#its 4:28 am as im typing these tags out
deers-doodles · 1 year
Yknow I've been wondering smth recently. Does anyone else like, ship their lamb with kallamar at all?? Because I remember asking in a server who I could ship my lamb with for more oc x canon stuff for me to make and someone said I could ship them kallamar. And ever since then I've been curious to know if anyone else ships their lamb with kally. 🤔
To be completely honest I don't think I've ever seen anyone else ship their lamb with kally- like I've seen the obvious narilamb everywhere, some occasional lamb x leshy and lamb x heket, and maybe even once a bit of lamb x shamura. But I don't think I've ever seen anyone do it with kally. I'm sure there's a tag full of the stuff but most of the time I either don't think about looking it up or I just straight up forget about it- yknow what imma finally look into this. Cause if I don't do now right after I'm done typing this I don't think I'll ever remember to check 💔😔
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propertyoftoru · 2 years
Tag game: Get to know me!
Thank you @abiaswreck for the tag! :] 🖤
1. Birthday?
8/11 (me and binnie are birthday twins)
2. Favorite color?
I'll say black but i dont really have a favorite!
3. How tall are you?
5’5 (and 3/4 thank you very much)
4. How many pair of shoes to you own?
somewhere around 14 idk i gave up on counting
5. Favorite song?
for skz probably ssick or easy but not skz probably ohio is for lovers by hawthorne heights
6. Favorite movie?
oh probably either the scream movies or unironically the twilight movies (theyre my childhood comfort movies)
7. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who makes me laugh and takes the time to understand me.
8. Do you want children?
I've said no for a really long time but i think if i met the right person and the circumstances were ideal then maybe.
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law?
Not really other than a few times of being a stupid teenager nothing serious though. Watching my parents screw up a lot when i was young probably had a lot to do with that.
10. What color socks are you wearing?
oh god i hate socks so much. i only wear them when i have to and not a second longer.
11. Favorite type of music?
this is such a cliché but i really do listen to everything. edm, pop, pop punk, metal, sad songs, happy songs, hell on occasion even a tiny bit of country (only carrie underwood lets not get carried away)
12. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2! One horizontal and one vertical. Kinda like a half body pillow i guess? idk i have to be hugging something to fall asleep.
13. What position do you sleep in?
im a diagnosed insomniac so really whatever position my body finally passes out in... there's a lot of tossing and turning most nights.
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping?
Bright lights (a tv or any sort of light on an appliance) or dead silence i need a fan or rain or SOMETHING.
15. Have you tried archery?
Yeah actually my grandfather used to take me hunting when i was younger. I never actually killed anything but i got pretty good at hitting cans and targets :]
16. Favorite fruit?
ohhhhh either strawberries or blackberries or pineapple... idk i love fruit so much.
17. Are you a good liar?
I can be when I have to be. I hate lying though it always brings drama and negative energy.
18. What’s your personality type?
19. Innie or outie?
20. Left or right handed?
Both! but I mostly use my right!
21. Favorite food?
Pineapple pizza (fight me Christopher Bang)
22. Favorite foreign food?
Oh my grandmother makes Jag on special occasions and its one of my favorites. Other than that as of recently ive been eating japchae so much i literally have a craving for it like every other day.
23. Are you clean or messy?
sigh. my room? depression disaster area. Everything else in my life? Severe OCD neat freak (im talking labels, sorted by color and size, the whole nine yards)
24. Most used phrase?
buh. it really has no meaning its just a sound i make about 200 times a day. i also swear like a sailor so if not buh then probably cunt or fuck.
25. How long does it take you to get ready?
Depends on where im going and whos gonna be there. anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minutes.
26. Do you talk to yourself?
Of course, im the funniest and smartest person i know. (on a real note my hyperactive imagination goes crazy so i spend most days rambling to myself about nonsense.)
27. Do you sing to yourself?
All day everyday like im in a fucking musical or something.
28. Are you a good singer?
Eh. ive been told i am but i think i could be decent if i took lessons.
29. Biggest fear?
Sharks/The ocean (its more a fear of the unknown because what the fuck even lives down there)
30. Are you a gossip?
Absolutely not. I learned my lesson in middle/high school that shit brings nothing but bad vibes and negative energy.
31. Long or short hair?
I wish i could say short because my hair drives me crazy most days but i also hate how i look with short hair so long i suppose.
32. Favorite school subject?
English or Criminal Justice/Forensics
33. Extrovert or introvert?
introvert but situational extrovert (ill be extroverted if theres someone more introverted than me solely because i cannot stand awkward tension) not quite an ambivert but somewhere close to one.
34. What make you nervous?
Groups of super outgoing people. I always get too afraid to talk in fear of ruining the flow of conversation or being talked over.
35. Who was your first crush?
idk probably justin bieber or nick jonas
36. How many piercings do you have?
4. Both of my ears and both of my nipples. i want to get my bellybutton done soon though.
37. How many tattoos do you have?
9 but im hoping to work on my leg sleeve again soon.
38. How fast can you run?
Depends on whos chasing me.
39. What color is your hair?
Brown right now. It was half black half blonde but i wanted to focus on getting my hair healthy for a while.
40. What color are your eyes?
Blue/Green/Gray depends on who you ask and the lighting in the room.
41. What makes you angry?
Not much im a pretty calm person but when im playing video games thats a different story.
42. Do you like your name?
No. My father chose it and i dont speak to him.
43. Do you want a boy to girl as a child?
IF i had a kid i would want a boy 100%. As someone whos mother had 3 babies when i was 16/17/18 i can confidently say little girls are the spawns of the devil and little boys are rays of sunshine.
44. What are your strengths?
Mental fortitude and my empathy for others.
45. What are your weaknesses?
I give second (and third and fourth) chances to people that do not deserve it.
46. What’s the color of your bedspread?
Light gray but i keep lots and lots of blankets around too.
47. What’s the color of your room?
Gray and dark blue.
Tagging for fun! Ignore if you don’t want it do it! Or ignore if you don’t feel comfortable!: @bbyquokka @lino-ppang @alphadisaster @aspenwritesstuff +anyone that wants to do this.
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virgeauxsun · 2 years
hello gamers. im here to participate in a silly little tag meme, and my vanity demands that i take any opportunity to talk about myself. if you suffer similarly, consider yourself "tagged." (ty for the tag @hiereiai <3 )
1. Favorite candy? reeesies mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
2. Favorite song? pork soda by glass animals
3. Favorite food? sushi mmmmmmmmmm
4. Favorite drink? water with cucumbers in it :)
5. Favorite band? Artist? i love u oingo boingo i love you glass animals i love you lady gaga
6. Favorite movie? repo!
7. Favorite book? night circus by erin morgenstern
8. Favorite restaurant? the little hibachi place by my house.
9. Favorite person? it would be in poor taste for me to say this
10. Favorite hair color? Eye color? red, brown
11. Favorite website? i am a tumblrina to my core
12. Favorite board game? Video game? stratego, vampire the masquerade bloodlines
13. Favorite sport to play? To watch? cheerleading, figure skating
14. Favorite school subject? i will always take a literature class 15. Favorite state? City? these questions are kind of silly
16. Favorite number? letter? 21, X
17. Favorite animal? snake!
18. Favorite TV show? nbc hannibal rewired me
19. Favorite quote? do you really want an out of context quote where i pretend to be smart. is that really what you want to hear.
20. Favorite nickname? dove :)
21. Favorite store? what are we shopping for? im materialistic to the point of detriment this is like asking me a favorite child
22. Favorite color? greem
23. Favorite article of clothing? jackets
24. Favorite type of perfume or cologne? i wear indigo by nest
25. Favorite memory from this year? i went to the beach with someone i love in june
26. Favorite age? i will forever be chasing the excitement of being freshly 18.
27. Favorite trait? this is so vague????? what do you Mean bro
28. Favorite music video?
29. Favorite time of day? dawn
30. Favorite Tumblr? mine <3
31. Favorite phone brand? i miss the blackberry era
32. Favorite shoe brand? docs
33. Favorite fashion style? romantic goth
34. Favorite pattern? ?????
35. Favorite gift? ?!?!?!?!?!?
36. Favorite humor? sanguine <3
37. Favorite chip brand? Flavor? tostitos hint of lime
38. Favorite band to see live? dismantle the ticketmaster inudstrial complex and then get back to me with this question
39. Favorite teacher ? this is a loaded question- ive wanted to know like half of my professors biblically
40. Favorite celebrity? too much of a hipster for that one sorry
41. Favorite news station? destiel confession posts
42. Favorite DIY? there's something so intimate about letting a friend pierce you
43. Favorite instrument? cello babygirl i miss playing you so bad
44. Favorite genre of music? industrial metal
45. Favorite season? summer makes me feel like a person
46. Favorite experience?
47. Favorite shirt? i feel so silly describing this. its this little corset top with ribbon for straps. i sometimes feel like a monster in my own body and this shirt manages to make me feel delicate.
