#it's in the wrong size pot so it needed to downsize
nolanhattrick · 8 months
adhd went crazy today, i repotted a bunch of my plants and started cleaning part of my room and then immediately lost all steam
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localhomeremodeling · 4 years
9 Kitchen Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid
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Most homeowners make a few common mistakes when remodeling their kitchen. Later, they find out that the result does not satisfy them. Read on to find out some of those mistakes that you should avoid. Failure to Consider a Smooth Workflow in the Kitchen Avoid putting the stove, the sink and the refrigerator side by side. It would make the workplace crowded when several persons are needed to prepare and cook. Create a plan that would make the kitchen spacious to enable people to work efficiently. Preparing food for a big number of people like when there is a gathering or a party requires several persons to prepare and cook. When this happens, space around the kitchen is the priority. You should consider this carefully in order to make the workflow in the kitchen smooth and easy. Don’t Exclude Appliances in Laying out your Kitchen Plan Most people who remodel their kitchen consider the appliances last. It is a mistake that you should avoid. When you lay down your kitchen remodeling plan, include the appliances you plan to buy and also plan where you are going to place them. Estimate the size of the appliances and how much room you have to leave for them in between your cabinets. If you are certain of the models you are going to buy, you can make a trip to the appliance store to take the measurements. This way they would snugly fit the spaces you leave for them in the kitchen plan. You have to do this while the remodeling process is ongoing. Don't make the decision last or else you will waste ugly small spaces between them and the cabinets. Don’t Choose the Wrong Size Using furniture that is not the right size will make the kitchen look disheveled and untidy. When you buy chairs and stools, match them with your tables and counters. You might buy items that are too high or too low for the tables. Remember to take with you a tape measure when visiting a furniture store. Measure the spaces when you leave the house and measure the items you want to buy in the store. This way you will not make a mismatch or choose the wrong size. It should be a must to measure before buying appliances and furniture for the kitchen. Do Not Be Hesitant Be sure of your decisions before telling your contractor everything was already all set. You will cause delays by changing plans in the middle of it. Let the contractor examine your kitchen plan and ask him if he has suggestions or recommendations about it. Tell him if he has any questions, he has to do it before starting the job. You have to listen to him about technical suggestions. Some of them can be helpful. Delays can cause frustrations. It will also cost you additional unnecessary expenses. So you have to lay down your plans decisively and stick to the plan religiously. Don’t Indulge Yourself in using Much Kitchen Space. You need to leave enough working space around the kitchen. Your plan should suit only what space there is in your kitchen, so save space when designing it. Count how many cabinets and appliances you want to include in your remodeling plan. Calculate if all can be accommodated in your kitchen space. Don’t include fixtures that you think are unnecessary. Utilize store-saving devices to maximize storage space. Include drawer organizers, base organizers, pull out baskets, corner cabinets, lazy susans, and sink-front tip out trays. Here are storage saver tips that won’t fail to amaze you.
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Avoid buying a cabinet that is too small and narrow. Choose a cabinet wide enough to hold things above it. Utilize the top of your cabinets. Adding Lazy Susans to it would also add storage space. There are plenty of sizes and designs to suit only the space available. You can choose a design that would suit your needs. There are D-shape, full circle, kidney-shape, and pie-shape Lazy Susans. There is also a blind-corner Lazy Susan for your blind corners. All these also come in varied sizes from the smallest to the largest. Lady Susans can be placed not only on top of cabinets, but they can also be placed on top of your tables. You can buy a small lazy Susan and put it in one corner of your working table, too. You can place small items here like condiments. Include this in the list of things you need when you make a trip to the hardware store. Buy cabinets big enough where you can put drawer organizers. Small cabinets don’t have space for drawer organizers. Plan what items you need to put into each cabinet. Plan also what items you need to put into each drawer. Estimate the size and individual division space to the items you need to store. Utilize every single inch of space inside your cabinets. Install base organizers and place pull-out baskets – You can place organizers and pull-out waste-baskets in the space below your sink if it is empty. Buy a waste-basket just the size that fits the space available. Add a door to it so it won’t look messy. The top of your refrigerator can be utilized. One safety reminder is not to put something heavy and fragile on top of it. Small and lightweight kitchen tools and gadgets can be placed above your refrigerator. This would avoid the danger of falling off and causing an injury to people. You can place wire stacking bins that can hold small items, two or three of your favorite cookbooks that you use most often, and a bin that can hold paper towels and napkins. They are lightweight and don’t pose a threat when falling off. Don’t leave the bottom of your countertops empty. Install shelves below your counter-tops. Usually, countertops have spaces under it. Your kitchen plan should include installing shelves below the countertops. You can store heavy items and bulky kitchen wares on these shelves. Don’t leave all your kitchen walls empty.
