#it's pushed to the front of queue 👍
aphverse-confessions · 2 months
AYY its me the original katelyn defender anon
I've rethinked my stance and I have to agree with a large sum of you, both are not great people. Katelyn was/is(?) abusive but Travis was also a sexual assaulter. I'm sorry for causing such a fuse and making some of yall mad
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kandadiff · 2 years
The Zoo : Scaring Funhouse 2
The Funhouse, 101 Elm Street 10:23 pm
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It was rare for The Funhouse to be empty or even have less then two speakers playing clashing music from one of the three floors. But today the house was fairly quiet. Labyrinth was playing from the tv in the living room, the music drifting up into my closet were I was playing dress up with Kitty. "Viola!" I announced pointing at her in the three way mirror that lay in the back of the walk-in closet, Queen playing softly from Kitty's phone. "This is the perfect welcome home outfit for Evan!" My eyes grew wide and I clapped my hands turning towards the shoe section of the closet and pulling out blue high heels. I helped her put then on and smiled at her. I spun her around and she laughed tripping a bit on the heels. I caught her before she could fall.
"I don't think I can ever walk in these." She giggled and slipped them off. I laughed and walked over towards the shoes.
"I think I have flats." I started digging through the shoes hearing Kitty softly singing to I want to break free! by Queen until it ended and another song didn't start. I looked back at her and an eyebrow as up, she hand on her phone.
"You hear that?" she asked placing her phone back on a shelf and I stopped to listen. I didn't hear anything. I shook my head "Exactly, Labyrinth was playing."
"It probably ended." I shrugged it off pulling out flats just a shade darker then the blue heels. "How about these?"
"We haven't been up here that long." She said and looked at the entrance to my closet. I was about to say something but then a hard knock was heard at the front door, making both of us jump and I gave a small laugh.
"I think it's our pizza." I said jogging down the stairs, Kitty timidly following me. I went towards the door looking at the living room TV when I passed it "I told you kit, the credits are on." I pressed play to whatever the next movie on the queue was and Goodfellas started to play. I opened the door fully expecting to see the Dominos Delivery man standing there but I saw no one and I walked outside a bit, the rain chilling my skin. I rolled my eyes, who in the fuck was playing a prank? "Fuck yourself assholes!" I shouted "Next time I come with my bat!"
Go on.
Kevin texted JJ from inside Cassandra's room on the first floor. He didn't expect it to be as easy as JJ said but it was true, when home alone Kay often forgot to lock the doors. JJ had told him if one was closed usually the other was unlocked, it was Adi and Draven who normal closed it while scolding her. She clearly never learned her lesson, while Steven knocked on the front door, him and JJ moved to the backyard and slipped through the back door. He looked back down at his phone.
The group put on there masks and just like that they shifted into their more animalistic selves out.
The Cat pounded on the backdoor and The Bunny slipped out of Cassie's room hiding in the shadows sketched on the walls. Kay and Kitty looked at each other.
"Don't answer it!" Kitty whisper shouted coming down a few more steps but not to the same level her best friend was at.
"Fuck that." The hazel eyed girl shook her head, grabbing a metal poker from the fire "I bet thats fucking Damien and I'm going to need something to shove in his ass." she stomped to the backdoor coming face to face with The Cat. "Who are-" she didn't get a chance to finish it when the Cat grabbed the metal poker and push it towards her.
She grunted as it slammed suddenly into her chest and he jerked it up, the sharpened iron cut into her forehead and he purposely jerked it to the side cutting her deeper. She screamed and tried to push back at him. The cat quickly slipped his foot behind her own, taking hold of the poker and he heard Kitty screamed. He slammed the metal poker into her chest again and she fell on her back, her head hitting the corner of the wall and she landed hard on her back.
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Kitty rushed down the stairs and towards her best friend but stopped halfway and looked towards there the other 2 fire pokers sat in there holder. She went to grab for one when out of the shadowed darkness the Bunny fiercely yanked at her mop of platinum hair. She screamed and struggled against him as he dragged her away towards the living room one hand effortlessly raising the TV's volume to 100. Kittys screams blended with the screams of the violent movie.
Kay shot up trying to catch her breath and the cat went to grab at her. She furiously kicked at him and screamed "GET OFF OF ME!" She landed a kick on the hip of the bunny and turned to scramble up. He felt his frustration grow and he pulled at her legs trying to steady them. He felt his rage grow as loud curses spewed from her lips and she managed to clamber up but a hard swing of the metal pole in her back made her stumble and let out a cry. It cut through the tee shirt she was wearing and left a bright red gash across her back, blood starting to drip out. The cat found himself smiling under his mask, how many men took the oppurtinuty of firsts from him. Her first kiss belonged to another man, her first dance, her first time... but this was his and he would leave his mark. He gripped the metal tight in his gloved fingers and swung hard again. She tripped falling into the wall and crying out. He did it again.
