#it's not a huge deal for common metals like copper
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tanadrin · 20 days ago
Dwarf Fortress really needs finer control over item decoration jobs, because I'm sick of finding out that my craftsdwarves have wasted time and resources decorating a xcow leather shoex with star sapphires and platinum studs because somebody decided to drop all their old clothes while hauling stuff to and from the stockpile. Having fairly rigorous stockpile and workshop settings don't help, because any item on a stockpile tile counts as being *in* the stockpile for job management purposes, even if it's the wrong type. And of course sometimes they just leave their crap lying around in the workshops.
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lawrencecashforcars · 5 months ago
Key Factors That Determine the Value of Your Junk Car
Are you an old car owner staying in Topeka Kansas who wants to dispose of your junk cars? The most common question in your mind is how to get rid of it! It can happen only if you come into contact with a reliable Cash for Cars Topeka Kansas. They will ease your concerns and fix your doubts when it comes to cash for Cars in Topeka Kansas! They offer top cash for unwanted scrap in a quick, simple, and accessible manner.
Cash for Cars in Topeka, Kansas, will take your vehicle, no matter how old or scrapped it may be! You can still make a great cash deal with buyers like Cash for Cars Lawrence. Wondering how much your junk car is worth? Is it really worth anything after it breaks down for good? Many people believe their old junk car has no value, but that’s not the case. Your vehicle could be worth more than just a few hundred dollars, and every dollar counts. Why toss away money when you can cash in on it? In fact, you might even increase its value. Here’s what affects the price of your junk car.
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How Popular the Vehicle is
One key factor that influences the value of anything is its demand. The higher the demand, the more benefit those who possess it. It will fetch a better price than you think.  The price can rise due to the scarcity of car parts. The good-condition car parts of popular car brands will be more expensive than similar parts from less popular brands. Experts refer to this as the 'law of supply and demand,' a fundamental principle that governs us all.
The Cars Condition
The condition of the junk car has a huge effect on the amount of parts that can be salvaged from it. The car's condition at the time of sale determines its potential uses. Vehicle recyclers may evaluate whether the car can be restored and resold. If the parts are valuable, the car might be stripped for individual components to be sold separately. If neither resale nor parts stripping is feasible, the car is usually converted into scrap metal for sale. The choice rests on the restoration possibility, the value of salvageable parts, and the condition of the scrap vehicle. The people buying your old car will be sellers of used parts. This is how they make their money. So they can pay the best price that you deserve.
Current Scrap Metal Prices
The amount you'll receive for your car isn't solely determined by the buyer's appraisal. Junk car buyers are influenced by fluctuations in scrap metal prices. Metals like steel, aluminium, and copper are sent to recycling plants where they are reprocessed. These plants purchase metals based on various factors, including global economic conditions, supply and demand, and even the strength of foreign currencies. Local junk car buyers must consider these variations while providing a quote. It means car value can be higher at one time and lower at another. Heavier cars, with more metal content, benefit more than lighter vehicles.
The Auto-Wrecker’s Business Model
Junk Yards that don’t get a lot of customers regularly will not be making a lot of money. They want to pay less for your junk car. But getting in touch with popular cash for cars Topeka Kansas enables you to fetch more for your junk cars. They will pay you more and you will be much happier.
If you're ready to sell your junk car and want the best deal for your vehicle, look no further than Cash for Cars Lawrence. They will buy junk cars in Topeka, Kansas, offering free towing and the best price deal for your convenience. With Cash for Cars Lawrence, you can get cash for your old junk cars quickly.
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ironhorsemechanical · 1 year ago
Plumbing Tools For Residential Plumbers In Stephenville, Texas
Plumbing issues are common in every residential site, from leaky kitchen faucets to cloggings. However, you may contact a well-known plumber near your area. A professional plumber handles plumbing issues with high techniques and tools that resolve the issue easily in less time. These tools are the key factor of any leakage problem in houses or commercial buildings. In this article, you will explore the tools that residential plumbers in Stephenville, Texas, use to sort out plumbing issues.
Below some of the tools have been mentioned that are useful for plumbing issues.
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Drum Auger
A drum auger, which is also known as a sink auger or canister auger, is the ultimate tool for clearing clogs in sink and tub drains. Remember, it cannot be used in toilets. A sink auger is made of flexible stainless steel cable along with a corkscrew tip at the bottom. The stainless steel cable is coiled within a canister and then is extended into a drain till a clog and cleared. The cable is locked in the canister with the thumbscrew. You only need to insert the cable into the drain and turn the handle of the drum. The rolling drum snakes the steel cable via a bend in the drain pipe, letting the cable tip infuse clogs and pull them out.
Closet Auger
The toilet auger or closet auger is used to clear the clog of toilets. You have to use a sink auger for toilets or a closet auger for standard drains. Hence, both tools are used for different purposes. A toilet auger has a long bent metal rod to reach the end of the toilet bowl. Next, you need to push and rotate the cable to snake it through the clog. In addition, you may connect with residential plumbing contractors in Stephenville, Texas, to tackle any plumbing problems in your home.
Channel-Type Pliers
Channel-type pliers are usually known by the brand name Channel Locks and are also called slip-joint pliers. They’re like regular adjustable pliers but have expanded adjustment sections and angled jaws, enabling you to grip any plumbing parts of any size. The extended handles offer remarkable leverage for squeezing and twisting. You may use this tool to grip heavy steel pipes or to softly tighten huge, huge plastic nuts on sink drains. If you want to own only one specialty plumbing tool, this can be the one.
Adjustable Pipe Wrench
Generally, residential plumbing repair professionals use an adjustable pipe wrench, which is the most excellent metal plumbing tool. It provides marvelous leverage and grip. It’s used to grip round objects by scratching its sharp spiked teeth into the pipe with high pressure as the wrench is turned. However, this plumbing tool cannot be used to remove shiny fixtures or for fragile or small piles, such as copper water pipes.
Sort Out Any Plumbing Issue By Seeking Help From Professionals!
You may have some plumbing issues in your house that may look like a minor problem but may turn out to be a serious problem in the future. Somehow, residential plumbers in Stephenville, Texas, can assist you in dealing with all your concerns. Moreover, you may seek help from Iron Horse Mechanical & Plumbing Services. They provide services for Back Flow Testing, Camera Line Inspection, and many more. You may directly call them to have in-depth knowledge about their services.
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years ago
Soulbound Raptor
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“Clockwerk (Sly Cooper)” © deviantArt user SacredRoses-Art, accessed at her gallery here
[Commissioned by @arachcobra​. Another boss monster from a video game I’ve never played, Clockwerk is the main boss of the first Sly Cooper game, and a recurring background presence in the rest of the series. Since his whole deal is that he turned himself into a robot in order to pursue revenge on the Cooper family, I wanted him to be sapient, rather than “just” a mindless clockwork construct, and I wanted some continuity of intelligence rather than the brand-new intelligence of a Pathfinder robot.
Like with Dream Lord Grimm, the size is something of a fudge to keep the feel of the fight similar from screen to tabletop. Since I haven’t played any Sly Cooper games, I’m not sure if the funny animals within are roughly human-sized as a default, or if Sly Cooper is actually supposed to be the size of a raccoon.]
Soulbound Raptor CR 15 LE Construct This creature appears to be an owl the size of a dragon, constructed from metal machinery. Despite its weight, it flies effortlessly, gazing dispassionately from luminous eyes.
The soulbound raptor is an improvement on the soulbound shell, granting its soul a body not in mimicry of the humanoid form, but a mighty and oversized bird of prey. Most soulbound raptors are designed as the destination of the creator’s own soul, and they are animated by the ritualized death of their creator as the work is finished. Thus, an ambitious construct maker can gain immortality without all the fuss of dealing with undeath.
A soulbound raptor is a beast in combat, exulting in the strength and physical power they lacked in mortal life. Their talons are tipped with adamantine claws, and they can shrug off most physical attacks. Soulbound raptors are subject to the same cemented minds as lesser soulbound constructs, but are adept at self-delusion to the point where they assume that the spells they have are the perfect tools for almost every occasion. In the cases where they need different abilities, they collect magic items to supplement their powers. A soulbound raptor is difficult to kill, and they often fight until death in denial of any possible failure.
Since soulbound raptors maintain their ability to create constructs, they often surround themselves with armies of automata to acts as minions and soldiers. As the years pass and they become more detached from mortality and morality, their goals tend to become monomaniacal. Small whims or grudges of their original lives become all-consuming, obsessive hatreds, to the point where a soulbound raptor would not hesitate to spend a fortune in treasure and lives in pursuit of a single enemy.
Constructing a Soulbound Raptor A soulbound raptor is made from steel and copper, adamantine worth 6,000 gp for the claws and a gemstone worth 5,000 gp as the soul focus. The soul of a willing 13th level or higher spellcaster is imbued into the raptor as part of the creation process.
Soulbound Raptor CL 13th; Price 86,000 gp Requirements Craft Construct, false life, geas/quest, magic jar, make whole, overland flight; Skill Craft (clockwork) DC 25; Cost 48,500 gp.
Soulbound Raptor  CR 15 XP 51,200 LE Huge construct Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +21 Defense AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 27 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +15 natural, +4 armor) hp 190 (20d10+60); fast healing 3 Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +12 DR 10/adamantine and magic; Immune construct traits; SR 26 Defensive Abilities resilience; Weakness cemented mind, susceptible to mind-influencing spells Offense Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee 2 claws +26 (2d6+8 plus grab), bite +26 (2d8+8) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks adamantine claws Wizard Spells Prepared CL 13th, concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively) 7th—delayed blast fireball (DC 26), waves of exhaustion 6th—chain lightning (DC 25), contagious flame, geas/quest 5th—cloudkill (DC 22), cone of cold (DC 24), telekinesis (DC 22), teleport 4th—ball lightning (DC 23), dimensional anchor, fire shield, scrying (DC 21), stone shape 3rd—arcane sight, blink, dispel magic, elemental aura (DC 22), fireball (DC 22), lightning bolt (DC 22) 2nd—blur, false life, make whole, scorching ray (x2), see invisibility 1st—floating disk, mage armor (already cast), magic missile (x3), unseen servant 0th—detect magic, mage hand, read magic, open/close Statistics Str 27, Dex 23, Con -, Int 25, Wis 12, Cha 16 Base Atk +20; CMB +30 (+32 sunder, +34 grapple); CMD 46 (48 vs. sunder) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Construct (B), Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation), Toughness Skills Craft (clockwork) +27, Fly +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana, engineering, history) +27, Perception +21, Spellcraft +33, Use Magic Device +23 Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal SQ soul focus Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Adamantine Claws (Ex) A soulbound raptor’s claws overcome damage reduction and hardness as if they were adamantine. Cemented Mind (Ex) A soulbound raptor can never change its known or prepared spells. Resilience (Ex) A soulbound raptor gains a +3 resistance bonus to saving throws. Soul Focus (Su) The soul bound to the raptor lives within a gem inside its head. As long as this soul focus remains intact, it can be used to animate another soulbound raptor, at the same cost as creating a new soulbound raptor, and retains its personality and memories. A soul focus has hardness 8, 12 hit points, and a break DC of 20. Spells A spellbound raptor casts spells as a 13th-level cleric, witch, or wizard, but does not gain any other class abilities. Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects (Ex) A soulbound raptor is not immune to mind-affecting effects.
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criticalrolo · 5 years ago
Hey guys! I made an example sheet of how I go about creating individual gods and their worship systems inside of my homebrew world. I start out by defining what the deity’s domains are and what kind of clerics serve them. Then I go about defining their symbols and their impact on their followers in the world. I try to come up with superstitions, small details, and mythology that makes them feel more organic in the world. Here’s an example for my goddess of luck Tiva!
The Divine Fortune, The Three Eyed Fox, The Whisperer Tiva is the oldest of the New Gods. It is said that she was created from a tangled knot in Onthys' strings of fate that twisted the designs of fortune in her favor. She is a trickster god who was one of the first to amass as much power as Ethrys' Pantheon and the first to be recognized across the entire continent. Her worshipers are typically working class citizens, although some of them have achieved great wealth and status through her influence. • Domains: Luck, Fortune, Trickery • Clerics: Trickery, Arcana, Life, Twilight
Colors and Symbols Tiva is typically represented as a young woman with dark braided hair who carries two daggers, one with a hilt made of diamond and the other with a hilt made of gold. She is also represented as a three eyed fox. Her holy symbol is two half circles connected by lines that form a golden knot in the center. Her holy animal is the fox (and raccoons, in urban settings), and diamonds and gold are also considered holy to Tiva. Other symbols include the color gold, knots, and the number seven. 
