#it's like if they made water into a gelatin-like substance. this game is thick water to me
skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
kind of surprised and enthralled by dmc2's inspiring commitment to making sure none of the staggering amounts of flying enemies you face are ever at any time visible on screen
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
False Norns Pt 3 (Rin, Cu Collective, Medb, Sigurd, Hakuno, CasGil, Gudako)
Part One, Two
The belt took a moment for the battle suit.
“The first thing you need to know about elves is that they’re clever. They won’t simply come at you upfront. They’re not that strong. They need to be clever. They’ll let you lead yourself to their slaughters. You’ll find yourself at a point where you think you’re safe or you think you can split up to cover ground and escape. You’ll never see them coming and you’ll never know how close they are until they’re on top of you.”
Sigurd had looked between her and the others, nodding a moment before he’d turned to the master Chaldean uniforms in the locker room.
“They have things to make up for their lack of abilities. Spells, small things that they borrowed from others. They know that, if they’re caught, that’s the end of it. Never give your back to them. Never take anything that belongs to them. If they have the reason and the means, they’ll come running for you.”
“They happen to have my friends,” Rin pointed out.
“I’m aware. Your friend Merlin was lucky that I found him.”
She didn’t care for that. Her friend- what use what a magician who would flee rather than protect those close to them? What kind of ally did he think he was, doing shit like that?
Was it because she had been around her Celtic team too long?
Medb was yawning, sipping at her coffee in the corner and cuddling against Cu Alter’s side. Cu Proto and Lancer were sharpening their blades, feigning ignorance to the conversation nearby.
They were brilliant idiots. They would hear and remember every word. She’d played more than enough memorization and mystery games to know that they wouldn’t ignore what was going on. She had no doubt that they were forming their own opinions on the matters at hand and deciding their own thoughts on how they should proceed.
Rin looked over at the Volsung servant, finding Sigurd offering her one of the battle uniforms.
“You will need to be on your guard. We need to keep the team together that you bring and ensure that we move as a unit. If you see an elf, even one injured, you need to think like the gods and know that nothing good will come of listening to them.”
“You sound heartless when you say that,” Rin pointed out.
“Have you ever fought a dragon?”
“My friend Gudako has.”
“Well, learn well from her.” The man handed her a set of thicker gloves next. “When you are presented with a monster, you kill it before it kills you. Otherwise, you better pray to your gods.”
Rin zipped up her suit the rest of the way, glancing over to Medb nearby.
“What do you think about this?”
“Hmm?” The pink haired queen shrugged, adjusting her warden outfit. “I don’t really care, I guess? You said it was an opportunity to fight and get those Chaldean masters you work with. I love the idea of getting to show my former master how much stronger and more powerful we are without her. If the guy says kill the elves…”
She paused a moment, humming.
“Well, I don’t care. Whatever Cu Alter wants, that’s what I’ll go with.”
That made sense.
Cu Lancer was peeking in, his hand pressing to the top of the doorframe. At the sight of the two of them dressed up, he nodded.
“We’re ready then?”
“Have to be. There isn’t much time, remember?” Rin moved forward, standing before the man.
“What’re you thinkin’ about this servant here? The Sigurd guy?”
“I don’t trust him.”
Cu grinned, shoulders relaxing.
“I don’t trust him, but my allies are in danger. You’ve been in this kind of situation with me before. We’ll handle this responsibly. Merlin will stick near Sigurd. Medb with Alter. Proto with Caster in the command room here. Then you and I will stick side by side.”
“You aren’t sticking to the plan he has?”
“Plans for big groups are fraught with trouble, Cu. The moment we get there, we could end up separated. We stick to our teams, we have a better chance of avoiding unnecessary trouble. I watch your back, you watch mine. Everyone watches their partner and we’ll be fine.”
“I knew I liked you for a reason.”
“Well,” Medb closed her locker, moving over to their side and smirking. “If we’re going to be roaming in the forests again, then we need to get going. Don’t take too much of my master’s strength, Lancer. I would hate to have one less pup amongst the group.”
With that, she winked and slipped under his arm.
“I really hate her,” Cu murmured.
“She has her benefits.” Rin pat his chest, moving around him. “Don’t forget she keeps Berserker focused on other things.”
Namely, she thinned the herd around her room when it came to the evenings. She could sleep alone at night if she wanted, although that was such a rare occurrence these days.
Berserker and Medb were in the rayshift room.
Merlin was speaking quietly to Caster and Proto at the control panel, talking about the coordinates and other information she didn’t care for.
Sigurd, meanwhile-
“We need to move quickly.”
“We do,” Rin agreed. “And we are moving fast, but we’re moving smart. This operation and search and rescue are under my orders, Sigurd. Anything we do and anything we decide, that’s on my authority. Problems you have with that can be discussed with Berserker.”
The man frowned, but there was nothing to say when Berserker was already laughing at the opportunity of fighting someone else.
Those rune rimmed eyes watched Sigurd, waiting excitedly.
“…As you wish.”
Rin smiled, brushing her hair back a moment before she looked to Merlin. “Get in the rayshift if we’re ready! Proto. I need you watching Caster while we’re gone. You have the best endurance for long hours and can handle the controls if Caster finds himself having to protect the control room.”
“You got it, Rinny!”
“Lancer,” Rin glanced over at the man, finding him pressing a hand to her back.
“Do not stray far, Rin. I don’t know shit about this location we’re heading to.”
“So cling like usual?”
The smile was still there as the rayshift began to start up. The winds were blowing around the room as the doors closed and Merlin held his staff close.
“Merlin, stay with Sigurd. Do not lose your partners. If we get separated, I’d rather know that we all have someone rather than worry about one of you. If you die, I can’t be responsible for what happens next.”
The room vanished.
A large lake appeared before them, slicing through the mountainsides and separating the two sides of the forest around them. The stars twinkled within the depths of the waters, the moon dancing along its surface.
Prime fishing terrain.
“Can you sense them, magician?” Sigurd asked.
Merlin shook his head.
“That’s alright,” Rin looked to Berserker and Lancer. “Let’s begin this with a classic cleansing that will make Caster proud.”
Hakuno wrapped her arms around him a little more, frowning at the direction they were heading.
They should have seen a door or a way to slip out of this place already. They had been walking for far too long in these lit areas. The materials and the carts of coal around them had come and gone. She’d watched the ceiling as much as she could. She’d felt with every fiber of her being for the slightest air passing through.
Yet, there had been nothing.
“How many paths did you see on your way here?” Gilgamesh murmured.
“This is the only path. We went into a tunnel before, but it was grimy and deeper down. It was in the direction of the depths of this tunnel. We’ve been going up this whole time.”
“You think we have.”
Did he not feel them going up?
Looking around, Hakuno found herself pulling away from the man’s side so she could press her hands to the walls. The stone was thick, cold to the touch. It didn’t feel like any kind of illusion or trick. If they weren’t going up, there would have to be some kind of magic or something at play.
God, but she hated labyrinths.
“Hakuno, do not stray.”
“I’m not.” Hakuno shook her head, turning around and looking Gilgamesh over again.
The vest of his was so torn, his necklace gone due to whatever their situation had been to get them here. The proud stance he normally took was now hunched slightly, his wounds bleeding out. Her own state of being was probably no better.
“I need to get you hidden,” Gilgamesh told her.
“We’re sticking together, Caster. Archer will kill us if he finds out that I hid and you decided to play hero.”
“Hakuno, did you see what they put over my eyes?”
“I did.”
She was going to be staying far away from gelatin for a long time too. The memory of the gel-like substance that had been on his eyes had literally eaten away at his skin. There would also be no forgetting carving at Gil’s eyes.
“We’ll push forward,” Hakuno told him. “It can’t be far.”
“Or it could be a trap. We should prepare-“
“Preparing is well and good until the two that were hunting us come back. I didn’t save you just to have the two of us get caught again.”
“You’d rather a trap?”
“A king doesn’t falter.”
It was a weak argument, something she heard Gilgamesh tell her over and over again. She had no doubt in her mind that it was something that Enkidu would tell him, but hearing him tell of Enkidu was something that only happened when the king managed to get deep enough into his cups.
Still, whether it was from the being or not, it made Caster sigh.
“Tread carefully, you fool. Archer may think those words are his saving grace, but only a true mongrel walks themselves into the slaughterhouse.”
She laced the fingers of her right hand with his left, nodding at the advice.
Forward again, to elevations that felt higher than before. She could feel the upwards slope now in the ground beneath their feet. She could feel warmer air, the lights hanging closer and better along the walls. It felt right, seeing things like this. The less debris and mess around them, the more she started to feel her mood boosting.
The door or entrance to these caves had to be close.
Somewhere nearby, they had to-
A creaking came from above, just ahead.
Caster’s arms wrapped around her tight, their eyes falling to a strange pile just barely in view.
“Hakuno, don’t look.”
“I can’t against your chest.”
The pounding in her chest increased as they heard metal against metal. It sounded like something was being opened… or closed. She couldn’t be sure what was happening, but Gilgamesh was holding her tightly. There was sound behind them.
Gilgamesh had warned her about a trap.
“You and I are about to do something unsavory,” Gilgamesh whispered, almost too low for even her to hear with his mouth next to her ear. “No matter how uncomfortable it may be, you are not to open your eyes. Do not breathe like you are now when I let go of your hand, I want you to take deep breaths and hold them for a time, and then release them so slow that you don’t feel your diaphragm move much at all. Do you understand?”
She nodded.
They were being moved forward, Gilgamesh pulling her further and further from where they’d been. She could hear his clothing being pulled from his body, She could hear something splattering a moment before she felt herself laid down in a strange heap of something warm and wet.
“Remember my warning, Hakuno,” Gilgamesh whispered.
His hand released her own.
There was weight over her, but she didn’t dare look. The sound of the footsteps were quickening, making her heartbeat race in her ears. She could sense the two, their storming their way making her ball up her fists.
There was something hard and thin near her hand.
She cracked an eye.
A finger met her gaze.
A very cold, very pale finger met her gaze.
Closed eyes.
Hakuno bit her lip, focusing.
Deep breath in.
Hold it tight.
Ten… Nine… Eight… Seven…
Slowly release.
Six… Five… Four…
Make sure the stomach and body are not moving.
Three… Two… One…
Inhale through the nose slowly.
One… Two… Three…
Do not move the stomach or body more than necessary.
Four… Five… Six…
Pause and slowly inhale to fill the lungs.
Seven… Eight… Nine…
And Hold.
“They got out,” one of the voices from before growled. “Galar-“
“They can’t get far, Fjalar. You’ve seen the monstrous others of our kind in the woods. If they tried to follow the river, they would be found by those far worse than us.”
“Do you think the others are gone?”
“We will look. Lock the door when you are out. The last thing that we need is the sound letting Hell come forth. We’ve left her a meal.”
Breathe, Hakuno, Hakuno reminded herself.
“Careful, the stairs are still slick from the children.”
Oh no…
Hakuno held her breathe, tears pricking her eyes as the sound of a door met her ears. She could hear the silence around them.
Were they on a pile of bodies?
The thing she had seene before came back into mind. She’d seen a finger. It hadn’t been a long one either.
A hand moved over hers, bringing a shiver to her body.
“They’re gone,” Gilgamesh’s voice whispered.
“Gilgamesh,” Hakuno whispered back. “What are we in?”
“…Do not open your eyes.”
She couldn’t breathe anymore.
“They locked the door. Without my magic of use to me and without your magecraft, there’s little purpose to this direction. We’ll need to take a lantern from here and delve deeper for another path.”
“They mentioned a meal,” Hakuno forced out.
“…One step at a time, Hakuno.” Her body was lifted, pulled carefully back to Gilgamesh’s chest. “A king doesn’t falter.”
