#it's to the point where I fucking forgot it was nighttime and I saw a discord timestamp saying 11pm and I was like ''wait what.'' bc I was
morrigan-sims · 4 days
How tf do people light outdoor renders???? Especially at night???? Someone save me. I'm dying over here, and it looks terrible.
#morrigan.txt#delete later#I'm so mad that this one is being a pain in the ass because it was SUCH a cool idea too.#(ty angel. who will never see this post bc she doesn't have tumblr.)#also my blender has been being SUPER weird today.#first 3.6 randomly adds squiggles to carrion that stay even after I delete all of his materials and he's just a white shape with squiggles.#then I start working in 3.3 and for SOME UNGODLY REASON the lights are super fucked and I have to turn them up to 1-4k watts#to get the them to show up. Which is insane because usually my lights are at 73-300 watts.#and then I open the 3.3 file into 3.6 and the squiggles problem is fixed but the lights are still being weird.#and I don't know how to light outdoor nighttime scenes so this render looks like ass right now.#I'm gonna go to bed and hopefully I'll make more sense tomorrow... [*sigh*]#probably for the best that I get some sleep tho bc I've gotten less than 5 hours of sleep for the past 3 or more nights in a row.#it's to the point where I fucking forgot it was nighttime and I saw a discord timestamp saying 11pm and I was like ''wait what.'' bc I was#convinced it was 2pm. I'm not even sure WHY I thought that bc I had dnd at 1:30pm and then had dinner at 6:30 so like...#my only guess is that I'm so exhausted my brain is starting to play tricks on me. But I don't *feel* tired.#as my Sunday dnd group would say I'm just getting into character to play Rook tomorrow.#but the funny thing is that he's actually going to have gotten more sleep last night than he has in a WHILE.#I mean it's bc he was on the edge of death and unconscious for a really long time but... it counts right?????#the sad part is that he can't wake up tho so he can't escape the demon lord haunting his dreams.#and then when he DOES wake up he has to deal with an arcanaloth woman that the entire party forgot about except for me and the DM#even though she literally told us the exact date she would come back on.#so that's gonna be fun. God I can't wait. I should go to bed so tomorrow comes faster lmao.#well ''tomorrow''. it's already sunday here technically. just past midnight.#okay that's enough tags rambling for now lmao.
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itsdappleagain · 2 years
this is SUCH a solid episode. i love this one as well- the outfits, the slapstick, the action. all really good!! alrighty
today's post title pictures are some of my own, from my trip to san fran a few years back!! I'll share some of my favs- I visited or photographed every major caper location on the trip!!
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there's me in chinatown, the golden gate bridge, alcatrez, fisherman's wharf and the pier, and good old karl himself!
alrighty- enough pictures. sorry for the long intro! notes under the cut as always :)
YEAHHH THE FLASHBACK TO CARMEN'S FINAL,,, YEAH. i forgot the episode opened like this tbh. i know everyone and their mother has ALSO pointed out that this scene is bathed in red light so i will AGAIN not beat a dead horse but just yes. color theory <3
i love the tiny little oh shit moment on shadowsan's face. like he hadnt quite realized how good she was
GOD THIS GETS SO BRUTAL he's pawing her around like a cat with a pompom
her waking up from the nightmare with that culmination of stress. the timer going off correlating with the phone. still being half in the dream when she talks to player and then realizing when he starts talking to her...
this is such a human moment for carmen i love it so so much. she's failed. she is tired, having nightmares, maybe has a headache. she's making mistakes and she's a little bit out of it, she's stiff from sleeping....she's a PERSON and i LOVE IT SO MUCH
or in much less eloquent terms SLEEBY CARMEN <3333
i love the setup for next episode here. its not overbearing; it doesnt feel like a setup episode but it IS and it hints at shadowsan's true motives almost right off the bat
the sigh and "i don't know" is weirdly smooth animation i love it
that pickpocket is soo smooottthh
also i have to know what carmen was doing in san francisco the night before that a. gave her a headache when she woke up and b. made her so tired that she just dropped her pants on the floor and passed out. because it seems to me like carmen sandiego got drunk and had a great time last night.
also. she has just woken up and is picking an outfit for a NIGHTTIME CHARITY GALA. SHE SLEPT IN SO LATE HEHHSHAHJ their sleep schedules are all so bad
carmen looks great in that shot where she opens the curtains sorry not sorry
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carmen's hotel is just outside the transamerica pyramid!
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in fact it is quite reasonable to assume that she was staying at the hilton. i have solved the mystery that no one asked me to solve
karl <333
cable cars weren't running when i visited sf </3 i was heartbroken
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i dont know look at her reflection
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carmens feet are shaped like shoes and i dont know how to feel about that. why is her heel a heel
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this dress was the most spectacular thing they ever put her in and the amount of time she wore it was criminally short
they also should have put her in a white dress shirt more often??? hello??? i see it in the closet??? put her in a fucking suit once in a while....that waitress getup in tsonts was THE SHIT
i also love that she's thinking about zack for the car, then player for the stamp. her writing is so good this episode...at the start at least
ten million cents, she chuckles, as if the stamp wouldn't still be worth a hundred thousand dollars
i love how casually she is willing to spend 10 million VILEBucks
i love how they call her the generous lady in red too- like they arent expecting this room to be able to afford a ten million dollar stamp and BID on it
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chase and carmen had the exact same smirk when they saw the other in the fog i know it
i love their dynamic actually they are so funny together. egypt in season 4 highlights it so well but also. like here. the teasing the banter chase taking everything way too seriously in comparison to carmen treating him like a joke
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its close to the cigarette aesthetic, to be honest, and it does not cause lung cancer. so this tiny flashlight i salute you for being hot
poor carmen running around barefoot in the fog now
juliump scare
they stick those where in the world/where on earth references in there every opportunity they can with chase <3
julia is so short wheeze
that is for sure a bun i am not sure how mime bomb's beret made that shape
this episode is just chase getting jumpscared
he shoes mb away like a stray cat wheeze
the signed/mimed description of carmen is so on point i love mime bomb
go shadowsan go. send tigress <333 i love that he knows carmen so well even now that he knows she would enjoy one-upping tigress on this again
the "betrayed us and took a new name" thing from brunt is. carmen is transgender and brunt is the phobic about it i dont know it reads heavily okay
maelstrom and his democracy
brunt has the cleaners on telepathic speed dial damn
the absolute muscles of steel mime bomb must have to sit in midair like that holy fuck
vile's lucky cat. meow. cat girl hand
carmen trying to watch subtly and stay hidden. girlie those are your opposite of strongsuits. weaksuits
mime bomb moves so cartoonishly and i love that. yes this is a cartoon. but. he is more of a cartoon
the music timing with carmen's face as she realizes its a shop FULL of lucky cats is so good
carmen needs to stop saying "or what? you'll (insert bad thing here)" because the person she's saying that too ALWAYS says "yes exactly that"
luck cat store owner voiced by julia's va beloved. deserved better. glad she got cash in the end even if carmen was an aloof little prick about it and didn't even apologize
WE HAVE OTHERS YOU KNOW im so sorry lucky cat shop lady you deserved better
bait and switch
"keep the change" okay you still destroyed a shitload of her beautiful statues and didn't even help her clean it up. didn't apologize or. look at her. but fine
mime bomb. thats it thats the post
see the comical shifty look around is so fucking funnyyy
the running in place gag never gets old
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carmen just being half surprised and half impressed that they arrested mime bomb. yeah
also her just standing blatantly on the rooftop and NO ONE notices her wheeze
the graffiti just being giant x's and o's dhfjdasg
mime bomb. is skrunkly
chase thats how you get sued you have to list the miranda rights in murica
julia <333 yes. yes yes yes
i gotta know what mime bomb was signing that made chase interpret "an elephant giving you a pedicure while spreading cheese on a baguette on Bastille day"
julia immediately giving a perfect translation. they are so funny
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the expressiveness of chase and mime bomb combined makes for some GOLDEN freeze frames
julia shielding her mouth the wrong way. good job girlie. you tried. he can still see everything youre saying though
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chase's neck disconnects from his head!
considering chase and julia never showed any form of identification mime bomb could hypothetically press charges for kidnapping
all of 26 cents buys mime bomb out
i like julia's little lean on the wharf railing. she's usually just sitting or standing up straight its cool to see her do something
this chase scene is so goood
btw unrelated but this girl is my favorite background extra?? they use her in a TON of bg scenes so. pointing her out to you so that you will notice her forever in other scenes
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poor chase. his poor coat. his voice is screaming I LOVED THAT COAT from the future
hehheshgdh carmen is so frustrated that it happened AGAIN with tigress and the stupid thing in the pocket wheeze
zack using a lil racing metaphor!!! because!! yeah!!!!
this chase scene is so fucking good with all the cars GOD the music and driving through san francisco and everything AUGH
what if the car had just hit chase and he went flying
chase is so funny he really sets himself up to fail
i feel bad for julia in this one though. you can see the buildup to next episode when she finally yells at him. shes fucking tired of this shit and yes she should be
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carmen is your mom when you go 5 miles above the speed limit
she's one to talk, obviously, seeing as one of the first things she ever did in zack and ivy's presence was run a red light, almost cause an accident, and then fly into an open construction pit, ruining the car she stole from them
the concern in carmen's voice as she attempts to get zack to not crash into a building in an attempt to go up the wall
the little sideyes the other two faculty give when shadowsan and brunt are squabbling shdshgfsdgh
i got to bike across the golden gate bridge it was super cool
THE WOMAN BEAMS HERSELF FROM A FOUNTAIN PEN, SHE CAN DO ANYTHING. well its some kind of respect women juice. maybe not the right kind though
the terror in julia's tone after watching chase not look at the road for a solid minute
annnnd there he goes
julia being done with his shit is so funny i love her
go sheena. scaling the whole ass bridge with her fingertips alone
carmen again sacrificing politeness and basic human decency for a quip </3 oh well
i love that cs color theory post thats like. the golden gate bridge is the epicenter of carmen's power and tigress was a fool for challenging her there
wow look its carmen becoming distracted and disadvantaged by valuable objects people throw at her again
not sheena showing carmen where she put the stamp too. nice job tigress
this showdown is pretty cool
carmen is SO efficient about it she just slides and boom its over. AND she steals the phone
she does look pretty awesome holding the stamp with two fingers though. god
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plus she outed him in front off the whole faculty which is only funny if you dont know what happens next lmaoo
stamp of approval. laugh
tigress just sadly sitting there is also very funny
WOW i can't believe this Saturday is already going to be the season finale. I LOVE the french connections caper so I am VERY excited for the next episode!! hopefully I won't get so far behind this time. to be fair I was doing state testing and presentations and shit but hopefully the worst of that is over.
alrighty- until next time for the chase dies and then carmen dies caper!!
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
The way I screamed when I saw you had uploaded the second part. I was so excited I stayed up all night reading it and writing this and I don't regret anything at all. Also, this part was in Ben’s pov which I absolutely loved, he's such a fun character to read about.
WANT AND FACILIER, YES!!!! You truly did an amazing job with these two. I love the backstories you gave them and how much they expand the lore despite the fact that Want was not more than ten minutes in her original film, you used her full potential and made her an extremely interesting character.
I didn't know how you would get them through the barrier but that was completely amazing.
“ The second the van passed through the mouth of the cave, the world outside the windows changed. The midday sun went out, replaced by some torchlit nighttime. [...] The two other people were replaced by at least a dozen. And those dozen people didn't look happy. ” Oh, this is so good, it embodies the depressive vibe the Isle has perfectly and also intensifies the feeling of anticipation just fine. It's great.
“ This, Ben was willing to bet, was Mara. ” fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck omg I can't do this fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
“ None of them had the chance to answer before Mara spoke. "Of course you can, Chaos. If they have a problem with you doing something to save lives," she levelled a glare directly into Ben's soul, "They can take it up with me. ” I'm obsessed with this part. I love both Mara and Chaos.
Something I forgot to mention last time is that I love the fact that you pointed out (if you did, because my mind might be making this up) a vague similitude between Riah and Maverick in the first part. But you made it so much bigger in this, not only with Riah and his family but also with the other characters and their families, highlighting what their similarities and differences are. I’m just a huge fan of it.
“ He didn't understand why they needed to. The hospital had been left fully stocked and it got plenty of supplies, so why did they need to learn how to make a ventilator? Shouldn't they already have some? “ Ben, I have shocking news for you…
“ The longer Ben looked at her, the more she looked like Anxelin Fitzherbert. ” I'm so unwell right now.
“ "So," Molly turned cos attention to Ben, grinning. "Are you Riah's boyfriend?" ” OMG??? This just confirmed my love for Molly.
Mara it's finally here and i'm enjoying it like you have no idea.
Ben's great, Mara not only told him but SHOWED him The Horrors™ and the best things he finds to say are "I like your tattoos" and "That's incredible". Also, wtf? Mara's life is horrible, hope she gets to stab Beast MINIMUM.
"This one's not very bright." She's so funny but like, I didn't understand either.
Did I mention that I hate Beast? Because I hate him. Ben deserves a better father, hope he gets to stab his current one.
I hate Maleficent too.
I've only had Molly for a third of a chapter but if anything happens to cos I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.
The sound I made when I saw this- thank you thank you thank you thank you. I love long reviews like this, where someone tells me exactly what they like.
Want once used her telekinesis to rip one of Bill Sykes's warehouses to tiny pieces and proceeded to beat him with the pieces for a solid four hours and only stopped because she got the news that Agony was out of surgery and would be okay. Maleficent is kind of scared of her and so help her gods, she will fight Maleficent, Bill Sykes, or even Thanatos himself to protect her kids. Like... look, I love her and I'm really glad you like what I did with her and Facilier (Gonzalo is Facilier's first name, just in case it wasn't clear to everyone reading this)
Yesss that's exactly what I was going for!
It took a lot of restraint for Mara to not open those doors, grab Ben by the shoulders, and judo flip him. If Riah weren't actively dying, she would have. She was pissed.
I'm so glad you love them. I love them, too.
All of the Mim kids just have the same vibe. Except for Malcolm. Malcolm is the prep member of the family.
"Plenty of supplies" I can't wait for him to figure out that they were given two (2) supplies and get one expired/broken thing every few years
You're about to be so much more unwell because there's a reason the full family is there
Molly, like all seven-year-olds, thrives on chaos.
Mara is pretty sure she likes Ben now after that response. There's just one last test- she's going to tell Ben about her plan to beat his father with her Stygian iron femur and see how he reacts. If he reacts well, he has her permission to date her brother.
Gods you have no idea how bad I want to say it. You have no idea
Eventually, Ben is going to get new parents. Hades and Persephone are going to go "Is anyone going to give this child a real family" and they aren't gonna wait for an answer.
Maverick gets one day off and, in only two hours, she has to ask Desire to come to the Isle and help her because Maleficent went and did all that. She is so tired.
I am so, so glad you also love Molly. Don't worry, Molly can't die because co sold cos soul to Maverick and is immortal. And if someone tries to kill cos, Maverick will conjure The Book just to beat that person to death with it.
I can't wait to see how you react to the final part. You have no idea
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sayurifellfrost · 11 months
Twenty-Fourth Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon, 10 Seventh Astral Era - Nighttime
She had barely moved the entire sun, even if S’yahmhi had been called away a few bells ago. S’vexrha kept to her solitude beneath the tree, her mind finally having begun to settle after the rude awakening she had had. But it was a state seemingly not meant to be, as her ears twitched faintly at the sound of yet another set of footsteps - these marching with purpose, making her sigh out faintly and shove herself up on her feet to meet whoever they belonged to standing.
“Once again, you are being incredibly disrespectful to Khenna, Vexrha.”
S’vexrha’s eyes rolled up and around as S’vakih’s voice emit, head slowly turning to stare in his direction.
“.. I haven’t done shit.” She muttered.
“No? You were scheduled for training, and didn’t bother to show up.” S’vakih’s voice held an admonishing tone to it. “Why are you so incredibly keen on frustrating Khenna?”
“.. I forgot.”
“Do not lie to me, Vexrha.”
“.. I am many things, a fucking liar isn’t one of them.” S’vexrha snapped. “I forgot, alright? Get off my fucking back.”
S’vakih’s features drew into a stern scowl, his patience just as thin with S’vexrha as hers was with him.
“I should not need to send you a bloody escort just to make you follow your own schedule, Vexrha.”
Discomfort lodged itself in S’vexrha’s chest as he spoke her name, once again in a tone all too similar to how the slavers had. She pinned her ears back, meeting him with bared fangs.
“I never asked for a schedule.” She hissed.
“Well you have one. You need some structure in your life, Vexrha.”
“... No, I don’t.”
“You do.”
“... Do both S’khenna and myself a favour and take me off her hands. I don’t want the position anymore.”
“No.” S’vakih uttered sternly. “You will not quit this. You will go to Khenna, do as she says and proceed with your training.”
A small flicker of embers curled at S’vexrha’s jaw, making the Nunh’s expression harden.
“I am not afraid of your fire, Vexrha-”
“MY NAME IS VEX.” She snapped. “-VEX-.”
S’vakih found himself taken aback, watching as the flames danced across her frame much more intensely. Her chest shifted with a laboured breath, a hand lifting to settle it atop her own chest as she could feel her heartbeat increase to the point she physically felt discomfort.
He slowly reached for her, to which she immediately staggered several steps back with a defensive snarl, her slitted pupils thinning further to a nigh feral look.
“I am trying to help you.” He frowned.
“It’s not– fucking– helping!”
She raised her hands to cup the sides of her own head as she paced back and forth, not uttering a single word outwardly.
.. I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t belong here..
”Nothing says you have to remain. You owe them nothing.”
Azrathar’s words resonated with her, making her release her own head and let her hands fall down to her sides, moving to simply walk past S’vakih, who swiftly reached for her wrist, forcing her to a halt.
“Do not walk away from me.”
“I walk away from whoever I fucking please. And currently? That’s -YOU-.”
“I am your Nunh, show some res-”
“Respect? I didn’t respect my other supposed fucking leader, either. Your rank, that you pride yourself on being? Means FUCK ALL to me.” She tore her wrist from his grasp and began to storm down the path. “You want respect, you fucking earn it like the rest!”
He yelled after her, the tone in his voice suggesting he wasn’t done with their conversation, even if she certainly was. She hurried down into the village and shifted in between the huts, continuing her path towards the hut she had stayed in with her family.
It wasn’t her home, no.
She was an outsider, and she did not belong here.
Her steps saw her inside the hut, wandering over to the space she had shared with her sister, letting a frown take to her features as she glanced down at the bedding she had been given. She shook her head faintly to herself and moved over to where she had left her scythe, grabbing a hold of it and moving it to the straps on her back, ensuring it was stuck there before moving into the middle of the tent.
She knew she was about to break her family’s heart all over again, but she couldn’t tell them she was leaving - knowing they would stop her. She could leave no letter, due to her inability to write. She took a final look around, setting it to memory before exiting the hut - her steps immediately bringing her towards the edge of the village, returning to the tree she had stormed off from beforehand.
She stared quietly, feeling the tears sting behind her eyes. For once she simply let them well over and run down her cheeks freely.
Azrathar’s voice was soft, making her swallow harshly against the lump in her throat.
.. I’m fine.
”I know you better than that, child.”
S’vexrha huffed faintly and shook her head, ears swivelling atop her head at a yell from the village.
She bit down, recognising it as her mother’s worried voice, likely having been accosted by S’vakih at this point when he himself struggled to find her.
“.. I’m sorry, mom.” She whispered.
”Let us leave.”
She nodded faintly and began to move anew, raising a hand to dry the tears before biting back her sorrow as she made her way towards the edge of the territory, with every intention to leave the tribe behind.
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
Drew starkey x reader where the cast is hanging out and swimming at the lake and it’s night. the cast notice the romantic tension between drew and the reader, they all slowly leave so they can be alone. Finally drew kisses her (can u do smut pls)
Hi, sweetness! I actually love this, so cute. And as a water girl/ lake lover, this is dreams.
Author's Notes: I just want to be friends with these people, so badly and this is basically one of my dream parties. And Drew Starkey can take me night swimming anytime... This one is long, but I think it's fun, it's flirty and I think it's kind of sexy. Please let me know what you think xoxo
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, Sexual references - sexual innuendos (I didn't do full smut, sorry. But it's still fun! I do have an idea for a potential second part...)
Requested? Heck yes! Requests for OBX are open!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
It was the perfect night for a swim. The sky was so clear it was almost as if they could reach up, grab the stars and count them in their palm.
Instead, they all decided it would be the perfect night to have a fire on the beach to accompany their swim. Everyone packed a bag, a cooler and drove down to the beach.
Drew drove her in his truck, just the two of them, down the to beach. His windows down to let the late night summer breeze hit their faces. He smiled over at her quickly when her heard he laugh, her hands pushing her long hair out of her face as the wind created a tunnel in the cab of the truck.
"Windows up next time?" Drew laughed softly as he adjusted his hat on his head then made the turn to the parking lot for the beach. The lot was empty except for the few cars that were waiting for the two of them to arrive.
"No. I like it." She smiled as she twisted her hair and held it to the side while he slowed his truck down, then parked it beside Chase's car.
"Good. I like the whole windblown look on you. It's cute." Drew smiled over at her as he pulled the keys from the ignition and undid his seat belt.
"Says the guy who doesn't have to brush his hair." She replied as she unfastened her own seat belt, then followed his lead and hopped out of the truck.
"You made it!" Madelyn squealed with a slight slur, her arms tossed around her friend's neck, their bodies hitting Drew's truck with a soft thud.
"We were like, five minutes behind you." Drew replied with a laugh as he reached into the back of his truck to pull out her backpack and his cooler. He kicked Chase in the shin as the wavy haired man walked up with raised eyebrows and a cheeky smirk.
"I didn't say anything, asshole." Chase grumbled as he reached down to rub his bruised flesh.
"You thought it." Drew replied under his breath as he lifted their items from the back of his truck and started to walk down from the parking lot towards the beach.
Drew walked next to Chase on the beach, the two watching as Madelyn drunkenly grabbed Her hand, and pulled her down to the shore. An eruption of giggles filled the quiet night air as the cold water of the lake touched the tips of their toes.
"So, you two?" Chase asked as both he and Drew placed their coolers down at the same time. Each man opened the lids of their respective coolers and pulled out either a can, or a bottle of beer.
"Getting there." Drew nodded with a sip of his beer, and another adjustment of his hat on his head. He kept his eyes trained on the shoreline as Madelyn grabbed Her hips and pulled Her down onto the sand.
"Guys! Sorry, we're late. JD forgot that cars need gas in order to function. So, we had to stop." Rudy called from the parking lot, before he came running towards them.
"S'alright." Drew laughed as he hitched at the waist, reached into his cooler and pulled out a beer to hand to the blonde man.
"Are they drunk already?" Rudy asked with a point the girls who wrestled on the beach as he pulled the tab on his beer.
"Madelyn is, yes." Chase laughed as he pushed his hand through his wavy hair.
"Ladies!" Madison yelled as she ran as fast as she could through the sand, stumbling only once, to get to the girls who still wrestled on the beach.
"She's drunk, too. Shotgunned a beer in the gas station parking lot." Rudy snickered while he watched all three women hug on the sand with a raucous of giggles.
"So, we lighting this thing? Or are we going to stand here like creeps all night?" JD asked as he finally made his way over to the rest of his friends and dropped down a pile of fire wood.
The boys took their eyes of the girls, letting them play in the sand for a bit longer, and took to building the fire in the stone pit on the beach. Drew tossed in the match and watched as the flames began to burn up the newspaper used for kindling. He jumped slightly when he felt arms wrapped around his chest from behind.
"Did you bring my bag down?" She asked softly in his ear, the sand from her body falling onto him.
"Yeah. It's right by the cooler. Going for a swim?" He smirked as he turned his body slightly to look at her. If it was possible, her hair was even messier than it had been when the windows were down in his truck.
"Yeah! The waves look like so much fun." She smiled as she ran her hands over his shoulders then made her way over to her backpack and began to rustle through it for her bathing suit.
"First of all, where are you going to change? Second. You're going to freeze your ass off in that water." Rudy replied as he crunched his beer can, tossed it into the garbage bag already full with a few empties courtesy of Madelyn and Chase, then grabbed a full can.