Rituals, Holy Days, Festivals • Every seventh day of the month, her followers will have a feast at home in her honor and pray over a series of blessed dice for a glimpse of divine insight into what the upcoming month holds for them. • The Sunrise Festival: The seventh day of the seventh month is the holiest day of the year. Her followers will gather for a huge festival where there will be celebrations, games, parties, and general frivolity all night until the sun rises in the morning. Afterwards, the followers will take a full day of rest and devote a part of their winnings from the evening before to the upkeep of Tiva’s churches and shrines in exchange for her favor for the next year. • Snapping five times is a common superstition to ask Tiva for good luck, especially when "gambling" (over a card game, over a business proposal, over a deal, etc.)
Tenets • Tiva has her hand in everything, so followers must always create, notice, and act on unexpected opportunities. • No one's luck is always good, and no one's luck is always bad. • Taking chances in life will always result in a net positive over never acting at all. • If you don't like the hand you've been dealt in life, trust in Tiva's power and change your fate. 
Temple Clergy and Followers Tiva has more shrines than temples, seeing as how most people who are otherwise unaffiliated with religion tend to loosely associate themselves with Tiva if they must. Many people invoke her name for good luck and follow several superstitions that are believed to ask for her presence. Her temples are small and plain on the outside, but lavishly decorated on the inside with gold decorations and diamond chandeliers when possible. Her followers adhere to the Prosperity Gospel and her priests are known as the Heaven Blessed.  When people come to worship, it is traditional for them to offer a copper coin alongside a prayer in hopes of Tiva returning it with ten gold.
Artifacts and Sacred Items • Lucky Golden Dagger: This +1 magical dagger has an ornate golden hilt with a knotted rope pattern. It allows you to cast Darkness nonmagically as an action, regaining use at dawn. You are not affected by this, and thus may see through it as normal. If you are in the globe of darkness created by this weapon and you have advantage on the melee attack roll, this weapon's base damage is 4d4. • Lucky Diamond Dagger: This +1 magical dagger has a solid black metal hilt engraved with a fox's head that had three eyes on the pommel. The blade is carved and polished diamond. It deals 1 point of necrotic damage to the attacker whenever it is used to make a melee weapon attack. On a successful hit, roll a d20. If the result of the roll is 16 or higher, Fortune deals an additional 6d10 necrotic or radiant damage. 
Sects The Fortune's Favored: A nomadic group of adrenaline and thrill seekers that believe Tiva has blessed with divine fortune in all their ventures. They will throw themselves off cliffs into rivers, ski down mountains, charge into fights with no armor, and freehand solo climb up sheer cliffs. They have achieved great feats of athletic prowess and invented ways to achieve greater thrills than ever before but this comes at a cost of many lives that were not as fortunate as they believed.
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flirting-with-psychology · 4 years ago
Can you recommend any Neil Gaiman to me, aside from Stardust or Good Omens? I cannot
What’s the best concert you’ve been to, if you’ve been? Idk, I think I’m just not huge on concerts
What’s the funniest screenname you’ve ever seen? i-run-with-scissors-to-feel-dangerous
Is there an animal you like that most people don’t? Don’t think so
Is there an animal that you think is overrated in terms of how it’s liked? Goats or cows, maybe
Is there a time period you think is underrated? Not really
What about music? Showtunes
Do you find yourself listening to music that’s a bit more esoteric? No
What are your three favorite books and why? Harry Potter because of the worldbuilding, Mistborn because of the worldbuilding and characters, A Confusion of Princes because it is a fun standalone book
What about authors? Idk, I mostly like specific books  Do you have any likes you wouldn’t tell someone until you got to know them? Nah probably not
Do you have a favorite language? Not really
What about a place you’ve always wanted to visit? Ireland
What’s something someone does or says that just makes you laugh? Idk, it’s usually situational
Do goldfish crackers ever make you sick, or is that just me? No?
Do you have a favorite art style? Probably realistic
Do you have a favorite myth/fairy-tale? No, sorry I’m being boring with this quiz
Who is your favorite person aside from family? Probably my bff
Do any of your pets (if you have them) have weird quirks? My cat was just very emphatic
Do you listen to music from anywhere besides America? Not really
Have you ever “quit” a site and came back to it more than once? No
Do you have an “odd” fascination with anything? Dice
What is the thing you want most at this moment? An interesting job and a return to normal from the pandemic
What was the last book you read and what was it about? I’m currently reading The Martian about an astronaut stranded on mars
What was the worst book you’ve ever read & why? Walk Two Moons because the twist ending fucked me up
Do you have a favorite breed of dog or cat? Which? Golden retrievers
If you like any anime/manga, what are some titles you recommend? I don’t really like it
What do you think about school in general? I thought it was interesting and I wish I could go back
What’s the hardest thing you’ve been through, & what did you learn from it? Maybe the braces. Dk what I learned from it
What are three “unrealistic” things you want most? An interesting creative job with steady and high pay lol, the lottery, the good place experience from The Good Place
What are some of your favorite foods? Pasta, chocolate, cereal. I am a simple girl
Where do you like to buy your clothes? Kohl’s, Macy’s, and thrift shops
Do you take any daily vitamins? When I remember
Who are three of your favorite fictional characters of all time? Kelsier from Mistborn, Sirius Black from Harry Potter, Raydan Lykel from The Crown and the Flame
If you had to give the world a pre-existing mythological/fictional being, what would it be? Idfk
When buying Slurpees, if you do, do you get only one flavor or mix them? Mixing is fun
Do you have a favorite 7Eleven food? No
Do you have any desire to learn (a) foreign language(s)? Which? Not strongly
If you could have any career, “realistic”-ness aside, what would it be? Something in film maybe
What are three memorable movies from your childhood? The Little Mermaid, Harry Potter, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Do you, personally, put a space after ellipses, or not? Let me check... do I? I guess I do
What do some of the things that inspire you have in common? Making things
Micky D’s sweet tea, y/n/other? No
What are three of your best (non-physical) qualities? Creativity, honesty, smarts
What are three of your worst (again; non-physical) qualities? Stubbornness, anxiety, lack of empathy
What is one of your firmest beliefs? I don’t really have firm beliefs
Do you ever question things until you’re unsure of even the silliest thing? Yes
Do you have anything that keeps you from doing something you’d truly enjoy? Anxiety and procrastination, and money
What are your three biggest pet peeves (personality-wise) in others? Holier-than-thou people, acting like you’re too cool for fun, being unsafe
Do you work to fix your faults? Or at least, admit to them? I admit to most of them but I’m not so great at working on them
What are three of your best physical qualities? (NOT EYES!) Why not eyes? Other than that, I guess hair color, boobs, singing voice (at least I’d like to think so)
What are some of your greatest aspirations? Do something fun, have a good social life, see what I would look like in my prime
How do you hope the world will change, if at all? Get done with the pandemic, stop having capitalism be so shitty
Who are three (fairly known) people you find very intriguing? Taylor Swift, Voldemort, F. Scott Fitzgerald
What are three things that make you the happiest? hanging out with friends, crafts, cuddling with my boyfriend
What is/are your view(s) on god, religion, spirituality, or relations to? I don’t believe in them
Are you arachnophobic or scared of spiders in the least? YES
Do you play WoW? What do you think of it either way? No, I am just not that into video games
What kind of computer do you have? Windows 7/Vista/XP/Other? Macbook Pro
What are you good at? Crafts and school
What career do you hope to have? Something creative
Are you taking any interesting classes in school/do you not attend? I’m finished with school but I wish I could go back
If you don’t attend, are you taking any “lessons” for anything? No
A book/piece that has had an exceptional impact on your life? Harry Potter
If you know of pandora.com, what is your favorite station? I haven’t listened to pandora in ages
Have you ever “lost” a friend in any way? How did you deal? Some just faded away but some actively ditched me and I tried to find out why
Any music recommendations? Showtunes
What are at least three of your biggest fears? Spiders, living a mundane life, covid right now
Most recently read book that you liked? A Confusion of Princes
Do you have a piece of jewelry you don’t like to take off? No, I have so many that I like to alternate them
Do you have a favorite quote? Why is it your favorite? Carpe Diem. Haven’t lived it much lately though Any odd pastimes you have? Making lists and charts
Are you quirky in any way? (Name them please). My fashion sense especially in high school, the nerdy things I do
Have any practices you aren’t opposed to but wouldn’t do yourself? Probably a lot, I’m generally of the live and let live mindset
Political standing?
Do you have any piercings/what do you think about piercings? I just have my ears pierced
Do you have a favorite material? I’m a fan of soft materials like suede or velvet, also metals like copper and silver
What are three names you’d name a pet if you HAD to get a pet right now? It depends on the pet
Do you like to listen to dorky/amusing music? Idk
Coffee vs. Tea vs. Energy Drinks: Order from favorite to least favorite. Tea, energy drinks, coffee
Do you like more “fruity” sweets or “savory” sweets? Fruity unless it’s chocolate
What do you hate the most? Spiders
What genres of music are your favorite? Showtunes
Do you believe in true love? Idk
Do you believe in love at first sight? If yes, why? No
What are some of your favorite clothing accessories? Jewelry
If reincarnation exists, what sort of person would you want to be next?
One of those outgoing guys that always has adventures with his friends What are some things you believe strongly in? Idk
Where’s your favorite place you’ve been? London was pretty cool, also Italy
What sort of books and movies do you like? For books: sci-fi, fantasy, dystopia. For movies: rom-com, sci-fi, musical
What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday? Idk, just stay in
Is there a book you’ve read that really touched you? The Great Gatsby just because I related to Gatsby a lot
Do you have a favorite artist? Taylor Swift
PC or MAC? Mac
What do you love doing? Crafts, shopping, board games
If you could create the perfect world for yourself, what would it be? Basically just the good place from The Good Place. Unlimited time and resources to learn and try things without pressure to make money off it
Do you think that fate plays a part in people’s lives? Not really
Are you religious, spiritual, atheist…? Atheist
What are your opinions on the media? The media is a very broad range of things
Do you think that people throw the words “love” and “hate” around too much? Idk
What is your favorite piece of technology that you own? My laptop
What’s a piece of technology you’d like to own? I have what I want at the moment.
Are you afraid of technology developing to where we’re too reliant on it? A little bit of getting to the point where a lot of jobs get replaced with AI, because instead of making lives easier like they could be, there will just be a huge unempolyment problem that our stupid capitalist society won’t solve
Does it bother you when people do things to fit in with a certain crowd? If it’s not what they want to do
Hot or cold? Cold Do you think that Bzoink should extent the character amount for questions? I don’t use Bzoink
Do you have a favorite combination of complimentary colors? Maybe green and pink
Do you know why all the young people who have nice cars always look grumpy? I don’t think I’ve noticed that
What’s your favorite odd ice cream flavor? Lemon Sorbet or Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch
Where do you like to get your ice cream? Haagen Dasz or Ben and Jerry’s
What’s your opinion on stereotypes/labels? Idk
Do you ever use random word generators for Bzoinkoids?
Do you believe that history repeats itself? It sure seems like it is
Would you rather learn from your mistakes or just undo them? Learn from them
What was the most interesting class you had in school? My words and music class in college Do you write? If so, what? I used to write poetry, I sometimes come up with stories but I don’t really write them
Do you have a favorite website? Tumblr and Etsy
Do you think that the quality of TV shows is going down? No, there are usually good ones to discover
Do you have a favorite culture? Maybe Celtic. I just like the art patterns What was a story you heard as a child that really affected you? The Headless Horseman scared me a lot
Who was your favorite grade-school teacher and why? My third grade teacher and my 6th grade math teacher
Do you think that the world will end? How? Probably in a few billion years when the sun turns into a red giant
Do you believe in Global Warming? Have you researched it? Yes but I haven’t researched it
Do you prefer piercings or tattoos? Tattoos
Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes
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cavendishtogopls · 5 years ago
Weiss Schnee and the Snow White theme
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Okay, let me start with a run down with the original version of Snow White by the Brothers Grimm. Guess what it's called- wait for it. Schneewittchen. And there's another German fairytale titled Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot which translates to Snow White and Rose Red. (GUESS WHOSE NAME LITERALLY MEANS RED ROSE BUT WE'LL GET TO THAT SOON.) For now let's start with the original Snow White.
