#italians can be white . but there have always been african south Europeans and asian east europeans
llamasgotoheaven · 2 years
The way people don’t understand genetics history or geography is so apparent when people on Twitter bicker about whether southern and or eastern Europeans are white
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jfpisadearqueerdeer · 5 years
People of Color in HP
Fleamont Potter is a first generation Indian British immigrant. His father, Henry moved there right before Fleamont's older brother, Charlus, was born, an advocated for muggleborn rights. Charlus eventually moved to India, but Fleamont lived & died in Britain. Pomona Sprout is African British, I'm thinking West African heritage, but if you want a pinpointed country, probably Nigeria. Aster Parkinson (née Rosier) is biracial, her mother (the second wife of her father) being a pureblood from East Asia.
James Potter is biracial; he's Indian on his father's side and Greek on his mother's. He got the gene for green eyes from his mother which is how Harry got green eyes. Dorcas Meadowes is African British, maybe from South Africa. Kingsley Shacklebolt is, again, African British, another one with West African heritage, but I'm unsure of what country exactly.
Rowan Khanna is Indian British, though her family probably has some history in Germany as well. Tulip Karasu is Japanese, though it was probably her grandparents, or maybe even great grandparents, who immigrated to Britain, as she has red hair. Liz Tuttle is African British, I like to think she's from East Africa. Andre Egwu is also African British, I have no idea what part of Africa though. Talbott Winger is Israeli, his parents probably moved to Britain after World War 2. Jae Kim is Korean, Badeea Ali is Muslim, and Diego Caplan is Hispanic.
Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson are both African British, and both are probably from West Africa. Alicia Spinnet is Portugese and hates when people call her Spanish. Katie Bell's mother is Turkish and her father is Scottish, and she is always wondering if she can be considered Asian if she's white-passing (the part of Turkey her mother is from is considered to be in Asia, but everyone sees her as European). Cho Chang is Chinese, and I headcanon that her full name is actually Chū Huā Chang (Translates to "First Flower" or Chrysanthemum), but she goes by Cho (her mother's maiden name) because it's easier to pronounce.
Harry Potter is multiracial, with Desi and Greek and British roots. Hermione Granger and Dean Thomas are both African British, Hermione's family is from East Africa and Dean Thomas's father is from South Africa, but he (Dean) lived in Australia until he was eight. Lavender Brown's family is from Haiti, her grandparents moved their family to the United States and eventually Britain after the 1953 earthquake. Padma and Parvati Patil's parents immigrated to Britain (from India) right before their births. They haven't been in India since they were in the womb. Pansy Parkinson is multiracial, but claims her East Asian roots more than her European roots. Blaise Zabini has both African and Italian roots, though with all the stepfathers he's had, it's easy to forget his true roots.
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slashers-hell · 5 years
Ethnicites of the Dead by Daylight Characters
Dunno if anyone cares, but this great post about all non-white Dead by Daylight characters inspired me to expand the idea to all characters.
Dwight Fairfield Caucasian American. “Fairfield” is a surname derived from the Danish language, meaning “sheep-field.” So perhaps, Dwight has Scandinavian roots.
Meg Thomas Caucasian American. Her surname “Thomas” is a common name in England, Wales, Scottland, France, Germany, Netherlands, and Denmark. Since I myself live in Germany and was born in the Netherlands, I can safely say that “Thomas” is exclusively used as a first name here. I believe the same applies to France and Denmark. Having said that, it is fair to assume that Meg has English, Welsh, or Scottish roots. The English are of Germanic origin anyway. 
Claudette Morel Black Canadian. But her full name is of French origin. Since I am not Canadian, I might be very wrong about this (so please correct me if that’s the case), but this might be indicative of possible French Canadian roots.
Jake Park Asian American. Given his surname (“박”), like OP who wrote the post about all non-white characters said, he is Korean. Park is a common surname among (South) Koreans. In fact, it is the third most common surname in South Korea.
Nea Karlsson Caucasian American. But she has Swedish roots. Confirmed in her bio.
Laurie Strode Caucasian American. There is not much information on Laurie’s ethnicity in the movies, so I googled her surname. Apparently, it is English. 
Ace Visconti Argentinian with Italian roots. Visconti is an old Italian surname. Not sure if Ace is both Argentinian and Italian, but I assume he is an Italian man who was born in Argentinia? Although it would make more sense if he was both. 
