#it's so laggy rn guys lmao
razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Morris x Dion x Gisu HC's?
Anon. Anon you have activated my brainrot Anon I am going to ramble I have so many thoughts about these three they are my blorbos they are my mental stim toys and I am going to subject you to my brainrot over them.
This got,,, so very long (and there's still so much more I could say lmao) so I'm putting it under a cut
Okay okay so. Dion and Gisu are making googoo eyes at each other. Morris has hired Queepie for K.L.O.B. and they're set up to become friends. Gisu and Morris are on friendly enough terms for Gisu to help Morris fix up a radio and hang out in the treehouse. So there's plenty of ground for Dion and Morris to interact and become idiot rival friends. And there's plenty of opportunity for Gisu, Dion, and Morris to end up in a polycule. I have a lot of thoughts for how they end up all dating but I'll get into those at some other time.
For now, have a whole bunch of little details and headcanons about these three:
They don't announce it right away! Mostly because they kind of stumbled onto the idea to all date each other and are still trying to figure things out. So everyone assumes Dion & Gisu are dating while Morris is just a friend. Up until Norma finds Gisu and Morris making out and confronts them over it.
Dion and Morris have the same idiot rivalry. Enemies to lovers? No. They are enemy lovers. They bicker and challenge each other to stupid dares and annoy each other. They bicker over what to get Gisu as a gift one moment and then they're making out the next. Being annoying is their love language.
They can be tender! Dion is a huge sap, and Morris isn't out to bug him all of the time. There is a mutual attraction; their rivalry is a part of that. It's their dynamic. They'll go at it and call each other names but the moment someone other than Gisu tries to mess with either of them they're not having it.
However, that doesn't mean they're perfectly aligned all the time. One thing that Dion and Morris aren't great at in their teenage years is knowing when and how to de-escalate without outside interference. They get better about it as they age, but if whatever dumb dare they're doing doesn't end conclusively they can very easily blow it up into a massive argument. Gisu does generally interfere before this can happen, but there is the rare genuine fight between these two :[
By the time they hit their early twenties they've gotten a lot better about not going at each other's throats, and don't really need outside intervention to deescalate and calm down. By the time they hit their thirties all of their friends describe them as having "mellowed out" but that is a lie. They still mock fight and jokingly threaten to break up. They still go out of their way to annoy the other affectionately. They still banter and get into dumb dares. They're just well adjusted enough to not blow up at each other if something goes wrong, and they're much more ride or die.
Genderfluid Dion! He's their girlfriend, boyfriend, partner, whatever—it's up to what she's feeling. When they're older and married, Dion goes by such titles as spouse, wubby, lover, wusband, wife, and occasionally "obnoxious husband."
Morris isn't as big on huge romantic gestures, but Dion and Gisu? Giant saps. Morris will occasionally go out of his way to pull off a big romantic gesture because he knows it'll make Dion and Gisu melt. Fireworks, romantic dates, rose petals and candles—Morris has read a few of Gisu's favorite romance novels purely for the purpose of making his girlfriend and partner swoon. And it works.
Dion and Gisu will also pull the same thing on each other. Gifts, dates, flowers—they almost have a soft rivalry in who can make the other swoon harder.
Dion and Gisu have a lot of fun coming up with increasingly sappy nicknames for each other. And for Morris, who will occasionally join in with more ridiculous suggestions just to see his girlfriends laugh.
Morris and Dion have a lot of mean little nicknames for each other. Morris calls Dion Dumbass (affectionate) and Dion will call him Douchebag (affectionate). Morris also steals Flipside from Gisu. They will call each other "babe" and "dude" and "sweetie" but only when nobody is looking. There are more nicknames and terms of endearment but this list is getting,,, so very long already.
Dion loves when Gisu rambles about a project she's working on or a book she's reading . They only understand half of it but there's just something about the cadence of Gisu's voice when she's excited or working through a problem that makes Dion soft. Dion can and will prompt Gisu to talk about things that interest her, just so they can hear her voice.
