#it's so lovely to see how much of a community they've become through the server
jahanmp4 · 9 months
Though it wasn't fun to watch the day cc!Etoiles was really overwhelmed and on edge (and the shitstorm he received on bird app), it always warms my heart when he talks about how the other ccs immediately went to cheer him up with vocals and messages and all
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jewish-vents · 4 months
So a few months ago I left a discord server for a niche community I'm in (it's like a certain thing we like to apply to fandoms or just make original content of, it'd take me long to explain), since people there were encouraging me to be a "Good Jew" (even though I'm literally Israeli) and were spreading blatant antisemitic lies. I put up with their bullshit for way longer then I should've really. Okay so one of the people in the server didn't really participate in the i/p discussions we had that much, but on tumblr when I was following them they would constantly reblog antisemitic misinfo and blogs like nativenews. I ended up blocking them on tumblr alongside some other people from the server after another person DM'd me upset over how I had stopped being a good little token. Alright so flash forward to yesterday, I'm perusing tumblr and looking through the aforementioned niche community and I ended up stumbling on a long abandoned blog about making that type of content for a certain fandom. I was quickly able to deduce that this blog was made by the person I was talking about, since not only were the drawings in their artstyle and the bio matched them they've also told us about the blog several times in the server and how they ended up abandoning it because the hyperfixation passed. Okay but the thing that really made me upset over this is that despite them being a goy the blog had several posts about headcanoning one of the characters as Jewish, which knowing the type of shit they believe today made me very mad. And really all the posts about him being Jewish were just drawings of him celebrating Hanukkah, which is the literal bare minimum of Jewish representation. I think at the end of the day goyim just see us as teehee quirky Hanukkah people but will abandon us the moment we become inconvenient. They love the idea of Jews, not actual Jews. Unless those Jews are willing to tokenize themselves of course.
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god-of-failure · 2 months
Is there maelstrom blvck lore? And do they have names? I need to learn everything I can about them I’m OBSESSED
Yes there is lore!! Though new stuff is being added or clarified!! I'll give you the rundown!!
They formed in 2022 and there are 5 members
Who they are:
Seer - Singer/Orator for MB. He wears a black mask and has white eyes with black pupils.
Vision 1 - Lead guitarist. He has a white mask with a small notch on his left eye and covers his right eye with the scarf/ fringe. Wears a lot of rings and bracelets and has a clear quartz moon rosary.
Vision 2 - Bassist. Very tall. Wears a moon rosary also. (So sorry V2!!) He also has a noticeable forehead...
Vision 3 - Rhythm Guitar. The tallest of them. No jewelery. Likes to tilt his head in pictures and videos.
Vision 4 - Drummer. He has a fringe that kinda covers his forehead. Gets lost often. (V1 calls him Temu V1)
Some of the confirmed lore:
They are *not* in a cult for a goddess/ being called the Temptress. The Temptress is represented by the moon.
Snakes also have a strong link to the lore as well, but we don't fully know why/ how yet.
The followers who are not Visions or a Seer are called Observers and wear full face white masks. To become an Observer toy must become Faceless.
Seer is the speaker for the Temptress.
We don't know why yet or how he was picked. But he loves the Temptress and will do her bidding.
V3 is second most loyal to the Temptress. He's very righteous in his personality.
V1, V2, and V4 haven't shown what their affinity to the Temptress is, yet.
In 'A Blood Moon' We see how V1 became a Vision. He sacrificed a man who was cocky and thought he would be chosen to be the next Vision.
Seer, V2, V3, and V4 watched as he did that and then V4 gave V1 a Vision mask.
We don't know if to become a Vision you must sacrifice, but that's how V1 did it.
We also don't know their order of becoming Visions. It's been saidthat V4 was first, and V1 was last. But, we don't know for sure.
Songs that are lore heavy/important: An Omen, An Offering, and A Blood Moon
Side story songs that might be important later: A Transformation and The Serpent.
Music video lore hints:
The beginning of An Offering is V1 having a, well, vision.
In An Omen, the one on their knees with the bag is also V1. An Omen has been referred to as a dream that V1 is having.
Not lore lore:
V1 has a small group of watchers called The Horsemen. Famine, Pestilence, War, Fury, and Providence. You'll see them helping the band with community stuff, but they aren't in the lore. THOUGH V1 has joked "Not yet"
Small things:
on Fridays V1 likes to chat with the community through Slay Friday. Asking questions and such. On Tuesdays Seer likes to have Temptress Tuesdays where the Observers can show offerings of things like crafts, fanart, cosplays, etc.
V4 likes to get lost a lot, and usually V1 is the one who has to find him. V4 also likes rocks a lot.
V3 very much enjoys the moon and talking about the Temptress.