William “Bill” Overbeck Caucasian American. The surname “Overbeck” originates from East Prussia. East Prussia was located on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea. As a German, I understand some Old Prussian. Given this fact, it is likely that Bill has both Germanic and Slavic roots. 
Feng Min Chinese. Her name is spelled “凤敏” in Chinese.
David King English. What can I say? Just an English lad.
Quentin Smith Caucasian American. His surname is English.
David Tapp African American. Likely descendant of Central and/or West African slaves since most of them originated from these areas. 
Kate Denson Caucasian American. We only know that she is from Pennsylvania. But her surname originated in Northern England. 
Adam Francis Jamaican. He is from the neighbourhood Rollington Town in Kingston, Jamaica.
Jeff Johansen  Canadian. But it is stated that he has Norwegian roots. His surname is Scandinavian anyway.
Jane Romero Latin American. Her mother’s maiden name was Lawrence. That’s an ancient Anglo-Saxon surname. Her mother might have been European. The Surname “Romero” originated in Spain. So it is not clear which part of South America her father is exactly from. There is also a possibility that her mother is Latin American as well and not fully European. 
Evan MacMillan (The Trapper) Caucasian American. MacMillan is a Scottish surname. He’s likely of Scottish descent.
Philip Ojomo (The Wraith)  African. Likely from Nigeria. “Ojomo” is a Nigerian name. Apparently, it means “change, freedom, risk.” 
Max Thompson Jr. (The Hillbilly) Caucasian American. His surname originated in England and Scottland.
Sally Smithson (The Nurse) Caucasian American. Her surname is Anglo-Saxon, specifically English.
Michael Myers (The Shape) Caucasian American. His surname has Dutch, English, and German origins. It can even be traced back to Old Norse. “Myrr” means “marsh” in Norrønt. 
Freddy Krueger (The Nightmare)  Caucasian American. His surname always sounded so German to me! Apparently, it is from Middle High German. In German, it would be written “Krüger.” So, he is likely of German origin. 
Lisa Sherwood (The Hag) African. It’s likely that she is from Central or West Africa.
Herman Carter (The Doctor) African American. Likely from Central or West Africa. 
Anna (The Huntress) Russian. Her name is spelled “Анна” in Russian. And the lullaby she sings is an old Russian lullaby for kids called ‘Bayu Bayushki Bayu.’
Bubba Sawyer (Leatherface) Caucasian American. His surname has British origins. 
Amanda Young (The Pig) Caucasian American. Her surname is common in England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Given that the word is derived from “yunge, yonge” in Middle English, and we have the word “jung, Junge” in German, it’s safe to say she is Germanic.
Jeffrey Hawk (The Clown)  Caucasian American. His surname has English origins. 
Rin Yamaoka (The Spirit) Japanese. She is from Kagawa, which is a prefecture in Japan. It is located on the Shikoku islands in the northeast of Japan.
F. J. S. J. (The Legion) Now, the gang’s complicated. And this post convinced me. I agree with what the respective user said. So Frank Morrison is very likely First Nation, Julie is white Canadian, Susie is First Nation as well, and Joey is black Canadian.
Adiris (The Plague) Babylonian. Modern-day Babylonia would be located in the Middle East, specifically between Baghdad (city in Iraq) and the Persian Gulf, located in West Asia.
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stormhavenmedia · 5 years
Authors note; As always follow the links and research on your own, believing random dudes on the internet is how we got here. Nothing in this should be taken as a reason to in any way hate any group. Racism is bad for you. My purpose here is to set the record straight and present the actual undisputed, but little known facts. Prejudice and Judgement are two different things. 
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell
   Recent years have seen the rise of Somali politicians in North America. The two most prominent examples being Ahmed Hussein, (Axmed Xuseen) Canadian Minister of Immigration during the first Trudeau government, and Ilhan Abdullahi Omar first term US congresswoman and famously leader of the progressive “squad”.
  Both Xuseen and Ohmar have similar backstories. They were welcomed by Canada and the US respectively as refugees. Both were supported by generous social systems in their first years in their nations that saved them. I say “saved them” because under the legal definition provided by the 1951 Refugee Convention, to be considered refugees they could not have returned to Somalia “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.” So if they were legitimate refugees then de facto Canada and the United States saved them from brutal persecution. Both were given every opportunity to succeed, and succeed they did. Both received high-end educations not readily available to much of the population. Both were elected to high public office that incredibly few citizens can aspire to.
