#its 01.25 am
augustinxxz · 6 months
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ohleander · 4 years
Its amazing to me how many things I can get done if I just DO them and move on with my time. A lot of things don’t take as much time as I dread. Still learning to trust that everything that is happening IS happening FOR me. I am ready for any challenge that comes my way, even if I don’t pass with my expected outcomes of the situation. The river really holds no grudges, it just goes.
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voaradiogram · 7 years
Shortwave Radiogram, 1-2 July 2017: Bulgaria Calling
Images received by Rawad in Saudi Arabia, 25 June, 2030-2100 UTC, 11580 kHz ...
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I am pleased to announce the addition of a fourth transmission of Shortwave Radiogram. It is Saturday at 1600-1630 UTC on 9400 kHz. If the day and time seem familiar, they are the same as the the most popular broadcast of VOA Radiogram. The, frequency, however is different. And if the frequency seems familiar, it is the same 9400 kHz via Space Line in Kostinbrod, Bulgaria, used by The Mighty KBC for its Giant Jukebox show, Saturday 1500-1600 UTC. This new broadcast probably won’t be heard in the Americas this time of year. During the winter, possibly. If you are outside Europe, you can tune in and decode from http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901 in the Netherlands, or from another SDR in Europe. Thanks for the many reception reports for Shortwave Radiogram program 1! SWRG2 includes the image of a vertical line. This might help detect and correct slant in  MFSK images. On the program, I forgot to mention that it helps to record the program. Then you can save one or more segments devoted to images. Play those images repeatedly until the proper Rx adjustment of Fldigi, or of the speed of your recording, results in no slant. The free Audacity software can be helpful for recording, editing, and converting audio, and (using Audacity’s timer record feature), recording while asleep, at work, or otherwise away from the radio. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 2, 1-2 July 2017, all in MFSK32 centered on 1500 Hz: 1:52  Program preview 3:05  Our new broadcast for Europe* 7:30  A test and remedies for slanted images* 11:00  Russia considers blocking foreign broadcasts* 14:03  Trump moves to withdraw US water protection* 21:15  Italian Broadcasting Corporation anniversary* 23:46  Closing announcements* * with image Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Twitter: @SWRadiogram (especially active just before, during, and after broadcasts)
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The Mighty KBC transmits to Europe Saturdays at 1500-1600 UTC on 9400 kHz (via Bulgaria), with the minute of MFSK at about 1530 UTC (if you are outside of Europe, listen via websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ ).  And to North America Sundays at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 8-10 pm EDT) on 9925 kHz, via Germany. The minute of MFSK is at about 0130 UTC.  Reports to Eric: [email protected] . See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/.  
Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC)  For the complete IBC transmission schedule visit  http://ibcradio.webs.com/  Five minutes of MFSK32 is at the end of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave Panorama,” per the schedule below:
WEDNESDAY 18.55 UTC  6070 KHZ TO EUROPE                         19.55 UTC  1584 KHZ TO EUROPE THURSDAY     02.55 UTC  1584 KHZ TO EUROPE FRIDAY            01.25 UTC  9955 KHZ TO CENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICA SATURDAY      01.55 UTC 11580 KHZ TO NORTH AMERICA                          20.25 UTC  1584 KHZ TO SOUTH EUROPE SUNDAY          00.55 UTC  7730 KHZ TO NORTH AMERICA                         10.55 UTC  6070 KHZ TO EUROPE
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whoamihe · 5 years
Tuesday, June 4th 2019. 04.00 a.m Im not sleep yet after our last talk at 01.25. I know you don’t know this and gonna get angry if you know, i’ll never tell you this too tho. I can’t stop thingking about us, especially you. For the first time on 21 years i exist i finally feel this, i dont know what is this so let me make it clear to you. One, you make me happy like i finally see my self again, I at least know where i should go escape, you make me don’t want to think about this world, make me forget about my biggest problem, i like my self better when i’m with you. Two, i love staring at you while you’re talking. Even sometimes i don’t understand your subject but every words you said seems make sense even when its totally not, I like your silly jokes, its not funny sometimes. Three, I love you even when people said shits about you, they talk about your imperfections they talk that I should not be with you, but my love getting bigger when i hear all the judgements about you, i love you over and over again. Mmm, hold on i forget the count Alright, mmm i think its four, we have walls, not really big walls between me and you but there is still walls, but for the first time in forever, i working on it, i pray for it, i try my best to stay, i dont give up, and please dont give up too. Last, i see you on my future, like i know i have big problem that really big and that thing really cover my imagination about my future but, i see you blurry but clear, I hate to say that i am not afraid, when you hold my hand i know i want you to do this for 50000 years to me, like i want to say do not leave me. So is it clear? What do you think? Is that what they called love? Well, whatever it called. Dont leave me at least till we try our best to not stop. Hm, been 17 minutes, i am not sleepy at all, but I should wake you up at 6. Well, i miss you. Maybe if you are here i will hug you as tight as i can. Anyway, do you remember my pray on my first letter to you? Its still same, if you stay, i will never ask God for more.
