#it's funny because we have t-shirts with lots of places in it
xceanlynx · 10 months
I'll forever find it amusing how yellow and green t-shirts with BRAZIL written in the front became a fashion trend abroad. I've seen some with BELO HORIZONTE written too (Belo Horizonte is the capital of the state Minas Gerais), like, is there any thing more random to trend?
Edit: for reference, a pic taken somewhere in Germany I've found on twitter
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f0point5 · 5 months
As if you couldn't turn Max watching her breathe into a masterpiece, don't lie🙄 idk maybe they're driving around in her new car and they coincidentally see Elliot😂 would be a nice reprieve from *clenched teeth* freddie
I tried to incorporate a bit of Max watching her just breathe because it’s funny. But also Elliot. But also the car.
But also mostly I was just freaking out because the male perspective is so alien to me. This might suck. We’re going to be KIND if it sucks because I’m just a girl okay men don’t make sense to me.
Anyway, I’m deciding to name this one because this is what I was listening to when I wrote it.
✨set during winter break✨
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Call It What You Want To
“How do you take this long to get ready?” Max groans in frustration, dragging his hand over his face.
He’s been waiting 45 minutes. Not the longest he’s ever waited for you, but he’s been looking forward to this night out for two whole days. After everything that’s gone on in the last couple of weeks, and how none of that is likely to be resolved before Testing next week, he could really use a drink or twelve.
“I’m almost done,” he hears you call back, your tone telling him you’re unbothered by leaving him waiting. “Do you want everyone to think you have an ugly girlfriend?”
Max opens his mouth to reply but closes it just as quickly. What is he supposed to say to that? That no one on earth has ever thought his girlfriend is anything less than breathtakingly beautiful, so much so that it stopped him for thinking you could ever be his girlfriend more than once? That sometimes during a race he looks at the tv screens on the track in case you’re on camera? That whenever he passes the picture of you in his hallway he thinks he’d have hung it up even if he didn’t know you, because you’d still be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen? No. He’s not saying any of that. Three months is way too soon to let you know that you could use his balls as earrings. It’s not like you need a bigger head.
“I want my girlfriend to get to the club before it closes,” he shouts, stifling a smile. It’s been three months, but he still likes saying girlfriend.
“You’re such a drama queen,” he hears you say, your voice getting closer as you make your way to the living room. “We can’t all just put on a t-shirt with a funny saying on it and-“
You stop when you round the couch and finally notice him staring at your slinky black satin dress. Actually, he’s staring at the parts of you not covered by the dress, which gives him a lot to stare at. He might just give everyone what they want and quit driving if they could promise him he’d only have to lol at you in this dress for the rest of his life.
“What?” You ask him, which has him blinking furiously, trying to focus. You’re holding out a pair of heels to him, the ones you bought with the gift card his dad’s wife had given you for your birthday.
“Nothing,” he says, taking the shoes from you. He shifts off the couch to kneel in front you, lifting your leg to put the shoes on your foot and do up the buckle. “You look good,”
Above him, he hears you chuckle, and then your fingers run through his hair. You’re petting him like a cat, and he’ll be damned if he ever admits how close he feels to purring.
“Why does that still sound like it’s painful for you to admit?” You tease, using a bit more of your nails on the final run through of his hair.
“It’s not painful,” he tells you winding the glittering strap around your ankle.
It’s not painful. Sometimes it’s a lump in his throat, or a tightening in his chest. Sometimes, when he’s on one knee in front of you like he is now, it’s an urge to say something he can’t yet find the words for. But no, it’s not painful.
He finishes with your other shoe, squeezing your calf gently before placing a kiss on the inside of your knee.
“You’re just painfully gorgeous,” he says as he gets to his feet. “Can we go?”
You roll your eyes at him with with a smile. “Your car or mine?”
He chooses to take your car. Every time he gets in your Ferrari, he thinks about Vegas. He drives it often.
He weaves through the streets of Monaco with one hand on your thigh, and he can’t remember where the fuck he was putting that hand before you.
“The thing is, unless the contract gets sorted next week, he’s totally fucked,” you’re saying as Max turns onto Avenue Princesse Grace. There’s a gaggle of people outside with their phones out. Simply fucking lovely. “You’re not listening to me are you?”
Max turns to you, squeezing your thigh as the car slows. “Of course I am, Engel. Do me a favour? Just say fuck again, a bit slower,”
“You’re twelve,”
“You would not have gone out with me at twelve,” Max jokes, slowing to a stop in front of Twiga as a valet comes towards the car.
“You were cute at twelve,” you say, “fourteen is where it started to go haywire,”
Before he can respond, you’re getting out of the car, and immediately the camera phones are focused on you. Max follows you out, handing the keys to the valet as he tries to ignore the feeling of being hunted. He wonders if they know he can hear every word they’re saying. He wonders if they’d like him to take their picture and post it all over the internet. He watches you slink through the crowd towards him, not even bothering to pretend you’re not being watched.
It’s ironic, he thinks, he brings the spotlight, but you’re the one who shines in it.
Inside the lobby, you head straight for the elevator while he talks to the woman at the front desk- it’s a well rehearsed routine. Lando isn’t here yet, typical. He asks if they can send over some St. Tropez cocktails and some gin tonics, and texts Lando to hurry up, before turning to join you at the lifts.
Except, he notices, you’re not alone. You’re standing by the lifts, with a big smile on your face, explaining something to a guy with a familiarly large head.
Max has seen Elliot around a couple of times. Monaco is stupidly small, especially in the winter when it’s nearly empty. The two men always studiously ignore each other, because what is there to say? Max doesn’t know if Elliot knows that you’re together now, and he knows it shouldn’t matter, but it does.
He didn’t hate Elliot in Austin, even though he’d planned to. But then they’d met and Max found he really couldn’t hate someone who was as smitten with you as he was, as he’d always been.
He finds that he kind of hates Elliot now, though, as he gets close enough to hear you giggle at something.
“No. It was actually okay, just cold, you know?“ you stop when Max places a hand on the small of your back, where you dress is low enough that he’s touching your skin. You turn to him. “Oh, hey. Is Lando here?”
Max shakes his head.
“Typical.” You sigh. “Max, you remember Elliot, right?”
“Yeah.” He says, and they shake hands. How are you?”
“Can’t complain,” Elliot says with a shrug. His shirt matches your dress. Fuck him.
“Well, you can if you want,” Max jokes, except it’s not a joke because he hates those Britishisms. If you want to say something just say it. And if things are fine and you have nothing to complain about why make it sound- he just doesn’t like the guy. And he doesn’t like that you liked the guy.
Mercifully, the lift arrives, and when it does, Max steps aside.
“You take this one,” he says, gesturing to the open lift. Elliot looks like he wants to refuse out of politeness in the way only English people do, so Max forces himself to put everyone out of their misery. “It’s the least I can do,”
It’s such a dickhead thing to say, but he can’t help but smirk, and it does the trick. Elliot gives both of you a tight lipped smile and steps into the lift, pulling out his phone as the door closes.
You turn to face him, his hand falling away from your back as you fix him with a quizzical look. He waits for you to chastise him for his comment, then wonders fleetingly if you’re comparing him, in his silly t-shirt and tight jeans, to Elliot in his perfectly crisp chinos. Then he finds himself staring at your lips.
“Oh, right,” you say suddenly, tapping his shoulder. “That’s what I was saying. So this builder says he’s ordered all the materials, but he has to no contract. And my dad…”
Max listens to you talk, winding his arms around your waist in a way he’s still getting used to, and you smile at him in a way he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to. He promises himself then never to get angry with you when you’re getting ready. You’re worth the wait.
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'freak'
rated t | 930 words | cw: temporary character death | tags: canon-adjacent events, frankie pov, eddie munson lives
Frankie doesn't think he's a freak. He knows he's not the typical teenager, but he definitely knows there's weirder dudes out there.
Take Eddie Munson, for example. He's fuckin' weird.
He knows people call him a freak for a lot of reasons: he's got long hair, likes heavy metal, plays DnD, and is allegedly queer.
Frankie stays under the radar as much as possible, but he ends up at Eddie's table, sitting next to his one and only friend, Jeff. Eddie's starting a DnD club, needs people who are serious about playing long campaigns. He's a senior and "wants to leave a legacy."
Jeff convinces him to try it out.
He tries it out.
He has fun.
He becomes a freak, too.
And, actually, Eddie isn't really a freak. He's eccentric, sure, but he's definitely not what everyone implies when they call him that.
He's kind in his own way, inviting to people where most other kids at school have their cliques and don't let anyone else in. He's funny, too, sometimes completely unintentionally.
His Uncle is nice enough to let them use their trailer for campaigns, at least until Eddie is able to convince the school to let them use the storage room in the auditorium. They have to fight for space, especially when it comes time for the end of year drama club performance.
Frankie doesn't think much about what will happen when Eddie graduates. He assumed Jeff will run the club since he's Eddie's right hand man.
But Eddie doesn't graduate.
Frankie starts to get into the same music as him, no longer worried about wearing his Black Sabbath shirt to school. It's just music.
He doesn't worry about shaving his head, letting his natural curls grow out a little.
Maybe he's more of a freak than he thought, but it doesn't bother him when he hears others whisper it under their breath. Eddie wears it like a badge of honor, and now he does too.
When the news reports that Eddie is the suspect in the murder of Chrissy Cunningham, Frankie knows they've got it wrong.
Eddie is a lot of things, he's a freak, he's different. But he's not a murderer.
He's also gay as fuck, and while very few people know that, Frankie knows he had no intentions with that girl other than to sell to her. Maybe he should have been more careful, but he's gotten away with it this long. Eddie never pushes anything on anyone, only sells to those who seek him out, so there's no way she wasn't the one who wanted drugs.
It seemed to Frankie like a wrong place, wrong time situation for all involved.
Eddie was missing, which means he got scared and ran, and Frankie isn't sure what that means for any of them.
Everything is hanging in a weird balance for days.
Gareth swears he saw him in an RV when his parents dragged him to The War Zone, but no one believed him. Frankie didn't not believe him, he just figured Eddie was probably already out of the state.
Guilty people may run, but so do innocent people with a bounty on their head.
Frankie doesn't think Eddie is coming back.
He sees Dustin crying and handing Wayne something. He sees Steve Harrington of all people in Eddie's vest, a vest that now has some suspicious stains on it.
No one mentions him for a while.
Gareth is a mess, and Jeff keeps saying that he'll come back, but the news spreads that he's dead and Frankie feels like he's the only one who is taking that seriously. He doesn't realize how much he's hurting until they're standing in Jeff's garage with no idea how to fill the space Eddie left in the band.
"I think we should have auditions," Jeff says quietly.
"I think you should fuck yourself," Gareth bites back.
Jeff sighs. Gareth crosses his arms.
"I think you guys should come with me," Lucas interrupts from the driveway.
They go with him because Frankie is sure he wouldn't have even spoken to them if it wasn't important. They barely talked since everything happened over Spring Break, but now that school's starting up again, they'll need to figure out Hellfire Club.
He leads them out of the neighborhood and towards the neighborhood at the bottom of the hill: Loch Nora. The nice neighborhood.
It's hot and Frankie and Gareth are both sweating by the time they make it to their destination: Steve Harrington's house.
"You guys can't say shit to anyone, got it? You'll put us all at risk." Lucas is glaring at all of them as he knocks in a very specific pattern on the front door.
"Are you leading us to our deaths?" Frankie asks, only half-joking.
"Despite what Mayfield thinks, I'm not gonna kill anyone."
"Eddie!" Gareth yells as he runs past Frankie and Jeff into the house.
"Alright, keep it down." Steve says from the couch. "Neighbors don't need to know he's hiding out here."
"Holy shit, it's good to see you," Jeff finally says as it registers that Eddie is actually in front of them.
"You know, I was prepared to take on the role of freak," Frankie said quietly. "Just to protect all your sheepies."
Eddie smiled at him. "Yeah?"
Frankie nodded.
"Well, you still can. I'm not gonna go back to school anyway."
"So what will you do?" Frankie asked.
"Not sure," Eddie shrugged. "Teach you my ways, I guess."
Frankie smiled at him. "First lesson: how'd you come back from the dead, dude?"
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radiansjort · 1 month
BEST PARTS OF 2024 OLYMPICS (as someone in the US)
all the buzz around the cardboard beds. idk why the whole idea is so funny 💀
lebron hoisting that flag like george washington crossing the delaware. him and coco were perfect picks for flag bearers fr
POMMEL HORSE GUY. mr clark kent who got picked for the men’s gymnastics team JUST FOR THAT ONE EVENT, showed up, served cunt, and ensured us their first men’s gym medal in 16 years. stephen nedoroscik you will forever be iconic. (the whole team really— i also love seeing fred richards’ parents reactions LMAO)
THE USA WOMENS RUGBY TEAM 🗣️ being down 5 with 7 seconds left to go COAST TO COAST TO SCORE AND WIN THE BRONZE FOR THE FIRST US WOMENS MEDAL IN RUGBY!!! also ilona maher you will forever be iconic. 
flavia saraiva falling in warmups and being like ok bet, slaps a band aid on her black eye and goes out to help brazil win their FIRST MEDAL IN WOMENS GYM OHHH YEAHHH
GUATEMALA EARNED THEIR SECOND MEDAL EVER 🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️GRACIAS JEAN PIERRE BROL CARDENAS 🗣️🗣️🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🥉LOS CHAPINES FTW ‼️(if it weren’t for the new bib number rule instead of a shootout we could’ve gotten higher but i digress 😔)
kim yeji’s AURA???!??? she came out there and shot with her hand in her pocket like she graduated from the university of servington, which she did, all while holding her daughters toy elephant 🥹
suni lee’s, simone biles’, and brody malone’s comeback stories were all so heartwarming to see, especially rebeca andrade’s coming back after THREE ACL TEARS?!!?
henrik christiansen (aka muffin guy) is literally so funny 😭🙏 bro actually has SO. MANY. tiktoks about the olympics village chocolate muffins and i give all credit to him for the fact we have the recipe now 😋
that turkish guy who just came out there in a t shirt and rawdogged the olympics 😭😭 imagine doing the shooting event with no eyewear, no ear covers, and just eyeballing it and winning SILVER??? bro is a hit man tryna not be suspicious by winning gold 🤨🤨
snoop dogg just chilling?? bro is participating in trials, trading pins, going to like every event and cheering, wearing FULL equestrian gear with martha stewart 😭? watching skateboarding finals w tony hawk? my guy is on the side quest of all side quests
katie ledecky my GOAT 🐐. i always love seeing her as the only swimmer on screen!! she lowkey has time to get out of the pool, do some interviews, get a snack, and come back to watch second place finish fr 
i do not usually watch cycling but i got so sad when remco evenepoel’s bike broke down BUT he had such a. huge lead he STILL MANAGED TO WIN GOLD!!! 🔥🔥
loving all the countries making history with their first medals!! julian alfred (st. lucia) and thea lafond (dominica) SHOWING UP FR!! also a lot of countries got their first medals in gymnastics specifically like kaylia neymour (algeria), carlos yulo (philippines), ángel barajas (colombia), etc. LIKE OKAYY THE GYMNASTS ARE NOT HERE TO PLAY
all the noah lyles haters been real quiet after he won gold in 100m 🤫🤫
the french pole vaulter who LOST because his peanits was too big. LIKE??!!?? sure you have a big wiener but at the cost of LOSING THE OLYMPCIS LMFAOOO
the women’s balance beam podium was so cute 😭😭 the two italians, alice d’amato and manila esposito, biting their medals together, and zhou yaqin from china looks over and does it too 🥹
armand duplantis hit the turkish hitman celly after breaking the pole vaulting wr AGAIN and winning gold 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 tuff. he actually built different cuz tell me why he’s broken the wr LIKE EIGHT TIMES IN A ROW???
bro the figure skaters from beijing 2022 FINALLY getting their medals like??? i really took two years for the IOC to investigate? okay. AT LEAST THEYRE FINALLY GETTING THE BAG H 🗣️🗣️
imane khelif getting a gold despite ALL THE SHIT BEING THROWN AT HER‼️ she faced all these brain dead critics yet came out to win it, and saying without her haters the win wouldn’t have been so satisfying??? QUEEN SHIT 👑👑
women’s soccer SLAYED SO HARD. like i’ve seen enough build the alyssa naeher statue. that shootout against sweden awakened that dawg in her and she LOCKED IN. 
men’s and women’s basketball wins over france 🔥 imagine being the host country and both ur basketball teams go to the gold medal match just TO LOSE TO THE SAME COUNTRY LLL
usa winning the most medals 🔥💪 they not like U.S. fr 
shoutout to that guy who tried to climb the eiffel tower without ropes at the closing ceremony 😔✊ arrested before he could achieve greatness 🕊️🕊️🕊️
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brainrot-goes-brrrrrr · 10 months
School bus graveyard headcanons :D
First sbg post, lets go!! No fastpass spoilers. Formatted on a laptop.
Aiden used to be a really light sleeper. Like if someone were to breathe within his vicinity, he would be up or at least aware that they were there. I think it was because he either had to move around a lot due to his parents and he wasn’t really able to get comfortable in one place, or because he was left alone often and he was aware of his surroundings. It has gotten better after this final move. I do think, though, after the whole deal with Savanna that he sleeps heavier just because he is exhausted
If a store has a sale where it is buy-one-get-one-free, Ben will take full advantage of it. Like the sales at Walmart where you buy a shit ton of single color tank tops or t-shirts for like ten dollars. It would explain his outfit variety, or lack thereof.
