#its 2:13am IT DOESNT FEEL LIKE IT????
cantarella-s · 1 year
what the fuck..
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solcheeky · 5 years
break a leg arm
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summary: mark breaks his arm and a cast is all he needs as an excuse to get you to do everything for him
warnings: mature content insinuated, strong language
a/n: I literally went thru a heck load of his tweets to see what he was like through text lmfao also this is a remake! insp from sheep
[1 Missed Call] broccoli johnny 8:56PM
[New Message] from broccoli johnny 9:00PM, hey
[broccoli johnny] 9:00PM, I know its kind of late but
[broccoli johnny] 9:01PM, mark’s in the ER right now, you busy?
[you] 9:05PM, wtf
[you] 9:05PM, where
[you] 9:05PM, why
[broccoli johnny] 9:06PM, nothing serious dw
[broccoli johnny] 9:06PM, we’re in seoul national
[you] 9:07PM, okay im coming
[broccoli johnny] 9:07PM, mind coming over?
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, oh
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, lol cool cool
[broccoli johnny] 9:08PM, just text me when you get here :-)
[you] 9:34PM, I’m here where are you?
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, hold on
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, jae cant get his drink out of the vending machine
[broccoli johnny] 9:35PM, we’ll meet u in the lobby in a sec
[you] 9:36PM, jaehyun you are a grown man
[broccoli johnny] 9:36PM, jae said hes not going to share his drink with you now
[New Message] from lioncub 11:45PM, Sorry for making you worry haha and thank you for coming over so fast
[lioncub] 11:45PM, You home ssfe yet?
[lioncub] 11:45PM, *Safe
[lioncub] 11:46PM, Damn this whole cast on my arm thing is really getting in the way haha
[you] 11:46PM, always<3 and yea I am :) you?
[lioncub] 11:46PM, Yeah, everyone’s in bed. Johnjae’s about to leave
[you] 11:46PM, nice
[you] 11:47PM, tell jaehyun that I hope he falls over
[lioncub] 11:48PM, Woah hahahaha
[lioncub] 11:48PM, Is this because he didn’t share his drink with you?
[you] 11:48PM, it was the last one left >:( and the traitor drank it all >:((
[lioncub] 11:50PM, Haha
[you] 11:50PM, >:(
[lioncub] 11:51PM, You’re so cute 
[you] 11:51PM, wow you type so slow
[lioncub] 11:51PM, I brokr my ar, !!!
[you] 11:51PM, yikes
[lioncub] 11:52PM, Dude dp you want me to type fast or not?
[you] 11:52PM, you’ll make mistakes either way👀
[lioncub] 11:52PM, *Do
[lioncub] 11:53PM, Hahaha very funny lool
[lioncub] 11:54PM, Come on babr
[lioncub] 11:54PM, *Basbr 
[lioncub] 11:54PM, *Babve
[lioncub] 11:54PM, Damn. *babe
[you] 11:54PM, just. don’t text me anymore . 
[lioncub] 11:55PM, Wait what !!!!!
[lioncub] 11:55PM, But my cast wont br off for weeks!!
[lioncub] 11:56PM, Babe !
[lioncub] 11:56PM, D: !!
[you] 11:56PM, I meant that like..... ‘call me’ you dummy
[lioncub] 11:57PM, Oh
[lioncub] 11:57PM, Oops 
[Incoming Call] lioncub 11:58PM
[New Message] from marks arm 1:12PM, They left me at home :/
[marks arm] 1:12PM, All alone
[marks arm] 1:13PM, And I’m bored :/
[marks arm] 1:13PM, Bee
[marks arm] 1:13PM, Oh
[marks arm] 1:14PM, Are
[marks arm] 1:14PM, D
[marks arm] 1:14PM, b o r e d
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Babe
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Babe?
[marks arm] 1:15PM, Ba b e
[Missed Video Call] marks arm 1:17PM
[you] 1:21PM, oh shit sory just came out yhe shower
[marks arm] 1:22PM, Oh lool sorry
[marks arm] 1:22PM, You going out somewhere?
[marks arm] 1:23PM, OH are you coming over? :0
[you] 1:23PM, huh? no
[you] 1:23PM, lmfao gotta go to the supermarket
[marks arm] 1:24PM, Is that code for my dorm?
[you] 1:24PM, uh
[you] 1:24PM, what
[marks arm] 1:25PM, Super-MARK-et
[marks arm] 1:25PM, 😏😏😏 
[you] 1:25PM, …………
[marks arm] 1:26PM, Dude. You can’t tell me that wanst funny
[you] 1:26PM, …………………… 
[marks arm] 1:26PM, Comn on man. That was pretty funny!!!
[marks arm] 1:27PM, *Wasn’t *Come
[marks arm] 1:27PM, 😏😏😏 ???
[you] 1:27PM, I’m not coming over just because you made a ‘good’ joke
[marks arm] 1:28PM, Hahahahaha! babe please!!
[marks arm] 1:28PM, I’m so fucking bored~
[marks arm] 1:28PM, I have thid dumbass cast on now and the boys wont be back till waaayy later
[marks arm] 1:29PM, *This
[marks arm] 1:30PM, It’s not like I can take the cast off. But you can keep me company!!
