#it's so fucken gross how MEAN people in this fandom are.
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spiritedstars · 1 year ago
Seeing some of those comments on the fairyloot edition of tog gives me the ick so bad. this fandom can be so disgusting sometimes.
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officerjennie · 2 years ago
tagged by @the-evil-stick - thank!!
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
I don't watch shows? So uh
The Witcher
The Last of Us
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Fucken, idk, Spongebob?
I have about 20 anime I could put here but I don't remember more than like. One character from any of the ones I've watched
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Joel. I love that old man so much
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I couldn't fix him and actually I don't want to
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Of the main characters? Yennefer. Mainly because of how some in the fandom treat her character, refusing to see any flaws, calling her perfect, acting like any slight to her character in canon or fanon is toxic. She is inherently flawed like all good characters should be and people acting like that makes me want nothing to do with her.
If it weren't for that, she'd be fine, even if her and Geralt are truly awful for each other.
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
The campfire episode ig
...I'm taking this opportunity to rant about TLOU cause it's my post and I can THE FIRST EPISODE IS AMAZING OKAY. The character introductions, the reintroduction to Joel, the world building, the slogan of the fireflies matching Joel's journey, Joel searching for Tommy because protecting his people has become his whole purpose, just. Someday I'd like to write an essay.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
The ones where boys kiss boys
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
I wasn't really a fan of most of the canon ships honestly, but since it's Relationship and not Ship then Iroh and Zuko. I love that Iroh shows Zuko how he can be a non-toxic man in a world where they were both taught just toxic, power hungry and angry masculinity.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
what does that even mean. like... the ship I hate? the NOTP?
fucken idk man. I just ship old man Joel with an OC. everyone can fuck everyone for all I care
7. How long have you watched 1?
Early 2021 probably?
8. How did you become interested in 3?
It was on TV. That's about it.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
The talking sponge?
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
It will come as a surprise to No One that has talked to me in the past month that I'm gonna say The Last of Us, considering I'm on watch through like...9.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
I think ATLA has more episodes?
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
David Hasselhoff
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
This question list is really thrown off when you haven't watched 5 shows in recent memory
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
If they can crossover uncle grandpa and steven universe, any crossover can "work".
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Ciri and Eskel, and if anyone comes at me all "EW GROSS THAT'S HER UNCLE" I'm going to smack you with a dildo. They interact like twice in book canon, 0 times in show canon, and game canon makes it perfectly clear that it would be NORMAL AND PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE for fucking GERALT to be in a relationship with her. Get your fanon out of my canon
also it's fiction so anything goes
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
oh huh I guess I could have put game of thrones on the list, that would've made this easier. too invested now. anyway the voice actors for ATLA were great
tagging no one because the kitten is making it hard to type, if you wanna say I tagged you go for it
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blipblorpsnork · 6 years ago
character: Weevil Underwood
From this meme!
How I feel about this character: Okay so like in canon he's a piece of shit. A real piece of work. He is the ONLY main-crew character who actively cheats and never is reprimanded as a canon moveover it. (Although s4 I think does have That Happen but I straight up haven't been able to watch past Battle City :< ) As a canon character, I love to hate him, in that his interactions with the main crew are almost always toxic and I LOVE seeing it. I love the conniving AND the angst, and I love his hateful friendship with Rex so much. Am I saying he's a bad character? Hell no I'm saying he's an ASSHOLE and I LOVE it. Now as a fandom entity???? God I would give my god damn soul for him in a heartbeat. I adore him?? So much?? He's so dumb and gets into so much shit and I just need to Protecc the Babey
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Joey, Rex, Roba, Pegasus, Tristan, Seto, Mokuba (they're actually nearly the same age canonically, I think Weeves is a year or twoolder) uhhh that might be it and some of those are poly structures
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Definitely still him and Rex. They're my fucken dynamic duo. Him and Joey is a close contender though!
My unpopular opinion about this character: He's a literal piece of shit. Like I don't say that endearingly. He tossed Yugi's cards over the side of a cruiser and watched and cackled as Joey almost died getting them back. He manipulated them into a death match. He's absolutely nothing but a self serving little prick...... I love it. The unpopular part is that I love him BECAUSE he's so horrible. I love him because he's impure and shitty and manipulative. I love him because he's toxic and facetious and dangerous. I fucking love him. He's not built to be a pretty villain we can all love to hate. He's built to be trash and dammit he's my trash.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: A proper redemption arc, or a proper ending. As it stands he and Rex kinda turned into the Team Rocket of ygo and while it's not horrendous it's not satisfying. Kill him off properly or give him a good redemption.
My OTP: Ughghghg Shrimpshipping for sure but both Fawn and Parasite are EXTREMELY close seconds.
A headcanon fact: HCs can't be facts uhh idk what this actually means but I HC he has severe anxiety and also!! A speech impediment!! Bc I know he lisps in the dub literally just to drive home that he's unlikable which is v ableist and gross but also I love!! His lisp!! He also has a canon stutter when he's flustered so I legit HC that he has a minor lisp after speech therapy and stutters when he's really upset :D
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pickmansmodcl-a · 8 years ago
1, 2
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
This is a journey so strap in.
So when I was ....15?? I started work on this story concept about a government facility that traps and manages supernatural creatures. The main viewpoint character is a girl who comes back from the dead and the villain was a necromancer who had all these minions, and one of them was ....well, I used the word vampire but if anything they were like the things from I Am Legend. He was super duper unapologetically bisexual, had dyed hair and loads of piercings, and was freakishly hungry all the time. This was the first attempt at Shaz, but at that point his name was Al. And his story arc was becoming friends with the main character and turning good. Eventually my love for him outweighed the rest of them and I was like ‘you know what, let’s put Al in a Parks and Rec style work com and see what happens’. Over the years, that general plot idea evolved into the entity known as Bloody Urban (which began as comics I used to draw in class and is now almost a tv show pitch) and I added and changed characters and designs until the result was what you see now.
funny side note, the reason shaz is fat is because one time when I was drawing this earlier incarnation of the character, the perspective on the torso turned out super weird and stretched out and my friend made some offhand joke that he was gaining weight from eating too many people and that just kind of flipped a switch in my brain.
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
I’ve tried....really really hard with Shaz. Many times. It’s been hard getting them off the ground. I’ve gone through a lot of different phases where I’ve just hated them and how I played them and I’ve straight up deleted and started afresh like...3 times, maybe? But now that I think I’ve got a real solid idea of what I want this character to be I’m having a better time opening up and interacting.
Initially (I mean in like 2012 when I first made this blog) I don’t think they were well received at all. I think that's because Shaz’s weird gross uncomfortable-ness comes a little out of left field when you compare them to a character like...well, Levi would be a good example actually. it’s like how you said in your post, Levi’s exactly what’s on the tin. You know what you’re getting into. not so for this blog. I think a lot of people follow + interact with me expecting more straightforward, serious monster stuff and then they get really taken off-guard by shit like the fact that my character eats trash, or the fact that I have been known to sometimes do mildly self-indulgent kink threads and also I reblog a lot of shitposts that make fun of vore. I have had people who used to be really regular partners on my earlier blogs really distance themselves from me after I made Shaz and they noticed that I was actually a huge fucken weirdo. I’m always going to feel a little bad about that. but I think this time, this time, I have been better recieved. I think people don’t take RPing as seriously as they used to back in the day and I don’t feel as afraid of judgement. or maybe it’s just because I’ve gotten older and I have a real life now and I’ve learned to not let the attitudes of the RPC get to me.
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