#itll grow back ๐Ÿ˜…
abirddogmoment ยท 6 months
ready or not we're dog showin' this weekend ๐Ÿ˜…
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meiko3323 ยท 4 months
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boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, so i print out challenges on company time XD filled it in on my own time tho
all my hoyolab friends were doing this so i decided to join in ๐Ÿ˜ธ would this also count as meet the artist kinda?
hm, lets see what i can elaborate on...
- i write/ draw w my left, but hold food utensils incl chopsticks w my right. and i use a right-handed mouse. but when i chop veggies or sth for meal prep i hold the knife in my left
- bilingual: i know russian and english fluently. my parents had a "no english at home" rule when my sister and i were growing up, which i found annoying at the time but now im pretty grateful to not forget my mother tongue, and be able to communicate w the extended fam back home
- im extremely near-sighted, im talkin i could hold out my own hand in front of my face and itll be blurry
- idk if this is dating me too much, but i played a lot of neopets when i was young. i had like 4 or 5 accts, and even got my sis into em. i remember sneaking onto the family pc to play, and then sneak away when i heard my parents approaching
- came out at 16, tho in hindsight the signs were there as young as like 5
- i indeed had a fursona in middle/high school, prob cuz i struggled w human anatomy and found animals much easier to draw ๐Ÿ˜…
- get it? caffeine + fiend = CAFFIEND :>
- im the older sister by 6 yrs
- ive talked abt my connection to ffxiv on here before, i played it intensely for abt 2yrs, even got into the raiding scene a bit. was a miqo'te white mage main until sage came out and i switched to that
- i LOVE exploration so all my genshin maps are 100% including all the special/ underground ones, i caught up just before fontaine released, and since then it takes me under 2 wks to catch up on any new map
- dont like makeup cuz im lazy and also why should i waste time putting all of it on, only to have to wash it off after? or forget and wake up w panda eyes ๐Ÿผ too much hassle =w=
- i currently have short hair. i started cutting it myself since covid cuz salons were closed and it was getting too long, i was startin to look like that aLiEnS guy ๐Ÿ˜‚ and now it saves me time and money, and as a bonus i dont have to leave the house for it which is always a win (id prob be a complete shut-in if i didnt have to work lol)
- ive fallen out of trees twice, once at a friends bday party when i was abt 5-6, and another time when i was ehhh 12-13. im also generally quite accident prone (not quite benny levels but up there) tho surprisingly not broken any bones *knock on wood*
- surprise-surprise, am an introvert lmao. require plenty of time to recharge my social battery
- i enjoy me some alcohol, not unlike a certain bard ;3 i actually used to drink FAR more when i was younger. funny enough its thanks to videogames that ive managed to unintentionally cut bk (aka replace one addiction w another lol), like now im able to skip up to 3 days. and when i do partake its not as heavy as before, partly cuz im weary of hangovers, and partly cuz the sleepies hit me before the buzz and thats annoying :T but i still chase that boozy high
- hoodies and flannels are life, theyre so comfy! clothes-related sidenote: pants MUST have pockets or i refuse to wear em
- ive got 16mm gauges in my ears, i think thats 00G? currently wearing silver tunnels atm. i miss my grumpy cat plugs, but alas theyre only 10mm iirc
- ive got 7 piercings i think, lets count: 1๏ธโƒฃ tongue, 2๏ธโƒฃ left side lip, 3๏ธโƒฃ right nostril, 4๏ธโƒฃ-5๏ธโƒฃboth earlobes (stretched), and 6๏ธโƒฃ-7๏ธโƒฃ a double-helix (intentional for the pun lol) on my left ear. i used to have a second row on my lobes but when my gauges got too big i had to take em out. kinda wanna get em repierced at some point and put the little cuffs back. debating an industrial in my right ear too (goin for some as.symetry) also wanna get a second piercing beside my current lip one (apparently thats called a spider bite ๐Ÿ˜ณ)
- never learned to drive cuz either got driven everywhere by fam/ friends, or relied on public transit. plus idk if i trust myself behind the wheel, it feels like itd be too overwhelming x_x
- i enjoy me some vaping. in classic meiko fashion, prefer the *fruity* flavours. tho ive had a couple good menthol ones. not a fan of dessert flavours, theyre nice for a few hits but vaping it for an extended time gets too sweet. ive dabbled w a bit of cigarettes too tho not a fan due to the nasty aftertaste. i also enjoy me some hookah, tho ive not indulged in years
- ive dropped out of uni not once but twice ๐Ÿ™‚
- i love plushies and used to have a pretty big collection of them ^w^ i still hold on to a few, id have more if i had space in the apartment for em
- DUH, i have a tumblr as well :3 lurked on and off for years
thank you to anyone that bothered reading all that, didnt expect id have so much to say abt myself. sorry for rambling endlessly ^^'
and thanks in advance to anyone that fills out the card, i wonder if there will be any bingos :D
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versadies ยท 2 years
This reminds me of something ๐Ÿ˜… For context I don't really ship characters or care about shipping in general. One time I think I said something like "I don't ship j*anluc" somewhere and a swarm of people just came at me so around maybe 100-250 comments, they pulled every thing to back up their ship and some wished for my death or misfortune then some who don't like the ship started to join to fight and it escalated so I deleted my comment. It was like a world war but just ships ๐Ÿฅฒ
OH NOOO im so sorry to hear that comrade, you dont deserve to go thru that :((( i swear, people need to grow up and not attack other people so badly for having different opinions, its not like itll end the world ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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