#it's okay tho michael wipes his tears sometimes
whaledontsleep · 3 years
philza: so, how's fatherhood treating you?
tubbo: good. i didn't expect this much crying though, to be honest.
philza: don't worry, it's normal for toddlers to cry.
tubbo: what? no, michael's fine, i was talking about ranboo.
ranboo, crying while watching michael run across his bedroom: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years
Demons (Leading Me to Do Their Dirty Work)
Michael Clifford One Shot
I wrote this for a friend ages and AGES ago and everyone wants to flirt with demons so I repurposed it! It’s 8k of witch!reader adventures, hope you enjoyII 
Disclaimer: there’s blood, violence, and absolutely no smut. That’s not a joke. Read accordingly. 
Y/N should have known as soon as Lucy came in that something was wrong. Usually she came in all in a huff, or a bright whirlwind, talking about something she had seen on her way back from class or why organic chemistry was going to make her cry. This time the only thing that announced her arrival was the door slamming and sick silence. Y/N should have known right then and there. Maybe it would have saved her.
“Hey, how was your tutorial? Did you tell your TA that-” Y/N turned around to face Lucy and cut herself off. You couldn’t be a witch without instinct, and something about Lucy screamed wrong.
It was probably all the blood.
“Jesus, are you alright? Did you get mugged?” Y/N stood up from her desk chair, grabbing a roll of paper towel. Lucy shook her pale head as Y/N started wiping at her cheeks. She looked like death, or like she had just met him. Blood dripped out of her hair onto the carpet and her black shirt glistened too deep for it to be soaked with anything else.
“No, I’m - the blood isn’t mine, no. It’s - Y/N, I really need your help.”
That almost shook Y/N worse than all the gore. Lucy was - well, cold, she tried to be untouchable, but Y/N was almost sure she was going to see tear tracks appear in the blood on her roommate’s cheeks. “Of course. Tell me what’s going on, you’re freaking me out.” She said, trying not to show the way her stomach lurched. It felt bad. It felt like a premonition.
“It’s Michael.”
Y/N had known it wouldn’t be easy. Canada was a totally different country, and university - yeah, she had taken AP classes, but that didn’t mean she was ready, you know? Having a roommate, taking care of herself, it was all going to be new. But that was something everyone went through at one point or another. The real trouble was the magic.
She didn’t remember how old she had been when her mother had pulled her off the lawn and told her in a sharp sharp voice that pebbles belonged on the ground. Little, anyway. “We don’t make things fly outside. It’s dangerous. Okay?”
That lesson in particular had ended with her mother going “Oh, sweetheart, stop crying. It’s alright, (because Y/N had always been a bit weepy)” and taking her inside to read stories, but there were more. Witchcraft ran in her mother’s line like a heart disease, and Y/N had the power like her mother and the grandmother before. She’d been a bit haywire as a kid - emotionally she had always been a bit watery, but her power was a flame and it had taken her some time to get it under control. It was supposed to be easier, now. She could lift proper big things, like luggage and TVs - not that it did her much good because she wasn’t supposed to where people could see - brew any number of potions (most of them she did in the microwave instead of a cauldron) and chat with the ghosts in the old buildings. And now that she could control it the whole magic part was easier, she supposed, but she still sometimes did sleep-magic and on top of first year in uni it was a lot.
She hadn’t intended on talking to anyone about it, even if she hadn’t been able to finagle her way out of getting a roommate, but Lucy was - well. She was something else. Lucy thought there was a siren in the basement and that the room at the end of the hall had a dead body in it and she knew deep in her bones that the building was haunted. Even if Y/N did cast a little spell to make her sleep deeply through any sleep-magic she might have caused, she was always on edge around her roommate, and it didn’t help that things tended to float when she was nervous. She thought she had been doing a pretty good job, but Lucy had a thing for looking for trouble, and there was nothing that said trouble like a witch.
Y/N could still remember how she found out Lucy knew. She still wasn’t sure exactly when her roommate had figured it out, but she remembered realizing her secret was out. It was a nightmare. “...and so I need to get a new copy of the lab manual, which blows, unless - oh, d’you think you could find it? With your-” Lucy had wiggled her fingers in the air like they were glitter.
