#it's writen in diary form
theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
Rose, do you have any favourite ships from the books?
Also, to everyone celebrating, Merry Christmas 💚🎄 - tea anon
honestlyyy i think the only ship i still remember is georgia/dave from the louise rennison books i read as a preteen (and reread in 2020!! and they still hold up!! hdsfh)
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castlephantom · 5 months
My brain doesn't leave me alone because I have OCs for Castlevania/Akumajou Dracula but I never shared with anyone before about them. In fact those OCs would sound more like 'How to create a back story for game characters by using OCs as plot point or something but not to create similar thing what that NFCV does'.
Why I think of this?
This makes me to write about characters and my original ones, but I always change direction of the story, lack of motivation, and to write a fight scene is too complicated for me.
Currently, I try to improve my writing skills, so maybe (unsure) I can share, only if people are intrested as well. And I said games because the show doesn't make me comfortable to write. The games give me a mysterious nature about the characters and beacuse of lack of backstory (on some characters) and all possible theories/ideas from the fandom, made me to think that I think I should try once.
Me looking at the show and see those OCs, including characters that are from the games and tuned intro OOCs, gives me a moment to swear at the TV. And seing the people create OCs for the fan stories, no problem as I have no problem creating my OCs for fan story for the games (prequel, sequel to the game and anything related, maybe I will look for Lords of Shadow, I try to understand the characters and the plot as well).
How about the characters to be original?
In order to create your own original character, you must to create them in your unique way. For an example, you want your OC to be an asian or black vampire (looking like vampires that we know), you can but you must to make research about believes in that respective region, to not make the same mistake as NFCV does. (Race swapping characters is the worst thing I ever seen, but for love of mother nature, create a character, not change thier skin color.)
Another problem is that don't change characters intro something that couldn't be memorable. If we look to Castlevania: Nocturne, Olrox and Drolta are not only race swapped characters, but also the show try to attracted people like 'Look how sexy they are' but that doesn't mean that they could be remember them. In games, Olrox is a member of Dracula's court, not an aztec, Drolta is a sorceress who serves Elizabeth Bartley, not that sexy vampire how is like a succubus.
If we have to look at how they handle Maria and all girls that are so-called #girlboss in both shows, that is the literally how to ruin a character from games intro something that isn't them. To be strong doesn't mean to be a #girlboss, if you want to make the game character strong but doesn't know how to fight, you can see that they are mentally strong, so take that element and make them important in that respective plot.
NFCV characters are bastards, so-called #girlboss, beautiful men intro crybabies, Dracula is tragic meow meow that didn't nothing wrong, Belmonts and Hector to be treated like shit, to accept toxic relationship like nothing happen (everyone remembers of that Lenore and N!Hector) and Alucard to be so-called sassy only to bully Belmonts!? No! That's is not what characters should be represented and I will always act like NFCV never existed.
Back to part with my writing ideas.
I enjoy writing Akumajou Dracula with my OCs. I don't want to be in Disney's fashion, but more I watch anime and read manga, I saw some elements to create my OCs as sourse of inspiration (side note: if you want an anime/manga that have well writen female protagonist, I can recomand The Apothecary Diaries.)
Like I said earlier, I will wrote for LoS, but I don't have OCs, but I really don't mind. I have respect for LoS recently and I'm take insterst. I will most likely to do oneshots with both timelines because makes me feel comfortable, with canon and with my OC. If you worte with your OC in timeline, that OC is again, yours. My OCs is mine to ad in story.
The conclusion
I'm more confortable to wrote characters form original and LoS timelines, but I need time to think about this. After all, everyone has their own ideas.
Side note: I know that I supposed to be about my writing in one post, but because I'm angry at the NFCV, I decide to bring the OC topic as well. Remember, that is just my opinion.
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blindecho6 · 8 months
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Historian who travels around the world and records the events that are happening. Also a writer.
