#it's like the english word ''grateful'' that my fingers keep turning into ''greatful'' even tho in my head i KNOW how it's spelled
airenyah · 8 months
no matter how good i've always been at spelling, i keep typing "Bennenung" instead of "Benennung"
0 notes
lustresky · 4 years
chocolate [peter parker x f!reader]
summary: Ned’s idea turns out to be not that bad after all. (Or, a story in which you and Peter play the Pocky Challenge.)
wc: 4000ish. 
themes: teenagers being teenagers, asian snacks, fluff (to be very honest this is the very first story of mine to only have. like. a teaspoon of angst haha), mj’s bffs w reader, ned is the best wing-man we never knew we needed, peter’s adorable as usual
a/n: title is a song by bbolbalgan4 which i think perfectly describes reader & peter’s sweet ass relationship. this idea came to mind when i was eating pocky lmao. also! i imagined reader as asian cause i am too and i kinda ended up putting irl things about me (being an immigrant, a nerd, and having strict but loving parents) into her story, so if you want to imagine her as such, please feel free to do so! i don’t think that it really matters much in the end tho haha
“I’m gonna get some snacks,” You announce as you stand up from the sofa, popping your neck and letting out a satisfied sigh as you hear it crack. “You guys want anythin’? Mom and I stopped by the Asian store last night.”
“Ooh!” Ned breaks his stare from the TV screen, lowering his controller onto his lap and looking up at you with a grin. “Did you guys get some Shrimp Chips? It’s been a while since I’ve had some of those.”
You let out a snort, “Duh! One pack of Shrimp Chips comin’ right up.” You say as you open the kitchen cabinet in which your family kept the snacks; a colourful array of different chips and biscuits staring back at you in greeting. You ruffle through them to find the familiar pink and white plastic packaging.  “What about you— Pete, MJ? You guys cravin’ anything?”
“I’ll have some Hello Panda, if there’s any!” MJ calls back, and you didn’t have to look up from your position to know that her face is still buried in her true crime novel. You hum back in response at her request.
“Pete, what about you?” You say, as you finally find two packets of Shrimp Chips hidden in the corner of the cabinet; you take one in your arm as you proceed to look for MJ’s snack.
“I’ll um— I’ll just have whatever you have, Y/N! Thanks!” Peter answers back just as you find the familiar diamond shaped, pink box containing the strawberry filled cookies. You place it in your arm, right next to Ned’s snack.
“You sure you don’t want anythin’ specific, Pete?” You reply back, as you dig through to find the snack that you’ve been craving for ever since coming home from school with them three.
It had become an unspoken tradition between you four to hang out at your house every Friday after school; you really don’t remember when it had first happened exactly, but you had never once complained about it. It’s, and had always been, fun spending time with them— and the fact that your parents always have their ‘date nights’ (Which, to be fair, you think that they deserve to have as a tradition considering how hard they work to give you a good life.) on Fridays means that you four have the entire apartment to yourselves, which is pretty nice.
Surprisingly, your parents— as strict as they are with their upbringing of you sometimes— are pretty lenient with them staying over every single time. You assume that it’s only due to the fact that they’re all nerds (No hate, you’re one too.) who actually get good grades and focus in school, but it could also be that your parents just want to make sure that you aren’t hanging out with the ‘wrong’ crowd.
Hah, you laugh to yourself. If only they knew the truth.
Not that they’re a ‘bad’ crowd per se, but you don’t really think that they’d react nicely to finding out that you’re actually hanging out with your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and his ‘posé’ every Friday afternoon… nor the fact that you’re harbouring a secret crush on him. Nope, nope. You’d get your ass whooped.
“Yeah, just pick whatever you want, Y/N!” Peter responds just as soon as you find the thin, red rectangular boxes behind the packets of dried mangoes. You hum back in reply to Peter’s answer, grabbing two packs, licking in your lips in anticipation. To top off the pile, you add a few random packets of candies and a few bottles of Yakults, Milkis and Banana Milk. They didn’t ask for any drinks, but you figured that it would only be appropriate to get some while you’re at it.
Trudging back to the living space, you let all the snacks fall from your arms once you reach the sofa, hearing Ned whoop and MJ set her book down on the floor as she rummaged through the pile for her own snack.
Within a blink of your eye, only the two boxes of Pocky and a bottle of Banana Milk and Milkis are left. You let out a laugh as you see MJ and Ned promptly stuffing their faces with their respective requests.
You plop down next to Peter on the carpet, desperately ignoring the rising heart-beat in your chest. God, keep it together, Y/N! You tell yourself.
Peter didn’t notice you nor react, much to your disappointment; his head’s still buried in his textbook, right hand scribbling away on a piece of scratch paper beside it. His brows are furrowed, lips set in a tight line as a bit of his tongue poked out in concentration— Christ, who the hell gave him the right to be this cute?
MJ suddenly speaks up to Peter, breaking your gaze from his form onto hers. “Dude,” She says, lips popping off of the Milkis can. One of her eyebrows rises up as her hand lays down her book onto the sofa. “It’s Friday, can’t you like— do your homework some other time?” She pauses to pop a Hello Panda in her mouth. “You have the whole weekend for that.”