48. Favorite bottoms? everyone in my group chat <3
49. Favorite interpretation of love? its always lovely to be cooked for/cook for someone...
50. Favorite existential thought? if i am thinking about existance i am probably not having a good time. i do not have a favorite.
51. Favorite scent? pussy <3
52. Favorite human interaction? girl........ these questions........
53. Favorite music genre? didnt you ask this already?? its still industrial metal.
54. Favorite compliment? ive been told im a charmer.
55. Favorite insult? ive been told im a people pleaser.
56. Favorite phone app? how many times must i remind you that i am a tumblrina
57. Favorite type of phone? whats up with these repeat questions. take me back to the blackberry era
58. Favorite reading position? laying in bed. my back b hortin
59. Favorite sex position? i dont think it has a name and i will not humiliate myself with a description
60. Favorite pair of shoes? my docs :)
61. Favorite animal? snake. again
62. Favorite body feature (on yourself)? tits r the only thing i have goin for me babe
63. Favorite body feature (on others)? faces as a whole. like how the features come together. i love you portraits i love you faces
64. Favorite YouTube video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oTZXwqQaDg&list=PLS1X-F1acPd-RmadUdR3L-TLB5Z1z03YW&index=10
65. Favorite YouTuber? jacob geller!
66. Favorite meme? :/
67. Favorite Tumblr post? i cant find the link but "thats pussy babe!"
68. Favorite typeface? graphic design is not my passion
69. Favorite selfie? take me to dinner first tumblr ask meme dear god
70. Favorite holiday? new years. i like fresh starts
71. Favorite computer brand? not apple thats for fucking sure
73. Favorite moment? what are these questions babygirl.
74. Favorite advice? communicate or end it
75. Favorite message you’ve ever received? "looking at your cosplays makes me need to eat kellogg's cereal"
76. Favorite message you’ve ever sent? im vain but im not this vain
77. Favorite outfit? junko enoshima cosplay.
78. Favorite aesthetic? unfortunately i do like vaporwave
79. Favorite musical instrument? cello we have been over this
80. Favorite car brand? the ones that go vroom
81. Favorite fandom? im not picking my poison
82. Favorite emoji? im on my computer but the two little hearts. its like im sending a stream of affection
83. Favorite hobby? i like to interior decorate
84. Favorite TV show character? father paul from midnight mass
85. Favorite book character? huh. most of the books ive read are like. more focused on the worldbuilding. i cant answer this
86. Favorite movie that’s coming out? do i look like i keep up with current movies
87. Favorite designer brand? i dont have one
88. Favorite dessert? cheemsecake :)
89. Favorite kink? dm me and find out <3
90. Favorite dance move? isnt dancing about how the moves come together to create something. all dance moves look silly in isolation
91. Favorite diet? girl fuck you
92. Favorite rap verse? 3 bears and 10000 rats (u aint ever get ur housing back)
93. Favorite drug? do i look like i do drugs
94. Favorite country? City? one day i will vacation to berlin
95. Favorite feeling? sitting in my bed warm and cozyyyyy
96. Favorite picture on the Internet?
Tumblr media
97. Favorite phone and/or computer background? luca balsa image. my babiest girl
98. Favorite weather? sunny and boiling hot. like over 100 degrees hot.
99. Favorite mode of transportation? i love trains
100. Favorite console? i still use my wii from 2007. my mario kart machine
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bbyquokka · 2 years
Tag game: Get to know me!
tagged by @propertyoftoru ‹3
1. Birthday?
11th august (yes, having the same birthday as binnie is a flex, hehe even if the yrs are diff)
2. Favorite color?
pastel pink or blue. but i also love the colours of the galaxy and sunsets
3. How tall are you?
4. How many pair of shoes to you own?
not that much tbh. i mainly live in trainers or boots 🤷🏻‍♀️
5. Favorite song?
silent cry for skz, dead by asking alexandria (the whole from death to destiny album is my fave tbh)
6. Favorite movie?
howl's moving castle
7. Who would be your ideal partner?
already have my ideal partner 🖤
8. Do you want children?
not rn but in the future, sure.
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law?
10. What color socks are you wearing?
red and white stripy socks.
11. Favorite type of music?
im not that fussed tbh. i can listen to anything as long as it has a good beat and keeps me hooked within the first couple of seconds
12. How many pillows do you sleep with?
13. What position do you sleep in?
whatever i feel comfortable in. could be in a ball or on my stomach
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping?
bright lights or DEAD SILENCE! i have to have something playing to fall asleep or have a window open (its too cold for the window to be open rn so i have to settle with a video playing)
15. Have you tried archery?
16. Favorite fruit?
strawberries, grapes or honeydew melon.
17. Are you a good liar?
when i have to, yeah else i try not to lie because it brings drama and shit
18. What’s your personality type?
19. Innie or outie?
20. Left or right handed?
21. Favorite food?
22. Favorite foreign food?
oh, thats a hard one.... uh 😭
23. Are you clean or messy?
it kinda depends on how im doing mentally,,, im a clean person overall but when i hit that slump, i kinda just let everything pile on top and the apartment suffers....
24. Most used phrase?
but why though
25. How long does it take you to get ready?
depends on where im going and who with really.
26. Do you talk to yourself?
yes. lol
27. Do you sing to yourself?
ofc and i like to think im amazing at it
28. Are you a good singer?
i like to think i am but who knows :)
29. Biggest fear?
heights, closed/small spaces. it feels like im suffocating and i cannot
30. Are you a gossip?
nah. im too old for highschool shit, lmao
31. Long or short hair?
long, even if it does get on my last nerve
32. Favorite school subject?
33. Extrovert or introvert?
introverted, ahah,,,
34. What make you nervous?
going out in public, speaking to people idk. groups of people.
35. Who was your first crush?
josh hutcherson. look, he looked really cute in bridge to terabithia
36. How many piercings do you have?
2. nose and tragus. i do want more though, like a lot more
37. How many tattoos do you have?
0 :( again, i do want
38. How fast can you run?
not that fast??
39. What color is your hair?
black. its naturally brown. i need to go to the hairdressers and get the roots done desperately. also debating on getting pink put in as well,,,,
40. What color are your eyes?
41. What makes you angry?
video games. people that think they're right when they're not. people that just assume without listening to opinions, that type of stuff
42. Do you like your name?
its okay. i mean, considering it took my mother and father a week to think of a name for me then
43. Do you want a boy to girl as a child?
im honestly not fussed. IF i had to choose, girl. most of my family is boys so would be nice
44. What are your strengths?
idk, do i have any? lmao
45. What are your weaknesses?
i guess i can be too stubborn
46. What’s the color of your bedspread?
light and dark blue. (ikea bedspread ftw)
47. What’s the color of your room?
just a standard white/creamy colour.
tags: @oshimee , @sstarryoong + whoever wants to join in! ignore if you don't want to/don't feel comfortable doing!
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homestucky · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 2,190 times in 2022
That's 1,601 more posts than 2021!