A king may not, but she wasn’t a king.
Gudako yanked her shirt off, wrapping it around Romani’s face for now. The fabric wouldn’t provide much help, but it would give him something to help with the blood and keep him from touching at his eyes.
Gruesome as it was to think about, she had a doctor to help.
She moved along the river’s edge, tiptoeing carefully through the thick grasses after laying Romani in a nice hidden space. A single burned down trunk would be her sign of where the man was.
She could go back and find him soon enough.
Right now, what was important was getting back to that house to find the rings from before.
Now, if someone was going to build a house, the first thing they would think about in a thick forest like this was how to get to a water source. She hadn’t gone around the house much, but she’d seen the tunnels beneath. That would make sense a little more with the cliffs. They built the tunnels to keep warm in winter, right?
That would make sense.
Gudako found herself soon enough at the cliffside, her eyes drifting up higher and higher.
She could get a good view from there. The trees were pressed to the cliff.
“Just climbing trees half dressed, totally normally,” she breathed. Her hands grabbed at the branches, her legs aching from the nonstop exercise.
Climbing trees was nothing like a ladder. She was going to be giving Robin her junk food for a month after this.
Or- maybe just lounging around in her room for a week first.
The sap was sticking to her hands. The needles were doing little to help her grip and the darkness around her was only that much worse without that piss poor moonlight.
Still, she glanced over, finding the rock giving way to the top. There were more trees and more forest. Mountains hung proudly in the distance, framing the world as the river widened more and more as it went on. There was little doubt in her mind that it created a lake or fed into the ocean or something in that direction. It would be the smart way to move, but she would need Romani healed for getting him up this cliffside. Either that, or he’d have to be a damn good climber.
Her eyes paused as she looked around more.
A tall shape was close to her.
And another.
And a third.
The high objects were illuminated as the moon peered out from behind the clouds, the tall thrones standing resolute around this widening riverside.
Thrones is the only thing to call these.
If there were beings tall enough for these seats… Then she really didn’t want to meet them.
The figures from before hadn’t used the woods. They had tunnels beneath their home. With knowing that and seeing these high chairs, perched upon a high cliff like this, then that meant these beings were higher on the food chain.
One look around, then climb down.
Gudako glanced amongst the trees, seeing several dark circles where the trees dispersed.
Were there more?
If so…
Forget the damn rings.
The rings could be strong, they could be almighty even, but if they were to killed or lose Romani because of their power, then forget the rings. She would get a team together and come back maybe. If they were that important, then that would be the plan.
Something was moving nearby, drawing her attention to the woods.
A singular, illuminated golden eyes stared out at her, wide and unblinking. The figure moved, shifting from tree to tree, their wrinkled face showing more as they drew slowly closer.
It was time to climb down now.
A soft crack of a twig made her take a step back towards her ladder of a tree.
Nothing that came from someone hiding around three tall thrones could be helpful. Not when the other refused to speak.
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90stimkon · 7 years
in his skin
Rating: Explicit Length: 4,203 words Pairing: Established Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsuro/Kozume Kenma (bokukuroken) + Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsuro/Kozume Kenma/Akaashi Keiji (kurokenbokuaka)
Summary: Kenma and his boyfriends fuck a tentacle prince to save Earth from an alien invasion.
Warnings: Dub-con, tentacle sex, light gore (?), a tentacle in a throat, unsafe sex
Notes: Inspired by @semishiraten’s love of tentacles.
my fic | buy me a coffee | commission me
When the sky falls and lights up like the Northern Lights, Kenma’s the one that turns to his two boyfriends, face alight with the glow of the green and purple swirling in the sky, and says, “I was right.”
Mothers are screaming for their children and the newly installed national alarms blare when the ships make contact and begin to pierce the crust of the earth, but all Bokuto or Kuroo can hear over the strums of breaking glass and cracking cement is Kenma’s quiet vow, “we’re going to survive this.”
Against Bokuto’s insistence, they don’t go to quarantine. “Quarantine is where they gather everybody to die,” Kenma explains, and that is that. They grab non-perishables, a can opener, and two broken pipes for defense at Kenma’s direction as they make their way out of the city, grabbing as much medicine and food that hasn’t been raided already.
It’s a long five way trek in the woods and Bokuto mopes about it the whole way -- until they hear the gunshots and watch the city get torched by the men in white space suits. From their perch in the makeshift treehouse they spent two days making, they watch their home and the life they knew go ablaze. Bokuto cries enough for all three of them, and Kuroo and Kenma hold him tight, even when his throat goes dry and his crying sounds like nothing more than the heaves one lets out when there’s nothing left to puke.
Kenma looks up to the tie-dye sky that started to glitter two nights ago, and closes his eyes. “The wind is blowing south. We can’t stay here.”
Kenma declares that the forest is safest and that they need to make it to the shore.
“The port would have been quicker,” Kuroo complains, but Kenma shakes his head.
“No. Any boats leaving from the port would have been inspected and quarantined. We needs to find something smaller, something that can go under the radar.”
“Kenma wasn’t wrong about the city, so he’s probably right about this too. We’ll survive it,” Bokuto assures, patting Kuroo heartily on the back and kissing his boyfriends’ cheeks, one after the other. Bokuto’s spirits remain high, even when their legs start to hurt and Kuroo’s hair goes flat from not having any pillows to prop against his face and even Kenma starts to doubt himself.
The first body they encounter belongs to a nameless subordinate of the Ministry of Defense. They can’t tell if it’s a man or a woman, and they don’t care to find out. Even before Bokuto toes the corpse, they know it to be dead. The body lays face down, but the head is twisted up, and the mask of the safety suit has been cracked open. A few forest bugs are crawling around the raw gore of brain and bone that still smells fresh.
Bokuto makes a face and pulls Kuroo’s sleeve. “C-Can we go? This is freaking me out.”
“We should inspect the body,” Kenma says, kneeling down and grabbing a stick to prod at the corpse. The stick sizzles upon contact with the body and Kenma lifts it, a thick drop of silky green liquid falling off. It melts both the point of the stick and everything it touches. Kenma winces.
“Looks like lube,” Kuroo jokes.
“Stop fuckin’ around!” Bokuto screeches and he punches Kuroo in the shoulder.
“I’m trying to lighten the mood!”
Kenma tosses the stick away, burrowing his face in his knees. Kuroo and Bokuto are both scared, he can tell from their bickering, but they trust him. This isn’t like a video game where there’s a reset button, but Kenma’s not sure he knows how to win against this boss battle. “We need to get to the water as soon as possible.”
They encounter their first alien a week later. It walks like snail, burning everything in its wake with the venomous slime that leaves its body, and they learn for the first time that the blobs whip out tentacles used to fight. One of those very such tentacles reaches out for them and continues to stretch toward them, even as they run away. Bokuto trips on a root and Kuroo hauls him up while telling Kenma to run, but it’s no good; the three of them end up clinging to each other, backed against a tree trunk, as the tentacle inches forward, the poisonous liquid dripping and sizzling as it approaches.
“Stab it with the pipes,” Kenma breathes, and both Kuroo and Bokuto wield the pipes they’ve been carrying for weeks.
They lose both lead pipes from trying to pierce the gelatinous body, but the alien merely sucks the pipes in, its skin becoming hard like lead. Kenma grips either of his boyfriend’s hands as if this is the end, but the tentacle slowly halt to a standstill, the lead becoming solid and less flexible in the passing seconds.
All three of them are backed against a tree trunk, breathing heavily and staring at the tentacle now made of lead that’s hovering above them.
“Kenma was right again!” Bokuto says cheerily. Kuroo starts bickering with him him and Kenma sighs.
They following the never-ending tentacle to the body’s root and stare. There’s no defining features, all smooth and dirty, just like the pipe. Kenma circles around it and frowns. “It takes on the quality of whatever it absorbs.”
“What would happen if it absorbed a human?” Bokuto asks, peeking over Kenma’s shoulder.
“Let’s not find out.”
Before anybody can stop him, Bokuto reaches out and pokes the tentacle. Kenma pinches Bokuto’s ear hard, but Kuroo beats him to it, slapping Bokuto upside the head. “Idiot! What if it would have absorbed you?”
Kenma lets out an unsteady breath as they fight. Idiotic or not, Bokuto’s simplicity proves one thing: the aliens only absorb the first thing they touch. Kenma breathes a bit easier, knowing they can use this to their advantage.
Kuroo and Bokuto spoon him on either side on the night their food runs out. They’re only a day’s trip away from the sea, from getting away from all this insanity, and Kenma should feel relaxed and ease.
He doesn’t. Eyes peeled open as his boyfriends snore against his ear, he watches as the sky now swirls in a beautiful rainbow. Like the music that signals an upcoming boss battle, Kenma can’t help but feel that the worst’s about to come.
The worst comes as they’re lapping around the last waterfall before reaching the city. Kuroo and Kenma are both exhausted, and so is Bokuto, though he’s loudly prancing around as though what energy he shows might infect his boyfriends. Kuroo’s smiles lazily and Kenma leans against him, Bokuto entirely too infectious to be ignored, until Bokuto spreads his arms back and pushes back on their chests, holding them behind him.
“What the hell, bro?” Kuroo asks, but Kenma slaps his palm over Kuroo’s mouth, eyes wide and focused on the alien, this one a dark emerald green, bent over the pool of water at the waterfall’s base. It’s as still as Bokuto, but Kenma can tell Bokuto’s scared because Kenma can hear his heart beating.
It seems like forever before the alien pushes upward, completely still and erect. Kenma almost thinks the alien might not move until they move, but then it twists. Or rather, it doesn’t so much as twist as it does rotate, still completely tall and still.
“I think it found us,” Kuroo breathes, and no sooner than said, the alien blob lurches forward and slithers closer, this one much faster than the previous alien they encountered.
“G-Guys? I don’t have anything to fight with,” Bokuto nearly cries out, and there’s no time to run, not for Bokuto, though Kenma screams and tries to reach out for him as Kuroo grabs Kenma in both arms and pulls back.
The alien mauls Bokuto, a sight so gruesome that even Kuroo freezes in place. Kenma watches helplessly as the alien seems to flatten against Bokuto, pinning down his legs and arms and slowly beginning to spread around his neck.
“Get out of here,” Bokuto pleas, the shimmer of color that’s now visible in the sky even during daylight reflecting off his eyeballs. “Please live! Just leave m--”
Bokuto doesn’t get to finish his sentence because the alien goo finds its way into Bokuto’s mouth and presses in, gagging Bokuto on his own words. Kuroo screams and Kenma feels body go limp. He can’t tell if it’s him or Kuroo that’s shaking more as they watch Bokuto clench his eyes and futilely try to clamp his mouth on the alien substance. Kuroo’s still holding Kenma when he falls to the ground, beginning to sob as their boyfriend’s body gets violated by an alien.
“T-Tetsu, calm down,” Kenma insists, shakily breaking out of his boyfriend’s considerably weaker grip. “Look, he’s not dying. He’s not-- Whatever it is, it’s not killing him.”
Kenma crawls over on all fours to Bokuto, where he’s crying just like Kuroo, and pets his hair gently as the alien begins to change. Bokuto starts coughs just as the form rises in a recognizably human one, still glistening green in the sunlight as the form settles. When the tentacle pulls out of Bokuto’s mouth, it’s a formed hand attached to a very familiar bicep.
“Hey, hey, hey!” the alien, now a perfect replica of Bokuto, says. Both Kuroo and Bokuto pass out on the spot.
“This is creepy. Can we do anything about his face?” Kuroo asks that night, around the fire they’ve built. They have fresh fish roasting over the fire on handmade skewers, and it would almost feel like a summer camp trip if not for Bokuto’s identical clone sitting next to him.
