#it's not le tour if you don't have time for a nap
seeing as the start of the race is at the time the broadcast started all week i thought we might get to see the whole stage today but no... the broadcast will start at 4pm...
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igotyupls · 10 months
Hey I asked for the previous yunjin fic and I have another for a male reader x her it’s like when all of them go to New York reader takes yunjin to his home town of Boston and they have dinner with his parents and after they go back to a hotel in New York and have a bath together then have fluffy sex thank you
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It had been a whirlwind few weeks for LE SSERAFIM promoting their latest comeback album all across Asia with their tour ‘FLAME RISES’, And even flying around the States for their abroad schedules. Though the girls were energized seeing their international fans, the grueling schedule was starting to take its toll.
One evening after wrapping up their final work day for the week in New York City, Yunjin collapsed exhausted on one of the couches of her and her members hotel suite.
"I don't know how much more I can take, unnie," she murmured to the leader of Lesserafim,
Kim Chaewon, who patted her back in a way she hoped was soothing, even though she's just as tired, if not more.
As the two groupmates are relaxing on the couch, Yunjin's phone suddenly lit up with a text from her boyfriend Y/N, who had come to several of the group's shows to support his girl.
"Wanna get away for some R&R this weekend? My parent's want to meet you" He wrote.
Yunjin perked up at the thought of seeing Y/N and the chance to recharge. "Unnie, do you think the company would let me take a couple days off if I went with Y/N to visit his family?" She asked Chaewon with pleading puppy eyes.
to which Chaewon smiled knowingly. "I think after this week, you've earned a little break. Let me talk to the managers."
A few hours later, everything was approved. Yunjin excitedly called Y/N to share the good news and make plans to fly out to Boston together the next day to meet his parents.
On the flight, Yunjin dozed contentedly against Y/N's shoulder for the entirety of the hour long flight, already feeling some of her tiredness disappear in her boyfriend’s comforting presence.
Touching down in Boston, Y/N drove quietly as the radio played a random tune while Yunjin finished her nap a little longer. Pulling up outside his family home, Yunjin took a deep breath, suddenly nervous as she walked up to the front door,
But all her worries vanished the moment she was pulled into a warm hug by Y/N's mother,
"Welcome, welcome! It's so nice to finally meet our son's girlfriend. I've heard so much about you!" She says genuinely.
And more into the night over a much needed home-cooked meal, Yunjin charmed Y/N's parents with stories of LE SSERAFIM and her own fun from her opera days. She was touched by their warm hospitality, feeling instantly at ease.
Later, curled up on the sofa, Yunjin sighed contentedly in Y/N's arms. "Thank you for bringing me here babe. This is for real what I needed to recharge."
Y/N pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Anything for you, babe."
But as the night deepened, Yunjin began to feel the effects of her long travels catching up to her. "I think it's time we turned in, what do you say?" Y/N smiled down at her tired form nestled against his chest.
"Mom set you up in the guest room, but you're welcome to bunk with me if you'd like."
Truth be told, the idea of curling up beside Y/N under cozy blankets was far more appealing than sleeping alone.
"I'd like that," Yunjin replied softly. Hand in hand they made their way upstairs, Y/N pointing out family photos, his goofy smiles and random shots along the walls before reaching the door to his childhood bedroom.
The house had a vibe that was uniquely Y/N. Football posters and vinyl's lined the walls, knickknacks all over the place on the shelves.
She smiled to see photos of the two of them mixed with pictures of his past, of him growing up, of him playing and yada yada.
Stepping inside, Yunjin ran her hand along the old, scratched wood of his desk, imagining a younger Y/N hunched over doing homework.
The bed was neatly made, with his favorite colored sheets and 3 pillows, almost inviting her to lay on it.
Y/N watched her explore with adoring eyes, always loving being able to share parts of himself with her. "It's not a lot, but it's home i guess," he says with a shrug and a chuckle.
