#it's not that i don't think kageyama didn't need hinata as a player either!!
kimbapisnotsushi · 3 months
hinata needed kageyama as a player and kageyama needed hinata as a person
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realcube · 2 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'Love Language: giving, they are words of affirmation (I'm bad at saying things but I write love letters) and physical touch. Receiving, I like physical touch and acts of service.'
𓆩♡𓆪kageyama's main love langauges would definitely be physical touch + either acts of service or maybe quality time
𓆩♡𓆪 bc we've seen how is with hinata-
𓆩♡𓆪 he likes to pat on the head and poke you occasionally
𓆩♡𓆪 he is also tends to wrap his arms around you from behind, like whenever you are standing in front of him
𓆩♡𓆪 but bc you're a lot shorter than him (i think post time skip he is 6'2") when he puts his arms around you , it's not like around your waist or hips but rather he just drapes his arms over your shoudlers lol
𓆩♡𓆪 and in private he is definitely partial to squishing your cheeks and booping your nose
𓆩♡𓆪 he just thinks you're the cutest thing and can't help himself
𓆩♡𓆪 maybe soemtimes , like when you come visit him at practise, he'll forget his teammates are nearby and boop you on the nose
𓆩♡𓆪 and hoshiumi would see and soooo tease him for it
𓆩♡𓆪 calling him a sap
𓆩♡𓆪 and he gets all defensive about it at first like 'NO i didn't do that you need to get your eyes checked!!' but it dies down quickly anyway bc ushijima and the other swedish adlers genuinely do not gaf
𓆩♡𓆪 in fact some of them secretly think it's sweet
𓆩♡𓆪 but they don't mention it bc they know how tobio gets
𓆩♡𓆪 anyway, he would soo benefit from someone who is receptive to his touch and can match his cuddly energy
𓆩♡𓆪 yes i said it !!! tobio kageyama has cuddly energy and it's about time we accept this as a fact
𓆩♡𓆪 because his ideal night is spent in laying in bed, with you on this chest while he practises his sets
𓆩♡𓆪 as for your words of affirmation love language, he would so combust if you were to tell him how good of a player you think he is
𓆩♡𓆪 and compliment his volleyball skills, or just anything about him in general
𓆩♡𓆪 like he seriously would not know how to act and go bright red
𓆩♡𓆪 and he seems a bit ungrateful for the praise bc hes like 'thanks.. i guess??' but that's only bc he's a bit awkward
𓆩♡𓆪 and it's not like he' not used to people telling him how talented he is, i mean he's playing for a national team at age 21 ?? but praise coming from you just hits different for tobio
𓆩♡𓆪 oh and he would also die if you were to write him a love letter
𓆩♡𓆪 and he'd appreciate it so much and fold it up to keep it somewhere safe like under his mattress
𓆩♡𓆪 he'd try to write you one back but pls excuse him bc he's not very literate so it kinda reads like a 5 y/o wrote it but that's okay bc you can feel the heart he put into it 😓
𓆩♡𓆪 'your so pretty. i can't not beeleev your mine.' - kageyama tobio, 2024
'Probably going to a cafe for a snack and then walking around town.'
𓆩♡𓆪omg this is so kageyama vibes
𓆩♡𓆪 he is defo down for a low intensity date
𓆩♡𓆪 tbh though i can imagine that he is lk an overthinker during dates so he might not talk much but just know that in his head he is stressing over the fact he's not talking enough lmao
𓆩♡𓆪 for the cafe part he'd probably get something small or he'd be down to share something
𓆩♡𓆪 so like he'd buy a cookie and split it in half to eat it with you 😩
𓆩♡𓆪 but in the process of splitting it inhalf , it crumbles a lil and like 1/3rd of the cookie just falls to the ground and you both stare at it like this 😶
𓆩♡𓆪 its okay though he has swedish adler money now he can just buy another one 🙌
𓆩♡𓆪 he is so awkward on a first date ARGH but it's sweet
𓆩♡𓆪 omg he got advice from hoshiumi that girls like guys with lots of money and ushi was like 'erm .. idk probably' so while you're waiting in line to order, tobio is like 'what do you want? 👁👄👁 don't worry i'll pay. order whatever you. i'll pay. do you like milk? i heard they do shakes here. did i mention that i'll pay?'
𓆩♡𓆪and during the walk that is probably when he'll open up a little and start acting like a normal human being again lmao
𓆩♡𓆪 defo down for a gossip sesh lk
𓆩♡𓆪 ALSO this is when the teasing starts bc (assuming you walk at an average pace) tobio probably walks at the same speed as you HOWEVER bc he has long ass legs, he can cover more ground
𓆩♡𓆪 so while you are walking he consistently has to check himself and slow down so he doesn't zoom past you
𓆩♡𓆪 and eventually he starts teasing you for it like 'it would be quicker if i just carried you at this point'
𓆩♡𓆪 but he does it with that cheeky smirk so you know he's just joking
'People say I have a good poker face/a scary glare but I've never seen it.'
𓆩♡𓆪 okay LMAO this is so perf with kageyama bc like
𓆩♡𓆪 .. he's got that too??
𓆩♡𓆪 and since he has it too, i doubt he would see it on you and you might not see it on him either bc y'all are just used to your faces looking like that , iykwm??
𓆩♡𓆪 so he would think you have the sweetest resting face ever and you to him
𓆩♡𓆪 meanwhile everyone else when they see you two together are like 😨
𓆩♡𓆪 immediately scared and intimidated
𓆩♡𓆪 the DEFINITION of power couple 🤞
𓆩♡𓆪 and y'all just fuel each other on too, completely oblivious LOL
𓆩♡𓆪 like if kageyama's at a press event , one of the red-carpet, gala-style ones where the interviewers approach the players to ask questions
𓆩♡𓆪 (and ofc he brought you along as a plus one)
𓆩♡𓆪 and all his teammates have a bunch of interviewers and hosts approaching them to ask questions
𓆩♡𓆪 meanwhile lots of ppl are taking photos of y'all but hardly anyone is asking him questions bc .. they're too afraid
𓆩♡𓆪 so kageyama turns to you and is all like 'i don't know why i'm not getting interviewed..'
𓆩♡𓆪 and you're like 'right! 🤔 so strange.'
𓆩♡𓆪 meanwhile this is y'all:
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'I look for someone honest and caring. Someone who treats me the way I deserve to be treated.'
𓆩♡𓆪 this is very much him
𓆩♡𓆪 it might take kageyama a while to settle into the relationship
𓆩♡𓆪 but when he does
𓆩♡𓆪 he treats you like a certified QUEEN
𓆩♡𓆪 and he is very honest, whether he means to be or not lol
𓆩♡𓆪 he may have his volleyball career but you defo are a top priority of his still
𓆩♡𓆪 and he is always letting you know that
𓆩♡𓆪 and he really does care, sometimes he has a hard time showing it but he does
𓆩♡𓆪 and he'll always listen to anything and everything you have to say
𓆩♡𓆪 he also really admires that you know your self-worth, that sort of confidence is just a massive green flag in his eyes
𓆩♡𓆪 and he makes sure to remind you that you're worth all that and more
for @justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms: i was thinking hinata bc his personality complements kageyama's so with you + hinata it would be like an opposites attract situation but your ideal first date is what made me choose kageyama for you
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thawthebeez · 1 year
hey guys. tumblr user thawthebeez back at it again with yet another haikyuu essay B) the topic of today is one that i see NOBODY talking about which is crazy because this motif is (in my opinion) one of the main foundations of the kagehina community.
now may someone please explain to me why the HELL nobody ever talks about how whenever Tobio expresses an insecurity of ANY KIND, Hinata is ALWAYS the first one to swoop in and tell him not to worry about it?
yes, we've all established that Hinata Shouyou is the #1 Kageyama Tobio understander. we get that. BUT THIS IS ONE OF THE MAIN DISPLAYS OF THAT AND I'VE SEEN LITERALLY NOBODY SPEAK OF IT EVER.
i'm pretty sure there's an instance of it in season 2 (either that or my brain just made it up) when Tobio is a little worried about his and Hinata's quick attack not really working out but Hinata tells him "nah you'll figure it out eventually" or something along those lines. i'm not going to lose my shit over it because i can't find it but if you know YOU KNOW.
a part that i COULD find from season 2, however, was this:
here we have Tobio explaining how talented of a setter Oikawa is- how he's so much better than him- and it's clear that this is something he's insecure about given his facial expression.
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THEN we have Hinata's INSTANT response:
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and it blows Tobio away because WHAT
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because, to paraphrase a little, Tobio basically just said "yeah oikawa can make any spiker look good no matter what team he's on" to which Hinata replied "yeah but that team wouldn't be Karasuno" which is essentially "Karasuno is strong enough as it is" BUT- if ur crazy- " dw he wouldn't take your spot babe" (<- which probably isn't how it's meant to be interpreted because they just finished talking about The Team That's Stronger As Six thing so like... context clues. it's probably not the insane interpretation).
ANYWAYS boom there it is. Tobio expresses insecurity, Shouyou swoops in and goes "Ermmmm Actuallyyyyy🤓" WHICH IS SO FUCKING ENDEARING ON IT'S OWN BUT THE FACT THAT IT HAPPENS MORE THAN ONCE AND AT SUCH A CRITICAL POINT TOO
the critical point in question being:
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(context: Tobio just came back from his training camp in Tokyo and is a little frustrated because he's gotten so used to playing with other prodigies like himself so to go back to talented-but-not-prodigious players is a bit of a switch for him. don't get him wrong tho he loves this team to DEATH it's just a little different that's all. hashtag number one Tobio apologist right here)
SO THERE'S THIS! and it goes without saying that Tobio is DEEPLY insecure about his late middle-school days and being referred to as a king. Tsukishima adds a little salt to the wound and while I didn't take a screenshot of it Tobio makes this look of absolute HORROR after he says what he says
(which, side note, shows a lot of a character development within Tobio. especially since I've been flipping between season 2 and 4 a lot looking for these clips. Tobio didn't even notice when he was acting kingly before but he realizes it INSTANTLY now which is so so so good for him yayyyy character development!)
this also leads fantastically into my next tangent which is
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now, admittedly this isn't entirely related to my thesis but i absolutely ADORE talking about this scene and i genuinely think it is one of the most prevalent displays of character development within Tobio because i feel like he tends to get overshadowed by all the other characters (especially Hinata, which i'm not upset about in the slightest like it makes perfect sense and if Tobio got all the attention all the time the show would be soooo unbalanced)
but I feel like a lot of people skip over Tobio's overall development over the course of the show. I mean compare s1 Tobio to s4 Tobio THAT IS NOT SAME PERSON ANYMORE. he grows so much over such a short period of time (which is another essay I could write. something along the lines of "Explaining Why Tobio And Shouyou Need To Be On Separate Teams Actually Because Character Development Purposes" because the amount of people i've seen on tiktok complaining about kghn being on separate teams and how they should just be on the same team forever makes my blood boil violently) and it's so refreshing to see Tobio's growth especially as a big Tobio enjoyer.
ANYWAYS back to the main thesis.
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So Hinata steps in IMMEDIATELY here. literally cuts Tobio's apology off because HE HAS NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR. he was expressing his thoughts whatever that's fine he could have done it in a nicer way SURE but listen the guy still has a LOOOONNNGGGG way to go but still, nothing to apologize for. it's just growing pains, y'know?
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now the quote "What's wrong with him being the King again?" appearing here isn't the first time we're seeing this. Hinata has ALWAYS been confused as to why calling Tobio a "King" is a bad thing. literally from day fucking one Hinata was like "nah dude I think that title is cool" WHICH, AGAIN, TOBIO BEING INSECURE ABOUT SOMETHING AND SHOUYOU REASSURING HIM THAT IT'S TOTALLY CHILL HELLO?????
LITERALLY FROM DAY ONE SHOUYOU HAS BEEN DOING THIS. THAT MAN MAY THINK TOBIO'S AN ASSHOLE SOMETIMES (and he kinda is) BUT NEVER WILL HINATA INHERENTLY HATE A PART OF HIM. and i don't think they realize it here nor do i think the realization comes soon after but at some point there will be the realization that they love each other. every single part. fucking Tobio probably realized it way back in junior high but that's a tangent for another time.
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now this line.... this one right here...... oh my god i can be SO NORMAL ABOUT IT.
the main reason why Tobio had this look of HORROR on his face after he yelled at everyone was BECAUSE HE KNEW THE ENDING. he knew that yelling at them would have consequences (if it weren't for Hinata stepping in thank god). HE'S SEEN IT ALL BEFORE. in his final year of junior high he yelled at his teammates to run faster and jump higher and be better AND THEY LEFT HIM!!!
so Tobio yelling like this instantly makes him afraid that he's just ruined the entire balance of the team. he thinks he's going to be left behind again because he yelled and everyone is going to leave him BUT!!!!!
BUT SHOUYOU IMMEDIATELY JUMPS IN AND SAYS "idc what u say honestly if i don't like i'm just not gonna listen" OR, TO TRANSLATE "i'm not going anywhere regardless of what you say"
Tobio's biggest fear is losing this team. I literally do not need to explain why. that man would fucking DIE for this team (if you really need an explanation just to go the end of the Kamomedai match when Tobio admits that he's upset they lost because he wanted to play with that specific team more).
and for Hinata to essentially say "you could literally be as kingly as u want and i simply would not care, pal, i promise you i am NOT going ANYWHERE!!!" which has got to be SO FUCKING RELIEVING FOR TOBIO.
(also something something "nobody was there" / "i'm here" something something "doesn't matter what kind of toss goes up if you send it my way i'm hitting it" something something they're soulmates or whatever they are literally bound together by the universe they were destined to be together and it's a crime that universe kept them apart for so long and now that they're together they will always BE together two peas in a pod literally inseparable they are hot glued and duct taped together.)
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and then there's this. i mean at this point you already know what i'm going to say like you get it by now but again IT MUST BE SO RELIEVING TO TOBIO to know that shouyou thinks his biggest insecurity is cool. that shouyou thinks that it's not something to be concerned about. that no matter what, no matter how much a King he is, they're not going anywhere.
SOMETHING SOMETHING "you drew stars around my scars" IF YOU EVEN CARE
and just the fact that it's always ALWAYS shouyou to do this. the fact that there was dead silence before shouyou spoke up. the fact that it's ALWAYS HIM there to understand Tobio (someone who has been misunderstood for as long as he can remember) GOD THEY DRIVE ME INSANE.
anyways thank you for being a witness to this madness👍
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kosi-annec · 3 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 8
Fuck 8-4 that's too big of a gap, they need to score the next points or else they're not gonna catch up..
Suga idk if it's smart to tell the enemy team your next plan, but it seems to piss tendo off lol
AAA NO ITS USHI AGAIN- OH nvm thx you for messing that up hskshk
No. 10 on field, let's go hinata! Get us them points back. Oh hey this background character (idk wat his name is) is doing pretty good.
AH OOF that's gotta hurt sheesh.. BUT KEEP GOING HINATA DON'T STOP- oh wow even TENDO was fooled by that. I gotta appreciate the fact that hinata was actually thinking before he spiked cuz he's not working w kage
wait hinata let himself get hit in the face ON PURPOSE?? I mean, if it keeps the ball up ig
"he shows no sign of the talent or intelligence of those other players" ouch, but true lmao
Ok you two (ushi & hinata) stop trying to assert dominance HSKSHS
Ngl kage just jumping up and down in the corner looked so silly
HINATA GET AN ICE PACK IF YOU CAN TASTE BLOOD, wat is with the karasuno boys getting hurt these past few matches, 2 have been sent to the nurse and now lil tangerine is technically bleeding just not externally
Nice Suga forcing him into a receive. Oh shit they're gonna do it again, oH THEY GOT THE POINT! Tendo was so caught up in trying to read em he didn't act
KAGEYAMA BACK ON FIELD LEZGO!! Pft- "better watch the back of your head, squirt" god i love the eng dub
All of this build up for kage's serve is either gonna end really cool or really bad. OK it went well- holy cRAP KAGE?? He was all the way from the back tf??? HOLY SHIT and we're back let's go!!!
hhh come on crows, they can't let shiratorizawa get any further ahead of them
Ok eita up on field. Wait he's also a setter? Ngl I don't remember. Yknow that's fair from eita ig, cuz everyone has eyes on ushi and ig tendo if only for his amazing blocking style, so it's nice to get that attention on you, if for a lil bit
FUCK- NOOO 12-9 they're getting too close to 15 for comfort..
YES BEST OLDER SISTER! These kinds of situations is exactly why there's cheer squads n shit. When the team is starting to feel down it's the audience's job to lift their spirits up, to let them know that someone believes in them
?? Is that a fucking anthem shiratorizawa's audience singing???
Goshiki I thought you'd realize by now that no.10 ain't your average 1st year player, that tangerine is a monster
Aw kage basically telling kazuhito (finally learnt bg char's name) not to worry too much on how he plays
TADASHI GIVE US A GOOD SERVE! Yesss he's so confident in his abilities now, he's grown so much
CRAP nooo the crow's pinch server is out now- wait what?? OH goshiki touched the net. NVM THEN KEEP GOING TADASHI!!
Tbf kazuhito's the one that got hit and he's not used to the power behind ushi's spikes. aaAAA OK THAT'S OK BG GUY, you got a point that's all that matters right now
HSKHSJS OMG KAGE'S GROWN SO MUCH, he's literally adjusting himself to suit the spiker
YESSS the stress is getting to them, shiratorizawa's making mistakes, and by shiratorizawa i mean goshiki
Damn, that.. actually really sweet of ushi, cuz that man only says shit if he believes it, and goshiki needed that
GIVE US ANOTHER TADASHI- Ah fuck, and there goes the streak
FUCK, aaagh i thought he was gonna do a strong hit, ok so goshiki's not as reckless as i thought
Ooh, old man flashback? Oof yeah that's the worse, where ppl deny you becuz you lack on something you don't have control over
I do find it interesting that the choice of music for this final point is not like hype or something loud, but more emotional and hopeful sounding. Idk im not a musician
FUCK NO! AHH they can't do another deuce again they HAVE to get the next 2 points..
Oh shit, coach?? Well, he's a man of few words, but those words are enough to light their fire again
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seikkoh · 4 months
Welcome everyone to: my haikyuu phase is back (it was never a phase)
The movie should've been a whole season fr BUT it was still amazing.
The animation doesn't disappoint and god I swear it felt like only an episode, it went by so fast 😭 it was kinda rushed though but that's what I expected. Still, I was at the edge of my seats many times, the rallies were so good it felt like a real match. And ngl I got emotional at the end LMAO I felt the tears and I was wearing makeup so it got ruined but whatever, it was worth it.
