#it's gretchen's turn to be queen bee
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genericpuff · 2 years ago
Mean Girls turns 20 next year.
Hear me out.
2024's gotta be the year we finally make 'fetch' happen.
We can make it happen.
It would be so fetch.
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lowkeyerror · 6 months ago
Summer Secrets
Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 13.2k
Notes: minor homophobia, some angst, cursing, fluff, soft Regina (only for reader), cheating (technicality), takes a lot from the movie but timeline may be different.
Summary: When tasked with showing Cady Heron around school, you two quickly become friends. When Cady comes in contact with Regina George you feel obligated to help her out. Things get complicated from there because you have a soft spot for the mean girl.
An: Full disclosure have never written this much for a single post, but I'm excited to share it with you guys. I hope you like it likes, replies, and reblogs are always appreciated 💜
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For some people high school felt like the end-all-be-all of life. It made sense to some extent. Spending your formative years locked in a building with other hormonal youths forced to participate in some social hierarchical bullshit that only benefited the one percent, sounds like a nightmare. If you were lucky enough to do well, you’d get to spend some time as one of the top one percent. However, any wrong turn and you’d be remembered for whatever mistake you made for the rest of your school career.
It sounds over dramatic (cause it is), but it’s true. It’s your junior year in high school and people are still calling Janis Ian a pyro lez. On the other side of things, Regina George still enamored people. Many people fade in and out of popularity but not Regina. She held her crown in an iron clad grasp and would die before she let it slip.
You didn't really understand how Regina became popular. As far as you were concerned popular meant well-liked, but it didn't seem like anyone genuinely liked Regina other than Gretchen and Karen. Regina was cruel, but she was pretty and had money which in some convoluted way made her the queen bee.
You didn't play into the social dynamics of North Shore. You weren't some outcast or loner who was proud of being different, you weren't a nerd who got bullied by jocks, and you were not some popularity-obsessed junkie. You were just a person.
Someone who went to classes, ate lunch, then went to more classes, and subsequently left the school premises. So, while the school might have been a magnet for chaos, you felt like your experience was pretty normal.
Unfortunately, the normal way you went through school was about to drastically change.
For some unknown reason you had been selected to give a new student a tour of the school.
“Alright Katy this is Y/n, she’s going to be showing you around today. You got the same classes and lockers close enough together so, be friends or something and have a nice day,” principal Duvall was quick to usher you two out of his office.
“My name’s Cady by the way not Katy,” she broke the silence as she followed you down the hallway.
You stopped in front of her locker, “Welcome to North Shore Cady, try not to get sucked in to all the chaos.”
The girl gulps as she places her belonging in the locker, “Chaos?”
You take in her appearance, and she shifts under your gaze, “North Shore is kind of like that scene from High School Musical where they’re dancing in the cafeteria singing about the status quo. You seem like a sweet girl Cady, and the last thing you need to do is find yourself with a label on your forehead.”
Cady hears what you say, but she’s stuck on the fact that you called her a sweet girl, “I’ve been home schooled my entire life and now I feel like I’m being tossed to the wolves.”
You laugh, “I’d say that’s a pretty accurate analogy. As your guide, I can try to keep you out of the drama, but you are a new student, so you’ll get some kind of attention.”
You take Cady to homeroom and have her sit by you before class starts. You make a little small talk with her, until you’re interrupted.
“Y/n, who’s the new girl?” Janis plops directly behind you.
“Cady, this is Janis.”
Before Cady could speak to the goth girl, Damian interjects, “Is that your natural hair color? It’s gorgeous.”
Again, before the girl can speak for herself, the boy takes some of her hair in his hand, “See, this the color I want.”
Janis swats his hand out of Cady’s hair, “Sorry about that, Damian is too gay to function sometimes. He’s not the best with boundaries.”
The conversation doesn’t go any further as Ms. Norbury walks in. Ms. Norbury’s attempt at introducing Cady goes comically bad, but it’s not something that she harps on for long before starting class.
The rest of the classes seem to go by quickly and soon it’s time for lunch. You can see Cady’s head spinning as she looks at all the cliques.
“Who do you usually sit with?”
You shrug, “I usually don’t eat in here, it’s super stuffy. But if I do it’s usually either with the stoners or the art kids.
You stand quietly in line before Cady speaks up again, “What’s your label?”
“I don’t have one. I’m not some outcast or jock or anything like that. I’m an actual human being and labels are overrated.”
She nods slowly smiling, “That’s pretty cool.”
One you both gather lunch you go and sit at the edge of the stoner table. You give some greetings before turning your full attention to Cady.
“Ok, don't freak out but I won't be here tomorrow. So, you’re going to be on your own,” you break the news to the ginger.
She falters a bit, “Oh okay.”
You see her eyes land on Janis and Damian.
“Be careful with those two.”
Her eyebrows furrow, “Why they seem cool?”
You elaborate, “They are cool, but they have labels and roles to fit in to. They’ve got an affinity for ditching class and making up schemes. So don’t get sucked in to that stuff alright?”
Cady nods and then you see her eyes sparkle, “Who is that?”
You follow her line of sight and find yourself in a brief staring contest with the school’s queen bee. Your eyes dance over her features and time seems to slow down for a moment, until she finally looks away from you.
“That’s Regina George.”
“She seems important,” Cady says, noting how everyone around seems preoccupied with her.
You counter, “She carries herself that way, so no one really questions it. Regina is the most popular girl in school. The two with her are Gretchen and Karen. Some people call them The Plastics.”
“Got it, so I should steer clear?”
You shrug, “She’s a massive deal and some people would grovel for even a minute with her. She’s got a lot of influence around here. So, I would just say be careful of interacting with her. She’s as mean as she is pretty.”
“I don’t get it.”
You sigh, “It’s nuanced. You shouldn't be seeking out interactions with her but trust me you don't want to turn her away or brush her off if she approaches you. She can ruin the rest of your time here, so careful of her.”
One last time you look in Regina’s direction to see her laughing at some poor kid.
Cady sees this but decides against questioning it. The rest of the day goes by quickly and by the end of the day, you might just consider Cady your friend. You exchange numbers and tell her to make good choices in your absence.
It was some time the following night that you got a text from Cady.
Cady: I think I messed up today.
Y/n: What happened?
Cady: I got invited to sit with the Plastics.
The text conversation ends there as you can’t help but call the girl. She picks up immediately and starts rambling about her day. You silently listen from the other end of the line, almost in disbelief that all of that could happen in one day.
“So, you got encouraged to sit with Regina and her friends by Janis and Damian, who also made you skip class,” you try to follow.
You continue, “And you have a crush on Aaron, from Calc?”
Cady blushes on the other line, “I don’t know? I just think he’s cute.”
You run a hand over your face, “Jesus Christ Cady, I’m gone for one day and this is what you get in to, Aaron is Regina’s ex."
She scrambles over the phone, “I don’t know it just happened. What do I do Y/n?”
“Tomorrow’s Wednesday, so the best advice I can give to you is wear something pink,” you joke over the line.
“Damian is letting me borrow his shirt.”
You couldn’t contain your laughter.
“It’s not funny, Y/n,” she whines.
“Tell him to keep the shirt. You can borrow something from me instead.”
Cady is grateful but she has a curious tone as she asks, “You don’t seem like the pink wearing type.”
You speak coyly, “What have I been saying about labels Cady? You can’t put me in a box. Fun fact pink is one of my favorite colors.”
Cady’s next words are hesitant, “Maybe if you wear something pink too, they’ll let you sit too.”
“Cady, I have no desire to sit with Regina and her friends, but I don’t want to throw you to the wolves without at least trying to save you. So, for you, I’ll wear the pink, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll let me sit.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Cady praises you over the phone.
You chuckle, “Anything else?”
“Nothing that I can think of. You’re the best Y/n, I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”
You smile, “Goodnight, Cady."
When the conversation ends you get out of your bed and head for your closet. For the most part it was filled with t-shirts, jeans, sweaters, and the occasional formal attire. You have to go deep into the back of it to actually find what you’re looking for.
You’re hesitant to pull it off the hanger. It’s a simple pink bomber jacket. It’s cute and the material is soft. Cady could wear it. The one thing that gives you great pause about letting her borrow it, is that the jacket had been gifted to you by Regina George.
You had grown up in North Shore, so you were always aware of Regina George. You’d gone through school together, even sharing some classes together. All this to say you knew the girl’s character. She had always been mean.
It was 2 years ago when your parents decided that a family vacation during the summer would be good for everyone in the house. You weren't complaining, it was good to get out of the city.
Your parents had gone all out and rented out a beach front property for the 3 months you had away from school. It was a gorgeous property, and you often found yourself enjoying the scenery.
The last thing you expected to see was Regina George. Yet coincidentally the home your folks rented was right next to a property owned by Regina’s family.
You didn’t have any need to acquaint yourself with her. So, for a few weeks into the vacation, you didn’t approach her. That didn’t stop you from looking at her. You always knew she was gorgeous, but it was a shame her personality didn’t match.
Eventually your staring caught her attention.
“Y/n, right?”
You frown as the sun you were using to read is blocked. You look up to see Regina standing in front of you. Her blue eyes pierce yours curiously.
“Yep, how can I help you?”
“Why so formal?”
You finally meet her eyes, “Well you are the most popular girl in our grade.”
Regina’s eyes divert from yours, “We aren’t in school right now.”
You nod, “You’re right. So, I can just tell you to fuck off.”
She sets up her things next to yours, “You could, but who says I will listen.”
You laugh a bit, “What do you want, Regina?”
She sighs, “Is it a crime to want some company?”
“It’s not,” you answer, before returning to your book.
“I haven’t seen you here before. I come every summer,” Regina tries for small talk.
You sit the book down and give the girl your full attention.
“My parents saved up to rent out a beach front property this summer. They said it’s good for family bonding,” you say.
“I’ve only really seen you,” Regina comments.
You shrug, “My parents are enthralled with each other. They’re rediscovering how much they love each other. Where are your parents?”
You see her shift under your gaze, “My dad is on some business trip or something and my mom is out somewhere with my little sister.”
That first interaction spurred on by Regina started something of a summer friendship. You had no expectations of keeping it when the summer ended. So, when she came to you nervous one of those summer nights saying that it was better not to interact at school, you weren’t surprised.
You told her you expected this from her and that it was fine, but that maybe you could continue this friendship next summer. That night she hugged you for what seemed like forever as an apology.
When school started back it was like you were strangers. You were surprised to receive some texts from her here and there. You’d always answer, and you’d be lying if you weren’t looking forward to summer.
When the next summer rolled around, as soon as your feet hit the sand you were nearly knocked to the ground. The queen bee locked her hands behind your neck and her legs wrapped around your waist.
“You miss me or something, Gina?”
“You have no idea, how much I’ve been looking forward to it.”
She pulls away to look at you but doesn’t unhook her legs from your face. The two of you stare at each other for a moment before you clear your throat. She drops down smiling innocently as a blush spread across your face.
“You look good,” Regina comments.
Your hand scratches the back of your neck, “Puberty or whatever, I guess.”
Her hand finds yours, “So what’re we doing first?”
Last summer was different than the first. It didn’t feel like you were further expanding the friendship, it felt like you were building something different with Regina.
Those suspicions were confirmed when her lips met yours one night when you both were watching the waves.
“You aren’t supposed to kiss me, Gina,” you whisper against her lips.
“Why not?”
You open your eyes to look into hers, “Because when we go back to North Shore, I’m going to miss this.”
She pulls away, “I’m sorry, I just-”
You chase her until her back is flat on the sand. You hover over her lips, before pecking them, “Be mine for this summer Gina.”
You can see the sadness in her eyes as she speaks, “I’m going to break your heart, Y/n.”
Your hand cups her face, “I know, but that’s not your problem.”
Regina shakes her head, “I care about you, Y/n. I don’t want-"
“Just let me down gently baby,” you plead with her.
She sees the desperation in your eyes as they search hers. Regina didn’t want to hurt you, she needed you to stay away from her. For once in her life, she was thinking about the consequences of her actions. However, pushing you away was not an option.
She captured your lips again. You deserved more, but you were begging for her. All she could do was keep her promise and let you down gently.
You thought you had prepared yourself for the summer to end. That was far from the truth because when you woke up the day before you left, Regina was already gone.
You thought she left without saying goodbye. You were wrong. When you went to the patio of your summer home, you found her goodbye. She left you her jacket, a letter, and a seashell necklace.
The letter itself had a few tear stains on it that made it hard to read. You didn’t think Regina was the type to put pen to paper, but you were used to being surprised by her.
I’ve tried writing this a bunch, but I keep fucking it up. I should’ve started with Dear Y/n or something, but that just didn’t sound right. I’m sorry for so many things, Y/n. You told me to let you down gently and here I am leaving without saying goodbye because I'm selfish. I’m mean, I’m selfish and I’m not good for you. When school starts, I have to uphold this image and as much as I want to say that it’s not me. It’s not true. I’m that girl that you know back home, but here with you… I feel this responsibility to be better. This summer meant everything to me. Every moment with you meant everything to me. I wish we could stay here because I’ve never been happier. I will never be happier then I was here with you. I don’t deserve to be. I hope this was gentle enough, baby.
Your Gina
Reading the letter stirs a plethora of emotions through your system. You let Regina break your heart and you hadn’t faced her since. The thought of getting close to her at school scared you. You knew the girl you had feelings for didn't exist during this time of year and if you got in her way, she’d surely take you down.
The next day you find yourself wearing a pink tank top mostly covered by your black zip-up hoodie. You send Cady a picture of the jacket advising her to find something that matched.
You arrive on campus and patiently wait for Cady to show up.
“Pink might be your color Y/n.”
You roll your eyes, “Shut up Janis and what are you planning with Cady and Regina?”
“I can't shut up and explain at the same time so…”
“I’m serious Janis. Cady is fresh meat for someone like Regina.”
Janis claps her hands together gleefully, “Fresh meat or a blank canvas. Regina stood up for Cady yesterday, which means she's taken an interest in her. Queen bee sees potential, which means Cady is either a successor or a threat.”
“Ok, what does any of that have to do with you?”
Damian enters the conversation at that point, “Oh it’s a part of her plan for revenge on Regina.”
Janis smacks the boy a few times. The end up play-fighting before you get between them.
“Enough! Revenge for what exactly?”
Janis’s eyes darken, “That information is classified I'm afraid.”
You glare back at her, “You shouldn’t drag Cady into this.”
Now it’s Janis who rolls her eyes, “If she wants to help out a friend who am I to stop her.”
You get up as soon as you spot Cady. With one final look back to Janis you say, “Friends don’t use each other in revenge plots.”
Cady’s outfit was simple, but cute and the jacket would go perfect with it. You greet her with a smile.
“More than I was on the first day,” she frowns.
You grab her by the shoulders and shake her a bit, “You got this and even if it flops, you have me ok. The biggest thing to remember is you have to be yourself alright?”
“Janis and Damian said I shouldn’t be myself around The Plastics,” Cady put her head down.
“Hey, look at me. You don’t need to try to fit in with them. Regina invited you to sit, which means she wants you there. Think about it like that,” you try to ease her nerves.
She nods, giving you a small smile in return, “That makes sense. Oh shit, they’re looking at me. Do you have the jacket?”
You turn to find Regina and her clique looking curiously in Cady’s direction. Quickly you pull the jacket out of your bag. Cady reaches for it, and you pull it back slightly.
“This jacket is important to me, ok? I need it back at the end of the day,” you warn her.
Cady’s attention stays on the popular girls until she sees Regina’s gaze shift towards you. Again, the two of you are in an intense staring contest.
“I’ll give it back to you at the end of the day,” Cady repeats.
You hand her the jacket and go to walk off. Her arm catches your wrist, and you turn around. It’s a bit too fast and the girl almost falls, so you steady her.
“Careful,” you scold her lightly.
Her voice is light as she questions you, “Where’re you going?”
“To my locker?” You say curiously.
“Well, mine is close to yours so I didn’t really expect you to- sorry it’s silly. You go, I’ll see you-”
This time it’s her that goes to pull away. You drop your hand into her’s leading her towards the lockers.
“No, you’re right. Sorry, I’m just kind of used to doing my own thing. It makes complete sense for us to go together.”
“I didn’t mean to make a big deal out of it,” she apologizes.
Your hand lets go of hers as you get in front of your locker, “No big deal, let’s just get through today.”
Lunch comes sooner than you want it to. You try to hide your nerves for Cady’s sake. She approaches Regina’s table with you not too far behind her.
Before she sits down, she clears her throat and looks at Regina, “H-hey it’s cool if not, but I was wondering if my friend Y/n could sit here maybe?”
Gretchen goes on some tangent about it being disrespectful to ask and says that Cady should be disinvited just for even bringing it up, “I mean who do you even think you are?”
“Are you done Gretchen?” Regina replies not even looking at the girl.
“I- I,” she stutters and sits silently in defeat.
Regina eyes look at Cady as if she’s bored, “Is she at least wearing pink?”
You unzip your jacket revealing the pink tank top underneath. Regina looks briefly at shirt before letting out an exasperated sigh, “Only today.”
The answer shocks Gretchen and Karen, but they don’t say it. Cady sits at the edge of the table while you decide to sit next to Karen, in a way that separates you from the main group.
“Cute jacket. Where’d you get it?” Regina says to Cady.
The question alone makes the food on the lunch tray unappealing to you.
Cady answers seamlessly, “It was a gift.”
It’s a good save. If it hadn’t been Regina’s jacket it would have been the perfect lie. The blonde lets it go with a hum before she starts diving into the stereotypical gossip of the school.
It’s hard being this close to her. You had done what you could to stay away from her at school, but here you were sitting across from her trying your best not to stare.
Gretchen goes on explaining the rules of The Plastics to Cady for what felt like forever. You mindlessly scroll through your phone wishing the lunch period would end.
Cady definitely didn’t need you here. You had decided that you were going to leave the table, but before you did, you felt her eyes on you. It was like you were glued to the seat.
“So, we’re going to my house after school to study. Cady are you in or out?” Regina asks, but it’s really a demand.
“Yeah, for sure I’m totally in,” she says excitedly.
“One day offer loser, are you in?” Regina looks at her nails, but it’s clear she’s talking to you.
Gretchen speaks up again, “Regina you can’t be serious? Sitting with us was one thing, but-”
“I’m sorry, was I talking to you Gretchen?” Her voice was ice cold.
Cady looks at you with eyes that were basically saying ‘pretty please’.
“I’m in,” you say against your gut feeling.
Once lunch is over you all disperse. Cady corners you before you go to your next class, “Oh my god that went so well. Regina even asked us to come over.”
You bury your head in your hands, “What have I just agreed to?”
“Hey, this is a good thing, right? If it's not its only one hangout,” Cady’s hand finds your shoulder giving you comfort.
“You’re right, it’s just- Regina’s kind of intimidating up close,” You mumble.
Cady nods, “Very intimidating. Did something happen between the two of you?”
You make a face that creases your eyebrows, “Who? Me and Regina.”
“Yeah, I've seen you staring at each other, and it just feels like tension,” Cady says.
You avoid the truth skillfully, “Well, I've known Regina a long time. I’ve seen what she's capable of. It’s pretty scary. It’s not really staring on my part more like freezing in fear.”
“She can’t be that bad. I think she’s kind of sweet,” Cady admits.
You shake your head, “What did I tell you before Cady? Regina George is mean.”
Cady scoffs, “Everybody keeps saying that, but no one is giving me any examples.”
“Watch her the rest of the day, you'll get it then,” you say knowing that Regina couldn't go too long without letting her mean streak show.
It didn’t take long for Cady to see what you were talking about. Regina treated their peers like they were beneath her at every chance she got.
When your last class was over, you both made your way to Regina’s jeep. Cady is stopped on the way by Janis and Damian. You decide against staying for that conversation. You expect the ginger will catch up to you.
When you get to the car Regina is already there waiting. It is slightly strange seeing her without a boy or her friends. Cautiously you approach her, but not to close. You keep your head down as you stand what you deem as near enough to her car.
“Get in,” she says after an awkward silence.
Your hand barely touches the door to the back before she speaks up again, “The front seat.”
This causes you to look up at her, but she’s already making her way around to the driver’s side. You follow her orders and get in the passenger seat next to her.
You can’t remember the last time you felt this fidgety. Your hand finds a spot firmly on your knee to keep it from bouncing out of control.
“You gave her the jacket,” It’s small when she says it.
It’s a challenge for you, but you make eye contact with her, “She’s just borrowing it. I would never give it away. “
The conversation dies there as Karen, Gretchen, and Cady arrive at the jeep.
“Regina, why is she in my spot?” Gretchen complains about your presence once again.
You start to remove the seatbelt to get in the back, but Regina’s hand grabs your wrist.
“Gretchen, when did you start asking more than 2 stupid questions a day? Nothing in my car belongs to you. If she were in the driver's seat, I would expect you to get in and shut the fuck up. So, get in the back and stop being so annoying.”
You could see Gretchen shrink under Regina’s words. Part of you feels bad for her, she was just acting in the way Regina usually would approve of. You were already making things complicated when they didn’t have to be.
The rest of the girls pile into the back of the jeep and it’s awkward for a moment, but eventually the chatter starts naturally. Once again you feel out of place.
You can’t stop thinking of the feeling of Regina’s hand on your wrist. Her skin on yours provides you with a sense of comfort. It’s almost like you were remembering that you knew what she felt like. You’re craving her touch; the thought alone makes your face burn with embarrassment.
Pulling up to Regina’s house feels surreal. It’s bigger than you thought. It almost felt wrong to go inside. Regina ushers everyone upstairs quickly trying to avoid her mother. You move the quickest, slightly afraid that Mrs. George might recognize you from the summer. Cady takes time to properly greet the woman.
If being in her house felt wrong being in her room felt even more invasive. It’s as pink as you imagined it be, but not in a childish way.
This is when Cady tries to fold you into the conversation, “Y/n, actually really likes pink.”
It’s so sudden having all the girls look to you for conformation. You try to regain your usual attitude, rather than the bundle of nerves you've become today.
