#it's soo late already i'm in big trouble
moonchild-in-blue · 10 months
Goodnight special people on my phone. Goodnight my beautiful Vessel Numerals. Goodnight Vesselettes my queens. And a very forehead kissy to Ascensionism last verse harmonies 05122023 Munich.
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spideyjimin · 30 days
PART I: SHIVERS | un cielo di perle
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“un cielo di perle” means a sky of pearls in italian
⏤ pairing: taehyung x female reader 
⏤ genre: college au, rich kid!taehyung, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, and smut 
⏤ rating: 18+
⏤ words: 5,981
⏤ summary: taehyung doesn’t know how to love, he actually has never loved anyone, not even himself. he dreams of escaping this life, a life where he can do whatever he wants and where his parents don’t exploit him. his dream becomes a reality when he meets you; however, it comes with a challenge. at first, you hate him. but as the saying goes, there’s only one step between hate and love. and when taehyung loves, he can steal a sky of pearls for his lover.   
⏤ warnings: mature language, swearing, mention of sex, sexual tension, mention of epilepsy, mention of heartbreak, mention of breakup, mention of cheating, mention of financial struggles, and mention of health issues
⏤ author’s note: the first part is finally here! 🥳 it's been a while since it's ready but i wanted to be back from holidays to properly read it and correct it before posting it 🤗 i'm actually very excited with this series, i have soo many ideas for this & i truly hope you'll enjoy it. don't hesitate to let me know what you think of it 💜
⏤ playlist: brividi - Mahmood ft. Blanco
Running through the campus, you mentally check that you took all your belongings. It would be a nightmare to get them back, probably someone would steal them. In the best-case scenario, you’d have to go to the lost and found office. That doesn’t enchant you really well. 
But you’re running out of time. Today’s lectures ended super late, and you must be at the store where you work. The manager is quite harsh and isn’t very kind when someone is late. That has never happened to you. You always make sure to be on time since you’re the type to be a people-pleaser. Being late isn’t even possible, so you run to catch the bus and ensure you’re on time. 
As you reach the pedestrian crossing, a stupid car passes by and almost knocks you over. Luckily, you take a quick step back to avoid being hurt. You instantly yell, insulting the driver since the person seems not to have seen you. When you yell, you see the driver, he’s also looking at you and you show him your best middle finger, making him understand that he’s an asshole. 
“Asshole,” you aggressively shout.
Nonetheless, the second you realize who it is, you instantly regret it. That man is no other than Kim Taehyung. He’s for sure the most recognizable man in the entire campus but he’s also the son of the big boss of your shop. Well, to make it short, you work at one of the many Kim Couture’s shops and it happens that the company was created by the Kim family. A family that Taehyung is part of. 
The cherry on top is that Taehyung will be coming to the store you’re working at. The other point is that he saw you yelling and showing your middle finger. A devious smirk appeared on his face. 
Shit! You’re definitely in trouble. 
Taehyung isn’t just Taehyung. He’s known to be a fucker, and a good one apparently, a rich kid, full of himself, pretentious, popular, exasperating, and crazily annoying. He thinks he’s the king of the world. That’s the way you perceive him.
At the end of the day, he’s a guy who grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth. He always had everything he wanted, and everybody always licked his boots. He does whatever he wants with people. It’s quite annoying but you won’t deny that he is charismatic. 
Again, that’s the way you perceive him but you ignore that it’s far from being the truth. 
Quickly after, the bus arrives and you jump in it. Your heart is beating like crazy, you’re so scared of what will happen and what Taehyung will do or say. After all, he’s your big boss’ son. If he desires to fire you, he has the power to do it. You absolutely don’t want to lose this job. It was already hard to find one with your limited experience, but you need to keep it. The tuition fees are costly. 
Getting into a prestigious university was your biggest dream, and through some miracle, you managed to do it. It came with a lot of work, obviously. You were determined to be there. However, you thought that it would be harder than that. You believed that you needed to be the daughter of wealthy parents. But through your own efforts, you were accepted, and you’re quite proud of yourself. 
Having a job is what allows you to pursue your dream. Your parents insisted on helping with the tuition fees, but you don’t really want their financial assistance. This is your dream, not theirs, so they shouldn’t have to pay for it. That’s how you see things. Certainly, balancing your studies with your job isn’t easy. But you manage to make it work and you’re very proud of yourself. 
Of course, you appreciate the fact that your parents want to help, but the fees are extremely expensive. You don’t want your parents to ruin themselves to support you, they already face financial difficulties. You don’t want to be a burden for them. So, you’re going to work a lot and as much as you can to pay for everything on your own. 
Working at Kim Couture is definitely helping a lot. The wage is good, it allows you to even save some money. You wished to use it to help your parents but they refused. In some way, you take a lot after them, and you can all be very stubborn when it comes to finance. 
Once you arrive at your workplace, you run to the back to change yourself. There is a strict dress code to follow as a Kim Couture employee. Today, you even have to make an extra effort to dress even better than usual. You have to be perfect because Kim Jihyun, Taehyung’s father is coming.   
It doesn’t enchant you to meet him and his son today, especially after this incident with the son. 
“Mister Kim is coming in 5,” your boss, Namjoon informs you. 
You hurry up to avoid giving another reason for Taehyung to kick you out. It’s already enough you insulated him and showed him your middle finger. The outfit is quite simple, it’s a full black one and a full one created by Kim Couture. Jacket, t-shirt, classic pants, and shoes. Luckily, you can do whatever you want with your hair, the most important is to always be presentable. You always have to be impeccable under any circumstances. 
Through this job, you already had the opportunity to meet famous people, going from a king to a singer. A lot of them are surprisingly very nice and polite. Some others are the opposite, rude as fuck. Those ones, you hate them. With the little experience you have now, when someone enters the store, you can already tell if they are going to be nice or rude. It’s all in their aura. 
Once ready, you run to the front of the store and take place next to your colleagues. You are all lined up next to each other while Namjoon gives clear instructions. Mister Kim will only come to give a little visit, he does it annually. However, this year, it’s his second time visiting this one because this store has been doing great. In any case, it will be your first time meeting Mister Kim since you joined right after his last visit. 
Your colleagues described the man in a non-flattering way. Kim Jihyun is certainly one of the most famous people, there’s no doubt about it, but he’s a horrible person. He shows no mercy to anyone. If things aren’t done the way he wants, he literally explodes. The employees of his stores are treated like shit since they are poor. He inherited the Kim Couture house from his ancestors, he’s very wealthy but he’s definitely the worst person your colleagues have ever met. 
Hearing the stories shared by your coworkers gave you chills running through your spine. That man is, without any doubt, horrible. So, you have to be perfect today so you get to stay here. But now, your biggest concern is what Taehyung will do. Is he a piece of shit as well and he will kick you out?  
An impressive car halts in front of the store. The door is opened by the doorman and two imposing men make their way inside. To be fair, Mister Kim is a frightening person, but what his soul gives off is powerful. You can only have respect for him as he walks near you. He’s wearing a grey suit with a white shirt underneath. The outfit is completed with a dark trench coat. This man breathes money from afar.  
Your eyes move now to his son, Taehyung. He’s certainly very charismatic and he also gives off a strong energy, but not as powerful as his father’s. Unlike his parent, he’s wearing a blue polo shirt with an evident white shirt underneath, and white classic pants. For a second, you take him in. You heard so many things about him at uni, and a lot from your friend Nari. 
Nari is your best friend but also a rich kid. Her grandparents made a fortune by developing an intelligent program that is sold worldwide. You met her a couple of years ago and surprisingly, a very strong friendship blossomed. Both of you see the world differently, but that vision is what has brought you together. Obviously, you sometimes have very animated conversations because you come from two different worlds.  
Nari’s family is close to Taehyung’s family, so she knows him. She doesn’t spend much time with him because they are very different. The way she describes him is quite similar to the rumors people spread on campus. He’s a fuckboy, arrogant guy, full of himself, and a cold-blooded person. The fact that he’s wealthy as fuck makes his personality even worse. 
Taehyung’s eyes land on you. It’s obvious from the way he smiles that he recognizes you. Your heart starts beating crazily. Shit! He follows his father who is walking and examining all of you while Namjoon introduces you. As they do so, you bow in respect. 
“This is yn,” Namjoon says once in front of you. 
“Nice to meet you, Sirs Kim,” you bow to the men. 
They simply nod. The youngest doesn’t say anything which reassures you. Hopefully, today, you won’t be losing your job. For a couple of minutes, you stay in the same position while the other employees are introduced. Mister Kim then gives a little speech in which he says how proud he is of this store, and a lot of other things you honestly don’t listen to. 
Since you sit down on chairs while Mister Kim is giving his speech, you choose to sit at the extremity. So, nobody is sitting to your left. Well, that is until Taehyung decides to join you. At first, you don’t notice him since you’re focused on his father’s speech. 
“So I’m an asshole?” he whispers in your ear, causing you to jump in surprise. 
“For fuck’s sake, you scared me,” you instantly reply in a whisper. 
The same devious smile that was on his face earlier reappears. For a brief moment, your eyes meet his, but you quickly turn your face to look at his father. It makes you uncomfortable to have his glance directly on yours.  
“And to answer your question,” you very quickly look at him. “Yes, you are.” 
You’re hesitant to keep going, too scared that he could do something you’ll forever regret. 
“You were about to knock me over,” you add. 
“You’re being a tiny bit dramatic,” he instantly claps back at you. 
You roll your eyes, he’s being annoying. 
“Could you please let me listen to your father’s speech?” you raise without looking at him. 
He’s distracting you which isn’t good. His father is your big boss, he’s doing a speech and you have to listen to it. It’s rather important. 
“Why would I do that?” he asks back. “I’m an asshole after all.” 