I like to think that Logan is stronger than what most people think when they see him. Not like visible muscle, mainly usable muscle that doesn’t really show up. He works with his grandparents like a florist(?), and I think that he does a good chunk of the heavy lifting considering their age. Large bags of dirt, fertilizer, and heavy pots require at least some muscles in order to do it effectively, and if he did it often it is pretty much a work out. [we love Logan here]
Taylor has curly hair, but just straightens it. I have no reasoning for this, I just think it fits her, just trust me on this one. I also think that she always carries a couple hair ties on her wrist or in her bag at all times. Being in the mechanics club she would likely have to have her hair up so that it stays out of her face or so it doesn’t get caught in tools. She also has a couple just in case anyone in the group needs them, mainly for Ashlyn, but I also think Aiden would use them to tie his bangs back or something.
Ashlyn just dies in the summertime because of her hair, mainly due to the heat and the humidity. I used to have long hair, and in the summer it caused me to sweat so much to the point where I felt disgusted whenever it touched me. It gets worse at night too because I’m pretty sure she sleeps with her hair down, at least when she is at home. Don’t get me started on the frizzing, with that much hair it seems like a nightmare.
Tyler is a hallway crush, it is honestly funny. I think it has to do with him being in the baseball club, and the fact that I like to think twins are popular (people just like to talk to them/Taylor is charismatic, and Tyler is considered a “jock”). He knows about it, but he does not get it or do anything about it. He is already too busy with school, his family, and now his friends and the Phantom dimension. Several people have come up to Taylor asking for his number, and she hates it every time.
Both of the twins have several moles/beauty marks on their face, and just in general, however, I like to think they are mirrored. For instance, if Tyler had one right above his right eye brow then Taylor has one above her left. Is this realistic, no clue but I think it is cool.
let me know what you think about these!!
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ladymarycrawley · 2 years
Mummy was mine first - Mason Mount
Request: I have a request of a drunk Mason with his newly pregnant girlfriend - him getting all emotional thinking the new baby will take his girl away from him. Stuff like lifting her shirt and talking to his baby saying things like “remember your mummy was mine first 🥺”
Warning: Mason may sound like a prick in this but it was just for the sake of the story 💔
Tag list: @masonxomount @chelsealover @masterclassbaby​
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The moment you told Mason you were pregnant with your first child, he swore he couldn’t have been happier. He was literally on cloud nine, eager to live that unique and special experience with you, the love of his life.
As most of the things we have to deal with throughout our lifetime, it wasn’t all fun and games as expected. Actually you had to deal with a lot of changes that would come as the result of your newly found condition: the mood swings, the cravings, all the shopping for the baby, all the readings on how to teach things to your baby, how to grow him up perfectly and, at last but not least, all the potential dangers you had to be careful of.
It was a hell of a ride but it was worth it in the end, or that’s what you hoped at least.
He was absolutely crazy for you and he wanted to remember that image of you forever. Mason grabbed his Polaroid and took the most beautiful pictures of you naked, with your hair dishevelled on the pillow, the white bed sheets covering your lower body as you let your hands caress your baby bump.
In that moment the English footballer swore he never saw a woman as gorgeous as you, he really meant it when he said that the pregnancy made you even more beautiful than you already were. He thought it turned you into a goddess, as he couldn’t care less about the commonly called flaws you always complained about such as your stretch marks, your swollen feet, the extra weight you gained. He took every chance he got to make you feel loved, to give love to every inch of your body.
You sighed and shook your head as you got seated on the bed, looking for your t-shirt.
“Mason, stop it”
“You’re stunning, come on!” He giggled, holding the camera with one hand and lifting your chin up with the other, holding then your face in place to kiss you on the lips.
Mason shot a couple more pictures of you before putting the camera to the side and starting to kiss you passionately.
He was standing before you, balancing himself with his right leg bent over the mattress, at the side of your thigh. 
The ardour that inflamed your kiss was so strong he straddled you, hovering over you, always being careful of your bump.
He gently led you towards the soft surface beneath, so you could be in a more comfortable position while he made you feel his love.
You didn’t have the slightest intention to move, you just wanted to stay there basking in the relaxing yet exciting feelings only he could give you. Your legs were loosely wrapped around his middle as his right hand was delicately keeping your thigh up while the left one was holding your arms back on the blanket, above your head.
A moan escaped your lips as you felt his fingers fiddling with your knickers.
During the pregnancy, even if it was something common for most women, you started developing a sense of discomfort towards your body: it was inevitably changing but, since you've never been that self confident, those major changes were only increasing the doubts about the beauty or the attractiveness of your curves.
Mason was willing to do everything that was in his power to make you enjoy sex without making you feel guilty, embarrassed or in pain. That's why you spent a whole afternoon on a website the ob gyn suggested you to have pregnant sex safely, to learn all the pros and cons of such a pleasurable activity during a time where things might have gotten a little more difficult.
Whenever your mind took you back to that afternoon you couldn't help but smile, both because it was a funny memory and because seeing Mason so careful and attentive towards you to make you feel better, filled your heart with more love. But reading advice and theories was a thing, putting them into practice was another, even more so since your belly was getting bigger, leading you through the third trimester.
“Mase, the -”
“Yep, the belly is in the way, I know” You both giggled, Mason was really caught up in the moment he didn’t think about the six (nearly seven) months belly you had to deal with.
He sighed, sitting on the bed again.
"It's not just that, my back hurts a little more today"
Mason helped you up, careful not to hurt you, massaging your aching muscles. 
"I just ruined your sex drive" You let out in a low voice, feeling kind of bad.
"Hey hey, you didn't ruin anything, that's okay" He kissed your temple in the sweetest way. "Here, let's see if this one is more comfortable" Mason gestured for you to lay back on the pillows he put there to ease your back pain so your body was resting on the edge of the bed while his body was standing before yours, a little bent over.
You smiled at each other until your boyfriend's lips moved upwards to kiss your forehead, tracing your jaw next and ending on your neck.
In order not to weigh on your stomach, Mason kneeled down on your bedroom floor as his hands were on your hips and his mouth was leaving little hot kisses and bites against the soft skin of your thighs.
You would have liked to have sex with your boyfriend so bad but apparently your body didn't have the same intention: apart from the back pain, there were also those hateful little voices in your head the kept on saying you were embarrassing, that you didn't deserve the hot man which was your boyfriend to to make love to you because you were obscene, which wasn't the truth of course.
"I - I can't do it" You placed your hands on Mason's shoulders to make him stop.
He raised his head, frowning at your sudden halt.
"Sorry babe, I can't do this" You sniffled in the attempt not to burst out crying.
"That's okay" Mason said in a low voice, getting back on his feet and helping you up.
Various thoughts were beginning to crowd Mason's head too: he started asking himself what could have possibly gone wrong, weren't you really okay or was he just underestimating some signals he should have been careful of? You weren't attracted to him anymore??
He tried to fight all that brainwork while helping you get your clothes back on, doing the same with himself some minutes later.
"I'm sorry Mase, I really wanted to do that but -"
"I know, I know. Don't worry, it's fine" He faked a smile and left a gentle peck over your lips before leaving your bedroom and going to his game room. He needed to distract his mind a bit and maybe you needed some time alone too.
You huffed and went to the bathroom to fill the bath tub with some hot water and a rose scented water bomb to relax your sore body and your tired mind all the same. Warm water would also reduce some of the weight your spine had to sustain whic was a huge relief, making bath time something you had been really looking forward to at least once a day.
The last thing on your mind was upsetting Mason but you were sure he would have understood how you were feeling during that delicate moment. 
In the other room, Mason’s attempt not to dwell on what happened an hour ago didn’t work as he was there, with his headphones on, his fingers shifting over the controller, his stare fixed on the screen before him but his mind was still on you. He knew a thing as big as the arrival of a baby would have changed your priorities but it didn’t want you to change the way you looked at him: he still wanted to be your hero, your everything, he was afraid he wasn’t ready to leave hthe place in your heart for the baby girl who would have been there in a couple of months.
Maybe he was just a bit moody, maybe he was being childish but that concern was something that had been keeping him awake for a whole week now.
Mason turned off the console, putting away all the other devices he used during game time and started wandering around the house looking for you as he came to the conclusion that the best and wisest thing he could do was sharing what his real thoughts were with you, the love of his life and the mum of his daughter.
The first room he checked in was the right one as he pushed the bathroom’s door ajar open and the image of you, standing applying some moisturising over your legs, welcomed him. 
A small smile appeared on his lips as he entered the room wrapped in a cloud of heat reminding him you liked to take your shower and bath in hot, very hot water.
“Why didn’t you call me to help you get out of the tub?”
“Didn’t want to disturb you plus I’ve managed to do it myself” You say, a small note of pride in your voice.
Mason’s eyes roamed over your body, taking in your every movement and passing you the clean underwear and pajamas (that is to say a pair of joggers and one of his t-shirts) for the night.
"This may sound weird but... I don't like thieves"
"What?" You stopped massaging your face with the night lotion in order to understand what Mason was meaning with that apparent nonsense sentence he just spoke.
"Yeah I don't like people that steal things from me"
"Mason, are you okay? Who stole you what?"
He scoffed, somehow annoyed. He blankly stared down at his feet, as a child would do once getting scolded over something.
"The baby"
"Mase baby, sorry but I'm afraid I don't follow you"
You really were clueless about what he was complaining about, feeling a bit powerless too as you wanted to help him but it seemed kind of hard doing so  with him not being clear about what his problem was. You noticed there was something weird in him that day but didn't understand what.
He huffed, getting closer to your body leaning against the basin, looking in the mirror in front of you reflecting both his pout and your frown.
Mason looked down at your exposed collarbone before moving a strand of hair behind your ear. He then laid his head where his glance was, uttering against your skin. "I don't want her to take you away from me"
"Oh Mase" You cooed. He was the cutest human being ever in that moment. He didn't seem like a man who was about to become a dad at all, he felt like a kid who's about to become the older brother and doesn’t want the newcomer to steal his parents' affection. 
You started scratching the back of his neck affectionately, placing lingering kisses on the top of his head.
"I can assure you nothing bad will happen. She won't take me away from you, no one will ever. You two will be the most precious humans in my life, I'll love you more than words can express and I'll cherish every moment with the both of you"
Your lips took the place of your fingers, leaving kiss after kiss on his nape, where his hair was the shortest.
Mason sighed, a sad but relieved sigh, as if your remarks comforted him but he wasn't sure enough, as if he needed some more encouraging and endearing words from you.
"You know I love you, right?"
"I don't know"
"What does it mean you don't know??" Your tone feigning shock and disbelief.
"I don't know if you'll love her more than me"
"Oh…you're more of a child than the one I'm carrying in my belly, I swear" 
He rolled his eyes at the sarcasm you were using to answer his apparently silly worry. Your reaction made him feel unappreciated, as you didn’t care enough about what caused him that sense of uneasiness.
Mason left you there standing in the bathroom as he let his stressed limbs lay on the soft bed in your bedroom.
“Mase? Are you serious?” You followed him in your room.
“Nevermind, don’t fell like talking now” He uttered, his words muffled as he was keeping his face flat against his pillow.
“Oh my goodness” You closed your eyes, stroking the bridge of your nose back and forth with your finger. The way he was acting was becoming rather annoying, to be honest, and you were too tired to fight for a useless cause with a grown man that was just, in your opinion, throwing a tantrum. “Okay. I’ll be on the sofa eating ice-cream and watching Netflix, if you wanna talk you know where to find me”
You left him there and went to take your spot on the grey sofa downstairs, ready to binge watch the latest season of Derry Girls while scoffing down what was left of your beloved brownie and cookie ice-cream that became a must of your pregnancy by now.
If there was something you hated dealing with was discussing with Mason especially now, where the smallest of inconvenience would bring tears to your eyes.
The moment your view was interrupted by the sound of his footsteps approaching, you sighed under your breath, determined to act as if you hadn't heard him. Until when he took a seat beside you and you felt his eyes burning through you.
“Do you want a spoonful?” You asked him to break the ice.
“Nope, I’d never steal my baby mama’s favourite ice-cream”
That line was supposed to bring a smile to your face and it succeeded in doing so.
“Stop talking about stealing”
You averted your sight from the screen only when Mason placed his head on your thighs, making the butterflies in your stomach come alive.
With your one free hand, you started stroking his cheeks, moving them to massage his scalp.
“What’s troubling you, Mase?”
After you heard him emitting a loud sigh you knew the thing was getting serious so you just paused the tv to have your full attention set on him.
“It’s just - I’m afraid the miss here will steal you from me, that you’ll give her all your love and attention and when it comes to me you’ll be too tired to even look at me”
“Mase -”
“I’m so worried about this, Y/N. I know, this may sound as something childish or immature but I don’t want anything to change between us, apart from changing nappies and things like that”
You let out a soft chuckle and shifted in your seat to face him, as he had gotten up from your lap to seat properly.
“Look, I didn't mean to be harsh earlier, I’m sorry, but you hurt me when you said you weren’t sure whether I loved her more than you. I meant it when I said I’ll love you more than words can ever say. The baby will need all our attention and love and maybe yes, it’ll arrive a moment when we’ll be too tired to even kiss each other goodnight but it’s part of the process”
“I know but…I’m sorry, I wasn’t the one talking, it felt as if someone just took over me and spoke words I didn’t mean to say. I know it’s not easy having to deal with that ever growing belly but sometimes I just feel like I’m not doing enough to make you feel good and I hate that. I know she’ll need all our love, I’ve started loving her the moment you told me we would’ve become parents but sorry...I’ve been feeling weird lately” ”
The promise you made yourself not to cry, failed miserably and your orbs started getting watery with tears.
“You have nothing to reproach yourself for, Mason, really. It’s just - oh great, I’m a mess and she started kicking like a fucking footballer”
Mason chuckled and he promptly put his hand over the hump she formed pressing her feet against your belly.
“She learnt from the best” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“The fact is that…I appreciate every little thing you do to make my pregnancy a little more bearable and I’m so grateful for you, every single moment of my life but the truth is I don’t appreciate my changing body as much as you do and I always feel hideous, I’m really embarrassed of myself... the thought you want to make love to me feels absurd to me” You burst out crying and Mason had to hug you tightly to calm you down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make all of this about me”
“That’s okay and stop feeling sorry for everything. I love you so fucking much. I’m the one who has to be sorry” He let his lips linger against your forehead, detaching from your body when he felt your baby’s kick against his ribcage which was where your belly was leaning against.
He lowered himself further so his face was now at the same height as your stomach, lifting your t-shirt up so your bump was on full display. The moment Mason’s strokes met your swollen skin, your daughter calmed down a bit, giving you a rest.
“I think she’s a bit angry” You said, adjusting yourself against the armrest of the sofa so you could spread your bent legs more to let Mason make himself comfortable against your own body.
“Oh, daddy made you angry? I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Daddy didn’t mean to make his little princess angry, nor your mummy... it’s just that he loves your mummy so much…remember she was mine first, okay?”
“If I didn’t know you, I’d think you are drunk”
“I’m drunk in love”
“Oh Mase…”
“And now please baby, behave and don’t hurt mama cause she and dada have things to do”
“What kind of things do we have to do?”
“The ones where dada helps mama to love herself more…”
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jennaajoseph · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤ ❛ The beginnings. ❜ ⸻ David Loki x F!Reader.
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── ﹙౨ৎ ⋆。˚ MASTERLIST&INFO.﹚. ☆
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ SUMMARY. ⸻ You and David remembered your sweet beginnings together.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ PAIRING. ⸻ david loki x fem!reader.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ CONTENTS. ⸻ none, mostly fluff, female reader.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ A/N. ⸻ amazing request from anon!! (I'm so sorry it took so long) I tried a bit of a different style this time, I hope it doesn't look too bad?? I've tried to make Loki more brightful/flirty person in this. I need this man to be happy for once lol.
Work is kicking my ass lately lol, sorry for being inactive with fics, I'm still working on a few requests!! I have a few fics in my drafts I wanted to post for a long time so stay turned.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ CREDITS. ⸻ photos - pinterest (cropped by me) , divider - @/cafekitsune.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ﹙©jennaajoseph﹚
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You laughed at another funny memory with David that you remembered. "Oh, c'mon, that was embarrassing." He covered his face with both hands, feeling embarrassed.
"What?! It was adorable!" You chuckled softly.
He gently shook his head. A small smile appeared on his face at the memory of him wearing a pink shirt to one of your dates because you once said that pink is pretty. Later, he found out that it wasn't even your favourite color at all. "Do you know how stupid I felt after?"
"I was actually amazed that you were paying attention to little things like that." You leaned a bit closer to his face.
"I just wanted to do my best." He smiled as you leaned closer to him, looking into your eyes. "Impress you, you know?"
"You impressed me a lot, just like the first time we met." You gave him a toothy grin and he raised an eyebrow.
"Was there something wrong with our first meeting?"
"You don't remember? You were so eager to keep talking to me."
"I wanted to keep the conversation going! You really interested me that day." He tried defended himself.
You chuckled shaking your head gently at the memory.
David was sitting quietly at his table, drinking coffee. His eyes occasionally landed on you from time to time. You were peacefully typing on your computer, trying to finish the work that needed to be done for tomorrow morning.
The cafe was empty, there was no one besides you and him. A few small drops of rain were softly hitting the glass windows, making it not too uncomfortably quiet.
"Anything else?" The server looked at David, holding a coffee pot.
His gaze quickly dropped off you when he heard the waitress. "Oh, no, not really, thank you."
"If you need something, I will be behind the counter." She said softly, smiling. David returned a small smile. When the waitress walked in the opposite direction, his eyes landed on you again.
Your gaze accidentally met his, you quickly turned to look back into your computer, furrowing your eyebrows. His eyes dropped to look at his half-empty cup of coffee.