  Both Axmed Xuseen and Ilhan Ohmar have shown their immense gratitude by using every opportunity, and the full weight and very real privilege of their offices, to denigrate both societies with a literally endless stream of cringe-inducing epithets. The vitriol with which they assault the people and societies who sponsored them is incredibly vicious in both cases. Every “white” American and Canadian are brutal racists. We have no culture, no history of any note. Our home countries are merely constructs of “white-colonial-settler” supremacy. The societies that provided them with an elite education and elected them to high office, are according to them, irredeemable and inherently racist to their cores. This message is blasted into the national conscience by seemingly unlimited access to the corporate media, the odious CBC, academia and the utter adulation of the economic elite “woke” classes. Their views are even being heralded in the British medical Journal, The Lancet as scientific fact. The piece shown below generally asserts that all evil in the world, from slavery to colonization, originates with “whiteness” which must be swept from the earth.
 Our Somali heroes/victims claim positions of moral authority due to the inherently superior non “white” culture that spawned them. Their history is not stained with the conquest and subjugation of  the “other” as is all “white” culture. They hold themselves literally incapable of being racist.
  They both site their adherence to Islam, the religion of peace, and thus cement their position as historical victims. Both like to lecture the inherently racist “white” citizens who elected them about the massive deficits in  their culture, and their desperate need to end “white superiority” and “whiteness” itself in a vaguely genocidal incitement. Any dissent is met with furious tirades, and legislation, criminilizing Islamophobia.
   What follows is a history both Ohmar and Axmed and the legions of the “woke” hoped you would never learn.  Through deliberate and sustained action, our education systems have been manipulated over generations to ensure we forget our history. We are taught only the very selective facts those in power wish us to know. The warping of our education system has been very successful. I have a college level education and have studied history all my life yet much of what this was unknown to me. This has been a long game. It has allowed these two individuals, and many others to perpetrate some of the most epic gas-lighting in human history.
    One culturally iconic feature of Somali culture and language neither Axmed Xuseen or Ilhan Ohmar have chosen to share with us putrid “whites” is the word “Jareer”.  Jareer is an ancient Somali term of racist derision for the Bantu peoples, and anyone else they feel is racially inferior. Millions of Bantu people were hunted and sold in open slave markets in the ports of Zeila and Mogadishu for at least a thousand years. The fact is that Somalis were beneficiaries of the brutal Islamic wars of conquest that carved out the Maghreb wiping out the indigenous cultures. This meant they also enslaved Oromo and Nilotic  people. Somalis had a much different impression of these groups. Their capture, treatment and duties of the two groups of slaves differed markedly, with Oromo favored because Oromo subjects were not viewed as racially jareer by their Somali captors. Both the use of the term Jareer and the deeply held, openly racist, views of the Somali population persist to this day.
   In the 700 years immediately before Europeans came to Africa, Somalia was one of the centers of the brutally colonial Islamic Caliphates.  The Somalis created an empire based on trading with the burgeoning Islamic world being carved out with the sword from the Indus Valley to Europe, killing millions between the rise of Muhammad and the beginning of the European Age of Empire.
Irfan Husain, Islamic scholar speaking about the muslim conquest of India that began around 1000 AD,  “Demons from the Past”
“While historical events should be judged in the context of their times, it cannot be denied that even in that bloody period of history, no mercy was shown to the Hindus unfortunate enough to be in the path of either the Arab conquerors of Sindh and south Punjab, or the Central Asians who swept in from Afghanistan…The Muslim heroes who figure larger than life in our history books committed some dreadful crimes. Mahmud of Ghazni, Qutb-ud-Din Aibak, Balban, Mohammed bin Qasim, and Sultan Mohammad Tughlak, all have blood-stained hands that the passage of years has not cleansed..Seen through Hindu eyes, the Muslim invasion of their homeland was an unmitigated disaster.