Different coloring version under the cut (and lore as always) :d
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I couldn't decide between this and the above colors, so I had a friend choose for me. I like this one too, so I wanted to share even tho it's not shaded :d
Now for lore:
Human that got the ability to live very long (in short. long version in different paragraph). She was always fascinated by the history of the world she decided the best way to archive it is to travel around the world and exirience it first hand. Wrote many books about history going into much details of the events she was a part of she's considered the authority when it comes to past events. Basically if you have history on any level in school you ar sure to have either a book writen or co-athored by her. She likes to collect different pisn, but keeps most of them in her bag (wears only a few at a time, since she doesn't want to loose them). Originally form the same neighbouring country as "hole in the neck/abusive father" girl (I really need to start giving my oc's proper names :|) from this post, but knows most of the languages used across the world and she visited most of the countries there too.
I'm losing the words as I'm typing it (probably due to the late hour being 2am), so it might be a bit wonky in explanation, but I'll do my best.
Her ability is basically "You will stop aging at X years old, but you are still a mortal so anything else can still kill you". This ability was "distributed" to every person who awakend their powers in a specific timeframe, which was just few minutes. Due to this "system error" a large amout of people got this specific ability, just with different X values. She was one of the lucky ones and her X value was 28, but there were people with this value anywhere in between 7 and ~500 years. She always respond's that that's her age, but knows very well they are asking about how long she lived. She keeps that information a secret, which isnt't much of a secret but if you can't be bothered to a bit of a research she can't be bothered to answear you.
She had to learn basic fighting skill (some people didn't liked how truthful her recollections were), but avoids conflict whenever possible. At some point most people stopped bothering with that and accepted that she will write and publish the truth thet she saw. At the begginign she had to derss like/pretend to be a man to publish her books (because "women know nothing abouth history") and kept doing it later for consistency (like, she kept publishing under male name, not dressing. She hated pretending to be a man). She became some kind of an icon for a part of a trans community because of this whole "pretending to be a man" stuff. She never was nor considers herself to be trans, but if that helps people she doesn't mind being idolized that way.
She's also a writer like I mentioned. She writes books of any genre (whatever is on her mind at any given point) and publishes them under her real name. She always carried 4 notebooks with her. One for actual history stuff, one for her books, one as a diary and the last just for regular notes. Whenever a notebook is filled she replaces it with a new one.
She publishes all her book through one and the same company over all the years and have a contract with them, where they will publish her diaries too, but only after her death, so they keep them stored somwhere safe for later).
The archivist deleth harpy (I don't think I have a lore post about her, but I def posted her design before. I should probably make a lore post about her too...) has one whole floor in her library dedicated to all the books published by her and whenever they meet, she complains about the ungodly amount of books she wrote and that soon she wouldn't have a place to keep them (she always will, since she can easly just make the floor bigger). The harpy actually really likes her books and is very happy that she has someone who does some part of collecting "history" for her.
She's not interested in any romantic relationships with anyone (still likes romantic gestures tho), but doesn't mind to fuck with other women >:)
PS. I didn't forget to color her bag. I didn't color it on purpose. I just couldn't be bothered xd
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berttts-blog · 3 years
Literature acts as a form of expression for each individual author. Some books mirror society and allow us to better understand the world we live in.
Many People nowadays love reading and and making this things. Some loves to read manga's like Chainsaw Man, and Graphic Novel like Coraline, and also the doodle fiction thats the hottest right now the Diary of the Wimpy kid. Though in contras these three is totally different, they also have similiratieals.
In this blog, I am going to specify this three important and well renowned literary pieces in the 21st century and compare and contrast them. These three literary masterpieces are what was mentioned: Manga, Doodle Fiction, and Novel Graphics.
Manga are comics or graphic novels originating from Japan. Most manga conform to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century, and the form has a long prehistory in earlier Japanese art. The term manga is used in Japan to refer to both comics and cartooning.
Doodle Fiction incorporates handwritten graphics in telling the story, it is a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and hand written graphics in place of traditional font. Drawings enhance the story, often adding humorous elements that would be missing if the illustrations were omitted.
"Graphic Novel" is a format, not a genre. Graphic novels can be fiction, non-fiction, history, fantasy, or anything in-between. Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use sequential art to tell a story. Unlike comic books, graphic novels are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots.
In terms of there strucrture, Manga and groahic novels are just a little bit different since both of which have panels with a seperate scene on another scene. So here the most different in the three is the doodle fiction. Unlike manga and graphic novels, doodle fiction follow a narrative and a more novel way. Doodle fictions shows pictures and text in a more way like articles are writen.
