#it's mostly Rashid and Ruixiong whose parents I can't really write for
sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
What would the Seven's parents think if they found out what had become of their kids?
I'm going to answer this prompt with posthumous family (or in Ruixiong’s case, dearest friend and mentor) in general, because not everyone has parents of any note or even to speak of, but I do want to write up how their loved ones would react to seeing what the people they care about become. Also, for some of the Crew, their relationships are stronger with their siblings than they are with their parents, so I feel there is heavier emotional gravitas that is of greater note.
TL;DR: for the most part, they would be very unhappy. Even grieving, because it means they would not be reunited in the next life. Spoilered because of specific death details I otherwise was going to reveal later, but hell, I’ll do it.
Under the assumptions they are watching from Heaven/ Hell/ Purgatory/ Sheol/ what have you:
Jordi, Cristobella, and Carles Frances (Josep)
Cristobella (mother) would be crying her eyes out, perhaps blaming herself she wasn't there enough to save her second son from a fate worse than her first son. Even with all her efforts to keep him from succumbing to his Wrath, from taking him away from Barcelona to Venice, or how she was willing to play politics to keep Josep from being punished for stabbing the Castilian noble. To be there and warn him against the Devil of the Sea. 
Carles (older brother) would do the same and more, telling Josep that as much as he is disappointed in his baby brother, he understands why he chose the path of Wrath. From wherever he is, he is hoping against hope, praying against all odds, that Josep finds a way to free himself from the Master’s pact. He is grateful, however, that despite Josep’s current circumstances, he maintains his vow to always be kind.
Jordi (father) could care less. He is more than happy to see his disappointment of a son burn in Hell for eternity. Very likely he is egging Josep’s adversaries to finish the goddamn job and end him for good.
Antonio; Marianna; Gregorio and Lorenzo Vespuci (Giovanni)
Antonio (father) saw it coming. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t break his heart further. Every time Giovanni would do something immoral, he is weeping over him, over his own failure as a father. How all his work amounted to nothing for all his sons, and that even with the promise he made them make at his deathbed, it still resulted in a greater tragedy than he could predict. All he can ask for from God is to lessen Giovanni’s pain and that wherever he is going won’t cause him anymore suffering than he is already going through.
Marianna (mother) forgot she even had a third son. Eh. Good for him she guesses? OH WAIT, THAT LOUD BLOB OF FLESH. Eh. Cancer is good to be rid of, right?
Gregorio and Lorenzo (older brothers) are both in a place where Giovanni and anyone, really, with access to the Devil’s Eye can communicate. Every day they are suffering, every day they are being punished for the deeds they did to Gio in the cellar. Adding to it is watching Giovanni (and Josep) do deeds they wouldn’t have done if they chose to be better family. Like Antonio, all they can pray for is less pain. As they are stuck in the Eye, they are uncertain if Giovanni can be released at all either.
Pierre Duchamp; Gisela and Noelle Ben Ghiat Duchamp (Phoebus and Guy)
Pierre (stepfather) is out of the picture entirely, likely blotting out any memory of the Ben Ghiat family he ran out of. If confronted of Phoebus and Guy, he will deny them and pretend he doesn’t know them.
Abadian (birth father) cannot be accounted for.
Gisela (mother) would be actively crying over the Twins, with Gisela wishing she can just come back to the living and give her boys a hug. Tell Phoebus he doesn’t have to pour his soul out to anything or anyone who won’t appreciate him. Tell Guy she loves him for who he is and will love whoever he loves. They’ll even get out of France together if they could, and try to be a family with Noelle and have a happier and brighter future. Alas.
Noelle (younger sister) would be uncertain how to feel about her brothers, especially Phoebus, the brother she is less close with. With Guy, she cries over, but Phoebus? She is hoping for God for guidance. But for certain she wouldn’t want to separate the Twins more than they are already.
Zahid; Rashid’s brothers; Sukhbir Kaur and Assad al-Basir (Rashid)
Zahid (father) would not be surprised but still be deeply disappointed. He’d go with other sons and leave so they won’t have to watch Rashid rot.
Sukhbir (wife) and Assad (son) actually would be horrified to see Rashid as he has become. Not surprised either, but given they would have passed, now there is nothing they could do to convince him to back out on the pact. It was unfair, it was made out of a moment when Rashid had no sense of clarity. Sukhbir may even offer to come back if it meant he wouldn’t sell his soul, but Assad would tell his mother no. It’s Rashid’s choice. Right now, Assad would look upon his descendants (Amir and Omar in the main story) to see if they can get Rashid freed somehow so they can be a family again once Rashid’s time on Earth has come to an end.
Agyenim; Maanu and Maansa; Adjoa, Yaa, Afia, Akua, Amba, and Akosua Kofi (Abena)
Agyenim (father), Maanu (birth mother), and Maansa (second mother) were already deeply sorrowful for the fate of the sisters, but their regrets and sorrows were the greatest in Abena. They watched her start of darkness in Santo Domnigo and Tortuga and can only scream for her to stop with each step of the way, only for their cries to fall on deaf ears. Upon selling her soul to the Master, they stopped crying out for her. Their hearts became stone because any semblance of hope has been lost after it has been betrayed over and over again. They want to believe. They just don’t know if they can.
The sisters (Adjoa to Akosua), they wouldn’t be surprised for Abena selling her soul. Of the sisters, Akua and Ambia (elder half-sisters) pray that Abena’s descent into next life brings forth a greater hunger than any in the realm of the dead would suffer and that it is painful and excruciating. Only Adjoa (full older sister) has any hope and prayer that Abena seeks redemption and frees herself from the Master.
San-Gwong and Father Fu-Lam
Upon his soul ripped from his mortal coil and used to empower the Eye, San-Gwong (close friend) would be initially confused over Ruixiong but come to learn how and why he is here. For much of the story, he is mostly focused on his younger brother Sing-Lung and hoping he wouldn’t fall into the trap of Wrath or else he will be stolen too. But for Ruixiong? He is already forgiven the moment the blade was raised to end him. Even from within the Devil’s Eye, San-Gwong is urging can calling out to Ruixiong to let go of his Pride and his bondage to the Master. God will forgive. The Heavens is more than willing to let rehabilitate him. Please just let go and don’t give the Master anymore power!
Father Fu-Lam (傅臨) (mentor) is on the same boat. Fu-Lam was able to infer that Ruixiong and his Crew were demonically-empowered immortals and did what he could to get them, especially Ruixiong, to leave their pact behind. What happened to him was predicted, however, and he accepted his fate. He still stands by this hope that Rui and the others will leave the Master behind as he is in the Devil’s Eye as a soul being used against his will. He continues to pray for Ruixiong, hoping to stand against time that Rui will find redemption. He won’t give up on him like others have before him.
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