“I think it's pretty cool,” You shrug.
Karen’s eyes widen, “You talk?”
You laugh as the other girls roll their eyes, “Yes, Karen I talk.”
“Well, you haven't said anything this whole time so how was I dose to know,” she tilts her head to the side.
She has a good point. From that point you try to engage me with the girls. It isn't so bad. The more you talk with the others the more you begin to relax.
That was until Mrs. George came upstairs with snacks. You excuse yourself to the restroom. It isn't until you’re out of the room that you realize you have no idea where it is.
“Follow me,” Regina appears from seemingly thin air.
You follow her and the two of you end up in front of the bathroom door. You stand there not saying anything to each other.
“Well, are you going to go?”
“I don’t actually have to go, I was just saying that to leave the room in case your mom recognized me,” you explain.
Regina nods, “Right makes sense."
Another long pause.
“I’m sorry, for coming here Gi- Regina. I was just trying to be there for Cady,” you don't look at her as you speak.
“Looking out for your new girlfriend, I get it,” there’s some venom in her tone.
“She’s not- I’m not into Cady.”
Regina falters, “It’s not my business, I shouldn’t have assumed.”
That was her way of apologizing. You don’t know what else to say. Your eyes linger on her, taking in her appearance this close.
“Stop looking at me like that,” she says before heading back in the direction of her room.
You sigh, “You look good, Regina.”
That seems to stop her in her tracks. She turns to face you again, “You can't say stuff like that.”
You take the opportunity to joke, “Do I need to say you look so totally fetch instead or…?”
She rolls her eyes playfully, “You’re annoying you know that.”
It’s completely different than how she said it to Gretchen. For this small instance in the hallway, she sounds like your Gina. It makes your heart flutter but sickens you all at the same time.
Re-entering Regina’s room you see the girls looking at a weird book. You see the shift in Regina’s features instantly, “Why is that out here? “
“Your mom thought it would be funny,” Karen answers, flipping through the pages.
You can't help but read one of the pages aloud, “Ms. Norbury is a PUSHER, a SAD OLD DRUG PUSHER.”
The book is filled with girls from school, it’s surprising you had escaped the pages. It’s then you’re reminded just how effortlessly cruel Regina could be.
Janis's revenge plot was starting to make more sense. You hated to agree, but maybe she needed a fall from grace.
“I have to go,” you say gathering you're things.
Regina moves to block your exit. She looks at the rest of girls like they’re idiots, “Why aren't you guys grabbing your shit? She has to go that means you all have to.”
The girls scramble to pick up their stuff. Regina grabs her car keys from the vanity, signaling that she was doing drop offs.
She takes Gretchen home first, then Karen, next is Cady. You notice Cady doesn't have on your jacket when you get a glimpse of her. Slight panic bubbles inside of you. If she left it at Regina’s, you'd likely never see it again. You get a text as you come to this realization.
Cady: The jackets in your backpack
Y/n: Cool thanks
When Regina parks in front of Cady’s house you say goodbye and tell her to text you later. When she leaves the car, the energy shifts drastically.
You knew Regina did this intentionally as your house was only a block over from hers. It would've made sense to take you first, but she waited to have you alone in this moment.
“Can we talk?” You see her hands tightly grip the steering wheel.
“Well now is as good as it's going to get, isn’t it?” You say picking at the sleeves of your sweater.
Regina sighs, “You were never this timid on the beach.”
“You and I both know you're a different person there. I never thought I’d be in this situation with you here, forgive me if I’m cautious around the queen bee,” you rebuttal.
Her grip tightens, “You’re scared of me.”
You shake your head, “I’m not scared of you, Gina.”
“Then why?”
You look out of the window, “I’m scared of the way you make me feel. I look at you and all of a sudden, I want to be back on that beach. This is as close as we’ve been during the school year, and I can’t make a habit of this. You let me down gently, but that doesn’t mean my heart isn’t broken.”
“I told you,” it’s a whisper from the blonde.
“I would do it all over again,” you still can’t look at her.
Regina feels herself losing her composure. Before she can drive any further, she pulls over in a random parking lot. She shakes her head as tears build behind her eyes.
“You’re not supposed to say shit like that, Y/n. It’s cheesy and overplayed. It’s something you say to people that you care about, and you shouldn't care about me,” she begins to breathe heavily.
Her hands find her hair as a groan leaves her, “I hurt you Y/n and you just let me. Why don’t you hate me?”
Your hands reach for hers. She lets you pull them from her scalp.
“Regina, I’m not some stranger you met on vacation 2 years ago. I grew up here, with you. I knew what I was getting into. I did it anyway,” your thumb runs over her knuckles.
“You didn't want more?”
Your eyes soften, “I wanted you in every way you’d allow me to have you, Gina. You weren’t just some summer fling to me. It’s just- I knew you'd never go for that. You have this image to uphold, and I fuck it up.”
“You shouldn’t care about my image. You should be calling me a coward and a liar. I don’t get why you haven’t even tried to expose me,” she goes on.
“I don't care about school politics,” you say.
She sounds desperate as she speaks, “But I do, and you could ruin me.”
Against your better judgment your hand caresses her cheek. She looks up at you and you lean forward.
“I gain nothing from hurting you Gina,” your lips graze hers as you speak.
“Fuck it,” Regina closes the gap between the two of you.
Her lips against yours feels better than you remember. Neither of you are eager to pull away. When you do your forehead rests against hers.
“I was so stupid thinking I could stay away from you,” Regina says trying to catch her breath.
“I missed you too,” you tell her.
“We have to figure this out. I’m not ready to… show this side of myself to the school, but I need you,” Regina admits.
You shrug your shoulders, “We could sneak around. No one has to know.”
She searches your face, “Are you sure?”
You nod, “Positive.”
People often make jokes about famous last words, but that honestly felt like yours. Life became a lot more hectic after you suggested that arrangement between you and Regina.
A lot of it was a blur as she began to pull you into the janitors closet whenever she got the chance. Sometimes for talking and sometimes to makeout.
Off campus you would find yourself at the blonde’s house quite often. The two of would hang out in her room for hours. On occasion she would borrow her mom’s car to take your somewhere out of the city.
While things were going great for you with Regina. Cady was slowly but surely making her move on Aaron. You didn't think it was wise, but if it made her happy, then you supported it.
Cady had also kept her seat with Regina and friends. It seemed like she was finally progressing towards actually becoming a member of their clique.
You hadn’t been around much, but you hoped this meant Cady was done with whatever Janis had been planning. Playing both sides wouldn’t be good for her.
“Are you going to Chris Eisel's Halloween party?”  Cady asks as she goes through her locker.
“Probably, everyone is going.”
She nods her head, “I think I'm going to try to get with Aaron at the party.”
Your eyes widen, “I don't know if that's a good idea.”
Cady dismisses your warning, “Regina and I are cool now. I think I'm going to tell her I like him and see if it's ok that I take my chance.”
You look at her as if she was crazy, “Cady getting with the queen bee's ex-boyfriend is not smart.  Telling her about it beforehand only gives her prep time to take you down.”
“It will be fine.”
You knew that it, in fact, would not be fine. Your suspicions were confirmed later in the day when you were in Regina’s room.
The blonde paces back and forth silently. There’s a scowl on her face. You let her try to cool down for nearly 15 minutes, but at this rate there would be a hole in the floor where she walked.
“So, you talked to Cady,” you lightly poke the bear.
“Who does she think she is? I let her into the most influential group at the school and now she wants to fuck my ex. If she gets with Aaron there’s a chance that I look like an idiot,” Regina was furious.
“How would that make you look bad? You dumped him, right?” you try to follow.
“It makes it look like I’d allow anyone to have the things that I have. Dating Aaron would push her up the social ladder. Being one of us and dating him would make her more popular than me,” she says it like it’s obvious.
“Right,” you’re still confused.
Regina groans before finally sitting on her bed next to you, “You wouldn’t get it. You’re not into the school politics or whatever it is you say.”
You wrap your arms around the blonde and she leans back into your touch, “Just try not to destroy her too bad, ok? She’s, my friend.”
“I’m going to put that ginger bitch in her place,” she threatens.
You sigh, but there’s not much else you can do. You warned Cady that this was a bad idea.
“No more talking about Cady. We have episodes of Malcolm in the Middle to watch,” you kiss the top of her head.
“You’re right, I don’t want her cutting into our time together,” she places a kiss to the side of your jaw.
You knew that whatever happened at that party would be bad, but for now you decided to ignore it for now. In hindsight, it was a mistake. It was almost as if all the time you were spending with Regina made you forget that when everything was said and done, she was mean.
The party’s already in full affect when you get there. It’s almost impossible not to spot Cady in her costume.
“I see you went for the scary over sexy look,” you shout so that she can hear you.
“I thought this is what they meant by costume. Not just a pair of mouse ears,” you can barely make out what she’s saying over the giant plastic teeth.
You laugh, “Well I think it’s pretty cool for what it’s worth.”
“Thanks, I hope Aaron thinks so too. Who are supposed to be?”
You pull out your tiny comb and run it through your hair, “Well me sweetheart, I’m grease lightning.”
She giggles at your antics, “I don’t why, but that makes sense for you.”
You chat with Cady enjoying the party atmosphere until you get a glimpse of Regina, “Wow.”
Cady turns her attention to the blonde, “She looks amazing. Is she-”
“An angel,” you finish Cady’s thought.
Cady watches as your eyes rake Regina’s entire form, “I’ve never seen you look like such a fan of hers before.”
It’s a task as you tear your eyes away from Regina, “I’ve said it a million times Cady. She’s mean, but damn she's pretty.”
“I’m going to go say hi, I’ll be right back.”
You don’t stay to watch the interaction between the two girls opting to get a drink from the kitchen instead.
In the kitchen your quest for a drink is postponed as you see Karen standing on the table, looking as if she was going to fall. In typical North Shore fashion, instead of helping her down people are recording her.
You take it upon yourself to walk over and extend your hand to the girl. She takes it gratefully, but still manages to trip on her way down. You’re reflexes work fast to catch her, and steady her on the ground.
“Y/n, you saved me,” she giggles and jumps up and down a few times.
You laugh with your response, “I did, but be careful next time I might not be around.”
“I was trying to find Gretchen,” the girl frowns.
You sigh, trying to figure out if you really want to take on this task. One look at Karen’s wobbly stance, and you take her hand.
“Let’s find her.”
It takes you longer than expected to find Gretchen. When you get a glimpse of her, she’s yelling at Jason over who knows what. You see if you wait it out if it will end, but it doesn’t. So instead, you decide to interrupt anyway.
“Gretchen!” Karen exclaims as you get closer to the girl with the loose curls.
“Karen was looking for you,” you tell her nonchalantly.
Gretchen looks at her clearly drunk friend and then back to the boy she was arguing with. She points her finger at him, “This isn’t over.”
She then takes Karen by the arm and begins to drag her away, “Bye Y/n.”
Gretchen turns back to you for a quick moment mouthing ‘thank you’ before she goes to take care of Karen.
You’re basically back to the middle of the party. You look for Cady and spot her standing still across the room. Her chest heaves up and down rapidly as she clutches her hand over it.
You follow her line of sight and feel your heart break in your chest. Regina and Aaron are locked in an enthusiastic kiss. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes, but you hold them at bay. You make your way over Cady deciding that the party is over for the both of you.
Your presence takes her out of her trance, “Let’s go.”
She looks over to see Regina looking right at her. Cady doesn’t hesitate to follow your lead out of the party. It’s not until Regina realizes that you’re the one taking Cady, that the blonde regrets her actions.
You don’t know how you end up and Janis’s place, but you do. Janis and Damian are watching some old Halloween movie in her garage. Cady starts telling the art kids what happened at the party. Janis springs up from her seat quickly comforting the girl.
You take this opportunity to sit next to Damian. Its then that you learn that Cady didn’t actually know why Janis wanted revenge. You find out some details you didn’t know either, despite being there for the debacle.
“Now you know that Regina George is not your friend, we’re your friends and we’re going to make her pay,” Janis says with her eye twitching.
“Pause, why are you here Y/n?” Damian acknowledges that you look just as upset as Cady.
You search for an answer, “I brought Cady.”
Janis narrows her eyes at you, “That’s not everything.”
You know you shouldn’t, but as the images of Aaron and Regina cross your mind you can’t hold it in.
Your head falls into your hands, “It’s complicated.”
The moment the two words leave your lips you find yourself telling them everything from the first summer to the recent rendezvous. By the time you're done you’re a mess.
“She told me this would happen, but I didn't listen. I’m so stupid,” you began to get angry at yourself as you harshly wiped your eyes.
“Hey, don't be so hard on yourself,” Janis wraps an arm around.
“And I thought she was cruel before,” Damian looks at you sympathetically.
“She’s not going to get away with this Y/n,” Cady promises.
You shake your head, “Guys, I’m not out for vengeance. I just- it hurts.”
Janis rubs your shoulder a few times, “Don’t worry, we got your back. While Cady focuses on knocking Regina down a peg, Damian and I will make sure she stays away from you.”
Just as the words leave her mouth your phone begins to buzz repeatedly. You peak down at it and can see a bunch of messages from Regina coming through. You reach for it, but Cady takes it and simply flips it over on the table.
“No more, Regina George. “Now, what are we watching,” she says, and you nod gaining back some of your bearings.
So, you spend the rest of your night watching bad horror movies with your friends, trying to keep your mind off of Regina.
The next school day you don’t make it far without feeling a certain pair of eyes on you. Before you can turn to look in her direction Janis and Damian are by your side whisking you into the school building.
“I can’t believe you didn’t like disintegrate under her gaze,” Janis comments.
Damian follows up, “Yeah if looks could kill, you’d probably be dead right now.”
Your gaze stays on the floor, “She can look all she wants as long as she keeps her distance.”
That's basically what transpires your next 6 weeks at school. Janis, Damian, and Cady fail to make any sort of mockery of Regina, the popular girl debuts her rekindled romance, and you fall deeper into your depression.
Regina does try approaching you a few more times, but she consistently gets blocked by Janis, Damian, or Cady, for which you’re grateful. You don’t want to talk to her while she’s busy parading her boy toy around.
Every day is starting to seem longer than the last. You dread stepping on campus, because even if you manage to avoid seeing Regina, she’s all anyone talked about. It was like you were always surrounded by her and it was driving you insane.
It gets to the point where sometimes you periodically skip class, just to walk the empty hallways to get away from her. Skipping class seems to be your downfall as you find yourself being yanked into the janitors closet.
“What the fuck?” Your initial panic only increases when you see Regina blocking the door.
“We need to talk,” Regina says with a sharp tone.
You shake your head, “No we don’t, now let me out of here Regina.”
You try to push past her, but she puts a hand on your chest, “I’ve been trying to talk to you since the Halloween party.”
“For what, Regina? You put Cady in her place just like you said you would. I should've seen it coming,” your words come out harsh.
“I didn’t mean for you to get hurt,” her voice was small when she spoke.
You let out a bitter chuckle, “There was no way I wasn’t going to get hurt. What, you were just going to kiss and date Aaron publicly while keeping me on the side?”
“I don’t care about Aaron, I only care about you,” she shoots back.
“You couldn’t even run it by me. Maybe check to see if I would’ve been ok with it? Regina we were practically dating,” you argue to the girl.
Regina runs a hand through her hair, “I know that. I know I fucked up, I’ve been trying to apologize, to talk to you, but your guard dogs never let me get close.
You scoff, “My friends are protecting me from you.”
Regina sounds incredulous, “So you told them?”
Your hands go up feigning exasperation, “Yes, I told them. I didn’t really have a choice because when I left the party, I was a fucking mess, and they were there for me.”
“It was just a kiss, Jesus Christ you’re acting like I fucked him on the couch,” she complains.
The disbelief in your tone comes out, “You really don’t get it, do you? You want to know why it fucked me up so bad? Despite how mean you are and how vain you can be, I saw something in you. I cut through all the bullshit to find the actual human being with feelings. I got to know you better than anyone else in this hell hole ever will. Underneath all that toxic plastic costume that you wear is the girl that I loved. So, I’m sorry if my hurt feelings are too much for you, but it fucking sucks seeing the person you love kiss someone else.”
You didn't know when you got so close to Regina. The roles had reversed at some point, and you were now the one trapping her against the closet door. Her blue eyes peer into yours looking for any sign of deceit.
“You loved me?”
You close your eyes, “Don’t make me say it again. “
Regina doesn't have the words. She doesn't want to search for them. All she wants to do is kiss you. So, against her better judgment she hurriedly places her lips on yours.
You should push her away, tell her that this isn't an apology. Yet the only thing you can do is wrap your arms around her and pull her into you. The kiss is sloppy, and it sends you both into a frenzy. Neither of you break it even when you both know better.
When the door to the closet is violently yanked open, is when you finally pull away from each other. Aaron stands there looking between yourself and Regina. The blonde yanks the door back shut, and you drop to the floor as embarrassment sets in.
“Fuck, I have to go,” you say trying to pull yourself together.
“You can’t go we haven’t talked,” Regina tries to block you.
This time you’re gentle as you move her aside, “There’s nothing to talk about Gina. You were right, I thought I could handle the heartbreak, but this is too much.”
Leaving the closet your jaw clenches as you see Cady down the hall. Her attention that was on Aaron, shifts to you. Her eyes go wide as she begins to figure out what happened in the closet. You don't give her the chance to comfort you opting to leave the school entirely.
Maybe it was time to embrace the school’s politics. Becoming the outcast, loner, weirdo didn’t sound so bad anymore. Anything to keep you away from The Plastics and The Art Freaks. You didn’t want to deal with either side ever again.
Just like you had done with Regina you ignored all of Cady, Janis, and Damian’s messages. You and the block button had never been any closer. At school you resumed having your lunch outside away from the drama and stuffy cafeteria.
In class you kept your focus on the teacher ignoring any notes or whispers from the trio. It was a challenge, but it was for the best.
You kept your head down when walked the halls and your earbuds in. If you kicked out the outside world then it was like it didn’t exist. You should’ve been paying more attention.
That’s the thought that crosses your mind as you trip right in front of Regina George. You expect to hit the floor dramatically but are surprised when you feel her hands at your waist keeping you upright.
The entire school watches with bated breath waiting for your fate. You too, are curious to see how the queen bee will treat you with the public watching.
“Watch it… loser,” she mumbles, making sure to shove you lightly out of her way.
You can tell her heart isn’t in it, but it looks normal to the public. In some ways it looked like you got a warning, which Regina was kind enough to give to most people.
You didn't dwell on it much. She probably had bigger things to worry about with the talent show happening so soon. The Plastics never missed a year of doing their kind of provocative and surely cringe-inducing dance routine.
Extra credit was being offered in most of your classes for students who went. So, you had decided to go to boost up your grades.
On the night of the talent show, you take a seat in the back row. Most of it is uninspiring. You hate to admit that you really enjoyed Damian’s rendition of the Icarly theme song. It was weird, but in that sort of niche artistic way that made it cool to you.
When The Plastics get on stage you’re surprised to see Cady with them. It was unsurprising to see everyone recording the performance. You’re sure some weirdos would be glad to have that performance at their disposal.
 It is more difficult to watch this year than the previous. Something is more off key than usual. When the cartwheel spot is being set up you see Karen’s knee buckle first then Regina slams into the floor.
When she does, the crowd erupts. You shoot out of your seat as well. This is her worst nightmare. In a digital era, there’s no way that this isn’t going to go viral.
You don’t know why you’re running out of the theater, but you are. You didn’t know where to look for her, but she had to come to her car. You stand outside the pink jeep for what feels like an eternity.
In reality, it was only a few minutes before you could make out the figure of the crying blonde. You wait for her to get closer before attempting to say anything.
She tries snapping at you, but it doesn’t pack much of a punch behind the tears, “It’s pretty funny, isn’t it? I bet you enjoyed every second of it.”
“Give me your keys,” you say without pause.
“It’s dangerous to drive under intense emotion. Give me your keys, so I can take you home,” you reiterate.
Regina wants to question it, but she doesn’t want to ruin tonight even more. She put her keys in your hands. You don’t say anything else, simply waiting for her to get in the car.
When she does, you begin driving to her house. You can see her scrolling through her phone, so you snatch it from her at a red light.
“Stop,” you tell her, knowing she’s looking at her viral moment.
When you get to her house you follow her to her room. She faceplants on her bed and you watch as her body begins to vigorously shake with sobs.
You sit next to her your hand rubs her back soothingly, “I’m sorry this happened to you.”
“You’re not happy that your bestie usurped me,” she says sarcastically.
“I haven’t spoken to Cady, since the closet thing happened,” you admit to her.
She wiped her eyes, “Why not?”
“Well Cady’s the one who told Aaron to check the closet,” you tell her.
“That bitch.”
You nod, “Yeah, I know that she and Janis wanted revenge, but that was low.”
Regina’s eyebrow furrows, “What are you talking about?”
You fill her in on everything and you can see her get angrier at every word.
“You didn’t think to warn me?”
You fight back, “Last time I checked they were failing. I wasn’t in on the planning, and I don’t even know all that they did. But also, I don’t owe you anything Regina.”
Her tongue clicks against her cheek, “I guess that’s fair.”
You speak again, “I don’t really know why I’m here if I’m being honest with you. I saw you hit the floor, and I just felt like I needed to be here for you.”
Regina laughs softly, “Even after all of this, you’re still thinking about how I feel.”
You laugh too, “I don’t think I can help it. I mean you are the Regina George, massive deal and all that.”
She shakes her head, “Not after this. I will never be her again.”
“Is that such a bad thing?”
She looks at you, “I mean it doesn’t feel great, to be embarrassed for the whole world to see.”
“Fair point, but what is it they say about the head that wears the crown. Aren’t you a little bit relieved that you don’t have to be perfect anymore?”
She shrugs, “I guess so. My heart hasn’t been inn it since the last time we talked.”
“Regina, I don’t know if now is the time to-"
Her eyes lock on yours, “Please.”
Reluctantly you nod your head.