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Avoid leaving too much space which you can still utilize. Most kitchens have empty walls. Hang a pegboard on an empty wall. Think of a wall in your kitchen where you can hang a pegboard. It can add storage space to a kitchen that doesn't have big cabinets and drawers. Just see to it that it won't stick out too much. It would also cost you less than installing cabinets and shelves. You can place here your lightweight kitchen canisters, small pots, and pans so they won't be very heavy. The pegs won't be able to hold heavy and bulky items. Install wall brackets on some of them. Walls can be utilized by installing wall brackets and mounts. I have seen a lot of homes installing a television in their kitchen because most people stay longer in their kitchen than in any other room in the house. Installing a mount for television is one good idea to save space. Don’t get furniture several sizes smaller or bigger than what you need. If possible downsize your furniture. Plan the size of the furniture you need in your kitchen. For example, count how many persons would usually sit in your kitchen table. If there are only four so get a table good only for 6 giving only a little allowance. Don’t buy one which could seat 8 persons. This way you can save enough space to move around. Choose a space where your table can snugly fit the wall. It will also save you more open space. Avoid an overdesigned kitchen Most people include plenty of their ideas into their kitchen plan. They don’t envision what it would look like when it all comes together. Double-check if it is functional and comfortable. Choose what plans to include and what to leave out. You cannot incorporate all of them or else you will have an overdesigned kitchen. Remember to leave a lot of open spaces where people can work on. After the kitchen remodeling is complete it should not be over-crowded. You will be stressed and frustrated if you fail in your kitchen remodeling plan. Follow these easy steps we mentioned here to avoid any issues after you will have a remodeled kitchen. Also, this way you can finish the remodeling job faster and use only the budget allotted for it. You can now have the kitchen of your dreams. If you are in Tustin, Mission Viejo, Lake Forest or any other parts in California, knock us for a kitchen, bathroom or whole home remodeling and we will inspect your site and give you a free quote after knowing all your requirements properly. Read the full article
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rebeccahpedersen · 6 years
Where Are All The YIMBY’s In Toronto?
Let me set the scene for you, okay?
This story is about you.
Maybe not “you,” but a person like you, unless you read the following, and decide that you are somehow the exact opposite.
Let’s assume, just for argument’s sake, that there are no in-betweens here.
Just you, and not you.
You are 45-year-old, and you’ve been living in a midtown neighbourhood for the last seven years with your spouse and two kids.
When you bought your house, you were pushing 40, and had been saving for over a decade.  You were fortunate enough to pay $1,100,000 for a house that’s probably worth $1,900,000 or more today, which is ironic, because while you might be able to afford to buy your own house, today, your stomach churns at the prospect of the larger mortgage.
You’re friends with all your neighbours, most of whom are other middle-aged couples with children, like yourselves, or younger versions of yourselves – like the version who bought here when they were 38-years-old, with a gleam in their eye.
Every so often, a truly “young” couple moves into the area – a couple of early 20-somethings who look like they’re going to skip the downtown-condo step, and they’re offset by the retired couple in their 70’s who have no interest in downsizing.
Overall, it’s a solid mix of people.  The area is “safe;” whatever that means in 2018 anymore.  You just feel at ease living here.  Life is simple, except for when it’s not, and by that you would agree that while everybody who lives in this area works hard and stays very busy, the lifestyle provided once you’re at home, is laid-back, comfortable, and just really, really pleasant.