82 posts created (4%)
2,108 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,304 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#animals - 240 posts
#vid - 179 posts
#cute - 168 posts
#fanart - 148 posts
#cats - 139 posts
#art - 66 posts
#the quarry - 53 posts
#ml - 50 posts
#birds - 32 posts
#fav - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if you're not gonna help yourself because it's 'too late' why can't you accept that i actually am trying to salvage my life a little earlie
My Top Posts in 2022:
woke: let plagg say fuck
bespoke: let tikki say "oh shit whats up my good bitch"
42 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
it confuses me when people r like "this character was done so dirty" and theyre talking about like, an antagonist whose suckiness made sense and served a purpose to the plot
49 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
i love demanding praise for anything and everything. im like "I am so good at drinking this drink, dont u agree" or like "isnt my posture the best at this barbecue". its not a sex type praise thing its normal. I just like it
179 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Tumblr media
Hacktober day 1: Hottest counselor
‘can i get uhhhhh fucking. burger??’ - Laura Kearney
(prompt list by marmsart)
252 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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farts out another dylan kaitlyn besties doodle
617 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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opaljm · 3 years
get to know me game — ♡
tagged by: @hantaev & @xiaokoo 
tagging: @chateautae @jamaisjoons @kimtaehyunq @kookdiaries @namkive @yoonia @writtenwhalien @mercurygguk @diorkim 
lowkey regret doing this because i didn’t realize it was almost 50 questions lmao. i know i tagged you but i understand if you don’t want to take on such a huge task lol 
1. when is your birthday?
march 8th
2. what is your favorite color?
dusty pink, muted green, icy gray
3. what is your lucky number?
2, 7, 14, and 28
4. how tall are you?
167-168 cm / 5'6
5. how many pairs of shoes do you own?
too many to count and i dont even know where most of them are since i havent had too many opportunities to dress up or go out during the pandemic
6. favorite song?
excuse me??? that's impossible but my favorite bts songs are heartbeat and spring day
7. favorite movie?
im gonna say legally blonde because I've willingly rewatched it countless times
8. what would be your ideal partner?
a 5'9 man who was born in october 1995 who loves to sing and dance and is part of the globally acclaimed boy band bts whose name is park jimin 😂😂😂
9. do you want children?
depends on the day tbh if i see a spoiled bratty child I suddenly become a children anti... if i see jimin fawning over an infant suddenly my ovaries are tingling 😫
10. have you gotten in trouble with the law?
11. what color socks are you wearing?
i am barefoot like taehyung rn lol
12. bath or shower?
shower ; baths sound heavenly but i dont like it lmao
13. favorite kind of music?
r&b, pop, rap
14. how many pillows do you sleep on?
one and the second pillow is just there because my bed is a queen but i dont use it.
15. what position to you sleep in?
on my back, slanted diagonally on the bed with my arms eagle spread. good thing i sleep alone cuz i leave no room for anyone else lmaoo 😌
16. what don't you like when you're sleeping?
okay first of all, all the sleeping questions are approaching creepy territory now 🤨🤨 lights, loud noises, heat. I'm a light sleeper so...
17. what do you eat for breakfast?
coffee with hazelnut creamer if i have to make it myself or an iced white chocolate mocha if im buying + a baked good
18. have you ever tried archery?
19. what are your favorite fruits?
🥭 🍒 🥒 (i think it’s a fruit)
20. favorite swear word?
i dont have favorites but i think i say shit damn and fuck the most
21. do you have any scars?
so manyyyy 😭😭
22. are you a good liar?
depends on the situation because sometimes I can't stop laughing 😢
23. what is your personality type?
istj 💀💀💀
24. what is your favorite type of girl?
me cuz im the best 😌😍
25. right or left handed?
left dominant + ambidextrous 😌😌
26. favorite food?
korean fried chicken, hot cheetos, dumplings, pasta alfredo
27. are you clean or messy?
almost alarmingly clean and well organized ☺️ i cant stand messes it makes me break out in hives
28. favorite foreign food?
chinese & thai!!
29. how long does it take you to get ready?
10 minutes unless i do my makeup... then its around an hour
30. most used phrase?
what the fuck & i love taehyung lol 
31. are you a good singer?
I actually have trauma about this question so im gonna skip.
32. do you sing to yourself?
i talk to myself 🥲
33. biggest fear?
giant versions of animals (including bugs) and also giant animala
34. do you like short of long hair?
35. are you into gossip?
i mean... if the tea is hot yes but nothing malicious and i only like it if its like people i dont know or care about example: gossip girl (it's entirely fake so i vibe with the drama there)
36. extrovert or introvert?
ambivert that turned into an introvert over the pandemic
37. favorite school subject?
38. what makes you nervous?
exams induce anxiety in me like none other!!
39. who was your first real crush?
my guy best friend in high school but there was a huge fallout 🤐
40. how many piercings do you have?
two on my ears cuz my mom is annoying gonna get more when i move out to ears
41. how fast can you run?
my fastest mile time was under 8 minutes
42. what makes you angry?
so many things 😭😭😭😭😫
43. do you like your own name?
of course!
44. what are your weaknesses?
temper, doesn't care enough/get jealous
45. what are your strengths?
outspoken, good leader, communication
46. what color is your bed spread?
white with patterned circles of different shades of blue and gray
47. what color is your room?
dusty rose or mauve idk
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ririnpoga · 3 years
I was tagged by @soysaucemachine on this thingie meme thing to put uh my wip’s names EXACTLY as they are on the folder and like. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh                      hhhhhhhhh *stares at the pile of 59 shit i have to write* Anyways lets gO as always people can ask me about one of these wips or some shit ig idk most titles are me having 7 different mental breakdowns at the same time so yeah
1. toga watches mlp and this is the hill i die on. dabi does too ig 2. COULD HAWKS FEATHERS POTENTIALLY WORK AS TENTA- *B O N K* 3. LoV work on a literal shopping mall and dabi works at kfc the saga 4. LoV work on a literal shopping mall and toga works at starbucks the saga II 5. LoV work on a literal shopping mall and shigaraki decays it down the saga III 6. The bunny stops shigaraki oh fuck oh no shes hot what am i gonna do ha,,,,, 7. toe 8. WHY AM I WRITING VOCALOID FANFIC IN 2021 I 9. The depressed scientist, the sadist doctor and the dumbass vet, all in love. White coat trio. 10. i rlly think antarc should have a polar bear for a pet considering how theyre literally ice on the anime 11. the hair dreamworld thing for padpa which will have 10 chapters or some shit. fuck. WHY DO THEIR HAIR LOOK SO FLUFFY I WANNA SCREAM 12. why am i writing vocaloid fanfic in 2021 part two electric boogaloo 13. ghghhghhhhghhghhgh FRIENDS TO LOVERS TO ENEMIES TO LOVERS AGAIN. 14. i rlly think dabi should learn how to pole dance yk 15. daddy rick astley/reader 16. uh 17. DREAM/BILL 200K ENEMIES TO LOVERS TUMBLR SEXYMAN HIGHSCHOOL (not actually 200k. probably.) 18. WHY THE FUCK AM I WRITING VOCALOID FANFIC IN 2021. PART III 19. do i really want to try and write dumbass ace attorney fanfic 20. toe (2) 21. VILLAIN OCHAKO GOOD. gay 22. dabi and toga have a type and its literally bird 23. LOVE LIVE FANFIC? 24. apparently yes ace attorney fanfic 25. THIS HIGHSCHOOL IS LITERALLY HELL I WANNA CRY its not even a highschool like think about it its a small kids school plus teens plus adult what is this does this has a na 26. demon/angel good but make it bnha 27. demon/angel good but make it 28. SANS/ONCELER 29. toe (3) 30. furry haha 31. I FOUND THIS PAIR ON ACCIDENT WHY IS IT SO FUCKING GOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 32. vocaloid fanfic part 6 i wanna cry what is this 33. lets make a highschool idol group~ *star* NO FUCK YOU 34. update they make the hs idol group 35. UPDATE THE SCHOOL BURNED DOWN. 36. update theyre dating now ig (all of these are the same fanfic but different chapters, but alas im too lazy to yk, write only one chapter at a time) 37. sonic/komaeda 38. demo angle 39. dabi stop adopting children i know my apartment was literally empty and only had like a bathroom and a bed but you cant just randomly bring 4 children home and say theyre ours now 40. hawks where the fuck are the children 41. CAN WE GET AN F ON THE CHAT GAMERS 42. toe (4) 43. i rlly think padpa would drop out of school to work on vocaloid to be completely honest. hs aus fun because they never get homework as opposing rela life 44. A 45. i will never finish this 46. VOCALOID FANFIC. PART 8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 47. DASHCON AU DASHCON AU DASHCONA U DA 48. wow did i actually write something for my oc huh 49. was happy feet a movie 50. DANGANRONPA F-FANFIC,?????????????????? 51. no no you will not eat my girlfriend 52. ok this one is actually a fairy/demon 53. dashcon au but for the other fanodm 54. i just think dabi would catfish men into giving him money and hawks would be a simp yk 55. more rarepair content because toga deserves it 56. steals your peepe 57. toe (5) 58. vocaloid fanfic part 10 i wanna cry 59. im babey im taggin @peachygos because u r the only person i talk with here ;)
