#it's got a bit of that mythosaur skull a bit of that thing that Boba rides in the holiday special and a bit of cerberus lol
omaano · 3 months
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As promised earlier today, here's the separate post of the new guys and their icons :3 Well. The guys who have something new to show for themselves (as is the case with Maul, Kit and Shaak Ti). I took some extra care to make Luke and Leia have the same face and eye shape, same with Omega and a younger Boba. I'm also sorry about Fives' blue tint, okay? TBB!Echo just fit better to stand out without a body and a whole character T^T (You guys, I cannot wait to get to Sabine and Ezra's character drawings!!)
And then there are these babies too: they are squishy and adorable Q^Q
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More of the Star Wars meets Hades AU (I'm trying to give monthly updates on my progress with it), and the other collections of character icons for the Mandalorian half and the Prequels bunch specifically.
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quirkless-deku-aus · 3 years
So um hi, I'm new to this fandom but please hear me out. How about a Tarzan-ish/Tribe DinLuke AU :D
This idea had been pestering me for the past 3 days now but I don't have the time right now to write a whole fanfic but I do have something short written and drawn for it.
So Luke, Leai, Han, Chewbacca, Artoo and Threepio went to explore the heart of a huge rain forest (idk what to call it yet) themselves because Leai believes that Gideon's so-called "Expedition" in the said forest is bantha shit and he's actually planning on destroying it. The worst part is that the Senate Council isn't doing anything about it. They're scared for the all of the life forms on that forest so they wanted to take down Gideon by gathering some evidence. When the news about a plane crashing somewhere in the forest took over the internet, they decided to check it out. What they didn't know, however, is that hidden tribes also reside in that forest and they're about to be pulled into something more than they bargained for.
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This is my design for Luke. He still wears his iconic Poncho tho but I don't have the time to draw it yet sksksk Grogu finds him very interesting. He knows ALS and that's why he can communicate with Grogu. Din also finds him very interesting ;D
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This is what I imagine Grogu would look like 0u0 he's...an escapee of some sort. He may or may not be selectively mute but he's very cautious of other people. He's very much attached to Din though.
He was on the plane that crashed in the forest, not sure how he survived, he just did. Din found him after he and some of his men decided to investigate the crash site. They took him in but Grogu doesn't have a skull mask of his own yet because he hasn't been officially blessed (?) as part of their tribe since he can't tell them his name. Until Luke came in that is hehe
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I had a hard time coming up for Din's design but ngl I think he turned out great. The skull is supposed to be a Mythosaur but I didn't remember it's existence after I finished coloring Din :"D Please note that the color may vary from different screen to screen so it may be paler or darker than my original color palette for him >o< 
Din can understand and speak Basic (English) but he doesn't want to because of his anger towards outsiders. He's fiercely protective of Grogu and a jerk to Luke but he started to lighten up after seeing that they're just here to help them take down Gideon. Luke received extra cookies points for helping them get Grogu officially adopted into their tribe. The claws I was talking about on the sketchpad was his weapon/gloves I think.
Without his skull mask, he kinda looks like Lapu-Lapu (a hero here in the Philippines) because I imagine him with long hair or a mullet. I'll try to draw that when I get the time sksksk
The thing is that I don't know if I wan't to stick with this plot, I kinda like the idea of Dark!Din more where he captures the group so they could kill them for...food??? Yup, cannibals but I suck at this kind of trope that's why I usually just reads them. *cough* Hannibal *cough* So yeah, it could be a dark ending where they're killed except for Luke who's forced to be Din's spouse. It doesn't help that Grogu likes him and you know that Din would do anything for his precious son.
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Grogu is scared of Han for some reason I can't remember 😭 I was writing all of my sleep-deprived ramblings on my sketchpad but yeah, Grogu finds Luke very interesting so he kept following them. They recognized him as one of the missing children on the plane but Grogu was very adamant that he doesn't want to go back. Han suggested that they turn him over for some cash rewards which caused Grogu to cry and for both the Skywalker Twins to smack Han on the back of his head.
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It's confrontation time! >:3
So Luke was captured by Boba Fett and was brought to Din since many claims that they saw Grogu with him. The problem is that Grogu was currently with Leia since they all got chased by Gideon's men and they had no choice but to split up. They were after Luke specifically so he gave Grogu to his sister when they split up. Din is furious and he had every right to be so, too bad Luke had to endure his wrath. Luke tries to explain but Din was having none of it and he was about to execute Luke then and there when Grogu comes in to save his ass.
"Grogu wait-!"
Grogu stood in front of Luke with his arms stretched out, "Buir, no!"
Everyone was in stunned silence.
Din was the first one to recover and he easily side-stepped Grogu to point his spear at Luke once more.
"What did you call him?" His voice was so deep and grave that Luke couldn't help shivering from it.
"Answer me."
Luke wetted his lips, "Grogu. That's his name."
"You can understand him." It wasn't even a question.
That's all! Thank you so much for coming to my TED talk :DDD
I also publish it on AO3 if any of you guys are interested 0u0/
I’ll add the link a little bit later
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