#it's debatable whether balor herself is very friendly either
yuesya · 4 months
COME TO ME, [            ]!
The caged bird jolts from its chained perch, eyes flying open at the call from the Master. A summons. Fear and nervousness flutter together in an unsettling swirl inside the pit of its stomach; the master sounds angry, furious, and that’s not a good sign.
Then, Anemo energy crackles up around the bird-demon of its own volition; the Master who owns it has called for it, and so it must answer.
… Whether it wishes to, or not. For the Master holds its name, and so the body obeys swiftly, even when the mind hesitates. Even when the mind screams and refuses–
The Master’s orders are absolute.
I want to die.
Anemo energy whips around his bruised, bleeding body. Then the entire world turns on its head and shifts, and the bird is no longer inside its cage, nestled deep within the caverns of a mountain where light does not reach. Instead–
Light. The sun is blinding, and the surrounding wind howls like an enraged storm.
(Blood lingers in the air, so thick that the bird can almost taste it upon its tongue.)
Battle-honed instinct immediately draws a spear into its hands, blocking the swing of a sword before it can even take stock of its surroundings. But the force behind the sword is unexpectedly strong, and the bird finds itself thrown to the side, violently flung away–
I want to die.
TO ME, [            ], YOU USELESS WRETCH.
The bird gasps, pain exploding across its abdomen as it’s forcibly summoned in front of the Master to block the blade with its body. For the first time, the bird is able to take a proper look at its attacker –the Master’s enemy– and they’re–
Wearing the shape of an adolescent girl, with long white hair and blue eyes that shine with an unearthly light–
A god.
There’s no mistake. Their essence is the same as its master’s. That’s a god.
And clearly, a powerful one.
The girl-god’s blade is dripping with blood –and the bird finally realizes the reason for it. Around them, the bodies of the Master’s other thralls lie broken and bleeding; some of them dead, others on the verge of death. Even the Master –the Master is bleeding, clutching at the bloody stump of a severed arm that drips black ichor onto the ground.
The bird stares at the young god. Blue eyes regard it dispassionately in return.
I want to die.
“You know what to do, my little bird,” the Master snarls from behind it. “Stall it using every means at your disposal. Do not allow her to harm me.”
I want to die.
[            ], defend me.
The bird jolts, and darts forward immediately at its master’s command. A new spear materializes beneath its hands, and it stabs forward. The weapon lances through the air, Anemo energy rippling around it in a wild vortex–
But the winds dissipate before they can reach the young, nameless god. Who simply raises her blade again and easily cuts through the god-killing metal of the very spear that the bird holds. Clang, clang. The broken halves of the spear do not last long beneath the sharpness of the nameless god’s sword, and the bird finds itself staring down the pointed end of that crimson blade.
I want to die.
[            ], fight with all your strength.
The bird screams. Anemo energy surges up around it, but it’s not the pain of uncontrollable winds slicing into its flesh that causes it to scream, but instead the sensation of a clawed hand digging in and crushing its soul, forcing it to obey fight kill devour–
The bird flies forward, slamming into the nameless god with sharp talons, losing grip on its human shape. Bloodied, mangled wings beat behind it, feathers as sharp as knives.
It’s no use. The bird is unable to leave so much as even a single scratch on the nameless god, whose expression does not once change towards it.
… Please let me die.
“It is finished!” The Master proclaims, triumph threaded through their words. No, no, no! “Powerful though you might be, you are but a youngling, unknowing of arcane magics beyond your comprehension. Upon mine authority, the Mistress of Dreams hereby commands you: Henceforth, you shall faithfully obey your Lord and devotedly serve the Master of your soul, Decarabian!”
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