It took Y/N a long moment to figure out what she was getting at, but - magic. Fuck! Her stomach dropped straight through the floor and the glass of water in her hand started to freeze over. Lucy, for her part, looked just as shocked as Y/N felt. “Oh, shit, I was - I didn’t know - well, I thought, but - Y/N, don’t panic, I’m not going to tell anyone!” Lucy had been mostly-but-not-really joking, as was her custom, but she hadn’t expected Y/N to wear her guilt on her face like that.
It had been a rough night, but they’d gotten through it, and it did make things easier - Y/N could wake Lucy up now if she was freaking out, and finally she could talk to someone about the ghost in Lucy’s closet. Lucy, too, got to “peel back the veil between worlds” and beg Y/N to show her what would be on her midterms. They gave and took with this, just as they had with the floor space or who was going to vacuum. Everything had been good until that night when Lucy had come home in blood and silence.
Here was the thing about Michael. He was Lucy’s pal mostly, someone she had met at a friend’s party, and they got along like mad. Lucy usually insisted that Y/N come along when they went on excursions because they needed “adult supervision”, and although Y/N usually resented being dragged along to things she usually didn’t mind when this happened. Mikey would just show up at their door sometimes (and she didn’t know who the hell was letting him in the building) with tickets to go play laser tag, or go to frat parties where he’d be decent and not ditch them. Y/N thought he was a nice guy. He was cute, too - he had bleach blond hair that made her think he was bad but a smile that made her feel really good sometimes. Lucy always said that Michael was a trip, and Y/N was sure it would have been all too easy to fall for him, but.
Here was the thing. Y/N had only really asked her mom about why she had divorced her dad once, when she was young. She didn’t remember it clearly, but she did remember the pain on her mother’s face when she told her that the magic was a gift and not to ever, ever doubt that, no matter what some people would say. Y/N knew what that meant - people wouldn’t like it if they knew, sometimes. People wouldn’t trust her. She knew she had to hide that part of her to stay safe. She didn’t like keeping secrets from people she was close to - she didn’t like wondering if Peter and Marukh from math would still want to hang out with her if they knew she could find out how they died. Not that she would, but still.
So yeah, maybe she’d never really had a serious boyfriend, or someone she considered her best friend. She’d been safe up till now. She’d stay that way. Lucy had been different, of course. She’d connived her way into Y/N’s life. Y/N had vowed not to let it happen again.
But Mikey was very cute. And nice. And he gave her looks she didn’t need magic to decipher.
That was all.
“Oh, god.”
Lucy’s voice snapped Y/N out of it. She must have gone quiet for a moment - it was Michael, something was wrong with Michael, and there was so much blood on Lucy - but she edged her way over to hold the back of a chair, just in case she did take a tumble. “Is he-” She started, voice strained, but Lucy didn’t have the chance to interrupt her before she fell silent. She didn’t want to say it out loud. Maybe then it wouldn’t be true.
“He’s not hurt. He’s fine. It’s just - you know how I do that thing where I go to a thrift store and if something looks haunted I try to buy it?” Lucy said, in a voice as close as she could come to sheepish. She pushed her hair back, but mostly succeeded in smearing blood over her forehead.
Y/N could feel misery replace itself with dread. She could guess where this was going. At least Michael wasn’t dead, right? “What did you do?”
“It’s Halloween, Y/N, okay, and I saw a Ouija board at the Goodwill and I was going to that party with, like, Mikey and them anyway, and I knew he’d like it but I said not to try it tonight because it’s Halloween and he didn’t listen so I stuck around to make sure everything was okay and it wasn’t! All the lights went out and blood started pouring from the faucets and it was just real bad. And I thought you might - I thought you might know what to do.” Lucy finished with a gasp.
Y/N didn’t know what to do.
Ghosts were one thing. Pixies, brownies, all the Fair Folk, they were dangerous when crossed but nothing she couldn't handle. Even beasts could be tamed. Demons were different. All they did was hurt and cause chaos. They were greedy for power, sex, any sort of vice, and they'd do anything to get it. Cowardly witches avoided them because they’d drain the magic and life from a witch to make themselves stronger. They were sadistic, dangerous creatures. Y/N didn't like them at all.
She knew what she had to do, though. It was Halloween; demons were strong on Halloween night, but so were witches. “Okay,” she said, after taking a very big breath. “Lucy, I need you to get a bag. Do you have any salt?”
Lucy reached for her backpack, but she looked nervous. “I - I don’t know.”
“Nevermind,” Y/N said, pulling a box of sea salt out from under her bed. “Any iron?”
