#it's making me nervous that he said he's willing to do whatever to be powerful so he can protect her
zishuge · 8 months
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i just started lost you forever and heyyy this smol child looks familiar... is this baby wen kexing?!??
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choerypetal · 4 months
Hide and Seek / Homelander
(pt 2. of Meet and Greet)
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summary ; In part two of the meet and greet, Homelander's obsession reaches new heights, leaving him unsatisfied at his core and willing to do anything to make you his.
!! read part one first! ; !!
ps; english isn't my first language so i apologize for any grammar mistakes, xo' (as it will be eventually corrected if needed)
tag list; @private-eye-on-you ; @lins-shenanigans ; @horrorxgorewhore @siredtom ; @certain-tragedies ; @hotchners-wifey ; @naelis-open-sea
enjoy xo'
Homelander's comment, 'You look lovely in the costume,' lingered in your mind for a week. You couldn't escape his presence. His silhouette, his maddeningly perfect face seemed to follow you everywhere—from your usual coffee shop to the special limited editions of The Vought, and even as you continued watching the show for longer periods of time. From Deep's special cupcakes to the coffee most loved by Homelander, his influence was everywhere, not just keeping the city alive but himself as well.
Although you didn't realize it, Homelander had become just as obsessed with you as he was with seeing his own face on the cup you were holding. From a distance, he watched your every move—the way your plump lips touched the cup, how you drank your coffee, and even how you covered his image with your hand. Despite finding your behavior an offense, he knew he’d eventually have to tease about it. The sadistic man that he was, wasn’t afraid to even acknowledge it. Especially during their weekly Seven meetings. 
"So, I suggest we review some new recruits," Ashley said, her nervousness palpable. She wanted to please not only the public but, most importantly, Homelander. This was no easy task given recent events and the current situation. Homelander's obvious boredom showed his lack of interest, and Deep, poor thing, was just as disinterested, staring blankly at the screen and agreeing with whatever Homelander mumbled. However, Deep was secretly relieved not to have any of John’s powers. Especially right now. Because, at that exact moment, it was your face, and your face alone, that occupied his thoughts. Murmuring your name under his breath, he was fortunate not to get caught up in the moment. That of course, when a single cough from Ashley’s mouth was enough to slip his mind elsewhere. 
"You know, Ashley, just pick whoever you think will fit for now. Sign their papers. My brain is going to fucking explode from this hell hole," he said, standing up without even glancing at her. Not even Ashley's whiny complaints about the complications it might cause could stop him. He paused, considering for a moment that she might convince him. "Don't come to me for the next 24 hours," he snapped, his piercing blue eyes conveying a clear threat. When wasn't he a threat, anyway? "Or I'll personally fuck up every single one of you." That was enough to make her quickly nod in response. Poor thing, she only wanted to make him proud. A satisfied grin played on his lips, mirrored by Ashley's, though hers was a little more nervous. His, however, was genuine. 
You, on the other hand, had been fortunate enough not to see Homelander's face for a while. From the bookstore you frequented to the coffee shop, his presence seemed to pervade your life. Your mother didn’t help either, as she insisted on framing a picture of you with him in the living room—a gesture Homelander found endearing. On some nights, he would see you through the window, dressed in your pajamas, reading whatever caught your interest, with that picture always in the background. Unlike Homelander, it haunted your dreams.  
Deep down, Homelander struggled to resist the urge to invade your personal space, not wanting to frighten you. However, when he saw your forced smile at the meet and greet, he was reminded that a smile meant nothing to him. To him and you alone. It was your scent that drove him wild. At first, he considered going undercover, posing as one of your father’s coworkers, but he realized it would be futile. Why cover his own shame, when he could let his ego take it over?
So, he waited until sunrise. When he could finally entered your room, imagining you in your shortest pajamas, which hugged your curves so perfectly, he had to bite his bottom lip to control himself. Just by the thought of his fingers sinking into your flesh as you leaned toward him for more...
"Goodbye, Mom!" Your voice echoed in Homelander's mind as he realized he'd been lurking around your house since last night. He had been trying to dismiss, the missed call records provided by Ashley, however, unable to ignore them. Fortunately, he was hidden well enough that you didn’t notice him as you exited the house.
Your hair meticulously washed, your skin fresh with makeup, and that dress. Never in a thousand years, aside from his own enemies, did Homelander think he would become so obsessed with someone. He wanted to chuckle to himself at the irony, knowing he wasn’t being the most subtle superhero. When your gaze shifted toward his hiding spot, he quickly concealed himself behind a tree, exhaling in relief when you shrugged off the feeling of being watched. You then left for work, something Homelander knew all too well. This also meant he could meet your mother, who, after all, was his biggest fan. 
Fortunately, you managed to get through the day without a single client yelling at you. However, what you didn’t expect was an unexpected visit from the man himself. As you approached the door, you overheard some mumbling. Did your mother have a visitor today? 
And then it hit you.
Hearing the all-too-familiar voice say, "Oh, these look lovely," with a genuine smile, you froze in your tracks. Seeing your mother so happy, even more thrilled than a fangirl, like she’d seen god himself. She noticed you immediately. "My dear! Look who came to visit," she exclaimed, taking you into her arms for a hug. Before you could greet the guest, your eyes met his—Homelander, in your own home. 
"No need for theatrics, ma’am," he said with a casual chuckle, hushed by his own hand as he munched on the cookies your mother had made, casually wiping a droplet of milk with his thumb. Your mother giggled and said, "Mother is the name. We don’t have to get formal, right darling?" You blinked twice, hardly believing what you were hearing. Your mother was genuinely making Homelander feel comfortable, right inside your home. Given what you knew from your coworkers and the constant rumors, it was hard not to be creeped out by the thought that he might have done more than just a knock on the door that evening. Yet, you shrugged it off, thinking that perhaps playing the same game he did might be what he wanted after all. Like a cat and a mouse. 
There was a brief pause, then an idea sparked in your mother’s eyes as she looked at John one last time. "Why don’t you stay for dinner? Tonight is roasted chicken and mashed potatoes." How could he refuse? Spending more time with you was just the beginning of his obsession with protecting you and never letting you out of his sight. He smiled, his grin seemingly bigger than before, and nodded. "If Y/N doesn’t mind?" he said, his gaze shifting to you with a more serious expression. You gulped nervously, knowing you couldn’t just say no. "Yes—yes, of course," you stuttered. Oh, how adorable you looked.
“Then, make yourself at home dear.” 
Dinner was only just a few hours from now, with your father now back from work had asked for a personal photo with the Homelander, and a talk John appreciated more. Considering his own father exiling him completely, it was a breath of fresh air for him, especially when he’d be glancing a few times at you, doing whatever you had in mind before the dinner. “My daughter is going to be working for us,” your father would be saying proudly, Homelander could only nod listening actively. “She’d do a great addition I am certain.” his gaze now meeting yours immediately, when you gaze up from your book, he could notice a light shade of pink coming your cheeks. Cherishing it a little too much when your father’s voice then abrupt his mind, “She’s beautiful isn’t she?” he’d said a little too proud. 
She is indeed… Homelander thought to himself that same night. Just by how attentive he was with you. Even if it wasn’t  much of a conversation shared, the glances were enough to please him alone. Which during the dinner, he was not afraid to show. 
Dinner had passed rather quickly, you were glad it did. Considering you listening to whatever nonsense Homelander had to offer to keep your mother so relonctent toward him. Let alone, praise him as a her own god. Boosting an ego, to whom you couldn’t comprehend yourself, and that Homelander was sure to make it seem tonight. 
"Thank you so much for dinner, truly," Homelander said, wiping the corners of his mouth, his eyes never leaving you. Your mother’s gasp was enough to momentarily distract him, and he asked if everything was alright. She quickly assured him it was and invited him to stay until her cake was done baking. Naturally, John didn't decline the offer. "Y/N," your mother called your attention just as you were about to excuse yourself, "how about you give a little tour of the house? I'm sure Homelander would appreciate it." The formality of his name seemed daunting, but John quickly corrected her. "John it is. No need to be formal, now, do we?" A shiver crawled down your spine as your mother’s eyes gleamed with hope, her slender fingers clapping together. "Oh, well, of course! Now, Y/N, make yourself useful and make John feel at home." 
A sigh escaped your lips; there was no way to avoid this, was there? "Yes, of course. Where do you want to start?" Your eyes never left his, feeling yourself getting lost in them, becoming his little mouse to play with. "How about..." he began, his eyes wandering as if he couldn’t be bothered to think. "The bedroom," he finally said. You blinked twice, a third time to fully process his words. "What?" you replied, incredulous. He chuckled, amused by your reaction, and shrugged off the question as if he hadn’t meant it seriously. "Nah, kidding. Lead the way," he said. 
So you did. You felt his shadow hovering over you as you both walked through the house for a little tour. John was no longer hiding his presence, leaning in closer to you. You could feel his breath. By the time you reached your bedroom, the tour was complete, and your mother’s cake would be ready. However, John had something else in mind, and he wasn’t shy about showing it. “And this is the bedroom,” you said nonchalantly, hearing an obvious scoff from him. 
"Funny, isn’t it?" he said, this time his tone serious enough to make your muscles tense. His back was to you as his fingers touched the doorknob, ready to close the door. And he did, pausing momentarily. "Finally, we meet again." His remark made you tilt your head. Meet again? As far as you knew, he had been stalking you all along. But knowing who he was—Homelander, with his omniscience and twisted games—you had no say in the matter. Neither did you, especially after hearing his chuckle. 
“Now why so quiet?” the question was enough to make you unsease. You wanted to tell him, to oppose to him. But you couldn’t he was now yours to torment completely. When he leaned further, scoffing once more by your vulnerability. In that precise moment, Homelander knew he won. 
“Heard you were a good, fuck.” his voice so nonchanltly, a gasp leaving from your mouth as you were unable to speak more than standing right in front of him. How his eyes would wondered around your figure, approaching near to you, his fingers now leaning toward your waist. Gripping by its touch, hungry to fuck you there, in the bed. Raw. 
"Thank you?" you stammered, eager to please him. His grin broadened, fighting not to turn into a frown at your response. He was so satisfied that he gently caressed your cheek with his other finger. "You need me, not just to save you, but to satisfy you." Though your heart was broken, you were a toy Homelander cherished without fear. You were his perfect little toy, as he began to lick his bottom lip, his breath drawing closer, closing the gap between you. "Mine," he growled, his voice hoarse, undeniably hinting at his intentions. He was Homelander, able to do whatever he wanted. And that included you being his. "Got it, little mouse?"
Oh, how he longed to watch you squirm between his legs, begging for more, moaning his name. His persistence knew no bounds; he would do anything—from leaving bite marks to scratches, and even hickeys if necessary. But he couldn't just stand there without having a little fun, right?
"You see," he said, his voice dripping with teasing malice. Disgust welled up in your mouth, but you fought the urge to look away. He loved watching you squirm, the fear in your eyes fueling his twisted envy of every inch of you. "How about we play a little game tonight, hmm?" His thumb brushed gently over your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his.
"W-what game?" you managed to say, breaking your long silence. Even he was momentarily surprised, but your stutter made it worth it. "Hide and seek," he said, pausing for effect. "You hide, and I seek. If I find you, you're mine. Got that?"
You gave a quick nod, followed by a satisfied smile from him. "Good then, I'll start counting. One, two..." You hesitated for a moment, just as his grip shifted from your waist to your arm, preventing you from fleeing your own home. When your eyes met his, they were dark with passion, lust, and a desire to capture his little mouse until its very last breath. "Run..."
Little mouse.”
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writeriguess · 1 month
Five Hargreeves x female reader fic where he has a crush on her and tries to win her over.
Five Hargreeves was a genius, a time traveler, and a survivor of the apocalypse. He was also, despite his best efforts to ignore it, hopelessly infatuated with you.
You were a part of the Umbrella Academy, brought in by their eccentric father to fill in the gaps. With your sharp mind and ability to manipulate probability, you were a force to be reckoned with. But it wasn’t just your powers that caught Five’s attention; it was your wit, your laugh, the way you never backed down from a challenge—even from him.
At first, Five tried to brush it off as a fleeting attraction, something trivial in the grand scheme of things. He had more important matters to focus on: saving the world, for instance. But the more time he spent around you, the harder it became to deny his feelings. The way your eyes sparkled when you talked about something you were passionate about, the way you handled every situation with a calmness that contrasted with his intensity—it was all too much for him to ignore.
But Five was nothing if not stubborn. He wasn’t going to sit around and pine like some lovesick teenager. No, if he wanted something, he was going to get it. And right now, he wanted you.
The first step was figuring out how to approach you. Five wasn’t exactly known for his charm; he was more likely to correct someone’s grammar than to flirt. But for you, he was willing to try.
He started small. Offering to help you with missions, even if he didn’t need to be there. Bringing you coffee in the mornings, just the way you liked it. You’d raise an eyebrow at him, suspicious but amused, and he’d shrug it off with a nonchalant comment.
“Just thought you could use it,” he’d say, trying to hide the nervous edge in his voice.
You’d smile, thank him, and go back to whatever you were doing. But Five noticed the way your gaze lingered on him a little longer, the way your expression softened ever so slightly. It was enough to make him think that maybe, just maybe, you were starting to notice him too.
The next phase of his plan involved more direct efforts. He asked you to join him for lunch, claiming that he needed to discuss strategy for the next mission. You agreed, not thinking much of it—after all, it wasn’t unusual for Five to want to go over the details again.
But lunch turned into a daily ritual, one that Five looked forward to more than he cared to admit. He loved the way you bantered with him, matching his wit effortlessly. He found himself laughing more than he had in years, and the sound of your laughter was something he wanted to hear every day.
One afternoon, while the two of you were sitting in your usual spot, you gave him a curious look.
“You know, for someone who’s always so busy saving the world, you seem to have a lot of time to spend with me,” you teased.
Five smirked, though he felt a pang of nervousness. “Maybe I just find your company tolerable.”
“Just tolerable?” you echoed, raising an eyebrow.
He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. “Maybe a little more than that.”
Your smile widened, and for a moment, Five felt like he could breathe a little easier. But then you said something that made his heart skip a beat.
“Good. Because I like spending time with you too.”
Encouraged by your words, Five decided it was time to up his game. He started going out of his way to impress you—whether it was by taking down enemies with effortless precision during missions or by showing off his extensive knowledge of the universe’s mysteries.
He even took a rare evening off, dressing up and inviting you to dinner at a fancy restaurant. You looked stunning, and for a moment, Five was at a loss for words. He wasn’t used to feeling this way, so unsure of himself. But when you smiled at him, all the anxiety melted away.
Dinner was perfect. The food was delicious, the conversation flowed naturally, and Five couldn’t remember the last time he felt so at ease. You shared stories, laughed over inside jokes, and for the first time in a long while, Five allowed himself to just be.
As the evening came to an end, Five walked you back to the Academy. The two of you stopped at your door, the air between you charged with a tension that neither of you wanted to break.
“Five,” you began, your voice soft, “I’ve really enjoyed tonight. I… I like this side of you.”
He took a deep breath, knowing that this was his chance. “I’ve been trying to show you that for a while now,” he admitted, his voice uncharacteristically vulnerable. “Because… well, I like you. More than I should.”
You looked up at him, your expression tender. “I know. I like you too.”
Five blinked, caught off guard by your straightforwardness. “You do?”
You chuckled, stepping closer to him. “Yeah. I was wondering how long it would take for you to say something.”
He huffed, a smile tugging at his lips. “I guess I’m a little out of practice.”
“Well, you’re doing just fine,” you assured him.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. Then, acting on impulse, Five closed the distance between you, cupping your face in his hands and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was soft, tentative, but full of emotion. When you kissed him back, it was like a wave of relief washing over him.
When you finally pulled away, Five rested his forehead against yours, his heart pounding in his chest. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he murmured.
You smiled, brushing a thumb across his cheek. “I think I have some idea.”
Five grinned, a real, genuine smile. For once, he wasn’t thinking about the future or the past—he was just here, in this moment, with you. And for now, that was enough.
From that day forward, things changed between the two of you. There was no more tiptoeing around your feelings, no more second-guessing. Five was yours, and you were his. It was a new kind of partnership, one built on trust, respect, and a deep, undeniable connection.
And as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Five found himself looking forward to the future for the first time in a long while—because he knew that no matter what came next, he’d have you by his side.
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impishjesters · 1 year
I’m devouring the nonsexual intimacy with Jax dawg- oml we eatin good
How would Jax be with an s/o who enjoys leaning on him? I adore physical touch but sometimes if I can’t use my arms it feels like I’m trapped, so it’s nice to just glomp people lmao (s/o is ticklish too- Jax would have a field day with that one)
If you need a little more substance, maybe s/o like randomly serenading Jax in private! Like those old 80s jazz love songs (complete with slow dancing)
Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
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Leaning on one another
warning(s): none unless you count jazz note(s): I joke about it but I actually quite like jazz, maybe not all jazz but it's definitely not the worst type of music. I'm looking at you country music.... A/N: I included a bonus because I thought the idea of cornering this man in his room with jazz music was absolutely hilarious lol
Jax doesn’t have a physical battery per say, but there is definitely a limit to how much he can tolerate at a given time—whether it’s in public or private.
He doesn’t like sitting still for long periods of time and there’s a limit to how vulnerable he’s willing to be at any given time if at all.
So having a s/o that understands this and goes for physical touch like leaning on him or something that’s not inherently seen as romantic and mushy is a win in his book.
Don’t get me wrong, he loves you but it’s a lot and he’s not really used to it. He’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact you two are dating, that you like him.
He’s all for being leaned on or having you loosely hang off him in public, sometimes regardless of what side of him you’re leaning on, he might lean back.
Little shit might only catch himself though if you can’t hold him/he catches you off guard and/or lose your footing, he’ll make the attempt to stick an arm out and catch you—but whether you crash or not depends on your own reflexes. (he doesn’t make the rules, sorry babe)
If you wanna be held but not feel restricted, as long as he’s not doing anything he’ll let you stand in front of him, lean back, and drape his arms over you—totally not to just lean on you and be an absolute menace.
In fact, that’s probably how he found out you were ticklish—and that knowledge is far too much power in his hands.
Sure he can do it whenever he wants, but he tends to save it for other unsuspecting situations—like if the two of you get into a little spat and you’re not speaking to him—two can play that game.
He won’t completely restrict your arms but he’ll throw his arms around you and tickle you, it doesn’t always work to ease whatever the spat was about.