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voaradiogram · 7 years
VOA Radiogram, 20-21 May 2017: Special doomed edition
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Zděnek in the Czech Republic received these images Sunday, May 14, 1930-2000 UTC, 15670 kHz
I will retire from the Voice of America on June 23, after 32 years as audience research analyst and broadcaster.
I was hoping to continue to produce VOA Radiogram as a contractor.  I approached various BBG and VOA offices. They all declined. 
And, therefore, the last VOA Radiogram will be the weekend on June 17-18
Money is not the issue.  I am willing to work cheap.  My main interest is to be authorized to continue the show and maintain a VOA email address, so that I can keep in contact with the audience.
The irony is that, after retirement, I will finally have time to answer your emails – but I will no longer have access to the VOA email system to do that.
But, the show must go on.  In addition to the four weekly transmissions via the BBG North Carolina transmitting site, VOA Radiogram is also broadcast on WRMI in Florida twice on Sundays. I can hardly allow those half-hour slots to be filled by light recorded music. So, beginning the weekend of June 24-25, a program similar to VOA Radiogram, but with a new name and email address, will be broadcast by WRMI.  
More about the demise of VOA Radiogram, and the emergence of its replacement, in the weeks to come.
VOA Radiogram this weekend includes some text in Russian. You will need to use the UTF-8 character set. IF you use Fldigi, it probably is already set for UTF-8, but you might want to check under the Colors & Fonts menu. All of the show is in MFSK32 except for one item in MFSK16, in case reception is challenging.
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 216, May 20-21, 2017, all in MFSK32 except where noted:
 1:46  Program preview
 3:00  Distance supernova can doom earth has doubled*
10:16  Plan to clean plastic patch in the Pacific*
15:55  Plastic-eating moths (Russian) * **
22:01  MFSK16: Ukraine blocks Russian websites
26:10  MFSK32: Closing announcements*
* with image
** Mostly Cyrillic text: use UTF-8 character set
Please send reception reports to [email protected]
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The Mighty KBC transmits to Europe Saturdays at 1500-1530 UTC on 9400 kHz (via Bulgaria), with a minute of MFSK32 at about 1530 UTC. And to North America Sundays at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 8-10 pm EDT) on 9925 kHz, via Germany. A minute of MFSK32 is at about 0130 UTC. Reports to Eric: [email protected] . See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/.
DigiDX has not resumed, hence the VOA Radiogram transmissions via WRMI. See http://www.digidx.uk/ and https://www.facebook.com/digidx/
Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC)  For the complete IBC transmission schedule visit  http://ibcradio.webs.com/ Five minutes of MFSK32 is at the end of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave Panorama,” per the schedule below:
                      19.55 UTC  1584 KHZ TO EUROPE
                      20.25 UTC  1584 KHZ TO SOUTH EUROPE
                     10.55 UTC  6070 KHZ TO EUROPE
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