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acetrainerjess · 4 years
@xzienne ty for the tag! im modifying some of the questions, for funsies
1. Nickname: Jess is a shortening of Jessica, so...
2. Gender: I’m a [REDACTED]
3. Star sign: Scorpio
4. Height: not tall enough >:[
5. Time: 10:45 AM
6. Bday: Oct 29
7. Favourite bands/groups game soundtrack(s): Have y’all heard the Umineko soundtrack. I’m doing an ongoing analysis of one of its musical themes so it automatically wins
8. Favourite solo artist show soundtrack(s): Symphogear and RWBY for the sheer amount of bangers they release
9. Song stuck in my head: Ghost (the catradora one) (this is your fault bow)
10. Last movie: Monster Hunter (ITS BAD DONT WATCH IT)
11. Last show: Transformers WFC Earthrise (ITS ALSO BAD, DONT WATCH IT)
12. When I made this blog: Oh god, year 8? Idk how long ago that was time isn’t real
13. What I post: Things I find cute or funny, and assorted fandom stuff ofc
14. Last thing googled: Victoria COVID news
15. Other blogs: Nope, everything goes on main
16. Do I get asks: Lol nope, rarely
17. Why did I choose this URL: It’s a pun! Ace trainer is my fave pkmn trainer type, my name is Jess, and I am asexual. It’s a pretty good pun in my humble opinion
18. Following: 1215
19. Followers: 1238
20. Avg hours of sleep: 10
21. Lucky number: Y’know, I never really had one
22. Instruments: Only my glorious voice /s
23. What am I wearing: My pyjamas lol
24. Dream job: It’s not any job in particular. I just wanna have a job where I’m paid a comfortable amount and work comfortable hours, I’m not constantly stressing over it, and maybe I get along with some of my coworkers too
25. Dream trip: Staying cozy and warm in my bed
26. Favourite food: Shoutout to my breakfast bars, I’ve been able to have them for so long without getting sick, they’re the real homies. 
27. Nationality: ‘Straya
28. Favourite song: Hmmm probably merry christmas mr lawrence for its potent anti-panic attack properties
29. Last book read game played: FFX-2!! I've had a blast with it
30. Three fictional universes you’d like to live in: POKEMON, Animal Crossing, and a magical girl universe but like a nice one without anything too messed up pls. I just wanna be a magical girl ;-;
Tagging: @faeryclown @songofsaturn @crypticauthour @monikoishi (feel free to un-cross out the original questions, and as always you only have to do it if you want to ^^)
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cannibaldatingsite · 4 years
omg thank u for tagging me @milfdean 🥺🥺🥺🥺 having to write out milfdean for that is so funnyKIUYGHSIDLFUG anyway. Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better!
1. Name: worm!!!!
2. Gender: dyke
3. Star sign: leo 
4. Height: around 164 cm
5. Time: 01:08 am
6. Birthday: 15th august!
7. Favorite band/group: PLEASE THIS IS SO DIFFICULT????? uhhh lately its balstyrko, evanescence and alice in chains i think!!
8. Favorite solo artists: again theres too many???? but yea lately its mostly been fiona apple, kate bush andd idk leslie cheung?
9. Song stuck in my head: stacey q insecurity
10. Last movie: rocketman
11. Last show: hannibal hehehe im rewatching with a friend
12. When did I create this blog: THIS ONE i made in august this year cus i like, got into hannibal again but originally i was VERY active in 2011-2015
13. What do I post: supernatural mostly rn but also hannibal and other like, horror stuff!!
14. Last thing I googled: got jakrapun
15. Other blogs: nope!
16. Do I get asks: not very often but like sometimes
17. Why I chose this url: haha funnyy cannibal show hahaa
18. Following: 159
19. Followers: 699 
20. Average hours of sleep: 5-6 hours on weekdays
21. Lucky number: oh man i have ocd i cant talk abt numbers or ill keep going
22. Instruments: i play a little bit of drums hehe
23. What I am wearing: uhhh big hooters chef t-shirt and track pants
24. Dream job: forensic pathologist OH or like taxidermist thatd be fun
25. Dream trip: idk smewhere close to home but cold and quiet
26. Favorite food: i like koshari a lot OH and æbleskiver
27. Nationality: danish
28. Favorite song: rn its alice in chains - down in a hole
29. Last book I read: last one i FINISHED was probably the blade itself by joe abercrombie but im like the awful type of person whos in the midst of reading like 30 different books
30. Top three fictional universes I'd like to live in: literally the only thing i can come up with is halloweentown from nightmare before christmas i think i would fit in well there tagging @spocksbong @funeralfreak @orphiuz @clawgore @5nufk1n @mischatruther @nietzscheantrout @beconsumed @discordantz @gayfaggot  @kollitz @lilgynt @gaytieflings @matthewbrown @horrorlesbians aight thats 15 im not doing more IF U DONT FEEL LIKE IT NO PRESSURE OBSVLY MWAH
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hauntedwoman · 4 years
rules: tag ppl u wanna get to know better
tagged by: @hotelghost (thank you sm <333) 
1. your name and then what you wouldve named yourself - my name is maggie (short for margaret which i Hate) and hm i love the name calliope a lot and its totally not a coincedence that i would go by “cal”
2. astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if u know) - virgo sun/libra moon/scorpio rising and yes me having an earth sun and a water rising is why i have m*ntal illn*ss </3
3. when did u join tumblr and why - i joined in 2014 i think ?? and i joined bc i wanted to get deeper into the titanic fandom 
4. top 5 fandoms - a) titanic b) filmblr (?) and i guess c) taylor swift except i am swiftiephobic and proud :/ and well that’s it bc i have no other personality traits than loving titanic (1997) 
5. top 5 favorite films - a) titanic b) clue c) the sound of music d) baby driver except fuck u ansel elgort and e) knives out 
6. go to song when u wanna Feel Something - either “a burning hill” by mitski or “the archer” by taylor swift or “fine line” by harry styles or “as the world caves in” by matt maltese or “sleep on the floor” by the lumineers
7. what’s your religion/faith if you’re religious - i was raised cath*lic and let;s just say that i have come to my senses and i do not support or endorse the Church at all except for its slutty slutty aesthetics 
8. a song that makes you feel seen - “two slow dancers” - mitski
9. if you could have any career - i simply do not dream of labor </3 but i would love to be a screenwriter or director
10. do you have a type - it’s just billy zane in titanic (1997). that’s it. that’s all there is. no one else is doing it like him.
11. what does your heart/soul yearn for - to move away to a city far away from here and finally feel peace 
12. if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you -  chaotic, feral, unhinged, lonely, melancholy
13. favorite subjects in school - rn my fav subject im learning is my screenwriting/digital video production class
14. where does your soul feel most at home - at my grandmas house tucked away in the tennessee hills 
15. top 5 fictional characters - a) caledon hockley b) victor vale c) ransom drysdale d) rose dewitt bukater e) agent dana scully
16. top 3 moments in a show that made u ugly cry - bold of u to assume i remember any details of any piece of media that i have ever consumed 
17. the earth, the sun, the moon, or the stars - the moon........... i love her so much 
18. favorite kind of weather - a clear summer day perfect for going to the beach, the kind of heat that exhausts you but also makes you feel held
19. top 3 characters that you kin with - okay the only character i rlly ~identify~ with is cal but it’s just bc we both use sarcasm to cope with our feelings and we both put the bi in bitter :P
20. fav medium of art - either film or music but i cant chooooossseeeeee
21. introvert/extrovert/ambivert - introvert 
22. a fav literary quote - i dont have one rip im such a bad english major
23. some of ur fave books - “the glittering hour” by iona grey, “normal people” and “conversations with friends” by sally rooney, the raven cycle series, “vicious” by v.e. schwab, “my year of rest and relaxation” - ottessa moshfegh 
24. if u could live anywhere in the world where would it be - probably nyc or 
25. if u could live in any time in history when would it be - probably the 1910s but i am a woman and mentally ill so uh i would be Institutionalized for not only being sexy but hysterical <3
26. if you could play ant instrument masterfully what woukd it be - piano or electric guitar 
27. if you have one, what mythological god/goddess do you feel a connection to - aphrodite or persephone
28. favorite recent selfie in your camera roll 
Tumblr media
tagging: @peakatseven @titsoutforsunmi @romanced @greek-mythologies and uh anyone else who wants to do it ? (ofc it's not required that you participate <3333)
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kyunsies · 4 years
i was tagged by my lovely lil fam @memehyungwon @pansynight @theyoungflexer ;; i love u all dearly!!!!!!
rules: answer these questions and tag 5 mutuals
1. Flowers or chocolates? flowers!!
2. Between day and night I prefer: day 
3. My favorite drink: WATER (more specifically sparkling water) (even more specifically la croix or san pelligrino hehe) 
4. Between sunrise and sunset, I prefer: mmm i can’t choose :( i love the sunrise bc i wake up pretty early naturally but ALSO i have a lil series here on all the sunset pics i take and they’re beautiful so :(( gotta go with both!!!