No but for real if the Dion/Morris corner of the dynamic is idiot rivalry then the Dion/Gisu corner is tender sap. Oh, there's plenty of teenage dumbassery (and plenty of silly shenanigans when they're adults), plenty of sick stunts and attempts to impress each other. But they're both soft romantics at heart who have tender little fantasies about holding the other and spending time with them and just. being sappy together.
Morris and Gisu weren't even sure if they were romantically interested in each other when the three of them started dating. Their relationship was more of a slowburn, with the two of them going on a few dates to feel things out and eventually developing a soft and simple romance. They come to appreciate a lot of little details about each other, and they enjoy spending quality time together. Morris and Gisu have a very strong friends to lovers feel to their dynamic.
That's not to say it's all sunshine and roses! Being annoying is simply a part of Morris' love language. And Gisu enjoys clever banter a lot. They will needle each other for fun—they're comfortable enough with each other to tease and playfight. This comfort and trust only increases as they become more accomplished as agents—as do their friendships with the other agents.
Morris also likes it when Gisu rambles! He will also ramble about ideas for K.L.O.B. to her and they will get into very long discussions about psychic powers. They ramble at each other often.
All three together? Chaos. They banter and egg each other on and spend time together just for the sake of it. They're tender they're dumbasses they're friends they're in love they're just,,,,, augh.
Love languages! Dion and Morris both love quality time, Dion is very big on physical affection, Morris will lay it on thick with the verbal affection, Morris and Gisu both love gifts and gestures of appreciation, and Dion and Gisu are both huge saps who hoard praise like a dragon hoards treasure.
As adults, they have to balance their love lives with their individual ambitions—the Aquatos may be tangled up with the Psychonauts, but only Raz is an agent. The family hits upon the solution of spending half the year on tour, and the other half in the quarry. So Dion spends half the year traveling (and calling Gisu and Morris very often), and the other half at the Motherlobe with Gisu & Morris. Every few years Gisu will take the projects that don't need a full lab, and Morris will take K.L.O.B. on tour, and the two of them will join Dion on her yearly trip. The three of them are satisfied with what they've worked out, and remain satisfied with it well into adulthood. It takes a lot of work and communication, but that's just how their relationship has always been. It was worth it when they were teens still figuring things out, and it's worth it when they're adults with established lives.
Marriage!! My main marriage headcanon is that they each get two rings, for six total, so they each have one ring for both of the other two. They worked together to make them: they all had an input in the designs, and Morris and Dion helped out with the grunt work, while Gisu handled the more technical aspects.
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Heyyyyy how would bts react to you getting hurt while they’re on your and not telling them
sorry i havent done a reaction in a while lmao… this might be really bad since im out of practice, sorry for taking so damn long …
Namjoon:‘So call me tomorrow?’ Namjoon asked as you smiled at his face on your phone screen. You were video calling just before you went to bed, as you did most days when he was away on tour.‘Mm, it might be a bit later though and i dont want you staying up too late.’ You said fondly.‘No, I can stay awake to see you. Why will you be later?’ He tilted his head sleepily.‘I just have to go to the hospital for a check up on my leg-‘‘The hospital?!’ Namjoon suddenly looked completely awake. ‘What happened?’‘It’s nothing too serious,’ you shook your head. ‘It was just I tripped on the stairs and um, broke my leg.’‘And didn’t tell me?!’ His eyes were wide with concern. ‘Are you okay? Do you need me to come home?’‘No, babe, you know you couldn’t come home anyway. I’m fine, don’t worry about me.’Namjoon rubbed his temple as he sighed. ‘Ah, you stress me out babe, but if you say you’re okay then I’ll believe you. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, tell me how the appointment goes?’You nodded, smiling widely. ‘I’ll let you know. Goodnight babe, I love youu.’Namjoon chuckled. ‘I love you too, sleep well.’