Grimm's version of Snow White starts off grim with the Queen sitting when she pricked her finger and three drops of blood to drip on the freshly fallen snow. The three drops of blood could be a symbol for the 3 Schnee children. She then wished for a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony. Weiss got all of these down except the hair part which is understandable since we already have a Blake. Then the whole Mirror Mirror song (planning to dissect at a later date) and her family owning the Dust Mines. Remember how Snow White has 7 dwarfs? Well, she has 7 friends when she first came to Beacon. Team R_BY and JNPR. The most appropriate names I found pertaining to the seven dwarfs would be from Happily Ever After's version which would be Bright Silver (Ruby), Sharp Flint (Blake), Fools Gold (Yang),
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Smelly Sulfur (Jaune), Heavy Metal (Nora), Rough Copper (Pyrrha), Hard Jade (Ren). You've got to admit it fits.
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So, the Queen dies, the king remarries a vain and incredibly jealous woman. But it didn't use to be this way. In the first version of Snow White it was her own biological mother who was the evil queen. Enter Jacques Schnee, from what we know of canon, Jacques is not a Schnee. A name he married into as Weiss stated in volume 4. Which would make sense why the Schneeflake, the Schnee family crest and SDC's symbol, would be behind the Schnee sisters and not the men of the family in volume 7's intro. It could also be because Winter and Weiss are the ones who can wield the family semblance. Winter mentioned in Volume 3 how the Schnee semblance is hereditary meaning Jacques couldn't wield it and when Whitley mentioned in volume 4 that the company would be in good hands to men like him, I assumed he couldn't as well.
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Jacques is obviously the evil queen in this with his narcissism and obsession with the Schnee family name. There's something so inherently evil about using his own children to further his own legacy. As parents by nature, their first priority should be to better their children not the other way around. If the way he treats Weiss is any indication, it is proof enough of how sick Jacques Scheee is. He thinks his children owe him for their lives, for their very existence and sees them nothing more than assets, bargaining chips to further his empire. Weiss in particular was raised the way she is, a delicate doll put in display with her singing to make her a more attractive piece to his prized collection.
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With Ruby and Summer, Summer died. There's nothing Ruby could do about it but honor her with what little memory she has of her through becoming a huntress, with the help of Qrow. With Yang and Raven, Raven left. Yang searched for her even putting Ruby in danger in the process even if she had a loving dad like Tai. With Blake and her parents, they had a falling out and still she had been welcomed with open arms. It is different because Weiss' mom was literally there! She couldn't have not seen what her husband was doing and she could have been powerless to stop him but she was there and while the rest of team had some sort of guidance, WEISS HAS NONE OF THAT. I cannot stress this enough. Her father was a sick fuck and her mom doesn't care. The closest she had to a loving family is Winter and she left for military. Leaving her and Whitley to be at the mercy of her father.
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I can't say much about Willow Schnee since she's almost non-existent in the show and Weiss only mentions her in passing and clearly does not want to talk about it. It could either be that Willow is a huge part of Weiss' character arc or she doesn't seem like that important at all. What with Jacques being enough problem to deal with in the storyline. But the thing is, we've seen what the absence of a parent could do to someone.
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I love Winter, I do and she did it to save herself from Jacques' influence but she did so with escaping the responsibility and passing the burden onto Weiss. It was an incredibly bold and wise move to join the military, by doing so she gave herself an advantageous position in which her father couldn't touch her and wouldn't disgrace him so much she couldn't watch over her siblings. Winter was obviously no Yang, not by a long shot. But she tried with Weiss, to groom her into the huntress Weiss wants to— needs to be in order to escape Jacques as well.
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This leaves Whitley, it's been confirmed that's he's not able to use the Schnee semblance then it would make a lot of sense why Jacques would have him under his thumb. Because he has nowhere to go. Unlike both his sisters, he couldn't have been able to be a hunter. Also I get why people are so mad at Whitley for acting the way he did. He's a jerk but really, Weiss acted the same way in volume 1. It's obviously the Schnee upbringing. He's just as much of a victim as Weiss and Winter so I don't get why people are giving him so much shit.
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Alright, let's go back to Ruby Rose and Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot. Snow White and Rose Red is a different story altogether from the original story of Snow White. Snow White and Rose Red are two girls who lives with their mother, a widow, in the woods. The common factor with Weiss and Ruby is their lack of a mother with their sisters stepping up and taking that role. "Fair-haired Snow-White is quiet and shy and prefers to spend her time indoors, doing housework and reading. Dark-haired Rose-Red is outspoken, lively and cheerful, and prefers to be outside." Sounds familiar? Weiss is usually quiet and keeps to herself with her studying unless there's something she doesn't like or agree with and Ruby is a very loud girl who could barely sit still through class and prefers battling Grimm over learning about them.
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There's nothing much to it that I can see related to the show because it was about the two girls giving shelter to a bear and an ungrateful dwarf. The girls continue to rescue the dwarf but each time he's ungrateful until the bear killed him and the bear turned into a prince and married Snow White while Rose Red married the Prince's brother and all that hetero fairytale shit. I just dug this up, you can check this over. It just fascinates me that Ruby does indeed have a lore somewhat connected to Weiss even if it wasn't the original story and romantic like beauty and the beast.
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grim-faux · 4 years ago
23 - The Demon and the Ghost
The world stopped.  I’m not clear of what happened, or what was going through my head.  It might’ve been the shock, or it could’ve been the buzzing.  I could hear buzzing in my skull, and in my marrow.  Everything around me pulsed with a clarity I was unfamiliar with, like I was only now seeing the world without my eyes.  Or seeing without that greasy film that coats your eyes.  When someone has an out of body experience, they can’t get over how clear everything was that they saw.  It’s the one thing they always remark on, and how surreal the experience was.  Like no one’s ever died before.  As if you could remember dying.
Time slowed, the world ground to a halt.  And I found myself recalling my childhood.  My house in the mornings, the light coming through windows.  The short years I spent with my mom, my dad driving us to the store.  School in the fall, the changing colors of leaves on trees.  The spring time and the short summers.  Playing with the kids in my neighborhood.  Friends I lost touch with when I left school, when I graduated.  Where were they now?   I fell from this tree when I was a kid.  Didn’t hurt much, but when I hit the ground I saw a light.  For a while I was stunned and confused, and there was this weird taste in my mouth.  Sometimes doctors ask if you have a funny taste or smelled something odd, when you’ve suffered a concussion.  It’s common in the case of seizures, I think. The siren continued its call without hitch.  It screamed in its loudest voice, but it was muffled.  Everything around my head was distant and faint, it was on the other side of a wall, or I was under water drowning.  My senses were numbed and my feet wouldn’t move.  I thought I was turning, but I hadn’t budged since the Walrider coalesced within the corridor.  The air boiled around its shape - vaguely humanoid - vaporous and distorted.  This dark shadow of nightmares, this thing in the dark.  The insubstantial mirage was there then gone when I blinked, but I could hear it.  Could still make out the chatter of pellets hunting through vents, seeking to punish.  Fresh blood oozed over crates, splint spines, bodies twisted in cruel shapes.  I sucked in a shallow breath when my body craved air.  I had stopped breathing. It shrieked, and the screams of its slaughtered victims filled my thoughts. Rooms crammed with corpses, flies nesting in sunken eye sockets, bloated guts spilling from jagged flesh.  That sound.  It wasn’t the Walrider screaming, it was the walls around me.  Walls that had become a mortuary for the forgotten souls, trying to play modern god.  Their aspiration took them so high they touched the sun, burned, then their ashes scattered across the sea.  Dissolved.  Forgotten.  Lost. That odd taste coated my throat as the Walrider closed in.  The shape faded out then settled into form, always in flux.  Never the same each time I blinked.  And then I was back in the green house, wet and cold, scared out of my mind of the sounds in the trees.  Warped faces stared through the windows in the brick walls, faces maimed by curious men.  They had a purpose, an idea.  They recited a choppy phrase to my ears.  I was to be with them.  I was to be one of them.  The patients said the experiments were a conjuring.  They were subjected to the cruelty of science, and had become the manifestation of diseased minds.  Then the thing from the dark appeared, the thing that was lurking all along.  The apparition that made it all stop, stole away the pain.  It came for me and shrieked in my face.  The sounds.  They were in my ears, in my bones, and in my blood.  They followed me, I couldn’t shake them.  Couldn’t run away. Couldn’t escape it. All at once I was back, staring at it.  At death.  It was so close I could reach out and touch it.  But I didn’t.  I couldn’t.   I began shuffling backwards, but it was difficult.  My muscles had seized and I was standing here, with it in my face as it faded.  It was gone, but I could feel it.  Feel it watching me.  That familiar stab of pain focused in the base of my neck and worked its way up, leeching into my cerebellum.  I felt nauseated and choked on a gasp.  The idea that I was unable to move was rejected, though I had failed to turn away, to budge.  I was about to die.    Then something remarkable happened.  I was suddenly facing the hall with the cylinder tanks, the freezer room at the far end.  My feet blurred under me when I took off.  At first I was baffled, I didn’t recall tearing my eyes off that thing.  But I picked up on the piercing shrill as the Walrider called.  The noise sent static riping through my brain, and agony pierced my muscles.  My shoes slipped in the gelatin blood and I dropped to my knee, nearly tossing the camera.  I pushed up on my hand and launched forward, snaring the tanks set aside in the corridor and yanked myself to the corner on my right. If it touched me I was dead.  Nothing survived contact with the Walrider.  I didn’t know how I broke away, didn’t care.  The distinct impression that I had recalled some important matter but lost it, lingered in me.  A memory that I blotted.  It was important but I couldn’t focus.  Too much was swirling, my senses were too distorted as it was. I cut the corner and took the door on my direct right into the showers, and dashed by bloody stalls and lockers.  I chanced a look back unable to identify the threat against the white and red walls, but the air wavered with its presence as it disrupted molecules of the natural air.  I couldn’t hide from it, but I could delay its pursuit.  As I shot out of the shower room, I caught one of the doors and hauled it shut after me.  Without stalling, I swung back and snapped the other door shut with a deafening crack.  I backed away raising my camera and glanced to my right and then down, searching for where it would appear next.   Could it go through walls?  Had it decided to haunt the hall rather hunt me through the shower? The nightvision barely picked it up, but I could distinguish arms slipping through the thin space beneath the door as the form clawed.  It looked rather off, and I couldn’t figure the science behind these machines moving through solid walls.  But it wasn’t moving through a solid object, it was skimming the surface, finding the easiest path.  It couldn’t find its way through doors, but it could slide through thin cracks if it was allowed the time. I ran.  It would take it only so long before it was free again, I could shut a few more doors between it and myself before deciding the next action.  The sirens were still howling at the entrance of the Morphogenic chamber.  I cringed under the din and clasped a hand to the side of me head, as it pierced into my eardrums with icy pain.  Had to get through this, had to finish before I keeled over from the migraine.  I pulled my hand away, half expecting there to be fresh blood from my ears. I barely managed to stop myself from slamming into the door on my return.  My hands shook as I spun the handle and pulled myself inside.  A pristine white floor irritated my eyes as I glanced down, then turned my face to meet the plate on the wall before me.  Just a label indicating the Morphogenic Engines direction with an arrow.  Another set of doors, the small room opened up into a larger hangar filled with equipment of the facility, massive copper drums with pipes curving out of the tops, and huge control panels lined one wall.  Caution strips marked the short portion of a ramp that elevated onto a metal grate, and large machines that had not met their function sat beneath a grated stairway opposite to the control panels.  I swung the doors behind me shut, wincing at the reverberation that rattled my head.  I needed to stop doing that if I could.  The air smelled somewhat fresh in this section of the lab.  Due to the doors that had been left shut, this would have allowed the air to recycle without the interference of decay.  Just an observation.  It was painful to breath, the residue of a chemical with no name, something illegal I would bet.  If it was meant to kill me, it was the least of my worries. I sprint across the metal grate, the noise of my shoes echoed into the pipes of the ceiling overhead.  I immediately noted the stairs behind the copper tanks, which connected to walkways that lined the stone walls above.  Those huge-huge cylinders blocked the one side of the room from the stairs, and some asshole had stacked barrels in the way of the only path.  