#it's for my funk class and we're trying to find one we could do a kickline to preferably
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yrieso · 4 years ago
my homework for one of my dance classes is to listen to one direction songs and help pick one for us to choreograph a dance to you WISH you were me
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gubes-sweaters · 4 years ago
Mind, Body, and Soul 4
Authors note: Sorry for being MIA for a bit. I was going through a lot of things with my family, school, friends, etc. I got in a terrible funk and I had no motivation to write. I’m doing much better now and I’m going to go back to posting regularly. Another thing I know in the show Spencer drives a Volvo, but for this story, he drives a station wagon like mgg.
Content warning: A brief mention of a drug deal and medication and… teeth rotting fluff if that counts.
Word count: 4.6k
You can find part three here
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Chapter 4: My Safe Place
I wake up to the smoke alarm going off. It takes me a second to realize what’s going on but as soon as I realize I make a mad dash to the kitchen. In my haste, I slip on the rug in the living room that connects to the kitchen. My morning couldn’t be more chaotic. Both of my roommates are coughing up a lung from the smoke while opening windows and fanning out the area. Turns out that they decided to make breakfast but somehow they can’t even make eggs and toast without almost burning the place down. I quickly gather myself from off of the ground and join Tweedledee and Tweedledum in cleaning up their mess. It takes thirty minutes to clear the smoke and to clean up the kitchen. After all, is said and done I look over at the stove and see that it’s already 9:30.
“Shit shit shit!” I shout while running towards my bathroom trying to get ready. Stella and Raven follow me into the bathroom wondering what I’m freaking out about.
“What’s the freak out for?” Raven says before peeking her head in the bathroom door. I’m already stepping into the shower as they both lean up against the bathroom counter exchanging confused looks.
“I uh forgot... I made plans with Penelope that have been a month in the making.” I stammer out from behind the shower curtain. In my mind, I’m debating telling them what I’m actually up to. Their two of my best friends and we’ve been friends since elementary school. I tell them practically everything, but on the other hand, I enjoy spending time with Spencer without it being a big deal. Of course, my friends would be happy for me but at the same time, they also tend to treat me like a child because I’m a year younger than them and I’m their “innocent” friend. I almost feel like I’d be disappointing them if I break from that title. I love them both so much but I think for now it’s better to keep those parts of my life separate.
“Well tell Pen that we said hi. Oh, and don’t forget about Daisy’s birthday on Saturday.” Stella reminds me before walking off with Raven. Daisy is a girl that Raven and I used to study with our freshman year of college. Raven, Daisy, and I had the same psychology class, and Raven and I clung to her pretty quickly. Raven and Daisy both happened to be going for forensic psychology, but I’m getting my degree in social work, so our sophomore year I didn’t have classes with either of them. My point is I haven’t seen her in two years but Raven and Stella are both close with her still and for some reason Daisy also invited me. I’m not complaining because she was really sweet, and I distinctly remember she was the type of person who showed their love through touch. If you needed a hug she was there, if you needed a shoulder to cry on she was there. I just feel like I’m intruding now because I haven’t seen her in two years and according to my roommates you wouldn’t even recognize her anymore, so I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to talk to her without awkward small talk. I’ll have to worry about that later now I have to worry about being late for a date... an outing. I’m not sure what to call whatever Spencer and I are doing today.
I rush to blow dry my hair, put on a little bit of makeup, I throw on a sublime t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Just as I slip on my vans, I get a text from Spencer.
Spencer (pain in my ass): I’m out front :)
me: okie dokie I’ll be down in a minute!
—————————- Time Skip —————————
We’ve been driving and listening to music in comfortable silence for the past 30 minutes. Soon enough though, we pull in front of a small café. The place seems oddly familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it. No matter how many times I asked Spencer he would never tell me where we’re going. He called me boring, yet our first stop is a café. I’m not complaining at all, but it seems a little more mundane than I would expect from Spencer. Either way, I’m excited because I’m seeing him again.