"Question one. I will change in Drew's truck. Question two. You don't know my threshold for cold, Pankow." She replied with a skip in her step as she carried her bikini in one hand towards Drew's truck to change.
Drew flicked a stone at Chase who mouthed a less than quiet "go" at his friend as the woman walked away.
"To help her put on a bathing suit? I'm sure she's fine." Drew replied as he finished off his own beer.
"She might need help tying those strings, Drew." Madelyn stated with a sing-song in her voice, her shoulders shaking from side to side.
"Fuck you, guys." Drew scoffed as he stood up, tossed his empty can then made his way towards the parking lot with his hands in his pockets to sounds of whoops and hollers from his friends.
He walked up to his truck and vaguely saw the shape of her body move around in the back seat of his truck. He bit at his bottom lip, then ran his thumb over it as he leaned against the driver side. It took all his conviction to not steal a peak through the open window.
"Good in there, hon?" He asked softly, his hands still in his pockets as he kept his eyes fixed on JD's license plate across the lot. He would not look at her bare back as she tried to tie up her bikini, one hand holding the triangles of her top to her breasts while the other reached behind her to tie the strings.
"No. I hate these fucking things. Can you help?" She grumbled from the backseat, as she reached to open the back door and shifted in the seat so her back faced him.
"Sure." Drew nodded as his bottom lip made home between his teeth again. He took the large step forward to stand behind her then took hold of the strings to her bikini and pulled them tightly around her chest.
"Thank you." She replied softly as his fingertips brushed over the back of her neck and tied the strings in a knot, his hands lingering over her shoulders for a brief second.
"You're welcome. This is a nice colour on you." Drew stated as he hooked his index finger in the top string of her deep purple bikini.
"Thanks, Drew." She smiled as she sat up on her knees in the backseat and faced him.
"Lady! Are you coming swimming or not?" Madelyn yelled from her spot on the sand, her bathing suit already on which led both Her and Drew to believe Madelyn changed on the beach.
"Yes, Madelyn! I'll be right there!" She laughed while she pushed her hair back from her face.
"Tell Drew to hurry up with your bikini! It's not that difficult!" Madelyn giggled as she took a swig from a wine bottle before she took off back towards the fire pit.
"Don't say anything back. She's more wine than woman at this point. Come swimming with me." She laughed as she reached for his biceps as he held his weight against the door frame of the truck. She pulled her body up close enough for a kiss but didn't give him the satisfaction of pressing her lips to his.
"Alright. I don't need help with my swimsuit, though." Drew grinned as he pushed himself off the truck and walked back towards the fire. He let out a heavy exhale when he knew he was far enough away from her earshot.
Drew, Chase and the girls made their way into the brisk water for a nighttime swim while Rudy and JD chose to stay and tend to the fire. Chase let out a loud yelp as a wave rolled in, cold water reaching up to his chest.
"You're a baby, Stokes!" She laughed as she began to tread water, then make the few front strokes over to Drew.
Drew took hold of her waist then pulled her close to keep her above the rolling waves. Their height difference apparent in the water.
"It's fucking freezing. What are you? A polar bear?" Chase replied, teeth chattered as he wrapped his arms around himself.
"You have to go under! Otherwise you're just two different temperatures." Madison giggled before she dove under the water, her feet splashing water high above everyone's heads.
"No. Fuck that. I'm not drunk enough for this." Chase shivered as he began to make his way out of the water. He raised his eyebrows at Drew as he looked at the woman in his friend's arms, her legs wrapped around his waist.
"I'm coming, too. I need more wine." Madelyn smirked as she swam over to Chase, her own eyebrows raised up at Drew.
"I'm going back up, too. Rudy is ruining that fire." Madison stated quietly as she pushed her long hair back from her face, and made her way towards the shore.
"They're all wimps." She smiled up at Drew, her arms around his neck as they both waded in the water as a large wave rolled over them.
"I don't know, hon. It is kind of cold in here." Drew laughed with his hands on her lower back to keep her close. It was the closest they had ever been, with the least amount of clothes on.
"I think it's nice. And you're warm, so I feel good." She stated softly as she placed her right hand on the back of his neck, her fingertips twirling the hair.
"Don't get me wrong. I'll deal with this cold water if I can have you wrapped around me like this. I really don't mind it." Drew grinned as he wrapped his left arm around her waist securely while his right hand grabbed at her thigh.
The two of them simply waded in the water for a bit, wrapped around each other and in the sexual tension they had created. She kept her hands on the back of Drew's neck, occasionally twisting a bit of hair at the nape.
"Drew?" She asked quietly after a few moments of sweet silence between them.
"Did you see anything when I was changing in your truck?" She smiled at him as she placed her hands on his shoulders, her eyebrows raised.
"I mean..I may have seen just the side of these." Drew replied as he tilted his head to the side, the hand he had on her thigh reached up to brush the underside of her breast.
"Drew!" She laughed as she tossed her arms around his neck and pulled him close for a hug, her legs tightening around his waist.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. You're so pretty." Drew smiled while he nuzzled his face into her neck and tightened his grip around her.
"I forgive you." She whispered as he pulled his face from her neck and looked into her eyes, his nose brushed against hers.
Drew muttered a barely audible, "thank you" as his adjusted his hold on her, both his hands on her thighs to keep her around him. He felt her hands in his hair, giving the slightest of pulls and the other shoe finally dropped.
Drew pressed his lips to hers, closing the tiny space between them. He released a sigh of relief through his nostrils while she whined ever so softly in the back of her throat. The kiss between them had been building for weeks.
They finally broke apart, but only for air. Drew gripped at her thighs while he peppered her lips with kisses. Her hands pulled at his hair as she tried to catch her breath again.
"Drew?" She asked between pecks on her lips.
"Yeah, honey?" Drew muttered as he kissed his way from her lips to her neck.
"Do you think I could steal a peak at you in the back of your truck? It seems only fair." She asked as she released a heavy breath, her hands on his shoulders as his lips created a seal on her neck.
"You can have way more than a peak if you want, honey." Drew grunted as he lifted her higher around his waist, he pulled his lips off her neck so he could look at her face.
"Okay. Will you take me back to the truck to get warm?" She asked softly, her eyes downcast to watch as her fingertips caught the beads of water on his chest.
"Thought you'd never ask." Drew grinned as he adjusted her legs around his waist, then began to walk them back towards the shoreline. He placed her back on her feet softly on the sand and gave her backside a nudge towards the parking lot before he ran his hands through his hair.
"Are you guys finally coming back to the fire?" JD asked with a raised eyebrow as he poked the flames.
"In a second, yeah. She's cold, so we're just going to sit in the truck and warm up. Change out of these swimsuits." Drew replied as he shook the water off his fingertips.
"Whatever you say, Drew." Madison grinned as she rolled onto her stomach in front of the fire and cracked open another can of beer.
Drew muttered under his breath as he grabbed Her backpack then made his way through the sand towards his truck - the back door open. He walked to the front end of the truck, dropped the bag then made his way around the open door where his heart began to race.
"You're naked." Drew stated flatly as he looked at the woman sat up in the backseat of his truck without her purple bathing suit, the heat of the truck blasting.
"Can't sit around in a wet bathing suit, and you have my bag." She smiled over at him.
"Yeah, but you're naked in the back of my truck." Drew smirked as he held his weight against the frame of the door, his eyes scanning her body shamelessly.
"Do you want to come be naked in the back of your truck with me, Starkey?" She laughed as she turned to sit up on her knees, facing him.
"Uh huh. Sure do." Drew nodded as he reached down to untie his swimsuit then tugged it down to his ankles. He climbed inside the back with her and shut the door behind him, leaving his swim trunks in the parking lot.
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment Thank you for your support! xoxo
Requests for OBX are open!
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
lowkey (jjk) | 02.
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⦿ boo’d up in the daytime
⦿ mackin’ & hangin’ in the nighttime
↳ series masterlist
summary: in order to pass organic chemistry and pay off your car damages from an accident, all you have to do is help the nerd, jeon jungkook, with a few things: pretend to be his girlfriend and teach him the ways of dating.
pairing: popular!reader x nerd!jjk
genre: college au, fake dating au, friends (with benefits?) to lovers au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.2k
warnings: cussing, implied sexual content/mature language, kissy-kissy koo, mentions of a boner, mention of sex and cum, seokjin’s still toxic
note: posting this chapter a little early since it’s butter weekend, plus the last part of liquid courage should be up sat/sun. still sticking to my schedule in my faq though, srry loves! i’ll do my best to update as soon as i can. 💗
tags: @taegularities​ @jimidol​ @miinoongi​ @bluesharksandfish​ @ggukkieland​ @unicornbabylover​ @thebeebi​ @preciouschimine​ @ladyartemesia​ @moonchild1​ @jikookiekosmos​ @marcoazz2​ @kootaes​ @wearenot7withu​ @codeinebelle​ @bigbootyjoonie​ @thisartemisnevermisses​ @maichiverse​ @ppeachyttae​ @fairysunooo​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @yukiehyukie​
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"I heard you were in an accident last night, babe. Are you okay? I'm so sorry I got mad at you yesterday." Seokjin comes towards you, cupping your face to look at every inch, every detail. You move away from his hold, backing up to give yourself some space.
"Seokjin, I told you to stop calling me that. Jesus. I'm fine. Don't need you to check up on me."
"Are you really gonna keep that up? I said I was sorry."
"Okay, and? I heard you."
"Really, that's it? Y/N, why are you being like this? What's the real reason?" He follows after you as you make your way to the library. To say Seokjin was persistent is an understatement— he was persistent for the wrong reasons. Like, keeping you close so he had you to fall on when things went wrong with another chick, his safety net.
"Because this is done, I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I'm tired of you doing this so, please. Just go." You slightly turn towards him as you climb up the stairs.
"I wanna work this out with you. Don't push me away. Let me help." You don't respond. He watches as you adjust your bag strap and wave at Jungkook. Seokjin chuckles and grabs your wrist gently, making Jungkook suddenly hop on defense as he balls his fists. Like he could do shit. Seokjin would probably wreck his ass with those broad shoulders.
Still. He hated how much of an asshole he was to you.
"Wait, what the fuck?" Seokjin laughs his rare, deep laugh that he uses when he's caught off guard. "You're hanging out with nerds, now?"
"And if I was, that would be none of your business." You snatch your arm away while glaring at him. You shake your head and continue walking towards Jungkook, relieved Seokjin finally left you alone today. Probably off to tell Namjoon, Yoongi and his friends how much of a bitch you've been and that you actually left him to hang out with a nerd.
Sunmi knows you're being tutored. However if that wasn't the case, she would question you, but she never take their side on shit. She remained loyal to you, and always supported you through whatever. That's why she's remained your bestfriend until this day. The senior chicks Seokjin and them hung around with though? Questionable. As long as Sunmi was by your side and you by hers, you both didn't care much for getting close to them.
"Hey, sorry you had to see that." You say as you sigh and set your bag down alongside of you on the long table.
"It's alright." Jungkook replies softly. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. Thanks." You give him a tiny, tightlipped smile. "So, should we get right into tutoring, or should we talk about the details of our deal? I have all afternoon." Luckily, it was quite loud in the loud section of the library. No one cared much to listen in to your secret deal with Jungkook, nor did anyone care because it was Jungkook.
"I do too. I guess, whatever works for you?"
"Let's get this tutoring over with first then iron out the rest." He nods.
"Sure." He pulls out his notebook. "Tell me, what are you struggling with?"
"Everything." He does a small head tilt.
"I doubt that. I'm sure you understand some things."
"No, you don't understand Jungkook. I'm legit drowning. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or where I'm lacking." Jungkook simply looks at you, lips pressed together before he nods. You're not lacking anywhere, he thinks. You're really not. The subject is just shitty and the spawn of the devil.
"That's okay. Well, can I go over some basics? Throw in some tips?"
"Yes, please. Lead the way. I need you." You chuckled, but it makes the heat rush to his cheeks. He hopes you don't catch the rosy tint creeping up on them, so he instantly grabs at the whiteboard near your table and starts to go over the very beginning, the very basics of this semester's OChem class. Maybe a bit from last semester, but last semester wasn't entirely that bad compared to this one.
He didn't expect you to be all that engaged for some reason, but he should have known you'd ask questions left and right, taking the black whiteboard marker from his hand to practice what you've learned with him watching and guiding you from your side. You were always focused, always so determined. You were incredibly smart. Incredibly beautiful.
Honestly, Jungkook go on for days.
The both of you hadn't realized it was nearing close to 5PM and neither of you had really eaten much since lunch. You sit, feeling pretty good about your first session with Jungkook. You feel a little bad having kept him for so long over OChem, realizing you still had things to iron out with him.
[sunmi] 4:34pm: hey babe, not gonna be leaving for a bit. i forgot i had to work on this psych project with jennie. you okay with leaving around 6/7?
"What's the matter?" Jungkook glances at you as you continue to stare at your phone and scroll away.
"Sunmi isn't leaving until later. I'll probably be stuck here for a little longer after you leave." You put your phone down, now resting your chin against your palm, nails slightly digging into your cheek.
"I-I can give you a ride, if you'd like? Plus, we still need to talk.. about stuff." He shyly says.
"Jungkook, that's too much to ask for."
"It's really not a big deal. How far do you live from campus?"
"Maybe a 10 minute drive, the next exit off the freeway." He shrugs.
"I'm going in that direction too."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. We can just talk on the way home."
"Would you be willing to stop by for dinner? We can talk then. Maybe it can be considered our 'first date.'" You joke with a small giggle.
"Oh, sure. Yeah." He gives off a tiny, nervous laugh. "Where did you have in mind?"
"Can we get.. hm—" You hum. "Fire Wings? Down the street?" He almost feels intoxicated watching how your eyes gleam under the light, how they brighten and widen when you mention food. You were cute, and you didn't even know it.
"Only if you tell me what flavors you get." He tries to get smart, which makes you laugh. He made you laugh.
"Is this judgment day? Gonna see if you should call quits on our deal before it even starts?"
"Maybe." He goes along with it.
"Okay. Garlic Parmesan and Dragon." You pack up your things before shooting him a look.
"Okay, solid flavors." He nods. "I guess we can continue on."
"You're funny." You giggle as you both throw your bags onto your backs. You stay in your position until Jungkook comes to your side so you can walk by him. You don't know much about him, but he has a soft demeanor and he makes you feel comfortable. You had only seen him a couple of times across campus, not really noticing him much in class either. You feel a little bad knowing you didn't even try being that he sat behind you, but better late than never I guess? Maybe there was a reason for all of this happening. The way he tutored you today was insane, too— he was super smart, but broke it down perfectly, was patient. He was patient.
No wonder Dr. K loved his ass.
"What about you?" You picked up the conversation.
"I usually go for a dry rub and Garlic Parmesan."
"I haven't tried any dry rubs."
"You can try one of mine later."
"Okay." You suddenly remember to shoot Sunmi a text before she comes looking for you everywhere on campus. Jungkook stays silent beside you, allowing you to do your thing without being too overbearing or nosy.
But, he honestly can't help but glance a few times.
[y/n] 5:11pm: sorry just saw this, hitching a ride with my tutor. don't worry about me! ty ily, have fun working on your project.
[sunmi] 5:13pm: tutor, as in jeon jungkook?
[y/n] 5:15pm: yeah, he offered.
[sunmi] 5:16pm: okay, that was nice of him. if he tries anything tho i'll beat his ass. text me when u get home?
[y/n] 5:17pm: don't worry about him, he won't lol i will.
[sunmi] 5:18pm: kk love u b
"Sorry." You say, tucking your phone into your pocket. "Had to text Sunmi."
"That's okay. You two are really close, right?"
"Yeah, since high school."
"Cool." At this point, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok are coming out of the café at the same you two are passing.
"What about you, where are your friends?"
"Um." He sighs, trying to avoid his friends obnoxiously waving and calling him from the distance. You glance over from behind his figure, chuckling a little bit. "That's them."
"Cute. You all are really close, too?"
"Ya, I've known Jimin the longest though." You smile and wave at them, causing them to gasp and whisper amongst each other with huge smiles on their faces.
"I'll need to meet them if we're gonna do this thing for real. Do they know?"
"Yeah kinda."
"That's okay. We should probably work on keeping it between us though." He nods.
"Okay, but. Can we save meeting them for later? They're a bit.. much." You smile.
"D-do I have to meet Sunmi?" You nod.
"If you wanna make this believable, yeah."
"She's kinda scary."
"Jungkook, she's not gonna bite your head off. She just has that look, but I promise she's sweet." That look, that resting bitch face. Really, you could be biased because it's Sunmi. She really only had issues if she felt disrespected. Other than that, she meant well. Same with you— you've been accused of being intimidating and having the same look but you don't mean any harm by it.
"Okay." Jungkook unlocks his black 2016 Honda Civic and pops his bag in the trunk. You do the same, while Jungkook goes to open the passenger door for you.
"Thanks." You smile sweetly at him. He climbs into his seat, hitting the button to start the car and sighs. The music in the background starts to play, and it sounds mellow, soothing— like it came straight out of a fairytale. His eyes widen as he rushes to lower the volume before shyly looking at you.
"What, no. Don't be. What is this?"
"A Final Fantasy lofi mix." He begins to drive off as you turn the volume back up.
"It's nice. Pretty relaxing."
"Ya, it's nice to listen to after a long day." He pushes his glasses up at the light.
"Do you have family here?" He nods.
"I do. My mom and dad live about an hour away. I'm the only child. What about you?"
"Same. They're probably 30 minutes up north."
"Do you live alone?"
"Yeah, I live in a studio. It's actually my coworker's. She bought the space to rent it out. She lets me rent it for pretty cheap though."
"That's nice."
"I live with Jimin. Our parents are close."
"What about your other friends?"
"Hoseok is dorming, and Taehyung would rather live back home with his family and commute. He's close to them. He'll crash at ours or Hoseok's from time to time."
"Are you close to your family?" He nods as he turns into the plaza lot.
"I suppose, yes. I'm just really quiet overall, so they think it's hard to read me sometimes." He parks and you watch as he shuts the car off with the same button. "You?"
"Yeah, I'm really close to my mom. Dad, a little questionable."
"Why, if I may ask?" He comes to open your door again, causing you to give him a small smile.
"He, um. Just got into some stuff." He watches as your body tenses while you fiddle with your fingers waiting in line.
"It's okay, don't think about it. I won't ask again."
"It's okay, Jungkook. Really. Maybe another time?" You look up at him and he nods. He stands way taller than you, almost at Seokjin's height, if not the same. He likes to wear baggy, dark clothing and doesn't do much to fix or style his hair.
He's simple, but in a good way.
You both order your food with Jungkook going first so he can grab a table afterwards. Before he could pay though, you offer to cover him for dinner as your way of thanking him for driving you home. You make your way over to the table he snags, Jungkook silently sitting at the high table with his legs pressed together and his hands clasped tightly on his lap.
"You okay?"
"Ya, why?"
"You look tense."
"Sorry. It's not everyday I have dinner with Y/N." You smile.
"Stop, relax." You watch as he slightly eases up. "So, this deal." He nods. "A month?"
"Yeah, I suppose."
"We have to convince people it's real or else people will know something weird is going on." You look at his hand, now resting on the table. "You're gonna have to hold my hand and kiss me, you know?" He swallows the lump in his throat. Shit, he thinks. Don't know if I can actually pull this off?
A kiss?! Fuck.
"When was your last relationship, Jungkook?"
"8th grade." Your eyes widen.
"O-oh, now I see."
"What's that supposed to mean? It's terrible, I know but I—"
"No, no, no. You're good. It's totally okay, it doesn't matter. I'll just have to teach you to make it look realistic and not.. awkward." You perk up again. "Not saying that you are though, okay."
"I know."
"So, are you.."
"Am I..?" He cocks hid head to the side in confusion.
"Just ask Y/N."
"Are you a virgin?"
"I don't know." You furrow your brows.
"Look, this is gonna sound really embarrassing and I don't know if I'm even ready to tell my fake girlfriend about it."
"Just say it. We have to know things about each other." He sighs.
"I— ugh." He groans. "I did it with my girlfriend at the time. Or I guess my ex because we had broken up and this was sometime during freshmen year in high school and she came onto me out of nowhere at a mutual friend's pool party. But it was weird because we were just hormonal kids and I was just curious so I slipped myself into her only to slip back out right after because—" He's rambling, but you're doing your best to keep up.
"I-I, ugh. Y/N." He shuts his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Are you really gonna make me say it?"
"Jungkook." You lean a bit to try and catch eye contact.
"I came right away." He says just as the worker puts down your food and takes the number from your table.
"Ohhhhhhh." You say as you nod slowly. "Okay."
"You can just run now." His head hangs low as he slowly slides his chicken over in front of him, causing you to chuckle.
"I'm not going anywhere. It's okay. Stop that."
"It's pathetic."
"No. Besides, I know you'll get better overall, and you'll find someone who will rock with you till the end. We'll work on this."
"Thanks." He says, feeling comfortable around you. You were quick to reassure him and smile at him, he felt himself melting in his seat. Yeah, you were too good for Seokjin.
"You'll have to come to parties with me. Club events. Events in general. It won't look right if I'm always going without you."
"Okay. Can I bring my friends?"
"Sure." He nods. "What do you do in your free time?"
"Play video games and listen to music. Read comics, manga. Build lego sets with the guys."
"Cute." You smile.
"Hang out with Sunmi, or just watch movies on my own at my place. Read. Eat by myself. Explore by myself. I value my alone time."
"It's nice." Jungkook's familiar with it. Even if he had his friends around, he truly liked being in his own peace when allowed. "What about outside of the public eye?"
"Hm?" You hum.
"Do we hang out?"
"Yeah we can." You nod.
"Cool." He smiles.
"Is my car gonna be a lot of work for you?"
"Don't worry about it, it'll be good soon. Just might take a bit cause I need some parts to make it look brand new again."
"I really can't thank you enough." He shrugs.
"Only trying to help my girlfriend out." He boldly says, causing you to laugh.
"Confidence is peeking through already, are you sure you need me?" You joke. The rest of the evening, you continue to talk to Jungkook about pretty surface level shit— what you like, dislike, overall experience in high school and college so far. It was a nice, harmless conversation, one where you were starting to see how warmhearted Jungkook really was. How real and laid back.
None of the shit in Seokjin's group. It was refreshing, a breath of fresh air.
Once dinner had finally finished, Jungkook was on his way to drop you off. He had parked in an empty guest spot, offering to walk you up just to be sure. At the door, he took a peek at how clean your studio was, mainly soft colors of white and cream taking over, with plants scattered around your living room area. The hallway in was sandwiched between your kitchen area and another wall, Jungkook assuming your bed was on the opposite side of it. He awkwardly stands at the door, afraid of overstepping.
"Well, goodnight Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Hey, wait." You smile and come close to him. He swallows, his mouth suddenly feeling dry when he feels your breasts press against his chest. "First lesson— give me a kiss."
"Right now?"
"Jeon Jungkook, we're doing this tomorrow. People are gonna have to see this at least once while we're together." He nods and presses a quick kiss against your cheek. "Not bad, but a little longer?" He complies and presses another kiss, leaving his pillowy lips against your cheek for a little longer before pulling away. "Perfect. Now here." You point at your lips before crossing your arms.
"Y/N, I—"
"Don't be afraid, just do it. I won't kick you in the balls or anything."
"It's not that. I just don't think I'm a great at this stuff."
"Okay." You tippytoe and gently grab his jaw while you lean towards his face. "Just relax, okay? Don't think too much of it." He stays silent, doe eyes constantly on you as you continue to inch forward.
Sparks. Just sparks everywhere for Jungkook.
He feels your soft lips against his and he relaxes, moreso because he feels like he's lost all senses being this close to you. Taking in your scent. Kissing you.
"There." He stands still, still trying to process the kiss. "Not bad. We'll get better over time, but at least that looks believable. Just—" You put his hands down as they were about to fall onto your hips during the kiss, but they fell short. "Let it happen and hold me, okay?" You smile. "Night Jungkook."