It was a minor obstacle.  I tucked the camera to my stomach and climbed onto the barrels, and kept my balance with my free hand on a support beam placed beside the tanks.  I braced myself for the inevitable jolt, and used my hand to guide my direction as I swung over.  The soles of my shoes stuck on the grate when I came down, but my recovery was quick.  Soon I was stumbling around the rail and up the grated steps.  The obnoxious tingle of my ribs dug into my side as I reached the first level.  I kept going up, winding my way around the rail and hastened up the remaining steps.  I coughed as I began panting, and reached my free arm under my side where the sting in my ribs was.  I promised — I promise I would sit down for a long time, once I was finished with this.  The only way I would be able to rest now is when— An earsplitting shriek echoed throughout the cavernous room.  I couldn’t tell if he had entered or if it was from another hall, let alone where it came from.  Didn’t matter.  I toggled with the nightvision, searching for the disturbance it caused but couldn’t locate it.  The anxiety that the it could be anywhere and I had no idea, sent my heart beating twice as fast.  I took the steps three and two at a time, my breath came in sharp gulps and I could taste copper. None of it mattered.  My fingers, my head, my bones.  I could take the damage and deal with it in the after math.  What I could not deal with, were my guts splattered across the ceiling! I pulled myself up the rail and reached the highest walkway.  The left side looked to be a dead end, but I couldn’t see where it led.  I charged to the right toward an open door with bright light spilling across the grate.  The distortions in the air around my face became prominent.  Was it here?  Already?  I zipped around the corner of the rail racing to the white walls with polished floors beyond.  Not gonna get me, you are NOT going to get me!  I snatched the handle of the door and kicked myself backwards, pulling the door after me.  I whirled about, catching sight of the plate labeling this C Block.  The Morphogenic Chamber was in C Block.  Beside the panel, a purge chamber.  I scraped through the sliding doors as they parted, and managed to hit the sealed door on the opposite end as the metal shielding snapped shut. Purge chambers for containment.  CONTAINMENT.  The Walrider would be forced to find a route around.  I took some deep breaths despite the chemical that was flushed through the small room.  Deal with it later, have a job to finish. The opposite door opened and I stepped out, checking first if the Walrider was present to greet my arrival.  Chiseled hall of limestone, same as when I first entered A Block.  Pipes ran the length of the ceiling, vents that cycled the air throughout the rooms.  I looked up at a camera on the wall across the tunnels ceiling, as it swung to face the purge doors.  I had half a mind to flip it off, but I preferred to stay professional. A plate on the wall informed that the Morphogenic Engine was to the right, but I checked the left side of the hall first while I had the pause.  At the end a strobe light spun above a malfunctioning door, accompanied by the sirens that blasted their obnoxious song.  Everything had gone wrong but no one was left alive to care.  I didn’t.  A corpse lay crumpled beside the door.  I walked over to check it, film it while I had the camera active.  He might’ve tried to get out through the doorway here but the lock was disabled, or the Walrider reached him first.  I shook my head as I turned away. I hurried through the hall, checking the visor while the fierce light was bearable.  I didn’t feel the immediate danger but I needed to plan, I remained uncertain what killing ‘Billy’ would require.  How technical it could be.  I noted the vents at the ceiling.  The rattling in the sewers.  The swarm traveled through pipes to access areas blocked by purge chambers.  I was working on borrowed time. More tanks sat on one side of the hall.  I rushed by without a glance and reached the open doorway, the heavy stench of sour flesh swirled about as paused at the edge of the sirens din.  I had seen most of the room on my approach.  The door was open and within, red contrasted the white stone that made up the walls of the room.  The usual décor.  The constant reminder of what my failure would entail. I shut the door behind me as I scanned over the butchery.  What might’ve been propane tanks, or tanks of gas had nested in one corner, but that was the only out of place item.  One tank lay in the red mess of a person’s ribcage, but I couldn’t decide if it rolled there during the action or had been lodged there.  I glanced to the flashing lights above a door, and that noise… that god damn noise.  I did my best to block it as I looked over to the right, and sighed.  A security operative lay in the pool of blood on the desks surface, a gun was in his hand.  His skull had been splint open, and more red stained down his forearm. The gun would do me no good, but a wadded page was in his grasp.  I took it and hastily angled my camera to record what might’ve been his final words.  If I could, I would tear those sound speakers out of the walls.  That noise….  “NOTE to all personnel from Consultant MM08, RUDOLPH WERNICKE. (D&NR) Do not worship the swarm, nor allow the delusions of the patients to influence your beliefs. Any sentient being based in this technology will be so far superior to us that illusions of godliness will be reasonable.  We have always looked into chaos and called it God. We now are blessed with sufficient power that such belief could destroy us. Do not be tempted. Remember that you are scientists.“ In the end I was wrong.  Mass Hallucination and mental reprograming had been more feasible than this.  This… What Murkoff had done.  The patients they were using and conditioning for the Morphogenic Engine, to contract the swarm.  Was this what was waiting in the mountains?  It was everything Chris Walker had tried to prevent.  Even in his insanity, he knew that this was a threat to the world he had been rejected from.   The patients began to worship the Walrider because they could not comprehend its function.  They had no hope in gazing upon its truth, and so were humbled by its power.  Insert one loony fanatic, Father Martin Archimbaud, and you’ll have the beginnings of a cult following.  I couldn’t blame them.  The Walrider had been a phantom curiosity up until Wernicke explained everything.  Show a caveman technology, he’ll think it’s magic - show a modern man magic, he’ll think it’s technology.  Everything had come full circle.  I understood what happened here, why it ended here.  And my understanding would destroy me. That noise.  I needed to get out of this room, I hadn’t much time. A sliding door bathed in red awaited beyond the desk and the suicide guard, but it was jammed and wouldn’t open.   Restricted Area Authorized Personnel Only This was the only door that opened, the knob turned easily.  I stepped through and quickly shut the door behind me.  Another long corridor of white stone and polished floors.  I was done with all the white, all the red.  At either side of the walkway yellow caution tape warned of the gutters slipping below the floor.  I moved forward, listening as the distressed calls faded behind me.  A decorative but none functioning cinderblock archway was installed, overhead at either wall, vents pushed recycled air into the hall and my thoughts returned to Billy.  He would be searching for me, unless he had given up for the moment.  I had no idea what his mindset had been prior to the experiments, only that he seemed mostly coherent in the reports of his caretakers. The hall curved to the left and I followed at a steady pace trying to get my heart rate to slow.  The air was crisp and cool, but my nerves were no good.  My shoulders shook with each breath I took.  It could’ve been low blood sugar or blood loss, or all of that.  In some vain attempt to distract myself, I reached under my coat to touch where the gash was.  The fabric of my shirt was hard and thick, but not even damp. As the sounds faded at my back, I felt almost peaceful in this section of the tunnel, as though there could be no danger.  I had hallucinated the whole affair, meeting Dr. Wernicke and learning of Billy’s secret.  I tried to fool myself into believing this while dark thoughts lingered in the threshold of my dissolving sanity, whispering that I was to be murdered soon.  The recollection caused me to jump when the camera gave its usual chatter. I came to a large set of reinforced, steel doors that took up the full end of the corridor.  As I stepped upon the nano hazard emblem on the floor, small strobes began to flash orange at the corners cautioning of the imminent action.  The muffled rasp of the sirens returned, surging through my muscle.  When would it end?  The hydraulics hissed and a blast of warm air gushed forth, released upon the doors opening.  As the doors slide apart I could bear it no longer, and without a glance I flipped off the camera just above my shoulder.  I didn’t care if Dr. Wernicke saw or not, it made me feel better. Once the doors had parted fully, I was taken aback in awe.  So much, I forgot my feet needed to move.  I stepped forward into the apparent control room of the huge chamber, staring at what could only be the engine of the machine.  The Morphogenic Engine. “The assembler, the feed chambers, the precursor molecules.  Vague memories of nanotechnology articles I’ve read online, probably drunk, probably distracted.  Not nearly enough to know how to destroy it. But Billy is the center of it.  Find him.  Kill him.  End this.” I let out a barely audible “Ah,” as the moment caught up to me.  I wrote down a hasty note and began to search frantically for a way to stop the feed, or a switch labeled in a cliché fashion Kill Switch.  Wernicke hadn’t been the most helpful bastard when it came to destroying his out-of-control creation, but it might not be my purpose here to kill Billy.  I was doing a pretty thorough job of distracting the fuck, if he didn’t gut me first Did Billy detect my intentions?  Or did Wernicke warn him? Monitors displayed images of MREs, brain scans of the hapless victim and the monster.  Long desks lined with monitors displaying nothing more helpful than password prompts and blue screens, while every other monitor seemed to be locked in ‘error mode’.  I tried alt, control, delete, and messing around with other keys on the keyboards, hoping for insight or a prompt.  I doubt it would have done much, they were not directly linked to the engine.  They only monitored the systems, made sure nothing was going wrong, that everything was ‘functioning.’  But this was vague guess work on my part. The tall stacks of computers packed with customized software stretched up the walls, pushing off hot gusts of air with the effort of processing the equations of the Engines functions.  Screens labeled the basic structures of the assembly, but nothing to demonstrate the methods for shutting it all down.   As I rushed around hunting, my shoe caught on the thick cables weighted to the grate.  I caught myself on one of the terminals and leaned over, trying to collect myself.  Above, a black screen sputtered and flashed as it distorted with errors, my eyes lost focus as I took a deep breath.  There’s still time, take your time.  Get it done right on the first go.  There would be no second chances.  I made another pass over the computers, the keyboards, a few files I scattered on the desks but the pages only detailed the last print outs of the Engines readings.  Nothing how to end it.  The anxiety crawled under my skin.  How much more time did I have?  Where was Billy waiting? On a side counter surrounded by thin wires from the terminal, I plucked up two batteries.  Thank god.  I took out the long dead one and put a fresh one in.  It was at full power.  Small miracles come through, again. A clear door was nestled in the room’s forefront, the high walls comprised of Plexiglas blocking off the Morphogenic Engines primary chamber.  I half expected the doors to hold fast as I moved to them, but the hiss of air breezed across my face as they parted.  The Engine, the Morphogenic Engine.  The only way I would destroy it, was by understanding it.  It seemed impossible.   I guide myself down the steps, my free hand trailing the gray rail while I used the camera to document the chamber.  Beneath the engine the air is cool, a sort of lull in the warmth that was expelled by the monstrous contraption overhead.  It was massive, extending into the cavern ceiling above, nearly reaching to the walls carved out throughout the chamber.  The bulbous and cancerous Engine was vaguely featureless, resembling a dodecagon.  Too many sides.  Some of its flat panels pressed out gray vapors, while others glittered lights.  Packed with technology, software primed for processing and running the machine, the life support, the everything that was Project Walrider.  Large screens spread around the base displayed images of pulse rate, metabolic functions, cerebral scans.  And those images.  The images from the theater in full bloom, so perverse and cruel I couldn’t bear to stare at them.  Small clear pods surrounded Wernicke’s machine, each is set on its own plastic seat with wires and machinery tapering from the backsides.  All empty. Correction.  All but one. “From Billy’s patient reports, he ought to be twenty-three years old. He looks like at least fifty years of rough road, pain scratched deep into what I can see. Killing you would be an act of kindness.” Tubes and wires had been attached into his stomach and shoved down his throat, rigs that looked like IV drips were inserted into his shoulders, neck, and sides transferring blood or performing dialysis functions.  His arms and legs bent back, away from the delicate hardware attached throughout his body.  His eyes were open, dead murky eyes fixed on the twisting images of the screen above.  This was the price for God like capabilities.  A body that was in all respects dead to the world. I turned away lowering my camera and rubbed at my eyes, trying to focus.  There was not enough time to wander around, blindly hitting whatever looked vital.  If the Walrider was in a lulled state, it needed to stay there until I could go to work.  How could I shut down this massive nightmare, before he realizes what I’ve done? There was a panel with a hand print beneath the screens of vital readings, but pressing it did nothing.  Beside it was a folder I quickly began to sift through.  Aha. MURKOFF PSYCHIATRIC SYSTEMS MORPHOGENIC ENGINE CHAMBER MAINTENANCE SHEDULE To avoid patient injury, the Morphogenic Engine Life Pod requires a daily inspection of all Vital Systems. VITAL SYSTEM 1: The enriched oxygenated perfluorocarbon from LIFE SUPPORT FLUID RESERVOIR must be continually flushed and replaced through the course of the patient’s treatment. (Note that O.P. also supplies anesthetics, any interruption in supply will cause sufficient pain to the patient to potentially disrupt the experiment.) VITAL SYSTEM 2: Electric supply is supplemented and ensured by the SUBLAB GENERATOR. Proper fueling and maintenance of the Sublab Generator should be confirmed hourly. VITAL SYSTEM 3: In the case of catastrophic loss of Vitals Systems 1, and 2, the life pod FAILSAFE will engage, maintaining localized minimum life support functions until technicians can arrive. DISABLING FAILSAFE WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE PATIENT TERMINATION. It seemed possible now.  