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Seokjin:You hadn’t even told your boyfriend about your broken arm, and it wasn’t until you were facetiming the next day that he found out.‘Princess, what’s that on your arm?’ His face was pixelated and his voice laggy, but his worry was evident.You held up your arm, showing the cast on it with a sheepish look on your face. You saw his eyes go shocked, and the cogs turning in his head as he tried to figure out what happened. ‘I fell over in the bathroom..’ ‘Why-what-how come you didn’t say anything?’You shrugged. ‘I didn’t want you to get stressed over it. You kinda overreact whenever i get hu-‘‘Overreact?!’ Seokjin shook his head, an incredulous look on his face. ‘I ought to be coming home right now, what if you need help with something? What if you need to get to the hospital quickly?’‘Seokjinnie, dont be so worried. Everything is fine. F/N’s helping me out with stuff.’Seokjin narrowed his eyes. ‘You’re worse than our Namjoonie, even he hasn’t slipped and broke a-‘ He stopped speaking as soon as you pouted. ‘Ah, seriously.’ He chuckled.‘I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Seokjinnie.’ You said cutely with a wide smile. ‘I love you.’‘Goodnight princess.’ He sighed. ‘I love you more.’
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Yoongi:‘facetime me?’ Yoongi’s text came onto your phone screen and you tutted, typing out a reply.‘I cant rn, im sorry :(‘ Your phone then ding-ed immediately.‘oh really? ;)’ You chuckled at your boyfriend’s dirty mind. ‘did someone get lonely..?’‘min yoongi, you are a dirty man. its nothing like what you’re thinking, theres just something on my face..’ ‘what? whyyyy, i dont care what you look like i just want to see my sweet baby and hear her voice~’ ‘sweet-talking wont help you XD if you call i wont pick up’ you replied quickly. Nevertheless, your phone began to ring and Yoongi’s contact popped up. You clicked decline immediately, and the ringing stopped, before it began to ring again… and again. Frustrated, you decided to pick it up to get him to shut up. ’I knew it would work.’ Yoongi smirked as his face came into view.‘You little shit.’ You laughed. You saw Yoongi’s expression go dark when you flipped the camera button to make it face you.‘What the hell is that? Did you fight someone? Who do i need to murder? How-‘‘Yoongi!’ You had to interrupt the bombardment of questions. “I literally dropped a box on my face, that’s why there’s a bruise. I was getting it down from a shelf.‘Ah, you little… you stress me out, Y/N.’ he exhaled loudly. ‘I hate you.’‘You love me.’ you teased. ‘Damnit, you’re right.’ Yoongi smiled back.
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Hoseok:Hoseok was ravenously eating noodles when he picked up your call, but when he saw the cast covering your wrist, he almost choked.‘Angel! What happened to your wrist?! Do you need me to come and take care of you? Are you-’‘Babe, babe, slow down! It’s not that bad, I promise. I just kinda…’ you paused, fiddling with your sleeve. ‘It was really icy outside, and i tried to ice skate. Long story short, I fell over, as you might be able to tell.’Hoseok’s expression had turned from one of extreme concern to one of fond amusement. ‘I leave you alone for a week…’‘It wasn’t my fault, okay!’ You pretended to whine, but ended up laughing at your boyfriend’s expression.‘You tell yourself that.’ Hoseok grinned. ‘Have you eaten yet? I left some of your favourite in the freezer.’You smiled at his caring nature, but tilted your head. ‘Can i have some of your stash of-‘‘Absolutely not.’ he cut you off. ‘If I come home and even one of my snacks is missing, there is going to be hell to pay for you, missy.’You suddenly put on a pained expression. “Ah, I think my wrist-‘After a moment of worry, Hoseok sighed. ‘You’re a devil, but i still love you.’You beamed. ‘I love you too, Hobi.’
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Jimin:You were having your daily conversation over text with your boyfriend Jimin who was away on tour.‘so, anything new princess??’‘not really, except from i sprained my ankle in the gym.’‘YOU WHAT’Immediately, your phone began to buzz, and you sighed, knowing how worked up Jimin was going to get about it. As soon as you clicked accept, your boyfriend’s voice blasted through your earphones.‘Baby what the hell why wouldnt you tell me?? How bad is it- oh my god, did it hurt? Do you need me? Literally on my way home now, dont even-‘‘JIMIN!’ He paused. ‘Babe, i only made a sound just then cause my volume was so damn loud and it hurt my ears. Im fine, i promise!’There was a silence as Jimin tried to evaluate your tone and figure out if you were being truthful. He must have decided you weren’t lying, and he sighed quietly in relief.‘I swear to god, one day you’re gonna give me a fricking heart attack.’You giggled softly, and from Jimin’s slow exhale of breathe you could tell that the sound of your laughter had put him at ease.‘Princess, won’t you tell me next time you hurt yourself? You know i’ll never be too busy to care, i love you alright?’‘Thank you Jiminie.’ You smiled, even though Jimin couldn’t see you. ‘I love you too.’