You want to laugh, he’s stupid but it’s definitely not the right moment to be laughing. Namjoon will kill you if you do so. You absolutely don’t want to lose your job because of an asshole. So now, you decide to ignore him, to act like he isn’t even here. A smirk appears on his face when he realizes you’re ignoring him. 
For the rest of Jihyun’s speech, Taehyung leaves you alone, which you’re grateful for. All you wish for now is to not lose your job. That guy seems to be an absolute jerk and the son of your big boss so he has all the powers in his hand. 
Afterward, he leaves you completely alone, giving you some needed peace. Once his father finishes his speech, the two of them leave the store, but before doing so, Taehyung winks at you. You roll your eyes, causing him to laugh a little. The stupid man who almost knocked you over seems to be trying to flirt with you. Does it surprise you? No, because you’re convinced that he does that to every girl so they forgive him for being an asshole. 
But you’re not like the other girls, you won’t forget what he did. 
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“Remember me why we’re studying?” Nari asks you while you’re walking. 
“To be badasses!” you jokingly answer. 
Nari laughs at your answer, but she couldn’t agree more with you. You’re studying to have an impressive degree so you can find impressive jobs. She’s aware that all of this is a hundred times harder for you than it is for her. If she doesn’t like this or wants to try something else, she’ll have her parents' money. However, on the other hand, you don’t have that. She knows how incredibly hard you worked to be here, and she knows that you wouldn’t have chosen something just for the fun of it. 
“I don’t want to attend classes today,” she replies. 
“Same,” you answer. “But we have to if we want to be the strongest bitches the world has ever known.” 
Nari admires you beyond comprehension. You’re always so optimistic, always seeing the bright side of everything when the world has shown no mercy to you. Since you’re thirteen, you’ve been battling with epilepsy. It has been a constant struggle but you have shown how strong you are. 
Nari doesn’t know that being positive and optimistic is what helps you fight this terrible and invisible disease. Otherwise, you would have gotten into depression a long time ago. Being positive allows you to genuinely be happy. 
“You’re right,” she says with a bright smile appearing on her face. 
“I’m always right.” 
The two of you enter the lecture hall and take a seat at a random place. It’s quite an impressive room and there aren’t that many students so you can choose wherever you want to sit. There are still a solid 10 minutes before the class starts so you animately keep talking. At a certain point, she frowns, and you turn your head to see what is causing that reaction. 
As you do so, you notice Taehyung coming in your direction. Deep down, you hope that he’s coming for Nari, but inevitably, you know it’s not the truth. You know he’s coming for you. 
“Hi, yn,” Taehyung says with a stupid smile on his face. 
“What do you want?” 
Nari is shockingly surprised by the way you answer him. She totally ignores what happened yesterday with Taehyung. You haven’t talked about it yet, but thanks to this idiot (or asshole as you prefer to call him), you’ll have to do it as soon as he leaves.  
“Calm down, miss dramatic,” you roll your eyes. “I went back to the store yesterday and I noticed you forgot this,” he hands you a personalized pen. 
This pen was offered to you by your dad some months ago. It’s a black pen with your name engraved on it in white. It’s a very pretty one, and for sure, it was expensive but you didn’t say anything. Since your parents didn’t offer you anything when you graduated, they offered you the pen as a little ‘good luck’ gift for this new step in your life. You love this pen, you always take notes with it.
Honestly, you didn’t even notice you left it at the store. However, you would have noticed it during this class as you wouldn’t have found it. It would have annoyed you but it won’t now since Taehyung brought it. 
In a way, it moves you that he considered bringing it back to you. Nonetheless, you’re convinced he has a reason to do it. This is Taehyung after all, he’s known for being selfish. He wouldn’t do this just to be nice to you. 
“You didn’t need to bring it, you could have left it there,” you tell him. 
Taehyung deeply exhales, you can see in his eyes that he’s a bit exasperated. 
“A simple thank you would have been enough,” he says. 
Before you can answer, the professor enters the lecture hall and Taehyung takes a seat somewhere else. You take a quick look at Nari. She’s definitely surprised by everything that just happened. You will need to tell her. It’s nothing major but it’s for sure shocking that this man even acknowledges your existence. Outside of wealthy people, he doesn’t know anybody else here. 
For a brief moment, you turn your face to look for him. You quickly find him and to your surprise, he’s also looking at you. 
In all honesty, you barely know him but you can tell that you feel a lot of mixed feelings. You kind of hate him for what he did yesterday, although hate is a strong word. You simply don’t really like him. However, he’s captivating. 
After the class, as you’re walking on the campus, you explain everything to Nari. There’s not much to be said but she’s your best friend so it’s normal for you to explain to her how you met Kim Taehyung. 
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Taehyung wakes up with a massive headache. He drank too much as always. His eyes try to adjust to the light but it takes him some time since the room is fucking bright. His face turns to his left, only to find a girl sleeping on his bed. Nothing new. 
For the past two years, his life has been made up of parties, hangovers, and lots of sex. That’s how he enjoys life. Well, that’s how he believes he enjoys it. Deep down, he knows he chose this life because two years ago, he didn’t want to stay at home. It was way too hard to be there, and partying, drinking, and having sex is a lot easier. 
Having girls in his bed is way too easy for him. All the girls are crawling at his feet, desperate for a little bit of recognition. Of course, he’s more than aware that he’s charismatic and he plays with it. Flirting is like second nature to him. It doesn’t take him much to make a girl crave him. It’s quite an easy game for him. 
However, when he realizes the girl who’s sleeping next to him, it instantly wakes him up. Shit! It’s Hyejoo. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he rapidly says while getting up.
Hyejoo isn’t any girl, she’s the daughter of one of Kim Couture’s investors, Park Daehyun. She’s super wealthy, even wealthier than him so Jihyun decided that Taehyung has to date her. And in dating her, he means to marry her. Not right now but he has to get with her and stay with her until marriage. The purpose is to make her a Kim. That way, her family will forever invest in Kim Couture. Honestly, it’s well thought out but Taehyung doesn’t want her, doesn’t want to get married, and most importantly, he doesn’t want to be used for the company’s interest. Nevertheless, that’s nothing new. 
His father has always put the company first. The rest doesn’t matter. He got married to a wealthy woman for the company, but he never loved her. Made children with her to ensure the future of the business. Luckily, a boy was born first so he didn’t need to try many times before producing an heir. He got a daughter afterwards but it was just a plus. So in the end, he has absolutely no consideration for his daughter, Yseult. Basically, he acts like she doesn’t even exist which is quite destructive for her. Taehyung tries as much as he can to protect her but it’s sometimes almost impossible to protect her from their father. 
With time, his mother started to be like his father. Her family was only good if it benefited the company. She always agrees with Jihyun, and in the end, they both use Taehyung for the business. They don’t see him as their child or even like a human at all. They only see him as the future CEO and the new face of Kim Couture. So they don’t let him do much. For sure, they let him party right now so he can enjoy life before being in charge of the company. But enjoy is a strong word. He doesn’t enjoy anything. 
When Taehyung was young, he remembers how loving and caring his mother was. He hated his father who was very severe with him but he deeply loved his mother. She was his everything. But as he grew up and she started to change, he also started hating her. He felt no more love towards her. Today, he doesn’t love anyone, not even himself. His life is quite sad in the end. 
“Good morning Taehyung,” Hyejoo says when she wakes up. 
“I have to go,” he simply tells her. 
She’s a bit confused but he doesn’t give a shit about it. He storms out of the room and basically runs outside. As he does so, he calls his chauffeur to come and get him. His parents don’t let him drive as they are scared something will happen to him. They trust Minho to always drive him anywhere. Things are a bit different now that he is in college, he can drive alone during the week but during the weekend, he can’t. Minho has to drive him anywhere he wants to. In a matter of seconds, he arrives to pick him up. Hyejoo tries to catch him but she doesn’t arrive on time. 
“Can we go to some random coffee shop?” Taehyung asks. 
“Yes,” the chauffeur answers while nodding. 
Taehyung looks from the window. Flashbacks from last night came back, he drank a lot and Hyejoo flirted with him. At first, he pushed her back since he didn’t like her but she was insistent. As he was getting drunk, he was letting his guard down so in the end, he couldn’t resist her anymore. 
He rubs his face while mentally insulting himself. He should have resisted because now, she’ll run around him even more. Hyejoo loves Taehyung, it’s no secret to anyone. She’s always around him, trying to make him fall in love with her. She’s also convinced that he’ll date and marry her as his father plans. Although she totally ignores that he doesn’t like her at all. He couldn’t actually care less about her. 
They arrive at a coffee shop, it’s a small one but it looks so cozy inside. Minho opens the car’s door to Taehyung and he walks to the entrance. His chauffeur remains in front of the car, waiting for his boss’ child. Taehyung is only going to grab a coffee and some pastries to eat while going home. 
He stands in front of the bar and checks the menu. He’s starving so he’ll take all the pastries that he craves. He orders and then moves to the right, to the little space where customers patiently wait. As he walks in that direction, a girl turns around, causing them to hit each other. Since she was holding a coffee in her hands, he got coffee all over his blue shirt. 
“Fuck,” he swears. “Could have been..” 
As he speaks and lays his eyes down on the girl, he realizes that it’s you. 
“You, again,” you mumble as you notice that he’s the guy hitting you. “You should be more careful,” you instantly tell him. 
“You’re the one who hit me this time,” he replies. “I was just walking to get my order.” 
“Well, I was going to leave after receiving my order.” 
Being around each other makes you both feel something you both never felt for anyone else. It’s weird since you’ve only known each other for like 4 days. He didn’t even know you existed until he almost knocked you over. 
Now, he’s covered in coffee which angers him and you lost half of your coffee which angers you as well. 
“Pff,” you say. “Now I have to order a new coffee because of you.” 
“If you were more careful, you wouldn’t need to do that.” 
You roll your eyes. Around him, you’ve rolled your eyes a lot. You’re even surprised by it, nobody has ever made you do that so often. On the other hand, he absolutely hates when you do that, he’d even say that it almost pisses him off. 