“You ready?” He turns to look at me with a big goofy grin on his face. It’s nice seeing him smile I could get used to seeing it more. No. No. No. Don’t think like that this isn’t a date he’s simply keeping a promise that he made to me. This definitely isn’t a date right?
“Of course, but where are we?” I asked still not sure what I’m walking into. Despite me asking him he doesn’t answer, he just unbuckles his seatbelt and steps out of the car. I follow in his footsteps because I don’t want to look like a dork just mindlessly sitting in his car.
“We’re just popping in for some coffee don’t worry about it.” Spencer says while basically pulling me into this building. As we step in the smell of coffee brewing fills my senses, as I try and take in my surroundings I hear the sounds of cats purring and meowing. I turn my head and see that this isn’t any regular café, it’s a cat café. I remember some of these cats because this is the cat café that has adopted some of the cats from the Humane Society the Pen and I volunteer at. That’s why this place seemed so familiar.
“I asked Penelope what you did in your free time. She mentioned you volunteer and you’re a big animal lover, so I figured this was a fun way to ease you into today’s events.” He turns to me with a smile on his face while we wait in line for coffee.
“This is amazing Spencer. Seriously this is perfect.” As we're waiting in line we watch the cats in the next room over through the large window. We watch as some kittens chase after one another. A couple of the older cats are either sitting on the windowsill purring or sitting in someone’s lap instead of playing like the kittens. As we go to order Spencer insists on paying, after a while I concede. He pulls out a large wad of cash from a money clip, which I wasn’t expecting, I mean I didn’t expect him to be broke, but most college students don’t have that kind of money lying around. Maybe he gets money from his parents, or he happened to have a really good paying job. Instead of being lost my own thoughts and mental gymnastics, I focus on the cats in the room that we’re walking into.
About five minutes later we both get the iced coffees that we ordered. Spencer got enough sugar in his to give somebody a heart attack. With the coffees, we got a small little bag of catnip. A chubby orange cat immediately starts to take a liking to Spencer, the cat is sucking up to him because he’s the one with the catnip. About half an hour later we get ready to leave, but not before I watch Spencer trip more than once over himself while entertaining the cats and inevitably everybody else in the café that started watching. We decide to call it quits before falls, and he cracks his skull open. As we get back into his car he announces now that I’ve dipped my toes in the “fun pool” it’s time to kick it up a notch, but once again he won’t tell me where we’re going.
—————————— Time Skip —————————
I find myself mindlessly tapping my fingers to Kid Cudi, while looking out the window I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn and see that he’s watching me with a big grin on his face.
“What?” I ask before he shifts his eyes back to the road momentarily.
“Nothing, I’m just lucky to be hanging out with you today. I honestly thought you were going to be sick of me by now.” He confesses, and he looks sad as if he could ever burden me.
“Spencer’s I know it’s only 11:30 and the day just begun, but I don’t think I’ve relaxed and had this much fun in a long time. Don’t think that I’m ever going to get sick of you. I promise that I’m having a really fun time.” I feel like I almost convinced him, but there’s this small little part of his brain that wouldn’t believe me regardless of what I said.
“You say that now, but I’m pretty sure after this you’re gonna hate me.” he says while gesturing to what’s in front of us. As he puts the car in park I look straight forward and see that we’re at a skate park.
“Uh, I don’t know how to skate... like at all.” I say hoping he doesn’t expect much coordination or skill out of me.
“I figured that much. I thought I could teach you, still wanna give it a shot?”
“Why not that’s the whole point of today right?”
“That’s the spirit!” He says before jumping out of his car and quickly grabs a skateboard out of the trunk. He looks like a kid in a candy store while we walk to a section that’s not occupied.
I’m glad I wore vans and jeans because I have a feeling in any other outfit I would have a very unfortunate wardrobe malfunction. He shows me two or three times how to properly kick off without falling. Then he asked me to give it a try or to at least try and find my balance on the board first. As I step on he holds my waist, so I don’t go anywhere, but that doesn’t stop me from wobbling a couple of times in the process.
“Make sure you put your back foot towards the front of the board when kicking off, if not the board will fly out from underneath you. Don’t worry about falling though I got you I promise.” He says while slowly loosening his grip on my waist. I start to learn to push off and eventually with Spencer‘s help I can go a couple of feet before I chicken out.