I do wish it was more emotional, I mean I know we joke a lot about the monologues and the amount of flashbacks there are but I kind of missed them lol. Idk, the movie should've taken it easy and relax sometimes, gives us time to at least feel Hinata's and Kenma's feelings (especially Hinata's, he's the mc after all), but that's honestly my only complaint, and even so, I seriously enjoyed it. Hopefully the next movie lasts longer
It was sad the there weren't any freebies, or cardboards or posters though :(
The rallies were amazing. Those in which the ball went from one side of court to the other non-stop??? Like, Nekoma was amazing with their saves and so was Karasuno.
And the Kenma and Kuroo flashbacks 😭😭😭 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I wish I have a childhood friendship like them.
AND BOKUTO MY BOY He was amazing like always, cheering on Hinata and Tsuki. It was funny to see Bokuto, Tsuki and Kuroo "together" again, really missed their friendship/rivalry. AND THAT SCENE WHEN BOKUTO AND KUROO CHANGED THEIR HAIRSTYLES HAHAHBAHAHAHAH I LOVE THEM SM.
I wanted to hug Hinata so bad when Nekoma was going against him and were trying to stop his crazy jumps. He looked so frustrated and tired. That set from Kageyama mirrored the "take it easy" recieve from season 4 and it was what Hinata needed. A high set that gives you time to breathe, time to relax, time to think. And his "bam" jump was INCREDIBLE, and the way his eyes sparkled when he saw the set???? Ugh I love him so much. Loved all the Hinata and Kageyama scenes, their banter is always fun to see.
AND THE KENMA POV HOLY SHIT PLS MAKE MORE OF THOSE. That whole sequence had me at the edge of my sit, the way you could see Lev (or I think it was him? Idk) blocking, how Kenma clashed with him, then running after the ball, the receives, the other players, IT WAS BREATHETAKING I need one of these scenes but from Hinata's or Kageyama's pov. Both if possible 🙏🙏🙏
The way Kenma and Hinata were like "I don't want this to end" I DIDN'T WANT IT TO END EITHER THAT MOVIE SHOULD'VE BEEN ETERNAL.
10/10 movie I wish it was longer and I may be biased but I don't care, I had a blast watching it.
Now, time to read the manga. I want to see the match in its full glory and see the monologues and flaskbacks.
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suckishima · 3 years
oikawa for the character ask!
Oh boy haha, hope i don't cause any controversy with this one
First impression: didn't like him. at all. well, i think i was pretty neutral until end of season one with the flashback scene where he tries to hit kageyama, that put a bad taste in my mouth for a very long time. and the fact that he still teases kageyama even after iwaizumi knocks some sense into him—it's like he learned a lesson and that lesson just doesn't apply to the people he doesn't like lol
Impression now: this is verrrry hard to talk about without mentioning spoilers lol, but i will attempt. he's grown on me. even when i didn't enjoy him as a person, i always respected him as a player and a teammate. as the series goes on (s2 for example) you can tell his pettiness has evened out some, and i appreciate that. i think his drive, his hunger and the insane levels he will go to for volleyball are admirable. he's hinata&kageyama-level of volleyball obsessed and i think there's some nice parallels there. his role in the narrative is pretty fascinating and i like him from that perspective immensely. i definitely think he's interesting as a character and i don't actively dislike him anymore, but i'm not sure i would go so far as to say i'm fond of him either lol. i'm neutral
Favorite moment: if you know me at all and you've read the manga i hope you know what it is lmao, furudate is an absolute fucking genius and anime-onlys are in for a treat (oikawa stans and neutral people like me both). BUT for of what's been animated, it's gotta be that insane cross-court set to iwaizumi at the end of seijoh 2. it's their connection and effort together over the years come to it's ultimate peak and culmination and it's really stunning tbh
Idea for a story: i actually wrote an iwaoi fic last year, surprisingly, but i'm not sure if i really have any more ideas for them or oikawa specifically. if i did it would probably be a gen fic about when oikawa meets [redacted] in [redacted].
Unpopular opinion: this is gonna sound so weird i'm sure, but, my unpopular opinion for oikawa is that he is talented. i think all that stuff about him "not being as good as a genuis" is bs lmao, he just thinks he's not as good as kageyama because they have different skillsets. he's six feet tall, has a naturally athletic body, has one of the strongest serves in the series and as far as we know he's never actually struggled with any specific volleyball skill. sure, he can't do pinpoint accuracy like kageyama can, he's not a "genius" or w/e in that way, but oikawa is a natural born setter, easy. his entire attitude and demeanor reeks of setter aura—the way he can understand a person's playstyle almost immediately, the way he can subtly manipulate both his teammates and the opponents to dance to his tune—those are talents. i see a lot of rhetoric surrounding oikawa about how he had to work harder than everyone else because he "wasn't as talented" and tbh i just find that to be untrue in canon lol. i mean, he absolutely works hard—harder than almost everyone in the entire series—but, he does also have a ton of talents. his downfall comes in when he thinks that just because he can't be great in the same way someone else can, that that means he's lacking something—he can't see himself from the outside, he doesn't know how great he actually is. (tbh i think all of this is a good thing and makes him a really interesting character and a great temporary unreliable narrator. i just get kinda peeved when i see people talking about how 'hard' oikawa has it and how 'the world is against him' when he's one of the most naturally talented athletes we've seen lmao)
Favorite relationship: iwaizumi! god does oikawa need a balance check and iwaizumi is that for him haha. i wish we got to see more interactions between them in canon in terms of pushing each other even more. it's a good foundation rn, but i'd love to see it expanded on even further.
Favorite headcanon: his teammates roast him constantly, he cannot catch a break. like 10x what we see in canon lol. also, his hair product is really crunchy and crusty but he refuses to buy a new one bc he "likes the way this one shines" or something
send me a hq!! character 🏐💖
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catzula · 4 years
Keep the enemy closer
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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Karasuno's Manager!Reader
Warnings: Spoilers of the ends of the first season, one or two cursing, Sugawara 😈, Kageyama as your best friend, there's this one part where Oikawa's head is on your shoulder and you're like combing your hand through his hair and I'm-
Genre: Fluff, enemies to lovers au, surprisingly, no angst
Synopsis: You're the manager of Karasuno, the little sister of the team. A game between you and Aoba Jousai has changed more than you thought it would, and you certainly didn't expect to catch the eye of the captain of the enemy team.
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Oikawa Tooru was an impressive man. You had noticed that the second you saw him.
It wasn't only his looks -but everyone who had seen him had to admit, his looks were a big part of his charm-, or how amazing of a player he was, how he could read people and situations and instantly think of a solution, his wit, even more than that. 
The first time you saw him was at the nationals, right when he was up in the air, his hand touching the ball. It was like everything was in slow motion. You could see how calm his face was, but also how his brown eyes burned with the hunger of victory. 
Only when his hand slapped the ball did the slow-motion end, the ball flying over the net, a loud slapping sound thundering in the room. As the ball had touched the floor, you knew no one would have been able to receive that service. Everyone else seemed to think so, the room speechless and silent for the first time since the game had started, all eyes on the handsome boy, and rightfully so.
It took the audience a few seconds to manage and process the service, ear-splitting cheering and clapping sound filling the room, making everyone wince, but him. Oikawa received the claps like he was born to be on stage, to stand there and accept the bewildered gazes.
You found yourself wanting to clap too. Your hands stood in front of you, waiting for the command to come, but before you let yourself cheer to him, you quickly put your hands down, sticking them to your sides. 
A moment of weakness, you concluded. Nothing more, just appreciating a good game.
You gulped, unable to tear your eyes from the brunette. Oikawa had that confident, so laid back smile that screamed to the world that he knew he would win, but you knew if you looked closely, you could see in his eyes how on edge he was, observing every little thing that was in the game, not even want but a need to win burning him from inside out. That was the Oikawa charm, you concluded. 
It was such an exciting feeling to witness emotions this extra, and it made you want to be a part of it.
"You look like somethings stirring in your mind." Sugawara came a bit close to you, making you jump out of your thoughts as you could feel his soft gaze observing you. You glanced just one last time to the boy on the court, and you could swear your eyes found his for a second.
"Oh," you muttered, now looking at Sugawara's eyes, even though they looked soft and naive, Sugawara was anything but that. "It's nothing." You smiled. "I guess you could say I'm a bit stressed."
And then, the ball touched the floor.
Sitting on the edge of your seat, you felt like you couldn't even breathe. The ball going back and forth, not touching the floor, you were grabbing the bench do hard, your knuckles had turned white. Though you weren't the only one, even coach Ukai had lost his calm.
It was only until Aoba Jousai started to cheer, hug each other, did you actually comprehend that you had- lost. Hinata was still on the floor, and you could see the tears dwelling in the corner of his eyes. Kageyama wasn't better than him either, hands shaking, not wanting to accept it.
Daichi was the first to pull himself out of the daze surrounding his teammates, the audience, you. Extending his hand to Asahi, he pulled his friend on his feet, giving him a confident smile. The boys on the other side of the net were cheering, jumping like they weren't the ones that had one of the longest games of their lives. They were exhausted, even you were tired just watching the game, but they weren't probably even aware of their body's situation.
Your eyes found the boy who stood in the middle of the court, so proudly, he almost looked perfect. Born for this moment, you thought once again.
You gulped, looking away from him, feeling uneasy just by looking at him. You walked to your side of the court to your friends who were still on the floor. "Hey guys," you tried to stop your voice from trembling. "That game was amazing. You really pushed yourselves out there."
"But it wasn't enough," Kageyama growled, sending goosebumps down your body. He looked so focused on the fact that he had, in fact, lost, like he wasn't himself. You had no answer to that, so you stuck your hand to him instead. "Let's make it enough." You told him as he held your hand and stood on his legs. "Together."
You weren't aware of Oikawa on the other half of the court, who had heard your words, and he could feel the anger boiling inside of him. He had won, Oikawa had beaten the 'genius' Kouhei of his, so why were you standing proud next to the boy, telling him he could win next time? That it was enough, that it was okay to lose?
He huffed, turning his back to you both and enjoying his victory with his team. It was like a burden lifted from his shoulders, now that he had beaten Kageyama, he had seen him on the floor of the court, trying to pull himself back together. Then, why did you reaching a hand out to him came to his mind each time Oikawa tried to feel good about finally winning?
"What's going on?" You asked Sugawara, looking at the big crowd outside the building as you exited the sports arena. You noticed it was all girls, giggles, and an occasional scream echoed, too.
"Oh that's," he said matter-of-factly, "Oikawa and his fans."
"His fans?" You repeated, brows shooting upwards in disbelief.
"His fans." Sugawara grinned. "You were amazing, Oikawa-senpai!" A girl fawned over him, and another had a box in her hands, decorated with cute little stickers. "I- I made cookies, Oikawa-senpai." She stuttered, her face red.
"Aw, are those for me?" You saw Oikawa quirk a brow up in a prideful manner, thanking the girl as he took a bite out of the cookie. "These are amazing, Sakura-chan!" He told her with a charming smile, leaving the girl a stuttering mess. Now, every girl that had brought him something went feral, trying to get him to eat what they had made him, too.
Even though you thought it was a bit excessive, you shrugged and went your way since it didn't concern you, but you had to turn back when you heard a familiar voice shouting instead of the girls'.
"Oh, shit," Sugawara muttered, running towards Oikawa, and what seemed to be Kageyama. Kageyama looked furious, in contrast to Oikawa's calm face decorated with a scorning smile.
"You son of a-" Kageyama held Oikawa by his collar. "That's an interesting way of showing respect to your senpai." Oikawa giggled. "Now, now." Sugawara got in between them just in time. "Let's not fight, it was a fair game, and we don't want to cause a scene." Despite the soft tone of his voice, he looked at Kageyama's blue eyes like he was trying to tell him to calm the fuck down. "I don't care about making a scene," Kageyama growled, his eyes never leaving Oikawa's.
"Oh, I always knew you were a cruel, stupid king." Oikawa grinned. "Though, I never thought you were an ignorant one, too."
Oikawa's observing abilities were deemed helpful in this situation too, he looked and found what could hurt his opponent the most. And he did. Kageyama was left speechless, though it didn't last long. He was about to act on it, and you were sure what was on the tip of his tongue wasn't very polite until you joined the fight.
"Hey, Kageyama, calm down." You put your hand on his chest and pushed him back a little until he let go of Oikawa's collar. "Yeah, Kageyama, you shouldn't be hurting my pretty face-"
"And you," you turned to him with threatening eyes, face cold, and you could see the surprise on your face. "I thought you were older than us, but as I see it, you're the most childish one around here. You're right, you won, and congrats. But rubbing that in the face of your opponent makes you the cruel one around here."
Oikawa's warm brown eyes were now a cold, muddy color, narrowed as they wandered over your face. Though it didn't last long until his emotionless face melted into a cynical grin. "Well, if it wasn't for this pretty little manager here, I wouldn't have accepted this behavior at all. But I'm going to be generous and forgive you." His eyes now back on Kageyama, expecting him to blow upon his words, but before he could do so, Sugawara talked again. "Thank you, Oikawa-san. That's very mature of you."
Interesting, Oikawa thought.
But Oikawa didn't care about what Sugawara thought of him, he cared about your thoughts, instead. But instead of fangirling as he thought you would, your cold expression didn't change, causing his brows to furrow in confusion. You huffed and turned your back to him, lulling Kageyama with you without turning back to glance at him one more time.
You bit your lip anxiously ass you scrolled through Instagram, feeling like you were doing something unacceptable.
Well, maybe you were doing something unacceptable.
Your eyes wandered over Oikawa's stupidly perfect face, body, and figure. Damn, why did he have to look like the most amazing guy ever -that is, until he opened his mouth- and be photogenic?
Annoyed with your thoughts, you put your phone down, determined to get him out of your mind.
"What was that girl's name again?" Oikawa muttered as he closed the door of his cabinet.
"Which girl?" Iwaizumi asked, weirded out by his friend's question. He had never in his life seen Oikawa ask after a girl's name.
"Oh," Oikawa shrugged. "That manager? Karasuno's?"
"Wait," Iwaizumi closed the door of his cabinet too. "You're telling me you have a crush on Karasuno's manager?" That question was so unexpected, Oikawa gaped at his friend. "Crush? I don't have a crush on Karasuno's manager." He told him with a huff.
"Yeah, right." Iwaizumi snickered though he didn't press him about it further.
"That was amazing, Kageyama!" You cheered as he sent the ball flying. Although Kageyama didn't answer, you saw the prideful grin on his face.
Everyone was working harder than they ever had, determined to win the match against Aoba Jousai. There was an upcoming training camp with some of the strongest schools, and since and Aoba Jousai was one of them, there was going to be at least a dozen games against them, and Karasuno was determined to show them how stronger they got. 
"A five-minute break." Coach Ukai called out, the team sighing in relief, Tanaka letting go and resting on the floor.
"Here ya go, Tsukishima." You told him as you get him his bottle, laughing at how long the distance was between your faces. "Thanks," he answered, nodding to make his gratitude sufficient. "You're working hard as well, I see."
"I can't just sit and watch as the team gets stronger with every hit. I need to work to keep up." He sounded mad, but you knew it was only the bitter truth. "I can only wish for you to smack one of your hardest spikes right next to that Oikawa guy so we can all take a deep breath in."
"My fakes are my secret weapon, you know that, can't really smack him in the face." He answered. "You should be asking Hinata instead."
"Hmm," you muttered thoughtfully, "maybe you're right. But I still want you to do that as well." He smiled, a faint smile that wasn't one of his cynical ones, and you grinned.
"Nishinoya senpai, you didn't drink water!" You called out as you ran towards the libero, his eyes sparkling when he heard the word 'senpai' coming out of your mouth. "You're like our guardian angel, you know that?" He told you, smirking after he took four long gulps of his water that you had brought him.
"And we're your guardians." Tanaka joined from the floor. Ah, right. The guardianship. They were so determined to guard you that all the boys in the school were now afraid to get even remotely close to you, hesitant that these two would intervene.
If anything happened that you needed them, every single person in the team would be more than happy to help you, you knew you could trust them, but these two could sometimes overdo it. "I know Tanaka-san, thank you for that."
"Nobody messes with our manager." He answered, unusually serious.
The training camp was here, which meant Karasuno facing Aoba Josai at last. 
Which also meant you were going to sleep, eat, and stay under the same roof as Oikawa Tooru. 
That thought gave you chills, felt like some forbidden thought that shouldn't even cross your mind, but it did. Frequently, at that. But it wasn't necessarily your fault, was it? He was just too handsome for his good. And so annoying that you just couldn't seem to take him off your mind. 
Yes, that had to be the reason why you couldn't stop thinking about him, and your insides turned upside down when you saw him because he was too annoying. 
You sighed, feeling pathetic since you were literally lying to yourself, and didn't notice Kageyama walking right next to you. You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt his eyes on you, grinning in response but not getting a smile back.
"Hey, don't look so moody!" You told Kageyama as you poked his cheek, earning a glare from the boy. "Oh, come on, don't look at me like that! Have a little fun." You poked his cheek again, causing him to catch your wrist and pull it upwards, making you lose your balance and stumble towards him. "Yeah," he muttered as his eyes narrowed and his face didn't lose its emotionless state, "this is fun."
You rolled your eyes but laughed, trying to free your wrist from his hold, both not aware of the cynical brown eyes wandering over you. "Oh, if it isn't the little manager and the cruel king." A voice called out, causing you to jump in surprise, though Kageyama didn't even flinch. "Just the people I wanted to see." Oikawa smiled sarcastically as his eyes gazed on you two, on the hand that still stood on Kageyama's chest to gain balance, on your hand that was holding your wrist and pulling you towards him. Eyes narrowing, his lips turned upwards down, though his face didn't lose its cynical expression.
"Oh, I couldn't be happier." You muttered, causing Kageyama to snicker. "Yours is a sharp tongue, isn't it?" He told you, a dry laugh.
You were going to answer, if not for the two boys that employed themselves as your guardians wouldn't have jumped in front of you. "You!" Nishinoya screamed, "get away from our manager." 
You saw Oikawa rolling his eyes but couldn't say anything back since Tanaka was asking you if you were okay as they led you to the gym like bodyguards guarding a celebrity against paparazzi.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Iwaizumi came after him as Oikawa entered the gym.
"What?!" Oikawa said roughly, though, realizing how out of character he was, he smiled instantly. "Iwa-chan! Didn't know you were here."
Oikawa sighed when Iwaizumi stood quiet, staring at the cocky boy until he dropped the act. "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean." He answered. "That girl, the manager. I know you're flirting with her."
"I'm not!" Oikawa protested.
"You are. What are you trying to do? Get one more conquest on your list? If you're just trying to get her to fall for you to get revenge from Kageyama or Karasuno, or both, that would be shitty, Oikawa. You're shitty, but even you're not that shitty."
"It's not- it's not trying to get back at them or something." He quietly admitted.
"Then what is it?"
Yeah, what was it? Why did he get angry every time he saw you with that stupid Kageyama? Oikawa was better than Kageyama in every possible way. He was better looking, proved himself to be a better setter in the last game, funnier, confident, good with girls, flirty- he was just much better than that stupid king.