The house you purchased seven years ago was a relatively new home at the time.  A builder had torn down a bungalow and constructed brand-new home on the lot four years previous, and the family who purchased from the builder, sold to you.  There are still a lot of those original bungalows left in the area, but the supply is dwindling.  Two doors down from you is another new house; this one brand-new.  You watched it being built from start to finish.  You took a look at the progress every morning when you pulled out of your driveway, and every night when you walked your dog.
The developer who built that house went to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance to build a slightly larger home, but nobody batted an eye.  To be honest, nobody cares.  Every builder in the area goes to Committee, and every house built in the area is larger than what the zoning allows for.
The street has a very homogenous look and feel to it.
Unlike other areas where the housing type, size, and style all differ, your street has a fantastic blend.  It’s amazing, considering there are 100-year-old homes mixed with 2-year-old homes, but that’s just how nature has taken its course in the neighbourhood.
Your days fly by, without incident, on the regular.
A gust of wind blowing down a tree branch on the roof of somebody’s house is about as exciting as things get around here.
But there is one really, really big problem that has recently arisen; something that has all the neighbours talking.
The street that backs on to yours is home to several of those old bungalows that builders love to tear down, and when two of them were sold last month, side-by-side, you didn’t make much of it.  You assumed, like everybody else, that another two custom-built, 4-bed, 4-bath homes would be constructed on site, and you’d watch the process unfold, just like you had many times previous over the last seven years.
Except that this particular builder isn’t planning on building two 4-bed, 4-bath homes.
He’s planning on building two 4-plexes.
The neighbourhood is aghast.
You saw the plans, and while the red-brick facade, black shutters, and cedar-shake roofs would look like other homes in the area, just the idea of eight familes or residents residing where two houses usually go, doesn’t sit well with you and your neighbours.
Each home would have not one, but two front doors.  Weird.
The structures themselves wouldn’t be any larger than your typical new-build.  Houses on these lots are generally 1,500 square feet per floor, over two above-grade levels, and a basement.  The developer is looking to construct two 2-bed, 2-bath, 1,500 square foot apartments on the main and second levels, and two 750 square foot, 1-bed, 1-bath units in the lower levels.
Who rents a 750 square foot, 1-bed, 1-bath, anyways?  What type of person?
I mean, you rented that when you were younger, but that was different, right?
This area is filled with single-family homes, mostly detached, mostly 4-bedrooms.  The neighbourhood just doesn’t…………….need apartments.  It doesn’t warrant them.  They just don’t, well, for lack of a better term, fit.
The idea of having eight apartments is simply irrational, in your mind.
Actually, the idea of having one apartment doesn’t sit well with you either.  You know some people on the street who had “in-law suites” in their basements, at one time for a nanny, who now have older kids that don’t need a nanny, and they’ve started renting the units out.
You know it’s illegal, as is just about every basement apartment in the City of Toronto, but you’re not going to do anything about it.  You’re no narc.  And you don’t really care enough to do anything about it, but it just doesn’t seem to “fit” with the vibe of the area.  I mean, it’s one thing to have your grandmother, or nanny, live in the basement, but some random dude?  Weird.
That random dude is one thing.  But what about four random basement dudes?  And then four other apartments, with all those bodies, coming and going?  For some reason, it just doesn’t sit well with you.  It doesn’t fit.
And the plans for these two houses, by the way, have a driveway going up the middle – in between the homes, so that the residents can park in the back.  There goes a couple of beautiful backyards!  Back up the ready-mix truck!  What a shame.  And here you thought the only 8-car parking-lot in the area was down by the mini-plaza.
Your dad was over for a barbecue on Sunday afternoon, full of wisdom as always.
He’s been retired for over a decade now, and it seems as though he spends his days solving all of the world’s problems, in theory, at least.
At the same time, he loves to provide people with unsolicited opinions, and the two cents that they didn’t pay for, telling people they “should” be concerned with, or telling them how they should be filling their days.
His newest issue this weekend seemed to be the city he’s called home for his 75+ years.
“Where do you think this is all going,” he said, as he motioned with both arms, either suggesting that “this” refers to life, the world, the city, or something else.