“Don’t say it’s creepy! It’s a good face!” Bokuto yells, and the alien merely nods, eyes bright in that arrogant kind of way Bokuto only gets on the court.
“Your face is a good face. That face is just freaky,” Kuroo clarifies. He’s sitting on the opposite side of the alien, not as convinced as obviously Kenma or Bokuto are.
“It’s just for now,” the alien says. “If you let me taste your essence, I can make a form that’s a conglomeration of all three of you.”
Kuroo flips over their fish, still glaring. “And what way would that be?”
The alien shrugs in the way Kenma’s seen Bokuto do thousands of times before, it feels uncomfortable. “Let me feel your organisms.”
“Nuh uh! You’re not crawling down my throat and suffocate me with your freaky tentacles!” Kuroo yells, wielding a skewer as though it were a sufficient weapon against the alien.
“Actually, it wasn’t that bad. It kinda felt good,” Bokuto admits with a blush. The alien smirks cockily at him and Bokuto flushes further, looking away. “N-Not saying I’d do it again!”
“Any orifice will do,” the alien clarifies. Kuroo chokes and Bokuto hums as if he’s actually thinking about it.
“How do you know that’s what will happen?” is Kenma’s only question.
At the same time, both Bokuto and the alien turn to him with the same, small frown prompting further explanation. Kenma tries his best not to be freaked out.
“The last alien we encountered didn’t change forms when we touched it again,” Kenma explains. He feels uncomfortable beneath all the attention and prods a skewer against the fish like Kuroo was doing. “So how do you know you would be able to?”
“I’m Akaashi, fiftieth-fourth prince of the third Fukuroudani Empire and leader of this expedition. There’s a lot that I can do that my army cannot,” the clone Bokuto says. “I know I can do it, just open your essence up to me.” 
Bokuto nods encouragingly, and Kenma and Kuroo both glare at him. “Why should we trust you?”
“Because he looks like me, duh,” Bokuto says proudly.
Kuroo shakes his head. “No, I mean, if you’re the one responsible for invading our damn planet, why the hell should we trust you, let alone help you?”
Akaashi straightens up. “I can’t convince you to do anything you do not wish to, and I have no evidence to prove it, but I can help you reclaim your planet. This was meant to be a peaceful mission with the sole intention of making contact with your species, but I was overthrown. Luckily, I survived. I believe with my help, you can overthrow my general, I can reclaim my army, and we can coexist peacefully.”
“By ruling us?” Kuroo snarls sharply 
“Is that your plan, Akaashi? Are you going to rule us?” Bokuto asks, shocked.
Akaashi, though with Bokuto’s face, shakes his head. “Of course not. If anything, my kind would assimilate to yours, as we always have. You wouldn’t even know we walk among you. My general is incredibly greedy, but that is not our way. 
Kenma bites his bottom lip and considers the options. It’s about the sketchiest offer he’s ever heard, but it’s also an unheard of opportunity. For the first time since the spaceships landed, Kenma feels like there might be hope. “You can guarantee you’ll get your army under control?”
“Yes,” the Bokuto lookalike says, eyes set in that serious, sincere way Kenma knows well 
“Kenma, you’re not really considering--”
“We should do it,” Kenma says, heart thumping. Sleeping with the strange creature was always the most fun options in games anyway. 
“Kenma, please don’t do this,” Kuroo begs.
Kenma spares one glance before laying his clothes down on a patch of soft leaves he and Bokuto gathered earlier. Naked and freshly watched in the waterfall, he lays himself down and breathes. “I’m not asking for your permission. And Bokuto says it feels good.”
Bokuto -- the real Bokuto -- shamelessly nods from where he’s sitting on a log. The other Bokuto is kneeling between Kenma’s spread thighs, eye alight by the fire as Kenma knows well from many nights of pleasure.
“You should listen to your boyfriend,” the alien says pointedly. “This is the only way if you want to save your world. This form is pleasing enough for the both of you, isn’t it? Unless you find your other boyfriend unattractive, there should be no problem.”
Bokuto screams that Kuroo better think he’s hot at the same time Kuroo squawks that it’s completely different even if the alien looks exactly like Bokuto, but Kenma’s staring, trying to put the pieces together. “How do you know we’re boyfriends? 
“Because I inherit all the memories and sensations of my host.”
“Their essence.”
Akaashi nods. “We must hurry.”
Kenma takes a deep breath and relaxes. “Okay.”
“It’s kinda hot watching me fuck Kenma,” Bokuto says, already pulling his dick out.
“You’re gonna jerk off now?” Kuroo howls.
Bokuto shrugs. “I mean, if I don’t have anything better to do and I’m watchin’ anyway. 
Kuroo rolls his eyes, and he catches Kenma’s eye. Kenma’s watching him as a form that’s all too familiar yet completely alien settles on him, looking for a bit of comfort. Kuroo’s face looks devastated but he creeps close, petting Kenma’s hair. “It’s going to be okay, Kenma.”
“I know,” he says bluntly and Kuroo coughs on a laugh.
“I’m going to begin,” Akaashi says, and he pushes up, just enough for Kenma and Kuroo to both watch in horror as what was Bokuto’s dick seconds ago begins to morph into a tentacle, not unlike the one that tried to attack them or the one that crawled down Bokuto’s throat.
“Hey, move outta the way so I can see!” Bokuto whines.
Kuroo’s breathing heavily and clutching Kenma’s hand just as hard. “Just…don’t hurt him. Please.”
“I won’t,” Akaashi promises, the tentacle settling on Kenma’s thigh when it gets too long and slithering up Kenma’s thigh in back and forth motions. The ooze it leaves behind is warm and tingles, leaving Kenma’s skin a patch of prickled skin in its wake. Kenma finds himself moaning and arching against the tentacle before it even enters him, thighs spreading.
Oddly, it’s Kuroo who speaks first. “Kou. C’mere and look at this.”
Bokuto scrambles over, the brittle leaves crunching beneath his shoes. He gasps watching the tentacle slither around the base of Kenma’s cock and loop down his balls right into Kenma’s ass. Kenma chokes as the heat and wetness caress his genitals, the tentacle lightly pulsing against his skin. It’s unlike anything he’s ever experienced, the tip of the tentacle slipping inside of him and expanding as his body allows.
Besides the call of a bird, the only sounds are Kenma’s increasingly rapid breath and the slap of Bokuto’s fist against his balls as he aggressively jerks himself. Without prompting, Akaashi offers a hand, his fingernails dripping into small tentacles coated with the same ooze coating the inside of Kenma’s ass and swirling up and down his cock. “Oh, shiiiit…”
Kenma hums in agreement, practically riding the tentacle wrapping around him as Bokuto thrusts in time, as though it were Bokuto fucking him instead of the slick tentacle now pushing in wavelike motions inside of him. Kenma’s back arches and he sighs softly, Bokuto grunting back as he fucks into the offered tentacles happily. It’s not all he does, stroking at the underside of the tentacle and murmuring incoherent little nothings about how good it feels, how he needs more, and fuck, fuck, fuck.
Akaashi doesn’t move, still kneeled between Kenma. His eyes flicker between Kenma and Bokuto, letting his tentacles do all the work of thrusting and moving even as he remains still, observant. “Your boyfriends are beautiful.”
Kuroo looks up, eyes suddenly wide and his throat dry. Akaashi licks his lips and leans forward. He still looks like Bokuto and Kuroo can’t say he doesn’t understand what Bokuto meant earlier about jerking off. He can feel his dick giving a tug, as much as he doesn’t want to give into it, his entire body getting hot with that heat that starts low in his stomach. “Y-Yeah, they are.”
“Feels good,” Kenma sighs. He twists his head toward Kuroo and yanks on his hand pointedly, and Kuroo leans down for a kiss. Kenma’s lips are warm, soft, and wet, and Kenma holds both of his cheeks to kiss deeply. Kuroo can feel the tentacles fucking him from the inside, stuttering Kenma’s breaths, and grabs at Kenma’s chest to cup the soft warmth and pinch his nipples, which only makes the younger boy moan into his mouth. Kuroo feels Kenma’s sweet vibrations tingle all the way to his tailbone.
Bokuto’s quick to get jealous, yanking at Kuroo’s waist to pull him closer, tugging him up to kiss him hard and needily. His tongue presses into Kuroo’s mouth, greedily lapping and tasting in that unfocused, overwhelming way that Kuroo loves so much. Kuroo grins against Bokuto’s lips, kissing him back even as he feels the thrust of his dick and the heat of Akaashi’s swirling tentacle against his leg.
“Hnngh,” Bokuto whines in a high-pitched voice as Kenma moans and yanks at Kuroo’s hand again.
“You should do it,” Kenma gasps, watching Bokuto and Kuroo kiss with reckless abandon. “It feels good, Tetsu. It’s so hot inside. Soft and--”
“Wet,” Akaashi finishes, Kenma cut off by a loud scream when he shifts his tentacle into something with more girth and texture, perfect for hitting the prostate.
“I-I,” Kuroo begins over and over, unable to finish at the way Kenma throws his head back, lips parted, and sighs so deliciously obscene, his legs bending and curling into the forest ground, hips grinding and clenching on the tentacle inside him. How is Kuroo supposed to say no to a sight like that? “I could try…”
With the free hand Akaashi has placed rubbing gentle circles on Kenma’s knee, he beckons Kuroo forward, and Bokuto grunts out a soft whine when Kuroo’s mouth collides with Akaashi’s. The first thing he notices is the overwhelming heat, the way Akaashi’s mouth seems to radiate warmth. At the first slide of his tongue against Kuroo’s bottom lip, he finds himself opening his mouth to Akaashi, velvety tongue sliding around his as it makes its way to the back of his throat.
Kuroo gives a jolt and his eyes open wide when he realizes that Akaashi’s tongue keeps going and going, and when it’s midway in his throat, he realizes that it’s another of his tentacles, even as the alien continues to kiss him through the tentacle’s exploration. The tentacle feels hot like Bokuto’s tongue when he’s kissing Kuroo and wants attention, but as the tentacle takes on a texture as as it slides down his throat, Kuroo tastes and feels Kenma’s delicate tastebuds.
It’s a bit uncomfortable, but Kenma pets his hand and Bokuto squeezes his shoulder in reassurance, and the most bizarre thing of it all is that as Akaashi’s tentacle explores his body, he can feel Kenma and Bokuto as well. It’s like it’s his hand reaching out for Kenma or his palm clapping Bokuto’s shoulders, his dick and ass both suddenly experiencing the same movements Kenma and Bokuto are firsthand. Kuroo’s eyes slide back into his head, unable to do much more than drool on the tentacle slotted in his mouth or buck against the friction that isn’t truly caressing his body.
Kenma fists his cock and begins to slide the pliant tentacle up and down his cock, the loose loop around his balls growing tighter as he does, and Akaashi’s tentacle around Bokuto’s cock splits off to slither inside his urethra. Bokuto let’s out a full bodied moan that makes Kuroo’s entire body shake, the warmth of Bokuto’s voice in his throat although he can’t speak. He’s shivering like Kenma as he quickly slides toward his orgasm, Kuroo realizes, but more than that, it’s the clenching of his eyes, the thrust of his hips, the prying of his ribs as if they’re about to open to the gates of something pleasurable and unknown, and he realizes that’s Akaashi.
Akaashi’s lips move against his a final time before he’s pulling back, tentacle still lodged in Kuroo’s throat, but Akaashi no longer looks like Bokuto. Instead it’s eyes glistening like emeralds from the fire looking back at him, pale skin and soft dark locks, tumbling around his face. Akaashi smirks as Kuroo gags, watching the muscles in Kenma’s body clench and Bokuto’s breathing get heavier. Akaashi remains ever still even as his tentacles begin to rapidly thrust against Kuroo’s boyfriends in time, building the sensations within Kuroo.