Y/N didn't usually like to go to Michael’s place. The building gave her weird vibes, plus she didn't know how she felt about his roommate, Calum. Luce usually brushed off any of her concerns with “...okay, but he's hot tho”, and she wasn't wrong, but there was something shifty about him. Y/N was pretty sure he was a drug dealer, or in some kind of gang.
She remembered the last time she had been over there. They'd just been stopping to pick the boys up before getting drinks - Mikey had guided her out the door by the elbow as they headed to the bar. It felt embarrassing, the way she remembered that touch. Over the course of the night their group grew from four to eight as they met up with friends but still every time she looked up, it seemed, his eyes were on her
It took her five minutes to get everything she’d need together, stealing thread from Lucy’s sewing kit and filling the backpack with scented candles. They used stainless steel knives filched from the dining hall for iron. It wasn’t conventional, but if it saved Mikey’s life that didn’t matter. The backpack jingled almost cheerfully on Y/N's back as they finally made their way out of the building. “I can’t believe no one’s called an ambulance for you.” Y/N murmured as they sped through the lamp-lit streets. She could see drops of blood on the sidewalk from Lucy’s trip over - she looked like the final girl of a horror movie.
“It’s- it’s Halloween, they probably think it’s makeup.” Lucy replied. “It doesn’t matter. Can’t we walk any faster?”
Y/N knew that it was a bad idea for her to draw attention to herself, but she wanted to. Wanted to sprint through the streets. Now that Michael could be dead - damn it, why had Lucy left him alone, why hadn’t she just called Y/N? - she was letting herself mourn what she had never let herself feel. She wasn’t really big on divination, but they would have worked, she had known it. If he came out of this unscathed he probably still wouldn’t want her - what kind of a first date was a fucking exorcism? It wasn’t fair. She hadn’t asked for this. Hell, if she could have she might have given her “gift” to Lucy weeks ago. Let her have her fun.
Y/N was a good witch. A nice witch. She didn’t curse, hex, or even do passive aggressive cantrips. She played by the goddamn rules but her crush was still being hounded by a demon and even if he wasn’t hurt it was still a bitch of a situation.
“Y/N. You okay?” Lucy’s eyes peered out of her bloody face.
“Yes.” Y/N said, and her voice came out surprisingly calm. Actually, it was kind of a shock she hadn’t started crying by now. Maybe she did have more iron in her. Maybe… maybe when her friends needed her most she could pull it together to save them. Maybe that was the only fucking upside to having dangerous powers and idiot friends.
“Well, we’re almost there. Fuck, I’m glad you’re around.” Lucy added with a mumble. Y/N appreciated it. Lucy totally owed her.
They tramped up the stairs to Michael’s apartment, and Luce thankfully did not complain. Y/N had a bad feeling about this as soon as she crossed the threshold, and she wasn’t about to ride an elevator in a building where demons had been unleashed. They had to be smart now - had to be careful. Y/N had only dealt with a demon once, and even then, she was mostly standing by and watching. She knew what to do, in theory. It was gonna be okay. Lucy and Mikey were idiots, they couldn’t have summoned anything big and nasty, right?
Even if Y/N had forgotten Michael's apartment, she wouldn't have had any trouble picking it out. Bloody fingerprints stood out on the white paint, and as they moved down the hall a group of trick or treaters, dressed as dragons and princesses, skirted the door nervously. Y/N's stomach flipped. Kids often knew things adults didn't, and if these kids wouldn't even knock on the door for candy, well - that wasn't good. That wasn't good at all.
Lucy seemed to be getting more and more antsy as they approached the door. “Makes me feel sick just looking at it,” She mumbled, nodding at the blood before knocking on the door with an open palm. “Mikey? It's me. Hurry up.”
“What’s the password?”
Y/N almost had a heart attack when she heard Michael's voice - he was still alive. But why wasn't he letting them in? Was something wrong with him? Lucy caught the look Y/N was giving her. “We figured it would be good to, like, have a sign and countersign in case one of us wasn't - we didn't want to take a chance, alright? Don't panic, kid.” She turned to the door again. “Festinare.”
“Gravissime.” Michael's voice sounded tight, stressed.
“Habeo eius. Aperi ianuam.”
