#it's fine i mostly make these posts so i can gloat if I'm right
welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Last non-sensical toh prediction before the episode airs: Caleb designed the gravesfield town logo/GG sigil.
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atrueneutral · 3 months
Just got a notification from tumblr that one of my fav blogs posted something: you 🧡😉 Hope you’re doing well and always happy to see news from you!!! A little imp also told me about that one cool prompt of Tav bringing Raphael as her surprise date to the reunion 😁😁 I know you got a lot on your plate so I wondered if you'd like to just share some thoughts about it instead? No pressure tho!! 😇 Just like our dearest devil your audience can wait patiently 😏
I'm doing well, thank you! Apologies for the lack of posting prompts; I swear I'm using my time on BITW, and I'll revisit prompts after the next chapter is done and posted.
I had ideas for the reunion prompt centering around Raphael being a gloating bastard.
Because she’s his favorite client with benefits, Tav practically begs Raphael to not - under any circumstances - make an appearance to the reunion. As much as he enjoyed the sound of her pleas (that turned into expletive-laden threats), Raphael promises Tav nothing and appears right on schedule - just as she's about to head into the gathering. 
“Fine, I’ll say you’re not with me.”
“Very well, Little Mouse. Pretend we aren’t what we are - I will be delighted to summon and present your dirty laundry to everyone. After all, having camped with them for some time, they will likely be able to recognize the many knickers of yours that I now own.”
“You're an ass, Raphael.”
Mainly done to be ‘an ass’ and stick it to her companions, Raphael lets it be known by his constant close proximity to Tav that the two of them are an item. The warm welcome Tav expected ten minutes prior is (understandably) more on the chilly side (with cat and mouse out of the bag), and disapproval rains down from mostly everyone aside from Lae’zel, Shadowheart, and Withers (who, when it's his turn, remarks ‘something something’ about fate - which Tav mumbles ‘what do you know’ before sourly moving onto the next beratement).
The ‘catch-up’ between her and Astarion (and Raphael) is an awkward affair that has Tav internally wanting to die. When she’s forcibly dragged away by Karlach (wanting to know what in the fuck is she thinking), Raphael is left to smugly stand in front of Astarion.
“This tale ended with me receiving the Crown and Tav… and you received? Freedom, I suppose - relatively speaking. What a shame we can’t all have happy endings... Were that it could, I'm sure the radiant sun would miss you, too.”
Astarion gains a new individual to utterly despise with Cazador being dead - Raphael.
It turns out to be one of those nights that will haunt Tav for the rest of her days; the kind of night where, when she’s happily tucked into bed and ready to drift off to sleep, she’ll suddenly remember the reunion and groan while curling into a ball.
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darthmarrsgf · 3 years
fic? fic!
i am just. so tickled that i was finally able to WRITE again!!! and i'm not posting this on ao3 because it's like, even lower than usual on the list of "ships people generally read about or think about or even remember" so i figured i'd post it here :-) this'll be a few parts and the next one is mostly done, but here's the prologue for now. absolutely not beta'ed and very minimally edited as it was mostly written on a plane and i'm STILL tired.
without further ado: gay disasters(TM), swtor bounty hunter edition
“Absolutely not.”
“What if it were me?” Mako arched a thin eyebrow, pinning Taliyara down with a stare that usually meant she was unlikely to budge until she’d made her case.
“You wouldn’t have gotten caught doing something as monumentally fucking stupid as auctioning off a list of Great Hunt targets,” Tal countered. “Now let’s get the hell out of here. We’re not a taxi service, and we’ve gotten sidetracked enough as it is.”
“You said last night that you wanted to make a stop on Nar Shaddaa anyway. It won’t take us out of our way at all.”
“It’s about the principle,” Tal muttered, knowing just how weak the words sounded as they left her mouth. “She thought she could screw us over for a quick buck. I don’t owe her anything.”
“You don’t know what she needed the money for. If you were still stuck on Ord Mantell, wouldn’t you do just about anything to get off?”
“Mako…” Tal sighed and turned to face her companion, who was standing a few paces back, arms crossed to emphasize her point.
“It’s the right thing to do, Tal. She’s not safe until she gets off Hutta, and the fewer places her name pops up, the easier it will be for her to disappear.” Mako’s voice had grown soft, but the bounty hunter had a sneaking suspicion that the tone was being used to manipulate her.
Unfortunately, it was working.
Tal squeezed her eyes shut, tipping her head back as she considered Mako’s proposition. Juda’s face flashed through her mind, against her best efforts—the near-palpable panic when she realized she’d been discovered; the relief that made Tal’s heart ache when she agreed to keep the other woman’s involvement a secret.