Then why did you stay by his side, and not Oikawa, the better one's side?
Why did you tense up every time you saw him? Felt like you had to attack him? Anytime he said something about your team, why did you defend them? Why didn't you realize he was better than Kageyama?
"I don't know." 
"You don't know?" Now, that was new. Iwaizumi didn't think he would live long enough to see Oikawa say those words to him.
"I don't," Oikawa smirked. "And that's what makes it interesting."
You were watching the training match between Nekoma and Aoba Jousai, a little sad that your team didn't get the chance to play with them today, too. Still, a spike from Kuroo himself had you cheering at the top of your lungs, gaining a cheeky grin from him. 
You saw Oikawa's eyes dart your way as you cheered, a small scowl appearing on his face. You couldn't look away, the golden-brown eyes making it impossible to do so. Only when you heard a whistle coming from the game next to you were you able to shake yourself and stop staring. 
"We won, we won Y/N-chan!" Hinata shouted, making his way next to you along with Kageyama on his side. "We were like hiyaa- and Kageyama did gvaa, then I jumped, and it was like kyooo!" 
Despite being breathless, Hinata still had the energy to show you every move he did, unlike Kageyama, who looked so tired that you worried he might pass out. 
"Hey, you okay?" You asked him as you got under his arm, supporting him as you walked to the bench. "Yeah, just tired." He wiped the sweat with the back of his hand, making you wince. "Ah, you stink." You muttered, turning your face the other way as you shoved the towel you were holding to his face. "And dripping sweat. You're going to get sick."
"I honestly don't have the energy to even dry my face to a towel right now." He told you, though you could already from the way he walked. You giggled, pressing the towel to his face for him. "Okay, big baby, I'll help you- but don't get too comfortable, it's just for today."
He grinned.
Oikawa frowned as you giggled at Kageyama. It was Kageyama, for God's sake, how could he say something even remotely funny? He gritted his teeth when you dabbed the towel to his face, wiping his sweat for him.
Before he could even think about it a second, Oikawa found himself making his way to you, trying to look as confident as he could.
You were still giggling at something, though your smile dropped as soon as you saw the cocky captain coming towards you. He was sweaty, fluffy brown hair now sticking to his handsome face, framing it so nicely that you found yourself holding your breath.
"Hey there, little manager." You gritted your teeth when you heard the nickname he had for you. Well, he probably didn't even know your name, so it was normal, but it didn't make it any less annoying.
"Oikawa-senpai." You muttered, pretending not to notice how his eyes glinted when you called him Senpai. "How can I help you?"
Since you got scolded by both Daichi and Sugawara for losing your calm against a boy two years older than you the last time, you knew you had to stay calm this time.
"I was hoping to see you." He told you, ignoring Kageyama that stod right next to you. He hoped to see you? Why?
"Well, I'm here." You answered, not sure what he was trying to do. Oikawa sighed because you looked a little too uninterested for his ego. "Yn-chan," Your eyes slightly widened when you heard your name dropping from his lips, a weird feeling running down your body. "I was hoping to see you, so I could... apologize."
"Apologize?" You repeated, and he nodded with a dramatically regretful expression on his face.
"Yes, you see, we got on the wrong foot, and I thought I could talk to you about what happened." Your eyes narrowed, not sure what's up with the sudden 180° in his attitude.
"I just wanted to tell you that what I did last time was wrong, and I'm sorry about what I did." His voice so soft and soothing, you could feel your heartbeat picking up. Why did he have to look so damn handsome as he apologized? He ran a hand through his dampened hair, your eyes following his hand you gulped.
"Oh, um, that's nice?" You said, causing his brows to furrow. "Although you shouldn't be apologizing to me, but to Kageyama." He saw the small smile forming on your lips, and you grinned internally. "Yeah, you're right." 
Now that he had even made his way to apologize to you, it was your turn to make a move, there weren't any obstacles for you to fawn over him now, were there?
You had turned your gaze to your phone from Oikawa when it buzzed with a notification -as Oikawa waited for you to confess your undying love or some shit-, thinking that he'll leave after the whole apologizing thing. 
Maybe you were one of those shy ones, he thought. Deciding to be generous, he gave you a little push.
"And?" He told you. "Isn't there anything else you would like to say to me?" You should be grateful I even gave you this much of my time, he thought internally. He didn't do this for everyone.
"What-" your voice trailed off. "What do you even expect me to say?" It wasn't your words that left him speechless, and it was the look of pure confusion on your face. Where was the confession? Why weren't you doing the things he expected you to do?
Oikawa was often right about how things would turn out, both in volleyball or in life, so on these rare occasions, he had no idea what to do.
As you noticed the you're-hurting-my-ego look on his face, you finally understood what was going on. Oh, poor little Oikawa-senpai. He was expecting you to fangirl already, didn't he?
"Oh, come on, Senpai." You told him with a cheeky grin. "You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?
"You really shouldn't be messing like that with him, you know," Sugawara told you, making you sigh. "I know, I know." You told him. "But he's just so full of himself that I can't hold my tongue back!" 
"Don't underestimate him, Y/N. He acts all innocent and stupid, but he's dangerously smart, one of the smartest people I know. Don't fall for it." He warned you but stopped talking when he saw your eyes looking at your phone screen instead of him. 
The notification was from Instagram, a friend request. Your brows furrowed, and you unlocked your phone, gasping when you read the name that stood there. 
Oikawa Tooru.
The Oikawa Tooru had sent you a friend request. You had to be dreaming, but you accepted it and sent him a request back nevertheless. You thought that would have been the end of it, but it was only seconds after when your phone buzzed, his name on your screen once again. 
"Hey, little manager." 
Your breath hitched in your chest, and you hesitated as you opened the text. Should you text back? You were debating whether you should text back or not when you heard Sugawara fake a cough.
"I gotta go now, we have some free time, and I think I'm going to use it to practice a little." You nodded with a smile that mimicked his since you were never able not to smile when Sugawara looked at you with his signature grin. "Okay, I'll be cheering for you."
"Yeah, just don't cheer for anyone from Aoba Jousai, right?" He winked, walking away before you even got the chance to wash the shock off. 
Your eyes instinctively wandered around the court before you even knew who you were looking for, and you found yourself feeling giddy inside when you found Oikawa right across the court, sitting on the bench and looking at you with a cocky smile.
"Slow down a little, guys, you'll choke if you eat like that." You told Hinata and Kageyama, though they seemed too focused on their food to hear you. You rolled your eyes, placing your now-empty bowl in the sink, not noticing someone coming right after you.
"Ah, it's the little manager." You heard him, his voice a little too close to your ear. He bent over a little to place his bowl in the sink, his face getting dangerously close to you. "The food was amazing, is it because you helped them cook it, too?"
"No." You answered gingerly, eager to leave this conversation before you- found more details about him that amazed you. "Ah, then it should be because of your pretty face I was looking that made it taste better."
You grimaced at his answer. "You're getting cheesier with every second, Oikawa-san." He pouted. "What happened to Oikawa-senpai? It was real cute, you know."
This man was just too-
"Oikawa senpai," you gritted your teeth, and he grinned. "Why are you talking to me?"
He shrugged. "I think I enjoy talking to you. And I was wondering if my apology went through." A step your way, and you could swear you sensed his minty perfume. "It did." You answered as you took a step away from him since his presence alone was fuzzying your thoughts. "Doesn't mean that I'll be instantly head over heels for you, though."
You thought that would've made him angry, irritated, at least, but instead, he grinned as if he was playing a game.
Then, all of a sudden Oikawa's smile dropped, and he sighed. "I wish you could just see I'm not as bad as you think."
"Oh, right. Cause you're just amazing, right?" You mocked him, expecting him to smile and give a cocky answer, but he didn't. He stayed silent, his dark brown eyes boring into yours so sincere, it sent shivers down your spine. "I mean it, I'm not the big bad wolf you think I am. I know I was mean to you and... Kageyama before, but weren't you also? Why am I the bad guy when I even went ahead and apologized, but you are still mocking me?"
You had no answer to that. Because- he was right. Oikawa did apologize to you, but you were still trying to make him angry, and you were the one who said he was too full of himself.
"You're right," you finally admitted after a long pause. "I know." He answered with a grin, and you rolled your eyes, though it wasn't as annoying as it was the past few days.
"Okay, then. Let's make a deal." You told him. "I'm listening." He quirked a brow up, a look of genuine interest on his handsome face. "Let's start over."
"Start over?" He repeated, and you nodded. A few seconds of silence that felt like an eternity passed as you waited for his answer. Maybe this was dumb, and you were just humiliating yourself-
"Okay." He answered, your eyes snapping up to his with the sudden answer. Even though you tried to conceal it, he saw the glint of hope in your eyes.
"Okay." You said back, trying to hold back your smile and failing.
You have never in your wildest dreams have thought Oikawa could be so nice. 
Nice to hang around with, talk, and joke with... And that was just straight-up terrifying because that led your heart to have its own consciousness apart from the logical part of your body, a part that hushed your thoughts whenever Oikawagot a little too close to you, a part that scolded you when your eyes searched his figure a little too often, a part that didn't know how to stop you from feeling giddy and smile when he looked back at you, too.
"You're acting weird lately." Sugawara came closer to you in the water break.
"How so?" You asked with a smile. He shrugged. "I'm not sure, but I'll just tell this to you as a senpai," he wasn't smiling as he talked. "Don't go catching feelings to someone you shouldn't."
"Sugawara-senpai," you laughed, shaking your head side to side. "What are you talking about? I'm not catching feelings for anyone!"
"You know, I hate it when you lie. You're really bad at it too." He sighed when he saw how afraid you looked. "Look, it's not my place to tell you what to and not to do, and I have no say in your relationships whatsoever. But he isn't someone you should trust, I told you this before." He smiled, that cute signature smile of his. "Just be careful, all right?"
You nodded, and you knew there was no reason in denying. "Good." His hand ruffled your hair, making you groan in frustration, but before you could go back at him, he turned his back to you, walking to the court.
You looked at Oikawa as he smacked the ball. Combing his dampened hair out of his face by running a finger through them, and wiping his face with the back of his hand. 
His eyes found yours as they always did, and you couldn't hold yourself back from smiling as he sent a cocky smile your way. Though, his smile dropped when Iwaizumi smacked his head harshly, probably scolding him about not listening, which made you giggle. 
You felt your heartbeat picking up, a little too much that it was getting out of hand. So you decided it was best to leave and take some fresh air to just stop yourself from thinking about him.
You don't like Oikawa Tooru, you tell yourself. He's the captain of your enemy team. The rival of your best friend. The Great King. The guy you were so prejudiced, but later saw how much more of a human he was. A boy that looks nothing but a goofy, proud, cocky boy, but instead is someone that worked as much, or maybe even more than your friends. Oikawa Tooru, the perfectionist who sacrificed so much to become who he now is. 
And you admire him.
Before all this, you still did admire him for how he played, but now it was so much more. He was proud, and he was full of himself, but he was also insecure, and he was afraid. Oikawa was mean, but he was kind, and he could smack the ball so hard that it would scare you, but could sometimes be so gentle you couldn't recognize him, acted stupid but was terrifyingly smart. 
And even though you were out here because you were hiding from him, he was standing right across you. "I was a little worried when I couldn't see you inside, staring at me like I'm the most amazing thing."
"I'm not staring at you like you're the most amazing thing!" You protested. "Actually, it's you who's staring at me!" Lies. But instead of calling you out, he smiled. "Maybe you're right. I do look at you quite a lot." He muttered, making your eyes go wide.
"Wh-why are you here, Oikawa-san?!" You managed to choke out, trying to change the subject. 
"Oh," his eyes had a sly glint to it, and you thought maybe you shouldn't have asked him that. "I was just wondering if you could..." Did he look- embarrassed? "If you could dry my face for me? Like you did to Kage- I- I mean, dry my face." He held out the towel in his hands, a -although you hated to admit- cute smile on his face. 
"What? Dry your face? Me? Why can't you do it yourself?"
He frowned at the question. "You hadn't asked him all these questions." He muttered, making you finally realize what was going on. "You want me to do this because you're jealous?" You couldn't help but giggle. An expression of pure shock flashed on his face. "I'm not jealous of that-" He stopped himself and grinned. "Please do it? Pretty please? For your Senpai?"
You groaned. "Will you shut up if I do as you say?"
He grinned. "But of course, m'lady."
"Oh, just shut up."
"Whatever you say m-" You started to wipe his face, choosing to begin from his mouth just so he could shut up, though feeling his soft lips under your touch, you realized it probably was a big mistake. 
He was just as surprised as you, unable to move your fingers, you recognized the odd feeling that was forming in your stomach. 
You took a hitched breath in as you finally gathered the courage to move your hand. You touched Oikawa's face softly, dabbing at his slightly reddened cheeks (it had to be the training, you thought), his temples, his forehead. You repeated this once or twice more, and just as you were about to put your hand back down, you felt a slight pressure on your hand, causing you to pressure his cheek, too. 
It was Oikawa, you realized. 
"Wait, not yet." He told you, his low voice, along with the feeling of his hand on yours sending shivers down your spine. "Don't stop just yet." He closed his eyes, his face leaning in your touch, making you unable to move or think. He just looked so vulnerable-
You had no idea what the hell was going on, but before you could even ask him that, he opened his eyes, a sly glint in his eyes, and a mocking smile on his lips. He was teasing you, wasn't he?
You rolled your eyes, pulling your hand back, freeing yourself from his touch. "Y/N-chan," he pouted. "I was comfortable!"
"Well, I wasn't." You answered, you both knowing very well that was a lie. "You looked pretty comfortable, though."
You sighed. "Oikawa, just shut up, will you? Isn't your break already over?"
He would've given a mocking answer if he didn't notice Iwaizumi running towards him, ready to pull him back to training. He pouted. "You're right. I'll text you, though!" He beamed as he ran into the building.
"Feel free not to!" You answered back, trying to hold back the grin that was forming on your lips.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, waking you up from your nap. You groaned and was turning your phone upside down when you realized the text was from Oikawa.
You immediately felt your sleep vanishing as you unlocked your phone, the brightness making you wince.
"Meet me under the big tree,
Bring some milk bread too, pretty lady."
You grinned and was about to text him back when your phone buzzed with a notification once again.
"It took me like... 10 minutes to come up with that, and Iwa-chan punched me 😔 will you kiss it better?
Btw, I couldn't rhyme midnight with anything but don't be late pls"
You couldn't stop smiling as you sent a meme as an answer, unreasonably afraid of giving him a verbal response. 
You locked your phone once again when you didn't get a response, not even aware that you were grinning like an idiot.
Just as you promised, you went under the big tree that was behind the building, concealing you from the eyes of your teammates. You were right on time, waiting for him, though he hadn't arrived yet, giving you time to consider if running away and telling him you never came was the right thing to do.
What even was this? Meeting under the tree at night, like some cheap cliché out of a cheesy novel, was just the thing Oikawa would do, you had to admit, but you weren't sure if it was for teasing purposes or something more.
It was normal, you told yourself, nothing special, no need to get your hopes up. But you knew you couldn't keep telling yourself and believe it when he looked at you the way he did when you laughed, when your eyes met his from the other side of the court, when he smacked the ball and scored a point, looking your way to see if you had seen it too.
You didn't know what that look was, or what it meant, but you were smart enough to know that it wasn't anything that would happen between you and Sugawara, or Nishinoya, or any one of your friends, for that matter. It was something that hitched your breath whenever you looked in his pretty brown eyes, the ones that seemed to be always glinting with mockery. 
"Did you bring it?" You heard a whisper along with footsteps, though you knew it couldn't be anyone but him whose voice sent shivers down your spine like this.
"Yes, Oikawa-san, I brought it." You rolled your eyes like you were annoyed, a way of hiding the excitement that was in your eyes whenever he was around you. He sat right next to you, leaning on the big tree, his body so close to yours that your shoulders and legs touched with every move. He smelled so nice, the woody smile coming from him mixing with the smell of night, the grass and the trees, his hair tickling your face whenever the wind blew. 
He licked his lips when you took what he was asking for out of the basket, your eyes following and mimicking the motion subconsciously. "This is my favorite thing in the world." He groaned as he took a big bite out of the milk-bread in his hands. You saw a glint in his eyes, and he cracked a smile. "Except for you, of course."
"Very funny." You answered with a mocking tone, though you thought it was merciless of him to tease you so. You tensed when you felt his head slowly dropping on your shoulder, his soft hair now in your face, making you grimace. "You just never let me make a move." He sighed, "It kinda started to hurt my ego."
"Maybe I would've if you weren't such a tease." You felt his eyes on you, though you chose not to look at them since you were afraid of what you could see in them.
"Did you like my poem, though? You didn't comment on that today, really broke me since I poured my heart in every word." He pouted, and you wanted to kick yourself to prevent your mind from thinking how cute he looked just then.
"It's not that I didn't comment, but couldn't." You told him. "It was so good that I didn't know what to say."
"Ah, if that's so, there's a lot more if you want me to, you know." He grinned smugly and opened his mouth. "Oh, no need, really, I think that was enough." You told him with a mocking horror.
"The night so chilly, and it's a bit windy. Though it's not a problem since I got you with me." You couldn't help but giggle as he said those lines so seriously, though you knew he wasn't from the smallest thug on his lips.
"I have no words for how great that was." You told him, your hand on your heart with an exaggerated expression. "I don't know if this a blessing or a curse." He replied with a pout, and you laughed.
As he watched you laugh, your arms shaking ever so slightly, he felt the odd feeling in his chest that he had experienced this past week quite a lot. "I'm sleepy, Y/N- chan." He told you suddenly, and you could feel him shuffling in his place to be a bit more comfortable.
"You were the one who called me out here at this hour. And you've been practicing all day, you really shouldn't be skipping sleep."
"It's totally worth staying awake, though." His voice now a low whisper, you felt goosebumps but weren't sure if it was because of him or the chilly night.
"You won't be saying that tomorrow, though." You told him with a small giggle. You could feel him looking at you, and your heartbeat fastened uncontrollably.
"Well then, I have no other choice but to sleep here, then."
"Wha- what are you doing, Oikawa-san?" You stuttered as you felt his head sliding down, resting on your shoulder.
"I'm sleeping. You're the one who told me I shouldn't skip sleep, aren't you?" He grinned slyly, your shoulder oddly comfortable.
You shifted in your place a bit too, afraid that he'll pull his head back and go back to his room, and you scooted a bit closer to him to make him comfortable. Because of the size difference between you, his head was in an odd position that would probably cause his neck to ache tomorrow, so trying to make it a bit better, your hand went to his head to push it back the slightest, though the moment your hand touched his soft hair, you heard him sigh.
"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to-" you pulled your hand back, only for him to grab your hand and put it back on his hair.
"No, it's okay- I mean... it's... nice."
"My hand is nice?" You repeated, not able to understand what he meant.
"No... the feeling... the feeling of your hand in my hair is nice." A meek whisper that you probably wouldn't be able to hear if you weren't listening so close went out his lips.