“Is that French?” Y/N asked, fingers tightening around the straps of her backpack. Lucy probably nodded, but by then Michael had opened the door and Y/N couldn't be asked to focus on anything else. He looked a wreck - he was just as bloody as Lucy, or worse. His shirt was soaked enough to stick to his skin, and his hair had some new red streaks she was sure didn't come from dye. All the way up to his elbows she could see where he had tried to clean it off.
“Thank fuck. Y/N.” Mikey said, putting one hand on her shoulder. “I'm so - come in, please. Thank you so much for coming.” His grip was strong, and he pulled her inside so fast she would have fallen over had Lucy not been right behind her.
“Sorry,” Lucy said, yanking the door shut behind her. “I'm just- Mikey, are you okay?” She coughed - she was probably breathless from fear.
Y/N watched Michael run a hand through his hair, leaving it even more blood-soaked. “Well, my sink’s not fuckin’ bleeding anymore, so that’s something. Things have quieted down, but it’s not - something doesn’t feel right. In here.”
Y/N could feel it, too. It was like a too-dark street and a close call with a kitchen knife and a jolt in the elevator all rolled into one just standing in his entryway. “Whatever you summoned is still around. We need to do something, and quick.” She said, letting the bag slide off her shoulders and reaching for the zipper. “Michael, do you have-” She was interrupted by the sound of Lucy coughing again, taking breaths that seemed to rattle on the way out.
“Sorry, I’m-” Lucy tried to explain, but covered her mouth as another coughing fit took over. “I’m fine, it’s just-” She started to cough again.
Something wasn’t right. Mikey was already in enough danger; Y/N had to protect her other friend right now. “Luce, go wait in the lobby. Michael can help me fix this.”
“No, Y/N, I-”
“You’ve already done enough. I can take it from here.”
Determination flashed in Lucy’s eyes. “No, I can stay, I can control this-” Lucy broke off into another violent set of coughs, and this time Y/N watched as she drew her hand away from her mouth with something thick and black on her fingers. Moving faster than she thought capable, Y/N grabbed her friend’s wrist as the ink slowly formed drips from her fingertips. Meeting Lucy’s eyes, she lost her grip for a second and couldn’t fucking breathe.
Lucy’s eyes were black, all the way through.
The wrist was yanked from her hand as Lucy fell to her knees, clawing at her throat. Strong hands wrapped around Y/N’s waist. Michael pulled her into his body as Y/N finally woke up and reached out to her friend. Lucy was screaming. Y/N had never heard Lucy scream before. She was trying to get to her feet but fell, and the second her back hit the ground it arched until Y/N thought she would snap. That black oil was pouring out of her mouth now, making a puddle on the floor. Mikey swore and started dragging Y/N away with a strength she didn’t know he had. Lucy collapsed again, shakily turning onto her stomach, still coughing like an elder god - how was she still breathing?
Y/N had been fighting Michael’s grip the whole time - she could help, she was a witch, chrissakes - but now she stopped, eyes wide. The puddle was drawing away from Lucy. It pulled along the floor, gathering itself like a video in reverse, almost boiling. It bubbled a few inches off the floor, then a foot, and with a sound like glass breaking everything went white and when Y/N blinked back into vision -
Lucy was still shaking on the floor. Standing over her was Calum, Michael’s roommate, in the centre of a black stain on the hardwood.
Y/N understood now.
The feeling of uneasiness she got around him. That slimey fuckin’ grin. The way Lucy had been nervous all night - she had chalked it up to the horror of the Ouija board, but it was that demon in Lucy's body, trying to trick her. The foreign mumbling at the door - it had been Latin. Y/N couldn’t believe she’d been so blind on Halloween.
Michael had gone still, too, and Y/N knew she didn’t have to look to see her own terror echoed on his face as that thing Calum stepped closer to Lucy. He looked irritated, although Y/N knew she should be thankful he wasn’t mad enough to set her friend on fire. “She takes a beating, but she just won't quit.” He stood over her and curled one hand in thin air. “I like that in a girl.” Lucy's body uncrumpled on the floor as her head, then shoulders, then torso began to rise up off the floor. Calum levitated her until the toes of her converse hung an inch off the floor.
Y/N couldn't have resisted Michael's grip if she had tried. Most demons didn't have enough power to boil a teaspoon of water. If Calum - whatever it called itself - could make Lucy hover like this they were in more trouble than she thought. The blood had been one thing, but this… “Y/N, breathe.” Michael whispered, so close to the shell of her ear she could feel his lips on it. She breathed. Wait, why was Michael holding her back? She was here to take care of this, and Satan or not that was what she was going to do.