Despite everything, you could still feel his gaze on you, his eyes were basically burned into you, and you felt it. Your mind was telling you that he was just another creep that wanted to say some nasty joke when the time is right, and that was the last thing that you wanted to hear today.
"Could you stop staring at me, please?" You finally spoke, and his gaze met yours again.
"I'm sorry." He said a bit ashamed, his eyes dropped down again. "I just thought that you look really good today." He added awkwardly.
"Thanks, but you don't need to burn your eyes into me." You chuckled, looking at your computer again.
"It's hard not to look at you." He gave you a small, flirty grin. You rolled your eyes.
"I didn't know I was that pretty for some random stranger." You looked back at him. A small, almost unnoticable blush appeared on his cheeks.
"What are you writing?" He took a sip of his warm drink.
"I have some work due tomorrow."
"I'm probably distracting you, don't I?"
"A little bit." You gave him a playfull smile. "I could feel you staring at me like a creep, and I couldn't focus."
He placed the cup back on the table, chuckling awkwardly. "Sorry."
You rolled your eyes, smiling and started typing on your computer again. "Next time when you stare at some random girl, don't make it that obvious or scary."
He chuckled quietly, shaking his head. David wanted to keep the conversation going, but also didn't want too sound pushy or needy. You intrigued him, and he couldn't just let you slip past his fingers. "Thanks for the advice."
You gave him a quick wink and kept writing. Despite your comments, Loki kept staring at you. There was something about you that was different, unique. Something that intrigued him.
He decided to take another shot, and kept talking, even if it was something that would make you annoyed again. "I've never seen you here before."
"Because I've never been here before." You stopped typing, and looked at him again.
"You just moved in?"
"You are trying so hard, aren't you?" You closed your computer.
"Isn't what people do when they are interested in someone?" He gave you a cheeky grin.
"What if I told you that I have a boyfriend?" You returned the grin.
He shrugged softly. "I don't know, you have one?"
"You were playing so hard to get, y/n, that's all I can remember." He said suddenly, getting you out of your thoughts.
"You were creepy."
"I was just showing interest in you." He put his arm around you, and pulled you closer.
"In a very creepy way." You smiled, laying your head on his chest.
"What exactly was creepy in my behavior?"
"The way you were staring at me, almost all the damn time."
David couldn't help but chuckle. "But in the end, you agreed for a coffee with me, don't you?" He smiled gently as you looked up at him.
"I think in the end, you intrigued me too."
"What do you think?" You leaned in your seat.
"If you had someone, you wouldn't talk to me."
"I think there's only one way to find out." He started, and you raised your eyebrow. "Would you go out for a coffee with me sometime?"
You smiled gently, he returned a smile. "When?"
"Same place at 8 tomorrow? I can pick you up."
"You are very forward, aren't you?" You stood up from your seat, and packed the device into your bag. "I will get here by myself, but thank you."
"As you wish then."
You took a few steps towards him and held your hand out. "It was nice to meet you..."
His eyes sparkled a bit, unnoticeable for you to see.
"David, David Loki." His hand squeezed yours.
"Y/n L/n."
"It was also nice to meet you, y/n."
"I hated the coffee you bought for me the next day." You blurred out suddenly, chuckling.
He sighed, rolling his eyes playfully.
"But I had a very nice time, you know?" You looked up at him. "I'm really glad that you tried to keep the conversation going."
"I'm very glad about that too." He leaned softly to kiss your forehead.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 10 - Marathon
@jegulus-microfic July 10, Word count 719
“Stop complaining Reggie and get your shoes on! You are going, we always go. It’s tradition at this point,” Sirius ordered, throwing Regulus’s shoes at him. 
“Your friends always go, not me,” Regulus groused. He did not want to stand in a crowd of people and cheer James Bloody Potter on while he ran his marathon and then keep moving to different points along the run to continue to cheer him on. It was a lot of sweaty work, the only bit worth it was going to the pub afterwards. “Why can’t I just meet you at the pub?” He asked, staring down at his shoes. 
“Because it’s what family does, Regulus,” Sirius said kindly, wrapping an arm around Regulus’s shoulder. “Now put your shoes on and let’s get going, or we won’t be there in time to see him off,” Regulus grumbled about it, but wanting to keep Sirius happy he put his shoes on and followed him out of the door. 
The start line was heaving, and he was already getting overwhelmed by the cramped conditions and the noise. At least he’d put on a long-sleeved t-shirt. He wouldn’t have coped at all if strangers touched his bare skin. 
He could just make out James near the front of the runners. Some reality star made a stupid little speech that had Regulus rolling his eyes, then they raised the starting pistol into the air and squeezed the trigger, screwing their eyes shut at the pathetic bang, and they were off.
“WOOOOOHOOOOOO, GO PRONGS!!!!” Sirius cheered loudly, swinging off Remus’s arm. James winked at them as he passed, already overtaking three other runners. He had on the tightest running gear known to man. Regulus felt a tingling in his stomach. That was new. He shook his head and followed Sirius and his friends to the next stop to see James. 
They made it just in time. 
“COR POTTER THEY’VE ALL GOT A RIGHT GOOD VIEW OF YOUR ARSE!!!” Remus yelled out this time. James put a bit more of a sway into his running, wiggling his arse and blowing kisses at them over his shoulder. 
“Come on!” Sirius grabbed Regulus just as James blew one right at him. He was actually quite attractive now that Regulus thought about it. 
They got to the next stop with plenty of time before the runners caught up.
“THAT’S RIGHT, POTTER, PUMP THOSE THIGHS!!!” Peter yelled over the crowd. James burst into laughter but put a bit more effort into his run and easily outstripped the front-runners. 
“Alright, last stop Reggie, right at the finish line,” Sirius grinned at him excitedly. 
Sirius literally pushed people out of his way to get them all to the barrier separating them from the runners. “Quick put these on,” Sirius said, handing out black t-shirts. He didn’t give Regulus a choice and pulled it down over his head, trapping his arms to his side. He tried to get his arms through the holes, but Sirius was still holding it down, so he didn’t take it off. 
The patter of a single pair of trainers slapping against tarmac came from the corner. James Potter appeared, eyes locked on the finish line.
“YES JAMES!!!” Sirius crowed as James neared them. James’s eyes flickered over his friends. When he got to Regulus, he missed a step but recovered quickly. He ran towards them and stopped in front of Regulus. He reached over the barrier and grabbed his face between his hands and planted a kiss on his lips before sprinting for the finish line, beating the second-place runner who’d managed to catch him up.
“What the actual?!” Sirius spluttered, spinning Regulus around in his arms. “Oh for fucks sake you’re wearing my t-shirt.” Regulus looked at the shirt Sirius was wearing ‘James Potter is a Tw✱t!’ Yeah, that was definitely one he’d wear and James would find funny. He finally put his arms through the t-shirt he was wearing and pulled the bottom out and read the shirt Sirius was supposed to wear. ‘James Potter snog me silly X’ Well that would explain James’s side at least. What he couldn’t explain was why he wanted to do it again. At least the pub was only down the road, he really needed a gin and tonic right about now.  
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6rookie-writer0110 · 11 months
By your shadow
Tara Carpenter x Male Reader
Request: Could you do a tara carpenter x male reader, either scream 5 or 6, where reader is maybe a part of league of shadows and saves her from the killers, Tara knows very little about his past, both killer just looking at him in his gear, ‘and who might you be’, ‘death’ and ends up figthing Them, or something like that, either way, I love your stuff and you Can do whatever you want with this.
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Tara went to see sister Sam, but they got into an argument.
“Sam, stop” Tara sighed.
“I mean it, I don't trust him. We barely know him and you don't even know what city he is from. I don't think he is good enough for you” Sam said.
“He makes me happy and I care about him a lot,” Tara said.
“Open your eyes! I think you should break up with him” Sam said.
“I’m leaving!” Tara yelled.
Tara left and she took a cab to your place. You are happy to see her but you can tell she isn't happy.
“What happened?” You asked.
“I got into an argument with Sam again. She doesn't trust you and wants me to dump you” Tara said.
“An what do you want?” You asked.
“You make me happy, Y/n, and I mean it. I haven't been this happy in a long time” Tara said.
You wrapped your arms around and kissed her head. She is holding you tight and you hold her for a few seconds.
“Can I stay the night?” Tara asked.
“Yeah, you can. I wouldn't say no to you, babe” You said.
You and Tara start to smile at each other. She went to change her clothes and she is wearing your long sleeve shirt. Then you and Tara sit and start to make dinner together.
“Y/n, what city you used to live in?” Tara asked.
“I already told you, don't you remember?” You asked.
“No, I forgot,” Tara said.
You were about to say it, but your cell phone started to ring. Tara noticed it is an unknown number but you picked it up.
“Hello...” You said.
You are being told what is your next mission and where to meet. You hang up and don't say anything about it.
“Who was that?” Tara asked.
“It was a machine, said my Amazon account is closed but it's a lie,” You said.
You put the food on the table and she knows you are lying. But she doesn't ask any questions, now you and Tara start to eat dinner.
Much later, you and Tara went to sleep. But she couldn't sleep but you are sleeping, you have your arm around her body. She starts to think about what Sam said and thinks about what she knows about you. She doesn't know a lot about you and she doesn't know when is your birthday, she starts to think what kind of relationship she is in. She gently moved your arm away from her and slowly got out of bed. You didn't notice and you didn't wake up. She grabbed your cell phone and went to the bathroom, she locked the door.
She knows your password because one time she had to use it. She went through your texts, which weren't a lot. You have online friends that you send funny memes the only texts she saw the most, were between you and her. Then she went to phone call history, she noticed a lot of unknown phone numbers. But one phone number stood out and she called it and someone picked up...
“Thank you for calling, Ray’s butcher shop. What's your next kill?” She said.
She hangs up and she downloads a tracking app, and she hides the app with the other apps. You woke up and walked towards the bathroom and you try to open the door. She got scared and quickly hides the phone in her pocket, then she opened the door.
“Hey, babe,” Tara said.
“Sorry, I didn't know you were in the bathroom” You yawned.
“I’m done” Tara smiled.
She went back to the room and you went into the bathroom. She put the phone back on the nightstand, then she got her phone and took a picture of your state ID. You come back later, then she cuddles with you again.
Tara has been checking your locations on her phone. She is starting to feel bad about it and she doesn't want to tell Sam about it. She texted so that you can go to her house. Before you go, you went to pick up snacks for her.
But Ghostface starts to attack Tara. She tried running towards the door but Ghostface slashed her in the stomach. She tries calling the cops then she starts to run away to the kitchen. She is panicking and crying, then she grabbed the knife and starts to move slowly. But Ghostface jumped out of nowhere and grabbed her. Ghostface stabbed her in the stomach then they start to fight. Ghostface grabbed her by the hair, then pushed her to the floor. She tries to get away but Ghostface starts to hurt her again.
You arrived at the house and you hear her screaming. You see Ghostface and you tackle Ghostface and you start to punch the killer in the face. You hear the cops but you don't stop then Ghostface slashed your cheek and then pushed you away. The killer runs away but you run towards Tara.
“Babe, I'm here now. What happened?” You said.
You add pressure to her stomach, and you hold her tight.
“It was Ghostface!” Tara cried.
Sam arrived at the house and she thinks you hurt her sister. She punched you in the face then you moved away from Tara.
“You hurt my sister!” Sam yelled.
“It wasn't me!” You yelled.
She grabbed the knife and tries to stab you. But you dodge every attack, if she wasn't Tara’s sister then you would have fought back. The cops rushed inside and told you two to stop
“He attacked my sister!” Sam yelled.
“Not true! I just got here and it was Ghostface!” You said.
But they start to arrest you and they get help for Tara. Cop took you to the police station. You start to tell them what happened and Sam went with Tara to the hospital.
Hours Later... You went to the hospital to see your girlfriend. But Sam and her friends are there and Sam is glaring at you.
“I came to see her not you,” You said.
“You should leave, Y/n,” Sam said.
“Tara, how are you feeling?” You asked.
“You should leave, Y/n,” Tara said.
“What... Why?” You said.
“I don't trust you. I don't know anything about you at all. And I don't know when is your birthday” Tara said.
“Not this again. Tara, I told you is complicated” You said.
“Y/n, just leave!” Tara yelled.
Chad put his hand on your shoulder.
“She said to leave, Y/n” Chad said.
“Touch me again, I will snap your neck into two pieces,” You said.
“You won't do anything,” Chad said.
You pushed him then he pushed you back, and everyone stepped in before you or him started to fight.
“Just leave,” Tara said.
You leave the room and rushed home.
✬ ✬ ✬ ✯
You haven't spoken to Tara in a week. You tried calling and texting but she doesn't answer back. You have been training hard and you sharpen your blades. You asked an old friend for help then you search online for Ghostface killings etc. Your friend is a cop and he managed to get the files of Ghostface for you. You start to read everything and start to put everything together so far. But you wanted to call Tara but you didn't, you think she won't believe you.
Tara has been staying with Sam and Danny but Tara mostly stays in her room. But they do try to figure out who is Ghostface. Sam thinks it's you but Tara doesn't believe that. Chad tries to convince Tara not to get back to you, but she doesn't want to talk about it.
Ghostface started to chase Sam and Tara. But the killers managed to attack Tara and her friends, now they need to stop the two killers. Tara called you and she is hiding in the closet
“Tara?” You asked.
“Y/n, I need you. They are back. We thought it was one but it's two or three, I don't know but they are trying to kill us” Tara cried.
“Where are you?” You asked.
“Sam’s apartment. She lives by the old theater” Tara said.
“Listen to me, just go there with your sister. I will be there soon! Okay. I will protect you and Sam” You said.
“Okay!” Tara said.
You heard Tara scream and she dropped her cell phone. You put on your suit and then your mask, and you grabbed your blades. You knew where the old theater is and you didn't waste time getting there. Sam and Tara ran to the old theater, but the killers are steps ahead of them. Sam used her gun to shoot them but she kept missing.
Ghostface chased Tara and Sam toward the edge of the balcony. Then another killer appeared.
“You would be in the movie, Sam. We just couldn't let the franchise die” Ghostface said.
“But why?” Sam asked.
Ghostface takes off the mask and they are in shock.
“Richie!?” Tara yelled.
“They keep messing up the franchise and it bothered me so much! And we had to do something about it” Richie said.
“You attacked me at my house?” Tara asked.
“Yeah, I had to do it. I got so close to seeing you bleed out but your stupid boyfriend ruined the moment for me!” Richie yelled.
The other killer takes off the mask and it's Amber.
“You are in this too?!” Sam yelled.
“Yeah, he is right about the franchise. It was fun watching you blame the wrong person for this” Amber smirked.
You arrived and threw ninja stars at their legs, they are in pain.
“A third killer!?” Tara yelled.
“No. It's just us two” Amber said.
“Who the hell are you?” Richie asked.
“Death,” You said.
Richie run towards you and he tried to stab you. But you grabbed his hand and then punched him in the face. The girls watch you fight Richie then he tried to stab you in the face but again, you grabbed his hand and snapped it in two. Richie is screaming in pain. Amber used her shotgun and you run for cover. Sam kicked Richie in the face then you throw a dagger toward Amber, it got her in the chest. Then Tara ran towards Amber and pushed the dagger deep into her chest, she starts to bleed out.
“Die, bitch!” Tara said.
She takes out the dagger and starts to stab Amber multiple times. Amber dropped to the floor and bleeds out. Then Richie grabbed Tara and pressed the knife hard against her neck.
“Come out, now or she will die! Don't think about it, Sam because one step you make then I will kill her” Richie yelled.
You come out.
“Don’t hurt her” You said.
“Take off the mask, now!” Richie screamed.
You take off the mask.
“Y/n?” Tara said.
Then you felt a gun press your head and it's Wayne Bailey.
“Put your hands up,” Wayne said.
“Fine,” You said.
You slowly put your hands behind your head, you secretly take out the hidden blade from your left wrist. You slowly turned around
“You should have stayed away, Y/n. But you still have to die” Wayne said.
“Or you can turn yourself in,” You said.
“Funny guy,” Wayne said.
You turn slowly before he pulled the trigger, you sued the hidden blade to cut his forearm. He drops the gun and screams in pain then you stabbed him in the chest. He falls to the floor then you turned around and you glare at Richie.
“You ruined everything, Y/n” Richie yelled.
He stabbed Tara in the stomach and then pushed her over the rail. But she managed to grab the rail but Richie starts to run away. You run towards Tara and you grabbed her hand. But Sam went after Richie and she took your dagger.
“Don’t let go!” You said.
“I can't hold on any longer” Tara cries.
“I got you!” You said.
You use all your strength and you pulled her over the rail. You had pressure on the wound
“I will explain later, I promise,” You said.
“You better tell me the fucking truth, Y/n,” Tara said.
You nod then you put on the mask, then go help Sam. But she killed him and she aims the gun at you.
“Are you really going to do this?” You asked.
You and Sam hear the cops running in the building. They are yelling freeze, then you used smoke bombs to escape. Sam and the cops start to cough. Sam and Tara are taken to the hospital.
✬ ✬ ✬ ✯
Tara has been in the hospital for days, while she was there you didn't call or visit her. Only Sam and her friends went to see Tara. But she has been thinking about you and the relationship, she is feeling overwhelmed.
“Has he come to visit?” Sam asked.
“No. And he hasn't called or texted me” Tara said.
“What are you going to do?” Sam asked.
“I don't know. I know you want me to break up with him” Tara said.
“Yeah, I want you to date someone else. Right now, just focus on getting better” Sam said.
“Yeah,” Tara said.