"N-night." He stutters as he watches you close the door. "Fuck." He whispers to himself when he realizes he's now sporting a boner. "Jungkook, what the fuck is this?!" He continues to whisper to himself as he waddles down your hallway.
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comparisons ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2195
request?: yes!
“Can I get a Colson Baker one where you’re dating after him and Megan where you get a bunch of hate and they both defend you against the hate please”
description: when her boyfriend’s ex is one of the most beautiful actresses of this generation, she finds herself being constantly compared to her and receiving hateful messages
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, hate messages, insecurities
masterlist (one, two)
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There was some sort of assumption that when you start dating someone, you immediately hate their ex. That could not be further from the truth for me and Colson. In fact, Colson’s ex-girlfriend introduced us shortly after their break up, and had constantly pushed for the two of us to get together.
Megan was basically the backbone in our friendship. She pushed me to pursue my dreams in acting (as well as helped you with that since she was so much more famous than you were when you started), then she pushed me to start auditioning for bigger roles. The moment she introduced me to Colson, I knew exactly what was coming next.
“That’s weird, Meg,” I had told her. “Isn’t there, like, a girl code about dating your best friend’s ex?”
“I’m literally shoving you onto him,” she had responded. “I think you’re fine with the girl code.”
A few months after meeting, I finally caved and asked Colson out on a date. Six months later, I was still thanking Megan for giving me that push.
Shortly after making our relationship public, however, the happiness slowly came to a stop. For me, anyways. Colson, bless his heart, was blissfully ignorant to the comments his fanbase started to send me.
“yikes, he really downgraded huh?”
“how do you go from megan fox to...that?”
“guess mgk couldn’t keep up his streak of hot girlfriends”
Hate comes with fame, I knew that. I had my fair share of hate comments ever since the start. It was easy to ignore them when they were just a handful of hate comments here and there, but this was different. This was a bombardment of hate that was so heavy I could barley go online.
Colson was oblivious for a while, until he found out I had deleted all my social media accounts.
“Did you delete your Instagram babe?” he asked the minute he got home the day I had done it.
“Yeah,” I responded, nonchalantly. “I deleted all my social media.”
I shrugged. “I just thought it’d be better for me mentally. They say being so attached to social media is bad for you or whatever.”
“But you weren’t even addicted to social media. You just liked sharing your memories - our memories.”
I shrugged again and turned back to my cooking. I wasn’t about to tell him his fans drove me off the internet. He loved his fans, I couldn’t fuck that up for him, even if what they were saying hurt me so much.
My back was to him as I cooked, so he couldn’t see my reaction when he asked, “Is it because people were comparing you to Megan?”
I froze completely. I could feel his eyes staring into the back of my head, but I just couldn’t convince myself to turn around to face him. I knew that if I did, I’d crack. I had gone too long pretending everything was okay, keeping this secret from Colson, to finally let it slip now. I just had to throw him off of his thought process.
“Where did you get that idea?” I asked, trying to keep my voice light.
He was next to me suddenly, holding his phone up so I could see it. On the screen was a picture of me at a red carpet just below a headline that read “(Y/F/N) deletes social media accounts amid hateful comments from boyfriend Machine Gun Kelly’s fans”.
I sighed in frustration. Of course the tabloid vultures had already written articles about it. I had only done it a few hours earlier, but they always had to be the first ones to write another story about me.
“I didn’t even know I was getting hate,” I said, trying to keep up the lie even though it was pretty obvious I had been found out. “I just decided to delete my accounts, it must be a coincidence.”
“Really? Because this article says you were receiving so much hate that you couldn’t even go into the comments on your pictures or replies on your tweets without seeing a mass amount of hate from my fans.”
I turned off the stove and turned around suddenly, abandoning my cooking completely as I quickly walked out of the kitchen and towards mine and Colson’s room. I felt a lump forming in my throat, and the last thing I wanted was for Colson to see me cry.
I wasn’t shocked to hear his footsteps coming after me. I forgot how much longer his legs were than mine, so it didn’t take long for him to catch up with me and stop me before I could get too far away. He took hold of my arm and turned me around to look at him. The moment my eyes landed on his face, it felt like someone had finally broke the dam holding back my tears.
Colson pulled me in for a hug and held me tightly as I sobbed into his chest. Every ounce of overwhelming feelings I had been bottling up for months was finally starting to come out, and I realized it was long overdue when I eventually began to grow tired from my crying.
I felt Colson pick me up and bring me to his bed. My eyes were starting to grow heavy despite how much I was fighting against them to stay awake. The minute my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep, but it was obvious I had needed that rest, because when I woke up again I felt more well rested than I had in a long time.
I opened my eyes to find myself facing the window, which helped me to pinpoint that it was now nighttime as the sky was pitch black. I rolled over, expecting to find Colson asleep next to me only to find that I was alone in his bed. I was confused at first, forgetting the events that happened mere hours earlier.
I could hear a distant voice talking and was able to identify it as Colson’s. I got up from his bed and made my way towards the stairs, hearing it get louder as I stood at the top.
“I wish she would’ve told me,” he was saying. “I don’t know why she would’ve kept this a secret from me.”
“She didn’t want you upset with your fans,” came another voice. This one was distorted like it was coming from a phone. When she spoke again, I realized it was Megan’s voice. “And she’s stubborn. She was probably determined to deal with this by herself.”
“I just hate that she felt that way,” Colson sighed. “I don’t want her believing anything any of those people said to her, but I saw screenshots and fuck...they really did just bombard her with hate.”
“I know, but none of us could’ve predicted this. Your fans were so cool with us dating, I thought they’d love (Y/N) since we’re so similar.”
I sat down on the top of the stairs and peeked down enough that I could see Colson without him seeing me. He was laid out on the couch in just his sweat pants. In his hand he was holding his phone up, the other was slung over the back of his couch. I could see the guilt on his face, which broke my heart to see. I didn’t want Colson feeling guilty for something that was out of his control.
“You think what I posted will do anything?” he asked Megan.
“I don’t know. It’s hard to tell. When people want to hate, they just want to hate.”
Hearing that Colson had posted something made me curious. I felt around my pants for my phone, but realized I had probably left it in the room or downstairs somewhere. I was in too deep now to give myself away, but I really wanted to know what he had posted about the situation.
“Thanks for talking to me about this, Megan,” he said.
“Of course, Colson. Anytime.”
They said their goodbyes and hung up. Colson tossed his phone onto the coffee table and put his arm under his head. “Are you gonna come down babe?”
I wanted to ask how he knew I was there, but instead I stood from my spot and made my way down the stairs. When I entered the living room, Colson just looked up at me for a moment, almost expectantly. I smiled down at him and laid on top of him with my head on his chest. The arm that was over the back of the couch wrapped around me and he gently kissed the top of my head.
“How much did you hear?” he asked.
“Just the last bit,” I admitted. “Something about a post you made.”
Colson hummed, his chest vibrating underneath my ear as he did. “I wanted to address the issue, and I knew you wouldn’t let me do it if you were awake.”
“I still don’t like that you did it now,” I said, half joking. “Can I see the post?”
He moved his head to look down at me. “How do I know you’re not going to delete the post?”
“You don’t,” I responded. “You’ll just have to trust me.”
He smiled and reached over to grab his phone from the coffee table. He opened it and pulled up a post he had made on Instagram: it was your usual white background with text post you saw celebrities make from time to time.
It read:
“I love my fans so much. You guys are my EST family, and I’m so proud of this family that we have built over the last few years. However, it came to my attention today that some of you have been less than nice to my girlfriend to a point where she felt the need to delete her social media accounts. I will admit, I was oblivious to this at first as I am not one to go onto other people’s social media to read comments and replies, and (Y/N) kept this to herself instead of telling me about it. But now that I do know, I have to say I am beyond pissed. (Y/N) is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, inside and out. She is not Megan, and honestly - with all respect to Megan - I’m glad that she’s not. I love Megan as a friend, but truly that’s all she is to me. (Y/N) is my soulmate, the love of my life. These comparisons and jabs at her because she isn’t my ex are absolutely disgusting, especially coming from people who claim they love me as much as you guys do. Please learn how to treat the people in my life with love and respect, or else take my face out of your profile pictures and my name out of your usernames/bios as you are not a true fan of mine. From the bottom of my heart, fuck you to anyone that made my girlfriend feel like shit.”
I scrolled down to see the comments and saw that the top one was from Megan, and was already liked by Colson.
“(Y/N) is not my competition, nor is she my enemy. She is my friend and she has been since before Colson and I were ever together. The fact that people feel the need to pit two women against one another just because they both dated the same person is absolutely appalling to me. I’d like to emphasis Colson’s statement - fuck you to whoever hurt my friend.”
I handed Colson his phone back, not wanting to read any more. I could feel a lump in my throat again, but this one was from happiness. I felt so lucky to have two amazing people in my corner during a time that was otherwise very trying for me.
“I’m sorry I never told you,” I said as I rested against his chest again.
“You shouldn’t be sorry, (Y/N). I’m sorry this happened to you.”
“You don’t have any reason to be sorry either. You can’t control your fans.”
“Then neither of us will be sorry.”
I chuckled at this. For a moment we were both silent, the only sound being Colson’s heart beating under my ear. It was a soothing sound, and combined with his fingers tracing over my back, I was almost lulled back to sleep.
“I love you,” he mumbled against my hair.
I lifted my head to look at him. “What?”
“I said I love you.”
I was speechless. It was the first time he had seriously said those words and he had managed to shock me into silence with them.
He looked at me, his face slowly becoming concerned with my silence.
“I love you, too,” I finally managed.
A smile broke out across Colson’s face as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly to him. For the rest of the night, he would whisper those three words to me randomly, and I would whisper back my response every time.
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kenmasangel · 4 years
getting back together after years
synopsis : the get back, part 1 “why am i even with you”
characters : sakusa, tsukishima
genre : fluff
warning : cursing, mention of alcohol
an : sorry for any gramma or spelling mistakes, everytime i’d right it was nighttime and i’d be really tired so i wasn’t able to focus 100%. please notice me of any mistakes masterlist
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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years have passed since your break up with sakusa, it was a sad but necessary break up for you to move on and finally glow up
you also realized that the only person you truly ever needed was yourself and you worked hard to be the person you are today
“at the end of the day, men are trash,” you would try to cheer your friend who had a fight with her boyfriend in one of the best clubs of tokyo. “so wipe your tears and come move your hips,”
on the professional side you became tokyo's favorite journalist, sports related; not only because of your looks but also your professionalism and personality
every hot athlete you've ever interviewed tried to get with you, but they always got rejected
on the other hand sakusa joined MSBY Black Jackals; a professional volleyball team in japan's v.league, in the top tier of division 1
yes sir period
he never dated someone else, the break up kinda broke his heart but he'll never admit it
he also became more distant with people lowkey
however, one day your manager called you to tell you about who are you going to interview next
as she mentionned the name of a famous volleyball team you couldn’t stop your mind of thinking about your ex who used to play volleyball
little did you know that he was a part of the team
lmao who gon tell you
when you got back home you decided to do some research about that MSBY team or whatever
oh to your surprise when you saw sakusa kiyoomi’s face there
“no shit,” you mumbled to yourself lowkey annoyed
after the brake up you grew stronger and more independent as you put in mind that all men are trash, you didn’t want to go through that steretipycal sad phase where your self confidence would be all crushed. you wanted to remain strong and you learned how to truly love yourself without expecting anything from anyone as you had your own self
period boo
anyway, you kinda had numbed all your feelings, and to see him now made all your memories with him comeback; how you first met, your first kiss, your first dates and that fight
so here you were, in your appartement checking out their previous interviews trying to get all the juice you needed yet your mind would still zone out on his face
“just keep it pro, y/n, he probably even forgot about you, just keep it pro,” you told yourself before turning off your pc
the day of the interview, here we finally are. the MSBY team knew they had an interview with the most appreciated journalist of all times so they got ready.
“do y’all think they’re cute ?” asks atsumu, “if they’re cute you better back off guys, i’m sure i’m going to catch their attention anyway,” he cockily adds flipping his bang and flexing his muscles, no one bothered answering him at this point they were used to him
“they’re here,” their manager clapped in his hands. “don’t forget what i told you guys, they are very influent so don’t mess it up and don’t scare them away,” he looked at atsumu and bokuto who just stuck their tongues out
“good morning,” you greeted all of them and bowed, “i’m l/n y/n, the journalist who’ll interview you today,” you looked at all of them with a poker face. saying that sakusa was surprised would be an understatement; he was in shock, his brain forgot how to function correctly. you followed the others who took you to the room where all the staff would chill, offering you coffee, tea and snacks
sakusa couldn’t keep his eyes off you, seeing you after all these years was like a wave of fresh air; he was relieved to see you successful and blooming, what a beautiful sight he thought when he saw you laughing with his teammates as he got in the room. but at the same time his heart ached him as he remembred what made you two go separate ways and the guilt he tried to hide deep inside him all those years started creeping up again in his chest
“c’mon, it’s just an interview,” he sighed before sitting on a chair behind his team
the interview started and it was going fine, sakusa’s teammates were cool and you had a lot of fun interviewing them. you liked their chaotic energy and it happened for you to match it, they immediately liked you
“y/n-chan,” started atsumu getting close to you, ”would you like to go out with me tonight, we could have dinner together or just grab a drink-”
“okay barry b. benson, you’re not my type sorry,” you stopped him as you pinched his cheek making all his teammates laugh, you got a pout from him but he eventually laughed liking your attitude
“y/n-chan, why don’t you come and have dinner with us tonight?” asked bokuto with sparkles in his eyes, “oooh~ say please we’d love to!” joined him hinata with the same sparkles in his eyes
you akwardly chuckle looking at sakusa then bringing your stare back at them, “i don’t kno-”, “please come, it would be nice,” finally adds sakusa what made you look back at him
you kept staring at each other for  moment before you nodded makinf the three balls of chaotic energy; bokuto, hinata and atsumu scream a ‘yes!’ you exchanged numbers and you went back home
well, that wasn’t too bad you thought to yourself once back at you appartement plopping on your couch
for some reason your heart was beating fast and you damned those feelings you tried to hide and not get rid of for coming back
he was looking as handsome as ever, you were not going to lie
and that look in his eyes... was it regret ?
“as he fucking should,” you shook your head thinking about what he’d said in that fight
but you were young, he probably regrets, “stfu stupid heart,”
you got up and got ready for tonight’s dinner
“keep that poker face y/n, you’re doing great” you said to yourself before getting into the restaurant, you quickly saw hands waving at you, spotting the team and you went to the table. there was a place left next to bokuto and sakusa, just great, you tried hard not to roll your eyes and sat
the diner was going well, you were not bothered by sakusa’s presence, he didn’t talk much anyway and you had fun talking to the others who were really funny, the thing is that everyone got drunk; hinata and bokuto were hugging each other singing the yarichin bitch anthem, atsumu kept saying ‘ya like jazz?’ every time the someone would pass by, you and sakusa were the only ones in a good state. you couldn’t help but laugh at them trying to stop them but you’d eventually fail
“atsumu please stop,” you tried to stop him from getting on the table to ask everyone if they liked jazz, “i won’t unless you tell me ya like jazz, honey,” he wiggled his eyebrows as you couldn’t help yourself from laughing, “i do like jazz now sit down,” you finally said
sakusa kept thinking if he should talk to you or not in the mean time, he couldn’t help but to create two imaginary cases in his mind one for that says ‘yes’ and the other one ‘no’, he finally came back to earth when you sat back down after stopping tsumu from performing a jazz song
“but y/n i swear it’s a good jazz song, it is called... Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley,” he grins proud of himself, you stare at him trying to hold your laughter and when you were going to anwser you heared sakusa do it first, “no miya, and make the owl and the tangerine stop crying,” atsumu salutes him and goes to talk to the crying duo
“long time no see, l/n,” he finally says making your heart miss a beat
“never thought i’d see you again sakusa,” you answer, finally looking at him
“glad to see you’re doing well,” he adds. “even tho i wish we’d be on good terms,” you sigh turning your head. “gotta admit i am the one to blame,”
“glad to see you are mature enough to admit your wrongs,” you anwser him sipping on your drink
“i’ve always knew that i was the one who fucked up, y/n... maybe back then i just didn’t have the guts to admit it, nor to try keeping you close to me. i just saw how you were doing better off without me, and i thought it was better to let go even if it did hurt me...” he finally admits
all what you wanted to hear, craved to hear when you broke up with him. you felt some type of way, good memories you had with him flooding your mind and the feelings you’ve once had for the pretty germaphobe
what were you gonna say? were you finally ready to forgive him and move on or stay on your positions and just live like you’ve been living since the brake up
“well... we’re grown ups now, it’s all forgiven and forgotten,” you give him a small smile,
“thank you,” it was then quiet for a brief moment before he finally decided to man up, “i missed you,” he looked down at his plate
wow the butterflies in your tummy, heart and brain went off with no warnings, you stared at him with wide eyes trying to comprehend what on god’s green earth did he just say
did you miss him too ? did you hate him ? were you over the fight ? did you really stop loving him or did you just hide those feelings ?
too many questions yet no answers, as he realized you didn’t answer he mumbled few apologies but you stopped him telling it was fine
“it’s just... it’s been so many years and we didn’t end up on good terms,” you explain
“yeah, no, i totally understand that is normal,” you nodd looking down at your lap. “can i hold your hand?”
“pardon me?”
“can i hold your hand? fuck that y/n, can i have another chance? allow treat you right, to love you deeply. that guilt that built up in me kept growing with the years, and now that you’re finally here i just want one thing as i see your face is to make up for everything, even after years.”
oh wow, you were definitely not expecting that; not from sakusa who wasn’t this expressive with his feelings and especially not after all these years
you held his hand and smiled sincerly at him, “it’ll take me time; to figure out how i feel and to trust you again, but i’d like to give it a chance,” he smiled back, hope filling his eyes
after that night you tried to spend a lot of time together
usually he would be the one to initiate it
he did his best to prove you that you can trust him and that he became a better person for you
your heart would melt everytime he told you about a memory of you together or how he still remembered stuff about you
you were on your guards in the beginning but slowly you began to soften
eventually you got back together, but that’s another story
it took several months but you don’t even know how happy he was
oh and let’s just not talk about the media and how powerful you guys were
anyway you were happy and that’s what matters
Tsukishima Kei
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ara ara what we have here
do you know how the life works in a weird way sometimes? a compilation of events that happen by sheer luck, fucking coincidences that are just way out of this world that lead you to bump into that one person even if you don’t want to?
no ? aight sorry
anyway, that is lowkey what life had in store for you and salt shaker man
tsukishima had gotten into that college he wanted to attend
he was happy but he would’ve secretely loved if you were there to share his happiness
oh how little did he know that you got into that college too
ahaha *awkward laughter*
homeboy found it out in a special way, not the best way there is but you know he had to know a way or another
he went to that party with his two roomates who actually lowkey forced him ngl
as he was making his way to the kitchen he heard someone laughing, a laugh he’s heard way too many times but he shook it off thinking about how many people may have the same laughter
“oi y/n, you look hot!” a male’s voice shouted
what ?
there was no way you were there and he decided to make sure by checking out by himself
he was CHOKED when he saw you there
“tell me something i don’t know,” you laughed as you approached the boy who called you. “what’s up hot stuff ?” he said as you were finally next to him
hot stuff? tsukki almost gagged at the horrible name you were just given, yet it was not false that you were indeed ‘hot’; you looked as flawless as ever, you did a 180° change
the sweet, soft, innocent y/n was replaced by the baddest bitch in the motherfucking block he almost didn’t recognize you. he wondered if you stayed together would you have gone through this change an didn’t notice you coming his way
“god, don’t stand in the middle of the- tsukishima ?” you stopped when you saw his face. “you attending a party, what a surprise,” you stood there a hand on your hip
“oh y/n, how are you?” homeboy didn’t know how to act at this point, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck
“i’m doing great actually, so did you get into here ? the ‘college of your dreams’,” he could feel the sarcasm in your voice, he also noticed how cold you were
“yeah, thankfully. where’d you go ?”
“oh i go here, the same college as you,” you fake a smile, he feels his heart miss a beat.. or two.“you know sometimes i look back, and i can’t help from noticing that being in a committed relationship didn’t stop me from attending one of the best colleges out there and you, on the other hand who didn’t want anything to do with a relationship got here too,” you spat, obviously you didn’t get to tell him how you felt when you broke up. “good thing i’m not in the same major as you though,” you sighed
“y/n i_,”
“no save it tsukishima, there’s no need to say whatever you want to say. at this point i’ve moved on, i just found it funny to see you here after what you’ve said and how i actually also got here; now i know for sure that you were the problem... and i hated myself thinking it was me,” you scoff. “hope i won’t get to see you often, good luck for the rest,” and with that you left, joining a group of friends who waved for you to join them
needless to mention that he was pissed and heartbroken
he was not expecting that from you, he always saw you as this delicate person whose kindness is infinite
now, oh now he didn’t recognize you
even your voice got more.. mature? cold? idk
anyway after your encounter he directly headed back to his dorm
he couldn’t sleep the whole night rethinking about all what those years with you and what you said, you hated yourself as you thought you were the problem
bravo tsukishima they hate you, he thought to himself
uhm lol so the rest of your college ‘journey’ went without the two of you seeing each other
you were both majoring in different stuff, the campus is huge, y’alls schedules didn’t match and you had different friend groups
yet rarely he would find you at the library at 4am, many empty coffee cans on your table, looking all sleepy with your glasses falling off and your hair in a messy bun
“fucking ass why on god’s poluted earth did i ever want to major in that fucking shit of a topic, couldn’t i do something basic like stripper or something ? ugh fml,” he caught you once in the middle of an existencial crisis
he couldn’t help his lips from twitching upwards and he couldn’t stop the memories of the two of you studying together flooding his mind
he never came close to you tho, especially after what you told him in that party
sad </3
you guys graduated from college fucking finally
congrats folks you did it!
and you thought it was the end of your story
how sweet, how naive
uh-uh baby life decided otherwise and you saw each other years later
in the same company 🤪 
“oi tsukishima-san, don’t forget we have a metting with the new manager in 10,”
how could he forget ? everyone has been talking about this manager for a week
tsukki was respected by all his work mates as he was such a good element what made him get the best promotions and claims from his boss
n e way
he got into the conf room where everyone was seated and took his place waiting for the new manager and the boss to come in, he was clearly annoyed and didn’t want to be there; he just wanted to finish his work on go back home
anyway his attention was brought back by his boss entering the room, “good evening everyone, with no longer introduction let me introduce you to y/l/n y/n your new manager,”
tsukki’s head SNAPPED, he almost broke his neck
tsukiskima.exe has stopped working
you were surprised when your eyes landed on him too but you’re a bad bitch and kept it professional
he couldn’t focus for the rest of the meeting, even tho it was just presentations and basic information for the future collaboration
the meeting ended and everyone went back home, except for you as you stayed in late to work on some stuff
you thought you were alone since it was late, but you were wrong since tsukishima had also stayed in late to finish up whatever file he was asked to analize
this is why you were startled when you heard some noise and a tall figure got out of the office ahead of you
“oh my,” you held your chest and relaxed when you noticed it was tsukishima, “i thought i was alone,”
“staying in late on your first day huh, didn’t know you were still here,” he responded, you noticed how his tone didn’t change from when you first met him in highschool, maybe his voice got a bit more deeper tho
you couldn’t help noticing how good he looked in his suit, it fit him really well. his broad shoulders covered by the dark blue vest, the first few buttons of his white vector shirt opened letting you lowkey see his collarbone
“yea well i’m leaving now, good night,” you quickly say and took your leave, seeing him after all this time was weird and you didn’t know how to feel
you still remember what you said the last time you saw him at that party, you were hurt and you said some things you probably regret by now and you thought that he probably hated your guts and as long as you wanted to be at the top in your  new work you still decided to stay away from him
“ugh what a dumbass,” you whined and slapped the back of your head thinking tsukishima was still in the floor you left him in, but he saw you and his lips twitched upwards
everytime he thinks you can’t look any better you prove him wrong, he thought to himself as he went to his car finally heading back home. after all those years life decided to still play with you guys and put you in the same company, i mean, he wasn’t complaining but he wished it wasn’t awkward between the two of you
you guys started working together, a new journey for the both of you started
he thought you still hated him and that is why he was cold with you :(
so you were both distant with each other and if you ever had to talk it was cold, formal and quick
it’s been a few weeks your collegues had noticed the tension between the two of you
they were lowkey sus of something but didn’t want to butt in
it was physically painful to watch
n e way everything was going more or less smoothly until a new face made an appariction in the company
“my god! what are you doing here?” you hugged the good looking man
“i missed you and i thought that i couldn’t live without you, so i am here to cling,” you pull away and playfully slap his chest. “nah more seriously i am here to get that bag boo,”
“as you should hun, so you’re a trainee huh? i’ll ask them to put you under my supervision,” you wink
“say less,” he flirtily gets close to you
“uhm, sorry to interrupt your i bet very educational discussion but y/l/n, here, the file,” tsukishima butts in out of nowhere, his voice colder than usual and his eyes lowkey darker than usual
“oh thank you,” and he left
“well, that was awkward,” your friend cringes
“shut up, yuuji,” you roll your eyes
“wait wasn’t that tsukishami? sushikima? suspicual tall bitch who broke your heart?” the last attempt made you chuckle
“yes, it is,” you sigh, going through the file. “i can’t believe you still remeber that!”