In terms of elements, although they have many respective elements. The most common elemmental difference are there arts styles and ways of narration. Doodle fictions use handwrting elements in there text and drawings. Manga use very specific art style to draw the graphics, theyre also read from left to right although in some platforms you can edit these. Elements in mangas always pertain exclusively in there japanese styles. These elements include: the people, cultures, environment, behaviours, and their likes. And lastly Graphic Novels a more like americanized term of style in drawing tge comic, and also it can be more compared to american cultures and behaviours.
To be more precise, all there specific styles in both text, flow, and art. Theyre all from the 21st century. For specific context, Manga and Grpahic Novels are both in comic book styles. Uses panels with illustrations and text for readera to understand the story. As long as the literary piece contains elements with or defines itself in these genre, they can be branded likewise.
So all in all, all these literary pieces has its specific and unique styles in terms of there stories, arts, flow of the stories, and more. But despite all this difference they have similiraties, which is entertaining people and sharing out stories to us.
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dat-town · 4 years
week 1: the beach or pool party
Characters: Blackpink
Setting: slice of life, non-AU
Words: 0.7k
Writen for @kpopmoodboardnet‘s summer event, paired up with @phoenixtsukino who will be making the moodboards for these little blurbs. [moodboard link]
The beach was rosy pink, almost unreal so and the azure sea waves crashed against it gently just as the summer breeze played with the girls' locks. Rosé and Jisoo were busy taking turns to take pictures of each other walking on the soft sand. No filter was needed to capture its beauty, so the outcome was surely Instagram-worthy. In the meantime, Lisa was crouching down, watching a little crab make its way through a leftover sand castle and Jennie had no trouble talking with a few local passerbys, asking for a hidden spot for their impromptu beach visit. They were all having the time of their lives.
The Blackpink girls came to Indonesia to film their Summer Diary on Komodo Island with its picturesque scenery but neither of them expected to fell in love with the place so fast. The people all welcomed them nicely, the local food was mouthwatering and the place itself looked as if it was photoshopped. The filming had been wrapped up within a week, so they couldn't enjoy the wonders of the island for much longer. But the girls tried to make the most out of their time left, so on the last day that they spent at the famous beach, Pantai Merah, with its pink sand so fitting with their group name, they decided to have their own beach party.
Being in Indonesia for a schedule, they had to be careful with drawing too much attention because their label wouldn't have liked them spoiling the plans for their upcoming merchandise. Therefore, it wouldn't have been wise of them to visit those festivals and get togethers people had there. But instead of moping around in their hotel room, Rosé came up with this idea to throw a little party themselves down the beach. So they went grocery shopping first and rented the must-haves for the perfect getaway party before heading to a secluded part of the beach where they set up their parasol and sunbeds, carrying a cool box with their refreshments.
"It reminds me of Thailand," Lisa sighed after taking a sip of the coconut cocktail she just made once they all settled under the shades in the hot weather.
"Every cool place reminds you of Thailand," Jennie pointed out teasingly and they all laughed at the way their maknae scrunched her nose but couldn't deny it.
It was nice to have a free day to themselves once in a while after days of having being followed by cameramen. They all enjoyed interacting with fans and absolutely loved making content for them but sometimes it was nice to sit back and feel like they were on their own, in a little bubble, just the four of them. This peaceful part of this gorgeous beach gave off the same vibe and made them all relax into their seat. At times like this when they forgot about being idols for a bit, they were just four girls, young adults trying to find their way in life.
So it wasn't unheard of when the usually bright smiled Thai dancer admitted that she missed being home and the others shared that they also felt the same way, but being there for each other they could get over moments like this, since they were not only able to understand each other but being as close as sisters, they also became home to each other. Training together for years and living, working, growing up side by side ever since really helped them bond and form a lifelong friendship.
"Oh girls, we're getting old! We're so sentimental," Jisoo chuckled as the heartfelt conversation got longer and longer but the others weren't having it.
