#it's verbal racial economic you name it there will always be people who endured it and said never again on my watch
untethereddreams · 1 month
Watching the Carnival Job and had a revelation about why I connect with Eliot so much in particular, particularly after seeing that post about Eliot and children.
It's the way he chooses violence as a way to protect the weak, about how he'll do anything to keep the people he cares about safe. It's being the hitter and taking all the hits, of being a meat shield not only because it's his job but because it HAS to be his job because nobody else can take it. It's about the physicality of it all, of breaking his own rules because he, the things he believes in, the things that make him him, all of these things are less important than the people he loves.
It's Andy choosing violence and dying over and over again but she has to do it until she can't anymore. It's Dean soaking up all of John's abuse and turning himself into a weapon because he has to protect his little brother.
It's me, standing myself between my parents and my brother because I know I can take whatever they throw at me, I have before, but by everything that matters in this world HE will not, not because he can't, but because he shouldn't. No one should.
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