"STOP!" She shrieked and he did it again crossing over the first two in a double X mark. Red started to stain the white of her shirt. she tried to get up but he did it again and again and again until she stopped moving "STOP!" Her cry was weaker then before and tears pooled around her face. The cat laughed turning her over so he could see her face, her eyes grew wide with pain when as the cold wooden floors hit her exposed and cut up back. He raised the poker and she threw her hands up to protect herself but he couldn't stop himself. He swung it down and while grabbed it from him he stomped hard on her stomach and she cried out. It was now quiet enough so he couldn't hear it over the loud talk of goodfellas just in the next room. He yanked the poker out of her hands and raised it again, she now covered her face and he smiled wider.
"Stop, please!" she begged him, her voice now hoarse from screaming. His mind wondered how many men had made her voice hoarse before him? If the rumors were true, Damien had and woo and Jackson.
He watched as her eyes trained on the poker and the way her hands were pressed on the floor, she was going to try and get up as quickly as she could. She was quick, he’d have to do something about that if he planned on subduing her enough to get the drug in her mouth."Okay." he said tossing away the poker but instead he stomped ruthlessly on her right wrist, it cracked and her other hand instantly went to grab it. She howled in pain He pulled her forcefully towards him and he began to crawl on top of her pinning her down.
She was still screaming for help and to ‘get the fuck off!’ as she struggled. He squeezed her stomped on wrist cruelly and twisted it until her screams turned into cries of painful agony. He lifted her arm slamming it down on the hard wooden floor as she screamed for him to stop. Purple marks started to appear on her pale skin and he smirked. He let go of her wrist and it lay limp, she still squirmed and screamed as tears streamed down her cheeks but she couldn’t fight with that wrist. She raised it still and attempted to grab his mask. Instead she slapped him weakly and tried again. He slammed his fist in to her face when she tried it again, right into her eye. The area around her eyes slowly turning hues of blue and purple.
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He leaned down towards her "Are you going to behave now?" he asked and she spat at him. He slammed his gloved fist into her eyes again and her cry was cut short. He took a moment to notice that blood vessels exploded and one hazel eye was turned crimson. She shook from fear or pain or both- the Cat didn't care so he asked her again. "Are you going to behave now?" she shook as he nodded. "get on your knees." Her eyes grew wide but he made no indication of his next move. "Don't make me say it again." his gargled voice cutting the air around her. She winced and flinched as she rose from the floors to kneeling. She looked up at him, her face wet with blood and tears and terror. He relished the power he held - was this how Kevin felt? Was this the power he was talking about?
One hand reached into his back pocket and took out a stamp "Open." he pressed his fingers to her mouth while the other hand rested on her upper back, just above the open wounds now seeping blood. In one last act of defiance - she bit hard on his finger (the tablet still slipping into her mouth and accidentally down her throat). She struggled to get on her feet but the cat grabbed her by her neck and dug his fingers into her deep back cuts, digging into her muscles while muffling her screams with his throbbing bitten hand. It only took a few moments but soon she was out in his arms and he gently placed her on the floor in a bloodied mess. She had passed out from the pain.
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The bunny placed his large hands on Kitty's soft throat. She choked out - her lungs begging for air and her fingers scratching at the bunny arms but they were covered by a thick dark hoodie. The bunny relished the petrified look in her ice blue eyes. He wished he could take a picture of her expressions and hang it on his ceiling.
"Open your mouth for me." The bunny said simply. his voice a higher pitch from the voice changer. She coughed hard again struggling under him.
"Please." she squeaked out and he released his hold on her throat. She sputtered coughs violently out of her body. Spit spewing from her lips as she tried to catch her breath. The Bunny smiled seeing crystal-like tears form in her eyes. "Please!"
His hands closed around her throat again "open your mouth for me." He lifted her head up and slammed it one again on the corner of the coffee table. The tears leaked from her eyes and he saw the blood on the corner - seeming to sparkle in the dim living room light. "I won't ask again Kara-lina." He said letting his grip loosen when he saw her face turning from shades of pink to light blues. He let go when her eyes fluttered shut and she coughed hysterically to catch her breath.
She let out a whimper but opened her mouth just an inch and when his hands fastened around her throat again as in warning she opened it more. He reached into his pocket placing the tab on her tongue covering her mouth with his large hand until her eyes fluttered shut.
He got off of her laughing through his mask and walked back towards where he knew the Cat could be. He saw Kay in a mess on the floor he barked at the cat to stand in front of him and like a child the cat listened. He hit him hard in the stomach and he doubled over.
"Get you're shit together." he said lowly "if you loose your temper again, I will lose my temper with you." The cat said nothing but simply nodded. "Go get her phone." The cat wandered upstairs and a few minutes later the Bunny had the phone. He pressed the code in and scrolled until he reached Negan.
Negan 🤪
I did something bad. Come please and help.
He sent the location and motioned for him and the cat to leave. "Let go get our meatballs."
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