[marks arm] 1:30PM, Pretty please🥺
[you] 1:30PM, but I gotta go shop D:
[marks arm] 1:31PM, Oh right. yeah lol
[marks arm] 1:31PM, but you can come over after?😏
[you] 1:31PM, hmmmmmm
[marks arm] 1:32PM, No one’s home😏 and
[marks arm]1:32PM, and Iwanttohugyou
[marks arm] 1:33PM, Plus I promise I won’t hug you with my casr haha
[marks arm] 1:33PM, *Cast
[you] 1:33PM, cute
[marks arm] 1:34PM, Did.. Did you not just hear what I said?
[marks arm] 1:34PM, No one’s home !!!
[you] 1:35PM, fine :[
[you] 1:35PM, but after I shop :>
[marks arm] 1:36PM, Alright nice haha. After you shop. Got it !
[New Message] from marks arm 1:45PM, Can you get me snacks??
[marks arm] 1:49PM, You can’t just leave me on read !!!!
[you] 8:03PM, can’t believe I bought you snacks for that
[marks arm] 8:04PM, It was the cast!! I swear !!
[marks arm] 8:04PM, You weren’t the only one uncomfortable >:( I can’t hold myself up over you when my arm is broken lool
[you] 8:05PM, I’m taking your lap next time🙄
[marks arm] 8:05PM, Oh woah
[you] 8:06PM, ‘woah’ what?
[marks arm] 8:06PM, :0
[marks arm] 8:06PM, Woah nothing. Hahahaha
[you] 8:06PM, okay well,,, save your lap for me next time
[marks arm] 8:07PM, lol okay
[marks arm] 8:07PM, Next time.
[marks arm] 8:07PM, I like that
[New Message] from marker 2:20AM, You awake?
[you] 2:21AM, no
[marker] 2:21AM, Oh okay nevermind then
[you] 2:22AM, …
[you] 2:22AM, uh mark
[marker] 2:23AM, Wait a minute
[you] 2:23AM, there we go😂😂
[marker] 2:23AM, ;/
[you] 2:23AM, LOL whats up? its 2am🤔dont you have to go studio in the morning🤔
[marker] 2:24AM, Yeah :/ but my arm hurts ;/
[you] 2:24AM, badly?
[marker] 2:25AM, Mhm :(
[marker] 2:25AM, I cant sleep :(( it hurts :/ like actually really hurts
[you] 2:25AM, lemme get back to you in 7 years after I get my doctors licence
[marker] 2:26AM, Hahahahahahaha
[marker] 2:26AM, Can you get back to me in 3secs as my bestfriend instead?
[you] 2:26AM, touché
[marker] 2:26AM, Haha
[marker] 2:27AM, Let me video call you?
[you] 2:27AM, doyoung is asleep though
[marker] 2:27AM, Yeaahh
[marker] 2:28AM, But I wantf to see you :(
[you] 2:28AM, you saw me today ?
[marker] 2:28AM, It wasnt enough :(
[you] 2:29AM, are you okay??
[marker] 2:29AM, Yeah! I am! I just
[marker] 2:29AM, idk
[marker] 2:29AM, Seeing you makesd me feel better
[you] 2:29AM, cute
[marker] 2:29AM, Shutup man
[marker] 2:30AM, Just let me call youuu
[you] 2:30AM, hm
[you] 2:31AM, fine
[you] 2:31AM, this is my way of making up for my lack of a doctors licence
[marker] 2:31AM, hahahahahahahaha
[marker] 2:31AM, I’m gonna wake up doyoung laughing like this
[you] 2:32AM, lmao pls dont blame me when he whoops your ass in the morning
[marker] 2:32AM, I wont :)
[Incoming Call] marks arm 2:33AM
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]]
[doyoung]: Mark looks like a sardine that was left to dry out in the sun for 12 days
[marker]: Hey man
[marker]: Thats just mean
[fullsun]: not mean, just the truth💅🏼
[doyoung]: It’s because he was up all night talking to you know who👀
[mr peach]: exposed
[you]: mark you said doyoung was a heavy sleeper
[doyoung]: He lied.
[marker]: We werent that loud man
[nakamoto]: I could hear mark from my bedroom
[let’s winwin!]: *our bedroom
[let’s winwin!]: and no we couldn’t
[nakamoto]: I did👀
[broccolli johnny]: all yuta does is lie lmfao
[marker]: How??!!?
[marker]: Your bedroom is upstairs!!!
[junguwu]: ? I couldnt hear them ??? and I’m next door
[nakamoto]: if I was upstairs then explain to me how I heard y/n complaining about how mark farts too much🤔🤔🤔
[marker]: Oh my god
[broccoli johnny]: LMFAAAOO
[mr peach]: this again LOL
[you]: I still can’t believe they let you talk about marks farts in your tmi vids
[oldman]: 😂😂😂😂😂oh no
[fullsun]: the dried sardine has got some explaining to do👀
[marker]: Dude its not true!!! I swear !!!!!!