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Taehyung:Taehyung’s icon popped up on your phone screen as it rang, and you grinned with excitement, knowing that this was going to be the last time you would call your boyfriend while he was away on tour, since he was returning the next day.‘Taehyungie!’‘Baby! How have you been today?’ Taehyung’s expression mirrored your own as you brought the phone up to your face. Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock, and you remembered the bruise on your cheek.‘I’m fine baby, and so happy to see you tomorrow!’‘What’s that bruise from?’ He tilted his head. ‘Not that I care about you or anything, i’m just wondering.’You scoffed. ‘Okay, don’t laugh at me.’ A teasing smile began to creep onto Taehyung’s face. ‘What did you do, was it really dramatic?’‘I fell out of bed.’ You interrupted him with a sigh. There was silence, then your boyfriend’s laughter was filling the room from your phone speaker. ‘You’re so mean.’ You complained, but Taehyung was too busy facepalming.‘You are an actual idiot. Try not to get any more injured tonight before i get home you dork.’‘You’re a bully, but a cute bully.’ You shook your head fondly. ‘I’ll see you soon.’
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Jungkook:It was the day that your boyfriend was finally returning from a long time away at tour, and you couldn’t wait to finally hug him again. You might have a bit of trouble re-enacting the cheesy airport reunition scene though, since you had recently broke your foot after tripping in a dent in the road and you were on crutches. As soon as Jungkook emerged from the crowd of security and fans, his eyes shot open, no longer looking jetlagged. He rushed over to you and dropped his bag on the floor before engulfing you in a hug.‘Jungkookie!’ You grinned at him as he pulled away from you, but he still looked worried.‘What happened baby? Are you okay? How come you didn’t tell me?’ he questioned.You shook your head. ‘It’s nothing to worry about, I just kinda tripped and fell. It’s only a little break.’‘A break? You broke your leg and didn’t think to let me know?’ Jungkook seemed exasperated as he picked up his bag again and the two of you began to walk.‘I didn’t want to stress you Kookiee. I didn’t want you to get distracted, its not like im the main priority in your life-‘‘Um, one, what the fuck. Two, what the fuck? Yes you are.’ Jungkook reached over and booped your nose. ‘You always will be you idiot.’You smiled brightly. You had sure missed your boyfriends presence in your life.‘What are you smiling about? We still have to sit in the car for another hour back home.’‘I know.’ You looked over at him. ‘I’m just happy to have you back.’