Yunjin turned to him, cupping his face in her hands. "It tells me so much about the great man my boyfriend is. I feel like I know you even better coming here."
Leaning in, their lips met in a soft kiss filled with care, trust and understanding.
Breaking the kiss reluctantly, Yunjin moved to unpack a few items from her bag as Y/N changed into his sleep clothes.
The familiar routine of her nightly routine brought her comfort. Sliding under the covers, she sighed contentedly as Y/N's arm curled around her slim waist, drawing her close against the solid planes of his body. Their breaths and heartbeats syncing as sleep takes over them from the long journey of the day
Sunlight was filtering through the curtains when Yunjin woke up the next morning. For a moment she was disoriented, not recognizing where she was. Then the memories of the previous day flooded back mixed with a rush of gratitude and happiness.
Rolling over, she saw Y/N still sleeping peacefully beside her. His features soft and slacking in sleep, lips slightly ajar as he snored softly.
Reaching out, Yunjin gently brushed back a lock of hair from his forehead, letting her fingers linger tracing the lines of his cheekbone, the curve of his lips.
Sensing her touch, Y/N began to stir, blinking awake to smile warmly up at her. "Good morning, beautiful," he murmured in a sleep-husky, velvety voice that sent a jolt through her spine.
Leaning in, their lips met in a lazy kiss conveying all the love and affection they felt.
As the kiss deepened, getting sloppier, Yunjin felt the familiar pulls of desire stirring in her abdomen.
It had been too long since they'd fucked, both of their schedules keeping them way too busy.
Y/N seemed to sense her rising horniness, as his hands began to roam with confidence over her curvy body still under the blanket and her sleep clothes.
A soft sigh escaped Yunjin's lips feeling his hands, her body arching into his on its own, wanting more contact.
Y/N took the invitation, flipping himself and her so she was under him, without breaking their kiss.
Through the fabric of her clothes, she could feel his morning wood pressing against her thigh, stirring a fresh wave of horniness in her.
Breaking the kiss breathlessly and swollen, Yunjin looked up at Y/N with lusty eyes. "Fuck me," she said, her own voice raspy.
That was all the initiative Y/N needed as he dunked in kissing her again, tongue sliding through her parted lips as his hands moved in tandem, taking her clothes off.
Yunjin shivered as the cold morning air touched her bare legs, tits and arms, nipples hardening to peaks.
She helped take his own clothes off, eager as fuck to feel his muscles against her.
At last as his boxer got tossed across the room, Yunjin wrapped her legs around his waist, while grabbing his dick and inserting it inside her dripping cunt.
Both moaning at finally joining after so long without sex, Y/N stayed still, blissed out feeling her tight, dripping hole clench his dick so snugly even after taking him a billion times.
Under him, Yunjin squirmed, impatient for him to fuck her stupid. "Please… fucking move," she begged, raking her nails down his back encouragingly.
With a hum in response, Y/N started to rock his hips in a slow, deep pace still a bit hazy having just woken up.
Lost in the feeling, they moved together lazily.
Yunjin met Y/N pump for pump, taking him fully to the hilt and clenching tighter with each thrust. The slapping of his balls hitting her ass mingled with their moans filled his small room.
Y/N began to redouble his efforts, picking up pace as his hips snap powerfully as he chased his and Yunjin's orgasm.
Reaching down, his fingers started rubbing Yunjin's clit in circles. That was all it took to break her, back arching off the mattress as jolts after jolts wracked her body.
Her walls clenching vice-like around Y/N's dick still pounding her into his mattress relentlessly, pulling his own orgasm from him with a groan.
Ropes after ropes of hot semen spurt inside her, painting Yunjin's inner walls white, as he fucked her through the aftershocks together, in a blissed out haze.
Collapsing in a sweaty, tired mess, they took a few moments to catch their breaths.
Yunjin turned her head lazily to press a kiss to Y/N's sweaty shoulder, murmuring lovey dovey shit. And him responding with a lazy dopey smile, eyes crinkling in the corners.