“Their temples were razed, their idols smashed, their women raped, their men killed or taken slaves. When Mahmud of Ghazni entered Somnath on one of his annual raids, he slaughtered all 50,000 inhabitants. Aibak killed and enslaved hundreds of thousands. The list of horrors is long and painful. These conquerors justified their deeds by claiming it was their religious duty to smite non-believers. Cloaking themselves in the banner of Islam, they claimed they were fighting for their faith when, in reality, they were indulging in straightforward slaughter and pillage…”
 Much of the lucrative merchandise the Somali Caliphs taxed were chained human beings. While Europeans were busy in their mud huts trying to stitch together the ruins of the Roman Empire, the Somali Caliphates were instrumental in the trafficking on some 12 million human beings. They then continued the practice for another 600 years after European contact, until the Italian colonial administration abolished slavery in Somalia at the turn of the 20th century. Somalia’s slaving empire had lasted over a thousand years.
I will rely on mostly African scholars where possible for historical and cultural contextual telling of this story in detail.
 We begin with Nat Amarteifio; historian, and former mayor of Accra, Ghana’s capital. Speaking about the origins of Slavery
“There is a willful amnesia about the roles that we played in the slave trade……….The system already existed,” Amarteifio said. “The Europeans saw it. And thought: ‘Ah, we can try these people in our lands in the New World…..But Amarteifio says the Europeans weren’t going out and capturing Africans. They couldn’t — they got sick and died from illnesses like malaria. Some African ethnic groups went into business, warring with other groups so they could capture prisoners they sold as slaves to the Europeans. Amarteifio says they were organized and intentional about it. “To pursue slavery successfully, you need a highly organized group because somebody has to go out there — somebody has to locate the victims; somebody has to lead an army there; somebody has to capture them, transport them to the selling centers; all the time, keeping an eye on them to make sure they don’t revolt,” he said. “And then sell them, and move on.”
Sandra E. Greene. Anbinder Professor of African History at Cornell University Speaking on the origins of African slavery.
“Very few Americans know that slavery was common throughout the world as well as in Africa”, says Sandra E. Greene. Greene’s research focuses on the history of slavery in West Africa, especially Ghana, where warring political communities in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries enslaved their enemies, and the impact can still be felt today. “Slavery in the United States ended in 1865,” says Greene, “but in West Africa it was not legally ended until 1875, and then it stretched on unofficially until almost World War I. Slavery continued because many people weren’t aware that it had ended, similar to what happened in Texas after the United States Civil War.”
Senegalese Anthropologist, Economist and Author; Tidiane N’Diaye spoke to  Silja Fröhlich at Deutsche Welle,  
“According to N’Diaye, slavery has existed in practically all civilizations. This was also the case in Africa before settlers came….In central East Africa, ethnic groups such as the Yao, Makua and Marava were fighting against each other and entire peoples within the continent traded with people they had captured through wars. Thus Arab Muslims encountered already existing structures, which facilitated the purchase of slaves for their purposes…
..Back then, Arab Muslims in North and East Africa sold captured Africans to the Middle East. There, they worked as field workers, teachers or harem guards, which is why the castration of male slaves was common practice. Muslims, on the other hand, including African Muslims, were not allowed to be enslaved, according to Islamic legal views. Initially, the Arab Muslims in Eastern and Central Europe took white slaves to sell them to Arabia, ….But  the growing military power of Europe put an end to Islamic expansion and now that there was a shortage of slaves, Arab Muslims were looking massively to black Africa.”
The African Slave Trade to Asia and the Indian Ocean Islands,
In: African and Asian Studies
Author: Robert Collins,
01 Jan 2006 Volume 5: Issue 3
 Speaking about the ancient origins of African slavery;
Unraveling Somalia: Race, Class, and the Legacy of Slavery
By Catherine Besteman, 1999, University of Pensylvania Press, On Somali Identity and racial prejudice.
Chairman, Turkish Studies Unit, U. of K., 2000-(Founding) Vice-Chancellor, University of Sharjah, U.A.E, March 1997-February 1998.President (Vice-Chancellor), University of Khartoum, 1985-1990. President, Omdurman Islamic University, 1984-1985. Deputy Vice-Chancellor, U. of K., 1983-1984.Dean, Faculty of Arts, U. of K. 1975-1979.Director, Sudan Research Unit, U. of K., 1965-1072.Visiting Professor at the Universities of London, Qatar, Mecca, Riyadh, Tripoli, Cairo, Ahmadu Bello, Mousil, Bergen and Aden
Sudan Notes and Records
Vol. 58 (1977), pp. 85-106
Speaking to the origins of Islamic Slavery
  Slavery and Slave Trades in the Indian Ocean and Arab Worlds: Global Connections and Disconnections…Straight, No Chaser: Slavery, Abolition,and the Modern Muslim Mind
Bernard K. Freamon,  Professor of Law Emeritus on the Faculty of Law, Seton Hall Law.