“Fuck you,” you simply say back. 
He takes a step closer to you, your faces are now very close. There is barely any space between you, his eyes roaming your face before halting for a couple of seconds on your lips. Your heart is hammering in your chest, ready to burst at any moment. This man is impressive. His face gets closer to you, and your heart beats even faster, something that never happened before. 
Taehyung notices that you don’t step back. Well, he doesn’t want to as well. You both glance at each other. For the first time ever, he feels his heart beating fast. No other girl, or anyone else, has ever made him feel that way. He notices how pretty you are. Well, from the first second, he laid eyes on you, he found you very beautiful. But now that you’re closer, he gets to see closely your beauty. You’re also very charismatic, you draw him in a way he can’t explain. Without realizing it, he’s attracted to you. You catch all of his attention when he’s near you. 
When he found your pen at the store, he could have left it there. But that was the perfect excuse to get to see you and talk to you. He can’t resist the urge of being around you. If he sees you, he only wants to get closer. Like right now. He could be talking to you without being this close, but he needs it. 
He takes in your sweet scent, you smell so good. 
Both of you are glancing deeply into each other. There is definitely something going on but you won’t admit it. 
After what felt like an eternity, he pulls himself together before getting closer to your ear. 
“What did you say?” he murmurs with a deep voice, causing shivers down your spine. 
“Do you want me to spell it out for you?” you dare to say. “F-U-C-K,” before you can even finish, he cuts you off. 
“Don’t you ever say that again,” he whispers. “Especially if you’re in the wrong.” 
“You’re threatening me?” your question almost sounds like an affirmation. 
“I’m just warning you, miss dramatic,” he says. 
Taehyung strongly stinks of alcohol but there’s also a bit of his cologne emanating from him. You don’t even doubt that he has a hangover and is most probably still drunk. 
“Oh,” you first say. “You think I’m afraid of you, asshole?” you then say. 
He’s caught off guard, causing him to take a step back to look at you. Usually, people get scared and leave him alone. Honestly, you’re kind of the surprising type. Now you’re the one getting closer to his ear before starting to whisper.  
“You should be the one being careful,” you murmur. 
The way you pronounced every word made him shiver. Fuck, he hates the effect you have on him. It’s been only a couple of days but you’ve been resisting him in every possible way. This almost feels like a challenge to him to make you fall onto your knees. 
“Or what?” he asks. 
“Well, you’ll have to discover,” you answer. 
Taehyung feels your breath crashing against his ear, and visible goosebumps appear on his body. You don’t notice as you’re concentrating on provoking him. As you take a step back, you’re startled by his burning eyes on you. To say that he’s devouring you is literally an understatement. Never before has a man looked at you that way. Thousands of butterflies are freed inside your belly. 
You don’t even know how to look at him or if you’re even looking at him the same way. The only thing you are sure of is that your cheeks are fully red. Even if this man impossibly angers you, he also manages to destabilize you. It’s so contradictory. But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the feeling of his burning eyes on you. It makes you feel desired. Desired by Kim Taehyung. 
“I need to order my coffee again,” you say as you put a clear distance between you. 
Taehyung simply nods and a few minutes later his order is ready. For a brief moment, his eyes discreetly glance at you while he grabs his order. There’s something so mesmerizing about you, and damn, he really wants to discover what you’ll do to him if he pushes you again over the hedge. 
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While you’re sitting on the bus, you’re completely lost in your thoughts. You’re thinking about what happened with Taehyung minutes ago. Things with him are evolving intriguingly. You’re both always colliding with each other. It’s not smooth at all. But that man is so fucking annoying! How can even people like him at all? 
The music is blasting in your ears through your headphones. Sabrina Carpenter is singing “Feather” for your biggest pleasure. It’s one of your favorite songs at the moment. Surprisingly, it’s one of the songs that has been reminding you that you were too good for your ex. Definitely, you’re better off without him. However, you try not to think too much about him because he devastatingly broke your heart. 
Kai, your ex, is the kind of guy that easily becomes friends with everybody. He’s super chill and super nice. You two instantly hit it off, you directly felt love but it took you some time to actually fall in love with him. Being loved and loving him felt so good. You both imagined what your future life together could look like. You were convinced that he was the one. But you were wrong. He never was the one. 
At a party, he kissed a girl. It wasn’t just a random girl, it was a girl he had a crush on a couple of years ago. It devastated you, especially since you were going through a tough time health-wise. You were also working too hard to get accepted at this prestigious university. It was just the last straw. However, since you were convinced he was your forever person, you forgave him. You thought that it was just a mere kiss, and he also did everything to make you forgive him. 
The reconciliation didn’t last long because you were such a mess. Everything was just too much and you couldn’t handle anything anymore. So you put an end to your relationship. You were devastated, to say the least. You thought that he was going to make his way back to you but he kind of didn’t. You had some conversations but they all ended up in sex. It was nice but nothing was being solved. However, he was doing that to keep you wrapped around his fingers. From there, everything became a mess. 
Kai hid from you that he was seeing that girl so he could have you. He was flirtatious with you, and you were having a lot of casual sex. You believed things were going to be solved and that you were getting back together. Today, as you look backward, you realize that it was merely a physical attraction. Nothing more. You never got back together because you ignored that he was actually with the other girl. 
It shocked you once you found out. Kai talked so badly of cheaters and he was there doing the exact same thing. What you didn’t forgive him is the fact that you were the other girl. He was cheating on his girlfriend with you while you weren’t aware of the situation. It broke you beyond comprehension. 
Kai is still with his girlfriend, it’s already been more than a year. You don’t know if she ever found out that he cheated on her. Probably not. You don’t think she’d stay with a cheater but you don’t know her so you don’t know how she’d handle it. Maybe she forgave him. You don’t know. The only thing you’re sure of is that sometimes he comes back. Thank god, Nari is part of your life and forbids you to interact at all with him. 
You rest your head against the window. Recently, you surprised yourself by wanting to find a new boyfriend. For the past year, you decided to focus on your health and your studies. Having a partner would only distract you from your goals. However, today, everything seems to be on track so you don’t have any reasons to hold back. But it isn’t that easy. You’re not the type to easily make friends, but you aren’t desperate so you don’t really care right now. It’s sometimes a bit hard to be wanting someone around you and you don’t have anyone. 
You leave the bus when it halts at your stop. The massive building housing the hospital stands in front of you. Recently, you’ve been coming quite often for blood tests, doctor appointments, and hospital stays. Some nurses already recognize you. This has been your reality for a year already. Your health has been a big mess even though it’s been the case for almost 10 years. Lately, it simply hasn’t been easy in between seizures caused by your epilepsy and the hormonal dysfunction coming from Hashimoto’s disease. 
Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease in which your thyroid doesn’t work properly. It doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones. On top of that, your immune system attacks your thyroid. There is of course a treatment helping your thyroid to work properly. So, in summary, the treatment has to always be working otherwise everything gets out of control. 
Growing up with all that wasn’t simple, especially since you have never accepted being epileptic. Most of the time, it makes you feel like a failure so you don’t mention it to people unless it’s necessary. You don’t want anyone to look at you or treat you differently. You want to be seen as a normal person. But you’re not a normal person, and that’s what is complicated to accept. 
So you work a lot, sometimes way too much. You wonder if it’s not due to the fact that you’re a people-pleaser. But in general, you just work too much to compensate for your differences. Those health issues have a lot of impact, especially on your memory. For example, it’s hard for you to remember conversations. Most of the time, people have to repeat several times the same thing for you to remember it. 
At the hospital entrance, you notice Yseult, Taehyung’s sister. She’s coming out of the car to enter the building. You discreetly watch her. She looks a lot like her older brother, it’s evident that they are siblings. She also breathes money from afar, she also has that powerful aura. It seems like it’s a family thing. Before entering, she quickly scans her surroundings, almost as if she doesn’t want to be seen. It instantly arouses your curiosity. Why is she acting like that? 
Instantaneously, you grab your phone to text Nari. 
To Nari: Yseult is at the hospital & acting weird 
You wait until Taehyung’s sister enters the building before doing the same. Well, you can’t spy on her because you have an appointment but you’re for sure very very curious. 
From Nari: she’s probably just doing a check-up 
She’s right. It’s nothing, it’s simply your imagination. But it still leaves you wondering why she was acting like that. 
Later that night, while falling asleep, you see again Taehyung so close to your face. However, you chase away those thoughts because that man has been annoying you more than anything else.
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zpiderwebs · 1 month
In regards to your post about possibly taking Gravity Falls requests. If you're down to write I'm down to read. I've been searching for a fic where Ford is filled in on Mabel's past trouble with the gnomes and Gideon and he is very not okay with it.
A/N: HOLY SHATT WAIT wait...thank you for this request! I love that prompt. Ford would definitely be super concerned about the messes she got into but glad she was able to pull away. He'd start keeping an eye out for anyone near Mabel that isn't someone he already knows. ALRIGHTY. Here you go!! My first request I've gotten! YAY.
Enjoy! :3
"Gnomes and a gremlin?"
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It was another summer and surprisingly normal day. The heat was fine to tolerate. Stan was doing his usual scamming with tourists, Mabel was out with Candy and Grenda, leaving Ford and Dipper alone in the living room. Dipper was sitting on the ground, switching through channels while Ford was sitting in Stanley's seat, writing down about whatever came to his smart mind.
Dipper glanced at the clock on the wall as it ticked. He wanted to play mini golf with Mabel, but since she had told him that she would be catching both Grenda and Candy up on her new crush, he figured it would be saved for another day.
Dipper sighed, placing the remote down as he looked up at the ceiling. "Man, Mabel's gonna be late today. She's gonna be gone all day, rambling about her new crush she met at the arcade the other day when we tagged along with Soos and Wendy."
"Wait, Mabel has another crush?" Ford asked as he took a moment to look at Dipper in disbelief.
