#it's possible Gerald tweaked Shadow's memories some other way
brucenorris007 · 1 year
So. Um.
>Gerald mucked around with Shadow’s memories, hence why so much about what actually went down on the ARK and who Gerald and Maria were is up for interpretation
>Gerald created Shadow simultaneously to satisfy the government’s demands for a super weapon/Ultimate lifeform which he thought could also mitigate, if not cure, Maria’s illness
>It stands to reason that he intended for Shadow to mitigate her illness through chaos energy, hence why he literally exudes and expends so much of it that he requires inhibitors
>Maria’s illness is described as a neuro/immuno, as in issues with her immune system and tied into her brain
>Did... did Gerald tweak and manipulate Shadow’s memories through the use of chaos energy? Changing wavelengths and frequencies or some such?
>And... if so, is it possible that Knuckles might be able to restore Shadow’s memories, SA2 and prior, in full, using the Master Emerald?
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