Tara went to your place and you are happy to see her.
“I'm sorry, I haven't called or visited you at the hospital. I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me” You said.
“I get it. Y/n, but I need you to tell me the truth and I mean everything” Tara said.
“Okay. I lied about my past because it was complicated. Since I was two years old, I was thought to be an assassin. I never experienced normal birthdays or holidays or my mom taking me to buy ice cream. I would train from dawn until nighttime or I would be forced to train without sleep. My mom and my grandpa were the leaders of the cult. And when I got older I moved around and stayed away from them. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to lose you” You said.
You went to the room and you show the outfit. Then you take out the weapons and she is speechless.
“I'm in shock,” Tara said.
“There is a reason we haven't had sex,” You said.
“Why?” Tara asked.
You take off your shirt then your pants, now you just have on your briefs. You have many scars all over your body
“I didn't feel comfortable being naked, because of my scars,” You said.
“You got the scars from the training?” Tara asked
“Yes and some from fighting my enemies,” You said.
“You don't have many friends? When I went through your phone, I saw a number and it was a butcher shop but you called over ten times” Tara said.
“No, I don't have a lot of friends. I have some online friends and one in real life. I figured out, that you went through my phone. I saw the tracking app and I deleted it. Oh about that, to make money I hunt down bad guys and kill them for a fee” You said.
“You can't be fucking serious,” Tara said.
“I’m not lying about that. If you don't want to date me then it's fine and I will understand. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you to date me. When I met you, I knew you are the one for me. I'm sorry I lied” You said.
She walked towards you, gently put her hand on your cheek and you slightly bend down then she starts to kiss you. You don't stop her and you are kissing her back.
“You still can be my boyfriend” Tara smiled.
“Cool. Do you want to stay? Or we can go out to eat?” You said.
“Put your clothes back on. And your scars don't change my feelings how I feel about you, Y/n and I still think you are cute” Tara said.
You start to put your clothes back on. You and Tara go out to eat while walking to the restaurant you and Tara hold hands.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
Imagine mc giving birth to their baby. You know, Cove is probably panicking, Baxter pretending he's okay but at some point faints and our brave Derek letting mc crush his hand with theirs lol
And also I've seen a clip of a dude who just witnessed his wife deliver their baby and, with a face full of horror, he told her, "I am SO sorry, I won't do that again. " 🤣😭
I'm just imagining one of the boys saying something like that, in my head it's so funny
omg i almost missed this!!! im so glad you brought this up bc i love thinking abt how the boys are during delivery, especially cove omg (im sorry this is such a ramble... but also not sorry bc my brain worms are dancing in happiness at these thoughts)
even though you've had months to prepare for this and cliff n kyra has given cove lots of advice, paired with a lot of "don't freak out!" (sometimes followed by something freaky that happens during pregnancy or labor...)
he's prepared for this though. as prepared as an anxious first time dad can be. i mightta said this before, but whether you have him in the room the whole time or just to come cut the cord and hold the baby, is up to you.
if you have him in the room he'll let you hold his hand and he'll be holding yours back (he doesn't notice the pain of your grip for the longest...)
he definitely does what you mentioned and apologizes for putting you thru this LOL
after you give birth, he will do everything... he'll change diapers, put them down for naps, burp, wash, everything... because after that he needs to even the balance (if it was up to him, you'd never lift a finger after that, especially if you have multiple kids via birth)
delivery bag? more like BAGS. mans has double of everything, he's PETRIFIED
also he runs to any place you want and buys you food while you're in labor if it's really long
and he stays with you up until its go time, then if you want him to wait outside he will
also he faints... or at least gets weak
if you have a c-section he's alrdy freaked out bc... omg they're taking a knife to you thats scary shit
but just natural birth? he's doubly freaked out because your body can do THAT??? you're literally pushing out a whole baby and he is awed but losing his shit honestly
would be babbling praises and encouragements (both for you and himself) n you can tell him to shut up its okay bc he's gonna laugh in the end anyway, but he'll probably end up going quiet bc he's trying not to be distracting and he probably saw something he wasn't prepared for 😬
probably starts crying the closer your baby gets to being out the womb, n after they're fully out and here he's bawling and just realized it but also he's trying to comfort n check on you first so you end up laughing bc he's fretting over you as if he isnt flooding the room
mans is NOT CALM
tries to look calm, but he just looks constipated and he looks tired honestly
he's been losing sleep this whole pregnancy bc he's afraid of being a bad father, but he's so excited and ends up staying up at night talking to your belly so he just can't win
surprisingly dropped the collared shirts and slacks
mans is stuck in t-shirts and sweatpants or jeans
his hair is a mess too
omg he's napping when you go into labor
he jumps up, mismatched socks (either he's wearing an ankle cat print sock and a knee high sock, or he's wearing one sock. its bad n i think him wearing one sock is better (worse for him but hes fineeee))
the nurses love him bc he's running in and out bringing you food and runs back to get anything he or you forgot or might need
another over packer
honestly they're all over packers who are we kidding
this is where is wedding planner job comes in handy
has backups and plan b's for everything
and even though everything is right he brings extra just to feel better
won't be in the room if you want that ofc, but he psychs himself up to be in there
he's really scared n nervous, more-so than cove actually. but he wants to support you and if you want him in there, he's there. even if you reassure him he doesn't have to be there, he wants to be
he has to sit down while he's there, his leg is shaking and he's torn between watching whatevers going on over there and watching your face for any signs which.. doesnt really make sense since labor isnt like going to the waterpark but he has a kind heart <33
spends so much time looking at the baby... cove does too but baxter spends double that time
watches the nurses and doctors like a hawk whenever they mess w the baby
will curl up next to your bed and thanks you so much for giving him such a beautiful life, this is all stuff he never thought he'd have and he's so happy
he's actually the calmest one
he has 2 siblings and even though he was young when they were born, he has lots of experience with babies and he prepared
isn't that bad of an over packer actually, just extra baby stuff and some of the best snacks
but he'll still surprise you with your favorite food or takeout
he will do anything for you during labor, remind him to just sit down and hold your hand n stfu, thats what nurses n doctors are for n he really can't help much atp, its all up to you and the nurses+doc
holds your hand even though you might be hurting him. will just wince thru it or convince you to switch hands
will keep giving encouragement and either times it perfectly so he doesn't get on your nerves or you have to kindly ask him to shut up bc you're not playing ball, it isnt helping!!!!
also pulls a cove and does a lot of the work around the house and with the baby bc that was tough work, labor and carrying the baby? you deserve it!!!
ends up talking n holding the baby a lot, is probably a little scared since theyre so little and just holds their hand or looks at them
you sometimes wake up to him mumbling stuff to the baby, abt how happy he is, how he's going to take care of you both, how much he loves them...
carries everything outta the hospital by himself (by everything he means your hand and the baby, his family is probably dragging your stuff to the car bc they're here to help n make your life a million times easier and its literally a sleepover with nico around)
anyway. i need more dad!derek hc's now, specifically uncle nico and jorge, bc that is such a big brain thought
now this applies to all the boys honestly, i didnt even think abt it until now
but he helps you walk to the bathroom and put on all the pads n underwear n stuff if you need it
i remember seeing a youtube short where the woman said her fiance or husband helped her walk to the bathroom, spray her coochie w the water spray bottle, and with the underwear stuff
so don't worry about how you look or if it's icky because you're all sore and/or stitched up or anything like that because he's not paying attention, he just wants to help you in any way possible
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luvangelbreak · 8 months
Deprived | Five
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, smoking (cigarettes), mentions of drugs (weed) word count: 3.3k a/n: the italics are a flashback to allie and layla in their gym class btw! love you guys <3
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pov: layla
I decided to stay home from school for the rest of the week, I just didn't have the energy to endure the looks people would give me. The whispering during my last two subjects after Matt and I came back at lunch was already too much and it was worse in gym when Allie stuck to her word and paired up with me.
She seemed nice, much nicer than Mia was to me. She talked my ear off the whole lesson but I didn't mind because then I didn't have to talk.
"Don't worry about Mia, by the way. She can be really bitchy at times but she just doesn't like change. I promise she is usually a lot nicer," Allie rambled as we walked around the gym as a warm-up, "It was kinda funny though. No one ever really stands up to her when she gets bitchy because everyone's scared that her dad will arrest them."
Oh, I've met her dad.
"Matt also stood up for you after you left. I trust Matt's opinion on people, he's kinda my scapegoat when it comes to talking to people. I told him to start talking to you like three weeks ago so I could ask you to hang out. I just get nervous talking to people I don't know sometimes."
You don't seem nervous now, motor mouth.
"Sorry if I'm rambling a lot. I'm just really glad you decided to pair up with me because I've been paired with Mia for like the past 2 years. It's nice to have a new friend. It's not like I don't like my friends but Mia is my only girl friend and the guys are such guys sometimes it drives me mad. You get your nails done?"
I shook my head no before she continued, "We should go get our nails done sometime. My shout of course, I'm not gonna force you to get your nails done as well as make you pay."
She was a ray of sunshine and I was sure people were confused as someone as sweet as her was talking to someone like me who looked like they had a constant rain cloud over their head. I found myself amused by her rambling and I decided that it wouldn't be the worst thing to talk to her every now and then.
I spent the rest of my week smoking weed when my father wasn't home and drawing on the last few pages of my sketchbook. The time passed quickly considering I slept for most of the days. Suddenly it was Friday afternoon and I heard a knock at my front door.
I paused my music, frowning when I looked at the clock to see it was 3:30. It was far too early for my dad to be home so I grabbed the metal bat that was lying on the bottom of my underwear drawer, sneaking towards the door silently. Another round of light knocks were placed on the door and I crept up to it before looking through the peephole.
My tense shoulders slumped as I looked at two people with the same face and their familiar brown hair. I unlocked the deadbolt on the door as well as the regular lock before I swung the door open.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, leaning my left hand on the handle of the bat now that the other end was placed on the floor.
"Hi to you too," Chris mumbled as he looked side to side, clearly tense to be in South End as Matt smiled at me.
"I figured you would forget about the game. Decided to come earlier in case you were ready which..." he looked down at my outfit which was my small sleep shorts and an old ratty t-shirt, "I don't think you are?"
"You didn't say it was this Friday!" I frowned and Chris looked down at the bat I was leaning on before shaking his head.
"Good thing I came early then," Matt smirked at me and I chewed at my lip. I tapped the bat on the ground as I thought making Chris look at me again.
"Calm down. I'm not gonna use it on you," I deadpanned to Chris and he just shrugged, looking back out at the street. I felt a nervousness in my chest because they were at my house but I knew if they stayed on the porch or in their car, someone would try something. So I reluctantly said, "Come in."
"We can wait in the ca-"
I cut off Matt quickly, "Get inside now." They looked at each other in surprise before shuffling past me and I closed the door behind them before saying, "Do you have anything valuable in your car? Phone, wallet, laptop?"
They both shook their heads and I locked both of the locks on the door before I spun around to face them again.
"Why?" Chris asked and I tilted my head, giving him an unimpressed look.
"I'll just say you're lucky you drive a fucking soccer mom car or it would be broken into within 15 minutes," I answered blandly and they seemed somewhat shocked but didn't talk, "Come on."
I walked down the hall towards my room, slipping inside and they followed shortly behind me.
"We could've waited on the couch," Matt said as I closed the door of my bedroom and raised my eyebrows.
"If my dad came home and you were sitting on the couch, say goodbye to hockey for the rest of your life," I replied dryly and he pursed his lips, "If he comes home, you will just have to go out my window and jump the fence around the side of the house."
"You don't know when he's coming home?" Chris asked as he leaned against the wall beside my mattress and I shook my head. I was suddenly very conscious that I had the two most loved boys in our school standing in my dirty bedroom. I looked around my room, realising that I looked like I lived in a trap house with my mattress on the floor, empty beer bottles in the corner of my room with cigarettes stuck in them and clothes all over the floor.
"Sorry about the mess. No one ever comes over," I mumbled as I moved a couple clothes off of my mattress, "Sit wherever. Just don't look over here because I'm gonna get changed."
I travelled to the corner of my room where my chest of drawers sat and I saw them both turn to face away from me quickly. After placing the bat beside the drawers, I pulled out black baggy jeans, took off my shorts quickly and slid them on. I then took off my old T-shirt and slid on a baby blue hoodie. I didn't bother putting on a shirt since it would be cold at the game and I wouldn't have to take my hoodie off at any point.
"I'm dressed," I let them know as I grabbed my boots off of the floor, sitting down next to my dresser so I could slide them on easily. I looked up to see both of them sitting on my mattress, looking around my room. Their expressions were unreadable as they looked around my room.
"I like your posters," Chris spoke up and I looked to the wall above my mattress where my Bob Marley, Frank Ocean and Kurt Cobain posters were hung.
"Thanks," I answered, a half-hearted smile being sent his way which he reciprocated, "When do we have to leave by?"
"Four," Matt answered and I nodded, checking the time to see it was 3:40. I hopped off of the floor, walked over to my desk and sat down on the old desk chair.
I scribbled some eyeliner on my eyes before smudging it with my finger and then putting mascara on. I grabbed my lip balm, placing it on my lips before I ran a hand through my curly hair. I grabbed the white beanie that was thrown onto the floor, sliding it onto my head. I jumped up from the seat, grabbed my leather jacket that was hanging over the back of the chair and slid it on.
"Do I need to bring anything?" I asked, having no clue what else to bring to a hockey game.
"Just your team spirit," Chris cheered sarcastically and I tilted my head with an amused look on my face.
"I'm not a cheerleader for a reason," I answered and he shrugged, a small smile on his lips.
"Doesn't mean you shouldn't cheer when we win," he retorted and I nodded in agreement.
"I'm good as long as I'm not expected to start screaming 'Go Bats go!' like an idiot," I did a small jump when I said the slogan that I heard all the cheerleaders say proudly and Matt laughed in response as Chris shook his head with a smile.
"You wanna get food on the way?" Matt asked and I shook my head in response.
"I'm good, I just ate," I explained and he nodded, quickly checking his phone.
"We should probably go," he said, turning his phone to me to see that it was 3:55. I couldn't believe another 15 minutes had passed so quickly but I nodded. Making sure I had my phone, cigarettes, lighter and keys in my pocket, I swung the bedroom door open as Matt and Chris followed behind me. I unlocked the front door swinging it open and motioning for Chris and Matt to go outside.
They walked past me and walked to their car as I turned around to lock the door with my keys. After triple-checking the door, I wandered down the driveway to the minivan. I noticed that Matt was always the one to drive and Chris was seated in the passenger seat, phone already plugged into the aux.
I slid the back door open, jumping inside before I closed the door behind me. As I buckled myself in, Matt started the car and Chris played a song by Lil Skies.
"We good?" Matt asked, looking at me in the rearview mirror and I nodded before he spun around to look at me, "I didn't even have to remind you about your seatbelt, so proud."
"Start driving before I change my mind and go back to the comfort of my bed," I smiled slightly and he beamed back at me before he spun around and we took off down the street.
Within 5 minutes, we were in the parking lot and Chris was wriggling his body along to the beat of the next Lil Skies song. I could take a wild guess as to who his favourite artist is.
Matt turned the music down, earning a glare from Chris but he turned around to look at me ignoring his brother for a moment, "You waiting in the car or coming in?"
"I'm gonna have a smoke first then I'll come in," I explained and he nodded before turning off the car.
"You head in. I'll be there in a sec," Matt told Chris who was clicking away on his phone. With a nod, he jumped out of the car and walked around to the back of the car.
"You want me to take your shit inside?" Chris called from the trunk as I turned around to see Chris lugging his huge duffle bag full of hockey shit.
"Nah I got it," Matt called back to him and Chris raised his eyebrows as he leaned into the trunk again.
"Don't start fuckin in the car or I swear to god," he deadpanned before slamming the trunk closed and I saw him start walking towards the building.
"Sorry about him," Matt mumbled apologetically and I shrugged as I turned to face him.
"It's fine. Wouldn't expect anything less," I told him with an amused smirk making him shake his head, a smile creeping onto his lips, "Are you gonna go inside?"
"I'll wait for you to finish and then I'll show you where to sit inside," he explained and I nodded before hopping out of the car. I closed the door behind me before leaning against the car, pulling out a cigarette and placing it between my lips before lighting it. I heard Matt's door open and close before he rounded the car to get to the trunk.
As I began smoking my cigarette, a car pulled into the space next to Matt's and a few moments passed before Nate and Allie appeared out of the car.
"Hey! Matt told me you were coming," Allie beamed at me and I observed her outfit, feeling strange to see her out of her usual cheer or gym attire. Instead, she had blue jeans, a black puffer jacket with a blue beanie on and black and white vans.
"He failed to mention the game was this Friday," I told her and she rolled her eyes as Nate waved at me. I sent him a wave back with the hand that held my cigarette before I took another puff.
"Is Nick coming?" Nate asked and Matt appeared beside me, duffle bag over his shoulder.
"Nah. He said something about doing homework tonight. Chris is already inside," Matt explained with a shrug as Nate rounded the back of his car and popped the trunk open, grabbing a duffle bag of his own hockey gear.
"You coming in?" Allie asked me and I held the cigarette up.
"When I finish this," I told her, a smile tugging at my lips at her beaming personality.
"See you guys in there!" Nate called as he started walking towards the building with Allie following behind him.
"Is Miss Cheer herself coming?" I asked Matt once Allie and Nate were out of earshot and he shrugged, moving to stand in front of me as he adjusted the bag on his shoulder.
