#it's just the pajama pants and zip up hoodie combo
moonfromearth · 4 months
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Some teens for @rebouks' teen casting call! 😉
Super simple and pulled from my library (all but one). I don't have backstories they were just made for fun and to have some teens in my save. It's always a fun challenge to emulate a "teen style" in their clothing 😁
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minetteenfers · 5 years
Marichat May Day 1: No Powers
Marinette ran around her bedroom setting up for her night with Chat. They had become close over the years and she loved to sit back and relax with him. She set a pink plate of  chocolate chip cookies down between two blankets and grabbed two game controllers, setting them behind the plate. She stood up and brushed her pink pajama pants off, placing her hands on her hips.
She peered around her and took in how perfect everything looked. “Oh! I almost forgot drinks.” Marinette jumped and ran down the stairs to the kitchen. She grabbed soda from the fridge and two glasses, carrying them upstairs.
Marinette set the soda near the cookies and heard a knock on the trap door above her bed. She grabbed the black mask from her sewing machine and quickly scrambled up to open the door. A pair of black ears peeked from the side of the door and she giggled as she opened the door. “Your ears always give you away, kitty.”
Chat chuckled as he looked down at her crossing her arms with a crooked smile. “You got me. I always try to scare you, but it never works out.”
“I know.” Marinette giggled and held the black mask out to him.
Chat raised an eyebrow at her as he took it with a trembling hand. He was confused and worried about what she had planned for him. “What’s this for?”
“You said no powers remember?” Marinette crawled to the end of her bed and began to walk down her stairs as she heard him fall onto her bed with a thud.
Chat grabbed the railing on her bed and peered over to edge to watch her sit down and cover her eyes. “I’m not looking, kitty.” Her voice trailed up to his ears and he pushed back from the railing. He worried his bottom lip and thought about what he had chose to wear under the suit. He couldn’t remember if it was his usual white button down over black or if it was something else.
He took a deep breath and whispered, “Plagg. Claws in.” A green light took him over and he quickly shoved the black mask over his face. It went around his eyes and accentuated his cheek bones. He looked down at his clothes and cursed under his breath. He was wearing his usual Adrien attire. He ran his hands through his hair and searched her bed for a mirror. He found one in the shelf above her massive cat pillow and grabbed it. He began to style his hair with the gel that was in it already to make it messy. Adrien expertly pulled some of his hair in front of his face and let it lay across the bridge of his nose. He then set the mirror down and went to work buttoning his white shirt, successfully hiding the black shirt beneath it. Adrien grabbed the rolled cuff of his sleeve and began to work it down his arm until his shirt was a long sleeved button down. He shoved off his orange tennis shoes and raised the trap door to hide them outside. Chat hoped and prayed that it was enough to disguise himself from her.
Plagg rolled his eyes and zipped off to find someplace to hide for the night after Chat passed him a piece of camembert.
Chat took a deep breath and walked down the stairs, clearing his throat and messing with the hem of his shirt. He tried to lower his voice or modify it in some way, but the look on her face told him to stop. “Good evening, Princess.”
Marinette burst out laughing at his change in tone and shook her head. “You don’t need to change your voice, Chat. Come play a game with me.”
Chat chuckled with a blush as he played with the silver ring on his right ring finger. He sat down beside her and she peered down at his feet. “I left my house so fast that I forgot shoes.”
“I see.” Marinette giggled and passed him a controller as she put the cup of soda to her lips. “You seem to FURR-get them often.”
Chat smirked and laughed as she took a drink from her cup. “Seems that way. Yes. I can be quite FUR-getable.”
“You mean un-FUR-getable.” Marinette giggled and blushed as she realized what she had just admitted.
“Alright. I see you.” Chat poked her in the upper arm and she hid her face. “Hey. You said it. Not me.” He touched her chin and her cheeks flushed a deeper rose as her gaze caught his like a moth to a flame. “However, I could say you’re quite the CAT-ch.”
“Always a flirt.” Marinette lowered her lashes and sighed as he let her chin go with a blush. She watched him worry his lip and hide inside himself, losing all of his confidence. “I made something for you.” She got up and walked over to her chest. Marinette opened it and pulled out a black hoodie with cat ears and a pair of black joggers. “You look uncomfortable in your clothes like a cat in a collar.”  She sat down and held out the bundle of clothing.
Chat looked at the soft dark fabric in her hands and back up at her soft gaze with shaking eyes and parted lips. “I- Thank you, Marinette. No one’s ever made me anything. Not- not with this much love. Thank you.” He stood up and looked around for somewhere to change and Marinette giggled.
“I’ll just go down and you can knock when I can come in.” Marinette stood up and tripped on one of the blankets. Chat quickly slid in front of her and caught her. Her eyes went wide and she breathed in his dark scent as her cheek pressed against his chest and her palms clutched at his suit for balance. He smelled of leather and something sweet, like citrus and cinnamon. “I’m so clumsy.” She blushed and clutched onto his forearms.
“It’s okay. As long as you’re okay. That’s all that matters.” Chat smiled at her and spun her around. “You can just stand like that.”
Marinette nodded and swallowed hard as she covered her eyes with her palms. Her cheeks flushed a deep red as she waited for him to be done.
Chat slipped off his button down and replaced it with the hoodie. He zipped it up and changed into the joggers, completing the look by pulling the hood up and over his head. “I’m ready, Princess.”
Marinette uncovered her eyes and turned around to see him in all black. “It fits PUR-fectly, Chaton.” She walked up to him and messed with the seams and length of the outfit.
“Thank you for making me this. Now, are you ready to lose?” Chat ran and leapt to sit on the blankets. He grabbed a cookie and began to nibble on it with closed eyes and an expression of bliss.
He felt a controller fall into his lap and he quickly shielded himself from being hurt by it.
Marinette gasped and covered her mouth with a blush. She giggled behind her fist, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to. I was- um…”
“It’s fine.” Chat laughed as he set the controller on his thigh. He pat the spot beside him and she sat down with her legs crossed.
“I think you mean am I ready to win?” Marinette chimed in and started the fighting game. She took a cookie and Chat laughed.
He loved nights like these. Nights where he could be himself. Marinette calmly executed well thought out combo chains and left Chat in the dust. Chat watched his character get thrown to the ground and skyrocketed into the sky and the irony was not lost to him. He quickly hit buttons with his tongue poking out and Marinette suddenly got up while playing. Chat was too focused on the game to see where she was headed.
He suddenly heard a click and something hit him in the back of the head. “HEY!” He turned around to see Marinette holding a massive Nerf gun. “No… you didn’t!”  His voice went up as a child-like wonder came over his face and caused his eyes to shine.
Marinette giggled with a smirk and cocked her gun. “Oh, but I did.” She kicked one towards him and he laughed as he grabbed it. Excitement filled his veins as he stood up. He’d chase her anywhere.
“Alright, you’re on.” Chat cocked his gun and got ready to fight.
“Have to catch me first, kitty cat.” Marinette winked at him and took off down the stairs with Chat on her heels.
I wrote to an array of random songs, but this repeated twice so I’ll pick this as the one I most wrote this to: 
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