“Don’t worry about it. You’re not going to get it all at once, a lot of people can’t learn how to skate in a matter of hours.” He tries to cheer me up and coax me out of my embarrassment because I’m not fully understanding it.
” Yeah, I think I want to try it all by myself once maybe I’m having trouble because I’m using you as a crutch.” This is where I made my mistake because I got a little too cocky, and instead of getting it like I thought I would I fell. When I fell, I fell hard and I scraped both of my knees. Of course, this would be the day that I wear jeans with rips in the knees. As soon as I hit the ground he booked it towards me, and when he reached me, he crouched down in front of me with his hands on my shoulders searching my face to see if I’m okay.
“Are you okay? You didn’t break any bones, did you? Do you need to go to urgent care?” He asks a couple of ridiculous questions with panic very present in his voice. I’m obviously not hurt that bad, but that doesn’t stop him from freaking out momentarily.
“I’m okay Spence I promise. I only fell off of a skateboard I didn’t get shot.” I say before chuckling, trying to lighten the mood.
“I’m glad you’re okay, but you scraped your knee bad. We’re going to have to get that cleaned up, you don’t wanna know how many germs are in that cut now, let alone the various infections that you could get if you leave it alone.” He says before standing up in extending his arm out to me. He collects his board, and we make our way back to his car. We go to a drugstore around the corner, and he runs in to get Band-Aids, alcohol wipes, and Neosporin. Again I insist on paying because this is my fault, but he brushes me off and leaves me in the car. He comes back and asks me to sit on the side of the seat, while he kneels in front of me in the parking lot. He cleans my knees off while reeling off facts either about the products he’s using or about all the germs in my wound. He finishes his nervous ramble by putting a Band-Aid on my knee before placing a gentle kiss on that knee. I blush at the small bit of contact, while he collects all of the products off the ground and puts them back in the plastic bag.
“Change of plans were going to take a small detour. I got a good idea while I was in the store.” He says climbing back into the driver’s seat and starting the car.
“Let me guess I don’t get to know ahead of time just like before,” I asked hoping that he would at least give me a little hint.
“That’s correct.”
It’s 2:10 by the time we arrive at the mall. I have no clue what would make him think of going to a mall and what we're even here for. Either way, it doesn’t stop me from blindly following him right into the mall. For someone who’s a bit of a germaphobe Spencer hasn’t seemed to mind holding my hand everywhere we’ve been today. The first two times I thought he was grabbing my hand, so he could just pull me to whatever activity I had in store for me. This time is different though because as we enter the mall our fingers intertwine together as if it was second nature. He still led me but this time we’re walking side by side. He stopped me very abruptly right in front of a store that I haven’t even seen since I was eight years old.
“Spencer, mind telling me why we’re at a Build-a-Bear?” I ask while we enter the brightly colored store.
“While I was in the drugstore I saw teddy bears and it made me think of this place. Also, we need to kill a little bit of time before we make our last stop of the night.”
Turns out we’re not the only adults who had the same idea as Spencer. Two other couples looked lovingly at each other while making a bear. This seems like a date night activity and not whatever the hell Spencer and I are doing. We end up picking a light brown teddy bear and just about every employee that we came in contact with told us we were a cute couple, but Spencer nor I corrected them. It didn’t seem to bother him so it didn’t bother me either. When it came time to pick out clothes for the bear he insisted that he had “impeccable style”, and he knows what he’s doing.
”Spencer’s you’re wearing a baggy sweater, jeans, converse, and mix-matched socks. I don’t think that your style is peak fashion.”