“Yeah, Pete,” You agree, siding with her. You pop open the other can of Milkis as you slide the Banana Milk over onto Peter’s side. “Come on, I know that we’re all nerds and all, but still…”
Peter looks up at you, and that’s when you notice how his cheeks are tinted with colour. His brown eyes pass over yours and then onto the drink that you had slid over to him. Letting out a sigh, he rakes his hand in his hair, effectively messing it up even more and making your heartbeat rise faster against your wishes. What the fuck, how can such a simple move get you so bothered?
“Fine,” He breathes out, dropping his pen onto the table, taking the drink and ripping open the plastic in which the straw for it was enclosed in. Peter stabs it in, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down at each gulp he took. After a few sips, he gives you a small, grateful smile as butterflies subsequently flew into your stomach. “Thanks, Y/N.”
You grin back, feeling heat creep up into your cheeks. “No prob Pete, anytime.”
As he looks back onto the table to inspect the other snacks that you had brought, consequently ending your eye contact with him, you see MJ looking at you with a huge smirk on her face as her eyebrows wiggled up and down.
You scrunch your nose at her, annoyed and embarrassed at her teasing; though you can still feel your cheeks flaring. You had discovered your feelings for Peter just a few weeks ago, and you had only confessed about it to MJ just last week— but she definitely made sure that she knew of the fact every chance that she got.
“Come on, Y/N!” She had hissed— a few days after you had told her. You had been in front of your locker, desperately trying to ignore her words as you focused on getting the stuff you needed for your next class. “Peter likes you too, I’m a hundred percent sure of it.”
You had closed your locker in a huff, the metal door slamming with a pretty loud bang. You ignored the eyes that had turned towards you in consequence as you stared down MJ, whose arms were crossed as she leaned to the locker adjacent to yours. “First off, how can you be that sure, and two, why do you want me to confess so badly anyways?” You had asked, annoyed. She only meant well, you knew that, but you were tired of her constant and incessant teasing.
“Because one, my observation skills are pretty damn great— I didn’t figure out who the web-slinging neighbourhood hero was for nothing,” She had replied, voice lowering into a whisper as she reminded you of how she found out Peter’s secret.
“And two, because I’m tired of you guys waltzing around one another like some kind of five year olds in kindergarten!” She had replied back, and before you could’ve retaliated, the first warning bell rang; telling you that you only had five minutes left to get to your class.
So you had left it at that, her words ringing in your ear as you stared down the mathematical formula on your notebook.
“Ooh… What are these?” Peter breaks the memory that had suddenly resurfaced in your mind, his hands holding up the slim, red, rectangular box. ‘Pocky?’” He asks as he reads the English words on the packaging.
“Yep,” You say, grabbing the snack from him as you ignore the brush of your hands on his. Keep it cool, Y/N. “You’ve never had some before?”
Peter shakes his head. “No— at least I don’t think so?”
“Well then, you’re in for a treat,” You say with a smile as you open the box nonchalantly, taking out the plastic packaging in which the sticks were in and ripping it open; making sure that you open it non-coated part up so that he wouldn’t get chocolate all over his fingers. “Here.”
“I— um, thanks.” He says as he grabs one of the biscuits and promptly takes a bite of it, eyes widening in delight as the chocolate coated his tongue.
You let out a small giggle, amused at his adorable expression. Holy fuck, my heart can’t take more of this shit.
“Did you guys just say Pocky?” Ned suddenly intervenes, concentration breaking from the TV and onto your outstretched hand. “I didn’t know you had some, Y/N!”
You let out a snort as Ned promptly takes one for himself. “Well, you didn’t ask, so.” You shrug, laughing at the look of betrayal on his face.
He just shakes his head and takes another bite of the chocolate dipped snack. “Ah,” He muses, one hand on his chest while the other holds up the Pocky as if it was a buried treasure that he had just uncovered. “This reminds me of that one time me and Betty did the Pocky challenge… What a pleasant memory.”
“Oh, really?” You laugh at his antics, grinning up at his dork-like stance. Ned never failed to bring up his summer fling with Betty; and you don’t think he’s ever really going to bring that down. Ever since they broke up, citing that they’re better off as friends, he had started acting like he knew the ins and outs of teenage love.
“Uh-huh.” He replies, a wistful smile on his face, effectively making you snicker. “It was nice…”
He suddenly drops the hand on his chest, lips forming into an ‘o’. You raise an eyebrow at his unexpected change of demeanour. “What’s up?” You ask, taking a gulp of your Milkis.
“I have a great idea,” Ned answers. You just raise an eyebrow up in response, urging him to go on as you continue drinking.
He claps his hands together. “Let’s do the Pocky challenge!”
You almost snort out your drink; making you cough excessively.
Peter quickly looks up at you in concern. “You okay?” He asks, hand instinctively going to your back and giving you a couple of soft pats. If it weren’t for the fact that you had almost inhaled a handful of liquid into your lungs, you would’ve spluttered like a teenage girl in love (Which, honestly, you think you would end up being if Peter keeps acting like such a sweet fucking gentleman.) at his action, but instead you just tried your best to breathe; chest heaving at the sudden intrusion.