"That was fucking amazing. I missed being with you like this so much," Y/N mumbled sighing, as he ran his fingers up and down Yunjin's side.
She hummed in agreement, snuggling closer against his chest listening to the frantic thumps of his heartbeat slowly returning to normal. His arms encircled her holding her close.
Yunjin stretched luxuriously in the bed against his chest, enjoying the post-sex glow before reality set back in.
Glancing at Y/N beside her, having rolled off, she smiled at his messed up, lazy look. "Not a bad way to start the day, huh?" she teased, tracing idle patterns on his chest, As he chuckles.
But the spell is broken as A knock and his mom's muffled voice reminded them of breakfast waiting, "Kids, you up? Breakfast is ready whenever you are,"
Yunjin's stomach rumbled in agreement. "Food does sound good. And your Mom's cooking is no joke," she whispered to Y/N grinning,
"We'll be down in a bit, mom, thanks!" Y/N called back chuckling as he pats Yunjin's flat stomach after hearing the rumble, before rolling from the bed to begin gathering their clothes.
Over a hearty breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon and fruits, Yunjin chatted animatedly with his parents about their plans for the day.
"I was hoping to show Yunjin around some of my favorite spots, maybe catch a Sox game if the timing works out?" Y/N said with a mouthful of pancakes.
His dad grinned. "Take my car, it'll be easier than public transports with your schedule. And here, take some cash - I insist on treating my future daughter-in-law to a nice lunch out." he says passing car keys and some cash to Y/N.
Yunjin ducked her head, cheeks warming at the endearing term, far beyond grateful for the way Y/N's family welcomed her since the start of yesterday to now.
"Thank you so much for your generosity and hospitality Mr. and Mrs L/N," she said with a smile as Y/N's hand found hers under the table, giving her a gentle squeeze.
Once the breakfast came to an end, Yunjin and Y/N set off to explore the city Y/N grew up in.
Their first stop was the harbor, which was filled seagulls and fishing boats, not to mention the crowds of people.
Yunjin leaned over the railing to take it all in, breathing in the sea air, genuinely feeling the refreshment after months of being shut indoors and traveling to buildings, stadiums and back.
"It's so peaceful here," she murmured with a contented sigh.
Y/N slipped his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple. "This is nice huh? I used to come here to…. Think, relax, play, u name it." He says with a slight laugh as he tilts his head and looks at her
Turning in his arms, Yunjin smiled up at her loving boyfriend "Yeah? It really is nice.. Thank you, like really.. you know, for sharing your special places with me." She says, and the response she gets in the smile Y/N gives her more than any word he could’ve said.
And then as the time goes their next stop happens to be walking through the Boston Commons, taking in the leaves and families enjoying their afternoon.
Yunjin spotted a street performer juggling and doing tricks, laughing, she turns to Y/N,
"You'd give him a run for his money," she teased Y/N, who makes a faux hurt face, "puhlease, my juggling skills are elite, thank you very much."
As they continued on, Yunjin spotted a food truck selling crepes. "Ooh, can we try one? I'm starving." She says dramatically,
Making Y/N chuckle, "Sureee, Go pick the flavors." After paying, they stroll around, finding a bench to eat, while feeding each other bites and laughing at the mess they're making.
Yunjin savored these carefree moments away from the pressures of being an idol, the constant scrutiny and the lack of privacy, just enjoying life with the person she loved and adored.
Soon Their afternoon started winding down, with catching the last bit of a Red Sox game from the box seats courtesy of Y/N's dad's connections, and of course Yunjin’s status,
Yunjin cheered alongside the loud and roaring Boston fans, completely entertained by the atmosphere.
As the sun began to set, Y/N drove them to a hole in the wall near the waters.
Over plates of pasta, garlic bread and red wine, they talked about everything and nothing at the same time, laughing and joking like a bunch of tweens.
