#it's like u knew exactly which prompt i was most nervous about getting lmao
byanyan · 11 months
26.     most used playlist. 
a peek inside their...ㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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ㅤtheir most used playlist is a mishmash of all the music they like the most, which ranges from heavier, punkier vibes to higher energy pop or rock. a lot of the music they enjoy is mostly about the vibe of it and how easy it is to move to, but there are a chunk of songs in there that are more about the emotion or lyrics which strike them. not that they'll ever tell you which songs have hit close to home for them.
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bbparker · 7 years
🎄 Stutter Shock (Steve Rogers x Reader)🎄
[Christmas Special]
Summary: (Y/n) Is someone who has lived her whole life with a stutter, how will does she deal with it especially when she wants to tell Steve shes in love with him. A mistletoe, some mean guys and a lab experiment. 
A/N: I’m trying to shrink my work after doing a 4,000 word imagine I need to improve on condensing so sorry lmao. 
Requested by: @rafaeladreamer
Prompt: He chuckled awkwardly, pointing towards the mistletoe above them. 
Warnings: Nada, maybe my bad writing idk
[Christmas Prompts are Closed]
|| Masterlist ||
(Gif belongs to everyartistwas-firstanamateur)
Today was the day. ‘You will tell him today (y/n)’ She said sternly to herself. 
‘Don’t chicken out, just tell him. It’s not like he’ll hate you for it…’
‘But what if he does? And things on the team get awkward?!… Wait I’m not even on the Avengers team, what am I worried about? Does being Bruce’s lab assistant count as being on the team?’
“Are you talking to yourself in your head again, (y/n)?” A shriek left her mouth as a smug Steven Grant Rogers filled her doorway, arms crossed. “U-uh, no C-captain, I mean S-Steve.” (Y/n)’s face flushed, unable to stop herself as her natural stutter made its presence known. 
(Y/n) had always been known to talk to herself in her head rather than outlaid due to her speech impediment, her words often coming out in stutters. It was also a reason she was quiet in large groups of people and only spoke in small sentences unless it was with just Bruce and they were in the lab. That required a lot more talking and thinking out loud. 
Steve, hearing her stutter and seeing her embarrassment over it, walked forward and held out an arm for her. “May I escort you to the party?” (Y/n) glanced up from the floor, hands fiddling with her mid-thigh gown Wanda had convinced her to wear. “Y-yeah, t-t….” Sometimes more often when she was nervous (y/n) struggled to get any words out at all. Tonight, the night of Tony’s annual Christmas get together, seemed to cause (y/n) speech to falter even more than usual, especially for what she wants to do. 
Steve watched her softly, before dropping his arm and slowly grabbing her hand instead, giving it a gentle squeeze. (Y/n)’s head shot up to look at Steve, “It’s okay (y/n), we’ll all be there. Nobody going to bother you.”  Of course, there had been the slight problem of workplace bullying for (y/n), which is why she tended to hide away in the lab or her room. “T-thanks S-s-Steve.” Tugging her gently, Steve led the way to the elevator and as they are waiting, he attempted to ask her more about her work. 
“So, what are you and Bruce working on at the moment?” “O-oh it’s a-amazing! We-we are trying t-to figure out a-a current physics p-problem- I-is a n-new theory of light and m-matter needed to explain w-what happens at very high e-energies and t-temperatures? We have an experiment t-tomorrow t-t-to find out!” (Y/n) exclaims in happiness, not even realising she had gripped Steve’s hand tighter, her whole body facing him. As she continued, (y/n) failed to notice Steve had no idea what she was talking about but he didn’t care. He just loved listening to her talk as he didn’t get to hear her voice very often, knowing she was highly insecure about it. 