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-admin e (thank you all for sticking by me even when i havent been posting, you guys actually mean the world to me, i love you all so so so so so so so much)
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r-o-se · 7 years
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ALMOST 101 thought-comments on ep 3 of Produce 101 S2
1.      They are showing the kids journals and practice things. I feel so so sorry for people who have trained for like…. 5 yrs and still cant debut its fucking DEPRESSING
2.      Everyone are talking about how they wanna get to A and nowwwwww they’re revealing the new grades I’m gonna be SAD
3.      Bunch of good kids downgraded to F including Ren and Guanlin and Jinyoung poor boy cant look up from the ground I am REAL SAD BOI
7.      TAKADA KENTA GOT TO B MY DUDE they even said his Korean pronounciation is better than some of the other trainees I’m so PROUD
9.      And now he says he was too sad about Ren and other NU’EST members who stayed at their grade or went down by one (Minhyun and Ren dropped a rank, Baekho stayed at D) to feel actually happy this is the fucking sad self sacrificing leader I know that boy would cut his leg off for NU’EST to get reciognized again
11.   Kim Taedong from the Vibe Label got from F to A holy fuckk
13.   Seriously this is the best bromance of the entire season Daniel dotes on that kid so hard its so fucking cute
14.   They are announcing A grade reevaluations out loud??? Sounds scary ngl
15.   Entire original A grade stays at A grade this really is some hardcore aces all gathered together
16.   They are going to choose the first center now and no one really knew about it, the A ranks are gonna do a one minute performance/choreography within a hour and then everyone will choose a center from that
17.   Everyone are like what on earth do I do right now within a hour
18.   First is Daniel my pink boy who has THREE CATS!! Important information yes anyways hes rapping from a paper and i
19.   Noone pays attention to BNM Park Woojin poor kiddo ppl are like ‘the not Daehwi from BNM’ ‘The other Woojin’ but now he came out and HE DANCED SOS WELL AND RAPS SO WELL WTF DUDE HIS DANCE IS REALLY GREAT WHY WASN’T HE PICKED
20.   Another BNM rarpper kid, Im Youngmin, who rose from B to A but his nerves got the better of him
21.   Soooooooooo many rappers in A rank holy damn
23.   He apparently had major problems with the time limit and messed up real bad and said he was sad as well I am sad too poor kiddo
24.   Now it’s the kid who came from F to A. He started clapping and everyone did it with him but he FORGOT HIS DANCE MOVES POOR KID AND PPL STILL CHEER FOR HIM IM GLAD
25.   Now it’s time for the little Woojin
26.   HOTSHOT SUNGWOON!!!!!!! His vocals are soooo good goddamn
27.   Other vocally talented kid, Kim Sungri ended with a damn flip
28.   Dance kids Noh Taehyun (IMPORTANT) and Ong Sungwoo
29.   And now the two mains, Samuel and Daehwi lol
30.   Daehwi went off from others and is kinda hiding because he doesn’t want others to know what he’s doing lol
31.   Samuel does some fast rapping and then a really neat and sharp choreo
32.   Daehwi aka the one who wins this im rlly anticipating this ngl
33.   Hes doing the og Pick Me song for I.O.I with really cheesy aegyo lol and I mean its cool but…….. BNM WOOJIN SHOULD’VE WON I don’t even stan that kid but he was sooooooo good
34.   The two candidates for center are Daehwi and the little Woojin
35.   They are now practicing for the big stage
36.   Why blur out the center lol we all already know it’s Daehwi
37.   Ren is so in distress it’s SAD lil boy went out to cry I love him so much gdi he’s more than a pretty face APPREACIATE HIM
38.   And roll the same stage ive seen a bajillion times lol they didn’t even bother switching out the individual shots of kids
40.   I don’t know if it’s the flaw of my laptop but the thing I’m watching this from has such bad and laggy audio rip
41.   I’m really glad they showed that Kim Youngjin kid who was completely edited out from the first two episodes and overall just a bunch of shots of F graders it makes me happy
42.   Now it’s time for the group battle thing and unlike last season with a 1000 vote benefit its fucking 3000
43.   Everyone under the 61 rank will be dead
44.   The evaluation songs are 2PM-10 out of 10//Beast-Shock//BTS-Boy in Luv//Seventeen-Mansae//EXO-Call Me Baby//INFINITE-Be Mine//SHINee-Replay//Super Junior-Sorry Sorry
45.   Totally unrelated to the stuff going on there rn but I’m super excited to see the Infinite performance I fucking LOVE Be Mine and it’s choreo
46.   The teams get chosen by randomly drawn trainees, first is Daehwi because, yano, center
47.   He takes Hotshot Sungwoon, Brave Samuel, Maroo ent Jihoon, Cre.Ker Haknyeon, C9 Jinyoung, Yuehua Euinwoong AKA the kids that are popular/choosing for popularity not ability lol no hate to any kids I love them but I mean… you know lol
48.   Next is Minhyun, He chooses individ. Kim Jaehwan, MMO Kang Daniel, YGk+ Kwon Hyunbin, Fantagio Seongnwoo and NU’EST JR
49.   They don’t know the other teams in that detail rip
50.   The last kids, 5 F ranks and one D rank make up the last team sighs poor leftovers
51.   Now they’re gonna race for the songs, one B rank redhead is going to run barefoot, I don’t know his name but I’M ROOTING FOR HIM NOW U GOT MY VOTE
52.   Unlike last season, only half of the trainees can get a song they want, the first one to get back with their song gets it, later the ones who made it back first get to choose their opponent from the slower ones
53.   Omg the barefoot B rank is SO FAST I’m just gonna link it here because I cant get a good screenshot just click on this entire comment it’ll open in a new window