“Where are your kids going to live in ten years?” he asked.
The old man reads three newspapers a day.  Guess what the hot topic always seems to be?
“Every day,” he said, “I read about the city, the real estate prices, the insanity,” he said.  And he’s not alone.  We can’t escape the real estate chatter.  It’s a hot topic, and it’s not dying down any.  In fact, it seems the “story” of real estate is only gaining momentum in this city.
“Do you have any plans for your kids?” he asked, as though with a 9-year-old and a 6-year-old, this was a really pressing matter.
“How are they going to afford to live here?” he asked.
“I wish they could afford to live in this area one day, but I just don’t see how,” he said.
Then he went inside to get more pretzels, not really offering a solution to the “issue” he brought up.
You’re not really thinking about where your kids are going to live in 10, 15, 20 years.  Your son is six.  He’s barely out of the womb.
If you did want to spend time dwelling on something, it would be that goddam apartment building that’s threatening the neighbours, albeit a weak threat, as is, because you know the neighbours will fight it until the bitter end.
So is this you?
Feel free to be honest here.
It’s either you, or not-you.  I just don’t see any room for a third option.
There’s no right or wrong here, keep in mind.
I wrote that story above just for fun, and perhaps to stir the pot.
The person in the story, whether it’s you or not, is fully entitled to oppose the idea of a 4-unit dwelling being built on the site of a single-family detached home, that is surrounded by other single-family homes.
And yet the individual who doesn’t see him or herself in this story, and who would welcome the opportunity to change the city’s zoning by-laws, is entitled to his or her view as well.
Let me provide you with yet another hypothetical here, and I’d like you to weigh in on this one as much or more than whether you see yourself in the story above.
What would be worse, in your view, to replace the detached, bungalow, in the story above:
1) The aforementioned red-brick, 2-storey, detached, 4-unit dwelling. 2) A single-family home that is 4 1/2 storeys.
Now we’re cooking with gas, right?
On a street where every house is 2-storeys, and they all happen to be single-family homes as well, what would be worse – seeing a 4-plex built on site, which completely bucks the single-family trend, but which sort-of blends in with the streetscape, or a single-family dwelling which keeps the demographic intact, but dwarfs the other homes on the street, and sticks out like a sore thumb?
I ask this question because it really gets to the crux of the matter.  Are people opposed to a 4-plex being built on the site of a bungalow because they don’t want something that doesn’t look the same as everything else, or because they don’t want apartments and renters?
NIMBYs and YIMBYs alike will fight to have their voices heard in this city, and both believe they come from a good place.  Both are proud, and passionate, about what they believe in.
I don’t know that either group could be “wrong,” but I do believe that the most passionate folks in both groups do believe that the other group is wrong.  Or maybe it’s not just the most passionate; maybe it’s all of them.
The term “housing crisis” gets thrown around quite a bit in Toronto, and while I don’t think we’re in true “crisis” mode, I do see the lack of affordability as a major issue for the city moving forward.  I don’t believe it would be an issue, however, if the GTA has world-class infrastructure, as I have written many times before on this blog.  But that’s a topic for another day.  As things stand right now, with so many people living in the core, not wanting to, or being able to, move outside the core and switch jobs or commute, the price of real estate, and the low supply, is an issue.
So what if we could dramatically increase the supply?
What if pipe-dreams like laneway housing became a reality?  What if, like in other world-class cities, you could divide your existing single-family home into 2-3 units, to add to the housing supply?
What if a builder actually could construct a 4-unit dwelling in between two single-family homes, with regularity?
What if the NIMBYs became YIMBYs?
Pipe dream.  It can’t happen.
Sorry to be the naysayer here, especially at the end of a somewhat-positive spin, but I do believe that the NIMBYs will always outnumber the YIMBYs.
Last question here in what is slowly becoming a questionnaire with my readers: do we “need” a change to existing zoning by-laws to allow for more density in areas that don’t have it, or do we continue building CityPlace’s and subscribing to uber-density in some areas, and proverbial Pleasantville’s in others?