The ding of the lift interrupted (y/n), breaking out of her babbling. “S-sorry.”  Steve couldn’t help but smile down at the girl, “no, it’s amazing to hear about what you and Bruce are up to. Interesting.” Seeing his pursed lips, (y/n) instantly felt guilty. She knew Steve was sometimes felt insecure being around her, Tony and Bruce because he didn’t often understand. “W-would you like to c-come w-watch the e-experiment? T-tomorrow I mean?”  Steve seemed to perk up at the idea of witnessing the experiment, himself and Bucky always having an interest in science but never fully being able to get into it.  “Yeah, I’d really love that (y/n).” She returned Steve’s smile before looking down at her feet. 
‘Okay, I have to tell him. Tonight, it’s the only way I can move one. He’s been so nice to me! The others were nice too but I know they slightly cringe whenever I talk too much…’
A slight tug on (y/n)’s hand let her know it was time to exit the elevator. The room was crowded and as she took a deep breath, Steve slowly brought her hand up to his mouth. Lightly kissing it (y/n) was instantly distracted, considering Steve with bright red cheeks. 
“I got you Darlin’.” 
During the party, Steve didn’t leave (y/n)’s side once, not even to get a drink. It made (y/n) feel safer, knowing she had someone to fall back on if she didn’t want to talk. They danced and ordered multiple drinks which seemed to affect either of the pair. Occasionally they saw an Avenger, quickly swapping hello’s and quick chatter before Steve and (y/n) were wrapped back up in their bubble.  “So, what do you do, (y/n)?” One of Tony’s friends asked her and internally, (y/n) cringed realising she’d have to talk. 
“I-I’m a lab a-a-assistant to B-Bruce B-banner.” The businessmen were instantly giving her looks of pity, they might as well have just teased her for the stutter. Noticing her stiff body, Steve slipped and arm around her waist, however, she was too mortified and embarrassed to even notice. A small silence ensued, the men and even their wives who stood by, took a moment to understand what she had said. 
“Well, that’s great. Bruce Banner has solved and done some amazing things in his career-” But she’d stopped listening. Looking around (y/n) noticed everyone laughing and dancing… talking normally. How she longed to hold a conversation without having to hear her tongue trip on the simplest of words. Disconnecting herself from Steve, who frowned at her disheartened face, she quickly said goodnight to the men (of course not without her usually tongue trip.). 
Walking quickly to the elevators, she ignored anyone who tried to engage her in a conversation. “(Y/n)! Wait!” Steve called, racing after her. Stopping at the elevator to push the button. “(Y/n), what’s wrong.” “Y-you k-k-know exactly w-what’s w-wrong.” (Y/n) groaned in contempt of her stupid stutter, always appearing more frequently when she was angry or upset. “Your stutter?” (Y/n) still flinched hearing it out of someone’s mouth, despite the fact she’s always talked this way. Not looking at Steve, he received his answer. “(Y/n), You shouldn’t care what others think-”
“I-it’s e-easy for s-someone w-who c-can talk n-normally t-to say t-that! Y-you…I-I c-can’t even c-c-communi-cate- GOD D-DAMMIT!” (Y/n) yelled, gaining the attention of others around them, clearly judging her.
 Steve looked at her and as she looked at him, she saw it. That sliver of pity she knew he was trying to hide. Eyes widening, (y/n) realised that all the nice things he’d done for her, was because he had pitied her not because he liked her.  “Y-you p-pity m-me?” Hearing the elevator ding, she walked straight in and pressed the ‘shut door’ button. Steve was instantly rushing towards her, “no! (Y/n) I don’t-” But the doors had already shut, cutting him off.
 Tears streamed down (y/n) face as she sobbed. She was isolated in her mind, unable to communicate in the humans most basic way. The power of speech was incredible and unfortunately (y/n) never got the privilege to even try it out to the best of her abilities. Sure, she could talk but almost nobody had the patience to deal with how slow she talked. 
Arriving in her room, (y/n) tore off her dress and threw herself onto her bed, sobs racking her body. After a couple hours of crying, (y/n) heard the music downstairs shut off and her mind finally felt peace; drifting to sleep. 