[you]: a little bit true
[doyoung]: ✋also a witness
[marker]: >:0
[marker]: Fucking betrayers!!!!!!!
[marker]: Johnny tell them its not true !!!
[broccoli johnny]: my hands are tied bro🤗
[marker]: whAT
[marker]: Jaehyun?!
[mr peach]: its not true.
[doyoung]: Way to sound believable🙄
[nakamoto]: word on the street y/n is tired of mark never saying sorry or excusing himself from farting🤧
[marker]: You guys are just big bullies man
[marker]: Sicheng man you’re the only one I have left😭
[let’s winwin!]: lol no
[fullsun]: yuta may be lying about hearing yall last night but👀
[fullsun]: the fart thing is true👀
[nakamoto]: i rest my case
[broccoli johnny]: one day mark is gonna fart and it’ll poison you all
[nakamoto]: I heard hes poisoned a couple of people already🧐
[marker]: DUDE
[New Message] from mark LEE 10:11AM, Hey can I ask you something?
[you] 10:12AM, sure whats up?
[you] 10:12AM, you okay?
[mark LEE] 10:13AM, So um ;//
[mark LEE] 10:13AM, My farts dont annoy you do they?
[you] 10:14AM, LOL mARK
[mark LEE] 10:14AM, What ?! what!!!!
[mark LEE] 10:14AM, I’m serious!!!
[you] 10:15AM, its been like 3 days since that conversation
[mark LEE] 10:15AM, And I havent been able to fart in front of you since!!
[mark LEE] 10:16AM, Babe I’m deadass!!!
[you] 10:16AM, yuta was just joking stupid
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, :/
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, I know
[mark LEE] 10:17AM, But
[you] 10:18AM, but?
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, I fart
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, like
[mark LEE] 10:18AM, a lot
[you] 10:19AM, omg mark
[you] 10:19AM, it doesnt matter!! I think its cute
[mark LEE] 10:19AM, What?!
[you] 10:19AM, when you fart youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, when you sneeze youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, when you talk youre cute
[you] 10:20AM, even when you just breathe youre fucking cute
[you] 10:20AM, I dont care about your farts
[mark LEE] 10:21AM, You’re weird
[you] 10:21AM, ask the groupchat if you dont believe me
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]]
[marker]: Anyways guys
[junguwu]: ya
[marker]: Am I cute?
[fullsun]: no
[New Message] from cute idiot 9:37PM, Where are you?
[cute idiot] 9:37PM, Babe
[cute idiot] 9:37PM, The bath is gonna get cold man
[you] 9:40PM, we got a problem
[cute idiot] 9:40PM, What? No lighter? Not even matchsticks?
[you] 9:40PM, johnjae are here
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, !???!?!?!?!!!
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, whAT
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, Like in the dorm here?!?!??
[you] 9:41PM, yea you dummy
[cute idiot] 9:41PM, Shit whAT
[you] 9:42PM, wtf happened to ‘no one is coming home till late today’ !???!!
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, I
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, I DIDNT KNOW I SWEAR OMG
[cute idiot] 9:42PM, wHAT DID U SAY TO THEM
[you] 9:43PM, I look like a psycho mark
[cute idiot] 9:43PM, tHATS WHAT YOU SAID?
[you] 9:43PM, nO
[you] 9:44PM, they caught me… in the kitchen…. going through the drawers
[you] 9:44PM, with just your tshirt on…
[you] 9:44PM, my hair is wet af mark
[cute idiot] 9:45PM, oh god
[you] 9:45PM, how was i supposed to explain myself ?!
[you] 9:45PM, tell them my hair is wet because I just climbed out of the bath i was sharing with their roommate ?!!?
[you] 9:45PM, tell them i needed something to light the candles beside the fucking bubble bath ?!??
[cute idiot] 9:45PM, Shit shit shit
[you] 9:46PM, and all because you couldnt get out of the tub without injuring your broken-arm ??!
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Oh my gof
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Please tell me that is not what you said
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, Oh my god
[cute idiot] 9:46PM, This is so embarrassing
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, Dude
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, Why arnet you answering?!?!
[cute idiot] 9:47PM, What the fuc do I do
[you] 9:48PM, hold on theyre talking to me
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, I’m freakinghout
[you] 9:48PM, apparently theyre back early because they need to go prerecord nct nightnight
[you] 9:48PM, johnny needed to pick something up on the way
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Oh god
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Whdt do I do?!
[cute idiot] 9:48PM, Do I getr out!?
[you] 9:49PM, told them you were showering
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Shit
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Okay I’m turning on the shower
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, You know
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, For soubnd effects
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, Shit man shitr
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, wait
[cute idiot] 9:49PM, wb you?!
[cute idiot] 9:50PM, You didn’t dry yourself. Dude you didn’t even bring a towel
[cute idiot] 9:50PM, Hwo you gonna explain
[you] 9:51PM, told them your dumbass slipped
[you] 9:51PM, and I had to help you because of your arm
[you] 9:51PM, wait brb
[cute idiot] 9:51PM, Nooo dont brb me
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, I feel exposed now
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, Oh my god
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, This is the worst
[cute idiot] 9:52PM, This is the WORST 
[cute idiot] 9:53PM, Babe?