Speaking about the denial toward its history of slavery in the Islamic world.
   Some general historical perspective on the Trans Saharan slave trade and the enslavement of Europeans. 8th and 9th century AD
“During the 8th and 9th centuries of the Fatimid Caliphate, most of the slaves were Europeans (called Saqaliba) captured along European coasts and during wars.[2] However, slaves were drawn from a wide variety of regions and included Mediterranean peoples, Persians, peoples from the Caucasus mountain regions (such as Georgia, Armenia and Circassia) and parts of Central Asia and Scandinavia, English, Dutch and Irish, Berbers from North Africa, and various other peoples of varied origins as well as those of African origins. Toward the 18th and 19th centuries, the flow of Zanj (Bantu) slaves from East Africa increased with the rise of the Oman sultanate, which was based in Zanzibar. They came into direct trade conflict and competition with Portuguese and other Europeans along the Swahili coast.[3] The North African Barbary states carried on piracy against European shipping and enslaved thousands of European Christians. They earned revenues from the ransoms charged; in many cases in Britain, village churches and communities would raise money for such ransoms. The government did not ransom its citizens.”
Gwyn Campbell
The International Journal of African Historical Studies
Vol. 22, No. 1 (1989), pp. 1-26
Published by: Boston University African Studies Center
Speaking to the fact that the Islamic slave trade carried on without puase all during the period of the Atlantic slave trade and was in no way displaced by it. Here they are speaking about the early 19th century.
An article pointing to some of the implications of the Islamic slave trade on African women.
“While in the European “New W o r ld ”, the measure of a man’s stature was mapped out and calibrated on the physical dimensions of empire built upon the sinews of forced masculine labour, in the Islamic Orient wealth was a reflection of prestige, young girls the vessel of male h u b r is , the mats of male pleasure ground, the malleable material to be shaped to the master’s will.
Thus, women slaves in the Arab world were often turned into concubines living in harems, and rarely as wives, their children becoming free. A large number of male slaves and young boys were castrated and turned into eunuchs who kept watch over the harems. Castration was a particularly brutal operation with a survival rate of only 10%.”
“The combined effect of all these factors,” says Duncan Clarke, “was a steady demand for slaves throughout the Islamic world, which had cover story to be met from wars, raids or purchases along the borders with non-Islamic regions. Although some of these slaves came from Russia, the Balkans and central Asia, the continuing expansion of Islamic regimes in sub-Saharan Africa made black Africans, the major source.”
A paper discusing the modern reality of Somalia for non Somali’s
 Mohamed A. Eno, Dean at St Clements University Somalia; Associate Professor of African Studies and Senior Faculty & Researcher in the English Department, ADNOC Technical Institute, UAE.
Mohamed H. Ingiriis ,Graduate student at Goldsmiths, University of London
Omar A. Eno ;Adjunct Professor of African History and Director of the African Migration and Development Research Program at Portland State University, Oregon, USA
 Discrimination and Prejudice in the Nucleus of African Society: Empirical Evidence from Somalia
“The long silence of Somali studies toward what relates to prejudice, subjugation, and discrimination against the oppressed Bantu people in the country will be discussed before the conclusion finally wraps up the study with suggestions and recommendations for further research
During post-independence era and despite the repeated praise of the civilian regimes for democratic ideals, the Bantu Jareer (like the outcast groups) were not allowed to field their own candidate for parliament, not to think of cabinet post which was exclusively for Somalis . Often, bureaucratic barricades were used to shut them out at party nomination level. “The state and the SYL party feared that if a Jareer were fielded it would be difficult to defeat him in numerical terms; so they had to formulate strategies to deprive him at preliminary stages by every possible means,” comments Macallin Dhaayoow of Bandhowoow area of Xamar Jab Jab in Mogadishu.
