#it's funny how I'm usually struggling for energy when I art complicated things but...
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seyaryminamoto · 2 months ago
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Fic-to-Art #49: Sokka and Azula's kiss in Piandao's mansion
I have to admit, this is a scene I've always wanted to depict properly and for once I may have done it justice. This is very much Rui Shi's glorious POV when he innoncently hoped to let Azula know they were ready to leave Shu Jing... only to wind up confirming the Princess he serves is indeed involved in a very complicated illicit relationship with the least convenient guy :'D Quite the sight to witness, that's for sure...
This is very much the moment where these two commit to each other for good in Gladiator, and one of my favorite scenes to revisit and write, back in the day. I got several references for this to make it as good as I possibly could... and I think I'm pretty satisfied with the result! Definitely my best version of this scene up to date, if nothing else, haha.
Hope you guys liked it! If you'd like to be part of the creative process behind these pieces, a $1 Patreon pledge makes you eligible for suggesting and voting for prompts, as well as reading Gladiator snippets 6 days before the new chapter releases!
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midearthwritings · 4 years ago
Could I please get an Lotr and The Hobbit Matchup, of you're still doing them? Thanks so much!
🌱 18 year old Woman // Bisexual // Autistic and Disabled with a bonus Anxiety Disorder
🌱 I have a litany of Chronic Illnesses including Autism, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Dyscalculia (Dyslexia for Math), Scoliosis, Sleep Apnea, Asthma, a Growth Hormone Deficiency, Insomnia, and a very bad Overbite. I also have a condition where my right leg is physically longer than my left, which causes pain in my hip and right leg, as well as trouble walking. My usual symptoms include Fatigue, Back Pain, Executive Dysfunction (struggle to get tasks done), Difficulty breathing and talking, Very short stature, and difficulties with my balance. I also stim by pacing around in circles and talking to myself.
🌱 I have a serious fear of heights, partially because of my balance issues. It's so bad that I can't even use stairs without holding onto the railing.
🌱 I know a lot of Home Remedies and Superstitions for like no reason. For instance, did you know that Raspberry Tea helps with Menstrual Pain, or that knocking on wood invokes the protection of the tree spirit and that’s why it’s said to give you luck? I don’t know why I know that, but I do.
🌱 Winning a fight is on my bucket list, but it has to be for a good reason. I’m not one to just pick fights for the sake of fighting, and I’m actually pretty conflict-averse due to trauma, so I need to actually have a solid reason for throwing hands. But I’ve always wanted to do it for some reason.
🌱 I really like studying Witchcraft for some reason. The first spell I ever performed was a Healing Spell to help my friend who was sick with Crohn's Disease. Thirty minutes after performing the ritual, I got a text saying he felt a lot better and he was released from the hospital a couple days later, so I guess it must’ve worked. 😁
🌱 My love language is definitely gift giving. I’m pretty cheap, but I’m also an artist, so when push comes to shove I’ll just make something for someone when I like them. I pay very close attention to what people like because it gives me more ideas on how to interact with them. I’m essentially a large, flightless Crow. You were nice, so you get something shiny. But though I like giving gifts to others, I’m not very materialistic at all. I prefer to be practical when it comes to things, and I get very nervous when spending money on myself.
🌱 I’m an avid writer and am actually planning on publishing a book this summer!
🌱 I LOVE going outside and getting messy. Playing in the mud, getting soaked in the rain, I’m the type to go outside and come back home covered in dirt and twigs. It’s just really fun to me.
🌱 I've been told that I'm a very good cook, and I can bake pretty well too.
🌱 I’ve always wanted to be a really good gardener. My dream house is just covered in flowers and plants and such. I want to live in a Greenhouse, basically.
🌱 I have a habit of giggling to myself just by remembering something funny that happened, even if it was a couple years ago. I also laugh when I do something stupid, because I find my flaws and shortcomings funny for the most part. I love to laugh with people, but never at them.
🌱 I know way too much about Spirits and Fae. My favorite book is called ‘The Encyclopedia of Spirits’ and it shows you how to contact and interact with a ton of different deities and spirits, and I’m addicted to reading it. It’s the best.