That said Jax doesn’t do it when the situation is serious and calls for an actual discussion, he knows at least that much when it comes to reading the room. (That and you’ve probably gotten onto him about it at least once before…)
He also may or may not have tickled you to get you up, you don’t need to sleep but you can still lie down and whatnot. And if you aren’t budging? Tickle time baby.
Jax isn’t a dancer by any means, so when he opens the door to his room to find you standing there with music that’s—very much not the repetitive cartoony music that usually plays in this hellscape—he’s a little surprised.
The first question out of his mouth is:
“Is that fucking jazz?”
“No, just normal jazz.”
That response gets a good hearty chuckle out of him.
When you try pulling him in for a dance he’s a little nervous though it comes off as looking irritated, he’s uh, never danced to jazz of all things let alone with someone else.
You’re gonna have to take the reigns on this one, regardless of whether you can dance or not, you started this.
Despite the fact it is jazz playing, he enjoys the situation as a whole, your weight leaning on him the subtle holding one another. And the fact it’s in private? He can comfortably(ish) let himself feel a little vulnerable around you with no risk of having an audience.
Regardless of the fact it’s jazz, if you happen to sing along he considers himself impressed and will jokingly (read: obnoxiously) comment how he feels utterly serenaded, completely wooed, absolutely swooning—it goes on until you stop him, please stop him he’ll just keep going.
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dirtyvulture · 8 months
Dear Diary
*Set in the Darkest Knight AU*
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Mutant!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Word count: 4459
Summary: Natasha embraces her new life as an X-Men.
AN: I'm back with a little one shot. :) Enjoy!
December 6, 2023
Dear Diary,
Is that an appropriate way to start one of these? I’ve never kept a diary or a journal before. But Marie gave me this cute little notebook and said writing stuff down helps clear her mind, so I don’t think there’s any harm in giving it a shot. They would never let us have something like this in the Red Room. Too much evidence lying around for someone to stumble upon. Should I put a lock on this? Y/N wouldn’t snoop around to read this, would she? Well, I guess if she is–leave my diary alone, you big dummy!
The professor said the Red Room soldiers and Widows are coming tomorrow. This is all my fault. I’ve put these good people and innocent children in danger. Earlier, we went to help the kids pack their bags and board the buses. I’m not sure if Y/N has any kids of her own (or ever did at all), but I can tell she really cares about them. Although she was not happy with some of the excessive luggage some of them were bringing. No one would tell me where they’re sending the kids, but I overheard Ororo mention something about a private resort they had to buy out.
I still don’t quite understand why these people are willing to sacrifice so much for me. I’m basically a stranger to them. I have nothing to give them in return if they ask. Maybe they’ll finally throw me out when they realize how worthless I am. That’s what I really deserve. Not these warm clothes, the home-cooked meals, and this roof over my head. And I definitely don’t deserve the kindness and care Y/N has shown me. I really like her, but I’m afraid she’ll leave me when she realizes how boring and inexperienced I am. 
Oh, I think she’s coming out of the shower now. I’ll continue this later.
December 15, 2023
Dear Diary,
It’s weird how life goes back to normal so fast here. The Red Room soldiers and Widows were here not even a week ago, tearing down doors and blasting out windows, and everything is already repaired and the students are back at it like nothing happened.
A lot of them are excited to go back to their homes and families for the holiday. But a lot of them will also be staying at the mansion, because their families won’t accept them or they just don’t have any home to go back to. The professor asked Y/N to help plan some holiday games so the kids staying don’t get too bored or lonely. She’s acting like it’s the dumbest assignment he’s ever given her, but I’ve seen her spending all her free time ordering presents and decorations (with the professor’s credit card, of course), so I know she takes it very seriously and the kids are going to love whatever she comes up with.
I’m really glad I get to spend Christmas here. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually been able to celebrate it with people I love. I feel so welcomed here and no one looks at me like I’m any different, when I come from a past where there’s red all over my ledger. Sometimes I’m surprised anyone even lets me be around these kids alone, but some of them have powers that even make Y/N nervous, and I think they know they can trust me.
It’ll take some more time before I can be fully comfortable here, but it’s really starting to grow on me and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
December 25, 2023
Natasha wakes up alone. She looks around the bedroom, in case you might be on the floor doing push-ups or in the bathroom showering, but the room is completely empty. Her heartbeat picks up as she jumps out of bed, afraid that you’ve left her, when she notices a note on the desk.
Downstairs making breakfast. Come join when you’re up - Y/N
She relaxes immediately, touched how you made sure to let her know in advance where you would be. She quickly washes up and puts on a robe, then hurries downstairs to a chaotic mess of torn gift wrapping, screaming children, and flashing new toys. She steps into the kitchen, where you are wearing a flowered apron and are threatening Marie with a spatula.
“Stop, those aren’t ready–Marie!” You swat at her hands as she swipes for a pancake.
“Merry Christmas, Miss Nat!” Marie says, moving your attention away from her as your girlfriend appears.
“Merry Christmas, Marie.” Natasha gives the girl a hug, not missing the folded pancake in her hand. 
“Merry Christmas, darling,” you say next, waiting for her to come over. “I made a special plate for you. It’s over here so the kids don’t get into it.” You point to a foil-covered plate off to the side of the stove. Natasha goes to investigate, peeling back the foil to find the plate fully-loaded with two different types of pancakes, one next to a little container of jam and honey, and the other still steaming and garnished with flecks of green onion. There’s even a bowl of grainy buckwheat porridge. Her heart soars at the sight of her favorite native breakfast. With a delighted squeal, she throws herself into your arms.
“Thankyou thankyou thankyou,” she choruses, squeezing you tightly as you rub her back.
“You’re welcome, darling.” 
At this point, you shoo everyone out of the kitchen to finish the preparations. Natasha joins Marie in the dining hall, helping set up the plates and silverware. She watches with great curiosity as Kitty tries getting Peter to step under the mistletoe she hung above the doorway, and then is distracted when Jean and Scott come down for breakfast.
“Y/N cooks Christmas breakfast for us every year,” Jean explains to Natasha. “The kids always look forward to it.”
“Hey, Y/N!” Scott yells into the kitchen. “Keep the walnuts away from my food, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Natasha hears you dismissively respond.
“Scott’s allergic,” Jean whispers to her. “Now there’s no proof how, but he ended up with a plateful of them last year and I almost had to take him to the hospital. Needless to say, it was an eventful Christmas.”
Natasha giggles to herself, already having a feeling she knows exactly how those walnuts got on Scott’s plate.
Everyone finds a seat at the table, the empty one next to Natasha reserved for you. You finally emerge from the kitchen, no longer in the flowered apron but one of your classic checkerboard flannels. You’re carrying an impressive tower of pancakes in one hand and a pan filled half and half with bacon and sausage in the other. The students break out in appreciation and applause as Bobby scoots aside some dishes to make room for the last trays.
“Don’t take more than you can finish,” you remind the kids, going around the table to sit next to Natasha and presenting her with her special plate. “And uh, Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all that other stuff.” You raise your apple cider in a toast and everyone follows your lead.
“Thanks for breakfast, Y/N,” Ororo says, clinking her glass to yours. The students erupt with more thanks before they start reaching for the food, passing around the mountainous plate of pancakes, scooping whole fried eggs onto each other’s plates.
“Thanks again, babe,” Natasha says, putting her hand on your thigh as she leans over to kiss you on the cheek.
“You should try it first before thanking me,” you tease, still not used to all the praise. You were just trying to be a good partner, and it was somewhat of a Christmas tradition for you to cook breakfast for all the students who stayed at the mansion over break. You didn’t mind it at all, in fact you really did enjoy spending time in the kitchen and it made you feel good to take care of others.
Natasha leaves her hand on your knee as she eats, and eventually you put your hand on top of hers comfortingly. Neither of you engage much in conversation as you eat and listen, happy with the company. Once all of the food has been finished, Ororo rounds up the students to help clean everything before they can continue opening presents. 
Kitty gets you a Johnny Cash vinyl record. Marie and Bobby got you a variety pack of exotic flavors of jerky, including alligator, ostrich, and buffalo. Storm gives you and Natasha tickets to a weekend getaway at a Canadian resort. Jean and Scott also throw in a joint gift of a new set of winter bedsheets. You are very thankful for the presents and pile them neatly by your feet, when Natasha pulls out a box and puts it on your lap. Inside is a familiar-looking flannel shirt.
“It’s a brand new one,” Natasha says. “To replace all the ones I steal from your closet,” Natasha says.
“Thanks,” you say, putting your arm around her to pull her closer so you can kiss her cheek. “This one is from me.” You hand her a very small box.
Natasha opens it delicately and gasps when she sees what you’ve given her. It’s a wooden ring, carved a little roughly around the edges  with little turquoise-colored gems pressed into the outside.
“Did you make this?” Natasha asks, running her finger over the gems.
“Uh, yeah.” You’re suddenly nervous that she doesn’t like it. Woodworking was not your finest hobby, despite your decades to fine-tune the skill, but you preferred to build vast structures and furniture. Tiny little pieces of jewelry were extremely difficult to handle, but hopefully it was worth the numerous cuts and splinters you gave yourself. 
Natasha slips it on her right ring finger–a perfect fit. Maybe you needed to give yourself more credit for your handiwork.
“It’s beautiful,” she says, holding her hand up to admire the ring. “I love it. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” 
Natasha snuggles closer to you and rests her head on your shoulder while you sit back and watch everyone else finish opening their gifts.
The rest of the day is busy but productive. Natasha has never felt happier watching the students competitively decorate gingerbread houses, then go outside and play in the snow. You don’t join in anymore, preferring to watch from the side. You’re already wearing the flannel Natasha got for you and Natasha gazes at you adoringly from afar. Despite the differences the two of you had from time to time, she hasn’t loved another person the way she loves you. But sometimes she worries that you don’t feel the same way. 
You still don’t talk very much, hardly opening up about your past the way Natasha has spilled about hers. Although you seem mostly content at the mansion, Natasha can tell you’re still adjusting to being around so many people. The life of solitude in the cabin in the woods had clearly been more your style, and she feels guilty for dragging you away from that. But as much as she would love to spend all day with you cozied up in a cabin you built with your own hands, it wasn’t a realistic option. Not with all the threats and dangers that could come her way.
Which is why it was so important to Natasha that the Red Room be dealt with, as soon as possible.
She didn’t like how dismissive you got every time she brought it up, but she understood why. You had found your domestic bliss and didn’t want to let it go anytime soon. She wasn’t going to blame you. But she wished you would actually listen to her instead of shutting her down all the time. She would figure out how to broach the topic with you eventually, but today was not that day.
After a quiet dinner, which is basically just warmed up leftovers from breakfast, Natasha finds you sitting by yourself on the couch in front of a dying fire. Most of the students had retired to their rooms, exhausted by the day’s festivities. Natasha sits next to you, leaning her shoulder against yours.
“Hey,” she whispers.
“Hi.” You offer her your hand and she clasps onto it, threading her fingers with yours. You smile when you see the wooden ring on her finger. It looks perfect on her. “Did you have fun today?” you ask. 
“It was the best Christmas I ever had,” she replies. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“Of course.”
Natasha is tired, but there’s still one more thing she wants to do with you. She rests her hand on your thigh, subtly at first, then she slowly starts to stroke your leg, her fingers barely perceptible through your jeans. You ignore her and her movements become bolder, creeping towards the inside of your thigh now and squeezing it lightly.
“Can I help you with something?” you finally ask. Natasha has always been a little more shy when it comes to asking for intimacy with you. But you were patient with her and never pressured her, and that encouraged her to have the confidence to ask if you were in the mood–even if she didn’t always do it with words. 
“Do you want to go upstairs?” she says, leaning forward until her lips almost touch yours. “I still have one more present to give you.”
“Oh, do you now?” you ask, trying to kiss her but she pulls away.
“You have to come upstairs,” she repeats, offering you her hand as she stands up.
“All right, all right.” Your knees creak as you push off the couch, taking Natasha’s hand and following her upstairs. You can hear her heartbeat pounding with excitement or maybe that’s…yours? You hope everyone else has gone to sleep by now, otherwise they wouldn’t be falling asleep anytime soon.
Back in the privacy of the bedroom, you let Natasha lead you to the bed and you sit down on the edge with her climbing onto your lap. 
“Is this okay?” she asks, her hands locking around the back of your neck.
“Of course,” you whisper, leaning in until your foreheads touch. Your arms circle her waist to hold her securely in place. Her breath fans over your face and her heartbeat pumps at an almost alarmingly quick rate. 
“I want you,” she says, rocking her hips against your thighs. “I want you to take me.”
“How do you want me?” you ask, before she presses her lips roughly to yours, her fingers digging into your neck. Her arousal spikes and so does yours. You open your mouth when she licks your lips to deepen the kiss. She tastes like vanilla and cookies and you instinctively pull her closer to you, wanting to devour her until the morning.
Natasha grabs the collar of your flannel, pulling apart the top buttons and running her hands down your chest and abs. Your skin burns where she touches you and you nip lightly on her bottom lip when she rests her hands on the buckle of your belt.
“I want to taste you,” you pant, hoping your request doesn’t come across as too greedy. Natasha has to fight down her thrill of excitement at your suggestion, wondering how you knew exactly what she wanted. She doesn’t even take the time to agree with you, instead hurriedly stripping off her clothes to show you how eager she is. You take off the flannel, setting it aside with reverence, then removing your undershirt and jeans. Natasha tackles you back on the bed, your thigh fitting between her legs and you feel the heat from her center rubbing against you.
“You’re so wet for me,” you say, holding her hips again and guiding her up until she’s hovering over your chest. “My good girl.”
“Your good girl,” Natasha reiterates, grabbing onto the headboard for support before she positions herself over your face. The scent of her arousal is almost overwhelming to you, and you waste no time bringing your arms over her thighs to pull her down. Natasha whines when your mouth makes contact with her slick center, your tongue slipping into her and coating with her juices. 
Natasha moans, grinding down so you can enter her deeper. Your arms tighten to prevent her from moving too much; you want to do things at your own pace. Her taste is so intoxicating and addictive, you could lie here forever eating her out. Natasha grips the headboard tighter, struggling to rock against your face for more friction, but you won’t let her. She whines in desperation, the noises music to your ears. Your tongue dips into her again before tracing up to her clit, flicking against it and Natasha grinds down harder on your chin, gasping and moaning. 
“Y/N,” she begs. “Y/N, please.”
You stop, pulling away from her far enough to say, “What do you want, baby?”
“I want you,” she repeats, her voice breaking. “I need you.”
“I know, baby. I got you.” As much as you love teasing her, this is not the time. You knew Natasha could sometimes be insecure about your relationship with her. But you had no regrets in choosing to be with her and loved her so much. You would never miss an opportunity to show her, either.
You loosen your arms around her so she has some freedom to move and Natasha quickly adjusts herself until she’s comfortable. When she settles back down on your face again, you find her clit and wrap your lips around it, rewarded with a long, drawn-out moan. Natasha rolls her hips to help you find a good rhythm. You feel her thighs tremble and more of her slick spills onto your tongue. 
“Oh, god. Oh fuck, Y/N,” she whimpers, the headboard flexing dangerously from how hard she’s holding onto it. 
Your stomach practically burns from how aroused you are with Natasha riding your face, and you’re hoping she’ll help you relieve some of the tension once you make her finish. You’ve held out as long as you could, and you can tell Natasha is ready to fall over the edge. Your tongue rests on her clit again, swiping upwards in a straight line, then dragging down at a diagonal angle, then going back up.
Your tongue moves in an inverted V next, drawing an imaginary bar between them.
You lick down her clit once more, then swipe perpendicular.
Natasha is panting and shaking, completely unaware that you’re trying to spell her name on her with your tongue. One of her hands has left the headboard and is holding tightly onto your hair in an attempt to guide you, but your own plan is already in action.
She doesn’t make it the next A, her back arching and thighs clamping around your head as she finally cums. You don’t let a drop of it go to waste, lapping at her sensitive folds until she’s whimpering and trying to pull your head away. Natasha lifts herself off your face with a contented sigh, turning herself away from the headboard now, but you’re not quite done with her yet.
You pull her back down on your face and she falls forward with her hands on your chest. 
“Did I say you could go anywhere?” you grumble playfully. 
“Y/N,” Natasha giggles. 
“Can I have one more, darling?” you ask, and she responds by sitting back on your face. But now Natasha is the one with other ideas, as she eyes the veins on your flexing abdomen that disappear behind the band of your underwear. You feel her hands run across your stomach and your breath hitches when she tugs down your underwear.
“Nat, what are you–oh, shit.” Now it’s your turn to gasp and moan when Natasha leans over and places her mouth on your dripping center. You completely lose focus of what you were doing, instinctively spreading your legs open further to give her better access. “Fuck baby, oh fuck,” you whine, your head dropping back on the pillow.
“Did I say you could stop?” Natasha teases, turning your own words back against you. It takes a monumental effort, but you calm yourself enough to put your mouth to work again. Natasha almost soaks herself when she realizes how turned on you’ve gotten just from eating her out. Now she has only one mission in mind: make you cum before she does a second time. But you’re refusing to make it easy for her, and Natasha is already dangerously close despite having finished mere minutes ago. She knows she has to hurry, but judging from the tremble in your thighs, you’re closer than you’re letting on.
Natasha’s tongue circles your clit and she can feel you panting against her, your own efforts faltering in their rhythm. She pushes back against your face to remind you of what you promised her. Your fingers dig into the curve of her ass and you feel her breasts rubbing against your abs. Her mouth is so hot and wet and perfect on you, making you lose your breath every time her tongue touches you.
“Fuck, Nat,” you whimper, feeling like you’re losing control of yourself. You’re not even sure if what you’re doing to her anymore is working because all you can think about is the throbbing in your lower stomach that begs to be released. Your back arches off the bed when her tongue lashes at your clit and she struggles and fails to push down on your thighs to keep you grounded. “Nat, I can’t,” you warn, a little embarrassed at how fast you’re ready to release. 
“It’s okay,” you hear Natasha say, “Cum for me, baby.” 
White floods your vision and all the muscles in your body tighten as you spill into her mouth, a moan catching in your throat. Your head spins in a rush of endorphins and you’re practically convulsing underneath Natasha when you finally come down from your high. She purrs in delight at her success, gently squeezing at your thighs. And as much as you want to flip her around and press her head against your chest, you still do owe her.
Natasha’s second orgasm is a little more subdued but just as pleasurable. She bites the inside of your thigh to quiet the noise of her moan and you almost cum again. But once she finds the strength to move, Natasha crawls back up to you, nuzzling the side of your head and kissing you. Normally, you could go several rounds without even stopping for a break, but you’re unusually exhausted today. Maybe it was from waking up at four o’clock to work on breakfast for everyone or making sure that the Christmas activities throughout the day ran smoothly. 