“Michael,” She said very quietly as Lucy stirred and Calum mentioned something about being inside her, “I need you to go into the bedroom and shut the door and don't come out until I come get you.”
She felt his body shift to hold her tighter. “Fuck - no! I'm gonna protect you and I'm gonna protect Lucy once I figure out - you need to stay back.” Michael whispered frantically.
Y/N's stomach flipped when he said he'd protect her. She knew it couldn't happen, though, he'd die or worse, and she strained against his grip. “Michael, I know tonight's been weird but you have to trust me, I know what I'm doing and you'll only be in more danger if you stick around.”
“What’re you gonna do, Y/N, you can't kill a goddamn spider-”
“You can't stand up to him. You need to listen to me-”
“Don't be stupid-”
“I can save Lucy if you just let go, I-” Y/N was trying not to attract the demon’s attention, but Michael, he wouldn’t listen.
“What are you gonna do, Y/N?”
“I'm a witch!”
Y/N was released so suddenly she almost fell. She hadn't expected that to work, but it hadn't exactly helped. Calum's head snapped over to where Michael and Y/N had been arguing and with a flick of his wrist Lucy dropped to the ground so fast her head bounced on the hardwood.
Oh, shit. Just being in his line of sight felt like being pinned.
“I knew it.”
Y/N hated to turn her back on Calum, especially as Luce groaned and came too, but something in Michael's tone scared her more than that demon did. She glanced over her shoulder at him, but what she saw made her freeze and turn slowly to take him in.
Michael had changed. Y/N had been his friend since the start of the year, and she knew him, but this wasn't her Mikey. His relaxed slouch had disappeared; he looked about three inches taller. His shoulders looked not just broad but broad, giving him a dangerous frame. Nothing had changed - no, everything had changed. This wasn't Michael. This had to be someone else.
That was Y/N's hope, anyway, that he had been possessed, just like Lucy. What she saw in his eyes told her that couldn't be possible. They were so cruel. They weren’t hiding anything.
“I knew it.” Michael said. Even his voice had gotten deeper. “It had to be you. Lucy was too… fuck, you were clever. You hid it so well, little witch.”
Michael was a demon. Michael was a demon. And he knew. Y/N took a step back from him. “You've got power, Y/N, I can tell.” He continued with a smirk like a dagger. “Too bad you'll never be able to use it.”
Y/N was just trying to process. She was in a demon's lair - demons with power, obviously, who knew what she was. Demons she had considered friends. They'd kill her. But it was Michael. Fuck! She couldn't believe she'd had a crush on him.
Focus. She had to focus. She could get them out of here if she just - she had to think clearly, but it was hard when betrayal was still registering. “I can send you back to Hell. Or - or you can let Lucy and me leave and we'll call it even. No one gets hurt. Michael, come on, I know you're not like this.”
The demon Michael smiled properly, and it was worse than his smug little smirk. “Why would I do that, sweetheart? I've worked so hard to get you here and I'm not letting you go.” He was going to reach out any second now, Y/N knew, reach out and grab her and feed until only her body was left. Shit. That was if she was lucky.
“I came here ready for an exorcism, remember? It's Halloween, Michael. I'm stronger tonight. I can cast you out.” Y/N didn't hear any conviction in her voice, but Mikey as a human had been pretty stupid.
Michael's smile didn't falter. He leaned down, so that the space between them shrank and his nightmare eyes met hers. “I'm stronger, too.”
That was all Y/N could take. Her backpack was still in her hand, and she finally opened it, reaching for the stainless steel knife. “I wouldn't do that if I were you.” Calum's voice floated over, and she turned, fists closed tight around her weapons.
He'd scooped Lucy up from the ground and was holding her against him tight, with one arm wrapped around her waist. The other arm held her head back, so her throat was exposed. You could see an artery in her throat pounding like a small animal trapped under her skin. “See, you probably could send my friend to Hell, but then I'd have to slit poor Miss Lucy's throat and watch her choke on her own blood.” Lucy squirmed in his grip, but Calum moved his hand to close around her throat and that quieted her. Y/N shifted nervously, but Lucy didn't look like she was being strangled yet. Yet. “I don't really want to get into that tonight. So maybe you put the iron down and I'll maybe let your friend live, hm?”