"No clue. She usually shows up late if she comes though," he told me honestly and I nodded, noticing my cigarette almost being done. I quickly finished it before dropping it onto the ground and squishing it underneath my foot. I went to push away from the car but Matt stopped me by saying, "Hold up."
"What?" I asked, confusion written on my face. He held his hand up before he dropped his duffle bag to the ground and squatted down to rummage through one of the smaller pockets.
He pulled out a small pot of black face paint and a brush before standing back up, "Move your hair."
"What are you doing?" I squinted at him as he opened the pot of black face paint and he smiled at me.
"Just trust me," he shrugged and I squinted my eyes at him for a moment before I tucked my hair behind my ears. I tilted my head back as I peered up at him and he dipped the brush into the pot before he started painting my right cheek.
"If you're drawing a dick on my face I'll kill you with my bare hands, Matthew," I mumbled, trying not to move my mouth much as his tongue poked out between his lips in concentration.
"If I was gonna do that..." he trailed off before leaning back with a smile, "I'd use a sharpie."
"What did you do?" I asked and he just shrugged as he closed the pot again, sliding it back into his bag before swinging it over his shoulder again. I slipped my phone out of my pocket, opening the front camera to see he had painted the number 81 on my cheek, "What does this mean?"
"You'll see," he shrugged with a smirk and I frowned as he started to walk backwards before he tilted his head towards the building, "Come on. I gotta warm up."
I pushed away from the car, trailing behind him as we walked towards the entrance. He swung the door open, standing behind it as he let me walk in first. We walked through the front area, some of his teammates being gathered around to grab snacks or energy drinks.
"Matty B!" one of the guys called who I recognised as Daniel and he jogged over to us as Matt paused, dapping him up quickly, "Who's this?"
"Layla, Daniel. Daniel, Layla," Matt introduced us and I just nodded at Daniel, not surprised that he didn't know my name.
"No Mia?" he asked Matt and Matt just shrugged in response.
"She's being weird. I don't know dude," Matt answered before he looked towards the rest of their team, "You guys gotta hurry up. We have 45 to warm up."
"Sir, yes, sir," Daniel sent Matt a salute before he started walking backwards and looked at me, "Nice to meet you, princess."
I sent him another nod before Matt started walking towards the doors of the rink, "Ignore Dan. He'll try to fuck anything with legs."
"Don't worry, Captain. I don't do goalies," I smirked and he chuckled in response, holding the door open to the rink for me to enter first again. I walked in, the cold air hitting my cheeks making me shiver.
"Layla!" I heard Allie's chirpy voice call out from the bleachers and I looked to my left to see her sitting front and centre, I sent her a small wave as I started to walk over to her with Matt following behind me.
"I gotta go get ready but are you good to sit with Allie?" Matt asked me and I turned my head to look at him now that he was on my right and I nodded.
"Yeah. Go make sure your hair is nice before you play," I joked as he rolled his eyes, pushing my shoulder slightly before spinning around to walk backwards while I paused at the steps that led up to where Allie was seated, "Break a leg, pretty boy."
"Thanks, pretty girl," he smirked at me and I bit my lip to hide my smile as he spun back around and walked into the locker room at the end of the rink. I shook my head to get rid of my smile as I walked up a few steps before sitting down next to Allie.
She smirked at me and I gave her a confused expression, "What?"
"Nothing," she hummed, her smirk turning into a smile as she looked out onto the ice. She pulled a packet of Sour Patch Kids out from her small handbag that I hadn't even noticed before she pulled open the packet, "You want one?"
"Sure," I shrugged, picking out a couple before throwing them into my mouth and her actions followed mine.
"So you and Matt..." she trailed off and I looked back at her as she smiled at me.
"Me and Matt?" I questioned, waiting for her to continue.
"You guys are cute," she shrugged, a genuine joy spread across her face and I let my mouth fall open.
"Uh... I don't even know if we're friends let alone anything else," I told her honestly and she rolled her eyes playfully before she hummed.
"Matt doesn't talk to just anyone. If he's asking you to come to his games clearly he wants you around," she told me as if it were obvious and I shrugged as I chewed on my lip. A few players from the other team skated onto the ice with their full gear, doing laps around the ice lazily.
"I don't think Chris and Nick like me though. His brothers' opinions probably mean a lot to him," I answered, looking at the players skating in circles. A couple players from Matt's team slid onto the ice as they started doing the same as the opposition.
"Chris is just focused on other shit. Nick tends to stick to himself a lot so just give them both time," she tried to reassure me and I looked back to her before she continued, "Besides, I like you so they're not getting rid of you that easily while I'm around."
"What about Mia?" I asked, genuinely curious as to how heavily Mia's opinion influenced her friends.
Allie sighed as she looked out at the rink, "Mia will figure it out. I don't know why she's being so weird about it. I think it's because she's protective over us."
"Matt's the one that came to me. I don't know why she was acting like I'm tryna break up your entire friend group," I mumbled as I looked out onto the ice to see a couple more players.
Only then did I realise that number 81 with a small C on the chest of his blue and white jersey was skating around the rink and it was none other than Matthew Sturniolo.
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supernovafics · 1 year
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series masterlist | last part — next part
pairing: modern!actor!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k words
warnings: explicit language, lots and lots of angst (sorry!)
summary: the weeks start passing by in a quick happy blur. the end of filming is coming sooner rather than later, but you and steve never talk about it ending, though. until you finally do. 
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CHAPTER SIX | ❝𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒄𝒖𝒑 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆❞
Filming was slowly but surely coming to an end. 
It was something that you couldn’t help but remind yourself of as each day passed, and as double digits turned into single, it started feeling like some sort of bittersweet countdown. 
Things started to ebb and flow on set, an easy sign to tell that things were reaching their end. Some days were really hectic, with last second changes or fixes you had to handle, and other days moved slower because there wasn’t much happening and everything was actually going smoothly. 
You couldn’t figure out if it was funny or maybe more worrisome that you and Steve never specifically talked about the end; you and him never talked about your “arrangement” soon being over. Of course, both of you were well aware of that fact, but whenever you were together, and as the days slowly winded down, you never mentioned it to one another. 
However, weirdly enough, your conversations would easily shift toward talks of your futures. With you talking about how you would be heading to Europe soon to work on Jessie’s next film as the Assistant Director. It was a job that didn’t even feel truly real until Jessie let you read the script, which you breezed through one morning and loved it, and you began having meetings with the Producers and other people involved in the film. 
And then Steve would talk about going to New York City soon to do a press tour for a movie that he filmed last year that was coming out in a few months. And there were even short mentions about his new and more long-term assistant, Martin, that would soon be taking over until Sheila was back from maternity leave. 
The inevitable ending was implied in those talks about the future, but neither of your uttered words that were anywhere close to, “I can’t believe this is ending soon.”
It felt like two completely separate things, even though they were perfectly related to one another— your futures that you both knew wouldn’t involve each other versus what the two of you were currently doing and how you were with each other practically every night. 
“You awake?” Steve asked you, voice soft. On this night, the two of you were in your apartment, specifically in your bed. It was dark and quiet, and it was also quite late, but you knew that he wasn’t planning to leave. Not spending the night at one another’s places after having sex was one of the unspoken rules between you two that had been broken night after night until it didn’t seem as if it had even been a rule in the first place.
Your eyes were shut but you were nowhere close to falling asleep because your thoughts were moving too fast.
“Yeah, I’m up,” You whispered back and then shifted around so you were facing him, adjusting the t-shirt you were wearing as you did so. Your eyes were fairly adjusted to the darkness, so you could somewhat make out Steve’s face. “Can’t sleep.”
“Me neither,” He responded as he moved a bit closer to you. “Why can’t you sleep?”
“Thinking too much,” You said with a quick shake of your head as you further closed the small hint of space between you two and let your legs tangle with his beneath the blanket. “What about you?” 
Instead of answering your question, he asked, “What are you thinking about?” 
You weren’t entirely sure how to properly sum up your thoughts that felt both scattered and incomplete. However, the darkness made it feel a bit easier to say what had been on your mind, as messy and confusing as it had been. 
“We never talk about this ending,” You said quietly as you gestured between you and him. “We talk about the future, which kind of implies that we both know this will be over soon, but we’ve never actually said it. And I don’t really know why but that’s been on my mind a lot lately, especially as filming gets closer and closer to ending.”
Steve didn’t say anything in response to your words, and that kind of made sense to you because you weren’t sure what he could’ve responded with or what you wanted him to respond with. The thoughts you’d been having felt open-ended, as if there was no answer to them. However, actually vocalizing it all made you realize something. 
“But, I don’t know, now that I’m saying all of that out loud, I’m thinking that maybe the end doesn’t really matter because we’ll still be friends when all of this is done; our friendship never has to change or end like everything else.” 
Steve was still quiet and you almost thought that he’d somehow fallen asleep, but you were quickly proven wrong when he shifted in the bed and turned so that he was on his back and staring up at the ceiling. 
His silence in that moment made you realize that he never answered your previous question, so you decided to ask it again. “Why couldn’t you sleep?” 
You noticed his eyes fall shut for a brief moment as one of his hands came up to brush through his hair and he let out a small sigh. You had initially expected him to say something light-hearted, but now you had no idea what he was about to say because from the previous actions, it was simple to tell that he was nervous or stressed; you had learned enough of his mannerisms at this point to be able to read him quite easily. However, that didn’t mean that you could read his mind; although if you could it would have made the impact of his next words a lot less strong. 
“I think I want more,” Steve’s voice was soft as he spoke. “I don’t want any part of this to end.”
His words sent something that felt equivalent to an electric shock through your body, but at the same time, you were too stunned to make any sort of movement. 
“But…” You trailed off when words failed to form on your lips, mainly because your brain felt like it was barely able to function right then. You forced yourself to think of something, anything, to say. “What about everything we agreed on?”
“I know, but I feel like everything is completely different now. This past month has been really great, the greatest month I’ve had in such a long time. And in the beginning, I didn’t think I’d end up caring for you as much as I do now, and I definitely didn’t think I’d want this to be anything more than what it has been, but I do,” Steve told you, he sounded nervous saying all of this, but also so sure of himself. He was putting his heart out on the line and you got the sudden urge to do the same, but when he turned on his side to face you again, you also found yourself wanting to look away. Things became quiet for the briefest of moments before he continued. “I want this. I want you. I want us. I don’t want to be just friends with you. I don’t think I can be, honestly.”
All of that felt so unexpected, and you actually found it hard to process or even accept an ounce of what he was telling you. It wasnt that you didn’t think it was true— in fact, it actually hurt so much more because you could clearly hear the honesty in his tone— it was just that right then it felt easier for your mind to disregard it and push it away, instead of thinking about believing it. 
“Steve, we can’t,” You told him, your voice was barely above a whisper and your words sounded shy and unsure, which made sense since your mind was nothing but a mess of confusion and contradictions. The thoughts you’d just been having mixed harshly with what Steve was telling you, and it wouldn’t have surprised you if your head exploded from the overload.
“I can’t imagine us going to only being friends and pretending like none of this ever happened,” He said and then quickly continued speaking. “You’ve never thought about us being real, or never wanted us to be more? Not even a little bit?”
The answer to his question was an easy one. Of course, you’d thought about it. Of course, you found yourself wanting it. You could’ve told him how there had been countless moments where you wanted to give him a quick kiss anytime you briefly saw him on set because any little moment you saw him managed to brighten your day, or how whenever you were hanging at either of your places you almost always wanted to slot your hand in his for no reason other than you just wanting to be closer to him. 
However, you didn’t feel like you should say any of that. 
Because you had wholeheartedly convinced yourself that something real could never work between you and him and it was hard to force yourself to think otherwise now. Especially because you always reminded yourself that there were way too many reasons why a relationship couldn’t work. 
You were suddenly so grateful for the darkness because the fact that you couldn’t really see Steve at that moment made it easier to say your next words. “No… No, I haven’t. Us outside of this context, outside of these nights we’ve been having, doesn’t make sense. Our lives are so different and we wouldn’t work. Like, in a week, when filming is over, we both are going to be doing completely different things and that’s not gonna change. Long distance would suck and we’d probably just end up hating each other.” Your words were coming out slightly rushed as you told him the reasoning that you had continuously told yourself any time you started feeling even the smallest bit of something more for him. And as you said it all aloud, it made it feel even more upsettingly true. 
You took a breath as you found his hand beneath the blanket and gave it a light squeeze. “During all of this, you became my best friend, and I really don’t want that to end or change. And if we actually did something, I think the only outcome is it ending badly. So, I think it would be best if we just stayed friends because I can’t lose you as my best friend. The talks we have and the little jokes we share; that friendship is so important to me. You’re so fucking important to me.”
Steve squeezed your hand back and a few long silent moments slowly passed before he muttered out a soft, “Okay.”
Things stayed quiet from there, with both of you simply looking at each other but barely making out each other’s faces in the darkness and hands still intertwined. There were two things you almost did in that moment— took back everything you had just said to him, and let your heart take precedence over what your mind was telling you was the logical thing to do. 
However, seconds slowly turned into minutes and you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. Instead, you pushed away the hint of regret you were feeling, and then allowed yourself to finally fall asleep; the silence and lack of light allowing you to do so easily.  
You were unsure how long you had been sleeping before you woke up because you felt the bed shifting. It was still completely dark in your bedroom, so you knew that it was nowhere near morning just yet. 
You let out a quick yawn and then rolled over so that you could turn on the small lamp on your nightstand. You squinted in the newfound brightness as you rubbed your eyes and looked at Steve who was now standing close by the foot of your bed, attention elsewhere. “You’re leaving?” 
He looked at you for a brief moment as he put on his pants. “Yeah… Sorry, I was trying not to wake you.”
“You don’t have to go,” You told him and then sat up a bit. It felt a little foreign telling him that when staying over at each other’s places felt like such second nature at this point. “I want you to stay.” 
Steve was quiet and you could see how deeply he was thinking about either what he wanted to say or how he wanted to say it, or maybe even both. 
“I think we should end this part of it all now,” He said softly. He had still been looking away from you, eyes focused on grabbing his shirt from off of your floor, but then his gaze met yours. “Filming is over in a week anyway, and I think it would be easier if we stopped this, y’know? And just fully go into just being friends.” 
He was essentially saying what you had convinced yourself you wanted to hear, but if you were being a thousand percent honest with yourself, you didn’t like hearing it. 
It was then that you felt a shift happening, the rare but all too familiar feeling. The one that told you that this moment was about to be a defining one in your life, and it was being pushed in a certain direction. Right then it was hard to imagine how you would later look back on this moment because there were way too many possibilities and all of them, even the really bad ones, felt plausible. 
You thought you would’ve felt this shift at the beginning of everything, when you and Steve started this arrangement. So, it felt a little weirder that it was hitting you at the end. It made you confused and you didn’t know if things were going to move in a bad direction or a good one; your gut feeling was telling you bad, but you sincerely hoped it was wrong. Everything felt too far gone now and like there was nothing you could do to stop or reverse what just happened. It felt impossible to take back everything you had said now, and your mind was still contemplating whether or not you even wanted to; if it would be worth it or just make things worse. 
You ultimately nodded at what Steve had said because you couldn’t figure out what to do instead and you felt as if you’d been quiet for far too long.  
“Okay… Okay, yeah, you’re right. That makes sense.” You knew that your voice sounded unsure and awkward, but you tried to hide it behind the tiniest of smiles. “Okay, so I’ll see you tomorrow on set.” 
He gave you a small smile back. “Yeah.”
For some reason, the words “I’m sorry” were on the tip of your tongue, and you didn’t necessarily know why you wanted to say it. And then there was the other part of you that wanted to make some sort of joke to ease the awkward tension, but your mind felt effectively blank.
Steve looked at you one more time before he stepped out of your bedroom. “I really do see you as my best friend too.” 
His words managed to ease something in you, soften something. It made you think that this decision being made was the right one.  
Maybe everything would actually be good. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
It didn’t take too long for you to feel like an idiot. 
And it wasn’t because you felt like you had done the wrong thing by dismissing everything Steve had said to you; how he told you that he wanted more and you disregarded it all. Because you had woken up the morning after feeling entirely regretful, but you didn’t allow yourself to do anything about it. And as the hours went by, the feeling settled in your stomach and made a home there, but it didn’t hurt you as much. It lingered but it didn’t make you want to cry, like it had when you first woke up and quickly remembered what happened. 
Instead, you felt like an idiot because you actually managed to make yourself believe that everything between you and Steve would be completely normal and okay. 
You barely saw him that day on set— when you showed up to his trailer with his coffee and breakfast sandwich he wasn’t there so you just left it on the counter for him, and the same thing happened with his lunch too. Whenever you did manage to see him, he would only give you a quick hello before immediately heading off somewhere else. And that was almost exactly how the next few days went. 
He was avoiding you and doing a damn good job at it. And it was hard to really do anything about it because the more you tried, and failed, to make things normal again between the two of you the more awkward you started to feel around him because none of it worked; he just continued to push you away. 
The interactions you were so used to having with him— deep talks about everything and nothing or funny and random storytimes also about anything and everything— all too quickly became less and less frequent until your conversations were reduced to nothing but him talking to you whenever he needed something or wanted to ask you something work related. 
He didn’t become rude again, though. Other than simply being polite and professional, he just seemed so indifferent. And that made you kind of wish that he was just an asshole to you again because it would’ve proved that he felt something toward you, even if it was animosity. But, he didn’t and you only became more and more confused.  
If this whole situation didn’t make you feel so fucking sad, you would’ve found it at least a little ironically funny that he had said that he saw you as his best friend, but him being so distant and pushing you away didn’t feel like any sort of “best friendship,” it more so felt like he didn’t want to be your friend at all. And you couldn’t find the courage to call him out on it because you felt as if all of this happening was your fault anyway; that in some ways you did the first push. 