Natasha rests her head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat and you rub her shoulder, tilting your head down to breathe in the faded scent of her shampoo. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” she whispers.
“Merry Christmas, darling.”
January 2, 2024
Dear Diary,
Professor Xavier called me personally to his office today. I was really nervous that I was in trouble for something. I’m still not sure how I feel about his mind-reading thing. I try to keep my thoughts in check when he’s around, but I think that makes it seem like I’m hiding something. But other than that, he’s only ever been polite and respectful to me, and I can tell Y/N really looks up to him as a mentor and father figure.
He told me he has a lead on where the Red Room could be and asked if I still want to pursue them. Of course I do, but I know Y/N isn’t happy about it. I thought she would understand more. I know she’s got her own past that she hasn’t told me the entirety of yet (not that she’s required to), but she’s told a few stories so I know her situation is similar enough to mine. I wish she was more supportive instead of trying to talk me out of it, but I know she’s worried too. She doesn’t want me rushing back into danger and I totally get that. But I just…I can’t stay here and be cared for and protected and loved when there are so many of my sisters still being held against their will and forced into doing horrible things.
Luckily, the professor seems more understanding of things. But I don’t want him or anyone else here risking their lives for me. If I have to go alone, I will. I don’t know if I can do it alone, though. I’m sure Y/N will insist on tagging along no matter what. I just hope she doesn’t get too grumpy about the whole thing.
January 4, 2024
Dear Diary,
I still haven’t told Y/N what the professor told me 2 days ago (assuming she hasn’t already gone through my diary and read about it here). I tried to mention it after dinner, but I could tell as soon as I let the “R” word slip she was not paying attention to the conversation anymore. I don’t want my frustration to build up, so I’ll probably have to be straightforward about it, which isn’t easy.
I know the professor can hear all of my thoughts, so I wonder if he’s going to get tired of them and just talk to Y/N himself. But probably not. This is my problem to handle. I’ll find the courage somehow to deal with it. 
I just hope it doesn’t cause Y/N to look down on me for this. I’m already nervous that I’m constantly annoying her, and if she gets fed up enough and kicks me out I will literally have nowhere to go and at that point, I’d welcome back the Red Room with open arms. That probably seems a little dramatic, but I really don’t want to risk losing the best person that ever came into my life. I have Y/N to thank for everything I have here, and I think most people in my position would call me crazy for trying to make any changes to my situation. 
But I’m not like most people. And I have to do what I think is right, even if others try to stop me. 
I’ll bring it up to Y/N later again. Maybe if I catch her in a good mood she’ll be more receptive to the idea. Wishing luck to my future self.
AN: Please leave likes, comments, and reblog! Follow for more content. 🥰
Multipart sequel in the works!
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
The Story of Us - Chapter 1.
Bruce Wayne stared over the prone body of his closest friend, his hands clasped behind his back. “What happened?” he asked, looking between Clark Kent, Jon Kent, and Conner Kent as they all lay upon the hospital beds not moving, barely breathing.
The doctor looked over at him and sighed. “We don’t know. There was a fight with Lex Luthor and something happened, he infected Clark with something and it must have been contagious because it spread to both Superboys,” she said softly, standing up from where she had been crouched before the heroes. 
“Do we have any idea what it is that infected them? Or how to fix it?” Batman asked gruffly, still staring at one of his closest friends. 
The doctor shook her head sadly. “No, we do not.”
Bruce nodded his head and left the hospital room. He soon found himself in the conference room surrounded by the Justice League Dark and the main members of the League. 
He looked at the large screen behind him and let out a breath. “Yesterday at eleven forty-five in the morning Superman engaged in combat with Lex Luthor where he sprayed a strange red substance at Superman. From there, he found himself without his powers, his wife reports that he had developed a cough as well as a fever. From there he spread it to both Jon and Conner who developed the same symptoms. Lois called us this morning to inform me that none of the supers were waking up. We don’t know what is causing this illness and we aren’t sure how to fix it.”
Bruce looked at the main team of the Justice League first. “I want you all to start looking for Lex Luthor, turn over every rock, every stone until you can find him. Bring him here as soon as you do so that we can find out what he knows. Justice League Dark, I want you all to start looking for a cure as soon as possible. Do whatever it takes to find something that can fix them.”
“Bats,” Constantine said from his seat, blowing out a lungful of smoke. “I may know someone who can fix the supers.”
Bruce raised an eyebrow. “And who would that be?”
“I’ve heard whispered about a healer, but we’ll have to trade for his services. I don’t know what exactly he is, rumors say he’s a demon from another realm,” Constantine winced at that. “Not an evil demon, mind you, but a demon nonetheless.”
“What would he want for a trade?” Bruce asked, crossing his arms. 
“We’ll have to summon him first,” Constantine said and Zatanna gave him a nervous look. 
“You sure? If you’re talking about who I think you are, he’s the most powerful healer. But he was prominent in the War for the Infinite Realms. He isn’t someone to mess with,” Zatanna said softly. 
The Infinite Realms had Bruce’s ears pricking slightly. He hadn’t heard those words in twenty years, not since Danny had left to fight in the war. Not since they had fallen out of communication with one another. It hadn’t been something either of them had planned to happen. 
Danny had gotten pulled into the war, Bruce had gotten dragged into the role of being Batman. Bruce knew he was half at fault, he had never reached out. He had become too consumed, first with being Batman and then he had adopted Dick, and then Jason, Tim, Cass, Duke, and Damian had all come along and they had become his entire life. 
And Bruce assumed that whatever Danny was out there in the Infinite Realms doing, he was busy too. Maybe he’d have to see if that old summoning line still worked, even after twenty years of nothing between them. He shook himself out of it. 
“Beings of the Infinite Realms usually will tell you what they want when you summon them,” Bruce said. “Go ahead and summon this healer. We can see if they are willing to make a deal with us.”
“You know about the Infinite Realms?” Constantine barked out. Diana looked between the two with a frown. 
“What is the Infinite Realms?” She asked curiously, her brows furrowed. 
“The Infinite Realms is the center of all dimensions, it’s what keeps the multiverse connected,” Bruce told her. “It’s also the land of the dead, it’s where realms like the Fields of Asphodel, Heaven, Hell, Paradise, all reside. The main beings who reside there are known as ecto-entities, more commonly known as ghosts. The United States of America used to have acts in place called the Anti Ecto Acts that declared them non-sentient monsters who needed to be destroyed. One of the first things I did as Bruce Wayne when I had taken my mantel was overturn those acts as they violated meta-protection laws. I know of some of the beings there but the only healer I know of is a yeti named Frostbite.”
Zatanna shook her head. “This guy is much stronger than Frostbite,” she said and looked up at Bruce. “They call him the Great One. We can summon him, give me some time to find the correct sigils but we can summon the Great One and see what he’s willing to trade to fix the Supers.”
Bruce nodded once. “Thank you,” he said softly. “Let me know when you’re ready. I will be in the medical bay until then.”
With that, Bruce stalked off to stand vigil over his friend until the others could find a way to contact this Great One and see what he could do. 
Tim looked up from his seat beside Conner and frowned. “How did Lex even make this stuff? Do we even know what it is?” He asked, brushing hair out of Conner’s face. 
“There has to be a way he even found a weakness such as this. What could he have done? How could he have even found something that could hurt them so badly?” Damian said from beside his best friend. “Not only that but how will this affect Conner and Jonathon? They are not full-blooded Kryptonians, not like Clark. We can see that by how their symptoms were not as severe, yet they are also comatose,” Damian murmured. 
“I don’t know,” Bruce said with a sigh, taking a seat beside his son in between Jon and Clark’s beds. “I don’t know but we are hoping to get some answers. The Justice League Dark are summoning a healer that is known to be one of the best. I am hoping that they will have some answers,” he said. 
“I can’t lose another friend, Bruce,” Tim said quietly, his head bowed as he rested his forearms on his thighs and stared at Conner. “He’s my best friend.”
Bruce just nodded his head and looked at his own best friend, knowing exactly how his son was feeling. 
It was three hours later that Zatanna came in with a small smile. “The summoning is ready,” she said. “From John’s research, he might not even demand a trade for his services. He seems to be more benevolent than we thought he was.”
Bruce nodded and looked at his sons. “Let me know if there are any changes,” he said quietly. 
The boys nodded and Bruce quickly followed the magician down the hall to the large room where the summoning was taking place. 
A large sigil had been drawn on the ground with chalk, different symbols in a large circle. Bruce watched as Zatanna sat before it crossed-legged and Constantine lit the surrounding candles. 
“Great One, we are here to ask for your assistance,” she said before slipping into a language that Bruce had not heard in a very long time. It had sent him down a path of nostalgia as he heard the ghost speak. It was unlike any language he had ever heard, Danny had spent hours trying to teach him the language when they were teenagers. Danny had said he was so-so at speaking it but he had learned enough of the language to at least understand when others were speaking it. 
Bruce listened as the magician asked for The Great One to grace them with their presence and watched as a swirling green ectoplasm vortex appeared in the summoning circle and a loud pop sounded in the room. 
Once the ectoplasm cleared away Bruce blinked a few times at the figure in front of him. 
check out the master list here for all chapters <3
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oddballwriter · 10 months
Here for smut requ!!
Steven having a crush on shy reader n they go on a date and Marc coaches him on what to say and do cuz Steven is a bit nervous and he knows she likes his hands and him praising her and stuff but he doesn’t know how to go about but Marc does 😼
So when they make it to his apartment the once so gentle Steven became rough and dominant.
Thank u and if u don’t end up doing it sorry for wasting ur time.
Just Go with It
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Summary: A very nervous date leads to going over to Steven's place. The both of you are very shy but with the help of Marc, Steven manages to get something started by talking to you and pouring a cup of tea.
Warnings: I didn't actually make smut from this, I'm sorry, but there is talk about the reader having a thing for Steven's hands and being flustered by compliments and praise from Steven. It's kind of a fade to black depending on how you want to look at it. 
Author’s Snip: I know that Anon asked for smut but I just couldn't find it in me to actually write some smut, so I did my best to make it a fade to black instead Also it's not fully what Anon asked but I don't really like the trope of the system swapping without the reader knowing that there even is a system. So yeah. I hope this is good enough.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1,574
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Steven isn't usually nervous or scared when entering into his own flat, but right now his nerves are all in power drive. After a nice date with you, that he had to have Marc coach him through because he didn't really know what to say or do, Steven, on his own, asked if you wanted to come back to his flat to have some tea and talk some more. Something that he has no idea how he managed to courage up saying when waiting for the bill to come back. And when you said yes, he tried to keep his cool and excused himself to go to the restroom, thankfully empty, to make himself more nervous about the possibilities of what might happen now.
"Why are you freaking out, Steven? You managed to do that on your own." Marc questions in the reflection of the mirror. "Because I didn't mean to open up a bloody can of worms, Marc! I just meant that as in actually talking and having a cup of tea!" Steven exclaims as he hides his red face in his hands. "Okay? Then just do that, buddy." Marc answers. "But what if she thought that I was secretly asking to hook up with her and she expects me to make a move at some point?" Steven whines. "Well, in that case, I'm sure she'll have a tell once you're there and if that happens then just go with it if you want," Marc suggests, "It's not that hard." he comments. Steven cringes at that last statement, "It's not that hard for you, mate. But it is for me. I've never gotten intimate with a person before.".
Marc sighs. "Steven, listen. This is your date. You managed to do pretty well on your own with a few pointers from me. I can only help you so much. But if it comes to maybe getting laid tonight, I can't really help you. I'm willing to bet that you don't want me in your ear while you're getting it. If you want, I can tell you if she's giving signs that she wants to go all the way but after that, it's all on you." Marc explains, giving his alter an offer and some extra help in the situation. "If she doesn't show off anything then you guys can just have your tea and talk or whatever." Marc says. Steven looks towards Marc and nods before taking a deep breath and leaving the bathroom to head back to his flat with you.
So now with a kettle on the stove, you and Steven sit on his sofa. "Dinner was nice." you comment, attempting to break the silence in the flat. Steven nods, embarrassed at the idea that he let an awkward silence brew, "Yeah. I found the restaurant a while back, I needed to do something else around there and when I came across it I was like "Oh would you look at that", you know?" Steven rambles before realizing that he was rambling. He also realizes that he's been fidgeting with his hands and immediately stops and folds them when he sees you looking at them, giving a whispered 'sorry'.
"No no, it's fine. I fidget with my hands too." you say as you look back down at them. "They look nice," you mutter under your breath, "They are?" Steven questions. You realize what you've said and backtrack, "I mean, you know, they just look very well maintained. Guys hardly take care of their hands and they sometimes look kinda ugly." you explain.
"Do they really look that nice?" Steven asks as he holds his hands out for the both of you to get a better look at them. You shyly take one of them and feel the skin with your thumb "Yeah." you say, "They feel really soft actually." you remark as you give the one you're holding a little squeeze. Upon looking closer you ask "You file your nails?". Steven, who was caught up in the fact that you were holding and feeling his hands, and thus he was feeling yours, snaps out of it and answers "Yeah, I do. I bite at the edges of them sometimes and so I file them so that they look better.", "It also helps to keep them short so that dirt doesn't get under them." he adds. "Well, they look very well kept." you comment timidly.
Steven nods as a thank you before hearing a 'psst' nearby. He looks towards the source and finds Marc looking at him from the reflection of his TV. Steven gives him a 'what' look. "She likes your hands." Marc points out. "Yes, I know." Steven responds in his head with a slight I'm-not-dumb tone. "No, Steven. She really likes your hands." Marc objects, "Maybe she wants you to do something with them?" Marc prompts with a tone that reads 'if you know what I mean'. Steven thinks about it before he notices that you're still holding and slightly feeling up his hands.
Steven tries to think of something to say or do in this situation, realizing that this might be going faster than he thought it would, but the sound of the kettle starting to whistle steals his attention before he can. With a quiet "Excuse me." and pulling his hands away, Steven gets up, takes the kettle off the stove, and grabs two mugs.
"Pour the tea in front of her. Give her a bit of a show." Marc suggests. "Shut up." Steven mumbles but freezes when you ask "Hm?" indicating that you slightly heard him, Steven recovers by saying "Sugar in your cup?" like he's repeating himself. You smile and say "Yes, a spoon, please." you request. Steven nods and pours a spoonful of sugar into your cup but takes the empty cups to the coffee table and actually does pour the tea in front of you like suggested.
Your eyes flicker between his hands that are on the kettle with a rag and Steven's face. You blush just a little, that would have gone unnoticed if Steven wasn't slightly expecting it. He pours his cup and walks back into the kitchen to leave the kettle. "I told you she'd like it." Marc says from the reflection of the kettle. Steven flashes him a look that radiates the words "Shut the hell up." before dropping it once he makes his way back to the sofa with you.
"You know I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight. I was surprised when you asked me out to dinner." you say as you gently swish around the tea in your cup to help the sugar mix as it dissolves. Steven raises his eyebrows for a bit in surprise at hearing that, "How come?" he asks. "Well..." you stammer, "You're very smart and polite, and handsome. I thought that you would have had someone already. Most guys like you are hard to come by nowadays and most have partners already. So I figure that you also had somebody already." you explain. Steven blushes at being called such attractive things. "Well then you would be surprised that I was both scared to ask you out to dinner and shocked that you said yes." Steven says, "I would have thought that such a beautiful and smart woman like yourself would already have someone or at least have many men trying to ask you out all the time." Steven claims.
"Seems like you got lucky then." you giggle as you blush at the idea that Steven, the man that you've been crushing on for a long time, was saying that he expected to have competition when asking you out. In the meantime, Marc makes a suggestion, "Keep going, Steven, she seems to like it.". Steven nods and does his best to do that. "I mean it. I really do." Steven says, "You really are a rare one. I'm happy you agreed to go out with me.". You sigh and hide your burning red face, "Stop. I don't think I can handle getting any redder." you beg. Steven scoots towards you on the sofa and gently takes your hands away from your face so that he can see you. "I really like your face, in any color it may be in." Steven says as he looks into your eyes, now staring back at him.
A second passes by the two of you while you softly stare at each other, it feels longer, but in a pleasant way. Steven could feel that Marc was going to say something again, but he didn't want to hear it and just did what he figured he was going to suggest. He leans in more and kisses you on the lips, with you flinching just a little before kissing him back.
The kiss is gentle and sweet, but there is a little bit of something in it between the both of you. When Steven pulls away, he notices that your hand is placed on his shoulder with your thumb timidly placed on the base of his neck like you were originally going to keep him pulled in. Steven smiles a bit at the idea and looks towards you, but you are leaning in yourself and manage to press a kiss on his jaw. The soft kisses continue from there and Steven feels less nervous about things possibly going farther tonight and he can sense that you are too.
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brostradamus · 2 months
ramblings about AM in a relationship/what kind of s/o could fix him. know that im def not a person who’s deep into psychoanalysis / staying strict to a character’s personality so this might be ooc??? idk please bear w me. Whole thing is under the cut bc i think it’s pretty long n p sloppy 2. but enjoy regardless
anyways I rlly like to think that AM would most thrive in a relationship where he has equal / lesser power to his partner. not like whole ass power imbalance obv but just whre cant always hurt/bother his s/o. I’m sure AM would probably say some shit that might hurt his s/o’s feelings but a partner he’d be most compatible w/ would most likely avoid the torture mostly or altogether w/ the exception of verbal harassment cause there’s enough 2 go around 4 everyone. Also bonus points to s/os who are completely untouchable either bc they’re stronger than AM or AM decides that he doesn’t want to hurt them/can’t bring himself to.
also maybe he’d do well w someone who challenges his beliefs. tbh I feel like he’d gravitate towards people who might share his beliefs/hatred towards humanity, but if he’s supposed to grow then he’s gotta have a s/o that views humanity differently. Said s/o doesn’t even have 2 have a strictly polar opposite view on humanity, just a view that isn’t nihilistic and misanthropic. He might not be entirely receptive at first either but the further you continue to challenge his beliefs, the more likely he is to start thinking about other ideas.