"Yeah. The millionth one, but, at least, it's not like the few horrible ones she had earlier this summer." Dipper shrugged and sighed. Ford raised a brow. What did Dipper mean by that?
"Elaborate." Ford set his pen down and looked at Dipper with a serious look. Dipper sighed again, groaning as he buried his face into his hands.
"Uh..well, the first crush and boyfriend she had when we had just arrived here..was..unexpected." Dipper frowned at the thought. "His name was Norman. Well, their. Mabel and they all started dating. And well..turns out they were a bunch of gnomes disguised as a boy. They wanted to make her their queen..and well..when they revealed themselves to Mabel, she obviously didn't want to and turned them down. Their leader, Jeff, decided to take her by force. And a lot went down..we then got to a point where she got captured, I saved her, we got chased, and we defeated the gnomes. Basically, that was her first boyfriend. A bunch of gnomes."
Ford..was flabbergasted. His eyes were wide as if he had seen a ghost and his jaw dropped.
"WHAT!? GNOMES!?" Ford shouted as he dropped everything from his lap and hit the ground with a soft thud due to the carpet.
"That's not even as bad compared to Gideon." Dipper frowned even more as he got shivers at even mentioning that name
"..Gideon? Oh, man. I'm concerned at who your sister got into trouble with.."
"Trust me, I'm always concerned. Gideon was...something. Gideon was Grunkle Stan's arch enemy. Gideon badly wanted the Shack and they fought back and forth and all that mess. He also deeply liked Mabel..like..obsessive. She had agreed to go on a date with him when she genuinely didn't like him. Grunkle Stan wasn't happy about his great niece going out with his enemy. A lot went down. He lied to Mabel and did a lot of horrible things. He even kidnapped her with a huge robot when he had took the shack an-"
"HE KIDNAPPED HER!? Your telling me..a little gremlin like HIM..kindapped Mabel!? That is unbelievable!"
"Basically." Dipper shrugged.
Ford let out a big sigh as he looked exhausted. Like he had just gone through another 30 years in that portal.
"Gnomes and a gremlin? Christ, what messes did your sister get into." Ford murmured out as he leaned back. Dipper sighed. "I'd like to know too."
"Well, this is unacceptable. If I ever see that Jeff gnome or that little Gideon, I'll be sure to tell them to keep a massive radius away from my niece."
The next morning, Ford kept looking at Mabel. She quickly realized he had been staring hard at her while she knitted a new sweater for Waddles.
"Uh, Grunkle Ford? Is something wrong? You keep staring at me." Mabel murmured as she raised a brow.
Ford cleared his throat and looked away for a moment. "Apologies, Mabel. I'm just..I..who is this new crush of yours? Do you know what he really is?"
Mabel's eyes widened. "What?"
"Mabel, you dated gnomes disguised as a boy and a little gremlin named Gideon for Christ's sake!" Ford shouted out.
Mabel sat there for a few moments and letting out a nervous laugh. "Oh..yeah. I did. But I can reassure you I've been doing better at picking my crushes! This new boy is normal and NOT Gideon!"
"Glad to know.." Ford murmured. "Just..don't get into any more messes like that."
"Got it, Grunkle Ford!" Mabel grinned.
But, from that day on, Ford began to sometimes follow Mabel around and make sure whoever she was with..was normal. He was armed. Just in case.
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ilovelosersandshortmen · 10 months
Could I ask for the Brotherhood with a Platonic Reader who's just some random kid? Not even a mutant or anything, they just walked into the house one day and just decided 'yeah I'll live here with you guys🤷'
The Brotherhood of Mutants reacting to a random person deciding to move in with them (PLATONIC!!)
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I love this idea oml 😭😭 This has very big Addams Family vibes honestly. I'm going to write this with a more sibling-like relationship because I love found family.
• Okay, honestly, I've always thought Todd would be like.. a redneck cigarette dad. I mean that with love.
• Constantly getting into wrestling matches and teaching people bad behaviors, you know what I mean. Trailer park behavior. (I used to live in one so I can make fun of it)
• He's the kind of guy that would put you on his shoulders so that you can spray paint a building or something. Also teaches you the most efficient way to hop a fence when running from the cops!
• He's like Roderick from Diary of a Wimpy kid, taking you out for gas station snack runs late at night.
• Sometimes, he feels like you're the only person he can open up to.
• He has cried on your shoulder more than a few times.
• Then you guys make cookies together.
• I know I keep bringing this up, but I believe Fred is an amazing cook. (this is based on the rose radishes he made for Pietro or whatever)
• So he constantly makes sure you get fed first, because he knows eating well in the Brotherhood is really hard.
• Always lifting things to impress you.
• (Yeah he's a sad only child soo.. you're his new sibling. He's decided. Already calls you his brother/sister)
• Would literally both die and kill for you.
• He doesn't want to hurt you with his hugs, so sometimes he just lets you cling to him like a koala.
• He likes to help you pick out your outfits (I don't know, this just feels right to me)
• He's also super supportive if you're alt/goth/emo
• You guys have fashion shows to show off your outfits.
• Honestly, he's your biggest fan.
• Genuinely in disbelief
• "Wait, so we're just.. letting this happen!?"
• He's really the only one who cares, which I guess is understandable. I wouldn't want even more people in a house that's already falling apart.
• So, at first, he's always complaining about you being there. You took his spot on the couch. You stepped on his shoe that one time. Once he complained that you breathed too loudly near him.
• After a while, he reduces his whining to muttering and then eventually just gets used to your presence.
• He doesn't like to admit it, but he kind of does want to impress you. He'll use his powers and then just.. stand in front of you, waiting for praise.
• Always behind you when you go for walks, like a scary guard dog.
• She's chill.
• She's not really vocal about everything, but she does really care for you!
• Wanda would def help you dye your hair or paint your nails.
• And she would use her powers to grab things off of high places, just so you don't get injured.
• Pietro might be a little jealous of you, but who cares what he thinks anyway.
• She would also probably help you pierce yourself
• Then would help you when it got infected.
• He always tries to pretend that he doesn't care, but he definitely does.
• Always making sure you don't get hurt around the house, and is the first person to worry if you do ever get hurt.
• Also, this goes for all of them, but he would absolutely love playing video games with you. Even if he loses. A lot.
• More than a few earthquakes were caused over Mario Kart.
• Also the first to raise hell if you went missing.
• Sometimes takes you out with Kitty to get food (like that one "Mama y Papa" trend on Tiktok)
• She takes you under her wing immediately.
• After a day with her, you have a new taste in music and a bunch of outfits that were not shoplifted at all.
• You basically become her right hand person when causing trouble, she'd constantly wake you up for late night joy rides.
• Asks you to help her with her hair (there's no way she doesn't use 5 bottles of hairspray for that thing)
• You two definitely shoplift together, or she shop lifts random things for you.
• Always getting you little snack or trinkets.
I don't know if this was exactly what you were thinking, but I love the idea of a platonic sibling-like relationship!! Also, I'm sorry if this is really short, I'm more used to writing romance. But, as always, I appreciate you and I hope you have an amazing night!!
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bladesjulia29 · 3 years
I have a request soo uhm *awkardlsy gives it* can you do a alastor, stolas, blitzo, angel dust(separetly) at what they would do at a scenario that's similiar to "Veronica Open the door" befause of a argument and because they insulted something about their s/o who's recovering from trauma(verbal abuse) from their ex a (which s/o is very sensitive when brought up)
A/N: This should be interesting because I somewhat relate to this. Let's give it a shot.
Hazbin/Helluva x Reader Argument Edition
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• Your deer demon lover noticed you were a bit troubled, so he asked what was wrong, which you ignored, so you both got into some argument.
• It was a shame especially since you weren't in the mood because of the previous events that happened to you that you're still recovering from.
• Sooner or later it got pretty hectic, especially since he is very powerful.
• Unfortunately it got so bad that he called you some crude name, one that he doesn't use often.
• That's when the flashbacks of your ex hit.
• Then you ran straight to your shared bedroom and locked it shut.
• Alastor eventually caught up to the room, and was yelling at you to open up the door, saying things like "I'm not done with you yet!"
• Thankfully for him, he found a way to open up the door.
• Then he suddenly realized what he's done after the first thing he saw.
• He almost was about to frown.
• You were laying on the bed trembling, crying, and shaking a little.
• He then tried to come up to you, but you stopped and yelled at him, "Go away!" even though you knew him to well that he wouldn't, which you were correct.
• He then tried to apologize for what he did.
• You then said "It's going to take more than a sorry, hun."
• After some time of silence he then asked, "How about we embrace, my dear?"
• You thought about it for a little bit, and once you did, you just nodded.
• He then came close to you and held you closely, making sure you were safe.
• You held him as well, and all of a sudden your flashbacks went away.
• Yeah... this is just what you needed.
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• Stolas noticed you looking under the weather on the couch.
• He asked, "What seems to be troubling you, my starfire?"
• You just looked at him for a bit and looked back and said, "Nothing..."
• He didn't really know about this whole relationship thing yet so he kept on asking and asking to where you got into an argument.
• Then he randomly called you some name that was more of an insult than anything, even though you didn't quite understand.
• Then you suddenly ran up to the bedroom, which seemed way longer than you remember since the palace was so big.
• Stolas realized that he hurt you right then and there, so he decided to also catch up to you to try and apologize.
• Unfortunately for him, he was too late.
• The door has already been locked shut.
• All he did was lightly knock on the door and said "May I come in?"
• You then yelled "Leave me alone!" and he did just that.
• He waited and waited beside the door until you lightly opened the door, with your eyes as red as blood.
• He then asked to come in, which you accepted.
• So he just sat down beside you can gave you the most sincere apology he could give.
• Thankfully for him, you accepted his apology.
• You then both decided to cuddle, which vanished all of your troubles away.
• You felt like you really needed this, and so you did, which put a warm smile on your face.