The next morning (y/n) was up, showered and in the lab by 8am, surprising Bruce and even herself. The experiment was today however and she didn’t want to miss it for the world, not the work Bruce and she had worked so hard on. “Would you be able to grab extra Bunsen burners from the lab next door (y/n)?” Rushing out the door, (y/n) missed Steve in the hallway, and burst into the second lab, grabbing the extra Bunsen burners before rushing back. Steve watched her go, zipping between the two rooms, never knowing the girl could even move that fast. She always seemed to move so gracefully as if every movement was pre-planned. 
Knocking on the door lightly (y/n)’s head snapped up to find who would dare interrupt them on an important day only to find Steve. A blush graced her cheeks from anger or embarrassment for last night scene, she wasn’t so sure. “Can… Can I talk to you for a minute (y/n)?” Looking to Bruce, as if asking permission. (Y/n) almost wished he’d said she’d have to stay, but alas Bruce insisted she go to him, promising not to start without her.
Walking out of the lab (y/n) followed Steve just outside the doorway, closing it for some privacy. “W-what do you n-need S-Steve?”   “I wanted to… uh apologise for last night.” (Y/n)’s head snapped up, really looking at Steve. She watched as his stance was timid, almost ashamed. Sighing, (y/n) uncrossed her arms, “n-no. I-I’m sorry. I k-kind of j-just b-b-blew up on y-you… I-it w-wasn’t your f-fault.”
Steve smiled but glanced down at his fiddling hands, “I need you to know that I’d never pity you, never. I used to be liked at with pity everywhere I went before I was… well, this-” Steve gestured to his body, the shame of his past self, somewhat shining through his unfocused eyes. Eyes that refused to meet your own. 
“So, I know what it’s like and you can always count on me to understand, to be there. Even if I have physically changed, these in here,” he gestured to his heart and brain, “It never changed. I’m still the smaller Steve from Brooklyn 1918 to present. (Y/n) became captured within his story, of course, she’d forgotten he hadn’t always been this way. 
He was sickly and physically unstable and she had the audacity to accuse him of pity. The one person who know the effects and had even felt it himself. She had to tell him like she planned to last night or she’d never tell him. the experiment was forgotten, (y/n) advanced on him slowly, hypnotised by him.  Steve chuckled nervously, pointing to the mistletoe above them. 
Quickly glancing up (y/n) spotted the plant and as she came chest to chest with Mr America, she looked at him. Really looked at him. The sadness that lingered within the depths of his eyes, longing, but also compassion for her. “S-Steve?” “Y-yeah?” He stuttered, causing (y/n) give a slight giggle and him to blush. 
“I’d hate t-to g-go against t-tradition.” 
Steve’s eyes widened, but a smile slowly crept up his face as his hands came to rest gently on her hips. Pulling her forwards lightly, (y/n)’s hands begun on his arms, gliding them up to rest on his shoulders. Faces inching together, noses brushing, Steve gave a slight Eskimo kiss, (y/n)’s eyes fluttering closed. She could feel his inviting lips ghosting hers, both taking their time as they had been waiting for this moment for a long time. (Not they either knew about the other). “Steve?” She managed without stuttering. 
“Y-yeah?” Oh, how their roles had been reversed. “I-I forgot to t-tell you s-something…”
“What is it?” Their breaths still mingling, being this close to him caused butterflies with machine guns to decimate her insides. 
“I-…I-m so f-fucking in love with y-you.”
“Good.” And then he kissed her under the green plant that has brought together so many people throughout the years. (Y/n) hands gripped the back of his head and pulled herself closer. This wasn’t a gentle and sweet kiss, this was passion, need and love built up over time all to be released in a single moment. 
Steve had to keep control of his strength so he didn’t crush her but it felt as if there was still too much space between them. Lips moulded and eventually, tongues began to prod lips. Opening her lips slightly wider, (y/n) and Steve really gained a taste for each other. A slight moan escaping Steve’s throat. 
“Not to interrupt anything, because the whole teams been waiting for this to happen for like a really long time, but we should probably start this experiment.” Tony while walking past them and into the lab, geared up in a fire-proof apron, gloves and goggles.