Cut off his lungs, take out the power, then shut him down.  I could do this.  I can get this done. I wrote the basics down in the tattered back of my small notepad.  I knew what to do, but where did I do it?  I gave the chamber a careful scan, viewing only the walls grayed by the unnatural heat.  The lights of the engine pulsed and flickered, further aggravating my thoughts.  I jogged around the machine, and came upon a large window with a patient staring through.  His arms ravaged by experiments, his face scared, he pawed at the glass not seeing me.  Maybe he couldn’t see.  Behind him the white hallway gave way to black stains, the lamps revealed numerous Plexiglas doors.  From what I could make out, they all appeared to be open.  Patients that were killed?  Or was the gore leftover from the doctors as result of their victims escape? I didn’t care.  As callous as that was, I just didn’t give a fuck anymore.  Around the backside of the Engine, one other pod was filled with black fluid and tissue.  A failed test subject. Not far from it, light drew my attention to a set of doors with clean windows.  A plate on the wall was lit up with the lamps in the next hall.  It read Life Support Fluid Reservoir.  They couldn’t have spelled it out clearer.  I ducked through the door, and as always made certain it was shut firmly behind me.  Blood splatters and more of Murkoff met me in the extending corridor.  For a moment there I was worried I had gone the wrong way.  Once away from the Engine and its overworked processors, tremors began working their way through my muscles as the temperature dropped.  Or, was it the presence of the Walrider?  He couldn’t be nearby.  Unless he was ahead, waiting in a vent. I checked the NV but there was nothing.  Before I began forward, I reached behind me and assured myself the door was shut.  Up along the walls nested the primary mode of passage for the swarm, vents that would allow it to reach me on my return trip, if it wasn’t already present.  The air felt calm, stale but calm.  I reached the set of doors around the halls bend, and paused to let the camera cease its malfunction.  The picture in the visor died for a moment and I closed my eyes, feeling the sinking sensation as anguish chewed on my mind.  Give it a moment, just a glitch.   I gave the camera a few gentle pats until the visor flashed into focus, blinding me briefly with the green tinge.  Damn.  I pushed one door open and entered a large cavernous room filled with vats of a clean fluid.  It was vaguely reminiscent of an aquarium, with the soft gleam of lamps angled from the walls and ceiling.  That same wave of comfort swept through me, only disrupted minutely by the pulse in my blood.  Drums labeled saline or perfluorocarbon lined the walls, some stacked on carts.  Some smaller series of tubs ran along walls into the reservoir channel, where the massive tanks filled with the lucid fluid sat in rows.  Huge tubes were directed down into the tops of the massive tanks, while the other ends were angled into the cement walls of the chamber.  These large tubes were everywhere, in various sizes, in organized series directing their flow into tanks, or under the metal grates surrounding the tanks.  Back up flows, filters, diluting tanks.  My head was spinning as I took it all in.  All of this. “This is Billy Hope’s lungs.  His liver.  His life support.  A machine the size of a football stadium to keep one lunatic alive.  Fuck it all.  Break it all.  He has to die.” I leaned on the rail as I put away the notebook and pulled my camera from its pack.  I closed my eyes for a moment and pressed the remaining fingers against my temple.  Had to keep moving, can’t stop.  Billy could be anywhere and I hadn’t even started.  I couldn’t delude myself with the idea that he had no idea where I was. Beside where I stood a large black stain stretched on the cement floor near the reservoir, near the stairs I was to take.  An unfortunate worker?  Or someone that had only gotten this far with the scheme to stop the chaos.  I couldn’t shake the impression that the further I dived, the less human these markers were becoming.  If I held my breath and stared through the visor, the remains were nothing but a massive kool-aid stain.  Oh yeah. I took a breath and let it out.  Copper and rot.  Death.  I moved onto the grated walkway that bent around the massive vats.  If I kept moving I could block it, I wouldn’t have a choice before long.  I shivered, though the air here must have some heating, the clear liquid looked frigid.  It was a tinge of emerald, or blues, due to the minerals that might have been intermixed to diffuse their properties.  A lot of science and math I couldn’t comprehend.  My head…. Why was I trying to make sense of all this? More pipes, tubes, insulated cables.  Everything devised for the machine, for the thing it kept going.  A plate on the wall notified that this was, indeed Block D.  This seemed like some important detail, but I couldn’t recall why.  The Life Support Reservoir was in D Block.  Fantastic.  Those that were slaughtered here were no less dead than those in the other four Blocks. I reached the end of the walkway and set eyes on more vague stains of the former masters of the Engine, plastered across the floor and metal wall beside the stairway that twisted upward.  It connected to a catwalk that crossed beside a Plexiglas room featuring screens with scans, and details of the patient were visible from my position as jogged toward the stairs.  I winced when I set my hand upon the rail, the sticky remains of some organ had deflated over the yellow metal staining it orange.  I swallowed at my dry tongue and gazed up as I began, forcing myself to take the steps two at a time.  I cleared the top and twisted to the side room that must have controlled the chemicals distributed in the life support vats.  Green screens flashed with pulse rates, others scrolled walls of text.  I touched the Plexiglas to steady myself as I stared in, mind racing.  The scream of the Walrider became a distant echo in my memories, but always present, always haunting.  The realization that Billy had a heartbeat nearly made my thudding heart stop. The doors into the control room were open, and inside was very little to aid my mission.  A few documents with shortcuts through the menus and print outs of the patients status prior to his murderous rampage, along with common chemical formulas.  The monitors demanded passwords, their constant drama, while offering clips of data that would regulate proper flow of nutrients uninterrupted.  It was all self-sustaining, as Dr. Wernicke had put it.  I had a small surge of optimism for some much meeded guidance, when I located a thin folder left out.  But it was just another one of Wernicke’s, Frankenstein’s Monster excerpts.  What the fuck was his deal? From the personal records of Dr. Wernicke. "FRANKENSTEIN, or The Modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelley, published anonymously in 1818. Chapter 4, excerpt – “Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that modest man than he who aspires to become greater than his nature allows.” Dr. Wernicke should have stuck with his garden and cats.  He was brilliant, I’d give him that much.  Senile, but brilliant.  Oh fuck, my head. I left the room taking the unexplored route open on my left.  There was little to note, the grate was bare of tools or materials.  The lights were dimmed, this helped me focus to some degree.  It was only my steps echoing across the distance of the chamber, I constantly checked over the vats scanning the visor for distortions.  The battery was holding up, which I decided was solid indication that I was alone but I wouldn’t depend on my muddled observations.  Overhead, a distinctive blue pipe extended, a main flow, for something.  It T’d off at the walkways end, one end was capped off and the other attached to the wall at the other side.  The catwalk took a right, directly to what I would bet was the large master valve in the midst of the vats main flow.  I secured my camera as I walked up to it and took the handle.  Behind the wheel was the warning DO NOT TURN VALVE.  Fuck you, I’m gonna turn this valve. I braced myself, locking my heels in the grate and clamped my teeth together as I forced it.  The wheel didn’t give easily despite its fresh appearance but once it shifted, I kept at it until the damn thing couldn’t be forced further anymore.  I dropped to my knees hanging onto the wheel with my palms and panted, the black dots pulsed in my eyes as my heart pumped in my chest.  Almost there, one down, what was next? The pipe gave an eerie hiss when the fluid flow was cut off, and a high pitched shrill echoed somewhere that was not far enough away.  Billy must know now what I was planning.  He’ll try and intercept me! I took time to think back, check my notes.  My hands trembled as I produced the notepad.  Had to calm down, there was no hurry.  None at all.  Lying to myself didn’t work well, and I wound up ripping one of the pages as I tried to steady my hands.  Needed to cut the power off, that will initiate the emergency failsafe and after that I need to just hit the switch.  Just keep it together a little longer, we’re almost there. I stuffed the notebook back in its pocket, my index finger was bleeding from something I’d done but couldn’t recall what in my panic.  I shoved myself to my feet and began running.  Distance!  Need distance to keep away from it.  As I hustled back to the winding stairs, I heard a somber howl clatter across the chiseled stone.  The lights fluctuated, or I was seeing things.  That hissing whine, the resonance of a piercing scream hit me as my vision blurred.  Something that ground between realty and nightmares was closing in fast, and even without the camera I could mark its heading.  It was levitating above the vats, headed directly for me. No you will not!  I skipped down the steps of the walkway and grabbed the rail rather continue down the remaining steps, couldn’t lose any more time.  I felt the hair on my neck stand on end as I climbed over the rail and hopped off between the vats.  The entity shrieked overhead, as it gave chase or averted course.  I couldn’t discern the mobility of the swarm, nor could I chance pinpointing it without my camera.  It was purely instinctual I think, or something similar.  It could cut straight over the vats as I weaved between them, but if it didn’t touch me I would be fine.  I could outrun it. The doors were ahead.  My shoes stuck somewhat on the dried blood across from them, the incident nearly caused me to fall when I jerked my feet free.  I didn’t have time to reflect how morbid that was, my hands were already dragging me beside the blue barrels as I forced myself along.  This was getting to be too much.  My skin was rubbing on something in my chest, and the sensation weighted my feet down.  Not even the reminder of the outcome present if I stopped seemed to phase me.  I was losing steam. I smashed my forehead on the door when I leaned over, struggling to make the knob turn as I tried to walk through the gray metal.  Somehow, I did manage to get the portal open and slip through, and slam the door on the warped vapor without further trauma to my body.  But I did have trouble dislodging and continuing on with the task.  Each ragged breath I took ached in me, and all through me.  I could scarcely believe I was still standing. The Walrider gave a hiss as it must have begun struggling under the door.  I backed away and fumbled for the camera, and checked the NV feed.  The visor distorted and flashed but I could make out the vapor dragging itself through the thin crease. There would be no purge chamber between here and the Morphogenic chamber.  It would not stop until I was dead. I spun away and made my legs move.  I kept a tight hold on the camera as I breezed through the next set of doors.  Two minutes, less.  Needed to find the next area, the power Sub lab.  Had to stop the power and kill him! The lights of the chamber flashed, the intensity stung my eyes for a moment as I raced around the Engines cavern hunting for a sign, a direction.  I sifted through my thoughts.  What doors did I see when I was searching for the reservoir?  There was nothing but the patient behind the window, life support pods, and the few stairs leading into the control base. When I rounded the Engine, I noted the irritating strobes flashing near the top of the chamber.  I hurried to them, the stairs coming into focus through the steam puffed out by the machine.  They were hidden beside an unmarked copper tank, and I could make out the set of doors atop the level.  All this I had missed on my initial pass.  I’d be stuck up there once the Walrider came through, but it was the only lead I had.  That had to be it! I hissed at myself as I reached the stairs, all this running and rough movement.  This was everything a doctor would tell me NOT to do.  Later.  Later I would deal with it.  Maybe when I was finished Wernicke would take a look at my injuries?  Hah.  I’d trust ‘Dr.’ Trager over him any day. The plate beside the stairs leading UP read Sublab Generator.  Really?  Heading upstairs didn’t seem sublab, but I couldn’t argue with it.  I pulled myself along the rail, juggling between holding the camera to my face and using my bad arm to jerk around corners.  It didn’t help my side much but the muscles in my legs were aching, my blood sugar content was nada and I was teetering at my limit.  When I stopped, if I paused, I would die.  No second chances.  Just pain and the void.  I didn’t want that.  I wouldn’t accept that! Move-move-move!  Faster-faster-FASTER!  I could hear the sounds of the Walrider on the floor, hunting for my path.  If it didn’t know where I was headed it would figure it out shortly.   Computers lined the right of the level as I reached the top stairs, but they were nothing helpful.  The obnoxious strobe was overhead as I ducked to the doors.  That scraping yowl crashed through my eardrums, it sounded close.  I hauled one door open and checked back, just as the ghostly figure materialized on the NV.  FUCK!  I jerked the metal door shut, swung around, and exhaled. A stack of barrels impeded my progress.  I couldn’t shove them out of the way, but there was just enough room to squeeze between.  Meanwhile, the swarm screeched as it clawed under the door.  I doubt it would have trouble reaching me around the barrels. Upon reaching the other side, I took in a few tight gasps of air, and put as much power into my dash as I could manage.  Another obstacle of large tanks sat in the corridors center, or near center.  I swept around them and met with blinding white lights blazing around the doors just beyond.  I was still staring into the NV and only saw the door, left ajar, and blasted into the next room.  My knee caught the edge that was left shut and I tripped, falling to my shoulder.  I tumbled before I could put my feet under me, and whipped about half crawling back to the door.  