“Hush you’re ruining my vision.” He jokingly said while staring at the clothing with his thumb and forefinger gripping his chin. We both crack jokes and make fun of each other‘s sense of style before we inevitably end up basically picking the same thing that Spencer is wearing. We dressed the bear in a red sweater, black jeans, converse, and only because Spencer insisted on mix-matched socks. Yes, we did pay for two pairs of socks, so we could mix-match his socks. Spencer finally let me split the cost on something when it came time to pay. After we made our way out of the store with our fingers once again intertwined and our son that Spencer jokingly called the bear in the store. Our poor son doesn’t even have a definite name because he insisted on naming the bear Spencer Jr. or Sativa, but I told him there’s no way I would ever let him name the poor bear Sativa and Spencer Jr. is on the fence. As we’re about to walk out of the mall Spencer gets a call and then three texts in a row. He tells me he’s just gonna wait to open his phone once we're in the car. Once we get in the car, and he checks his phone his face drops.
“Is everything alright?” I ask because of his shift in demeanor.
“Yeah, everything is good I just need to take this call quickly.” He says before stepping out of the car and closing the door.
Spencer’s POV
When I get three texts and a call from my mom‘s doctor saying that there’s a problem my heart automatically sinks. I mean she’s all I have left and my mom is the one person who’s ever been in my life consistently with unconditional love. I call my mom‘s doctor as I step away from the car a couple of feet. I ask what’s the issue and it turns out it’s her treatment, her doctor tells me that because of her recent change in medication as well as the increase in dosage I’m going to have to start paying more for her assisted living. The situation is a lot better than what I was thinking. It’s a minor problem that I can easily solve. After I talk to my mom for a couple of minutes and make sure that she’s doing okay before making my way back to the car. As if my prayers have been answered I had an old friend text me and asked if he could buy two grams of weed off of me. I hurry up and tell him I can meet him right after he gets off work. This way I can kill two birds with one stone because he works at a gas station not too far away. While I am there I can pick up snacks that I’m going to need before we go to our final destination tonight.
Readers POV
Spencer never addressed the phone call when he got back in the car, but instead just turned on music and placed his hand on my thigh. The mood totally changed from calm and relaxed to now very awkward with tension. We only talked for a couple of minutes before it went back into an uncomfortable silence. Something seemed off about Spencer as he told me that we need to go to a gas station before wherever we’re going next. It’s not because I think stopping at a gas station is odd, but it’s because he insisted on this certain one, but he wouldn’t tell me why. He also was digging through a bag in his backseat for a bit before shoving something in his pocket and walking into the store, and as much as I wanted to snoop I didn’t because I respect his privacy. I trust him a lot, probably more than you should trust someone who you haven’t even known for a week, but my mind keeps wondering as I’m sitting in the car alone once more. That’s another thing that I thought was odd because he asked me what I wanted and insisted it was pointless for me to go in as well. He’s also taking a really long time I’m trying to brush it off, but there’s some part of my brain that can’t help it profile his body language and everything he is saying. I try to never profile people because it seems unfair, but having a dad as a profiler that would always profile me every time I saw him made reading people's body language second nature to me.
I’m glad when Spencer returns he seems a lot more happy and relaxed. When he gets back in the car he has a huge smile on his face as he puts the snacks in the backseat. I ignore the change in mood for the second time because it’s probably something he didn’t want me knowing about right now. In the little bit I’ve known Spencer he’s been pretty much an open book, so for him to not share something it must’ve been very personal.
“So we have one more thing planned for today and it’s very special to me. Are you ready?” He asks sounding genuinely happy and finally his normal self.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
————————— Time skip ————————-
Before we get to this secret special location it’s already dark out. Tonight the stars are shining so bright and the sky was so clear. Since I am not even paying tension I don’t realize that we’ve arrived until I hear Spencer turn off the car. He quickly hops out of the car without any explanation whatsoever. I try and take in my surroundings and realize that we must be at some park. I see a few benches, signs leading to different walking trails, and a cute little playground.
“Stay there.” He says while opening the trunk of his car. So, I comply even though I have a feeling this is how dumbasses like me get murdered. He tells me not to look at what he’s doing, so instead, I go on my phone for a bit. He announces that he’s done and I need to come look, so I hop out of his car and see that he’s cleared out his trunk, and collapsed his backseats. He also has a lot of snacks set up with soft pillows and fuzzy blankets. He smiles proudly at me, and all I can do is chuckle because I think this is the absolute sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I tell him thank you while giving him a tight hug.