The post Where Are All The YIMBY’s In Toronto? appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
Originated from https://ift.tt/2mRPAEv
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xihydrae-blog · 7 years
The Growing in Rockwool Diaries
Discover how simple it is to grow plants employing artificial lights. Bear in mind that it's important to label your plants clearly. The plants enjoy an aerated environment with nutrients on a normal basis due to the mist. Infested plants get rid of vigor and color. 
Younger plants might not be totally mature, and their clones can take a great deal more time to root, or might not root in any respect. It can be adapted for more compact plants, but it isn't suggested to downsize when growing larger plants like marijuana.
Basically, you simply need to cut away a little portion of the plant. The plants don't know that they're not in soil, they simply know that they're obtaining a lot of light, Sundel explained. 
Now you know a bit more about why hydroponically grown plants can be grown faster with increased production let's talk about some of the various kinds of systems which are available. 
Hydroponic plants make a great deal more efficient use of water and nutrients and also provide a greater degree of control. Review this information to make certain your new plants flourish. As is true with any other kind of gardening, selecting the ideal plants is a crucial portion of hydroponics.
The Bizarre Secret of Growing in Rockwool
Marijuana plants ought to be watered every a couple of days. The marijuana plants become fed from the top with the assistance of the tiny emitters. As soon as your marijuana plants are in the SBS cubes, you have to treat them in many different ways. Instead, it's a dependable and relatively straightforward method to cultivate marijuana plants.
Type of Growing in Rockwool
If you're still unsure, you can check the deeper soil with your finger or you are able to buy a moisture meter at nearly every garden shop. If you decide to use a potting soil having just a few additives, there are numerous quality dry amendments out there. 
Potting soil tends to be the most economical and user-friendly. Soil Choosing the right soil for germination and seedlings shouldn't be difficult. It was discovered that the surplus nutrient solution was most easily managed by enabling it to run to waste in the soil. Although the soil on the cap of the container appears dry, it does not absolutely indicate that now is the time to water.
More than 1 sort of mite may infest a crop at the exact moment. Be advised that you could need to boost this with your crop whenever the plants are producing buds. A rapidly growing vine crop like a tomato can get rid of a considerable number of nutrients per day.
Want to Know More About Growing in Rockwool?
If you wish to be a terrific grower, grow a good deal. Skillful growers utilize these methods to direct their crop and control leaf, flower and fruit growth at distinct times, and Rockwool is a remarkable substrate for this kind of control via the main zone. 
Many growers make the error of thinking they need a high ambient humidity for germination or seedlings. Smaller marijuana growers often select a recirculating system because a whole loss process is much more difficult to scale down to size.
There are several reasons why a grower might choose to use Rockwool as opposed to water. The grower had to earn a challenging decision about it. Going forward, every grower will need to implement some or all these technologies to remain competitive. 
Industrial tomato growers use tools like measurement of stem diameter to decide if their plants are receiving overly vegetative or too generative at specific times of the year. It's popular by skilled growers of tomato crops, but in addition to capsicum and a number of other plants also.
New roots grow from the stem, and soon you've got a new cannabis plant! Check the base of the bigger cubes regularly and as soon as you notice new roots, it is the right time to think about planting them once more. If you'd like white roots just like you see above, this advice shouldn't be overlooked.
Growing in Rockwool - Is it a Scam?
You are interested in being cautious not to over water your soil. Being aware of what's in your water and what, if any adjustments must be made is an easy process that we're able to aid you with. Ideally, you'll want to water just as the saucer gets empty, allowing for optimum air around the roots. If using premium quality water, particularly for use with rockwool, make sure there are adequate levels of calcium.
Whatever They Told You About Growing in Rockwool Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why
The three primary choices for pot culture so far as growing medium is going to be chosen by every individual grower by the number of the marijuana plant, the price tag and local availability of every one of the supplies. See the List of different sorts of growing media for hydroponics 
The developing medium won't be in a position to grow anything alone. While the plant's medium will remain damp, it's going to retain plenty of air spaces close to the roots.