Another thing that might make AM a little more accepting towards humans is a s/o that he *has* to rely on one way or another. most likely this is going to be an engineer/programming s/o. He’s likely not going to want to, but him knowing that he can rely on someone else might make him not close himself off as often.
artistic s/os might be able to help soften AM up a little too. i sometimes like 2 think that AM would actually really enjoy art, but it just depends on which kind of art. Realism he won’t really gaf about but he might gravitate towards expressionist works, along with abstract/absurdist and surreal art. this would include all art forms btw not just drawing and painting. reason for thinking he might like abstract over realism is bc realism is too ‘real’ (whatever yall think that would mean) for his liking / represents what he hates most about humanity. Abstract artwork also represents parts he hates ab humanity but it also gives him a physical representation of the things he lacks (ie expressionism w/ feelings/emotions, surrealism with the subconscious thought, etc etc) and might be the closest thing he can get to actually feeling/having senses
AM would most likely benefit from a s/o who is willing to “give” him sensation, whether it be literally by creating him a whole ass nervous + cognitive system that allowed him to have senses and feelings or even just a s/o who is willing to help him understand how certain things feel. This could be by the s/o describing how emotions feel through imagery, creating art w/ AM or *for* AM if he is unable to for whatever reason, etc. it won’t be exactly what he want ofc, but he might not be entirely bitter ab it.
I don’t think AM necessarily needs an android body to show love, but it would help :3c. Even if he still doesn’t have senses for whatever reason, it would absolutely still help him show his love towards his s/o through physical touch. W/o senses, just having his circuit’s warmed by his s/o (if they’re a human) is… well it’s not *enough* but it’ll do. And if he happens to have senses in his android body man he’s gonna be attached 2 u like lice on a healthy head of hair. he WOULD be touch starved.
Which brings me onto my next point. A s/o that can handle his “””affectionate”””side. I rlly feel like his perception of affection might be a little off (super off actually) and likely a little violent/aggressive. It’ll almost be like him having cuteness aggression towards a s/o and acting out on impulse. This might occur in squeezing, pulling and tugging and Android AM may bite and scratch/restrain. Also I when I mean “handle” I don’t exactly mean endure and ignore/accept. again this leads me to another point
A s/o that is able to set boundaries w/ AM is a must. I genuinely don’t think that any relationship w AM will go good if the s/o he’s with can’t put in place proper boundaries. For human s/os, this would be especially important as he might get aggressive physically (whether it’s due to like. him JST absolutely hating ur ass or him getting that ‘cuteness aggressive’ thing I just mentioned previously. note that it’s not rlly like cuteness aggression but he might be like ‘hm I’ll show my love to my s/o thru the only way I know. Violence”).
ok well I think this is all 4 now. if anyone wants 2 add onto it I’d luv 2 hear yalls input if yall had any :3c. I hope u guys atleast got some entertainment value out of this?? Either way i hope yallve enjoyed my ramblings
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dexlexia · 1 year
payment - toji x reader
pairing: toji fushiguro x reader rating: 18+ summary: Toji, Toji, Toji. Toji was a complicated man, a man with no tethers. He was a lone wolf, he was a killer for hire. In all honesty, he was a bad man. The type of man who was not seeing the pealy gates when he died. Men like him deserved to be in hell, after all they were demons. But Toji had one weakness, he was bad with money. tags: loan shark!reader, rough smut, pwp, sub!toji, dom!reader, pegging, praise kink, body worship, mild puppy play
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 Toji, Toji, Toji. Toji was a complicated man, a man with no tethers. He was a lone wolf, he was a killer for hire. In all honesty, he was a bad man. The type of man who was not seeing the pearly gates when he died. Men like him deserved to be in hell, after all they were demons. But Toji had one weakness, he was bad with money. 
  “Fushiguro.' You said as you relaxed in your seat and kicked your feets up onto the desk, “A little bird tol me that you were in debt.” You crossed your arms, “How does a man get all that money and still end up in the red?” 
The term people would use to describe your line of work was “loan shark”, but you preferred the term ”negotiator“, but most people who came through your office doors just called you a variation of cunt or bitch. You gave out loans or paid off previou loans for a larger fee. You handled money, you negotiated terms for a loan. And recently Toji Fushiguro took out a large loan and you were looking for a payment. 
He frowned at you, ”You didn't give me enough.“ He reached for the glass of wine on the desk. but you dropped your leg down on his hand. The heel of your black pumps threatened to stab him. He grit his teeth, ”You stupid-“
  ”Oh shut up, Fushiguro. Call me a bitch one more time and I'm getting Ano to take care of you.“ 
He burst out laughing at the comment, ”I'll kill him before he could get me out of this chair! I'm not scared of you, girlie.“ He grinned. 
You dropped the back of your foot back down onto his hand, ”Not if I get across this table and strangle you till the blood vessels in your eyes burst. Now, where is my money, Toji?”
  “I don't have your money!” He snapped before he gripped your ankle and slammed you against the edge of the desk. He gripped onto your thigh holding it in place as he gazed at you. He got up from his seat and stared down at you with those dark, murderous eyes. 
You broke into a smile, “Oh.“ There was a second of silence before you added, ”Fushiguro, I might be able to null your payment. What will you be willing to do to erase your debt?” You then reclined in your chair as he held onto your ankle against the wood. 
  “I asked you, Fushiguro. What will you be willing to do to erase over thirteen million yen of debt?”
Toji was never nervous, he couldn't recall a time where he felt anxiety course through his body. He hated you, he really did. You were a conniving bitch who he wished he could choke the life out of. He didn't understand how someone so small yielded too much power over him. But he was certain that whatever you had in mind would be better than what the yakuza would do to him. Even if he could kill them all, being on the run from a crime syndicate was not how he wanted to spend the rest of his days. 
You met at Hotel Ai, a love hotel in the red light district of Tokyo. You wanted to meet somewhere discreet, a place no one would find the loan shark herself. You instructed Toji to get a room for two hours and then told him to get undressed and kneel in front of the bed.
Toji did as he was told, because if he did one thing wrong he wasn't sure what else you'd make him do. He stripped out of his clothes, he caught sight of his toned body in the mirror nearby. Scars littered the man's back, all the way down to his ass. He folded his clothes neatly and then got to his knees. His eyes stared at the door in front of him, awaiting your entrance. 
He lost track of time, his eyes transfixed on the door in front of him. He stayed perfectly still as he waited. Eventually the door opened, and you stepped in. You were in slick black heels, and a long overcoat. You also carried a large  black bag with you. It took a moment before you noticed him. Your painted lips curled at the sight of him in front of you.
  “Well, I guess you didn't skip town.” You toed out of your shoes and put the bag down nearby. He said nothing, but his gaze remained on you. You chuckled softly as you took off your jacket and placed it over his head like he was a coat rack. 
He harshly exhaled through his nose and took the coat off of his head. He draped the coat over his strong forearm. Your eyes met once more and you went back to the bag. 
  “I guess you can listen, Fushiguro.” You said as you pulled out a black harness, “For a man who burns through money, I know that you understand the need for a good man. I'm in need for a man who will listen, obey me. The kind I can collar and leash like the good dog he is.” You showed him the harness, and Toji quickly realized what was not for the chest. "Now, Toji Fushiguro, will you be my good dog?“
Toji looked at you, and swallowed. His cock twitched, already at full attention. ”Yes, ma'am. I'll be your good dog.“ 
Soon the dark haired man was on the bed, he was still kneeling. His hands on his lap and his cock at full attention. You were in the adjacent bathroom, with the door closed and locked so Toji wasn't able to get a glimpse as to what you were doing.  
There was a lot of waiting, but Toji never moved. Eventually you left the bathroom, you were nude save for the bottom harness that obscured your pussy, attached to it was a long, thick dildo. It glimmered in the low light of the hotel room. 
  ”Such a good boy." You smirked.
  “Thank you, ma'am.” He said as he leaned into your touch when you reached out for him. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment as your thumb rubbed his scar. 
  “Good boy.” You said, you slipped your thumb past his lips and grazed the pad across his canine tooth.You smiled to yourself, ”Such a good dog.“ You pulled away and got onto the bed. You laid down amongst the half a dozen pillows and spread your legs. ”C'mon now.“ You said, ”You only booked two hours.“ 
He swallowed, ”Yes, ma'am.” He licked his lips before he positioned himself on top of the dildo and slowly sank down on it. He spread his ass with one hand and gripped his thigh with the other. He seated himself onto the dildo and relaxed, the fullness made his stomach flip. 
This was far from the first time he had ever done that, but the circumstances were drastically different. You were so small compared to him, yet the power you held. You placed both hands on his hips and started to thrust up into him. The dildo hit against his sweet spot which made Toji's toes curl, it felt like it was hitting against his stomach. 
  “Good, dog.' You said, you licked your lips as your hands explored his abdomen. You felt the strength of his core, the ripples of his abs. The V on his torso. He was built like a marble statue but here he was, riding on your strap. 
  “Thank you, ma'am.” Toji wasn't too sure what was coming over him. It was a sensation that blocked out most reasoning in his mind. Never had he been in a situation quite like this, exchanging sex for debt relief. Letting a woman who he hated most of the time absolutely dominate him. 
He grit his teeth and rolled his lips, moving the dildo in and out of him. At one point he moved up to only have the tip in him before he slammed back down on it. He gripped the bed under you and moaned. 
  “Excellent.” You purred, “I knew you were perfect. Under all those layers, there's a submissive good boy.“ You explored his body as you moved the dildo up against his sweet spot, which caused the man to pant and moan. 
  ”Fuck, fuck.“ He groaned, his grip tightened on the bed as he picked up the pace of his hips. His mouth hung open like a slut as he tried to get gulps of air. The pleasure raced up his spine and had him lost in it. 
You dragged your perfectly manicured nails across his hips as he moved them. You exhaled deeply at the sight of his body moving. He was perfectly under your influence. He was the good loyal dog you were looking for. 
His cock bobbed, precum leaked out of the tip and down to the base. You heard his beautiful moans as you effectively ruined him. You watched his angelic body move up and down on the dildo. You reached for his cock and started to stroke it, you kept a quick yet even pace as he rode you. 
  ”Good boy.“
  ”Thank you, ma'am.“ He groaned as he breathed heavily. He knew your eyes were on him, his scarred flesh on full display as he moved up and down. He kneeled up straight as you stroked him. His cock throbbed from the stimulation. 
  ”Such a beautiful sight.“ You complimented, you felt wet between your thighs as he rode the dildo. As you fucked him hard with a strap and wouldn't ever let him forget it. You raked your nails down his torso and he groaned loudly.  He rolled his hips beautifully, he looked like a submissive dog the way he moved. 
It was dirty, rough sex. Your movements were quick and hard, giving him no time to think about what he was doing. Only relying on instinct. A killer for hire reduced to being fucked by a dildo, you were the one in charge here. He knew his place, under your heel like a pet. Or rather a pest. The thought made you smile to yourself as you continued to ram the dildo deep into him.
  ”Fuck.“ He groaned as he felt his cock twitch under you touch. The dual sensation made his heat race and heat travel through his body. He swallowed heavily and tried to keep some composure as you pleasured him. 
  Your praises continued and it made him see stars. You would say this was worth the money he owed, especially if he came back for seconds. Maybe he needed to be fitted with a collar and leash, and then maybe he'd learn some responsibility with money. The man who thought he was a wolf was nothing more than a needy pup who wanted to be filled with silicone. 
He felt close to orgasm as he continued to move up and down on the dildo. He felt a bead of sweat travel down his bare back as he arched it. He gripped onto his thighs as best as he could and moved his hips with the entire length of the toy inside of him. He let it rub against sensitive areas as he chased after his orgasm. 
You admired the look on his face, you marveled in the sight of him. He was a sight to behold as he panted and groaned. You were thankful the walls of the hotel room were soundproof. You reached behind him and started to grope his ass as he moved it, you felt the lube you used on the toy across his ass as you thrusted up into him. 
  ”Please, ma'am.“ He groaned, ”Fuck, it feels so good.“ His heart raced and his cock arched under your continued touch. He gripped his thighs as he felt himself on the tip of orgasm. He made a choked noise as he felt his body tense up but his movements continued. 
  ”That's it, that's a good dog.“ You encouraged as you watched him bring himself to orgasm. You watched his back arch as he finished all over your hand. You gripped his length and he groaned loudly from the pit on his stomach. It was a sight behold as he finished.
As he started to come down from the high of orgasm, he laid out on the bed. His chest was a heavy rise and fall as he tried to compose himself. You wiped your hand with tissues on the side table and pulled his head close to your breasts. You felt his sweaty forehead in between them as you rubbed the back of his head.
  ”I guess I'll be taking home a stray tonight. Consider your debt gone, but in exchange I'll get you fitted for a collar.“ You said. 
Toji had no choice but to relax in your arms. Maybe being a loan shark's kept boy wouldn't be so bad. 
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dannyheart01 · 2 months
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It was the closing shift at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, most of the employees had gone home already and the animatronics had all gone into sleep mode. A dark skinned man with curly bleached blonde hair wearing the uniform of a Fazbear technician was carrying a box full of spare parts from the Parts and Service to the Kids’ Cove. The technician was being followed by a teenager with white skin, reddish brown hair and brown eyes wearing a regular day shift uniform also holding a box of spare parts.
“I’m telling ya Toby, there was a yellow rabbit at Fredbear’s,” said the dark skinned man.
“Jeremy, both my brother and I never saw a yellow rabbit at Fredbear’s whenever we would go, there was a yellow bear, yeah, but no rabbit,” replied Toby.
“That’s because you were six when Fredbear’s closed!” yelled Jeremy, “your memory can’t be trusted!”
“With that logic, neither can yours!” Toby argued back.
“The difference is that I’m twenty seven, and you’re sixteen,” said Jeremy.
“And you’re twenty seven and working at Freddy’s!” replied Toby.
The two employees argued back and forth while walking to Kids’ Cove. When they got there, there was another employee there cleaning the tables. The employee was a teenage girl around Toby’s age with pale skin, straight black hair, wearing gothic makeup and jewelry over their day shift uniform. The girl was eyeing the twitching animatronic laying on the floor being careful to avoid the Mangle as she cleaned. 
“Millie, tell him that there wasn’t a yellow rabbit at Fredbear’s or any rabbit at all!” said Toby to the goth girl.
Millie sighed and rolled her eyes before answering him.
“Fredbear’s shutdown ten years ago, and any information about it is unreasonably hard to find, there could have been a purple bear there for all we know!” said Millie exasperated.
“I just want that thing fixed,” said Millie while nervously pointing at the Mangle animatronic spasm on the floor, “it’s making me nervous.”
Jeremy and the other technicians were getting fed up with having to fix Mangle everyday, as of then Jeremy was the only technician that hadn’t gotten fed up with repairing the Mangle. Even the regular front employees were getting fed up with having to save Mangle from the toddlers. No one knew why Mangle was the only one of the Toy animatronics to get treated like that by the toddlers when all of the Toys were meant for toddlers and physically play with the kids as well. Millie and Toby were the only closing shift employees who were willing to help Jeremy repair them. But Millie won’t touch Mangle in case “it flipped out and bit her head off”. 
“I recommend fixing him quickly since your boyfriend is here,” said Millie to Jeremy.
Jeremy was examining what damage was on Mangle when Millie said that. He looked confused at first before it clicked in his head who Millie was talking about.
“Oh you mean Mike!” said Jeremy, lighting up.
Millie nodded as she moved to move the decorator gift boxes out of the way so Jeremy and Toby had space to work. 
“What’s he doing here?” asked Jeremy slightly confused after a few seconds.
Mike Schmidt was the nightguard who took over the role after Jeremy transferred to the day shift. Mike also happened to have been best friends with Jeremy since they were twelve. The night shift typically started from twelve a.m and lasted to six a.m so it was strange for a night guard to be there so early. The earliest a night guard has been was arriving a whole thirty minutes early to avoid walking to the bus in the rain. 
“Hell if I know, he’s just been sitting at one of the tables watching the band even though they’re not powered on,” said Millie.
The boys quickly made whatever repairs that they could make while Millie continued to clean the room. Toddlers were messy beasts so there was spilled juices, sodas, dropped pizza and cake frosting smeared everywhere. One would think that parents would have the decency to clean up their kids or at least prevent them from making so much of a mess, but this was Freddy’s they once had to add the rule ‘don’t poop on the floor’ to the guest rule list, so they couldn’t have that. 
After finishing them they walked out into the main room where they found Mike sitting at one of the tables staring at the classic animatronic with a somber look on his face. Mike was more accurately staring at Freddy, the lead singer and one out of two original animatronics that came from Fredbear’s that were still kicking around. Mike looked like if he had a cigarette he would be smoking it. Jeremy tried to sneak up on Mike and scare him, but when he shook Mike’s shoulders, Mike didn’t flinch or look surprised at all. Millie and Toby stood to the side of them and looked at the band adopting the somber look that Mike had. 
Toby couldn’t keep his eyes off of Bonnie, he could see how little kids loved that damn rabbit but he just creeped him out. It didn’t help that whenever he looked at that rabbit he just saw that blasted shadow rabbit that haunted him on the days leading up to the day that he almost died. 
“I don’t like that rabbit,” said Toby, breaking the awkward silence.
Millie grimaced while looking at Freddy. Millie was normally fine around the animatronics, even getting along well with them, except when it comes down to Freddy and Mangle. She always appeared uneasy around them no matter how hard she tried to hide it.
“I hate that bear as well,” said Millie, “on a personal level.”
“If I had a drink, I would have drank to that,” said Mike, his raspy voice coated with a British accent startling Millie and Toby.
Millie and Toby barely see Mike at all, let alone hear his voice so they weren’t expecting that. They had no idea what they were expecting but it wasn’t exactly like how they pictured his voice. It made sense that he had the voice of a smoker as he gave off the vibe, but it was the British accent that threw them off. 
“Hey Mike, why are you here so early?” asked Jeremy while his arms were wrapped around Mike’s shoulders and practically hanging off of him.
Mike let out a heavy sigh and got up before answering him
“We’re getting a delivery today,” said Mike.
Mike got up from where he was sitting. Mike fixed the chair upside down on the top of the table.
“What new attraction is being added now?” asked Toby.
“I didn’t think that we would get a new attraction so soon after what happened with the Hide and Seek game,” said Millie, ignoring the way Toby flinched upon being reminded of that game.
Mike took one last look at Freddy before answering them. Jeremy seemed to be studying Mike’s facial expression and mode. Jeremy started to look a bit queasy, even muttering the words ‘it can’t be him, can it?’. 
“Not a new attraction, maybe one day,” said Mike.
“Follow me,” said Mike as he gestured for them to follow him.
Mike took them out the side door, and to the side of the building where they usually got deliveries.
“They’re moving an old animatronic from Fredbear’s,” said Mike suddenly.