“Yeah— yeah— no, I’m fine,” You wheeze, letting out an embarrassed chuckle at your little accident. You try your best to ignore the fact that his warm hand’s still laying on your back, still patting it softly. “Just got surprised— that’s all.”
Peter sends you a nod, a smile on his lips as he retracts his hand back to his lap. (You try not to let your disappointment about it show too much— MJ would never live it down.) He looks back at Ned, and asks, “What’s the Pocky challenge, anyways?”
You also look back at Ned, who gives you an eyebrow raise in concern— it isn’t really his fault that your mind had immediately supplied you with the image of you and Peter doing the challenge, promptly almost making you choke in response. Well— technically he did bring it up, so maybe it is kind of his fault… but seriously, who can get angry at Ned?
“Yeah, Ned,” You try to play it cool, clearing your throat. “What is it, anyways?” You add, as if you don’t already know. Come on! Anyone who has had a Tumblr or has watched anime knows what that is.
Ned claps his hands once again. “Okay, so basically,” He starts, taking another Pocky stick out from the pack, showing it off as a diagram. “Two people each bite the end of the Pocky as much as they can, and the one who pulls away first, loses!”
You feel Peter flinch from beside you. “Oh—“ was the only response that he had for Ned’s explanation. You didn’t even try to reply; your imagination seemingly deeming it the best time to go full on creative mode, much to your dismay.
Ned continues, “Well, you know most people just stop after a few bites— but me and Betty…” He trails off, the wistful look from before appearing on his face once more.
You let out a snort, ignoring the way your cheeks feel like they’re on fire. “Okay, okay— we get it, Ned,” You say, shaking your head. “You and Betty did food play, TMI, but— okay.” You joke, trying your best to steer the conversation away from the topic.
Ned breaks his recollection with an offended gasp at your words, whilst you hear MJ cackle from behind you and Peter.
“Y/N!” He says, scandalized. “I can’t believe— we’re children!”
You roll your eyes. “Ned, we’re literally going to college next year,” You reply, popping another Pocky in your mouth. “Plus, Tumblr and Twitter exist, dude. I bet I know way more than you do.” You laugh.
You feel Peter straighten beside you, and you inwardly take a 180. Christ, was that too much?
Sure, you’ve been friends for two years— but now that you think about it, you’ve never really discussed anything about… things in the bedroom before. Sure, you’ve talked about crushes and people that you find attractive, (You always made sure to keep your feelings a secret, though.) but nothing more than that.
You were about to take back what you had said, but before you can even do so Peter clears his throat. “Well— are we—” He says to no one in particular as he shrugs his shoulders.
Raising an eyebrow at him, confused, you ask, “Are we… what, Pete?”
Peter looks at you completely. You force your heart to beat at a normal rhythm. His face is tinted pink as he answers, “Doing— the… challenge?”
Your breath hitches in your throat.
Damn you, thalamus.
Ned answers, much to your disagreement. “I mean yeah, why not? Not like we’ve got anythin’ else interesting to do.” He says as he shrugs his shoulders.
After a beat, his face morphs into a look of disagreement. “But like— don’t do it with me, though. As much as I love you, dude, I don’t think I’d be able to do that.”
“Yeah, no—” Peter scrunches his nose up at the same thought. “Love you too, bro, but same.”
Ned’s face quickly lights up, however, and suddenly you have a gut feeling that you aren’t going to like whatever it is that he’s going to say next.
“You can do it with MJ, though—” Ned doesn’t even finish his sentence as a throw cushion goes hurling at him.
“Yeah, I’mma have to stop you right there, chief—“ MJ says, disgust evident in her voice. “My lips are not going near anyone else’s tonight. Thank you.”
Ned just grips the pillow in his lap and looks over at you. Oh no.
“Well, Y/N, how ‘bout you?” He raises an eyebrow, and you try your best not to show the fact that your heart is leaping out of your chest.
Play it cool, Y/N. Play it cool.
The correct answer is probably “Yeah, thanks but no thanks.” but God, this is probably the first and only time that you’ll ever be able to get this chance.
So you muster up some courage, acting nonchalant.
“I mean...” You clear your throat as you look at MJ, who’s already staring at you with a sly grin on her face. She nods, urging you to say yes.
Fuck it.
“I’m not… opposed to it?” You answer, shrugging.
Peter’s breath hitches— and before you even know it Ned has opened the other box of Pocky as he forces you and Peter to sit properly in front of one another.
“Okay, you guys know the rules,” Ned says all seriously, acting as if he’s a game keeper. You let out a laugh to get your jitters out. “First one to pull away loses!”
“Didn’t think I’d be doing this on this fine Friday evenin’.” You joke, doing a horrible southern accent and trying your best to keep the butterflies in your stomach at bay. Peter— thankfully— laughs back, putting you at ease somewhat. You grab a Pocky, taking the non-coated end and wrapping your lips around it.
“You may begin!”
Peter lets out a breath and goes in.
You can hear MJ cheering you on whilst Ned cheers for Peter.
As you continue biting down on the biscuit, Peter does the same.
Neither of you are slowing down.
Once your mouth reaches the chocolate part, you smirk as an idea pops in your head. You really don’t know how this will end; but one thing’s for sure, you aren’t going to lose.