5. Between dogs and cats, I prefer: dogs, i think i’m allergic to cats LOL 
6. The vegetable I hate the most: eggplant, raw onions, cucumber, cauliflower......i could go on and on i hate how picky i am kfsdfjsdfjs
7. My favorite sound: kyun’s VOICE,,,,,and maybe the ocean (even tho i’m afraid of it) 
8. The first thing I notice about people: their teeth/complexion (i have crooked teeth so when someone shows me a bright smile??? love that!!!)
9. Would you prefer horror or fantasy? i love horror movies but there hasn't been a good one in a really long time (idk why collectively as a society we need to hire The Worst actors/actresses EVER for horror film ugh) so i guess i’ll say fantasy :^)
10. I’d want to be stuck in a lift with: my best friend or my teammate or someone who is strong OR all of the above together :’)
11. What city or town you’d like to live in? it’s been a dream of mine to live in chicago!!!!!! chicago has everything: beach front (lake michigan is so big you can’t even see the shoreline from across the lake so it might as well look like an ocean), the big city life, also a really nice suburban area........you literally have everything <33
12. What I value most in life: to be happy and also like, to love and be loved ;; being in love (not even romantically) with your friends and family is the best feeling in the world idk,,,,,life is so beautiful no matter how many things go wrong no matter what how lucky are we to live on earth and experience love and pain and happiness and sadness and all of life’s lil ups and downs :’)
13. If I could learn any skill, it’d be: hemming my own clothes ;; im so short i don’t fit into anything dfjskdfjsdfj but also i would love to learn how to improve cooking !!!
14. Between the beach and the mountains, I prefer: beach AND mountains its impossible to choose 
15. I’d love to get married in: a church lol (call me a prude religious person) but all of my aunts had beautiful weddings in beautiful churches and :’) im not saying i want an expensive wedding or anything but!!!!! i just love weddings lol 
16. My hidden talent: i can raise my eyebrow??? idk or i can do a one-handed cartwheel but that’s not really hidden i guess 
17. If I could bring anyone back to life, I’d bring back: jesus, and i’m not even lying i wish the world would be a better place ;____;
18. Why? we are in SHAMBLES hehe like i know we all should learn from mistakes and all that but i think collectively as a human race we need like,,,,,,,,a big ‘ol group hug <33
19. Rainy or sunny day? sunny but!!!!! i only like rainy days when a) its not windy b) it’s not humid and c) when its just plain ‘ol RAINING like no thunderstorms or super cells that will turn into tornados idk how to express the fear i have for severe thunderstorms :(
20. Who’s the real model of your life? momma bear!!!!
21. How I relax after a hard day: watching any form of monsta x content on yt, or a recent interest is learning about korean cuisine like i follow these 2 channels on yt where these couples make homemade korean food and i just think everything looks yummy and i would like to either try it sometime or make it sometime on my own!!!!!!
22. I like the way I look: absolutely not lol 
23. My most favorite facial features of myself is: ehhh maybe my eyebrows 
24. My most favorite part of my body is: i don’t really seem to have a favorite body part but ill just say i have a lil mole on my ring finger and i always joke around with my friends that when i meet my soulmate and he puts a ring on my finger that mole will glow gold or something LOL DO U BELIEVE ME NOW WHEN I SAY I AM A HOPELESS ROMANTIC <33
25. If I could change anything about my body: well to start i wish i was taller LOL 
26. If yes, what’s it: my height i want longer and slimmer LEGS 
27. If I could change something from my past: my whole uni experience 
28. How many piercing I have: 4?? two on each ear! 
29. I like makeup? i like makeup but i hate what “influencers” have done with it like,,,,,,you don’t NEED the newest jeffery star palette pls go at your own pace i feel like it’s just CONSUME and then okay what’s the next hottest thing that looks like everything else on the market :’)
30. I wear make up everyday: heck no 
31. My skin type is: combination in the summer but dry in the winter 
32. My skin tone: tanned? i don’t have a deep chocolatey skin tone but, it just looks like i have a tan all the time 
33. My hair color: dark brown 
34. My height: 4′11″ so i think that’s only 149 cm lol 
35. My age: 21 
36. My birthday: december 4 
37. My best friend: my roommate + my teammate + plus some other uni friends <33
38. I have a pet or more: none sadly :(
39. If I don’t, I’d like to adopt: YA my dream pup is a greyhound !!!
40. Video games or social media: social media i hate hate hate video games 
41. I’ve visited outside my country: canada + dominican republic + jamaica + mexico but i would love to go to europe 
42. I have an innocent/dirty mind: both honestly lol 
43. Someone proposed to me or asked me out? nah 
44. If yes, then I liked it and accepted or the opposite: nah 
45. Do you follow some celebrities’ fashion: no, i thin fashion is unique to the individual so there’s no point in copying :)
46. What do you think about your fashion sense: i like it and i feel comfortable in what i wear! 
47. You found someone copying your fashion: my fashion is simple so if someone dresses simple then we have the same BRAIN <33
48. Can you do your makeup properly: yes 
49. You go or used to go with makeup to school: i used to in grade school/junior high bc i had really bad acne but now i dont care anymore :D
50. What color suits you best? neutral colors + cold accessories 
51. Finally, how is quarantine going? it could be better but it's not terrible!! i go back to school this weekend sooooooo oof 
tagging: @ckyunoirs @softhyungkyun @xphenomenon @sohcean @hohyuk and anyone else who wants to do this (and ofc feel free not to as well!!)
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grenawitka · 4 years
I was tagged by @u-okay-hen- thank you! 💛💛
1. What is the color of your hair brush? i had a red one, but it broke. and now im using my parents that is black and purble but i just ordered one that is made of wood and another ne that is light blue. 
2. Name a food you never eat? im very picky with what i eat so the list is long
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? daydreaming about the life ill never have lmao
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? i like a lot of candies
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? no, the only other sport i like besides hockey is fútbol (football or soccer), but the fans get a little aggressive after the games, and shockingly enough i wouldnt like to die out there, so no, i havent.
7. what was the last thing you said out loud? ella es tan linda (she’s so sweet) (about my tutor being the nicest person on earth)
8. What is your favorite ice cream? its a bar of chocolate that they made an icecream. its called sahne-nuss and its delicious
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? a glass of coca-cola (coke, whatever you guys call it)
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah, i guess. its plain black, i like black.
11. What was the last thing you ate? a banana
12. Did you buy any new clothing last week? i bought a corey perry jersey, because hes my king👑
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? stars winning game 5. lets go for game 6 tonight!!
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? sweet
15. Who was the last person you sent a text to? nh-ell! shouout to my girls💖
16. Ever go camping? not technically. every summer, me and my cousins set a tent in my backyard and we spent the night but i dont think the world would count it as camping, even tho we totally do lol.