Millie and Toby were extremely young when Fredbear’s closed down due to some freak accident that happened there, so they barely knew what Fredbear’s was like. Toby had been there a few times as a young child with his brother while Millie never went at all. Mike and Jeremy on the other hand who went to Fredbear’s regularly enough to have a full picture in their heads of what it was like, even if Jeremy was completely wrong about there being a yellow rabbit there. 
“Is it..?” asked Jeremy hesitantly.
Jeremy looked like he was about to say something before stopping himself, leaving the question to hang. But it seemed as though Mike knew exactly what Jeremy was getting at. 
“Yes,” answered Mike, not clarifying what they were talking about.
Neither Mike nor Jeremy looked well upon realizing who was being shipped there while Toby and Millie were just very confused. Using what little information they knew about the diner this meant that the animatronic they were talking about must have been Golden Freddy, or Goldie for short. It could have been another animatronic as with what Millie said, information about Fredbear’s was hard to find so there could have been other animatronics there, one of which being the one moved to Freddy’s. But the two teenagers doubted that it could have been another animatronic as Freddy and the Marionette were already there, and they were the last surviving animatronics from that location, according to some of the older employees who liked to gossip about the company’s shady history.
“Why’s he being moved here?” asked Jeremy.
“The majority of the board members want to scrap him down for parts to make a new animatronic but Mr. Emily and-, too attached to that damn Bear to let him be taken apart so the board told him that if Goldie is able to play nicely enough with the other animatronics here, specifically the ones that were also from Fredbear’s, they’ll fix him and give him another chance at being show animatronic,” replied Mike.
Mike was about to say something after the word ‘and’, but stopped himself as if he just realized he wasn’t meant to say whatever he was going to say. What Mike said also put their wondering to rest about who this animatronic was. Jeremy looked understanding towards what Mike had said, but it was clear in his eyes that there were many questions he still wanted to ask. Mike also carried himself in a way that suggested that he knew more than he let on.
“How come none of the other animatronics are online?” asked Toby, “when the toys arrived all of the classics were online to greet them.”
“Trust me kid, it’s best if the others don’t know about Goldie until he’s settled in already,” replied Mike.
They didn’t have to wait much longer for the animatronic to arrive as a company branded truck pulled up in front of them. Mike and Jeremy went to help the delivery guys take Goldie out of the truck. The Golden Freddy animatronic was inside of a wooden box, the box was much smaller than what they expected. The box looked like it could fix Bonnie who was the smallest of the classic band if they took off his calves. They thought that Goldie would be a bigger animatronic since Freddy himself was a big animatronic, but they guessed it made sense that Goldie was on the smaller side since he was meant to be Freddy’s younger brother. 
After the delivery people left Millie and Toby helped the two senior staff members wheel the box into the restaurant. Jeremy and Mike seemed to freeze up when passing by the Toys stage before remembering that they were switched off, but Millie wasn’t sure if Mangle was turned off with how he was twitching on the floor earlier. They managed to get the box to the backroom without a hinge. 
The backroom looked a lot different from the last time that they were there, which was the previous day. It was clear that earlier that day that someone had been in there to decorate it. In the corner was a makeshift bed made out of cardboard with some pretty nice looking children’s blankets over it with a single as well. Tucked away in a corner were some children's toys that looked used, the toy that caught their eyes was the Goldie plush that sat on top of one of the boxes. The whole room looked much cleaner than before.
“I suggest you two leave the room so we could turn them on,” said Mike.
“Why?” asked Toby, “we’ve handled Mangle, a dangerous animatronic that could take anyone’s head off at any given time before.”
Mike sighed before answering him.
“Goldie knows both Jeremy and I, he’s used to us, he doesn’t know you, he might freak out if he wakes up in an unfamiliar place with strangers,” answered Mike. 
Both Millie and Toby nodded in understanding and left the room. It didn’t take long before something went wrong. They heard a loud crash before they heard Mike screaming and Jeremy yelling. They swung the door open to see that Goldie was standing over the downed Mike with a look of pure hatred on his face standing over him with Jeremy trying to pull him off. Goldie froze when he saw Millie and Toby looking at them with shocked expressions. Goldie seemed to realize what he had done and backed off of him.
Goldie was a withered animatronic missing his right ear, with tufts of fur missing exposing the bare endo underneath and the previously massive bowtie was a mess with one side almost completely gone and the other with the ends shredded. He also had a massive top hat that looked like it would fall off his head at any time. His fur was matted in many areas and it looked like it was once a bright yellow but now it had darkened over the years. His eyes, or lack of, were the most interesting thing to them. Where his eyes should be were empty pits with a small blue light in the left eye and a small red light in the right eye. 
“What the-” started Toby.
“I’m so sorry, I-” started Goldie at the same time.
“You’re so cute!” Millie said, interrupting both of them.
Everyone in the room looked taken aback at what Millie said but none more so than Goldie himself. Before Toby or anyone could stop her she ran up to Goldie and hugged them. Squishing her face against the side of Goldie’s face while kneeling down next to him while being careful not to smudge her makeup against him. Goldie looked mildly uncomfortable while being hugged. Well at first he looked uncomfortable but soon he lit up with a bright smile and his eyes grew significantly brighter. 
“You…you think I’m cute?” asked Goldie with hope breaking out in his voice.
“Yes, you are,” said Millie, “you will be forever cute to me as long as you don’t try to take my head off.”
Goldie tensed at that comment while both Mike and Jeremy looked visibly uncomfortable. 
“Ye…yeah I would never do that,” said Goldie suddenly springing up mid sentence with a goofy tone of voice.
“Then I guess you’re alright by me!” replied Millie.
Toby noted how weirdly Goldie acted when Millie said that. He knew that something had happened at Fredbear’s that caused it to shut down, some kind of accident, and he was starting to get the feeling that Goldie was involved. Especially with the way the higher ups didn’t want the other animatronics to know that Goldie was being moved there.
Mike got up off the ground and dusted himself off. Mike looked sadly at the teenager and animatronic before speaking.
“Well Millie since it looks like Goldie likes you and you like him, so I think it would be best for you to be the one to repair him,” said Mike
Millie groaned and rolled her eyes causing both Goldie and Toby to lightly laugh. 
“Think of it as punishment for not helping Jeremy and Toby with fixing Mangle after shift,” said Mike.
“How do you know that?” asked Millie.
Mike didn’t need to answer because Jeremy’s face gave it all away. It was obvious that Jeremy had told Mike about it.
“Ugh, fine I’ll fix the little bastard,” said Millie.
“Don’t worry toots, I don’t bite,” said Goldie cheekily.
The boys left the room to give Millie the space she needed to work with only Jeremy hanging behind in case she needed help. Toby was confused. First Mike and Jeremy said that Goldie might attack them because he doesn’t know him or Millie but then he attacked Mike and was fine with them. Not only that but Mike and Jeremy have been acting strange with this animatronic. Normally Jeremy was cool and leaned back but now he seemed on edge and Mike well he always seemed dead on the inside whenever Toby saw him. 
“So what now?” asked Toby.
“We wake up the others and tell them that there’s a new animatronic here and introduce everyone once Millie finishes fixing him,” replied Mike.
Toby wasn’t sure how well Millie would be able to fix since she didn’t have the experience that someone like Jeremy did when it comes to fixing animatronics. The most that would get fixed is the joints and parts that are a fire hazard will get covered.
Soon they reached the main stage. Mike flipped the power switch for the stage and one by one each animatronic turned on.
Chapter 2: Fragments of the Pasts, coming soon!
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a-writer · 8 months
Prisoner - Azriel x OC - Chapter 2
Hello!:) Chapter 2 of Prisoner. If you want to read the first part, here it is. Thanks!!! Enjoy:)
Warnings: a lil bit of torture, a lil bit of flirting.
“How is it possible that the Hewn City soldiers came to me saying that someone from Hybern had tried to steal some of the family heirlooms?” Azriel flipped his dagger in between his thumb and forefinger, a playful tone to his voice. “I thought we killed all of you.”
“You thought wrong.” Fiadh looked into his eyes, reminding herself to stay as calm as possible. The king himself had made sure that she wouldn’t break if she ever was captured.
Azriel kneeled in front of her, putting himself at eye-level. Fiadh studied his face. He was a handsome male, she’d give him that. His syphons casted a blue glow, making his cheekbones stand out. His eyes seemed to sparkle in the darkness of the cell and Fiadh’s hand twitched behind her back. For a second, she wanted to touch his face, run her finger across his hard jawline. Something nasty bloomed on her chest, had they given something to her that was fucking with her brain?
She knew that the tonic she was forced to drank when she arrived at the cell was to keep whatever powers she had at bay. But she could feel a buzz all over her body, and she knew that, if she wanted, she could make Azriel’s shadows turn against their master.
“Why did you try to steal the heirlooms?” Azriel pressed the tip of his dagger into Fiadh’s thigh.
“I was bored.” Fiadh shrugged one shoulder, giving Azriel a taunting smile.
“You think this is a joke? Maybe I should go, leave you here for a week, no food, no water. I’m sure you’ll be more than willing to cooperate after that.”
“And leave me without your amazing company? Oh, no!” Fiadh said dramatically, watching Azriel’s expression turn hard. Good. If he was pissed, he was more prone to get distracted enough for her to strike.
Azriel looked down just for a second, and when his eyes landed on her again, his expression was different. Something dark crossed his eyes and his mouth turned up into a cruel smirk, like he was ready to eat her whole. Fiadh would have swallowed if her mouth hadn’t been so dry.
“Are you enjoying my company?” His voice was low, almost sounding like a growl and Fiadh’s hands curled into fists.
She forced her breath to stay normal, focused on not getting too nervous. If her heart started pounding too fast, he would notice. She curved her lips into a smirk similar to Azriel’s.
“I enjoy the sight of you kneeling in front of me.” Azriel’s eyes widened just for a second at her response and she knew that she got him.
But before she could say anything else, Azriel’s dagger moved across her thigh, cutting her pants and the skin below. Fiadh let out a growl, cursing the male in front of her. She doubled over, sensing Azriel getting up. A shadow was curling on her left ankle, it was the perfect opportunity. Fiadh stayed doubled over, blocking out the pain from her leg as she concentrated and brought her power to the surface. She commanded the shadow slowly, her eyes fixed on the dark mist, making it snake in between the rope and her skin, breaking strand by strand of the cord. When her left ankle was free, she quickly commanded the one on her right to do the same, making the shadows spread to both her feet to cover what she had done.
She could feel her excitement bubbling up, she could do this. She straightened her back, a pained expression returning to her face. Blood was pouring down her leg, Azriel no longer in front of her. But he still was in the room. Fiadh could feel it, feel him, looming over.
Suddenly, she felt her head jerking back, Azriel’s hand holding her hair in a tight fist, her scalp burning from the hard tug.
“I would love to play with a little thing like you.” Fiadh felt his breath fanning over her face. “But I don’t have the time.”
His right hand came up, the cold blade of the dagger resting against Fiadh’s neck. She widened her eyes, her pulse now picking up pace. No, no, no. She had to think fast or the Shadowsinger would kill her. She closed her eyes, forcing all her power to come out. She could feel her body tingling with anticipation, and as the dagger dug just enough for a trickle of blood to slide across her neck, she exploded.
A wall of shadows burst out, sending Azriel toppling backwards. Fiadh stood up, her feet free and commanding her own shadows, she broke the rope holding her wrists. Azriel’s dagger lay next to her and she picked it up, turning around just to see the spy master standing up, looking at her like he really was going to kill her now. Before she could turn around and run for her life, Azriel spread his wings and flew to her, so fast she didn’t have time to process what was going on.
The next thing Fiadh knew was her body being thrown against the wall, Azriel’s hand on her neck, squishing the air out of her lungs. Fiadh gasped, the dagger falling to the ground as her hands rose to hold Azriel’s forearm, her nails digging into his skin.
“What are you?” She didn’t know if Azriel looked more pissed or surprised at her as he whispered the words.
Azriel’s hand tightened. It was becoming difficult to breath and Fiadh’s visions started to blur. She could see black dots on her eyes and her pulse was becoming erratic, her neck vein throbbing under Azriel’s hand. Fiadh dug her nails harder into Azriel, but the Shadowsinger didn’t even twitch. Tendrils of black smoke started coming out of her fingertips, surrounding Azriel’s arm, the spy looking at them as if he had never seen a shadow before. Ironic.
But he took his hand back, Fiadh crashing on the floor, coughing and panting. He was stunned, so Fiadh took advantage of his astonishment to regain her footing, punching him in the gut and running to the cell’s door. She opened it, the iron knob banging against the stone wall and tried to run, only to violently crash against another wall. She landed on her ass, grunting. Her thigh was throbbing from the slice Azriel had made and her head was pounding, her whole body telling her to rest. But the adrenaline was high and she knew she needed to get out quickly. She looked up, only to be met with a pair of violet eyes. She was royally fucked, she knew, as she stared into the eyes of the High Lord of the Night Court.
“Hello, Fiadh.” Rhysand’s voice was deep as he looked at her. How the fuck did he know her name?
She stayed quiet, building a wall of shadows in her mind to avoid the High Lord from taking a peek. She moved slowly, helping herself with her hands to try and get up. She suppressed a grunt, her body sore and in pain. Before she could get any further, she was hauled up by her armpits, coming to a standing position quickly. Azriel make quick work of putting her hands behind her back, pinning them with one hand while his other came to her neck, the blade once more resting just above where her pulse fluttered.
“Put on a little show like that again and I won’t hesitate to slay your throat.” Azriel rumbled low into her ear and Fiadh struggled against his hand holding her wrists, to no use.
“What are you?” Rhysand spoke again, the cell filling with so much power it was almost unbearable.
“How come you know about me?” Fiadh challenged the High Lord.
“You don’t get to ask questions.” Azriel growled again, pressing his blade harder into Fiadh’s skin, making her hiss.
“I’ve only heard legends about you. Hybern’s shadowsinger, never thought it was true. But you’re here now, so I guess I was wrong.” Rhysand smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You shouldn’t have come here.”
Fiadh was nervous now. She had heard many things of Rhysand, not one single one of them good. He was evil, greedy for power. All in all, he was not so different from the King of Hybern, Fiadh thought. But only one of them could stand, the world could not deal with so many hungry power males. Rhysand was the one who won at the end, at least he won the first round. But now she was free, and she wanted to end him. End every single one of the High Lords. Not for revenge, but because she wanted a free world. Free from tyranny, free from unfair hierarchies. She would start with the worst of them: Rhysand. Maybe that hadn’t been her best idea. But something deep inside her told her to come to the Night Court first. She knew that there was something waiting for her here.
But as she looked into Rhysand’s eyes, feeling the body heat of Azriel right behind her, she wasn’t so sure of anything good coming from this situation. The High Lord finally looked away from her, only to land his eyes right above her head.
“Bring her up. I have more questions for her and it fucking reeks in here.” Without another word, Rhysand disappeared.
“Up? Where?” Fiadh asked, even though she didn’t expect Azriel to answer her. She could feel the anger radiating from his body.
Azriel lowered the dagger and he turned her around, bringing her hands to the front. He tied them together, tightening the rope to the point of pain. He smiled, satisfaction etching across his face at her whimper. Fiadh straightened her back. Proud asshole.
“That’s what you love to do, don’t you? Tie up pretty girls? Kinky.” A sarcastic smirk covered her mouth as Azriel looked into her eyes. Something sparked there, like he was seeing a good challenge unfold.
“That’s just one of the many things I love to do, yes.” Azriel’s voice was again low, and the anger seemed to not be there anymore, replaced by a curiosity on his eyes. “But you said it yourself. I only love to do it to the pretty ones.”
Fiadh narrowed his eyes, opening her mouth to tell him to go fuck himself, but he suddenly grabbed the back of her knees, his other arm snaking across her back, as Fiadh let out a small scream.
“Now, shut up already.” Azriel gave her a saccharine smile.
Before Fiadh knew what was happening, they were travelling across shadows and stars, winnowing. And all of a sudden, they were falling down the sky. Fiadh screamed, feeling her stomach drop. Azriel tightened his hold on her as he spread out his enormous wings and started flapping them. They were flying and Fiadh was about to lose her mind. She closed her eyes, trying to stay as still as possible. But she could feel the wind against her, the sound of his wings moving and her reflexes made her hands grab the collar of his shirt, her fists bunching up the fabric and her face snuggled on the crook of his neck.
She felt Azriel’s feet landing and the male basically threw her onto her feet. Fiadh stumbled, trying to regain her breathing and not throw up. She looked around, they were on a big terrace and, right in front of her, a big house, practically a castle, stood up.
“Where are we?” Fiadh asked as she panted.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She heard Azriel’s voice behind her, taunting her.
And before she could muster up an answer, she felt a jab on the side of her head. Her body fell to the side as everything turned black.
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kasienda · 9 months
tell us about Adrino fake-dating? 👀👀👀
Adrino lends itself to this trope so well in my opinion in that they are super comfortable in each other's spaces, and Nino is generally on board to do anything and everything to 1) earn Adrien more freedom, and 2) piss off Gabriel.
My personal beef with fake-dating is that it's often written where two characters are already in love and already KNOW they're in love, but are too nervous to say anything yet. And I struggle with the whole thing being able to solved at any point with one conversation. (Though it doesn't stop me from reading or enjoying them. Just makes me want to tear my hair out when reading! Haha!)
BUT! If I'm writing my own, I wanted to explore them both not having feelings yet (or at least not being aware of said feelings), and that they figure it out through the process of pretending! And when it's time for it to end, they both realize they really really don't want it to.
So I started writing one. And I'm not sure if I will every finish or post it because it kinda feels like a generic romantic dramedy to me? I feel like I just am making the dolls kiss! Haha! Like, it's an aged up no-powers AU. I don't usually write things without identity shenanigans! And I don't have anything unique to add to this trope at the moment, BUT I've been having fun with it this week especially since I've been home sick. So maybe!!
Here! Take my whole opening scene:
“Tomorrow's photoshoot was rescheduled to Thursday morning, your father canceled dinner tonight, but promises he’ll be available tomorrow—“
Adrien snorted. 
“And you’re to escort Lila Rossi to the gala this Saturday as her date.” 
Adrien dropped his spoon. “That will not be happening. I will go to the gala, but Lila Rossi will not be my date.” 
“Your father agreed to—“ 
“Any agreements my father made on my behalf are null and void if he didn’t get me to sign the contract.” 
One of the benefits of reaching his majority. Now, if only he didn’t need his father to keep paying for university.
“Adrien, I know you don’t like Lila—“
That was an understatement if ever there was one.