V2 is pretty quiet and the spooky Cryptid of the group.
The server:
In the server they will occasionally pop in to chat, but it's mostly V1 who will. Don't be put off if he "Sacrifices" you. He'll bring you back. Or if he calls you a bitch/punk. He's just kidding around and does it out of love for the Observers.
They will pop in for Q&A's and you can ask them lore stuff or their interests.
V1 also has his own solo music side. He's done covers and original music. His stuff isn't connected to MB lore at all.
I have the invite linked on my profile!
They've done about 3-4 shows and have another coming up in October 2024
This band is amazing! They're all amazingly friendly and want to make people smile.
I recommend to everyone to listen to them and shout their name to everyone they know!
I hope I answered your question and if you have more just let me know!!
Thank you!! 💖
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lesbian-gnf-archive · 2 years
(im lurker anon but im going to assign myself an emoji now)
THOSE PICTURES ARE SOOOO TELLING like tone it down boy. i havent stopped to watched any of their streams (i was a huge fan of minecraft when i was a kid but i havent played in ages and im not too interested in gaming) but they seem soooo sweet together :] i see their clips around here a lot and its always very nice! might watch some of their streams when i have the time
its so weird to know how people were mean to dream when he came out because it cant get any more vile than that. sexuality is a very personal thing and i think everybody should have their freedom to explore it in whichever way they feel most comfortable. being under the public eye at all times must make the experience so much harder :/ but glad hes feeling comfortable with his community to share his experiences and explore his queerness!! thats really really nice and im happy for him
also pls pls tell the rose quartz elephant story im so curious about it - 🌼
Hello hello hello!! Ur right he's always been uhmmm Like That like the fact that he looks the same when talking to him before and after seeing his face and it's always been so full of love and warmth and ohhhhh he loves that boy to death.
They are the sweetest, they have been friends together since 2016 and Dream said that he was 19 and cocky and studied the YouTube algorithm so he went to George who just finished college with a computer science degree and said "I'm going to blow up, come with me" and now three/four years later Dream has 31 million subscribers and George has 10 million and they live together and also with their other best friend Sapnap (who Dream met when he was 13 and Sapnap was 11 on a hunger games server, Sapnap said "type 123 for Skype team" and Dream responded "123" and they've been best friends since and call each other brother even if not through blood, they're very sweet and I love them). And they're dating and they're in love and they've made it and I'm so proud of them.
I strongly recommend watching their streams if u ever have the time!! And honestly I'd even recommend Dream's manhunt videos, they changed Minecraft YouTube community to what it is today and Dream edits them to be very cinematic and to tell a story. You don't really have to like or know anything abt Minecraft to enjoy them, they're just overall really fun and cool (the last one was February 2022 it's also one of my faves).
And yeah, Dream has always suffered a lot online because he was faceless for most of his career so it was easy for antis to be cruel bc they couldn't associate him as a person. And when he face revealed it had already been 3 years of dehumanizing him that it just kind of happened, he's somehow become the internet's scapegoat and my heart breaks for him. But thankfully he doesn't care that much and he's living his best life now that he can go outside for the first time in 3 years and enjoy life and experience it all again and this time with his boyfriend and brother
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eden-aster · 9 months
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introducing ; eden aster
cliff notes ;
FULL NAME: eden aster
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: twenty-five
DOB: april 30th
OCCUPATION: server @ the daily grind
RESIDENCE: the town
HUNTER or GATHERER: gatherer
TITLE: the girl-next-door
FACECLAIM: olivia dejonge
lets dig a little deeper ;
eden aster is the daughter of roland aster who was once a member of the police force in town. her mother passed when she was young and eden doesn't remember anything about her. however, her father was a longstanding member of the community and the police force for years and unfortunately for eden, he was one of the countless casualties of this town when the monsters in the woods deciding to make a meal out of him one evening after the storm hit back in 2012. eden became one of the many children who would become orphans in the town and was thankfully looked after by abraham and maureen hemingway when she was growing up to avoid her getting lost in an already overwhelmed system at the time. eden had never had any siblings but thanks to maureen running a day care and watching over children without homes, eden suddenly felt like she had countless siblings. the pain of losing her father was soothed with the good life she was given.
growing up, she was girl next door kind of type that has always been proper and well mannered ever since she was a kid. she's not snooty, just someone who tries to be the best version of themselves given the circumstances. she sees the best in everyone and likes to believe that everyone has good in them. that might not always be the case, and sometimes she needs reminded of that. eden is a server at the daily grind for work and even outside of work is always offering a helping hand to people. she volunteers at the old folks home on her spare time, she likes to listen to the stories people have and she genuinely enjoys the time with the older folk - they've taught her an array of skills like knitting, crochet and chess. to most, eden is the poster child for perfect small town girl. however, perfect small town girl isn't perfect, the cracks are beginning to show. eden's so used to being a people pleaser that she feels like she missed out on so much of her life, especially since she can't leave town. she's frustrated that she feels like she's wasting away in a place she'll always be shackled to. despite how she feels, she tries to swallow it down and put on a smile for everyone. it's exhausting.