You look up at Peter and make eye contact; trying to be clever by intimidating him.
Being this close to him allows you to gaze right through his eyes; and your smirk immediately falls from your face as you realize…
His pupils are dilated.
The heat crept higher up your cheeks— but no, you are not backing down.
You quickly break the eye contact as you continue nibbling on the biscuit, choosing instead to focus them on his nose.
You had never realized that he had freckles before.
Peter doesn’t stop biting down— and so you don’t either.
You hear MJ whoop louder, as Ned resorts to full on squealing.
By now there’s only a few centimetres between you two, and you can’t help but look at his eyes once more.
You notice the faint indents of lines around them, the slight bags under his eyes, the flutter of his black eyelashes as he stares right back into yours.
The beat of your heart rises, making you break your gaze and dropping them onto his lips.
Pink, pillow-y, soft…
Before you know it, your concentration breaks as Peter suddenly retracts himself— leaving you with the last bit of Pocky in your mouth.
MJ cheers and laughs louder, whilst Ned groans in defeat.
You won.
The living room’s filled with noise as MJ teases Peter relentlessly and congratulates you. Ned promptly disses Peter and gives you a reluctant, but still somehow proud, pat on the back.
You know that you should be happy too— you won, just like what you had told yourself that you’ll do; but the sound of your heart dropping in disappointment by Peter pulling back from you is deafening.
Looks like MJ’s observation was wrong.
After the impromptu ‘celebration’, you four decide to binge watch a new series on Netflix.
Ned then sits himself next to MJ, both of them sprawling out on the sofa whilst Peter sits on the floor.
Usually, you would sit right next to him, you two sharing a throw blanket and almost cuddling beneath it; but this time you choose to sit far from Peter— sitting by yourself on an armchair.
You just don’t think that you can handle being in close proximity with him for the time being.
It’s dumb, you know that. It isn’t his fault that he doesn’t like you— but damn, did it still hurt.
If you’re telling the truth now, before the game had started, you had hoped that it would end in a kiss; but now that you think about it more, you just feel like an idiot for even thinking of that as a possibility.
You feel a pair of eyes on you, but you shake it off and try your best to focus on the show in front of you.
After a few episodes, you hear the front door open and close. Your parents must be back.
MJ must have noticed, too, as she brings her arm up and pauses the show with the remote. She stands up, cracking her back and letting out a sigh. “Well, that must be our cue to go home.”
You tear your eyes away from the screen, looking over at the clock. It struck 10 just a few minutes ago.
Ned stands up too, letting out a yawn. “Yeah, I’m dead.” He groans.
You let out a snort, forcing your body to stand up too. “Fine, fine,” You say, popping your neck. “Go home, you invaders.”
Peter stands up as well, but he doesn’t say anything.
You follow them three towards the front door, passing your mom and dad on the way. They both give you a peck on the cheek as a greeting, giving MJ, Ned and Peter a nod as well. They seem tired, but the huge smiles on their face are enough for you to know for sure that they enjoyed their night out.
You see Ned out first, who gives you the handshake that you both had come up with two days before as a goodbye. MJ scoffs and Peter’s eyes widen, but it’s evident that they’re both impressed.
“Bye, Ned!.” You chuckle, ending the routine with a fist-bump.
MJ’s next and she gives you a hug; her perfume wafting in your nose and instantly calming you down. Her arms seem to last longer around you than usual, but you don’t say anything about it.
“Goodbye, my lil’ nugget.” She says, and you laugh upon hearing the nickname, your head resting on her chest.
They both left first as they took the same path home. You’re then left alone with Peter as usual, who still hasn’t said anything since you got up with them three to say goodbye.
It’s always been like this, Peter being the last one to leave; but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. The awkwardness and tension residing in the air due to the game that you both had played.
So there, in front of him, you had stood; hands playing with one another, eyes cast down on the floor, as your heart felt hollow in your chest.
You sigh.
Best to get it over with.
As you open up your mouth to say goodbye, Peter beats you to it.
“Y/N I—“ He starts, and your eyes immediately rise up to make contact against his.
Your breath gets caught in your throat.
With the glow of the moon and street lamp, he looks… wonderful: his brown eyes glowing with the faint light, the freckles on his cheek now visible to your eyes upon your discovery of them a while ago, his brown hair tousled and messy…
You muster up some courage, and you open your mouth once more—
Except you’re cut off with a kiss.
When Peter pulls away, you’re greeted with the sight of him flushed; cheeks, ears and lips tinted red.
You don’t say anything for a while, still needing to process the unexpected yet welcomed surprise in your mind… and also the delightful sight in front of you.
However, Peter’s face quickly morphs into a look of distress, promptly breaking your silence. “Shit! I’m sorry Y/N! I didn’t—“ He fumbles with his words. “I didn’t ask—“
You shut him up with another kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck and pushing him closer to you.
Peter melts like chocolate in your arms.
He tastes like it, too.
When you pull away, you smile at him; your eyes crinkling and your heart hammering in your chest.
“We should’ve done that earlier.”
thanks for reading! as always, requests are open! & pls don’t forget to like and reblog, thank you! c: 
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bumblebeereus · 5 years
BBQ Nights and Summer Dresses.