I shoved it closed and leaned on it a moment as I choked on my breath.  I wasn’t sure if the Walrider had reached me yet, didn’t care.  I had a mild limp from smashing my knee on the door, but I hastily walked it off.  It stung like a bitch and my leg had trouble holding my weight, but they were the only thing keeping me alive I ran to the middle of the chamber and appraised my surroundings.  The air was warm, almost unbearable in my stiff coat.  It was difficult to make out my surroundings, due to the steam caused by condensed air formed when the cool and warm air clashed.  It must’ve been caused after the valve shut off.  If water wasn’t cycled in to cool the software of the Engine it would burn up.  That would take too long if it could manage to kill Billy.  I coughed at the steam, it was thickening. Where was I going?  Sublab!  Where was the damn sublab?  As I moved around I could identify tarps covering stacks of pallets and materials, the full dark expanse of the hanger… and another set of stairs leading up.  Up again!  At least when I came back through, I’d be going down.  Needed distance though, going up a set of stairs made me a sitting duck.  I would burn energy and the Walrider presence didn’t seem hindered by these limitations.  Not only that, but the stairs were endless!  My legs were beginning to ache and the pain in my side was becoming a hot swell of agony.  As I continued, losing track of how many flats I passed, the air thickened with heat.  Sweat seeped into my shirt and ran into my eyes, I wanted to wipe my face but I couldn’t manage the command.  Just a few more feet, one more set of steps, then it’ll be leveled platforms.  A little further.   It felt like a lie every time I chanted it, each corner I turned there were more stairs up and up.  Up and Up and Up!  Until they swallowed up the light and I had to rely on the camera as I made the desperate climb.  My calves burned, it was becoming impossible to lift one foot after the next to the succeeding step.  I was on hand and foot, by the time I reached the end.  The sharp clarity of light startled my stupor, and I dropped to my knees when I reached the topmost level of the catwalk. My breath was labored and uneven, and my eyes couldn’t focus on the large gap where the floor should have been.  My delirious mind struggled to make sense.  I had all but forgotten what I was doing, where I was going.  While stranded in the fever, only one thought was screaming through, scrambling my brainmatter like a hot bullet.  The angry shriek of the Walrider as it skewered the distance.  Too close, it was too CLOSE! I dragged my body up and over the yellow railing.  Distance!  Distance from the Walrider.  I needed the distance to jump!  I stuck the camera strap in my mouth and pressed my back against the cool metal, it hurt but I wasn’t far enough back.  I couldn’t get far enough back.  Was the Walrider clawing at my spine yet?  Would it rip it free?  Would I feel it? My feet whirled under me as I made the full sprint for my life.  There would be no repeats this time, I would hit the other side and keep going.  No stopping.  No quitting.  Not until one of us was dead! The hounding noise of sirens cut through, they somehow found me so high up.  I could picture my body, an obscure stain on polished stone.  Bones protruding, teeth scattered.  I don’t want to die.  Muscles deflated like spoiled fruit. Red flashed through my eyes when I hit.  Oh god, oh shit…. The pain gushed through my chest, and red mist scattered under my chin.  The camera clattered a few feet away, but it was staying where it stopped and would not roll back this time.  My feet kicked under me struggling to lock the grooves of my toes into the grate.  That sound!  Where was that noise coming from?!  I dug my mangled fingers tips into the gaps in the floor and heaved myself forward, groaning at the pain.  My vision swam as I crawled towards the camera.  Everywhere, the lights seemed to be dimming. MILES!  UP!  KEEP MOVING! For a short span I didn’t hear the Walrider.  Couldn’t sense my body as I dragged onward.  I felt nothing.  Only the ringing in my bones as I staggered to the camera.  It was heavy in my hand as pushed myself upright and continued forward.  I picked up the pace though I can’t recall any of this.  All I could feel repeating in my thoughts was distance.  Needed distance.  Nothing has changed.  Nothing has changed.  Move. I pulled up the NV as the path to my left darkened.  It came to a wall, forcing me to whirl around and dash into the gloom absorbing the tunnel.  My senses began to clear a fraction and I felt the Walrider, its fury projected off it in waves.  The pain in my skull returned, but my feet refused to stop moving.  I wasn’t thinking about escape, my focus was on that horrible screech.  How dark it was without the light, how comforting that was.  All of these repetitive thoughts, a motion, a sway, autopilot.  I would be dead if it hadn’t switched into gear.  My feet were moving under me, but I don’t know how fast.  Would I be able to outrun death? I stumbled around a stack of bags on something hard, something solid.  It was getting hard to perceive my whereabouts.  The dark was penetrating, the dark hugged close to the range of the NV as the power began to die.  Even the dark could not save me now.  My feet slipped in red, but I remained upright and pressed on, gaining speed.  I don’t know how this was possible, couldn’t ponder it.  The Walrider was not far behind calling with its inhuman voice.  The shrill cut over the stone as it sliced through my thoughts, the sensation merciless to the swirling mess of my scattered mind.  Was it calling for me?  I couldn’t answer. The corridor turned left through another redundant archway of cinderblock.  I must have been moving too quickly, I sprawled across the cart parked beside the wall.  I pushed myself around it and held steady.  I forced what energy I had available into my legs, and saw at last the burning light of a door ahead.  A purge chamber.  Did it still work?  Was it open?  It didn’t matter.  If I could keep on my feet until I reached it, then that would be enough. The light that was my greater foe had become my salvation. The doors whooshed open and the stale odor of chemical and sickness poured over me.  Once inside I toppled to my knees, the doors hissed shut behind me cutting off the Walrider.  It knew not to enter here.  I glanced back its way, though the secondary lead doors refused visibility of it.  I kept my eyes locked on the metallic coating as the pumps decontaminated the air, and the doors across from me opened.  I waited, watching, refusing to move.  I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to. So much left to do.  Had to keep going.  I repeated it in my head.  I wasn’t done.  I would never be done.  There was more I could do, so much more I had left to do.  I swallowed and wiped the dampness away from my lips. My hand came back with fresh blood. It would be all right.  Keep moving, outrun death.  I used the edge of the door to drag myself to my feet and kept the camera in my hand.  That humming was present, but there was no way the swarm could be here.  I poked my head from the doorway as I leaned on the frame, my body felt too heavy.  There was no shrieking, and it was then that I couldn’t decide which sounds for certain came from the Walrider. It wasn’t here.  For now, I was safe.  That’s all I needed to focus on.  I stepped out and hesitated.  The lights were out across the lower level, but what lamps did work revealed yet more stairs. This place, have I mentioned it?  Could go fuck itself. But I had time.  The Walrider couldn’t access this room unless there were pipes, unless there were vents.  Unless there was a ‘work around’.  I used the camera to search the steel plated walls.  Might be lead, it would prevent radiation contamination.  Did the Morphogenic Engine use radiation?  It must have.  I didn’t want to consider the long term effects. I took the steps slowly, one at a time.  I didn’t feel rushed, didn’t feel encroaching doom or death snapping at my neck.  Everything was calm and normal and I could resume deluding myself to the illusion of safety.  There was nothing here, nothing that could harm me short of an unfortunate tumble.  My strength was at its limit, I couldn’t push myself further.  Not even the promise of death could persuade my sluggish limbs. E Block.  The blocks didn’t matter.  A Block.  B Block.  C Block.  B Block was the exit, wasn’t it?  Where had that gone? My toe caught the last step and I collapsed to my knees.  It wasn’t a far fall, but it jarred my side and I hissed through my teeth.  When I looked down, there were wet red specks on the cameras grimy side.  It was okay.  Didn’t mean it was the end of the world.  I had worse before, in worse conditions. Except there had been doctors, and they knew what they were doing.  I wasn’t dying, it only felt like I was dying.  I wasn’t dying now.  I was going to get through this.  I just had to STAND UP! “Please.”  I adjusted myself on my knees and lifted, raising my camera arm and looped it over the yellow rail beside me.  "Get up.”  Once steadied and the noise faded a bit in my ears, I rocked, sliding my foot and angled my body.  “Stand.”  It took some effort, some coaxing, but I braced my arm against the rail and pushed up on my feet until I was standing.   On the one side of the room was a terminal set up with computers, the irritating blue screens gleamed in welcome as I crossed the grate towards them.  On the counter sat a forgotten coffee mug, filled halfway with black goop.  What a tragedy.  I put my hand on one of the chair backs and slid it out.  That chair was incredibly soft, I can’t remember a softer chair.  I leaned on my good side and set the camera in my lap, but made sure to keep my swollen hand locked in the strap.  It wasn’t going anywhere.  I just… needed a moment.  A pause to collect myself, whatever of that was left.  Wait for the Walrider to find me if necessary.  Just a moment.  Let the pain subside and I’ll be ready. My head drooped and the world faded away.  If I never found my way back, then that would be fine as well.  But I didn’t believe I would be that lucky.
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koiforsale-blog1 · 5 years ago
Koi Fish For Sale - Getting the Right One For You
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Koi fish have actually been chosen as animals nowadays. A great deal of individuals are getting involved in it because of its intriguing elegance and also refinement that can accumulate in the elegance of their yard ponds. Some do it just for the enjoyable of it, and some do it as their source of living. For a novice to this hobby, picking the right koi for you is not a very easy job. It would take a great deal of pondering in the past hitting the stores that says koi fish for sale. In acquiring a koi fish, you would certainly need to consider its color, pattern, type, and also its rate.
Right here are a few of koi types you can choose before striking the shops. If you desire to have a light blue or gray koi with bronze, copper or yellow pattern like of the autumn leaves, then you should obtain Ochiba. Black koi can additionally be interesting due to the fact that it transforms its shade when the water temperature level modifications. Also, black koi has a great deal variety to select from, there are the Showa Sanhoku, Utsironomon and much more. On the other hand, if you like blue with yellow or red patterns after that Asagi is the best one for you and the most common koi kind you can find is the Kohaku, it has a white skin with a huge red marking of top. If you love metal shades, then Ogon is best for you. click for more info Koi for sale
Typically, koi fish can be a little extra costly than other family pet fish. Like any other family pets, every type of breed has its own tag price. Its price would certainly rely on its originality and popularity. Some would certainly suggest that when buying koi fish, it is much better if you acquire a couple of at time. This is done to prevent you from spending lavishly a lot specifically if you are brand-new to this pastime as well as you are still not familiar with it. The variety of fish you are buying would certainly additionally depend on the size of your pond. This is to take into consideration that koi can grow as high as four feet and can recreate a great deal of eggs.
Most importantly, whatever type of koi you desire as long as it makes you happy, by all means get it. Simply make certain that you must prepare to deal with it and offer it the interest that it needs. It needs to be maintained with the proper use devices and devices to assist protect its good living condition, beauty and also health and wellness.
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pickapan-blog · 6 years ago
Things you need to know before buying kitchen cookware online
When it pertains to buying cheap Kitchen Cookware Sets Online, the selection is more crucial than lots of people understand. With the right collection of kitchenware, the preferences of the foods you prepare are likely to boost. It is true that your know-how in the kitchen area will play a part in how well the recipes are prepared, however did you recognize that preparing the foods in different types of steel or in numerous dimension pots as well as frying pans can make fairly a distinction in the look as well as taste of the items as well?
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The very first point you need to take into consideration when buy Cookwares Online in USA is your budget. Pots and frying pans can be fairly expensive, depending on the number of items in the collection as well as the metals used to make them. You do not intend to spend too much on any investment you make. Nonetheless, it is important to realize that pots and pans will certainly last for several years if taken care of properly. Splurging a little can be a lot more useful in the long run. Acquiring an affordable collection now might mean you will need to replace it in simply a couple of years, whereas obtaining an excellent set now might permit you to be set for the next a couple of years.
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Next, think about the different materials that are used to make kitchenware sets. Lightweight aluminum is the most affordable metal you can get, but it will certainly wear out faster than the other metals. Stainless steel and also copper are both great choices due to the fact that they heat the food equally. This is a huge offer to a person who is trying to learn how to prepare. Having pots and pans that will certainly deal with you rather than against you makes it less complicated as well as more delightful to prepare meals for your family. An additional option you have actually is cast iron, which will certainly last a wonderful while. However, it will require a lot even more treatment than the various other metals since it will certainly corrosion quickly if not taken care of properly.
Different food preparation techniques call for various cookware, so you should locate one that suits your demands. If you're not sure which type of cooking equipment set is best for you, right here is a peek at one of the most common ones.
