#itha asked and instantly regrets it
ask-idv-night-watch · 2 years
I’ll give you an example
Yo mama so traumatized she don’t even recognize you
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". . ."
"…How do you even know about that, first of all? Second of all.. how dare you. If that is supposed to be a joke, it was as pitiful as those who dare call themselves gods! You keep my mother’s name out of your filthy mouth from now on."
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cloud-anon · 22 days
Hello Cloud’ika. Brain rot is real. Also the YouTube comments are an awful black hole from which not even light escapes but there’s gems amid the trash. I was scrolling through the compilation animation from the live stream and found a couple nuggets of fantastic prose. Is this what happens in The Oddessey? No. But I listened to We’ll Be Fine, Love in Paradise and God Games on near constant repeat and think that Athena and Ody need a reunion where he can see that she fought for him.
“Let him go, please.” Athena begged as she fell to the steps below the dais. “Let him go...” and with that final broken plea, the goddess of wisdom collapsed. She didn't rise. Silence fell in the colosseum, a feat considering the parties in attendance. Zeus stared down at the crumpled form of his daughter.
So much trouble for a mortal.
Why would this favored child go to such lengths? To risk not only Poseidon’s wrath but her own destruction at his own hands in punishment. Surely this wasn't rebellion like he'd feared...
“Let him go, husband.” Hera crossed the expanse from the spectator seats to dais where his throne sat.
“She already bargained for his release with all of us.” Hephestus added quietly, taking a spot opposite the queen, and spoke only loud enough to be heard.
“She regards both Odysseus and his son as being worth all... this.” Ares gestured to the ichor leaking from the Goddess's wounds as he stepped around her to join the other olympians at the throne, unsubtly checking for signs of life in his counterpart in war.
“Apollo, tend to her.” Zeus commanded, his expression becoming almost regretful for a moment at the sight of the unconscious goddess. The god of medicine and music obeyed instantly, pulling the limp goddess into his lap to assess the multitude of wounds. “Hermes!” The messenger god appeared, none of his usual flippant tone in his greeting.
“Yes, My Liege?”
“You're bound for Ogygia, to the daughter of Atlas, with orders to release Odysseus of Itha—“
“I will come with you.” Athena struggled to rise as she spoke with a groan. “Father, I would be part of this delegation to Calypso.”
“You are wounded, Sister Dear.” Apollo objected, trying to keep her from standing.
“Please. I must answer his plea.” she pleaded, once more endeavoring to stand. “He needs me.”
Zeus gave her a long hard look, which she shrank ever so slightly from, before amending his command slightly.
“And Athena will join you in retrieving her champion.”
“Calypso, Darling.” Hermes sang as the two Olympians materialized on the beach of the enchanted island. Athena was standing, but only just, and she leaned heavily on the messenger god as well as her spear. The bright colors of the foliage faded as the Nymph appeared.
“Hermes, to what do w— do I owe the pleasure?”
“Where is he?” Athena asked, drawing Calypso’s attention to her.
“Whatever happened to you, Lady Athena?” Athena waved off the question.
Hermes cleared his throat and spoke. “I have orders from Zeus, Thunder Bringer, Lord of the Skies…” As Hermes gave the proclamation, declaring Odysseus’s release from the island, out of the illusions blanketing the coast stumbled a second person. It had been so long. Odysseus looked like a madman. His hair and beard were long and matted, the last remnants of his armor were hanging off his thin frame in tatters. Athena hurried—as much as her wounds would allow— to the man as he took in the scene on the beach and froze.
“Athena.” Hearing her Favored speak her name, the same anguish in his voice from his desperate cry from the cliff broke her heart once again.
“Odysseus…” his strength gave out right before hers did, the king of Ithaca falling into her arms before her own weakness forced her to her knees in the sand. “I’m here my friend.”
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