tumblezwei · 10 months
So I'm listening to a podcast to wind down from work, when suddenly one of the hosts says the only thing they know from RWBY is the hbomberguy video and I could actually feel all my internal organs liquefying from sheer rage
Literally it's everywhere and we'll never escape it, and yet complaining about that is apparently being overdramatic
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your-zipper-is-down · 9 months
Did you know we've already seen UMA Tell? On chapter 102, its one of the UMAs Seal absorbs
I actually learned about this recently. I first noticed Tell when Tella kills him in chapter 126, but I wasn't sure if it was truly UMA Tell
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But when I posted about it in the Tella blog, @wickedsick pointed out to me that Seal had a Tell's talisman on them
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Which made me re-read that arc again and surprise, there's Tell
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Looks kinda cool ngl. Kinda ironic they look like a rockstar when one of Tella's main thing was his singing voice
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brawltogethernow · 24 days
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I love when people forward me news it's so nice. Yeah! Looks like it's going to be a collection of the two existing Theater shorts + a new one which I imagine will finally wrap the storyline and probably also be better than the previous ones on account of being 20 years newer.
And hey that's two short story compilation volumes in a row, so by the standard series pattern at this rate we could have a novel format installment by........................................................2028.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
[Note: I've just learned that when you click on someone's reply to make a new post, it automatically saves it as a draft. This was supposed to have been posted days ago]
@shiro-s2e2-erukinzu replied to your post “10 days left until the Undead Unluck anime I'm...”:
@tokiro07 I was literally gonna bring up a similar thing like @italeteller about Spy X Family. When I joined Tumblr almost 2 years ago because of S×F, I was able to like and comment on all the posts about it, now I can't even keep up with everyone. I recently read all of UU & became a fan, so I'm excited to have more people apart of the fandom, but I also agree that it can be little sad seeing people who've been there from the start being drowned out by the newcomers...
What's interesting is that this is kind of a new experience for me in a way
When Medaka Box got its anime, it was pretty poorly received, so our close-knit fandom didn't really expand all that much, even though this phenomenon is more or less what we expected
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I found out that Horikoshi Kohei, one of my favorite authors, was going to be getting a new series about superheroes going to school, and I thought "great, no one's going to translate this one and it's going to get canceled before I ever even hear a peep about it..." and literally before I knew it, it had already exploded in popularity, with everyone on my dash at the time talking about it by chapter 12!
When was the last time you heard of a manga becoming explosively popular? The tag was unnavigable looong before the anime was even announced! I didn't even have time to know that there was a fandom before it had become too big for me to keep up with (though that didn't stop me from trying)
Demon Slayer, I didn't care enough about to keep up with the fandom, so while I'm sure there were voices who got drowned out once the anime hit, I wasn't there for it. Same for Jujutsu Kaisen
This could be the first time I'm going to be present for a series I love becoming big, and I'm going to be able to say "I was here from the beginning" in a capacity that doesn't involve me qualifying it with "but I didn't care until X happened." It's a novel experience, and one I'm not entirely sure I'm prepared for
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thesorcererspen · 2 years
Get to Know My OC Tag Game
Thank you @elizaellwrites for tagging me! @itsaprildaydreams @italeteller @aalinaaaaaa @arigalefantasynovels
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Relationship Status?
Very single and grieving a lost love. He no longer cares about romantic pursuits and buries his head in his work instead.
Favorite Color?
Silver - because it reminds him of a special someone.
Song Stuck In His head?
Devil Inside by Citizen Soldier
Last Thing he Searched?
Scouring the interweb to dig up dirt on Lieutenant Edmund.
Current Time?
Late at night - its the best time to pursue a bounty.
Last Thing he Read?
Mission notice.
Last Book he Enjoyed Reading?
Reading for enjoyment? There are people who have time for that sort of thing?
Favorite Thing To Cook/Bake?
He has people who do that sort of thing for him.
Favorite Thing To Do In His Free Time?
Spending time with his family, especially his youngest sister Raizel.
Most Niche Dislike?
When people use acronyms or abbreviations through text. Just use real words, damn it! He does not speak computer ebonics.
Opinion On Circuses?
Waste of time. He'll be at the bar instead.
Does he Have A Good Sense Of Direction?
Yes, in a car or on foot. It's necessary for survival if you're going to be a bounty hunter.