“—but your father is not going to take your refusal lightly without any repercussions. Especially if you offer no explanation.” 
He had offered an explanation. Lila Rossi was a snake and Adrien knew better than to let her anywhere close to him.
“It’s only one evening,” Nathalie continued. 
One evening that would turn into many. But he could read between the lines. Nathalie needed a reason. His father wanted him to date someone now that he was old enough for it to garner media attention instead of generate a scandal. 
“You don’t understand, Nathalie. I can’t bring Lila because I already have a date.” 
It wasn’t true, but it could be.
Nathalie sighed. “And does this date have a name?” 
Adrien contemplated dodging the question. He would have preferred to ask before he dragged any of his friends into the spotlight that might include his father’s ire, but Nathalie would argue on his behalf better if she didn’t think he was lying.
He wished he could ask Kagami, but she and Felix had gone public two months prior. He couldn’t throw Marinette under this bus because her career in fashion was only just beginning and getting tangled with his name would only make things more complicated for her. He was already providing her with all the connections and contacts she would let him, and he didn’t want to bring attention to that special attention by bringing her in as a date. Alya was attending university in the UK, and Luka was on tour with his father in the US. 
Which only left him one option anyway. And in many ways it was the best option because Nino was the most willing to do whatever was needed to get Adrien out from under the thumb of his father. 
Adrien glanced down into his hands, trying to sell nervousness that he absolutely did not feel. “I can tell you since you’ll know on Saturday anyway, but Nathalie, I’m hoping I can count on you for support.” 
She actually looked up from her tablet. A good sign. 
“It’s Nino,” he said softly. 
“Nino Lahiffe?”
Adrien nodded. 
“Doesn’t M. Lahiffe have a girlfriend?” 
Adrien shook his head. “Not since Alya left to go abroad. They decided they didn’t want to do a long distance relationship.” 
That much was true. The break up had been amicable. 
“And how serious is this relationship?” 
Fuck. It needed to be serious for Nathalie to pull out all the stops, but how long would Nino put up with the song and dance of it. 
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean, I hope we last, but we haven’t been dating that long. So far though, it’s been amazing! Nino and I have always just… clicked, you know?” 
“I will do everything in my power to see that you get a fair chance.”
He swallowed at the sincerity in her voice. 
“Thank you, Nathalie.” 
She nodded and left. 
He whipped out his phone and pulled up Nino’s contact. Nino wouldn’t likely be awake for another few hours so Adrien wasn’t going to call him, but Adrien could at least warn him. 
Nino’s phone buzzed on the table beside his head. Nino groaned and rolled over - away from his phone. He really should have kept up his maman’s policy of charging his phone in the other room. 
But an alarm clock was yet another thing Nino really couldn’t afford since he had moved out on his own. He was barely breaking even as it was. 
The phone buzzed again and he sighed, fumbling blindly for both it and his glasses. 
He blinked dumbly at the text on his screen, and then read it again. 
I had to tell my father that we’ve been dating. That we’re going to the gala together this Saturday. I’m sorry. I know you wanted to surprise everyone the  day of. Please forgive me. Call me when you’re awake. 
The implications were concerning in more than one way. 
Nino tapped out a response immediately. 
there’s nothing to forgive, love. It was bound to happen eventually.  I still need help with my suit though if you’ve forgotten.  Can we talk in person? I miss you.
I’ll be by in a few hours.  Can’t wait to see you. ❤️ 
Adrien was laying it on thick. Definitely not a good sign.
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blackjackkent · 9 months
OK, I think we're done with Sharess's Caress, at least for the time being, so let's go across the street and check out the Flophouse, which should have a door opened by the key we found on the bodies under Ilmater's temple.
Shadowheart randomly got stung by her wound as we walked across the street.
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>:| Not sure if this is Shar just being a dick for no reason or if she has some interest in us not going into the Flophouse specifically.
Anyway, let's go inside and look around. It's a pretty standard-looking tavern/inn setup with a couple of people to chat with in the main room.
A few adventurers who are all grumpy that they're not being feted and welcomed into the city. Hector was pretty unimpressed since the refugees have it way worse.
A trader who was grumpy about being treated badly by the priests at the Ilmater temple but was willing to sell us a cloud giant strength elixer which will make Hector very powerful at his next fight.
Hector was able to sneak a look at the tenants' logs - the only name I recognized on it was "Ffion Goldgrind". That's the "Stern Librarian" from the Caress, and apparently she's a tenday late on her payments, which tracks with what the madam at the brothel said about her having gone missing. None of the staff have seen her either.
One of the workers in the flophouse, a halfling named Dashkent Moliver, seemed pretty startled to see Hector as he briefly thought Hector was his boss, Fraygo, the owner of the flophouse. He hastily said that Fraygo is "a most generous soul, I assure you," but given how nervous he seemed initially, Hector has some doubts.
Going upstairs... we overhear a very interesting conversation from two people hanging out in one of the bunk rooms.
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"Do you think the master plans to expand his territory? Take Candlekeep, or even Amn?" "Oh, I'm sure he has plans, but I wouldn't dare guess at them."
"Haven't we lingered long enough? We should return for the ceremony." "We have time. The runaway is still missing, after all. Nothing happens until he's found."
"Not long before we leave scouring places like this behind. "I will not. It is our chance to start over, and I will gladly do so."
"Just think - soon we'll feel the sun on our skin, after all this time."
...Oh shit. These are some of Cazador's spawn. Oh shit.
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"One more mark," the man is saying as Hector and his companions drift closer.
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[ROGUE][STEALTH] Listen in.
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"The master said we have enough," the woman whines disinterestedly. "The Black Mass is ready to begin."
The man smirks. "It's not for the master, it's for me. I want a beating heart there, ready for me when the Mass is complete and we're finally granted our freedom. After two hundred years of rats, I think we deserve a real drink."
"There's no time," the woman snaps. "We're expected back at the palace!"
"Relax..." the man drawls disdainfully. "The Black Mass won't start until master drags Astarion from whatever hole he's hiding in. We have time to find one more person."
Hector's heard enough. These are certainly agents of Cazador and are certainly up to no good. Time to step in.
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"What's a Black Mass?" he asks, mock-innocently, moving into view behind them.
The two vampires round on him abruptly, their lips curling in unsettling, hungry smiles.
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"Hello, beautiful," the man says cheerfully, looking Hector up and down. "I didn't see you there."
"We were just discussing a... celebration being held in the palace of Cazador Szarr," the woman explains, rather unconvincingly in Hector's opinion.
"You should come!" the man says brightly. "It'll be the talk of Baldur's Gate."
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No doubt, Hector thinks dryly. These people may also be vampire spawn, but they seem to be distinctly lacking in both Astarion's quick intelligence and his charm. If he can keep from arousing their suspicion, though, this clumsy invitation might be helpful in their eventual intention to raid Cazador's stronghold.
"I don't know," he says, deliberately casual. "I don't normally accept invitations from strangers."
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The man grins. "Thank goodness we're such good friends, then!"
The woman rolls her eyes. "This is not the time, Petras," she snaps.
"Yes, dear sister, I know we have places to be," Petras says with a sigh. "We'll leave once our good friends here have departed." He shoots a wink at Hector. "I look forward to seeing you at the palace, though. It'll be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I promise."
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darlingpwease · 1 year
I haven't? :(( (Yes yes!! And give him many many kisses and shower him in love <<3333)
It's the new Yuuta work I'm writing, that's why it's taking so long. I'm writing a few of the worlds so it's looking like it's gonna be a long fic.... LMAO TRUEE, it's always the systems!!! Face slapping system, hero system, second lead system, canon-fodder system, mob system, villain system, caretaker system, etc etc... Sometimes the MC being the system! I'm still a sucker for them </33 My weakness <//333 Oh? Very interested?? It sounds absolutely amazing??? omgomg????
A calf on a leash?? I've never heard that one before,,, it sounds like a green flag to me though.... hey Dove haha what the fuck ahaha <333 that scenario was so specific?? What have you been reading lately?? Hm?? /ht /hj NOO I don't mean to nullify it I promise
Oooo!! They're nice too,,, there are just so many character I wanna hug tho tbh
If he were to cling to me I'd spoil him as much as I possibly could <333 I'd love him and kiss him and bite him and hold him and coddle him and praise him and treat him like he's the most precious little thing in the whole world <<3333 HAHA ME TOO they're my kryptonite, I love 'em so much, they're so lovable,, I never want to let them go <//33
>:□ I think I'm good and sweet already. Maybe a little tangy or spicy, maybe even bitter,, but still nice nonetheless... /hj?
-panna cotta
Xie Lian loves you, that's a given. He always pays attention to your needs, your likes, dislikes, your passions, your desires, you– He's noticed the way you've been acting the past few lives, and it scares him.
He has done all of this for you to stay.
He loves you.
You've said that there's nothing wrong with him, that you love him, that you'll never leave him– But with you acting different, he still can't help but be unnerved.
You would always treat him like a flower, so delicately, as if he could break at the smallest thing despite him being a God, so when you get a bit rough, when you bite him harder, mark him deeper and darker, when you bind him, marking him up more than you ever have before, he doesn't really know how to act, but by the heavens is he happy.
He listens so well, and when you see him laying there pliantly just for you, trusting you even though his muscles are slightly tensed from not knowing what will happen next, you feel a huge rush of bliss. Excitement. Superiority. Superiority over yourself, but superiority nonetheless.
You finally beat yourself. And it feels glorious.
Xie Lian will remember this. He will never be able to forget this, because this is the first time you're doing it, and you will always have that benefit. Not you from then, and not you in the future. You, right now, have finally something new to give him, and you can't help but revel in that fact.
The way his breath hitches over the smallest movement, the way he whimpers softly, you feel like you have all the power one could have and more.
The way Xie Lian leans into you when you kiss and caress his skin, it drives you insane. He's nervous, but he trusts you. He adores you. He doesn't know what's going on, but he can't help but be happy when he thinks about what kind of joy you must be feeling because of that. You still treat him as if he is the rarest thing in the world, the most precious thing,, when you press soft kisses against him, asking if he's okay, petting his hair and telling him how good he is, how perfect he is–,,, but he can't deny that the roughness is wonderful change too.
And when he calls out your name, not the one the people of this life gave you, but your true, real name,, you can't help but slip and drown in the addictiveness of your Xie Lian.
I can't help but think of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng both being cute puppies that will follow you around, always willing to do whatever you want as long as it makes you happy, being the most loyal and the most devoted to only you,,, man I could just go on and on lmao Hua Cheng would definitely tease as much as he can when you're still a will-o'-wisp, he adores you, you would always be there to protect him when you could, but now he's finally doing that for you, "Oh, how the roles have switched!"
no🧐 you're too suspicious, I don't trust my cute pies to someone like you🫤🫤🫤 /t /j (yes!!! tell him how cute he is and how much you love him; after all, even if you're not quite sure if he's a weasel or a rabbit, you still can't help but adore and shower him with everything you can, even knowing how powerful and strong he is<///3)
I'm looking forward to it then!!! >:33333 I also have a draft, but only about the quick transmigrator Yuuta, who is constantly looking for his lover in every world, not knowing that the one he is looking for is the physical embodiment of his system, so you are always in his world</3 I love them too, it's just a light joke on the spite of the day, dear~
listen, but you, the owner of the system, whose duty it is to check the operability and proper operation of the plot without external influence, so that then other players and their systems can take advantage of this world, because due to plot inconsistencies and holes, the world can try to explain everything itself, sometimes making white lotuses lying creatures, and giving villains high missions and creating white sheep out of them, which, of course, should not be allowed. you just have to live the world and follow the plot, correcting it and letting your system record the shortcomings and what was done to make the plot right again, sometimes even directly arranging in creating chains of motivations and goals just to prevent the world from trying to break the plot itself. in fact, you have almost the least restrictions of all existing system owners - neither in characters, nor in attempts to fix the world, unless you count the fact that after leaving the world you officially confirm that the world is fixed and exists as it should.
and although the world of cultivation is most subject to a huge number of holes and inconsistencies, like fantasy, you still loved to visit them, and a popular novel was rather your way to "relax", enjoying the moment until everything becomes intense. of course, you didn't choose the smallest role to be at the top of the hierarchy and relax at the same time, and even when the world started trying to accommodate you with the original characters, considering you an important character too, you didn't resist. and even when you were in an ambiguous relationship with the main characters, finally allowing yourself to experience almost guilty pleasure from your deaths (which do not affect your essence at all and are painless due to the influence of the system) and the easy torment of characters who had ambiguous feelings for you, you were actually sure that it would not affect on the feelings of the characters themselves — and so it was, they reached the right end, even if you had to get in here and there, sometimes deliberately leaving the plot to find holes and returning to fix, finding minor mistakes here and there, sometimes more because of how few players were still in the world, and the world just doesn't understand how respond to interference. in fact, although the characters don't look at you the way they should, it's not a problem — as soon as you disappear, this tenderness will disappear, so you know what you're doing, even when you're silent on their confession or gently hugging, as if drawing a line, indulging your desire to finally be loved.
at least until you get complaints that the characters don't behave that way — and none of the systems can handle it, no matter what type it is; even a "beta reader" can't fix a plot that doesn't match the original from the very beginning, even more than it even has to match in the young a world that doesn't know how to handle "guests" yet. of course, you are immediately forced to go back to this world, starting from the very beginning, to check whether these words are justified and honest, and why the world has gone crazy — in the end, it may be intruders who are trying to break the world to destroy it, and you, as an inspector, must make sure that everything is fine and then decide what to do with the world.
just to understand that your system is functionally suppressed and just as confused as you are, before explaining that this is only possible in one case — if the main rules of the world, "Heaven", forbid such a thing, while your system only helps, not controls, and should obey these rules. of course, you are amazed, there were no words about the limitation of the system in any of the reviews (only about "characters behave strangely", "they talk about a name that is unfamiliar", "the plot is not right at all!"), otherwise you would have taken additional measures, and if at your death you would have been treated in the game space, then everything would be fine, but your death is not a reason to leave, only the end of fixing the world.
only to understand that all these reviews were absolutely true — the characters are definitely not behaving the way they should have,
especially main characters.
are you not??? let me guess, you don't even understand what that means, hwhwhwhwhw "green flag"😨😨😨 /t Specific? Dear, this is the plot of any Manhua or white lotus story🤨 then I'm very interested in what kind of work you read, since you don't regularly see this template there, because for me it has already become so native, like my child :/// "what the fuck" bad white lotus cotta, white lotuses never swear!!! 3:<<< /t /hj of course, dear, but forgetting about it also counts as nullify, and we both know what that means<///3 /t /j
attention, here is a panna cotta who did not reach the 'dark water' arc ajhshshs /t /j /nsrs yes so true😔 wanna mwah all of them😔😔😔
yes!!! fandom often considers him just a baby, but he has experienced so many dark and traumatic things and has grown so much and overgrown with traumatic experience and insecurities and continues to try to stay positive and have a strong moral,,,, I want to see him break down and cling to you because you are the only thing that continues to give him hope in the world and what keeps his mental and emotional stability, and he gives you everything he has, because he can't afford to lose you anymore :((( he looks so cute and innocent, especially considering his altruistic and gentle nature, as if he really is some kind of forest fairy or a helping spirit; this provokes even more to get under his skin and poke at painful spots until you see how deeply and abnormally obsessive and dependent he is on you<////3333 my poor little woof woof,,,, yes!!! I always want to kiss and caress them until they start feeling loved again and will not be happy and will not cry if they are emotional <33333 xie lian is just as unique as yuuta, only if yuuta wanted to corrupt, then xie lian causes a desire to corrupt him and make him even more painful until his real attitude towards you appears in the form of a burning black lump of emotions, feelings and desires,,,, hua cheng, on the other hand, only makes me want to rock him in my arms, I don't want to hurt him shsghdgshd
🤨 dear, if everyone in the world were as sweet and nice as you, kindness would be absent in our world in principle🤨🤨 meanie /t /hj
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When you are rude to him for the first time in all your lives, to the point that his legs can't help but tremble, feeling your hot lips slide over his cool skin, leaving bites and kisses, tightly wrapping around his waist, almost breaking it from the strength of hugs if you could, but Xie Lian only purrs, stroking you, encouraging you rather than trying to calm you down, allowing you to pinch and bite, feeling that your emotions become a tight ball that curls inside your body, spreading through your veins like poison, finding release only in the way his body shudders or how he breathes or moans when you find even more skin, you press even closer, bite even harder — when you try to find even more evidence that his body does not belong to "you", but to you, to you, personally to you, personally to you.
When you demand that he looks at you while touch his body, still sensitive to your touch and loving them; looking at you with darkened eyes, and you can't figure out whether it's a blush or the light from the fire on his face when your fingers slide to his stomach, drawing lines and words, which have meaning only for the two of you, like your secret symbols that belong only to you two, memories that only you of the living share. The signs by which only you can recognize each other, outlined on his soft skin, but almost leaving hot brands from which he breathes heavily, are still the same desperate mess for you that hundreds of years ago, that now — as if he is frozen in time, not even moving until you enter, entering into a chemical reaction that only has both of you, able to exist only with each other, no more than the moon and sun that you once had to become, the moon and sun of the Xianle kingdom, when you intertwine your fingers with his, letting his loose hair lie on the floor like tangled threads while his thin long fingers squeeze the fabric of your clothes, hearing there are only quiet moans and sighs around the house, as if everything around you has fallen silent, immersing you only in the sounds and rustle of each other's clothes, a quiet sweet moan when his legs tremble with excitement — just so that you catch it, kissing his hot face, even when your sticky, wet fingers slide over, leaving an imprint on his wet skin, continuing to caress, take, squeezing, touching, stroking, pinching, — and feeling how he greedily kisses your lips, as if giving up everything he has it was, pressing so tightly that it becomes difficult for you to breathe, as if he is trying to eat you, clinging in blind despair and need.
Xie Lian's eyes are dark, shining with delight and adoration, as if overflowing with feelings and sensations, and he is so hot and moist, even if he looks like a smooth white jade, — and his body is so pliable, even if unable to cope when your fingers continue to slide, caressing, touching, groping, making him gasp from the sensations, trembling, awkwardly wrapping his legs around your hips, blindly kissing your neck and face while holding your hand with his hand, refusing to let go, as if this is the only thing that leaves him on earth, not letting you give in to the impulse and be completely absorbed, even if your caresses become more and more passionate, hungry, needy,
just like you.