“You’re welcome.” He says, well rubbing my back with one hand and cradling my head with the other. Before we break from the hug he plans a gentle kiss on the top of my head. After we both crawl in the back and slip under the blankets.
“Do you mind me asking why this place is so special?”
“Well… it’s because I lost my virginity here...” He tried to keep a stoic face before busting out laughing.
“I’m just kidding obviously!” He says before laughing once more. After our laughter died down a bit his face becomes actually serious. He draws in a deep breath to prepare himself for what he’s gonna tell me.
“In all honesty, this place has given me a lot of solace since I’ve moved here. Back home in Vegas I never really fit in much, so I learned to create my own safe space. When I moved out here this park became my new safe space. It’s also really special because I’ve never taken anyone here before. Mostly because that way I could just slip away from everything and no one would know where I’m at, but I also never found an occasion special enough to share something personal like this.” He admits while adverting his attention away from me and more onto his fingers. He fidgets with them as if he were nervous to open up like this, as much as I want to know everything tonight is not the night to push the envelope.
“I’m glad you feel that you could trust me with this. Spencer in all honesty who you seemed to be when I first met you is a complete 180 from who I know now. I love the side of you and I want to see more of it.” I say while taking his hands in mine commanding his attention. When I finish he looks up at me with those sweet puppy dog eyes. He moves his hands from mine and rests one of his palms against the side of my face. He stroked my cheek with his thumb before we start to lean in. He puts his other hand on the side of my face and snakes his fingers into my hair as my eyes flutter shut. I hate saying something cheesy like there were sparks, but that’s the only way I can describe the fire that was lit inside of both of us. He pressed his soft lips to mine and we moved in perfect synchronization as if we’ve done this a million times before. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip asking for access. I wrap my arms around his waist in attempts to pull him and impossibly closer. As things start to heat up Spencer slows the pace and eventually pulls away entirely. After he presses his forehead to mine as we both pant. He grabs the side of my face with one of his hands once more before moving to grip my chin and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“I care about you so much. I get it’s stupid to say because this is all of a sudden, but you’ve brought so much joy into my life and I don’t want you to leave.” He confesses with his hand planted on the side of my face and his other resting on my waist.
“Trust me I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.” I promise him.
“Plus splitting up would not be good for our son.” I joked trying to lighten the mood from the serious turn it took.
“Yeah, I don’t need to add child support payments to the list of bills I already pay.” He says before laughing and removing his hand from my face. We talk a bit more and get comfortable under the blankets before he grabs his laptop out of his bag and hands me the snacks I asked for. As we’re falling asleep he says just one word to me.
“Huh?” I ask him, trying to keep my eyes open long enough to finish this conversation.
“I just thought it was a cute name, for the bear I mean. In Greek mythology, Atlas was a titan that was called upon by Zeus to carry the heavens on his shoulders. It means the one who bears a heavy burden. I feel overcoming a huge burden or even carrying a burden that you don’t need to makes you strong and courageous.” I can tell that this story meant something to him. Something that I didn’t know about yet.
“It’s perfect.” I say before shutting my eyes as he grips me tighter.
By the time that the credits were rolling, we were both sound asleep in the back of his car. Our arms wrapped around each other and my head on his chest. I fell asleep to the sounds of a small breeze whistling through the trees and the soft thumping of Spencer’s heart.
Taglist: @rexorangecouny​ @haylaansmi​
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arthrobug · 2 years ago
There was this guy on the city bus that came on a couple times when I was going to my first semester of college.
He spoke pretty loudly, but it wasn't the disturbing loudly (me being autistic and having sensory problems), it was the type of loud where you could understand him easily, but it wasn't overbearing. For all I know he was speaking like that because of the medical problem he plainly had and stated he had.
He sat in the disabled seat with a huge amount of trouble the first time I saw him, and started profusely apologizing about how 'ugly' and 'disgusting' he was, and quickly covered himself up with a jacket he had (I also have bad memory issues, so I don't remember what he said happened to him, but he had a very large stomache, very large.)