He sounded like a little boy, making you grin unconsciously. "Can you?" He muttered, not even a question. "S-sure." You could feel your cheeks burning, and you could swear you felt his cheeks burning, too.
As you ran your fingers through his soft tresses, you could hear him sighing contently, his breaths getting slower and deeper with every stroke. 
His face nuzzling to the crook of your neck, you could swear you felt his lips touching your neck slightly. "Oikawa-san," you muttered, shuffling a bit away from him, only for him to close the gap again, maybe getting even closer to you each time. "Stop doing that." He told you when you tried to get away from him again, this time, his arm snaked around your waist, pulling you even closer to him and not letting you shuffle away.
It's not that you actually wanted to get away from him, you wanted this moment to last forever, but you were also aware that this probably meant nothing to him, whereas it meant too much to you.
"You need to let me go." You told him when you couldn't pull yourself free from his grip. 
"I can't let you go." He answered, and you got the feeling that he wasn't talking about this. "I've tried, you know. To let you go, I mean. But you're just everywhere I look, even when you're nowhere to be seen, you're always on my mind." He told you, your hand in his hair freezing with his words. 
Not knowing what to say to that, you gave yourself a few seconds to think. "Wow," you finally muttered. "That was pretty cheesy."
He stayed quiet for a second and then snickered. "And that was the worst reaction I have ever gotten to a confession." His hand on your waist loosened, letting you pull back. His head lifted off your shoulders, now looking in your eyes, you shuddered. "Wh-what confession?" You asked, your question making him groan. 
"Oh my god, Y/N, I'm trying to tell you I like you!" He finally told you when you looked at him blankly. 
He what? 
"Do you feel the same?" He asked when you stayed quiet. Did you feel the same? Of course, you did, or why else would you be here? You nodded slightly, an audible sigh of relief coming from his way. 
"Then can I... can I kiss yo-"
You kissed him first.
"C'mon, Y/N-chan, just one kiss, for luck!" He pressed on, making you roll your eyes. "Look, I'm not even asking you to wear my jersey, I respect you wanting to hide this for a bit more." 
"Don't you try to fool me, I know you're just saying this because you're afraid of Iwaizumi-san!" 
"Am not!" He pouted like a child, crossing his arms. You took a deep breath, not even aware of your boyfriend getting closer to you inch by inch. 
"Come on, love, don't be a tease and kiss me already." His voice deep and serious, not giving you the option to refuse. Your eyes widened at the sudden change of attitude, though, you should have gotten used to it by now.
You did as he said, leaning into him and closed the distance between you, touching your lips to his soft ones. Kissing him always gave you goosebumps, in an oddly good way. Resisting the urge to push your hands between his hair and pulling him deeper into you, you pulled back. "There," you told him, trying to hide how out of breath you were just from that 2-second kiss, "happy now?" 
"Sugawara-senpai!" You exclaimed, frantically searching for a way to save your ass. He saw the look on your face, a dark expression finding its way on his. "Nuh-uh, don't you try to lie to me." He told you.
"Very." He answered with a smug grin, making you blush and roll your eyes at the same time. He exited the room, and not long after, you followed him, not expecting Sugawara to be there, waiting for you to come out. "Oh well, look what we have here." He told you with a smug look that contrasted with his cute face. 
"Now, since your boyfriend, Oikawa here is playing a match against us, it's only fair if you kiss us too, for, you know, luck." You knew he was joking, so you rolled your eyes, ready to enter the court to see if your team had started to get ready for the match, eyes widening with fear when you saw the little boy staring back at you with as wide eyes. 
"HE WHAT?!" He screamed, his voice thundering in the hallway.
"Oh shit." You muttered to yourself.
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Beta Tester
Kozume Kenma X Reader
-YN LN is a popular mangaka
Chapter 29: Tested
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As you sat in the middle of Kenma's sprawled leg, you two cuddled with controllers at hand.
A year at most had passed since the release of Puri Puri Magika: Lost Magic™ and things happened.
Of course PPM recieved a lot of rewards and the hype of the game still hasn't died which surprised you. A multi-player version was also released after 5 months.
You had publish and completed 2 Manga and have a new one on going. Your Manga recieved an anime adaptation which made you proud.
Kenma had won awards as well. Not that we'd go into that🙄. He also 'forced' you to move in so he could make sure you're living healthy and not staying up for a week finishing your script. He also dedicated a day where he streams with you, so you could rest.
You both usually used your time playing games that were on top charts. And among all the games only 1 game almost topped PPM.
The game Kenma had asked Sakujo to make. They publicly released it as a dating simulator, which you could either end up with Kenma or you.
"You idiot! Just fucking die already!!" You screeched as you button mashed.
Right now you were playing Street fighter to match with Kenma's retro theme of the month.
"You suck at this."
"Shut the fuck up! How do I do Kamehameha?!!!??"
Kenma sighed, "It's not called Kamehameha idiot. It's called-" He didn't need to finish his sentence when his character finished you off with a yell of "Hadouken!"
You looked at how your character lost and clenched you jaw.
"You suck!!!! You're a cheater!!!! I hate this let's play something else!!!!!" You screamed.
Kenma frowned at how loud your were but obliged. He checked the comments to see which games they were recommending.
"Let's play th---" He was cut off when the door slammed open outside.
The two of you looked at each other.
"Y/N!!! BABEEEEE!!!!" You heard your Soulmate yell at the living room.
"AHHH! Kuroo!!!!" You hopped off Kenma and ran to the door.
Kenma wouldn't agree but according to the comments, Kenma gave a horrified and broken look the moment you jumped off.
"This idiot." He grumbled and followed you as fast as he could not bothering with his stream.
He saw how you and Kuroo approached each other in slow mo, skipping to each other. So Kenma had no trouble grabbing you by the hood of your hoodie and frowned at Kuroo only to see Alisa holding Kuroo in a choke hold.
"Hey Kenma!" Alisa smiled.
The blond nodded and dragged you behind him.
"Alisaaaaa! Kenmaaaa!!!! You can't split away soulmates!! Let us goo!!!" You and Kuroo struggled from their hold.
Managing to free a hand you both tried to reach out to each other, only for Alisa to choke Kuroo harder killing the poor man.
"I came to borrow YN~" Alisa sang looking at Kenma.
"If she's going be like this, you can have her."
"Swap her with Kuroo?"
"Why the fuck would I want Kuroo?"
"Well I can't have both of them! Do you seriously want them arrested? Again?"
Kenma groaned at sighed. He let Alisa drag you to your closet and he was stuck with Kuroo.
After you got prepared to go out you gave Kenma a kiss and tried to do it Kuroo as well but the demonic aura of the two scared you both so you decided against it and went out.
Unbeknownst to you the two male had a talk about something. Unfortunately unbeknownst to them, the stream was still active...
Alisa dragged you from shop to shop. Buying this and that.
After what seemed to be 3 hours you and Alisa went to a food court.
To your surprise you saw Keiji, Tenma and Yamaguchi together.
"Y/N! Alisa!" Satori greeted.
"What are you guys doing here?" You asked shocked.
"Well we wanted to hang out and Alisa said you were with her so we went here." Tenma grinned.
"Satori dragged me with him." Akaashi said.
They all joined you and then conversation just flowed perfectly. You talked about this and that while eating.
You'd check on your phone hoping to see a message from Kenma but you got none.
"You keep checking your phone, want us gone that bad?" Satori frowned.
"N-No! I was just checking if Kenma left a message."
"Did he?"
"Nope. I kinda wanna go home now."
"Oh my god what if he's cheating on you?" Satori gasped. Which earned him a hit from Alisa and Akaashi.
"As if that hermit could get anyone else. Especially with Kuroo following him. My Soulmate would make girls pass out before they could even glance at Kenma."
"I don't understand why YN loves Kuroo more than Kenma." Yamaguchi laughed nervously.
"Alisa prefers Kenma. Kuroo prefers YN. Kenma hates everyone." Akaashi pointed out.
"If Alisa would let me I wouldn't mind being a third."
"One thing we agreed on is never put you and Kuroo together and unsupervised. So no I don't think so."
"When did you learn that?" Tenma asked.
"After the two got arrested." Akaashi answered.
"It was at a train. Something... Explicit happened." Alisa sighed remembering what happened.
"YN went on her knees on a train. They didn't actually do anything, just suggested the thought but I guess it was enough to get them arrested." Akaashi explained.
"That's where the KenYN break up came in."
"I'm surprised Kenma and Alisa are still dating you and Kuroo at this point."
"I know right?" Alisa cringed. "Anyway we should continue our shopping spree."
You all stood up and roamed around for another hour or two until Alisa got a message.
"We should go home. Kuroo just texted me. You guys wanna come with?"
They all shrugged and said they'll meet you at your place.
When you got home you got home you laughed seeing how messy your place was. It was like there's a con going on at your house.
Everyone in it was Cosplaying as some game character. There were people you didn't quite know who.
"Y/N!!!!" Kuroo came barelling towards you in his Luigi costume with Mario right behind him.
"Ahh! Where's Akaashi?!" Mario, who turned out to be Bokuto, asked.
Alisa stepped in front of you before Kuroo got to you and turned to Bokuto. "He's on his way. He probably changed clothes."
"What's happening? Why is everyone dressed up?"
Kenma came out of the room with his Overwatch cosplay. You told your friends you were going to Kenma and went over.
"Well hello there. What's up with everything?"
"Do you not know what today is?" Kenma asked.
"Oh fuck, is it our anniversary?"
You and Kenma just looked at each. You fucked up.
"You don't know when that is?"
"P-psh. Of course I-I know!
Kenma flicked your forehead and walked away after saying, "Get dressed. Choose whatever you want."
And now he's upset at you. You felt guilty about forgetting what today was.
Luckily you and Kenma often Cosplay during stream so you had spares. You decided to go as Graves from League of Legends with face beard and all.
Everyone was looking at you when you got out of the room which made you feel anxious.
Was this party for you and you forgot about it? It wasn't Kenma's birthday that's for sure. What could it have been?
Alisa came to you in a KDA Akali Cosplay that you assume Kenma lent her.
"Oh my god the photos are gonna be so great."
"I think Kenma's mad at me..." You mumbled.
"When is he not?"
"I don't know what today is..."
"Just- it'll come to you sooner or later."
You frowned as you scanned the room for your man. You saw Akaashi in a Kingdom Hearts Cosplay, Satori and Wakatoshi in a Tomb Raider costume. Hinata and Kageyama in Danganronpa. Link, who is Atsumu, clinging to Skull Kid. Sakujo and his husband wearimg you and Kenma's character in PPM.
But you found no one in an Overwatch costume.
"Excuse me..." You heard from the front. It was Kuroo, Bokuto and Kenma on an improvised stage.
"I'm sure everyone here knows what's going on right?" Kenma said exaggerating on the word everyone.
"Today, to continue our celebration we will be having a treasure hunt! The treasures you're looking for are in a form of a game loot box of various game style."
"There are a total of 21 loot boxes around town. One of them empty. You are to bring the loot box unopened here and you'll claim the prize of whatever it is in it. You could either come home empty handed or 100k courtesy to our dear host."
"The clues to the boxes are cut evenly to all the players. All the players will have 1 clue. Each players could only get one loot box and it has to correspond to your clue. Come up and get your clue!"
With that, Bokuto brought out a box with a hole on top. Everyone went on stage and got their clue. You were the last to get the clue so you were excited.
The thought of at least 45 adults in Cosplay running around town looking for boxes humored you. So you excitedly looked at your clue.
What made today special.
You froze. It was as if they were doing this in purpose. You had no idea what today was, and of course you had to get the clue asking for what today was.
You looked at Kenma and he gave you a look. Did he know which clue you got, and is disappointed you didn't know what it was?
You took a deep breath and went over to Kenma. "I-I'll win! I know it."
Kenma nodded. "That'll be one less 100k. Do win."
"Ready???" Kuroo called everyone.
"Go!" Bokuto yelled and everyone went out.
Eyes were on us with a bunch of adults wearing Cosplay coming out of a room. Some recognized people it made you realize everyone running right now was a pretty big deal in entertainment industry or related to someone. No one recognized you though. Bless your fake beard.
You ran to wherever you could think of. Enix, Jump, your place. But you saw nothing. Then you thought of the party.
The party wasn't a year ago from today but it was the only one you could think of.
You ran you were just so tired. After all you've been running for hours. And when you got there.
It was empty.
It broke your heart. You couldn't remember what today was. You failed Kenma.
You just gave up. You needed Kenma's comfort, but you were afraid you won't get it since you failed.
You sadly made your way back to you place. Tears threatening to fall. You were disappointed in yourself.
"Y/N." You heard someone call. You lifted your head to see Kenma.
The tears fell. "Kenma... I could find the box..."
Everyone was already back, and was looking out.
"I-I looked everywhere and I-I just couldn't find it..." A soft sob escaped your lips. And you looked down.
"I-I don't remember what today is..."
"Y/N look at me." Kenma called.
You lifted your head and saw that Kenma was on his knees. Your eyes widened.
He brought out a Overwatch loot box from his pocket and cleared his throat.
"Today... Was the day when it all started. The day you showed up in my steps with a stupid flash drive..." He laughed weakly.
You blinked confused of what's happening.
"The day I saw, was the most important day for me. It was the day... The day I noticed you. I really hate you back then. You were so annoying, you still are. You're so persistent. So loud. You ruined my stream. And you kept bothering me. "
"Now you're just insulting me..." You laughed sadly.
"I-I... Look... I love you. I love you YN LN." And looked at the box, "Do you want to know what box you got?"
When you opened the box there was a ring.
"Marry me."
You took the box from him and laughed. "You are such a nerd!" Wrapping your arms around him and gave him a kiss.
The crowd hollered and awed at you two. Chanting "Answer him!" and "Say yes!"
When you two parted you rested your forehead against his.
"I love you so much Kenma. I'd love to spend an eternity stuck with your stupid nerdy ass."
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Previous | Masterlist
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This was the last chapter!!! Thank you very much for sticking with it!!!!
It was kinda dull and all that but I had an issue with my messaging app so I couldn't use it so I went for written only
I hope you liked this and I want to thank you all for supporting this I had so much fun writing this
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @synx-ed @normalisthenewnorm @0majuh0 @leachann @nikanikabitch @almondeupeach @immxnty @mer-majesty @yamayoomi @simpingoveranime-men @lostmarimoismyhubby @mariishat @just-snog-already @sadcosmicdoggie @so-lo-stuff @emperor-eros @nachotrash @themisadventurescrew
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jtrokujo · 3 years
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paring: Tobio Kageyama x fem!Reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: for people who are dealing with depression or who are currently lonely etc please talk to someone. I don't know myself if that needs a warning, but I still wanted to write it here.
gerne: depression
summary: from a happy relationship to pure loneliness. even though the relationship was so beautiful it ended anyway, would they ever talk to each other again?
The days are just around the corner.
The days we are together, but unfortunately also the last time, because after this day everyone goes their own way.
You grow up, some start your own family, buy a big house, a pet, but the question is, do I want that?
This is the life that probably every average adult and I don't want such a life, I want to have someone by my side with whom I can be happy, I don't want more.
This someone shouldn't be anyone other than Tobio Kageyama, but we argued and definitely 2 months before our prom and whether it was enough, it was not a 'normal' argument where you get along after 10 or 5 minutes.
No, we had and separated, the relationship was over.
I don't remember how it really came about, because this argument was pure escalation.
We screamed and so loudly that I didn't know myself whether this could be normal for a person.
But I can remember one part of our argument all too well when Kageyama threw our photo on the wall so that the panes of glass were spread across the floor.
It was the picture with the most emotions, these moments were so beautiful that we did everything that nothing would ever come that could destroy something like that, we were either naive or stupid.
This picture was on our anniversary, our 2 year old, the day that made us naive that we could be together forever.
We were together for a lovely 2 years, I was at his games, we bought mangas, drank our coffee together and ate our favorite cake over our favorite coffee, where we also had our second date.
I remember too well how Kageyama tried to ask me at the time if I would go to the school ball with him, after I answered 'yes' he hugged me by putting all his weight on my body, a little heavy.
But I should seriously stop thinking about the old days after knowing his face - and he is mine.
There are also enough boys or even easier, I just don't go there, but I still have to think about the expensive dress my parents had saved for me.
Knowing not to dress just because of a guy shows how weak I am, I just let my dreams, which I've had for years, burst?
Even when I was little I dreamed of dancing with my lover in front of all classmates, how his amorous eyes met mine and then he just wanted to be with me, which is why he took my hand and we together from school, or wherever we are, and then he just looks at me and says how much he loves me, until it rains in a moment and we still dance together until the night ends.
However, we stopped and his steps approached me and his eyes met my lips, that's the moment, in the middle of the rain he would kiss me.
That's the stereotype that almost every girl had, but only almost.
By that I mean your lover kisses you in the middle of the rain.
It's only noon.
I should make something of my day instead of just thinking about the weirdest things, or about him.
With no motivation whatsoever, she took her cell phone and wrote to a good friend.
"Really, I'm proud of you for going out. Believe me or not, but I was seriously worried that you would spend your life thinking until prom."
Said the young volleyball player from her school and hugged her as he finished his sentence.
"I'm fine and you don't have to worry about me, Sugawara."
She muttered while her head stayed on his left chest and she could feel his heartbeat.
Walking together in the city they talk about a different topic every 5 minutes and none of them seem to bother, sometimes they talk about silly series, sometimes they gossip about their classmates, sometimes they give each other little advice until he said this " Tell me, do you already have a mask? "
She looked at him in amazement and asked "Which mask?"
"We have the topic of the masked ball, you were in favor of it when we talked to the others about it."
Not all of that.
Annoyed, she sighed and saw a mother taking care of her daughter, who has a small wound.
"(Y / N)?" he asked her and grabbed her shoulders and said right away, "How about we take a little break. I heard that the new animated film isn't that bad after all, come on."
Nobody who could see her from the outside could say she was crying, but she did, unfortunately couldn't.
Your body doesn't cry, your mind does.
To know someone like Sugawara is like a gift from heaven, a pure guardian angel.
When we arrived at the cinema, (Y / N) paid Ticktes and Sugawara for the meal.
Strangers would think it was a date, even if it was a friendship date, because just being friends with the opposite sex doesn't mean that they can be a couple or anything else.
(Y / N) should already choose a place and not long she found one, if that wasn't enough, but the hall is empty, a dream come true, sitting she took her cell phone and scrolled through her gallery, two words , a mistake.
Every second photo feels like it is from Kageyama.
Small tears welled up in her eyes, but she knew he wasn't worth it.
"(Y / N)?" she hears Sugawara's voice in amazement.
She turned and got his attention.
Sitting comfortably he started to eat and asked her if her cell phone was on mute, nodding she answered him and asked him if she could rest her head.
"Uh, of course, why not?" and made himself comfortable.
And now the 15 minute long commercials started.
Together with a friend in the shop, the two teenagers look for a mask to steal away the ball.