Akaashi closes his eyes and Kuroo feels the sensation of Akaashi tilting his head back and sighing in pleasure as he sinks inside both Kenma and Bokuto. In this vision, Akaashi’s pistoning inside them both at once, their thighs wet from the slide of the tentacles, doing their everything to get more of that flexible heat. Akaashi’s head snaps forward and his eyes widen as Kenma, Bokuto, and Kuroo all straighten tight with release, and the three of them messily come on themselves, Kuroo’s body spasming impromptuly from a threefold orgasm. His head feels like it’s exploded and ascended into the clouds, his entire body feeling like nebulous glitter. He can’t feel anything now, only the sweet twist in his stomach as if he’s free falling.
Kuroo lets out a loud shudder, the tentacle falling limp out of his mouth as he finally remembers to breathe, and Kenma heaves heavily as the tentacle tightens around the base of his cock, though neither are like Bokuto, who’s glaring despite the obviously strong orgasm he had. “Akaashi, it’s not enough.”
The alien cocks his head to the side, as though both confused and amused by this revelation. “Not enough?”
“Kou’s insatiable,” Kuroo explains, wiping his mouth of the cloy ooze still on his lips.
“Want you inside me again,” Bokuto says a bit cheekily, blushing as he wiggles his hips pointedly.
“Tetsu too,” Kenma whispers after he regains his breathing and stops writhing against the wet patch of his clothes and leaves. “We need to…for earth.”
Kuroo snorts. “Sure, that’s the only reason why you want me to do this.”
Kenma grins a bit tiredly and doesn’t disagree. “Maybe I have another reason.”
“Please, Akaashi, just fuck me!” Bokuto begs, still thrusting his limp cock into Akaashi’s receding tentacles. Bokuto holding onto to the tentacle to stop it from leaving. “Pleeeaaase.”
“I think it’s Kuroo-san’s turn now,” Akaashi says a bit fondly, “but how about we kiss?”
“Can we keep him?” Bokuto asks, once they’re all naked and laying side-by-side. He has a leg propped over Akaashi’s thigh and keeps nuzzling at Akaashi’s neck while begging for another another tentacle. “I mean, after all this is all over. Do you want to stay with us, Akaashi?”
“I wouldn’t be opposed,” he says, now in the voice and likeness of his individual form. His smile is soft and his eyes are sharp, and the only people as beautiful as Akaashi are Kuroo’s two boyfriends.
“Guess we have no choice,” Kuroo sighs, spooning Kenma’s back but letting his hands roam Akaashi’s chest. “What do you think, Kenma?”
“Yes,” Kenma says, in a tone of finality. “We’re keeping him.”
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thytruthwill · 4 years
It Came Out of Me
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My troubles began in the early morning of a Summer night in August. An ordinary day to say the least from the start, until I endured a series of wicked spells that forced mucus from my body. What felt familiar to a head cold, I took a couple Tylenol and drank some extra fluids with lemon. I didn’t show any other visible symptoms. That evening, a foul taste filled my mouth at dinner, bitter and tangy. Disturbed, my appetite ceased and I went to bed early. Around three in the morning, a sudden sharp ache ran through my stomach and awoken me. Before I could grab my stomach, the ache subsided. Inside my mouth was pasty and dry. I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen. Two glasses of water, a quick empty of my bladder and then it was back to bed.
 It was in the bathroom, where I was plagued by another spell that exhausted me for minutes. This was unlike any of the others I experienced that day. Thrusting the muscles in my esophagus would not manifest what was traveling up my chest. It was dense, and creeping its way up into the back of my throat. I figured the old-fashioned way would help; forced my finger down my wind pipe and gagged to force the strange object nesting in the back of my throat. Its great size clogged my airway as it entered the top of my throat. In a fight to avoid choking, I coughed aggressively and oozed out a black gelatin substance the size of a small balloon, filling the entire space in my mouth. Its mawkish taste and lumpy contents encased in the ball sickened me as I spit it out into the toilet, puking up the water I drank minutes prior. The water clogged my throat like glue. Breathing was a sacrifice to be made as I desperately exercised myself to rid my body of this foreign substance.
 This was not mucus and was coming to a realization this ordeal was turning into something far more sinister than what I was already experiencing. The strange specimen shared the same consistency as mucus but I nearly fainted at the sight of the beady black eyes, webbed feet, shiny skin and wide mouths swimming inside the membrane. I retreated from the bathroom, panic spiking my nerves. My mother awoke from her slumber at the sound of her son bawling hysterically. Overwhelmed, I failed to form logical sentences and relied on gestures to get her to follow me back to the bathroom like a dog alarming its owner. When she entered the bathroom, she found me on the floor sitting against the tub. I pointed at the toilet. When she peeked into the bowl the expression on her face settled for a while. Blank. Fixated. I mustered up the courage to inform her that I produced the contents in the toilet. Uncertain of how to react, stunned by my confession, she stepped out of the bathroom. Gaining control of my sanity felt impossible. What was happening to me? I pressed two fingers against my neck, my pulse was thumping like a kick drum. Moments later, my mother entered the bathroom wearing a glove on one of her hands. She reached into the toilet and picked up the membrane with the hand equipped with the glove.
 As a science professor, she was accustomed to occurrences that rendered no explanation. I had seen my mother angry, sad, joyful, but I had no answer for what she was expressing. For all I knew, she felt just as nauseated as I did. My mother turned to me with a gaunt expression and dropped the membrane in the toilet. She held the wall as she stepped out of the bathroom. I rubbed my stomach as a wave of nausea spiraled through me. With a desperate attempt, I shot up from the floor and put my head over the toilet. My gag reflex forced a thick, black gelatin substance to seep out of my throat. My mother ran back into the bathroom on the phone with my father. My muscles contracted as the black substance unforgivingly took its time to come out.
 My mother held my hand while I fought to breathe. Eventually the substance cleared and I collapsed back onto the floor, weary. Every subtle movement triggered a surge of spasms that gripped my abdomen. I could hear my father over the phone trying to understand what was taking place. My mother checked my body temperature. It was slowly rising. Too exhausted to roll over, my mother anchored her arms under my armpits and helped me to sit back up against the tub. She affirmed that my father was on the way to take me to the hospital. In the meantime, she grabbed a wet cloth and pressed it against my head and chest to keep me cool.
 Not long after, I heard my father come through the front door of the house and made his way into the bathroom to witness a concerning sight. A son sweating profusely and in agony. When my father looked into the toilet, a gasp escaped him. Just before his arrival, the membrane had erupted. An army of tiny black frogs were floating in the water atop each other. The largest in the army sat still as a statue, flexing his vocal sac. In haste, my father helped me up to my feet and carried me out to the car. The agony in my stomach hindered me from walking. My mother helped me to get my shoes on my feet in the backseat while my father peeled out of the driveway. There was an urgency that I’d never seen my dad drive with. The passing cars, lights and buildings faded into a blur as I floated in and out of consciousness. I uttered, “I went to Rehmi’s house for dinner the other night.” My mother’s eyes widened, disdain filled my father’s face. I knew the sudden anguish bloomed at the thought of Rehmi’s father.
 Rehmi was one of my closest friends but his father had an obsession with exotic dining, always looking for unusual delicacies. It was uncommon for their household to eat chicken, beef, rice, pork on a more frequent basis, instead, they ate things like crickets, duck bladder, lamb brains, and beaver liver as Rehmi shared with me. I was always invited over for dinner but my parents were serious about where I ate, especially Rehmi’s house. My mother constantly reminded me, “You can’t eat at everybody’s house,” and would proceed to lecture me on the cleanliness of people’s houses and different ways people prepared food. It made sense to an extent but I knew she was more concerned about the food at Rehmi’s than anywhere else.
 A few days ago, Rehmi invited me over to his house for dinner after we bowled a few games at AMF Bowling. He convinced me that his father was cooking sausages made from goose. I figured that was as normal as it was going to get since the last invitation was for dragonfly soup. Allegedly his father was over the roof of how delicious it tasted after spending days catching them in their backyard. As usual, I tried to decline the offer but I was running out of excuses and told him that I was still full from eating fries at the bowling alley, which was the furthest thing from the truth. Rather than be honest, I offended him and he told me forget about it. In the moment, I felt like a terrible friend so I quickly changed my mind and told him I would join his family for a meal.
 When I walked in the house, the first room was the dining room. Four plates were set around a table. The spread consisted of bread rolls in a pan, grilled goose sausages and a dish covered by a metal lid sitting at the end of the table. Rehmi’s father was so thrilled at my attendance that he insisted I try a surprise he had waiting for me before we began the main course. Already aware of his obsession, I felt like I’d made a mistake accepting the invitation but I kept an open mind, maybe a little too open because I wasn’t ready for what Rehmi’s father had in store for me.
 Rehmi’s father stood up from his seat and picked up the small dish that was covered by the shiny metal lid and brought it over to me. I asked what was underneath and he responded with, “I don’t want to spoil the surprise, enjoy.” Reluctant, I removed the lid. A pungent stink filled my nostrils. The odor was absolutely horrible but what sat on the plate nearly tarnished my appetite. Two off-white, bulb-shaped membranes sat in the middle of the plate. I tried to keep my stomach strong but I was having a hard time. At the end of the table, Rehmi’s father gazed with a wicked smile, “Try it.”  I turned to Rehmi, who looked even more like his father as he bared the same sinister grin. I picked up the indistinguishable delicacy. It nearly slipped out of my hand as I plopped it into my mouth.
 With a cautious bite, the mystery meal exploded, filling my mouth with a slimy substance. The tough texture made it impossible to chew. Some things are so horrendous that that’s the only way you can describe them. My eyes swelled with tears as I exercised my jaws to break down the chewy delicacy. This ordeal was enough to make me want to leave but it was too late. Rehmi’s father leaned in, eager to get my opinion. I wanted to fix my mouth and say, You’re a sick individual. What’s wrong with you? But instead, I told him the truth. The real shock came when he revealed that I’d ingested frog ovaries. Rehmi’s father encouraged me to finish the other piece or it would bring bad luck. Ovaries? Goose sausage couldn’t eradicate the taste that coated my taste buds. It was rather odd that Rehmi’s father would go to such extremes to cleanse his family’s digestive system with frog ovaries.
 Ironically the following morning, I had spells of abdominal cramps so intense that I could only find comfort laying in the fetal position. My body temperature fluctuated several times throughout the day. Later in the evening I eventually passed a stool that brought minor relief but little did I know my fate was sealed.
 My father drove up to the emergency room drop off terminal and rushed inside to grab a wheelchair. My mother wheeled me inside asking for immediate assistance. A nurse escorted me to an empty room and began checking my vitals. My mother filled out the forms. My blood pressure was high with a fever and elevated heart rate that was gradually climbing. The nurse stepped out and ordered an I.V.
 At the same time, a doctor entered the room and asked me about what I was experiencing. My explanation made him wonder as he instructed me to turn over onto my back. He pressed his fingers against my stomach and felt a bulge present underneath the surface. It was firm and shifted to the lower portion of my abdomen. I shrieked in pain, clutching his wrist, clinching my teeth. The doctor ordered the nurse to prepare an ultrasound to get a look what was creeping inside my abdomen. In the meantime, my parents bombarded the doctor with a series of questions, anxious to know what was troubling me. He assured them that him and his team of nurses were going to get to the bottom of the situation.