“miss girl, you were not the one listening at your own self sobbing at how some tall, blonde, salt shaker broke your heart and how you’d want to, and i quote “punch his beautiful face then hug him so tight that i’ll squeeze his organs”,”
you narrow your eyes at him then for quite a while, then you scoff, “i am glad you’re here, dickhead,”
“so am i, headass,” he gives you a sincere smile
yuuji’s presence made things complicated even more
tsukishima didn’t appreciate the new flirty, good looking, lowkey smart trainee who was under your supervision
he was more irritable than usual, he knew he had no right to feel like that but still, he couldn’t help it
everytime he saw you two together working, laughing, grabing lunch together or even just being in the same area it made him want to break walls
but he couldn’t
he also saw how yuuji would flirt with other female collegues and it made him furious; you didn’t deserve that!
deserve what tho lol you and yuuji were friends but since tsukki was blinded by his jealousy or whatever he was feeling he assumes you were a thing or soon to be a thing
dumb mf
your boss had assigned you an important file to work on
all cool and shit until he mentioned that you had to work with tsukishima
ahaha.......... right
you started working the day after
it was awkward as fuck ngl, y’all would share max up to 3 words in a matter of 20mins
each one of you was sitting in their side
the tension buddy, the tension!!!!!
idk how you survived
day 2: you slapped some sense in yourself and an old relationship that ended in bad terms shouldn’t affect your work years after
so you started talking more, always pro stuff, but still
kei was the same as yesterday but that didn’t surprise you since he was always like that and you weren’t expecting anything from him except contribute effectively to the work, what he did
day 3: work in progress, nothing less
day 4: same as day 3 except that you stayed in later than the previous days
day 5: yuuji bursted in because he had broought you food, he kissed your temple before he left wishing you good luck. tsukki almost gagged, homie was fuming in rage
day 6:
it was late, everyone had left but you and kei still working on that goddamn file, thankfully he had given enough time to finish the work
“y/l/n, the food is here,” tells you tsukishima as he got back into the office
“thanks, i almost died from hunger,” you get up getting what you ordered
you were eating in silence until tall man decided to speak up, “funny, huh?” you looked at him confused. “how we went to the same highschool, same college and now we are working together,”
you just let an “oh” thinking about what you told him in that frat party, “i guess you were right, i was the problem,”
“tsukishima look, it’s been years and it’s all forgotten now okay?” he looks at his food, his mind elswhere
“remember what you told me in that party?”
“i mean, now that we’re grown ups we can talk about it, right? i feel like i didn’t get closure, not like i deserve it but still,8
you just nodd and go sit in front of him
“well, i lashed out on you on that party because i didn’t get closure, i was obviously still hurt and petty and immature. Seeing you there was like a slap in the face, i really want to apologize but i feel like what i said was true,”
“and it was true, it took sometime to accept it and realiwe it, but you don’t need to apologize; i didn’t treat you right, so i am sorry,”
you give him a small smile, “i am also sorry, i shouldn’t have talked to you that way it was rude,”
“but true,” he adds and you chuckle
“yeah, it’s all fine now. we can start over again,”
“i mean, i’d like to,” he gives you a small, tiny smile but you could still see it
“mmh?” you look at him, your mouth full and cheeks about to explode
“i know we just made up and stuff but... please be careful with that new trainee,”
“yuuji? what why?”
“look i’m a man and i know wha another man thinks when i see him in action, and he’s just... not trustworthy i guess,”
“tsukishima kei, tf are trying to say?”
“look, i don’t want you to get hurt! but he is all flirty with other women and it’s just a huge disrespect to you and your relationship,” he explains
you look at him with wide eyes than laugh your ass off, you couldn’t believe what you just heard
“tsukki, yuuji is my bestfriend we’re not dating,” you wipe a tear tha slipped
he just stares at you, “oh” is all what he could say
“thanks for worrying tho,”
“whatever,” he rolls his eyes
as the days went by you and kei got closer
he would tease you and you’d tease him back
“oi, salt shaker, put my stuff on a high shelf again and i’ll pull your highschool pictures when you played vb,”
“as if you still have them” he scoffs
“don’t mess with me!”
“whatever shortie- OW why would you throw the stapler at me?”
“it’s your mouth that i’m gonna staple next time,”
anyway it was all giggles and shit
you enjoyed working together and gaining your complicity back
the due date came, you had to present in front of 3 other CEOs and your own ceo
you did an amazing job, obviously
everyone liked the harmony between the two of you and how neat your work was
“WOHOO here’s my bad bitch,” yuuji hugged you after the deliberation
“stfu we’re not alone,” you laugh. “did i look good?” you ask
he smirks and checks you out, twirling you and wolf whistling, “hotter than ever and thicker than snicker,” you laugh at his remark
“uhm-uhm,” tsukishima came behind you
“hey, sushimika, good job out there,” yuuji gives him a big grin
tsukishima just nodds and his eyes dart to yuuji’s arm around your waist, something he notices
“erm anyway, Vanessa is calling me gotta go,” he kisses your head and leaves
“he’s one of a kind, i gotta admit,” you say pulling him out of his trance
“i mean, y’all are bestfriends so i’m not surprised,” you roll your eyes
“we did a good job out there, i mean i was better but you weren’t too bad yourself,” he smirks
“you’re so annoying,” you laugh. “i guess we make a good duo,”
you lookn at each other for a while before tsukki finally speaks up
“uhm look, i know it’s only been one month since we’re back to normal but... would you maybe like to have dinner with me?” he rubbs the back of his neck
“like a date?”
“you know what i mean y/n,” he rolls his eyes
“uhm sorry i don’t clearly see what you mean,” you grimace
“ugh alright, like on a date, would go with me yes or no ?”
you laugh at his impatience, “pick me up at 7,”
“is that a yes?”
“you know what i mean, tsukki,” you say as you leave
so the date went well
really well
you didn’t want to burn steps so you lowkey took your time in the process of getting back together
going on dates, talking everything out to build a strong base
work together was fun
i mean i’m not gonna talk about the sneaky make out sessions but haha you know 👀 
surely you got back together, even shared an appartement and you are the happiest you’ve ever been
he proposed 3 years after
Tumblr media
taglist : @fallingforyuu @ukhyeonn @yeonayona  @terminallyvolatile @bryai003​ @ichigo-post​ @virgyalizu​ 
i truly hope you like it, <3
315 notes · View notes
red+white, m | kth, jjk
pairing(s): taehyung x reader x jungkook
summary: On Christmas Eve, you take Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook out on a date and they’re surprised to find out that... it’s actually a real date. At least, until you decide to pull up your dress right in front of them. You are a horny little seductress after all.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, semi-public sex in the back of a car; intense smut (fem reader, threesome, nipple play, fingering, vibrator use, f-receiving oral, multiple orgasms, overstimulation); fluff; non-idol!AU; noona!reader gets all the attention this time, so sweet of them!
other parts of this series: just kidding + part ii, car ride.
You massaged the base of your right thumb, sucking in a tight breath at the pain.
You shouldn’t have played so many League of Legends games last night, but there was an event pass and you had to grind games. Well, you didn’t have to, but you wanted to. League of Legends was probably your longest commitment in your entire life. And it gave you carpal tunnel.
Like all your interests, it was making your life complicated.
You pulled the sleeve of your fur coat over your wrist brace. When you played a lot, you kept it on all the time. It wasn’t the sexiest thing, but you needed your hands after all. For various reasons.
“Excuse me?”
You grinned to yourself before turning around, waving at the smooth, baritone voice of Kim Taehyung.
“Hey, Taehyung!”
Taehyung made his way through the crowd in the busy outdoor mall to stop right in front of you. It was late afternoon on Christmas Eve, when everyone was getting off work, sunny but cold. He looked you up and down, narrowing his dark brown eyes. “What is this?”
White faux fur coat that barely covered your ass, black thigh-high heeled boots, and the outfit completed with a large red fabric bow tied around your neck. You had nabbed it from a package of Christmas cookies you received earlier in the day. Your hair was pinned up, leaving a few strands framing your face. In comparison, Taehyung was wearing a biscuit-brown corduroy jacket with a forest green sweater and white dress shirt underneath, collar poking out. Dark brown hair a bit pushed back, but with most of it falling onto his forehead. Coffee-colored slacks, pointed oxfords.
“But you haven’t seen the best part, Tae!” you quipped, far too cheerful for the suspicious eye Taehyung was giving you. You unsnapped the buttons of your fur coat, revealing the tight, slinky, red silk mini-dress underneath. It clung to your every curve, molding perfectly to your breasts and hips.
Taehyung’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. He grabbed the sides of your coat and yanked them shut, breath frosting in your face.
“What the FUCK?” he hissed under his breath. “You can’t wear that!”
You blinked at him. “Why not?”
“That’s the kind of clothes you would wear to a club! Not a date!”
“But I don’t go to clubs anymore. I think it’s better to wear what you already own than to buy new ones.”
The look you were giving Taehyung was innocent, but he knew better.
“At least tell me you’re wearing underwear.”
You grinned. “Maaaaaaaybe…”
“Noona,” he growled low in his throat, making you wet already.
“Alright, alright, yes I am.”
Taehyung buttoned your coat, frowning. “Just wait until Jungkook sees you. He’ll be pissed.”
“Pissed about what?”
Jeon Jungkook’s bouncy, energetic voice popped up behind you. You turned around to see him in a big black parka and black jeans with chunky black boots. He grinned, waving a hand, his long black hair half-slicked back as usual. He was wearing leather fingerless gloves. You bit your lower lip, grinning back. Jungkook’s smile faltered, suddenly apprehensive once he saw your expression.
“What’d she do?” Jungkook asked, eyes flickering to Taehyung.
“Jungkook,” you cut Taehyung off jovially. “I wore something nice for you two!”
And you popped your coat open once again, ruining Taehyung’s good work of trying to keep you covered. Taehyung threw up his hands as Jungkook’s eyes widened, jaw dropping at the sight of your sinful body wrapped in red silk.
“Noona!” Jungkook scolded, yanking the sides of your coat closed, pressing his body against you. “You can’t wear that!”
“Why not?” you purred, licking your lips. “It’s nearly Christmas.” You pointed to the large red bow on your neck. “I’m festive!”
Jungkook looked aghast, clenching his jaw. “T-That’s not…” He hurriedly re-snapped the buttons on your white fur coat. “You’re going to be cold.”
You shook your head. “This coat is super warm. Plus, I’m wearing panties!”
Jungkook shot Taehyung a pained look. “I’m proud of you…”
“We’re going to be late! Let’s go!”
You grabbed their hands as Taehyung and Jungkook sighed at each other, smiling despite knowing they were already in big trouble.
“A… mug café?”
You pointed to the menu. “Not just any mug café, Jungkook. See, you pick a style of mug and then you decorate it with paint. Once you’re done, they cure it for you and then you can eat some snacks as you wait for it to be finished.”
Taehyung tilted his head, reading the instructions. “Looks like you have to make an appointment.”
“I did. It’s almost time,” you said cheerfully. “Look at all these different ceramic colors and paints. I thought it would be fun to do together.”
Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged a look. “You mean… this is an actual date, noona?”
You turned away from the window to frown at them. “Of course, it is. I booked a time and everything!”
Jungkook shifted his eyes. “Uh, well… usually you’re interested in doing other things with us…”
You blinked at them. “What?”
Taehyung clapped a hand over Jungkook’s mouth. “Never mind, never mind. Let’s go in.”
“Ah! I’m done!”
You turned your extra-large pale blue mug around, revealing the fluffy white Poro you painted, complete with a tasty cinnamon-bun-looking Poro-Snax biscuit in its mouth. Tiny white and yellow sparkles circled its head like a starry sky.
Taehyung smiled, shaking his head. “Your League of Legends obsession is a little extreme.”
“Oi, Poros are cute. I like cute things. That’s why I like you.”
Taehyung’s tan cheeks turned bright pink as you turned your attention to Jungkook’s masterpiece. He was painting a nighttime forest of evergreen trees on a black mug, with a small cabin and white dotted stars. He had three plates of different colored paints and at least ten small paintbrushes next to him. His pink tongue was in between his lips, holding his breath as he added small details to the trees in different shades of green.
“Wow, that’s intricate,” you admired, scooting your chair closer to him. Your sleeves were rolled up, but you were still bundled in your coat. Somehow, no paint got on the white fur. “You’re so talented, Jungkook.”
He finished the tree he was working on and pulled it back, frowning slightly. “Ah, I don’t know…”
“What are you talking about? That’s the coolest mug I’ve ever seen. I would totally buy that if I saw it at the store,” you protested.
Jungkook smiled sheepishly, picking up another paintbrush covered in white. “Really?”
“Of course. Especially since the artist is so handsome,” you added with a wink.
Jungkook’s ears turned red as you shuffled back to Taehyung to look at his mug. He was painting a small brown bear with a red Santa hat next to a wildly decorated Christmas tree on a light green mug.
“Should I add snow?” Taehyung wondered out loud.
“Maybe on the ground? But I think the tree should be the focus,” you mused. “Will the bear have a little coat?”
Taehyung puffed his cheeks. “Ah, I forgot!”
You scraped your chair back, holding your own Poro masterpiece. “I’m going to have them cure mine first. Be right back,” you chirped cheerfully, walking up to the counter where the jolly-looking man was waiting.
Jungkook watched you go, pursing his lips. “Kind of surprised she hasn’t tried to do anything crazy yet.”
Taehyung squirted out way too much red paint and made a disgruntled noise. “Well, she isn’t a horny seductress all the time. Just most of the time. Also, we’re in public.”
Jungkook went back to his mug as you chatted with the owner. 
“It’s nice, just like this.”
Taehyung paused mid-stroke of red. His eyes flickered to Jungkook’s lowered head, back to being focused and working carefully. Taehyung thought about adding to the conversation, but kept his mouth shut, rubbing his chin instead. Then he went back to the bear and adding the red Santa coat.
You came back with a muffin and hot chocolate.
“Ah, the owner was so nice. He gave me the last blackberry muffin. He said they’re really popular.”
“Oh, can I try some–” Jungkook raised his head as you turned around to place your white fur jacket on your chair. His eyes widened, voice turning into a tight hiss. “Noona!”
You settled back in your seat, facing him as you popped some more muffin in your mouth. “Mmm?”
“Your dress is backless!”
“IT’S WHAT?” Taehyung whispered shrilly, nearly dropping his work of art.
You chewed. “Yeah… so?”
Jungkook jabbed his paintbrush in the air angrily. “So? SO?”
Taehyung craned his head and his jaw dropped. “That’s nearly to your ass!”
You took a sip of hot chocolate. “Yeah… so?”
Jungkook got up suddenly. “I’m going to have my mug cured.”
You blinked at him. “Are you done?”
Jungkook narrowed his eyes at you. “As done as I have focus for.” He walked stiffly to the counter.
You blinked. “What’s his problem?”
Taehyung scraped his chair back loudly, startling you. “I’m also finished.” He also began to shuffle awkwardly to the counter. You tilted your head and went back to your muffin, eating happily. Maybe a little too happily.
Definitely smugly, that’s for sure.
“Ah, should I just put them on the floor like this? Or like this?”
Jungkook and Taehyung were standing behind you as you struggled arranging the nicely wrapped, hand-painted mugs you all had made in the backseat of Taehyung’s car. Meaning that the backseat door was open and you were on your knees, bending down to the floor to arrange said boxes, your thigh-high black boots sticking out, white fur coat riding up your ass and your equally short red dress slowly hiking up your thighs.
Taehyung and Jungkook stood behind your legs, staring at your increasingly exposed butt in the parking lot and blocking the view from passersby.
“You are doing this on purpose,” Taehyung muttered.
“No, I’m not,” you shot back. “I don’t want someone to look in your car and want to steal your Christmas presents. I paid a lot for that appointment!”
You yelped and fell to your elbows, the hem of your dress shooting up your ass and popping against your waist, leaving your thin red thong out in the open. 
“What the fuck?” Taehyung grumbled indignantly, stomping around to the other side of the backseat.
Jungkook rubbed his temples, already expecting it, but still unprepared.
You grinned to yourself, unsurprised as Taehyung ripped the car door open.
“You,” he growled, sliding into the seat and shutting the door sharply. “Are a horny seductress.”
You smiled innocently at him. “Who, me?”
He took the three boxes from you and placed them in the front passenger seat firmly.
“Hey, be careful with those–”
Taehyung grabbed your face and kissed you, pressing his warm lips into yours, silencing your words. You sighed happily, opening your mouth and moaning, enticing him. You felt Jungkook’s fingers on your cold, exposed skin, snapping the string of your thong into your ass and making you whine against Taehyung’s lips. Jungkook grasped your panties and pulled up hard, burying them into your rapidly dripping slit. You bucked, wiggling your hips as Taehyung rubbed his tongue against yours.
“Fuck, noona,” Jungkook breathed. “You’re so fucking sexy.”
He pushed your legs in, forcing you to sit in the center seat and slipped inside, shutting the door.
It was cold outside, but inside the car was so very hot now.
Taehyung broke the kiss, glaring at you. You loved how dark his eyes became, so demanding and lustful, annoyed but also amused with your antics.
“You’re such a bad girl,” he muttered. “But you make me want to fuck you anyway.”
He pushed you into Jungkook’s waiting arms, forcefully turning your head. Your stared into Jungkook’s piercing gaze, his long black hair covering his left eye. He smirked at you, bringing you close to his face as Taehyung unsnapped your coat.
“Can’t even wait until we’re home to cause trouble, can you?” he whispered against your lips.
You tried to kiss him, but Jungkook dodged you, roguish expression on his face. You frowned and grabbed his head, crashing your lips into his as he infuriatingly smiled against them, catching your lower lip in between his teeth and sucking on it. You moaned softly as Taehyung ran his large hands up your hips, all the way up to your breasts. Jungkook’s fingers tangled into your hair, pulling your head back as a needy whine escaped your lips. He shook a finger at you, scooting his body closer, pushing you into Taehyung.
“No, no,” he chided, shushing you. “You want to be so bad and get us into trouble, then you’ll have to face the consequences.”
He placed his leather-covered palm on your cheek, forcing you to face Taehyung as he lowered the shoulders of your coat, exposing the thin straps of your silk dress. Taehyung sucked in a breath, looking down at you hungrily.
“So jealous that someone must have taken you home in this,” he murmured.
You winced a little, biting you lip. “Um… maybe many someones?”
Taehyung’s eyes flickered up to you, dark and dangerous. “You’re insatiable.”
He took one strap and Jungkook took the other, sliding them down your shoulders. Your breasts swelled against the red silk before popping out, black x-shaped pasties covering your nipples. They didn’t need to help you take them off. You reached up with some difficulty and peeled them off yourself, nipples hardening in the cold air.
A part of you was aware that some bystander might witness this and the same part was quite satisfied about that.
Jungkook leaned forward to press his lips against your ear, right hand coming up to knead your right breast. He had removed his gloves, his bare palm rubbing against your hard nipple. Shivers ran through you at his touch.
“Someone’s going to see how naughty you are, noona,” he purred, licking your earlobe. “Someone’s going to watch you get toyed with by Taehyung and I and probably jack off to it tonight.”
You exhaled deeply, feeling Taehyung’s left hand on your left breast, pinching your nipple as he shifted a little to cover your body, leaning his forehead against your temple. You should have been cold, being mostly naked, but you were scorching hot with arousal and the bodies of the two men pressed against you.
“Let them watch,” was your reply, moaning against Taehyung’s lips.
Taehyung scoffed. “Jungkook would probably fuck you out in the open like an animal.”
Jungkook grinned mischievously. “I would.” He sucked on your ear, flicking your nipple as you kissed Taehyung. “And she would be begging for it.”
You spread your legs, whimpering, but they ignored it, Taehyung working his free hand into your hair, ruining all the hairpins, kissing you hard and possessively. You inhaled his heavy, spiced cologne, intoxicated. He released your nipple and reached up to the one end of the red bow, Jungkook playing with the other end.
“I know you said the mug-painting class was our Christmas gift,” Jungkook began, twisting his fingers around the ribbon.
Taehyung broke the kiss, licking your lips lightly as he spoke into your panting mouth.
“But we would have been satisfied with unwrapping just this one.”
And then they both pulled on the red fabric ribbon, slowly untying it, ruining the perfect bow and your common sense, tipping your head as you arched your back. The ends brushed against your chest as Jungkook hooked a finger in the center, fully undoing the tie and exposing your neck. It fell against your elbows, your arms still trapped in your large fur coat.
“Fuck, noona,” Taehyung breathed against your skin. “You’re so pretty, just like this.”
He kissed down your neck, licking down your quivering throat. You had no time to watch though, because Jungkook immediately kissed you, thrusting his tongue into your mouth, making you moan as Taehyung’s lips found your nipples, licking and sucking them while Jungkook sank his fingers into your thigh.
Your panties were drenched, sticking to your folds, leaking down, the strong scent of your arousal filling the car. You suddenly felt Taehyung’s long fingers grip the top of your thong and pull up. You gasped into Jungkook’s mouth and he grinned, fingers trailing up your thigh, so close but so far.
“You want to be touched?” Jungkook taunted, tapping your inner thigh.
“J-Jungkook, please…”
He hummed cheerfully. “I will if hyung lets me.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. Jungkook grinned cheekily back, dark eyes flashing, black hair obscuring his left eye. It was clear that all he wanted to do was deny you, because Jeon Jungkook was a relentless tease.
Well, you had that in common.
Your conversation with Jungkook had distracted you from the fact that Taehyung had removed himself from your chest, reaching into his coat. You jumped as you felt something cold and hard press against your clothed, but still throbbing, wet clit. You whipped your head to Taehyung, who licked his lips, devilish spark in his brown eyes.
“Present for my good girl.”
And then he turned on the bullet vibrator, assaulting your clit.
Your cried out and Jungkook slapped a hand over your mouth, grunting as he held down one leg, preventing you from squirming away as Taehyung pinned the other to the seat, sending intense vibrations straight to your sensitive bundle of nerves. You whined around Jungkook’s palm and he lowered his face to your right breast, taking your nipple into his mouth. Taehyung followed suit with the other.
It was a cramped space, and yet you were already in ecstasy, head forced back, both your nipples being licked and sucked as Taehyung coaxed you to orgasm. Your whole body jerked as you came quickly, unable to cope with the initial harsh, intense vibrations and the sensation of two tongues on you at the same time. Your clit flared with stimulation, thighs trembling. And still Taehyung held you there, barreling you through your first orgasm and pushing for the next, making you scream behind Jungkook’s strong hand, eyes squeezing shut as the wave crashed down again, hips shuddering and spasming with pleasure.
Taehyung removed the vibrator to press it against your wet nipple. You shuddered, clit aching, still wanting more. Jungkook removed his hand and Taehyung kissed you, breathing in your euphoric exhale. You moaned into his mouth, eyes half-lidded, staring into his beautiful lashes, his soft hair brushing against your forehead. You whined and Taehyung broke the kiss, your name floating from his lips, turning off the vibrator for a moment. You wanted to reach up and touch him, slip your hand under his sweater and shirt, but your hands were pinned in place from your jacket.