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• Blitz immediately noticed you were being troubled since he uses the same tactics.
• In a more mean tone he asked what was wrong while calling you one of his funny insults.
• Usually you would be laughing up a storm, but now was not the time since you were recovering from some bad memories.
• You were already trembling enough, but it got worse.
• You were even starting to cry.
• He then tried to come closer, but you were scooting back from where you sat.
• He stepped back a bit knowing you wanted to be left alone.
• He then just stood in front of you and apologized.
• You didn't say anything, so it was silent for a few moments.
• Then he asked to sit beside you, which you accepted.
• He did such a thing, but soon was interrupted by you embracing him, which then he did the same.
• Just what you needed.
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~Angel Dust~
• You were sitting in Angel's room, where you were waiting for him to come back from work.
• When he came back, you were a little happy, but previous events were still in your head.
• When he saw you, it looked like something was wrong.
• He then said, "Hey, toots. What's goin' on?"
• You just ignored him and so he kept on pestering you to tell him, which lead to an argument.
• Sooner or later, he slipped out some insult like he always does, which made all of this worse.
• You kicked him out of his own room, which was never a thing for him.
• He was mad, so he just kept on trying to jam on the doorknob, which was already locked.
• After a while, he got tired of waiting, so he just went to do something else.
• When that was all over, he came back to his room, which surprisingly had the door now unlocked.
• He then saw you sobbing on his own bed.
• Usually he'd be mad someone got someone's tears on his bed sheets, but since you were his lover, he didn't mind it.
• He then came up to you and tried his hardest to apologize.
• You accepted, which was a relief for you both.
• He then asked, "Hey, babe. You want some'a dis fluff to wash your troubles away?"
• You accepted, so he came close and put his chest fluff right at your face.
• You may have gotten it a bit soggy, but it was worth it.
• His fluff wa so soft that it felt like home to you, along with your spider demon lover that owns that fluff.
• You two then held each other, and it was absolutely perfect.
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me 4
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Part 3
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Just a single curse word.
Chapter: 4/? I'm sorry, this is going to be long :c but I just loooove writing it
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 1.6k
Author's note: This is a little bit shorter, but it's pure fluff, and the next one is going to be so long they will compensate eachother, hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 4 Bloom- The Paper Kites
I was floating in cloud nine, everything I have ever dreamt of suddenly became true, there he was, the boy of my dreams liking me back, what else could’ve I asked for? Maybe a little more time together before he’s gone.
The doubts in my heart were getting more difficult to ignore with every passing minute, we came back to the dorms like two hours ago but I was incapable of going to bed, let alone trying to sleep, there was so much to think about, were we a couple? I’ve never had a boyfriend, I don’t know how these things are supposed to work, we like each other, that’s all that it takes right? A long-distance relationship? I’ve heard that those never work, or should we wait for him to come back to make it official? Aren’t we already official? We’ve kissed, like a lot, there was even some tongue; ugh those thoughts made me feel so embarrassed.
The light of my home screen lightly illuminated the room, and with my blushed cheeks I went to check who was messaging me, it was Kaminari, I opened the text that reads “R u awake? I had a nightmare and I really could use a hug from my bestie rn” followed by five crying emojis; “See you in the place” said my reply, the place was this empty service room in the rooftop of the dorms, nobody ever used it for anything so it is completely empty, we made a copy of the key one day that we had to clean the entire dorms because a certain yellow-haired guy decide to play “potions” in chemistry class, and since then it’s been our hiding place, it had everything that we needed, a lot of junk food, fairy lights, a portable speaker, blankets and an Opossum holding a cigarette poster in one wall; whenever one of us needed a break from the outside world we came here, this is our safe space.
I opened the door to the place and saw Denki standing there, he looked so tiny and vulnerable, I hugged him instantly, the dim fairy lights in the opossum wall made his facial features even prettier, it was obvious he had been crying, I didn’t asked any question and he didn’t said anything, we just hugged for what it seemed like hours, with a heavy sight he pulled apart and give me smile
-Thanks Y/N I really needed that- Said Denki with his hand in my cheek and his eyes fixed in some point between us
-They’re back, aren’t they? - I asked with concern
He nodded and lied in one of our blankets in the floor, I did the same, we both were looking at the glow in the dark stars glued to the celling not saying a single word, he held my hand and started to cry
-Why do they keep coming back? I don’t wanna be afraid anymore- I knew exactly what he meant, he had a recurrent nightmare, a big fight against villains, every one of us dying in awful ways, he is always the last one to die, and before that there is always someone telling him that he is the weakest of us, that this was all his fault for not being enough.
-Your mind is playing tricks on you, you are not weak, I know I’ve told you that a gazillion times, but I’m willing to do it a million more, all the times you need it, I’m here, we are all safe and sound, you have nothing to worry about- Anytime the nightmares come back I make sure Denki knows he’s just as strong as any of our other classmates, that he’s smart and capable of being a great hero.
-I want to be able to protect you, I don’t want you to die- Said Denki facing me and locking his eyes with my own.
-I promise you, I’m not going to die in the hands of a villain, I’m going to die being the coolest grandma in the neighbourhood, doing a sick backflip and daring Satan himself to come for my soul- I said to make Denki laugh, and apparently it worked
-You’re my best friend Y/N, I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here, please never stop being like that-
-Being how? -
-I don’t know, funny, smart, a real pain in the ass to the villains and the teachers, a stubborn whiney stuff-
-Are you sure you aren’t describing yourself? –
-Nah, I didn’t said the most handsome man who ever walked the earth, but you’re not bad looking-
We both laughed, I really enjoyed being around Denki, his presence always felt comforting, like coming back home after a long trip, or eating your favourite homemade dish after a rough day, like a cool late summer breeze, he makes my heart warm and my troubles go away, I never feel more like myself than when I’m around him. That’s what friendship feels like, right?
-Could you do me one last favour Y/N? – Denkis voice took me out of my own mind -I don’t want to go back to my room and have another nightmare, I don’t wanna make you unconformable or anything, but could I sleep with you? -
It definitely took me by surprise, we had a lot of sleepovers over the years, but never just the two of us
-I understand if you say no, but I promise I just want to sleep, and having you around makes me feel safe-
-I have an idea, let’s have a sleepover here in the place, I’ll put one of those white noise videos that last hours, so you don’t have to think about anything-
-I’ll set the alarm to get up early and go to our dorms before anyone sees us, thank you so much Y/N, I’ll make it up to you, I promise-
-You don’t have to; I know you’ll do the same for me-
-You’re an angel but with no wings-
-So, like a person? –
-Shut up Aubrey Plaza-
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We were both lying in the blankets on the floor, our heads at the same level (look at the reference above) and I was slowly falling asleep, all I could hear was the white noise and Denkis soft breathing, I closed my eyes and just before I completely lost my consciousness and succumb to the tiredness of my body I heard it, Denkis soft voice, “I love you Y/N”. I turned my head to look at him with my heart racing miles, but he was deeply asleep. Maybe I just imagined the whole thing, it probably was my tired mind, I took one last look to the boy next to me, sleeping so peacefully and with a little smile in his lips feeling the same familiar warmth in my soul, is this really what friendship feels like?
The alarm went off exactly at 5 am, I woke up and it took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t in my dorm room, then I remembered Denkis nightmare, our sleepover, and that thing I thought I heard. I had to wake Denki up so we could go to our respective rooms without Aizawa founding out we were out of our rooms at night, or even worse that we had the keys of the place. I sat there and moved Denki to wake him up. He opened one eye and whined
-But moooooom, it’s Saturday, I don’t have to go to school-
-Come on Denki we have to go to our rooms-
-Five more minutes- He said and hugged my leg
-Do you want Iida to found out we didn’t sleep in our rooms and telling Aizawa? -
And just like that he got up and started heading to the door
-Shit, you’re right, come on, you know that guy wakes up hella early-
We were in the stairs heading to our rooms, and although we were on Denkis floor, he kept climbing down the stairs with me.
-You don’t have to escort me to my room Denki-
-Oh but I want to- Replied the yellow haired guy
When we were in front of my door he leaned down and planted a chaste kiss in my forehead.
-Thank you for being there for me, I will remember this night for the rest of my life- And he turned around without waiting for a response disappeared heading towards the stairs.
I stepped into my room with a heavy cloud around my mind, there was so many feelings inside me that I couldn’t even tell them apart, where do I draw the line between friendship and love? Between admiration and affection? Between what I feel for Bakugo and what I feel for Denki?
I closed my eyes and remembered everything that happened yesterday, Bakugos confession, our shared kisses, the promise we made, six months apart now sounded a lot more crucial, after all the things that could happen in the matter of a few hours. Did I just said that because the heat of the moment? The words Bakugo said to me sounded so mature and logical, not like my own thoughts right now, am I just a slave of my own feelings? How would he react if he were me? What about Denki? Was he aware of all those years after his friend? And what if he knew and that is the reason why he hasn’t told me anything yet? Maybe I was just overthinking the situation, nothing was written in stone, neither my relationship with Katsuki nor Denkis feelings for me. I was getting tired of my own thoughts running in circles and not coming to an end, so I wrapped myself in the sheets of my bed and prayed for my mind to shut down so I could get some rest.
Part 5
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Heeeey I just wanted to thank all of you who read my work, LY, the next few chapters will be like an episode of skins UK, soo be warned, also there is going to be some thirst but nothing too explicit because I'm a shy motherfucker. Enjoy the last chapter free from Mrs-Dynamight Drama™
Taglist: @mikasalt
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mothra-obeyme · 4 years
The Brothers reaction to gn!MC having a symbiont
If you don't know what i mean with symbiont there are comics and a film called venom in which a symbiont takes over a living body to survive. The symbionts in the comics/movie makes you want to eat more because it has to feed itself so if you don't eat enough to feed the it it will eat your organs. This is how it looks when a symbiont takes over the body of its human host:
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If this is badly explained, you don't understand something or something i explained is wrong please tell me so i can correct it.
