#it's even worse because im raging on hormones at this very moment nd this ginger cursed guy is making me remember that i am in fact straight
teabutmakeitazure · 5 months
They say the devil looks hot when he's knocking at your door. Well here the devil is a ginger guy at the start of his 20's if we take the older we can. And you live together. And he's love starved. Give him a hug or an head pat and you will make his day.
this is the reader's fallacy. a hug or a head pat is not what he desires. sure, it would satiate the beast, make him keep the muzzle on for a while longer, but it will also tempt him to remove his leash sooner rather than later. a voluntary hug or head pat or brush of the fingers when reaching for something will quickly turn into something ugly, something overbearing.
you give him a finger to hold and he will grab your entire hand. be careful with him
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