#it's so fun to write a character as loquacious as Nikolai
daughterofelros · 1 year
Shadow and Bone Fic || Hidden in Plain View
A Nikolai/Mal/Alina OT3 fic in which Nikolai, Mal, and Alina try to figure out how to navigate their relationships following the marriage propsal.
“That…actually makes sense,” Alina says grudgingly. “At least the part about people not suspecting the actual truth.”
“You mean the utterly ludicrous idea that a Prince of Ravka is actively supporting a torrid love affair between his queen-to-be and her sworn protector, that he’s not only aware of the match, but is willfully providing the lovers sanctuary?” Nikolai grins. “What about that would be hard to believe?”
“Possibly the part where there are three of us and only one bed might strain credulity?” Mal notes dryly.
Thank you to the wonderful @myrmidryad for the beta <3
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