additional information ;
sees abe & maureen hemingway as parental figures, was devastated when maureen passed away
knits hats, quilts etc for places in town like the clinic, old folks home, schools etc for anyone who might need anything
she specifically knits hats, mittens, boots quilts etc for huntsville clinic for any newborns in town
likes to have flowers around her home, they cheer her up
wears a locket that was her mothers everyday - she has her parents wedding rings on a separate necklace that she keeps at home
possible plots ;
surrogate sibling through being raised by abe & maureen
first love - now ex's
someone she helps all the time
someone that takes little miss perfect on a walk on the wild side
polar opposites
possible connections ;
childhood bestie
childhood friends
old school friends
new friends
new best friend
colleagues @ the daily grind
will be updated to suit as eden’s time at huntsville progresses
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whumpitlikeyoumeanit · 3 months
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Heyo. I've never made an intro, because... I don't really do community, I suppose. I don't feel comfortable with people knowing me. So here's me going out of my comfort zone. I had to use the template because I didn't know what to say about myself, and changed it up some.
Fun fact: I actually do like more than Harry Potter. I even have whumpy OCs! But the Malfoy family are my neurodivergent super special interest and this blog, aside from prompts, is All Malfoys, All The Time.
❤️ Name:  Tian (in general online) or Wilymi (specifically here)
💚 Pronouns & Age:  Millennial They/thon
🤍 Been involved in whump since: as an appreciator, since I was about 4; as a purveyor, since I was about 11. I started with Star Trek fanfiction 😅
❤️ Username / blog meaning: so, lol. "Tian" is properly "TiaN" because it stands for "This is a Name", because a Discord server I joined forced me to have a real name, when my Discord name was "._.". But it's stuck for years now. And Wilymi is just "Whump It Like You Mean It". There might be a trend. I mean, I would definitely still go by "._." if I could. All of these completely impersonal names fit me very well. Labels without revealing anything. There's my quota of self-reflection for the day.
My AO3 name is Tianissimus, which is (obviously) based on Tian, mixed with Splendidissimus. (I am also @splendidissimus). "Splendidissimus" is a family motto I decided for the Malfoys some time ago, and is Latin for basically "the brightest it is possible to be".
"Whump it like you mean it" came from me having the Killers song "Smile Like You Mean It" stuck in my head. So deep. It still puts that song in my head every time I read it.
💚 Favourite tropes: It's weird that I always find this question so hard to answer. There are things that I really love to write but don't often because I feel the need to make the story reasonable and believable, and not too obviously torture porn. Even my torture porn accidentally develops plot.
Amputation & other long-term / permanent effects or disability
Impalement / piquerism (don't look that up if you're a minor)
Long-term captivity / enslavement
Carewhumper and/or Yandere Whumper
Vicious Caretakers getting revenge
Walkthrough of the scene with Caretakers / Authorities
Magic whump
🤍 Dislikes:
Electrocution (I almost always write from the Whumpee's perspective and I don't know how to do that)
Whumpee death (see above, Whumpee's perspective: that's just the unsatisfying ending) (unless he becomes a ghost 👀)
Crack Whump (sorry community, I know a lot of people like to go "lol wouldn't it be funny to shove his hand in a meat grinder lol", but I take my whump seriously)
❤️ Whump focus: Whumpee, and having someone see how much they've suffered and been through. Like, I promise, they will freaking suffer, but there's almost always going to be someone there to bear witness to either the suffering or the aftereffects and think of how impressive and precious they are, maybe cry over them, maybe vow to protect them (or have them 👀). To me, Whumper is a plot device, and Whumpee appreciation is the point.
💚 Hurt / Comfort balance: Varies. I'm so onboard for 99% hurt, with the only comfort being Whumpee being discovered at the end and being told they're all right. On the other hand, I am also 100+ pages into a pure recovery story.
I do not think that Comfort or Caretakers are inherently romantic, and in fact I like to use family for that. Just throwing that out there because I've seen so much discussion that automatically seems to assume a relationship. I'm aroace, and, while I can and sometimes like to use romance, a lot of times it's an unnecessary distraction from the whump to me. (I think for a lot of people, the romance may actually be the point.)
🤍 Blog established date: September of 2023. As I did Whumptober with Splendidissimus and I knew I wanted to do more events but couldn't fit everything into that universe.
❤️ Anything else to add: Favourite whumpee in the movie Se7en: Sloth.