Lucy wet her lips. “Don't do anything stupid, if he kills me I won't have to study-” Calum's hand tightened, and she fell silent with a little gasp for air.
The knife clattered to the floor. What choice did Y/N have?
Calum smiled wider. “Good girl.”
“Let her go.” Y/N said, trying to keep her voice even. She wasn't going to rise to this monster’s bait. “I did what you asked.”
Calum moved his hand away from Lucy’s neck to start stroking her hair. Lucy was clearly uncomfortable, but at least she was less likely to die. “Never said I'd let her go,” he said, in a voice meant to be casual. Lucy swore and started fighting in his arms again, but his hand tightened in her hair and yanked. “I won’t kill your pretty little friend, but I will make her wish I had if she doesn’t behave.” He continued, like he was telling Y/N what he liked on his sandwiches.
This was all wrong. It was happening too fast. Y/N was trapped and she’d put the girl who was, apparently, her only human friend in danger and the boy she had once liked wanted to kill her. They’d effectively disarmed her, and without that salt and iron Y/N didn’t like her chances. She still had power, but so did the demons, and she was fucking outnumbered. She found herself blinking back tears all of a sudden, trying to keep out of a panic. “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Calum muttered, rolling his eyes. He started to drag Lucy back, ignoring her thrashing as they headed to his bedroom.
Demons didn’t sleep. Who knew what could be in there?
Y/N started to chase him mindlessly, still on the verge of tears. A hand wrapped around her wrist, jerking her back. She had almost forgotten about Michael, and now he was leering at her with anticipation. His wicked grin faltered a little when he saw her tears, but Y/N hated him for it; it was just a show to get her to trust him again. “Hey, hey, calm down, little witch. Show me your pretty smile.” He said, tugging her closer, but Y/N didn’t want to play that game. Crying wasn’t going to save her friend. Putting up a decent fight gave them both a chance.
She closed her eyes and reached for power inside her, feeling it tingle down her fingertips. Michael hissed, so she knew it was working, but his grip on her wrist only seemed to get tighter - Y/N had to grit her teeth to keep from making some pitiful sound. She focused. She wanted this to hurt. She thought of fire, lapping over her skin like water. She thought of brilliant white light. She held on to her anger and pushed with her mind.
“Fuck!” The demon cried, releasing her. Y/N opened her eyes.
Michael had taken a step back, and the hand he had used to grab her had changed. It was as if black ink had been injected into his veins - some coal-black lines went all the way to his elbow. Y/N didn’t have time to feel proud, though. With a growl, Michael pushed her with both hands, hard, and Y/N felt her feet leave the floor from the force of it. She hit the wall behind her with a thud that resonated through her body and an ache that followed. Before she could recover, Michael caught her wrists and pinned them to her sides.
Y/N cried out and closed her eyes. She had never heard a voice like that before - if she was even hearing it. Whatever Michael was doing jarred her bones, and she couldn’t help but fight his grip. That voice hurt. She couldn’t take it.
And Michael knew it.
“I was going to make a deal with you.” He continued, rage still seeping out of his voice. “Y/N, look at me. Look me in the eyes, love.” His grip tightened around her wrists again and she obeyed almost immediately, still shaken. He was so close to her she could feel the heat radiating off his body, so close his smile seemed grotesque.
“Good girl.” His hold on her wrists loosened. “Now. I don’t want to fight you. You’re a little too strong, Y/N, baby. We’d tear each other to pieces. So we’re gonna make a deal.”
“I-I’m not-”
Y/N was quiet.
“We’re going to make a deal.” Michael repeated, taking a deep breath. When he met Y/N’s eyes again he was smiling like he had a plan. She shivered in his grip. “We’ve already agreed that as long as you don’t try to kill me, Calum won’t kill your friend. But if I’m going to let you go... I need something in return.”
Y/N could tell Michael knew what he wanted already. Deals with demons were dangerous, but… they could be evenly matched. A fight could kill them both. And she had to think about Lucy, too. “You can have a week off my life.” She said, forcing herself to hold his gaze. He just laughed and moved closer. His nose brushed hers. Y/N could feel herself start to pant.
“That’s very generous of you, little witch, but I won’t take that much from you. Surprised? I do have a heart, you know. At least, I used to. No, I don’t even want a day.”