“I’m not a caring person. I don't usually give a fuck about anything but myself. I’m selfish and ruthless and cruel and mean. I really am everything that these people are saying about me. Except when it comes to you. I care about you more than I’ve cared about anything in a long time.”
She looks at you to make sure you're really hearing her.
“Kissing Aaron was so fucking stupid. I felt threatened by Cady and in truth I acted how I usually would. But I forgot to consider your feelings because I’m not used to considering others. I knew I fucked up and I wanted to fix it, but you were avoiding me. So, I kept the act because if I lost you at least I still had my power.”
“So, you care about your power more than me?”
Regina frowns, “No, I don’t, that’s what I’m trying to say. In that closet when you told me you loved me, it was like everything just clicked into place. We got carried away and then you left, but if you would’ve stayed just a second longer, I could’ve told you I loved you too.”
“I’m almost done I promise. I could’ve told you any time after the fact, but it felt selfish. I was trying to do the right thing for once. You said that I hurt you too much and you were right. So, I thought it didn’t matter. I still don’t know if it matters, but if this is the last chance I have to say it, Y/n I love you.”
Your heart could come out of your chest at Regina’s admission. You’d love nothing more than to just pull her in and kiss, but something was stopping you.
“I love you too Gina, but what does that mean for us?”
Regina takes your hand in hers, “I want to be with you. Not just on the beach, but here, everywhere.”
You can sense there’s something she wanted to say, “But…”
“But I want to deal with the situation at school first. I want to change, but I still have to be mean for a while. I don't know if you’ll like that side of me,” Regina looks at her bedsheets.
You let a tiny smile come over your features, “I’m not really into school politics. So, I don't mind if you’re still a little mean. As long as you don't care that I want to be by your side.”
Regina has a smile that matches yours, “I like the thought of you by my side.”
“Good, because I don't plan on leaving.”
You can't wait any longer. You take her face in both of your hands and kiss her softly. Regina melts against your lips. It’s not like the kiss in janitors, it’s closer to your first kiss together. There’s a slight hesitation, but it’s not enough to stop.
“I love you,” she says against your lips.
“I love you too.”
You stayed at Regina’s pretty late that night. It was so late that by the time you got home you were exhausted. When your alarm went off in the morning, you snored right through it. You ended up making it to your third period right before the bell rang to start class.
You took your seat next to Cady. Something about her was different. She looks like Regina, more than usual. She wasn't paying any attention during class, to preoccupied with her makeup.
“What’s up with her?” You say to Janis, who sits directly behind you.
“Oh, well hello to you too stranger.”
You roll your eyes, “I’m serious, Janis.”
The artist shrugs, “I don't know. After last night I called game on the revenge, but Cady said she needed one more day.”
You frown, “Is worldwide embarrassment not enough? She’s viral all over the internet for her fall.”
“I thought so, but this is all Cady,” there’s some hint of worry in her tone.
You want to talk to the ginger, but the moment the bell rings she's out of the class. Once you’re out of class you head to the cafeteria for lunch. As you’re standing in line waiting for the food the loud chatter of the cafeteria drops.
You lift your head up to see why; it’s Regina. She’s not in her usual attire opting for something more comfortable, but just as cute in your opinion. She walked over to her usual table but was stopped from sitting.
You couldn't hear the conversation, but you did hear as Regina’s friend yelled, “You can’t sit with us.”
Nobody in the cafeteria moves to make space for the girl. Her mean nature finally biting her in the ass. You set your lunch tray down loudly, causing the attention to shift to you.
You hate the way everyone looks on, as you make your way towards Regina. Standing by her side in front of the entire school felt strange.
You hold your hand out for her to take and she does. You glare hits all the girls’ sitting at The Plastics table before lingering on Cady, “Let’s go outside, it’s stuffy in here anyway.”
Regina let you drag her out of the cafeteria towards the front of the school. You found a shady spot under the tree and sat there.
“You want me to sit on the ground?”
You look at her and then pat your lap, “You could always sit here instead.”
She takes a seat on the grass next to you, “I wouldn’t want to crush you. I’m so fat now.”
You frown and pull the girl into your lap. She squeals and tries to get away, but you lock your arms around her.
“Doesn’t feel like you’re crushing me.”
Regina looks away from you, “I’m wearing these sweats because I can’t fit any of my pants anymore. It doesn't make any sense because all I've been eating are these nasty bars that Cady gave me.”
You take the bar from Regina. The more you examine it the angrier you get.
“Don’t eat anymore of this shit.”
“What’s wrong with them?”
You feel your body growing hot with anger, “These are Kalteen bars. They’re for gaining weight.”
Regina’s facial expression darkens, “What?”
“I’m going to kill her. This is too far,” you start to stand, but Regina stops you.
“I will handle it,” Regina’s calm tone is unnerving, but Cady deserves whatever hell Regina invokes on her for this.
“Ok, but I’m here if you need me,” you squeeze her lightly.
“Thank you, baby. Not just for being here, but for what you did in the cafeteria. I know you don’t like the attention,” she places a kiss on your cheek.
You blush at her praise, “I don’t like it, but I wasn’t going to stand idly by why Cady tried to humiliate you in front of everyone again.”
“I don’t want to talk about her anymore. Karma will get her soon enough and her world will be burnt to a crisp,” Regina’s smile is small yet sadistic.
Maybe a few hours ago you would’ve warned Regina about taking it too far. Potentially you would have said something about the moral high ground. However, upon learning about the weight gaining bars, you decided that Cady needed to be humbled quickly.
You and Regina decide to ditch the rest of the school day. You spend the day at her house watching tv in her bed. It only takes a few episodes before you fall asleep, still feeling some grogginess from your morning.
After a few minutes of your soft snores, Regina begins her plot. She knew this would not only destroy Cady, but the entire population of girls at the school. They deserved it after the talent show and lunch today. If they thought she was a problem when she was mean, nothing could prepare them for when she felt vindictive.
“What’re you doing so far away,” you yawn and make grabby hands at the blonde.
“This is called full proof revenge,” she holds up the burn book.
Your eyes widen as you read ‘this girl is a fugly cow’, “Oh shit.”
“Come here.”
You follow her orders. She opens the book to a page that has your name and your picture, but no description, “Where’d you get this picture of me?”
Regina shakes her head, “Not important. You need to write something mean about yourself here.”
You give her a questioning look, “Why?”
“Because it’ll look suspicious if you aren’t in it,” she hands you a marker.
You don't think about it too much as you write ‘Gay Loner Weirdo’ above the picture.
“Simple, elegant, classy,” you hand the marker back to her.
“Timeless if you will,” Regina jokes.
You nod feigning insight, “Yes, it was either that or Regina George sympathizer, but that felt too new. Gotta make them think I was always in there.”
The two of spent the rest of the day enjoying each other’s company. It was a nice change for once. You found yourself thinking that you could get used to having Regina to yourself like this.
You expect chaos the next time you step onto campus, but you aren’t prepared for what you walk in to. The halls were a mess. Girls are fighting, running, and screaming everywhere you look.
“This is insane,” you whisper to yourself.
“This is what happens when you fuck with Regina George,” the girl appears by your side faux distraught on her features.
You don’t get to answer her before principal Duvall calls for all the girls in the gymnasium. A situation like this was unprecedented in the history of the school. So, it didn't surprise you that none of the faculty knew what to do about it.
They were trying some weird truth and unity trust fall that you thought was a shitty idea. Things were cringy at first, but it seemed like the message was working on a few girls.
When Janis gets up there things take a turn for the worst as she begins to air out Regina and Cady’s dirty laundry, “… and I find it so ironic because while Regina’s been calling me a pyro lez she's been busy having summer beach romances with Y/n. Pretty fucking gay if you ask me.”
She lets out a scream before falling into the arms of the student body who began changing her name and carrying her out.
The only students left in the gym were yourself, Cady, and Regina. Cady’s remorse finally manages to kick in and she starts to apologize. She doesn't get too far in before Regina storms off. You stay hot on her heels as Cady follows the two of you. Regina makes it all the way to the front lot before she turns around to start arguing with Cady.
The closer Cady gets to the blonde, the further Regina goes into the street. You’re somewhere in between trying to mediate the situation.
“Why don't we do this somewhere private for once? Where the while school isn’t involved,” you suggest.
“I don't have anything to say to her except that she's parading around as a cheaper version of me. She can imitate take it all, but she’ll never be as good as me,” Regina spits out.
“Regina, I’m-"
You look between the girl’s and that's when you see the bus coming from the corner of your eye.
You scream her name, and your body moves on its own as you forcefully tackle the girl to the ground. You make sure to protect her head with your arms as you go down on the concrete. Everything feels like it’s slowed down as your arms connect with the concrete.
That feeling is nothing compared to the pain you feel in your leg. You cry out in pain at the feeling of your leg being run over by the bus.
“Oh my god, Y/n. Someone help, quit standing around like idiots. Call an ambulance or something, make yourselves useful,” Regina yells as the entire school looks on.
She repositions herself so that your head is in her lap as she holds your sobbing figure. She can’t help it as her own tears begin to fall.
When the ambulance comes, you’re loaded in and rushed to the hospital. As much as Regina fought to get into the ambulance, they wouldn't let her. She knew you were going to need surgery on your leg, it had to be completely broken. All she could do was worry and count down the moments until she would be able to see you.
It took a full day for you to wake up after the accident and another before you were allowed visitors. Regina was the first person there.
The first thing she did was kiss you, “Don’t ever do anything stupid like that again.”
You laugh tiredly, “I believe the words are thank you.”
“It’s not funny Y/n, you could’ve died.”
You readjust the bed to sit up straight, “I wasn’t going to let you get full on hit by a bus Gina. My leg will be fine after rehab. The doctor says I'm lucky that it broke clean, but I might have some permanent nerve damage.”
“But you'll still be able to walk?”
You nod, “It’ll take a few months, and I might have like a permanent limp, but I’ll be able to walk."
“You saved my life,” her hand interlocks with yours.
“I mean we don't know that. You could've survived being hit by the bus,” you joke further.
“Oh yeah, totally would've survived. Probably would be walking around with the hottest neck brace on the market,” she rolls her eyes.
“Super fetch neck brace,” you add.
She groans, “I love you, but you have to stop saying that.”
“I love you too, but I’m going to keep saying it,” you kiss the back of her hand.
Regina isn't the only one who stops to visit you. You’re a little surprised to see Cady stop by. The popular persona was nowhere to be seen. She looks the same as the first day you met her.
“I know you probably don't want to see me, but I came to apologize… for everything. I did exactly what you warned me not to and got caught up in the school politics,” she stands by the forest while she talks.
You motion for her to have a seat, and she does so cautiously. You let out a breath before addressing the girl, “I did warn you, but sometimes you have to make mistakes to learn and grow. When you sent Aaron to the closet, I was so upset with you. Maybe I could’ve forgiven you then, but your attitude just went downhill from there.”
“I know.”
“I’m not even mad about it anymore. I’m more upset about what you did to Regina. Some of that shit was pretty low, Cady,” you tell her.
“I know, I got caught up in Janis’s plan. I was so excited to have friends that I thought going along with it was ok, but it wasn't. What makes it even worse is that I got carried away and became someone I’m not. And now you're here in the hospital because of me,” she can’t look at you.
“Cady you weren't driving the bus.”
She stands her ground, “It’s the domino effect of my actions. No one would’ve been-"
You cut her off, “Cady this isn't your fault. You sound crazy. I literally kind of threw myself in the path of the bus. It was my choice, and I stand by it. Instead of taking accountability for things that aren’t your fault, maybe you should focus on the things that are your fault.”
“Like with Regina,” she says to herself.
“Regina, Janis, hell even Ms. Norbury. Apologize and mean it, that’s a step in the right direction,” you tell her.
“How do you always manage to have the right advice?”
“We're all just actual human beings at the end of the day Cady. Falling into these boxes that we think are desirable takes us out of the reality of the situation.”
She takes in your words and then stands, “I’m going to go work on being an actual human being. Maybe when it's all over, we can be friends again.”
You salute her playfully, “Go get em tiger.”
Despite your injury, time seems to go by in a blur. Rehab is hard and the handful of meds you have to take is annoying, but it’s worth it. You were doubtful about returning to campus before the end of the year, but you found yourself cleared a week before Spring Fling. You’d have to use a crutch, but for the most part you were alright.
“You know we don’t have to go to the dance, right? I’m content staying here and finally finishing Malcolm in the Middle,” Regina says as fixes the sleeves of your suit.
“I know, but I have to let my adoring public know that I’ve escaped the clutches of death.”
Regina stops her movements, “I’m being serious, Y/n."
You place a hand on her waist, “I want to go out and dance with you. Or at least attempt to.”
Regina blushes under your touch, “Might be a little difficult with the crutch.”
“It can sit on the bleachers for one dance,” your eyes are love-struck, staring at Regina.
Her face heats even more under your gaze, “Let’s go your adoring public awaits or whatever.”
For the second time in your school career all eyes seem to be on you as you enter the dance. It could be the fact that you looked good, or maybe that you were walking in with Regina George on your arm, or more likely that no one had seen you since the bus ran over your leg.
“Do people ever do anything besides staring,” you say to the blonde.
“Nope,” she pops the ‘p’ on the word.
You don't get particularly far into the dance floor on account of your crutch. Instead, you find yourself situated by the punchbowl. You urge Regina to go dance, which she does reluctantly.
“You know rumors were going around that you’d lost your leg,” Janis appears by your side.
You look down at your leg, “Still there.”
“Look I wanted to say I’m sorry for how everything played out. It wasn’t cool to try to involve you in the drama and I shouldn’t have said anything about your thing with Regina,” she apologizes.
“Apology accepted, I’m just ready to move on from everything,” you say earnestly.
“Janis,” Regina says cordially, as she puts herself in this conversation.
“Regina,” the girl answers in the same tone.
With a respectful nod the girl in the purple tux takes her leave.
“What was that about?”
“Well, I' told you that I wanted to change. The first part of that is making amends. Janis and I had a talk, we both apologized. So now, we’re civil with each other,” Regina reveals.
“That’s awesome baby, I’m proud of you.”
She looks away from you as embarrassment coats her face, “Yeah whatever, don’t you owe me a dance?”
You laugh and lean your crutch against the wall before offering her your hand. Your leg is strong enough for the two of you to sway together as a slow song plays.
“People are still watching, I think it’s the Regina George factor,” you say so only that she can hear.
“I don’t really mind it. It lets them know you’re mine.”
A goofy smile plants itself on your face, “Oh, am I?”
Regina nods, “All mine.”
You lean in closer to her, “Weird way to ask if I'll be your girlfriend, but I accept.”
Regina begins to sputter which keeps you smiling. The smug look on your face drives her crazy. She’s quick to place a soft kiss on your lips to regain some control of the situation.
“That’s so not fair,” you say against her lips.
“It’s girlfriend privileges,” she counters back.
When the song is over principal Duvall calls for the nominees for Spring Fling king and queen to go up on stage. You stand to the side and cheer loudly as your girlfriend gets on the stage. Tension slowly builds as the man reads of the kings name first before holding the envelope with the queen’s name in it.
Silence takes over the crowd as principal Duvall announces Cady as the queen of Spring Fling. When the girl gets on the stage, you notice she’s not dressed for the dance at all. The casual attire with a letterman jacket seems like a change of pace for her.
She takes the microphone and starts to apologize publicly to everyone she has wronged. She breaks the crown into pieces sharing it with the girls on stage. She also throws some pieces into the crowd before getting off the stage.
The ginger makes her way over to you and hands you a piece of the plastic crown, “Glad you could make it.”
You smile at her, “That was probably the corniest shit I have ever seen, but you seemed like an actual human being on that stage.”
“Learned from the best. I’m going to go talk to Janis, but I’ll see you around?”
“Definitely,” you reassure her and watch as she goes off to continue righting her wrongs.
Regina comes not too long after Cady goes. She leans her back against you lightly and you wrap an arm around her.
“I'm ready for summer,” she mentions offhandedly.
She tilts her back to look up at you, “I'm ready to sit on the beach and relax with my extremely hot girlfriend.”
Her eyes sparkle as they peer into yours. This moment feels like it could last forever. You get to be with the Regina George in a room where anyone can see. Yet you resonate with her words deeply. Nothing sounds quite as good as having the girl all to yourself, soaking up the sun. You can almost see the book in your hand while the blonde rests her head in your lap.
“Me too.”
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meangirls-imagines · 1 year ago
Rest and Relaxation
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"who's that?"
"that is the queen bee regina george. do not look her in the eye. she can smell fear."
cady rolled her eyes at damian giggling. in the small amount of time that she had known him, he had been very dramatic. janis also rolled her eyes. "she can't smell fear. but he is right, don't look her in the eyes." cady watched as the blonde girl walked up to her table holding cheese fries, sitting next to the girl that damian said "has hair full of secrets".
there was a thud as the trio turned spotting a girl struggling to carry her backpack, books, and lunch. the girl looked over at the trio, noticing janis and damian and shyly waved. they all waved back and watched as she stumbled past them.
"who's that?" damian shook his head. "that's y/n, regina's girlfriend." cady looked at the two shocked. she didn't think regina was gay. "really? she's so...shy." janis nodded as they watched y/n finally make it to the plastics table. regina's face lit up at the sight of her girlfriend. y/n smiled back and sat next to the blonde, unloading everything on the table. regina pulled y/n into a kiss, making the girl blush.
"hi baby. how is your day going?" y/n blushed deeper at the petname. "its going fine gina. i just have a lot of work to do." y/n was a nerd in the best sense. she had the highest gpa of the whole school, she was a mathlete, and she was in all advanced classes. she also had a really bad habit of overworking herself. regina hated watching her girlfriend burn out so she did her best to step in before it got bad.
"how about you come to my house with us after school? we can do a spa day for you. get you to relax a little. i know how stressed you've been." y/n's heart melted at her girlfriend's worry. as much as she wanted to do that, she had a mathletes meeting after school followed by sat prep until late at night.
y/n shook her head. "i wish i could gina, but i have mathletes until 4 and then sat prep until 8 and then i still have to finish my essay." regina sighed, scooting closer and scratching y/n's back to get her to relax a little. their moment was ruined when y/n's brother shane walked up to them. "ladies, nice to see you guys today. y/n, chris was wondering if you could possibly look over his history paper and see if its good enough for at least a b minus."
regina was about to speak up when y/n beat her to it. "yeah, just give it to me before i go to mathletes and tell him i'll have it back to him by tomorrow morning." shane smiled and ruffled his sister's hair, placing a brief kiss on her head. "thanks sis. i'll let him know." y/n smiled as her brother walked away. regina looked at her girlfriend worriedly. y/n shook her head. "it's fine gina. i'll be okay."
the bell rang, dismissing lunch as y/n stuffed all of her things in her backpack, kissing regina and heading off to her next class. gretchen watched regina deflate as y/n walked away. she put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "she'll be fine regina." the blonde sighed. "i hope you're right."
y/n sighed as she opened her locker the next morning. she didn't get home until late last night and woke up earlier than usual to go with shane to football practice to give chris his essay and finish up any homework she missed the night before. she was exhausted and just wanted to go home. unfortunately for her, the world doesn't work like that and it was only going to get much worse.
for backstory, regina and y/n had been friends since 4th grade. regina had been very protective over the girl since they first met all those years ago. they met when regina stepped in and stopped a few boys from shoving y/n around. and since then, nothing had changed. regina was just as if not more protective over the girl. they had come out at the end of 8th grade which just boosted the protectiveness. ever since they came out as a couple, less people picked on y/n, though there were some who just didn't get the message.
enter ian. who had harbored a major crush on regina even after she came out. he was the stereotypical high school male. he was the captain of the basketball team, he was ripped, he was hot and every girl in north shore (except the plastics and y/n) wanted him. he felt like he was a better match for regina than y/n was and never failed to make his opinion shown every once in a while.
regina and the plastics hadn't made it to school yet and shane was in the locker room so this was his perfect opportunity. he and a couple of his friends walked up to y/n, who was reading over her ap chem homework and not paying attention. "hey there nerd. i see your guard dog isn't here." y/n rolled her eyes. "no ian, regina isn't here yet. can i help you with something?"
that was apparently the wrong thing to say as ian slapped the papers out of her hand and shoved her against a the locker next to her. at this point, people had started recording on their phones. y/n winced at the impact as the group of boys started laughing. "you don't get to have an attitude with me nerd. i think you forget where you fall on this food chain. allow me to remind you."
he brought his fist back to swing at y/n but the punch never came. the only thing y/n saw of her savior was pink nails before she was let go and ian was flying the other way. y/n looked up to see an angry regina flanked by an equally angry karen and gretchen. the two obviously weren't as close to y/n as regina was but they also had a protectiveness over her.
ian looked up scared as his friends fled the scene. karen and gretchen helped y/n pick her stuff up and dusted her off. ian shrunk in fear as regina towered over him. "i don't think you understand where you fall on this food chain, but allow me to remind YOU. you do not compare to y/n. she is so far above you that you don't even exist in her world. that being said, if i ever see you mess with her again, you will be finished."
he nodded and scrambled away. regina looked at the crowd that had formed. "anyone else have a problem with my girlfriend?" the crowd scattered as everyone went back to what they were doing. regina smirked victoriously before pulling y/n into an empty classroom, karen and gretchen standing guard outside.
regina looked over y/n for any injuries before y/n's grabbed her shaky hands and kissed both of them softly. "i'm okay, gina. just a little shaken up." regina let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding before pulling y/n into her arms. "i'm so sorry i wasn't there. i couldn't find my keys before we left so it put us behind-" y/n pressed her lips to regina's. the blonde instantly calmed as the two kissed, y/n being the first to pull away. "breathe babe. i'm okay. he's not going to mess with me again."
regina nodded and pulled y/n into another kiss, this one quicker than the last. "will you please come over after school today? i wanna take care of you. it's the weekend so you can stay the whole weekend while i help you relax. please." y/n nodded. "if it will make you feel better, yes." regina smiled and pecked y/n's lips. "good. i wasn't taking no for an answer. now, let me walk you to class?" y/n nodded and the two made their way out of the room.