🌱 I’m basically like a tiny, less-impressive Aragorn. I love travelling on foot, getting messy outside, I was kind of a Horse Girl as a kid ngl, I’ve always wanted to be a knight or king of some sort, chances are that I haven’t bathed in awhile, and I too would pine for a hot elf girl for literal years on end.
🌱 My closest friends say I give off “Dwobbit” vibes. That’s a ½ Dwarf and ½ Hobbit btw. I’m around 4’ 10” tall, I don’t shave, I love crafting and art, I live in the Mountains, I’m tomboyish but I also love gardening and can be a bit of a homebody, I love going barefoot, etc.
🌱 I really love History, Folklore, Mythology and Fairy Tales. My favorite is the Irish myth of Oisín in Tir Na Nog. Look it up if you don’t know it, it’s a fantastic story. But I also appreciate myths from all sorts of different cultures, like the myth of Annapurna in India or the tale of Princess Kaguya in Japan.
🌱 I’m an Aquarius, INFP and 4w5 if that means anything. For reference, characters who are also 4w5 INFPs include Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice), Wirt (Otgw), Frankenstein’s Monster, Luna Lovegood (HP), Napstablook (Undertale), Erik The Phantom of the Opera, and Celeste from Animal Crossing. That kinda tells you a lot about me, doesn’t it?
🌱 I am naturally very shy and take awhile to open up to people. I also get flustered very easily and tend to avoid social interaction a lot. I’m a huge introvert, but I also really do love meeting interesting people, so I try to talk to them when I have the energy to.
🌱 I have very long Disheveled brown hair, that actually used to be blonde when I was little, so there’s a few lighter patches in there. It's essentially a fluffy mane at this point, but because of my poor hand-eye coordination I never learned how to braid it. I have really pale skin, with lots of moles, freckles and scabs. It’s also warmer out, so I almost certainly have a farmer’s tan. I have very light blue eyes and glasses.
🌱 I have a habit of seeing shadows move out of the corners of my eyes, frequently mistaking them for people or animals, but when I turn to look there’s nothing there. I’ve gotten my eyesight checked multiple times, but there’s nothing out of the ordinary, so it’s either a lack of sleep, or the Fae are getting antsy with me. Probably the former of course, but part of me would like to believe the latter too.
Sorry the description is so long, I can't wait to see my results! Thanks so much, wishing you the best!!
Hey darling! First, wow that was really long! Sorry for taking so long to make it, as I mentioned before, I'm a fucking procrastinator.
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For LOTR, I'm pairing you up with Aragorn.
Aragorn had probably loved you for a really really long time.
But he's extremely patient and careful with you, so it took him a while to confess his love.
When he did, it was kind of overwhelming for you, and you were really doubting the whole thing. But again, he was really patient with you.
Aragorn doesn't cover you in gifts to show his love. He shows it by remembering all those little things that make you you.
The two of you can spend hours telling stories and tales to the other. It's your favorite thing to do together.
He loves that you write and always ask to read your work. Although, he never pushes you and respects you when you refuse.
He knows about every single one of your illnesses and makes sure that you always have what you need.
Bilbo Baggins
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For the Hobbit, I picked Bilbo.
Bilbo loves you deeply and truly. He thinks all the things that are annoying to others are what make you the most unique being he has ever met.
He thinks listening to you tell tales is more fascinating than reading.
Most of all, he loves when you read to him the stories that you have created.
Sometimes, your illnesses are a bit complicated for him to understand, but he does his best and listens to your needs.
His favorite thing to do with you is cooking. Sometimes, you will even compete over who is the best cook. Although he admitted more than once that you were.
When you are out gardening, he sits outside with you and watches you. He thinks it's beautiful how hard you work to make his garden look so gorgeous.
He is often insecure about losing you. He is scared that he won't be able to provide you with what you need, or won't be able to show you how much he loves you.
As for you, you fear that one day he might grow tired of you.
But the communication in your relationship is great and your insecurities are even washed away by promises of eternal love.
Again, sorry for the wait! I hope you liked it!
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