#it's my questionable tl so i make the rules around here (ʘ‿ʘ)
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
LIPxLIP and the Filming of the New Year’s Special Programme: Chapter 1
the hakamas made me do it i m s o r r y
next part (chapter 2)
Aizo and Yujiro, the constantly bickering pair that made up the active idol unit known as LIPxLIP, had a relationship of friendly rivalry with each other as they worked towards a shared goal.
On a day leading up to the new year, their apprentice manager, Hiyori, called out to them with an “I have something great to tell you!”—
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Aizo: A New Year’s variety programme, you said…?
Yujiro: And it will be livestreamed…?
Hiyori: Yup! The stream will begin right after the year changes, so we don’t have much time…
Hiyori: But the director said that they absolutely had to have you guys participate in the programme, and extended an offer to you!
Hiyori: Your fellow participants will include other idols, entertainers,  and all kinds of other people who are rather popular at the moment.
Hiyori: It’ll be a solo competition, so the two of you will have to be rivals on it.
Aizo: For real?! So do I have to act like I have a score to settle with Yujiro?
Yujiro: Huh? Settle what score?
Yujiro: Though, the outcome will be obvious, even if we don’t do it.
Aizo: You’re talking about the fact that you’ll lose for sure, right?
Yujiro: More like, your loss. Give your stupidity a rest already.
Hiyori: Geez! I should be the one telling you guys to “Give it a rest”!
Hiyori: Manager Uchida told me to explain everything to you guys properly!
Hiyori: So pay close attention until I’m done!
Aizo: Yeah, yeah, I get it.
Yujiro: As you wish. Care to continue, Miss Apprentice?
Hiyori: Geez, did you really have to add that last part…?
Hiyori: …Anyway! As for what the special programme is going to be about…
Hiyori: It will be in the format of an elimination match. You will have to participate in various competitive events, and the lowest scoring participant of each event will be eliminated until there is just one remaining participant, who will be deemed the winner.
Hiyori: Said winner will receive the grand prize of some self-promotion time on the show!
Hiyori: Manager Uchida said that “We’ll be lucky regardless of which one of LIPxLIP wins, because we’ll get good publicity either way.” though…
Hiyori: There’s a chance that all kinds of people will be tuning in to the stream of the New Year’s programme, so do your best, you two!
Yujiro: …I’m obviously going to give it my all, though.
Aizo: What kinds of events will there be anyway?
Hiyori: Ah—... About that…
Hiyori: We won’t know till the programme begins.
Hiyori: It’ll be a special programme to celebrate the New Year, so the events may be related to New Year festivities, or they could even be stuff like simple sports.
Hiyori: There’s also the possibility that it could be a quiz, or maybe a card game tournament or something…
Aizo: So we won’t be able to plan for it, huh.
Yujiro: …Yeah.
Hiyori: But still! I really do think that you guys have a shot at victory!
Hiyori: Just don’t argue with each other over weird things on the stream, okay?! All you guys have to do is stay on the programme till the very end.
Hiyori: Cooperate with each other, all while appearing to be competing with each other, got it?!
Aizo: Yeah, yeaaah.
Yujiro: Understood—
Hiyori: …
Aizo: Huh? What’s with that reaction?
Hiyori: Nah… I just…
Hiyori: Have this feeling… of unease…
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Aizo: Thanks for your hard work!
Director: Yup, you did well out there! I’ll be counting on you again in the future!
Having finished their shooting for a television programme, Aizo and Yujiro walked along the path towards the dressing room, alone with each other.
Aizo: …Hey, regarding that special programme…
Yujiro: What of it?
Aizo: Despite what Suzumi said about cooperation, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna go all out to defeat you.
Yujiro: That’s my line. Don’t do anything lame like getting eliminated in the very first event, okay?
Yujiro: Wait, scratch that, just try to stay until the final round. If you even can, that is.
Yujiro: We’ll face off against each other in the final round… Where I’ll be sure to show you the sheer differences in our abilities.
Aizo: Why you…!
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