 Within minutes, a nurse rolled in an ultrasound machine. She gently lifted my shirt, as to be cautious not to disrupt what was nesting inside me. The doctor stood close by monitoring the procedure. The nurse took a plastic tube of ultrasound gel and squeezed some out onto my stomach, pressing the transducer on top of it and spreading it around. A wave of spasms gripped my stomach once again, more aggressively this time. The bulge split in two, surging around violently. I pushed the nurse back instinctively trying to curl up and endure the pain. Hollering made no difference as the doctor and other nurses fought to keep me still. The nurse I pushed away proceeded with checking my stomach as an image displayed on the screen of the ultrasound machine.
 Tiny little black pod shaped organisms swimming by the hundreds or thousands. As the nurse scrolled the transducer over my intestines, they made a grave discovery of larger tadpoles slithering around my guts, and back into my stomach cavity. A piercing agony erected through my chest that robbed me of my breathe. Right after, the bulge grew to the size of a basketball and forced its way up my diaphragm, creating a pressure so great that my ribs broke. Frantic from horror, the doctor ordered his team to prep an operating room and rushed me to the O.R.
 Fluorescent white panels glared down on me as I was rushed down the hallway. My vision turned hazy as I caught glimpses of the faces staring at me. Soon as I entered the operating room, the nurses were quick and careful to move me onto the table. Shaking violently, the team fought to hold me down. The bulge in my chest traveled up my throat, clogging my esophagus. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I could no longer breathe. A thick black plasma seeped from every opening in my face. My eyes, mouth, nose, and ears flooded with the black slime. My jaws snapped as thick foot-long tadpoles punctured through my mouth erratically falling out onto the floor squirming around. Nurses screamed as they jumped back at what they were witnessing. Nurses from outside spectated at the gruesome episode taking place before their eyes. Tiny tadpoles escaped through my nose and eyes, sheeting my face in the plasma. A massive bullfrog crawled out of my mouth and hopped onto the floor. Several other species of frogs crawled out of any available opening. My face was stretched and deformed as an army of frogs inhabited the operating room. I lay limp on the gurney as the O.R. staff panicked and locked down the area to prevent the frogs from spreading.
 Later my body was examined to discover several species of frog eggs in my system. The diener ruled my death by severe organ trauma and disruption. Looking from the outside in, there could have been a myriad of ways it all could have ended but I lost sight of my instincts which led to my unfortunate demise. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken watch what you eat so lightly.
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cbdoilbenefits1 · 7 years
List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
The word "mucus" is from the Latin mucus which means "slime, mold, snot, etc." Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells, mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky, viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion. The word "pus" is from late 14c. Latin "pus" (related to puter [putrid] "rotten"), from Proto-Indo-European*pu- compared to Sanskrit. puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul." Pus often refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. It also refers to the substance that dead animal flesh is chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting in one's digestive tract. The ingestion of meat and dairy products create pus residue in the body, while starchy and fatty foods are mucus-forming.
The word "mucusless," or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.
All foods that are pus/mucus-forming are acid-forming. The word "acid" is from the early 1600s meaning "of the taste of vinegar," from French acide (16c.) or directly from Latin acidus "sour, sharp," adjective of state from acere "to be sour," from PIE root *ak- "sharp, pointed" (see acrid).In chemistry it refers to a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. From a mucusless perspective, pus and mucus-forming foods are understood to be "acid-forming" inside the human body. Such foods create an acidic internal environment that is detrimental to wellness.
The following is a list of pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods:
Blood of Animals
Eggs (All Kinds)
Meat (Beef, Chicken, Horse, Dog, Mutton/Lamb, Turkey, Veal, Pork:
Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Gammon, Chitterlings, Pig Feet; Wild Game: Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Rabbit, Venison, etc.)
Margarine (Made with Animal Fat)
Crustacean (Crab, Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp)
Fish (All Types)
Mollusks (Clam, Oysters, Mussels, Snail, etc.)
Roe (Caviar)
Shell Fish
Butter, Cow
Cheese (All Kinds)
Crème fraîche
Milk (All Animals and Kinds; Raw Organic, Skim, 1 or 2 %, etc.)
Breads (All Kinds; Barley, Black, Rye, White, Graham, Pumpernickel,
Zwieback, etc.)
Cereal Grains (All Kinds; Maize, Farina, Kamut, Millet,
Oats, Quinoa, Spelt, White Rice, Brown Rice, Whole or Refined Wheat, etc.)
Pseudocereals (All Kinds; Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Cockscomb, Kañiwa, Quinoa, etc.)
Beans (All Kinds and Forms; Black Beans, Black-eyed peas, Fava Beans, Butter Beans, Cannellini Beans, Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Edamame, Great Northern Beans, Italian Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Soy Beans, Split Peas, String Beans (Green Beans), White Beans, etc.)
Nuts (All Kinds; Acorns, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios', Walnuts, etc.)
Seeds (All Kinds; Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Sesame, etc.)
Dried Convenience Foods
Fast Foods
Frozen Convenience Foods
Packaged Convenience Foods
Processed Meat
Baked Goods (All kinds including pies, cakes, pastries, etc.)
Candy (All Types; Bars, Caramels, Chocolate, Fudge, Jelly candies, Rock
Candy, Taffy
Gelatin (Jello)
Ice Cream (Dairy and Non-Dairy)
Alcoholic Beverages (All Kinds; Ale, Beer, Brandy, Champagne, Hard
Cider, Liqueur, Mead, Porter, Rum, Sake/Rice Wine, Gin, Herbal Wine, Lager, Fruit Wine, Vodka Whisky, Tequila, etc.)
Syrups (Brown Rice, Barley Malt, Chocolate, Corn, Artificially Flavored)
Kombucha Tea
Soft Drink (Soda Pop)
Tea (All Kinds from the Theaceae family)
Vinegar (White, Apple Cider)
Old-fashioned Root Beer
Fish Sauce
Fermented Vegetables (All; Kimchi/cabbage and other veggies, Olives
Pickles/cucumbers. Sauerkraut/cabbage, etc.)
Sauces with Vinegar (Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Relish,
Tartar, Barbecue, Salad Dressings, Salsa, etc.)
Soy Sauce
Chips (corn, potato, plantain, etc.)
Frozen Vegan Breakfast Foods (waffels, etc.)
Hummus (processed chickpeas)
Lab Grown Animal Tissue
Nutritional Yeast
Pasta (egg-free)
Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juice (potentially acid-forming)
Plant milks (grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, rice, etc.)
Plant-based butter (nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, peanut, etc.)
Plant-based creamers
Soy Lecithin (food additive)
Texturized Vegetable Protein ('mock' meats including soy, etc.)
Vegan Baked Goods
Vegan Confections (All Types; Chocolates, Ice Cream, etc.)
Vegan Cheese Substitutes
Vegan Mayonnaise
Vegan Whipped Cream
Yogurts (Plant-based)
Oil (All types; Avocado Oil, Chia Seed, Coconut, Corn, Cotton Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Nut Oils, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Quinoa, Rapeseed (Including Canola), Safflower, Soybean etc.)
Black Peppercorns
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Powder
Cream of Tarter
Curry Powder
Salt (Celery, Crystal, Iodized, Sea)
Vanilla Extract
Coconut Meat
Fungus (Mushrooms)
Green Peas
Peas (Raw)
Raw or Baked White Potatoes
Raw Squashes (Winter, Acorn, Butternut, etc.)
Raw Sweet Potatoes
Unripe Banana
What are Deceptive Mucus-Formers?
Here is a list of foods that many people do not realize create mucus:
Rice (great for creating glue to bind books, bad for the transition to a mucus-free diet)
Avocados (fatty item that may be used on the transition, but are highly addictive. Although technically a fruit, if used it is best to combine them with a mucus-free combination salad or vegetables to aid elimination. However, it is recommended to stay away from them if you are not already stuck to them.)
Nuts (Mucus-forming, but may be used on the transition. It is best to eat with dried fruits like raisins to aid with elimination.)
Plantains (Starchy)
Tofu (Slimy and mucus-forming.)
Un-ripened fruits like green bananas (the riper the fruit you eat the better).
Corn (It does not eliminate well. When cooked corn or corn chips are eating it becomes mushy and slimy in the intestines.)
Corn chips (Some people use them on the transition, but they are very addictive and do not eliminate well)
Beans (They are starchy and mucus-forming. But, they may be used sparingly on the transition within close proximity to green-leafy salads)
Starchy Vegetables (Some vegetalbes are starchy and mucus-forming in raw or cooked forms, such as white potatoes. But, many other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, become almost mucus-free (starchless) after proper cooking.
The Transition Diet
It is very important that people learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. To learn more about this transitional process, check out Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira.
[ad_2] Source by P. Spira
Post Source Here: List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
0 notes
charlotteswebcbd · 7 years
List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
The word "mucus" is from the Latin mucus which means "slime, mold, snot, etc." Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells, mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky, viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion. The word "pus" is from late 14c. Latin "pus" (related to puter [putrid] "rotten"), from Proto-Indo-European*pu- compared to Sanskrit. puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul." Pus often refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. It also refers to the substance that dead animal flesh is chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting in one's digestive tract. The ingestion of meat and dairy products create pus residue in the body, while starchy and fatty foods are mucus-forming.
The word "mucusless," or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.
All foods that are pus/mucus-forming are acid-forming. The word "acid" is from the early 1600s meaning "of the taste of vinegar," from French acide (16c.) or directly from Latin acidus "sour, sharp," adjective of state from acere "to be sour," from PIE root *ak- "sharp, pointed" (see acrid).In chemistry it refers to a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. From a mucusless perspective, pus and mucus-forming foods are understood to be "acid-forming" inside the human body. Such foods create an acidic internal environment that is detrimental to wellness.
The following is a list of pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods:
Blood of Animals
Eggs (All Kinds)
Meat (Beef, Chicken, Horse, Dog, Mutton/Lamb, Turkey, Veal, Pork:
Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Gammon, Chitterlings, Pig Feet; Wild Game: Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Rabbit, Venison, etc.)
Margarine (Made with Animal Fat)
Crustacean (Crab, Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp)
Fish (All Types)
Mollusks (Clam, Oysters, Mussels, Snail, etc.)
Roe (Caviar)
Shell Fish
Butter, Cow
Cheese (All Kinds)
Crème fraîche
Milk (All Animals and Kinds; Raw Organic, Skim, 1 or 2 %, etc.)
Breads (All Kinds; Barley, Black, Rye, White, Graham, Pumpernickel,
Zwieback, etc.)
Cereal Grains (All Kinds; Maize, Farina, Kamut, Millet,
Oats, Quinoa, Spelt, White Rice, Brown Rice, Whole or Refined Wheat, etc.)
Pseudocereals (All Kinds; Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Cockscomb, Kañiwa, Quinoa, etc.)
Beans (All Kinds and Forms; Black Beans, Black-eyed peas, Fava Beans, Butter Beans, Cannellini Beans, Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Edamame, Great Northern Beans, Italian Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Soy Beans, Split Peas, String Beans (Green Beans), White Beans, etc.)
Nuts (All Kinds; Acorns, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios', Walnuts, etc.)
Seeds (All Kinds; Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Sesame, etc.)
Dried Convenience Foods
Fast Foods
Frozen Convenience Foods
Packaged Convenience Foods
Processed Meat
Baked Goods (All kinds including pies, cakes, pastries, etc.)
Candy (All Types; Bars, Caramels, Chocolate, Fudge, Jelly candies, Rock
Candy, Taffy
Gelatin (Jello)
Ice Cream (Dairy and Non-Dairy)
Alcoholic Beverages (All Kinds; Ale, Beer, Brandy, Champagne, Hard
Cider, Liqueur, Mead, Porter, Rum, Sake/Rice Wine, Gin, Herbal Wine, Lager, Fruit Wine, Vodka Whisky, Tequila, etc.)