[you] 9:57PM, okay theyre gone😪😪
[cute idiot] 9:57PM, Thank god
[cute idiot] 9:57PM, Did they believe you?
[you] 9:58PM, I fucking hope so
[you] 9:58PM, I’m coming back
[cute idiot] 9:58PM, Be quick ;/ I kinda made a mess
[[foreign swaggers💯💯💯]]
[sexy boi ten]: just out of curiosity🧐
[sexy boi ten]: who here loves bubble baths?
[johns banana]: hmmmmmm idk man🤔 good question🤔
[jeffrey]: 😂😂😂
[kark]: Oh my god
[sexy boi ten]: I think one of us is a bubble bath enthusiast
[sexy boi ten]: but I just cant put my finger on it🧐
[kark]: Can’t believe you told ten
[johns banana]: told him what🤔🤔
[kark]: Don’t lie to me bro
[sexy boi ten]: i think youre the only one lying here
[kark]: 😨😨😨
[kark]: Jaehyun please help me
[jeffrey]: I heard there were candles
[kark]: 😧
[johns banana]: candles ?! 🤔 oh gasp🤧
[sexy boi ten]: so this is what you get up to when no ones around
[kark]: hahahaha noooo
[kark]: youre making it sound super weird man !!
[jeffrey]: lmfaaooo
[sexy boi ten]: this whole broken limb thing doesnt seem so bad now
[kark]: we didnt /do/ anything
[sexy boi ten]: why?😏 were you supposed have done something? 😏😏
[kark]: hahaha oh my god
[johns banana]: what are you tryna say mark🤗
[kark]: dude !!!!!!!
[kark]: youre all making this way weirder than it already is man
[jeffrey]: arent you the one making it weird?
[sexy boi ten]: johnny break my arm so i can get a bubble bath
[johns banana]: you dont have a girlfriend
[sexy boi ten]: i know
[sexy boi ten]: but i could have a boyfriend
[jeffrey]: you dont have a boyfriend either
[sexy boi ten]: then can you run me a bubble bath instead😘😘😘😘
[kark]: what
[johns banana]: depends… do I get to join
[kark]: wHAT
[johns banana]: I’ll be the mark to your y/n
[jeffrey]: this is going in my TMI
[New Message] from marks arm 4:15PM, They keep teasing me about the bath thing
[you] 4:15PM, so no more baths together?
[marks arm] 4:16PM, I didn’t say that........
[New Message] from bunny doyoung 6:47PM, Change of plans
[bunny doyoung] 6:47PM, He’s already on the way to yours
[you] 6:48PM, what?!
[you] 6:48PM, I was about to leave
[bunny doyoung] 6:49PM, Sorry I couldnt stop him
[bunny doyoung] 6:49PM, Said there’s too many of us in the dorm at the moment lmao
[bunny doyoung] 6:50PM, He’s such a kid
[you] 6:50PM, ffs mark
[you] 6:51PM, thanks do
[bunny doyoung] 6:51PM, Of course
[you] 6:53PM, mark wth
[you] 6:53PM, doyoung said youre coming here
[marks eggs] 6:55PM, Sorry baby
[marks eggs] 6:55PM, It’s way too hectic back there
[you] 6:56PM, you know I dont mind
[marks eggs] 6:56PM, I do this time
[marks eggs] 6:57PM, I want alone time with you
[you] 6:57PM, but I made food for the boys
[marks eggs] 6:57PM, I’ll eat it all :)
[you] 6:58PM, marrrrrkk
[marks eggs] 6:58PM, Too late I’m outside
[marks eggs] 6:58PM, Open up
[New Message] ty track 1:00AM, He’s not coming back tonight is he?
[you] 1:01AM, defo not
[you] 1:01AM, hes asleep on my lap atm
[ty track] 1:02AM, Sigh
[ty track] 1:02AM, Fine, make sure he wakes up early
[ty track] 1:03AM, He has to be back by 7am, we have a shoot in the morning
[you] 1:03AM, okay sure thing
[ty track] 1:03AM, Get some rest too
[you] 1:04AM, thanks tae you too💚
[ty track] 1:04AM, Goodnight💚
[you] 1:05AM, night :)
[[dreamies but not rlly]]
[pudu]: what time did you say you were going to come over again?
[you]: before 10 why?
[pudu]: because marks trying to break up renjun and jaemin from wrestling
[pudu]: with one arm
[jenojam]: is that what all that yelling is?
[you]: hyuck
[you]: why are you texting me when you can help him out
[pudu]: y/n thats a dumb question and you know it
[dolphinle]: such a dumb question
[you]: why arent any of you doing anything????????
[pudu]: why dont you just come over sooner ^^
[you]: hyuck I cant I’m running errands atm
[dolphinle]: see y/n is running errands hyung
[you]: thanks chenle
[pudu]: shutup chenle
[you]: wheres jisung
[jisung park]: staying out of the mess
[you]: good.