Muuse Mocoow explains an episode which reveals how it was easier to scapegoat on a Bantu than any other person. “We have had situations in which we had to pay for crimes committed by others,” explains Muuse, a Bantu Jareer construction supervisor based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. “My brother and my uncle were arrested for construction materials their boss had stolen from the construction project of his ministry in order to use it for the building of his personal house in Booli-Qaran. His high ranking police kin told him that if anyone could be implicated as the culprit, then he wouldn’t be taken to the National Security Court for stealing public property. Because as Bantu we did not have anyone to stand for our right, we became sacrificial lamb for the crime of every culprit from the ruling clans,” adds Muuse as he gets emotional with tears rolling down his face. “This is one of the reasons why many of us [Bantu] left Somalia because there are no Muslims. The law doesn’t protect us; the so-called revolution didn’t protect us; nothing protects us unless we are absent from the land. That is what we did.” Muuse concludes with these pitiful remarks: “We are here in Saudi Arabia, aged, and will probably die here. It is sad; but because of what has been happening in the country for the past 20 years, there is nothing to go back to. They (Somalis) became much wilder beasts. No human can associate with them.” The account given by Xuseen Juma Shongole reveals an exemplary case of how even the state provided not only a leeway to expropriation of the property of members of the Bantu Jareer community, but actually practically participated in the looting of the fertile farms adjacent to the rivers. According to Xuseen: We woke up one morning only to witness our livelihood including mature crops and thousands of fruit bearing trees bulldozed to the ground. There was a number of heavy machinery equipment because the government had decided to build a sugar factory in the neighborhood and saw it in its benefit to dislodge us from the area in order to establish an enormous sugarcane plantation to supply the factory. To add insult to injury, the staff of the project told us that we should stop ‘crying over land’ and be part of the ‘waged workforce’ that would be employed to work on our state-expropriated farms. That action told us that our livelihood was not important to the government and that the governor who was representing it was very cruel, arrogant and irresponsible.” In order to contribute to the argument related to the theory of heterogeneity of the Somali people rather than the untenable, old concept of homogeneity, we intend to highlight a distinct community that has been and still is the victims of persecution, prejudice and discrimination under the veil of the concept of egalitarian Somalia. The group is the Bantu Jareer ethnic community which, related to its African origin, is “permanently removed from the social boundary of Somaliness ” (Kusow 2004:)
 Modern Islamic Slavery
Africa is one of the few places on earth where slavery still persists. In fact African countries were some of the last to actually make the practice illegal. Muslims are once again trading Jareer slaves in open air markets in Tripoli, Libya
  “The footage released by CNN appears to show youths from Niger and other sub-Saharan countries being sold to buyers for about $400 (£300) at undisclosed locations in Libya…..These modern slavery practices must end and the African Union will use all the tools at its disposal,” Mr Conde said.”..
 “Thirteen anti-slavery campaigners were sentenced for up to 15 years in prison in Mauritania last week, for their role in a protest aimed at denouncing the practice of slavery in the country. The government tribunal found members of the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA) guilty of various counts, including attacks against the government, armed assembly and membership of an unrecognized organization. Mauritania is the world’s last country to abolish slavery, and the country didn’t make slavery a crime until 2007. The practice reportedly affects up to 20% of the country’s 3.5 million population (pdf, p. 258), most of them from the Haratin ethnic group
For centuries, the black Haratins have been caught in a cycle of servitude enforced by the …..descendants of Arab Berbers.
 There Are 46 Million Slaves in the World — Here’s Where They’re Found
A chilling reminder from the Global Slavery Index.
Somalia remains 6th on the Global Slavery Index
An index measuring strength of response against slavery. Canada rates very high Somalia not so much.
Somalia is a failed state. I will not engage in argument here about why it persists in being so since its independence.
Somalia’s population has grown exponentially in the last 40 years despite having no viable economy or government. The country and the U.N. decry its lack of ability to support this level of population growth. Now while the countries of the west like Canada, which without immigration has a steady or declining population already, are exhorted to stop having children, yet no such admonition is given to the loyal followers of Islam.
While there is still slavery practiced by Somalis it just doesn’t bring in the big bucks like it used to. Many enterprising Somalis have turned to piracy on the high seas. Success has been mixed thanks in part to the Royal Canadian Navy.