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maximuswolf · 3 months
Warframe is an 11-year-old game still getting new content this is how much it weights
Warframe is an 11-year-old game still getting new content, this is how much it weights https://ift.tt/6jOSIFv Submitted June 17, 2024 at 10:47AM by italeteller https://ift.tt/tRWzBnD via /r/gaming
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cripplecharacters · 2 years
(1/2) Hello! I've got a question about a character on a fantasy book I'm writing. He's a smith who loves and defines himself by his work, but he's got an illness that slowly saps the strength out of his body, to the point sometimes he can't even lift his tools. Eventually he crafts himself a wheelchair to move and another item to support his arms. When even that start becoming too much, he learns to levitate the tools with his mind. The thing is, the smith's in a party with a paladin who can
"(2/2) heal with miracles, and a demigod with their own brand of healing. I've put some rules on their powers so they can't just snap their fingers and fix everything, but at the same time I'm running out of in-world excuses for why they can't help. Would it be ableist for one of them to miracle the illness away from my smith?"
Hi, thanks for your question!
I like that your character is finding new ways to do what he loves to do as his illness progresses, and seems to have found a method that works for him!
My question is, if your character is fully able to continue smithing using his levitation powers, why does he need to be healed? If he can do his work anyway as he is and feels fulfilled, what would he gain from it?
Full disclosure, I'm almost always against magically curing a disabled character. From a disabled reader's perspective, it feels like an author is dangling representation in front of us only to say, "Just kidding!" and yoinking it away. I understand the impulse to do so when it makes for "easier" storytelling, but it doesn't really line up with what most disabled people actually want or how we see ourselves. So, in this case, I would recommend against it purely because it doesn't seem to serve an actual purpose from the premise that you've described.
If the paladin and demigod are insisting on healing him, you could have your smith reply that he's perfectly happy as he is, and that's reason enough not to cure him. You could actually have the other party members then start to rethink what they believe requires healing, and realize that just because they technically can do something to someone, it doesn't mean they should or that the person wants them to.
I don't think you necessarily need a worldbuilding excuse not to heal your smith. Just respecting the character as a disabled person who gets to choose his own treatment (or lack thereof) is all you need :)
As always, input from other disabled people is always welcome!
-Mod Faelan
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zenzenzence · 2 years
Happy mitsutaki reunion day!
Thank you!!! :’D I was very happy yesterday!
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gabzilla-z · 3 years
italeteller: horse romance?
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phantomrose96 · 4 years
Are you up to date with the mha manga? What do you think of what's going on?
Sooooooooooo I am like Generally Aware of what’s happening but I actually havent been up to date on the manga in like... years. I just follow some blogs and tags that give me the run-down.
My priorities for the current arc are as follows: 1) Hawks 2) what did Dabi tell Hawks. please its been like 3 months or something. 3) Deku “arent you tired of being nice” Midoriya
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tumblezwei · 11 months
Ok so. What's Yona about?
Yona of the Dawn folled the titular Princess Yona, a spoiled 16 year old girl that's lived her entire life sheltered in the palace by her pacifist father and guarded by her childhood friend Hak.
On the evening of her 16th birthday, her cousin and first love Soo Won betrays them, causing Yona and Hak to flee from the palace as fugitives, their lives and friendships permanently changed. In order to gain back all she has lost, Yona is tasked with reuniting the four dragons of legend, finding allies and learning more about her kingdom and herself in the process.
It's action, it's drama, it's romance. It's got heartbreaking friendships, satisfying character development, and a squirrel named Ao. It's one of my favorite manga ever and it needs a season 2 or I will commit a crime.
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your-zipper-is-down · 8 months
A little tutorial on how to vote on the popularity poll since @italeteller pointed out to me that some people may not understand with all the Japanese text lmao
It's quite easy. First you enter the link and scroll down til you find your fave. Then you click this blue button
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Which will lead you to another page to confirm your vote.
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You click this button (it should be *PINK, I can't click on it since I already voted), and that's all! It will lead you to a third page that just tells you to share your vote on Twitter but is not mandatory.
You can vote once daily (at midnight, Japan time zone), and you can use different devices to vote multiple times (I discovered it by accident lmao)
Edit: I think you can vote once every 24 hours. I can vote on my phone where I voted around this time, but not on my PC where I voted a couple of hours later.
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brawltogethernow · 4 months
Reverse hot take meme: Itachi from Naruto
Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme
I may not care about him or understand his motivations but he's still brought me uncountable enrichment by inspiring so many memes. Also the OVA where he fails to make eggs. That was really something what was going on with that.
Inserted below: not the egg OVA at all.
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dragon-ball-meta · 3 years
Could Future Trunks go back in time and save Gohan from being killed by the androids?
Theoretically, yes, but all it would do is create an alternate timeline. The Gohan he knew would still be dead.
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alloverthegaf · 4 years
Your new icon always makes me do a double take like, is my internet not loading oh no wait the icon is just naturally blurry
lmao my bad man
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takashi0 · 4 years
Them's Fighting Herds is gonna be on EVO!
Lauren Faust literally cannot fail. 
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