The mood for it is in the basement.
For once, she goes with someone who is also a gentleman and whether it is not enough, it cannot be overlooked that he has feelings for the classmate.
But what about (Y / N)?
She wants to have time for herself, because you don't necessarily need a partner to be happy, there is also no need.
In addition, she unfortunately still loves him, but the thought of him immediately occurred to her, where is he?
They go to the same class and when school is over she has to go to the sports hall because there is a shorter way and she still doesn't see him, then the thought occurred to her, 'He's not worth it'.
And where are you now?
It is hard to believe that all of the stores are at a tailor's.
But for that the old man seems to be able to do it pretty well, the prices could do away with one or the other, but you only live that way once.
While the friend was still choosing what her mask should look like, (Y / N) already got an idea and told the old man that she had an idea.
Because of her little mental breakdowns, it's nice to see that she has other things on her mind, but while she's talking to the old man about the mask and he's already preparing a sketch, the black-haired one is on the other side of town, alone though not.
"You don't even try to get in touch with her. What you said to her shouldn't say anything to anyone, so go to her tomorrow at school and apologize, then you can both live in peace."
Immediately after the little volleyball player finished his sentence, the black haired volleyball player threw him in the face, silencing him.
"H-hey! What was that supposed to mean?"
"You should stop talking!"
Kageyama yelled at his friend.
"You made me come with you!" he pisses at him.
Trapped in his own mind, Kageyama threw the ball to Hinata, his mistake being that he 1. hit it too hard and 2. the ball was a little too high, which is an advantage for Hinata.
Fixing on the ball, he jumped into the heights of the ball and hit it.
Immediately the ball landed roughly on Kageyama's face, holding his nose painfully, which was bleeding from himself.
Hinata, who is somewhat panicked, apologized several times and handed him a small handkerchief.
That still has him, probably what the pain his ex-girlfriend had to endure immediately after he ended the relationship with her, but he doubts that right away, pain like the one he has is not at all comparable to that of (Y / N) and many other people.
Trapped in his own mind, Kageyama threw the ball to Hinata, his mistake being that he 1. hit it too hard and 2. the ball was a little too high, which is an advantage for Hinata.
Fixing on the ball, he jumped into the heights of the ball and hit it.
Immediately the ball landed roughly on Kageyama's face, holding his nose painfully, which was bleeding from himself.
Hinata, who is somewhat panicked, apologized several times and handed him a small handkerchief.
That still has him, probably what the pain his ex-girlfriend had to endure immediately after he ended the relationship with her, but he doubts that right away, pain like the one he has is not at all comparable to that of (Y / N) and many other people.
He looked at his hand, which was covered with blood, he immediately took his bottle with his free hand and poured it over his hand.
Then he looked at Hinata and sighed, "Let's go shopping tomorrow."
Hinata himself noticed how his friend was changing, but he does not want to interfere in matters that do not concern him, but unfortunately he knew too well that it cannot go on like this and since Kageyama and something has happened Hinata reached for his cell phone and wrote (Y / N).
It is late in the evening when (Y / N) came home safe and sound, she took a warm shower, but immediately afterwards she went straight to her room without having eaten anything.
She carefully took her finished mask out of her bag, then took out her headphones, snacks, her wallet and her cell phone, when she wanted to see if she got a message from her friend, she saw that she had one about 3 hours ago Message received from Hinata.
Hey (Y / N), do you have time tomorrow?
Want to annoy you. :)
She couldn't help but grin and wrote to him to get a volleyball.
It's nice to have someone like Hinata because no matter what comes between you, he's always there for you.
Hinata wrote her that she should have nice dreams and was offline immediately afterwards.
(Y / N) decided to sleep right after, because even if she wasn't in the mood to meet anyone before that, apart from her friend from lunchtime, saying no to Hinata is a big taboo.
The next morning (Y / N) got ready and told her parents that Hinata was coming.
Snacks on the desk, the cuddly pillows spread out on the bed and the old Nintendo lying in bed.
Riding a bike with a rucksack, little Orange made his way to his girlfriend.
The weather was too good enough for such a day, because the sun was covered by wool and the clouds are gray, not white like yesterday.
But that didn't stop Hinata from being happy.
After about half an hour, Hinata finally arrived late, he put his bike right next to the door of the (H / C) hairy girl and rang the bell.
Without waiting long the door opened, contrary to what he expected, he saw his girlfriend with an honest smile.
After a short hug, he entered the little house, but of course he took off his shoes for the first time.
While the two friends were having fun, the black-haired one sits alone in his room and watches his favorite films.
Today the day has arrived.
This morning (Y / N) had showered and at the moment she was doing her hair with the help of her mother.
At the same time, Kageyama is pondering in the shower while the water flows through his body.
When the hairstyle fits perfectly on the head (Y / N) just pulled a thin dressing gown under her underwear and watched the new episodes of her series at the same time.
She looks at her cell phone every now and then and notices how slowly the time goes by.
She still has a good 5 hours ahead of her.
While her mother helps her to lock the dress, (Y / N) stared at the floor thoughtfully.
"You look like a little princess." said her mother to her and her ear and she looked at the mirror which is in front of them and touched her daughter's shoulders.
A little insecure, she cocked her head and looked in the mirror and she looks pretty pretty.
The hairstyle fits perfectly in the head, the dress exudes an extraordinary aura and now the only thing missing is the mask.
"Where's my mask." she asked her mother, she will get it right away which one was on her bed.
"Thanks." she thanked her and hugged her mother, but not only because of this mask, no.
When she found out that her daughter's relationship was failing, she was always there for her daughter and even managed to cheer her up.
"You have to be there in 20 minutes, come I'll drive you there." said the mother and went ahead.
(Y / N) quickly took her little bag and put her cell phone, power bank and mask there before she left her room.
In the car she asked her mother if she could also pick up Hinata, with a 'yes' she agreed and drove in the direction of the orange-haired one.
He was about to set off on a bicycle when his mother honked the horn and drew attention to him (Y / N), got out of the car and said loudly that he should get in.
Hinata quickly told his mother that he was being driven and ran straight to his girlfriend. "You look great, Hinata." she said to him with which he said, "You always do that." answered.
Giggling, the friends sat down in the car and talked about 10 different topics in this short drive.
"We are there." said the mother.
As they got out, they thanked them and made their way into the building.
"Nervous?" asked Hinata (Y / N), she just shook her head and said that they should go inside.
They parted ways in the building as they are now keeping their friends for company.
Hinata went to his volleyball and greeted each one of them.
(Y / N) went to her small circle of friends and hugged each of them with a warm hug. She noticed that she had forgotten to put on her mask, what she is doing now.
Kageyama, who also talks to Hinata, looks out for his ex-girlfriend, because the only thing he still wants to do is to apologize, he was cowardly yes.
That's why he's so eager to apologize today and besides, he still loves her but he knows himself that it might be better not to get together with her again.
The crowds of students drink some punch, some dance like crazy or talk.
After the time the music got a bit too loud for (Y / N), so she leaves the building and takes a little break.
Without knowing someone else came out the door and it was none other than Kageyama.
"(Y / N)." she heard him say her name, unfortunately she knew that voice too well.
Turning around nervously, she saw him taking the mask off his face, she did the same and asked him what he was doing here.
"I wanted to apologize to you, apologize for how I treated you.
We both know you deserve someone better. I'm terribly sorry (Y / N). "
Kageyama apologized and bowed to (Y / N), of course she was a bit overwhelmed but immediately said "You don't have to apologize for what you are not guilty of, we both made a mistake, so I just think we don't need an apology. "
He hugged her warmly and mumbled softly "Do you think we could become something?"
"Sure, but we shouldn't think about tomorrow if you get what I'm talking about."
Nodding, he continued the hug until she said, "Let's go in, I'm getting cold, aren't you?"
"No, but I think you're right."
It has been a total of 2 years after graduation.
The black-haired guy was just getting the last boxes out of the car, while (Y / N) put the boxes in the respective room.
Kageyama quietly crept behind (Y / N) and covered her eyes "Kageyama since I've been your fiancée you can't seem to do anything other than cover my eyes, right?"
She giggled and took his hands from her eyes.
He just giggled and shrugged his shoulders and asked "Shall we order food today?"
"Only when you talk."
"Yeah ok, lazy." he mumbled, but he wasn't quiet enough because she threw one of the little things at him.
"I heard it."
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haikyuuishete · 4 years
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Synopsis: Scenario of Ushiwaka
A lot of people wouldn't believe Ushijima had a girlfriend, it wasn't like you two were a secret relationship, you two didn't need to show off to anyone. You liked being away from other people's gazes, it was non of their business anyways. Ushijima is always busy with volleyball and you're busy in your club but somehow manage to have time for each other.
The nice thing is no one really talks about how you don't speak at all. A lot of classmates started to learn sign language to understand what you were saying, but you weren't deaf either so it made it easier for them and for Ushijima.
Even his team started to learn sign language to understand what you were saying, you were very important to Ushijima and they wanted to protect you too, but that doesn't mean you couldn't defend yourself but they just want to because you're like their little sister or older sister for the 1st and 2nd years.
It was weird how you met Ushijima, he couldn't sleep one night and went for run to tire himself out only bump into him. He apologized but you just bowed and ran off.
It kinda bothered him for a while, was he scary that you were too scared to talk? Not until he asked one of your male classmates about you only to find out you were mute. At first he didn't think much about it but that didn't stop him from searching for you and wanting to have a simple conversation.
He spoke and you wrote on a notebook that's how it went for months while studying together, he didn't want you to write so he studied sign language just for you, even though he's really dumb but Tendou helped out so did Semi well everyone did. The more he practiced with you made it easier, just seeing you smile made his day, he didn't realize he was head over heels for you. It didn't matter if you didn't speak or did, you understood him and comforted him like no one ever could.
That's how you two got together well with the help of Tendou of course because Ushijima didn't know how so it didn't help.
Of course Tendou will be apart of your relationship which you both didn’t mind, you loved him being around you so like basically he's your best friend. When Ushijima is out he would give you company by watching anime or reading mangas or even rant about people he doesn't like (cough cough Tsukishima), you would join some practices because why not, the boys won't be aggressive but one time Tendou 'accidentally' threw a ball at you so you served it in his face as revenge, which made Ushijima smile and make his whole team laugh as Tendou chased you around.
Of course Tendou gave you guys space, when Ushijima has a the day off from practice he would take you out or just cuddle while watching a movie, sometimes both of you take your little brother to a volleyball class because your brother admired your boyfriend and he's just 4 years old. That's how you met Oikawa, "Tsk what are you doing here?" He rolled his eyes seeing Ushijima, he didn't even notice that you and your brother were next to him. "I'm here with my girlfriend and her brother" your brother was confused "oh hey b/n" Oikawa's nephew greets your brother giving him a small head pat as your brother holds out his volleyball.
Little by little every player that played volleyball knew about you, somehow it got around even to Tokyo who played volleyball.
That's how interviews with Ushijima went, "so how many languages do you know?" "I don't speak any but I know sign language" "really?" "Yea my girlfriend is mute" he wouldn't sugar coat it, Ushijima and everyone loved the way you were, there’s nothing to hide.
No one ever dared to flirt with no one did, Ushijima was the only one to approach you even though you're are beautiful, no one ever approached you.
His rivals would always greet you with so much respect as Ushijima held you by his side and it amazes everyone seeing how quickly he understands you, even the team would too which makes them stand out way more than before. A lot of people would stare not because you can't speak because of how cute and pretty you were like no one could look away without smiling. Oikawa on the other hand he talked to you like any other person, he was nice but Ushijima limited it a bit since Oikawa is a smooth talker and Hinata the cutie that you practicality squished his cheeks, Hinata was nice and even funny to be around but of course and unfortunately Ushijima disliked him. There is always that one guy that doesn’t know anything or just came to a volleyball game with his friends, this guy practically grabbed you and started to flirt with you but you kept pushing him away, like he was scaring you, but he doesn’t let go “why don’t you say something sweetheart? Like let’s get out of here” he gets annoyed by you “aren’t you going to say anything?!?”
Of course Ushijima is your savior, “Get away from my girlfriend” poor guy trembled and ran off. “Did he hurt you?” ‘No But I’m shocked’
He pulls you to the gym with him instead and made one of the 1st years to bring the waterbottles in instead.
"are you tired?" 'no' nodding his head he pulls you into his embrace, "everyone couldn't stop staring at you kinda made me feel irritated" he confessed, you just snuggled deeper into his embrace, he could feel you smiling into his neck. He wasn't much off a talker but when you mention volleyball he would go all out but you didn’t mind at all, just hearing his voice soothed you. Falling asleep together, eating together and even studying together was his favorite moments with you.
When it was your first time with him, he was gentle of course, he would softly praise you, he was rough of course but sweet at the same time perfect combination in my opinion.
After care is always dress up and go get something to eat and just cuddle.
It doesn’t last long when it hits 5 he gets up and goes for a run leaving you under a pile of blankets to sleep in, Tendou bursts in to wake you up to talk to him because he’s bored.
“Guess what Semi semi did!” ‘What’ “he kicked me out of his bed like I’ve always been a good friend” he cried making you smile and giggle.
Every Friday the team would come over to eat ramen or your cooking and watch movies any kind of genre no in between.
After few years you’re still with him and he’s still in love with you, Yea their was guys that liked you and tried and yea girls try to get Ushijima’s number but nothing really mattered as long you two were together. 
Ushijima was now a professional volleyball player for the Schweiden Adlers, you were his fiancé about that time. His team wanted to get know you of course, Kageyama knew you couldn’t talk because he was close to Ushiwaka and has met you before, he made sure to tell the team not ask too many questions so it wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. Of course it didn’t bother you for them to ask questions, curious people need answers.
Once Ushiwaka brought you to a team meeting everyone went awe you were still gorgeous as ever. Romero told Ushijima you were gorgeous, he didn’t know if he should be proud or be jealous because Romero is now flirting with you and even learned some sign language like (I love you, hey cutie, are you still with Ushijima) it’s all jokes, you fangirled on the other hand.
Tendou was still present he would go to the apartment and stay for while when Ushijima is out of the country and even Semi and Reon comes to visit. They even took you to some of Ushijima’s far away games.
Then you two decided to have your wedding which was perfect everyone was invited even the press who were very quiet and very nice as they silently took picture and enjoyed the venue.
Then one day you felt dizzy and nauseous, you faced time Tendou to come over quickly which he did, you told him about the symptoms and you two rushed to the closest store to get a test.
Turns positive, so yes you’re pregnant.
You didn’t want to tell Ushijima yet because he was out of the country and that could stress him out. Tendou told everyone and made sure no one told Ushijima just yet.
Once he came back, you got everything prepared to tell him, “hey y/n” a light peck as he drops his duffel bag on the floor. ‘I have a gift for you’ “really?” He asks, you pull him onto the couch and bring out a gift bag. ‘Open it’ he takes out a tiny shirt that’s says Schweiden Alders number 11.
He looks up furrowing his eyebrows, ‘there is more’ nodding his head he finds a long thin box. Opening it, it was your pregnancy test that said positive.
He was dumb but not that dumb, his eyes widen realizing you were pregnant. “We are going to have a child?” You nod, he pulls you into hug and touches your stomach, he was so happy.
After hard 9 months, half of it he wasn’t there due to the Olympics but he was there when you went into labor.
So yes you have a child with your highschool sweetheart. A beautiful healthy baby.
He made everything perfect and made a life for you two, after your child turned 2 the media didn’t know about them yet. So during an interview he revealed that he had a child which shocked everyone. “So what is your wife doing now since you have been leaving a lot” “well she’s not alone since we have our baby to take care of and friends that help out” “you have a child?!” “Yes” shocked the media and everyone was like shook but you two wanted a quiet pregnancy and enjoyed it.
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sorenskyhigh · 4 years
Pets They Would Have pt. 2
Hisashi Kinoshita
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Hisashi is a Train Company Employee. This means he works a lot of hours and just does not have the time to take care of, love and train any other pets
Fish are a really easy to take care of
All you have to do is remember to feed them and have a water filter to constantly clean their aquarium
Some fish, if handled when young, can get big and will let and love for you to pet them
But, they also are just very nice to have
Just to watch them swim around all of the plants with the light on at night
As I said, they don't need alot either
Hisashi could just let them be
They wouldn't beg or need constant love and attention like a mammal (dog, cat, rat, bird)
They also don't need constant vigilance for health issues or specialized diets like amphibian and reptilian pets
Hisashi is going to be tired when he gets home from work, so he needs a pet that is more ornamental than a chore
I feel if Hisashi were to have fish, he'd get the weirdest ones in the pet store
Hisashi seems to have a very strong inner child
So he would want either the flashiest fish, or the ones that cause a double take everytime their passed by in the store
He may get only one or two or get a whole tank full
I honestly feel like it could go one of two ways:
A- He has an aquarium for a wall in his house filled with his wild choice in fish or
B- He has a small, round, spherical bowl with two fish in it
It'd be funny if he had just the two fish to start with then they had babies even though the worker said they were both female
Obviously they weren't
They laid eggs and he had to transfer the female and daughters to one large tank and the father and sons to another so they wouldn't keep having babies
After this he has like 14 fish in total
Then he keeps finding himself at the pet store looking at the "ugly" fish no one wants
He buys these fish and ends up having two tanks that cover a whole wall
One's for his male fish the others for the females
But he screws up and learns the hard way that clownfush can change genders to help make babies
I'm being terrible to this poor guy let me stop
He so would be that fish owner to get real plants and "not those toxic plastic ones, how do they not hurt the fish???"
I honestly love the thought of Kinoshita just spacing out in front of his fish as he just watches them swim and do their own thing
Or if he were to only have a couple fish and he lets them get really big and pets them
Kazuhito Narita
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Now, I know what you're thinking
Aren't Ferrets incredibly high maintenance?