Word count: 2086 A/N: I’m back with this nonsense of me writing stuff. Feedback is always welcome, thanks for reading this. English is not my first language so sorry if there’s any typo. Sorry for the spacing if you’re reading this from your phone. Hope you like it, read it as an anyone’d like. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– There was something about spring nights, maybe it’s the feeling of the summer days getting closer, or maybe it’s the fact that she can mix their favourite clothes together and look cute in the process, who knows. But she loved spring nights and her best friend knew, that’s why as soon as spring begins he arranges weekly barbecue nights and she was always invited to his house to have dinner with him and his friends. She met him at work, she was in charge of the social media team of a brand he worked with and they clicked immediately. He was more than just a footballer, under that façade it’s hiding one of the softest boys she has ever met, she adored him to death and the feeling flows both ways. He was there for her as she was there for him, no matter what. He came to her house at three in the morning because he broke up with his girlfriend and she could call him after a bad date and he’d be there within minutes to make the night better. She hugs him tightly as he said he liked to be hugged and kisses his cheek messing with his hair in the process making him fuss. “Are you looking extra pretty and cute tonight because a certain someone is coming tonight?” He jokes making her sigh out of pure desperation. He knows him good enough to know how she feels about her crush but that doesn’t stop her from lying saying that he’s just a friend “Awwww, rosy cheeks already?” “Do us a favour, go to hell, please.” She shows him her middle finger making him burst into laughter kissing her temple as she tries to pulls him apart “I don’t want your kisses now.” “Well, these are the only kisses you’re gonna get until he arrives.” She’s about to hit him but sadly for her, he’s quicker than her this time. “I don’t know why I keep loving you when you clearly don’t deserve it.” “You’re breaking my heart here, darling. Handle it with care. I don’t know what hurt me the most, the fact that you don’t love me as much as you love him or the fact that you think he’s cuter than me.” He fakes being hurt and she looks at him with a murderous look in her eyes still being cute as hell for him. “I’m pretty sure that you’ll survive through these tough times in your life.” She teases him making him laugh in the process. He handles her a beer and she takes a quick sip of it walking towards the garden. 
She sitting on the picnic table while listening to the last drama he had to tell her, and she rolls her eyes at his exaggerations. He’s indeed the real drama queen of the relationship. She’s about to answer when they both hear the doorbell ringing and she’s already nervous because she knows he’s here, one of their friends sent a message saying that they were five minutes apart from his house. Her best friend runs to the front door to greet his friends and she hears his laugh making her smile almost immediately, why on Earth he has to be that adorable? Not fair at all. She waves at them as soon as they’re on her field of vision. She holds her beer bottle a little tighter to keep her nerves under control, he’s looking better than the last she saw him if that’s even possible. One of her closest friends kisses her temple as a way of saying hello since she met him he became an older brother for her and she’d forever be grateful for having someone like him in her life. “How’s my favourite girl doing?” She smiles warmly at her nickname as she handles him a beer. “Your favourite girl is doing just fine, I can’t complain…I mean I have to deal with this human being daily, could be worse.” He laughs hitting his fist against hers. 
Her eyes meet his and he smiles at her, and she has to control herself from sighing like a fifteen-year-old. He kisses her cheek, his hand resting on her waist and she feels close to fainting but she remembers that she’s no longer a teenager and she has to act like an adult, even around him. “It’s good to see you again, you look great.” He says the last sentence softly against her ear and she feels her spine tingle. “How’s your groin treating you? I haven’t seen you playing in what it feels like ages.” She keeps going to see the team in the home matches but she wasn’t gonna lie, she missed seeing him play, her friends as well but the feeling was slightly different. “It’s going slower than I thought but I’m getting better, I just want to play again. I feel like a five-year-old kid who's not allowed to play football at home.” He jokes seating next to her grabbing the beer bottle she handles to him “What about you?” “Basically working, nothing interesting to tell. That kind of boring life you aren’t used to” She says and her best friend frown as soon as he hears her words.
“You’re lying. You had a date a few days ago, that’s something we didn’t have, some of us, in a while.” He smirks because he gets exactly the reaction he wanted from both him and her. “It was horrible and you knew that. I’m not planning on going on another date for months now.” It was indeed horrible, he was a total jerk and she still doesn’t know how she hasn’t seen that coming earlier. “I told you I could find you the perfect date and yet you don’t want me to.” She rolls her eyes at him making the rest of them laugh. “I don’t trust your “good taste” in men…I’ve seen the women you’ve shared your bed with and…nope, I don’t wanna see the men version of your “good taste” but I love you still.” His mouth takes the shape of an “o” after her words shaking his head both sides. “Don’t worry, your perfect date is still out there, right man?” He says and she’s close to choking when he says that, with a smirk on his face. Another asshole as a friend. “Sure. He’ll show up whenever you less expect him to.” 