[you]: one less dreamie to worry about
[jisung park]: youre welcome
[pudu]: okay they stopped play fighting :/
[jenojam]: because mark says his arm hurts
[you]: you guys are the worst
[pudu]: *best
[moomin]: you guys are snitches
[dolphinle]: and snitches get stitches
[jaemin<3]: renjun broke my neck
[moomin]: did not
[moomin]: your stupid neck happened to fall into my hands
[pudu]: LMAOO
[jaemin<3]: :0 can u believe this
[you]: is mark okay?
[jenojam]: no
[mark sucks]: Yes
[mark sucks]: hahahaha just carry on with your errands and come at 10 I have this unser contrl
[mark sucks]: *Under
[mark sucks]: *Control
[pudu]: HAHA what lies
[jisung park]: hyung doesnt have anything under control
[jaemin<3]: youre not going to ask if I’m okay? :(
[moomin]:  jaemin ur still breathing right?
[moomin]: yea thats what I thought
[dolphinle]: ye thats what he thought
[jaemin<3]: I didnt even say anything yet!!
[pudu]: LMFAAOO
[you]: jeno help
[jenojam]: je-no thank you
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[tytrack]: well then who was it?
[nakamoto]: I think johnny was the last one to use the vacuum
[marker]: Babe can you pick up a box on the way ;/ we ranm out lastr night
[nakamoto]: .................
[fullsun]: well okay. this was fun. g2g. forever. ✌️✌️✌️
[doyoung]: Only mark would do this.
[nakamoto]: 🤡🤡🤡🤡
[doyoung]: Seriously only mark.
[marker]: Shit!!!
[marker]: Fucvbk man
[you]: wrong chat you fat loser
[canada mark] 7:00PM, Shit baby I’m so soryr
[you] 7:00PM, you’re the biggest dummy😂😂😂
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[junguwu]: a box of what?
[tytrack]: what the fuck mark
[junguwu]: oh
[marker]: Dude I didn’t mean to!!! 
[broccoli johnny]: this is why he left the dorm so quick lmfao
[marker]: Baby I’m so so so sorry I’ll make it up for you tonight
[junguwu]: :0
[canada mark] 7:05PM, FCUK
[[theres too many ppl in this gc. mark pls exit😘]] 
[nakamoto]: jc mark🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
[fullsun]: can we push the gc name into full gear now?
[fullsun]: it’s no longer a joke. 
[you] 7:07PM, you’re lucky you have a broken arm or else 
[canada mark] 7:08PM, Dude I’m so sorry. Like really.
[canada mark] 7:08PM, I was rushing in case you left the store already ;/ sorry :(
[canada mark] 7:08PM, I’ll do whatever you want ! promise.
[you] 7:09PM, you can barely do anything with that broken arm stupid
[you] 7:09PM, its okay😂 
[canada mark] 7:09PM, Really?
[you] 7:10PM, lets just say you owe me one 
‘you changed [canada mark] to [stupid mark]’
[stupid mark] 7:11PM, Yeah okay. I deserve that one.
[New Message] from stupid mark 7:24AM, Can I call you?
[stupid mark] 7:24AM, I seriously hate texting ;/
[you] 7:25AM, is it because of the wrong groupchat thing or your cast?
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, ......both lol
[you] 7:25AM, okay but I’m in bed bby its so early
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Perfect!! then you don’t have to move ! 
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Just close your eyes and talk to me :^)
[you] 7:26AM, you can talk to everyone else whos awake :^)
[stupid mark] 7:25AM, Everyones getting their hair done and stuff
[stupid mark] 7:26AM, And I’m handicapped let me call you.
[you] 7:26AM, wooooow ‘handicapped’ you can’t text me
[Incoming Video Call] stupid mark 7:26PM
[stupid mark] 7:2APM, Pick up!! please!!
[New Message] from sore loser 11:20PM, :((((
[you] 11:21PM, mark? 
[you] 11:21PM, whats wrong?
[sore loser] 11:22PM, Do you want to come with me to the doctors get my cast off tomorrow? 
[you] 11:22PM, huh????
[you] 11:22PM, I mean yeah sure but
[you] 11:22PM, whats with the sad face?
[sore loser] 11:23PM, No! I’m happy! but sad ;/
[sore loser] 11:23PM, I get to be on stage again but ;( I can’t play damsel in distress anymore haha
[sore loser] 11:23PM, If I call you over, you’ll still come right?
[you] 11:24PM, depends.........
[sore loser] 11:24PM, See!! 
[you] 11:24PM, I’m just kidding lmao
[sore loser] 11:24PM, Oh
[sore loser] 11:24PM, So... You’ll still shampoo my hair sometimes? ;/ or like sit on my lap,,and stuff ;/// ??
[you] 11:25PM, you know I’ll do all those things regardless whether your arm is broken or not
[sore loser] 11:25PM, You’re the best 
[you] 11:25PM, plus you still owe me one :^)
[sore loser] 11:25PM, Oh yeah! I do !!