Her heart had lept when he said he wouldn’t take much, but this sounded too good. Maybe Mikey had seemed nice, but demons weren’t kind; he had some plot twist waiting for her. “I’ll take just one night.” He said, smirking. That didn’t… that didn’t sound so bad.
“One night of you in my bed.”
Y/N tugged against his hold on her, glaring, but the demon kept talking with his smooth voice. “I know you have a sweet little crush on me, baby. I know you want me. I’d go easy on you.” He dropped his voice to a sinful whisper. “Bet you’d like it.”
“Stop.” Y/N could feel herself blushing and she turned her face away.
“Bet you like being pushed around a little, being told what to do. Being my good girl. The boys on campus can’t quite do that for you, can they? I could.” Y/N’s cheeks were burning now, but that wasn’t all. “Maybe I’d have you ride my thigh until you’re shaking, but I wouldn’t let you cum, make you wait until you’d sucked Daddy’s cock to - oh, baby, you’re getting wet.”
Y/N had a fire in her belly and she didn’t know what it was from, but she let it come out as anger as she turned to face him. “I’m not.” She said, holding his gaze firmly.
His knee pressed itself between her legs, making her yelp and try to fight his grip again. He barely looked inconvenienced. He leaned in until his lips brushed against her ear. “You shouldn’t lie to your Daddy, sweetheart. I can smell it on you.”
Y/N wanted sorely to deny it. She really did. But she knew what she liked and apparently, so did Michael, because she could feel her pulse pounding through every part of her. Would it be so crazy to agree? Sex with a demon didn’t automatically get you possessed, she was pretty sure, and - okay, maybe on a night when she’d had a little too much to drink she’d thought about Michael and how his ever-present stubble would feel against her neck, between her thighs. It was… unconventional, but if it saved her life… plus it had kind of been a while, she'd be honest, and demons were literally meant for sin, it probably wouldn't be bad-
“Okay,” she murmured. She closed her eyes.
She expected him to just rush in then, but there wasn't some crushing kiss. He didn't grope her - he eased up on her wrists, actually. She opened her eyes again, slowly now. He was still looking at her, but his smile had eased up a little; there were less teeth in it. When she gathered the courage to meet his eyes something had changed. “Was it the daddy thing? Was that what did it?” His teasing tone was different, too. It was light. Before it had been bleeding dark and mean.
“...shut up.” She mumbled, a little cautiously. She had just agreed to be his for a night; she didn’t know what the fuck kind of rules he was going to come up with. He didn’t try to hit her, though, so maybe that was good. He smiled instead. Maybe that was worse, but right now, looking at it, Y/N didn’t think so.
“No, it’s cute. Whatever floats your boat, Y/N. Sorry about the push, by the way, but - to be fair you weren’t exactly going easy on me.” He winked as he let go of her wrists (although his knee was still in between hers and dangerously high).
Y/N wasn’t going to get caught up in this again. If the old Michael had been talking to her this way she knew she would have melted a little, but she had to forget about that. “You’ll let Lucy go. Forever. You and Calum. No chasing her.”
“I - what? I wasn’t exactly planning on getting Luce into this, although if that’s what you’re into then-”
“No.” The harshness of her voice surprised both of them. “I’m not joking. You let her go, you leave her alone, you let her walk out of here unharmed. If I-I sleep with you. Those are my terms.” Y/N wasn’t falling for any of their stupid tricks again.
Michael looked a little annoyed, but none of that nightmare anger flashed across his face. He took a very deep breath, probably because demons were assholes and he knew that making this deal was killing her. “In the morning. Sunrise. We’ll let you both leave. I swear.”
Y/N relaxed, just a little. Okay. Okay. “And Calum can’t hurt her in the meantime.”
“That’s - yeah, okay, that’s fair. Calum!” Michael yelled, turning away from Y/N.
Calum poked his head out of the bedroom, frowning. Was he not wearing a shirt? “I’m a little busy, Mikey.”
“I’m making a deal with Y/N, you have to let Lucy go at sunrise.”
Calum cocked his head, looking Y/N over. It felt like being searched at the airport. “...yeah, alright.” He started to head back into the bedroom, and that was when Y/N saw the scratch on his cheek. Maybe she didn’t need to worry so much about Lucy.
“And you can’t hurt her.” Michael said, in a voice that bordered on the dangerous tone he had used on Y/N.