regina stood against her jeep, waiting for y/n. karen and gretchen had hitched rides from shane so that way regina could take her girl straight home.the front doors to the school opened to reveal an exhausted looking y/n. regina's heart broke at the sight of the girl, she looked more exhausted than she did when the blonde saw her at lunch.
y/n shuffled to the jeep, regina grabbing her backpacks and throwing them in the backseat (carefully of course) before helping y/n into the passenger seat. regina walked around and got in, holding y/n's hand and kissing it. the girl sent her a sleepy smile and leaned her head against the window.
regina made it to her house in record time. she left the girl's bags in her car, making a mental note to ask her dad to grab them later. she helped y/n in the house and to her room, gently laying her on her huge bed. "stay right here baby. i'm gonna go run us a bath." y/n sleepily nodded, nuzzling into regina's pillow.
five minutes later, regina came out in a fluffy, pink robe, gently shaking y/n awake. "come on baby. let's get you in the bath." y/n stirred and nodded. the blonde helped her to her feet, gently pulling her into the bathroom. from there, she slowly took y/n's clothes off, head to toe. regina then got into the tub and guided y/n in, holding her to her chest.
the couple stayed in the bath for about half an hour before regina decided to get them out. luckily, y/n had been over to the blonde's house enough that she had her own little section in regina's massive closet. regina grabbed a hoodie and a pink pair of boxers for y/n and a hoodie for herself before getting them both dressed and into the bed.
y/n sunk into the soft mattress as regina gently maneuvered her to lay her head on her chest. y/n kissed regina's jaw and nuzzled into her neck. regina began scratching her nails down y/n's back. "take a nap and then when you wake up, i'll make you some dinner, and then maybe followed by dessert and a massage?"
y/n nodded before fully drifting off.
a few hours later, y/n woke up to the smell of her favorite pasta. she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stretched, getting out of bed and heading downstairs. she found regina cooking dinner with her "y/n❤️" playlist playing softly from her speaker. y/n smiled at how soft the queen bee looked before walking up and wrapping her arms around the blonde's waist.
regina smiled at the feel of her girlfriend snuggling into her back, turning the burner off and turning around. "hi baby. sleep good?" y/n nodded, pressing her lips to regina's. "what's for dinner?" regina smiled and pecked y/n's lips before explaining. "i made your favorite, cacio e pepe, some salad and garlic bread, and for dessert i made a lemon tiramisu. and after we are done eating, i am giving you a massage to get the stress of the week and especially today out of that sexy body of yours and we are going to cuddle up on my bed and watch some love is blind and you are going to sleep for more than five hours."
y/n smiled at her girlfriend, already feeling the stress of the week melt away. regina always took care of her when she needed it and she couldn't be more grateful to have her as her girlfriend. "god, i love you." regina blushed and kissed y/n's cheek. "i love you too. now, let's eat."
after they ate dinner and dessert, regina ordered y/n to take off her shirt and lay face down on the bed while she slipped in the bathroom. y/n did as told and winced a little before tossing the shirt off to the side and laying down. regina came out and lit a few candles before dropping the oil and bruise cream on the bed. she straddled y/n's lower back and gently ran her hands down the girl's back.
she leaned down and kissed y/n's shoulder gently. y/n sighed at the feel of the blonde's lips and whispered, "i love you gina." regina smiled, grabbing the bruise cream and started applying it to the newly forming bruises on y/n's back. "i love you too baby."
after a very, very, relaxing massage, y/n laid in between regina's legs as they watched "love is blind". regina had her fingers running through y/n's hair, scratching her scalp with her acrylics. y/n was drawing shapes on regina's stomach, the blonde girl shivering every once in a while. after a few episodes, regina asked y/n if she wanted anything to drink before realizing y/n was asleep. smiling, she carefully reached over to the nightstand to grab her phone, taking a picture of y/n.
she took to instagram to post the picture, smiling at the amount of cute comments their friends were leaving. she put her phone back and gently guided her and y/n into a more comfortable position. once comfy, she placed a gentle kiss on y/n's forehead, slowly drifting off.
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tabbedtabby · 10 months ago
good luck, babe! | chapter 1
regina george x reader
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summary: After the Queen Bee of North Shore makes up rumors about you taking pictures of girls in the changing room, you decide to take matters into your own hands. You didn’t think that would mean coming to a reluctant agreement with Regina George.
a/n: if you couldn’t tell from the title, this fic is inspired by “good luck, babe!” by chappell roan. if you’ve never heard it, definitely check it out. updates will most likely be weekly. i don’t know how some of y’all have the time to update every day lol. as a general warning for the whole fic, it will contain homophobia, derogatory language, substance abuse, and unhealthy relationships. other than that thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy this first chapter!!
Entering your third year of high school, you assumed you knew everything there was to know about North Shore.
Well, at least, how to steer clear of infamy. More specifically, Regina George and her shadows that followed her around like a pair of lost dogs. You knew the trouble and attention they brought with them, a constant trail of destruction that was almost as potent as the stench of their perfume. The secret to avoiding it was as simple as straying from the limelight. You kept to your group, stayed quiet, kept your head down. Didn’t do anything wild enough to trigger Regina’s predatory instincts. You couldn’t say you were afraid of her and her group, but honestly, harassment is the last thing you need as North Shore’s token plug. It would be plain stupid to garner more attention to yourself than necessary.
But even with all of that in mind, here you are, sitting in the principal’s office with enough anger in your chest to probably strangle the man sitting in front of you. Because you didn’t even fucking do what you’re being penalized for. But guess who told Mr. Duvall that you were taking pictures of girls changing in gym? Regina George. She could make up whatever she wanted and even the authority figures at this school would treat it like it was the holy grail. You stare at him with venom in your eyes as he explains to you that you will have to be suspended. For something you didn’t even do.
Regina was in your gym class. You had heard around that she was spreading rumors about you being a lesbian, but that’s not new information to literally anyone, so you didn’t especially care. Then people started giving you disgusted looks in the hallways, calling you some really nasty names, and even some of your close female friends started to avoid you. You didn’t know why until about 10 minutes ago. Apparently, you were the last person to know about your supposed photo collection.
When Mr. Duvall finally lets you leave, you feel the rage boil up inside of you before you can stop it. You’re going to get in so much trouble at home, and for what? Because the world’s most spoiled brat decided your reputation was the one to ruin this week? Does she even realize how her rumors can affect people? Obviously not, because she does it all the fucking time.
You’re way late to lunch, but the moment you step into that cafeteria, it’s like a wild dog being released into the ring. You skip on the lunch line and head straight towards the table where you see Karen Shetty and Gretchen Wieners talking with wide eyes to the blonde head of hair with her back to you. Regina. You lock on like a target, not glancing at anything else surrounding you. Your hands are bunched into fists at your sides as the anger rises up in your throat like bile. How dare she? How dare she completely make up this bullshit about you, get you suspended because of it? And why hasn’t anyone actually done something about it?
You see her turn around. Two ice blue eyes look up at you. Disgusted, maybe even a little confused as she sees you approaching her table. Because no one ever dares enter her territory. She thinks she’s above that. She doesn’t look at you more than a second, though, before your hands are ripping her off the bench by the collar of her shirt.
“What the fuck is your problem?” you practically snarl, your arms already dragging her towards the wall as you slam her against it. Your hands still grip the collar of her shirt, your anger almost palpable. You hear what you think to be Gretchen scream. The cafeteria descends into chaos around you. You don’t care. The only thing you’re concerned about is what’s in front of you right now.
Regina doesn’t even look slightly bothered. In fact, she cocks an eyebrow. Her eyes seem to glow with that malice now. Your hands grip the fabric of her shirt even tighter.
“Oh, no, did I hit a nerve?” she laughs, her eyes looking you over with a newfound disgust. Like you’re simply a piece of trash a wild animal found out it could not digest and spit back up. Like you’re beneath her. You hate the woman, but it’s almost impressive how controlled she is in moments like these.
“You’re just proving me right, you know. Just admit you’re the weird freak that everyone knows you are. I can’t stand a closet lesbo.” she sneers, pushing her face close enough to yours that you can feel her breath on your face.
Something in you snaps when she says those words. Because it’s not even true, and you’re the only person who seems to believe that. The anger’s hot in your chest. Its flames seem to carry your arms as you ball your right hand into a fist.
And you punch the Queen Bee of North Shore directly in the eye.
Your suspension was extended. Obviously.
You spend the next 2 weeks cleaning the house until your fingers peel and keeping up with your school work on your computer. People are talking about your fight with Regina all over Instagram and Regina’s acting like a total victim about the whole thing. People sending her their condolences and all that bullshit. As if she was dying and didn’t only get one punch to the face before someone pulled you off of her. It was your health teacher from last year; he seemed a little too eager to grab you and pull you off of Regina.
When you return to school, it seems people still believe those rumors about you taking pictures of girls in the changing rooms, because your peers are giving you the same sort of looks as before. They clear away from you when you walk past, but not in the worshipful kind of way they do for Regina. More like they’re disgusted to be around you.
Some people are impressed you stood up to her, though. You’re the first of your time. Janis ‘Imi’ike from your AP Lit class gives you a high five in the morning and you give her a big grin in return.
You see Regina in your gym class after lunch, and she looks as good as new. You’re a little disappointed. You kind of wanted to see her with that bright purple bruise on her eye that you’d seen all over Instagram. But there she was, looking like the perfectly crafted Barbie doll that she always seemed to be. Not even a stand of flawless blonde hair out of place. It made you mad. It’s like you did it all for nothing.
To your surprise, though, Regina ignores you. She doesn’t whisper to her minions while giving you dirty looks from across the room, doesn’t send them after you with a raise of her finger. It’s like you’re invisible to her. Honestly, you prefer it that way. You’re tired enough of this whole situation as it is. It’s a godsend she’s not making it worse today.
Coach Carr takes you all outside since it’s one of the last warm days until fall. You stick your Airpods in and walk the track, still keeping an eye on Regina. It’s not like her to not torment someone who got suspended because of one of her rumors. You don’t trust it at all, but she seems content with pretending you don’t exist. Since Karen and Gretchen aren’t in this class with her, Regina resorts to talking to the girls who aren’t quite Plastic, but are still high enough on the social pyramid for Regina to tolerate. You roll your eyes as they mindlessly follow her lead like a pack of lion cubs.
After a couple of minutes, you get bored and sneak off to the woods surrounding the track. Your coach wasn’t the most attentive person in the world, so it was pretty easy. You needed to smoke or you were going to go insane. You take an Airpod out and grab the cart out of your bra. Have to keep it non-suspicious.
You only plan on taking a few hits since it’s so concentrated and you still have another class after this. You come out here so much that you don’t even think about it. Until you hear a voice behind you.
“Are you smoking weed?”
Your neck nearly snaps when you whip your head around. Your heart sinks back down to your chest from your throat when you see Regina George standing there instead of Coach Carr.
“Jesus, what the fuck?” you immediately respond, your voice wavering a bit as you hadn’t even considered someone had seen you slip out. The weed had just started to hit and you could feel it amplify the fear in your chest, even though Regina wasn’t technically immediate danger. Although, your heart begins to race faster as you realize she will definitely try to get you in deeper shit because of this.
Regina begins to open her mouth before you immediately cut her off. “Before you go and tell everyone on this side of the country, everyone already knows. It’s not gonna do anything to ruin my reputation.” Your voice shakes similarly to your legs out of the pure shock of her finding you. You hate feeling cornered, but after your little tussle with her, you know how badly Regina must want to destroy you. Her eyes stare at you unflinchingly, unaffected by what you said. She looks smug enough to make you nervous. You don’t know if it’s because of the weed or your pounding chest, but it seems like minutes pass before Regina says anything else.
“What about Mr. Duvall? Does he know?” Fuck. You’re not getting out of this, are you? Your mouth begins to dry, the spit thick on your tongue as you think of a response. Your dad was already mad enough at you. You didn’t need this.
“No. But I can’t imagine it’ll go well for you if you tell him. I sell to half the school, including Karen. Everyone will be pissed if I get caught.” you respond, already feeling defeated, but you keep your tone searing. You’re taller than her; hopefully it makes you intimidating enough for her to have mercy. Regina doesn’t respond right away. All she does is raise an eyebrow, a smug smirk on one side of her mouth as you watch her consider her options. She’s flawlessly gorgeous in a way that’s enviable. But you kind of need her to not take away your source of income.
“Look, I smoke behind the baseball field every day after school. I’ll give you some for free if you just keep your damn mouth shut for once.” Your voice is almost pleading now. You wish she wasn’t so dead-set on ruining your life.
Time only gets slower as Regina’s smirk begins to widen. It’s a win-win situation for her, and she knows it.
“Fine. But you better not try to kiss me or anything.” she says slowly, spitting out the words like they’re poisonous.
You feel the relief pool in your stomach as soon as you hear those words. It must be obvious by the look on your face, because Regina laughs at you. She has that angry, disgusted sort of look in her eyes that you can’t quite figure out the reason for. It’s a shame because she’s so beautiful. Your body takes multiple seconds to keep up with your thoughts until a question crosses your mind.
“Did you follow me?” you ask, your voice a little too loud as you see her head turn back around.
“Obviously. I knew you weren’t sneaking off to do anything good,” she shoots back, the repugnant expression back on her face. She curls her lip at you before stalking off back to the track field, blonde hair flowing behind her.
How the hell did she even see you leave? Maybe you weren’t the only one paying attention to what the other was doing after your fight with her. But, why? Did she seriously think you were going to try and swing at her on your first day back?
You guess you’ll find out at 3:00P.M. behind the baseball field.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 8 months ago
Hiii!! Im not sure if you take requests but if you do could you write something for regina goerge (2024) x fen reader please? Thank you
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[Mean Girls: 2024] Regina George x Female Reader
Summary: Upon growing closer and ultimately becoming official with Regina, you finally understand the saying that home can be a person.
Word Count: 1.76k Content Warnings: A very brief mention of sex Category: Heavy Fluff || One-shot + Preference
[A/N]: I've been wanting to write for her ever since I saw the movie, so thank you for requesting this! I hope you'll like what I was able to come up with. The last part of it was more of a drabble, but overall this was fun to write.
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“Rough day?” Regina had asked you once you seated yourself in the passenger side of her jeep. You blinked, surprised she had already taken notice of your slumped and fatigued demeanor, but you responded regardless. “Yeah, it just felt like today went on forever. I didn’t think eighth period was ever going to end,” you murmured, smirking to yourself, amused. Regina, when you glanced up at her, was frowning at your words. She ignored Gretchen’s request to hurry up so they can get away from the school and instead took hold of your hand, giving it a small squeeze.
Before shifting into reverse and backing out, she lifted your hand up to her lips and pressed a small kiss against the backs of your knuckles. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make sure you can relax. It’s the weekend now, so you don’t need to worry about anything.” You hummed and nodded, face slightly flustered from her actions. She shot a grin your way before her attention focused in on the road ahead of her.
Like usual, the Plastics were going to meet up at Regina’s house after classes, just as they always had. Karen and Gretchen planned on informing their Queen Bee Regina about the latest gossip they had heard, though you already knew they had made half of it up just to stir the pot around school. You generally paid no mind to them when they started talking about drama. You couldn’t understand why Regina was so interested in it all – sure, it helped her gain the upper hand here and there, but it hurt so many people in the process.
You grimaced to yourself when you looked out the window, the soreness from the day already creeping up on you and causing you grief. With your focus pointed outside at the passing terrain, you hadn’t taken notice of how Regina peeked over at you, clearly having heard your small hiss of pain when you turned your head. As Cady and the other two Plastics blabbered on about god-knows-what in the backseat, Regina kept her worry centered on you. After you flinched again from hardly moving your limbs, she huffed, making up her mind.
“I’m gonna drop you guys off,” she announced to the girls in the back, who all stared at her for a moment, purely dumbfounded. “What?” Gretchen started, “But we always go to your house after school. You promised we could come today.” “Well, I changed my mind. I’m dropping you off at your houses instead.” Once again, Gretchen tried to argue against this sudden decision, though a sharp glare from Regina quickly forced her to press her lips shut again. She groaned and slouched down into her seat, causing Regina to roll her eyes.
Curiously, you eyed her from your seat. She felt your attention on her and glanced over at you from the corner of her own eye, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Gently, she squeezed your hand. A silent promise that it would be alright soon.
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Almost immediately after making your way into Regina’s bedroom, you spotted one of her shirts draped over the back of the chair stationed at her desk. With a small smile, you plucked it from its original spot and hoisted it over your head, pulling it down over your body and sighing when the scent of her perfume met your senses. Always a comforting smell for you, which she was very much aware of. Each time you came by, she made sure to spray on a little extra.
Your feet led you over to her bed after you kicked your shoes off. Regina was still downstairs, briefly mentioning to her mom that you were going to be staying for the entire weekend. Her mom put up no argument, like usual, and you soon weren’t alone in the room anymore. You had situated yourself on your side of the bed, bundling up against her pillows while you mindlessly scrolled through your phone, and she could feel strings tugging at her heart at the sight, a prideful grin painting her lips.
She joined you on the bed after changing into more comfortable clothes: sweatpants, a loose t-shirt, and the fuzzy socks you had gotten her for her birthday a few months prior. She climbed onto the mattress, sighing at the relief the plushness provided her. Wordlessly, she shuffled until her hip met yours. Her arm slung itself over your shoulder and pulled you to her until your head was resting against her own, then her head dropped to rest on top of yours. Soothingly, her hand ran itself up and down your arm, and her soft lips pressed a chaste kiss to your temple.
Moments like these were what you cherished most. There was no drama to listen to, no prying eyes from other students, no snarky remarks directed your way, no stressful work to deal with. Here, in Regina’s arms, you were able to unwind and feel safe. As she tugged her phone off of her nightstand to click through TikTok, her other hand slid up to your scalp, nails dancing slowly through your hair in such a heavenly way that you couldn’t help but feel your eyes instantly flutter shut at the sensation. When you hummed in satisfaction, she grinned, then pressed another kiss to your skin.
“Ew, why are you back on my feed?” She suddenly questioned beside you. Puzzled, your eyes pried themselves open to glance at her phone, unsure if she was talking to you or not. Thankfully, she was talking about a random girl from school. You couldn’t help but snicker and watch as she immediately tapped the “Not Interested” option and continued her journey through her page. Upon hearing your small laugh, she let out her own and glanced at you.
“What?” Was her question, soft and playful, accompanied by an amused smile as she studied over your features. “Nothing. I just wasn’t expecting you to talk. I thought you were about to fall asleep. I know I am,” you explained, mirroring her smirk.
She shrugged and shook her head, briefly turning back to her phone. “I might. This week kind of kicked my ass.” You could only groan at that for a moment. “Yeah, same.”
A heavy sigh unwillingly slipped past your lips, and you didn’t have to look at her to know she was staring back, fueled with concern. Weakly, you rubbed at your eyes before letting them fall shut again. She said nothing, but you heard her phone click off and get placed back down on her nightstand. Her eyes were trained on you, you knew, but you were too exhausted to meet her gaze.
Instead, you focused in on the comfort she was effortlessly provided you with: fingers toying delicately with your locks, her own weight supporting yours, arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders, occasional pecks against the head. You felt your eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment. A quick yawn passed from you before you nestled further against Regina.
“Scoot closer.” Interrupted from your thoughts and once again being pulled away from sleep, you groaned and opened your eyes, looking up at her with confusion. “What?” “Scoot closer.” You did as told without another word. With a bit of effort thanks to your heavy limbs, you managed to slide over onto your side, which she did in return before pulling your head against her chest. Now feeling fully enveloped in her arms, your body went slack, much to your long-awaited relief. As her hand returned to play with your hair, she shuffled for a bit, trying to get comfortable.
Finally, she settled with a sigh of her own.
“I love you. You know that, right?” She murmured against your head, speech slightly slurred from her own exhaustion. You nodded. “I love you too.” Her nails drug effortlessly against the nape of your neck as she let out a yawn. “If you ever just want us to be alone after school, or… actually, whenever, all you have to do is tell me. I’m gonna get annoyed with Karen and Gretchen anyway, and Cady’s starting to get on my nerves too, so it would be nice to spend more time alone with you.”
A grin broke out across your lips. “Okay.” Silently, you wondered to yourself if she had ever been this soft to anyone before. When you had first gotten together with her, you worried she was going to treat you like she had done to everyone else. However, much to your relief, instead of being met with cold glances and meaningless sex, you found yourself constantly being showered in genuine compliments, longing gazes, soft touches, and plenty of promises for the future.
As she held you in her arms, you couldn’t help but tear up a little, truly feeling safe and secure with every bit of her warmth wrapped around you. Digging your nails into her shirt and burying your face into the soft fabric, you sniffled, which immediately caused her to tense and lean back to look you in the eye. “Woah, baby, what’s wrong?” You laughed and shook your head, the sight of your smile easing her tensed form. “Nothing at all. They’re good tears, I promise.”
Briefly, she eyed you, wanting to ensure you were being truthful. When you softened your gaze and smiled wider, she sighed, nodding and pulling you back against her chest.
Sleepily, Regina huffed out a small chuckle and closed her eyes. “Why’re you wearing my shirt by the way?” She questioned softly. You blushed, one of your hands instinctively slipping down to toy with the collar of said shirt and tug it up to your face. “It just… brings me comfort. That’s all.” You paused. “Is it a bad thing that I’m wearing it?” A quick shake of her head settled your nerves, though she further soothed you anyway. “Of course not. It looks good on you, baby. You should wear my stuff more often.”
You giggled. “I’ll keep that in mind,” you murmured in reply. It only took a few moments before you felt her melt into you. With your head rested against her chest, you were able to feel her breathing even out, slow down, then deepen, signaling she had finally fallen asleep. You yawned, knowing you were going to follow suit shortly after.
Your fingers dug in a little deeper to her shirt as you pulled yourself as close as possible to her. As your eyes fluttered shut, you hummed. “I love you.”