And after finishing their food, they wandered through the Public Garden, pausing to admire the swans gliding thru the waters. Under one of the trees, with little to no people nearby,
Y/N turns to Yunjin, taking her hands in his, and softly kissing her palm.
"Thank you for coming here with me babe, for letting me share this part of myself, even though you have this insane schedule to follow, " He says with a chuckle,
“I mean it really, I love you” he murmurs, leaning in and kissing her, soft and gentle.
And as the night grew colder they finally, got back in the car and headed home, fingers laced together on top of the console as Y/N drove them back to his childhood home,
but all too soon their little weekend getaway was coming to an end, Y/N and Yunjin’s flight being at midnight to fly back to New York,
Yunjin bids a sad goodbye to Y/N's parents, promising to visit again soon. His mom hugs her tight. "You're always welcome here, sweetheart."
In the car on the way to the airport, Yunjin rests her head on Y/N's shoulder. "Thank you for the best weekend. I really needed this."
Y/N kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad. I'll miss you."
At the airport, they linger in a hug. "I booked a suite at your hotel in New York. Want to come over after we land?" Y/N asks.
Yunjin smiles. "I'd love that."
They fly back to JFK, taking an Uber straight to the hotel.
There, Y/N checks into the lavish suite as Yunjin texts her manager and her members that she'll be with Y/N for the night.
Inside the suite, Yunjin sighs. "This place is amazing." she says, as She wraps her arms around Y/N's waist from behind, resting her head against his back. "Thank you for doing this."
Y/N turns in her arms, caressing her cheek. "You deserve to relax, Want to take a bath?"
In the massive bathroom, Y/N runs warm water into the jacuzzi tub as Yunjin lights candles and dumps bath bombs into it.
They undress slowly, giving each other gentle kisses.
Once Naked, Yunjin sinks into the bubbles, leaning back against Y/N's bare chest with a relaxed hum as his arms wrap around her. "This is perfect," she murmurs.
They soak in silence, Y/N occasionally pressing kisses to Yunjin's neck and shoulders.
His hands slide lazily over her skin, rememorizing her curves.
Yunjin turns her head to meet Y/N's lips in a deep kiss.
His hands move to cup her tits, thumbs teasing her nipples until she's whimpering into his mouth.
"Y/N…" she says his name breathlessly.
She reaches back to grasp his growing dick, stroking him to his full length.
Y/N groans, biting her shoulder gently as his fingers find her clit.
She gasps at the contact, grinding into his hand and pushing back against his hard on. "Please, I need you inside me…"
Y/N lifts her wihtout a sweat out of the tub, laying her on the plush bathmat.
He settles between her thighs, kissing down her body lazily until his tongue replaces his thumb, lapping at her slcik pussy lips.
Yunjin cries out, raking her fingers through his hair to hold him against her as the tension coils tighter.
When she orgasms, her back arches off the tiles, Y/N laps up her nectar like a starving man.
Once her orgasm subsides, Y/N positions himself at her pussy.
"Look at me," he murmurs, pushing in slowly inch by inch until he's fully sheathed.
Yunjin moans at the fullness, locking eyes with Y/N's dark gaze. "You feel so good daddy," she whimpers, wrapping her legs around his waist.
Y/N sets a deep, lazy pace.
Balls slapping against her ass as their breaths mingle in between their kisses. Yunjin runs her nails down his back, urging him faster.
He hooks her leg over his shoulder for a new angle, immediately finding her g-spot inside her that makes colors burst behind her eyelids.
"There, don't stop, Y/N!" she screams,
Her walls start fluttering around him as another orgasm starts building.
Y/N pounds into her relentlessly, chasing his own release.
"cum for me," he rumbles in her ear, "Cum for daddy jen" he says shattering her with a squeaky moan,
The grip of her walls draw Y/N's orgasm from him and he spills spurts of semen inside her with a groan.
