiting some outlast au climbing chrash this bright summers day? ...for no particular reason at all I assure you ;P
"So...rock, paper, scissors does it?"
Even though he didn't need to, Chris slowly turned his head to look at Josh, scanning his face for any sign of a joke. God help him, he didn't see any: He was perfectly deadpan, though already holding a plaintive fist in the air, his eyes not on him, not on Ashley, but on the...well, there really wasn't a better way to say it...grim effigy of all the things broken and curdled within the walls of Mount Massive. He let his own eyes rest on the terrible thing for a moment, then moved them back to Josh, then to Ashley, then to Josh again, desperate to make the math work.
"L-Lemme get this straight...you want us...to play rock, paper, scissors...to decide who moves the bloody torso with a bunch of surgical tools where its head should be, a-a-am I getting that right?!"
Unmoved, Ashley raised her own fist; "We go on 'shoot.'"
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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