( I tried using for both you and your symbiont gender neutral terms so if i wrote something wrong please tell me )
- He was already worried about the amounts of food you eat and how you don't gain weight because of it
- It also confused him how nothing seemed to scare you no matter how disgusting it looked
- He found out about when you walked down the stairs to go to the kitchen for breakfast
- You were late so he was walking to your room preparing to give you a lecture that you shouldn't be late when he saw your feet slipping on one of the stairs
- Your fall was quit dramatic which made him more concerned then he already was seeing you falling down till the bottom of the stairs
- When he came near you he saw that your eyes were completely white and black stuff started wrapping itself around your leg which was twisted in a really wierd angle
- When you took back full control over your body you saw Lucifer standing in his demon form over you
- Realizing what just happend you stood up quickly which made him even more confused because you just fell down the stairs and don't seem to feel any pain
- "I hope you have a very good explanation for this MC because that doesn't look like something a normal human could do."
- You tried to form a excuse but one look at his face told you shouldn't do it so you tried to explain it in the best way possible that you have something in your body that wants to kill you if you don't eat enough
- Lucifer.exe has stopped working
- Give him a minute and he will come back to his senses and have a breakdown but he'll also be reliefed because it means that you're able to protect yourself and he doesn't have to worry about you getting hurt
- Is of course still a little bit suspicious but he will make sure to get to know your symbiont better
- It also hurt his pride a little that you didn't tell him about it
- Never really cared about how much you eat but was a little jealous that you somehow managed to not gain too much weight
- But he is a little confused why you keep your distance from fire but he didn't question it too much because he knows that fire can hurt humans
- It happened when you were in your room after a long day of school and talked a little with your symbiont which had their head out at the moment
- Of course Mammon chppse a bad moment to slam open your dorm without knocking so he was scared when he saw the creature which eyed suspiciously
- After 3 seconds of realising what is happening he started screaming so you shouted at him to shut up
- When he finally stopped screaming and you managed to tell him what that thing just was he was amazed
- So many new opportunities to annoy Lucifer
- Like really you'll get in much more trouble from now on and you can't even get hurt which is a plus point for him
- He's going to be best buds with your symbiont from now on and he absolutely loves when you're in your symbiont form
- You don't have to be scared of him being disgusted by your symbiont because belives me when i say that he absolutely loves them
- So you decided tell him when you guys were playing video games in his room so that maybe just maybe he would only acknowledge it but wouldn't talk about it further
- "Hey Levi do you know venom the movie?"
- "Yeah why?"
- "I have symbiont in my body."
- Silence for 4 seconds
- "WOAAAAH! REALLY!? That's so cool!"
- He's going to ask so much questions about it because he is so interested in your symbiont
- He also really wants to see your symbiont and when it's wrapped around your body
- (Your symbiont is going to be so proud of themselves and is going to feel special that his prideness is almost as high as Lucifers)
- He is the furthest thing from disgusted by it and he also really want to have your symbiont in his body for a moment
- If you say no then he's going to be sad but get over it
- If you say yes he's going to be so happy but when you let your symbiont take over his body he's going to feel so wierd and will quickly give it back to you
- He is really jealous about how you don't seem to gain weight while eating such a big amount of food and will question you constantly about it and how you manage to do it
- He's also confused about how good your skin is while you don't use any skin care products
- The problem is that your symbiont absolutely loves Asmo and really wants to talk to him so you constantly have to tell them to not suddenly come out of your body to have a conversation with him
- But of course your symbiont didn't listen to you so when Asmo did your makup one time you had to close your eyes and your symbiont took the opportunity to come out of your body and talk to him
- When Asmo saw the thing coming out of you he let out a scream but thankfully it wasn't as loud and long as Mammons
- After him running out of the room and you chasing after him to explain what that thing just was he was a little bit weirded out but after you explained it better for him he found it soo amazing
- so many new opportunities to have sex
- But really he would want to try out so many things
- He would absolutely try and dress up your symbiont and you can fight me on that
I'm going to reblog this post when i made the other brothers and maybe the Undateables too.
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artsyxloner · 4 years
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Not Just a Monster
Warning: blood, violence, death
22: Outside Invaders Pt2
There was a lot of them, I kept hiding behind Corners, closets every time they came. Holding big guns walking like they were high a superior. With tattoos all over their faces smirking.
It made me want to punch them. As they walked past me without a second glance I waited until they were fully gone so I could continue to go forward.
I'm guessing their leader Jeung-Seop had the group. All in one room gathered up, those bitches were going to pay. Making my way down I heard more footsteps coming my way.
I hid again crouching down, I saw them turn a corner thinking it was one of them but to my surprise it was Sang-Wook. I immediately got up this must-have startled him because he pointed the gun right at me.
I put my hands up, " don't shot it's just me, Soo-Nico!" He seemed to notice lowering the gun down, I sighed in relief. " you okay?" He asked, he must have seen the blood on me. " A little roughed up but I'm fine."
I assured, I wondered if there was anyone else with him. " is it just you?" He nodded, " yeah, I picked up one of their guns." I couldn't tell what type it was I wasn't an expert.
" I noticed, but we should stop the small talk before we get caught." Sang-Wook agreed with me we Couldn't risk being heard. We needed to same the others But luck wasn't on our side.
Two men, one heavy set the other skinny approached pointing their loaded guns at us. " yeah, the little lady is right but it's too late for that sweet cheeks," the guy with the fat guy catcalled.
I Mentally puked in my mouth, gripping my weapon I want to slash his face in. But Sang-Wook got in front of me pointing his gun at each of them.
It was much larger than there's, they started to back away. But the guy on the left smirk. " you don't know how to use that do you?" He was looking at the safety on the gun. " no, I do not," before I time to think about what he said the other guys tried to shot at us.
But Sang-Wook knocked the one on the left with the gun slamming him against the wall so hard it knocked him out or he was probably dead from the blow.
The other one was running towards me picking up a small gun he had charged at me, but I brought up my weapon that was a thick wooden stick that was from a broken chair.
We were pushing against one another but I ended up shoving him to the wired fence wall. I knee him in the nuts using so much force he dropped to the ground along with his weapon. I grabbed him by By the collar of his jacket and slung him as he skidded through the floor.
I was surprised by how much strength I had. But he was quick to grab a small ax, getting ready to throw it someone else came running through I was so glad when it was Yi-Kyung.
She kicked him in the nuts too, getting him in a chokehold snapping his neck. Throwing him down to the ground. Sang-Wook seemed a little shocked.
I stared in amazement, " thought you were a fighter?" He questioned. " I used to be in the special forces. How did you find the rifle?" So that's what it was?
" I saw you hiding it." He tossed it to her. As she easily caught it checking out the gun As Sang-Wook picked up the guy's ax. It wasn't a little bit after we left searching for others that might hide.
As we came into one of the storage rooms, there was a small voice. Lookup to the vents we saw Yeong-su, my eyes widened his sister must be with the others. I hurried and claimed on top of a table opening the vent.
" Come here." I motioned with my hands for him to come to me, he looked kinda scared. But he crawled over towards me wrapping his small arms around my neck. I brought him down.
" Why did you go in there?" I wondered, how could he get up there by himself? He glanced down. " Well, my mission was to stay hidden. But I saw Yi-Kyung She's a secret agent, too... And grandpa wasn't coming. so I got scared."
He looked down sad, but I just smiled and ruffled his hair. " don't worry about grandpa, I but he's just fine." I didn't want to give him false hope. Gil-Seob was stronger than he looked.
But there was a rattling noise we all were startled by looking up in the event there was green slime. I saw it before when I was trapped in the spiderweb. It helped me. Yi-Kyung raised her gun but Yeong-Su tugged at their jackets crying out.
" Nooo, don't hurt it, it saved me!" He cried, they were still hesitant. So I spoke up. " it saved me to when I was trapped in the spiderweb it's good to trust us." I Clarified.
This made the boy smile
Yi-Kyung and Sang-Wook glanced at each other then lowered their weapons. " I'm holding you to that." Yi-Kyung confronted me, I wasn't even questioning it because she was just being cautious.
I didn't blame her, but it was the humans we had to worry about not Necessarily the monsters.  "all alright, if we Wait any longer more people will die." Yi-Kyung peeked behind a corner. " what's your plan?"
She turned back around to us leaning on the wall. " you can't shot a gun but can y'all at least?" She questioned Sang-Wook he was sitting down but nodded, "I'm usually the one chasing." He gave a forward answer.
" well let's hope you're fast. You're not alone anymore." She then turned to me. " Soo-Nico, you can use a gun can you?" I quickly shook my head. " No, but I can fight." She seemed okay wimpy answer.
" you and I will go in first we will Distract them, leading them away from the others. So they'll be able to get away we go in fast and don't hesitate to kill one of them. God knows they don't."
She was right, one tried to rape Ji-Su and the gunshots we heard could have been one of the group members. They were going to pay and big time. The two of us left while Sang-Wook stayed behind with Yeong-su, he didn't need to be in the middle of the crossfire.
Running down the hallway at full speed I was holding one of the guns, but only to hit them with. You-Kyung would do the shooting. As we neared the elevators there was a guy standing guard in front but his back was facing us.
Yi-Kyung raised her gun a fired it blood shot out of him as he fell to the floor with a loud thud. There were even gasp and screams. They must be holding them there captive.
I was nervous but I swallowed it knowing they needed saving right now I couldn't let my fears control me. We ran in as men came towards us. Gripping the end of my gun. I smashed it against one of the guys' heads.
Hearing a crack, I kicked him to the floor. My chest heaving up and down, I wasn't going to stop yet. As I saw the group they were all gathered around looking terrified. Except for Hyun-Su when he saw me I could have sworn relief had washed over his face.