The three of them are talking about she doesn’t know what, basically because she’s focused on not falling asleep against his shoulder. His hand is on her waist holding her against his body to make sure she’s still warm, he found himself doing it unconsciously. “Little bird, want me to drive you home? You’re falling asleep on our boy’s shoulder.” Her friend says reaching his hand out for her and she shakes her head. “Don’t worry. I’ll call an Uber, so you three can stay here. Thank you.” She gets up stretching the sleeves of her sweater covering her fist with them, yawning. And if the three of them find her adorable, after that the level of adorableness is over the moon.  She walks into the house grabbing her stuff when she feels a pair of hands stopping her from doing it, and just with the touch she knows exactly who he is and of course, she’s right. “I’ll walk you home, okay? We’re not letting you grab an Uber even if it’s just a five minutes ride.” He leans on the couch, his legs crossed at his ankles looking at her with his head slightly tilted as he smiles at her warmly. “Don’t worry, it’s okay I swear.” She touches his forearm as a way of reassuring her words. “I know it’s okay that’s why I’m walking you home. As soon as you’re all ready, we’re leaving.” She tries to fight him back but she knows him good enough to know that he’s not gonna change his mind.
His arm is around her shoulder as they walk home, the air less warm than a few hours before and she’s thankful for having him closer to her. They’re walking in silence but it’s a comfortable one, they don’t need to talk, things have always been easy between them, they’ve never felt like they needed to talk. “Can I ask you something?” He asks out of nowhere and she’s surprised at his words, she frowns and he laughs touching her frown with his index finger making her smile “Don’t look at me like that.” “You scared me for a second, usually that sentence means nothing good.” She explains and actually, he recognizes she has a point there. “You’re right, but not this time. The whole not going on a date for a while thing…were you serious about that?” She freezes for a second, literally. She stops walking and she looks at him as if he’d grown a second head.  “I…I mean…yes? I don’t know, I haven’t think about it seriously. Why?” She asks back and he scratches the back of his head looking at the pavement for a second to look at her eyes seconds later. “Just asking.” She simply lets out an “oh” and they keep walking in silence but this time, both of their minds are working too fast that you could see smoke running out of their heads. 
She sees her apartment just at the end of the street and for a minute she wishes the walk would last more. She starts looking for her keys when they’re just a few steps away from her house. “I’ll wait until you’re safe inside. And remember to message the boys that you’re safe at home, okay?” His hands are on his back pockets and he’s looking at her warmly, she can see the tenderness in his eyes and she doesn’t wanna see him leave. “Thanks for walking me home, I’m sorry you have to walk alone now tho.” She hugs herself when she feels the cold breeze hits her face. “Don’t worry, I’m all grown up now, I’ll be fine.” He winks at her with a smile on her face reaching his eyes, and she could have died right there, under the city lights he was just stunning. She nods with a smile as a way of finishing the conversation, she’s about to open her door when she hears him calling her name at his back. “I’ve forgotten something important”
She opens her mouth to talk while she turns but he’s not giving her the time to talk because his lips are over hers within seconds. One of his hands is cupping her cheek while the other one is on the back of her neck when the reality finally hits her, she tugs the soft material of his jersey a smile breaking through the kiss. He’s the one breaking the kiss, just to breath and kisses her again when he realizes she’s not gonna run away. He leans his forehead against hers, giggling and it’s the best thing she has ever heard in her life. His thumbs stroking her cheeks when he finally breaks the kiss looking at her. “I could have been the perfect date for you” He softly whispers, as she hits him playfully in the chest, the heat reaching her cheeks as he laughs “If I ask for one…would you say yes?” “Within seconds. I’ve been dying for you to ask me to go on a date.” She confesses making him sigh, he should have done it months ago. “We can have breakfast tomorrow if you want to. I can pick you up at nine if it’s okay.” They don’t exactly when, but now their hands are intertwined and he’s playing with her fingers as they talk and it’s surprising to see how everything flows naturally when they’re together. “I can’t wait…”She whispers before he kisses her forehead wishing her a good night, again. 
He had the intention to leave but his feet aren’t cooperating with him. He can’t leave now after he has kissed her for the first time, he still feels her lips over his and their warmth, how soft they were against his. He’s standing with his lips on her forehead, her hands holding his wrist. “I should get going…”He says more to ensure himself about what he should be doing rather than to explain to her his plans. “You should, yes.” None of them is moving, and he takes it as an opportunity to kiss her again. 
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tayegi · 8 years
Hii u lovely creature. First i just wanted to say i love ur work, this last chapter was...quite shocking since well how Jk was talking and reacting towards the OC. Im really not good with theories really and specially if i gotta write them down in english but i was thinking since u said this would have 3 parts that maybe...just maybe was like one part of each of the characters? Like one were we view in detail the feelings of the OC, then JK and the Jimin? Maybe? Idk sorry. Anyway love ur work :)
Anonymous said:Thank you for being able to find the time to write equilibrium, and thank you for being able to find the time to update it as well- and come on tumblr at all tbh. I know it must not seem like it but most of us really really appreciate it. Please don’t feel rushed to update and take as much time as you need. Thank you again for your work.
Anonymous said:hey! thank you SO much for continuing equilibrium. I’m really enjoying the plot and character development. its very interesting and you do a rly good job at weaving all the layers of meaning together. you’re one of my favorite writers 💗 hope ur having a great day!