54.   Minhyun tried to get Boy in Luv but Daehwi was few seconds faster it is SAD TIME
55.   The fastest in the race gets to choose an opponent first, the slowest last.
56.   Fastest team chooses the leftovers team as their opponent
57.   Minhyuns team gets chosen last bc theyre so hardcore
58.   Omgggg Justin, Zhu Zheng and Ren are all in the Replay group this is HEAVEN
59.   Their rival team with A.Tom, MMO Taewoong and Jaehan are all more intimidating looking guys who really don’t fit the Replay softie concept and they are in despair sighs goddamnit Zhu WHY DID U CHOOSE THEM U ASS
60.   ANYWAYS now to other teams, one team got Infinites Be Mine and wow one of the dudes, Im Youngmin from grade A knows the full choreo and says it’s easier than the Nayana choreo
61.   The first team just discovered that Sunggyu sings 90% of the song and see who gets to sing it
62.   Part goes to FNC Yoo Hwiseung who has such an amazing high note everyone stare at him
63.   WOODAMMMM AND HIS GR8 VOICE he’s gonna get the main vocal part to Mansae everyone are sooooo hype
64.   This is the leftover team who goes against the Woodam Mansae team and they don’t have any good vocals sighs this is so sad poor little kids this is so depressing I just want everyone to do well
65.   Beast Shock team 2 only trainees I know is Donogsu from S.How and that’s it rip
66.   Team 1 has one of the D grade YGk+ kids and Minhyuk who ranked last during ep 1 andddd I don’t know others annnnnnnnnd that group isn’t getting shit done they just play around and don’t get anything decided sighs
67.   The avengers team has Baekho’s team as their opponent
68.   Team 2 has Kim Sangbin from grade A as their salty leader aahahah
69.   Fun fact when I first heard shock I thought they said ‘chug’ and I never really bothered to check it until my Beast biased friend called me out lool he doesn’t think they fit the manly man image for Boy in Luv
71.   ‘Since they are all popular they are gonna fight over the center position’ aahahah FUCK he’s right they are doing excactly that
73.   Jihoon became the center that’s what happens when u act with bigbang
74.   JINWOOS TEAM HAS CALL ME BABY he’s the second to last chosen team sighs but he’s with the shy kid Dongbin, Han Minho and pink haired Seokyu with that scandal of him getting beaten up ugh poor baby
75.   Anyways that group has a dance off for the center position and even though most preferred Minho they didn’t say it out loud so Dongbin got it but… he isn’t too good with singing rip
76.   The other Call Me Baby team has Moonbok and everyone are kinda thinking that this team will win just because of him lmao
77.   But Moonbok has major problems learning the choreo so hes both their strong and weak point
78.   SORRY SORRY TEAM 1 HAS HA MINHO and also Kim Namhyung and Cube Yoo Seungho making them decently a strong team unlucky enough to go against Minhyun’s
80.   Sungwoo said that JR gave leader vibes from the moment he saw him and everyone agree
81.    JR is beating himself up again about becoming the leader I’m so sad if this group is not gonna do well he will take it so bad I’m scared to even think about it
82.   Hyunbin suggests Sungwoo and Daniel for center, Daniel says it’s the best for Sungwoo and everyone agree and Sungwoo fake ugly cries and it’s beautiful I’m so glad my team is friendly
83.   10 out of 10 team has Jisung and Kim Taemin, Jisung gets called ‘artificial flavour’ lmao and Jae Chan becomes the Center
84.   The other 10 out of 10 team has Park Woojin from BNM as the leader and Hotshot Taehyun who actually can do the choreo hook. They also have Yuehua Hyungseob, GON ent Eunki and Yongbin whose ent I forgot but hes the one with the pretty nose lol
85.   Taehyun knows the choreo in another way from as it’s written down and it feels a bit heated
86.   The first team has problems doing the tricky chore but the second one gets it pretty well + they have the K-Tiger Byun Hyunmin so its easier for them