‘you changed [sore loser] to [<3]’
[<3] 11:26PM, Hahaha cute
[<3] 11:26PM, Okay :))))
[<3] 11:26PM, I’ll give you what I owe you tomorrow after we go doctors ;) <3
[you] 11:27PM, perfect
[<3] 11:27PM, Yeah, perfect :))
[New Message] from <3 9:34AM, Yeah, oops. Not so perfect..... omg I’m sorry
[you] 9:34AM, yeah your arm is like jelly its weird
[<3] 9:34AM, Hahahahaha
[<3] 9:34AM, In three weeks then?
[New Message] from <3 9:36AM, You can’t just leave me on read !!!!!!!!!
[You are Video Calling <3 ...] 9:36AM
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sadlittlenerdking · 7 years
The Magicians, Quentin x Eliot
Word count: 1,985
Because I wrote a thing a few days (?) ago about Eliot getting a phone to send little nice messages to Quentin and it hilariously backfiring. So here’s the actual drabble for that. Except its not hilarious.
The first time it happens, Quentin’s walking across the quad, head in the clouds, desperately trying to figure out a plan to defeat the beast. But his phone dings in his pocket, making him remember he actually has a phone, as he passes through the tech areas. He stops, pulls it out of his pocket, surprised the battery isn’t dead, and reads the text. 
Unknown 2:47pm
You look cute today.
He stares down at the phone for a long moment before shaking his head and shoving it back in his pocket. It has to be the wrong number.
But then, three hours later, as he passes back through the quad, a stack of books in his hands, his phone buzzes in his pocket again. He sighs, stopping and shuffling around until the books are balanced on one arm in the crook of his elbow and forearm, and pulls the phone out of his pocket. 
Unknown 6:04pm
You are the smartest, and kindest person I know. 
He debates texting the person back and telling them they have the wrong number, but he’s got more important things to deal with than somebody texting him nice things on accident. Like, figuring out a way to defeat the beast, for example. So, he shoves the phone back in his pocket and makes his way back to the physical kids cottage. 
“Quentin!” Eliot calls as Quentin pushes open the front door. 
He looks up from his book, smiles, “Hey. I think I have an idea about the beast,” He says as he makes his way into the living room. 
Eliot rolls his eyes, but pats the seat next to him on the couch. “Let’s see it, then.” 
Quentin forgets about the messages until three days later, when he’s walking across the quad again and his phone buzzes four times. He frowns, pulling out his phone - still amazed the damn thing isn’t dead - and reads them.
Unknown Tuesday, 2:15am
Please don’t let all of this get you down. You’re too good to let this destroy you.
Unknown Wednesday 7:38pm
Your hair is all disheveled, and it works. Please never get a haircut.
Unknown, Thursday 10:47pm
Penny’s an idiot. 
And there goes the idea that it was the wrong number. Unless, by some ridiculous happenstance his mystery texter also knows an idiot named Penny. 
So, he sighs, shoves his messenger bag aside, and types up a reply: 
Who is this?
He knows it’s not the most eloquent response, but there’s not much else he can say. Thanks, mysterious stranger, for your ongoing support? I look forward to your vote in the upcoming polls. Isn’t exactly a dead ringer for what he wants to say. 
Also, having a stranger texting him little encouragements is kind of freaking him out, so no thank you for them until he knows why they’re doing it.
He’s mad. 
His mystery texter never responded to his question, but he did get an array of new little encouraging texts over the course of the next week: 
Unknown, Friday 5:13am
I’m always here to talk, Q.
Unknown, Friday 9:10am,
I can curse Penny if you need me to. Would gladly do it, he’s being a dick. And that’s my job.
Unknown, Saturday 12:54pm
Why the fuck did you wake up early? Go back to sleep and get some rest. The beast can wait until you’ve had a decent amount of shut eye.
Unknown, Saturday 12:56pm
Besides, you don’t want to be dead on your feet when it is time to fight him.
Unknown, Monday, 12:45pm,
I know you’re having a bad day, but your smile earlier was kind the highlight of mine. So, I hope something cheers you up, too. 
Unknown, Tuesday 11:15am
First of all, I’m mad at you. Second of all, ignore them. You deserve to be happy.
Unknown, Thursday 4:15am
Q, I heard you crying. Talk to me. It’s okay. I’m here for you.
And, Quentin likes to think he’s a pretty level headed guy, despite his disadvantages. He likes to think he can look at something creepy and not freak out. But he’s freaked out, and angry and on the verge of breaking down when he storms through the cottage’s front door and heads up the stairs. 
He barely makes it a few steps before Eliot appears at the top, stares down at him with a cigarette sticking out of his mouth. “What’s wrong with you?” he asks, appraising as he takes a step down. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
Quentin just shakes his head and shoves past him, because of all the people that are going to understand his frustration - and mild fear - Eliot is not one of them. He’s great, but he’s probably never been afraid of anything in his life. 
Yes, Quentin knows damn well he’s being unfair but he doesn’t want to talk to anyone. He just wants his mystery texter to leave him alone.
Unknown, Friday 6:17pm
What the fuck is going on with you?
Unknown Friday, 8:23pm
Quentin, talk to me.
Unknown, friday 10:33pm
Q. Come on. 
He throws his phone across the room, because apparently now the texts come through whenever, curls up in his bed and goes back to sleep.