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rnelodyy · 3 years
slash ar pee, hot fucking take, c!techno's "The only universal language is violence" speech is the most selfish, cowardly thing I've ever heard anyone say.
Like, imagine being so emotionally incompetent that you start fucking swinging as soon as anyone challenges you on anything.
Imagine being so afraid of the possibility of being wrong that, instead of thinking about whether or not executing a teenager on stage may have been morally wrong, you beat the absolute shit out of that teenager's best friend and pretend that solved the conflict.
Imagine thinking that, as soon as someone wrongs you, no matter their reasons, or whether it was a misunderstanding, or anything you may have done, that's a free pass for you to absolutely fucking destroy their home, their life, everything they care about.
Imagine destroying someone's home, blowing them up with fireworks, justifying everything by saying some bullshit about peer pressure and how violence is the only universal language, and then when THEY become violent towards YOU, talking to you in the only language YOU seem to understand, you become so fucking furious you destroy everything they love AGAIN!!!
Imagine being such a violent, vengeful maniac that the only people who don't run for the hills as soon as they catch wind of you are a fucking immortal creature married to a literal goddess who doesn't ever challenge you on anything, a walking anxiety disorder with a spine made of marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti who is so terrified of upsetting you he won't even confront you about the fact that you MURDERED HIS HUSBAND, and the former tyrant of the server with a god complex the size of the fucking sun and an ego even bigger, who has been in solitary confinement and hasn't had a normal conversation with another human being for the better part of a year.
Imagine thinking that you NEED violence to communicate because it's the "only universal language" when YOU and LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYONE AROUND YOU SPEAKS FUCKING ENGLISH!
Tommy Fucking Innit, an at the time 16 year-old boy with a long, LONG track record of uncontrolled emotional outbursts, learned this bullshit! Tommy has been through three wars, two exiles, he's been abused, he's developed severe PTSD, he's tried to fucking OFF HIMSELF, and even HE realized that hurting the people around him, regardless of his trauma, or what they've done to him, is a SHIT thing to do!
Meanwhile Techno The Blade, a grown ass man, decides to throw a fucking hissy fit, TWICE, the first time because Pogtopia didn't fucking read his mind and create an anarchist paradise in L'Manburg ten minutes after the end of a literal war, the second time because L'Manburg tried to execute him for murdering their president and destroying their country, failed, and then mildly inconvenienced him by hiding his stuff from him.
Imagine how much shit could've been prevented if Techno had just used his fucking words! The whole wither thing, L'Manburg being terrified of this looming threat and the Butcher's Army would've been COMPLETELY PREVENTED if Techno had just said "hey uhh the last time you guys had a president it didn't end well, how bout this cool idea i have called anarchism!" Obviously not everything would've been sunshine and daisies what with Dream being around, but things would've been SO MUCH more chill if Techno had just relaxed for a singular second and actually explained what he wanted and why, instead of just shooting the newly appointed and pretty reluctant teenage president in the face with a rocket launcher and screaming at him that he's a tyrant.
Techno LOVES to preach for freedom from tyranny and everyone being able to live in peace without oppressive governments, while he stockpiles WMDs for fun, runs basically the Secret Police, and everyone except his closest friends is TERRIFIED of what happens when they BREATHE at him wrong. Dream may be a child abusing supervillain who doesn't even see the people around him as human anymore, but at least he still has a fucking handle on his temper!
Techno is the most volatile motherfucker on the entire server, everyone is scared of him, and yet he seems so allergic to, nigh incapable of introspection, he doesn't even seem to realize it. He expects everyone to cater to HIS emotions, HIS wants and needs, while he so blatantly does not care about anyone else, he went around to the community of the child he physically and psychologically scarred for life, looking to see if he could find an excuse to nuke it, WHILE SAID CHILD WAS GRIEVING HIS RECENTLY MURDERED FRIEND!
Violence is not the only universal language. Fucking BABIES understand what you mean when you give them a bottle, or kiss them on the forehead, or sing to them. There is not a single human being on this planet who doesn't understand a hug. You could put twenty people, all speaking wildly different languages, in a room, and none of them would understand shit, but as soon as you put on some music all of them will vibe to it all the same.
The only thing Techno's brand of violence communicates is "I am going to hurt you. I am bigger and stronger and there is nothing you can do. Don't make me upset." And then he walks away, pretending they've learned their lesson, while the only thing he's done is make everyone just a little bit more terrified, a little bit more miserable, and a little bit more angry.
He's a fucking coward, too scared to engage with anyone properly, for fear of the possibility of being wrong. He builds up concrete barriers around himself, and sits there, his hand on the big red button, ready to press it as soon as someone trips within 3 feet of his wall.
Violence is the only language c!techno is willing to use, because he's too much of a coward to use his fucking words.
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