#ithaera valdel-bras
lady-valdel-bras · 3 years
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Strolling in the sun.
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cathcacen · 4 years
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Haven't had the chance to draw this derpy girl. :3
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lady-valdel-bras · 4 years
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Little Miss Bitty and her garden of blooms.
Floral vector from pngtree.com
Do not repost.
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cathcacen · 5 years
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Some days, Ithaera swears that pup is more wolf than dog. He scuttles ahead, tail brushing the backs of her calves, eager to explore, eager to chase. She groans as his ears wisp past her fingertips, barely tickling at the burns on her fingertips even as she makes to grab at him.
“OI! Ghost, come back here, you little shit!”
He turns to whine at her, soot-covered paws digging into the soil. When they’d bought the villa, the surrounding acreage had been overgrown, untended for years. Square by square, patch by patch, she’d coaxed it back to life with the genteel Mr. Bras. They’d spent their summer mornings in love, wandering the fields, laughing together and tasting fruit fresh off the trees. She’d had Sudenese roses imported from the South, and Jempekian blooms to brighten up the lot. Magnolia trees and sweet orange and avocado and olives - the fruit of Mr. Bras’ youth, the greenery with which to remind him that home is here.
Now, the land is verdant and green, and the first harvest has descended upon them in full. Soon, they will need to find good, strong men to pick apples and pears. At present, however, she has an errant dog to catch.
The pup whines at her, and she laughs, reaching forth to scratch behind his hears. A quick lick of his rough tongue wets her fingers. She grumbles, wiping it off on his rough, snowy coat. “Come on,” She tells him. “Your dad’s waiting.”
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cathcacen · 5 years
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Barnitty + little things
Lemons | Grahhul | Intimacy | Dancing | Swimming | Cacti + Bougainvillea | Sweet treats
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lady-valdel-bras · 5 years
That one time Barnton Bras tricked a girl into agreeing to grow old with him.
Barnton whispers to you, "Ok, deal, we die together, in 70 years, from old age. But only after we change the world."
You whisper to Barnton, "People will take advantage of us and we'll die poor and alone."
Barnton whispers to you, "Though, if we die together, we won't die alone?"
You muse in thought.
Barnton muses in thought.
You whisper to Barnton, "This is true. Okay, then. Let's give it exactly seventy years and we die." You whisper to Barnton, "Just long enough to see the world change, but not so long we die without the use of our limbs."
Barnton whispers to you, "Ok, deal, we die together, in 70 years, from old age. But only after we change the world."
You whisper to Barnton, "Technically we can change the world by way of simply murdering some hateful people."
Barnton whispers to you, "And changing for the better, even. Now I am very tempted."
You whisper to Barnton, "Don't do it yet. At this point there's a fifty-fifty chance you could get thrown into prison."
Barnton whispers to you, "Ok, fine, so we need to make a proper plan."
You whisper to Barnton, "Step 1: Get powerful. You think anyone would bat an eye if the Merchantlord killed someone? I THINK NOT."
Barnton whispers to you, "So we need to become merchant lord and lady?"
You whisper to Barnton, "Yes. Yes, we will. How good are you at sucking up?"
Barnton muses in thought. Barnton whispers to you, "Not terribly good, I am afraid. You?"
You whisper to Barnton, "Uh-uh. Nope. Otherwise I'd be sucking up to leadership."
Barnton snaps his fingers. Barnton whispers to you, "We are hopeless."
Ithaera slouches her shoulders, however possible that is from where she's laying down all sloth-like. You whisper to Barnton, "We fail at murder." You whisper to Barnton, "And we fail at sucking up."
Barnton whispers to you, "Yet, despite all that, we will prevail!"
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lady-valdel-bras · 5 years
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There’s something dreamy in her gaze, and I’ve learned through the years that it hints at secrets she doesn’t tell, pain she feels that she never shows. Plenty of warmth, to be certain, but what lingers in her eyes, all grey and stormy and pale as the silver ore that streaks through the mountains where we’re from, is a quiet, gentle sadness. A desire to be known, deeply, intimately, honestly. And that’s what you are to her, Barnton. You know her like no one else, in a way that I’d tried, and failed to know. And, for that, I can do nothing else but to thank you.
Ake Vettel; Letters from Scosglen
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cathcacen · 5 years
“Our passions are fire, and our love is a clear, cool breeze. Our relationship is air that keeps us alive. Without air, the fire dies. Great sex is just the byproduct of a great relationship.”
- Me, accidentally being profound again
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cathcacen · 5 years
Darci turns to Ithaera and says, "I heard if you shake Ithaera too hard baby wombats fall out of her pockets."
Ithaera lets out a loud screech of laughter.
<Merchant> Ithaera laughs so hard she has to clutch her belly, barely able to get out the words. "Oh, gods! This rumour!" Rhialla <Merchant> What is it? <Merchant> Neina perks up "Do tell?" <Merchant> Ithaera laughs and sobs and laughs. "I heard if you shake Ithaera too hard baby wombats fall out of her pockets." <Merchant> Aleira giggles
Secretly: Neina dies laughing To Neina, you send secretly: Ithaera is also about dead.
Ithaera <Merchant> This is my FAVOURITE rumour about me ever.
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lady-valdel-bras · 4 years
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Sunshine and Flowers.
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lady-valdel-bras · 5 years
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lady-valdel-bras · 5 years
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lady-valdel-bras · 5 years
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“We would have long talks about these stories and these paintings and what  they mean to us, and what art means to us. And our gazes would meet and we would smile sheepishly at one another when the same thoughts hit us. And we would go home every night thinking about each other. Until meeting below that tree becomes the main purpose of our days.”
- Barnton Bras
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lady-valdel-bras · 5 years
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"I think this home won't be cold in any capacity, not while we're here together."
"I never imagined it would be possible to make it in this way... You know, you look so beautiful doing that..."
"You're quite possibly the only guy in Gahlen who could look at a girl stomping through the mud to look at tomatoes, and think: Wow, that's hot."
"There is just something so adorable and so...honest... in that simplicity of doing gardening things, as opposed to all the chaos of the city life. I cannot even explain it..."
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lady-valdel-bras · 5 years
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Jewel toned summer gown
Flowing loose to the ground in silken waves of semi-translucent chiffon, this gown is a vision of simplicity that speaks all at once of art and of nature. At a glance, the fabric appears almost haphazard in its design, with watercolour hues in jewel tones from fuchsia, to viridian, to violet, to amber blooming in vibrant tie-dye across its entirety. Indeed, within the beautiful chaos of the fabric, clashing hues melt together in distinct and yet abstract layers, revealing with absolute clarity that the treatment has produced a singularly unique design that perfectly emulates a pearlescent sheen evocative of the elusive Jempekian fighting fish. A high, rounded collar surrounds the neck in halter style, ruched at the throat to provide a sense of volume; likewise, the bodice is similarly adorned, with a narrow black velvet ribbon serving to cinch the figure in at the waist. Evidently made for summer romps with no care for the highbrow delights of the noble class, this is a garment meant for play, loose, comfortable, and yet inherently charming in its simplicity, design, and make. A small tag sewn into an inside seam of the garment denotes the designer: Ithaera Valdel-Bras.
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lady-valdel-bras · 5 years
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Please don't change your mind; change your mind about me. And don't ever set me aside with the things you don't need.
- Please Don’t Change Your Mind, Lizzie No
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