And then you decided that if he could cast you away so easily— with what felt like not even a second thought because he didn’t once talk to you about why he was doing this— you could do the same. 
You became good at coping, at pretending that nothing was wrong even though it felt like absolutely everything was going wrong. 
You acted as if it didn’t hurt you so badly that your nights were once again quiet and lonely. And you especially acted as if everything in your apartment didn’t now remind you of him. That the two party hats, from the night he surprised you for your birthday, sitting on your dresser didn’t make you feel so irrevocably sad that you had to put them in your nightstand drawer so that you didn’t have to look at them anymore. 
You had friendships end before, and ones that ended so much more volatile than what happened with Steve; high school was something adjacent to a rollercoaster for you. However, none of those endings felt as painful as this one. 
It felt like you lost so much more than just a best friend. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
next chapter!
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fourthwingfan · 7 months
Madness - Chapter 8
Hello, hello dear readers. The new chapter is here, the longest so far. I hope you'll enjoy it :)
„There is an art to poison not often discussed, and that is timing. Only a master can properly dose and administer for effective onset. One must take into account the mass of the individual as well as the method of delivery.
—Effective Uses of Wild and Cultivated Herbs
by Captain Lawrence Medina”
The women’s hall is quiet as I dress for the morning, the sun barely peeking above the horizon in the far windows. I take the dragon-scale vest from where I left it to dry on the hanger at the end of my bed and slip it on over my short-sleeve black shirt. It’s a good thing I’ve gotten pretty adept at tightening the laces behind my back, since Violet isn’t in her bed. She had to get up earlier than the others. She’s on breakfast duty. And she chose it herself. I would think she’s a masochist if I didn’t know the reason behind it. Two words. Challenges. Poison.
I grab my bag on the way out, passing by rows of empty beds that belonged to the dozen women who haven’t survived to see August.
Time sure flies. And I’m incredibly lucky that after the talk with the General in his office, he had to go to the front. I didn’t have to report. It’s really a great luck because I haven’t figured out how to lie to him about the marked-ones.
With these thoughts I shove open the door.
And there he is.
“You didn’t tell me why you chose the library duty.” I greet the smiling Liam. He always at the door waiting for me in the mornings.
“Good morning to you too, Sunshine.” He laughs at me. “And I chose it because you’re my friend, and if I don’t go to the library then I would never see you after classes. It’s like you’re in love with the books. Or learning. I’m not sure yet.”
“Haha, you’re funny. And don’t call me that either” I say grumpily as we made our way to the quadrant’s library. It’s not like the Archives where the scribes are. It only contains books what we learn at classes. History, dragons, past reports etc. Despite of that, I like our library, it’s cozy. And not crowded at all. It seems the Riders don’t have time to read.
“And why did you chose the library?” Liam asks as we enter the library. “You’re always here after classes and I don’t understand why you’d want to come here so early in the morning.”
“What if I just love books?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. The only reason I chose the library duty is because we’ve got the keys to open it at the start of the day, and to close it before curfew.
“No, you don’t.” He shakes his head.
“What? How do you know?” I ask him curiously.
“You always look angry when you’re reading or writing an essay. It’s like books are you’re nemesis.” He says with a surprising insight.
I should have known. Liam is very observant, since our first day. He always points out what I try to hide. Only because he cares about me, not with bad intentions. And because of that I find myself opening up to him. I told him a lot of things about me. Things that only Violet knew. I really appreciate our friendship. He’s the kindest man whom I ever met. And I feel bad about his parents, even though he won’t speak about them. After all it was my father who killed them.
“I just like to be left alone.” I try to share some truth with him. “Not many people come here.”
I go to the closet beside the wall, near the entrance and pick up a broom. “Do you got the books?” I nod toward the piles of books which was brought back by the cadets and riders sometime yesterday.
“Yes, that’s true. But I think it’s only part of it.” He picks up the first book. “I don’t want to pry but I have eyes. You hate books. You take notes without looking what you write. I did not once see you put back a book in it’s place since we started this thing. You can tell me anything, but only if you want. If you’re not comfortable then just forget it.”
Shit. What should I do? He almost figured it out. If I tell him my secret will he changes toward me? I don’t want that. But if he finds out without me telling him, would it be better? No. I don’t think so.
Then I just have to prepare for the worst.
“It’s a long story.” I say while I walk to the chair beside the desk he currently sorting books. “You really want to know?” I sit and look at him with a serious gaze.
“Yes. I like you, you’re a good person. I want to know because if I can, then I want to help you.” He sits in front of the desk and turns to me.
“I have dyslexia.” I stare my hand without looking up. “When I was born…my mother…” I try to explain but I can’t. I didn’t even knew her but it still hurts to think about it.
He grips my hand and when I look up he smiles reassuringly.
“There was certain circumstances which caused brain damage due to lack of oxygen.” I say in a rush lest I change my mind. “I’m normal in every other aspect, I think. It’s just that my mind works differently then others. In most situations I have good memory so it’s not that bad, but when it comes for example history then I need to learn. Or if I see a map then I should be able to read the names on it, but… But I can’t read, only with great effort. It’s really difficult. It’s like the letters are running away from me. I know which letter is which, but when I try to put into words it’ll become nothing. It’s really tiring. I’m useless, I know. And I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore.” I draw back my hand to let him go.
“Aelin. Look at me.” He says quietly.
I look up at him and only see understanding in his eyes.
The air rushes out of my lungs.
“First, you’re not useless! You’re a very kind and protective woman. You’re really amazing and do not forget that! It doesn’t matter if you can read a whole book within an hour or not. It doesn’t define who you are. I don’t know who said that shit to you, but it’s not true.” He says firmly and my eyes are stinging. “You’re very precious to me. And I find it amazing that despite of your struggle you’re here as you are. You’re smart. If you struggle a little then what? Nobody is perfect. Me neither. And if I can help you with anything, even if you only need me to read out loud the books then I will help you. Because we’re friends.”
I swallow hard and try to blink back the tears. Nobody said things like this to me. And here we are. A marked-one and General Melgren’s daughter. And despite of the circumstances he became my best friend beside Violet. Because he wanted to.
“Liam…” I start but my voice breaks. I feel that if I say a thing then I will cry. Instead I smile at him. With real, genuine smile. With all the warm that I can muster up. I want him to know that I really appreciate his words. Him.
“Now come. We need to tidy up here before breakfast.” He lets go my hand and stands up. But I know he understood what I couldn’t say. He understand me.
“Yeah” I say in a raspy voice. “Don’t slack off.”
He just laughs and it seems that the library is brigther then minutes ago.
„Keep the temperaments of each specific breed in mind when you decide which dragons to approach and which to run from at Threshing,” Professor Kaori says, his serious, dark eyes slashing toward his nose as he studies the new recruits for a beat, then he changes the projection he’s conjured from a Green Daggertail to a Red Scorpiontail. He’s an illusionist and the only professor in the quadrant with the signet ability to project what he sees in his mind, which makes this class one of my favorites.
The Red Scorpiontail in the center of our circled tables is a fraction of its actual size, six feet tall at most, but it’s an exact replica of the actual firebreather waiting in the Vale for Threshing.
“Red Scorpiontails, like Ghrian here, are the quickest to temper,” Professor Kaori continues, his perfectly trimmed mustache curving as he smiles at the illusion like he’s the dragon himself. We all take notes. “So if you offend him, you’re—”
“Lunch,” Ridoc says, and the class laughs. We have a common class with Violet’s squad and unfortunately Jack Barlowe is here too, who hasn’t quit glaring at Violet since his squad took over their quarter of the room a half hour ago.
“Precisely,” Professor Kaori responds. “So what’s the best way to approach a Red Scorpiontail?” He glances around the room.
I know the answer, but I keep my hand to myself to lay low as always.
“You don’t,” Liam mutters next to me, and I huff a laugh under my breath.
“They prefer that you approach from the left and from the front, if possible,” a woman from our squad answers.
“Excellent.” Professor Kaori nods. “For this Threshing, there are three Red Scorpiontails willing to bond.” The image changes in front of us to a different dragon.
“How many dragons are there in total?” Rhiannon asks.
“A hundred for this year,” Professor Kaori answers, changing the image again. “But some might change their minds during Presentation in about two months, depending on what they see.”
My stomach hits the floor.
“That’s thirty-seven fewer than last year.” Violet says.
Maybe even fewer if they don’t like the look of us after we have to parade by them for their perusal two days before Threshing. Then again, there’s usually fewer cadets after that particular event anyway.
Professor Kaori’s dark eyebrows rise. “Yes, Cadet Sorrengail, it is, and twenty-six fewer than the year before that.”
Fewer dragons are choosing to bond, but the number of riders entering the quadrant has remained steady. My mind whirls. Attacks at the eastern borders are increasing, according to every Battle Brief, and yet there are fewer dragons willing to bond in order to defend Navarre.
“Will they tell you why they won’t bond?” another first-year asks.
“No, jackass,” Jack scoffs, his icy-blue gaze narrowing on the cadet. “Dragons only talk to their bonded riders, just like they only give their full name to their bonded rider. You should know that by now.”
Professor Kaori sends Jack a look that shuts the first-year’s mouth but doesn’t stop him from sneering at the other cadet. “They don’t share their reasons,” our instructor says. “And anyone who respects their life won’t ask a question they’re not willing to answer.”
“Do the numbers affect the wards?” Aurelie asks from where she sits behind Violet, tapping her quill against the edge of her desk.
Professor Kaori’s jaw ticks twice. “We’re not sure. The number of bonded dragons has never affected the integrity of Navarre’s wards before, but I’m not about to lie to you and say that we’re not seeing increased breaches when you know from Battle Brief that we are.”
The wards are faltering at a rate that makes my thoughts running wild with possible theories every time Professor Devera starts our daily Battle Brief. Either we’re weakening or our enemies are getting stronger. Both possibilities mean the cadets in this room are needed more than ever.
The image changes to Sgaeyl, the navy-blue dragon bonded to Xaden.
My stomach pitches as I remember the way she looked right through me that first day.
But despite of that I found her beautiful. That color and that confident stance.
“You won’t have to worry about how to approach blue dragons, since there are none willing to bond this Threshing, but you should be able to recognize Sgaeyl if you see her,” Professor Kaori says.
“So you can fucking run,” Ridoc drawls.
I nod along while others laugh.
“She’s a Blue Daggertail, the rarest of the blues, and yes, if you see her without her bonded rider, you should…definitely find somewhere else to be. Ruthless does not begin to describe her, nor does she abide by what we assume to be what the dragons consider law. She even bonded the relative of one of her previous riders, which you all know is typically forbidden, but Sgaeyl does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. In fact, if you see any of the blues, do not approach them. Just…”
“Run,” Ridoc repeats, raking his hand through his floppy brown hair.
“Run,” Professor Kaori agrees with a smile, the mustache above his top lip quivering slightly. “There are a handful of other blues in active service, but you’ll find them all along the Esben Mountains in the east, where the fighting is most intense. They’re all intimidating, but Sgaeyl is the most powerful of them all.”
My breath catches. No wonder Xaden can wield shadows—shadows that can yank daggers out of trees, shadows that can probably throw those same daggers. And yet…he let me live. I shove the kernel of warmth that thought gives me far, far away.
He was an asshole after all.
“What about the black dragon?” the first-year next to Jack asks. “There’s one here, right?”
Jack’s face lights up. “I want that one.”
“Not that it’s going to matter.” Professor Kaori flicks his wrist and Sgaeyl disappears, and a massive black dragon takes her place. Even the illusion is bigger, making me crane my neck slightly to see its head. “But just to appease your curiosity, since this is the only time you’ll ever see him, here is the only other black besides General Melgren’s.”
“He’s huge,” Rhiannon says. “And is that a clubtail?”
“No. A morningstartail. He has the same bludgeoning power of a clubtail, but those spikes will eviscerate a person just as well as a daggertail.”
“Best of both worlds,” Jack calls out. “He looks like a killing machine.”
“He is,” Professor Kaori answers. “And honestly, I haven’t seen him in the last five years, so this image is more than a little outdated. But since we have him up here, what can you tell me about black dragons?”
“They’re the smartest and most discerning,” Aurelie calls out.
“They’re the rarest,” I add in. “There hasn’t been one born in the last…century.”
“Correct.” Professor Kaori spins the illusion again, and I’m met with a pair of glaring yellow eyes. “They’re also the most cunning. There’s no such thing as outsmarting a black dragon. This one is a little over a hundred, which makes him about middle-aged. He’s revered as a battle dragon among their kind, and if not for him, we probably would have lost during the Tyrrish rebellion. Add to it that he’s a morningstartail, and he’s one of the deadliest dragons in Navarre.”
„I bet he powers one hell of a signet. How do you approach him?” Jack asks, leaning forward in his seat. There’s pure avarice in his eyes, mirrored by his friend next to him.
That’s the last thing this kingdom needs, someone as cruel as Jack bonding to a black dragon. No, thank you.
“You don’t,” Professor Kaori answers. “He hasn’t agreed to bond since his previous and only rider was killed during the uprising, and the only way you’d ever be near him is if you’re in the Vale, which you won’t be, because you’d be incinerated before you ever got through the gorge.”
The pale redhead across the circle from me shifts in her seat and tugs her sleeve down to cover her rebellion relic.
“Someone should ask him again,” Jack urges.
“It doesn’t work that way, Barlowe. Now, there is only one other black dragon, which is in service—”
“General Melgren’s,” Sawyer says. His book is closed in front of him, but I can’t blame him. I’d hardly be taking notes, either, if this was the second time I’d gone through this class. “Codagh, right?”
Everyone looks at me with curiosity in their eyes. Shit. What do they think? I won’t tell stories about him. Never.
They say the dragon chooses their rider based on things that makes them a great match. In this case they’re both cruel. They deserve each other, I shudder.
“Yes.” Professor Kaori nods. “The eldest of their den and a swordtail.”
“But just for curiosity’s sake.” Jack’s glacial-blue gaze doesn’t stray from the illusion of the unbonded black dragon still being projected. “What signet ability would this guy gift his rider?”
Professor Kaori closes his fist, and the illusion disappears. “There’s no telling. Signets are the result of the unique chemistry between rider and dragon and usually say more about the rider than the dragon. The stronger the bond and the more powerful the dragon, the stronger the signet.”
“Fine. What was his previous rider’s?” Jack asks.
“Naolin’s signet was siphoning.” Professor Kaori’s shoulders fall. “He could absorb power from various sources, other dragons, other riders, and then use it or redistribute it.”
“Badass.” Ridoc’s tone has more than a little hero worship.
“He was,” Professor Kaori agrees.
“What kills someone with that kind of signet?” Jack asks, crossing his arms over his thick chest.
Professor Kaori glances at Violet for a heartbeat before looking away. “He attempted to use that power to revive a fallen rider—which didn’t work, because there’s no signet capable of resurrection—and depleted himself in the process. To use a phrase you’ll become accustomed to after Threshing, he burned out and died next to that rider.”
Something in my chest shifts, a feeling that I can’t explain and yet can’t shake.
The bells ring, signaling the hour is up, and we all begin to gather our things. The squads filter out to the hallway, emptying the room, and I rise from behind my desk and go to stand beside Violet, shouldering my satchel as Liam waits for me by the door, a puzzled expression on his face.
“It was Brennan, wasn’t it?” Violet asks Professor Kaori.
Sadness fills his gaze as he meets hers. “Yes. He died trying to save your brother, but Brennan was too far gone.”
“Why would he do that?” She shifts the weight of her satchel. „Resurrection isn’t possible. Why would he essentially kill himself when Brennan was already gone?”
A stampede of grief tramples my heart, stealing my breath. Brennan never would have wanted anyone to die for him. That wasn’t in his nature.
Professor Kaori sits back against his desk, pulling at the short, dark hairs of his mustache as he stares at us. “Being a Sorrengail and Melgren doesn’t do you any favors in here, does it?”
I shake my head. “There are more than a few cadets who would like to take me—and my last name—down a peg.”
He nods. “It won’t be like that once you leave. After graduation, you’ll find that being who you are means others will do just about anything to keep you alive, even pleased, not because they love your mother or father but because they either fear them or want their favor.”
“Which was Naolin?”
“A little bit of both. And sometimes it’s hard for a rider with a signet that powerful to accept his limits. After all, bonding makes you a rider, but resurrecting someone from the dead? Now, that makes you a god. I somehow don’t think that Malek takes kindly to a mortal treading on his territory.”
“Thank you for answering.” Violet turns and starts toward the door, I follow her.
“Violet,” Professor Kaori calls out, and I pivot to look back. “I taught both your siblings. A signet like mine is too useful here in the classroom to let me deploy with a wing for long. Brennan was a spectacular rider and a good man. Mira is shrewd and gifted in the seat when it comes to riding.”
She nods.
“But you’re smarter than both of them.”
She blinks. It’s not often she gets compared to her brother and sister and somehow come out on top.
“From what I’ve seen of you helping your friend study in commons every night, it seems you might be more compassionate, too. Don’t forget that.”
“Thank you, but being smart and compassionate isn’t going to help me when it comes to Threshing.” A self-deprecating laugh escapes her mouth. “You know more about dragons than anyone else in the quadrant, probably anyone else on the Continent. They choose strength and shrewdness.”
“They choose for reasons they don’t see fit to share with us.” He pushes off his desk. “And not all strength is physical, Violet.”
She nods, and we head over to meet Rhiannon and Liam at the door.
“See? I told you that you’re the smartest person I know.” I grin at her. “And if anybody will bond with a strong dragon at Threshing then you will be the one.”