Not really
Kazu ends up working at a Realty Firm
Generally their work hours are supposed to be around 40 hrs a week
But they often have to stay longer considering most clients can only meet up on weekday afternoons
So this means Kazu has to work a lot
Ferrets may be mischievous and a little destructive, but that's easy to fix
If a ferret is to be left at home alone for hours at a time, just get it a really big cage and tons of toys to play with
Plenty of food and water too, of course
But ferrets are honestly pretty chill
All they need is for you to clean out their cage around once a week, some light grooming here and there, and some time to run around
Apartment or house doesn't matter with ferrets
They love to just mess around and only need a couple hours of free time a day
They sleep most of the day, 17 to 20 hours usually
They also aren't very vocal
They have a specific noise they make when excited thats barely heard by most human ears
Fun fact about ferrets is they actually have pretty poor eyesight, but their sense of smell and hearing more than make up for it
The only real problems Kazu would have to worry about are hairballs getting lodged and dental issues, no different than a cat
I didn't pick a cat though bc, Kazu seems like the kind of person to have something that doesn't get riled up on a whim like a cat
Cats often have unpredictable moods, ferrets on the other hand can be energetic but won't get into a bad mood at the drop of a pin
They're generally very fun loving
Though, it is always recommended to get a pair
Ferrets are highly social animals, so they would need a buddy for when your not able to be there for them
Kazu would probably get one almost all white ferret and one almost all dark brown ferret for the symbolism
I love the thought of Kazu wrestling with one ferret, it wrapped around his hand, and then the other one if climbing on his back and sliding down the back of his shirt in playful retaliation
Tobio Kageyama
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I really really wanted to give Tobio a turtle, but with him being a volleyball player in his adult life, that just won't work
Turtles need very specific temperatures and surroundings so they can live happily and healthily
I honestly feel in terms of personality, nothing but a cute little Eastern Box Turtle would fit him perfectly
I honestly struggled to find something that, to me, fit Kageyama Tobio but also would be manageable for him as a pro athlete
He's a very complex character and something with fur or feather just did not seem to suit him to me
The only problem is.......reptiles and amphibians are generally really demanding pets
From the food they eat, the the temperature their home has to be set at, its a lot of constant care
Some of them may not like constant physical touch, but they still need to be cleaned and have a constant watchful eye to check for any skin abnormalities
I decided on the African Fire Skink after much much MUCH consideration
These lizards don't get large, onky around 14-15 inches
And, unlike many reptilian nd amphibian pets, they don't require any specific heating or lighting
As long as your house isn't like consistently hot or cold or constantly changing between the two, their fine
They do need a substantial amount of dirt to dig and hide in
They mostly eat insects and one very rare occasion would appreciate a pinky mouse
These lizards are also shy and like to be admired from a distance
They don't like to be touched too much
They also have few and far between health problems uike other lizards
The only real problem is you can't find them at local pet stores but, they generally sell for around 25-70 USD
They also live for around 15-20 years
I feel like Tobio would have gotten his lizard as a middle schooler bc he didn't have very many friends, but he also didn't want a really needy pet since he doesn't know how to socialize well
Since this lizard like to be left alone, he could admire it from afar and this lizard could help him learn how to social better
Imagine Tobio at a table in his room, doing some homework and the little Skink is just lazing about in a sunspot next to him 😍
Shoyo Hinata
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At first for Shoyo I thought, okay maybe a hamster or a Guinea Pig or something like that
Ya know, something small but mighty and also, incredibly cute!
But I took a look at a list of pets that travel well and one of pets that can be left at howm for days with a proper care taker
I nearly shot myself bc I totally forgot that Hermit Crabs can be pets!!!!!
And they suit Shoyo so well!!!
They are small and sturdy
They fight back and pinch when threatened but can be very nice little pets to have
Hermit Crabs also love, sadly, for only around 10 years and can grow up to 6 inches long
Also, three to five shells per crab should be available
I am living for the idea that Hinata bought a bunch of shells for his crabs and painted them with little volleyballs and crows and ornage and black 🥺
These are good bc as long as you have someone reliable to feed them when they need to be while you're gone
Usually, if they're small, they're tiny wittle claws can't grab onto pellet food, so heir is a specific kind of almost dust like food for Hermit Crabs
Also, dark leafy greens like kale and broccoli or fruits like apples, bananas, and grapes are good too
Just choo them up really really tiny
They also need 2-3 inches of soil, silica play sand, and (optional) coconut fibers for them to burrow in when they molt
They also need a place for water to keep their little shells moist
They also need specific temps and maybe even mist their terrarium with water now and again
Something that us important and why Shoyi would need someone to come in and check on them is bc they are every vulnerable when molting
When a Hermit Crab molts they need to be separated from others so they don't get hurt
Like with many smaller pets you also have to thoroughly wash your hands before and after you touch them
Shoyo would fight Tobio when Tobio said his Crabs are boring and go into a long detailed argument about how each Crab has his/her own personality and how interesting they are
Kei Tsukishima
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Did you expect this Dino loving nerd to have anything else other than a reptile?
I tried to find one, as you can imagine, that would fit his adult life schedule but also his personality
I really wanted to give him an Iguana or Chameleon butbthey were really demanding with care
Now.....I know
Anole are native to the Southern US and Southern Hispanic countries such as Mexico, Clolombua, and Venezuela
They are around 20cm long and only live a very short 3-5 years
Also if you own many most should be female and only one should be male if you choose to have any males at all
The males get very territorial and will fight one another
Also the males flair our their dewlaps (skin flap under their chin) in defense and when they feel threatened
The dewlaps are usually pink, red, or on the rare occasion blue
Females have these as well but don't flair them out as much
Anoles are very high energy but don't care to be touched too much
These lizards also can't be picked up by their tales as they have evolved to lose their tales and grow them back
Kei would like these as they are so odd
They're not only descendants of Dinosaurs but they can lose their tales and grow them back at will???
I feel like Kei would constant have new ones
His massive tank (you need big ones for these guys, they are very active and will resort to cannibalism if their space is too small) is never empty, always at least three
He has analbum on his phone of all of the Anoles he's owned and maybe even has a picture book with their names on it
Yamaguchi to this day is the o ky one that has had the privilege to see said book
Yamaguchi is also the only person Kei trusts to take care of his precious Anoles
And when one dies he has really small but none the less grand ceremony for a descendant of the mighty race of Dinosaurs
Yamaguchi always helps him set these up
I fell like he would give them really weird names as well
Like twig, stick, sock, glove, kneecap or some weird shit idk
I'll have Yamaguchi, Yachi, Yui, Natsu, and Saeko in the next one
My requests are open and I hope you enjoyed
@popcorntime-doodles @multifandombrainrot @kneecapstealingalien @jiheonity @weareallhumans123 @smallmangi @canadian-crow @just-jellyfish @immiamarais @i-need-coffee-now-pls @shadowsbutdead @ghostexhibit @goshikisimp @anothershadeofpink @mestayanon @all-around-fandoms31 @thatfunnysprout @itsallgonnabokayihope @g00s3 @boreateo @backalley-astrologer @vaniatslover @lil-mellow-bunbun @strawberrymakki @beelziee @taiyahhh @sakusasgerm @cr4z3d-cl0wn @brendanfkelley @mainnews32 @beelshumanworldburger @mehreenackerman @detective-bakugou
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
Would it be possible to request for Oikawa where he has a crush on a Karasuno student and every time he tries to talk to them he becomes a blushing stuttering mess and he hates it because he's usually so confident? Something fluffy~ Gender neutral is fine but if you don't mind, can you make them more like "one of the boys"/tomboyish if possible? It said your requests are open, I hope I didn't misread and I hope this is okay!
So heyyy....umm I hope this is ok!
Pairing: Oikawa/Reader
Rating: T for language (one fbomb I think)
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Practice games are just as important as matched games in Toru’s opinion and he takes each and every single one seriously.
Especially against Karasuno.
He isn’t going to let his guard down against them, not with that cocky smirk on Tobio’s face.
His tongue pokes out a bit as he steadies his arm for the perfect serve.
The game hasn’t started yet, it’s just warm ups but a few of the Karasuno players are watching him with rapt attention and he feels his confidence grow.
He throws the volleyball into the air, gets started on his run and then his hand comes down perfectly aimed to hit it just right and swoosh, it’s headed in a direct path to the opposite side of the net.
It bounces against the floor with a hard smack and then it pops back into the air before-
“STRAY!” He hears and then there’s someone standing there, just holding his serve ball like it didn’t bounce back up with incredible force and Toru blinks and gapes.
“Sorry about that!” he hears Nishinoya call out.
Then they just toss his serve ball back to the salty Karasuno middle blocker like it’s nothing. Like they didn’t just catch a serve rebound flying at top speed.
Toru feels his heart start pounding wildly in his chest as he watches you make your way around the edge of the court.
‘What is this feeling?’ he wonders to himself as the whistle blows and his attention is back on the game.
Aoba Johsai win all three games in straight sets, he feels a bit smug despite the exhaustion settling in.
Now that he doesn’t have to focus on the matches his eyes wander around the gym trying to get another glimpse of you.
Unfortunately word has gotten out about the star setter of Seijoh being at Karasuno campus and the fangirls are already vying for his attention.
He pastes on his fake smile and shows them the proper gratitude for their support.
He is grateful after all, he just also feels a little disappointed.
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The next time he sees you it’s completely on accident again, he’s taking Takeru to the movies and you’re standing at the counter alone with an armload of popcorn, a large soda, and some candy too.
The more he sees you the more intrigued he becomes.
You’re just-you’re nothing like what he’s used to.
“Uncle Toru!” Takeru says, grabbing his attention and also making you turn your head.
“What is it, Takeru?” he says, trying to pay attention but his gaze drifts back to you without permission.
“Why are you staring at them? You’re acting like a creep!”
‘What?” he yelps, as your gaze moves over him almost absently and then to Takeru with a small smile.
This kid.
“Takeru, we’re going to be playing the quiet game indefinitely if you don’t stop embarrassing me in front of people,” he says through gritted teeth.
You don’t hear the words come out of his mouth but the expression tells you all you need to know and you chuckle before turning back to your date with yourself.
He watches as you head into the theater with the latest action movie banner over it.
He’s not opposed to action movies but he had kind of hoped you’d have chosen the animated film that he’d planned to see with Takeru.
“Toru, can we watch that instead?” he asks, pointing to where you disappeared into the theater.
One thing he’ll say for his nephew, Takeru knows how to take advantage of a situation.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Takeru. Your mother would kill me…” he says, guiding the kid toward the snack counter instead of the ticket booth.
“I’m almost twelve now!” he says, looking up at Toru with an unflattering gaze.
“Pfft...I’m not stupid, kid.”
“Yeah...sure,” he says, a painfully sarcastic eye roll tacked on for good measure.
“Why are you so mean to me? I’m your favorite uncle!”
“You’re literally my only uncle…”
Toru pouts but nobody gives him a second glance.
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“Great King?” Hinata asks, and Toru meeps before putting a hand over Shortie's mouth.
“Shh…” he says, and Shoyo looks at him with confusion etched on his face.
“Why are you here? Did you come to spy on us?” Hinata asked with wide eyes. Maybe Kageyama wasn’t the only one who was nervous about their upcoming match.
“I’m just here looking for some-for a friend,” he says, eyes darting around the gym through the small window.
“Oh, okay...who is it? Maybe I can help you find them!” Shortie says, with that same passionate enthusiasm that he springs up with on the court.
Toru assesses the odds of Hinata picking up a clue that maybe he and you aren’t exactly friends but then he remembers Tobio usually keeps control of their shared brain cell and spills his guts.
“Do you remember the practice match we had?”
“Yea the one last week? “
“That’s the one...I was warming up and I hit my spike,”
“Yeah and it was like SWOOOSH and POW against the court and even Nishinoya senpai couldn’t pick it up...it was soo awesome,” Hinata says, stars sparkling in his eyes.
Toru felt the old familiar pride in himself start to grow.
“Yes, exactly. Well it bounced and then someone caught it...do you remember who that was?”
“Oooh yeah, I know them. But they’re not here, they work part time at that place with the big neon sign out front. The one across from the coach's store!”
Toru says a quiet thank you for the blind gullibility of an idiot and nods. “Thank you, Shortie. I might just consider this worthy of an I owe you.”
“Oh it’s no problem but...why don’t you just text them?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.
“You’re right, I should do that. Well this has been fun but I’m leaving now...you should work on those receives. Catching them with your face might be fun to watch but it’s not going to put the ball where it needs to go.”
Before Hinata can go off he turns to leave with a wide grin.
The walk there isn’t long and he checks out the familiar sight of Sakanoshita and then turns his head.
“Hmm…” he says to himself. It’s not exactly what he’d expected but Shrimpy is a lot of things, but capable of lying isn’t one of them.
He slips in the door looking around as if he’s interested in what’s on the shelves though a glimpse of you is really what he’s waiting for.
Toru keeps glancing over to the counter while he distractedly pretends to browse.
In fact he is so focused on keeping an eye out for you that he nearly jumps out of his skin when you say, “Can I help you with anything?” from right behind him.
He’s not sure whether his heart is pounding so fast in his chest because of the literal fear that is tingling under his skin or the fact that you are unexpectedly standing so close.
He backs away into the shelf, wincing a bit when a few items fall onto the floor.
Blood rushes to his ears and neck as he forces himself to turn around and start to pick things up.
“No I-I’m fine,” he says, hiding his awkwardness as best he can given the floor has yet to open up and swallow him whole.
“Y’know, you’re nothing like I expected…” you say, chuckling to yourself a bit as you try to help with the misplaced items.
“You-you know who I am?” he says in a voice that sounds almost nothing like himself. Toru Oikawa isn’t some meek, mild mannered blubbering mess. He’s confident in himself and his skills both on and off the court.
But then he sees your eyes, and the tiny smile dancing on your lips and he’s somehow a whole new person.
“Of course. I might not follow Volleyball as closely as some but I’m pretty sure there are slugs living under rocks that know who you are,” you chuckle, replacing the last item onto the shelf before standing back up to your full height.
“Yes...well I am the best setter in Miyagi,” he says, trying to find his confidence again.
“One of, sure,” you say and there’s a sly smirk on your lips as you think of Tobio-kun.
(cue unamused emoji face)
“Oh, and I suppose you think Tobio is better?” he says, feeling vaguely jealous and angry all at once.
“I wouldn’t really know,” you say, shrugging a bit. “Honestly I just know that he credits you a lot for teaching him everything he knows and that seems like such a waste if you can’t appreciate it properly.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well you’re rivals, I get that...but also another way to look at it is not only are you one of the best-”
“THE best.”
“Fine, even if you’re THE BEST setter in Japan, or even all of the world...you have a legacy now. It’s not just your own skill that you can depend on but that of your junior…” you say with a soft shrug. “Honestly that feels just as important to me.”
Toru blinks at you a few times before you offer a short wave goodbye and make your way back toward the counter.
He decides it will be best to get out of there as soon as possible.
When he rounds the corner, Toru presses back against the cool brick of the building behind him and lets his head fall back.
This feeling...it’s new. It’s intense...it’s fuck-its unlike anything he’s ever felt before.
Is he actually...flattered?
Is he...is he in love?
No, that’s silly.
Toru Oikawa doesn’t do love.
He plays at it, he feeds it to his fans but he doesn’t actually feel it.
The wind whips at his face and he turns away from it. He’s not sure how just yet but somehow this is Tobio’s fault...he just knows it.
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Once he confronts his feelings, it takes a while but he comes back to you.
Over and over he shows up where you are and tries his best to make polite conversation despite the nervous flutters in his stomach or the way heat seems to blossom in his cheeks anytime you playfully tease him about anything.
If you’re standing too close there’s at least a thirty percent chance he’s going to knock into something and either he’ll have a bruise or you’ll be picking stuff up off the floor all over again.
It settles a bit the more you get to know one another but he can still be surprisingly adorable with pink cheeks and shaky words when you do something to catch him off guard.
If only the tabloids could see him now.
You shoot hoops together, he cooks for you on occasion, and you share your rougher edges with him.
Yet he doesn’t walk away...
It’s actually kind of nice to feel like you can be yourself with him.
You expect him to be a lot more of a skeeze but he’s patient and to be honest he moves at an even slower pace than you would. You give it time though, because he might be thinking he’s doing it for you or he might just be taking the slow road for himself and you’re in no rush.
If he’s willing to stay by your side, then being patient is the easiest part.
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48 notes · View notes
blushbi · 4 years
asdfghjkl i know it sounds gatekeepy but i dont really trust anime-only inarizaki fans. i've been a fan of the team since the karasuno vs. inarizaki match started in the manga and it was obvious that furudate also really liked the team and worked hard on their dynamics and how it clarified the main philosophies furudate already wrote in the series but explained it more. it was hard being an inarizaki fan back then when no one would really talk about them since everyone was waiting for the nekoma match (but tbh they didn't create much impact until monster's banquet and the hunger speech and the self care and "we don't need memories", and we all wanted karasuno and nekoma to go batshit on each other in an official match and they deserved to go to nationals) and its hard being an inarizaki fan now bc everyone talks about them but thinking that the foxes are just dorks rather than the fact that they were a perfect parallel offense team to karasuno and showed how much karasuno progressed as a team that deserved to play in nationals as much as the powerhouses were (like how much hinata learned because of the ballboy arc, or tanaka overcoming his negative mindset, or the daichi and kita rivalry, or how oikawa and atsumu helped kageyama refine his setting technique because kageyama always sought to improve). now its just team mom kita jokes or s*ngwoo atsumu or stoner suna, basically what the fans were portraying seijoh as well when season 2 aired even though they're more nuanced characters even with how little furudate reveals their personalities. doesn't help that for majority of the match the animation team downplayed inarizaki's antagonism and ferocity as a powerhouse team so much when they had no trouble doing that for seijoh, date tech, shiratorizawa, or nekoma in the cats vs. monkeys episodes. so i'm scared at what the animation team is going to do in the karasuno vs. nekoma match because kenma is such a good antagonist in this match. his vibes were unparalleled when furudate upped the amp for his cunningness to bring down karasuno. plus i don't think season 4 was really well made since they cut out some of karasuno's development as well as players.
holy fucking shit dude um . ive never been an inarizaki fan (nekoma brain go brrrr) but i agree w like everything you said all im wondering is if tumblr killed the ask characters limit because how tf did u fit an entire essay in my inbox 😭😭 anyway yeah u made points uh idrk how to expand off what u said .. i definitely share ur fear of how theyll animate karaneko considering inakara was a flop like u said .... when i think abt it i definitely liked inarizaki better when i read the match than when it aired but also the anime onlies were kinda annoying me sorry it was mostly the twt ppl anyway uh ... i rlly like ur analysis on the antagonism/ferocity of opposing teams bc though theres no villain in hq furudate writes each team very deliberately to bring out whatever theyre trying to bring out from either that team or karasuno themselves for their respective developments and it does get lost in s4 ummm anime onlies if ur reading this pls read the nationals arc from the beginning its so much better and it captures what we all love abt hq so much 🥺 the anime kinda nerfed it so far plot wise
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
12 - Coincidence
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This chapters songs:
Beach Bummer; No Vacation
Goodie Bag; Still Woozy
Sports; Beach Bunny
- Y. L. Perspective
I wasn't sure what to think when I had read the message aloud. "I want to talk." What could that possibly mean?
"Y/n, I'm sure you're just being dramatic. Maybe he just wangs to check up on how you've been doing, " Toruku suggests, sipping from his box of apple juice. The two of us sat against the brick wall on the outside of the cafeteria, discussing my issue. Giki and Hikishi couldn't join us for lunch because of school work that they had to finish up, and Suga had to meet his friends.
Ever since the party, the only thing that stuck to my mind was my situation with Koushi. But other than that, I had forgotten about certain things that happened. As an example, bumping into Oikawa. And as crazy as it was, the moment completely left my mind for a good five days. Until I got a message from him, saying, "I want to talk."