“Sorry, noona,” he purred in his soul-shakingly deep voice. “Only one of us is getting naked here, and it’s you.”
“B-but, Tae…”
He chuckled, the sound reverberating in his chest. “That’s what you get for teasing us with your sexy body.” He turned away from you, tapping Jungkook who was lazily pushing your nipple around in circles with his tongue, steady pleasure that graced you through your afterglow. Jungkook raised his eyebrows.
Taehyung pointed to your thong. “Rip it off.”
“Aren’t you going to ask me if I still want those?” you interrupted, amused.
Taehyung cocked an eyebrow. “I have to convince you to keep clothes on in general.”
You nodded knowingly as Jungkook’s fingers danced down your stomach. “You’re right.”
“You don’t have to convince me.”
Jungkook made eye contact with you, lower lip trapped in his teeth. Your lips parted, feeling his fingers close in on the top of your panties. He was smirking playfully, aware of his power over you, watching your eyes tick between his face and his hands. His nail traced your slit, smirk widening as you moaned at his light touch.
“I would let you be naked as much as you want,” Jungkook drawled, slipping a finger under the soaked red fabric, prying it out of your folds. You whimpered softly, lost in his dark brown eyes and his sinful words, his knuckles brushing against your heat as he grasped your thong with his two hands.
“And that’s why I have to wrangle you two,” Taehyung muttered, eyes flickering to the outside world, hoping the owners of the two cars next to you were not going to come back anytime soon. “Otherwise, both of you would be arrested for indecent exposure.”
Jungkook grinned. “Sorry, hyung.”
“Don’t you ‘hyung’ me.”
You gasped as Jungkook ripped your thong apart, turning it into useless scraps of wet red fabric. The strings on the sides snapped as well and it fell off your body. Jungkook swept the shreds from the seat onto the car floor.
Taehyung glared at him. “And I’m supposed to explain that to the car cleaners, how?”
Jungkook shrugged. “Tell them you had a very horny woman you needed to please.”
Taehyung looked up at the sky, exasperated, mouthing silent words before he addressed him again. “I’m first, then you. Then we’ll switch again.”
The younger man grinned. “Okay.”
You blinked as Taehyung handed Jungkook the silver bullet vibrator. “Excuse me,” you said quietly, “I would like to know exactly what you mean by–”
You were abruptly cut off by Taehyung shoving two fingers into you, your words turning into a sharp yelp as your drenched hole was suddenly filled, all the way up to his knuckles. Jungkook lifted you slightly, perching your leg on his so your hips were raised, giving Taehyung a better angle. You felt Taehyung’s lips against your ear as he slowly slid his fingers out, whispering your name.
“We’re going to make you cum so much you can’t stand,” he growled. “And then we’re going to take you home and stuff you so full of cock that you’ll think twice before teasing us like this again.”
Jungkook chuckled, appearing in your vision, speaking in Taehyung’s ear.
“She’s going to take it as encouragement to do more dangerous things.”
Taehyung sighed knowingly, forcefully jamming his fingers back into you. You gasped, pressing yourself against Jungkook’s hard body so you could raise your hips as Taehyung began to pump his fingers into your dripping pussy, wet sloppy squelches accompanying his movement. You could barely register the sound of the vibrator turning on again, but you felt it, sliding down your stomach, skin tingling as you panted.
“D-don’t…” you whimpered, already knowing it was falling onto deaf ears. You were clenching so tightly around Taehyung’s fingers that there was absolutely no way you meant it.
Taehyung smirked. “Jungkook’s allowed to do whatever he wants while I finger you.”
The pulsating vibrations attacked your clit, shooting bolts of pleasure up your torso, hips shaking as Taehyung’s fingers repeatedly rammed into you. Your eyes slid closed, a moan tearing from your lips, Jungkook’s snicker above you, his free hand pinching and rubbing your nipple as he massaged your clit with the bullet vibrator.
“Noona, you’re so fucking hot,” Jungkook praised, breath heavy against your skin. “The most perfectly fuckable body I’ve ever touched.”
You bit your lip hard, pleading noises in your throat, getting wetter at Jungkook’s words, one of your hands clutching Taehyung’s thigh, digging your nails into his pants, indicating you were close. Jungkook changed the setting, increasing the vibrations, and your hips bucked violently, burying your face into Taehyung’s shoulder as you came, screaming into his brown coat.
“A-ah, Taehyung, Jungkook!”
You gasped sharply as Taehyung removed his fingers, moaning as they touched his tongue.
“Fuck, you taste so good.”
Jungkook’s lips pressed against your ear, teasing you. “My turn.”
And then his two fingers slid in, slightly different from Taehyung’s, but just as good, filling you up. He scissored them in you and you lifted your head from Taehyung’s shoulder, panting, watching Jungkook and his sharp jawline, pupils so dilated that his eyes looked black. He seemed to feel your gaze and he turned his head to look at you, the tiny mole underneath his lips flashing as he grinned.
“Who’s a good girl?” Jungkook hummed, tilting his head, pink tongue darting out.
“I-I am…” you breathed, whimpering as you saw his tongue. “I am, Jungkook…”
He cocked his head as the vibrator sounded again, Taehyung pressing it against your swollen nipple, smearing your orgasm all over your tits. You moaned wantonly, leaning back into Taehyung as Jungkook began to finger you roughly, a bruising pace, sliding you up the seat a little with his force.
“What do you think, Taehyung?” Jungkook purred. “Do you agree with her?”
Taehyung chuckled into your hair. “Maybe if she cums for us a few more times, I’ll be convinced.”
He slid the vibrator down, down and you were there again, drowning in copious, sinful pleasure as Taehyung assaulted your sensitive bundle of nerves with relentless vibration and Jungkook fucked you hard and fast with his fingers, your juices sliding down his palm, probably sticking to the seat and your coat, but none of you cared, all three of you chasing your next orgasm, pushing you to the edge, going, going, gone.
It came fast and it came hard, ricocheting through you, so hot, so intense, clit and pussy throbbing together, sucking in Jungkook’s fingers, moaning their names deeply as you rocked your own hips through your orgasm, extending it. You shuddered when Jungkook pulled his fingers out, licking them off noisily as Taehyung pressed the bullet vibrator against your puffy, soaked pussy lips, watching your erotic expression, mouth open, tongue lolling.
“We’re not done, noona.”
Taehyung’s deep voice, warning you, but you couldn’t think, couldn’t believe there was more, more. He turned off the vibrator and switched it for his fingers again, dipping them in, the feeling of his joints and calluses rubbing against your walls, and then he added a third finger. You gasped, throat dry from all your noises as you opened your eyes to see Jungkook’s head lower, pushing your hips down so your knees hit the backs of the front seats, uncomfortably spread wide, ass half-hanging off but feeling so good that you didn’t notice. Didn’t notice until Jungkook’s tongue was on your swollen clit.
Your eyes rolled back into your head.
So fucking good.
Taehyung shoved his fingers into you, fucking you hard and deep as Jungkook lapped at your raw clit, teasing it, nipping at it. It throbbed against the tip of his soft tongue, so sensitive you were a whimpering, moaning mess, even more so as Taehyung’s and Jungkook’s free hands played with your nipples, pinching them as they drove you crazy, ruining you with fingers, lips, and tongue. Your name, coaxing you in heart-shaking baritone, telling you to come in Jungkook’s mouth and all over his hand.
“Aren’t you Taehyungie’s good girl?”
“F-fuck, yes, fuck, Tae, I’m your good girl, oh, fuck–”
Your words tumbled together in a hoarse hiss, hips rutting into Jungkook’s face as you came, liquid gushing everywhere, walls spasming and clamping around Taehyung’s fingers, one of your hands pulling out of your coat and grabbing Jungkook’s head, forcing him down as you rode your high into his mouth, messing up his long hair. Jungkook gave you a muffled groan, twisting your nipple slightly.
Your core was aching with pleasure and overstimulation, never before having been pushed this far, intoxicated by the feeling. You loved every second of Taehyung and Jungkook having their way with you, drunk on the feeling of back-to-back orgasms. Your hand slipped and Jungkook resurfaced, lips shiny with your juices, licking them off slowly as Taehyung sucked on his fingers.
Then Jungkook flexed his right hand at you, tattoos dancing as he did so.
“Round two.”
And then the positions changed, Taehyung’s lips on your inflamed clit, Jungkook’s three fingers knuckle-deep inside you, except Jungkook craned his body to place his lips on your abused right nipple, sucking on it as Taehyung pressed the slippery bullet vibrator against your other nipple, vibrations jarring you right to your heart. Taehyung’s tongue was gentle and firm, still too much as it was paired with Jungkook’s wet muscle teasing you as his fingers thrust into your pussy, slow, deep, hitting your favorite spot. You completely forgot you were in Taehyung’s car in some random parking lot, partly out in the open, lost in the ecstasy and elation.
It took them no time at all since you were already so sensitive that you were the one holding back, trying not to give in, trying to prolong the pleasure, but eventually you lost and the taut coil in your stomach snapped.
“O-oh, Jungkook, Taehyung…”
Your hips jerked into Taehyung’s face, your orgasm leaking onto the floor of his car, fingers curling into his hair, so lovely and soft, wild torrents of pleasure soaring through you. So very, very good. Dirty, deviant, and glorious. Taehyung removed the vibrator from your nipple, turning it off. You moaned softly, coming down from your high, clutching Taehyung’s head, your fingers massaging his scalp as he continued licking you gently. You gazed into Jungkook’s eyes as he slowly removed his lips from your nipple, glassy eyes locking with his.
“You taste so good,” Jungkook murmured, face centimeters from yours. “Smell so good, look so good, feel so good, sound so fucking sexy.” He kissed you, your taste still on his tongue, breathing your name like a caress.
Taehyung finally untangled his head from your hand, panting softly. He came up to your face too, and Jungkook moved to make space, tenderly kissing your cheek and ear.
“Noona,” Taehyung mumbled, smearing your own orgasm onto your chin as he placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
Your voice was raspy and gravelly from all your noises. “W-what?”
“You’re going to spend Christmas with us, right?”
Your lips curved into a mischievous smirk. “Well, I was going to slide down your chimney and–”
Taehyung prodded you as Jungkook laughed heartily. “We don’t have a chimney.”
You shrugged. “Same idea, break in and fuck you both.”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Santa doesn’t do that.”
“All I’m saying is that Mrs. Claus definitely gets some–”
Taehyung shut you up by kissing you once again.
part ii: gold light
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Promise Me - Chapter 1 - Water
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Summary: Reader and Armin fall out of an air carrier during a training mission and end up in the ocean. They manage to wash ashore but they have no idea where they are. ArminxFem!Reader Content: Death Word Count: ~ 2,900
A/N: Here is the first chapter of my first Armin story. I posted a summary chapter a while back, but actually got around to start writing it. I hope you like it! Also, thank you @luanabonn​ for helping me think of the title :)
The wind shifted and the air carrier lurched sideways sending Armin flying to the other side, near the opening. His light body soared through the air leaving him nothing to grab ahold of. You saw him flying back and dove for him, grabbing his arm just in time as he dropped out the entrance. You held him over the edge, trying to pull him, but the air carrier shifted again as you slid backwards, your arm being strained against the threshold.
“Section Commander!” Armin screamed.
“I’m trying, Armin! Don’t let go!” You reached your other arm up, trying to pull yourself up to get better leverage when suddenly the air carrier swung a third time, sending it shifting the other direction. You had nothing to hold as you footing continued slipping, slowly sending you and Armin out the opening and into the dark ocean below. “Shit!”
You both fell through the air, barely able to see how close or far your impact was. Armin was screaming, holding onto your arm with both hands. You reached over and wrapped your fingers around his metal straps and held on as tightly as you could, bracing yourself for the inevitable crash into the water.
“Arm—” You both hit the water hard. The water hitting your face like needles, ice cold needles.
You couldn’t tell what was up and what was down and you quickly tried to assess your surroundings. You were still holding onto Armin, but he wasn’t holding onto you. He must have either passed out from the impact or from the fall. As you stayed still in the water, you could feel a pull in one direction and you swam that way, kicking until you reached the surface and gasped for air as you pulled Armin’s head above the water.
“Armin.” You shook him a little, trying to see if he was conscious or not. No response. “Armin.”
You shook a little harder and checked his pulse. He was definitely still alive. Setting a finger on his lip, you checked to see if he was breathing, but didn’t feel any air.
“Fuck. Come on, Armin.”
Leaning forward and being careful to not push him in the water more, you brought your lips to his, pinching his nose and breathing into him deeply then pulling back and waiting. Nothing. You did it again. Nothing. You did it again. Nothing.
“Please Armin, please wake up.” You breathed into him again and his body shook, his head lifting up and he started coughing up water.
It didn’t take long after that for him to start screaming again, realizing he was in the open water in near pitch blackness.
“Section Commander!”
“Armin, I’m right here.” You put your hand on his cheek until he calmed down.
“Where are we?” He tried to look around.
“Somewhere in the ocean.”
It was silent while you both worked to stay afloat, neither one of you being an experienced swimmer.
“Section Commander?”
“I’m scared.”
“Me too, Armin.”
“Should I titanize?”
“We don’t know how deep this water is. It may not even help.”
The silence was difficult for both of you to hear. The darkness making it even worse. You tightened your grip on Armin’s arm as the sound of the wind picked up. You had no experience in the water, you were both completely out of your element working with the little knowledge some books and the volunteers from Marley were able to provide. Marley.
The mission was to take the air carrier to Marley to survey the area from a distance. You weren’t even sure at this point how close you were to Marley’s shores. The air carrier has left Paradis and moved for quite a while. You never reached Marley, but it’s possible that you could be close enough to swim.
Would that even be safe though? Swimming to enemy territory. It had to be safer than the situation you were in now. Either way, there was nothing you could do but hope you don’t drift too far from shore while waiting for morning. Right now, you just needed to make it until morning.
“Armin, take off your metal straps and boots. I think we need to ditch any extra weight.” You instructed. Armin followed.
Feeling your boots drop from your hands and disappear below you filled your heart with trepidation. The unknown completely surrounded you both. You shook it off. Fear wasn’t going to help either of you now.
“Take off your pants.” You told him and he followed.
You unbuckled your pants and pulled them off, tying the legs and whipping them into the water to build up air. Using your belt, you tightened the waistband, holding the air inside and putting it over your head as a lifejacket.
Armin watched you as best as he could, in awe of how quickly you created a life jacket. He did the same and you both linked arms to stay together. Floating into the darkness and hoping when the sun came up that you’d be able to see some land.
You had both been floating for a several hours. It was hard to tell how much time had passed. You knew it was around ten o’clock when you both fell out of the carrier. If slivers of light weren’t coming from the horizon of any direction, you had to assume it’s been less than seven hours. However, it had to be more than four. What a pointless thing to be thinking about, you thought.
Armin’s head was bobbing as he tried not to fall asleep. You were just as tired. Even with the help of your makeshift life jacket, you were both exhausted.
A couple more hours later, you were doing math in your head again when Armin’s head shot up.
“Did you hear that?” His eyes were still lidding, wanting to sleep more, but forcing himself awake.
“Hear what—”
“Shh… listen.” He leaned his head forward as if getting a couple inches closer to the sound would help. You did the same. His eyes opened wide with excitement. “A seagull.”
“Are you okay?”
“If we can hear a seagull, we have to be close to shore!”
You thought about it. He was right. You could definitely hear birds, but it was still too dark to see which way they were coming from or where you should swim. You both spun around, looking for any light. It would be another hour or so before you should see the sun rise.
“We just have to wait; the sun should come up—”
“There!” Armin shouted and you turned to look. The tiniest amount of light started creeping over the horizon. Armin was smiling at you and you couldn’t help but smile back. The night was over, but you still had to make it to shore, wherever it was.
It took about thirty minutes for there to be enough light to see which direction to go. It was a bittersweet moment when you both spotted land and began swimming as fast as you both could. Armin quickly stopping and looking at you, worry painted on his face.
“If that’s land,” he started, turning to the sun, “and the sun is rising from there… That isn’t Paradis.” You both sighed.
“We’re going to have to make it work. Be careful as we get closer.”
You felt like you were swimming forever. The shoreline getting closer and closer, but the cover of nighttime was no longer there and you now had to swim to shore fully visible. From what you could see, it looked like an empty beach. So maybe luck was on your side a bit.
You pulled Armin’s arm to the direction on the side of the beach. If you had to get there in full daylight, you might as well avoid the middle of the beach.
When you reached the shore, both of you laid down on your backs, panting and you squeezed the sand in your fists.
“We did it.” Armin sighed.
“Let’s go. We shouldn’t hang out here longer than we need to.” You stood up and pulled the lifejacket off, untying it and pulling your pants back on.
“Section Comm—” Armin started.
“Don’t call me that.” You looked over to him as you buttoned your pants. “Not here.”
“Y…Y—Y/N…” he stumbled over your name, “where are we going to go?”
“I’ll think of something. I’m sure there are places to hide.”
“But we don’t—”
“Armin.” You grabbed his arm and he gasped, his eyes wide as he listened to you. “Your discomfort and concern are valid and I understand them, but right now it’s not helpful.”
He nodded, finishing putting his pants back on and you watched the cheerless look on his face and felt guilty.
“I’m sorry.” You sighed.
“It’s okay.” He shrugged but didn’t look up.
“No, I disregarded your concerns too quickly.” You put your hand on his shoulder. “Right now, we only have each other. I want to hear what you have to say.”
Armin looked up at you and smiled and for a short moment, you almost forgot you were stranded. That is until Armin’s smile dropped at something behind you.
“Section Commander.” His whole face dropped, turning white as be brought a shaky finger up to point behind you.
You quickly turned to see what he was pointing to and were immediately met with a man holding a gun facing the both of you. Your first instinct was to stand in front of Armin, but just as you stepped in front, Armin pushed you down.
“Armin!” You yelled, turning around to look at him just as the man shot the gun. Armin’s head flung back and his body hit the sand. You crawled over to him, grabbing the collar of his jacket and shaking him. “Armin!”
His eyes stared blankly at the sky while your eyes filled with tears as you looked up to the small hole in his forehead now pooling with blood.
“Armin…” You shook him again. “Armin, no.”
You sniffled as the tears dropped down onto his chest and you moved your hands to his cheeks, holding them. They were still warm and you dropped your head down to his chest trying to hold the warmth there a bit longer.
“Armin!” You shouted, shooting up from the bed. You looked around the dark room and took deep breaths. You quickly reached next to you for Armin’s body and he sat up.
“Another nightmare?” His voice was raspy with sleep. You nodded, knowing he couldn’t see you and grabbed his face, brushing his hair back and checking his forehead. “I’m fine, Y/N.”
“I know… I just need to check.” You were still panting when he put his hand on your back and rubbed it gently. “It’s fine. Let’s sleep.”
He put his hand on your shoulder and pulled you back down to sleep.
He had asked you enough times before to know better than to ask about it now. You never wanted to talk about your nightmares. He figured they had something to do with him getting hurt because each time you had to check him for an injury that wasn’t there. The first time it was his back, then his stomach, then his throat, tonight it was his forehead. He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer and quickly falling back asleep.
His snores and the warm air from his breathing hit your ears and you felt an odd comfort from them, knowing he was okay. It had been almost a full month since you both reached the shore. The nightmares only started a couple nights in. They were all the same in one way or another, Armin dying. You took a deep breath, pushing yourself deeper in his arms and closing your eyes until you could fall back asleep.
When you woke up, Armin wasn’t in bed next to you. You looked around and found him standing by the window, looking outside.
He was holding a cup and drinking something warm and you watched the steam swirl out of the top, disappearing the higher it got. Armin brought the cup to his lips, then turned to look at you. His eyes lighting up, noticing you were awake.
“You’re up.” He smiled, walking closer to the bed. It wasn’t actually a bed. You dreamed of the day you could be back home sleeping in your bed. This was more like a bunch blankets on the floor, but it had been doing the job well enough.
“What are you drinking?” You sat up, smoothing your hair out of your face.
“Tea.” He sat down cross-legged in front of you, offering the cup to you. “Have some.”
You took the cup and took a sip, the warm, sharp-tasting liquid glided across your tongue and down your throat. You had never been much of a tea drinker, but you had to admit, it did taste good.
“This is good. Where did you get it?” You handed the cup back to him. “You didn’t go outside to get it, did you?”
“No, I didn’t. I told you I wouldn’t.” He took the cup back and took a sip. “It’s from one of the bags you brought yesterday.”
“Oh, I don’t even remember picking it up.”
Armin took a sip of the tea and watched you staring off at the wall. You had both already gotten thinner in the short time you’ve been there, but he could really see it on you. You had a slightly more muscular build than most women and then the lack of physical activity topped with eating less had slimmed you down quite a bit. He handed you the cup of tea again, but you shook your head.
“I should get going. I already slept too late.” You stood up and grabbed your pants, pulling them on then slipping your shoes on. Armin watched, setting the cup on the floor next to him.
“I was thinking—”
“You’re not coming with.” You turned to look at him, tired of him asking this same question every day.
“Please, Y/N. I’m going insane sitting in here all day.” He stretched his legs in front of him. “I will stay right next to you and do whatever you say.”
“Armin…” You started. You did feel really bad for him. It must be incredibly boring and honestly really exhausting sitting in the building all day. It was too big of a risk for even you to go out, but you needed food.
“I can help.” He sat up, seeing a chance to possibly convince you. “I won’t say anything to anyone. I will just carry stuff. Please?”
It wasn’t too terrible of an idea. It wasn’t that unsafe for him to be outside. You just preferred going alone because it was one less thing for you to have to watch while you were out. Looking at him really had you wanting to say yes. He sat back on his heels and smiled at you, his big blue eyes excited for a ‘yes’.
“What about shoes? You don’t have any to wear.” You pointed out. “These barely fit me.”
Armin stood up so quickly, you thought that maybe he heard something. You watched him run to the area you kept the food and started digging through the bags. He came back with a pair of black tennis shoes and put them on. Your eyes widened then quickly narrowed.
“Where did you get those?”
“I went outside yesterday,” he mumbled, looking down.
“You did what?!”
“I went outside. I can’t stay in here all day by myself.” He was sitting on his heels again, his hands on his thighs and his head lowered. Even in such a submissive position, he was still standing his ground.
“You have to. How irresponsible can you be? You went outside and didn’t even tell me.”
“You wouldn’t have let me go if I asked.” “Armin, we barely know where we are. It’s my job to get us home. We made a plan and we both agreed on it. I would be the one to go out and get information. When I bring it back to you, you figure out what it means.”
“That was a good plan before when we thought we would only be here for a couple days. It’s been weeks.”
“So you’re just changing the plan without talking to me?” You huffed, extremely cross that he disobeyed you, but honestly a tad impressed. Armin was always one to follow what section commanders said and seeing him decide something for himself made you look at him differently.
“I’m not changing the plan. I didn’t even plan to go outside. I saw a man fall down the steps across the street. I went down to help him and he saw that I didn’t have shoes so he gave me an old pair. I came right back up. I promise.”
You took a deep breath turning your back to Armin while you pinched the bridge of your nose. He was right. You had both been here for too long already. Your idealistic plan of making it back to Paradis in a couple days was long gone and it was time to think of a plan B. You turned around to look at him. He was still looking down and you felt bad. Damn it.
“Alright,” you muttered, “you can come with.”
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I’ve never known a kid like you to stay down for long
By @joyful-soul-collector for @pookiethefrickinbunn
Relationships: Tony & Peter
Characters: Tony, Peter, Friday, Karen
Summary: Peter runs away after his identity is revealed, and is just trying to get by
It took longer than you’d think it would to find a roof that normal people couldn’t climb easily onto. Most places had some sort of roof access point, and Peter had been chased off them enough times to look for one that he literally couldn’t be kicked off of.
Though he was seriously considering leaving this one despite how safe it was. He was on a pretty tall building, tall enough that most people didn’t see him, and it didn’t have a roof access point either. But this seemingly perfect safe haven of a building was right next to a restaurant.
And Peter hadn’t eaten in days.