Syrups (Brown Rice, Barley Malt, Chocolate, Corn, Artificially Flavored)
Kombucha Tea
Soft Drink (Soda Pop)
Tea (All Kinds from the Theaceae family)
Vinegar (White, Apple Cider)
Old-fashioned Root Beer
Fish Sauce
Fermented Vegetables (All; Kimchi/cabbage and other veggies, Olives
Pickles/cucumbers. Sauerkraut/cabbage, etc.)
Sauces with Vinegar (Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Relish,
Tartar, Barbecue, Salad Dressings, Salsa, etc.)
Soy Sauce
Chips (corn, potato, plantain, etc.)
Frozen Vegan Breakfast Foods (waffels, etc.)
Hummus (processed chickpeas)
Lab Grown Animal Tissue
Nutritional Yeast
Pasta (egg-free)
Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juice (potentially acid-forming)
Plant milks (grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, rice, etc.)
Plant-based butter (nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, peanut, etc.)
Plant-based creamers
Soy Lecithin (food additive)
Texturized Vegetable Protein ('mock' meats including soy, etc.)
Vegan Baked Goods
Vegan Confections (All Types; Chocolates, Ice Cream, etc.)
Vegan Cheese Substitutes
Vegan Mayonnaise
Vegan Whipped Cream
Yogurts (Plant-based)
Oil (All types; Avocado Oil, Chia Seed, Coconut, Corn, Cotton Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Nut Oils, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Quinoa, Rapeseed (Including Canola), Safflower, Soybean etc.)
Black Peppercorns
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Powder
Cream of Tarter
Curry Powder
Salt (Celery, Crystal, Iodized, Sea)
Vanilla Extract
Coconut Meat
Fungus (Mushrooms)
Green Peas
Peas (Raw)
Raw or Baked White Potatoes
Raw Squashes (Winter, Acorn, Butternut, etc.)
Raw Sweet Potatoes
Unripe Banana
What are Deceptive Mucus-Formers?
Here is a list of foods that many people do not realize create mucus:
Rice (great for creating glue to bind books, bad for the transition to a mucus-free diet)
Avocados (fatty item that may be used on the transition, but are highly addictive. Although technically a fruit, if used it is best to combine them with a mucus-free combination salad or vegetables to aid elimination. However, it is recommended to stay away from them if you are not already stuck to them.)
Nuts (Mucus-forming, but may be used on the transition. It is best to eat with dried fruits like raisins to aid with elimination.)
Plantains (Starchy)
Tofu (Slimy and mucus-forming.)
Un-ripened fruits like green bananas (the riper the fruit you eat the better).
Corn (It does not eliminate well. When cooked corn or corn chips are eating it becomes mushy and slimy in the intestines.)
Corn chips (Some people use them on the transition, but they are very addictive and do not eliminate well)
Beans (They are starchy and mucus-forming. But, they may be used sparingly on the transition within close proximity to green-leafy salads)
Starchy Vegetables (Some vegetalbes are starchy and mucus-forming in raw or cooked forms, such as white potatoes. But, many other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, become almost mucus-free (starchless) after proper cooking.
The Transition Diet
It is very important that people learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. To learn more about this transitional process, check out Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira.
[ad_2] Source by P. Spira
Originally Published Here: List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
0 notes
cbdhempoil2017 · 7 years
List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
The word "mucus" is from the Latin mucus which means "slime, mold, snot, etc." Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells, mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky, viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion. The word "pus" is from late 14c. Latin "pus" (related to puter [putrid] "rotten"), from Proto-Indo-European*pu- compared to Sanskrit. puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul." Pus often refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. It also refers to the substance that dead animal flesh is chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting in one's digestive tract. The ingestion of meat and dairy products create pus residue in the body, while starchy and fatty foods are mucus-forming.
The word "mucusless," or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.
All foods that are pus/mucus-forming are acid-forming. The word "acid" is from the early 1600s meaning "of the taste of vinegar," from French acide (16c.) or directly from Latin acidus "sour, sharp," adjective of state from acere "to be sour," from PIE root *ak- "sharp, pointed" (see acrid).In chemistry it refers to a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. From a mucusless perspective, pus and mucus-forming foods are understood to be "acid-forming" inside the human body. Such foods create an acidic internal environment that is detrimental to wellness.
The following is a list of pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods:
Blood of Animals
Eggs (All Kinds)
Meat (Beef, Chicken, Horse, Dog, Mutton/Lamb, Turkey, Veal, Pork:
Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Gammon, Chitterlings, Pig Feet; Wild Game: Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Rabbit, Venison, etc.)
Margarine (Made with Animal Fat)
Crustacean (Crab, Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp)
Fish (All Types)
Mollusks (Clam, Oysters, Mussels, Snail, etc.)
Roe (Caviar)
Shell Fish
Butter, Cow
Cheese (All Kinds)
Crème fraîche
Milk (All Animals and Kinds; Raw Organic, Skim, 1 or 2 %, etc.)
Breads (All Kinds; Barley, Black, Rye, White, Graham, Pumpernickel,
Zwieback, etc.)
Cereal Grains (All Kinds; Maize, Farina, Kamut, Millet,
Oats, Quinoa, Spelt, White Rice, Brown Rice, Whole or Refined Wheat, etc.)
Pseudocereals (All Kinds; Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Cockscomb, Kañiwa, Quinoa, etc.)
Beans (All Kinds and Forms; Black Beans, Black-eyed peas, Fava Beans, Butter Beans, Cannellini Beans, Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Edamame, Great Northern Beans, Italian Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Soy Beans, Split Peas, String Beans (Green Beans), White Beans, etc.)
Nuts (All Kinds; Acorns, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios', Walnuts, etc.)
Seeds (All Kinds; Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Sesame, etc.)
Dried Convenience Foods
Fast Foods
Frozen Convenience Foods
Packaged Convenience Foods
Processed Meat
Baked Goods (All kinds including pies, cakes, pastries, etc.)
Candy (All Types; Bars, Caramels, Chocolate, Fudge, Jelly candies, Rock
Candy, Taffy
Gelatin (Jello)
Ice Cream (Dairy and Non-Dairy)
Alcoholic Beverages (All Kinds; Ale, Beer, Brandy, Champagne, Hard
Cider, Liqueur, Mead, Porter, Rum, Sake/Rice Wine, Gin, Herbal Wine, Lager, Fruit Wine, Vodka Whisky, Tequila, etc.)
Syrups (Brown Rice, Barley Malt, Chocolate, Corn, Artificially Flavored)
Kombucha Tea
Soft Drink (Soda Pop)
Tea (All Kinds from the Theaceae family)
Vinegar (White, Apple Cider)
Old-fashioned Root Beer
Fish Sauce
Fermented Vegetables (All; Kimchi/cabbage and other veggies, Olives
Pickles/cucumbers. Sauerkraut/cabbage, etc.)
Sauces with Vinegar (Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Relish,
Tartar, Barbecue, Salad Dressings, Salsa, etc.)
Soy Sauce
Chips (corn, potato, plantain, etc.)
Frozen Vegan Breakfast Foods (waffels, etc.)
Hummus (processed chickpeas)
Lab Grown Animal Tissue
Nutritional Yeast
Pasta (egg-free)
Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juice (potentially acid-forming)
Plant milks (grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, rice, etc.)
Plant-based butter (nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, peanut, etc.)
Plant-based creamers
Soy Lecithin (food additive)
Texturized Vegetable Protein ('mock' meats including soy, etc.)
Vegan Baked Goods
Vegan Confections (All Types; Chocolates, Ice Cream, etc.)
Vegan Cheese Substitutes
Vegan Mayonnaise
Vegan Whipped Cream
Yogurts (Plant-based)
Oil (All types; Avocado Oil, Chia Seed, Coconut, Corn, Cotton Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Nut Oils, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Quinoa, Rapeseed (Including Canola), Safflower, Soybean etc.)
Black Peppercorns
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Powder
Cream of Tarter
Curry Powder
Salt (Celery, Crystal, Iodized, Sea)
Vanilla Extract
Coconut Meat
Fungus (Mushrooms)
Green Peas
Peas (Raw)
Raw or Baked White Potatoes
Raw Squashes (Winter, Acorn, Butternut, etc.)
Raw Sweet Potatoes
Unripe Banana
What are Deceptive Mucus-Formers?
Here is a list of foods that many people do not realize create mucus:
Rice (great for creating glue to bind books, bad for the transition to a mucus-free diet)
Avocados (fatty item that may be used on the transition, but are highly addictive. Although technically a fruit, if used it is best to combine them with a mucus-free combination salad or vegetables to aid elimination. However, it is recommended to stay away from them if you are not already stuck to them.)
Nuts (Mucus-forming, but may be used on the transition. It is best to eat with dried fruits like raisins to aid with elimination.)
Plantains (Starchy)
Tofu (Slimy and mucus-forming.)
Un-ripened fruits like green bananas (the riper the fruit you eat the better).
Corn (It does not eliminate well. When cooked corn or corn chips are eating it becomes mushy and slimy in the intestines.)
Corn chips (Some people use them on the transition, but they are very addictive and do not eliminate well)
Beans (They are starchy and mucus-forming. But, they may be used sparingly on the transition within close proximity to green-leafy salads)
Starchy Vegetables (Some vegetalbes are starchy and mucus-forming in raw or cooked forms, such as white potatoes. But, many other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, become almost mucus-free (starchless) after proper cooking.
The Transition Diet
It is very important that people learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. To learn more about this transitional process, check out Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira.
[ad_2] Source by P. Spira
Source Here: List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
0 notes
purecbdoil · 7 years
List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
The word "mucus" is from the Latin mucus which means "slime, mold, snot, etc." Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells, mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky, viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion. The word "pus" is from late 14c. Latin "pus" (related to puter [putrid] "rotten"), from Proto-Indo-European*pu- compared to Sanskrit. puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul." Pus often refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. It also refers to the substance that dead animal flesh is chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting in one's digestive tract. The ingestion of meat and dairy products create pus residue in the body, while starchy and fatty foods are mucus-forming.
The word "mucusless," or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.
All foods that are pus/mucus-forming are acid-forming. The word "acid" is from the early 1600s meaning "of the taste of vinegar," from French acide (16c.) or directly from Latin acidus "sour, sharp," adjective of state from acere "to be sour," from PIE root *ak- "sharp, pointed" (see acrid).In chemistry it refers to a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. From a mucusless perspective, pus and mucus-forming foods are understood to be "acid-forming" inside the human body. Such foods create an acidic internal environment that is detrimental to wellness.
The following is a list of pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods:
Blood of Animals
Eggs (All Kinds)
Meat (Beef, Chicken, Horse, Dog, Mutton/Lamb, Turkey, Veal, Pork:
Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Gammon, Chitterlings, Pig Feet; Wild Game: Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Rabbit, Venison, etc.)
Margarine (Made with Animal Fat)
Crustacean (Crab, Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp)
Fish (All Types)
Mollusks (Clam, Oysters, Mussels, Snail, etc.)
Roe (Caviar)
Shell Fish
Butter, Cow
Cheese (All Kinds)
Crème fraîche
Milk (All Animals and Kinds; Raw Organic, Skim, 1 or 2 %, etc.)
Breads (All Kinds; Barley, Black, Rye, White, Graham, Pumpernickel,
Zwieback, etc.)
Cereal Grains (All Kinds; Maize, Farina, Kamut, Millet,
Oats, Quinoa, Spelt, White Rice, Brown Rice, Whole or Refined Wheat, etc.)
Pseudocereals (All Kinds; Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Cockscomb, Kañiwa, Quinoa, etc.)