He wakes up to the bzz, bzz, bzzing of his phone vibrating on his floor. Groaning, he pulls his blanket over his head and tries to fall back asleep. 
He’s been curled up in his bed for the majority of the past two days when his door blasts open, and Eliot and Margo appear in the doorway, glaring down at him. 
“Enough,” Margo says, making her way into the room, and yanking the blanket off the bed. “Get your sad, pathetic ass out of bed. Go take a shower, and then meet us downstairs. Eliot cooked.” She points a finger at him, when he doesnt move and just stares up at her. “Quentin Coldwater, if you don’t get the fuck up, I will curse you to an indefinite existence of only having left shoes. Even if you buy a right and a left, the right shoe will turn left, and you will never be comfortable again. And you’re clumsy enough as it is without having to worry about having two left feet, so get. The fuck. Up.” 
He’s eyes flit over her to Eliot, who’s standing in the doorway, eyebrows furrowed, and a cigarette between his lips. 
“Now, Quentin!”
“Okay,” He mutters, slipping his legs over the side of the bed, “I’m going.” 
“Good boy. We’ll see you downstairs in ten.” She grins and turns on her heel, disappearing down the hallway without another word.
Quentin sighs, pulling himself up and off the bed and making his way out of the room to the bathroom. 
Eliot stops him with a gentle hand on his shoulder. “If you need to talk,” He says, “You know you can talk to me, right?” 
And it’s so much like what his fucking mystery texter’s been saying that Quentin rips his shoulder out of Eliot’s hand and storms off into the bathroom. It’s not fair to Eliot, but jesus christ, he can’t hear people saying he can talk to them right now.
Unknown, Saturday 3:11pm
Please don’t be sad. I don’t know what to do, anymore. Q. Just tell me what you need.
Quentin, Saturday 4:15pm
Part of him wonders if it’s Penny just fucking with him, but when he finally has the courage to bring it up to everyone a week later, Penny’s clueless. 
“You think I care how you feel?” He asks, laughing. “Fat chance.” 
And either Penny’s a ridiculously good liar, or Quentin’s back to square one. He looks at the rest of the group, everyone looks concerned - except for Penny, obviously, and Eliot, who’s in some drug induced stuper, staring off into space.
He’s in class when the phone starts ringing, and without thinking, he sends it to voicemail. 
And he forgets about it until he’s crossing the quad, and the phone dings to remind him he’s got one unheard voicemail. He’s tempted to delete it without listening to it, because it can’t be anyone other than his secret whatever this person is, but he pulls his phone out of his pocket, stares at the notification for a few moments, then sighs. 
He moves towards the tunnel with the pay phones and dials his voicemail. 
At first, there’s just a soft breathing, and then,
“Q, I am so sorry.” 
Holy shit. He knows this voice.
“I - I was just trying to make you feel better. I didn’t think you would react negatively, and that’s one me, because I know you, and I should have known you wouldn’t be too happy about some stranger texting you. I just don’t know how to do this stuff face to face. It’s easier when there’s a screen. And I’m sorry I took my own comfort over yours. That was incredibly seflish. I’m sorry.” The voice pauses, breath stuttering out, and Quentin’s almost certain the sound is a cigarette being exhaled, “The only explanation I can give, because I do owe you an explanation, is that I love you.” He laughs, soft and not at all humorus, “Shocking, I know. I’m not exactly a class act in the whole wooing and caring about someone. This was the only way I could think to do it.
“And I’m sorry for not telling you the other night when you asked us. I was kind of freaking out because I was the reason you were so freaked out. Guess we kind of fit in that aspect. But,” He pauses again, “If you don’t want to see or speak to me again, I can make that happen. 
“I’m sorry. Again.” 
“To delete this message, please press 1.” 
He hangs up, shoves his phone in his messenger bag, and races across campus.
Eliots sitting on the couch, drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Quentin moves through the livingroom, sits on the edge of the coffee table and stares at him. Eliot’s eyes pass over him, as he lets his head fall back to stare up at the ceiling, and a along exhale of smoke comes billowing out of his mouth. “You got my voicemail, I assume,” He murmurs, voice hoarse.
Quentin nods. “You’re an asshole.” 
Eliot nods, lower lip sticking for a moment before he lifts his head up and looks at him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out.” 
“Why didn’t you just tell me it was you?” 
He shrugs. “Same reason I didn’t tell you how I feel, I guess.” He brings the cigarette back up to his lips, takes a long drawl, “Too chickenshit.” 
Quentin gives a small, half smile at that. “I -,” he pauses, swallowing as Eliot exhales the smoke. “I appreciate the effort. I was freaked, but you weren’t intentionally being a jack ass so I can’t really be mad at you.” 
“Q,” Eliot starts.
“Besides,” He says, standing up, “I think you promised to curse Penny, and I would really like to take you up on that offer.” He smiles down at him, holding a hand out to help him up. 
Eliot stares at his hand for a few long moments, before setting his drink on the couch and taking it, allowing himself to be pulled up, and off the couch. “I can do that,” He murmurs, looking at Quentin through his eyelashes. 