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engr4veq · 2 months ago
《 Over Your Head.. 🍿🌸
Regina George x reader
Warnings: Absolutely nothing except fluff. 🍦
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The click of heels echo off of polished tiles as the three of the plastics walk beside you. Their chatter only adds to the brief passing of multiple conversations from the other people in the mall, and the occasional sound of a child making noise. You were forced into a shopping day with the plastics, and you didn’t really mind because you got to see the gorgeous blonde queen bee, Regina George. As you walk, they gossip about something you’re ‘out of the loop’ with before Regina looks over her shoulder at you. She studies you for a moment.
“You’re quiet today…” She said, her eyes narrowing slightly as she slowed her pace to match yours. Karen and Gretchen were a few steps ahead, giggling over a display they saw at a boutique ahead.
You shook your head, giving her a faint smile. “It’s nothing.” You said.
“Oh my god! Isn’t that like so cute?” Karen said as she pointed at a dress on display, Gretchen nodding in agreement. “Yes! It would look so fetch on you!”
Regina glanced at the dress, barely catching the colour before the looked at you again. Your eyes flickered up to meet hers in question. She tilted her head and smirked. “Oh, come on. You can tell me.” She said, leaning closer as her shoulder brushes against you, her voice playful on purpose. “I mean, if I were the reason you’re distracted, you could just say so.”
You blink at her and shake your head. “Distracted..? What are you talking about?”
Her smirk faltered for a split second before she recovered, leaning in slightly again. “Yeah. Like, maybe I’m.. too much to handle..” She teases and raises a brow, letting out a slight laugh.
You furrow your brows. “Too much to what? Are you talking about the thing Karen pointed out earlier, because I wasn’t looking..”
Regina paused mid step and looked at you as if you were hopeless. “Wow,” She said, her voice mocking offence. “Way to kill my vibe.”
Regina then smirks again, opening her mouth to speak before Karen chimes in.
“Regina, which one should I paint my nails with later?” Karen tilts her head, showing a nail polish set.
Regina dismisses her and glances at you again. “Whatever, Karen. Either one is fine. Ask Gretchen.”
She then turns to you with a small shake of her head, her entertainment faint in her eyes. “You know,” She glances at your lips, “You’re so oblivious, it’s almost cute.”
“What?” You look up from your phone, not paying attention.
“Nothing.” She shoots back and shrugs her shoulders before smirking. “Come on, let’s go find more stuff.”
You nod and follow her.
The moon casted a soft glow on the streets below, some even seeping into Regina’s room. After coming back from shopping earlier today, the blonde’s room smelled of popcorn and fruity lip gloss, but instead of the regular music from the stereo, you all decided to watch a horror movie. Gretchen, Karen, Regina and you lounge comfortably on Regina’s bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets. The dim light from the laptop casts a faint glow on all of your faces in the darkness of the room. Gretchen thought it was a good idea to turn off the lights claiming it would be more ‘fetch.’
“Why are we watching horror anyway..” Regina asks herself as her leg brushes against yours from her shifting.
“Gretchen, can you like pass the popcorn?” Karen hums from under her blanket as she hugs Gretchen’s arm, a bit scared. Gretchen places a bowl of popcorn between them and rubs soothing circles on the brunettes shoulder.
The tension starts to build in a certain scene. The characters appear to be walking in a cemetery in the dead of a winter night.
“Oh my god, WHY would you go there?!” Gretchen cringes and bites her nails slightly. Karen’s face twists into subtle fear and Regina’s brows knit as she shuffles closer to you, clearly uncomfortable.
“Guys maybe we should watch something—” Karen’s voice trails off as everyone stiffens.
There was a twist, then a crack.
Suddenly, the rotting face of a dead character flashes on screen and before you could even register the shock, several shrieks and curses are heard throughout the bedroom. You widen your eyes as Regina tightly grips your arm, her freshly painted nails biting into your skin as she pulls you closer to her. The momentum makes your hand land on her thigh as you stiffen, your heart rate spiking. Karen flinches and clings onto Gretchen, as the brunette does the same to her. You don’t even register the jump-scare, too focused blonde’s proximity.
“Shit..” Regina sighs and leans away slightly before clearing her throat and flipping her hair over her shoulder, “Oh my god, that was NOT okay..” Regina mutters, trying to play off her scream. “I don’t like horror movies..” Karen still stares wide eyed at the screen even with Gretchen’s hair running through her hair and glances at you noticing you barely reacted.
“Woah.. You barely even like flinched? That’s so fetch! Right, Regina?” Gretchen said.
No, you definitely flinched. Its was just.. internal.
You feel the blonde tense and give Gretchen a sharp glare, still not having moved away from you since the jump-scare.
Gretchen and Karen knew about Regina’s crush on you for a few months now. They giggle at her every attempt to flirt with you, but most of it doesn’t click for you.
“Gretchen, ‘fetch’ isn’t going to happen.” Regina scoffs, avoiding the question. You glance up at her as you move your hand from her thigh. She feels the shift in weight and locks eyes with you, smirking. You feel the pressure of your heart beat more prominent on your chest.
“Thanks not for not screaming, loser.” She said, her voice mocking you as if it were a compliment, twirling a lock of your hair in between her painted finger tips. You nod quickly, not trusting yourself not to have a voice crack.
Hearing snippets of the conversation, Karen looks over her shoulder and freezes, her eyes going wide as she took in the scene. “Oh my god,” she whispered and nudged Gretchen, who looked up, her jaw dropped slightly.
“Regina,” Gretchen said slowly, snapping the blonde out of her trance, “What— are you doing?”
Regina didn’t even glance at them.
“Nothing,” she said casually, letting the strand of your hair slip from her fingers like it was a normal occurrence for her, but you noticed a tint of pink dust her cheeks.
Karen grinned, her eyes flickering between the two of you as if she’s watching a show. “Are you, like, flirting with her right now?”
“I’m not flirting.” Regina snapped, finally looking at Karen with a warning glare, but her cheeks were still red.
Gretchen smirked, enjoying herself a bit too much. “Sure you’re not,” She muttered under her breath, also earning a glare from the blonde.
You blinked, pausing the movie as you look up at the exchange, “Wait— what’s happening?”
“Nothing.” Regina says quickly before Gretchen and Karen can say anything else.
Karen, never the one to ‘read the room’ leans closer to Gretchen and fake whispers. “She totally has a crush..”
“KAREN!” Regina hissed and glared at the blonde again before getting up and storming out the room.
“Wait? Crush? On who?” You widen your eyes as the sparkle with curiosity. Gretchen looks dumbfounded.
“Oh my god, are you being serious?” She huffs out a laugh as Karen giggles.
“What..” You sit up straighter, looking confused, “Tell me.”
“It’s like obviously.. you.” Karen giggles again and you blank for a few seconds. You feel your face warm up and furrow your brows.
“What— no.” You mutter.
“What— yes! It was so obvious!” Gretchen says and sits up straight before resting her hands on both of your shoulders.
“You need to go and talk to her.” Gretchen says as she shakes your shoulders. You hear Karen chanting ‘Do it’ in the background and shift slightly.
Both girls squeal and follow you out of the bedroom, our footsteps quiet. Gretchen’s hands are on your shoulders and Karen’s hands are on Gretchen’s shoulders as you descend the staircase. You look to the side and catch a glimpse of blonde hair in the kitchen. Gretchen lightly pushes me forward as we all peek from behind the wall. She leans against the counter with crossed arms, her pink tank top and shorts hugging her body as the moonlight traces her jaw. Her lashes flutter as she looks at the ground, her blonde hair frames her face, and her lips are fixed into a frown.
Your heart stops.
You feel a push and hear the retreating rush of footsteps and giggles as the two run away. You stiffen as Regina’s eyes snap to you. You swallow and watch her straighten up.
“Hey..” She mutters, her voice soft as she looks at you.
You looked like an idiot. Your mouth opened, but nothing comes out. You just feel your face warm up again.
“They told you, didn’t they.” Regina said as she fully leans off of the counter and walks towards you. When she stood close, she tilted her head and took in your flustered face.
“Yeah..” You swallow and let out a slight exhale. “I.. You like me..?”
Regina glances at your lips for a second before clearing her throat and nodding with confidence. “Yeah. I do.”
You smile slightly at her and nod. “I like you too, bee.”
Regina’s eyes light up, and her heart flutters at the nickname, but only for a moment before she masked it with a smirk. “Of course you do.”
You furrowed your brows, your heart sinking a bit. “Uh.. What..?”
Regina rolls her eyes dramatically, stepping closer again. The scent of her perfume sends you into a daze, making it hard to focus. “I mean, come on. Look at me.” She said and gestured to herself, “I’d be concerned if you didn’t like me.”
Your heart picks up pace again and you nod. “U- uhm— Yeah, mhm..”
“Relax,” she whispered, placing a hand on your arm, “I was kidding. Mostly.”
She leaned in slightly more, her smirk softening into a genuine smile. “So, you really like me..”
You shiver a bit and nod, your saliva getting stuck in your throat. “Yeah— I do.”
Her smile widened, not being the usual sharpness. “Good.” She said simply, her fingers brushing down your arm before taking your jaw into her fingers.
Your breath hitched as your eyes flicker over her face, lingering on her lips. She chuckled a bit and scratched a finger under your chin before pulling it away.
“Let’s get back to that movie..” She teased as she looked over her shoulder.
Your eyes flickered with disappointment, but it disappears as she quickly presses her lips against yours. The kiss was fleeting, but you two couldn’t stay in the kitchen forever.
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xtra7s · 1 year ago
Can I request Regina x Reader where she catches Regina cheating (like in the movie) and reader takes her back angst to fluff please
𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡'𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭
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Pairing: Regina George x Fem!reader
Synopsis: Regina gets caught cheating on her girlfriend.
Content: angst, cheating, stuff idk help
Word Count: 2.2k
a/n: not proofread, the gif is from my own video
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Regina George, the queen bee of North Shore High, ruled with an iron fist and a cunning smile. She was a force to be reckoned with, her every move calculated and precise. Just like her perfectly styled hair and impeccable wardrobe, her dominance over the student body was effortless. They were all mere pawns in her game, following her lead blindly as she basked in their adoration like a true monarch. To them, she was untouchable, untamable, and utterly irresistible.
And then there was her girlfriend. Y/N YL/N was a star on the girls' basketball team, effortlessly gliding across the court with precision and grace. Unlike Regina, who exuded confidence and charisma, Y/N was quieter and more reserved, but no less powerful in her own right. Her kindhearted nature radiated from her every action, always quick to support and uplift those around her. In contrast to Regina's intense drive for success, Y/N had a calming presence that seemed to melt away any stress or tension. Together, they were the perfect balance of fire and water, challenging and complementing each other in all the best ways.
Breathless from running, Y/N burst into the school courtyard where Karen and Gretchen were lounging on a bench. "Hey, have you guys seen Regina?" she huffed out, her words punctuated by gasps for air. Her eyes frantically scanned the area as she explained, "I have a bus to catch and I wanted to say goodbye to her." Gretchen's face looked like it was about to explode while Karen simply tilted her head in curious confusion. Y/N's heart raced as she waited for their response, knowing that time was ticking away before she had to leave.
"Pretty sure she was heading towards the janit-" Karen began to explain, but her voice was cut short as Gretchen abruptly slapped her in the stomach, halting her explanation. Confusion and annoyance knitted across Karen's features as she stumbled back a step. "But I saw her heading towards-" she started to protest, but Gretchen's urgent grip on her hand pulled her away from Y/N before she could finish. The sound of their hurried footsteps echoed in the empty hallway, echoing off the cold walls and sending shivers down Y/N's spine.
A knot of unease tightened in Y/N's stomach as she hurried down the hallway toward the janitor's closet. Her footsteps echoed against the tiled floor, each step a reminder of her mounting anxiety. She reached the door and knocked, the sound echoing through the empty corridor. "Just a sec!" came Regina's voice from inside. Y/N took a deep breath before yanking open the door, revealing Regina and Shane Oman hastily throwing on clothes. The scent of sweat and perfume hung heavy in the air, mixing with the musty smell of cleaning supplies that filled the cramped closet. Y/N's jaw clenched as she realized what was happening, her bad feeling becoming a sickening certainty.
With pained expression etched across her features, Y/N's voice trembled as she spoke. "Just wanted to say bye before my away game. We're done." Her tears fell freely as she turned away and hurried down the hallway, the sound of her choking back sobs echoed off the walls. The pain in her heart was palpable, like a weight dragging her down with each step she took.
She returned to the bus, clumsily wiping away her tears with strokes of her sleeve. She made her way down the narrow aisle and took a seat at the back. The warmth of the sun seeping through the windows provided a comforting embrace as she tried to compose herself. Her gaze fell upon the passing scenery, but her thoughts were consumed by the emotions that had overtaken her just moments ago.
The team rallied and emerged victorious in their away game, fueled by Y/N's unexplainable surge of anger and aggression on the field. Despite feeling sluggish and exhausted for the remainder of the trip, she channeled her energy into dominating the game. While her teammates celebrated their win, Y/N retreated to rest and recharge, opting for sleep instead of socializing. The weight of her uncharacteristic outburst lingered, but she couldn't deny the satisfaction of helping lead her team to victory.
With a heavy sigh, she stepped off the bus and pulled her headphones down from her head. She took a moment to steel herself before facing the looming school building in front of her, the one place she never wanted to return to. As she grabbed her duffle bag from under the bus, she turned towards the parking lot and caught sight of Regina leaning against her Jeep, her striking features drawn into a worried frown as she scanned the crowd of students getting off the bus. The sun beat down on them, casting a golden glow over the scene. Y/N noticed the way Regina's blonde hair glinted in the light, like spun gold. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of her former girlfriend, but then she remembered why she had left this place and pushed those thoughts away.
With determination in her stride, Y/N headed towards Regina, ready to face whatever came next.
"What the hell are you doing here, Regina?" Y/N's voice cut through the tense air like a blade, her words dripping with ice as she faced Regina.
Her sharp gaze raked over Regina's body, noting the uncharacteristically subdued attire of the usually showy girl. The tension between them was palpable, crackling like electricity in the air.
The gentle lilt of Regina's voice pierces the tense silence between them. She wears a small, sad smile on her face as she leans against the car door, holding it open for Y/N. "I'm here to drive you home," she says softly, coaxing Y/N to let her in. "Come on, just get in Y/N." She stands with her arms crossed, but Y/N stands with her arms crossed, refusing to budge. Her eyes narrow and she scoffs, turning sharply and striding away from Regina's outstretched hand. The moon casts a cool glow over the scene, highlighting the tension and heartache hanging heavy in the air.
Regina catches up to Y/N, quickly grabbing her hand and tugging her back towards her. "Please just stop being dramatic. Can we please talk? I'm pretty sure I owe you a really embarrassing apology that totally won't make me die inside." Regina speaks softly, tilting her head at Y/N while she stares at the ground. Y/N cracks a small smile, turning it into a straight face as she walks towards Regina's Jeep, sliding into the passenger seat and dropping her bag on the ground of the car.
As soon as Y/N stepped into the passenger seat of Regina's Jeep, she slammed the door shut with a loud thud. She knew that Regina hated when she did that, but it was a small act of rebellion against the girl who had caused her so much pain.
Regina let out a sigh as she climbed into the driver's seat, started the engine, and pulled out of the parking lot. The two girls sat in tense silence for a few minutes before Regina finally spoke up.
"I'm sorry," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know I messed up and hurt you. I regret it every day."
Y/N remained silent for a moment, trying to hold back tears that threatened to spill over at Regina's words. She couldn't deny that she still had feelings for her ex-girlfriend, but she was also angry at her for breaking her heart.
"Why did you do it?" Y/N asked, her voice cracking with emotion.
Regina took a deep breath before answering. "I don't have an excuse, Y/N. I was selfish and so fucking stupid."
"So you just threw our relationship away like it meant nothing?" Y/N spat out bitterly.
"No," Regina said firmly, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "It meant everything to me. But my insecurities got in the way and I made a huge mistake."
Y/N sighed heavily, feeling conflicted about what to do or say next. Part of her wanted to forgive Regina and give their relationship another chance, but another part of her was afraid of getting hurt again.
"I don't know if I can ever trust you again," Y/N admitted quietly.
"I understand," Regina replied sadly. "But please give me another chance to make things right. I promise to be honest with you from now on."
Regina reaches across the center console, holding her hand out for Y/N to take while she keeps her focus on driving, ignoring the tears escaping her eyes. Y/N hesitantly takes it, her hand fitting perfectly in Regina's. Regina runs her thumb over the top of Y/N's hand, parking in the driveway of her own house.
Regina parked in the driveway of her house, still holding onto Y/N's hand tightly. They both sat in the car for a few moments, neither one speaking as they collected their thoughts.
Finally, Y/N turned to look at Regina, her eyes red from tears that she had been holding back. "I want to forgive you," she said softly. "But it's going to take time."
"I understand," Regina replied, squeezing Y/N's hand gently. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."
Y/N nodded and slowly let go of Regina's hand, unbuckling her seatbelt and reaching for her bag on the floor of the car. As she opened the door to get out, Regina quickly got out as well and walked around to open Y/N's door for her.
"Thank you," Y/N said quietly as she got out of the car. Regina nodded and they both walked towards the front door of the house. "Do you want something to drink?" Regina asked as they entered the living room. "Water is fine," Y/N replied, taking a seat on the couch.
Regina went into the kitchen and returned with two glasses of water. She handed one to Y/N before taking a seat next to her on the couch.
They sat in silence for a few minutes before Regina spoke up again. "I know I hurt you deeply and I can't take back what I did."
Y/N sighed and took a sip of her water. "I just don't understand why you did it."
"I was scared," Regina admitted quietly. "Scared that I wasn't good enough for you or that you would realize that and leave me, I guess just I made it happen quicker."
Y/N nodded, looking up at Regina. "Can I hug you..?" Regina asked softly, Y/N nodding in return and melting into the touch of Regina.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, just holding onto each other. "I'm so sorry," Regina whispered into Y/N's hair. "I know sorry doesn't make it right, but I never want to lose you."
Y/N pulled away slightly to look at Regina. "I want to forgive you," she said with tears in her eyes. "But I don't know if I can trust you again."
Regina nodded, understanding Y/N's hesitation. "I will do whatever it takes to earn back your trust." She wiped away a tear from Y/N's cheek before leaning in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Y/N closed her eyes and leaned into the touch, feeling a familiar warmth spread through her body at the simple gesture.
"Let's take things slow," Y/N said, opening her eyes to look at Regina once again. "I need time to process everything."
Regina nodded again and took a deep breath. "Of course," she said, giving Y/N a small smile.
After a while, Y/N and Regina both started to feel more at ease with each other. They talked about their days, catching up on the things they had missed in each other's lives. Y/N found herself starting to relax on Regina's lap, feeling comforted by her presence.
"Do you want to watch something?" Regina asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
Y/N nodded and Regina reached over to grab the remote. She turned on the TV and scrolled through the channels until she found a show they both enjoyed. As they settled into watching the show, Y/N couldn't help but lean into Regina's embrace even more.
Regina placed a gentle kiss on Y/N's temple as she wrapped her arms around her waist. "I missed this," she whispered.
Y/N felt her heart flutter at Regina's words and couldn't help but snuggle closer to her. "Me too," she replied, feeling tears prick in her eyes.
They stayed like that for the rest of the evening, watching their show and enjoying each other's company. It wasn't until it was almost midnight that Y/N realized how late it was getting.
"I should probably head home," Y/N said reluctantly, not wanting to leave Regina's side.
Regina nodded understandingly but didn't move from her spot on the couch. "Can I see you again soon?" she asked softly.
Y/N smiled and leaned in for a kiss. It was short but filled with all the love and longing they both felt for each other. "Of course," she whispered against Regina's lips before pulling away slightly.
"I'll walk you out," Regina said as they got up from the couch.
As they walked towards the door, Y/N turned around to face Regina one last time before leaving. "Thank you for tonight," she said sincerely.
"Thank you for giving me another chance," Regina replied with a smile before they shared one last kiss.
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agaypanic · 11 months ago
Is this how you request a fic? I have no idea but I’ll try. I’m craving Regina George content. Can you please write something where reader is apart of the plastics but she’s not mean like the rest of them and that’s why Regina likes her. When Cady shows up and Regina has an interest in cady it’s too make reader jealous but instead cady ends up liking reader who distances herself from the plastics and then Regina gets jealous and admits her feelings so reader doesn’t end up with cady. If that makes sense? Thank you!
Craving Your Attention (Regina George X Plastic!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Regina George is the queen of North Shore High and she doesn’t like to share her toys, even if she doesn’t really play with them. 
A/N: kinda toxic!regina even tho thats not really a surprise. slight cady x reader, she likes you instead of aaron (also aaron doesn’t exist teehee). The girls arent homophobic bc cady tells gretchen she likes reader and regina ends up with reader (saying this bc idk if you’re gonna read this with 2004 regina or 2024 regina in mind, and obviously 2004 was a different time lmao) content warning for diet talk but it’s just part of one scene. Heavily relied on the mean girls (2004) script for this fic, so it's almost all written centered around Cady. all in third person which felt a lil weird to write because i usually write in second person lol idk if anyone’s gonna want a part 2 but imma lyk rn that im not planning on writing a part 2, mainly bc this took so painstakingly long
Everyone at North Shore High knew about Regina George. They’d be stupid not to. She was practically royalty. 
A queen bee was nothing without her little worker bees. First was Karen Smith. She seemed to give a whole new meaning to the word ‘clueless,’ but she was friendly. In more ways than one.
Then there’s Gretchen Wieners. She was Regina’s eyes and ears, whether it was wanted or not. All she wanted to do was please her leader.
And finally, there was Y/n L/n. If any of the plastics were to be deemed approachable, it was her. She was Regina’s right-hand girl, maybe even a bit more than that. But no one ever brought that up.
But then Cady Heron came to North Shore.