 They have thus far been unable to base their economy on piracy in the same way as slavery and it has made the country less than attractive as a port.
Somalis have also become enthusiastic about once again subjugating their African neighbors to Islam and one imagines this is providing some limited employment. This should be viewed as part of an unbroken thirteen cenutry push to impose the will of Alaah on their fellow human by any means.
From a BBC report
“It emerged as the radical youth wing of Somalia’s now-defunct Union of Islamic Courts, which controlled Mogadishu in 2006, before being forced out by Ethiopian forces.
There are numerous reports of foreign jihadists going to Somalia to help al-Shabab, from neighboring countries, as well as the US and Europe.  It is banned as a terrorist group by both the US and the UK and is believed to have between 7,000 and 9,000 fighters.  Al-Shabab advocates the Saudi-inspired Wahhabi version of Islam, while most Somalis are Sufis. 
It has imposed a strict version of Sharia in areas under its control, including stoning to death women accused of adultery and amputating the hands of thieves.”
Al Shabab executed the passengers of a bus
 Al-Shabab’ Somali Jihadists have been welcomed 2020 with lots of Jihad
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) Jan 18, 2020 — At least two people were killed and more than 20 others wounded when a suicide car bomber targeted a construction site along a highway outside Somalia’s capital, police said Saturday. Six Turkish nationals were among the wounded, with two in serious condition, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said. The Turkish construction workers appeared to be the bomber’s target, Somali police Col. Abdi Abdullahi said. Most of the casualties were police officers providing security for the Turkish workers constructing a highway between the capital, Mogadishu, and the agricultural town of Afgoye, 30 kilometers (18 miles) north of the city. The al-Qaida-linked al-Shabab extremist group, based in Somalia, claimed responsibility for the attack, according to the the group’s radio arm, Andalus. Al-Shabab often carries out such attacks in and near Mogadishu. Turkey has invested heavily in Somalia, with technical and development assistance exceeding $1 billion, according to the Turkish government. Turkish companies run the international airport and seaport in Mogadishu, and in 2016 the Turkish president inaugurated Turkey’s largest embassy complex in the world there.”
NPR, December 28, 2019…A truck bomb in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, killed at least 79 people today. More than 100 were injured. It was the worst attack in the city in two years, and the country’s president has placed the blame on the Islamist group al-Shabab”
Critical Threats Project 2019 assesment of Al-Shabab capabilities and intentions
“Al Shabaab holds territory surrounding the capital, Mogadishu, from which it coordinates complex attacks targeting the Somali Federal Government.[5] Increased counterterrorism pressure may have reduced the overall volume of attacks in Mogadishu, but the city is not yet secure.[6] Key al Shabaab sanctuaries persist in central Somalia, especially in Lower and Middle Shabelle regions, and in southern Somalia in Bay, Gedo, and Middle and Lower Jubba regions. Al Shabaab is able to project force from Somalia and safe havens along the eastern border with Kenya to attack Kenyan security forces and soft targets in Kenya’s Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, and Lamu counties.”
     In closing I would set straight a couple of facts about Canada and slavery.
      Slavery has been part of all human cultures. It is in the earliest records we have. Europeans were the first Empire in human history to have abolished it. Canada as a Nation State responsible for our own affairs was formed in 1887. Slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire in 1833. No human being has ever legally been brought into Canada as the possession of another human being. In fact the colony of lower Canada, now Ontario, and its Canadian political class with the avid support of its citizens were at the forefront of the abolitionist movement. In 1793 the Act to abolish slavery was passed in the Upper Canada legislature
John Graves Simcoe, Lieutenant Governor of the colony, had been a supporter of abolition before coming to Upper Canada; as a British Member of Parliament, he had described slavery as an offence against Christianity.[2][3] By 1792 the slave population in Upper Canada was not large. However, when compared with the number of free settlers, the number was not insignificant. In York (the present-day city of Toronto) there were 15 African-Canadians living, while in Quebec some 1000 slaves could be found. Furthermore, by the time the Act Against Slavery would be ratified, the number of slaves residing in Upper Canada had been significantly increased by the arrival of Loyalists refugees from the south who brought with them servants and slaves.[4]
At the inaugural meeting of the Executive Council of Upper Canada in March 1793, Simcoe heard from a witness the story of Chloe Cooley, a female slave who had been violently removed from Canada for sale in the United States. Simcoe’s desire to abolish slavery in Upper Canada was resisted by members of the Legislative Assembly who owned slaves, and therefore the resulting act was a compromise.[2] The bulk of the text is due to John White, the Attorney General of the day. Of the 16 members of the assembly, at least six owned slaves.[5]
The law, titled An Act to Prevent the further Introduction of Slaves and to limit the Term of Contracts for Servitude within this Province, stated that while all slaves in the province would remain enslaved until death, no new slaves could be brought into Upper Canada, and children born to female slaves after passage of the act would be freed at the age of 25.[6]
This law made Upper Canada “the first British colony to abolish slavery”.[5][7] The Act remained in force until 1833 when the British Parliament‘s Slavery Abolition Act abolished slavery in most parts of the British Empire.