“You’re just saying that to comfort me.” She sighs.
“No, Vi. I say it because I belive in you.” I grab her arm and look into her eyes. “You’re smart, persistent and a good person. Don’t underestimate yourself.”
“Okay, I try.” She gives in.
“Good. Now see you later at the gym.” I wink at her and go grab Liam’s arm.
“Come on, we’re gonna be late.” I laugh at him.
“Again.” He mutters.
I’m so nervous for Violet’s challenge I thought as I stand and watch Liam beat the ever-loving shit out of his opponent. It’s a guy from Second Wing, and it takes almost no time for him to get the guy into a headlock, cutting off his air supply.
He’s really good. I cross my arms across my chest. I’m stripped down to the dragon-scale vest that’s starting to feel like a second skin and my fighting leathers. All four of my daggers are sheathed, and if everything goes correctly, I’ll have one more to add to my collection soon.
The Second Wing first-year passes out, and Liam rises victorious as we clap. Then he leans over his opponent and removes the dagger at his side. “Looks like this is mine now. Enjoy your nap.” He pats him on the head, which makes me laugh. Maybe I’m a bad influence to him.
I hear a shout behind me and I turn around.
Wow. Jack Barlowe stands near the wall and two daggers are etched into the wall. One near his ear and the other near his balls.
That must be Violet. So she took Xaden’s advice. I’m…glad.
There’s no ignoring the prickle at my scalp, and I let my gaze shift to see Xaden watching Violet.
My heart does that damn stuttering thing again, as if he’d sent shadows straight through my ribs to squeeze the organ. He lifts his scarred brow, and he walks toward the door, but before he can disappear he looks at me and I swear there’s a hint of a smile on his lips as he leaves.
That’s strange. It’s just me or he sends mixed signals? I thought he liked Violet but maybe he didn’t?
I don’t have much time to ponder on these thoughts.
„Melgren.” Professor Emetterio glances at his notebook and raises one bushy black brow before continuing. “Cardulo.”
Oh man, it will be a good fight. I grin as I step onto the mat opposite Imogen who glares daggers at me.
“You were just lucky last time.” She says as we start circling each other “And I will show everyone that you’re just a weakling.”
“Sweetie, I wasn’t lucky I’m simply that good.” I laugh at her.
She charges at me with raised fists and intends to punch me in the face but I quickly block it with my arms. I swing my right arm to land a hit on her side but she swiftly moves sideways and avoid it.
Hm, she’s not bad either. We exchange several blows, each one is faster than the one before. It’s like a well balanced dance, and we wait to see who will make the first mistake.
And there it is.
She charges at me again but her footwork is a little sloppy. I took advantage of it and kick out her legs.
She falls on the mat and I quickly try to secure her legs while punching wherever I can but she blocks almost every hit.
With a move I can’t see with her leg she reverses our positions and now my back is against the mat.
She lands a blow on my jaw and for a moment I see stars. Shit, she’s strong.
While I try to blink out the darkness she lands another punch at my ribs and grabs my hair to slam my head into the mat.
“I told you that you were lucky.” She mocks me. “You’re actually useless, aren’t you?”
Useless? My world stops for a moment.
You’re useless. You can’t even do the simple things I asked from you. You’re an embarrassment. Do something right for once in your life.
Useless. Useless. Useless.
I’m going under deeper and deeper in my memories.
‘You’re very precious to me’ I hear a voice. That’s… what Liam said at the library in the morning. He’s my friend and he doesn’t think that I’m useless. Then… maybe I’m not?
With these thoughts I’m back in reality and that’s the moment when Imogen hit my nose and I hear the bone breaking.
There’s blood everywhere.
Fuck. She broke my nose. I feel my anger rising.
When she tries to hit me again I grab her arm and I pull it to the side with all my power.
She loses her balance and I push her on the mat. With a swift move I punch her in the face, and I hear a satisfing snapping sound.
Payback bitch. Now her nose is broken too.
We begin to struggle for the upper position, but it’s like our strength is matching.
We use elbows, fists, everything we can to gain an advantage over the other one, while collecting more bruises.
With an opening, I get her into a headlock and I stabilize myself against the mat. I cut off her air supply, now I just need to endure it.
She claws my hand, tosses her body, trying to break my hold on her, but I won’t let it.
“Yield.” I say in a raspy voice.
She starts to struggle with a renewd ferocity but in vain. Slowly she starts to lose strength, slowing down. She almost lost consciousness.
“She yields.” Professor Emetterio says.
I relase her and she starts coughing.
Serves you right bitch. I won.
I stand up and I extend my hand. She looks at me with surprise in her eyes.
“It was a good match.” I say in a hoarse voice.
She accepts my hand and I help her stand up.
I turn to Liam who smiling at me. “You were great Aelin.”
“Yeah, thanks. But I think I will go see a healer, somebody should fix my nose. I don’t want a crooked nose.” I whine.
“Then come, I will escort you there” he laughs outright.
As we made our way to the doors I see Violet and her opponent and that’s when he pukes all over the mat.
Good job, Vi. The poison is working.
Next week I win against a second-year man with a rebellion relic who challanged me because the General is my father. What a surprise.
The week after the next I win again, because my opponent was a first-year who almost cried when the Professor paired us up.
The next week I almost lost against a second-year. He was a really strong opponent but got too cocky and his moves became sloppy.
My fifth won dagger is from another first-year. To my surprise I was paired up with Rhiannon. That was a good match, she’s strong and smart. But I’m better than her. It’s a fact. After all I was taught by the General.
It’s my luck that he was still at the front. I’m terrified if I think about the first time when I will have to report him. I can feel that I can’t avoid it much longer.
And August is over.
Come early September I stand next to the mat to wait for my match.
Violet is on the mat and I search for her opponent. What will it be this time? She will be throwing up? She won’t see after a couple of minutes? She will lost her balance?
I’m really intriguied. She always uses different kind of poisons so it’s not that conspicuous.
„Sorry, Violet,” Professor Emetterio says, scratching his short black beard. “You were supposed to challenge Rayma, but she’s been taken to the healers because she can’t seem to walk in a straight line.”
“That’s too bad.” She winces. “But I’m fine without a match” she adds quickly.
The Professor nods then turns to me “And Aelin it seems you’re opponent is Rayma’s boyfriend and probably they shared their breakfast. Now they both at the Healrs Quadrant.”
“What?” I ask with surprise evident on my face. “Then who will be my opponent?”
„I’m happy to step in.” That voice. That tone. That prickle of ice along my scalp…
Oh no. Hell no. No. No. No.
“You sure?” Professor Emetterio asks, glancing over his shoulder.
My stomach hits the floor.
And Xaden walks onto the mat.
Shit. I should’ve said that I’m fine without a match too.
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pastelwitchling · 4 months
Ok so funny thought/ prompt whatever
Imagine Michael finding out that on one of the trips Alex and Kyle have done (deep sky, season 1 whatever) they shared a bed
It's totally innocent but not to Michael
And isobel would love it cause come on Alex and Kyle that close together is just visually so pleasing
Michael loved his bed. That wasn’t something he’d ever considered before he’d met Alex, but now his bed was a safe haven, a place of comfort and warmth and love. It was his favorite part of their home because going to bed meant falling into his husband’s embrace, his arms around Alex as he was either soothed into sleep, or soothing Alex into sleep – both of which he loved.
He loved knowing that no one could comfort Alex like he could, that when he tugged on Alex’s arm and led him to their bedroom, Alex relented like he did for no one else.
“Okay, okay,” he’d sigh and smile in that way that he did whenever he couldn’t resist giving Michael what he wanted, and he would nuzzle Michael’s neck and curl in close and everything would be okay because they were both there and together and safe and warm.
It was on such a morning, their chests pressed together, Alex breathing softly against Michael’s collarbone and Michael’s fingers trailing lazily up and down his spine, that their peace was interrupted with a knock at the door.
Michael groaned, and Alex chuckled sleepily.
“Stay here, baby,” he murmured, his lips brushing Michael’s neck, “I’ll get it.”
“Don’t you dare move,” he argued, squeezing Alex close until he stopped squirming. When Alex gave up with giggles, Michael smiled and gently kissed his brow. He unwillingly let go, and grabbed Alex’s Air Force T-shirt and pulled it on. “I’ll go get rid of ‘em.”
“You don’t even know who it is yet,” Alex grinned into his pillow.
“It’s seven in the morning, babe,” he said, running a hand through his curls. “I don’t need to know who it is.”
Michael’s body was already cold from the loss of his husband’s touch, the knock coming again. He opened the door, and his groan turned up in full force.
Kyle rolled his eyes, shouldering his way past Michael, a takeout bag in his hands. “Is Alex awake? We have to hit the road soon and I got us breakfast.”
Michael’s eye twitched. It had been doing that since Alex had first told him that he would be accompanying Kyle in Isobel’s place to the doctors’ convention in Albuquerque. Damn his sister for her emergency fundraising gala problems. Of course her biggest event of the year had to have an issue that only she could fix, and since it was for charity, what was Michael supposed to say? ‘No, you have to go with your fiancé to his convention so my husband doesn’t’? He couldn’t whine like that. Out loud.
“He actually changed his mind,” Michael smirked, crossing his arms and leaning his hip against the couch. “Just forgot to tell you. Sorry.”
“Mhm,” Kyle set the bag down, giving Michael a dry smile, and called down the hall, “Alex, it’s me!”
“Okay, give me a minute and we can go!” Alex called back, and Michael’s shoulders fell.
“I hate you so much,” he told Kyle.
“I disagree,” Kyle said, opening the bag and pulling out a few cinnamon rolls, triple-chocolate fudge muffins, and bottles of lemonade. “I think you’re secretly warming up to me.”
“I think you’re as delusional as always,” Michael said. “I don’t know how much you’d appreciate the guy who takes you out of bed with your spouse, but –”
“Ah,” he nodded, busy with the food. “Well, I can see why you’re so pissy, Alex gets very sweet in bed.”
Michael opened his mouth to retort when his brain caught up with his ears. He stared. “Say that again?”
“I said you’re right,” he shrugged a shoulder and sniffed. “Alex gets all cuddly and warm and rosy-cheeked when you get into bed with him –”
“And how the hell do you know how my husband gets in bed?”
“We used to be on the road a lot for Project Shepherd?” Kyle said like it was obvious, and if he could sense Michael’s gradually increased seething, he didn’t show it. “We shared a few beds, Guerin.”
Michael’s eye started twitching and didn’t stop. “You what?”
“Oh come on,” he rolled his eyes. “You know how bad his nightmares get, should I have left him alone?”
“You shouldn’t have gotten into bed with him!”
Kyle gave a long-suffering sigh, and looked back into the hall. “Alex, your husband’s about to blow, can you hurry it up?”
“Blow about what?” came Alex’s muffled voice.
Michael growled and stomped back to their bedroom. “YOU AND VALENTI SHARED A BED?!”
“Ohhh,” Alex, in the middle of buttoning his shirt in their bathroom mirror, nodded. “That.”
“Michael,” Alex said calmly, “the cabinet.”
Michael realized he was making the cabinet levitate off the ground, and with a jerk of his wrist, it fell back to the ground with a heavy thud. “Why didn’t you tell me you and Kyle shared a freaking bed?”
“We weren’t even together then,” Alex shrugged, and Michael thought he wasn’t nearly as abashed about this as he should’ve been.
“If you really think there was ever a time you didn’t belong to me,” Michael argued, “then you’re seriously underestimating my attachment to you.”
Alex smiled and blushed, still fixing his hair. “Aww, baby . . .”
“You’re always cute.”
Traitorous, unwanted warmth rose up the back of his neck and tried to deter his anger. “The bed, Alex,” he tried desperately to cling to his fury. “The bed. Is nothing sacred?!”
Alex bit his lower lip in an attempt to keep his smile from widening. It wasn’t working. Curse Michael’s love for that smile because the more amused Alex became, the deeper his blush, the harder it was to be angry.
“Just tell me one thing,” Michael said with as much solemnity as he could manage in the face of Alex’s giddiness. Taking a shuddering breath, he braced himself and asked, “Did you guys cuddle?”
Alex burst into laughter. “I might’ve cuddled up to him while I was asleep, I’m not going to lie –”
“— only because I was imagining that it was you.”
Michael fell silent, but Alex was still smiling at him like he was the most adorable thing in the world.
“For my scariest nightmares,” he said softly, “nothing calmed me down like the idea of you holding me. And Kyle knew that. Every time he held me, he told me to just pretend it was you. That you were there with your arms around me, keeping me safe. Nothing else would help, Michael. Nothing.”
Michael stared, heart pounding and his thoughts muddled. Alex finished dressing, took Michael’s hands in his, and kissed his fingers like he revered every inch of the cowboy that he could get. “And now I’m with the real you in bed every night. I’m living the dream.”
Michael’s shoulders fell, and he swallowed. “Baby . . .”
Alex tilted his head. “Are you going to be okay here for a few days? If it really makes you uncomfortable, I won’t go. Kyle will understand.”
“I’m never comfortable when you’re out of my sight,” he said instinctively, and sighed, “but . . . I guess . . . I can . . . make an exception, just this once.”
Alex chuckled, undoubtedly sensing Michael’s hesitance behind every word. “You’re sure?”
Michael groaned and folded Alex into his arms. “Yeah, baby, I’m sure. Just . . .” he squeezed Alex tighter and grumbled, “if you have a nightmare, call me, okay? You don’t need anyone else to pretend anymore.”
He felt Alex’s smile against the crook of his neck. “Good. Nothing compares anyway.”
Happy Belated Malex Monday ❤️ It's good to be back 🥰
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siancore · 2 months
i was wondering if you could recommend your fav sambucky fics you’ve written?
hope you’re well x
Hey there. Of course. I've loved everything I've written for them, but these ones are close to my heart for different reasons. A couple are current works in progress, the rest are complete. There's a bit of everything here. Thanks for asking!
First Time
War Stories - 12/13 - M
A/N: This story begins with Sam and Bucky meeting again in Wakanda circa Infinity War right up to where we see them in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Stemming from my headcanon that Sam and Bucky had something going on between them before FATWS which is why there is tension between them in the show.
Summary: Sam stole another glance at Bucky as he used the bottom of his shirt to wipe sweat from his brow. Sam’s gaze fell on his toned, muscular body before he felt his own skin flush warm. He swallowed hard and reminded himself that he was there to help and time of was of the essence, not to ogle Steve’s old ass friend.
Bucky noticed Sam right away as the vehicles arrived. He wasn’t surprised that Steve’s friend would be out helping. He seemed like the type of man that would. He was a lot like their mutual friend in that way. He intrigued Bucky, just from the few but interesting interactions that had had. If Steve liked he guy and trusted him, Bucky could, too.
Ashes & Dreams - 5/6 - M
A/N: SamBucky time travel AU
Summary: It was a bad idea. Sam knew as much. His mission directive was clear: Travel back in time, go to the Stark Expo, and retrieve the stolen Wakandan artefact as a promise of goodwill and a way to make amends with a valued ally. He had finished the first half of his mission and secured the artefact, but he had not activated the Temporal Shift Device to return him to his own time. Curiosity had gotten the better of Sam. Curiosity and a yearning deep inside. He knew that there was a chance that he would see this other Bucky. He knew that if he set the Device to pick-up Bucky’s corporeal frequency, he would find him in the sea of people. The fact of the matter was, Sam missed Bucky. He missed his Bucky.
Feels Like Home - G
A/N: Written for SamBucky Summer Bingo. Square Fill: Coming Out
Summary: It was funny how belonging, and home was not necessarily linked to a place, but a person. As if home was linked more to the family you had instead of a house you all resided in. Bucky had not had a home in so long – in a whole lifetime, actually, but he wanted that. He yearned for it. Dreamed of it. So, he had packed up his belongings to leave the city that used to be his home so that he could be with his new family. He was ready to take that leap, to put one foot in front of the other on that journey, but there was one more thing he needed to do.
Fuck Valentine's Day - M
A/N: For @sambuckylibrary's SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo
Summary: Sam and Bucky have an annual Anti-Valentine’s Day Movie Night where they eat junk food and watch crappy movies because Valentine’s Day is for suckers and schmucks and best spent with your friend doing the least-romantic shit possible. Too bad they’re both in love with one another...
Fireplace - T
A/N: Written for the @sambuckylibrary SamBucky Festive Season Bingo 2022
Summary: Sam Wilson is on a mission to find Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier. But it's cold and he is second guessing his own choices.
Afraid - E
Summary: Sam is so good for him, all breathless and beautiful. Sam is too good for him. He doesn’t want to hurt Sam. He doesn’t want to. But he might. He just might. If he keeps this up. If he keeps on giving Sam what he is begging for. What he wants. He might go too far. He might grasp onto Sam too tightly. Crushingly. He might not be able to let go. How can he? How can he relinquish this gift that Sam is giving him? How can he surrender? How?
Not Afraid - E
Summary: An intensity flames behind Bucky’s eyes and Sam knows he is holding back. That he is handling Sam with care. That his deft strokes, though sinking himself deeper, are measured. Careful. His blunt head strikes against Sam’s spot. Makes Sam’s limbs feel weightless. His weight, pressing against Sam. His hand, clenching tightly. Sam secretly wishes that Bucky will leave a mark, with teeth or nails or something else. A swift blow from his palm; a squeezing hand at his throat.
Strictly Professional - 4/4 - E
A/N: Wrote this because I need SamBucky porn stars in my life. Heads up, there's a Stucky sex scene, but it's professional and they're just pals - no romantic feelings etc. etc.
