#it's more like a genetic/hereditary curse you have to decide to get rid of
maggotwithanf · 5 months
as someone raised Roman catholic who very much is fucking not any more, the idea that anyone would ever convert is fucking hog wild insane to me. sorry bruh
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yellowmagicalgirl · 4 years
8 or 13, Krexie
I decided to go with 13. This fic takes place about five and a half years after the events of Wizards; spoilers are only if you squint. Warning for descriptions of illness, and good luck to everyone taking the GRE soon.
13. “No, baby, you’re sick.”
One of the many reasons why Douxie loves Krel is that Krel knows better than to try to wake Douxie up early when he doesn’t need to wake up early. They’ve only lived together for a year and a half, and Krel had figured out not to wake up Douxie early months ago. It’s really nice, especially opposed to a certain familiar and various wizards he’s lived with, all of whom never seemed to understand that Douxie likes to be allowed to sleep in at least once a week.
This is why Douxie knows that if he’s being woken up so early on his day off, something’s wrong. Especially considering that he’s being shaken awake by a pair of hands, so it can’t be Archie. Besides, Archie is supposed to be off visiting his dad right now. There is the chance that one of the Blanks has decided to wake him up, but it seems unlikely. Whoever is disturbing Douxie’s sleep is staying quiet.
Reluctantly, Douxie peels open his eyes.
“Oh, good, finally,” Krel says. His voice sounds off. His nose is a little more cyan than it normally is in his human form. “Something’s wrong with me. I think I’m cursed. We did face off against that wizard who kept throwing potions a week ago, maybe that’s finally taking effect?”
“What makes you say that?” Douxie asks, pushing himself into a sitting position.
Krel sniffles loudly. “I’m leaking some strange fluid from my nose, and my throat hurts, and my head feels stuffed, and -”
Douxie is able to set up a shield quickly enough to keep his boyfriend from coughing and sneezing all over him.
“And that,” Krel says, wiping his nose with his wrist. “Obviously, I’m cursed.”
“No, baby, you’re sick,” Douxie says in as comforting a voice he can manage. Krel raises an eyebrow. “Okay, won’t use that pet name again. But seriously, we all got checked out, and those potions couldn’t have caused disease. If they had, the symptoms would’ve started earlier. So, no, it’s just an infection. Probably the common cold.”
“But, I can’t get sick. No Akiridion has gotten an infection in hundreds of keltons, at least, not that I know of. All diseases are, well, they’d be called genetic here on Earth, both hereditary and just birth defects.”
“No Akiridion has spent as much time as you have in human form, either.” Douxie cups Krel’s cheek, and with his other hand he brushes his fingers against his own cheek. Krel leans into Douxie’s touch. Krel seems like a normal temperature for a human, but it’s not like either of them have a normal human baseline. Still, Douxie is pretty sure that Krel isn’t that bad, but rather just extremely miserable because he hasn’t been sick before.
“Maybe if I change forms this will go away.”
“Remember what happened last time you got really hurt in your human form and tried to speed up the healing process by using your transduction?”
Krel groans. “How do I get rid of this... ‘common cold?’”
“Fluids, temperature, rest. I can double check with Jim’s mom and the computers to make sure common over the counter meds won’t mess you up.”
"Ugh, I hope I can get rid of this soon. I’m supposed to meet up with Seamus and Eli to study for the GRE this afternoon.”
“Generally it takes longer than that to get better. But hey, I’m sure you’ll do fine on the GRE. You’re a genius, especially when it comes to physics.” Really, grad school is more of a formality than anything else for Krel, but Douxie understands how important it is to be acknowledged as accomplished as a master.
Krel's nose twitches like he’s about to sneeze. “It’s not the physics GRE I’m worried about, and that’s not the one we’re doing together. Eli’s an engineering major, and Seamus is a math major. They wouldn’t take the physics GRE anyways. We’re studying for the general one.”
“Ah. Can you study via video call or something?”
“I guess. This is kleb-tastic.”
“You want me to find practice questions online and quiz you?”
“No, you can go back to sleep.” Krel sneezes again.
“I’m too awake. Also, try to sneeze away from me next time.”
♡Romance/Comfort Prompts♡
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