Turning back towards the two he realised his words had absolutely no effect on the pair. 
@kamala-khaan @beautifullybarnes @bxchananbxcky @daffodilparker @dorkychris @shamptain-shmerica @spideyydarling @bucksies @pctemaximoff @killmongrer @daffodilparker @sweetlittledipper @mistlethor  @ugh-supersoldiers @hellomissmabel  
@eliza-hamilton-helpless @purelittleblueberry @iamwarrenspeace
@fuck-my-marvel @jahanana @feelmyroarrrr @asexualmarauder @theharrisontomytom @shippingfangurl @ironmanlover24 @come-with-me-and-imagine @alwayshave-faith @savmontreal @somebody-stuff
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patrineptn · 6 years
Proud of Your Boy (01/03)
Discord Prompt Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Prompt Word(s): Bloom/Rain
Summary: Yoosung has never been so poorly active in RFA chat or so diligent in his studies since he started college. The RFA members, however, didn’t know there was nothing to worry about.
Also available here and here.
Yoosung woke up with the buzzing of his phone. It was Saturday and his alarm was off, which mean either someone was calling him or he lost the track of time. With half-open eyes, he picked the device from the table and brought it close to his face. His finals ended just the day before and he was in a much-needed sleep.
Several missed calls, most of them coming from Zen and Seven, the last one just a minute ago. He scratched his eyes, trying to wake up enough to remember how to read Korean. Quietly, he left his bed and headed to the bathroom.
Yoosung washed his face, the cold water shaking away the remains of sleep. He read the chat history from the past days. He hadn't been much active lately, his finals came and he had a very good reason to not fail them. He barely got the necessary grades, but he made it. Yawning, he saw that Saeyoung - even half a year later, he still struggled to use the former hacker's real name, not his alias - and Zen were online.
He joined the chat before they ended up knocking on his door.
~Yoosung has joined the chat.~
Saeyoung: YOOSUNG!
Saeyoung: You
Saeyoung: are
Saeyoung: ALIVE!
ZEN: What the hell happened to you?
ZEN: I didn't see you online in the whole week,
ZEN: and you didn't pick up calls.
Yoosung: I was studying for finals.
Yoosung: My phone died.
Yoosung: I only realised it before going to bed last night.
Saeyoung: R u ok?
Saeyoung: First u stopped LOLOL.
Saeyoung: Now ur taking ur studies srsly.
Saeyoung: Ur a surrogate!
Saeyoung: Where's the real Yoosung?!
Yoosung: is it so hard to believe-
Yoosung: that I am really studying?!
ZEN: Yes! Lmao
Yoosung: I didn't get a scholarship for nothing, y'know?
ZEN: a month ago you weren't even sleeping to get some super rare helmet
ZEN: now you don't even pick up your phone
ZEN: because you were studying?!
ZEN: if it's a joke, it's not a funny one
Yoosung huffed. If only they knew. He flushed the toilet and washed his hands, peeking at his bed while he dried them in a towel. They wouldn't know what hit them.
It happened before his midterms. After pulling another all-nighter playing LOLOL, he skipped all the morning classes. When he woke up, it was past two and he decided on skipping the rest of the day. He used that time to do the dishes, sweep the floor, clean the bathroom, change his bedding; things he usually ignored but had the urge to do that day. Unconsciously, his mind told him to get the house ready for the surprise visitor.
Around the time he would be getting home, the bell rang. At first, Yoosung ignored it, not used to his own bell ringing, his guests never came without previous notice. The last time someone showed up suddenly, it was his mother and, as much as he missed her, more than ever he valued his privacy. When the bell rang for the second time, he answered the door.
There was a girl - a pretty girl with blue eyes and soft features - outside his apartment. He forced his brain to remember where he knew her from. The worn-out yellow backpack was a giveaway.
"Higu… re?" he tried.
"Higurashi." He failed. "You didn't show up today."