That got Calum to stop. “But I - what am I supposed to do, she’s already tried to stab me like three times -”
“You’re six hundred years old, Calum, figure it out.” Michael rolled his eyes, giving Y/N a “can you believe this idiot” kind of look that she felt all too tempted to enjoy. Calum huffed and closed the door with a jolt.
Y/N knew it was stupid to trust a demon, but there were certain rules they had to follow. As long as she held up her end of the deal, Lucy would be safe.
Oh, shit. Her end of the deal.
Y/N looked back at Michael. He wasn’t smirking at her anymore, and he wasn’t trying to mentally undress her - at least, as far as she could tell. That had to be good. Or bad, maybe, it wasn’t like she had experience with this. “Try not to look so eager, princess.” He drawled, finally pulling his knee out from between her legs. “I’m gonna go easy on you. Start you off slow.” He stepped back, giving Y/N room to breathe for a second.
She thought about running as Michael surveyed the apartment, but only for a moment. It would only make him angry, and besides, they still had Lucy. Maybe it didn’t look like it, but she was just as trapped as she had been with her wrists in his grip. It made her anxious, though, to see him being calculating. She didn’t want this to be so satisfying to him. “What are you doing?” She asked, after a silence that felt like ages.
“Hmm? Oh, I was just - dunno where to start us off, since I’ve thought about fuckin’ you on, like, every flat surface in here.” Michael said. Y/N heard herself gasp. She couldn’t help it. He turned to look at her, smiling a little. “You’re pretty when you blush.”
“I- thanks.” She said lamely, still trying to process what he had said. Was he gonna try to do something crazy with her? Did she want him to? Maybe she’d better try to head this off at the pass. “One night in your bed was the deal, I’m not - I’m not gonna do you on the coffee table.” Her voice shook, although Michael looked pleasantly surprised despite that.
“Alright, alright. You’ve got some bite in you, Y/N, can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” Michael had the audacity to look fond, and that was what finally pushed Y/N over from fear to anger. “My smart little witch.” Michael continued.
“I’m not your anything.”
Y/N had been feeling a little bit better about this ordeal until Michael gave her that look. “That’s where you’re wrong, Y/N. You’re mine for the next six hours, and I’m not gonna stand around talking till my time runs out. So.” Y/N squeaked as he caught her waist, lifting her up and spinning her around to sit her on the counter. “Why don’t you kiss me?”
“This isn’t your bed,” Y/N said, but as Michael’s hands tightened around her waist again she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips, just a little one. His hands stilled.
She drew back fully, leaning far enough to take him all in. His lips had been warmer than she had ever thought. Not that she had- shit.
He had planted his hands on either side of her body, and as she watched him he reached out to gently hold her chin. She steeled herself; she didn’t pull away. “It’s a start, babygirl.” He smiled, and then he leaned in and Y/N’s world went electric. He started slow, like he had said, but his lips were giving and insistant when they pressed against hers. She had been worried that he’d try to shove his tongue down her throat or taste like blood, but he was just all soft and he still smelled like his cologne. She’d thought about this - not, like, in specifics, just - this was better.
It didn’t take long for him to deepen the kiss and tug her in closer, still keeping his grip on her chin. She moved with him. His free hand found hers blindly and closed around it, pulling it up to Michael’s hair as he pressed closer to her. Y/N could figure out what he wanted, so she tangled her fingers in his hair as he pressed closer, close enough that their chests brushed. Fuck, she wished she could hate him for this. He was hot as hell - just the contact of his mouth made her feel like she was burning up. She didn't want to kiss him back completely, but she wasn’t dead in his arms, either; she didn’t know if she could help it. Just as his arm wrapped around his waist and pulled her in, she used her grip on his hair to gently (mostly) tug his mouth away from hers for some air. The kiss had been almost sweet, but she was already short of breath.
Michael wasn’t, though. His cheeks were pink, but he looked at Y/N with oceans of calm. “You're… something. You really are.” He was still holding her chin, and he ran his thumb along the side of her jaw in a way that she wasn't stupid enough to call tender. “I'm gonna wreck you tonight.” He said so gently she almost shook.
Michael drew her in for one last kiss - just a peck, really, it was almost innocent. He took her hands and helped her off the counter, which Y/N didn't mind because her legs were feeling a little wobbly. As he lead her through the apartment, he turned and gave her a little smile over his shoulder.
“I might be a demon, but I’ll have you calling God’s name tonight.”
Y/N blinked.
She was so fucked.
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