Beans (All Kinds and Forms; Black Beans, Black-eyed peas, Fava Beans, Butter Beans, Cannellini Beans, Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Edamame, Great Northern Beans, Italian Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Soy Beans, Split Peas, String Beans (Green Beans), White Beans, etc.)
Nuts (All Kinds; Acorns, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios', Walnuts, etc.)
Seeds (All Kinds; Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Sesame, etc.)
Dried Convenience Foods
Fast Foods
Frozen Convenience Foods
Packaged Convenience Foods
Processed Meat
Baked Goods (All kinds including pies, cakes, pastries, etc.)
Candy (All Types; Bars, Caramels, Chocolate, Fudge, Jelly candies, Rock
Candy, Taffy
Gelatin (Jello)
Ice Cream (Dairy and Non-Dairy)
Alcoholic Beverages (All Kinds; Ale, Beer, Brandy, Champagne, Hard
Cider, Liqueur, Mead, Porter, Rum, Sake/Rice Wine, Gin, Herbal Wine, Lager, Fruit Wine, Vodka Whisky, Tequila, etc.)
Syrups (Brown Rice, Barley Malt, Chocolate, Corn, Artificially Flavored)
Kombucha Tea
Soft Drink (Soda Pop)
Tea (All Kinds from the Theaceae family)
Vinegar (White, Apple Cider)
Old-fashioned Root Beer
Fish Sauce
Fermented Vegetables (All; Kimchi/cabbage and other veggies, Olives
Pickles/cucumbers. Sauerkraut/cabbage, etc.)
Sauces with Vinegar (Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Relish,
Tartar, Barbecue, Salad Dressings, Salsa, etc.)
Soy Sauce
Chips (corn, potato, plantain, etc.)
Frozen Vegan Breakfast Foods (waffels, etc.)
Hummus (processed chickpeas)
Lab Grown Animal Tissue
Nutritional Yeast
Pasta (egg-free)
Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juice (potentially acid-forming)
Plant milks (grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, rice, etc.)
Plant-based butter (nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, peanut, etc.)
Plant-based creamers
Soy Lecithin (food additive)
Texturized Vegetable Protein ('mock' meats including soy, etc.)
Vegan Baked Goods
Vegan Confections (All Types; Chocolates, Ice Cream, etc.)
Vegan Cheese Substitutes
Vegan Mayonnaise
Vegan Whipped Cream
Yogurts (Plant-based)
Oil (All types; Avocado Oil, Chia Seed, Coconut, Corn, Cotton Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Nut Oils, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Quinoa, Rapeseed (Including Canola), Safflower, Soybean etc.)
Black Peppercorns
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Powder
Cream of Tarter
Curry Powder
Salt (Celery, Crystal, Iodized, Sea)
Vanilla Extract
Coconut Meat
Fungus (Mushrooms)
Green Peas
Peas (Raw)
Raw or Baked White Potatoes
Raw Squashes (Winter, Acorn, Butternut, etc.)
Raw Sweet Potatoes
Unripe Banana
What are Deceptive Mucus-Formers?
Here is a list of foods that many people do not realize create mucus:
Rice (great for creating glue to bind books, bad for the transition to a mucus-free diet)
Avocados (fatty item that may be used on the transition, but are highly addictive. Although technically a fruit, if used it is best to combine them with a mucus-free combination salad or vegetables to aid elimination. However, it is recommended to stay away from them if you are not already stuck to them.)
Nuts (Mucus-forming, but may be used on the transition. It is best to eat with dried fruits like raisins to aid with elimination.)
Plantains (Starchy)
Tofu (Slimy and mucus-forming.)
Un-ripened fruits like green bananas (the riper the fruit you eat the better).
Corn (It does not eliminate well. When cooked corn or corn chips are eating it becomes mushy and slimy in the intestines.)
Corn chips (Some people use them on the transition, but they are very addictive and do not eliminate well)
Beans (They are starchy and mucus-forming. But, they may be used sparingly on the transition within close proximity to green-leafy salads)
Starchy Vegetables (Some vegetalbes are starchy and mucus-forming in raw or cooked forms, such as white potatoes. But, many other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, become almost mucus-free (starchless) after proper cooking.
The Transition Diet
It is very important that people learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. To learn more about this transitional process, check out Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira.
[ad_2] Source by P. Spira
Original Post Here: List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
0 notes
List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
The word "mucus" is from the Latin mucus which means "slime, mold, snot, etc." Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells, mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky, viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion. The word "pus" is from late 14c. Latin "pus" (related to puter [putrid] "rotten"), from Proto-Indo-European*pu- compared to Sanskrit. puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul." Pus often refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. It also refers to the substance that dead animal flesh is chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting in one's digestive tract. The ingestion of meat and dairy products create pus residue in the body, while starchy and fatty foods are mucus-forming.
The word "mucusless," or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.
All foods that are pus/mucus-forming are acid-forming. The word "acid" is from the early 1600s meaning "of the taste of vinegar," from French acide (16c.) or directly from Latin acidus "sour, sharp," adjective of state from acere "to be sour," from PIE root *ak- "sharp, pointed" (see acrid).In chemistry it refers to a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. From a mucusless perspective, pus and mucus-forming foods are understood to be "acid-forming" inside the human body. Such foods create an acidic internal environment that is detrimental to wellness.
The following is a list of pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods:
Blood of Animals
Eggs (All Kinds)
Meat (Beef, Chicken, Horse, Dog, Mutton/Lamb, Turkey, Veal, Pork:
Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Gammon, Chitterlings, Pig Feet; Wild Game: Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Rabbit, Venison, etc.)
Margarine (Made with Animal Fat)
Crustacean (Crab, Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp)
Fish (All Types)
Mollusks (Clam, Oysters, Mussels, Snail, etc.)
Roe (Caviar)
Shell Fish
Butter, Cow
Cheese (All Kinds)
Crème fraîche
Milk (All Animals and Kinds; Raw Organic, Skim, 1 or 2 %, etc.)
Breads (All Kinds; Barley, Black, Rye, White, Graham, Pumpernickel,
Zwieback, etc.)
Cereal Grains (All Kinds; Maize, Farina, Kamut, Millet,
Oats, Quinoa, Spelt, White Rice, Brown Rice, Whole or Refined Wheat, etc.)
Pseudocereals (All Kinds; Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Cockscomb, Kañiwa, Quinoa, etc.)
Beans (All Kinds and Forms; Black Beans, Black-eyed peas, Fava Beans, Butter Beans, Cannellini Beans, Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Edamame, Great Northern Beans, Italian Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Soy Beans, Split Peas, String Beans (Green Beans), White Beans, etc.)
Nuts (All Kinds; Acorns, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios', Walnuts, etc.)
Seeds (All Kinds; Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Sesame, etc.)
Dried Convenience Foods
Fast Foods
Frozen Convenience Foods
Packaged Convenience Foods
Processed Meat
Baked Goods (All kinds including pies, cakes, pastries, etc.)
Candy (All Types; Bars, Caramels, Chocolate, Fudge, Jelly candies, Rock
Candy, Taffy
Gelatin (Jello)
Ice Cream (Dairy and Non-Dairy)
Alcoholic Beverages (All Kinds; Ale, Beer, Brandy, Champagne, Hard
Cider, Liqueur, Mead, Porter, Rum, Sake/Rice Wine, Gin, Herbal Wine, Lager, Fruit Wine, Vodka Whisky, Tequila, etc.)
Syrups (Brown Rice, Barley Malt, Chocolate, Corn, Artificially Flavored)
Kombucha Tea
Soft Drink (Soda Pop)
Tea (All Kinds from the Theaceae family)
Vinegar (White, Apple Cider)
Old-fashioned Root Beer
Fish Sauce
Fermented Vegetables (All; Kimchi/cabbage and other veggies, Olives
Pickles/cucumbers. Sauerkraut/cabbage, etc.)
Sauces with Vinegar (Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Relish,
Tartar, Barbecue, Salad Dressings, Salsa, etc.)
Soy Sauce
Chips (corn, potato, plantain, etc.)
Frozen Vegan Breakfast Foods (waffels, etc.)
Hummus (processed chickpeas)
Lab Grown Animal Tissue
Nutritional Yeast
Pasta (egg-free)
Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juice (potentially acid-forming)
Plant milks (grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, rice, etc.)
Plant-based butter (nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, peanut, etc.)
Plant-based creamers
Soy Lecithin (food additive)
Texturized Vegetable Protein ('mock' meats including soy, etc.)
Vegan Baked Goods
Vegan Confections (All Types; Chocolates, Ice Cream, etc.)
Vegan Cheese Substitutes
Vegan Mayonnaise
Vegan Whipped Cream
Yogurts (Plant-based)
Oil (All types; Avocado Oil, Chia Seed, Coconut, Corn, Cotton Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Nut Oils, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Quinoa, Rapeseed (Including Canola), Safflower, Soybean etc.)
Black Peppercorns
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Powder
Cream of Tarter
Curry Powder
Salt (Celery, Crystal, Iodized, Sea)
Vanilla Extract
Coconut Meat
Fungus (Mushrooms)
Green Peas
Peas (Raw)
Raw or Baked White Potatoes
Raw Squashes (Winter, Acorn, Butternut, etc.)
Raw Sweet Potatoes
Unripe Banana
What are Deceptive Mucus-Formers?
Here is a list of foods that many people do not realize create mucus:
Rice (great for creating glue to bind books, bad for the transition to a mucus-free diet)
Avocados (fatty item that may be used on the transition, but are highly addictive. Although technically a fruit, if used it is best to combine them with a mucus-free combination salad or vegetables to aid elimination. However, it is recommended to stay away from them if you are not already stuck to them.)
Nuts (Mucus-forming, but may be used on the transition. It is best to eat with dried fruits like raisins to aid with elimination.)
Plantains (Starchy)
Tofu (Slimy and mucus-forming.)
Un-ripened fruits like green bananas (the riper the fruit you eat the better).
Corn (It does not eliminate well. When cooked corn or corn chips are eating it becomes mushy and slimy in the intestines.)
Corn chips (Some people use them on the transition, but they are very addictive and do not eliminate well)
Beans (They are starchy and mucus-forming. But, they may be used sparingly on the transition within close proximity to green-leafy salads)
Starchy Vegetables (Some vegetalbes are starchy and mucus-forming in raw or cooked forms, such as white potatoes. But, many other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, become almost mucus-free (starchless) after proper cooking.
The Transition Diet
It is very important that people learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. To learn more about this transitional process, check out Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira.
Source by P. Spira
Article Here: List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
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cbdoilforpain · 7 years
List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
The word "mucus" is from the Latin mucus which means "slime, mold, snot, etc." Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells, mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky, viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion. The word "pus" is from late 14c. Latin "pus" (related to puter [putrid] "rotten"), from Proto-Indo-European*pu- compared to Sanskrit. puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul." Pus often refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. It also refers to the substance that dead animal flesh is chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting in one's digestive tract. The ingestion of meat and dairy products create pus residue in the body, while starchy and fatty foods are mucus-forming.
The word "mucusless," or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.
All foods that are pus/mucus-forming are acid-forming. The word "acid" is from the early 1600s meaning "of the taste of vinegar," from French acide (16c.) or directly from Latin acidus "sour, sharp," adjective of state from acere "to be sour," from PIE root *ak- "sharp, pointed" (see acrid).In chemistry it refers to a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. From a mucusless perspective, pus and mucus-forming foods are understood to be "acid-forming" inside the human body. Such foods create an acidic internal environment that is detrimental to wellness.
The following is a list of pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods:
Blood of Animals
Eggs (All Kinds)
Meat (Beef, Chicken, Horse, Dog, Mutton/Lamb, Turkey, Veal, Pork:
Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Gammon, Chitterlings, Pig Feet; Wild Game: Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Rabbit, Venison, etc.)