Yoosung looked away. He was caught. Someone noticed his absence. Should be so happy about it? "How can I help you, Higurashi…"
"Kagome. Higurashi Kagome. And the question here is how can I help you, Kim?" Yoosung hated when someone called him by his last name. His father was Mr Kim. He was only Yoosung. "Why are you avoiding me? You ignored my friend request and my message request in Fakebook and didn't give me a second glance in the times I tried to talk to you in the past couple days!"
"I hadn't checked my Fakebook in months and I don't remember you trying to reach me in school at all."
He should have chosen better words.
"Am I that invisible? We've been sharing classes for three semesters and you don't even know who I am. Do you?" He didn't. She lowered her gaze, sighing. "Whatever. I knew it would be a waste of time. See you around, Kim. Try coming to school every once in a while for a change."
Yoosung bit his lip. Was he really doing that to people? Ignoring them without even realizing it? Wasn't he the one who said once that just greeting his neighbours made him feel a part of a community? Why was he pushing away someone who came all the way to his house without even knowing the reason behind it?
"Hey, Higurashi!" She turned. "Why did you come here?"
"Why did I-" She frowned. "The history report? Professor Lee assigned us the chapters six to twelve."
"Is it a group project?" She nodded. "And we are in the same group?"
"We are the group. It is supposed to be done in pairs."
"Why didn't you choose someone else?"
"No one chose me."
That's how Yoosung met the one who would occupy his mind and heart soon.
Sometimes Yoosung wondered how could Zen fall so quickly for someone. Everyone, Jaehee in special, noticed how drawn to MC Zen was barely a day after she mysteriously joined RFA chat - not so mysteriously now that they knew the true identity of Unknown. In less than a week, the actor was head over heels without even meeting MC face-to-face. Now he understood.
It took Yoosung five days to understand the perfect woman shared classes with him for nearly two years.
Kagome was fierce. And somewhat scaring. She didn't let him slack off on their project, but she was fair when assigning duties. She lived in the dorms and wasn't allowed to have guests in her room, therefore, she basically camped at his place every night until they finished the fifty pages report - they started a week late, after all.
In these days, Yoosung met her many faces. The sweet and cheerful Kagome was the most lovable human he ever met. There was sincerity when she asked about his day, not like others whom would say it just to be polite. She also worried about his grades - it made him pay more attention to his classes, if only for her peace of mind.
The serious Kagome sent chills down his spine. She had no qualms in bossing him around and maybe, just a little bit, Yoosung liked it more than he should.
Stressed Kagome also meant 'leave-me-alone Kagome' and he respected her space whenever that particular vein popped on her neck. A cup of latte coffee usually helped to bring back serious Kagome.
Like that, Yoosung felt empty when he clicked send to submit their report. He looked at Kagome sitting on his bed, finishing the now cold green tea he prepared while sorting her notes and books. He didn't want to see her only in classes, he wanted to hang out without the burden of the schoolwork on their backs.
Should he ask her out? Was it the right time to do it? Was he prepared for rejection? Would he be able to brush it off and stay as friends if she broke his heart?
"Ne, Yoosung-kun," her Japanese slipped whenever she was nervous, "do-do you like superhero movies?" Her face was red as a tomato and her accent was strong than ever. She looked at everywhere but him. "There's this new Revengers movie coming out this week…"
A 'date' turned into two, then three perfect 'dates'. In the fourth, he gathered his courage to hold her hand in public. In the fifth, Yoosung got his first kiss, an unforgettable goodnight kiss under the rain on her doorstep. Yoosung walked on cloud nine, throwing smiles everywhere and to everyone. He wanted the world to know his life complete now, that Kagome filled him with happiness. However, things were never at beginner difficulty for him.
It was a rainy afternoon that created the perfect atmosphere for a snuggling-under-blankets-while-watching-a-movie day. Deep down - and he was too embarrassed to admit it, even to himself - Yoosung hoped for a Netflix-and-chill day. When she wiggled her butt and cuddled against him, her body moulded against his and he had to think of Saeyoung in a fairy costume to not make a fool of himself.