17. Do you take your vitamins? im not exactly trilled with the idea of living so why try and be healthy to make it longer 😌😌
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? no
19. Do you have a tan? nope, we just got rid of winter here.
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? ive never had chinese food, and pizza is the best invention EVER
21. Do you drink soda through straws? not really but i actually like drinking from straws. reusable ones - LETS SAVE THE PLANET YALL
22. What color socks do you usually wear? i was just gifted a huge amount of socks of all colors and i am living my best life right now
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i can barely drive
24. What terrifies you? losing the people i love, but i guess we all fear that
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my wallet, which reminds me i owe my dad money for buying me the corey perry jersey
26. What chore do you hate the most? i hate aking my bed but i love when my bed is made. i guess is the price to pay.
27. What do you think when you hear an australian accent? i think about a movie where a group of friends go into the middle of nowhere in australia and when they go back to their homes the world was at war. i cant remember the name of the movie, it wasnt good either, but the trauma of that happening stayed with me. also chris hemsworth. 
28. What’s your favorite soda? coca-cola. i think americans call it coke. nothing better than something that kills your liver
29. Do you ever go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru arent very popular in my country. i mean, they exist but we usually dont use them.fast food places are where is at
30. What’s your favorite number? 27
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? my mom
32. Favorite cut of beef? whatever is eatable, idk. i just eat it
33. last song you listened to? punto y aparte by morat 🎼
34. Last book you read? guys, i dont read, stop asking me this 🙃
35. Favorite day of the week? friday’s but only at night because i have classes in the morning. friday’s are ussually family day - we all gather and we dance, drink, sing and do something stupid. i love my family.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? if im drunk enough i can do whatever 💯
37. How do you like your coffee? i dont drink coffe
38. Favorite pair of shoes? i just bought a pair of brown boots, and theyre so fluffy and warm and pretty, but dont wear them because im in lockdown :(
39. Time you normally get up? 8:00am, but only because i have classes either way it would probably be at 1pm. i love my sleep😌
40. Do you prefer sunrise or sunset? sunset
41. Describe your kitchen plates? a have a few that are plain white, others have an organge adge, others have flowers, others have blue and red stripes. i own a lot of plates
42. How many blankets are on your bed? 4, we just reached spring in my country, so its still a little bit chilly down here in chile
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? white, with a table... i dont know how to describe places, sorry😅
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i change favorite drink, like i change socks but right now im really into diaquiris. also, i like making my own drinks.
45. Do you play cards? yes, tho i just know how to play a few type of games. i usually play with my family
46. What color is your car? my parents have a car and its black👍🏻
47. Can you change a tire? kinda. i struggle a little but yeah i can do it.
48. Favorite state? new york - its my dream place (i love cities. oh to ignore everyone!), tho im poor and i could never afford to live there 🙃
49. Favorite job you’ve had? i’ve never worked before
50. tagging: tagging people gives me anxiety because i think they may not like it and therefore won’t like me, and today sucks so i won’t do it (unless anybody wants to)
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shyung-shoes · 4 years
tagged by the absolutely wonderful @kyunsies <3333 (i didnt know u changed ur url till this post!! its v cute!!)
20 questions!!
1. what do you prefer to be called name wise?
my full name is jillian but everyone calls me jill (except my family, especially my mom) i love nicknames tho but have never really had one beyond jill so if u give me a nickname ill die
2. when is your birthday?
aug 28
3. where do you live
east coast babyyyy
4. three things u are doing right now?
procrastinating on an assignment, watching a drama (while you were sleeping), and ignoring the basket of laundry i need to put away
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
apink, gwsn, astro, april!! im still very new to all these groups tho so if anyone has any content/music recs, please lemme know :D
6. how's this pandemic been treating you?
it was a lot harder at first w/ the sudden transition from college to home. i was super happy at school and it was rough on my brain to be back home. but now ive adapted more and am doing better! i cant wait to go back to school though god
7. a song u cant stop listening to right now?
gonna reveal the extremes of my music taste but uh after the bloom (alone) by gwsn and bonfire by childish gambino. also without me by eminem. idk i think ive been feeling very angry/annoyed so rap is just a good way to get it out. and ive been fuckin so hard w/ gwsn’s discography that i had to put them on here
8. recommend a movie
tune in for love! truthfully, i prefer watching tv to movies but i watched this the other day and really enjoyed it! very cute and the ending was an actually satisfying ambiguous ending which is rare i think. its on netflix :P
9. how old are u?
18- im almost always the baby among my friends :// and i think im the baby on here a lot too
10. school, university, occupation, other?
im a rising sophomore in college and currently working as a dance teacher and waiting to hear back about an internship that’s actually in my field (event managment)
11. do u prefer heat or cold?
cold! i run hot naturally so i overheat super easily and i hate that feeling of sweating and being lightheaded. winter fashion also is much more my speed with boots and big jackets and darker lip colors
12. name one fact others may not know about u
im in a sorority! i think one or two people may know on here but i dont talk a lot about it. gamma phi baby (also @kyunsies youre only 4′11?? a baby!!)
13. are u shy?
i wouldnt call myself shy, im just anxious so im much more quiet when i meet someone for the first couple times. once im comfy w/ someone, my personality really comes out for all its dramatic glory
14. do u have preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeve?
almost all my pet peeves have to do w/ eating lolol cause i get really bad anxiety and sensory overload from things like chewing sounds. so when people eat with their mouths open or let their silverware scrape across their teeth frustrates the hell out of me. the last one feels very specific but it irritates me yeet
16. what is your favorite ‘dere’ type?
tsundere or dandere i guess?? when a character starts to open bc of their love interest... i love it. ESPECIALLY when that character then becomes more open w/ other people because of their love. this also probably explains my natural tendency to love scorpios i think
17. rate your life 1-10, 1 being rlly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
i think im a solid 7 rn! which is honestly a lot better than i wouldve given it a month ago so thats a plus. im struggling w/ some mental health things rn but honestly, im pretty content with the way things seem to be unfolding for me
18. what’s your main blog?
this one! its not my actual main blog but this is the only one i use, tumblr just wont let me make this my main bc its dumb
19. list your side blogs and wha they’re used for?
i had a voltron side blog back in 2017? i think? but i havent watched the show in years bc its problematic as fuck i just didnt realize it back then
20. is there anything u think people need to know about u before becoming friends with u?
i am an extremely inconsistent responder- i am the epitome of the will respond in 2 seconds or 2 days thing but i will always respond to your message at some point. if this is about friends irl, its that i always have an earbud in and thats not an exaggeration- listening to music always makes me less anxious so i constantly just have an earbud in in case i feel myself get jittery. so i promise i am paying attention even if it doesnt look like it- im top tier at being able to pay attention to a song and a conversation
ill tag... @wennjunhui @leexchan @iiasha @lovechwe @1of1orbit @agemnor(theres ofc no pressure!!! <33)
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swellwriting · 4 years
tagged by @kabeswaters​ and @fortisfiliae​ love u both sm <3 <3
1. on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? it fluctuates but right now -1 
2. describe yourself in a hashtag? #anxious
3. if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? JAKE MOTHERFUCKING GYLLENHAAL 
4. if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? i dont know what that is hah
5. what’s one thing people don’t know about you? i guess some people don’t know i’m type one diabetic??
6. what’s your wake up ritual? uh phone, animal crossing, fruit loops, weed
7. what’s your go to bed ritual? I watch asmr videos cuz im usually high as fuck and they knock me out lol, or i watch tiktok or pillow talk with my bf nick.
8. what’s your favorite time of day? like 9 pm?
9. your go to for having a good laugh? my boyfriend always makes me laugh no matter how angry or upset i am so i’d talk to him uwu
10. dream country to visit? FRANCe specifically Paris oui oui with my french candian bullshit
11. what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? when they announced 5sos was touring with one direction and i had tickets, never screamed so loud in my LIFE
12. heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers duh
13. vintage or new? vintage babey
14. who do you want to write your obituary? ME from the great beyond, the only other person who knows me well enouhg is nick and i love him but he is very stupid.
15. style icon? uh harry styles, devon lee carlson, halsey, bella hadid, tyler the creator some normal people whos style i LOVE  from insta are rebeccaramsdale , kehllie , kikalateefff , yourgirlneens , lilxmg !
16. what are three things you cannot live without? phone, insulin, art, music
17. what’s one ingredient you put in everything? probs vanilla or hotsauce, the only two flavours.
18. what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? my dead brother DJ, kurt cobain andddd ryan dunn from jackass what a weird mix.