Peter pressed his hands to his belly as it rumbled for what must’ve been the millionth time that day. The smell of the food wafting through the air was practically torturous, making his mouth water so much he had to lift his mask up and wipe drool off his face at least every five minutes.
He was so hungry he’d spent the last half hour just sitting on the edge of the roof, inhaling the scent of food deeply and listening to his stomach growl.
But eventually he knew he had to leave. He’d already spent a week on this roof, and as safe as it was, nowhere was safe for very long. Not when everyone was trying to hunt you down for something you didn’t do.
It’d been a couple weeks after his identity was revealed that a video surfaced of Spider-Man supposedly beating up an unarmed, defenseless man. What the video didn’t show was the man dragging a screaming little boy into an alleyway, and Peter saving him. Videos like this had actually happened before, usually edited to make him look like the bad guy by The Daily Bugle. But this was the first time people had an address to attack. And because of that, the video stuck around, circulating around New York, until suddenly he didn’t feel safe anywhere at all.
And not only was he in danger, his friends and family were starting to be accused of supporting a horrible villain, and Aunt May had even considered moving. Even Mr. Stark had been pressured to fire Peter from the Stark Industries Internship Program. He didn’t, but the damage was done. Rather than put everyone through the pain of being his friend, his family, Peter left, with a vague plan to head west.
The hardest part was actually taking the tracker out of his suit. He knew how upset Mr. Stark would be that he broke his trust. Again.
That was two weeks ago, and now the only problem was the health alert in the suit. The health alert sent out a signal of Peter’s location if he were to lose consciousness while out on patrol. Peter had to take off the suit to sleep without having the alert go out (which really sucked, as the heater would’ve been nice on cold nights) but he also had to make sure he never fainted, passed out from blood loss, got knocked out, or straight up forgot to take off the suit before going to bed. Or, roof.
Which was easier said than done when you’re exhausted and starving and freezing to death. And unfortunately the health alert was too complex to remove without compromising the rest of the suit, possibly rendering it completely useless.
There was no way he’d survive without his suit.
And even if he didn’t admit it, Peter liked the idea of having a fail-safe in case anything really bad happened. He liked the idea that he might get to see Mr. Stark again.
But until then, he was tired with nowhere to sleep, hungry with nothing to eat, and sad with nobody to comfort him.
Peter sighed, massaging his empty stomach as he stood up shakily. Might as well leave now instead of torturing himself over the food. He walked over to where his backpack sat, and pulled a map out to make sure he was still going the right direction.
Peter’s complete lack of plan for when he arrived at this vague “west” was starting to bother him, but he didn’t have the energy to try and think of a plan now. All he knew was he needed to get some food, and fast. And for food, he needed money. He’d already spent everything he’d brought with him within the first week, and if he didn’t want to starve he needed to find somewhere that’d be willing to pay him for a couple odd jobs.
Like he’d ever be so lucky with his face plastered on every tv screen, the word “menace” echoing in every watcher’s ears.
He wondered if a store would be willing to help him out. Maybe they could pay him to restock some shelves or something, he’d done that plenty of times at Mr. Delmar’s.
Peter’s stomach grumbled loudly at the thought of one of Mr. Delmar’s sandwiches, and he gripped his belly with a hiss of pain. Yep, bad idea thinking about that. But still, a store was a good option. Especially a big one, one where an extra face wouldn’t look too suspicious. He might as well head out and look around now, nighttime was always the best to travel in. A lot less eyes on you.  
Peter slipped off his shoes and pressed the spider emblem on his chest, breathing a small sigh of relief as it well away. Having his shirt and pants on under the suit was always uncomfortable, but it made it so he didn’t have to change into his clothes to sleep. It was warmer too, but he needed to be in street clothes now.
But Peter started shivering almost immediately, his trembling hands having difficulty pulling his hoodie out of his pack and stuffing his suit in to replace it. He quickly forced it on, teeth chattering as he pulled up the hood and rubbed his arms.
He really shouldn’t be this cold. It was springtime, but no matter what he did, Peter was always freezing without the heater in his suit to warm him. It made sleeping practically impossible, but there was no way he would risk Mr. Stark finding him. He couldn’t put everyone through the pain of just… being around him.
When he’d stopped trembling enough to actually get moving, he yanked off his mask, swung on his backpack and slipped back on his shoes. Looking down at himself he grimaced at the splotches of dirt and grime all over his clothes, and the fact that his hoodie pocket was ripping, and his sleeves were stretched too wide, and his shoes were peeling away from the soles.
He actually felt his eyes starting to sting at the sight of himself.
How could things have gotten so bad? All I wanted to do was help people. I just wanted to save people, I was helping, so why am I here? Why am I running away from the people I’m trying to save, sleeping on rooftops and freezing to death and so fucking hungry my belly hurts? Why do I fuck up everything I touch?
Peter sighed and brushed a tear off his face roughly, pushing the thoughts away as best he could. It’s just his Parker Luck, that’s all. Fucks everything over as best it can, as usual.
I just hope it doesn’t get me discovered. I don’t care what happens, as long as Mr. Stark and Aunt May and my friends can’t find me, they’ll be safe, he thought, swinging his leg off the roof and carefully climbing down. Normally he would just web his way down, which is a lot faster, but he didn’t have a lot of web fluid left, and there was no way for him to make more.
The scent of food was growing stronger and stronger as he climbed down, to the point where he felt a bit lightheaded with hunger. Maybe… maybe he could sneak in and grab something. Or not even that, he could just walk in and ask for a table for one. Order and eat, then book it. People dine and dash all the time right? And it looked so warm and cozy there.
He wondered when the last time he actually felt comfortable. His joints and shoulders constantly ached from sleeping on the rooftops, not to mention that food would definitely ease the pain in his belly. But what if they suspected him? Or recognized him from the news? He could still sneak in, and if someone caught him he could beg them not to tell, beg them to keep quiet, beg them for something to eat--
“Oh my god, what am I thinking?” Peter said to himself, finally setting foot on the ground. He couldn’t do that. Any of that. He’s supposed to be the hero, heroes don’t steal food, or dine and dash, or beg people for things.
But when his stomach rumbled loudly again it seemed to be saying “heroes gotta eat too.”
Peter was still weighing his options, staring at the restaurant and rubbing his belly, when he heard a shriek split the air.
“HELP! Help, someone please!”
Peter groaned, for once feeling like he’d rather not be a hero now. If everyone was just gonna turn on him, why should he waste his time trying to save them? Hell, why should he even consider whether or not he should steal food? He wanted to eat dammit, why shouldn’t he just ignore them, and instead go order eight cheeseburgers, and three milkshakes, with a side of five fries?
But when the person screamed again, Peter seemed to snap out of it, suddenly realizing his thoughts.
Peter quickly yanked off his hoodie and shoes and threw his suit back on, gasping at the wave of heat that spread over his skin as the heater started up.
“Karen! Tell me where those screams are coming from!” he said as he frantically pulled on his mask.
“Plotting route now,” she responded, a blue arrow pointing him across the street and into an alleyway. Peter webbed his way there as fast as he could, cursing under his breath.
“Dammit Parker, what the hell is wrong with you? Oh my god if they got hurt--Fuck, man!”
He dropped into the alleyway to see a woman pointing a gun at a man and what must’ve been his son behind him. The man was pleading to her, begging her not to hurt his baby. Peter’s guilt only got heavier as he realized if he’d gotten here sooner then maybe him and his son wouldn’t be so terrified.
“HEY!” Peter shouted, causing all three of them to start and look at him. The woman’s eyes were glassy and drunken, the same look Peter saw on a lot of drivers he saved people from. “Put the gun down! Drop it, you don’t want to hurt them!”
“Spider-Man?” Peter heard the little boy squeak.
“SHUT UP!” The woman screamed shrilly, whipping around to face them again and gripping the gun tighter.
“No! Look at me! Point that at me!” Peter cried, running forward and forcing himself between the gun and pair trapped at the end of the alleyway. The woman seemed to be so stunned at this move that she didn’t even react.
“Eyes on me,” Peter said calmly, staring wide at her. As he went on he slowly began to turn around her, and she instinctively followed him with her eyes and gun. “Everything’s fine, just keep… looking… at… me.”
When she’d made enough of a turn for the boy and his father to run behind her and escape, Peter snatched her arm and yelled “GO!”
The woman tried to turn as the pair took off, the father holding his child to his chest, but Peter held fast, gripping her arm tight enough for her to cry out in pain.
The force of the bullet nearly knocked Peter off his feet, as if the white hot pain wasn’t enough to do that. Every bell and alarm in his head was ringing, his Spidey Sense spiking to the point where the pain made his vision swim in front of him.
If you asked Peter now what he did after that, he wouldn’t be able to tell you. He doesn’t remember webbing the woman to the wall and clutching his shoulder as he stumbled out of the alleyway. He doesn’t remember hearing sirens and dazedly thinking he has to hide before they see him. He doesn’t even remember climbing into a dumpster and falling with a whimper on a pile of black trash bags out of sight.
And he sure doesn’t remember the roar of repulsors just outside his hiding place.
In fact, all he remembers after that is realizing he forgot to take off his suit, and that his shoes, backpack, and hoodie, were still sitting next to the restaurant.
Tony hadn’t slept since Peter went missing. He spent every minute, every second looking for Peter. Even when Pepper urged him to sleep, even when Rhodey came in to give him another meal to be left uneaten, he didn’t stop. God, all he wanted was for his baby to come home. He knew why Peter left, he knew Peter thought it was the right thing, but sometimes he wondered where the hell he got all the self-sacrifice from.
In the back of Tony’s mind he knew Peter had gotten it from him, but that only made him feel worse. He hated that he may have inspired Peter’s idea to go off on his own, to throw himself at the mercy of the world just to keep people from being inconvenienced.
“Friday scan the latest news articles for sightings of Spider-Man please?” Tony said, drinking what must’ve been his fourth cup of coffee that day.
“There are 32 articles, Boss,” she responded promptly.
“And how many of those are real?”
“None, sir.”
“Right. Awesome.”
Tony set down his coffee, and pulled up a hologram, running his usual searches and scans for Peter. Every day was looking more and more hopeless, and Tony’s last thread to cling to was that someone would spot him and he’d be able to get there in time before Peter slipped out of his grasp. Again.
There was also the possibility of the health alert going off. But for that to happen Peter would have to either get seriously hurt, or happen to fall asleep in the suit, which he seems to be taking very careful steps not to. He’d hate for Peter to get hurt, even if it meant being able to find him.
“Boss!” Friday said suddenly, startling Tony so much he knocked his mug off the counter and it smashed to the floor. But he ignored it, knowing Friday had never used this amount of urgency in her voice before.
“What is it?! Where is he!?”
“His health alert went off, I’m sending coordinates to Mark 42 now!”
Tony rushed to the suit room and stepped into the Mark 42, blasting off of the launchpad and turning the repulsors to full strength, headed straight for Peter’s coordinates.
“Talk to me Fri.”
“Peter has been shot in the shoulder, no major arteries hit, but he is losing blood. He seems to be extremely sleep deprived as well as malnourished, and will lose consciousness soon.”
“God kid, what have you gotten yourself into?” Tony muttered. He was surprised at how close Peter was, he thought in the two weeks he’d been missing he might’ve gone farther, but he seems to have only made it just outside New York City.
“Land here, Boss,” Friday said suddenly. Tony looked down and saw a pitch black alleyway, and quickly descended down, landing a few meters away from a dumpster. But from what Tony could see, nobody was here.
“C’mon Fri, I don’t fucking have time for puzzles--”
“The garbage, Boss,” Friday interrupted. Tony felt his skin go cold as he turned around, staring at the dumpster. He quickly went over and peered inside.
And there he was.
My kid, my Peter.
He was sprawled limply over a mound of trash bags, blood leaking out of a bullet hole in his shoulder. Tony pulled off his mask and took in his pale, thin face and dark circles under his eyes.
“Oh my god--Oh Pete.” He lifted him from the trash, feeling tears of both relief and fear spring to his eyes. “Hey kiddo, we’re gonna get you home now, okay buddy? We just um… we gotta stop this bleeding first.”
“Karen says Peter’s possessions are next to the restaurant across the street, there’s a hoodie there that you can use to stop the bleeding,” Friday said quickly. Tony flew gently to the spot she indicated, and found a discarded hoodie that was nearly threadbare, a pair of shoes that were barely recognizable as shoes, and a ratty old backpack where Peter must’ve kept his extra things in. He almost thought it’s where he kept his food too, but the kid was practically a sack of bones, there’s no way he’s been eating much.
“Okay baby, I’m just gonna set you down so I can get this hoodie tied around you,” he said, knowing Peter couldn’t hear him but feeling too relieved that he could talk to his kid again to stop. “We’re gonna stop the bleeding and get you home okay? It’ll all be okay, I promise Pete.”
Once Tony got the ratty sweater tied around Peter’s shoulder enough to keep constant pressure on it, he quickly shoved the shoes into Peter’s pack and swung it over his shoulder. Then he gingerly picked him up, cradling his head and hoping the metal fingers weren’t too uncomfortable for him.
“Okay Pete, we’re gonna go now okay? We’re gonna go and get you patched up now, you’re safe now alright?”
Tony’s helmet clanked shut and he blasted off, headed straight for the Tower again, still speaking comfortingly to Peter, hoping somehow he could hear.
Peter woke very slowly, slipping in and out of consciousness for what could’ve been seconds or days. Ultimately what woke him was realizing that he was far more comfortable than he should be. He should be freezing, his shoulders should be aching from the hard rooftop, his face should be sticky and wet with grime.
He shouldn’t feel a familiar warmth in his hand.
Peter finally opened his eyes, the action much harder than it sounds. He was in a hospital. No, not a hospital, it wasn’t quite the same. A medbay. Stark Tower’s medbay.
And the person holding his hand was Mr. Stark himself. He had his head on the hospital bed, snoring softly and holding Peter’s hand firmly, as though terrified if he let go, Peter would simply fade away.
No. No no no no no, I shouldn’t be here, no, oh god--
Peter’s eyes filled with tears and he couldn’t even hold back a sob. His small whimpers were what woke Tony.
“Peter?” he mumbled, lifting his head quickly and blinking sleep away. When he caught sight of Peter’s face his expression softened and he quickly stood up, reaching over and wiping away Peter’s tears. “Oh god, Peter, hey it’s okay, it’s okay baby, you’re okay.”
“No, no, Mr. Stark I can’t be here, they’re gonna--”
“Shh, none of that kiddo--”
“No, no no no I have to leave Mr. Stark, you shouldn’t have taken me here, they’re gonna hurt--”
“Nobody's gonna hurt anybody, baby. I know what you were trying to do, I know you want to keep us safe,” Tony said, pulling the blankets higher up on Peter, and tucking them in. “But you don’t have to run away. I’ve taken care of everything.”
“W-What do you mean you’ve taken care of everything?” Peter said. It was then he noticed he was still absolutely starving, making it much harder to focus as he looked up at Tony.
“I mean I’ve made sure your friends, Ned, MJ, your school, and Aunt May, all of them are protected. If a villain comes anywhere near them, if news reporters bombard them, I’ll know. You don’t have to leave to keep them safe anymore, I’ve taken care of everything, kiddo,” Tony said, squeezing his hand. “Well almost everything. You sir, have not been easy to take care of, as you haven’t even been around for me to care for you.”
Peter looked down, fidgeting with his covers as his face turned bright red.
Mr. Stark had it covered. Of course he did, he’s a billionaire, he can just hire people to keep everyone safe. Why didn’t Peter think of that before?
“I-I’m sorry. I thought it would be better for everyone if I just left, I thought you guys would be happier--”
“Pete, we could never be happy without you,” Tony said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re too nice kid. Always thinking about others and forgetting to think about yourself. You don’t have to help anyone else right now, just let me take care of you okay?”
Peter smiled and nodded, wiping a few stray tears from his eyes.
“Okay,” he said softly. Tony smiled and squeezed his hand again before speaking again.
“You feel comfortable? Is there anything I can get you? Extra pillows or something?”
“Oh um, actually could--”
Peter’s stomach cut him off with a loud rumble, and he could feel it squirming hungrily under his skin. He felt his face flush a deep red and Tony gave a small chuckle.
“Jeez, can’t believe I forgot, you’re starving aren’t you?” Tony said. He patted Peter’s belly, and reached for something below the bed. When he pulled an entire paper bag full of food up Peter thought he might just cry. “How many cheeseburgers do you think you can fit in that tummy of yours?”
Tony helped Peter sit up, careful to keep his injured shoulder still, and gave him a burger. Peter ate like he never had in his life, shoveling mouthfuls of bread and meat and cheese down as fast as he could.
“Woah, kid, you might wanna slow down there,” Tony said after a moment, but Peter wasn’t paying attention. His heart was pounding and his stomach was aching and he couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than eating and swallowing as much food as he could. The guilt of wanting to steal from a restaurant instead of saving that little family seemed to bubble to the surface of his mind, and he quickly distracted himself with more bites of food, hoping to bury the guilt under it all.
“Peter? Hey, Pete, baby you gotta slow down--”
His eyes began to sting, and his breathing soon became hyperventilating, and he tried to ignore it, ignore the horrible feeling in his chest at the sight of the terrified father and his son, hoping it would go away if he just made the ache in his belly stop.
A hand snatched his wrist and Peter looked up wildly, a desperate whine in the back of his throat. Tears were streaming down his face now, and he swallowed the bite he still had in his mouth. The endless mountain of guilt that had been collecting in his chest since he ran away was finally topped off by the look of worry in Tony’s face.
Why did it remind him so much of the father in the alleyway?
The dams broke, leaving Peter to curl up and sob into his knees.
“Oh no, hey, kiddo, what’s wrong? It’s okay baby, you’re not in trouble I just didn’t want you to hurt yourself, I promise,” Tony said gently. When Peter didn’t answer he crawled up and sat on the bed next to him, wrapping his arms around Peter’s trembling shoulders.
“I-I messed up Mr. Stark,” Peter said in a trembling voice. “I fucked up, I fucked up everything, I ruined it--”
“Woah hey, what’re you talking about? What’s going on?”
Peter turned and clutched Tony, sobbing into his shirt as he explained all about the restaurant and the father and his son, and the woman in the alleyway. How he’d wanted to steal, how he didn’t go to save them right away, how he wanted to just leave them and go inside the warm, cozy looking restaurant and forget it ever happened.
When he eventually finished Tony didn’t say anything for a moment. Instead he just reached into the bag and brought out another cheeseburger, holding it out to Peter. Peter didn’t take it, still feeling guilty for having wanted this instead of wanting to help.
“Eat up kiddo, it’s okay. Just go slower this time.”
“I don’t deserve it.”
“Yes you do. Everyone deserves to eat, and that includes you. You didn’t do anything wrong back there Pete, it was just a moment. Doing the right thing can be… extremely hard sometimes. I’m telling you the truth when I say that most people in that situation would’ve left someone else to take care of it and gone inside without much of a second thought.”
“But I’m not most people Mr. Stark. I’m supposed to be the ‘someone else’, I’m supposed to be the hero. How can I call myself something like that if I didn’t want to help?”
Tony rubbed his hand over Peter’s shoulder, and held the cheeseburger right under Peter’s nose, causing his stomach to growl again. Peter took it with a sigh and started eating again to quell the monster in his belly.
“Like I said kid, it was just a moment. You were cold, tired, starving, and worst of all you felt betrayed. The people you’re trying to save turned against you, so of course you felt less inclined to help them. But the thing about you is, even if you get knocked around, you never think it’s okay to hurt them back. That’s why you changed your mind. You knew that even if they hated you, you couldn’t handle the idea of them being hurt when there was something you could do to stop it. Not everyone is like that kiddo, you’re special. Just because there was one moment where you felt bitter, doesn’t mean you’re not a hero anymore. You still saved that little boy and his dad, you were still a hero. Everyone falters, it’s just a matter of if they stay down.”
He put a hand under Peter’s chin, coaxing him to look up into his eyes.
“I’ve never known a kid like you to stay down for long.”
Peter gave a watery smile and buried his face against Tony’s chest as they clung to each other, each finally feeling like they could relax.
Peter spent the next few days recovering in the medbay, his Aunt having arrived at the Tower only half an hour after he woke up and making him swear never to pull something like that again. His friends also came to visit, and MJ sketched Peter and Ned as they built an Avengers Lego Quinjet together.
It was on his last day in the hospital that he woke up to see Tony slumped in a chair and his Aunt May snoring on his shoulder, and he finally felt at home again.
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atths--twice · 4 years
Per Cor Meum
What happened after the IVF failed in Per Manum? How did they move past it? Together or apart? You know Mulder won't let her be alone in this moment. He is going to make sure she is doing okay. 💙
I wrote this a couple of years ago and I wanted to share it again. This is one of my favorites and I hope you enjoy it. 
Chapter One             1/8                
Heartache and Healing
Mulder is there for Scully when she comes home from the doctor. The IVF has failed and now they must deal with the aftermath.
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“Never give up on a miracle,” he said. She took a deep breath and kissed him on the cheek, the neck, before returning to his embrace, borrowing his strength. She choked on a sob that had bubbled to the surface since discovering the ova implantation had failed. Finding Mulder waiting in her apartment, had been her breaking point. She cannot hide her pain, sorrow, and utter defeat from him.
He held her close, lending her his strength. He hummed as he rocked her slowly, not letting go until she decided to move.
She took a step back and placed her hands on his chest. Looking into his eyes, she thanked him wordlessly for his comfort and support. He nodded and squeezed her hips lightly as she stepped away.
She walked into her room and shut the door. He knew she needed a minute to compose herself, but as he stared after her, his heart ached for her, for both of them. He did not know what to do. He felt wound up and he needed to do something. Something to change fate, to give her what she should have. He cannot do that, however, so he decided to do something he could do and make her some tea. He heard her door open and then the bathroom door close. Filling the kettle with water, he turned on the range and placed the kettle down. Opening the cupboard, he took down two mugs and set them on the counter. Searching through the container that held the bags of tea, he found the nighttime tea one she liked to use to help her sleep.
He heard the bathroom door open and then she padded into the kitchen. “Water should be ready in a few minutes. Do you want the sleepy tea?” he asked quietly, turning his head to look at her.
She looked so small standing there in her flannel pajama pants and a black long sleeved shirt. He could see that she had been crying again, biting her lip to stop now, but made no comment on it, as he waited for her answer about the tea.
“That’s fine, Mulder. Whichever one you pick will be fine,” she said in a small voice, before turning and walking to the couch. She sat down, her back to him, and let out a long sigh. He watched her pull her knees up to her chest and rest her head there.
Fucking hell, he thought as he clenched his jaw and roughly ran his hand across his eyes and mouth. He willed the water to hurry so he would have something to do with this angry energy. At the same time, once the tea was ready, it would mean facing her. He did not know if he could do that right now without blubbering like a goddamn baby.
When she had asked him to be the one to help her have a baby, he was overcome with a myriad of emotions. More than anything, he was worried. But his worry was for her, that this would not work and she would be exactly where she was right now. He braced himself on the counter, took a deep breath, and stood up.
The tea kettle whistled. He shut off the fire and poured the water into their waiting mugs. He let the tea steep, then added a couple of ice cubes to each mug. He took a small plate from the cupboard and placed it under his arm as he grabbed the mugs and headed toward the couch.
She raised her head as he set the mugs down, on the coffee table; the plate next to them. “For the teabags,” he said at her questioning look. She nodded and rested her cheek on her knees.
He sat at the opposite end of the couch, his hands folded in his lap. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and saw a single tear slide down her nose. She took a shuddering breath, wiped it away, and raised her head.
She sat cross legged with her back against the end of the couch, facing him, her eyes closed. He glanced at her again, waiting for what, he was not sure.
He could hear the kitchen clock ticking as they sat in silence. He leaned forward and took her teabag out of her cup, setting in on the plate. He then picked up the cup and blew on it a few times before handing it to her.
His movement had caused her to open her eyes and she had watched him. Seeing him blow on her tea, was such a small gesture, and yet it brought tears to her eyes. She tried to blink them away before he noticed.
But nothing escaped him. As he handed her the mug, he brushed his fingers across hers, offering her a small amount of comfort.
“Thank you, Mulder,” she whispered, as she held the cup in her hands, letting the warmth seep into her fingers.