He barely paid attention to the screen. Kagome's shirt lifted when she snuggled on him, giving Yoosung access to her stomach. He felt her smooth skin, her navel and ribs. She shivered when his thumb brushed her breast by accident. Yoosung held his breath.
Yoosung almost fell from the bed when his phone buzzed. It was a message from Jaehee inviting him to a dinner with the rest of the RFA. It was the perfect chance to introduce Kagome to them.
"Where do we stand?"
Yoosung's mind short-circuited. He wasn't expecting the question. The silence that followed her statement was only broken by the raindrops hitting his window. Yoosung needed a full minute to reply.
"Wh-what do you mean?"
Kagome shifted until she faced him. Her cheeks were stained with pink, her glare piercing into his soul.
"What are," Kagome's index finger pointed to herself, then to him, "we? We hang around, go on 'dates'." Emphasis on 'dates'. "Spend some quality time together, but…" She closed her eyes for a second. "What exactly I am to you?"
"Everything." His mouth said before his brain could stop him from being a hopeless romantic. The flow of words coming from his heart straight to his lips went on. "Everything I ever wanted in a girl. I mean, woman," he corrected once his brain function restarted. The blooming smile on her lips encouraged him. "I know a no-life with terrible academic scores like me isn't good enough to be the boyfriend of the foreign students' council president, but I'm hoping you already gave me a chance."
Kagome's expression shifted from gleeful to concerned. "I can't be your girlfriend. Not right now," she completed, probably seeing the desperation in his eyes and the little bits of his broken heart falling apart. "We have finals in half a month and I'll feel guilty if you don't pass them because you spent too much time with me." That last part she said so low he wasn't sure if it was for his ears or hers.
She saw his grades, he forgot the browser was opened when she borrowed his phone once. Which meant she knew how bad he went in midterms and how big were his chances to fail at least half of his subjects. He never thought his academic life would bring a problem to his love life. He never had a love life to worry about before.
He knew she didn't mean it, but someone in her rank couldn't be with someone below the average. Kagome deserved better, and Yoosung would be better. However, time was needed for him to raise his GPA. There was only one thing he could do immediately.
Yoosung grabbed Kagome's hands, her small fingers secured on his. "If I pass all my exams, will you be my girlfriend? I'll take you on a proper romantic date. We can have dinner, or I can cook for you! I'll look for Oden recipes. And we can go to that karaoke bar we've found the other day, or ice skating, you said you loved Yuri! On Ice."
"You will do that all… for me?"
"For myself, mostly. I want to be someone who you are proud having by your side. Don't look at me like that, it's not about you, Kagome," he removed a strand of hair falling on her face. "Higurashi Kagome, will you be my pre girlfriend?"
For the next days, Yoosung spent more time in the library than at home, going back only to shower and sleep. He borrowed Kagome's notes and used them to guide him through the syllabus. LOLOL? Not even once. He only checked the messenger in the morning and before going to bed. Only one thing broke his concentration.
Kagome stood by his side all the time.
She was his silent companion at the library and the one to make him laugh and break the tension of long hours buried in books. He refused her proposition to tutor him. Nevertheless, he wasn't sure if he would have made it without her moral support.
The last exam finally came and gone. Yoosung found Kagome waiting for him at the cafeteria - she handed the test much earlier than him and certainly did well. His soon-to-be girlfriend looked at him expectantly.
"I don't know…" he said, looking down. Kagome frowned, her eyes full of disbelief. "Dinner or movie first?"
"Baka! I almost had a heart attack!"
"Sorry, sorry!" He threw her backpack over his shoulder and linked their arms, blushing at his own sudden boldness. Kagome didn't seem to mind. "You should have seen your face. You're so cute."
"You'll see who's cute," she murmured. "Anyhow, I was thinking… we could… stay at home today… you know… together." The last part came in a whisper.
Yoosung didn't get it at first. "What about our date?"
Kagome's cheeks burned. "We can enjoy our night… as boyfriend and girlfriend." Her grip on his arm tightened. "If you want…"
Did she even have to ask?
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