19. what’s your biggest fear in life? loosing my senses, loosing control, the fear that i am not actually real and ... oh spiders.
20. window or aisle seat? window 
21. what’s your current tv obsession? think its gonna be adventure time again
22. favorite app? instagram or discord so i can talk to my friends uwu
23. secret talent? i can speak french and giberish
24. most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? camping i guess?
25. how would you define yourself in three words? anxious, empathetic, creative
26. favorite piece of clothing you own? my vintage star wars shirt
27. a must have clothing item that everyone should have? blank tees, good quality blank tees!!! white black grey mhmhmh
28. a superpower you would want? i’d wanna be spidergirl
29. what’s inspiring you in life right now? nothing at all :(
30. best piece of advice you’ve received? my grade six teacher telling me that i was very empathetic as i was sitting at the back of the class crying because of the movie we were watching, she told me not everyone is empathetic like i am but its okay to be soft. but not to expect that from everyone else.
31. best advice you’d give your teenage self? teenage me was a mess but not messy enough that i’d change anything. i’d just say, things get better but im currently back in the state teenage me was in so...i’d be lying. maybe that wanting to kill yourself does not count as a personality trait - and start reading comics earlier cuz u really like them.
32. a book everyone should read? i read wack books, everyone on tumblr should read fangirl tho
33. what would you like to be remembered for? something i created
34. how do you define beauty? self expression and individuality 
35. what do you love most about your body? wait people love their bodies? not everyone was severly damaged by online diet culture and thigh gap era tumblr? weird ok
36. best way to take a rest/decompress? weed or bath or a movie
37. favorite place to view art? there is an art gallery in saskatchewan that i love, i was suposed to go there this summer before corona took over :(((
38. if your life was a song, what would the title be? either something short like “mellow” or fob style like “im so anxiuos all the time and nothing ever feels real and i dont know what im doing but somehow im doing pretty good while feeling prety bad and laughing through my tears lol.” or i’d steal “teen idle” by marina and the diamonds.
39. if you could master one instrument, what would it be? guitar or piano because im lame at both.
40. if you had a tattoo, where would it be? i want two moths above my knees rn
41 dolphins or koalas? neither
42. what’s an animal that represents you? im more of a pokemon, i think id be jigglypuff
43. best gift you’ve ever received? whenever nick buys me clothes from stussy or maybe infinity on high on vinyl.
44. best gift you’ve given? i bought nick the entire sin city comic series in one giant book.
45. what’s your favorite board game? monopoly
46. what’s your favorite color? yellow
47. least favorite color? that weird pinky purple
48. diamond or pearls? pearls
49. drugstore makeup or designer? colour pop and fenty
50. pilates or yoga? yoga
51. coffee or tea? tea
52. what’s the weirdest word in the english language? pumpernickle is my fav one.
53. dark chocolate or milk chocolate? MILK
54. stairs or elevators? stairs
55. summer or winter? summer, canadian winters are brutal.
56. you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? ur asking someone who has very specific comfort foods so i already do this - cheese bagel toasted with cream cheese and then toasted again to melt cheddar cheese on top. with a diet coke thats very important.
57. a dessert you don’t like? cheesecake 
58. a skill you’re working on mastering? im crazy so this is a lot but - writing , drawing and painting, polymer clay, sewing, resin art and pottery.
59. best thing to happen to you today? nothing
60. worst thing to happen to you today? the line at starbucks was too long and i had to get wendys instead, and a few other things i won’t mention.
61. best compliment you’ve ever received? whenever my mom says i remind her of my brother dj, when people say anything nice about my art or writing style. when people ask about my clothes. when my friend jess called me a “known softie” uwu
62. favorite smell? lavender
63. hugs or kisses? hugs
64. if you made a documentary, what would it be about? i’d talk about star wars for hours on end 
65. last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? of mice and men made me ball my fucking eyes out
66. lipstick or lipgloss? chapstickk
67. sweet or savory? sweet
68. girl crush? Zendaya
69. how do you know you’re in love? idk ive just always been in love with nick (since i was 15) before i even really knew what love was, i guess if the other person feels like home, you know ur doing something right.
70. a song you can listen to on repeat? nine in the afternoon by p!atd or a match into water by peirce the veil, over my head by fleetwood mac
71. if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? harry styles that mysterious fucker
72. what are you most excited for/about this time in your life? currently not looking forward to anything becase my life is super uncertain right now ha.. maybe the release of the chaos walking movie whenever that decides to happen.
tagging: i assume yall have been tagged in this already but just incase @beskarjedi @woakiees @bluemadcnna @carolinesbookworld  @theseuscmander and anyone else who wants to do this consider urself tagged.
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wonderswritings · 5 years
Request are Open!
Hey guys guess what?! Requests are now open! I’ve seemed to’ve hit a writing spree and while I’m trying to get my two new series wrapped up, I figured I should open up my requests!
So here are the rules:
1. There are five sections of 55 prompts. The first section is just single sentenced prompts. The second section is two sentenced. The third is three sentenced and the fourth section is four sentenced. The last section has more than five sentences.
2. You can pick up to three prompts from the first and second section. And then from the third-fifth sections you can only pick one.
3. I need you to be specific with what you want. AU, smut, morden-verse, that sorta thing. I also need to know if you want any angst or fluff in it.
4. Be patient! I am going to get through as many requests as I can but it does take time!
5. Have fun! This is meant to be fun!
With that being said, the characters the requests are opened for are for the following:
Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers Clint Barton Oliver Queen Jensen Ackles Chris Evans Jared Padalecki Thor Odinson
Because I have created a new taglist, in order to be tagged you need to go here!
Prompts are below the cut!
💙💙💙💙Section 1💙💙💙💙
1. “We’re all scared. Be angrier than that. Be spiteful. Be compassionate. And do it anyway.”
2. “Let me explain. I was bored and you left me alone.”
3. “Pretty sure the end of the world is an everyone problem.”
4.  “I will shoot you. I mean it. I will shoot you and make it look like the enemy did it.”
5. “Hmm. Nope. Not today, Satan.”
6. I have three moods: Fuck you, Fuck off and Fuck me.
7. “Looks like they did a lot more than talk.”
8. “Why did you run? Awfully guilty looking.”
9. “You can borrow - not steal - that hoodie if you want”
10. “I’m off the clock. The pressure’s off.”
11. “They say I’m a traitor. Maybe I am. All I know is that I did what I had to do.”
12. “You can plot and plan all you want, but we both know that you’re never getting out of here. No one is coming for you, so you may as well accept it.” 💙💙💙💙Section 2💙💙💙💙
13. Cap always tells me you have to pick your battles Well I am full of rage and picking all of them
14. Wheres C/N Somewhere disappointing jesus
15. It says 4-99 you're too old. I'm gonna use that one later
16. Am i in hell? No if you were you’d be on the throne and the devil would be packing
17. I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated on my base. Is there another type of idiocy that you would be more comfortable with?
18. “Sorry, I have a clingy and feverish assassin on my lap. I’ll call you back when I’ve convinced her that a cold doesn’t mean she’s dying”
19. Wake up. I'm not sleeping Im dead. Leave me alone.
20. What have I told you about comparing C/N to the devil? Its offense to the devil?
21. “You don’t get to surrender. You lose when I say you lose, you win when I say you win, you die when I say you die. I haven’t said you can die yet. Pick your weapon up”
22. Please tell me that’s just a smoke grenade. Ok..*explosion*.. it wasn’t though.
23. “You’re an emotional disaster.” “Excuse you, I am an emotional catastrophe.”
24. “The easiest solution would just be to kill him.” “... How can you just say things like that?”
25. You're insolence goes to far. Wrong, it can further
26. You're being really quiet No one plans a murder out loud
27. Why would anyone wanna hurt Y/N? Maybe because they met her.
28. My god, do you ever stop with the “I want to die” crap? Well, I’ll stop when I’m dead, that’s for sure.
29. Y/N do something! I am. I’m ignoring you.
💙💙💙💙Section 3💙💙💙💙
30. What do you call a long haired knife? Idk what? Bucky
31. I have good news and bad news Let's hear the good ones first Well the airbags in your car work perfectly
32. Hey, truth or dare? Sigh, truth What's your credit card number?
33. Ssssh, how did you find me? Oh it was quite easy really. I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that.
34. “My criminal record? The only illegal thing I’ve done is-” “Don’t. Just, don’t.” “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I have killed a man.”