The other people, almost all elderly, in the disabled seats starting talking to him, saying he shouldn't say that about himself since he didn't look like that in any way (if I was more social and also sat in the disabled seats that day -I am physically disabled- I would've quietly joined in).
He talked about what was going on in his life, and a couple times sounded like he was on the verge of tears, and had to stop talking several times to sigh/catch his breath.
The next time he got on the bus, he seemed more pleasant with himself than the first time he got on. I don't know if it was because of the other disabled/elderly people consoling him and bothering to talk to him, or if he was able to do something about his current situation, but something good happened, and because if that he seemed to have less trouble moving around.
The first time he got on, he also mentioned people commonly were disgusted by him and made it known to him, and I just felt so awful for the dude, since I could relate majorly.
I've been called 'a freak' and 'gross' because of my disability. A couple others include 'creepy', 'broken', and (not directly said, but shown) 'throw-up worthy'. People would cover their eyes and look away when my hypermobile hands bent in an 'odd' way.
The gross one was recent. My Bio class was doing 'Biology in Fiction' presentations, and one person was doing some guy from the X-Files or something. He was stretchy and able to contort his body in extreme ways, and the person brought up my disability to compare him to. In the start of it, I think they said something along the lines of "I can't believe people like this actually exist being honest."
And they said this after their comparisons: "Personally, I find it super gross!" This made the rest of the class laugh for a moment.
Meanwhile there's me, in the back of the room, bewildered and on the verge of tears. Later told another person (with the same disability) about what happened, and they were just as pissed off.
This might've seemed like me just dumping my 'disability trauma' as you might call it on here, but what I'm trying to convey is:
Don't insult people, treat them like crap, or joke about their issues simply because they're disabled or you find them 'gross/creepy/etc'. We're not things that exist only online, in medical textbooks, or in horror/sci-fi stories.
As mentioned in the other reblogs, we're still people. We might have a harder time expressing emotions, a harder time staying on track, or a harder time getting out of bed for funk's sake, but we still exist and have emotions and bodies that can be hurt further.
So, people that pretend to be rights activists, why don't you actually do something that helps someone in need, instead of just trying to get a pat on the back for being 'supportive'.
self proclaimed schizoposter nervously typing '911' into their phone and hovering their thumb above the 'call' key as they hawkishly watch a disheveled guy at a bus stop make repetitive movements and ramble to himself
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squaredancing-weston · 8 years ago
text || Brobastian (Week 2)
Bas: How about a mirror? I mean, I did tell you - it's a kink. Besides, there's nothing hotter than watching myself getting fucked - I can only imagine it'd be even hotter to see the tease. It's not often that I get to see what I look like with someone grinding into me and marking me up - dragging all sorts of sinful noises from me. That being said, still not a fan of getting no relief from this scenario. Not even a hand? Come on. I can handle that, at least. Glad you admit it - I mean, I know my willpower is pretty damn impressive, but it's been /two weeks/. I just need someone to fuck me into the mattress at this point.
Bas:[unsent] Fuck - this is /not/ helping.
Bas: How about things that are /actually/ funny? Seriously, if I have to hold your hand during your "comedic" routine, it's a sign that you need to give it up entirely. Actually, I've been having a musical marathon - although I've yet to stay awake during a full movie, but I'm getting closer. What, you have? Seriously? Two weeks? I can't even remember the last time I went a week. What else do you do on a Friday night? Hey, I'd rather quality. If Blaine and Hunter want to volunteer, then they're more than welcome.
Bas: Maybe it'll give me that extra kick of adrenaline that I need, Brodes. I can't believe you won't help me out here. I'm sure Blaine has a few kinks of his own. It's always the innocent ones, right? Guy could probably pull out some tricks that would surprise you. Really, Brodes? Necrophilia? You're really grasping at straws now, aren't you?
Bas: I know what a good ass looks like. I have a mirror.
Bas: You jest - but you'll see. I'll be back soon - don't worry your pretty little head about it. Hey, if I need to play it up to get to stare at my supposedly hot sub's ass all day, then I might as well. If my class is getting exposed to Julia Roberts, then the IQ drop might be worse than I thought it'd be.