Margarine (Made with Animal Fat)
Crustacean (Crab, Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp)
Fish (All Types)
Mollusks (Clam, Oysters, Mussels, Snail, etc.)
Roe (Caviar)
Shell Fish
Butter, Cow
Cheese (All Kinds)
Crème fraîche
Milk (All Animals and Kinds; Raw Organic, Skim, 1 or 2 %, etc.)
Breads (All Kinds; Barley, Black, Rye, White, Graham, Pumpernickel,
Zwieback, etc.)
Cereal Grains (All Kinds; Maize, Farina, Kamut, Millet,
Oats, Quinoa, Spelt, White Rice, Brown Rice, Whole or Refined Wheat, etc.)
Pseudocereals (All Kinds; Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Cockscomb, Kañiwa, Quinoa, etc.)
Beans (All Kinds and Forms; Black Beans, Black-eyed peas, Fava Beans, Butter Beans, Cannellini Beans, Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Edamame, Great Northern Beans, Italian Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Soy Beans, Split Peas, String Beans (Green Beans), White Beans, etc.)
Nuts (All Kinds; Acorns, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios', Walnuts, etc.)
Seeds (All Kinds; Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Sesame, etc.)
Dried Convenience Foods
Fast Foods
Frozen Convenience Foods
Packaged Convenience Foods
Processed Meat
Baked Goods (All kinds including pies, cakes, pastries, etc.)
Candy (All Types; Bars, Caramels, Chocolate, Fudge, Jelly candies, Rock
Candy, Taffy
Gelatin (Jello)
Ice Cream (Dairy and Non-Dairy)
Alcoholic Beverages (All Kinds; Ale, Beer, Brandy, Champagne, Hard
Cider, Liqueur, Mead, Porter, Rum, Sake/Rice Wine, Gin, Herbal Wine, Lager, Fruit Wine, Vodka Whisky, Tequila, etc.)
Syrups (Brown Rice, Barley Malt, Chocolate, Corn, Artificially Flavored)
Kombucha Tea
Soft Drink (Soda Pop)
Tea (All Kinds from the Theaceae family)
Vinegar (White, Apple Cider)
Old-fashioned Root Beer
Fish Sauce
Fermented Vegetables (All; Kimchi/cabbage and other veggies, Olives
Pickles/cucumbers. Sauerkraut/cabbage, etc.)
Sauces with Vinegar (Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Relish,
Tartar, Barbecue, Salad Dressings, Salsa, etc.)
Soy Sauce
Chips (corn, potato, plantain, etc.)
Frozen Vegan Breakfast Foods (waffels, etc.)
Hummus (processed chickpeas)
Lab Grown Animal Tissue
Nutritional Yeast
Pasta (egg-free)
Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juice (potentially acid-forming)
Plant milks (grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, rice, etc.)
Plant-based butter (nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, peanut, etc.)
Plant-based creamers
Soy Lecithin (food additive)
Texturized Vegetable Protein ('mock' meats including soy, etc.)
Vegan Baked Goods
Vegan Confections (All Types; Chocolates, Ice Cream, etc.)
Vegan Cheese Substitutes
Vegan Mayonnaise
Vegan Whipped Cream
Yogurts (Plant-based)
Oil (All types; Avocado Oil, Chia Seed, Coconut, Corn, Cotton Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Nut Oils, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Quinoa, Rapeseed (Including Canola), Safflower, Soybean etc.)
Black Peppercorns
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Powder
Cream of Tarter
Curry Powder
Salt (Celery, Crystal, Iodized, Sea)
Vanilla Extract
Coconut Meat
Fungus (Mushrooms)
Green Peas
Peas (Raw)
Raw or Baked White Potatoes
Raw Squashes (Winter, Acorn, Butternut, etc.)
Raw Sweet Potatoes
Unripe Banana
What are Deceptive Mucus-Formers?
Here is a list of foods that many people do not realize create mucus:
Rice (great for creating glue to bind books, bad for the transition to a mucus-free diet)
Avocados (fatty item that may be used on the transition, but are highly addictive. Although technically a fruit, if used it is best to combine them with a mucus-free combination salad or vegetables to aid elimination. However, it is recommended to stay away from them if you are not already stuck to them.)
Nuts (Mucus-forming, but may be used on the transition. It is best to eat with dried fruits like raisins to aid with elimination.)
Plantains (Starchy)
Tofu (Slimy and mucus-forming.)
Un-ripened fruits like green bananas (the riper the fruit you eat the better).
Corn (It does not eliminate well. When cooked corn or corn chips are eating it becomes mushy and slimy in the intestines.)
Corn chips (Some people use them on the transition, but they are very addictive and do not eliminate well)
Beans (They are starchy and mucus-forming. But, they may be used sparingly on the transition within close proximity to green-leafy salads)
Starchy Vegetables (Some vegetalbes are starchy and mucus-forming in raw or cooked forms, such as white potatoes. But, many other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, become almost mucus-free (starchless) after proper cooking.
The Transition Diet
It is very important that people learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. To learn more about this transitional process, check out Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira.
[ad_2] Source by P. Spira
Original Post Here: List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
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bestcbdoilshop · 7 years
List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
The word "mucus" is from the Latin mucus which means "slime, mold, snot, etc." Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells, mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky, viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion. The word "pus" is from late 14c. Latin "pus" (related to puter [putrid] "rotten"), from Proto-Indo-European*pu- compared to Sanskrit. puyati "rots, stinks," putih "stinking, foul." Pus often refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. It also refers to the substance that dead animal flesh is chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting in one's digestive tract. The ingestion of meat and dairy products create pus residue in the body, while starchy and fatty foods are mucus-forming.
The word "mucusless," or mucus-free, refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus. These foods include all kinds of fat-free, and starchless, fruits and vegetables.
All foods that are pus/mucus-forming are acid-forming. The word "acid" is from the early 1600s meaning "of the taste of vinegar," from French acide (16c.) or directly from Latin acidus "sour, sharp," adjective of state from acere "to be sour," from PIE root *ak- "sharp, pointed" (see acrid).In chemistry it refers to a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. From a mucusless perspective, pus and mucus-forming foods are understood to be "acid-forming" inside the human body. Such foods create an acidic internal environment that is detrimental to wellness.
The following is a list of pus, mucus, and acid-forming foods:
Blood of Animals
Eggs (All Kinds)
Meat (Beef, Chicken, Horse, Dog, Mutton/Lamb, Turkey, Veal, Pork:
Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Gammon, Chitterlings, Pig Feet; Wild Game: Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Rabbit, Venison, etc.)
Margarine (Made with Animal Fat)
Crustacean (Crab, Crawfish, Lobster, Shrimp)
Fish (All Types)
Mollusks (Clam, Oysters, Mussels, Snail, etc.)
Roe (Caviar)
Shell Fish
Butter, Cow
Cheese (All Kinds)
Crème fraîche
Milk (All Animals and Kinds; Raw Organic, Skim, 1 or 2 %, etc.)
Breads (All Kinds; Barley, Black, Rye, White, Graham, Pumpernickel,
Zwieback, etc.)
Cereal Grains (All Kinds; Maize, Farina, Kamut, Millet,
Oats, Quinoa, Spelt, White Rice, Brown Rice, Whole or Refined Wheat, etc.)
Pseudocereals (All Kinds; Amaranth, Buckwheat, Chia, Cockscomb, Kañiwa, Quinoa, etc.)
Beans (All Kinds and Forms; Black Beans, Black-eyed peas, Fava Beans, Butter Beans, Cannellini Beans, Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans, Edamame, Great Northern Beans, Italian Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Soy Beans, Split Peas, String Beans (Green Beans), White Beans, etc.)
Nuts (All Kinds; Acorns, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachios', Walnuts, etc.)
Seeds (All Kinds; Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Sesame, etc.)
Dried Convenience Foods
Fast Foods
Frozen Convenience Foods
Packaged Convenience Foods
Processed Meat
Baked Goods (All kinds including pies, cakes, pastries, etc.)
Candy (All Types; Bars, Caramels, Chocolate, Fudge, Jelly candies, Rock
Candy, Taffy
Gelatin (Jello)
Ice Cream (Dairy and Non-Dairy)
Alcoholic Beverages (All Kinds; Ale, Beer, Brandy, Champagne, Hard
Cider, Liqueur, Mead, Porter, Rum, Sake/Rice Wine, Gin, Herbal Wine, Lager, Fruit Wine, Vodka Whisky, Tequila, etc.)
Syrups (Brown Rice, Barley Malt, Chocolate, Corn, Artificially Flavored)
Kombucha Tea
Soft Drink (Soda Pop)
Tea (All Kinds from the Theaceae family)
Vinegar (White, Apple Cider)
Old-fashioned Root Beer
Fish Sauce
Fermented Vegetables (All; Kimchi/cabbage and other veggies, Olives
Pickles/cucumbers. Sauerkraut/cabbage, etc.)
Sauces with Vinegar (Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Relish,
Tartar, Barbecue, Salad Dressings, Salsa, etc.)
Soy Sauce
Chips (corn, potato, plantain, etc.)
Frozen Vegan Breakfast Foods (waffels, etc.)
Hummus (processed chickpeas)
Lab Grown Animal Tissue
Nutritional Yeast
Pasta (egg-free)
Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juice (potentially acid-forming)
Plant milks (grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, rice, etc.)
Plant-based butter (nuts, seeds, and legumes including soy, peanut, etc.)
Plant-based creamers
Soy Lecithin (food additive)
Texturized Vegetable Protein ('mock' meats including soy, etc.)
Vegan Baked Goods
Vegan Confections (All Types; Chocolates, Ice Cream, etc.)
Vegan Cheese Substitutes
Vegan Mayonnaise
Vegan Whipped Cream
Yogurts (Plant-based)
Oil (All types; Avocado Oil, Chia Seed, Coconut, Corn, Cotton Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Nut Oils, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Quinoa, Rapeseed (Including Canola), Safflower, Soybean etc.)
Black Peppercorns
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Powder
Cream of Tarter
Curry Powder
Salt (Celery, Crystal, Iodized, Sea)
Vanilla Extract
Coconut Meat
Fungus (Mushrooms)
Green Peas
Peas (Raw)
Raw or Baked White Potatoes
Raw Squashes (Winter, Acorn, Butternut, etc.)
Raw Sweet Potatoes
Unripe Banana
What are Deceptive Mucus-Formers?
Here is a list of foods that many people do not realize create mucus:
Rice (great for creating glue to bind books, bad for the transition to a mucus-free diet)
Avocados (fatty item that may be used on the transition, but are highly addictive. Although technically a fruit, if used it is best to combine them with a mucus-free combination salad or vegetables to aid elimination. However, it is recommended to stay away from them if you are not already stuck to them.)
Nuts (Mucus-forming, but may be used on the transition. It is best to eat with dried fruits like raisins to aid with elimination.)
Plantains (Starchy)
Tofu (Slimy and mucus-forming.)
Un-ripened fruits like green bananas (the riper the fruit you eat the better).
Corn (It does not eliminate well. When cooked corn or corn chips are eating it becomes mushy and slimy in the intestines.)
Corn chips (Some people use them on the transition, but they are very addictive and do not eliminate well)
Beans (They are starchy and mucus-forming. But, they may be used sparingly on the transition within close proximity to green-leafy salads)
Starchy Vegetables (Some vegetalbes are starchy and mucus-forming in raw or cooked forms, such as white potatoes. But, many other vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, become almost mucus-free (starchless) after proper cooking.
The Transition Diet
It is very important that people learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. To learn more about this transitional process, check out Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira.
[ad_2] Source by P. Spira
Post Source Here: List of Pus and Mucus-Forming Foods
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