#its 2 more years or 6 semesters 🙃
filmbyjy · 7 months
ohh i do wanna know more about singapore’s education! i have an overseas friend currently studying architecture in nyp i believe! and she’s sooooo stressed and never has much time anymore and have basically isolated herself except for her bf and online :(( it’s really stressful for her in architecture but i hope you’re having fun in your current diploma! since your internship starts next month, you have a company assigned (?) for you already, right? not too sure but my friend told me she’s in the 2nd semester so hers has not been assigned yett
oh? your friend is also in nyp? I’m also in nyp!
well, they don’t assign the company to us. we have to email to company and get interviewed then from there we’ll see if we can get in or not. if you can’t then you just have to keep trying with other companies🙃
hmm, well. Singapore education system is quite simple (to a local) but they have changed since I graduated from secondary school💀
sit back, it’s gonna be a long readđŸ˜Ș
we have preschool:
nursery then kindergarten. just simple stuff. we also have homework there but it’s simple.
they also have religious kindergartens here for Muslims who want to enrol their kids into it. I was in one but that school went bankrupt 💀 so I went to a normal kindergarten after that.
then we have primary school:
(7-12 years old) primary 1 to primary 6
At P6, PSLE which is like a major exam for you to get into secondary school. it used to follow grading of like points. let’s say you get A then it will be the range of like 75-90. hence, some people can have until 200 aggregate.
But they are changing it to if you have A, you get 1 point so the lowest you can get is 6 points as there is only 6 subjects you’ll learn in primary school.
secondary school:
(13-17/18 years old) secondary 1-4 or 5.
based on my time for secondary school, we are split into 3 ‘categories’ Express, Normal Academic (NA) and Normal Technical (NT). Express is usually for the fast-paced learners and those who got high scores for PSLE. NA is just for the normal ones scores. NT is for the slower ones. what we usually say, don’t quote me on this Singaporeans who were in NTđŸ™đŸ»
It also depends on like your score that you got for PSLE and also on the school’s PSLE range for last year. They usually give like a booklet of the school’s past aggregate scores that students enrolled in. like legit a range.
For example, let’s say I have score of 160 (ehem I did actually get that. I was not smart in school) then you look through the booklet and you see the lowest aggregate score for Express is 180. oops, you can go in Express. so you look at NA and the lowest 140. yay, you can go into that school as an NA student. Overall, I think you can fill up your list to 6 schools. 1 being the most you wanna go in.
At Sec 1-2, you’ll be learning everything. From doing Home Economics (cooking basically) to Design and Technology(DNT) and Art. Science is just science. You learn history, geography and social studies.
At Sec 3, you’ll split classes based on which elective you’d like. There is Additional Math (A Math), Principles of Accounting (POA), Art, DNT and Home Economics. You can choose Biology, Chemistry, Physics. There is options of taking Purely just one science subject. There is also combined science where you take Bio + Chem or Physics + Chem or Physics + Bio. Oh and you can also pick to do either Geography or History but have to take Social Studies along with it as it is a must.
At Sec 4, we have ‘N’ Levels. this is mainly for the NA and NT students only. For Express, they have ‘O’ Levels. After this, they can choose to go ITE or Polytechnic (based on your scores)
For NA Students, if you do well in your ‘N’ Levels and get a score lower than 11 points. You can go direct to polytechnic. If not then ITE or move forward to Sec 5 where you basically just study for another year and then do ‘O’ Levels bc you’ll be learning what the Express learnt just a year later.
as far as I know now, I think they are like abolishing this whole Express, NA and NT thing and just putting everyone with the same learning speed and interest into one study group. i have zero idea about this since i already graduated a long time ago before this thing happened. my sister’s age group is like getting experimented on.
If you go ITE:
no age range. I was like 18-19 when I went ITE🙃
if you didn’t do well, you have to go through ITE. Mostly are NA and NT. idk about Express students thoughđŸ€” my Express friend went to Polytechnic straight so idk.
there are 3 ITE Colleges; East, West and Central.
the locals here usually say if you go ITE that means you aren’t good at studying or you’re lazy. However, that doesn’t essentially mean it. Maybe you didn’t do well in secondary school and are wanting to do better for a change so you do better in ITE then further your studies.
there are actually a lot diplomas in ITE. Business Schools, Art Schools, Social Service, Beauty and Wellness. You even have the option to do Work & Study. Basically, you get a job and also study at the same time. So like basically college💀
there is a nitec and higher nitec. nitec is basically 4 years, like starting from the bottom cause you’re fresh out of secondary school as an NA or NT student. Higher Nitec is usually for Sec 5 students or if you do well but not well enough to go directly to Polytechnic after ‘N’ Levels (I believe so💀)
For Polytechnic (or as I call it poly):
again no age range. I am literally like 22 and in poly when everyone in my class are like 19-20 years old. I am also 1 out of the 2 other 02’liner in the class. The rest are 03, 04 and 05 liners. Mostly 05 liners💀
besides the route of directly going to poly, you can also go from ITE to poly. it’s a longer route but it works. That’s what I did.
Many diplomas and various schools. Like design and other ones.
There is 5 polytechnics; Singapore Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Republic Polytechnic.
If you go from NA to Poly, it’s called ‘Polytechnic Foundation Programme’ (PFP, for short). This will be 1 year of just learning basic stuff about your course. After that, you move onto Year 1. Total you will have 4 years in poly
For normal umm, times. It’s 3 years of poly. Year 1-2 is just studying, learning about your course. Year 3 consists of internship and final year project (FYP). Each is 6 months. Then you graduate.
For internship there is two groups, the lecturers or teachers split your cohort into 2. There is Cohort A and Cohort B. If you’re in A, you’ll go to internship first for 6 months before coming back and doing your FYP. As Cohort A is doing their FYP, Cohort B will go out for their internship as they did their FYP first.
After all of this, yay graduation!!!
You can also further your studies 😍 but I’m not doing that. I am done.
We still have universitiesđŸ§đŸ»â€â™€ïž oh and you can also go private schools but I am not explaining that💀 too complicated and I didn’t go to a private school besides the kindergarten I went to.
we also have SOTA/NAFA/LASALLE – art school/performing arts or anything art related.
and many moređŸ§đŸ»â€â™€ïž I can’t even think of anymore. I tried my best to explain it but good lord, there is a lot. It’s even worse because they decided to change the educational system when I already graduated. Now, I really could say “back in my day, this was like this.” MAN IM OLD💀
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