They lay on the bathmat still connected as their frantic heartbeats slow down, sharing lazy kisses.
Y/N brushes the damp hair from Yunjin's forehead. "You're so fucking pretty."
She smiles in response, scratching his cheek softly, "That was perfect, baby"
After finally getting off the floor and dressing into the plush robes, Y/N orders a feast of food from the room service - sushi, steak, pasta, sweets, champagne, you name it.
They feed each other bites between kisses, playfully stealing food from each other's plates.
Later, curled half naked on bed with the remains of their meal, Yunjin traces patterns on Y/N's chest. "I don't want this night to end," she murmurs sadly.
Y/N presses a kiss to her forehead, smirking "One more round before sleep?"
Yunjin grins, straddling his hips. She takes him in her hand, stroking his flaccid dick to its full length ,
Before sinking down slowly as they moan in unison. Bracing her hands on his chest, she sets a steady rhythm, eyes closed.
Under her, Y/N watches her ride him, his hands roam her curves, rubbing and pinching her nipples.
When he feels her walls start fluttering around him, Y/N sits up to take one nipple in his mouth.
His suckling sends Yunjin over the edge for the third time this night with a cry, walls clenching down on him.
With a pleased hum, Y/N starts bouncing her on his dick holding her hips before following her over the edge.
As his dick grows soft again, Yunjin collapses against his chest as they kiss through eachothers aftershocks.
Y/N lays down onto the pillows, Yunjin still on him as he pulls the blankets over their tired, sweaty bodies.
"I love you so much," he whispers, nuzzling her neck.
Yunjin's eyes are already shut as she sighs contentedly. "Love you too."
In each other's arms, surrounded by the mixed heady scents of their orgasms and sweat, they slip into a nice, much needed sleep.
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a- honestly how the fuck do people write so many words? jesus this took me two whole weeks, well in my defense i barely got time to write each day cause of training but holy hell, this is like w/c: 3300 maybe, anyway, i hope you enjoy man and reqs are open but i doubt i'll post consecutively
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the-pinstriped-hood · 2 years
Strange First Impressions
This is part of the Band!HoW AoA AU
Band AU Darrell - @bluecoolr-main
Band AU Ava - @slaasherslut
Band AU Percy (Bunny) and Licorice - me!
All other characters are HoW Cannon.
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The Fallen Angels finally decided to go on tour again, this time with Bunny, their shy new Bassist/co-lyricist and her emotional support dog, Licorice. The tour bus hadn't officially gotten on the road as according to their manager they were going to be sharing a Bus with Darrell Todd and his band. Darrell was an old friend of the Angels who were more than happy to see him again. Bunny immediately made herself scarce in her bunk not wanting to embarrass herself in front of her bandmates. An upside to being so small compared to everyone else was the fact that slipping away out of uncomfortable situations was a breeze! Or, so Bunny thought. Lester had caught her shimmying herself into the top bunk.
"Darlin'? Whatcha doin up there?"
Lester was kind, gentle, Ava's boyfriend and the bands Drummer.
He treated Bunny like a friend instead of a stranger. He knew this would happen, the black haired girl wasn't very excitable about strangers. She had never met Darrell before.
Lester chuckled. "You'll like 'im, promise. Besides we are gonna be tourin' for a few weeks. There ain't no conceivable way ta avoid 'im…"
Bunny laid her head down on the mattress as she had successfully gotten up to the top bunk. "I know…I'm just not in the mood to greet people, okay? Can you hand me Licorice? I'm gonna lay down for a nap…"
Les understood, handing the fluffy Pomeranian up to his owner and the curtain being shut.
A few minutes later the sound of bootsteps were heard and commotion from the band was made.
"It's about time you got here! What, your old truck crap out on you again?" Lester inquired of the blonde.
"Traffic actually. Heard you bunch got a new member?"
"She's nappin' right now." Lester smiled and lowered his voice. "Poor thing is shy as the Dickens so, if she don't approach you immediately, don't take it to heart." Darrell was gently patted on the back and let go to find his Bunk and set his gear down..