"Speak for yourself! I'm not old," Rosé counterattacked playfully and somehow they all ended up chasing each other on the beach, playing rock, paper, scissors to see who would have to get neck-deep into the water and such. But in the end, they all got wet, so when the night and the colder wind arrived, they just sat around their lantern, with blankets around their shoulders, wishing on falling stars, so would be able to go back and they wouldn't have to say goodbye to those beautiful pink beach for good.
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orixa-vivre · 5 years
Korean post #3
Common Verbs! 
These are just 10 verbs I think are pretty useful to have. I’m gonna keep doing lists of 10 because it’s pretty concise.
이다 - to be
하다 - to do
있다 - to have
없다 - to not have
주다 -  to give
가다 - to go
오다 - to come
듣다 - to hear
먹다 - to eat
마시다 - to drink
How to use present tense (for printed texts)
So this is called diary form which is basically a way to conjugate verbs but only in writen text, never dialog. So you would rarely speak in this tense. But it is important if you wanna be able to read. Its often used in diaries, newspapers, books etc.
Firstly, add ~는다 to the end of a verb if it ends in a consonant. Drop the 다 at the end of the verb.
먹다  + 는다 = 먹는다   (먹 + 는다)  - to eat
Or if it ends in a vowel add ~ ㄴ다
가다  + ㄴ다= 간다  (가 + ㄴ다) - to go
(This post took FOREVER to write. So I will do a regular (speaking) post soon. But not right now. My brain is tired)
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camelliaerica · 7 years
Let me talk about The Legends of River Song for a bit. Because that book is just so pretty.
As I already mentioned when I posted a pic of the book, the cover is so so so nice. I love the colours, it’s so pleasing to my eyes. Also River looks so beautiful on it.
But also, when you take down the colorful paper cover, the hard cover is black/really dark blue (it’s a bit bummer that it’s actually not Tardis blue :( ) with golden writing on it, and it looks just so amazing. I’m really happy with the visual side of the book.
Now, the book contains 5 short stories, by various authors. They are all writen in ich-form, from River’s point of view, as a stories that she wrote down into her diary.
Three of the stories have the Doctor in it, the other two don’t. Though of course he is mentioned.
I could quite strongly feel differences in writing styles of the authors tho. But generaly, the book is really nice.
I’m gonna shortly write a about what caught my attention in the individual stories. I’m not gonna write what they are about, I’m lazy to do that, but it’s still gonna contain spoilers:
1. Picnic at Asgard by Jenny T. Colgan
Picnic at Argard was referenced at least once in the tv series, so I was very curious about it. The story is about River and Eleven going on a date to an amusement park planet, and of course things get wrong and dangerous. It’s very nice story. It’s cute, it has adventure... And it broke my heart.
During the whole duration of this story, River is thinking that she wants to have a child. With the Doctor. The whole time she wants to ask him if it’s even possible for her to have children, given she is not “normal” human, and she also wonders if she even would be a good mother. But she doesn’t get an opportunity to actually talk about it with him, and just ends the whole thinking process by dismissing the whole thought.
It made me so so sad.
2. Suspicious minds by Jacqueline Rayner
There was a moment in this story where River described herself as a romantic heroine, with white dresses and then she put flower crown in her hair and it was just so cute.
She is very strong character and I really loved how she got so girly for a moment. It fitted really well
(also Jacqueline Rayner  is author of really cute story with Rose and Ten: The stone Rose :))
3. A gamble with time by Steve Lyons
This story was writen exactly as if she wrote into her diary. There was lots of “dear Diary”, as if she was telling it to the diary and I liked that so much.
Also the Doctor messed everything up. Points for him for being himself.
4. Death in New Venice by Guy Adams
In this one River got into really dangerous situation and she had to save herself and everyone around. And she did it with grace. I love how it was shown that she is in no way dependant on the Doctor, that she is her own individual character, that she can save the day by herself and be the heroine.
5. River of time by Andrew Lane
This story was... in general kinda dissapointing. I had this moment when I had to ask myself, did a man write this? (again -_-) I don’t understand why, but some male authors just have so ridiculous way of describing women. River in this story felt out of character and also... shallow? I mean, caring about shoes when the world is in danger? Srsly? The parts that were supposed to I guess to highlight her feminity (?) were put into bad places.