Oikawa, Toruku, Iwaizumi, and I have known each other ever since the beginning of junior high. The only reason we had separated was because of Moku's tragic death, and our schools. Toruku and I had decided to stick together and go to Karasuno, while Oikawa and Iwa felt their volleyball was more important than staying friends. But honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal. The older we grew, then we realized that we wouldn't stick with our middle school friends.
But what Oikawa had caused between the four of us is what made things awkward.
Around the summer of my first year of high school, we all subtly kept in touch with each other. But then after he had thrown a party around July a fight had broken out between him and Toruku because of me.
Oikawa was telling others cruel things in a group of people that were discussing school, lying about how I acted around him. That I had messed around with him, or how I was jealous of Moku for being with Toruku and took it out on Oikawa. But truth was that Oikawa was the one who liked me, and I never paid too much attention to him because of how guilty I felt for liking my best friend's boyfriend.
Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Toruku, and I all knew what Toru said were false claims that he only told for attention from other girls that he would talk to. Oikawa let his popularity get ahead of him, causing a ruckus to occur that day. The further he would go with these stories, the angrier Toruku and I had grown. Eventually, his mouth ran far enough to drive Toruku to punch him more than I had expected. Oikawa was all bark and no bite, therefore, he didn't fight back. That night is when Toruku and I had realized that we needed to move in from our past and find lives of our own. Ones that wouldn't have to ever run into the two obnoxious duo Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
So you could imagine my anger when seeing him at a party that didn't involve him.
"Uhm.." Toruku takes a bite out of his egg sandwich, munching while talking. "Just text him back! Say 'about what?' I bet that would get you answers."
I groan at his stupidity. Today wasn't the best day to have lunch with Toruku, but who else could relate to me as much as him? So, I do as I am suggested, texting back a simple reply and hoping it would lead me to the best possible outcome.
I want to talk
About what?
"Oh my god, he's typing," I say quickly, dropping any items in my hand to hold the phone in front of Toruku and me. He finishes his egg sandwich and crumbles the wrapper to throw into a bin not too far away from where we sat before crossing his arms in concentration.
It wasn't that I was excited to talk to Oikawa. I was nervous as to what he wanted to discuss with me. Other than school, there wasn't much to talk about with him. All I knew was that he turned into a jackass with an ego.
'What does he even wanna say?'
When my phone vibrated in my hands, I had thought my questions were answered. But only a simple reply was given to me.
I want to talk
About what?
I just want to see how you've been doing. How about lunch on Saturday?
Toruku frowns at the message. "Why would he want to have lunch after what happened?" He asks me. "Say you're busy." A protective tone overtakes him.
"Ok, ok."
I want to talk
About what?
I just want to see how you've been doing. How about lunch on Saturday?
I have a tight schedule, so I don't think I'm free that day.
What would we talk about, Toru?
I just wanted to see you again
You know, talk?
But why? Soon it won't matter
Cause after I saw you on Saturday I realized I had some things to say
We'll figure something out
"Do you think he still likes you?" Toruku pops in.
"No, I don't think so. But I also haven't been able to see his development, so I wouldn't know," I reply to him. I could either ruin or glorify my relationship with him. That was a bet I wasn't sure I wanted to take. And not only that, but he also had beef with Toruku. Why didn't he ask him to lunch as well? Was it because he didn't run into him during the party?
Now I had yet again another thing to worry about. Right now, my current concern was my first volleyball practice this afternoon. Kiyoko had informed me that this weekend they were to have a practice game with one of the competitive teams. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it or not, but I mine as well have given it a shot.
To be honest, I was a little bit excited. Not only would I be able to see Suga more than in the afternoon, but I could get to know the underclassman more. That was if they even liked me.
"Whatever. I don't need to be worrying about this right now," I tell Toruku as I get up from the wall to throw my trash away. He nods, tossing his trash in the basket as well, before picking up my bag and bento, handing it to me. "Thanks for having lunch with me."
"It's no issue. Just tell me how things go with texting Oikawa and have fun at practice."
"Sure thing."
I waited at the front of her classroom. By her, I mean the beauty herself: Kiyoko. She told me earlier that she would run through the rooms the volleyball club uses so that I could get familiar with where I'd be going every day I attended practice. I was in good hands when it came to Kiyoko, one of my very close friends.
Finally, her classroom door opens, followed by the many students held inside to flood the hallways, including Kiyoko. "Hey there!" She throws a hand over my shoulder as we begin walking to the exit of the hall. "You excited?"
"I guess. I'm more nervous than excited," I reply.
"Don't be. The boys are very sweet. If you'd like, I can try giving you a summary of what to expect!" She exclaims, her excitement practically glowing off of her skin.
Once I nod, Kiyoko begins her full explanation of the players. "Well, we have the three third years. Me, Sugawara, and Daichi! And you already know about us. And there are only four second years. There's Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita. Tanaka is a loud person, but he's super hard working and nice to me, so I guess he's okay. As for Ennoshita, he doesn't talk very much, but I wouldn't be rough with him. He seems like the insecure type. And Narita and Kenoshita are like him, except a little more wild! They usually stay in the back of the crowd, though. Then there are the first years— man are they talented. We have this amazing pair of first years, Kageyama and Hinata. Hinata is so good at jumping, probably the best I've ever seen, and a very rowdy boy. Kageyama is usually a prick to everybody, but he's learning to be a team player. Then there is Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. They're pretty simple to predict. Tsuki just bosses around Yamaguchi all the time and they both talk crap about everybody, but they're good friends and good players."
I can't help but widen my eyes at how fast Kiyoko had explained the players. It was as if she had a lite notebook in the back of her mind where she stored every detail about them, knowing every word she wrote like the back of her hand. "...wow, so there's some personality in the team! That's good to hear," I say, taking a deep breath before we both leave the school building and make our way behind it. "I think I know about Kageyama, though. I went to middle school with him and my old friends that were on the team with him weren't very fond of him— but that's all I know. Sugawara just tells me that he's a very talented person, which doesn't say much about his persona."
"Oh yeah! How're things with Sugawara going?" Kiyoko has no hesitation to jump towards the subject. I couldn't blame her, though. It had been a while since we had a girl-on-girl chat.
Embarrassed, I chuckle, staring at the ground as we discuss. "Nothing much. I mean— he did ask me to be his girlfriend, and we made out a couple of times, but that's it!" I act as if the actions weren't such a huge thing.
Kiyoko gasped. "Y/n! You didn't tell me that you were so close to him, I would have teased you way more than I already do! You kissed him?! How many times? When—where?!"
"Shimizu, stop talking so loud!" I exclaimed, raising my brows as the girl pipes down. Kiyoko wasn't ever the type to get so rowdy about things, that is if it didn't have to do with romance. As for that, she was a downer. And if her friend was involved with it then she wouldn't stop with the blabber. "Anyway, after the party, we both spent the night in his car. We didn't do anything but make out. Still, it was so nice," I whine. "He was so gentle and confident at the same time, and I'd never had somebody want to kiss me so badly— y'know? After that, he took me home, and we both slept in my bed for a couple of hours. Once I woke up, he wasn't anywhere to be found. Only my cat and a letter were left on the pillow next to me."
"A letter?" She questions.
"Yeah, explaining his feelings—his feelings,
Shimizu! Isn't that so sweet?! He told me that he was in love with me and never felt so passionate about anybody the way he does with me. But the thing is, I'm not even sure I wanna be in a relationship. And it's hurting both of us. I think I'm just so confused about everything that I can't even make up a decision."
"Hm, that's understandable. It's a big surprise two of my friends are getting together without telling me! Especially since they're so in love with each other. But now you're saying you don't know what to say?" Kiyoko hums. "Well, from the way you talk about him, are you sure that you're not just scared? You seem like you're head over heels, Y/n. What's stopping you?"
Suddenly, a tall shadow stops us in our tracks, interrupting our conversation. "Yeah, what's stopping you?!" A deep voice says as Kiyoko nudges him.
"Daichi, you don't even know what we're talking about!" She says. It was no other than Sawamura, acting silly again.
He wore a black jumpsuit that I assumed was his volleyball uniform and white tennis shoes, topped off with his grin. "Hey, Y/n! You excited for practice?" He asks in enthusiasm, crossing his arms. If I was being honest, Daichi always scared me when confronting me, but I knew he had my back. Therefore, the goosebumps that crawled up my spine had disappeared once I settled into his smile.
"I mean... I'm a bit nervous. But yeah, I'm excited."
Daichi claps his large hands, then points towards a grey building that was only a few meters away from where we stood under the school roof. "Great! Kiyoko can lead you to the locker rooms and the team will meet you in the gym!"
I look to Kiyoko, who's nodding. "Sure thing. Let's go, Y/n." Her hand lightly pushes me towards the direction of the changing rooms.
Once we arrived at a certain locker room, Kiyoko showed me around the place. There were sixteen lockers on each side of the wall and two benches in the middle. Lots of different sports instruments were piled up in a corner, while a few bags were tossed in another. Overall, it seemed like a regular changing room.
"Here, you can use this locker here. No one ever does." Kiyoko points to an empty silver cubby. The others that surrounded it had posters and locker decor on them, telling me they were already claimed by other girls.
I open the locker, placing a few of my things in it like my bag, school vest and tie, and my shoes. After, I turn to Kiyoko, who's standing right behind me with a black bag in her hands. "Here, this is your new uniform. The team will take you more seriously if you have it on."
Taking the baggy, I pull open the zipper, revealing folded clothing inside. It was the same that Daichi had on earlier, except it didn't come with shorts and tennis shoes. Kiyoko told me that I would only need to bring some sport shoes and a white tee to wear under my sweater. "Thanks! Are you gonna be wearing one too?"
"Not today. My uniform is dirty, so I'll be using one from him. Don't worry, once the team is used to you, you'll be able to bend the rules a bit as I do. They don't care very much." She says as she makes her way towards her locker, pulling out a light lavender jumpsuit.
'Crap, does this mean I'm going to have to undress in front of other girls? That's gonna be awkward.' I tell myself, as I hid behind the door of my locker to pull down my skirt and quickly put on the black pants. I exchange my button-up for a comfortable white tee and black sweater, before taking off a few accessories that I had on and slip them into a pocket of my bag. After, I sat on the bench to trade my black long socks for some normal ones and tie on my shoes.
"Ready?" Kiyoko turns to me, fully dressed in her uniform.
"You bet."
I hadn't realized how awkward interrupting a practice was until the deed was done. It was sickening, embarrassing, and terrifying.
"Hi everybody," Kiyoko says in a soft tone, setting our bags down near the door while I avoided eye contact with anybody. That didn't help the fact that every one of the players was staring at us, sitting in a circle on the ground.
A loud, raspy voice echoed through the gym, interrupting the bitter silence that ate me up. "Hi, Kiyoko! How was your day today?" I glance up at the person who jogged towards us.  He had a huge smile and short buzz cut, already telling me that he was a rowdy one. "And as for you, welcome! You must be the new manager! I'm Ryonosuke Tanaka, one of the best players on this team!" He holds out a hand for me to shake.
'So this must be the second year Kiyoko told me about. Great, I like him already.' I think, bowing before shaking his hand. "I'm Y/n L/n, nice to meet you."
"Tanaka! Show some respect for your upperclassman, will you!" Daichi comments, coming up from behind him. "I'm sorry about him. He's a wild one."
"Oh, that's alright."
When Daichi realizes I'm comfortable enough to glance at the teammates, he quickly moves out of the way. "Oh—let me introduce you properly. Everybody, this is our new manager that Takeda Sensei told us about: Y/n! She's a third-year and is here to help out Kiyoko. She's friends with us third years too, so no funny business!" He looks towards Tanaka. "That means you, Tanaka!"
He yells out, "I—I was just being friendly!"
Daichi simply playfully rolls his eyes. "Why don't you first years come to introduce yourselves, hm?" He suggests as a few boys shuffle through the small crowd to get a better view of me.
"Hey! It's good to see you again, L/n! I'm Shoyo Hinata." He bows. I recognized him immediately when he approached me. The player was short for somebody on a volleyball team and had bright ginger hair that was rough and fluffy, and he practically radiated energy when I was near him. "I hope you have a great time on the team!"
After giving him a brief smile, I shift my eyes towards a pair of first-years that seemed suspicious of my presence in the club. But one of them stepped up to shake my hand and grin. He had brown yet green-tinted hair that appeared soft, and many freckles on his face. "Hi, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi. A pleasure to meet you!" He cautiously nudges the tall boy next to him.
He rolls his eyes at the slightest, tossing the volleyball in his hands to the ground. "Hi, I'm Tsukishima." He says in a proud tone, bowing.
Then, I fixate my eyes on the boy who stood behind Hinata, staring intently at me. Once he notices that I had caught him, he began stuttering. "I—Uh...I'm Kageyama! Tobio Kageyama." The ravenette puffs up his chest, bowing towards me.
"Ah, yes! I know about you. Did you happen to go to Kitagawa Daiichi during middle school?" I ask, tilting my head to take a mental picture of him.
"Uh..yes. How did you know?"
"I used to hang around the volleyball club a lot and knew a bit about you. But I never would have thought you would go here!" I quickly realize how rude my response appeared. "Oh, crap! I didn't mean it like that."
He shakes his head violently, shutting down my apology. "It's no issue, Y/n! It's great that you know me— I mean— thank you for recognizing me," he says loudly, bowing once more. It became obvious that Kags was a bit nervous to meet me, but it wasn't anything threatening. His bright pink cheeks were more warming than scary.
"Well, Kageyama, it's great to see you again," I giggle. Then, three boys are seen in the corner of my eye, seeming eager to say their hellos. Taking initiative, I greet them. "Uh, hi guys."
"Hey!" They say, maneuvering towards me. The black-haired one shakes my hand first, squeezing it gently. "I'm Ennoshita. Pleased to meet you." Then comes the other two: one with a buzz cut, and the other with dirty blonde hair. "I—I'm Kenoshita! And this is Narita!" He points to the buzz cut boy. "We're all second years, by the way!"
Surprised by so many greetings, I can't help but hold my hands out in front of my face. "Oh— okay! Nice to meet you, too."
Somebody abruptly suggests, "Why don't you guys give her some space?" Knowing the voice too well to forget it, I grew excited. Sugawara had arrived, finally. I was looking forward to seeing him more than anybody else. "Hey, Y/n. Glad to have you," He says, secretly winking at me.
"Thank you."
"Let's talk positions for the practice game," Daichi commands, lifting a dry erase board to face everybody."Here's the plan I came up with."
The club was sat in a big circle on the court facing Daichi and Takeda. I accompanied them as well, pretending I knew what they were talking about.
"I'd like to have you two working as a pair." Daichi points to Kageyama and Hinata, who gave each other low growls. "And since Tsukishima is our tallest player, I think that would give us a benefit against Seijoh."
'Seijoh? Isn't that short for Aoba Johsai?' I think, raising my hand slightly. "Uh, so you guys are playing against Seijoh?"
Daichi nods. "Yes, Aoba Johsai. We have a practice game with them this week. They're a very strong team, so we need to be in our top game. Are you gonna be joining us..or?"
"Yeah, I will. I'm asking because I know a bit about the players on that team. If you'd like, I can give you guys some advice on their style."
"Wait! Why is Hinata in the one position that needs a tall guy?" Tanaka blurts, as he points towards Shoyos name that was written on the board. It stood in front of the net doodle, telling us he'd be playing as a blocker.
Hinata takes notice of this and grows annoyed. "You're saying Tsukishima and I are playing middle blockers?!" It seemed that he wasn't very fond of Tsuki.
"Timeout!" Takeda strikes the air with his hands, before reaching to his side to unfold a small handy book. "I think I need an overview of the positions.. let's start with the setter. That's the basic control tower— the ones who set people up for attacks. Then there are the wing spikers. They're the rounder that sort of.. maintains the balance between offense and defense. And middle blockers block the other teams' attacks and score points using quick attacks. They also act as a decoy to lead away from the opponent blockers! Is that right?" He asks, looking up to the team captain for reassurance.
He nods his head, putting his palms together. "There is a position that specializes in defense, but we don't need to worry about that right now. So far, that's the positions!"
"Well, Hinata should be the 'number one decoy'!" Kageyama quickly rises, looking towards the redhead. I look towards Kiyoko who is just as confused as me about what he blabbered. "Why don't we use you as a distraction to get points? We'll be using quick attacks, that way the other spikers can do some damage! You'll take down guys like Tsukishima and take them right down the garden path like the idiots they are." Kageyama spoke in a determined manner.
Yamaguchi defended the boy, saying, "Hey! Don't imply Tsuki's an idiot!" But is quickly shut down by Tsukishima, being told to shut up. "Oh.. sorry."
'These first years sure are interesting..and rude, if I'm being honest. Why is it that they're so bossy and demanding?' I say to myself, bringing my knees up and resting my head on them. Although we hadn't done anything physical, I was beginning to grow tired.
"Hinata, when we play, you better be on your best level! If you mess up even one bit, all of our attacks are gonna start to fall apart, got it?" Kageyama strikes Hinata, making him feel frightened and cornered.
"Come on, Kageyama. Hinata is already under a lot of pressure, why say things that make him feel bad?" I whisper to him, as he began to feel concerned for Shoyo.
Tanaka pats Hinatas back, attempting to calm him. "Yeah but- blocking is the most important thing here! No matter how high he can jump, he's still a shorty pants."
What he had told everybody started a riot between the players. Each of them argued about whether or not Hinata should be one of the middle blockers. As for the third years, we rubbed our foreheads in frustration. But it wasn't as if I could expect anything different from these boys.
"Don't you worry, Hinata. As long as you do your best, the team will be proud-"
"R-right! I promise I won't mess up!" Hinata perks up while his face turned a crimson color out of stress. "I'll block as much as you want me to and be the best decoy! I'll serve, I'll do attacks, I'll block! I'll do whatever you say, captain!"
Because of how anxious he grew, he dropped onto the gym floor not long after his rant, breathing heavily. Hinata had made it clear to me that volleyball was a very serious thing for him, and other players' opinions on him meant almost everything. But thank goodness, our third years reassured him that he would be just fine for the practice game.
From how much I'd seen, I thought that the club wasn't too much of an issue to attend to. That was if I wasn't helping first years get back up onto their feet after short-circuiting. Kiyoko had even told me that I did a great job on my first day at practice. So I was sure that I'd be a benefit to the team.
Now, my biggest concern was seeing Oikawa.
Comments and votes are super appreciated! Pls give me recognition for my chapters, I work so so so hard.
- sugawaras beauty mark☆
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
11 - Volleyball Practice
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This chapters songs:
Beach Bummer; No Vacation
Goodie Bag; Still Woozy
Sports; Beach Bunny
- Y. L. Perspective
I wasn't sure what to think when I had read the message aloud. "I want to talk." What could that possibly mean?
"Y/n, I'm sure you're just being dramatic. Maybe he just wangs to check up on how you've been doing, " Toruku suggests, sipping from his box of apple juice. The two of us sat against the brick wall on the outside of the cafeteria, discussing my issue. Giki and Hikishi couldn't join us for lunch because of school work that they had to finish up, and Suga had to meet his friends.