Anonymous said:(3) I wonder what is it that jimin saw on jungkook as well, I don’t think that just good looks and the fact that he is good at a lot of things are enough to fall in love or accept being in that kind of relationship ¿ or maybe yes or I’m missing something. Anyways I absolutely adore this fic!! I love your detailed descriptions and how you put important little things and hints and how you think of every single word!! Really thank you for sharing it with us! You have created a huge masterpiece.
Anonymous said:(2)The days when jimin went away must have been the best days of his life, and I wonder now with Jungkook away how the dynamics between jimin and the oc would be, especially her. It would be really wow and not wow at the same time if she turned like kook. I doubt because she knows she doesn’t have a “connection” with jimin, and is more than aware that he wants jungkook. But maybe things will change like they did with him.
minsuguk said:(1) It surprises me how the oc feels about jimin, accepting jungkook’s possesiveness and mad terms in order to keep him in that crazy relationship which is the only way she can have a just little bit of jimin. But again, I’m not surprised because it’s kind of what Jungkook felt ¿ I mean he saw something in her, and she saw something in jimin. And jungkook was aware of her and jimins feelings and he proposed being together in order to be with her as well.
Anonymous said:I want to feel bad for all of them, but I feel bad for none of them. That’s a lie I feel slightly bad for o/c but shes doing it to herself because she wants to keep this tiny connection to Jimin and that’s the start of her problem! All in all this is gonna end badly. I knew that necklace was gonna come back and bit her in the ass.
Anonymous said:(part 2) You know how Jungkook is all fucking crazy in denial about having a connection with her could she be in the same denial except (but not crazy) I mean Jimin had to have noticed the reader was always with him in the beginning now they don’t even touch each other its all so fucked up because you cant feel bad for anyone at this point (I am scared for the reader though because how far will jungkook go if she let jimin touch her)
Anonymous said:Jimin CAN’T be oblivious to this whole situation if he was able to hear his name being called when Jungkook was fingering the mc he had to have heard something else. Could he be ignoring this situation to make sure he is able to stay with jk the same way jk and mc are using each other for the same thing? bc if it was obvious that jimin was in love with jk before anything happened did he have to “get through” 1 on 1 with the mc like she did with jungkook (part 1)
Anonymous said:oh dude the relationship in equilibrium is on the verge of becoming a huge trainwreck but i can’t stop reading it cos i want to see how big of a trainwreck it will become. can’t wait til we get to the point where the relationship just swerves off the track and just goes kablooey! rip.
Anonymous said:oh my gosh I absolutely adored reading the new chapter of equilibrium! I’m so amazed that you find the time out of your busy day to write so much! thank you so so much for the new chapter. i’m really curious to see how this story line will progress, and I do wonder what will happen with jimin and y/n over that weekend… hmm anyways thank you again!! this is my first time writing to you aha I’m so nervous and also !! I love you please take care of yourself
Anonymous said:I HATE YOU SM I’m kidding I love you lu 💕💕 I can already feel the angst approaching aghhssh I’m going to die
Anonymous said:The new update has me a bit fearful of jungkook. He seems to be a little bit to possessive-at least to me anyways. I wonder if jimin has noticed the change in jungkook as well? When he said that the oc was the only one who understood him it reminded me of the conversation they had in ch4 about his family not approving of his major. When i read that scene the first time, i kinda got the sense that that was why jungkook liked the oc.
Anonymous said:Shook again from Equilibrium updates @.@ Thanks as always!!
Anonymous said:omggggggg equilibriummmm the tension just keeps building and building up I AM SO READY FOR THE SHIT TO HIT THE FAN
Anonymous said:It’s really interesting because there are elements that show a legitimate fear the OC has when it comes to Jungkook. I can’t wait to see more (well I can obv and I will NO PRESSURE FJDKSKSKS but you know what I mean~). Also thank you for updating so often like. I have barely any work & a shit ton of free time and I still just can’t write so you’re??? Like how??? Thank u sm. 💕
Anonymous said:First of all - thank you for updating. You could throw a sentence of Equilibrium in my way once a year and I’d still cry of happiness. And second - I love this story so much you don’t even know. Their relationship has taken such a sharp turn suddenly and Jungkook’s motives are clearer and clearer while the MC still seems to be sort of oblivious? Ah I have so many speculations but there’s not enough characters in asks haha. Anyways it was amazing once again, thank you!
yaja-time said:Equilibrium is too my favorite writings of your.. probably one of my favorites out of all the fics I’ve ever read. But I love it so much I would wait 10 years for you to update. Shit I’d even be happy if you updated with only using 10 words. I understand you have a life and I for one am very grateful for your writings, because they are amazing. So thank you for writing.
Anonymous said:Poor Equilibrium OC :( Sadly this scenario hits close to home with her and Jungkook. But good job as always Lu! I appreciate the work you do, have me on the edge of my seat!
bluefullmetaltitan said:Lol. I’ve been waiting for you to say that!! Yayayay! I support you 100% cause like, it shouldn’t matter how long it takes. I’m in love with all of your writings!! Thank you!!