“Is he bothering you?” Regina tilted her head as she looked at the redheaded girl and the familiar boy who was talking to her. Y/n, who was sitting next to Regina, looked up from her food in curiosity. Regina didn’t usually talk to anyone outside of the table during lunch. The girl made a nondescript noise, so Regina turned her attention to the boy. “Jason, why are you such a skeez?”
Jason rolled his eyes, but tried to seem polite.
“I’m just being friendly.”
“You were supposed to call me last night,” Gretchen pouted, looking over her shoulder at Jason.
“Jason.” Attention was brought back to Regina with the simple call of his name. She wore a sweet smile, which meant that Jason was probably about to get a bite taken out of him. “You do not come to a party at my house with Gretchen and then scam on some poor, innocent girl right in front of us three days later. She’s not interested.” Regina then turned to the redheaded girl. “Do you wanna have sex with him?”
She looked shocked, giving an immediate no.
“Good. So it’s settled.”
“You can go shave your back now,” Y/n finished, and the four plastics waved him off. Jason walked away, but not before muttering an insult to the girls.
“Good one,” Regina said quietly to Y/n, who couldn’t help but smile a bit at the small praise. Before she could reply, Regina’s eyes followed after the red-haired girl, who was now starting to walk away. “Wait.” The single word made her stop in her tracks and look back. “Sit down.”
Regina moved her hands, signaling Gretchen and Karen to move to the sides of the lunch bench to make room for this mystery girl. After some more encouragement, she sat down.
“What’s your name?” Y/n asked sweetly, trying to ease the girl’s nerves.
“Why don’t I know you?” Regina asked, looking at Cady curiously.
“I’m new,” Cady replied. “I just moved here from Africa.”
“I used to be home-schooled.”
“Wait. What?”
Cady took a second, wondering why Regina kept saying ‘what.’ She didn’t think it was that confusing.
“My mom taught me at home-”
“No, no.” Regina laughed. “I know what ‘home-school’ is; I’m not stupid. So, you’ve actually never been to a real school before?”
As she spoke, Regina leaned more and more forward towards Cady. And as the conversation continued, Y/n wondered why Regina was taking such an interest in her. Regina never cared about anyone who passed by, too involved in the latest gossip session Gretchen had started or in Y/n’s appearance. Not that Y/n really noticed that; she was busy thinking about Regina to see that Regina was thinking about her. Either way, she didn’t understand why the blonde was suddenly so fascinated by this new girl.
“You’re like, really pretty.”
Oh… That must be why.
Y/n seemed to tune the rest of the conversation out, too wrapped up in Regina’s compliment towards Cady and the bright smile she wore while giving it. She didn’t know why it bothered her. It’s not like Regina belonged to her. If anything, Y/n, along with the rest of the Plastics, belonged to Regina.
Even when Regina brought Gretchen and Karen in close to speak to them and Y/n, leaving Cady awkwardly leaning back to give them more privacy, Y/n didn’t care much to listen. The gist of the conversation was that they wanted Cady to sit with them at lunch for a week, something they had never considered doing with anyone else in this school.
“Okay.” Regina started as Gretchen and Karen relaxed back into their seats, and Cady leaned back in. “You should just know that we don’t do this a lot, so this is, like, a really huge deal. We wanna invite you to have lunch with us every day for the rest of the week.” Regina wore a grin that meant she was up to something, but Cady didn’t seem to decipher that, and the rest of the girls didn’t know what it meant.
“Oh, it’s okay—” Cady’s tone seemed to indicate that she was about to decline, but Regina interrupted her before she could.
“Coolness.” The bell rang, and Regina’s eyes darted over to Y/n before going back to Cady. Her mischievous smile remained present as she, Gretchen, and Karen grabbed their trays. “So we’ll see you tomorrow.”
The three Plastics stood up and left the table, leaving Y/n in a slight daze and Cady confused about what had just happened. Y/n suddenly looked around, realizing that her friends had left without her, but the new girl was still with her. She figured that she should say something before leaving her alone. She didn’t have to be mean or unpleasant just because Regina seemed to like Cady.
“On Wednesdays, we wear pink.” Y/n said it with a timid but sweet smile, trying to get over the revelation that the girl she loved was setting her sights on someone else. Her hand patted Cady’s a few times before she stood up and picked up her tray. “Welcome to North Shore.”
As Cady watched Y/n leave, and as Janis and Damian dragged the redhead away to interrogate her about her interaction with Regina, she couldn’t help but feel warm. Maybe public school wouldn’t be so bad.
The next day, Cady was slightly nervous to sit with the Plastics. She felt like a double spy. Janis and Damian were under the impression that Cady was doing it for them, to listen in on Regina’s secrets and relay them back to her friends so they could laugh at the pathetic and superficial nature of it all. And sure, that was the main reason she was sitting with the girls. But Cady also returned to the table so she could bask in a new light, Y/n. 
But living in girl world came with a bunch of rules.
“You can’t wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week. So…” Gretchen laughed lightly, seeming a little nervous for no reason as she looked at Cady, who was wearing her hair in a ponytail. “I guess you picked today. Oh! And we only wear jeans or track pants on Fridays.”
“Which totally blows in the winter,” Y/n muttered before sipping her Diet Coke.
“Now,” Gretchen started again, “if you break any of these rules, you can’t sit with us at lunch.” Cady seemed surprised, but Gretchen continued. “Not just you! Like, any of us. Okay, so, like, if I was wearing jeans today, I would be sitting over there with the art freaks.” She said it with a grimace, pointing over to a table a few feet away from the girls before looking back at Cady. “Oh, and we always vote before we ask someone to eat lunch with us, because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group. I mean, you wouldn’t buy a skirt without asking your friends first if it looks good on you.”
Everyone nodded except for Cady, who was processing all of these new rules she had to follow.
“I wouldn’t?”
“Right,” Gretchen said with a definitive nod. “And it’s the same with guys. Like, you may think you like someone, but you could be wrong.”
“One hundred twenty calories and forty-eight calories from fat,” Regina interrupted, reading a food bar that she had grabbed. She looked at her friends inquisitively. What percent is that?”
“Uh… forty-eight into one hundred and twenty?” Gretchen suggested, not really sure of herself.
“No, I don’t think so, Gretch,” Y/n said, trying to think of the correct answer.
“I’m only eating foods with less than thirty percent calories from fat.”
“It’s forty percent,” Cady said suddenly, proud that she was able to do the equation in her head. Everyone looked at her, expressions varying from impressed to confused. Cady suddenly felt the need to show her work. “Well, forty-eight over a hundred and twenty equals X over a hundred-”
“So then you cross multiply to get X!” Y/n finished off with a grin, thrilled that she knew what Cady was talking about. Cady smiled back at her with the same excited energy, although looking a little more subdued. Not only was this girl super pretty and friendly, but she also seemed decently smart. Maybe Janis was wrong about these girls.
“Whatever.” Regina looked at the two girls suspiciously. She tossed the food bar onto the table and stood up. “I’m getting cheese fries. Y/n, come with me.”
Taken back by the sudden command, Y/n stumbled out of her seat and followed Regina. Cady’s eyes followed her until she was out of sight, and she sighed quietly when she couldn’t catch a glimpse of the girl anymore. 
“So!” Gretchen startled Cady with her enthusiastic voice and a hand on her shoulder. As she turned to look at her, Cady realized that Karen was also gone from the table. She must’ve gone to the bathroom or somewhere else. “Have you seen anyone you think is cute yet?”
Cady didn’t know how to answer. There was definitely one person that came to mind, but she didn’t know if she should say the name. Gretchen might react badly if Cady told her, which would most likely lead to her getting kicked out of the Plastics.
But at the same time, she didn’t want to lie. 
“Well… there’s this one.. girl.” The last word was quiet and hesitant, but Gretchen picked up on it.
“Oh my gosh, who is it?” She asked excitedly. “Do you think it’s just like, a phase, or is it more serious?”
“I dunno.” Cady shrugged. “I haven’t known her too long to be sure.”
“Who is it?” Gretchen leaned forward in her seat, completely invested in Cady’s answer. It took the redhead a long moment of hesitancy to open her mouth.
“It’s Y/n…”
“No!” Gretchen straightened up, looking absolutely horrified. She looked around, ensuring none of the other girls were back yet. “You can’t like Y/n. Not only is she a part of the group, but… Okay, you didn’t hear this from me, and you’re, like, totally forbidden from ever bringing it up. But Regina is really possessive over Y/n. They’ve been best friends for, like, forever, and Regina chases off anyone who tries to so much as ask her out. And it’s not my place to say whether or not it’s more than friendship, but if I had to say something, there’s definitely something going on between them.” Gretchen took a much-needed breath, shaking her head slightly to clear her jumbled thoughts. “Look, the point is, you shouldn’t date friends. Especially Regina’s friends. But don’t worry, I’ll never tell Regina or Y/n what you said. It’ll be our little secret.”
Gretchen gave Cady a sweet smile, and that seemed to be the end of their little conversation. But for the next few days, Cady kept thinking about it.
She didn’t want to get on Regina’s bad side. That would mean no more things to tell Janis and Damian and no more seeing Y/n. And she also didn’t want to freak Y/n out. But just because Cady wasn’t allowed to like Y/n didn’t mean she wasn’t allowed to look at her. Or think about her. Or talk to her.
A few days later, when Cady was with Janis and Damian at the mall, Janis asked when Cady would see Regina next. She said it felt weird to spy on her and that she didn’t want to do it anymore. And sure, it being weird was part of why she wanted to stop. But mainly, it was because Cady had started getting so distracted by Y/n that it was difficult to focus on Regina. Which was strange, because the blonde girl was so alluring. But Janis reassured Cady that Regina would never find out about her double agent status, that it would be their little secret.
So many secrets.
“Hello?” Cady held the phone up to her ear, wondering who was calling her at this late hour.
“I know your secret.” Cady stiffened at Regina’s voice coming through the speaker. She internally panicked, trying to figure out what to do. How did Regina figure out about Cady’s spying?
“Secret?” She decided that playing it cool was the better move. “What secret?”
“Gretchen told me that you like Y/n.” Cady relaxed at the fact that Regina had learned about her other secret, before freezing again. Right now, she wondered if it would be better if Regina knew about the spying. “I mean, I don’t care, do whatever you want.” Regina didn’t sound like she didn’t care, but Cady didn’t bring it up. “But let me just tell you something about Y/n: She’s, like, never gone on a date before. It’s not that she’s not pretty or anything, but no one’s ever really been good enough for her.”
“Oh?” What did this mean? Did Regina deem Cady good enough for Y/n after so many others tried and failed? Or was this a set-up?
Honestly, Cady was so happy for Regina’s blessing that she didn’t really care.
“I could talk to her for you, if you want.”
“Really? You would do that?”
“We’ve been friends since like, pretty much birth. I know exactly how to play it.” There was a moment of silence, and Cady could picture Regina picking at her nails. “But wait. Aren’t you mad at Gretchen for telling me? Because if you are, you can tell me. It was a really bitchy thing for her to do.”
“Yeah, it was pretty bitchy, but I’m not mad.” Cady was a little mad, but she didn’t feel like saying that. “I mean, it’s better she told you instead of Y/n. I dunno, I guess she just likes the attention.” Cady didn’t know why she said that last part, but it had just spilled out of her mouth.
“See, Gretch? I told you she’s not mad at you.” Cady was a bit confused, but then another voice spoke.
“I can’t believe you think I like attention!” There was a click, and Cady assumed the Gretchen had hung up. She had no idea she was even listening.
“Okay, love you. See you tomorrow!” Cady could hear Regina’s smile, and then there was another click followed by a dial tone, showing that Cady was now the only one on the line. She then hung up herself, processing the three-way call she had just survived.
And then after that, Cady realized that she had gotten Regina’s blessing to try to pursue Y/n.
“What day is it?” Y/n asked, looking down at her worksheet. She didn’t usually do homework at lunch, but lately, some of her classes had been kicking her ass. 
“It’s October third,” Cady answered almost immediately, catching the suspicious eyes of Regina and Gretchen.
“Thanks, Cady,” Y/n said, looking up at the girl and giving her a sweet smile before returning to her paper.
“I dunno why you don’t just ask one of the Mathlete dorks to do it for you,” Regina said, looking over Y/n’s shoulder. “They’d probably even do it for free.”
“We’ve talked about this, Regina. If my teacher didn’t catch on, it would still totally bite me in the ass when I’d have to do a test all by myself.”
“You need help with math?” Cady asked, subtly leaning closer to Y/n. The girl looked at Cady, now completely distracted from her work.
“Yeah! I used to get it, but trig is crazy hard.” Y/n sighed, delicately rubbing at her tired eyes so she didn’t mess up her makeup. “I feel like I’m never gonna get it.”
“I can help you!” Cady said, excited over this opportunity. She had always excelled in mathematics, and now Y/n needs help with that exact subject? It seemed like fate.
“Really?” Both Y/n and Cady missed the slight glare that Regina was giving them. 
“Oh right, Cady’s like, a total nerd.” They also chose to ignore Regina’s snide comment before sipping her Diet Coke.
“That would be amazing, Cady! Maybe I could come over after school today or something?”
Cady was about to say yes, a million times yes, but Regina butted in.
“Y/n, you’re coming over to my house today.” It didn’t really feel like Regina was reminding her of forgotten plans. Instead, it sounded like Regina was coming up with a reason for Y/n to be unavailable. Cady’s suspicions were confirmed by the confused look Y/n gave the blonde.
“I am?”
“Oh… Well, how about tomorrow?”
“Perfect!” Cady spoke quickly and enthusiastically before Regina could say another word.
Over the next month or so, Cady tutored Y/n a few days every week. It quickly became their favorite part of their days. After helping with a few problems Y/n was stuck on, the two girls would get distracted by conversations about whatever they wanted to talk about. Neither of them felt the need to filter themselves in fear of being made fun of by one of the other Plastics, mainly Regina. Topics ranged from the latest gossip to future plans to their favorite things in media. If Cady had never heard of something Y/n brought up, which was the case nine times out of ten, the tutoring session would turn into a movie night or music party.
“Oh my gosh, so…” Y/n and Cady were in the middle of watching a chick flick that Cady had never seen when Y/n suddenly spoke. “I’m having a Halloween party at my place. We usually do it at Regina’s, but for some reason, she didn’t feel like doing it this year. Are you gonna come?” 
“Yeah, sure.” Cady’s response made Y/n smile brightly, a sight that Cady could never get sick of.
“Awesome!” Y/n sat up from her slouched position, her excitement waking her up from her slightly tired state. “It’s a costume party, which’ll be a lot of fun. I can give you a flier with all the info tomorrow. Even though I know you’re invited, you need the flier to get in. It only admits one person, so don’t bring anyone else with you.”
“Grool.” Y/n blinked in slight confusion, and Cady realized what she had said. “I… I meant to say ‘cool,’ and then I started to say ‘great.’”
Y/n giggled, which made Cady’s cheeks heat up.
“Right. Well, grool.” The two laughed, and then Y/n looked down at her watch. “Oh my gosh, it’s so late. I should probably get going.” With the help of Cady, Y/n gathered her things. “See you tomorrow!” In a flash, Y/n kissed Cady’s cheek before walking out of the room and leaving Cady’s house. Cady’s cheeks felt like they were on fire, and she lightly touched the cheek Y/n had kissed.
One thing that no one told Cady was that on Halloween, many girls opted for very revealing costumes rather than actual costumes. So when she arrived at Y/n’s house, she stuck out like a sore thumb in her dead bride attire while her friends wore tight clothes and animal ears.
“Why are you so scary?” Gretchen asked with concern, looking at Cady’s appearance with wide eyes.
“It’s Halloween,” Cady said with a shrug, not knowing what the problem was.
Suddenly, a hand touched Cady’s arm, making her jump. But she quickly relaxed when she saw who was touching her.
“You came!” Y/n squealed, bringing Cady in for a hug. The redhead felt a bit flustered by the contact, plus seeing Y/n in her slightly revealing outfit. When they broke the embrace, Y/n held Cady by the shoulders, surveying her outfit. “And you’re a… zombie bride…?”
“An ‘ex-wife.’” Cady replied, using her fingers to air quote.
“Well, I love it.” Y/n finally let go of Cady, although she wouldn’t have been opposed if she kept holding onto her. “You want something to drink?”
“I’ll be right back.” 
Y/n squeezed Cady’s arm for a quick moment before turning around. She weaved her way through the crowd to get to the kitchen, where a shit load of different drinks were scattered on the counters. She started mixing a drink for Cady when she felt a presence behind her.
“What the hell is Cady wearing?” Regina asked, squinting to see Cady from across the room.
“She’s a zombie bride!”
“She looks like a freak.”
“Regina!” Y/n set down the bottle she was pouring and looked at the blonde. “Be nice.”
“Whatever.” Regina rolled her eyes, pushing her hair off her shoulder before leaning on the kitchen counter. “You know, you should probably be careful around her. She has a giant crush on you.”
“What?” Y/n’s eyes snapped to Regina, immediately curious. “How do you know?”
“She told me. She tells everybody. It’s kinda cute, to be honest. She’s like a little girl.” Regina laughed, and Y/n tilted her head and raised her brows, silently asking for more details. “Like, she writes ‘Y/n plus Cady’ and stuff like that all over her notebook. And she made this shirt that says ‘I heart Y/n’ and she wears it under all of her clothes.
“Oh, come on.” Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes, figuring Regina had been joking. “That’s not funny, Regina.”
“I’m serious! She’s, like, obsessed with you. And who can blame her?” Regina’s hand reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair away from Y/n’s face. When Y/n looked at her friend, she was suddenly closer than before. “I mean, you’re gorgeous.”
“If I’m being honest… I hate the way she looks at you.” Regina grabbed Y/n’s chin before she could look away, forcing them to maintain eye contact. “It makes me sick. She should know better than to think she has a chance with you.”
“What are you saying, Regina?” Y/n’s voice was barely a whisper, but the blonde heard her loud and clear despite being in a crowded room with blasting music and semi-drunk teenagers.
“I’m saying you’re mine, Y/n.” With every word, Regina inched closer and closer. “I don’t want you to be with Cady. Or with anyone else.” 
Regina closed the small gap between her and Y/n’s lips, wrapping her arms around Y/n’s body to keep her close. After the wave of shock washed over her, Y/n reciprocated the kiss. Neither of them cared about any of the people around them watching. Including Cady, who watched from across the room with watery eyes and a breaking heart. 
Cady had lost Y/n to a competition she didn’t even know she had. Y/n had finally gotten the girl she had been wanting for years after being kept at arm’s length away. And Regina had once again ruined someone else’s happiness for her own.
Regina George Taglist: @wedfan2 @pyro-les @natashamaximoff-69
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thatfandomslut · 1 year ago
A Really Good Friend
Tumblr media
Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Trigger Warnings: this story doesn't include Cady so that it the trigger warning :sob:
basically a fic where fem!reader replaces cady and it goes a bit differently? a different past, but was still homeschooled and transfered. janis and damian could still be involved, but the reader has no incentive to do any revenge on regina because she doesn't get a crush on aaron. and like, y'know, regina isn't that bad. she's so protective of reader and is SUCH a great friend. regina makes the reader feel so special. hehe
A/N: I did not know how to write this, so please be kind.
Mean Girls requests are open.
"Don't look at them," Damian attempted to shield (Y/n)'s eyes, but she gently removed his hands out of curiosity. "They call those three the Plastics. The girl with the big hair, that's Gretchen Wieners. Her hair is so big because it's full of secrets. Then, you have Karen Shetty, I once saw her put a 'D' in the word orange." Damian hissed as a blonde girl came in after them. She was obviously the leader of whatever the group was. When she flipped her hair over her shoulder, everyone was still in awe.
Janis grumbled as she crossed her arms with narrowed eyes. "Evil takes human form in Regina George." She commented, letting her know who the last girl was. (Y/n) couldn't get over how stunning she was. "She's the Queen Bee, she always wins Spring Fling Queen. You need to be careful around her, (Y/n)." Janis warned, trying to stop the brainwashing before (Y/n) was too far in. But it seemed like she was too far in and hypnotized until she almost dropped her tray onto the floor because she almost ran into someone.
"Why don't I know you?" A voice called, causing (Y/n) to look up from her lunch tray, and away from Janis and Damian. She made eye contact with a blonde who was in a leather jacket. It was obvious that she had status at North Shore High by the fearful stares of their classmates. That's why (Y/n) hoped that when she looked around, there was a different new student that the girl was talking to. "No, no… I'm talking to you. Don't be shy, come over here."
(Y/n) looked over to Janis who shook her head, but (Y/n) felt she had no way of getting out of this. Approaching the table with an awkward smile as she set down her tray. "Why haven't I seen you before?" Regina turned her head quizzically. The honey blonde next to her leaned closer as she examined the situation, wanting to hear what (Y/n) would respond with. However, on the other side of her was a girl with wavy black hair and a curious look in her eyes despite not having a thought behind them.
"I'm new here," (Y/n) said softly, fidgeting with her hand. Regina's brows rose, and it was obvious she was vying for more information. She wanted to know more about (Y/n), but she wasn't sure if that was a good thing. Not when her only other friends were so against the idea of her coming over. She didn't want to upset Janis or Damian, nor did she want to upset these other girls. "Well, I'm not new to North Shore. I've just been homeschooled my whole life before now. I just finally convinced my mom to let me come to school here."
Regina nodded with a small smirk on her lips as she looked at the other girls behind her. "Give us just a moment," Regina said before whispering to them. This left (Y/n) standing there, not knowing if she should walk away and give them space or if she should just stand there. "Right, so we never really do this, but how'd you like to have lunch with us all week." Before (Y/n) could reject their offer, Regina held up her hand. "There's no need for you to thank us, there's no need to even speak. You're new and you don't know things, you need good friends who can tell you what to think. We'll see you here same time tomorrow." She said, know now that (Y/n) couldn't reject her.