“Did you want some sugar? I forgot to add it,” he asked as he started to stand up.
“No, Mulder. I don’t use sugar anymore. This is fine. Thank you," she said, giving him a small smile.
He nodded and sat back down, grabbing his own tea as he did and placed the teabag on the plate beside hers. He remembered now that she had recently stopped using sugar or eating overly sugary foods. She had told him some sciencey reason, but he had only half listened. He knew her. Knew how much she loved sweets. He had figured she would give up this kick like she did with the bee pollen thing.
She had stayed true to her word though, and no longer bought sugary treats. However, it did not stop her from sneaking a piece of a brownie he bought before a plane ride, or taking small bites of a dessert he had ordered.
He took a drink of his tea and he grimaced. “Nope. You may not want sugar, but I definitely need some. How can you drink that without some kind of sweetener? I’m getting some honey,” he said as he stood up and headed toward the kitchen.
He opened the cupboard, happy to see she still had some in there. He squeezed a generous amount into his tea. He grabbed a spoon, stirred it, and gave it another tentative taste. Yeah, that was better. He started back toward the couch when he heard her call out his name. He looked at her, holding out her own mug, silently asking for some honey. He turned back to grab it with a smile. Yeah, she “gave up” sugar.
He walked to her and squeezed some honey in her cup, but not as much as his. He stirred it and stepped back, watching her. She took a drink and nodded. He brought the honey and spoon back to the kitchen. Picking up his mug, he joined her on the couch.
They drank their tea in silence. Any discussion, aside from what happened today, seemed unimportant. He wanted to know more, but he did not want to push. He glanced at her, but her eyes were down, looking at her feet and holding her mug in her lap.
She took a deep breath and uncrossed her legs. Leaning forward, she set her mug on the coffee table. Standing up, she looked at him.
“I think I want to go to bed, Mulder.”
He stood up and grabbed her mug, moving around the couch, with her following behind. He put the mugs in the sink and turned to her, finding her standing with her head down. Things unsaid were stilling hanging in the air, but tonight would not be the night.
“Okay,” he said quietly. “I’ll let you get some sleep then, Scully. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Her head snapped up and her eyes were wide. “Okay, maybe not tomorrow..” he said half-jokingly.
She stared at him. Trying to relay what she wanted without actually speaking; her eyes were desperate and almost scared.
“Or I could stay. If.. I mean.. if you’d like me to,” he said even quieter, giving her a chance to say no, as if he had not spoken at all.
She let out a breath and nodded slightly. He nodded back and she turned toward her room. He headed to the couch, where he had been waiting earlier, before she came home and shared the heartbreaking news.
“What are you-“ she said brokenly, her breathing ratcheting up.
He looked at her in surprise, pointing to the couch with raised eyebrows. She shook her head and gestured toward her bedroom, walking out of the room and he followed. She was opening her closet when he walked in the room. He did not spend much time in there, always feeling it was her sacred place and he should ask for her permission.
He stood looking around, before she walked up to him and handed him some clothes. He looked at her in surprise once again.
“These are my clothes, Scully. Where did you get these?” He was holding a pair of his sweatpants and a dark grey shirt, and under the shirt a pair of his underwear. He looked at her as she smiled softly.
“Mulder, do you know how many times I’ve had to pack for you or grab what you've forgotten over the years? I’ve brought it home and kept it here. Inevitably, at some point, I knew you would need them. Looks like I was right.”
“Good looking out, partner,” he said, as he stepped back to head to the bathroom.
“Uh.. you can change in here. I’ll use the bathroom first?” She stated it like a question, as though looking for his approval. He nodded and she left the room.
It was odd to be undressing in her room. The last time he had been undressed in here, he had been suffering from toxins in his water. He did not remember much about that night, waking in only his underwear, thinking he could no longer trust her.
He shook his head as he slipped his sweatpants on then his shirt. He folded his clothes and put them on the table in the kitchen. Hearing the toilet flush, he went to stand in the hallway, leaning against the wall and waiting for her.
She opened the door, surprised to find him right there. “There is an extra toothbrush on the counter, it’s new. I just opened it.” She walked past him heading for her room.
He went into the bathroom and used the toilet, washed his hands and face, and brushed his teeth. It was strange how being in her bathroom, getting ready for bed, was more intimate than when they had shared a bathroom for a few days in San Diego.
They had gotten ready for the day, together in that bathroom. He had brushed his teeth, shaved, and brushed his hair while she had done what she needed. He was fascinated to watch the small amount of time she took to get ready, fixing her hair and makeup, yet she looked as if she had spent hours doing so. Standing in that bathroom with her had felt... comfortable.
He had gotten up earlier than her while they were there, going for a run and making coffee when he had returned. As he had waited for it to brew, he smiled, knowing she was upstairs either still sleeping, or possibly just waking up. When it was ready, he had taken their mugs upstairs, and knocked on the door, entering at her sleepy “come in.” He had set her coffee on the nightstand as he went to get ready, bringing his own coffee with him. She had shuffled in not long after, yawning-her hair tousled and carrying her cup.
He had felt so comfortable with her, no hesitation, no embarrassment to be standing half naked and shaving, while she leaned against the counter and talked to him. She had been so adorable in the mornings.
He put his toothbrush down now, in the cup next to hers. He opened the door and walked back to her room, finding her sitting on her bed, leaning forward, fingers interlocked and her head down. He stood in the doorway, watching her, not knowing what to do.
“Scully, I’m going to head out to the couch. I’ll grab a blanket from the closet.”
She jumped up and stared at him. “Mulder... no... I...” She took a deep breath. “I... could you stay with me? In here? Mulder, I don’t want to be alone.”
He stepped into the room in two strides, wrapping his arms around her. “Of course, Scully. Whatever you need, I’m here.” She pulled him close and held him tightly before stepping back and walking to her bed. Pulling the blankets back, she put the extra pillows on the chair. Mulder walked to the other side of the bed and helped her.
She got in bed, lying on her side, her back to him as she pulled the covers up to her chest. He climbed under the sheets beside her, lying on his back. She reached her hand behind her and he immediately held her fingers in his. She tried to choke back a sob, but she could not keep it in. Mulder squeezed her hand and she began to cry in earnest.
“Can... can you hold me?” she said between sobs, pulling his hand, trying to bring him closer.
He turned immediately, pulling her close to him. She was sobbing, her body shaking. He held her close and let her cry. He knew that nothing he said right then would make her feel better. Nothing he said would stop the feelings of failure, of hopes realized and then ripped away. He let her cry and held her, reassuring her that he was there with her, and he was not going to let her do this alone.  She was starting to calm down, her tears slowing somewhat as she held onto Mulder’s arm around her waist, gripping at his forearm.
“Doctor Parenti said they had three ova that were viable,” she said, ending with a sob as he held his breath. He knew this already, as they had been aware of it from the beginning...
They sat in the doctor’s office a couple days after he had given his first specimen. They discussed his sperm count, mobility, and chance of fertilization. It was all said in medical factual terms, yet he found himself blushing. To be discussing his sperm count in front of Scully seemed very personal.
He laughed inwardly at that thought. They had been through so much, yet he blushed discussing his sperm count. Scully sat and nodded, asking occasional questions. He should not even be feeling uncomfortable though, his part was easy. He would need to give one more donation and they would use that to fertilize her eggs and get them ready for implantation.
He felt the need to shift his legs at the thought of her on a table, her legs in those stirrup things, while the doctor put an instrument inside of her body. God... his part was so easy. She glanced at him, and seeing the slight grimace on his face, she put a hand on his arm.  
Dr. Parenti was called out of the room at that moment, leaving them alone.
“You okay, Mulder? Not having second thoughts are you? Or is it the sperm discussion?” she teased with a smile. “You know for a guy who has a collection of videos that aren’t his, this discussion sure seems to make you uncomfortable.” Her eyes shone, knowing she just informed that yes, she had seen him blushing.
He smiled as he looked down and turned his hand over, lacing his fingers with hers. He caught her surprised look, but she did not pull her hand away.
He looked at her, really looked at her. She had such hope in her eyes, so happy that the possibility of this chance existed, she seemed to be radiating light. He knew it might not happen, but he would fight anyone who tried to take this from her.
“I was just thinking about your portion of this Scully and what you will have to go through. Seems an unfair advantage being a man sometimes,” he said with a half smile. “My part in this is fairly easy. A little... out of my comfort zone, but bearable. I was just thinking that I wish you had the same easiness I did.”
She looked at him with such tenderness, it almost took his breath away. She smiled and squeezed his hand. “I appreciate the concern Mulder, really I do. But honestly, the procedure is relatively equally as invasive as going to the gynecologist. Been doing that half my life, so this will be similar.”
He was about to say something flippant, when the door opened and Dr. Parenti came back into the room. They both pulled their hand away at the same time, but not before he noticed and grinned at them, causing them both to blush.
He explained more information about Mulder’s next donation. The need to abstain from sexual activities, including on his own, which caused him to blush again and Scully to smile.
Scully and Dr. Parenti discussed what she would need to do, but he was not listening. He was watching her. She was smiling and so happy. He was so worried that this plan would end in heartbreak. He knew better than to say anything or discourage her.
He had kept the information about her ova from her believing he was protecting her. Protecting her from falling headlong into something with a low success rate. His fear seemed to be coming true.
Soon they were out of the office and leaving the building. He suggested getting a coffee and she agreed. As they sat outside, enjoying the day, she looked at him and he knew he had been caught.
“Mulder, I know that the odds of this working may not be incredibly high, but I still have to try. I have the chance to possibly have a child, and I.. this is my last chance, Mulder. Really, it’s my only chance. I know you’re worried, I am too. But Mulder..." She reached for his hand and he gave it. “I need you to stop looking at me the way you do, with so much worry. You might think you’re being secretive, but I know you. I see it. Please, Mulder.”
He bowed his head and closed his eyes. Of course she saw, of course she knew what he was doing. He had not been making eye contact with her much in the office and his smiles were forced. She saw through him all the time. He opened his eyes and looked at her with a sigh. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers, then rested her hand against his chin.
“I’m just worried about you, Scully. I just... I don’t... I worry about you,” he said. looking into her eyes, his own full of worry and sadness.
She opened her hand and stroked his face. “I know you worry Mulder, I know. But whatever the outcome, I have to try. I have to.”
They stared at each other. Finally, he nodded and he smiled. She smiled back and brought her hand back to her lap. They finished their coffee in companionable silence.
When the day came for the procedure, after Mulder had given his last donation, and the embryos were ready to be implanted, Mulder waited for her in the waiting room. He was wound tight with anxious energy and he could not sit still. He would be down for awhile, then up pacing the room, then back down in the chair-his legs bouncing up and down.
After what felt like forever, on his tenth trip walking around the room, a nurse came to get him. She had a smile on her face which he misunderstood to mean everything went well. She told him Scully had asked her to get him and bring him back to the recovery room. That she would know him because he would be pacing around, his hands either on his hips, in his hair, or on his neck.
“I watched you for a bit, and she had you pegged perfectly. You two must have been together a long time,” she said, smiling at him, leading him down the hall. He smiled back, but said nothing. He wanted to get to Scully, make sure she was okay.
The nurse opened the door to Scully's room and she turned her head to him, giving him a sleepy smile.
“So which was it?” she asked the nurse with a smirk as she looked at him. “Hips, hair, or neck?”
“Would you believe, all three?” the nurse said with a laugh.
“Hmmm, yeah... the trifecta. Must have been really worried about something,” she said with a kind smile and sleepy voice, her eyes flitting to his and then fighting to stay open.
“They gave her a sedative. She’ll sleep for a little while, maybe an hour or so, but she wanted you here with her. I brought you a chair and there are some magazines if you’re interested. I’ll leave you two alone now. If you need anything, just push the call button.”
“Thank you," he said, the first words he had said to her. “Thanks a lot.” She smiled with a nod and left the room.
He sat in the chair and pulled it closer to her bed. She was already asleep, her mouth slightly open. She had a low tolerance for sedatives, the smallest dosage knocking her out. She might sleep longer than the other patients in here.
He watched her sleeping and felt his breath catch. This was it. The deed was done. He looked at her face, making sure she was asleep. He watched her face as he reached out and gently touched her stomach, and she did not move.
He closed his eyes and put his head on the metal bedrail. He kept his hand on her stomach and called out to a god that he did not believe in, begging to please let this work. “Please, please, please, please...” He felt tears on his arm before he even realized he had even been crying.
He lifted his head, worried she might have woken and seen him crying. She still slept, unaware of his breakdown. He wiped his eyes and his nose. He took his hand off her stomach and held her hand instead as he sat back in the chair. Now that he knew she was okay, now that he could touch her and see her, he felt his body relax. He drifted off to sleep with her, his heart no longer racing.  
Now here they were, in her bed, her heart breaking and he could do nothing to help her. Their chance had come and gone. There were no more ova that were viable. Three strikes and they were out. He wanted to beat the fucking shit out of every last person who did this to her.
He cannot though, most of them are already dead. Burnt alive by an unknown alien race. If many innocent lives were not lost that day, he would feel more of a sense of victory, but he does not. Not when the person he cared for most in the world was experiencing another heartbreak because of them and their crusade. Fuck them. They deserved to die.
He pulled Scully closer and kissed her hair. She was crying more quietly now, her sobs slowing. “What else did he say, Scully?” He closed his eyes, wanting but not wanting to hear the answer.
She took a deep shuddering breath. “He said, that it was a long shot to begin with, but,” she tried to calm her voice as it caught on her tears. “But, that it had been worth it to see if it would work. He’s right.. although it doesn’t feel that way right now. I know.. I know I said I wanted to try, that I had to.. but.. Mulder.. god..”
She started crying again and all he could do was hold her. Lend her his comfort, his strength, whatever she needed, he would give it.
“Scully, if you hadn’t tried,” he said quietly, against her ear. “If you had known they were there and did nothing, you would have regretted it, you know you would have. You had to try. If... if I had told you sooner... if I had..”
“Mulder, it wouldn’t have made a difference,” she cut across him. “You said yourself you had them tested. Maybe... maybe... Dr. Parenti just had high hopes and wanted to try. I don’t know. God... I just thought that one would make it. That... that my prayers and hopes and my faith in this science, would work for me, not against me.”
Mulder felt a huge lump in his throat and he unsuccessfully tried to choke back a sob. She heard it and turned over, wrapping herself around him, burying her head in his neck as she pulled his to hers. He pulled her closer to him with one arm by her waist, the other arm around her neck.
They clung to each other and cried. Both for the same and also different reasons. They both wept for the baby that was never going to be, the little half Mulder, half Scully. The inquisitive baby with bluish hazel eyes and auburn hair. The baby that would give Mulder the family he craved and Scully the family she deserved. The baby that would have shown it did not matter how it came into the world, but that love had made it possible.
Mulder cried for Scully. All that had been taken from her, stolen, the hell she had gone through and again she suffered. Again the bad guys had won. He cried because he could not protect her that day when he followed her to Skyland Mountain. He had been so close, and he had failed her. All of this was because of him. She suffered because of him. And yet, she stayed with him. She wanted him to bring life onto the planet with her. He cried for the trust she placed in him and yet he had failed her. He cried.
Scully cried for Mulder. She cried because she knew he blamed himself. He saw all of her suffering as his fault. He had no idea that she would have been taken and as a result this chain reaction of shit would begin. She cried because she knew that even if she had known, she would not have left him. She would sacrifice her future if it meant she could be a part of his present. She cried for the guilt she felt to think that way, but she knew it was true. She cried.
Wrapped up in each other, they wept. When at last there were no more tears, when they both were spent, they clung to the other and slept.
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cherryplasmids · 5 years
☆ opportunities ☆
pairing: nick jakoby x reader fandom: bright—after movie sequence anon request: You could write anything about Nick Jakoby , especially something sexy , and I would be super happy!! 😈😈 notes: NSFW (don’t be silly, wrap your willy)  (this is my second smut piece, my first with a male character so please don’t roast me for this)
—check out my other works; masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
           After another tiring day filled with paperwork, one arrest, and nasty insults, Nick just about had it. Even after he saved the world (along with Ward), the working conditions within the Los Angeles Police Department remained the same. Day in and day out, he's being overlooked for serious cases to do intern filing. The harassment has dwindled a tad bit since Pollard had been disposed of, but Nick still feels the suppression by his peers and superiors. No matter what he does, it'll never be enough.
The only good thing about being the only Orc is the fact that he can do nightly patrols alone. He can listen to smooth jazz or orcish metal without Ward bugging him about it. The thoughts swirling in his head can be sifted through in quiet. There's plenty of endless opportunities he can grasp onto during night patrols.
One of those opportunities is the chance to speak to you without Ward pestering him to hurry up. No, the nighttime allowed Nick to savor a few, undisturbed moments with you before he clocks out.
By the time Nick pulls up to the bodega you work in, it's a downpour with thunder in the background. Surprisingly, the usual shining yellow lights are completely out and the front of the store is closed up. Nick looks down at the dashboard where the red digital clock shines: 11:37 pm. His forehead furrows. The bodega's closing time is 1 am, not 11 pm. It's odd and a bit saddening. Nick deflates at the missed opportunity to see your gorgeous smile. Even more so when he realizes he has tomorrow off.
He'll wait for the next chance.
Putting on the windshield on the fastest mode, Nick peels out of the sidewalk and continues his patrol. He has less than half an hour left on his shift. He'll make the best of it by driving slow since the usual bodies walking the streets were gone to avoid being drenched. The thunder calmed his sadness as he drove. However, he noticed someone walking the streets. Ward's voice automatically rang through his brain, ‘don't be too nice, it only causes problems.’
But when did Nick ever truly listen to Ward's negativity? No, he wasn't going to let someone potentially get pneumonia. So he pulls over to the shaking figure whose umbrella is practically broken. It doesn't shield the person from the rain at all.
Nick rolls down the window. "Excuse me!" The person halts and turns to him. He can't see who they are through the blankets of rain. "Would you like a ride? Can't have you getting sick."
Their head frantically nods before bolting inside his vehicle. Instead of sitting in the backseat, they slide into the front with him. "Nick, you are my guardian angel."
At the voice, Nick freezes. He knows it better than he knows most protocols for his job. Like a bee flocking to fresh flowers after a rainy day, he constantly attempts to be around that voice for rejuvenation. But that only happens when he's prepared to see you. He needs to hype himself up before speaking to you. After he saw the bodega closed, the energy simmered down to calmness. Now, he's anxious because the pep talk motivation is all gone. He knows he'll just make a right fool of himself in front of you.
You begin to shed your soaked jacket and the cardigan underneath before throwing them on the car floor along with your side purse. After squeezing out the excess water from your hair, you turn to greet Nick with a smile. It takes a lot of willpower for Nick not to stare at your hardened nipples.
"Hey," His voice cracks and he wants to die. "What were you doing walking in this storm?"
You dramatically threw yourself on the backrest before huffing. "Fernando told me to head home early because of the rain, but he fucking forgot to pick me up. Talking about being busy and shit. We all know he's too busy fucking Maria. I wanted to call Daryl but it's practically midnight and I know he would drag me through the wringer if I dared to bother him. Then, I was like," You gasp, "I can always count on his really cute but shy partner." You give Nick a sly look and he looks away bashfully. To keep himself occupied, he begins driving away. "But I realized that he never gave me his number so I just decided to walk instead."
Nick never knows how to respond to your teasing or flirting. The suave style his inner self tries to hype him with never sees the light of day. Instead, it's replaced with stuttering. "I drove by the store." Again his voice cracks, so he says it again. "To look for you. I mean to get a red-Redbull."
The expression on your face lets him know that you definitely heard what he said. "You do that often, you know?" He looks at you expectantly while making a right turn. "I thought in the beginning when I would flirt with you, that it was one-sided. You always look so damn uncomfortable. But then, Daryl tells me sometimes when you don't have the night shift, that you still pull up to the Fernando's at midnight. I thought to myself, why would Nick do that if he obviously doesn't like me?" You snap your fingers. "But then I started noticing the little glances you threw at me, the little compliments, and the adorable flush of dark blue on your skin. I knew right then and there that the feelings are definitely mutual.
"And yet, you never make a move." You sigh and mumble an "I don't get it."
This is the most conversation Nick has ever had with you and of course, he's fucking nervous. Inner Nick never prepared him for such a conversation. At this point, he just wants to jump out of the car and jog to the police station. He'll make an elaborate story about how he got hijacked by a gang. Yeah, he'll get more ridicule for it, but he doesn't care. As if sensing his dilemma, you reach over, grab his arm and tell him to drive a different way to your house. He doesn't question it but he's confused by the time he drives into deserted dirt-covered land. He turns to ask you about it, but the smolder you give shuts him up. Your hand returns to his bicep and it flexes underneath your fingers. After feeling his muscles for a bit, your hand travels to hold his chin. He watches you carefully, lips parted and eyes wide.
"Tell me what you want."
Nick stutters for a moment, unable to comprehend the situation. Is this a dream? It has to be. In this reality or any other alternate realities, you would not be sending out such delicious pheromones directed at him. Pants tightening and hands sweaty, Nick whispers his desires. He needs you now before he explodes.
You smile sweetly before leaning over and pressing a searing kiss on his lips. As soon as it connects, Nick is moaning as if you'd already sucked him off. A little pride swells in your chest. While your working on his lips, your other hand moves down to rub his bulge, eliciting even more moans. It's making you extremely hot. So, you move away from him and take your shirt off, leaving your bra-less chest hanging out. Eyes wide, Nick looks around frantically.
"We can't—" You cut him off with another kiss to his lips.
"Do you trust me?" He nods eagerly. "Then trust me when I say no one comes here. Now let's take this to the back, shall we?"
After quickly going from the front seat to the back while trying to stay as dry as possible, you pounce on Nick, hands roaming his broad chest while he tentatively moves his hands to cup your ass. A low moan comes from you and in turn, Nick grabs them harder. His lips begin to trail down your neck as you're grinding on his restricted cock.
You're chanting for Nick to fuck you already. Words like 'please', 'fuck me', and 'oh god' fill the air alongside low growls from Nick. Eventually, he's had enough with heavy petting and decides to let himself go. You barely get a chance to see his cock before he's ripping a hole in your leggings, moving your panties, and inserting himself within you. A loud gasp emits from your lips as you try to grind yourself down some more. But you can't.
No, Nick is in charge.
His powerful thighs give him the leverage to pound into you at unknown speeds. You once even said faster, and your boy complied swiftly. His hands grab your hips hard, using you as a rag-doll as his rhythm picks up and you're getting fucked to the point your seeing stars. There's drool seeping out of your opened mouth and Nick takes it as a chance to lick it up before digging his dull tusks into your neck. As soon as he does, the Big Bang happens behind your vision, the built orgasm just exploding.
Despite this, Nick continues. Your pussy is oversensitive but you don't tell him to stop because he hasn't gotten his fill yet. But you know you're going to orgasm again before he does. Not even a minute later, you do. At this point your begging Nick to finish. You begin to kiss his neck, searching for his sensitive spot. When you do, you suck on it as if your life depends on it. That does it for him.
A deep, loud orc growl emits from him as he says "Fuck!" Within seconds later, he's spilling his cum into you. It takes a moment for him to fully finish, but even after he's done, he still holds you.
"Oh, Nick." You breathily moan as you peel yourself off of him. Looking down, you find his uniform pants completely ruined—your juices mixed with his cum smearing his entire right pant leg. "We made such a mess."
Nick shyly smiles, his chest still moving at a rapid pace. "Sorry,"
Shaking your head, you lean forward into him and press a kiss on his sweaty collarbone. "You know how you can make it up to me?" He hums and closes his eyes, savoring your gentle touches. "By taking me to dinner and maybe, just maybe, making me your girlfriend."
His eyes snap open to watch your expression for a moment. A soft smile adorns your swollen lips, eyes on the verge of closing, and face devoid of any worries. His heart feels full of adoration, knowing that he wants to have you in his arms for as long as he can.
Without replying, Nick presses a kiss on your forehead, hoping that action alone can convey everything he wants to say.
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
word count: 1,823 published: april 7, 2020 edited: n/a
394 notes · View notes
loveislattes · 4 years
Patience Is Key (Darkiplier/Fem!Reader) Chapter 1
Commission prompt:  Reader only knows that sex is pain, so Dark shows her otherwise...?