“Good,” Quentin nods, before turning and heading out of the room. He stops on the first step of the stairs, looks back at Eliot - who’s staring after him, confused - and smiles softly. “I should also mention that I love you too, and was too chickenshit to admit it as well.” His nose wrinkles, “In the interest of not leaving anything out.” 
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okatokato · 7 years
bts // top 10 fav songs
((lmao late but @98msc tagged me to do this)) can u hear that? its the sound of me crying while i make this bc im listening to these songs as i speak. in somewhat order/not really enjoyyy (: 
1. i like it (slow jam remix) // alright, listen. this song is the song that got me into them.. jk i lied, the original i like it is what got me into them ((& min yoongi)) i absolutely love and adore that song & the fact that it was on their debut ep 2 cool 4 skool makes me extremely emotional. the song feels like how it feels to have a crush on someone//the feeling when ur crush gets taken//when ur man who isnt ur man but still ur man gets swooped lol u get what im saying but when they came out w the slow jam remix on their repackaged skool luv affair ep i was all over that. overall this was the song that got me into them & the reason why i started to stan yoongi so much LOL (i can go on so much more but ill stop here bc long).
2. autumn leaves // the lyrics, the instrumentals + beats, the arrangement, the emotion. ((do u ever wonder what the song would sound like if yoongi kept the original track that was produced because me too)) the @3:31 part u know that part got me im a sucker for songs where the music stops + the vocals are there&present&strong its a small drop & beat but i feel it in my chest u know?
3. hold me tight // this song gets me feeling like some boy broke my heart & got me crying in the club u know. the harmony between yoongi + jungkook and all the goddamn emotion in the entire song. yoongis part @3:26 like the lyrics got me so bad+you already know how i feel about songs where the music gets all subtle and the vocals are loud im so emotional i know i keep saying that but wow im so simp rn at 2:13am ((mar did this to hurt me))
4. EPILOGUE: young forever // oooOOOOOOOooo boii u know this song gets me so emotional it feels like the summer of 2016 #blorange had dreams to be big & all i knew were the feelings i wanted to achieve in life “dreams, hopes, forward, forward” fr got me in my feels so damn much (im crying) anyways this song could probably beat hold me tight maybe not. this is a song you feel entirely. 
5. whalien 52 // i was so obsessed with this song when the most beautiful moment in life pt.2 came out trust me i read about the 52 hertz whale before the song came out & when i saw the title of it when the tracklist dropped best believe my heart tugged a lil or something. the fact you can hear a high pitch in the song&that its supposed to mimic/serve as the 52 hertz whale’s frequency when they sing the words “lonely whale” makes me feel so strongly for this song like bts did that.
6. coffee // i dont drink coffee but this song makes me want to drink it lol the song talks about the scent of whoever theyre singing about& i even though i dont drink coffee i deadass love the smell of it. the song feels like early mornings im talking early mornings where the sun is barely rising and the sky is really pretty. yeah, it feels like that. 
7. BTS cypher, pt.3: KILLER // the most lit song ever fr always gets me in such a hype mood plus just the fact tae deadass loves this song with all his heart makes me cry ((the bangtan bomb where he practiced it/performed it and gets so lit only for yoongi to swoop in for his part+taes hurt face gets me all the time i love taegi. my favorite of the cyphers (though pt. 4 is a close one)
8. a supplementary story: you never walk alone // the beats are something i live for the lyrics make me emotional. deadass makes me think about #blorange + how much life has to offer. it makes me feel good + makes me feel like living if u know who i am in real life u know this is the song i do my slut drops to drop ur weapons?? nah im droppin myself if u know what i mean LMAO (yoongis part in the beginning is something i want on repeat for the rest of my life & the words he says at the end is something i want to hear in my ear every day for the rest of my life) the vcr for this song at the concert hella got me emotional (but honestly what doesnt make me emotional)
9. 2! 3! (still wishing for better days) // a song full of bts emotions about their fans, for their fans. the lyrics are amazing & this song is a pick me up song feels like a rainy day but one of those rainy days where you feel good you know kinda feels like being wrapped in a blanket in the winter the part @2:33 is where the entire crowd started to sing at the concert and i was just living it. grateful for this song & i just like to think that this is what bts feels for their fans.
10. spring day // honestly i was so blessed to hear/see this performance live the ohs at the end of the song + when the crowd sang along made me so emotional at the concert its something i was fr blessed to experience/feel & a reason why this song is listed on this list the lyrics are also probably one of my favorite lyrics of any bts song. they really did it with this one ((yoongi in the mv rt if u understand)) ((jhope should always sing the parts he sings live srrynotsrry))
i have so much love for other songs that arent listed (miss right, for you, just one day, tomorrow, let me know, 24/7 heaven, the outros, the entire bts discography tbh but sadly, i gotta stop it at 10) i hope u enjoyed this list & i tag @boyfriendvibess @syugaah & all my other lovely ass followers if u wanna do it 
p.s the times listed are the times off the official music, not the off the linked videos in case ur wondering what parts im talking about LOL
wow i love bts // finished at 2:57am (yikes)
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