Summary: Bucky Barnes is an adult film star. He has booked a job with his sometime-scene partner, Steve Rogers’ friend as a favour to Steve. He checks out some of Sam Wilson’s work and finds himself attracted to the other man. Will he be able to keep it strictly professional when they begin to film together?
The Boys of Summer - 23/23 - M
Summary: Sam Wilson returns home to the small town he grew up in to complete his med school residency. He hasn’t been back for an extended amount of time since he left for college. While he only consistently kept in touch with childhood friend, Steve Rogers, he was keen to see the people he had grown up with. With the exception of Bucky Barnes. They had a falling out the summer before Sam left for college. What happened between them? Can they move past it now that they’re adults?
Deception - 22/22 - E
A/N: SamBucky DarkFic
Summary: That’s when he saw him, standing by the fucking ice sculpture: The most beautiful man he had ever laid eyes on.
Kisses Like Balm - T
Summary: Sam has a cold and Bucky takes care of him.
Happy SamBucky Reading!
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alwaysshallow · 6 months
coffee at midnight, part 11
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John "Soap" MacTavish x f!reader
Military consumes your private time - to the point that you pretty much can't live without it. All of the boys from Task Force 141 are just like brothers, not only best friends – you know that you can trust them with your whole heart.
Somehow, one of them manages to steal it completely, and that's on Johnny MacTavish. Over months, you learn that's harder and harder to ignore that burning feeling in your heart. (3,7k) READ ON AO3
previous part
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You feel like a clown, despite being dressed like a goddess. 
Because it’s not like you look like a clown, objectively speaking. You’re dolled up—in a nice, white velvet dress, your hair pinned up in a neat bun to expose the long earrings that you do not want to know the price of. Everything has been taken care of, so you could only focus on things that matter, the mission. 
What’s more, you feel extra because of the make-up Price’s wife made. Make-up that you wouldn’t do normally, maybe you even don’t know how, but it’s nice to look a little different sometimes. Different than your brown eyeliner type of day when you’re not deployed, different than red lipstick and a simple eyeshadow type of day when you go out.
But it’s not like you can help the feeling that you do feel like a clown, in some sense. Just because they’re looking at you. Hawks. Monsters under your bed, crawling there when you don’t look. They are your comrades, observing you with a dose of curiosity, not really knowing why you are there or what put you here in the first place. It’s not usual to see you like that, so different from them. Because most of the time, you look like them.
And maybe their reactions are like this because this is the first time they see you looking somewhat different, like a woman would look at an expensive dinner, not at a cheap bar you’re used to going with them. 
It definitely wouldn’t bother you so much if they kept their mouths shut. But they’re commenting and making small jabs towards you: how different it is, how maybe you should dress like that on a daily basis, even if you’re deployed. They even whistle, which irritates you even more as you go through the hallways with a tail behind you.
All fun and games, but making you realize what a difference makeup and dressing “like a woman” makes. Not being constantly in a sweaty T-shirt, jeans and boots that definitely seen better times. 
On the bright side, those men are mostly men that you don’t see that much, as they’re only a backup for the Task Force. Your team doesn't react to your attire at all; Kyle only asks if he can borrow your shoes when you almost tripped in your heels, suggesting that he can do a better job in them. You don’t comment on that, just roll your eyes, but the fact is, you’d kill for that view. Garrick is the perfect candidate for heels.
“In and out,” Price reminds, as he exchanges his gaze with you, finally at a meeting. There’s a lot of worry behind his eyes—a feeling that you understand too well. The last action with you came down to you being off duty for little over two months, something that isn’t really convenient for your Task Force; not to mention, it was close to eliminating you from the military if the shot would tear the nerve completely. You can’t really be surprised that he’s worrying right now. Maybe this mission is even more dangerous than the last. “If there’s hell inside, then—”
“—then we call for backup and get the hell out,” you interrupt him, nodding.  He said those words to you way too many times to not remember them like a mantra. “I have Alejandro and Soap coming in with me, it’s not gonna be that bad.”
“It’s a simple reminder,” he mutters, looking at the three of you. A beat of silence, then, a sigh. He reminds you of a father after his kids do something stupid, except you didn’t do anything. Yet, at least. “Don’t get your arse killed out there, Laswell. Your mother will kill me and it won’t be funny.”
“In some way, it’ll be.” You give him a stupid grin with hope it’s gonna make him less tense. Then, you go to the truck, your stomach tightened. It’s easy to play a game of keeping up your facade in front of Price, like it’s just another mission, but in the heart of you, buried deep, there’s some kind of fear. Going through your bones, almost paralyzing you, but you can’t really allow that. Not here, not when you have things to do, but it’s still here.
Gnawing at you from time to time, like a hungry dog. Irrational fear that something worse will happen to you or someone from your team. Just because you feel like you’re the opposite of a lucky charm lately. Like something changed and you’re doomed to experience only bad things.
Everyone splits into two groups. One bigger with Ghost, Price, Gaz and the other unit in it, a backup, as they call each other. Team that won’t engage until you’d be utterly fucked, without even a chance of escaping, so calling them in is the last option you actually use. 
If—of course—you’re gonna find time for calling them. In the darkest scenario possible, you could be dead by the time you reach for the phone, as the Russians would put a few bullets in you and your comrades. The chance for it is low (considering you have the best team), but never zero.
Second team: you, Alejandro, Soap and a random guy that will drive you to the mansion everything is set in. Small group that has three things in mind: pendrive and the data, not getting killed and not breaking the cover you have. You’re the ears and eyes of the operation; which is funnier, Vargas has special glasses with a camera in it, so others will see what is happening inside quite literally.
You’re the one chosen to get the data, send them to pendrive but also to Price. Proud of yourself to earn the honors to do this, but also scared, you nervously fidget with a scrap of your dress.
“We should talk about the kiss.” Soap says the moment Alejandro starts talking with the driver. There’s nothing nervous in his tone; in fact, he says that with such a certainty, suggesting that you have to talk with him nonetheless. 
You’re not really sure if you understand what he has in his mind, though. You’ve been focused too much on what is now, to know what he wants.“What?”
He huffs, looking at you with a puzzled expression: like he can’t believe you out of all people don’t know that he was going to talk about this. “You kissed me. Then, walked out like it was nothing.”
Realization strikes you like lightning. Unexpected and sudden, but you can feel it through every bone of your body the moment it hits. You’re conflicted if it’s either a good feeling, or something that you would avoid in the future. “...not a good moment for it, if I’m being honest.” 
Soap rolls his eyes, strangely irritated. “When it will be, then? You kiss me and then act like nothin’ happened?”
You sigh, clearing your throat. His stubbornness irritates you to the core, how dramatic he is towards this situation.
It’s not a good moment to talk about this for number of reasons; you shouldn’t talk about it when when you are in the car with two other people that certainly don't need to hear the potential discussion, not when you’re caught off guard, not when you’re not even ready for the discussion because you have better things to worry about. Hell, this isn’t even something to talk about considering it was innocent, nothing else. “I didn’t even kiss you properly Soap, I—”
“—Want to do this here, then? Before the mission?”
His suddenness and recklessness in his voice takes out your breath for a second, as you stare into him blankly. If you’d be less assertive, you’d straight up agree, just to get it over with. And for other things that you keep close to your heart, hidden and afraid. “What? No!”
“So you don’t want to kiss me at all?” He cocks an eyebrow, accusingly. It’s not fair from him, but Soap isn’t fair in general. He takes what he wants, demands it, and if he can’t have something that he wants immediately, then he’s mad at the whole world. It’s just how he works, you got used to it.
“We’re… definitely not talking about this in the car, not with Ale in the front seat. And not before the mission,” you murmur, almost angrily. “Get a grip, MacTavish.”
He grabs your jawline—quick, without giving it too much of a thought. Tight enough that you can’t even look in the other direction if you’d like to avert your gaze. “If ye think ‘m gonna drop this, you’re makin’ a fool of yerself.”
“I just think it’s not the right moment,” you gulp, biting your lip. Johnny glances at your lips once, then sighs.
“We’ll talk later, then.” And your jaw is free from his grasp.
Your thoughts aren’t free from him, even if you’d like that.
We’ll talk later, then.
Your stomach twists at the thought; suddenly, the mission doesn’t look so bad. The perspective of Johnny discovering your feelings about him? Oh, it seems like hell on earth.
Because knowing him and his ways, it’s gonna lead up to the famous “feelings talk”. He probably wouldn’t accept the “it was just a simple kiss” statement, even if you have tiny bits of hope that it would be enough for him and he’d drop the topic.
In some ways, you don’t get why he wants to talk about it. It’s not like it was the first time you kissed him on the cheek that night, nor the first time being so close like this. He has a routine involving him kissing you in your temple, hugging in the moments that he shouldn’t do it. The whole situation shouldn’t be different from those little moments between you two, as you think about it.
Maybe something changed along the way. Maybe he had a deep thought about it, talked with his friends about it and decided that it’s time for some changes? You’re not really sure, but it is confusing. 
The rest of the road is peaceful, if it’s even possible to say it like that. You’re not really engaging in conversations in your team. You occasionally nod or ask to repeat the sentence, but mostly you listen, as in the same time you repeat the plan of the mission in your head. In theory, it should be easy. Making your way to the gala, spotting the person with keys to the office and stealing all of the data you need. Maybe stunning someone if it would be necessary, but mostly making the famous “in and out” operation.
It’s only theory, you come to a conclusion. With all those people around, it's going to be one of the hardest missions—because how easy can the mission be, if you’re surrounded by highly trained assassins and mercenaries? If it would be only stupid millionaires with their bodyguards, maybe it would’ve been better, but it’s not a mission like that.
Even the fact that Johnny is here doesn't help you much; maybe it messes in your head even more than it should've. 
“I’ll tap the bracelet if something’s wrong,” you politely inform; Alejandro only nods in acknowledgment, leaving you be, so he can go somewhere else.
Even if it belongs to a literal criminal and murderer, you can’t help but be amazed by the mansion; with every step you take, you have to stop yourself from wandering around with your mouth wide open. Big windows definitely catch your attention first, how you can see everything from the inside—and, as you saw earlier, nothing from the outside. You guess it’s for their privacy and schemes, so the random person from the street wouldn’t be able to see what is really happening. With that, they’re not able to call police or anyone that could take care of them in that matter.
Hardwood doors, beautiful marble floors and many, many mirrors. There’s not a single step that you can do without seeing yourself; and that feels like you’re some kind of narcissist when you look in every moment possible. What is more, a lot of chandeliers are crystal clear, adding to the rich vibe that already this mansion has. You keep wondering if some of these things are fake or not. 
But knowing how Russians like their money, you think they’re real. They’re stealing so much, so they can spend whatever they’d like. Simple.
After a few minutes, you glue yourself to a nice brunette lady, when you see her walking from one painting to another—she seems lost, just like you pretend to be, to get some companionship. She looks like a chance to learn something about the gala, if she’s willing to cooperate with you at any chance, so you shoot your shot. 
It doesn’t take much to start talking with her like best friends, even if you need to straight up lie. You “share secrets”, chatter about your imaginary residences and an island that you recently bought to learn something about her and get a scrap of information about the gala. A bit desperate, you’ll admit, but this is the job that needs to be done.
And… she’s literally telling you everything. It’s either alcohol making her speak so much or willingness to share some tea with someone that she doesn’t know yet; because she talks about how everyone is connected one way or another—she hysterically laughs when she says that. She doesn’t stop only on that: you learn about arranged marriages to erase the conflict between gang members, how she’s against it but she likes the money that comes from it, even if the entire situation is against her beliefs. 
You try to feel sad for her, for the fact that she got into this mess without knowledge and she has to stay in it, but somehow you just… can’t. Not when she still attends all of these parties. 
When her husband comes, you’re quick to ask him some things too; and he’s not that chatty, he doesn’t tell you all about the hierarchy, but he accidentally gives you multiple names, when you talk business. It happens that you know them for something else, for elimination to be clear, but you don’t say that to him. You just smile and nod, like you’re acknowledging that they’re “good” and you can rely on them if you’d want to invest in something, or if you need someone to disappear because they’re that good.
You want to engage in the conversation deeper, give him more drinks to make him talk more, but your plan falls apart the moment you smell specific perfumes. The moment you hear a familiar voice that you were sure you’re not gonna hear for the next half an hour, but here you are.
“Have I missed something?” He sneaks his arm around you. His grip is iron, when you discreetly try to move yourself away from him, remembering how you were supposed to act as complete strangers at the gala, so no one will recognize you two. 
Price’s words about not blowing your cover echoes in your mind, when your new companion talks with the Russian couple. The man seems interested in him, asks about investments and banks that he prefers; not knowing that Johnny doesn’t really give a shit, but enjoys the information that he gives him. Where to locate the money, what to invest in (apparently gold and stolen paintings are the best, but you’re not so sure about that).
He gives shit about touching you, though—he knows perfectly fine how to locate his hands on you to make you crazy and mark the territory. Fingers are caressing your hip in slow, deliberate movements, when he tilts his head and laughs at a bad joke from the couple. His cheek grazes against yours multiple times when he scans the room, which keeps you wondering why he’s like that right now. You have to care about the mission, not his tries to desperately crawl into your skin.
And it’s not like he has anyone to fight with for your attention. No one looks at you like a hawk except Johnny. Trying to be the closest he can, so maybe he’ll potentially scare someone who could be interested in talking with you. As idiotic as it is, it’s not the only situation like this in your life with him. He always—
—not the mission, you try to tell yourself, when you wander with your thoughts too much. Your feelings don’t come first in this situation, the interest and success of the mission does. It’s not like you can do anything about it right now, but if you’re gonna be confused here, you can lose a life, multiple ones. You can’t allow yourself to be selfish, so you sweep all of your worries under an imaginary rug, so they can lay here until you’ll be ready to unpack them.
You lose Johnny somewhere around the bar, when he finally gets the attention of the guy that you’re supposed to get keys from. Chit-chats with him, giving you time to snatch the keys before he’ll know it, so you can move onto the next step without being easily spotted.
And you do. Taking them feels like taking candy from a kid: easy and less problematic than you thought it would’ve been. 
You hope it’s gonna stay that way—at least for a while. When he’s going to realize he’s short on something… putting it into nice words, this could be a potential problem.
But, this is a future thing to worry about. Right now, you move like a cat between all these guests, trying to locate the room that has the computer you care about, without drawing too much attention to yourself.
And it goes pretty well. No one really looks at the girl that blends in with the environment, especially if the guests are hammered as hell and all they want is drink after drink to forget about everything for a while. At least, you think that way, considering the amount of people you passed and the amount of people that barely kept themselves together.
Not to mention the couples that are making out in public and are a little obstacles in the way, but you don’t mind them. Not when you enter the room, after you make sure it’s the right one and no one is in the line of sight here.
Room that looks like a completely normal office—you wouldn’t ever suspect that guy has multiple criminal activities on his account, if you didn’t know this earlier. A few trophies there and there, a couple of photos of the guy’s wife and kids that, when you’re hacking his laptop with the gloves on, keeps you wondering if his family knows of these dirty things that he has done. If his wife is aware the money she spends on groceries is followed by a lot of innocent people's blood that did not deserve the way they died. If his dad knows that he does not care about the lives of children in general.
After getting through his computer passwords and all of the protection walls, the hardest part is getting all of the information to Price and on pendrive—because as you look, there’s a lot of stuff. Locations, contracts, everything you need and even more. You’d hate to lose it or risk that you wouldn’t download something important just because you wanted to spend two minutes here and not five.
So, as you wait for it to transfer correctly, you start rummaging through the office, in a million documents that make you wish you’d have a bigger purse with you right now. You hide interesting ones after folding them a couple of times, you even make time to check if you have emergency weapons where you put them before the mission.
And then, before you even take out the pendrive from the computer, you hear a little click of the closing door.
Red lamp in your head lights immediately. There’s a lot of thoughts, plans to use, when you turn around and see a man in a suit with a gun behind his belt, his eyes scanning you from the top to the bottom. Making you realize that nothing is as easy as it might seem, even if everything worked out so far without any problems in the way. 
And it’s not good that the one thought that red lamp highlights is the thought that you should jump out of the window with everything to spare the courtesy talk with your enemy. And eventual fight.
Sadly it’s not a Mission Impossible movie, even if you’d want it to be so everything would work out in the end.
“A woman like you should enjoy the gala,” he says, looking at you with a dangerous, curious glint in his eyes. Like he actually cares in some way about what you’re gonna say to him—more for entertainment, probably, but still.
“Got… a bit lost,” you shrug, laughing; trying to make yourself look more dumb in front of him, like you actually would tell the truth. You even manage to do a few “drunk” steps to the man—causing you to cringe internally— but the moment his hand grips the pistol tighter, you think it can be the end of acting.
“You’re from Price, да?”
Yeah. And that would be about holding your cover the longest you can.
Before you can give him an awkward smile, he already hits your wrist with a kick, making your purse land on the back of the office. He doesn’t wait for the next move, he pushes forward with his technique, clearly trying to get you off guard, wanting you on the floor as soon as possible. It’s the way of throwing punches that you know a little too well, so you’re prepared for this.
You make a mental note to thank Ghost when you push the Russian off you, making him trip over the rug so you can hit him in the face a couple of times. Fast and rough movement was something that the big Brit knew very well—and more often than not, you were the victim of this, thinking it wouldn’t be that hard to make him lay on the mat.
Well, it was, still is, considering you haven’t done it, but it’s the thought and experience you have.
You don’t pay much attention to the guy when he doesn’t move, as you get your pendrive hidden into your bra. You try to get everything done, just assuming that he passed out and that’s your first mistake.
Because you can’t blame anyone but yourself when the gun fires.
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