Caution! This story does contain mentions of past borderline-abusive relationship and there is one scene that slightly delves into the situation, but it never goes further than pushing and forced kissing.
This chapter is SFW other than some cursing. The next chapter will be the oh so lovely smutty bit. ^^ Chapter 2 will be out next week! 
“Ah, damn it!” 
The curse left my lips the second I finally registered that I had dropped the extremely large box of pots and pans on my toe, and not on the flat floor as intended. Jerking back, I fell into the rickety wooden chair behind me and pulled my injured foot up into my lap with a wince.
“Why am I such a fucking klutz?!” I wheezed through the pulses of pain. 
It took a few minutes of babying my poor toe but eventually, I managed to soothe away the pain and get back onto my feet. Why was it that toe injuries always felt so much worse than other injuries? As I debated that question, as well as the existential existence of pain at all, I got moving about the sparse kitchen once more. The boxes weren’t going to empty themselves after all and I only had the two days until I started my new job to get it all done. 
“Lord knows if I had to take one more extra day off, it’d be the end of the world,” I muttered under my breath.
Working retail had to be one of the worst career choices in the world. Sadly, it was all I could find for the time being and this new house mortgage, low as it was, wouldn’t pay itself; Not to mention that my savings were meager at best and wouldn’t last long if I had to rely on them, thanks to my problematic ex. 
This house was a blessing in disguise and I definitely couldn’t afford to lose it. A beautiful victorian-style two-story home at only four hundred fifty a month, with no real damage other than cosmetic updates needed? Yeah. It was practically impossible. My first thought was that it had a sordid past, whether drug crime or murder related, but that didn’t seem to be the case thankfully. The owners had inherited it and we’re willing to sell it for a steal just to get rid of it so they didn’t have to pay taxes and insurance. Their loss, my gain, apparently. 
I had gotten so lost in my thoughts about work and the house that I was done moving the last of the boxes before too long. Score one for daydreaming! 
I set about organizing my cabinets next, emptying the boxes one by one until they were all barren and tossed to the back of the room.
“That’s a problem for future-me,” I muttered, running a hand through my hair with a huff, “I guess dinner is next on the list. Never a better time to find out what take out they have around here!”
I meandered into the living room and plopped down on the worn couch, pulling my laptop into my lap. While waiting for the screen to wake up, I grabbed the TV remote from the coffee table and turned it on as well, needing the background noise with how silent the old home was. I’d definitely have to keep an eye on that or else I’d find myself creeped out even without anything happening. A random cartoon filled the large screen and jaunty music spilled from the speakers as the characters conversed. Shrugging, I tossed the remote back down on the table and returned to my laptop.
After logging in, a quick google search led me to a page full of restaurants both familiar and new to me. Moving to a big city definitely had its perks! 
“Now the question is which one,” I sighed. 
It took a few minutes of debating but I finally settled on ordering from a highly rated Chinese restaurant across town. I was promised my food in about twenty-five minutes and a delivery tracker popped up on the screen right after.
“That’s nifty!”
Setting the laptop back onto the table with the dimmed screen facing my direction, I let myself be pulled into the ridiculous antics of the cartoon characters on TV until a commercial came on. My eyes instinctively drifted over to the laptop to check on the tracker. The red line was about halfway across, indicating they would be leaving the store soon. Nice! Unfortunately, I also caught my reflection on the screen and couldn’t help but take a moment to fix my hair out of reflex. As I adjusted my top to look less wrinkled, I suddenly noticed a black shape in the background, near what would be the corner of the room behind the couch. I froze, heart pounding in my throat as my eyes widened.
“No way,” I whispered. 
Leaning in closer, I focused on the shadow. Too afraid to actually turn around and look, I hoped I could debunk it from this angle alone. I was just about convinced it was actually a part of the LCD going out in that one spot- when suddenly it moved!
An uncontrollable screech left my lips as I leaped up from the couch. Spinning to face the shadow, I reflexively snagged up the throw pillow on the couch and tossed it full force in that direction while trying to move away. Unfortunately, I forgot exactly where I was standing in the new layout and the fact that the table was behind me. I was reminded painfully of that fact as my calf muscle slammed hard into the solid wood and I went careening backward. I frantically tried to catch myself but only succeeded in slamming my elbow into the edge of the table and whacking my fingers against the floor in a way that made me see stars.  
Tears pricked behind my eyelids as I hissed through the urge to cry. I was about to lie in a puddle of agonizing defeat until I remembered the whole reason I fell. With a curse, I rolled over to my hands and knees, panting as I looked toward the offending part of the room. There was nothing there. No shadow and no reason I should have ever seen one there; no coat rack, no bookshelf, nothing. Just a bare wall. 
“What the hell was that?!” I groaned.
Now that there was no impending, visible, threat, I spent a good few minutes taking all my injuries into account. Sore calf, elbow, and fingers. Bruises were likely in each spot, unfortunately. Thankfully it didn’t get any worse than that. With my luck, I was surprised I didn’t crack my head open on the floor instead. It was with a heavy, defeated sigh, that I succumbed to the need to lay flat on the floor and catch my breath. 
“I’m losing it. That has to be it. All the stress of the move and being alone just got to me,” I assured myself quietly. 
I wasn’t sure how long I wallowed there in self-pity, but it couldn’t have been as long as it felt because I was soon roused by the sound of someone knocking at the door.
Collecting my fallen pride and battle wounds, I scrambled up off the floor and rushed to the front door, snagging my wallet from my purse on the way. The delivery driver was nice enough and we made small talk as we exchanged food and money. I thanked him after he mentioned their loyalty program then shut the door before hesitantly making my way back into the living room. As I scanned the rather empty space, I was relieved to find it just as it was before; no shadows in sight. 
“I’m probably gonna have nightmares from that shit too,” I muttered, plopping onto the couch and popping open the box.
With a little shake of my head to clear my thoughts, I returned to the show and let the thoughts from the day slowly melt away with every mouth full of delicious food. 
It took two months of living in the new house to finally feel more at home. Most everything was put away and decorations filled the walls, warming up the once empty and creepy place. I no longer felt like an uncomfortably unwelcome stranger. The thought of that shadow did, unfortunately, still linger in the back of my mind every night though. I’d be fine all day until it was nighttime and dark in the house. Once the sun was down, it was like my gorgeous home was a totally different place. I didn’t see that moving shadow anymore, but I swore I saw things out of the corner of my eye and it constantly felt like I wasn’t alone. 
One particularly rough night left me searching the entire house for hidden cameras and trapped doors because I could have sworn I was being watched. Of course, I found nothing of the sort, but it didn’t lessen the fear by much. I even started making myself go to bed earlier than usual just to avoid being alone with my paranoid thoughts. Something had to give before I went crazy! 
I was even to the point of considering making new friends; Something to break up the monotony and constant feeling of being alone. Maybe inviting another person into the house would make the eerie feeling go away? One could hope! I wasn’t in the habit of bringing home people, due to my ex, but it was getting to the point where it might be necessary. A person could only take so much alone time!
A rapid knocking on my door tore me out of my lonely thoughts and back to reality with a jolt.
“Who could that be?” I muttered under my breath.
I hadn’t ordered any food and I was pretty sure I hadn’t ordered anything off Amazon recently. Uncurling from my nest of blankets, I hastened to the front door when the visitor knocked again. Impatient buggers weren’t they?
“I’m coming!”
Without thinking to check the peephole first, I pulled the door open and instantly recognized the horrible mistake I had made. I tried slamming the door shut before he could enter but already I was too weak with fear; simply seeing his menacing face leaving me powerless. He was easily able to catch the wood and shove his way in as if I weren’t even there. 
“Heeeey baby.”
I wasn’t even given a breath’s moment to respond. Instantly his hands were on my shoulders and I was slammed into the wall. Pain exploded through my skull and my knees weakened dangerously as I struggled through frustration and fear. 
“You thought ya could just move away and I wouldn’t find ya, baby? Ya outta know better’n that.”
The familiar sensation of bile rose in my throat when his lips smacked against mine. It took all of my resolves to hold it down. It would only add insult to my injury because he wouldn't give a damn and I’d be left worse for wear.
“Aw, come on. Play nice with me, won’t cha? It’s been far too long since I’ve seen ya.”
All I could manage was a timid shake of my head.
Fuck, it was like this any time he was around! Just being in his presence made the littlest of movements hard, like my body just instinctively gave up to avoid more trouble even though my heart told me to fight. If I could fight back, he’d probably back off after a while but I just couldn’t. Flashes of the times he tried to force himself on me, drunk and belligerent, held me back from it. Giving in was just easier, safer, in the long run.
I felt the numbing sensation of acceptance slide through my muscles when his mouth pressed on mine again. Disgust and hatred bubbled in my gut; not only for him but also for myself. So weak, pathetic.
Out of nowhere, the deafening sound of doors slamming rang through the air, causing us both to jump apart. With a Yelp, I clapped my hands over my ears to block out the painful noise as I looked around in shock for the source. To my utter disbelief, I found the cause to my cabinet doors, opening and shutting at breakneck speed. It only lasted for about half a minute before suddenly they stopped, just as abruptly as they had started. My astonishment was cut short by a cry from across the room. 
Having abandoned his pursuit, my ex now stood frozen near the door, ashen white and shaking. Upon closer inspection, I thought I could see a faint shadow around his throat but my line of vision was disrupted when he turned and rocketed out the door. Once the entryway was clear, the door shut calmly behind him. 
It was deadly quiet in the aftermath of whatever the hell happened. The sounds of my heavy breath were the only noises in the air. Scared, but thankful, I hesitantly surveyed the kitchen and the living room for any sign of what had caused the disruption. There was nothing, of course. Not even a hint of the shadow I had spotted months ago. 
Letting out a nervous sigh, I ran a hand through my hair and said, “Thank you… whoever you are."
I didn’t wait for a response before high tailing it to my room and diving under my fluffy comforter, torn between calling my mom or crying until I fell asleep. My body made the decision for me before I could contemplate it for long, shutting down and passing out quicker than anticipated. 
When I woke, it was dark in the room. The radio clock beside my bed read an irritating one thirty am. Despite having slept for six hours, I felt like I hadn’t slept a wink; nightmares resounding in my head like sirens the entire time. 
Rather than trying to force myself back to sleep, I slipped out of the bed, determined to get some hot tea or cocoa to help soothe my inner demons. Unfortunately, I spotted my reflection in my vanity mirror on the way by and I felt compelled to stop. My usually glowing skin looked pallor and lifeless and the bags under my eyes gave the same sentiment.
“Fucking hell,” I muttered, pulling at my bedhead locks in frustration, “I’m not gonna recover from this.”
My outside reflection was only a sliver of the mess that was inside my mind though. And I knew I would get over it in the long run but it always felt so impossible at the start. I just had to turn the sadness into anger. My thoughts were derailed by the sudden feeling of eyes on my back; That familiar itching sensation of being watched sending shivers down my spine. I didn’t see anything in the room around me but when I finally turned back to the mirror I spotted it; an eerily familiar shadow. It was only moments before there was a man suddenly standing behind me in the reflection. 
Although my mouth moved, trying to scream or make any sort of sound, nothing would come out. Scads of questions bombarded my already frazzled sense of sanity as I tried to scream until eventually a worrying sense of calm washed over me in place of the stilted panic.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he assured me as if reading my mind.
The low timbre of his voice made the rational part of my brain melt but the way it reverberated around the room sent my hairs standing on end. My body instinctively went stiff and still as his arms reached around my sides. Cool fingers rested on my forearms and slowly rubbed the goosebumps away in a soothing manner while he stepped closer. I could hardly meet his eyes in the reflection without feeling as if I were staring a predator head-on.
“How did you get in here?” I finally managed to ask. 
An absolutely devastatingly handsome smirk curled up his lips before he flashed large, sharp, pearly whites down at me. 
Oooh fuck, those were some pointy fangs. 
“I’ve been here the entire time, darling. You’re the one who barged in rather abruptly when you decided to move in.”
I began to question my sanity once more as his form slowly lost color and brightness in the mirror, becoming a barely distinguishable shadow behind me. Though his touch on my skin never diminished, to the eye he was nearly invisible. Just as gradually, he filtered back into view. 
His reasoning was lost to me as I tried to figure out just what was going on until eventually, it clicked.
“You’re the mother fucking shadow that has been driving me insane, aren’t you?!” I shouted, jerking out of his reach and spinning to face him, “Just how in the hell did you do that? Why have you been scaring me? What-”
His hand came up swiftly and I froze immediately, only able to watch as he cupped my jaw. A whimper reflexively slipped out as his thumb pressed against my lips. 
“To answer your questions in order: Yes, I am. Shifting is just one of my many abilities. I have not meant to scare you, well, not these last few weeks anyhow. I’ve become- let’s call it- fascinated. Most would have left by now and yet here you stand, heels dug in like a stubborn mule. You’re intriguing.”
The moment he released his hold, I found myself asking, “What are you?”
“What do you think I am?” he retorted, stepping back and slipping his hands into his pockets.
I simply shrugged. How should I know? Before now, I didn’t believe in anything supernatural, but now I was questioning that stance.  
“A demon? A ghost?” I replied.
He hummed momentarily before cocking his head to the side, eyes narrowing as they burned into mine. 
“Does that scare you?”
So many freaking questions! I scrubbed a hand over my face wearily before slapping my palms against my thighs and mentally admitting defeat.
“Unless you’re going to kill me, no. You were terrifying in that shadow form but now that I’ve seen you face to face, I’m not so scared. Don’t get me wrong, I have a healthy respect for you but it’s also comforting to see that you’re not some decayed-looking ghost who is going to warp my face by looking me in the eyes,” I hesitated as another realization hit me hard then carefully added, “Not to mention, I’m pretty sure you’re what saved my ass earlier… right?”
There was a flurry of emotions across his face as his brows knitted together before he seemed to relax some and amusement showed at last. 
“You are just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
I shrugged in response before finally slipping past him to sit on the bed, the shakiness of my legs becoming too much to bear. I could put on a brave face but my body could give way any second. I had been through too much in the last twenty-four hours. Once seated and more comfortable, I met his gaze again. 
“Am I right? Were you the one that scared him away?”
He hummed and tilted his head once in a positive indication before adding, “Luckily for him, he’s as cowardly and self-concerned as most of you humans. Had that not have worked, I would have been forced to take further measures.”
The way his echo deepened and his fangs flashed in an animalistic snarl sent more goosebumps up my arms and neck. Fucking hell. My emotions were having a hard time keeping up through it all; enamored by his good looks, terrified by his powerful aura, curious about his existence. He was, simply put, overwhelming. 
If it wasn’t for his discoloration, echoing voice, and the fangs, he’d seem like any ordinary human. A very attractive human at that… I had to stop that train of thought right there! I’d be just like me and my horrible taste in men to get a crush on the ghost- demon- thing.
“So, um, you said you were here before me. Are you stuck here, like a ghost or something?” I managed to ask while rubbing my goosebumps away. 
“No. This is merely a residence of convenience. Your closet holds a portal to my realm and it’s the simplest way in and out for me. I choose to stay here when I must remain in the human world for any amount of time. You’re the first person to live here in decades.”
I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest in bewilderment when he suddenly moved towards the bed at an inhuman speed. A reflexive flinch had me jerking away when he reached out for me but he was quicker, hand snagging my chin to keep my gaze solely on him.
“Your turn to answer a question for me,” he stated without giving any room for argument, “Who was that man from before, and what is his concern with you?”
Eyeing him warily, I chewed on my lip then answered honestly, “My ex. I wouldn’t say he’s necessarily concerned about me. More so he’s concerned about losing his control over me. He was borderline obsessive and abusive.”
“Do you foresee him being a problem in the future?”
That was a hell of a question. Would he be back? I didn’t even really consider that after how fast he’d run away before but it was always a possibility.
“I honestly don’t know. I guess I should invest in some ADT or something, huh?” I half-assed joked, forcing on a weak smile.
The flat line of his lips told me that he didn’t find my statement as funny as I did. However he did, at last, relinquish his hold on me. 
“I will not stand for a brain dead ape damaging my property. If he comes back, he will be taken care of once and for all.”
Some little devious part of my mind dared to question if he was actually talking about the house, or if he was subtly making a claim over me. The domineering air around him made it seem like a slight possibility. I felt the heat flare over my cheeks before I could stop it and quickly wrapped my arms around my chest defensively before sinking back further onto the bed.
As if a private moment were suddenly disrupted, he cleared his throat loudly and stepped back while adjusting his suit jacket.
“I need to be going. It was nice to officially meet you. If it sits well with you, I will be more prominent around the house since I no longer need to avoid you.”
I nodded and awkwardly replied, “Yeah, er, that’s fine. I mean, it’s more your home than mine anyway, right?”
He made a noise of agreement then turned toward the closet, but stopped with his hand on the doorknob. There was an indescribable expression on his face when he turned back; the whites of his eyes darker than before. 
A smirk that could only be read as cruel crossed his lips and he said, “You may call me Dark. If he comes back when I’m not here, simply ask for me and I’ll be here.”
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vibeforce · 3 years
Autumnal asks! Harvest, Amber, Maize. Nighttime Asks! Night, Late, Bat. Answer whenever and whichever you like!
autumnal asks
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
do you want the whole list djkdbdkd
regardless i id with vicky and franziska a lot, nastasia and glados as well. don't have any masculine charas on that list atm
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
na/rum/itsu is. not good. it's kinda bad actually. i'm really sick of it tbh
maize - share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
i was at a pizza place sitting outside and all of a sudden i see a person walking around the parking lot in a completely black hooded cloak, hood on, doing mystical hand motions and muttering to himself. a couple minutes later i saw a woman crawling around the parking lot and then taking a shopping cart and rolling it into random cars. it was a bizarre afternoon. although the sm/urfs girls might take that throne more than that interaction
nighttime aesthetic asks
Night: how are you?
uh! not great! despite the fact i just got out of surgery and am obviously hurting physically from that (funny enough not from where they cut me open but from my chest and shoulders because as i forgot from the only other time i've gone under, i convulse a Lot when waking up from anaesthesia), i am hurting far more emotionally and psychologically from the fact that they found literally nothing wrong. nothing. no scarring from healed endo, no actual endo, nothing wrong. they said it looked perfect in there. and under normal circumstances i'm sure someone would be absolutely fucking thrilled to hear that, i am. devastated. i heard that and started crying. i literally don't know what to do at this point. i'm back to square 1. that was. like the only option left and we were pretty damn sure it was that. and it wasn't. i'm so heartbroken and quite frankly the emotional and psychological pain is much worse than the physical. i apologize for the ramble but. gods i am so upset
Late: do you consider yourself adventurous?
not really? but i haven't had really any opportunities to see that. i am very curious though
Bat: what superpower do you want?
teleportation for sure. that's the only one i can think of that i want
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Your Forever Person (Alt Ending)
A/N: read the original version first!
Pairing: Jake Peralta x reader
Summary: Jake stops Y/N from jumping off a bridge. Soulmate AU: your eyes turn a distinctive and bright gold color when you first touch your soulmate.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: mentions of suicide, angst with fluffy end
The city lights were bright spots in the distance, blurred by the tears in my eyes. With the sun setting an hour ago, I could only hope the taillights belonged to cars that were taking families safely to their homes, tucking their kids into beds, kissing their soulmates goodnight and pulling the blankets up around each other. It must be nice.
I turned my attention to the scene below me—calm and dark waves a good thirty feet fall from the bridge I stood on. I forced myself to think ahead, watching my arms spread as I closed my eyes and leaned backwards off my perch eagle-style. The rush of ice cold as my back slammed through the barrier of the lake. I would open my eyes as soon as I was under and watch the clear night sky through a hazy and watery filter until I couldn't breathe anymore.
I opened my eyes in real-time and released my fist from around the iron rod I was holding onto, flexing my fingers. I've never been this close to death before, but I'm guessing my fear of what comes next isn't out of the ordinary. Truthfully I have other options but I'm just too tired to look for them. Besides, there's no one around to hope for me to stay.
I took a deep breath and turned my gaze skyward, fearing that I'd chicken out if I looked at the water again. I'd just turned my back to it and steadied my feet on the bridge when I saw him. Walking along the bridge, head turned to watch the reflection of stars in the watery mirror below. My brain screamed at me to hurry up and jump before he saw me but my mouth had other ideas.
"You're out pretty late tonight."
He jumped as he stopped a few feet away, moving his head to look at me around the piece of bridge my hand held onto once again.
"I could say the same for you." He paused a second, throwing his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket before bringing his eyes back to me. "Are you okay?"
I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice as I replied with "Why do you ask?"
"Because you're standing on the edge of a bridge above a pretty deep body of water." His voice softened. "It's also late and you're alone."
I didn't answer, simply turned my attention to my feet as I shifted my position on the bridge.
"Please come down." His voice cracked, bringing my eyes back to him as he flashes me his police badge. "I promise I'm not a murderer or anything. I just thought it would be nice to talk to you in a not so dangerous spot. You could tell me why you're here, maybe?"
I studied his features in the small amount of light we had, or admired is a better word for it. He was incredibly handsome and the gentleness and sincerity of his tone was almost enough for me to give up on the task at hand. That is, until I remembered why I was here in the first place and tightened my grip on the metal.
"Tell me why you're here first."
He seemed a bit thrown off by my request but complied nonetheless. "I just came from my high school reunion. Hundreds of people in one room and I was literally the only person there without my gold eyes. I've never met my soulmate and at this point I'm starting to think maybe I never will. I thought a walk on my favorite bridge would at least make me feel a little bit better but I forgot how lonely the nighttime is."
It was then that I noticed the defeated expression on his beautiful face and I felt his pain. The pain of sharing the same school as a bunch of people and twenty years later being the only one who hasn't found their forever person. Knowing that it was obvious that I could relate, I took a different approach.
"This is my favorite bridge, too." I noticed his expression brightened a bit.
"Do you come at night a lot?"
"Only when I want to see the full moon." I gestured to the sky and his eyes followed, slowly coming back to me again.
"So what about you?"
"Why are you here tonight?" I took a deep breath and shut my eyes to avoid his reaction.
"I just thought now would be a good time to die. I've never found my soulmate. My parents died in a car crash that I survived and my brother hates me so much for surviving that he fled the country." I heard his footsteps drawing near but kept going anyway. "My friends are too busy with their soulmates and kids to even be my friends anymore. My life has sucked for so long that I thought I'd save time on being sad and lonely and just be gone instead."
I opened my eyes at the feeling of his hand around my wrist and gasped at the sight of his. A gold color so bright that they cast a heavenly glow into the dark air between us.
"Sorry I touched you, but I just had a feeling," he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me down to the pavement with him.
I kept staring at him, blinking hard to try to get rid of the burning sensation coming from my own eyes. "For fuck's sake, close your eyes. They're too bright to look at right now."
"I could say the same about yours," he told me through a chuckle as he pulled his phone out, his shocked expression slowly shifting into a smile as bright as the golden globes above it.
"Wait, what? What are you--holy shit." I quickly yanked his phone from his hand, needing a closer look at my reflection. My eyes matched his.
"Nice to meet you, soulmate." He grinned at me as he slid the device back in his pocket, returning the free hand to my waist. "I'm so happy I caught you."
"I guess that explains why I felt such a strong urge to talk to you." I felt my lips curving upward, stopping them for a second. "I hope you know this doesn't fix me. I'm still gonna be a big bag of sadness even with a soulmate."
"I'll never want to fix you. Only make you happy."
"Okay, so my soulmate is a sap," I teased with a grin. I watched as he settled from his laughter, suddenly leaning forward to capture his lips in mine. His arms tightened around me as the kiss deepened, the burning in my eyes quickly traveling through to the rest of my body before shifting into a comforting warmth. I pulled away from him with a hum, opening my eyes to meet his again.
"I feel...better."
"Better now or better in general?" he questioned with a small crease between his brows.
I let out a soft laugh, removing myself from his grasp and latching onto one of his hands instead. I led him away from the bridge, keeping my gaze forward as I pulled him farther from where I came from and back in his direction.
"I don't know yet. We'll just have to wait."
"For how long?"
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