"On Wednesdays, we wear pink!" The girl with long wavy hair said, grinning up at (Y/n) as Regina nodded. (Y/n) was then excused and she made her way over to Janis and Damian with her lunch tray. She didn't know if they would be upset with her or not when she sat down. Instead, they looked like they wanted to know exactly what happened over at the table she was at. This made her feel a little more comfortable to know they weren't mad at her.
(Y/n) then just gave them a polite smile. "They want me to eat lunch with them for a week." (Y/n) said softly, starting to eat the sandwich on her tray. Janis grinned at this, nudging Damian who looked surprised. "I already said I'd join you guys though, so I guess I'll have to reject their invitation." (Y/n) shrugged. She was a loyal person, and she didn't want to just drop Janis and Damian for the Plastics.
"No, no, no," Janis said, waving her hands with a jubilant look on her face. "That's the tits, and I think you should do it. You should take the offer, and then you should come to us with every little stupid thing that they say."
(Y/n)'s nose crinkled in thought as she looked over at them. "I'm not sure I can spy on them, but if you really want me to take up the offer… Do either of you have a pink shirt?" She asked, hoping that one of them did since she didn't. Damian nodded before letting her know that he had her back. "Great, thank you. I'm going to head to class. Thanks for being so cool on me not wanting to spy on them. You're both great friends." (Y/n) said as she separated from them in order to make it to her class.
The next day, Gretchen sat in front of (Y/n), letting her know all of the rules that they must follow if they want to remain at the Plastics table. "You can't wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear a ponytail once a week. Oh, and we can only wear sweats and track pants on Fridays. If you break any of these rules, you can't sit with us. And, I mean, none of us can sit here if we break the rules. Like, if I was wearing sweatpants today, I might have to sit over there with the art freaks." Gretchen pointed to Damian catching some food that Janis threw over to him. The action caused (Y/n) to chuckle, but she quickly covered it.
"That sounds fair," she confirmed with a smile as she began to eat her lunch. She was surprised to see how kind the girls were. She then began to wonder what they did to make Janis hate them so much. More specifically, she hated Regina.
Regina hummed as she tried to process the percentage of sugar in her Yoghurt before looking over to (Y/n) with a smile. "After school, we're taking you shopping. Then, we're going to hang out at my place. Meet us at my Jeep right after the bell." She said, before getting up to get cheese fries instead. She was pleased to see Regina acting so kind to her, and she was grateful for her allowance since she had been saving for years, and now she might be able to use it. She was beginning to feel lucky at how great of a friend Regina George was.
"So, any cute boys?" Gretchen questioned as Regina left. She was a bit nosy, but her heart was always in the right place. That was what (Y/n) began to notice about her. Shaking her head, (Y/n) shrugged. She had only been there for a day, and the only person she felt attracted to was Regina, who wasn't a boy. "That's too bad. If you do end up having a crush on someone, please tell me. I'm great at keeping secrets, so it'll just be between you and me."
(Y/n) nodded, not sure how true Gretchen was about that last part. However, she felt it was better to agree than disagree with her. Karen braided her hair during lunch, adding butterfly clips, and (Y/n) couldn't see how anyone could hate any of these girls at this table. "Don't keep us waiting later, pretty girl," Regina flirted with a wink causing (Y/n) to leave with pink cheeks and no words. She couldn't understand how the world could be so right after years of being stuck at home because her mother was very fearful. However, she was having the time of her life at North Shore.
After school, Regina took the Plastics shopping and (Y/n) was beginning to feel special thanks to Regina. "Let's give you a makeover," Regina announced before the girls began to give her a makeover. The girls were having a blast until Gretchen and Karen had to head home and it was just Regina and (Y/n) by themselves. "You can stay here tonight if you want." Regina offered when she noticed the time. They had been talking into the late hours of eleven o'clock at night.
"My mom would kill me, but thank you for today." (Y/n) said softly. She called her mother to pick her up and she had ten minutes extra with the Queen Bee. "Thank you for inviting me to your table. You're a really good friend, Regina."
Regina smiled gently squeezing (Y/n)'s hand. She could be a good friend, it just depended on who it was and her mood. She was happy that (Y/n) felt that way about her. "See you later, loser," she said softly. "Maybe we can spend more time just us." (Y/n) nodded in agreement when she heard her mother honk from outside. Waving softly, she made her way outside, feeling like she had just made more than just a really good friend.
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sapphicantics · 7 months ago
Two Sides of the Same Coin | Chapter Two
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Pairing: Regina George x fem!reader
Summary: After a nobody destroys the Jocks and insults the Queen Bee without a care or an apology, you get catapulted to the top of the social food chain next to aforementioned Queen Bee, Regina George, who now has to learn to share the spotlight with North Shore’s new bad girl. | Or alternatively, your ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude sucks you and Regina into each other’s worlds sending you down a path you never expected.
Word count: 1.5k
Contents: mentions of violence, reader might be coming off a bit toxic but she’s meant to be cocky, angry!Regina, sexual tension???, explicit language, a little stalking, more shitty comebacks, think that’s all let me know if I missed any
Note: Well, this chapter took a different turn than I was expecting but honestly I think this is better than what was originally planned. Certain parts of this chapter made me cackle while writing and I hope it makes you cackle too so enjoy my shitty sense of humor
Intro - Chapter One
— — — —
Assuming it’d be a hell of a day might have been a little dramatic.
It’s been a day so far, sure, but nothing different than what you’re used to.
You’ve got a busted lip and your knuckles are sore from, for lack of a better term, bashing Christian Wiggins face in this morning and sending him to the nurse’s office. Perhaps, you’d feel guilty if it wasn’t for the fact that he busted your lip open first.
As often as you have been getting into fights, you thought someone would have noticed by now that you don’t ever throw the first punch - thus granting you the excuse of self-defense.
Though, even if they did know the jocks have far less self control than you and would never be able to refrain from reacting to the things you say.
Speaking of refraining from reacting, Regina has been watching you all day. She still is, right now. Well, technically Gretchen is watching you, but you know she’s doing it because Regina told her to and you know she’s gonna report back to Regina immediately because Regina told her to.
Seems a little obsessive of her, really.
Which is funny considering.
Whatever, you don’t have anything to do with that. If Regina wants to have her little minions following you around then that’s her business.
Also you’re pretty sure Regina intended for Gretchen to be discreet and not make it obvious that she’s watching you, but maybe you’re wrong. Maybe Regina wants you to know she’s watching.
That sounds like something she’d do as an act of intimidation, or even just for fun so you wouldn’t put it past her.
Either way, you know Gretchen is there.
You wouldn’t find this weird because you two do share this class. Normally, you guys sit on opposite sides of the room from each other, but Gretchen is now sitting three seats behind you - not too far away where she can’t see you clearly, but not close enough to where it’s obvious.
( Or maybe it wouldn’t have been obvious if you showed up to class on time, but since you didn’t it was immediately apparent that she switched seats. )
You ignore it because one: you don’t care, and two: what exactly are you gonna do about it? Gretchen’s already anxious enough having to deal with Regina’s bitchiness daily, you’re not about to worsen it by confronting her over something so trivial.
You catch her taking pictures of you and typing rapidly on her phone moments after you have this thought, and now you just have to confront her.
You catch her after the bell before she can escape the classroom, throwing your arm over her shoulder and steering her away from the door. She squeaks as you do so, tightening her grip on her belongings. “So Gretchen, mind telling me why you were taking photos of me when you thought I wasn’t looking?”
She stammers, her eyes widening. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. I wasn’t taking pictures of you.”
“Right. So if I took your phone and went to your messages with Regina I wouldn’t find pictures with live updates you’ve been sending her during class?”
Gretchen’s hand tightens even more on her phone if that’s possible, her knuckles turning white with how hard her grip is.
That’s answer enough for you.
“Yeah that’s what I thought. Do me a favor,” you hum, leaning closer to Gretchen. “Tell Regina, and I want you to tell her word for word what I’m about to say, to stop acting like a little bitch and sending her minions to spy on me instead of coming to see me face-to-face.”
Gretchen’s mouth drops open. “I can’t say that to her! She’ll kill me!”
“You’ll be fine as long as you mention my name immediately,” you wave off her concerns which is kind of a rude thing to do, but the whole school already thinks you’re a rude person so may as well uphold the reputation. “Word for word, Gretchen. I’ll know if you don’t.”
That sounds vaguely like a threat that implies you’re gonna come after her if she doesn’t say it word for word. You’re not, but she doesn’t need to know that.
“Go on, Gretchen, you’ve only got a minute and a half before the next class starts, and I’m sure you know how Regina feels about being kept waiting.”
You take your arm off her shoulders and after a moment, she peels out of the classroom, rushing off to Regina.
You sigh and shake your head, you feel bad for that because Gretchen did not deserve your threats and she doesn’t deserve the ire she’s about to get from Regina.
You’d apologize, but you’re sure you’ll never be able to get close to Gretchen again after this.
It’s too late to take it back now so you exit the room and head off to your next class on the opposite side of the school.
— — — —
North shore doesn’t allow students to leave the school early without prior consent from a parent or guardian, or under special circumstances, which you have neither of right now. They don’t really have a way to stop you from leaving, but they will call home and Principal Duvall will pull you into his office in the morning for a lecture, and those are headaches waiting to happen that you’d rather avoid. So even though you’d rather be anywhere else, you’re spending your free period — your last class of the day — lounging around in the cafeteria.
You’re sitting criss-cross atop a table, elbow resting bent upon your knee while your chin rests in the palm of your hand. You’re staring out the window, a single earbud in while Hayley Kiyoko plays in your ear.
You hum along under your breath, a faint clicking noise drawing your eyes to the cafeteria entrance. The doors burst open and in walks Regina, her eyes honing in on you like a target. Her fury is palpable even from here and it makes you smirk knowing you’re able to get under her skin — knowing you’re the only one able to get under her skin like this.
Does this say a lot about you? That you find joy in making Regina angry?
Yes, probably, but why shouldn’t you find joy in calling a bully out on their shit.
Regina slams her hands on the table in front of you interrupting your thoughts. Her glare is intense, and if you were anyone else you’d be cowering under her gaze. Instead, you cock an eyebrow, completely un-phased by the blonde in front of you.
“Something I can do for you, George?”
“You think you’re such hot shit, don’t you? You think you can call me a bitch and get away with it; with no consequences?”
“Oh, no, does the big bad Queen Bee not like being called what she knows she is?” You pout mockingly at her. “Is that all it takes for you to lose your cool, being called a bitch?”
You laugh loudly at that.
It stokes the flames of Regina’s anger and she yanks you up by your collar, your shoes scraping the edge of the table before landing harshly on the floor as Regina slams you against the wall.
Huh, look at that. Prissy pink princess Regina George has the muscles to throw you around.
This is quite the development.
“Congratulations George, you’ve made it about two steps further than anyone else ever has. Think carefully about your next move, lest I let my instincts take over and I fuck up that pretty little face of yours.”
“You have no idea who you’re messing with. I will ruin your life.” She growls at you, ignoring your words.
“Threatening to ruin my life,” you tilt your head in amusement, leaning your face closer to hers. “Seems rather obsessive of you, George. Perhaps you wanna kiss me first. That’s quite on brand for you.”
Regina’s jaw clenches and her grip on you tightens. She goes to speak, but the bell ringing to signal the end of the day cuts her off and you smirk. “You might wanna let me go. If anyone walks by they’ll think you’re making out with me and then everyone will be calling you Sissy Liz, and we can’t have that, now can we?”
Wow, threatening to fight Regina and bringing up her old friendship with Janis — twice, in two different ways — all in a span of like forty-five seconds is absolutely insane.
Regina scowls at you, her eyes practically alight with malice. She doesn’t want to let you go because if she does that means you win, that means you get away with disrespecting her for the third time with no consequences, and no one wins against her, no one is supposed to win against her ever, but you’ve done it twice now and you’re about to do it again.
She shoves you harshly against the wall one last time at the realization and, wow, you’re really priding yourself at the moment because the fact that she’s still standing when anyone else would be on the ground right now speaks volumes to your self-control, but then anyone else would’ve hit you by now so maybe it speaks more to Regina’s intelligence that she’s not.
“This is not over.” With that she turns on her heel and storms away, leaving you with a smirk as you watch her retreating figure.
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ziggyzolch · 11 months ago
Queen Bee-atch Ⅶ (Regina George x Reader)
Warnings: None, lighthearted chapter tbh
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The sound of a marker cap popping open echoes across the walls of Regina’s room. Squeaking could be heard from the other side of the house with how aggressively she was writing.
She ignores her mothers insistent knocking as she pulls out a pair of scissors and cuts the photo of her and Cady in half. Pulling out a glue stick, Regina aggressively sticks the photo in the middle of the page.
She takes a deep breath, calming herself down and sitting back to admire her work. ’This girl is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. Do not trust her. She is a fugly slut!’ Captioned above a picture of her stuck in the burn book.
Those byotches had no idea what was coming. ✮✮✮
This party was worse than anything she could’ve imagined. Someone broke her mothers vase, Gretchen and Karen wouldn’t leave her alone, and, worst of all, she threw up on Aaron!
“Aaron, wait!” Her heels were digging into the backs of her feet as she chased after her longtime crush, wiping the puke off her mouth.
Aaron angled his body towards Cady, walking backwards and pointing his finger at her, “You are a clone of Regina.”
Cady sighed before perking up, “Call me!”
Aaron ignored her, wiping her vomit off his shirt as he disappeared around the corner.
At the sound of a motor, Cady scrunches her eyebrows, turning towards the source of the mechanical whirring. She curses under her breath as she watches you, Damien, and Janis approach on a motor scooter.
“You dirty little liar.” Janis jumps off of the scooter, stomping towards Cady while you and Damien spin around, unable to stop the scooter.
“I’m sorry! I can explain-”
“Explain how you didn’t invite us to your party?”
You pipe up, “Janis, I’m getting dizzy!”
She glares at you as Cady replies, “I had to act like I hated you! You told me to pretend to be plastic.”
“This,” Janis looks Cady up and down, “Is not pretend. You’re plastic. Cold, hard, shiny plastic.”
Damien warns Janis about his curfew before she continues, “Did you have an awesome time? Did you drink awesome shooters and listen to awesome music and just sit around soaking up each others awesomeness?”
Cady’s face contorts in anger, “You made me like this! All because of some bullshit petty 6th grade drama!”
Janis scoffs, raising her arms up in exasperation, “Oh my god! At least me and Regina George know we’re mean. You still try to act all innocent! You got what you wanted. Aaron broke up with Regina, yet you still mess with her. You know why? Because you’re a mean girl! You’re a bitch!” She throws her artwork at Cady, “You can have this, it won a prize.”
Janis gets back onto the moving scooter, almost falling off when you shake the vehicle getting off. Cady’s eyes widen when she sees you rushing towards her, preparing herself for another scolding when you run past her into the house party. Janis and Damien groan, turning back around and spinning.
Cady’s eyes widen when she catches you walking out with two half full bottles of vodka.
“Alright, let’s go.” You jump back onto Damien's lap, adjusting your hold on the two bottles. Cady runs her hands through her hair, letting out a breath. She starts walking back into her house when she hears Damien's voice,
“I want my pink shirt back!”
“Wanda literally solos all of…” You trail off when a group of girls rush past you gasping at their phones as you walk through the doors. You and Janis turn to each other in confusion before Damien runs up to both of you and drags you further into school. “Check what I sent you!”
Janis pulls out her phone at Damien’s request, her jaw dropping, “No. Fucking. Way.”
She turns her phone towards you. Squinting your eyes at her screen, you read,
“Damien, too gay to…function?! That's only okay when we say it!” You turn away from her phone, pointing and watching the commotion with your friends. Looking around, you ask,
“Have you guys seen Regina?”
Before either could answer, the sound of the fire alarm and sprinklers going off startles everyone.
“All junior girls report to the gymnasium, immediately! Immediately!”
Damien puts on his hood, before walking alongside you and Janis to the gym. Taking your seats on the bleachers at the back, you open your phone to look through the different pages of the burn book.
“Hah! Check this out: ‘Trang Pak is a grotsky little byotch’. It’s like a foreign language.” Janis and Damien giggle as you continue scrolling, ignoring the pang in your heart when you scroll past your own page, and scrunching your eyebrows in confusion at Regina’s. Didn’t she make this? Speaking of...
You stand up, looking around for her, when you catch Cady walking in awkwardly. She makes eye contact with you, offering you a little smile that you return. As shitty as what she did was, it wasn’t entirely on her. Plus she was about to go through way shittier with the way people kept staring at her.
She turns looks next to you, still smiling, when Janis catches her eye and flips her the bird.
The stare off was interrupted by Principal Duvall starting his speech, going on and on about how he oughta cancel our spring fling. You weren’t really paying attention until the end.
“Who has any lady problems they’d like to share?” You snort when you catch Gretchen pushing Karen's hand down.
Another girl you barely recognize raises her hand, “Somebody wrote in that book that I’m lying about being a virgin because I use super jumbo tampons,”
You, Janis and Damien start hitting each other, holding your noses and trying not to laugh when she continues, “I can’t help it if I’ve got a heavy flow and a wide set vagina.”
Your face was turning red, barely holding it together when Damien snorts. You bark out a laugh, slapping your hand over your mouth when everyone turns to look at you.
“Yeah, I can’t do this.” Principal Duvall sighs and urges Ms. Norbury to continue for him.
“Alright, everybody close your eyes,” She pauses, “Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a girl say something mean about you behind your back. Now open your eyes.”
You look around the room, everybody had their hands raised. She continues, “Close your eyes again. Raise your hand if you’ve ever said anything mean about a friend behind their back,”
You peek an eye open, raising your hand when you see everyone else's hands raised. You catch Regina doing the same. There she is. “Now open.”
You, Janis and Damien all collectively gasp when you see each other's hands raised.
“Seems like there’s been a little girl-on-girl crime here, let’s do a couple exercises...” Ms. Norbury had all of you confront your friends on what bothered you.
After a couple of confrontations and arguments, Regina stands up with her arms crossed, “Can I just say that I don’t think we have a clique problem at this school. Some of us don’t need to be here! We’re just victims.”
Ms. Norbury smiles, “That's probably true. How many of you have felt personally victimized by Regina George?” You slide down your chair, groaning in second-hand embarrassment when everybody raises their hands.
Janis rolls her eyes and pulls you back up to sit properly.
“Cady, is there anything you’d like to own up to?” Ms. Norbury calls out.
“No.” Cady replies
“You never made up a rumor about anyone?”
Cady looks around, shuffling in her seat, “No.”
“Nothing you want to apologize for?”
Ms. Norbury says something to Cady that you couldn’t catch before moving on. “Alright. Everybody up.”
She made us gather around a little platform, letting whoever wanted to go up and apologize for whoever they’ve hurt. It was absolutely horrible trying to hold in your laugh as the apologies began, especially when Karen fell forward into the trust fall instead of backwards. Someone you don’t recognize goes up, crying and apologizing.
“She doesn’t even go here!” Damien shouts before pushing you in front of him and pulling the strings of his hoodie. You stand on your tiptoes, attempting to conceal him as Janis moves closer to you. "I can't see shit from here," You mumble, trying to look between the girls stood in front of you.
Wanting to get a better view, you decide to move towards the front of the crowd. You pushed yourself between the girls, ignoring the curses thrown your way. Karen noticed you walking towards her and Gretchen and moved to the side as Gretchen went up, making space for you. Your smile dropped as Gretchen began her speech.
Oh wow. Gretchen was horrible at apologies.
Gretchen turns and falls backwards. Entranced by the train wreck that was Gretchen's half-assed apology, you hadn’t noticed people scattering away from you and Karen. Ms. Norbury gasps.
You all fall to the ground, Gretchen and Karen landing on top of you. Karen gets up after Gretchen, helping you up after her and adjusting your disheveled hair. You raise your eyebrows as she begins squeezing your cheeks with a far away look in her eyes before Gretchen starts pulling her arm. Snapping out of whatever trance she was in, she lets Gretchen drag her away, offering you a smile and a wave goodbye,
They could never make you hate her.
Janis pats your shoulder as she walks past you and up onto the platform, beginning her speech. Your eyes widen as she begins to list everything she’d done to sabotage Regina.
“Ay ay ay ay ay!” She ends her speech and jumps into the crowd as they all cheered her on. You were about to join when a teary eyed Regina pushed past you.
"Regina!" You and Cady called at the same time. You looked at each other for a moment before running towards Regina.
Cady keeps walking as you stop at the edge of the street, leaving them to hash it out when you feel a hand on your shoulder. A breathless Janis was standing next to you. You pat her back, “Nice speech, you should join Model UN.” Janis shakes her head in disgust, making you laugh until you notice a school bus speeding towards Regina.
"No!" Janis attempts to pull you back as you rush forward, jumping towards Regina and pushing her out of the way.
You both land on the harsh asphalt, groaning.
“God! Who drives that fucking fast in a school zone?!” You had your hand on your chest, trying to come down from the rush of adrenaline. “At least no one got hurt,”
Sitting up and looking around, you notice everyone’s eyes on you, “What? Why is everyone looking at me?”
Regina’s scream startles you. “Oh my God!” She says while standing up and pointing at your leg. You raise an eyebrow, turning to where she was pointing.
Oh god.
“Is the bone supposed to stick out like that?” You attempt to joke, before promptly blacking out. The last thing you see being Cady, Regina, and Janis all running towards you.
Long-ish A/N: I used the gymnasium scene from the original mean girls, its lowkey funnier. I know this chapter has a criminal lack of Regina, but I promise I'll make up for it next chapter. I just needed to move the story along.
I made a little sketch of how I imagine R, but I made her vague in the fic on purpose! You get to imagine her however you want. This is just how I imagine her.
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Will I acknowledge the fact that she looks like me? nope. Will I acknowledge the fact that I left out an eye? yolo.
Anyways, thank you for reading!
Tag list: @itzyyyyyydaaaaaa (if u wanna get tagged in the next chapter reply under this post!)
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hanoxoxo · 8 months ago
Regina's Redemption
Warnings⚠️: Angst, but they work it out. Self doubt??