Anonymous said:bruh, equilibrium tho. i loves it like i loves you. but for real, its amazing and incredible reading smaller details from earlier chapters come back into play and seeing how everything slowly links together (how you have the willpower to write so much is incredible)
Anonymous said:I loved equilibrium babe it's so good keep up the amazing writing I loved the last chapter it's a very good storyline 👍🏼👍🏼 and please In the equilibrium let her end Up with jimin and more jimin smut please 😂😂 seriously loved it 💋💋
Anonymous said:When I first started reading equilibrium I thought it was about the three of them learning how to function in a polyamorous relationship. But in the first 4 chapters, you revealed the MC's feelings towards Jimin, & then showcased Jungkook and MC alone. Then, when Jungkook got possessive, & you wrote Jimin's and MC's back story, I was like, "she's not seriously trying to romanticize this relationship, is she?" BUT YOU'RE NOT, YOU'RE SHOWCASING LEGIT PROBLEMS IN A REALISTIC STORY. I AM HERE FOR IT
Anonymous said:Im living for Equilibrium rn🔥🔥🔥🔥, your such a good writer. Loving all your works 💖💖
Anonymous said:why do I feel like jungkook semi poisoned jimin so he couldn't go 😫equilibrium is so good rlly got me questioning everything lol
Anonymous said:Hello tayegi, i just want to say, you're the first writer I read in this bts fandom and im so thankful for that. And im so pumped for equilibrium jajajajajaAaaaa 🙏
Anonymous said:I have to be honest I was all for jungkooks protectiveness in early chapters cause I thought it was hella cute but after reading equilibrium chp 11... Im not too sure anymore. Like he actually made me kinda scared and trapped especially during the end (guess that's how good you're writing is). On a positive note, loving this series and I hope all three characters get backlashes for this messed up relationship lmao
Anonymous said:I don't get how anyone can complain about ch11 being "only 3k" like there was so much that happened in that chapter it didn't even feel like it was "short." I'm even amazed you can write such great quality stories despite being a phd student (do these children know what that is???) AND it's like midterm season rn like the quality doesn't drop despite this. And honestly I feel like these chapters have been getting updated pretty frequently these days I feel really spoiled haha
Anonymous said:Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?! There was an Equilibrium update?! *runs to open tab so that it's the first thing I see after class* Bruh, I can't wait to dive in. Thanks for being a thug about all of those comments. Best part about creating works of art/expressing creativity is that you get to make people think, invite them to have an opinion and start conversations. If anything, Equilibrium provokes its readers to have a clear opinion. That's a success in my book. ;) Fighting always! - Happy Reader
yonggukssmolgf said:I love you. I love your blog. I love your writing. I love the equilibrium series. And I just love how you just take your time to update. Like you do things at you own pace and I like that about you. I followed you because you're an amazing person, you love your followers, and you never disappoint with your fics. Thanks for existing and I hope I made your day a little bit happier!🐼😙😀
Anonymous said:Excuse me young lady... yeah I'm talking to you Lu...Yupp.... you're being mad disrespectful, how dare ruin my nights peaceful sleep but updating equilibrium like that... do you not want me to graduate... it's senior year and I'm head deep into my writing... yeah thanks a lot for ruining my life... JK I LOVE YOU 💕
Anonymous said:I just read chapter 11 of Equilibrium and it made me want to CRY! I love the story so far and it's written amazingly well but it's tOYING WITH MY EMOTIONS! I'm super excited for the updates 💙💙💙💙
seokjinniemin said:oml I just finished chapter 11 of Equilibrium and boy howdy am I SHOOK. Equilibrium is by far one of my favorite fanfic series I've ever read! You're such an amazing writer, they way you convey the stress and anxiety of the oc is just phenomenal. And the small details you put into it like damn! I'm so anxious about this and how it's going to progress, especially with the oc and Jimin being alone. I feel like shit is going to hit the fan real soon o_o
Anonymous said:oh my god that new chapter of Equilibrium actually murdered me LMAO. i absolutely LOVE how every detail counts; like all the little small things that readers wouldn't think matter end up mattering the most. i love this series so much and ily Lu!!
Anonymous said:oh my god that new chapter of Equilibrium actually murdered me LMAO. i absolutely LOVE how every detail counts; like all the little small things that readers wouldn't think matter end up mattering the most. i love this series so much and ily Lu!!
Anonymous said:wtffff please ignore that anon i think you've been updating so quickly!! and i love the story sooo much it's so great no matter how lengthy it is. the content is what matters quality >>> quantity i really love it and know you work hard and appreciate it ❤❤
Anonymous said:Sometimes I think people are just plain dumb. Like, wtf, i am happy that you updated such an amazing story! You do not have the obligation to provide anything for us, you do it because you like it. People should be more grateful and learn to respect. Thank you for de update, you are straight up amazing
aichan11 said:I just read Equilibrium 11, it's so good! I sent you a message before, sorry if it was out of line. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your writing :) of course I have my own wishes/hopes about how the 3 people in Equilibrium would turn out but I don't want to risk influencing your writing. I can't wait for the whole balance to just tip over and see what happens. Is that too evil of me? Hahaha
Anonymous said:The new chapter was intense! I wonder what Jeon is hiding.. I feel bad for both Jimin and OC. Poor jiminie doesn't know what that kid is doing, and OC is stuck cos of jjk. I love your work Lu, stay classy ❤️❤️
Anonymous said:ahhhhh!!! another amazing chapter babe!!! Love the dynamic,screwed up characters
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