Chief Justice of Upper Canada William Osgoode followed up 10 years later
“In 1803, Chief Justice William Osgoode placed on the law books the ruling that slavery was inconsistent with British law. Although this did not legally abolish slavery, 300 slaves were set free in Lower Canada (the future Quebec). Citizens who wanted to bargain in the slave trade had no protection from the courts. The decline of slavery took place in Upper Canada as well. The short growing season and cost of feeding and clothing slaves, along with abolitionist sentiment stirred by Simcoe, caused more and more slaves to be set free. Future lieutenant governors of Upper Canada, like Sir Peregrine Maitland, continued the humanitarian spirit of Simcoe and offered Black veterans grants of land. The desire to stamp out slavery in Upper and Lower Canada was so strong that an application from Washington, D.C. to allow American slave owners to follow fugitive slaves into British Territory was flatly denied. Judges who favored abolition were handing down more and more decisions against slave owners; as a result, when the British Imperial Act of 1833 abolished slavery throughout the British Empire, very few slaves remained in Upper and Lower Canada.
The decades after 1833 saw an increase in abolitionist sympathizers as the fugitive enslaved increased in number and found freedom in Canada. Anti-Slavery Societies also increased. George Brown, founder of the “Globe and Mail” newspaper, and Oliver Mowat, a future premier of the province of Ontario, joined the Toronto Anti-Slavery Society. At the first large and enthusiastic meeting at City Hall, it was resolved that “Slavery is an outrage to the laws of humanity and its continued practice demands the best exertions for its extinction.” The Society further declared that they would raise money to house, feed, and clothe the destitute travelers. Weeks and months spent making their way to freedom took a toll on the bodies and minds of the enslaved. Many died along the way. Still, thirty thousand (a conservative estimate) reached Canada between 1800 and 1860 according to the Anti-Slavery Society. Often upon reaching freedom, former slaves would kneel down, kiss the ground, and thank the good Lord that they were free, and then they would build churches for their spiritual growth and development, as well as that of future generations.”
     By way of comparison Somali Sultan Yusuf Mahamud Ibrahim (1798 – 1848), the third Sultan of the House of Gobroon ruled Somalia. He was victorious during the Bardheere Jihad, which ended with the Baardheere Jamaaca being destroyed and the city of Baardheere being burnt to the ground. Somalia during his entire reign was shipping hundreds of thousands of chained Jareer Bantu slaves all over the Muslim world leaving the Sultan counting his gold.
 Somalia remains today a dystopian failed state desoite sustained efforts of the African Union and International actors. Its failure is driven by deeply ingrained racism and clan rivalry. Somalia’s disintegration was not caused by its brief European colonial period. Unless you want to argue that ending slavery was the sole cause of its downfall. Somalia’s current state and any hope for its future lies soley in the hands of Somali’s. I truly do wish them the best.
   The truth is that neither Axmed Xuseen and Illhan Ohmar, nor the brutal xenophobic Somali society they originate from have anything to teach anyone about tolerance or morality. Anything they know about pluralistic society they learned here in North America.
   Axmed and Ilhan have been working a very deft con on all of us. They are not the descendants of slaves, they are descended from some of the most brutal slavers the world has ever known. Somalis are not in any way the victims of history.  Somalis are among its most stubornly unrepentant perpetrators.
William Ray
           Somalia; A Racist Islamic Slave Empire Authors note; As always follow the links and research on your own, believing random dudes on the internet is how we got here.
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