“Fine. But this is your idea, which makes it your responsibility if anything goes south. And I’m not going back to get her. You can do it if it’s that important to you.”
Mako rolled her eyes, but she offered Taliyara a quick grin before turning back toward the entrance of the space port. “You don’t have to be so sassy about it. It’ll be fine. I’m practically doing you a favor, you know.”
“The hell are you talking about?” Tal frowned as she approached the elevator, squinting at the access code that flashed in her helmet’s display.
“I know you think she’s cute. You’re not exactly subtle, and she was totally flirting with you earlier. Just be sure to thank me at your wedding,” Mako said with a smirk, offering Tal a jaunty wave as the lift’s doors slid shut.
It was moments like these that made Tal’s policy of always wearing a helmet outside the ship feel worth it. If Mako had been standing next to her on the elevator, she would have undoubtedly gloated over the flush that heated Tal’s face. Whether or not she thought Juda was cute was immaterial, even if it was true—the other woman had caused more trouble than she was worth, Tal decided. After she dropped Juda off at her next destination, they would never see each other again anyway.
Taliyara squared her shoulders as she arrived at her hangar, ignoring the pang that the thought sent through her chest.
Tal had nearly dozed off in the cockpit when the sound of an animated conversation roused her.
“You should have seen his face, girl. I really thought I was about to see a grown man pee his pants.”
Tal heaved her boots off the console and scrubbed a hand over her eyes as Mako’s voice grew closer.
“You should talk to Tal before we head out. I’m going to go check on something in the medbay, but just let me know if you need anything later.”
Great. Thanks, Mako. Tal sighed and swiveled her chair, meeting Juda’s eyes just as the twi’lek took a tentative step into the cockpit.
“Oh—hi,” Juda said, eyes flickering over Tal’s face.
Tal’s stomach clenched. While she usually left her helmet off in the ship, she still felt uncomfortably bare under the woman’s violet gaze. She’d long ago lost any sort of self-consciousness over her scars, and she knew Juda had probably seen some sort of grainy, outdated identification photo somewhere anyway. Still, the helmet had come to feel empowering—it bolstered her confidence to have such control over her own image.
“Are you… are you feeling okay?” Juda inquired, breaking Tal’s absentminded reverie.
Tal shook her head, turning back to the navigation computer to hide the flush that had crept up her cheeks. “Sorry. Tired. Welcome aboard. Where are you headed?”
“I don’t want to be a burden—I can hop off anywhere, really. You’ve already done more than enough by letting me go.”
“I’m a mercenary, not a murderer,” Taliyara replied tersely, hand still hovering over the controls. “I’ll take you wherever you need to go. But if you want my advice,” she added, forcing her tone to soften, “I’d head for Nar Shaddaa.”
“Nar Shaddaa, then.” Juda nodded resolutely, sliding into the chair Mako usually occupied.
Silence descended over the cockpit as the Mantis’ engines engaged. Tal leaned back in her seat, propping her feet back up on the console as the galaxy raced past them.
“Shouldn’t take us more than an hour, but we have plenty of ration packs, and there’s a free bunk in the medbay if you want to get some rest. You look like hell.”
“Thanks,” Juda said with a dry laugh. “I feel like it, too. I’m not hungry, but I might try and lay down.”
“C’mon.” Tal winced as she rose to her feet, pausing to let the aches in her back and hips settle. “Follow me.”
Juda followed her silently down the stairs and into the medical bay. Tal could practically feel the other woman’s quiet curiosity roll off of her in waves, but she allowed her to be the one to finally break the silence while Tal rummaged through a storage bay.
“Thank you,” Juda said softly as Tal passed her a clean blanket. “I don’t know why you’re helping me like this. You didn’t have to.”
“Because,” Taliyara said with a sigh. “What you did was stupid, and dangerous, and it could have gotten you killed. Still could. But I don’t think you’re a bad person. I don’t think you want to hurt me. I might be wrong, but…” She shrugged, pausing to assess the woman. “I’m armed to the teeth, and I’m a sucker for a pretty girl in trouble. I think we’ll both be alright.”
Juda flashed her a grin. “Pretty, huh? Is that why you decided to let me hitch a ride?”
Tal’s heart raced as she stepped forward, reaching out to trace Juda’s jaw with gentle fingers before angling her face to study it in the dim light of the medbay. “No. It’s not. Free ride, one way, no strings attached. But,” the bounty hunter added, dropping her hand and turning back to the locker, “nothing says we couldn’t get a drink or two the next time I’m on Nar Shaddaa.”
“I’d like that,” Juda murmured, sending the corners of Tal’s mouth upward into a small smile.
“I’ll give you a call, then.”
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