For more info:- Affordable Kitchen Cookwares for Sale Online
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donnerpartyofone · 6 years ago
sometime last september i had a bad cold with an ear infection. a bunch of fluid built up in my ear and never went away. i saw a doctor who suggested it would just disappear on its own, but that it could take three or four months. i took some antibiotics then, which didn’t help. he didn’t seem to consider it a problem. after a couple of months i came back, same deal. he gave me some anti-inflammatory nasal spray and some ear drops, which didn’t help. then i found a new gp and described the problem to her. she stuck her ear thing in my ear, wagged it around, and then just turned around and never discussed it with me in any way.
incidentally, i was seeing that second doctor because i was convinced i was dying from lung cancer. my mother was suddenly diagnosed with stage four lung cancer when she was my age and given a couple of months to live. (she surprised everybody by living for three or four years, which in my estimation was a lot worse than if she had just died right away) i found a gp who specialized in lung disease and explained that i have consistently restricted breathing in one lung that does not fluctuate in any way, and has been going on for a long time. well, my chest x-rays came back clear and i don’t have any other symptoms, so she just put me on some asthma inhalers. i had bad asthma as a kid, and this unceasing one-sided shortness of breath doesn’t resemble that in any way, but my doctor didn’t seem to give a shit about figuring out what was wrong with me as long as the inhalers seemed to be managing the symptoms. i felt like a theme was emerging when i told her about my ear, and she seemed to just look for whatever specific thing she would consider a problem, and when she didn’t see it, she just changed the subject.
so, naturally, i found a new gp. i went because my scripts for my inhalers were running out, and i didn’t want go back to the other doctor to get them renewed. mercifully (i guess although i’m really not dying to keep seeing more and more doctors), my new doctor is sending me for fresh x-rays and referring me to a pulmonologist. i also told her about my ear, and she checked me out and saw all this fluid behind my eardrum. she said this is very common, and might be there “forever”. it could be because of my naturally humongous tonsils, which is a pretty disgusting thing to hear about myself for some reason, or it could be allergy inflammation that’s contributing to the blockage. so the main thing i have to do is stop trying to pop my ear, which i want to do every second of every minute that i’m conscious, because it’s clearly, painfully wearing down my jaw. also, now i get to add an allergy pill to the 23 (24 depending on what’s going on) pills i need to take every day to manage other stuff. 
the “other stuff” is mostly one condition, which is that my system processes copper so poorly that the buildup of this psychoactive metal in my system makes me chronically depressed, anxious, fearful and angry. nutrient therapy is a lot better than being hooked on opiodes...i think? but the number of things i have to take to avoid that is exhausting, and means that i spend an hour or two a day feeling like i’m going to throw up while i digest everything, which isn’t exactly a mood booster.
anyway, my new gp has also referred me to an ENT, which appointment can’t happen soon enough because sometime around 3am yesterday, i developed a loud ringing in the affected ear that will not go away, and by all accounts, might never go away. this is not the first time this week that i was told one of my senses will be permanently impaired for no particularly good reason. a few years ago, i had to have surgery and localized chemotherapy to remove some pathological scar tissue growing across my corneas. it hasn’t come back (although it might), probably thanks in part to the chemo, but now i have a buildup of surgical scar tissue on one eye that is causing glare and spots, and according to my cornea specialist, that’s just the new normal. the few treatments options are considered high risk for little reward, i guess.
depression has a way of casting you as a problematic person in the public eye: someone who is oversensitive, looking for attention, being negative, and refusing to deal with their problems in a mature way (because according to people who don’t really have problems, all problems go away if you just adjust your bad attitude). now, i hate going to the doctor because my experience of autism makes me cry and panic like i’ve been raped if anyone touches me without my specific emotional invitation. also, it’s very hard for me to think of any experience i’ve ever had with a doctor where something was explained to me satisfyingly, or where i got treatment that really worked--as opposed to me just coming out the other end, terrorized and humiliated, sitting there in a puddle of my own various fear fluids thinking, “wait a minute, WHY THE FUCK did i let them do all that random shit to me??” to wit: a couple of years where i submitted myself to a doctor to have core samples regularly, painfully, frighteningly drilled out of my cervix because of some abnormal test results. whatever’s going on COULD be precancerous, i was told. well, what else “could” it be, i asked? they just shrugged, and one day they told me they weren’t seeing the abnormality anymore and they didn’t have to keep mutilating me. so...i could have just been sitting on the couch this whole time? why did i do this, when i don’t even have any particular faith in treatment anyway? but, i keep doing to the doctor(s), because i’ve had it drilled into my head that it’s the “responsible” thing to do, and it will prove to the world that i’m a “positive” person who tries to find “mature” solutions to my problems. that makes it extra frustrating when nothing comes of it, other than the damning confirmation that nothing about me is really working that well, and it’s not going to.
of course, on top of the fact that my problems are not really manageable in any substantial way, there’s the added psychological pressure that comes from people not seeing your problems as problems. exactly one half of my face is affected by rosacea, making it extra obvious that something is wrong with me. having tried everything else that is supposed to manage my symptoms--including two different treatments that are “magic bullets” for 99% of sufferers, both of which made me react so badly that i looked like i’d been attacked by wasps--i decided to take the plunge on my last option, an extremely expensive battery of painful and kind of scary laser treatments. i had the last one this month. i’m not seeing any difference at all, and in fact i’m not sure it didn’t make things worse. no insurance really covers treatment for rosacea because it’s considered a cosmetic problem, even though it results in broken blood vessels and progressive thickening of the skin that anybody would consider a medical problem if they saw it in action. i can already see what’s going on in the mirror, and trying not to notice is not an option.
i realize, as i’m sure many people will be quick to tell me, that i’m actually very lucky. i do not have any “real problems”. i’m performing the basic life problems of a human being just fine. but i have to say, just to stick up for myself, that there is something really special about just having a collection of unrelated problems that just amount to, like, a bunch of bullshit. i have friends who have had, or currently have, really major life challenges--horrifying circumstances or conditions with which they have had to wage a heroic battle. of course i don’t envy them, but at the risk of sounding really incredibly petty, at least they made some kind of sense. the dragon arrives at your door, and it’s cancer, or hiv, or a neurological disorder, or a flesh-and-bone-eating disease; you don your armor and fight the good fight, or prepare to die with dignity, or in the worst case scenario, you just regular-die, but everybody totally understands it as a tragedy. there’s some kind of logic to it all, even if it’s completely unfair and arbitrary in the outing. it’s different when you just have a bunch of bullshit, none of which anybody thinks is a problem individually, and there’s no reason for it. your eye is just kind of shitty and your skin is just kind of shitty and your lung is just kind of shitty and your ear is just kind of shitty and your ovaries are just kind of shitty and your mental health is just kind of shitty (for chronic physiological reasons). so therefore, looking at things is just kind of shitty and having people look at you is just kind of shitty and hearing things is just kind of shitty and really, just being awake and alive is just kind of shitty. and there’s no narrative here, it’s not you versus your virus or you versus your mutating cells or something. it’s just you versus the fact that you’re just, like, kind of a fucking lemon. if your body were a car, you’d get rid of it, and just take the bus from now on. or stop going anywhere altogether.
when i’m not fighting off a violent reaction to my mounting collection of bullshit problems, i’m usually trying to find some meaning to my life. it’s hard to do. i’m not brilliantly intelligent or talented in any way that would make my career into the point of my life. i’m also not going to start a family (which would be a huge challenge for me anyway because of problems with my reproductive system), so that’s out. because of my anhedonia, i can’t really live for pleasure either--a fact which is surely compacted by the way that all of my individual parts seem committed to making any and all sensory input at least sort-of annoying, if not infuriating and claustrophobia-inducing. when it’s just me and my depression, i often think, “god, i really wish i could just achieve something in this life, then all this agonizing would be worth it.” i usually wind up reaffirming that i’m just an ordinary person, i’m not even very good at my hobbies or very knowledgable about my passions, there’s no chance that doing something special with my time on earth is going to save me. but then, of course, there’s my shitty, shitty, shitty physical condition. the only thing i really ever accomplish is preventing myself from screaming.
i realize that many people might want to frame stopping yourself from screaming as an accomplishment in and of itself. when you’re really challenged in life, you have to remember your context. like, one guy might be climbing the corporate ladder, and he has to face the challenge of competition and seizing opportunities and stuff; but when you’re, say, me, not-screaming can be a legitimately equivalent effort that you should be proud of winning at. both my best shrink and my worst shrink have tried to warn me off of comparing myself to others--to noticing, constantly, that compared to pretty much everyone i know i’m really defective, and in fact i’m way behind my peers developmentally because i have to struggle so hard just to get through my fucking day without ruining anything or taking a break for pure suffering. part of the reason to avoid comparing yourself to others is what i was just getting at, that you want to have an authentic sense of your own suffering without using an irrelevant-to-you method of measurement. the other part of it is that you don’t want to delude yourself into thinking that you are the only person who suffers, or that your suffering is the most extreme. my first/worst shrink approached this in a pretty hilarious way: she suggested that maybe ALL of my friends have ALL the same problems as me, they just haven’t mentioned it. first of all, this just shows a real ignorance of how many great complainers i know. but secondly, it suggests a world in which my closest friends have stood by while scars grow over my eyeballs and half my face burns and swells and my ovaries constantly invite painful degrading examinations and threaten cancer and my lung never opens all the way and my ear rings deafeningly et at ad nauseam, and they just...don’t say anything to me. for some reason my dearest companions just don’t feel like offering me support or solidarity or advice from their supposed rich experience, or even venting their own frustrations to an ear they know for a fact is sympathetic, even if it doesn’t hear too well. it’s an extra bizarre idea that still makes me laugh, when i’m not screaming.
now i have to get ready for today’s doctor’s appointment, the fifth of what i think will turn out to be eight this month, not including psychiatric appointments. it’s not for my ear, but i’ll definitely be bringing that up again, because i think i need to add an anti-anxiety prescription to my armory of pills, because i don’t think i’m going to make it through this experience without altering my chemistry until i just don’t give a fuck about anything that happens to me. plus i need to find out if tinnitus is its own thing, or if it is definitely always a symptom of hearing loss (that is, a deteriorating ability to perceive sound, as opposed to an incredibly loud internal sound that you just naturally notice more than other external sounds that you are still technically capable of perceiving). a minute ago, my husband got up and started stalking around our tiny apartment suspiciously. i thought he must have seen a bug, but he’s looking for the source of a weird noise that must be coming from our large mac tower, a couple of feet away. i absolutely cannot hear it at all.
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oldcoinkendra · 2 years ago
The Old Coin Buyer is a Very Old and Rare Coin Dealer
The Old Coin Buyer is a very old and rare coin dealer. They are considered to be one of the best places to buy coins, in addition to some of the most interesting and unique coins. They offer the highest quality coins, with guaranteed authenticity and the best prices.The Old Coin Buyer, an ancient coin store, has a vault of coins from around the world. The owner, Hank, is passionate about the history of money and coins and his knowledge is second to none.
There are many people out there who are always looking for a good deal. Whether it be for a new home or to sell your old one, you need to make sure that you get the best price possible. Old Coin Buyer is an app that helps people do just that. With Old Coin Buyer, you can scan the barcode of an item you are looking to sell and it will tell you what the going rate is.
Old Coin Collections are collectibles that are made from recycled coins. They are made from gold, silver, copper, and other metals. They are usually made by hand in the United States.
An ancient coin is a coin that has been in use since the very early times of human history. Ancient coins were used as the basis for modern currencies and have been an integral part of the world economy for millennia. Ancient coins are one of the most common items for collectors and are a popular item to invest in.
BUY OLD AND RARE COINS is a company that buys rare and old coins and sells them for a profit. The company also offers the opportunity to buy back old coins, in the case that you would like to have a coin of a specific type or year. BUY OLD AND RARE COINS also provides its customers with information on the value of old coins, as well as their rarity.
Old and rare coins are a great investment, because their value can grow with time. There are many ways to invest in coins, but the most common way is to buy them from a coin dealer. Coin dealers will usually buy coins in bulk, which means they can sell them at a discounted price. If you are looking for a coin that is very old, you may have to spend more money on it, but you can get more money back on your investment in the future.
This is a collectable shop that specialises in coins and currency from the US and Europe. It has a huge selection of coins, some dating back to the 1800s, and they also sell banknotes and paper currency. This store is perfect for those who want to buy rare coins, or a collector of all types of currencies. It's a coin store that sells coins that are rare and valuable. You can buy coins that are made of precious metals and those coins are worth a lot of money. You can buy coins that are rare and have been collected from all over the world. They have lots of different coins to buy and sell. OldCoinKendra is a website where you can buy coins from all over the world. The coins are made of different precious metals and are very rare. They have a wide range of different coins for you to buy, from rare to modern coins.
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3rtechnology · 2 years ago
Why is Electronic Waste Recycling Important?
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As the world progresses, we rely increasingly on technology. However, this increase in dependence on technology has resulted in a new type of waste- electronic waste, or e-waste. E-waste is any electronic device or appliance that has been discarded by its user. This might include old laptops, phones, TVs, and even gaming consoles. While it might seem like e-waste is not a big deal since it’s just a bunch of old electronics, it actually poses a huge threat to the environment.