The tour bus took off with it's passengers and the Band minus Bunny sat around catching up with Darrell and how he had been for a few hours. "You trying to copy me?" Bo joked with him about being a fellow slut and Darrell blushed. "You know what they say, imitation is the sincerest form a' flattery. I can't help myself some days."
A groggy moan was heard and Bunny stood in the doorway. She rubbed her eyes with a fist and yawned.
Darrell could barely see under the hood of the jacket the girl was wearing, definitely something mysterious about her.
"Have a nice nap, sweetpea?" Lester asked as the girl looked up. Darrell this time could get a better look at her. Half lidded Blue eyes, the most adorable cheeks and long rave hair framed her face. The girl nodded mutely and opened the mini fridge for a Mtn Dew, cracking it open.
"Bun, this is Darrell." Ava introduced her. Bunny was given a smile, he was certainly very charming. Green Tshirt stretched taut against his pecs, blue jeans and cowboy boots. "y'know I didn't know the Sinclair's had a baby sister. And one that obviously looks up to one twin more than the other..." Darrell joked. Vincent shrugged with a smirk, passing by the girl and pulling back her hood, patting her head. "Yeah yeah..go call your girlfriend Vin..." Bo rolled his eyes, chewing on the lolipops stash that Bunny had brought with her.
As Darrell went for a handshake, Bunny picked up Licorice and oddly looked for any signs of growling or barking from the fluff ball and there was nothing but panting.
The southerner chuckled, playing along and shaking the dogs paw. "Nice ta meet you too.."
"Would…you like to hold him? He…seems to think you're an okay person…." She trailed off and Darrell agreed. "What's his name?"
"L…Licorice….his name is Licorice, Lord of the damned."
Darrell held the pom close, gently scratching him behind the ears. "Dogs are good judges a' character. Yeah that's right bud, I ain't so bad…" Bunny sat down next to Ava who patted her knee in silent praise of trying to talk to people.
This was possibly a friendship?
Bunny has no way of knowing. She could only go up from here.
Tags: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @bluecoolr-main @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @slasherscrybaby @angxlslasher @texaschainsawslvt
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nikarie5 · 11 months
No nap for Cap - snippet
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Based on the line “He’s also really bad at taking his pre-game nap.” from @lumosinlove team rosters. Rating: General audience, reference to Coops.
Setting: Long road trip – first game at the Climate Pledge arena in Seattle. A list of Sirius’s excuses to get out of the mandatory team nap on a rainy Seattle afternoon, and Coach Weasley’s responses. Thanks to @lumosinlove for the characters, @noots-fic-fests for organising, and @hazelnoot-analyst for the archiving :)
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-I slept on the bus here from Vancouver. -Sirius, the bus left at 6 am. It doesn’t count. Plus, you slept for less than half an hour. You talked with Pots the rest of the time.
-I took a micro-nap on the Space Needle elevator. -No, you closed your eyes because you are afraid of heights.”
-Is my first visit to Seattle, and we didn’t get to go to the lower levels of Pike’s Public Market.. -We’re staying here tomorrow, you can go then. Besides, it closes at 4, you’d only get half an hour, tops.”
-Have to go set up a surprise meeting with Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe for Loops and Leo. Need to go finalise details. Bye Coach. -They are joining the team workout tomorrow morning, Sirius. Surprise. So, naptime.
-I have class at the German Language School. -What? -Need some good chirps for Grubauer. -No Sirius.
-But Remus snores, I won’t be able to sleep, so why bother? -That bodes poorly for the rest of your life. Take a nap, Cap.
-But it’s a rainy day, and in the rain, the pavement shines like silver. -If you sing me the whole musical one more time, Cap, I swear I’ll stick you on babysitting duty for the rest of your time with the Lions. Take your nap.