I was glad he was alright, I wanted to run to him and hug him but I couldn't. I was still fighting men dodging them from every turn. Soon enough Eun-Hyuk yelled out to Hyun-Su he got up and punched a guy in the face Shoving him down.
I then noticed a guy was trying to come up behind but before I could hit him Hyun-Su was already there with a wheelchair he ran over him with it that tried to shoot me. I saw anger in Hyun-Su eyes, I was most certainly they would turn black.
His jaw was clenched, so tightly I could see his bone. Like he was going to rip one of the guys' heads off any minute now. He was so enraged as he picked up a gun, he rammed into someone with it against their neck.
I noticed the guy pulled out a knife, about to stab Hyun-Su I yelled out warning him. But as so as I did there was a loud gunshot and I felt something Pierce me from the back and go through my chest.
I was stunned for a minute as I began to scream. My mind went fuzzy as my white shirt was immediately staining red. I realized I had been hit. I wobble a little glance up Hyun-Su's face was in full Terror.
His mouth and eyes wide open, I couldn't breathe my vision blurred in and out as I fell to the floor. Trying to catch my breath I was gasping as I coughed up blood. My lungs were feeling up I felt it, it was like I was drowning in my own body.
My eyes shifted to the floor leaving Hyun-Su he was calling out my name in crys. He tried to run to me, he looked scared, as I saw tears drip down on his cheeks. He began to scream my name.
But the leader yelled out stop, it got quiet except for Hyun-Su's soft cries. I heard footsteps. I sounded like they were coming my way. My shaky face looked up it was the leader.
He smiled evilly at me, " it would be more fun to kill you and get it over with but watching to struggle is well you know is fun enough." He laughed kicking me aside so hard I gasped, feeling my ribs ache in pain.
" Don't fucking touch her!!"
He turned over to Hyun-Su who said it. " what do you mean this?" I felt another blow but this time he stomped onto my chest as I spit out more blood on the floor. " Stop—" I tried to talk but all that came out was more blood.
" awe, the poor thing can't even speak to her boyfriend without having trouble." He teased, that's when I felt someone grab a head full of my hair pulling me up. The person jerked my head back.
I hissed, " I'll let you say goodbye to your sweetheart just for a show performance." That when he pushed me towards Hyun-Su, my face was shoved into his stomach but he wrapped his arms around me. Holding me gently in his embrace.
I felt him slide to the floor, as my body got between his legs. He cradled my left side, pulling me closer to him as much as possible. " I'm here–I got you... I'm here!" His lips were placed on my forehead I could feel his tears tickle my face.
He was mumbling stuff but it was getting harder and harder to hear. " It... it hurts." I cried as I held on to his shirt. He rubbed my head, as his fingers ran through my hair. " it's alright, try to focus on something else." He said it to me but I could tell he was meaning himself too.
" Hyun– Hyun-Su is it alright if- if I kiss you?" I whispered weakly, not sure if he heard me. But If this was it then I wanted us to end in a goodie memory.
My head was on his chest, his heartbeat was speeding up. " is that the goodbye?" I gradually nodded. He was still crying. There was no other way to say it but that. Then Hyun-Su's hand slowly slid against my neck, as his fingers support the back of my head his thumb creased my cheek.
He leaned down a pressed his lips to mine. Still rough and chapped more than ever, I didn't care if anyone was watching. He deepened the kiss, " please stay with me PLEASE!" He murmured into my lips as we pulled away but he kept pecking at them.
As if it would somehow save me but I soon began to feel myself go limp. My eyelids were getting heavy, I tried so hard to keep them open but the dark vast sea of sleep was weighing down on me. " Hey! Stay awake Soo-Nico Stay awake!" Hyun-Su shook me pleading but I felt sleepier than ever.
" Don't do this, God! Please stay with me!" He kissed me again and again. But I didn't feel it I cried because I couldn't. " I'm sorry Hyun—" I could feel that being my last breath when I finally closed my eyes for the last time in his arms.
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sienna-writes · 4 years
Butterfly Blood || novel update
chapter three
I initially had a lot of trouble with this chapter. It’s been through about three drafts and it’s still nowhere near perfect, but I’m working on just moving forward with the novel now and am trying to quit obsessing over revising because... it’s unrealistic to expect a first draft to be perfect. 
The first draft of this particular chapter, though, was basically all dialogue, and all very poorly executed dialogue. (Dialogue is absolutely the weakest aspect of my writing but I’m working on it.) On my second attempt at the chapter I initially attempted to create an outline, thinking this would help me find a direction. However, in my next writing session I ended up totally ignoring the outline and just winging it, and the second draft was formed. I really liked the events in the chapter now but still wasn’t happy with some of the individual scenes so I reworked it yesterday morning. The argument between Rowan and Karmen still needed revision  because Karmen’s character within it was totally inconsistent to his usual disposition. So! The final (for now..) draft is a more stripped back, since Karmen is too disassociated to get as angry as he did as quickly as he did, and I think the tension and the build up is a lot better timed and more... muted? It’s less overt, more subtext heavy, and I'm relieved because that is what I had been trying to achieve all along.
Again, it’s not perfect, but it has evolved and it is definitely better than before. 
The chapter is just over 3000 words now, but I am only going to be sharing the main, gritty extract. The other scenes are less exciting, but I also suspect they need the same amount of work till they're even remotely sharable. (I was going through a bad writing slump in this chapter lol.) I really hope you enjoy it? I'm ultimately quite proud of how it turned out in the end :)
[Rowan has missed her GP appointment + her dad uses it as an oppurtunity to also be angry about her slacking in school]
    “I’ve booked another for tomorrow morning. You’ll miss some school, but I figured that’d be an incentive since you don’t seem to care about that anymore.” There is now an edge to his voice that hadn't been there before.
    Rowan visibly flinches, digging her fingernails into the supple skin of her palms. The dents purple then fill with blood. She locks eyes with her father, searching for the reason for his sudden anger. He has struck a nerve and he knows it.
    “Miss Phelps called.”
    She pushes her toes into the dirt, white sneakers now blotted with dust. “Oh.”
    He doesn’t ask for an explanation, simply straightens his back like an ancient scroll unravelling itself and meets her gaze finally. Karmen stands with his chest puffed out and his chin pointed forward. It is apparent that he won't ask her side of things. He’s heard enough, and has his made up his mind about her already.
    Rowan pushes past him to get inside. Karmen doesn’t shift as she squeezes by his statuesque stance. His face twitches like a camera shutter, so fast she can barely believe the change in his expression. She convinces herself it didn’t happen and throws her bag onto the couch, almost tempting another lecture. A tamer one. Something he could murmur through his daydream fog before slipping back into his silence and letting everything remain undiscussed. Like it normally is. Her slipping grades. Her laziness in class. Not writing a single word in an entire school day. Talking back for little to no reason.
    He turns as her rucksack lands, his footsteps looming behind her. Something sharpens the air between them, but she can’t tell what. The elephant is in the room and it is wrecking the place. They watch the destruction mutely, each waiting for the other to intervene and consequently letting the walls crumble into ruin. The old house audibly creaks, it is so quiet. Finally, Karmen speaks. “What’s the matter with you?”
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    Rowan runs through all the excuses she can think of. I was dropped as a child. I was a premature baby, so my brain must be under-developed. The content is so easy it feels obsolete. I’m being bullied. I’m just not as smart as you thought, dad, sorry. Teachers are liars and we both should have known this.  “There’s just too much.” She says instead, through gritted teeth, moving into the kitchen. “I can’t focus on school and have to be there for everyone.” It is limp and she knows it. It flops between them weakly like a helpless fish. She takes a glass from the cabinet and closes it softly.
   He consumes the lie like a starved ghost, though. Proving he doesn’t know her. Doesn’t know how absent a friend she has been of late. How she has become her father at school, numb and quiet. How, secretly, she enjoys the façade because people avoid her, don’t ask difficult questions, don’t tackle her with unnecessary comments about her long-lost mother. “Then stop being there.” He says simply.
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Rowan scoffs. “I do enough of that at home.” She studies her dad’s face—clenched jaw and squinting eyes—as if it hurts to look at her. “Everyone’s always telling everything how things must be. I must participate, I must be smart not emotional, I must not slack for exams I know I will pass without a glance at my books”—suddenly an urge to twist the knife into his gut overwhelms her, she draws out the moment as she fills the glass with a thread of water from the tap—"I must deal with a stranger for a Dad and a god knows what for a mother. A shrieking banshee? An abusive fugitive? She’s probably become a social worker just to scorn us.”
    He rolls his lips, lowers his gaze and chews on the inside of his cheek, sucking it in. Rowan’s breath catches in her throat. In this moment he looks shockingly hollow. Did she empty him? Wind him with her blows? Spoon out his entrails with an ice cream scoop? Carve him like the roasted corpse of some great beast? Karmen puts two hands on the back of the chair opposite her, clutching it as if he might just fall over. His stare is cold and unsympathetic when he raises it toward her. “Don’t you want to make something of yourself?”
Yes. “What?” She laughs bitterly, placing the tumbler on the counter with a satisfying thud. “Like how you made something of yourself?” There is a terrible moment where he sits in the midst of the cruelty, shrinks into himself as if absorbing it, before his mouth creaks open and he lets out a broken shriek.
“GOD DAMMIT ROWAN!” Rowan flies back, arms sheltering her head instinctively as he reaches for the glass she placed on the counter, spins, and throws it at the wall. One big horrific movement. A cutting arc of his arm through the air and then the shattering. “Are you ever even listening?”
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    Millions of glittering fragments of her life laid out before her, encircling her bare feet. She thinks of the sneakers she slipped off at the door, wishing she had them now.  Something about naked feet look so naïve, so vulnerable. Her toes shrink, curling inward. Her breath quickens and her hands begin to tremble. All this broken glass. All these fragments like a lifeline stretched between them. Her eyes blink away tears in different shards, her reflection is fragmented, her features lost and bobbing about as if at sea.