Ever since the party, the only thing that stuck to my mind was my situation with Koushi. But other than that, I had forgotten about certain things that happened. As an example, bumping into Oikawa. And as crazy as it was, the moment completely left my mind for a good five days. Until I got a message from him, saying, "I want to talk."
Oikawa, Toruku, Iwaizumi, and I have known each other ever since the beginning of junior high. The only reason we had separated was because of Moku's tragic death, and our schools. Toruku and I had decided to stick together and go to Karasuno, while Oikawa and Iwa felt their volleyball was more important than staying friends. But honestly, it wasn't that big of a deal. The older we grew, then we realized that we wouldn't stick with our middle school friends.
But what Oikawa had caused between the four of us is what made things awkward.
Around the summer of my first year of high school, we all subtly kept in touch with each other. But then after he had thrown a party around July a fight had broken out between him and Toruku because of me.
Oikawa was telling others cruel things in a group of people that were discussing school, lying about how I acted around him. That I had messed around with him, or how I was jealous of Moku for being with Toruku and took it out on Oikawa. But truth was that Oikawa was the one who liked me, and I never paid too much attention to him because of how guilty I felt for liking my best friend's boyfriend.
Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Toruku, and I all knew what Toru said were false claims that he only told for attention from other girls that he would talk to. Oikawa let his popularity get ahead of him, causing a ruckus to occur that day. The further he would go with these stories, the angrier Toruku and I had grown. Eventually, his mouth ran far enough to drive Toruku to punch him more than I had expected. Oikawa was all bark and no bite, therefore, he didn't fight back. That night is when Toruku and I had realized that we needed to move in from our past and find lives of our own. Ones that wouldn't have to ever run into the two obnoxious duo Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
So you could imagine my anger when seeing him at a party that didn't involve him.
"Uhm.." Toruku takes a bite out of his egg sandwich, munching while talking. "Just text him back! Say 'about what?' I bet that would get you answers."
I groan at his stupidity. Today wasn't the best day to have lunch with Toruku, but who else could relate to me as much as him? So, I do as I am suggested, texting back a simple reply and hoping it would lead me to the best possible outcome.
I want to talk
About what?
"Oh my god, he's typing," I say quickly, dropping any items in my hand to hold the phone in front of Toruku and me. He finishes his egg sandwich and crumbles the wrapper to throw into a bin not too far away from where we sat before crossing his arms in concentration.
It wasn't that I was excited to talk to Oikawa. I was nervous as to what he wanted to discuss with me. Other than school, there wasn't much to talk about with him. All I knew was that he turned into a jackass with an ego.
'What does he even wanna say?'
When my phone vibrated in my hands, I had thought my questions were answered. But only a simple reply was given to me.
I want to talk
About what?
I just want to see how you've been doing. How about lunch on Saturday?
Toruku frowns at the message. "Why would he want to have lunch after what happened?" He asks me. "Say you're busy." A protective tone overtakes him.
"Ok, ok."
I want to talk
About what?
I just want to see how you've been doing. How about lunch on Saturday?
I have a tight schedule, so I don't think I'm free that day.
What would we talk about, Toru?
I just wanted to see you again
You know, talk?
But why? Soon it won't matter
Cause after I saw you on Saturday I realized I had some things to say
We'll figure something out
"Do you think he still likes you?" Toruku pops in.
"No, I don't think so. But I also haven't been able to see his development, so I wouldn't know," I reply to him. I could either ruin or glorify my relationship with him. That was a bet I wasn't sure I wanted to take. And not only that, but he also had beef with Toruku. Why didn't he ask him to lunch as well? Was it because he didn't run into him during the party?
Now I had yet again another thing to worry about. Right now, my current concern was my first volleyball practice this afternoon. Kiyoko had informed me that this weekend they were to have a practice game with one of the competitive teams. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it or not, but I mine as well have given it a shot.
To be honest, I was a little bit excited. Not only would I be able to see Suga more than in the afternoon, but I could get to know the underclassman more. That was if they even liked me.
"Whatever. I don't need to be worrying about this right now," I tell Toruku as I get up from the wall to throw my trash away. He nods, tossing his trash in the basket as well, before picking up my bag and bento, handing it to me. "Thanks for having lunch with me."
"It's no issue. Just tell me how things go with texting Oikawa and have fun at practice."
"Sure thing."
I waited at the front of her classroom. By her, I mean the beauty herself: Kiyoko. She told me earlier that she would run through the rooms the volleyball club uses so that I could get familiar with where I'd be going every day I attended practice. I was in good hands when it came to Kiyoko, one of my very close friends.
Finally, her classroom door opens, followed by the many students held inside to flood the hallways, including Kiyoko. "Hey there!" She throws a hand over my shoulder as we begin walking to the exit of the hall. "You excited?"
"I guess. I'm more nervous than excited," I reply.
"Don't be. The boys are very sweet. If you'd like, I can try giving you a summary of what to expect!" She exclaims, her excitement practically glowing off of her skin.
Once I nod, Kiyoko begins her full explanation of the players. "Well, we have the three third years. Me, Sugawara, and Daichi! And you already know about us. And there are only four second years. There's Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita. Tanaka is a loud person, but he's super hard working and nice to me, so I guess he's okay. As for Ennoshita, he doesn't talk very much, but I wouldn't be rough with him. He seems like the insecure type. And Narita and Kenoshita are like him, except a little more wild! They usually stay in the back of the crowd, though. Then there are the first years— man are they talented. We have this amazing pair of first years, Kageyama and Hinata. Hinata is so good at jumping, probably the best I've ever seen, and a very rowdy boy. Kageyama is usually a prick to everybody, but he's learning to be a team player. Then there is Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. They're pretty simple to predict. Tsuki just bosses around Yamaguchi all the time and they both talk crap about everybody, but they're good friends and good players."
I can't help but widen my eyes at how fast Kiyoko had explained the players. It was as if she had a lite notebook in the back of her mind where she stored every detail about them, knowing every word she wrote like the back of her hand. "...wow, so there's some personality in the team! That's good to hear," I say, taking a deep breath before we both leave the school building and make our way behind it. "I think I know about Kageyama, though. I went to middle school with him and my old friends that were on the team with him weren't very fond of him— but that's all I know. Sugawara just tells me that he's a very talented person, which doesn't say much about his persona."
"Oh yeah! How're things with Sugawara going?" Kiyoko has no hesitation to jump towards the subject. I couldn't blame her, though. It had been a while since we had a girl-on-girl chat.
Embarrassed, I chuckle, staring at the ground as we discuss. "Nothing much. I mean— he did ask me to be his girlfriend, and we made out a couple of times, but that's it!" I act as if the actions weren't such a huge thing.
Kiyoko gasped. "Y/n! You didn't tell me that you were so close to him, I would have teased you way more than I already do! You kissed him?! How many times? When—where?!"
"Shimizu, stop talking so loud!" I exclaimed, raising my brows as the girl pipes down. Kiyoko wasn't ever the type to get so rowdy about things, that is if it didn't have to do with romance. As for that, she was a downer. And if her friend was involved with it then she wouldn't stop with the blabber. "Anyway, after the party, we both spent the night in his car. We didn't do anything but make out. Still, it was so nice," I whine. "He was so gentle and confident at the same time, and I'd never had somebody want to kiss me so badly— y'know? After that, he took me home, and we both slept in my bed for a couple of hours. Once I woke up, he wasn't anywhere to be found. Only my cat and a letter were left on the pillow next to me."
"A letter?" She questions.
"Yeah, explaining his feelings—his feelings,
Shimizu! Isn't that so sweet?! He told me that he was in love with me and never felt so passionate about anybody the way he does with me. But the thing is, I'm not even sure I wanna be in a relationship. And it's hurting both of us. I think I'm just so confused about everything that I can't even make up a decision."
"Hm, that's understandable. It's a big surprise two of my friends are getting together without telling me! Especially since they're so in love with each other. But now you're saying you don't know what to say?" Kiyoko hums. "Well, from the way you talk about him, are you sure that you're not just scared? You seem like you're head over heels, Y/n. What's stopping you?"
Suddenly, a tall shadow stops us in our tracks, interrupting our conversation. "Yeah, what's stopping you?!" A deep voice says as Kiyoko nudges him.
"Daichi, you don't even know what we're talking about!" She says. It was no other than Sawamura, acting silly again.
He wore a black jumpsuit that I assumed was his volleyball uniform and white tennis shoes, topped off with his grin. "Hey, Y/n! You excited for practice?" He asks in enthusiasm, crossing his arms. If I was being honest, Daichi always scared me when confronting me, but I knew he had my back. Therefore, the goosebumps that crawled up my spine had disappeared once I settled into his smile.
"I mean... I'm a bit nervous. But yeah, I'm excited."
Daichi claps his large hands, then points towards a grey building that was only a few meters away from where we stood under the school roof. "Great! Kiyoko can lead you to the locker rooms and the team will meet you in the gym!"
I look to Kiyoko, who's nodding. "Sure thing. Let's go, Y/n." Her hand lightly pushes me towards the direction of the changing rooms.
Once we arrived at a certain locker room, Kiyoko showed me around the place. There were sixteen lockers on each side of the wall and two benches in the middle. Lots of different sports instruments were piled up in a corner, while a few bags were tossed in another. Overall, it seemed like a regular changing room.
"Here, you can use this locker here. No one ever does." Kiyoko points to an empty silver cubby. The others that surrounded it had posters and locker decor on them, telling me they were already claimed by other girls.
I open the locker, placing a few of my things in it like my bag, school vest and tie, and my shoes. After, I turn to Kiyoko, who's standing right behind me with a black bag in her hands. "Here, this is your new uniform. The team will take you more seriously if you have it on."
Taking the baggy, I pull open the zipper, revealing folded clothing inside. It was the same that Daichi had on earlier, except it didn't come with shorts and tennis shoes. Kiyoko told me that I would only need to bring some sport shoes and a white tee to wear under my sweater. "Thanks! Are you gonna be wearing one too?"
"Not today. My uniform is dirty, so I'll be using one from him. Don't worry, once the team is used to you, you'll be able to bend the rules a bit as I do. They don't care very much." She says as she makes her way towards her locker, pulling out a light lavender jumpsuit.
'Crap, does this mean I'm going to have to undress in front of other girls? That's gonna be awkward.' I tell myself, as I hid behind the door of my locker to pull down my skirt and quickly put on the black pants. I exchange my button-up for a comfortable white tee and black sweater, before taking off a few accessories that I had on and slip them into a pocket of my bag. After, I sat on the bench to trade my black long socks for some normal ones and tie on my shoes.
"Ready?" Kiyoko turns to me, fully dressed in her uniform.
"You bet."
I hadn't realized how awkward interrupting a practice was until the deed was done. It was sickening, embarrassing, and terrifying.
"Hi everybody," Kiyoko says in a soft tone, setting our bags down near the door while I avoided eye contact with anybody. That didn't help the fact that every one of the players was staring at us, sitting in a circle on the ground.
A loud, raspy voice echoed through the gym, interrupting the bitter silence that ate me up. "Hi, Kiyoko! How was your day today?" I glance up at the person who jogged towards us.  He had a huge smile and short buzz cut, already telling me that he was a rowdy one. "And as for you, welcome! You must be the new manager! I'm Ryonosuke Tanaka, one of the best players on this team!" He holds out a hand for me to shake.
'So this must be the second year Kiyoko told me about. Great, I like him already.' I think, bowing before shaking his hand. "I'm Y/n L/n, nice to meet you."
"Tanaka! Show some respect for your upperclassman, will you!" Daichi comments, coming up from behind him. "I'm sorry about him. He's a wild one."
"Oh, that's alright."
When Daichi realizes I'm comfortable enough to glance at the teammates, he quickly moves out of the way. "Oh—let me introduce you properly. Everybody, this is our new manager that Takeda Sensei told us about: Y/n! She's a third-year and is here to help out Kiyoko. She's friends with us third years too, so no funny business!" He looks towards Tanaka. "That means you, Tanaka!"
He yells out, "I—I was just being friendly!"
Daichi simply playfully rolls his eyes. "Why don't you first years come to introduce yourselves, hm?" He suggests as a few boys shuffle through the small crowd to get a better view of me.
"Hey! It's good to see you again, L/n! I'm Shoyo Hinata." He bows. I recognized him immediately when he approached me. The player was short for somebody on a volleyball team and had bright ginger hair that was rough and fluffy, and he practically radiated energy when I was near him. "I hope you have a great time on the team!"
After giving him a brief smile, I shift my eyes towards a pair of first-years that seemed suspicious of my presence in the club. But one of them stepped up to shake my hand and grin. He had brown yet green-tinted hair that appeared soft, and many freckles on his face. "Hi, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi. A pleasure to meet you!" He cautiously nudges the tall boy next to him.
He rolls his eyes at the slightest, tossing the volleyball in his hands to the ground. "Hi, I'm Tsukishima." He says in a proud tone, bowing.
Then, I fixate my eyes on the boy who stood behind Hinata, staring intently at me. Once he notices that I had caught him, he began stuttering. "I—Uh...I'm Kageyama! Tobio Kageyama." The ravenette puffs up his chest, bowing towards me.
"Ah, yes! I know about you. Did you happen to go to Kitagawa Daiichi during middle school?" I ask, tilting my head to take a mental picture of him.
"Uh..yes. How did you know?"
"I used to hang around the volleyball club a lot and knew a bit about you. But I never would have thought you would go here!" I quickly realize how rude my response appeared. "Oh, crap! I didn't mean it like that."
He shakes his head violently, shutting down my apology. "It's no issue, Y/n! It's great that you know me— I mean— thank you for recognizing me," he says loudly, bowing once more. It became obvious that Kags was a bit nervous to meet me, but it wasn't anything threatening. His bright pink cheeks were more warming than scary.
"Well, Kageyama, it's great to see you again," I giggle. Then, three boys are seen in the corner of my eye, seeming eager to say their hellos. Taking initiative, I greet them. "Uh, hi guys."
"Hey!" They say, maneuvering towards me. The black-haired one shakes my hand first, squeezing it gently. "I'm Ennoshita. Pleased to meet you." Then comes the other two: one with a buzz cut, and the other with dirty blonde hair. "I—I'm Kenoshita! And this is Narita!" He points to the buzz cut boy. "We're all second years, by the way!"
Surprised by so many greetings, I can't help but hold my hands out in front of my face. "Oh— okay! Nice to meet you, too."
Somebody abruptly suggests, "Why don't you guys give her some space?" Knowing the voice too well to forget it, I grew excited. Sugawara had arrived, finally. I was looking forward to seeing him more than anybody else. "Hey, Y/n. Glad to have you," He says, secretly winking at me.
"Thank you."
"Let's talk positions for the practice game," Daichi commands, lifting a dry erase board to face everybody."Here's the plan I came up with."
The club was sat in a big circle on the court facing Daichi and Takeda. I accompanied them as well, pretending I knew what they were talking about.
"I'd like to have you two working as a pair." Daichi points to Kageyama and Hinata, who gave each other low growls. "And since Tsukishima is our tallest player, I think that would give us a benefit against Seijoh."
'Seijoh? Isn't that short for Aoba Johsai?' I think, raising my hand slightly. "Uh, so you guys are playing against Seijoh?"
Daichi nods. "Yes, Aoba Johsai. We have a practice game with them this week. They're a very strong team, so we need to be in our top game. Are you gonna be joining us..or?"
"Yeah, I will. I'm asking because I know a bit about the players on that team. If you'd like, I can give you guys some advice on their style."
"Wait! Why is Hinata in the one position that needs a tall guy?" Tanaka blurts, as he points towards Shoyos name that was written on the board. It stood in front of the net doodle, telling us he'd be playing as a blocker.
Hinata takes notice of this and grows annoyed. "You're saying Tsukishima and I are playing middle blockers?!" It seemed that he wasn't very fond of Tsuki.
"Timeout!" Takeda strikes the air with his hands, before reaching to his side to unfold a small handy book. "I think I need an overview of the positions.. let's start with the setter. That's the basic control tower— the ones who set people up for attacks. Then there are the wing spikers. They're the rounder that sort of.. maintains the balance between offense and defense. And middle blockers block the other teams' attacks and score points using quick attacks. They also act as a decoy to lead away from the opponent blockers! Is that right?" He asks, looking up to the team captain for reassurance.
He nods his head, putting his palms together. "There is a position that specializes in defense, but we don't need to worry about that right now. So far, that's the positions!"
"Well, Hinata should be the 'number one decoy'!" Kageyama quickly rises, looking towards the redhead. I look towards Kiyoko who is just as confused as me about what he blabbered. "Why don't we use you as a distraction to get points? We'll be using quick attacks, that way the other spikers can do some damage! You'll take down guys like Tsukishima and take them right down the garden path like the idiots they are." Kageyama spoke in a determined manner.
Yamaguchi defended the boy, saying, "Hey! Don't imply Tsuki's an idiot!" But is quickly shut down by Tsukishima, being told to shut up. "Oh.. sorry."
'These first years sure are interesting..and rude, if I'm being honest. Why is it that they're so bossy and demanding?' I say to myself, bringing my knees up and resting my head on them. Although we hadn't done anything physical, I was beginning to grow tired.
"Hinata, when we play, you better be on your best level! If you mess up even one bit, all of our attacks are gonna start to fall apart, got it?" Kageyama strikes Hinata, making him feel frightened and cornered.
"Come on, Kageyama. Hinata is already under a lot of pressure, why say things that make him feel bad?" I whisper to him, as he began to feel concerned for Shoyo.
Tanaka pats Hinatas back, attempting to calm him. "Yeah but- blocking is the most important thing here! No matter how high he can jump, he's still a shorty pants."
What he had told everybody started a riot between the players. Each of them argued about whether or not Hinata should be one of the middle blockers. As for the third years, we rubbed our foreheads in frustration. But it wasn't as if I could expect anything different from these boys.
"Don't you worry, Hinata. As long as you do your best, the team will be proud-"
"R-right! I promise I won't mess up!" Hinata perks up while his face turned a crimson color out of stress. "I'll block as much as you want me to and be the best decoy! I'll serve, I'll do attacks, I'll block! I'll do whatever you say, captain!"
Because of how anxious he grew, he dropped onto the gym floor not long after his rant, breathing heavily. Hinata had made it clear to me that volleyball was a very serious thing for him, and other players' opinions on him meant almost everything. But thank goodness, our third years reassured him that he would be just fine for the practice game.
From how much I'd seen, I thought that the club wasn't too much of an issue to attend to. That was if I wasn't helping first years get back up onto their feet after short-circuiting. Kiyoko had even told me that I did a great job on my first day at practice. So I was sure that I'd be a benefit to the team.
Now, my biggest concern was seeing Oikawa.
Comments and votes are super appreciated! Pls give me recognition for my chapters, I work so so so hard.
- sugawaras beauty mark☆
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