87.   First team has serious problems WHY DID THEY CHOOSE SUCH AN ACROBATIC RIVAL
88.   Now they’re preparing for their stage makeup and clothing and whatnot aaaaaahhh I’m so EXCITED everyone are looking so GOOD
89.   2PM 10 out of 10 teams are gonna go on now I’m SO EXCITED FUCK DUDE
90.   Jisung gets called the ‘master of facial expressions’ that’s a pretty lame name for the meme god
91.   Cut to the practice, team 1 is pretty fucking sad and their center Jae Chan makes mistakes with both singing and dancing
92.   Jisung gets praised for his dance and whatnot, Jae Chan asks for more timie to practice, the rest of the team shut him down and make Jisung the center
93.   This choreo is pretty gay ngl and the song is GREAT
94.   They threw confetti on themselves lmaoo
96.   Team 2 is veeeeery ambitious but Hyungseob is having problems with lyrics
97.   Park Woojin and Taehyun are having problems bc Woojin is the leader but Taehyun leads more and Woojin is sad aw
98.   People are crazy about team 2 lol poor team 1 2 has three A ranks and the k-tiger
99.   Ngl I liked team 1 more but I mean….. 2 flashed abs and flips so they are def gonna win sighs
100.   Can’t believe Park Jihoon is gonna sue Ahn Hyungseob for winking
101.   Lmaoooo Kim Taemin rated the other team 8.5/10 for their performance, Hyungseob said the first team was 8.4/10
102.   It just hit me I wont see like half of my kids again ever after this wow now I’m fucking sad fuck you mnet
104.   Oh my god they are revealing the results now I am SADDDD
108.   3000 votes is so much that’s so fucking much
109.   Anyways this was sad 
111.   Anyways 111 what a gr8 number lets watch Jinwoo be amazing as he always is
112.   Team 1 center is ‘age doesnt matter’ Hyunwoo and he just got scolded by Kahi
113.   Team 1 has Moonbok and Hyunwoo, team 2 has Jinwoo so who’s the real winner here
114.   Kahi lets two other members, Donghan and Woncheol to try out for the center position, Donghan does really well, Woncheol not as well. Hyunwoo apparently looks too strong and ‘not sexy’ in the center position loool
115.   Donghan becomes the new center and Hyunwoo cries poor kiddo ugh 
116.   Moonbok has an energizing effect on everyone ngl its cute lmao he also hides behind Hyunwoo while riding piggyback and pops out during one moment aahahahahah
117.   Aaaaaaaand its STARTING shit son the harmonies are nice, their main vocal is REALLY good and Donghae does amazingly as the center
118.   I mean Moonbok energizing others and being enthusiastic is cute but they are overhyping him a loooooooot
119.   Ok but... let me see Jinwoo... pls... THERE HE IS IN AN OVERSIZED PLLAID KINDA THING
120.   Apparently this team was pretty problematic while practicing and as far as I know they also 1) where the second to last to be chosen and 2) lost this competition ugh
121.    Their center, Dongbin doesn’t know his parts and is.... not good sighs I’m sad he also started crying
122.   Jinwoo has to do all the hard singing parts because he’s the only compentent vocal in the group and just..... ugh poor kid he is going to kill his voice I’m so so so so so sad
124.   Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhahahah all the teachers are on the edges of their seats because of how those makeshift vocalists are doing
125.   If Jinwoo doesn’t make it though this evulation I’m going to be really, really, really, really, REALLY sad  
126.   Team 1 has only 2 positions that overdid team 2 positions but they still won bc Jelly Heeseok and Moonbok brought so many votes in. Jinwoo did alright though, not too good but alright
127.   Team 2 lost. Obviously. Ugh. I’m just... sad dude
now it’s really done and it was even sadder than I anticipated
ring me up when u wanna cry about p101 im always up for that 
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