Regina George x f!Crybaby!reader
You sat at the lunch table, picking at your salad and trying to keep your tears at bay. The other members of the Plastics chatted animatedly around you, oblivious to your inner turmoil. You glanced at Regina George, the queen bee herself, who was engrossed in a conversation with Karen and Gretchen. You bit your lip, remembering the harsh words she had thrown at you earlier that morning.
"Why can't you ever do anything right? God you're such a stupid girl!" Regina had snapped after you had accidentally spilled coffee on her. Her piercing blue eyes had glared daggers into you, and your apology had fallen on deaf ears. The rest of the morning had been a blur of trying to hold yourself together.
"Hey, (Y/N), you okay?" Karen asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.You nodded quickly, wiping away a stray tear. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Are you sure?" Gretchen leaned in, her eyes filled with concern. "Just leave her," Regina's cold voice cut through the concern. "She needs to learn to toughen up." You winced at her words, but stayed silent.
The rest of lunch passed in uncomfortable silence for you, and you were relieved when the bell rang, signaling the end of the period. You gathered your things quickly, hoping to avoid any further confrontation.
After school, you headed to the bathroom, needing a moment to compose yourself before going home. As you stood in front of the mirror, the door swung open, and in walked Regina. Your heart sank as you met her gaze in the reflection. "Hey," she said, her tone softer than it had been all day. "Hi.." you replied, turning to face her. Regina took a deep breath.
"Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I didn't mean to be so harsh."You blinked, taken aback by her apology. "It's okay," you mumbled. "No, it's not," she insisted, stepping closer. "I know I can be... difficult sometimes. But I don't want to lose you as a friend."You felt tears welling up again, but this time they were tears of relief. "Really?""Really," Regina confirmed, her eyes sincere. "You mean a lot to me, (Y/N). I promise I'll try to be better." You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips.
"Thanks, Regina. That means a lot. "She pulled you into a hug, and you felt the weight of the day lift off your shoulders. "Come on," she said, pulling back and giving you a genuine smile. "Let's go get ice cream or something. My treat." You laughed softly, wiping away your tears. "I'd like that."
As you left the bathroom together, you felt a renewed sense of hope. Regina George might be a queen bee, but she was also your friend, and together, you could get through anything.
A/N: sorry if they're always short, I'm slow 🎀 hopefully I'll post daily.
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meangirls-imagines · 11 months ago
Hey this is a little different I guess but can you do a regina x fem reader where reader is so genuine and thoughtful about loving regina that Miss queen bee sometimes gets overwhelmed because when has anyone treated her like that when they didn't want something or her want something from them?
Used To It
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Description: Regina is used to putting all of the effort in her relationships. She starts dating Reader and gets overwhelmed by the amount of love and effort she's shown. Reader helps her realize what she deserves.
WARNINGS: none, fluffy as fuck
Regina George was not used to love.
I mean, sure, her parents loved her. But, they loved her because they were her parents. It's kind of a requirement to love your kids.
She thought Aaron loved her, but he just loved what dating Regina gave him. Popularity, status, friends. Same thing with Shane, he loved her because she was good at sex.
She never really felt love.
She had always heard about it, seen it in movies, read about it, but she had never experienced it.
She thought dying for 15 seconds would finally get her the love she had been chasing her whole life. Turns out, it doesn't. It just makes everyone feel pity for you.
After completely healing from the spinal injury, and neck brace free, Regina came out to the whole school. Most people were surprised but some people kinda already knew.
A couple of months after coming out, Regina started talking to a girl in her Physics class.
Y/N Y/L/N.
She was very sweet and charming and always knew how to make Regina feel better. After a few dates, Y/N asked Regina to be her girlfriend, to which the blonde said yes.
Now, a couple of months into their relationship, Regina felt overwhelmed. In a confusing way.
It's not like it was Y/N's fault. It wasn't.
The girl had been nothing short of perfect to Regina. Taking her on spontaneous dates, buying her gifts, pda, the whole nine yards.
She wasn't used to it.
She was used to taking control in her relationships but this, this was different from any relationship she had been in. This was....healthy.
The blonde didn't know how to bring up how she felt to Y/N. She had talked to Karen and Gretchen and even though they weren't much help, they were right.
"Be honest with her, Regina. She'll understand."
The blonde had texted Y/N to come over so they could talk. She had to let her know that it wasn't anything bad, so she wouldn't freak out. Fifteen minutes after she sent the text, Y/N showed up.
She had stopped and gotten Regina her usual from Starbucks. Regina's heart melted at the gesture and thanked the girl with a kiss. She led Y/N into her room, for more privacy as the girl made herself comfortable.
"So, what's up, baby?" Regina took a deep breath and sat at her vanity, facing Y/N. "Umm. I don't know how to say this." The blonde began to fidget as Y/N looked at the girl with a comforting smile.
"Take your time baby." Regina took another deep breath. "I've never been in a relationship that's so...healthy. And it's overwhelming." Y/N nodded, allowing Regina to go on.
"I've never been around a relationship that showed me what love was supposed to be. My parents, Aaron, Shane. I've never been exposed to stuff like that and you have shown me more love in these few months than anyone and it's very overwhelming. I don't wanna mess anything up because I'm happy for the first time in my life, but I also don't wanna hold back."
Y/N nodded and stood, walking to where Regina was sitting. "Regina, first off, thank you for being honest with me baby. Listen, I just wanna give you the best. I know your past relationships haven't been the best, but I'm going to make up for the sucky parts by treating you like the princess you are."
Regina's eyes filled with tears at the girls words. "I don't want to overwhelm you but I also don't want you to feel like I'm going to treat you like your other relationships did. This is a team, Regina. Not an individual thing. I'm going to be there for you, just like you're going to be there for me."
Regina nodded, tears running down her face. Y/N wiped her tears and kissed her gently. "I'm so proud of you for telling me, Gina. I know it wasn't easy. But please, for the future, know that you can come to me for anything, baby. I won't judge."
The blonde nodded, burying her head in Y/N's neck. Y/N kissed her head and guided her back to her bed. Y/N laid back and pulled Regina into her arms. "I really care about you, Regina. All I want is for you to be happy."
And as Regina fully relaxed in Y/N's arms, she felt true happiness for the first time in her life.
Yeah, she could get used to this.
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chaengluva · 1 year ago
Battle of the Rivals
I have already uploaded this to wattpad on my book with imagines there, I'm going to put them here too.
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Regina Geogre x Fem!Reader ~
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Everyone of North Shore high knew Regina George, they knew her as the queen bee, the top of the food chain, the apex predator, everyone knew this expert for the new girl Y/n L/n. Who happened to be you, you  just came from an old school that wasn't really working for you. You walked into the new school with confidence, you almost gagged at what everyone was wearing, cheap outfits. Her father owns a huge business, You were wearing Yves Saint Laurent from head to toe (as you casually wear to school)
You walked to your first class, rolling your eyes seeing everyone in the class. You sat next to this girl who had slightly dyed hair, it was the only seat available. The girl looked towards her friend on the other side of her, he smiled and looked at you, "Hello." He smiled, you looked at him with a confused expression on your face, "Umm Hi?"  They glance at each other and roll their eyes, "No need to have an attitude. I'm Janis" The girl says, you roll your eyes and smile, "I'm Y/n L/n" You turn your head to the guy, "I'm Damien."
You smirk and turn your head  to the teacher, she speaks up, "Hi guys we have a new student in our class," Everyone turns to look at you, smiling confidently, you saw the way everyone looked at you, knowing the effect you had on everyone, you decided to wink at a few of the boys, making them blush and go crazy. The bell rang, "Sit with us at lunch!" Janis says, you nod, grabbing your YSL bag and YSL purse, you get up and walk away, following them to the cafeteria.  
Walking to the seat, you notice everyone's eyes on you, Janis and Damien do too, they smile and look at you, Damien looks at Janis and smirks, Janis just rolls her eyes, sitting down opposite You. You all start talking, you're halfway through eating your food realising that you forgot your drink, "Shit, I forgot a drink, I'll be right back." You tell Janis and Damien, they nod. You get up and bump into someone, her lunch got all over you, you gave her a disgusted look. "Watch where you are going!" She exclaimed, "Me?" You ask in shock, she nods and you roll your eyes.
"You're the one who bumped into me." You tell her, she laughs, rolling her eyes, "Listen I don't know who you were at your old school but here, I run the place." You look her up and down, rolling your eyes, "Sure you do." With that you walk off, she grabs your wrist, touching your YSL blazer, "Get your poor hands off my clothes!" The blonde girl laughs at you, "Oh please, I'm the richest girl here in North Shore." You lick your lips, "Well I guess North Shore has to change their stats!"
Walking away, leaving the girl in shock. She huffs and walks to her table, sitting next to Gretchen, the brown haired girl looks at her and pouts, "Oh Regina I'm sorry-," She touched her back to comfort her, but Regina shoved it off, "Don't touch me." Gretchen quickly hid her hands, "Was she a threat to you?" Karen asks, Regina looks at her dumbfounded on how she could even think such a thing, "Threat? Are you kidding?" Karen's facial expression changes at the tone in her voice, being scared with how angry Regina sounded.
But deep down in Regina's heart, she did see Y/n as a threat to her social status and the hierarchy of the school. She would never vocalise this, no one would ever let this go if they found out, she decided to keep quiet and hope to never see you again. 
Well that didn't last long, you happened to be in her English class, Regina's eyes went wide when she saw you, writing down in your book, you look up and the two of you have eye contact for a few seconds before Regina gets flushed and quickly looks away. Regina did not like you, that would fuck everything up if she liked you (She's heavily closeted, to the point where she's still kind of in denial) She was still standing at the front of the class, the teacher was awkwardly waiting for her to sit down.
"Regina!" She yelled, bringing her back to reality, "Oh yeah," She says, "I said take a seat next to Y/n, you will be doing the project with her." Regina's eyes go wide, she then rolls them and makes her way over to the seat next to you, your bag is on the seat next to it, she just stands there, waiting for you to move the bag, which you aren't doing (on purpose) making her really annoyed.
She picked up your bag and dropped it on your lap, making you look at her in shock, "Seriously?" Regina's eyes hurt from rolling them from your attitude, "Yes seriously, I need to sit down so I can pay attention, someone has to be doing the work." You look at her, obviously annoyed, "I can do the work too you know." You argue, Regina laughs, looking down, "Sure you can." Regina says sarcastically.
Regina sits down, glancing over at you, looking you up and down before licking her lips. There was a short moment of silence,   "So how is this going to work, how will we do this stupid project." You say, Regina rolls her eyes, "First of all, It's not stupid, the project goes to our final grade.. If you even care about that." Y/n was fuming with anger, she opened her mouth to start talking but Regina cut her off, taking her by surprise, "Since I'm the better person, you can come to my house," Regina said, writing down the address, handing the sticky pad to you. "Be no later than 5pm, no earlier either."
The bell rings and you groan, already sick of everyone at this school, Regina George's confidence was really annoying you. You walk up to Janis and Damien who are standing by their locker, "I hate Regina George." Janis and Damien look at each other, Damien closes his locker, and walks to stand beside you, you're in the middle of the two of them, they are both looking at you, waiting for you to spill what happened. "Well she's clearly threatened by me, I'm richer and prettier than her." 
"Well we hate Regina because one time-," Damien starts but Janis hits him cutting him off, not wanting the story to be told, "Anyway, wish me luck, I have to see her after school today." Janis and Damien's eyes go wide, "What do you mean? Why would you do that?" Janis asks, "You push your YSL glasses, glaring into their eyes, making them step back slightly, "I didn't ask to go there, I have to for a project." Pausing to fix your hair, "I would never hang out with her by choice."
Walking outside of the school, Janis and Damien walk behind you, seeing you go in to your car and drive off, "Fuck, I think we have another Regina George." Damien says, annoyed, Janis laughs looking at Damien, "Nah, Regina will show her, trust me, I was friends with her, remember?" Janis says, Damien nods, as they walk to the tree they always sit under. "You're right."
It was almost 5pm, Y/n was walking up to her house, wearing a new outfit, this time wearing head to toe Prada, knocking the door, a few seconds later, Regina answers, she's wearing a white shirt and grey track pants, her hair is in a messy bun and her make up has been removed. "You know we will just be in my room." You walk in, shoving your bag in her chest, making her hold it. "I know, I have to dress for the occasion, I decided to put on something cheap."
Regina was so annoyed, she walked up to her room with you following behind, the project was already so set up, you looked around her room, "Wow, your room is.." Regina assumed what you were going to say, she smirked and said, "I know, It was my parents, but I made them trade me."
You laughed in her face, "Well that's sad, I was going to say small before I was so rudely interrupted." Regina was fuming with anger, "Look I don't know what your problem is, but I think we need to make a few things clear." You nod, "That's right, we do, I'm richer and prettier than you." You say, only making Regina more angry. She walks closer to you, you walk backwards not liking her getting in your personal space.
You hit the back of the bed, your legs fall so now you're sitting on the bed, looking up at Regina with her staring down at you. "W-what do you want Regina?" You ask shyly, "Where did that attitude go? Where's your confidence?" Regina asks, teasingly, "Just answer my question, What do you want?"
Regina licks her lips, looking at you up and down, leaning her face in so it's only inches away from yours. "You." You were taken back by her answer, it was something you weren’t expecting so it made your body jolt back. “You. Want Me? In what way?” You say honestly confused, Regina chuckles, “I could tell you.. But maybe I’ll just show you.” She leans in kissing your lips, hands moving to your waist to hold your body close to hers, you kiss back making her sigh in relief.
Her lips are still attached to yours, you move across the bed so now she is on top of you, while your leaning against the wall behind the bed, she moves her lips from yours, taking a short look at your swollen lips, your breathing gets heavier as her lips move down to your collarbone, she tugs on your shirt, wanting to kiss down your body move, she looks up at you. “R-Regina I have never done this before.” She moves her body back up so her lips are just above yours, “Do you want to?” You nod, she shakes her head, “Words baby.”
Smirking, she takes off your shirt and smiles at your body, leaning closer, “You even have a designer bra?” You smile, nodding, “Only for you.” Regina smirks, reaching under your back to unclip your bra. She starts kissing your breasts, she looks up at you while she's doing so, her eyes make you go insane. You let out quiet moans, her lips going down to your waist, reaching the hem of your prada skirt, “I never would have thought you were this innocent Y/n.”
Taking the skirt off, she stares at your body for a few seconds, licking her lips, taking off your lace panties, “Tell me if it’s too much, okay baby?” You nod, she leans in, adding pleasure to your whole body, your back arches and your hands go to her hair, gripping on it for dear life.
Hours passed, you’ve been overstimulated but Regina wasn’t too rough, she only did stuff you were comfortable with, you were laying down next to Regina, breathing heavily, her hands were playing with your hair as you caught your breath, “I accept your attitude to change at school.” Regina says, breaking the silence, “Yeah, and what if it doesn’t.” You ask, she smirks, “Then I’ll just have to punish you.”
Smiling, leaning into her chest, her hands rested on your waist and pulled you closer. The two closed their eyes, falling asleep until the next morning arose. Janis and Damien will be in for a big surprise when they hear what happened.
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pinkishplush · 1 year ago
Sweetest Revenge
Regina George x Reader
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All eyes were on me as I walked into the cafeteria. I was now the newest trending topic, again. "I'm the Queen Bee, again?". I repeated the question in my head over and over again.
I walked to my usual lunch table and just sat there, staring into oblivion. Not too long later Regina walked in...she was wearing sweatpants. On a Thursday. All eyes were on her and her confident spark was gone.
As she moved to sit down at the usual plastics table. Cady was sitting there like she was the HBIC "Regina, you're wearing sweatpants." Gretchen pointed out "So?" Regina scoffed. "So. You can't sit with us." Gretchen pointed out the rule.
Regina scoffed again in response "Those rules are made up. They're not real." She said as she stood there, everyone was still watching "They were real that day I wore a vest." Karen said "Yeah because that vest was ugly!" Regina stated "You can't sit with us!" Gretchen shouted.
Regina shook her head and turned to walk away "Take a picture it'll last longer." She said. Everyone took out their phones to take photos/videos. In response I stood up and grabbed her shoulder leading her to sit down with me.
Everyone gasped in response "What are you doing?" She scoffed "Saving your ass from being embarrassed." I said as I sat down next to her. She smiled at me gratefully and ate her lunch but I could still see she felt uncomfortable. I looked up and noticed everyone still filming.
I stood up from my seat next to her "Do you bozos have something you wanna say. If you don't put your fucking phones up your ass and sit the fuck down!" I demanded before sitting back down. Everyone turned off their phones and went back to minding their business except for the few gossipers.
"So is that what the former Queen Bee is all about?" Regina asked with a smirk "Shut up and eat your lunch doofus." I chuckled softly. I knew Regina did everything that she did to me because she was jealous. I guess I was just angry because she didn't think that what she was doing would possibly hurt me in the process.
I still love her to say the least but that's a story for another time. I looked up and noticed Janis' bewildered look. I shrugged it off. I knew I had hurt her feelings but she hurt mine first so she would just have to deal with it.
"I just don't understand though." Regina said aloud suddenly "Understand what?" I asked "Why'd you do this." She asked "Do what?" I asked her to clarify "Let me sit with you. After all I've done to you. Don't you hate me?" She stated as if it was an obvious answer.
"Well, love makes you do stupid things. And revenge is so sweet when you've realized you're the one that was truly played." I said softly. "I don't get it." She mumbled "Me either I just made that up." I said quickly.
She looked at me with a blank expression before laughing "But really. I don't hate you, Gina. You were my first everything. I could never hate you." I said softly as I held her hand under the table. She smiled softly "God you've got me blushing over here, stop it." She said bashfully.
I laughed softly as she looked down at her tray. Maybe this was the beginning of something new again. (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 2 years ago
Black Light 1
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Warnings: namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: someone said August.
Part of The Club AU
It's retro night. You're looking bomb, feeling fly, ready to get groovy. In a manner of speaking. Platforms, short skirt, a crop top with a faux fur bolero. You are channeling your inner Cher Horowitz.
It's your nineteenth birthday and you can drink your ass off. At last. It's your time. The best days of your life are ahead of you.
Not only are you vibing, you have your posse, your trio of thots. You're not the queen bee but you're a great sidekick. The Regina George of the group is definitely Amanda and her svelte blond hair, but you'd say Kamlai is more the Gretchen Wieners than you.
You smile at the bouncer, a man with a derisive look on his eye that makes you want to dissolve into sand or dust. Whatever. Maybe a nice eerie fog so you can float away. You only catch half his face as he keeps in the shadows, waving in coeds and a few middle-aged creepers.
You wish you got the nice one with the belly. You wait for the silent man to scowl at your ID. He holds it up beside you before he flicks it back to you.
"Thank you, sir," you catch the plastic card against your chest, his eye glinting towards your cleavage.
"Go," he growls and waves forward the next eager club goer.
"Oop, okay, sorry," you make a gesture like Betty Boop, raising your shoulders as you kick a foot up, "have a great night!"
He grumbles and you quickly run to catch up with Kam and Amanda. The pulsing music embraces you and you feel the energy flow into you. This night is gonna be awesome!
"You guys have to make sure to get pics of me!" Amanda hollers above the beat, "with the cutest guy I can find. Seth can eat his heart out."
You shake your head, shrugging off your disappointment. It's supposed to be your day but somehow Amanda always finds her way into the spotlight. You're not going to worry, you're all about fun!
You get your first round of drinks and find a seat. Amanda drinks her pink martini as she scopes out the room. She blows a nonplussed raspberry.
"Ugh, not finding any hunky fuckboys," she rolls her eyes, "I mean, I need someone super fucking hot."
"Don't we all," Kam giggles as her eyes rove, "how about an older guy?"
"Hm?" Amanda gives a pout and twists around to follow Kamlai's gaze. She tilts her head back and forth.
"Not too bad, I'll take the middle one," she winks, "you two can fight over who doesn't get specs."
You look at Kam then back to the three men along the wall. Amanda must be referring to the one with the spiky hair and glasses. He's cute but you're not really into the leering type.
"It's my birthday," you say as Amanda's already on her feet.
You peek at the third guy, sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes. He's not bad. Besides, you just have to dance, Amanda can do all the wants but you're not that kinda gal. You're too damn weird to be the hookup type.
"Fine," Kam rolls her eyes, "I'll take the nerd."
You grab the stranger's hands and once more drag them off your ass. You put them on your waist and give him a look. Dude, really, take a hint.
Well, he's not a stranger stranger. His name is Cole and he likes flowers. Adorable but still, a bit too old for you.
You turn, an excuse too look around at your friends as you shimmy your hips. Kam isn't as detered as she originally let on and Amanda is gone. Alright…
"How about a drink?" Cole startles you as he leans forward to yell in your ear, "I think I owe the birthday girl at least one."
"Oh, uh, alright," you turn back to him, "sure, I needa sit down anyway."
You follow him to the bar and wait by his arm as he orders. Fuck Amanda, really? Where is she?
"Here," Cole turns back to you, handing over the bright blue cocktail, "birthday special."
You nod and smile. You look at the slice of orange hooked over the edge and sniff the sweet drink. You put your lips to the straw but before you can take a sip, it's torn out of your grasp.
"Hey fucker," the snarl bites through the breakdown of the Cyndi Lauper classic.
A large figure pushes between you and Cole, throwing the drink in his face as he sputters. You gape in surprise and look up as the bouncer stands between you and your erstwhile dance partner. He grabs the smaller man by the collar, knocking his drink to the floor.
"Get the fuck outta here."
The bouncer shoves Cole into a stool and rolls his shoulders. You have no idea what's going on. Cole gulps and looks between you and the large man, himself not by any means small but taking a quick hint. He scrabbles away as you check your feet, a few drops of alcohol on your shoes.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to take drinks from strangers," the bouncer turns with a bark, "fucking bimbo."
You frown at the insult but can't muster a response before he storms away. You peer down at the puddle of the cocktail then spin to see the bouncer disappear through the door. Huh, he must've seen something you didn't. You should've known Cole was a creep. You just hope his friends aren't the same.
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