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Find Out About Best Brand of Home Appliances Before You're Left Behind
What You Should Do to Find Out About Best Brand of Home Appliances Before You're Left Behind  
Consider how you're using your appliances currently, and how would you prefer to utilize it later on.  Also before you get your appliances online, you must measure where the items will be set.  Small appliances are largely small and portable.  Even at the right time of recession, people bought electrical appliances, since they are always needed.  When you wish to obtain new kitchen appliances, whether because you move to a different house or you're simply renovating, you've quite a huge task before you. Without some of these smaller and not as essential kitchen appliances, there are a few things which you won't be in a position to make.
The Best Brand of Home Appliances Pitfall
The secret here is to spread out the appliances in the most suitable places and rooms in your house and getting only the ideal size for the space you've got. If you get Energy Star certified appliances, those savings can be very substantial.  Buy home appliances for your new house is a daunting job, you should figure out that what things are essential for buying.  If you wish to purchase home appliance and conserve money too, you have to stick to some instructions and suggestions.  The home appliances arrive in various sizes and you ought to start with evaluating how much space you've got for what you are just about to buy.  Upgrading home appliances is an easy approach in order to add value to a home, reduce energy consumption, and enhance the functionality of a particular space.  Picking the most suitable kitchen appliances for your house can be a hectic endeavor, particularly when you have so many distinct brands to pick from.
It's possible to begin looking for appliance by purchasing the things which are most needed and then if you're left with any cash, then you can get the remainder of the appliances. Other types of kitchen appliances aren't necessary, but make for great accessories and can be unbelievably helpful in the kitchen.   There are a number of kitchen appliances to pick from that I haven't mentioned here.  It's possible to also make custom kitchen appliances with custom cabinetries to fit your requirement.
Buy appliances through internet routes is easy and effortless. Each appliance may have different features which are either included or not, based on the brand you become.  Though some appliances can endure for as many as 15 decades and longer, there are several variables affecting when you're likely to have to call in an appliance repair company.   These kitchen appliances make it possible for you to easily slide pots and pans from 1 area to another, and are amazingly simple to clean up after. Gaggenau kitchen appliances don't just comprise of big items like fridges and cookers.  Purchasing kitchen appliances is quite a huge choice to take because of how these things are quite costly.  There are several different kitchen appliances that you can get, from the huge ones to the smallest gadgets and you should know just what you would like to get.
What Best Brand of Home Appliances Is - and What it Is Not
Even for something as easy as uneven or excessive cooling, calling a refrigerator repair service might be the sole way to have the problem resolved.  Customers should know they have to purchase both products in order for this to do the job. You ought to purchase the high superior product because appliances aren't bought on regular basis.  It is important to know about a brand, the type of values they put into the item, and the quality they stand by.  Just because a brand is established doesn't make it the very best.  It is among the most popular brands in American households.
Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Best Brand of Home Appliances Is Wrong
When you are prepared to buy anything, it's more than essential to pick the retailer wisely.  The majority of the stores sell their stock at heavy discounts and you will see nearly every model at a less expensive rate. Most stores which sell household appliances employ an extremely knowledgeable staff.
Top Choices of Best Brand of Home Appliances
To purchase home appliances requires you to prepare a list and review it and see whether there continue to be some appliances which aren't needed at the present time.  Only if you're lucky, you might find some heavy discount on the appliance, else you wind up paying the entire cost.  You will see key brands declaring discounts on their appliances in this period.
One of the absolute most important things you will need to remember is that you shouldn't compromise on the characteristic of the appliance even if it's offered in low price.  So let's look at a few of the variables so it's possible to decide the very best way that suits your way of life and still keeps your floors looking beautiful! When there's only a couple of you, think about downsizing your kitchen and laundry appliances.  When it's a lengthy vacation you really find more time to browse through a number of brand outlets and stores and see where you are able to find the best deals.  Sometimes it is wise to take just a little time to save for the ideal appliance in contrast to rushing to buy one you may not find very useful based on the needs you've got.  In the second instance, you await the perfect time and shop only whenever you're getting some excellent discount on the desired product.  To change brands would mean that you may have to get rid of the money which you spent on the original table and many woodworkers don't want to do that.
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