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    “Are you, dad?” Rowan asks in an empty voice, staring at him till he flinches. He stares at the glass on the floor in shock.
    “I...” He crouches, sifting through it with his bare, shuddering, and unsure hands. “I don’t know why I did that...”
    Rowan gets a sudden urge to have the last word. Except she doesn’t speak. Her eyes settle on the glass and the idea flourishes like a flame in her mind, burning everything rational, everything he might think. To hell with appropriate. To hell with acceptable. One unsteady step. She expects a crunch or a crackle, but instead there is a damp muffle and squelch. Her spine rattles and her teeth prickle in response. A sunrise in her chest warms her throat but she presses against it with her palms, forcing it down. It is a scorching, molten pain. Third degree burns and all she swallows rays of light till she is drowning, gorging. Slipping through furnace tongue flames. Rowan gags. Bile and acid boils her tongue and the bright, burnt out orb slips into her stomach. She gulp, gulp, gulps every atom of the blaze that consumes her. Till she is heavy. She walks across the broken glass as he yells out. Let there be outrage. Let the sky fall. Its clouds embrace her limbs, draining everything fluid from her, letting her grow limp. Letting her rain. Heavy. As she moves away from the kitchen, she feels her footsteps peeling from the floor, warm and wet. And she is so, so heavy. Then she stumbles, splintered feet unable to keep her up—her legs can no longer hold her and her lava—as the pain erupts within her fierce and sharp and sudden. Flashing its ugly teeth. Catching one last glimpse before her vision goes dark, she sees a red ocean seeping into the living room. How could one body hold so much? Fast and gushing the rapids wash her dregs of consciousness away. It was just a few steps...
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soo... yeah. Rowan walks on glass because, oh lord that girl has no impulse controls. 
I'm not going to lie, although it was a pain to get this scene to the stage I have just shared, I think it's one of my favourites in the book so far. I'm proud of how much it's grown. Also, I love me some dramatic descriptions of pain and characters being nasty... :”)
I hope you enjoyed this update! (if you did, reblogs really help me out, but absolutely no pressure <3) I’m also still looking for people to add to the tag list, so if any of this interested you, feel free to send me an ask, message or comment. :)
Tag list under cut (ask to be added or removed):
@alicewestwater @elaz-ivero @coffeeandcalligraphy @hanwatchingmovies @sirfitzroys @chloeswords @nev-953
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adramaticbeauty · 4 years
Fairies and Dragonflies- Part 6 Unsettling Past
Gray couldn't get the words out of his head. The words that Juvia uttered so sweetly, but stabbed him slowly in his heart. When was the last time he actually heard something so harsh? He was Gray Fullbuster, rich enough to buy what ever he desired. So why did it matter what that minx thought? It was honestly insulting that she even thought she could reject him like that. Not the way she did it, honestly it was disrespectful to his reputation as the woman handler of the Dragonflies. There were plenty of women way more beautiful and even more alluring than Juvia, so he shouldn't even have wasted his time.  If he truly thought this though, why exactly was he sitting at a fancy restaurant with a lady, thinking so much about her? The red haired woman dangling her fork lazily over her food, and red lipstick delicately applied to her plump lips was sitting across from him.
"Ummm, Mr.Fullbuster are you ok?" She blinked in concern. Gray immediately snapped back into reality and quickly put on his dazzling smile he always used to make women's hearts melt in an instant. She smiled bashfully as you could see the subtle blush on her face, the red curls covering her face starting to match her cheeks.
"I'm just so dazed by your beauty that I couldn't think straight, Alison." Gray slipped out.
The furious blush on her face proved exactly what he always thought. Girls were so easy to understand, and all of them thought the same. That's why he could get whatever girl he wanted with a snap of his fingers.
"Oh, Mr.Fullbuster please... you're making me blush." She purred as she carefully touched his hand on the table, and Gray felt her slowly wrap her leg around his under the table.
If this was any other day, Gray would already be feeling excited but sadly the excitement never came. Even as they made it into his apartment, stumbling from all the drinks and tripping over things he just didn't feel anything. Like he was back to his regular routine.
He laid in bed, with the woman sleeping soundly beside him. He couldn't help but feel unhappy, or should he say unsatisfied with his life. Was that all their was too it? Just spending the night with different women he didn't even bother to get to know and making his music? Was there even anything else besides that, ever since he lost his mother and father? And Ur...The only thing he worried about at first was making it big so he could survive and keep living. But was this truly all to living, when his heart craved something more? He didn't know what, but he knew by now listening to his heart was asking for trouble. Or pain and he couldn't deal with any more of that, not again.
As he closed his eyes, he felt all these conflicting emotions in his heart beginning to fade along with his thoughts. He always felt most at peace when his mind was at rest. Free from the drama and free from the life of Gray Fullbuster.  And he didn't think he would ever be able to be just  Gray around anyone. Until he dreamt of her, and it was ironic considering he dreamt of another woman while he was lying in the bed with another.
But it felt so real, like he could just reach out and touch the silky blue hair, so blue like the ocean, he was convinced he would drown in it. And then the atmosphere suddenly turned ice cold, making him suddenly feel unsettled. Everywhere he turned he was met with the familiar sight of snowflakes falling from the darkened sky. The cool whiteness covering his sight from any other background. All of a sudden he was met with a warm pair of black coal eyes that stared right into his soul, and into his heart. Ur, it must have been. Right into his dream those eyes that were full of so much admiration ever since she took care of him all those years ago. Those eyes that were once full of so much love, but were now dead cold and without life.
Gray woke up in a cold sweat, almost falling out of his bed if he didn't catch himself. His bed was now cold and empty, and messy from his tossing and turning. He hoped that he didn't say anything he might have regretted while he was having his nightmare. He would never forgive himself for being so weak in front of a woman if that was the case. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he picked up his phone to look at the time. He took a deep breath to calm himself but quickly sucked a breath back in. He was late. Again.
He would never live this down from the boys and Gray mentally facepalmed, already imagining the lecture he would get from Jellal. He tumbled out of the bed almost, as he slipped on pants and  the first shirt he could grab from his closet. He rushed to put on his shoes until he noticed a cup of  coffee on his glass kitchen table with a note beside it. Have a good day at work Gray<3. He couldn't help but smirk, even when he was running late.
Alison was always pretty thoughtful, even if she was really a fuck buddy and he using her only for company sometimes. And too bad he hated coffee. The ride to the band practice building was a hectic one. The traffic almost made him pull out his raven hair, especially when he was already late. But at least he had a bit of an excuse for being late now, that wouldn't be an exact lie. When Gray finally made it across the street he didn't even bother putting his vehicle into the private parking garage like he always did and just drove to pull up in front of the building. And what Gray saw was chaos.
Absolute chaos, and as soon as he was spotted, there was no going back. Everyone spotted his famous black and Gray sports car and it was unmistakably the famous Gray Fullbuster's vehicle. Thankfully there were bodyguards to make a path for him to get inside the building with all the chaos going on. Now Gray regretted not having a driver. But they did always cramp his style. Gray took a deep breath as he stepped out of his car and unto the path into the building. All he could see was flashes of cameras and hear  jumbling of questions. He could barely make it to the door without the crowds of reporters tearing him to pieces, but when he did he hurried inside. Once inside he spotted Jellal with a serious and somewhat worried face staring down at a newspaper. Gajeel was sitting down as normal tuning his guitar, but a thoughtful look on his face. Nastu had a bored look on his face as usual.
"So tell me why we can't go and talk to the paparazzi Jellal? Obviously they want to talk to me." Nastu commented with a groan afterward. Gajeel couldn't help but growl and put in his two cent.
"They aren't here for you idiot. And we can't say anything to the paparazzi without figuring out the situation first. And that starts with this fucking douche."
He suddenly turned his steely eyes to Gray, and he couldn't help but feel a bit afraid for a second.
"What the hell is going on outside?? Why is the paparazzi practically breaking down the doors to the building?"
Jellal took a big sigh and walked over to hand Gray the newspaper that hadn't left his hands ever since he walked in. Then he met Gray's eyes with a stern look.
"You deserve us all an explanation. Now."
 Gray was about to raise his voice and question why the hell everyone was jumping on his case, before his eye caught a familiar look on the newspaper. It showed a picture, and not just any picture. It was of Gray and Juvia, walking together.
The only thing Gray could muster was an ,"Oh shit."
Gray and Juvia were seen together on their date.
Note: Last chapter: Part 5 https://adramaticbeauty.tumblr.com/post/189410081835/gruvia-band-au-part-5
Part 4 :https://adramaticbeauty.tumblr.com/post/188806970725/gruvia-band-au-part-4
Part 3: https://adramaticbeauty.tumblr.com/post/187638388485/gruvia-band-aupart-3-warning-some-of-this-might
Part 2 :https://adramaticbeauty.tumblr.com/post/187483175670/gruvia-band-au
Part 1:
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justiisms · 2 years
"Give me one reason why I should be awake right now." *nanu says this while he's already laying down, looking as if he's about to pass out at any moment*
"Everyone here is responsible enough to look after themselves and one another. Not like there's ever any shortage of people here even if there is some kind of trouble. Besides, I can't do much if I'm tired..." *and with that he closes his eyes before giving a mighty y a w n!*
"Becauuuuse! You've been sleeping so much lately! That's no good!! You'll definitely ruin your sleep schedule doing that!" Chides Phan with puffed out cheeks, gently shaking him!
"Yeah, but still...! Ah-!" Before she could say more, she saw him go back to sleep. With a sigh, she just crosses her arms. "Ohhh, Nanu... you big ol' grump... what am I gonna do with you, huh? Hmmmph...."
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But she decides to leave him be, not wanting to risk upsetting him. Despite her worries, she supposes he is right that there are plenty of adults still to deal with any potential chaos... soo for now, she'll let him get his sleep. "But next time-" She whispers. "It's wakey wakey time for you, mister...!"
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