Brody: That is true-- but I mean, can you fuck against a mirror? I feel like it would get all smudgy with a body basically rammed up against it, and no matter which way you're facing, you want really be able to see much of yourself, you know? So then you have to find a way to back up to get a proper view, but then you're not pressed up against anything but a hardbody and his dick, basically rutting you from the side-- because he wouldn't want to stimulate anything //just// yet, you know? So I mean, ass grabbing, absolutely-- like digging his nails in your concave backside for sure, kind of stretching it to get that exposure that your body fucking /knows/ means it's coming-- I mean, to the point that you're basically trying to grind up to get //something// on there, but since he's not directly behind you, and his hand's just barely too high, no dice, you know? And it's not like his tongue's going to be any use at this point, because like we said-- he's just basically using your shoulders and neck like a chew toy. I mean, you're basically going to be spotted by the end of this. And no, Bas-- you //don't// get a hand, because your body can't handle the exertion. That's why you're on bedrest, even though the guy you're with apparently only respects that to the point that he's holding you up so you're not technically bearing much of your own weight really. So that means your cock is fucking stiff and hard and just aching because you can feel what you want is //so// close, and your hole is just clenched because it wants to bear down on fucking //anything//. But you still have to wait-- that's how the game works. Oh yeah-- I mean, I appreciate you making sacrifices for my frailty-- now I'm just doing the same, you know? Well, maybe when you've been cleared to get //off// of the mattress, someone will agree to fuck you //into// it. Well not that one-- I'd pick a mattress with clean sheets.
Brody: [unsent] this is fun. I mean-- hot-- but mostly fun. I mean, I know it should be unbelievably awkward for a shit load of reasons, and I know we're //never// having sex again, but man I missed this.
Brody: I think quite a few people would agree that mocking your sudden kharmic celibacy //is// pretty damn hilarious. But I did offer to tweak the material if you wanted-- you're the one that refused because you don't want to put any effort into thinking of something funny.
Brody: Oh yeah? That actually sounds pretty awesome. How many times have you watched the hyenas' Nazi march then? I'd offer to throw some diversity into your collection, but most of mine is Disney, which I'm guessing you have, Rogers and Hammerstein, which I'm guessing you don't want, or ballet, which I'm not sure how you feel about that in your current state, honestly. I'm guessing it'd probably get you asleep faster. Have I gone two weeks without sex? Of course I have-- I have standards. Also, when I first moved here, I was in a bit of a funk, so Newbie Brody was also Celibate Brody until he finally started making friends. I mean, I could get myself off, so I wasn't in as bad of shape as you are, but you get the idea. You realize that just because you go out doesn't mean you //have// to hook up, right? I've gone home alone and been okay with it. Well, for SB's sake, I'd suggest you wait until he's actually made his move with Hunter-- you kind of owe him that much. Then you can try to insert yourself in there.
Brody: You don't need adrenaline, moron-- that's why those moms who lift cars to save their kids die of like a heart attack five minutes later. You need rest. And under no circumstances am I having sex with a sick guy-- that is just weird, and I refuse to do it. I mean, seriously-- would you? How can Blaine have kinks-- the guy doesn't even have a favorite sex position. I mean, maybe he can //do// them, but he can't //have// them if he doesn't have a favorite. Hey, //you// said Mountain-- I could bring up how you're so sexually frustrated you want to be mercilessly ass-raped to death, but that makes me sad for you.
Brody: So Blaine's hanging around a lot then? I mean, are you purposely angling him so you can get a good look, or...?[txt] Hey no joke-- I hope I'm wrong. I hope Dr. McMediocre Face says you're good to go and sends you back. It's quiet around here sometimes, and there's no one to mock between classes. I'd just rather not mock a guy that looks like he's about to keel over-- that sounds mean. Hey, if you don't like it, you're more than welcome to send her my way as an aide. I will gladly find ways to have her do something that doesn't involve reminding me that she's dim as sum. Well, just think-- at least they're not learning the //wrong// information, so you won't have to scoop all that out and rewire them?
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