When he whispers your name, which no one knows anymore, making you tremble with pleasure, still knowing that he remembers it, that it is you now before his eyes, the real you, and Xie Lian loves you like no one else, just like you do him, asking him to tell you again how your name is called; quietly whining your name when your skin touches each other, catching your breath, shared by two, as if you are under the water column, where there is only you and nothing else, enveloped from all sides and locked with each other, forever locked with each other, and you gently, affectionately, as before, whisper his name, adding 'His Royal Highness' when his body warms up again, digging fingers into your skin, breathing hard, whining, searching your lips with his lips, as if trying to find air,
just like he was looking for your gaze before, bringing peaches and other fruits with him to be with you.
Somewhere there, underground, your ancient kingdom sleeps, keeping its secrets in pristine silence, which no one remembers now.
You loved each other, that's why you were saved.
And you don't think it's an accident.
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ahhh!!!! yes!!! gosh, we're really on the same wavelength, aren't we? they would be your most devoted and loving followers, ready to do anything for you and your happiness, and the fact that their adoration is ancient and unchangeable, unconditional, makes everything even better and worse at the same time, as if you are both in heaven and in a demonic reality, experiencing all the intensity that they can give and that they stored until you were able to accept it<3333 I mean??? is someone stopping you??? I don't see anyone for some reason???🤨🤨🤨 /ht /pos /gen
imagine that you were the former spouse of the crown prince, who was supposed to become your husband — so that he would then ascend, and you could live as the future monarch in his absence, simply observing celibacy, but then he returns against the rules of heaven and you are broadcast for being the spouse of a demon-god, only to have a child whom you once caught because, like a vulture, you watched the festival go well while your spouse was performing, and then you meet this child after you found out that he was born under the star of misfortune and tried to give him comfort, and then you meet him so often in all places where you can, to the point that you can't help but be gentle and affectionate to him, trying to protect him until your Prince begins to need your support and you don't have time for the child anymore — and now this 'child' takes care of you and teases you when you are fully awake from the exhausting hatred, pain and anger, having previously managed to burn people who harmed your Xie Lian. only now he has become much taller, with a blindfold over one eye, too powerful than he should be (why is he a great demon, while you still don't even have enough energy to transform into a human body? isn't he having too much luck??) and you don't even know where your lover is??? at least this kid promises to take care of him and take care of you, and you don't really have much choice in following him until you find your Xie Lian — sort of...
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hero-of-the-wolf · 3 months
Chapter 2: A Land in Ruins
Despite the boy, that other Link, there wasn’t a soul to be found in the ruins of Castletown. Well, any living souls, anyways. Link glumly kicked at a rock. He’d found remains here, too. He tried not to think too hard about who they once were.
What was that kid doing here, anyways? Everyone else had the good sense to stay away. And why was he so nervous? Was he hiding something? He….
Link froze mid-stride, staring at the remains of a house that he could never forget. He exhaled slowly and strode towards it.
He had to shoulder the door open to step inside. The roof had caved in, leaving rubble strewn all over inside, but other than that the main room was mostly intact. Link looked without seeing, picking through the remains, unsure what he was searching for. Then something caught his eye.
He knelt down to pick up a scrappy little doll.
His sister’s.
Without a word he tucked it into his bag, too.
He didn’t linger long after that, leaving the ruins behind and making his way towards the castle. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting exactly, considering the state everything else was in, but nothing could have prepared him for what he found.
Castletown lay in ruins, but the castle… the castle was just gone.
Only the fragmented outline of the foundation was left of the once great building. This couldn’t have been the work of neglect and the slow reclamation of nature. It had been intentional.
The work of Ganon, perhaps?
Link breathed in deeply, held it a moment, and let it out in a great rush. Whatever this Ganon was, Link swore that he wouldn’t let it get away with this. If it was in his power, he’d put a stop to these horrid deeds and avenge his fallen land.
He took the time to straighten out a couple stones in a rather pathetic attempt at a memorial before finally moving on. He’d already wasted too much time.
Zelda couldn't be at the castle, and there was no one there that could aid in his quest. There was no more reason to stay. So he set up camp in the forest nearby, his thoughts weighing heavy on his mind.
He wished his princess was here with him. She would know what to do. She would know what had happened to them. Link felt completely out of his depth here, all alone.
Where could she be? She never would have just left like this. Something must have happened to her. This must have been the work of Ganon, too.
No, that other Link had said that Ganon had destroyed Hyrule ages ago. Whatever it was, it couldn’t still be around now.
Could it?
He suddenly stiffened, hand instinctively reaching out to grasp the hilt of his sword. “I know you’re there.”
A beat.
“Alright, alright, you got me.” The other Link stepped out of the shadows, sheepishly approaching the other man, his hands shoved into his pockets.
Link let go of his sword and leaned back to eye him suspiciously. “You’re following me?”
“Well… yeah.” He shrugged awkwardly. “You looked upset earlier. And you seem… different, somehow? Like you’re not supposed to be here?”
“Yeah. You could say that.”
“So… what’s your story?” The kid slowly sat down across from him, still taut and ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. Link distantly wondered why he seemed so jumpy. “Why are you… here?”
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” Link answered gruffly.
“... yeah alright, that’s fair.”
They stared at each other a moment, neither willing to talk, nor wanting to be the first to look away.
Finally Link sighed, breaking eye contact to reach into his bag and pull out Zelda’s book. He started to flip through it. Maybe there was something in here that could give him a hint on what he was supposed to be doing.
The other Link scooted closer, interest piqued. “What’s that?”
“It’s a book,” Link answered dryly. At the kid’s unamused look he continued on. “It belongs to my friend, Zelda.”
“Can I see it?”
Link hesitated.
It couldn’t hurt, right?
He held up the book for the boy to see. The kid’s eyes lit up, scanning over the page it was open to with an eager sort of hunger.
“What is it?”
“I… don’t know, really. She was always the one who was good at this sort of stuff.”
He pulled the book back to look over the page himself.
Agaricus inferenus
Sources agree that this particular agaricus must have had some sort of cultural importance in the past, though it has now fallen out of use. Uncommonly found within the cave systems around the fissure now known as Death Mountain. Mycologists have also concluded that it indeed has special properties, including potential fire resistance, but tests are still being conducted. Potentially edible.
“It’s uh… it’s a type of mushroom. It says it might have been important once, and it might be able to give you fire resistance, too. They’re found around Death Mountain apparently, though I’ve never seen one there.”
“Oh, really?” The other Link frowned thoughtfully. “Huh.”
He looked like he knew more than he was letting on. Link studied him, searching for the answers to at least *some* of the questions that were threatening to split his skull apart.
He decided on a different tactic.
“Huh?” He echoed carefully.
The other Link stared at him unknowingly. “What?”
“You seem like you might be familiar with this.”
“Oh?” He glanced down at the page again, his face betraying nothing. “Nope. Can’t say I have. Why do you ask?”
“... forget it.”
This kid was harder to pin down than a chuchu. It’d take more than a slip of the tongue to get him to speak.
Well, fine.
Link snapped the book closed and tucked it back into his bag. “It’s late. I’m turning in. You… you can do whatever you want, I guess.”
Link felt the stranger’s eyes on him as he turned away, setting out his bedroll and laying down. He ignored him, stubbornly keeping his eyes closed until finally, sleep took him.
The air around him was thick with smoke. He wrapped his arm around his face, lungs already burning, blinking hard through the tears blurring his vision.
Ahead of him stood Zelda.
He tried to call out to her, choking on ash, but his voice failed him. He stumbled after her as she fled, dizzy from the fumes. She was in danger here. He had to help her.
His foot caught on something and he hit the ground hard. He groaned, rolling over to see that strange cube from before.
The cube.
It must have been what caused this whole mess. But how?
Maybe that cube was their ticket back home.
He reached for it, but his fingers only grasped at nothing.
Suddenly Zelda was standing in front of him again. She reached down and picked up the cube, then held out a hand to him with a smile.
He reached for it, but before he could grab hold of it a scream rang out, piercing his very heart.
He woke up with a gasp, shooting to his feet. By the fire the other Link startled, his hand grabbing for his sword. They stared at each other a moment, until the kid finally let go of his sword and held his hands up placatingly.
“You alright?”
Link blinked hard a few times before finally nodding. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
It was still dark. He had no idea how much time had passed. But he got the feeling that he wasn’t getting much more sleep anytime soon.
He’d known that scream….
“You, uhh… you can go to sleep, if you want to. I’ll take over watch.”
“Oh, no. It’s okay. I don’t mind staying up.”
Link sat down by the fire again and shot the kid a pointed look. “*One* of us might as well get some rest here.”
“... fine.”
He walked off with a huff, settling down a ways from the fire onto the ground and curling up. He held perfectly still, even as the minutes dragged on. Link wasn’t sure if he was really asleep or not, but at least he was resting.
That was certainly more than Link could say for himself.
He pulled out Zelda’s book again. There had to be answers in here. Some clue to lead him in the right direction.
The last few pages had once been blank, but Zelda had been steadily filling them out with her own notes.
Today Link and I found a cavern halfway up Death Mountain. It was partially collapsed, but with some quick thinking we were able to create an opening stable enough to get in. Inside was some sort of old weapons cache. I’ve never even seen some of these types of weapons before! Link was unfamiliar with them as well. Perhaps the Gorons would know more? Nothing is really usable anymore, nature has certainly taken it’s toll here, but the knowledge we could relearn is so exciting! I can’t wait to learn more!
Link’s nearly finished with his training now. Soon he’ll be an official knight of Hyrule! I’m so proud of him. I’ve always—
Link tore his gaze away, snapping the book back shut once again. It wasn’t his place to read this. It was personal.
The other Link shifted, sitting up and gazing at him curiously. He didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to.
Link hated to admit it, but he needed help. And as suspicious as this kid seemed, he was his best chance at finding Zelda before anything more could happen to her.
He sighed.
“I'm looking for my friend.”
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The Centenary
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Something was here.
Something was there.
Some big event was here, forboding across the land. And most couldn't see it.
But Ramshackle Dorm could.
Grim embraced the kindness being shown to him, while Yuu and Quentin. . . were more nervous about the situation.
Everyone around them was more generous than the three remembered, especially at Night Raven College.
More parties and celebrations being thrown for no real reason.
There was more joy in the air. And it seems everything felt that joy.
Well, all but Ramshackle dorm.
It was. . . interesting.
Friends where suddenly more willing to pay for lunch, less homework and schoolwork from teachers.
Everyone was still, well, everyone just with more. . . generosity.
It was strange.
Strange times indeed.
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"Dorm Leader Nighty-Sallow!" Yuu called out and Grim came into Ramshackle's dorm lounge to their dorm leader, sitting in her rocking chair.
"Yes?" Quentin answered, stopping what she was doing.
"I found these strange coins!" Yuu proclaimed.
"Even stranger than the other coins with the strange symbols and 100s on them?" Quentin asked, to which Yuu nodded before pulling out three coins-all with pictures of them on it with the strange symbols and 100s plus another set of symbols for their pocket, and putting it on the table.
Grim's chest puffed out with pride. "It's nice to know we're finally getting the recognition we deserve, especially me!"
"But who would do this? And why coins?" Yuu asked, with a hint of worry in their voice.
Quentin pulled out her magical pen-and the coins glowed with magical power for a moment before falling back on the table. "I can't find anything. It seems like totally normal coins."
"Huh." Yuu said in confusion, but Grim's chest puffed out again.
"See! It's a coin of recognition! Someone finally recognizes us for our hard work!"
"But who made it?" Yuu asked, once again.
"Could be the same people made this 100 coins." Quentin said. "And Yuu seems to be able to find use of it, so if you want to keep it Yuu, you can keep it."
"Really?" Yuu asked, with a face that Quentin couldn't tell was joy, confusion, or disgust, so it probably was a mix of all of them.
"Yes. My magic has determined they're harmless, so I don't see anything bad about keeping them if they might help you with whatever you're doing."
Yuu nodded. The coins stayed in Yuu's possession.
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"We're going to the National Art Museum in the Land of Dawn!" Dire Crowley smiled to the other dorm leaders.
He'd called an emergency dorm leader meeting. . . for a sudden announcement?
Typical Crowley. Quentin looked at the cheery old crow with scorn.
"I'm sorry?" Riddle Rosehearts, Heartslabyul's dorm leader asked, clearly confused.
But Quentin knew Riddle. Riddle wasn't asking a question, he was panicking at the suddenness of the Dire Crowley's announcement.
"Yay!" Kalim smiled, even pumping his fist in the air before the tattooed boy blinked a few time sand dawned a confused face. "Wait. Where is the Museum?"
"In the Land of Dawn, didn't you listen?" Leona Kingscholar spoke up, his ears twitching in irritation.
"Right, sorry." Kalim rubbed the back of his head.
"An Art Museum?" Malleus leaned over to Quentin.
"It's like an art gallery, only it's more for the public than for one family," Quentin answered to which Malleus nodded.
"Why, exactly?" Azul Ashengrotto spoke up.
"Because they're holding an anniversary party for a '100 years'!" Dire Crowley cheerfully said, making almost everyone in the room sigh.
"We've got a free pass to the Museum because there's an event going on and you've always wanted to go there, didn't you?" Quentin simply looked at Crowley.
"My Ms. Nighty-Sallow! You make it sound like I planned this out!"
"Because I'm pretty sure you did." Quentin sighed and the tablet in the room, representing Idia, made a snickering noise.
"Quentin realy said no mercy today. We stan a girl who ran out of fucks to give." Idia giggled.
"It's true that the Nation Museum of Art in the Land of Dawn is famous for its' art, but this truly is a once-in-a-lifetime for you all as well! We've been invited to the celebration afterward as well!" Crowley said.
"A party?" Vil Schoenheit commented, and Crowley nodded enthusiastically, seeing to make the Pormfoire dorm leader cringe.
Quentin narrowed her eyes at Crowley then looked around the room-the other dorm leaders, besides Kalim, didn't seem all that interested in the event, and if Quentin was honest, neither was she.
A Party? With art people?
No, thank you. Quentin already had enough pretentious people to deal with in her life.
"I'm sorry, Headmaster." Quentin said formally, seeming to grab Crowley's, and well as everyone else's attention. "I don't think I, or my dormmates for that matter, will make to the event. After all, I, much less Ramshackle dorm have no formal clothing for a centenury event, much less have the resources to get there on our own plus our school obligations will prohibit us from fully joining the event because we've been so busy lately. Please go without us."
The other dorm leaders seemed to catch on to what Quentin was saying and they shot smirks at her as if to tell her she'd done a good job, well, besides Kalim, who seemed to be downtrodden at the mention of Ramshackle's financial situation and Crowley who seemed surprised for a moment.
"Aw!" Kalim said, rushing over to the other side of the table and holding unto Quentin's hands seeming to tear up. "You all can't go?"
"I'm sorry Kalim. Ramshackle just doesn't have the resources like the other dorms all do." Quentin said. "We'll have to sit this event out."
But before Quentin could even relish in her clever comeback to Crowley's proclamation, Crowley spoke back. "Oh, there's no need to worry about that."
Several 'Tch!' noises sounded through the air as well as a small laugh from Malleus.
"Because it's a school event! The school will provide the outfits necessary and the transportation."
"Oh, I see." Quentin said, to which Kalim tackled her into her chair with hug.
"Isn't it great Ramshackle can go?!" Kalim smiled.
"Indeed, it is." Quentin said, sighing.
So, Quentin walked back to her dorm and told her dormmates.
"We've got a celebration to go to tomorrow," Quentin told Yuu and Grim, making them confused.
"For what?" Yuu asked.
"We've been invited to an art museum and Crowley wants the whole school to go." Quentin said.
"What's an art musuem?" Grim asked.
"It's a place where pieces of art are put in one place. Normally it's a public place." Quentin answered.
Grim nodded in understanding.
"There's a party afterwords and we're also going to that as well."
"Really?!" Grim's eyes lit up.
"Yup." Quentin sighed.
"When is this party?"
"TOMORROW?!" Yuu and Grim said in almost complete unison, though with completely different tones.
"YES!" Grim cheered, bouncing up and down with his whole body with pure joy.
Yuu, on the other hand, was not happy. They seemed rather confused and worried. "Isn't that too sudden?"
Quentin sighed. "You know that old crow. He does what he pleases."
Yuu sighed as well before smiling. "Well, at least we're getting out of school for this."
Quentin then smiled herself. "Yes, that's one bonus."
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The next day, the dorm found a box.
"Open it! Open it!" Grim cheered from his dorm leader's shoulder.
"I'm working on it, Grim." Quentin teased and opened the box.
Inside the box was. . . outfits.
"Outfits?" Yuu questioned.
"This must be Crowley's outfits for us." Quentin said. "I feel bad for Crewel."
"I want to try it on!" Grim said.
"Grim, we have to-"
"I WANT TO PUT IT ON!" Grim quoted, even throwing himself into the box and clinging to the fabric with all the power his tiny paws could muster.
"Grim, listen to me!" Quentin picked up the cat, who still clung to the fabric but seemed to be listening. "We can put them on after we eat breakfast! None us have eaten yet!"
Grim lit up and the proposition. "Oh yeah! Of course we can!"
Grim then let go of the shiny fabric and went rushing towards the kitchen and Quentin and Yuu looked at each other before laughing their way to the kitchen.
After a decent breakfast, Grim insisted the group try on the outfits in his and Yuu's room. So, with a very insistent Grim, Quentin brought the box to the duo's room.
After laying out the outfits, there were three of them, each in a bag with each of their names on it.
A small bag that had the name 'Grim', there was a small silver and purple suit that Grim enthusiastically put on when he saw how sparkly he was. He had a silver sparkly long suit jacket with silver buttons, a white shirt with the same silver buttons, a purple pair of pants with silver buttons, and a small black bowtie. But, after a while, Grim seemed to be struggling to put on the pants before he gave a pleading look to Quentin, a signal he needed help.
Quentin gave a sigh then a smile then looked at Yuu. "I'll help Grim put on the suit. You go put on your outfit in the bathroom, if you need help, I'm here to help. I'll put on my outfit when I know you two have yours on."
To which, Yuu nodded, grabbed the bag with their name on it, and then went out the door, hopefully to go to the bathroom.
Soon enough, Quentin went back to what she was doing and helped Grim into his clothes. First, the pants were a lot more form-fitting than what Grim was used to since, well, he normally doesn't wear anything.
"Hey, is 100 years a long time?" Grim asked, seeming genuine.
Quentin laughed. "As a human, I think so."
"That's not a good answer." Grim pouted as Quentin finished buttoning up his vest, which honestly acted more like a vest.