35. What’s your biggest fear? Being forgotten. Dam that's deep. Mine is trigonometry, but I feel kinda stupid about it now.
36. Could you please not Y/N or Tony this into a worse situation than it already is? Hold on, did you just use my name as a verb? Why wasn’t Tony’s name first, he does more shit than I do.
37. This is so frustrating! I hate everything! I hate everyone! ….Everyone? Ugh, everyone except you.
38. “I hope we draw the attention of the FBI” “Are you insane?” “I’ve never seen anyone kick a door in before. It’s so exciting!”
39. “Murder wasn’t on today’s agenda.” ���It’s not on anyone’s.” “No, it’s on mine, just not until next Thursday.”
40. Would you say Y/N is a night person or a morning person? *watching as Y/N chugs a cup of pure espresso, walk into a wall then stumble into the elevator* She’s barely even a person in general.
41. She tried to kill me! Yeah she does that. Don't insult me. If I had tried to kill him, he’d be dead.
💙💙💙💙Section 4💙💙💙💙
42. I think you should try drinking less coffee. Coffee cures depression I dont think thats how it- More nespresso, less depresso
43. What were you doing here? I- In five words or less Out for a walk, bitch
44. C/N is missing! Can you find them? What, do you think I have them microchipped or something? ….Well, do you? Yeah, hang on.
45. We agreed that’s how we’d raise our kids! Our kids? Steve we’re not married. Well, we’re a little married. I know, I love it
46. I like that we say “oh man” to express disappointment. Because men are indeed annoying. Especially Steve fucking asshole Rogers. What did he do now? What the hell hasn’t he done?
47. Try this. You’re not drinking that shit, it’ll kill you! Down it! Down it! Seriously?! Why do I even bother
48. Well, I made you this bracelet! I'm not a jewelry person. You don’t have to wear it. No, I'm going to wear it forever back off.
💙💙💙💙Section 5💙💙💙💙
49. Let's start by talking about the emotion you are feeling right now. Stabbing. Stabbing isn't really an emotion. It's more of an activity that i hope you don't do to me. See, and emotion if more of a feeling. Well maybe i'm feeling stabby.
50. Do you want to play a game? Sure. I spy with my little eye someone who needs to shut the hell up. Is it me? It’s always you.
51. Talk to him, that’s what friends do. Nope. I’m gonna wait ‘til I’m on my deathbed, get in the last word and then die immediately. That’s your plan for dealing with this? That’s my plan for dealing with everything. I have seventy-seven arguments I’m going to win that way.
52. I have no fears. Y/N come here! Stevie here says he has no fears. Oh really? And what if you woke up one day and I was taller than you? I have on fear.
53. Wanna know something? What? Loving you was the second best thing I ever did. What was the first? Finding you. Don't blame me, it's your fault if i want to propose to you right now
54. Alright team, going to plan b? Technically were at plan g. I thought we were at plan h! How many plans do we have? Is there like a pln m? Yeah but you die in plan m I like plan m!
55. I’m saying there had to be a better way! In high octane situations she refers back to her KGB training and probably would’ve put a round in his heart. Three rounds…. And Clint, not to be outdone would’ve, Added three more rounds Agents…. See, there you go. Six rounds, same result. One dead target.
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regalmadness · 4 years
50 questions you've never been asked
Tagged by @love-hope-faith-feels-like-a-lie thanks love!
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?
2. A food you never eat
There is something in my country called Auyama... yup that just
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3. Are you typically too warm or too cold
Too cold, like I be cuddling and people will get scared that im as cold as ice and so to ease their worries I just burry my hands and feet into their coat or clothes 🤣
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
5. What is your favourite candy bar?
The ring pop. I love it! It brings back memories. Either that or any white chocolate.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Yes I once had the oportunity to go to a basketball match between the Miami Heat and the Rockets
7. What is the last thing you said outloud?
Take your time its fine, I'll wait
8. What is your favourite icecream?
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
10. Do you like your wallet?
Well it keeps my money safe and its got a cool design I guess
11. What was the last thing you ate?
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 living out of my pj collection lately
13. Last sporting event you watched?
The superball (Go 9ners!)
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn?
Butter ir cheese
15. Who is the last person you sent a text?
My best friend
16. Ever go camping?
Never have, but Im game all the way!
17. Do you take vitamins?
In case this is ever leaked outside of tumblr and out of the internet I just wanna say from the bottom of my truthfull heart... Mom if you are reading this, yes I am definitelly taking my vitamins every single day without fail. I definitely dont forget and take them daily and not just sometimes.
18. Do you go to church every sunday?
Not every sunday but whenever I can sure
19. Do you have a tan?
In this economy?
20. Do you prefer chinese food or pizza?
Pizza pizza pizza pizzaaaa
21. Do you drink your soda with straw?
I dont have an issue drinking it either with or without a straw but I prefer without since you know *Poison Ivy's voice* gotta do enviroment
22. What colour socks do you usually wear?
Bold of you to assume I only use 1 pair of the same colour and not go all harley quinn on my feet.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
When its an urgency type of thing. (Always being caferul) *Insert panic voices in the backround, followed by the 'but did you die' meme* Otherwise I drive as fast as the speed limit lets me.
24. What terrifies you?
Well they dont terrify me but like big bugs are a HUGE NO from me (if it has wings make it an ULTRA NO)
25. Look to your left what do you see?
These handsome boys
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26. What chore do you hate?
Cleaning the bathroom
27. What do you think of when you hear an ausie accent?
28. Whats your favourite soda?
Its a Colombian brand its called cola y pola
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Depends on the mood of the day
30. Whos the last person you talked to?
My best friend
31. Favourite cut of beef?
I like beef I dont have a preference as long as it tastes good
32. Last song you listened to?
Westworld theme (lmao Im just learning piano so I kinda wanna learn how to play it... not because Im still NOT okay with what happened and want to remember Dolores anyway I can, nope Im totally fine with that, Im handling it like a normal grown adult, Im A OK)
33. Last book you read?
Oh wow. Uhhh I think it was a greek mythology one, cant remember the name 😭 its been so long since I've read anything other than the 1000 manuals and documents for work
34. Favourite day of the week?
Kinda varies from season to season, it depends on which tv shows are airing and their schedulle. It used to be sunday bc westworld but now *sighs*
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
I can do it midly fast in spanish but in english? 🤣 Im like (how do you sing the song backwards again?)
36. How do you like your coffee?
Sweet! And I prefer Ice coffee to regular.
37. Favourite pair of shoes?
Captain marvel addidas sneakers
38. At what time do you normally go to bed?
That depends, are you refering to actually sleaping? Or at what time I tuck in and either spend till sunrise scrolling through this godforsaken website looking at memes or remembering all the emabasing moments of my life in movie secuence in my brain
39. At what time do you normally get up?
40. What do you prefer sunrise or sunsets?
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
I know sometimes bitches be sleeping under 3 blankets, 4 pairs of pillows and butt ass naked because you know life. But you know... its me im bitches.
42. Describe your kitchen plates
Round and white
43. Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
Absolutely love cocktails! Anything with blue curaçao or tequila in it Im asfkkshsk! And if I had to choose a plain? Tequila for sure.
44. Do you play cards?
I do like card games and sometimes we play went we get together (family) but im not really good at it I just have fun lol
45. What colour is your car?
Dont currently own one. But my sub card is green if that counts
46. Can you change a tire?
Im a lesbian
47. What is your favourite providence?
Theres a city at the north east of the country called Bucaramanga. Its really nice the weather the people everything!
48. Favourite job you've ever had?
That would be my current job. Flying is my life! (I miss it so much 😞)
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
Long story short my mother was fixing some metal stuff and told me not to come into the house running (I was 5) so ofc I listen to the very wise advise my dear moma gave me and definitely didnt run, hence I definitely dont have a scar on my left cheek (its very tiny now)
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy
Gave my mom a letter and a beautiful everlasting rose.
Thank you, this was fun!
Tagging: @fandommember @dino-hoodie @mccdimples @hipesque @duranza @awhitefairytale @dfincher @giffing
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