That’s why electronic waste recycling is so important. When e-waste is not properly disposed of, it can release harmful toxins and chemicals into the air and soil. These toxins can then find their way into our water supply, where they can contaminate our drinking water. They can also enter the food chain, where they can cause health problems for both animals and humans.
E-waste can threaten the environment.
E-waste can be harmful to the environment if it is not disposed of properly. Many of the materials in e-waste, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, can be released into the air, soil, and water if they are not properly disposed of. There are a number of ways to dispose of e-waste properly. One way is to recycle it. There are a number of e-waste recycling facilities across the country that can recycle your old electronics. Another way to dispose of e-waste is to donate it. Many schools and non-profit organizations accept donated electronics.
E-waste can harm human health.
When it comes to electronic waste or e-waste, there are many dangers that can pose a threat to human health. From the harmful chemicals that are used in the manufacturing process, to the lead and other heavy metals that can be found in old devices, there are a number of ways that e-waste can harm human health. 
The most common ways that e-waste can harm human health is through the release of harmful chemicals. These chemicals can be released into the air, water, and soil, and can then be ingested or inhaled by people. Additionally, when e-waste is not properly disposed of, it can leach into the ground and contaminate groundwater, which can also lead to health problems.
E-waste can also harm the economy.
E-waste is a growing problem in the United States. Every year, millions of tons of electronic waste are generated, and only a fraction of it is recycled. E-waste can also harm the economy. In addition to the environmental damage it causes, e-waste also results in the loss of valuable resources. For example, when gold is extracted from e-waste, it often ends up in landfill sites instead of being reused. The best way to deal with e-waste is to prevent it in the first place. That means making sure that old electronics are recycled or donated instead of thrown away.
Electronic waste is a valuable resource
Despite the environmental concerns associated with e-waste, it is a valuable resource. Recycling e-waste can help to conserve resources and reduce pollution. In addition, recycling e-waste can generate revenue for companies and governments. With proper management, e-waste can be a valuable asset to the world. E-waste is full of valuable materials, like gold, silver, and copper. Recycling e-waste can help to recover these valuable materials. Not only is e-waste recycling good for the environment, it’s also good for the economy. Recycling e-waste creates jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries.
E-waste recycling saves energy
It takes a lot of energy to make a new electronic device. For example, the production of a new laptop requires the use of virgin materials, like plastic, aluminum, and glass. All of these materials have to be mined, extracted, and processed before they can be used to make a new product. In contrast, recycling e-waste requires far less energy. For example, recycling a ton of cell phones can save the equivalent of powering 3,500 homes for a year. And recycling one laptop can save the equivalent of the electricity used for more than 3 months. In other words, recycling e-waste saves a lot of energy. And that’s good for the environment.
Recycling electronic waste is extremely important because electronic waste contains hazardous material that can harm the environment. Recycling electronics help preserve natural resources and prevent pollution of air and water.
3R Technology
8002 S 208th St E105, Kent, WA 98032
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lighthouseerp · 3 years ago
ERP for Metals Industry
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ERP for Metals Industry
There is a growing awareness of the need for enterprise resource planning (ERP) for the metals and minerals industries. This is because the industries are increasingly dealing with complex and large volumes of data, which needs to be managed in a secure and reliable way. ERP for Metals Industry can help to streamline operations and make it easier for companies to monitor their performance. They can also help to improve efficiency and coordination across the whole supply chain.
The metals and minerals business has a significant economic value. Mined metals and minerals are sold at high market prices, and there is a huge demand for them. Copper, aluminum, steel, and zinc are base metals that are utilized in a variety of sectors, including building, manufacturing, and technology. Copper and steel are in high demand since they are widely used in manufacturing. Metal trade, metal production, and metal investment are all common activities in the metal industry. Metals are mined as market demand increases over time.ERP for Metals Industry is an investment for several metal trade enterprises.
Since its inception 35 years ago, Lighthouse ERP software has been continually changing to meet the needs of today's industries. Lighthouse Info Systems provides ERP systems to the mining industry, met coke and calcined coke business, coal washery and logistics sector, power plants, cement industry, lead manufacturing industry, and refractories manufacturing industries in the metals and minerals vertical. Our devoted support staff and technical skills assist clients in resolving any issue with the ERP software in any manner feasible. Lighthouse ERP outperforms the competition, resulting in total industry improvement, making it the top Enterprise Resource Planning software.
Mining is used to obtain a variety of valuable commodities, including metals, minerals, and oil.
Calcined Coke & Met Coke Metallurgical coal is a form of coal used in the metallurgical industry. It's a black or brownish-black coal with a high iron and manganese content.
Logistics & Coal Washer Before coal is utilised in power plants, it is cleaned and stored in a coal washery. Workers at the coal washery load coal into trucks and transport it to various areas of the facility.
Plants That Produce Energy A power plant is a mechanism that generates energy by turning a collection of moving parts using electricity.
Cement Cement is a type of construction material that is made up of tiny pebbles combined with a binder. When the cement is poured, it hardens and sets rapidly.
Manufacturing and refining of lead The process of extracting lead from ore and turning it into pellets or ingots is known as lead production and refining.
Aluminum Profiles & Extrusion Aluminum extrusion and profiles are used to make goods ranging from lightweight to extremely heavy-duty. Extrusion, for example, may produce complicated profiles for shells, aeroplane components, vehicle bodywork, and a variety of other goods.
Casting and Aluminum Alloys The process of casting a material from an alloy of two or more metals is known as aluminum alloys and casting.
Manufacturing of refractories Refractories Manufacturing is a discipline that employs technology to create materials for things like furnaces, ovens, and kilns.
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3kvamainlinestabilizer · 3 years ago
Best heavy duty voltage stabilizer for AC
Do you face frequent power cuts in your locality?
One of the most common problems faced by people in their daily lives is how they get around during bad weather. Power cuts can be extremely dangerous for some electrical appliances, and there are many ways to deal with this problem. High or low voltage supplies, short circuits, or any other issues can interrupt a power source, reduce a product's lifespan, and can be the reason for a fire.
To protect against power outages, companies have made sure to add back-up generators to ensure that everything in the home remains operational. These back-up generators, however, do not always provide consistent power, and so companies have made use of mainline voltage stabilizers.
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Aulten is a leading manufacturer and supplier of voltage stabilizers. Mainline voltage stabilizers are the best suitable voltage stabilizer for the home that will be connected to main power supply line. The mainline stabilizers protect all the electric appliances from over-voltage, under-voltage, short-circuit, or overload. Mainline stabilizers are the products that can be used to reduce the viscosity of oil. The two main categories are copper and non-copper.
3 KVA 2400W 90V - 300V Voltage Stabilizer For Mainline - Aulten
Digital Display continuously displays input and output voltage giving you accurate voltage readings of your mainline stabilizer.
Stabilizes Power Supply - It maintains a safe output voltage range of 200V - 240V ± 5% making it universally ideal for all home appliances.
An ergonomic wall mounting sleek design for smooth installation and elegant look.
Complete Protection for all your appliances with inbuilt High Voltage Cut, Low Voltage Cut, Short Circuit, and Overload Protection, enhancing their performance and life cycle, automatically cuts the power supply during huge surges and fluctuations.
Multifunctional Digital Display showing Output Voltage (OP), Input Voltage (IP), High Voltage (Hi), Low Voltage (Lo), 5 Second Initial Time Delay Countdown, you can monitor the voltage performance in real-time.
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Compact Design, easily wall mountable with in-box mounting accessories, a high tensile metal cabinet for the long life cycle of the product, easy to install with just 5 wire connection clearly marked on the stabilizer, 2 wire for input, 2 wire for output, and 1 wire for earthing, no more complications.
Integrated with Zero cross switching technology with Highly Efficient Toroidal Transformer, 2 MCB on the front, 1 for stabilizer on/off (Mains), 2nd for Changeover/Bypass to use the grid power supply in case of any failure or emergency hence saving you the hassle of a power outage.
1 Year Replacement Guarantee, we will replace your stabilizer free of cost in case of any problems faced with the stabilizer, you don’t have to go anywhere, the old stabilizer will be picked up from the comfort of your home and a new one will be delivered.
Buy Now: 3 KVA 2400W 90V - 300V Voltage Stabilizer for Mainline (White)– Aulten
Aulten Heavy Duty Voltage Stabilizer for Mainline with Changeover MCB/ Powers for all Home Appliances
Aulten brings to you an exclusive range of energy-efficient and automatic voltage stabilizers that are an ideal fit for all your appliances and their voltage needs.
Designed to take care of all the appliances in your home, Fans will start moving faster, lights will start glowing a little brighter, and everything else in between feels like a new energy in your home with the power you deserve. Recommended using in adversely affected areas where there are frequent drops in grid voltage and low connectivity. Aulten Mainline Stabilizer will also help your Inverter/UPS charge the batteries faster so you’re ready quicker, for any unforeseen power outages.
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With all these multi-benefits like very fewer voltage fluctuations, suitable for pumps and submersibles because it's based on an intelligent system with a digital voltmeter it helps give accurate power voltage reading. And one of the best things about Aulten stabilizers that they are easy to install.
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mainlinecopperstabilizer · 3 years ago
Best mainline copper stabilizer for Home Appliances
Do you face frequent power cuts in your locality?
One of the most common problems faced by people in their daily lives is how they get around during bad weather. Power cuts can be extremely dangerous for some electrical appliances, and there are many ways to deal with this problem. High or low voltage supplies, short circuits, or any other issues can interrupt a power source, reduce a product's lifespan, and can be the reason for a fire.
To protect against power outages, companies have made sure to add back-up generators to ensure that everything in the home remains operational. These back-up generators, however, do not always provide consistent power, and so companies have made use of mainline voltage stabilizers.
Aulten is a leading manufacturer and supplier of voltage stabilizers. Mainline voltage stabilizers are the best suitable voltage stabilizer for the home that will be connected to main power supply line. The mainline stabilizers protect all the electric appliances from over-voltage, under-voltage, short-circuit, or overload. Mainline stabilizers are the products that can be used to reduce the viscosity of oil. The two main categories are copper and non-copper.
15 KVA COPPER 12000W 130V - 300V Heavy Duty Voltage Stabilizer For Mainline
Full protection design for Over Voltage, Under Voltage, Short Circuit, and Overload to protect your equipment
Digital LCD display, continuously displays input & output voltage with LED indicators
Low & High Cut Off:- Automatically cuts the grid supply during a power surge and fluctuations
Integrated with Zero cross switching technology with High Efficient Toroidal Transformer
Complete Protection for all your appliances with inbuilt High Voltage Cut, Low Voltage Cut, Short Circuit, and Overload Protection, enhancing their performance and life cycle, automatically cuts the power supply during huge surges and fluctuations.
Multifunctional Digital Display showing Output Voltage (OP), Input Voltage (IP), High Voltage (Hi), Low Voltage (Lo), 5 Second Initial Time Delay Countdown, you can monitor the voltage performance in real-time mainline stabilizer home.
Compact Design, a high tensile metal cabinet for the long life cycle of the product, easy to install with just 5 wire connections clearly marked on the stabilizer, 2 wires for input, 2 wires for output, and 1 wire for earthing, no more complications
Integrated with Zero cross switching technology with Highly Efficient Toroidal Transformer, 2 MCB on the front, 1 for stabilizer on/off (Mains), 2nd for Changeover/Bypass to use the grid power supply in case of any failure or emergency hence saving you the hassle of a power outage
1 Year Replacement Guarantee, we will replace your stabilizer free of cost in case of any problems faced with the stabilizer, you don’t have to go anywhere, the old stabilizer will be picked up from the comfort of your home and a new one will be delivered.
BUY NOW: 15 KVA COPPER 12000W 130V - 300V Heavy Duty Voltage Stabilizer for Mainline – Aulten
Aulten Heavy Duty Voltage Stabilizer for Mainline with Changeover MCB/ Powers for all Home Appliances
Aulten brings to you an exclusive range of energy-efficient and automatic voltage stabilizers that are an ideal fit for all your appliances and their voltage needs.
This voltage stabilizer is designed to take care of all the appliances in your home. After use, you will notice that the fans will start moving faster, lights will be brighter and everything else in between will feel like a new energy in your home! This is recommended to use in adversely affected areas where there are frequent power cuts. It will also help your Inverter/UPS charge the batteries faster so you’re ready quicker, for any unforeseen power outages.
With all these multi-benefits like very fewer voltage fluctuations, suitable for pumps and submersible because it's based on an intelligent system with a digital voltmeter it helps give accurate power voltage reading. And one of the best things about Aulten stabilizers that they are easy to install.
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