-I am meeting up with Brady, he is going to give me a locals tour. -Brady knows our travel routine, he wouldn’t dare. (Headcanon: Brady Smith was the team member sent to the Seattle Kraken as part of the expansion.)
-There is a troll, I can’t sleep near trolls. Need Olli or Henrik to exorcise it first. -Really, Sirius? What did the poor troll do to you? No, don't tell me. Go nap.
-I have an appointment to see tattoo artist. He has a year-long waitlist. -One, Sirius, you know you would save that for the off-season. Two, Cap, you don’t have your special squeezee with you that you need to get any shot. Try again.
-I ran out of honey for my sandwich, I need to go find a grocery store. -Moody packs extra, you know this. Sleep, Cap.
-My room is on the wrong side, the sun will be in my eyes. -Then close the curtains, Cap, you know this. -But I will still know the sun is there. Better I use the pool, will just float, promise. -No Cap.
-I drank too much coffee, if I nap, j’aurai toujours les jitters for the match. -Nice try, Cap. Take a nap.”
-Je n’en ai pas envie. I am not tired. -Tampis. To bed, Cap.
-I won’t nap, I will just keep Remus from napping. Best I leave him alone. -You want me to assign you to different rooms for this season’s roadies? - Non, non Coach. J’y vais.
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aymayzing · 4 years
Was tagged by @sopml thank you!💕
Name/Nickname: May
Gender: confusing
Sexual Orientation: bi babey
Starsign: Pisces (that’s all I know, I’m not really into astrology)
Height: 168 cm (5'6)
Time: 19:49
Birthday: March 5th
Favorite Band: no, don’t ask me such things, I hate choosing. I love many bands, to name a few - Bastille, My Chemical Romance, Studio Killers
Favorite Solo Artist: once again, ugh, such a difficult question. Let’s say AURORA and Marina
Song Stuck In My Head: Delirious by Susanne Sundfør
Last Movie: I haven’t been watching many movies lately, I think the last one was a rewatch of Devil Wears Prada which is one of my favorite movies, a guilty pleasure though I don't really feel guilty about it. I re-watch it every now and then for comfort
Last Show: the Mentalist (with my parents, we watch lots of cop shows together for some reason lol)
When Did I Create This Blog: no idea. Years back, 2015 maybe? Maybe earlier.
What Do I Post: mostly Dragon Age but also everything else I like  - Mass Effect, KOTOR, FMAB, pretty much anything I am currently obsessed with
Last Thing Googled:  Susanne Sundfør to get that ø lol
Do I Get Asks: sometimes and I do my best to answer them
Why I Chose My URL: I think I explained it before but basically it was something I created for my OC and ended up liking it so much I started using it
Following: 389
Followers: 302 (and I love every single one of you💗)
Average Amount of Sleep: around 7.5h? Though I love napping during the day and I’ll sleep in if I get the chance
Lucky Number: 7
Instruments: I used to play the flute in school but that was years ago and I was never very good at it lol
What Am I Wearing: black leggins, black long-sleeved shirt and am wrapped in a white, fluffly blanket because I am always cold
Dream Job: writer, maybe something calm that lets me sit all day and wade through documents and make colorfull notes in pretty notebooks
Dream Trip: tour around the Mediterranean so I can see all the Greek and Roman temples (I’d love to see the Delphi, Apollo’s my fave Greek god)
Favorite Food: crepes
Nationality: Polish🇵🇱
Favorite Song: Under Stars by AURORA
Last Book Read: I can’t find how the book is called in English but it is a selection of essays about people in the medieval times, redacted by Jacques Le Goff. It’s for uni but super interesting
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: LotR, Mass Effect (but BEFORE the trilogy) and I'm not really sure about the last one, I kind of want to say FMAB but I also don't want to for obvious reasons 😅
Tagging: I don't know who did it already so don't feel like you have to do this if you don't want to. @artemis-personified @oxygenforthewicked @katecaru @johaeryslavellan
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