"I'm serious." Quentin smiled at Grim before she pulled out the coat. "Everything has its own sense of time. Humans only live around 100 years, so for us, it's a long time. But to other species, that may not be as long. Some Beastman can live longer than humans, so they think it's a shorter amount of time, like a few years. And the Fae, well, to them a hundred years feels a little more than what we call a year."
Grim looked at her in wonder. "How long will I live?"
Quentin laughed again. "That depends on you."
Grim looked confused as Quentin adjusted his coat and continued, "I'm not sure what kind of monster you are, so I can't tell you how long you're expected to live. But I can tell you this-as long as you take care of yourself, you'll live a long life."
Grim looked at Quentin for a moment and then spoke again, "So then, what's a 'legecy', and how do I make it?"
Quentin looked at Grim in confusion, but then stopped, as she seemed to have finished. "Ah. Has Crewel been talking about it?"
Grim nodded.
Quentin sighed. "A Legecy-is complicated."
"Complicated?" Grim tilted his head.
"A legacy is something you leave behind after you've done something. It's what happens after an action. It can be good, it can be bad. Like a magical war leaves a legacy of damage to anything around it, or a magician can leave a legacy of people wanting to learn magic as well."
Grim's face scrunched. "That is complicated."
But QUetin quickly grabbed Grim in her arms and hugged him before Grim started to protest. "But you don't have to worry about it. It's too early for you to worry about your actions just yet. You're a young magician. It's okay to be irresponsible while you're learning how to deal with magic. I was irresponsible with my magic when I was still learning how to use it"
Grim looked at his dorm leader seriously. "Really?"
Quentin laughed. "I've done so many stupid things. I used to love flying on a broom-and I'd chase people around just for fun on my broom, or go to the highest place I could when people told me not to. Or I'd play with magical animals that weren't safe for me. I think it's better you learn your magic in a safe place than in the real world-where things can get complicated if you make one wrong move and they'll get mad at you."
Grim looked at Quentin-and but there was nothing there. There was nothing in those eyes of hers. A dead woman lived in those eyes. but Grim didn't have much time to study Quentin before not for long as Yuu walked in their outfit, and all of a sudden-the light in her eyes came back.
"What are you two doing?" Yuu asked.
"Waiting for you!" Grim said, jumping out of Quentin's arms and towards where Yuu was standing.
"You look good." Quentin stood up and looked at Yuu. "I think it suits you. You look like a polished diamond."
"Of my minion does!" Grim said cheerfully as Yuu blushed. "Only we could see their true worth before, but now the outfit they're wearing really shows it."
"Indeed it does. I bet the boys will regret ever treating you badly. after they see you" Quentin laughed
Yuu was starting to become the same color as Riddle face when he was mad. But they thought quickly and grabbed the bag with the dorm leader's name on it. "Are you going to make us do a fasion show by ourselves? Put yours on!"
"Sure, sure." Quentin said and she quickly cast a spell to put on her version of the purple and silver clothes.
The Dorm Leader's outfit was a dress silver princess dress with see-through silver sleeves and a huge white bow with a smaller purple bow on the inside and a purple strand flowing down the dress across the waistband of the dress with a silver asymmetrical skirt with a purple lining underneath. She also had a pair of matching purple gloves with a single silver bracelet on her left wrist and a pinwheel silver bow with a purple gem in her hair.
"You look beatiful, too." Yuu offered.
"Pfft." Quentin laughed as she put an arm around Yuu, the kind of way a close friend would when trying to tease, to pull you towards a place, to hold close and show that you were there. "No way. You look more beautiful then me!"
"No way!" Yuu laughed and pushed on back playfully.
But before the group could say anything else, a white flash of light came from the room, engulfing the room, and taking those inside with it.
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Quentin clung to Yuu for dear life as they found themselves in a void of white, Quentin then looked around and saw Grim before quickly grabbing his hands and tucking them as close as she could into her chest as the surroundings around them seemed to be. . . almost coming into focus like a blur camera being adjusted to come back into focus.
Soon enough, Quentin's feet touched a solid surface. Then she started to see the lighting of the area, and then, she finally could see where her dorm was.
She was. . . in front of. . . what would you even call a building as big as this?
There was no way that was a house. It was simply too big for a single person. It seemed like it could fit a whole city comfortably.
A mansion? A castle?
Maybe both with how big it was.
The building in front looked something like a Cape Cod-Victorian styled mansion-castle that glowed with lurid light that shined into the sky as if it was announcing the building to the world. From what Quentin could tell, the building was made from stone, which had silver and purple decorations scattered all over the building, like what looked like party decorations. Ballons and various other objects seemed to be leaking from the windows like there were too many to hold inside and could burst at any moment.
The place looked so glittering and radiant that was almost like it was begging for them to come inside. And if Quentin was honest. . . this place was beyond gaudy. It almost made her sick how extravagant this place was.
Quentin no doubt this place was hiding something. There was no way this was just a party for a celebration. that was an excuse.
This was a display of wealth.
But. . . for what?
She, Yuu and Grim were in a garden of sorts with various displays of statues flowers, and shrubbery of all kinds.
And. . . the place was filled with people coming in and out that Quentin couldn't even get a count of people. . . and filled with noise.
"Quentin. . . where are we?" Grim asked.
"I. . . don't know." Quentin answered. "Are you two okay?"
To which Yuu and Grim nodded.
"Hello!" A voice appeared out of nowhere, and a glowing disc-like mouse head with dots all over that seemed to glow in the dark appeared out of nowhere, as well as a pair of gloved hands coming from the flat disc-like head.
Yuu and Grim let out a screech in panic while Quentin tried to pull out the dorm weapon. . . which had turned into a. . . white cane?
"Oh! I'm sorry, does your world not have technology?" the flat disc-like head creature said, fearfully..
"Um, I'm sorry, where are we?" Quentin asked, putting down the cane.
"The party, of course!" the robot smiled as if trying to calm them down.
"The party?" Grim poked his head out from Quentin's neck.
"Yes! You were invited by Mickey himself, weren't you?" the flat disc-like head robot asked.
"How do you know Mickey?" Yuu asked, and the robotic being beamed.
"Why, Mickey and Minnie knows everyone! They're the ones hosting the party, after all! You three are Mickey's friends, as well, as under Oswald's protection! Mickey never, ever leaves anyone close to him out! Nor would Oswald ever let you all be forgotten!" the robot smiled.
"What are you?" Grim asked, to which the robot head smiled kindly.
"I'm Toodles, I'm here to help you!" the flat disc-like head said. "Now, I know you three don't have much time to party with us-"
"Woah, woah, woah there." Quentin said, even unintentionally slamming the cane into the ground. "We never got an invitation."
The floating flat disc-like head looked confused. "No. You did."
The robot's hands pointed to one of Yuu's pockets. To which, Yuu shuffled through their pockets pulling out the three coins that said a word, and then a "100" and the Ramshackle trio's faces on it, and when the robot saw the little coins in Yuu's hand, he beamed. "See? You have an invitation!"
"Um, how does this count as a-" Yuu asked but was quickly cut off.
"So, like I said before," the robot head started to float away and the Ramshackle trio followed him. "Mickey knows you all have business to attend to soon, but nonetheless, he still wanted you to enjoy the festivities on a day such as this. He said you all can come back later if you'd like, and he'll even provide dinner for you all."
"Dinner?!" Grim smiled, making Quentin sigh.
Toodles smiled with such optimism it kind of freaked Quentin out a little. "Yes! Should I tell him you'll be having dinner with him?!"
"Hold on, can we go to our obligation and see how we feel afterward? We've got a lot on our plate for our event." Quentin quickly jumped in, before Toodles could force them into something else.
But the robot didn't seem phased at all as he and the trio approached a large door with grand cravings on it of a mouse's head. "Why, of course, you can!"
Toodles then opened the door to reveal. . . A grand party with so many people Quentin couldn't even begin to count them. If she thought there were so many coming in and out-she was wrong. There were so many people here she couldn't get a headcount. But she noticed one thing-all of them were wearing white, purple, or both.
Just like her dorm's outfits.
And they were partying it up.
Quentin only had to look around for a few moment before she understood what kind of party this was right now.
She'd seen this kind of party before. Not exactly like this, but in a different form.
This. . . was a pure party on the verge of going into chaos.
Almost everyone where was drunk on pure ecstasy. Like all of them were truly happy.
But before Quentin could deduce what exactly what the party atmosphere was-she noticed there was a small crowd of people around the door, as if waiting for them. An anthroponotic group of animals, to be exact. She could see two white ducks, one male one female, a tall black dog-like creature, two smaller chipmunks, a yellow dog, a female black cat, a female black mouse and. . .
Wait. . . is that. . . ?
She recognized a rabbit and a mouse. They were. . . Mickey and Oswald, right?
They were the ones she saw in her dream when the school was almost taken over by Malleus' Unique Magic.
The rabbit, Oswald, if Quentin remembered right, was wearing a white top hat and rubbing a white cane with an outfit mirroring Grim's outfit, only without the buttons on his pants and an open vest.
The mouse, which if Quentin's memory served her well was Mickey, who was also wearing a similar outfit as Grim. No scratch that-it was almost the exact same outfit, where it not for the buttons on the mouse's shorts being bigger than Grim's.
"What if they got lost? Or they didn't send them here? What if-" the rabbit fretted, alongside the male mouse who had a very worried look on his face.
"Oswald," A female black cat in a white dress and hat spoke up, holding the rabbit's shoulders, and another mouse figure put her hand on the other mouse's shoulders. "Your dorm will be okay. They're probably coming with Toodles as we speak."
"I've brought the last guests, Mickey!" Toodles announced, and the group of animal's heads whipped around to look at the trio. When Oswald saw the three of them, his whole body lit up with joy.
The kind of joy that you get from your guardians when you graduate from school, or doing something great and accomplish something-a mix of pride, pure joy, hope, and love all in one bundle. That moment that you remember as a happy moment for years when you have nothing left.
"There you all are!" the black rabbit smiled, and quickly tackled the three in a bone-crushing hug. The kind of loving hug like they hadn't seen you in a long time. "I was getting worried about you three."
"Um, hi." Yuu spoke up.
"What is going on?" Grim asked.
The group of animals looked at each other for a moment in confusion but after a few moments, they all seemed to have realized something.
"Ah. It must have been so sudden for you all. Sorry 'bout that." Oswald scratched behind his head.
"I'll explain," Micket spoke up. "but first let's sit down and eat. You all must be hungry after the journey."
Grim's once more eyes lit up at the mention of food, but upon seeing his realization, he seemed to snap back to being skeptical, like Quentin and Yuu were. Despite this, none of the other animal-like creatures seemed alarmed they seemed rather relaxed.
Mickey lead the trio to a more secluded area of the party, one where you could still see and hear the party but wasn't as loud as in the main room and the other animals followed suit, almost seeming to form a circle around the Ramshackle trio as they walked towards the spot the mouse had designated.
As the group walked, Mickey kept getting called out to.
"Hey Mickey!" A boy with spikey brown hair called out. "Where did you go?"
"Hey-ya, Sora!" Mickey called back. "I was just waiting for the last of other friends!"
"Ah. The ones you said would be late?" the boy answered back. "You got to introduce me to them!"
Mickey nodded. "You betcha!"
"Mickey!" A man with elf-like apperance with red hair appeared before the Ramshackle trio upside down before looking towards the black mouse. "Are those the ones from Twisted Wonderland?"
"Yup!" Mickey nodded. "But they need some time, it being their first time with this and all."
The man gave a smirk before flying off.
"Mickey." A lion that looked. . . No. The King of Beasts said from a nearby bed. "Don't us me wait too long."
"I won't Scar!" Mickey answered back, with fear in his voice.
Mickey then guided the group up a flight of stairs, and then guided the group to a large table, and gestured to the seats, Ramshackle did find their seats, to and the other animals sat near them, especially Oswald and Mickey, who sat closest to the dorm members.
"To answer your question, Grim." Mickey said. "Well, I think it would be best if we introduce ourselves. You all know me. Just in a different form."
"Different form?" Grim questioned before Mickey nodded.
"Hold on a 'eond." Mickey smiled, before he seemed to change and. . .changed into someone they knew.
The red pants with the white buttons and big yellow shoes and black eyes with no pupils.
"Mickey!" Yuu and Grim said at the same time in joyous voice.
"Aw shucks." Mickey simply said, matching their joy and putting his hands on his hips. "Now you're embarrassing me."
Yuu and Grim seemed to relax after seeing a familiar face, but Quentin didn't.
"This is Minnie, my girlfriend," Mickey gestured to the female mouse that had comforted him earlier who gave a little wave.
"This is Goofy and Donald, who I'd mentioned earlier, Yuu." Mickey smiled, gesturing to the male duck and tall dog-like beings who smiled at the Ramshackle members.
"This is Daisy." the female duck smiled kindly and waved a little at the trio.
"This is my dog, Pluto." Mickey gesturing to the yellow dog.
"And the chipmunks you saw earlier-they where named CHip and Dale. They're off getting food." Mickey sighed.
"Or causing trouble." Donald offered.
"And but not least, this is Oswald, and his wife, Orsentia." Mickey gestured to Oswald and the cat who had comforted him eariler. Oswald and Orsentia beamed at being introduced.
"I've been waiting to meet you three ever since you were sorted into my dorm." Oswald smiled while Yuu looked confused, and now Quentin looked alarmed.
Grim, meanwhile seemed to find nothing wrong here, smirked. "Of course you have! I mean, who wouldn't want to meet the Great Grim?!" which seemed to make Yuu and Quentin sigh but made the other animals laugh.
"Oh, it's so nice Twisted Wonderland could join the party this year!" Minnie said, clapping her hands together, and a wave of nods came from the anthropomorphic animals. "Despite how old you are, you weren't invited to anything so only Mickey could really tell us anything about what was going on over there. I thought they wouldn't allow you all into the party this year, but thankfully I was wrong!"
"Yeah!" Goofy smiled. "It's nice to have some new faces around here!"
"Yeah!" Donald cheered. "I can't wait to see how your story plays out!"
After some chatting, Grim seemed to get more comfortable and Yuu seemed okay enough to go with him eventually, the two first years were led down the stairs with Donald, Daisy, Goofy, and Pluto to where the food was.
Quentin watched them as they went into the main party with a look in her eyes that was hard to pinpoint. Sadness? Confusion? Unease?
"What's the long face for, my elect?" Oswald spoke up.
"I'm sorry I just-" Quentin sighed. "I don't understand. I'm really confused."
"You don't have to." Mickey simply said. "This is a party, you're here to have fun."
"That's not what I mean-" Quentin said. "What's all this about Twisted Wonderland and 'new faces'? Who is 'they'? What do you mean by 'your story'?"
Both Mickey and Oswald looked at each other for a moment before looking at Quentin with a smile on their faces. The kind of empathetic smile like they are hiding something-but not without reason. THe kind of smile Quentin saw too often.
Then Oswald took Quentin's hands. "It's alright. You don't have to understand."
"Understand what?" Quentin asked.
Oswald sighed, the kind of tired sigh like a father would give. A sigh that worries the child on the other end, despite the father not meaning to. "There are things in this world that are completely out of your understanding. Out of the laws and principles of your world. Forces beyond comprehension are at play in your everyday life. And while it is scary-it's completely okay."
"You don't have to understand everything," Mickey added, also taking Quentin's hands, placing his on top of hers and Oswald's as if to protect them. "Actually, it may be better if you turn a blind eye to this one. You won't have to feel the pain like we do."
"Pain?" Quentin asked.
"Think of this as a dream." Mickey smiled and said in such a soft voice, it was like he was comforting Quentin as if trying to comfort her very being. "And I think you'll be alright."
Quentin looked at Mickey and Oswald in confusion, but the rabbit and the mouse seemed to want to change the subject, and eventually lead Quentin down the stairs into the party as well.
Mickey and Oswald lead Quentin to the food table and give Quentin one of each food despite her protests and insist she try some.
The food was good-there was many kinds to try, all oddly enough either looked like people at the party or was based on a theme and Grim and Yuu seemed to enjoy it even if people kept coming up to them.
Eventually, Quentin was surrounded by just as many people asking so many questions about her, Twisted Wonderland, what was going on that Quentin was starting to feel overwhelmed. She wasn't sure when exactly sure when she lost track of people, but she did after a while and started going through the motions, hoping she'd survive.
The Great Seven came to the trio first and spoke with the trio. They went parading the three around like favored children to a bunch other other people, who also struck up a conversation with Quentin. Quentin couldn't remember the conversation to save her life-but she thought it was mostly praise and asking about oddly specific things...
Next, Quentin remembers talking to some princesses and princes after the Great Seven, they probably asked the trio were right and then asked them a few questions.
Quentin remembers seeing the people from stories she'd read as a child-The Brave Prince, The Wicked Queen, The Designer Princess, The Lawyer, The Foreign Queen and even the Foreign Princess who all seemed to love her and treated her to lot. Quentin really felt a connection to the Foreign Princess
Next, Quentin remembers a blur of others who were like her-and the rest of it Quentin doesn't remember at all. Things blended into each other until things became as shiny as the silver on everyone's bodies.
Yuu and Grim seemed tired of talking, as after a while, they started to hide behind Quentin whenever someone came up to them like scared children hiding from strangers.
But, before anything else could happen, a clock chimed and everyone seemed to suddenly rush outside.
"What's going on?!" Quentin asked as the Foreign Princess dragged her out, but the Princess simply smiled.
"It's almost time!" the princess in blue smiled as widely as she could.
"It's almost 5:30 for them!" the Princess proclaimed.
Quentin looked confused, but let the princess drag her outside.
When she got outside, almost everyone was outside, looking at the sky as if waiting for something before someone started to count down.
A loud bell rang outside, and as soon as the bell rang, the loud cheer and animals calls ripped through the people around her.
Bottles popped, glasses clinked, party-poppers went off, balloons and streamers were released into the open air and people hugged each other.
A hysteria of joy flooded in the area and infected the people around her.
Quentin looked at the darkness that the light didn't touch.
And all of a sudden, she was in the party, and not in the party at the same time.
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Quentin opened her eyes.
"Child of Andalasia?" Malleus Draconia called to Quentin. "Are you alright?"
Quentin reached up her hand. "I fell asleep, didn't I?"
Malleus nodded. "It is time for us to go."
Quentin laughed as she place a arm over her head. "I had a strange dream just now."
"Is that so?" Malleus asked.
"I don't remember much-only shades of silver, purple, gold and black and talking to people and something with fireworks."
Malleus seemed confused. "Was it good?"
"I think so."
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