Also the story was kinda confusing. It started promising, but no.
I guess this is all I wanted to say. I’m really happy I’ve actually bought this book.
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luv-engineering · 8 years
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5.0 out of 5 stars the descriptions make you feel like you're living the moment
5.0 out of 5 stars Must have book for the aficionado 1. Short review: :-D (Amazon rating: 5 out of 5 stars -- I love it.)2. Long review:2.1. What I liked: Impressive sources: diaries and letters of captains, officers, midshipmen, and ordinary sailors.2.2. What I did not like: The lack of textual coverage of the incident of the USS Baltimore under the command of Isaac Philips. Toll covered it in a footnote. Twenty-eight years after the occurrence, Philips published his account of the incident. Philips was dismissed from service -- that is, cashiered -- by order of President John Adams for allowing British officers to employ force aboard the Baltimore while it was still under his command; that is, he had not surrendered. The dismissal set a precedent that remained unique until 1970 when Coast Guard Commander Ralph Eustis allowed Russian sailors to use force aboard the USCGC Vigilant to return Simas Kudirka to their Russian trawler. (Kudirka was seeking asylum.) Wikipedia says that Eustis was given a non-punitive letter of reprimand. This is false. Eustis was cashiered, and those above him in the chain of command were given the option to retire or be cashiered. One of my friends, Wes Miller, sat the Coast Guard investigation board on the Kudirka incident. The board recommended court martial for Eustis. but the President overrode their recommendation and cashiered Eustis and cited the Baltimore incident as precedent. Wes and I argued the propriety of the dismissal many times. I think an incident that occurred in 1798 that echoed in the 20th century deserves more than a footnote.2.3. Who I think is the audience: American naval history buffs.2.4. Is the book appropriate for children to read? Yes. No worries.2.5. On the basis of reading this book, will I buy the author's next book? Yes.Read more › Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Whether you like military history or are uninterested - YOU WILL ENJOY THIS BOOK! A friend recommended this book when he learned that I work as a federal contractor. Why? The lead-in chapters not only provide a visual description of a nascent agrarian country, still largely of wilderness and muddy roads between small cities, but we were also a country still struggling to gain its identity while recovering from the Revolution. Toll does a phenomenal job at setting the stage of what Presidents Adams and Jefferson were up against to get our country started. Do we allow privateers and pirates to inflict physical and economic damage to the United States or do we stand our ground and protect our own interests by establishing a Navy? Thus, the contracts were signed to build six frigate warships (one is the USS Constitution, still afloat in Boston). I thoroughly enjoy reading history, but I'm not a "military history" buff by any means. I was unable to put this one down from the first page. (BTW - Now I understand why the Marines sing "To the shores of Tripoli!") Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars A Well Writen, Highly Focused Naval History Tome Almost done with it. Excellent book with tons of details that you would not generally learn in a general history text. Well researched and written, there are two write-ups of battles that are riveting page turners. There are some dry and slow spots, but they are not the norma at all. The text is absorbing and though provoking at times. I am glad I purchased this book. Please note: I bought this in trade paperback form and it is huge. I did not enjoy holding it up or manipulating it. To get it comfortable I had to sort of manhandle it. I liked it enough that I did not want to damage it too much, so I came back and purchased it from iBooks. I have read about half of it in that format. The very nice trade paperback that I bought here was only like $14 and had Prime shipping, so that would be an EXCELLENT choice for a gift. The price as a Kindle file was a bit more than that on iBooks, and since I had already bought the more expensive "real" book I did not want to spend any more than I had to. However, if I had known the weight of this book I would have purchased the Kindle format initially as I like Kindle better than iBooks. Either way, this is a great book to read, and it is available in various e-book formats that you can choose from if the bulk of the test might be a problem for you. Note that my iBooks test contains typos that are not in the real book. I do not know how Kindle texts are prepared, but most of mine have misprints, too, so there is some human part to the process, regardless of the seller. This is frustrating, but it is getting much better. E-books seem to finally be getting edited at a level close to printed books. If you have a keen interest in the early US Navy and you buy this book you will be pleased, regardless of format. Enjoy! Go to Amazon
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